HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW15-399 - Original - Richard & Partners, LLC - Purchase Associated with Ramada/224th St Extension & Overpass Project - 12/22/2015 i Records Malnagemext, T �,, WABHI ®®dement CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, gf you have questions, please contact City Clerkys Office. Vendor Name. �IGy-SCR Vrl � LA N/ V5 Vendor Number. JD Edwards Number Contract Number. 9V This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name. ?(JyLW1 )f" - 72.b'Arutds f P(Aytyu S JYZGiVYI0Cl(A �Vlt �— Description. ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract Other: 156t(L FrtdC�VytPylt Contract Effective Date. I21Z21 l ey Termination Date. ly)ak f . Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager. -T . UVi I)VVt5— Department. Contract Amount. Approval Authority. ❑ Department Director ❑Mayor City Council h l f-1 ' 1" Detail. (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): LII7 Cs _ ZZ� I�'� ��, tYYIVJVOU VYIY 11 DUfiV-V) V ' CG# adccW10877_8_14 I REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISION I This Agreement is entered between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, authorized by the Kent City Council on November 17, 2015 ("Buyer"), whose mailing address is 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032-5895, and Richard & Partners, LLC ("Seller"), whose mailing address Is 2340 130th Avenue Northeast, #D202, Bellevue, WA 98005, for the sale and purchase of real property interests as follows: I 1. PROPERTY. The Property, which Buyer agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell, is known as a portion of King County Tax Parcel Number 775780- i 0010, located at 22318 84th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98031 (the "Property"). The Property consists of one parcel for which a fee interest will be conveyed, legally described in Exhibit "A," and as generally depicted on Exhibit "A-1", one parcel over which easement rights will be conveyed, legally described In Exhibit "13," and as generally depicted in Exhibit "113-1"; and one parcel over which a temporary construction easement will be conveyed, legally described in Exhibit "®," and as generally depicted in Exhibit "D-1"; which exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. EARNEST MONEY. Within ten working days of mutual acceptance of this Agreement, Buyer shall deposit with First American Title Insurance Company (the "Escrow Agent"), the sum of Five Thousand Dollars and NO/100ths I ($5,000.00) in the form of a Certified Check, as refundable earnest money to be i applied toward the purchase price of the Property payable at Closing. i i 3. PURCHASE PRICE. The total purchase price for the Property is Four Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and NO/100ths ($429,500.00) including Earnest Money, payable on Closing. Buyer's YnitlaJsa seller's Initials Seller's Initials Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 1 of 8 i 4. CONTINGENCIES. Closing will be simultaneous with, and I specifically contingent upon, Closing of the sale of certain City property, legally described in Exhibit"E," attached hereto. 5. BUYER'S WAIVER OF DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Buyer has been advised of Buyer's right to receive a completed Seller Disclosure Statement. By I I executing this agreement, Buyer hereby expressly and knowingly waives that right, pursuant to RCW 64.06.013. Seller affirms that no answer to any of the questions In the section entitled "Environmental" in the Seller Disclosure Statement would be ,"yes.,, 6. CONVEYANCE AND CONDITION OF TITLE. The title to the Property shall be conveyed by Seller to Buyer at Closing by Statutory Warranty Deed, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances or defects except those described in Schedule B, paragraph(s) 18 through 23, 25 and 26 of Title Report Number 4209- i 2148756 and supplemental reports 1 and 2 described in Exhibit "C," attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. All other special exceptions therein are to be removed on or before Closing, General exclusions and exceptions common to the area and not materially affecting the value of or unduly interfering with Buyer's reasonable use of the Property shall be permitted. All monetary encumbrances and special exceptions listed in Exhibit "C," other than those specifically noted above, are to be removed on or before Closing. I 7. TITLE INSURANCE. At Closing, Buyer shall cause First American Title Insurance Company (Escrow Agent), to issue standard coverage owner's policy of title insurance to Buyer in an amount equal to the total purchase price of the Property. For purposes of this Agreement, the following shall not be deemed I encumbrances or defects: rights reserved in federal patents or state deeds, building or use restrictions consistent with current zoning and utility and road ! easements of record. If title cannot be made so insurable prior to Closing, unless Buyer elects to waive such defects or encumbrances, this Agreement shall terminate and the Earnest Money shall be returned to Buyer. Buyer's znitlals-�- Seller's initials L � Seilers xnitials Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 2 of 8 I I S. CLOSING COSTS AND PRO-RATIONS. The escrow fee, and Excise Tax, if applicable, shall be paid by Buyer, except for those fees which are expressly limited by Federal Regulation. Buyer shall pay all recording costs, title insurance premium, the costs of any survey, and the fees and expenses of Its consultants. Taxes for the current year, assessments (Paragraph 4 of said Title Report Number 1), rents, interest, water, sewer and other utility charges, if any, shall be paid by Seller, and prorated as of the day of Closing, unfess otherwise agreed. 9. CLOSING OF THE SALE. WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THIS AGREEMENT, this sale shall be closed by February 29, 2015 or sooner, which shall also be the termination date of this Agreement, unless said Closing date is extended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties. When I notified, the Buyer and Seller will deposit, without delay, in escrow with First American Title Insurance Company (Escrow Agent), all instruments and monies required to complete the transaction in accordance with this Agreement. Closing, for the purpose of this Agreement, is defined as the date that all documents are executed and the sale proceeds are available for disbursement to the Seller. j I I 10. CASUALTY LOSS. If, prior to Closing, improvements on the Property i shall be destroyed or materially damaged by fire or other casualty, this Agreement, at option of the Buyer, shall become null and void. i 11. POSSESSION. Buyer shall be entitled to possession on Closing. 12. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS. Seller represents: (a) that Seller will maintain the Property in present or better condition until time of agreed possession; (b) that Seller has no knowledge of notice from any governmental agency i of any violation of laws relating to the Property except: �>, I Buyer's%nitials Seller's%nit1a1S__1y_1_ Sellers%nitials Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 3 of 8 I i (c) that if the Property is leased, Seller will provide copies of each and every lease to Buyer within one working day upon request. I 13. SELLER'S ENVIRONMENTAL REPRESENTATIONS. Seller represents that, to the best of Seller's knowledge, Seller is not aware of the existence of, or has caused or allowed to be caused, any environmental condition (including, without limitation, a spill, discharge or contamination) that existed as of and/or prior to Closing or any act of omission occurring prior to Closing, the result j of which may require remedial action pursuant to an federal state or local law or Y q p Y may be the basis for the assertion of any third party claims, including claims of governmental entities. This provision shall survive Closing and be in addition to i Seller's obligation for breach of a representation or warranty as may be set forth 1 herein. 14. SELLER'S INDEMNITIES: Seller agrees to indemnify and hold j harmless the Buyer, against and in respect of, any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities, judgments, demands, fees, obligations, assessments, and expenses and costs, including, without limitation, reasonable legal, accounting, consulting, engineering and other expenses which may be imposed upon or incurred by Buyer, i or asserted against Buyer, 6 an other art or parties (including, without 9 Y Y Y party P (� 9, limitation, a governmental entity), arising out of or in connection with any environmental condition existing as of and/or prior to Closing, including the exposure of any person to any such environmental condition, regardless of whether such environmental condition or exposure resulted from activities of Seller or Seller's predecessors in interest. This indemnity shall survive Closing and be in addition to Seller's obligation for breach of a representation or warranty as may be set forth herein, i 15. DEFAULT AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. (a) Buyer's Default. If Buyer defaults hereunder, Seller's sole remedy shall i be limited to damages against Buyer in the liquidated amount of the Earnest Money previously paid by the Buyer. Buyer and Seller Intend Buyer's Initla! Sellers%rritials :f. seller's Pnetials Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 4 of 8 j that said amount constitutes liquidated damages and so as to avoid other costs and expenses to either party in connection with potential litigation on account of Buyer's default. Buyer and Seller believe said amount to be a fair estimate of actual damages. (b) Seller's Default. If Seller defaults hereunder, Buyer shall have all the rights and remedies available at law or in equity. (c) Attorney's Fees and Costs. In the event of litigation to enforce any of the terms or provisions herein, each party shall pay all its own costs and attorney's fees. 16. NOTICE TO SELLER. This form contains provisions for an agreement for the purchase and sale of real estate. Buyer makes no warranty or representation of any kind that this form, or any of its provisions, is intended to meet the factual and legal requirements of a particular transaction, or that it accurately reflects the laws of the State of Washington at the time Seller enters into the Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT HAS SIGNIFICANT LEGAL AND FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES. SELLER IS ADVISED TO SEEK INDEPENDENT LEGAL AND FINANCIAL COUNSEL REGARDING THESE CONSEQUENCES. I 17. NON-MERGER. The terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall not be deemed merged into the deed, and shall survive the Closing and continue in full force and effect. 18. NOTICES. All notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, or by facsimile transmission addressed as set forth below: (a) All notices to be given to Buyer shall be addressed as follows: Ingrid Willms-Dixon RWA, Project Analyst City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 IDixon@kentwa.gov 253-856-5519 Buyer's drritials '� Seller's Xhitials Alk Seller's Enitials Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 5 of 8 F I I l (b) All notices to be given to Seller shall be addressed as follows: i Richard & Partners, LLC ' Moon Kim and Sun Ja Kim pack g 3 y ?6r FI ✓LeOil . . Swk1980@yahoo.com 425-367-9169 (c) All notices to be given to Escrow Agent shall be addressed as follows: Cheri Bakos First American Title Insurance Company 555 South Renton Village Place, #760 Renton, WA 98057 cbakos@Etrstam.com 425-873-1680 Either party hereto may, by written notice to the other, designate such other address for the giving of notices as necessary. All notices shall be deemed given on the day such notice is personally served, or on the date of the facsimile transmission, or on the third day following the day such notice is mailed in accordance with this section. 19. CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED. Seller acknowledges that the closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") is expressly conditioned on the City of Kent City Council's (the "City Council's") prior authorization to buy the Property under this Agreement ("Council Authorization"), which may or may not be granted in the City Council's sole discretion. The City of Kent shall not be liable or obligated for any burden or loss, financial or otherwise, incurred by Seller as a result of the City Council's modification of the final terms and conditions of this Agreement, or the City Council's failure to grant the Council Authorization. 