HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK15-386 - Original - Tree City USA - Application for Certification - 12/2/15 ADocument WASHiNGT N CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name. J yet ( I-4 tl5l, Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number r Contract Number. FP CO p This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name. ZOPS 0�9 lMcnflcw-ti kv- (-whh'ail cn Description: Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract Other: ��)r71i�� 1-iCvz fbY �G,Vi fiClnl iGy1 Contract Effective Date: 1Z 621 is Termination Date. �V CffF. Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: , IBC; Department, I�GVKS Contract Amount: Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director Mayor ❑City Council Detail. (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.). adccW10877 8 14 1 112 5/20 1 5 https://portal.arborday.org7reeC1tyPrintForm.aspx _ �i_Print this page- Tree City USA 2015 Application for Certification TWIT 01ty UySA . The Tree City USA award is in recognition of work completed by the community during the 2015 calendar year. As Mayor or Equivalent of the Community of Kent I herewith make application for this community to be officially certified/recertifed as a Tree City USA for 2015,having achieved the standards set forth by the Arbor Day Foundation as noted below. Standard 1:A Tree Board or Department Community has a Department Chair or City Manager/Official Department Chair/City Manager Jcff Watling Dept Chairperson 253-856-5007 jwatling@kentwa.gov Standard 2: A Community Tree Ordinance f Our community ordinance is on record Standard 3: A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at Least$2 Per Capita Total Community Forestry Expenditures $288402 Community Population 124435 Per Capita Spending $2.32 Standard 4: An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation AOr Official erDay procln i record M yor or Equivalent Signature Title Date Application Certification To Be Completed By The State Forester: Kent The above named community has made formal application to this office. I am pleased to advise you that we reviewed the application and have concluded that,based on the information contained herein, said community is eligible to be certified as a Tree City USA community, for the 2015 calendar year,having in my opinion met the four standards required for recognition. State Forester Signature Title Date �� At bgt-Day r,gundatiot-" Print this page https://portal.arborday.org/Tre CityPr!nLForm.aspx 1/1 Komoto, Kim From: Pail, Quientin Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:19 PM To: Komoto, Kim Subject: Tree City USA Attachments: Tree Ordinance City of Kent.docx; Kent Arbor Day Proclamation.pdf; Fall Parks Volunteer Events.pdf; 20151120112819036.pdf Here are the documents. Tree Ordinance, Proclamation, Volunteer Events brochure and Street Tree Budget. Q uientln Poll, West Operation Supervisor/City Arborlst Parks Maintenance Operations '.. 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5127 1 Fax Line 253-856-61.20 ppoil@KentWA.Rov I Parl(sRecreation@l(entWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook 2 '. YouTube PLEASE GONSOU fL"iW ENV)WNIMFNT Y$FORF PRIMING THIS E-NAR t "Cross reference(s)—Department of public works, ch. 2.28; landscaping,ch. 1507; preservation of trees, § 15.08.240; planting of certain trees prohibited,§ 7A4.260. State law reference(s)—Authority to require landscaping, RCW 35.43.040. 6.10.010 Definitions. ........................._......................................................................................................................................_................................................................_......................................_._......................................._ The following words and phrases when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context: Directorshall mean the director of the parks and recreation department of the city. Maintain or maintenance shall mean the entire care of trees in planting strips, as well as the preparation of ground, fertilizing, mulching, planting, spraying, trimming, pruning, topping and root control, but not watering, unless specifically so stated. Planting shall mean planting and replacement in planting strips. Planting strip shall mean the area available for planting between the street curb, the edge of the traveled portion of roadway and the property line. (Ord. No. 1703,§ 1; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986,§4.12.010) Cross reference(s)—Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1.01.030. 