19.1 Seller's Waiver. Seller expressly waives any claim against the City of Kent and its elected officials, officers, employees, representative and agents Buyer's Initials 1 Sellers Snitlals—AL�-_. Seller's Xn1t1a1s Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 6 of 8 � I I for any burden, expense or loss which Seller incurs as a result of the City Council's failure to grant the Council Authorization. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT, This Agreement, including all incorporated exhibits, constitutes the full understanding between Seller and Buyer. There have been no verbal or other agreements that modify this Agreement. j i 21. BINDING EFFECT AND SURVIVAL. This Agreement shall be binding upon parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns; and the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall survive the Closing of this transaction. I i 22. DATE OF MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE. For the purposes of this Agreement, the date of mutual acceptance of this Agreement shall be the last date on which the parties to this Agreement have executed this Agreement as indicated below, i 23. EXPIRATION OF OFFER. Seller shall have only until 5:00 pm on December 11, 2015, to accept the Agreement as written, by delivering a signed copy thereof to the Buyer or Buyer's agent. If Seller does not so deliver a signed copy within said period, this Agreement shall lapse and all right of the parties hereunder shall terminate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the last date set forth below. BUYER: r, CITY OF KEX�� i By. fit' S,tie e Co e Its. �Maor% Dated: Buyer's%nitials r seller's%nitials� seller's%uitlals Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 7 of 8 i i SELLER: RICHARD PARTNERS, L C Its: —- - Its: Dated: /a - /6, lF Dated: i i I i i Buyer's xaltiai Seller's%nitials ` Seller's Initials Real Estate Purchase and Safe Agreement Page 8 of 8 i EXHIBIT A FEE TO CITY OF KENT T.L. 7757800010 FATCO #4209-2148756 THAT PORTION OF LOT 1, SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M,, LYING EASTERLY OFTHE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 N89039'33"E 612.95 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N00136'37"W 231,86 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE THAT IS 26 FEET PARALLEL WITH, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES WITH THE NORTH j LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE N89038'54"E 79.77 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 685 FEET OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE N01014'02"E 26.01FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE TERMINUS OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LINE. i EXCEPT THAT PORTION DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF KENT AS DESCRIBED IN KING COUNTY RECORDERS NO, 8702130064 CONTAINING 30,632 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. i Qca LSE ® 463,o se e °Ant,inrvp � 3�1 I i i I , A ➢ OAZ-1 min mpoCMUOZ - � � -� ' r til 2 '*1 —r A0p ' m A mc�tnmp mpymzo�mo W m < .o -i> -a � A -Im= w ➢ p � o w m m➢ c z6Fgq o I ocN= z � Z. En En Z Z NO p m W° C: w o m m O m p xw - z m Z� mZn = Z A O< :q m fmD r o < zi Z w !0T mt, N 2 N �00O 1 z m N i �i0 m r r 1 s 0 s a> l 800 O� p n N 7G7 E �O _ 98'lEZ-M�d£9£,OON T� o z C-) m ~ m v A o ,9z i w r W Z� m 0 0 O 0 v G) ! O0 m r z W T Z o "gym rn � miz� m 47 w 00 .P . p 0 N C_ Ny A ® m' !O! 'A9p > i r� FZTOZapo W o 00 9<m 6 I EXHIBIT 1 I INGRESS, EGRESS, & STORM EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF LOT 1, SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS j OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 N89039'33"E 612.95 FEET; THENCE N00036'37"W j 30.29 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N00036'37"W 20.00 FEET; THENCE N88041'27"W 329.12 FEET; THENCE S00022'35"E 32.53 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PORTION DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF KENT AS DESCRIBED IN KING COUNTY RECORDERS NO. 8702130064; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE N87040'56"E 13,31 FEET; THENCE N80009'26"E 11.86 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE N00122'35"W 10.54 FEET; THENCE N88141'27"E 304.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. j CONTAINING 6,881 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. ET I () » ; 2 $/ q@ ;« « » \! § ® K , 6MmM0 , X, \ /o 0 / 00 ~ \ ` ( ] ; co 0M \} \ ) \ \\ \ \ / / vo m-n ! ° m = w = , , G : ; ° \ ! < ;m ! « ! m , ( \c? -\-q q cs ;me §§ ; G m ; m ` � )� \ � ® ! © 2 J ; ¥ ! § § ) m _ - ( f. § & aR . \ § \ w \ 2 i FirstAnrerican Title dnsurance Company I 818 Stewart St,Ste 800 k i rs eric Seattle,WA 98101 Phn-(206)72"400 (800)826-7718 Fax- EXH King County Title Team I' - x 818 Stewart St,Ste. 800, Seattle,WA 98101 d Fax No. (866) 904-2177 Fax No. (866) 561-3729 EMAIL: TITLEKINGWA@firstarn.com Pat Fullerton (206)615-3055 Kelly Cornwall (206) 336-0725 Jennifer Salas (206) 615-3011 Peter Child (206)336-0726 Kathy J.Turner (206) 336-0724 Curtis Goodman(206) 615-3069 Municipality Title Officer To: City of Kent Design Engineering File No.: 4209-2148756 220 4th Avenue S Your Ref No.: PW2013-180 Kent,WA 98032 228th/224th Corr, East Leg 14- 3010R Attn: Ingrid Willms-Dixon Re: Property Address: 22318 84th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 Supplemental Report 2 Dated: November 16, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. j Commitment/ptefiminatyRepoitNo. 4209-2148756 dated as of December 29, 2014 (including any supplements or amendments thereto) relating to the issuance of an American Land Title Association Form Policy is hereby modified and/or supplemented as follows: There has been no change in the title to the property covered by our Commitment/Preliminary Report dated 12/29/2014 at 7:30 a.m. except as noted below and the Commitment date has been extended to November 16, 2015: Matters as disclosed on Supplemental No 1, previously Issued. I Paragraph no.(s) 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 of our Commitment/Preliminary Report has/have been eliminated. Page 1 of 2 I Date: November 19, 2015 File No.: 4209-2148756 (ceg) i The legal description of the herein described property has been amended to read as follows: THAT PORTION OF THE GRANTOR'S PARCEL DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF LOT 1, SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO KENT,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 NORTH 89039'33" EAST 612.95 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00036'37" WEST 231,86 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE THAT IS 26 PARALLEL WITH, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 89038'54" EAST 79.77 FEET TO THE EAST LIN OF THE WEST 685 FEET OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 01014'02" EAST 26.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE TERMINUS OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LINE; EXCEPT THAT PORTION DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF KENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN KING COUNTY RECORD NO. 8702130064. GRANTOR'S PARCEL: i LOT 1 OF SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KENT,AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 12 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF KENT FOR 84TH AVE. SOUTH BY DEEDS RECORDED OCTOBER 24, 1972 UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7210240044, 7210240045 AND 7210240046; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF KENT BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1987 UNDER RECORDING NO. 8702130064; (ALSO KNOW AS LOT I OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LL-87-2, RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 1987 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8702180897), firstAmerican Title%nuance Company uam '&� I Curtis Goodman,Title Officer i Page 2 of 2 j FirstAmerican title Insurance Company 818 Stewart St,Ste 800 Fr° �'.�.PI e scan Seattle,wA98101 R Phn-(206)728-0400 (800)826-7718 Fax- King County Title Team 818 Stewart St,Ste. 800,Seattle,WA 98101 Fax No. (866) 904-2177 Fax No. (866) 561-3729 EMAIL: TITLEKINGWA@flrstam.c®m Pat Fullerton (206)615-3055 Kelly Cornwall (206) 336-0725 Jennifer Salas (206) 615-3011 Peter Child (206) 336-0726 Kathy].Turner (206) 336-0724 Curtis Goodman (206)615-3069 Municipality Title Officer I To: City of Kent Design Engineering File No.:4209-2148756 220 4th AVE S Your Ref No.: PW2013-180 Kent, WA 98032 228th/224th Corr. East Leg 14- 3010ft Attn: Ingrid Wilims-Dixon Re: Property Address: 22318 84th Ave S, Kent,WA 98032 i Supplemental Report i Dated: January 07, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. Commitment/Pre/iminaryReport No, 4209-2148756 dated as of December 29, 2014 (including any supplements or amendments thereto) relating to the issuance of an American Land Title Association Form Policy Is hereby modified and/or supplemented as follows: i Paragraph No(s). 4 has/have been amended to read as follows: i 4. Assessment by: City of: Kent Account No,: 775780-0010-01 Original Amount: $398,399.76 plus interest at 5.25% Original No. of Installments: 15 No, of Installments Paid: 2 No. of Installments Delinquent: 0 Next Payment Due: December 16, 2015 Improvement: Road Improvements Local Improvement District No.: 363 I Page 1 of 2 I � I Date:January 08, 2015 File No.: 4209-2148756(ceg) I FirstAmerican rifle Insurance Company Curtis Goodman,Title Officer i � I I ' i i i i i Page 2 of 2 l Firstdmerican Title Insurance Company 'h {1 �# SIB Stewart St,Ste 800 First American Seattle,WA 9B101 Phn-(206)728-0400 (800)826-7718 Fax- I I I King County Title Team l 618 Stewart St, Ste, 800,Seattle, WA 98101 Fax No. (866) 904-2177 Fax No. (866) 561-3729 EMAIL: TITLEKINGWA@firstam.com Pat Fullerton (206)615-3055 Kelly Cornwall (206) 336-0725 Jennifer Salas (206) 615-3011 Peter Child (206) 336-0726 KathyJ. Turner (206) 336-0724 i Curtis Goodman (206) 615-3069 Municipality Title Officer To: City of Kent Design Engineering File No.: 4209-2148756 220 4th AVE S Your Ref No.: PW2013-180 Kent,WA 98032 228th/224th Corr. East Leg 14- 301OR Attn: Ingrid Willms-Dixon Re: Property Address: 22318 84th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by FIRsrAMERICAN TI7LEINSURANCECOMPANY Agreement to Issue Policy We agree to Issue a policy to you according to the terms of this Commitment. j When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule A, this Commitment becomes effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A. i I If the Requirements shown in this Commitment have not been met within six months after the j Commitment Date, our obligation under this Commitment will end, Also, our obligation under this Commitment will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. j Our obligation under this Commitment is limited by the following: The Provisions in Schedule A. The Requirements In Schedule B-I. The General Exceptions and Exceptions In Schedule B-II. The Conditions. This Commitment is not valid without Schedule A and Section I and II of Schedule B. HatAmetican Title i C Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209.2148756 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 2 of 12 First American Title Insurance Company 0 Curtis Goodman,Title Officer i I i I I i I i i i I � I I i i FkstAmenwn Title i f i r Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756I ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 3 of 12 I SCHEDULE A 1. Commitment Date: December 29, 2014 at 7:30 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be Issued: AMOUNT PREMIUM TAX Short Term Rate Standard Owner's Policy $ To Follow $ To Follow $ To Follow Proposed Insured: City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation i Work Charges $ 380.00 $ 36.10 i 3. (A) The estate or Interest in the land described in this Commitment Is; Fee Simple I (B) Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: RICHARD AND PARTNERS, LLC,A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: Real property in the County of King, State of Washington,described as follows: The land referred to in this report Is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. I ' i FirstAmedcan Title ', 6 Fomt No,1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756 �, ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 4 of 12 li SCHEDULE B SECTION I I REQUIREMENTS The following requirements must be met: (A) Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured. (B) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (C) Documents satisfactory to us creating the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured must be signed, delivered and recorded: (D) You must tell us in writing the name of anyone not referred to in this Commitment who will get an Interest In the land or who will make a loan on the land. We may then make additional requirements or exceptions. (E) Releases(s)or Reconveyance(s) of Item(s): (F) Other: (G) You must give us the following Information: 1. Any off record leases, surveys, etc. 2. Statement(s) of Identity, all parties. 