6.10.020 Street tree and...planting„list................................................................................................................................................................................................... A.The director shall have full advisory authority as to the selection, planting and maintenance of all trees, plants and shrubs planted and growing upon any and all of the public streets and public planting areas of the city. B. The director shall approve the official tree planting list and street tree planting plans. The director in evaluating such plans prior to approval shall call upon the resources of the department of public works to furnish him with facts concerning trees and planting strips in the city. C.The director shall approve or disapprove the adding or removal of trees to the official tree planting list.The list as approved shall be submitted to the city council for its adoption, by resolution, as the official tree planting list of the city which is on file in the city clerk's office. (0£0'ZL'b§ '906Lapo0/pawJo=l 'Z§'L99Z'0N 'PJ0 £§ '£OLL 'ON 'PJ0) saloads jelnopied ay;;o Al!llgellene pue slesodoid 6uulnn punoj6japun amin;'salllp;n 'sjoeglas 6wpllnq 'suwaged;awls 'suogeln6ai 6uluoz 'suol;lpuoo Ilos 'dills 6ul;veld eq;;o glpinn eq; pue saoads agl;o ainleu ay; uodn paseq aq (legs i(lp eql;o uogoas ao jeeils 'loolq o}pads a iol eejl;o saloads jelnogaed a to uogoalas •ti 'sainsodxa 6ulpllnq pue suolloesia;ul leails 'segoeoidde Fennanup 'salllpin peuueld jo 6ugslxe q;Ian seed eql Aq aouaaapejul 6uiziwlulw ao 6ulploAe of uan16 uolleaaplsuoo g4IM slenJa;ul algeps;e aq pegs saga;of;pads to uol;eool eql '£ paniasgo eq sfemle pegs l;neap;o asodind awed agl 'Z •aoloaalp ag;;o lenoadde ogpads q;lnn seeie pa;oelas uI slseq le;uawuadxa ue uo palueld eq Am seed aaq;o legl ldeoxe 'pasn eq o;em Isll 6ul;veld awl lepigo aq;uo pa;sll seeii 'L ueld aaj;jeeils a 6ulnadde pue 6ugepwio;ul spnpue;s 6ulnnollo;eq;Aldde pue Aq papin6 aq pegs ao;oaalp aql '8 'Jagew aql 6uluaaouoo sloe; ql!m lI gslwn;o;qaom ollgnd;o luawliedep aql;o saoinosai aql uodn peo!ew 'lenoadde of aoud ueld eq;6ugenlena ul 'jo;oanp aql veld ogpads ao lWaua6 aq;anadde pegs ao;oaalp aql 'Z ease aql iol 6ugueld aaa;lseq aq;uoluldo slq uI aumialap pegs pue palueld aq o;ease jelnoped ag; ;o ain;eu pue;sll 6ugueld aail eql uo seeil;o sagauen pue sadly alenlena pegs a010aaip egl'L spiepue;s 6ulnnollo;eq;uodn pue aaldego slgl ul pa;eolpul sepllod aql uodn paseq eq Ilegs sueld eql Joloejlp aq;Aq panadde sueld 6ugueld aai;ogpads pue leaaua6lq Pauaan06 aq pegs llp eq;ul seed lawls;o 6ugueld agl y _...._._._..............................................................__..........................,.................................,................................................... spiepuels pue sueld 6ul;ueld aail;awls aso'o6.9 (OZO'Z L'b§ '9S6L apo0 luawJo=I •Z§ 'L99Z'oN 'PJ0 'Z§ '£OL L ON 'PJ0) jo;0ailp ag;;o lenadde Aq duls 6ullueld agl ui saaj;6ul;slxa o;woluoo yew 6ugueld;uawaoelday -;sll 6ugueld eeil Ielol)Jo peldope lselel aql woi;saga;of psuguoo aq pegs Alp aq;;o sleags eql uo s6ugueld mau IIH'0 i 6.10.040 Property owner requests......................................................................................... ................................................................................................................ A.A majority of the abutting property owners in a given block, street or area of the city where tree planting is required may petition for the uniform planting of a tree variety of their own choice. Such petition shall be approved by the director, provided the tree selection is made from the official street tree list and the selection does not conflict with the standards in this chapter. B.A petition to the director bearing the signatures of not less than ninety(90) percent of the property owners of any block may be