3. Other: i I SCHEDULE B SECTION II GENERAL EXCEPTIONS PART ONE: A. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. B. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. C. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. D. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. E. (A) Unpatented mining claims; (B) Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the Issuance thereof; (C) Water rights, claims or title to water; whether or not the matters excepted under (A), (B) or (C) are shown by the public records; (D) Indian Tribal Codes or Regulations, Indian Treaty or Aboriginal Rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. F. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials or medical assistance heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, construction, tap or reimbursement charges/costs for sewer,water,garbage or electricity. H. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the escrow or Interest or mortgage(s) thereon covered by this Commitment. j FWAmeacan Title ' Form No,1068-2 Commitment No,:4209-2148766 i ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 5 of 12 SCHEDULE B SECTION II EXCEPTIONS I PARTTWO: Any policy we issue will have the following exceptions unless they are taken care of to our satisfaction. The printed exceptions and exclusions from the coverage of the policy or policies are available from the office which issued this Commitment. Copies of the policy forms should be read. 1. Lien of the Real Estate Excise Sales Tax and Surcharge upon any sale of said premises, If unpaid. As of the date herein, the excise tax rate for the City of Kent Is at 1.780/0. Levy/Area Code: 1525 2. General taxes and assessments, If any, for the year 2015, in an amount not yet available, which cannot be paid until the 15th day of February of said year, Tax Account No.: 775780-0010-01 Assessed Land Value: $ 2,239,600.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 5,568,600.00 3. Delinquent General Taxes for the year 2014 . The first half becomes delinquent after April 30th. The second half becomes delinquent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 775780-0010-01 1st Half Amount Billed: $ 57,347.47 Amount Paid: $ 57,347.47 Amount Due: $ 0.00, plus interest and penalty 2nd Half t Amount Billed: $ 57,347.46 Amount Paid: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $ 57,347.46, plus interest and penalty Assessed Land Value: $ 2,239,600.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 5,406,500.00 4. Liability for any off record assessments, if any, j 5. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof, Grantor/Trustor: Richard and Partners, LLC,a Washington LLC Grantee/Beneficiary: East West Bank Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company Amount: $4,222,500,00 Recorded: May 20,2014 Recording information: 20140520000663 6. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: Assignor: Richard and Partners, LLC, a Washington LLC Assignee: East West Bank Recorded: May 20, 2014 Recording Information: 20140520000664 RrstAmedcan Tice Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209.2148756 ' ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 6 of 12 7. Hazardous Substances Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Richard and Partners, LLC And: East West Bank, Loan Servicing Department Recording Information: 20140520000665 j 8. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Richard and Partners, LLC, a Washington LLC Grantee/Beneficiary: East West Bank Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company Amount: $2,511,900.00 Recorded: May 20, 2014 Recording Information: 20140520000666 9. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: Assignor: Richard and Partners, LLC, a Washington LLC Assignee: East West Bank Recorded: May 20, 2014 Recording Information: 20140520000667 10, Hazardous Substances Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Richard and Partners, LLC And: East West Bank, Loan Servicing Department Recording Information: 20140520000668 11. An unrecorded lease and the terms and conditions thereof, disclosed by a Subordination, Nondisturbance and Attornment Agreement recorded under recording no. 20140520000669. Lessor: A R IIospitality, Inc. Lessee: Jake Investment LLC,a Washington LLC Dated: September 29, 2010 Term: Undisclosed The Lessor's interest is now held of record by the vestee herein. A document recorded May 20, 2014 as Recording No, 20140520000669 of Official Records provides that the above document was subordinated to the document recorded May 20, 2014 as Recording Nos. 20140520000663 and 20140520000666 of Official Records. 12. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Richard and Partners, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company Grantee/Beneficiary: Ameritrust CDC Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company i Amount: $2,585,000.00 Recorded: August 07, 2014 Recording Information: 20140807001486 According to the public records, the beneficial interest under the deed of trust was assigned to U.S. Small Business Administration by assignment recorded August 07, 2014 as 20140807001678 of official records. i ! First Amencan TWO i I Farm No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 7 of 12 13. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: Assignor: Richard and Partners, LLC, a Washington limited liability company Assignee: Amerltrust CDC, a Washington nonprofit corporation Recorded: August 07, 2014 Recording Information: 20140807001679 I 14. Assignment of leases and/or rents and the terms and conditions thereof: Assignor: Ameritrust CDC, a Washington nonprofit corporation Assignee: U,S. Small Business Administration Recorded: August 07, 2014 Recording Information: 20140807001786 A document recorded August 07, 2014 as 20140807001787 of Official Records provides that the lien or charge of the deed of trust was subordinated to the lien or charge of the deed of trust recorded August 07, 2014 as 20140807001486 of official records . 15, Third Party Lender Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: East West Bank And: Amerltrust CDC,("CDC") Recording Information: 20140807001788 16, Evidence of the authority of the individual(s) to execute the forthcoming document for Richard and Partners, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, copies of the current operating agreement should be submitted prior to closing. 17. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any, rights of vendors and security agreement on personal property and rights of tenants, and secured parties to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 18. Terms, covenants, conditions, restrictions as contained in recorded Lot Line Adjustment (Boundary Line Revision) LL-87-2 Recorded: February 18, 1987 Recording Information: 8702180897 19. Environmental Mitigation Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: City of Kent, a municipal corporation And: Charles B Harris III and Deborah J. Harris, husband and wife, their heirs, successors and assigns Recording Information: 8702180898 and 8702180899 2D. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Agreement" Recorded: February 23, 1987 Recording No.: 8702230119 21. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 8702230120 In Favor of: City of Kent, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington For: Utilities and street lighting i FirsfAmmr n Tide j i Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 8 of 12 22. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recorded: June 15, 1987 j Recording Information: 8706150885 In Favor Of: Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation For: Electric transmission and/or distribution system 23. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein; Recording Information: 8708200259 In Favor of: City of Kent, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington For: Sanitary sewer 24. Easement,including terms and provisions contained therein: j Recording Information: 9505261020 In Favor of: Michael A. Carpinito and Patsy J. Carpinito, husband and wife; and Daniel J. Carpinito and Carol A. Carpinito, husband and wife For: Public and private emergency vehicle Ingress and egress and for Installation and maintenance of one water main extension for fire protection purposes and connection to one fire hydrant i 25. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9505261021 In Favor of: Charles B. Harris, III and Deborah J. Harris, husband and wife For: Installation and maintenance of landscaping l 26. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9506120668 In Favor of: Michael A. Carpinito and Patsy J. Carpinito, husband and wife; G and Daniel J. Carpinito and Carol A. Carpinito, husband and wife For: Underground storm drain and catch basin 27. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Assignment and Assumption of Contracts, Warranties and Liabilities and Intangible Property" Recorded: August 27, 2004 Recording No.: 20040827002088 28. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Assignment and Assumption of Contracts, Warranties and Liabilities and Intangible Property" Recorded: August 27, 2004 Recording No.: 20040827002089 29. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Limited Use Permit" Recorded: August30, 2004 Recording No.: 20040830001488 i A document recorded November 30, 2004 as Recording No. 20041130002754 of Official Records provides that the interest of the easement holder was transferred to State Bank of India, Los Angeles Agency. First American Title i Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-214V56 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 9 of 12 I INFORMATIONAL NOTES A. Potential charges, for the King County Sewage Treatment Capacity Charge, as authorized under RCW 35.58 and King County Code 28,84.050, Said charges could apply for any property that connected to the King County Sewer Service area on or after February 1, 1990. Note: Properties located In Snohomish County may be subject to the King County Sewage Treatment Capacity Charges. B. Effective January 1, 1997, and pursuant to amendment of Washington State Statutes relating to standardization of recorded documents, certain format and content requirements must be met (refer to RCW 65.04.045). Failure to comply may result In rejection of the document by the recorder or additional fees being charged, subject to the Auditor's discretion. C. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon It. D. The description can be abbreviated as suggested below if necessary to meet standardization requirements. The full text of the description must appear in the document(s)to be Insured. I PTN LOT 1, SHINWS CLOVERDALE ADD. TO THE CITY OF KENT, VOL, 6, P. 52, KING COUNTY. AKA LOT 1, LLA NO. LL-87-2, REC. 8702180897 APN: 775780-0010-01 E. The following deeds affecting the property herein described have been recorded within 72 months of the effective date of this commitment: 20140520000662 i I F. Our examination discloses that the vestee herein does DOES NOT own contiguous property. G. Name and address of current taxpayer according to the King County Assessors record are: I I Richard &Partners LLC 23318 84th Ave S Kent We, 98032 H. The vestee(s) herein acquired title by instrument(s) recorded under Recording Number(s) 20140520000662• Property Address: 22318 84th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 NOTE: The forthcoming Mortgagee's Policy will be the ALTA 2006 Policy unless otherwise noted on Schedule A herein. NOTE: We find no judgments or Federal tax liens against the vestee herein, unless otherwise shown as a numbered exception above. Rrstknoncan Title Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 10 of 12 III CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a)"Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b)"Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land Is located. 2. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B - Section II may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in the public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date an which all of the Requirements (a) and (c) of Schedule B - Section I are met. We shall have no liability to you because of this amendment. 