filed with the director requesting a change in the variety of trees in the planting strip adjacent to their properties. Such petition shall be approved by the director, provided the tree selection is made from the official street tree list and the selection does not conflict with the standards of KCC 6.10.030.All expenses of such change will be borne by the property owners requesting the change, the work to be done under the supervision of the director. (Ord. No. 1703,§4; Ord, No. 2567,§2. Formerly Code 1986,§4.12.040) 6.10.050 Street tree maintenance, inspection and removal. r-11-11....................................................................................................................................'.................................................._..................................._........_................................................... A. It shall be the consistent purpose of the city to provide proper maintenance according to goad municipal forestry practices for all trees growing along the city arterials, and in business and industrial districts. B. It shall be the responsibility of the city to provide preparation of ground, planting, trimming, pruning,topping, . root control, and removal of dead or dying trees in residential districts. C. The director shall conduct a continual inspection program of the trees along the streets of the city.All trees found by the director to be dead, dying or in a dangerous condition likely to cause damage shall be removed. The city at its own cost and expense, and in accordance with the provision of this chapter,will replace all trees so removed. (Ord. No. 1703, §5; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.050) 6.10.060 Protection of street trees. A. No person shall plant, install or maintain shrubs, low growing trees,vines, fences, signs or stakes or any other object, except temporary protection for newly planted lawns, or cause or create conditions or uneven ground, holes or hazards in planting strips along the streets of the city.When determined by the director that any such plantings or installations are a hazard to the public or detrimental to the approved tree planting plan, the director shall have full authority to cause such hazard or detriment to be removed or eliminated. (080'Z VI,§ '986 L apo0 Aljawjo-A 'Z§ `L95Z'oN 'PLO '8§ 'EOL l ON 'PJ0) ;uawuosiadwi pue eui}qons q;oq Aq jo 'aeaL (l.)auo ueq;ejow;ou;o pouad a jo};uawuosudwi Aq jo (000'6S) siepop puesnoq;auo ueq;ajow;ou}o aug a/q pagslund aq legs;oajaq;uopmuoo uodn pue 'aoueawapsiw e p kpin6 pawaap aq peys ja;dego slq;}o suaslAoid aq;jo Aue 6ul;elolA uosied Auy ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I............ •sal;leued pue suol;elOIA 080.0V9 (OLO'Z V1,§ '986 b apo0 IlJawJOJ 'Z§'L99Z'oN 'PJO 'L§ 'COL 6 'oN 'PJO) -Apedoid a;enud yons}o ;uoij ui sdia;s 6ui;ueld pue s�lemapis 6uipnloul joa;uoo siq aapun A(jadad ao 'Apedoid a;enud uodn sgnags pue ssai; 'sIlemopls ule;ulew o;A;np ay;aney pegs A;ledoid a;enud Aue;o;uedn000 pue aaumo eql'seaA,oldwe jo siaol;}o s;i;o Aue uodn ao 'Alp ay; uodn r(;lpgep Aue esodwl o;pawaap aq pegs aa;dego sly;ul 6ulq;oN .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ... . ... . . . 'A316 io Aillge1luoN OLO"O V9 (0907 617§ '9866 apo0 All @wJozI 7§'L99Z'oN 'PJ0 '9§ '£0L 6 'oN 'PJO) sueaw Aue Aq A;p ay;;o seeie 6ui;veld ollgnd ao;awls ay;uo eai;Aue Aa;sap jo ainful Alin;lino pegs uosiad ON •O eoeld ollgnd jaq;o jo Aelle 'du;s 6ugueld 'llemepls ';awls yons Aue ul eoue;sgns Aue ao;uawao 'auo;s Aue}0 6ulAowaJ ay;ul ao sdu;s 6ui4ueld ay;ul ;ueld Jo aaJ;/ue;o 6UTAow91 JO 5ui;sail '6ulule;ulew ao 5ugueld ay;ul paMue eie oqM Apo ay;;o saaAoldwa ql!m ejejje;ul o;uosjad Aue;lwjad jo asneo jo ajapa;ul pegs Ajpoq;ne %mel ;noq;lm uosied ON .0 jo;oanp ay;;o uoiswadns aq;japun euop eq pegs�jom eq; 'uosiad Aue o;pa;uej6 6ui9q uolsslwaad uodn gano ay;pue cull/padoid aq; ueeNgeq eaj;Aue;no ao aunid 'wu;'aAowaJ ';ueld 'jo;oei p eq;woa;;Iwjed uapm a;noq;Inn 'Keys uosiad ON 'G V I1� VOIUN r { Kent Parks,Recreation&fomm unit' 'ervices Nil FALL 2015 si s ucz,n.Mdrd iq)unj JojAels 11,noAadoq aMtal = n r t hALA a ) oxagmn aC oyuao agsgnays pue saaaI angeu ALgleag awos lueld spaam anisenw anowaa ll,am aaagm`eaadsaNmosaa lelMeNVU 4ogew o�uJ aaou crania uaaao aql of noAalinui spiemaiS zuaN uaaig pa;enpapanp lijA0f VM7ua)js , i7 pslnda(IT es 5ss sCJVpJ ' nalao��pe�aagra��2rnaans�la7 � ,�����'` � o pal�nbda s�qua ayaEa a��ao - a =210 ',j unas�u�naaaa3ux5[onfepar�3�� .