3. EXISTING DEFECTS If any defects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. If we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this j Information and did not tell us about It In writing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation Is to Issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. If we have any liability to you for any loss you incur because of an error in this Commitment, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relying on this Commitment when you acted In good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B-Section I or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B-Section H. We shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this commitment and is subject to its terms. cc: City of Kent cc: Richard & Partners LLC Fr5l AneriOn Tide I Form No. 1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 11 of 12 I s. `M•.,�. FirstAorerican Title rnsurauce Compauy 'M 818 Stewart St,Ste 800 k . . Cd Seattle,WA 98101 . 1 Phn-(206)728-0400 (800)826-7718 Fax- I I j r,a ,rr16 Hrst American Title Privacy Infordr i IneAre Co tlio Safeguarding Customer Information In order to be",better serve your needs now and In the Pomati n. may ask you to provide us h t know ow we ill We wh eperso that you may be provide el us. what we will th cultic such information-particularly any personal or Palo r gnforrri the use agree that you have a right[o know how we will utlHze the personal information you provide to us,Therefore,together cash our subsidiaries,we have adopted this Prvaq Policy M govern the use and handling of your personal In(ortnaFon. Applicability This PrlvoW Policy governs our use of Me information that you provide M us.It does not govern the manner in which we may use information we have obtained from any other source,such as Information obtained from a pudic record or from another person a rnbty,first American has also adopted broader guidelines that govern our use of personal information regardless of its sronrce. First Amedcon calls these guidelines Its Fair Infio nahon Valves. Types of Information Depending upon which of our services you are ulgblnp,the types of nonpublic personal In FormaWn Mat we may colect include: • Information we receive from you on applications,forms and in other communications to us,whether in venting,In person,by telephone or any other means; ' • Information about you transactions with us,our affiliated compares,or others;and o Information wa receive from a consumer,repoNrg ageuy. Use of Information We request Information from you for our own legitimate business purposes and not for the bereft of any ner affif.ded party.Modena.,we wRI not release your Information to nonamllated parties "your(I)as necessary fa us to pmvme the product or service you have requested of us;or(2)as petmiltef by law.We may,however,store such information Indef a",Including the period after which any customer relationship has ceased.Such Information may be used for any Internal purpose,such as quality mnrcd efforts or customer mainly.We may also provide all of the types of nonpublic personal mromallon Ilsbal above to one or more of our affiliated companies.Such of hated compoplcs include gnardal service providers,such as File Insurers,property and casualty Insurers,and tmst and investment advisory companies,or companies involved in real estate se dues,such as appreisal companies,home warranty companies and escrow companies.Furthermore, we may also provide all vie Inlormagon we collect,as described above,to companies that perform marketing sevvkes al our behalf,on behalf of our affiliated companies or to other nnaneal instRugons with when, ,a or our affiliated companies have joint marketing agreements. Former Customers Cver if you are no brger our mstamer,our Privacy Porky will continue to apply to you. j Confidentiality antl Security We WHO use our bet efforts to ensure that no uni uthorired peones have access to any of your Information.We restrict access to nonpublic pursuing Information about you to Mole Individuals said argue,who need to know that Information in provide products a services to you.We will use our twat efforts to bran and oversee we employees and agents M ensure that your Information wig be handled responsibly and in accordance web this Pdvi ey Policy and First American's fair Information Values.We currently maintain physical,electronic and procedural safeguards that roreply With federal regulations to guard your ranpreft terminal Information. - Information Obtained Through our Web site First Amedcan Financial Corpoatioa Is sensitive to privacy Issues on Me Internet.We bole,,.It k important you know haw we teat the information about you ere noolve on the Internet. In general,you on visit First Amedcan or Its of flours'Web sltes on the World Wide Web without telling us who you are or reveating any Information about yourself.Our Web servers collect the domain names, or the e-mail addresses,of visttula This Intaunatbn is aggregated to measure the number of visits,average the spent an the site,pages viewed and similar Information.First American uses this Information to measure Me use of our site and todewtom Ideas to Improve the content of car site. There are times,however,when we may need infrmation from you,such as your name and email address.When information Is needed,we wN use our best efforts to let you know at the time of Collarbone how we will use Me personal information.Usually,Me personal Information we cdlv-t is used only by us to respond to your inquiry,process ail order or allow you no aciess specific accoumt/prafile information.If you omom to share any persoal information wail us,we will only use it In accordance with the polkies c u fined above. Mussiness Relationships Fast American Flnmxial fnrryrahon's site and his affiliates'saes may contain links to When Web sites.While we by to link only to saes that share our high standards and respect far priva y,we are not msponsIde fee the content or the privacy,practices empbyed by other sure. Cookies Sane of First Amerlcan's Web ages may make use Of"cook'u"technology to measure site activity,and to customise informpton to your personal tastes.A cockle is an clement of data that a Web site can sad to your browser,which may Men store the ernkie an your hard drive. WsUrnsmin uses stared cockles.The goal of this technology Is to better serve you when visit rg our site,save you time when you are here and to provide you with a more meaningiN and productive Web site experience, __.___-----------------._--_--------_..