„ �� v ' `� � �u'; aliwsepug saaunadaojanoi�s b eaghua'sahof64aoen`saog9Aoghjssipaaupo�f�jyaWo��gtaae ` ��LL ..,li... • sajfigepu�sa6e�je;osaaa�un�pkp40apmoxdaes;uatn4a�;a� •slueldanisenui pugsjootl}ejs sjuanajaedjje;ano}ano;oaua!;eaay�ea 6e} ano pmoaa pup ysdao}apeys apinoad o4saaalaayjo pup spoomuo oa jir}aapuom s}uaxui apis no 6uiag kofuao 6ei4eaa6 ejaAo3si� "- builueld Aglaed mainaania aanzrg aql adegs dlag pim saaalunloA A$ d;v 1 ffi { Mx i 24 Y O _ LS + e F� IZA T �� �aom uogeao;saa aaow ao;saaeds asogj}o ouo of wnjaa l liM . 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F d •" I f£ PROCLAMATION Whereas, Arbor Day was established in 1872; and Whereas, the city of Kent recognizes the value of trees in making the city environmentally sound and aesthetically pleasing, which promotes good business and a sense of community; and Whereas, the city of Kent established a 'Tree Ordinance"and a tree maintenance crew for the purpose of maintaining, protecting, and regulating street trees for beautification of the city, and Whereas, in recognition of its commitment to trees and the environment, the city of Kent has been named Tree City USA by the National Arbor Foundation every year since 2003, making this our 131" anniversary; and, Whereas, The city of Kent is one of six cities in the Green Cities Partnership, working to sustain our healthy urban forests and natural spaces with the help of dedicated citizens; and Whereas, 2015 marks Kent's 125rh year as an incorporated city; NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Suzette Cooke, Mayor of the city of Kent, do hereby proclaim October 17, 2015 as ARBOR DAY In the city of Kent, Washington, and i encourage all residents to consider planting a tree on their property, to take a moment to enjoy the trees in our local parks, to appreciate the beautiful green open spaces and forests that we enjoy here in the Northwest and to join the environmental restoration efforts at West Fenwick Park. in witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of Kent to be a fixed this 6th day of October, 2015. zeite� ook , Mayor j . I , _ [C iV T I y WAS HIH6TON wx 0.. O M N N N a k ' c0 00 tp N VI O ' M O m to LD O O bq N '. p +� T N curl h ri OJ E T n M O 'cY n N Lr eai umi M O `O o N �G-I eN•I e-i .-I N o0 N � _M � \ ❑ t MW O ar-i ��+1 N nn-I YOf �O L O O LrI �~ �M•~ e-I LS m 001 � N M .M 'L � � ❑ N }:.:� N N :N• � L N ?• � I m C i:• z ro h m m ei ti m p No .N w o a Lq O M Tim m m M - w m- v a2i 3 w <t i N_ .i o m m n m .••� 4 io �n in rn 19 M o_ . vmi ni � c-i 4r ,r Q V T4 m v m m m .+ n m o m m m v w o 5G`; ¢ • m a N _" V H m O N N O M n m N m U1 Q W N t0 m vt W CO lD m •,a N m fV io .r1 m N d v O C O N M O N N w .01 N v ' rq 4� s+ 'F' •+C Y tc -00 M u'i lD rvi ri Oi h N b � api a O tD W tl M W In , M M P N p 'Q V C e•1 YM to N p p = v i N N 4 O b L _ M 'a a - � po N � m O F vi U O m F- cz: p � �' a � L.• � � '.. M 0 ry . REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE ® Print on Cherry-Colored Paper KEA T Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director Originator: o, -1 _ 4 Phone (Originator): Z,5'3 6SY 5% L Date Sent: 1 ) ,2 5= jcwe 5_. A Date Required: r` Return Signed Document to: Contract Termination Date: VENDOR% NAME] Date Finance Notified:( (Only required on contracts -� 10 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF CC CIL APPROVAL: ,) Date Risk Manager Notified: r�/!�_ �y- f (Required on Non-CityStandard Contracts/A reements Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: Authorized in the Bud et? YES �NO )ViT Brief Explanation of Document: I AAA­/0 6 -( o/Z 6s4r'J (1,1 l�r'r1 f2_ si All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department '' '�.' tf tiy' ll;'i i'• (This area to be completed by the Law Department) E �" Received: Approval of Law Dept. �a� = Law Dept. Comments: _ rN � � �`�JZ t.J(.- Date Forwarded to Mayor: ,--� t i4y Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: �_Z1 Date Returned: P ICIVIAFmmslOocume tPmce^ ,IRNUeWor Maw"ignature,doa -