______.—._ Fair Information Values Fairness We consider consumer expectations about their privacy in all our businesses.We only offer products and services that assure a favorable balance between consumer bahefts and consumer prvacy. Public Record We belfeve that an open anthill,record creates signitkanl value for society,enhances consumer choice and creates consumer opportunity.We actively support an open plank record and emphaslae Its ImpoW nice and contrbution to our manual Use We believe we should behave responsibly when we use Information about a consumer In our business.We will obey Me laws governing Me collection,use and dBseminallon of data, Accuacy,We wail Oka reasonable steps M help assure the accuracy a the data we mlet,use and dksemivale.Whem possible,we wit take reasonable steps M correct Inaccurate information. When,as wed the pudic record,we cannot correct maauate Information,be val take all reasonable steps W assist consumers in Identifying the source of the en o eeus data an that the consumer on secure the required collectors. Education We endeavor to educate the uses of our products and services,our employees and others In our Industry about the importance of consumer privacy.We will Instruct our employees on our fair information values and on the responsible collection and use of data.We will encourage others In our Industry to collect and use Information In a as ponsq&e manner. Security We wag nlaudaln apparra-de facilities and systems to protect against unauthorized access to and corruption of the data We manta nn. Form 50-PRIVACY(9/1/10) Page 1 of 1 Privacy Information(2001-2010 First American Flnandai Corporation) ' I I flrstdlmencan Tt/e Form No.1068-2 Commitment No.:4209-2148756 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 12 of 12 i PIRSTAMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Exhibit"A" Vested Owner: RICHARD AND PARTNERS, LLC,A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Real property in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: I LOT 1 OF SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KENT,AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 12 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF KENT FOR 84TH AVE. SOUTH BY DEEDS RECORDED OCTOBER 24, 1972 UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7210240044, 7210240045 AND 7210240046; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF KENT BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1987 UNDER RECORDING NO. 8702130064; (ALSO KNOW AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LL-87-2, RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 1987 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8702180897). Tax Parcel Number: 775780-0010-01 Situs Address; 22318 84th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 I I I i I i i I I I First American Title i EXHIBIT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF LOT 1, SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.. ' COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 N89039'33"E 612.95 FEET; THENCE N00036'37"W 11.68 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N00036'37"W 10.20 FEET; THENCE S89037'25"W 304.13 FEET; THENCE S00022135"E 15.00 FEET; THENCE N89037'25"E 230.51 FEET; THENCE N88001'12"E 51.91 FEET; THENCE N80053'06"E 22,02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 4,457 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. WAES ® r 10 GI f�NgL LAt� i i i i S.W. SEC, 07 T. 22 N R. 05 E I I I EXIST PROPERTY LINE _ _ pp p5P,R Ty I vmvae�w[i�s�a�-�s��morrx lrnw us+lwr A. j A v- r — r PW2013-180Is11p p'qERICHARD \ T.L. 7757800M I FIARil iRg R,lu4a4 \\ \ \ X }— O \ d, I PROPOSED l GS FORM --- i --DR41N4 AND SFORM �- ORAlNAGE FASEMENT� R r—ESMT. AREA OUTSIDE �E%-' 3�E MT. AREA INSIDE SO FT 6660 50 AREA TO BE DEEDED �+ 3,529 SO FT EAST R '�5� EXIST R YJ PR OSE ROA AY EN LIE / S 224TH ST. PROPOSE TEMP CONST ESMT ARE = 4,457 SO FT 'EXIST R%W T PROPERTY IMPORTANT:This Is not a Survey.it is furnished as a convenience to locate ACQUISITION the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land.No liability Is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. PROPERTY VACATION TEMP CONST ESMT RAMADA INN PARTIAL TAKE ldd I ""°"�• „" SCALE: 1" = 80' exRlart 7 757 8 0-0 01 0 CITY OF KENT c� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 05 2015 F I i Fm EXHIBIT FEE TO RICHARDS & PARTNERS THAT PORTION OF LOT 1, SHINN'S CLOVERDALE ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 N89039'33"E 612.95 FEET; THENCE N00036'37"W 11,68 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N00036'37"W 53.81 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT LAND DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF KENT AS DESCRIBED IN KING COUNTY RECORDERS NO. 8702130064; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE S80009'26"W 308.15 FEET; THENCE S00022'35"E 7.92 FEET; THENCE N89°37'25"E 230.51 FEET; THENCE N88001'12"E 51.91 FEET; THENCE N80053'06"E 22.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 10,012 SQUARE FEET, MORE. OR LESS. r. i �0� tB J®_ems j i i I REQUEST FOR MAYO ' SIG ,NUKE T Routing Information(ALL REQUESTS MUST.FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director_ Originator:Ingrid Willms-Dixon Phone (Originator) ext 5519 Date Sent: December 1H,2015 Date Required: December23.2016 Return Signed Document to: Ingrid ` Contract Termination Date: Purchase and Sale VENDOR NAME, Date Finance Notified: Richards Partners (Only required on contracts e $10 000 and over or on any Grant) DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Date Risk Manager Notified: November 17, 2015 i (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: Authorized in the Budget? YES NO Brief Explanation of Document: Purchase and Sale agreement for purchase of easterly portions of the Richards & Partners (Ramada Inn) property, for the L.LD 363- 224th st. Improvement, Overpass project All Contracts Must ke R°�uY d !'hCouglr The taw Department �. (This area to be completed by the Law Department) € Received: eMl I Approval of Law Dept. Law De t.CoTt l n,U.` x1ir'rY.' ( l Date Forwarded to Mayor: ? x 71 _ 'r Shaded Areas To Be Completer) By Administration Staff Received 7Y()= tKF,.NT i f C#-FRK Recommendations and Comments: Disposition`� c Date Returned: i - vl..`:, c m oomaaeo .o�aP�r,no , r aowr,.eP