HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD15-343 - Original - WA State Dept. of Corrections - Canine Training Program for Narcotics - 10/05/2015 40 Records k KENT wnsainarox _ CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. %f you have questions, please contact City Cleric's Office. Vendor Name: W(A • coq-11 6-hcyb s Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: E This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: cGw nt, -Ty(uniL1q y1)gV6(,VV Description: Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract Other: Contract Effective Date. Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: i&?A^y� y(X Department: Poll,cr. Contract Amount: Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director [Amayor ❑City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): i adccW10877 8 14 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Washington State Department of Corrections, hereinafter referred to as DOC or the Department,and the Kent Police Department located at 220 4e Ave E. Kent, WA 98032, hereinafter referred to as the Agency. WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Corrections administers the Canine Training Program at the Washington Corrections Center(WCC)(hereinafter referred to as"the Program"). WHEREAS, the Canine Training Program provides narcotic canine training to correctional officers and commissioned law enforcement officers(hereinafter referred to as"handler"), WHEREAS, correctional and law enforcement agencies routinely sponsor.correctional officers and commissioned law enforcement officers for canine training, WHEREAS, the purpose of this Agreement.is to provide the terms and conditions governing canine training to correctional and law enforcement agencies on an as-needed basis. This Agreement Is made pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, the interlocal Cooperation Act,and RCW 10.93,130, Contracting authority of law enforcement agencies. THEREFORE,IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT; 1. STATEMENT OF WORK 1.1 The Agency.shall.have the following responsibilities and duties pursuant to this Agreement: 1.1.1 Provide only full-time correctional officers and/or commissioned law enforcement officers,who have passed their basic academies,to serve as canine handlers for the Program, 1.1.2 Provide payment for the services herein as specified In Attachment A, Canine Training Program Narcotic Detection Dog Training Guide, 1.1.3 If the Agency supplies the canine: Provide a medically sound canine with current vaccinations. Provide payment for all costs and expenses of the canine to Include, but not be limited to, all veterinary services and food. 1.1,4 If Agency allows use of a handler-owned canine, handler will provide a letter to DOC accepting full responsibility for the canine. 1.1.6 If the canine Is supplied by DOC,Agency will provide any necessary veterinary services for the canine beyond the Initial veterinary examination provided by DOC. State of Washington KIM Page 1 of 6 Department of Corrections 158361 i 1.2 DOC shall have the following responsibilltles and duties pursuant to this Agreement: 1.2.1 Provide narcotic canine training on a space-available basis in accordance with the Canine Training Program Narcotic Detection Dog Training Oulde, attached hereto as Attachment A, and incorporated herein, 1.2.2 Provide kennel space for the canine; 123 If the canine is provided by DOC: 1.2,3,1 Provide the Initial veterinarian's examination, hip x-ray,vaccinatlon(s), and fecal examination for the canine upon Initlal entrance Into the Program; and Provide the canine with food and water preceding and during the Program. 2. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE . Subject to Its other provisions, the period of performance of this Agreement shall commence on October 6,2016, and be completed on November 20, 2015, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. 3. SAVE HARMLESS . The parties recognize that canine training can be an inherently dangerous activity and that canine actions may be unpredictable. To the extent permitted by law,the Agency,its agents, and employees shall defend, protect, and hold harmless the state of Washington, DOC, or any employees thereof,from and against all cialms, sults, or actions arising from any negligent or dellberate wrongful act or omisslon of the Agency, its agents,or employees while performing under the terms of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law,the Agency, Its agents, and employees shall defend, protect, and hold harmless the state of Washington, DOC, or any employees thereof,from and against all claims, suits, or actions arising from the actions or omissions of a canine and/or canine handler or Agency officer while In the performance of a search or other related activity,or by utilizing the canine or training techniques provided under the terms of this Agreement.' Upon completion of the Program, the Agency assumes full responsibility for the possession, actions, and omissions of the canine(s)selected to Include, but not limited to,the health,welfare, and safety of the canine. The provisions of this section shall survive any termination or the expiration of this Agreement. 4. CANINE SELECTION The Agency may supply Its own canine for the Program If approved by DOC, DOC, at Its sole discretion,will determine the canine's suitability for the Program. Consent to the use of an Agency canine will not be unreasonably withhold. DOC may conduct Initlal testing to determine the canine's suitability and aptltude for the Program. If, at any point after a canine is accepted Into the Program, DOG determines,at Its sole discretion,. State of wastdngton K10970 Page 2 of 6 Department of Corrections 158361 i i that the canine Is unfit for further training,the Agency will be notified, The Agency may either a) terminate the training, or b)continue with the handler's training using a canine supplied by the Program, provided that a canine Is available and suitable for the Program as determined by DOC. S. HANDLER SELECTION The Agency shall select a correctional officer or commissioned law enforcement officer, who has passed his or her basic academy, for handler training. The Agency may request assistance In its selection of a handler from DOC, The DOC, at Its sole discretion, may assist the Agency in this process by conducting a two-part Interview consisting of a verbal and a"hands-on"phase, The Agency shall be solely responsible for the final selection of a handler regardless of a recommendation by DOC. DOC may determine, at Its sole discretion, that a handler selected by the Agency does not display the aptitude necessary for the Program. In the event of this determination, DOC may direct the Agency to recall Its trainer. Upon Agency request, DOC may reschedule a different Agency handler at the next available Program. S. POST-PROGRAM TRAINING The Agency shall be solely responsible for maintenance training after the completion of the Program for the canine and the handler. DOC may conduct maintenance training sessions at DOC-selected locations,dates, and times, The Agency may attend these sessions on a space- evallabie basis. It Is recommended that the Agency provide the handler with Agency/Jurisdiction-specific training after completion of the Program In subjects to Include, but not be limited to,Agency policies, legal and liability aspects, search warrants, and affidavits. The Agency shall be solely responsible for Agency/jurisdlctlon-speciflo training In laws, rules, regulatlons,and policles governing canine training. 7. BILLING AND PAYMENT Billing and payment procedures, shall be as detailed In Administrative Fee, Page 17 in Attachment A. Compensation for the services provided In accordance with this Agreement has been establlshed under the terms of RCW 39.34,130. The agency paid the required fee under a previous contract(K10666)from which they withdrew, Therefore no money Is due under this agreement, B. RECORDS MAINTENANCE Each party shall maintain books, records,documents and other evidence,which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and Indirect costs expended by either party in the performance of the services described herein, These records shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit by personnel of both parties,other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor,and federal officials so authorized by law. All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Agreement will be retained for six years after expiration and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall have full access to and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Records and other documents, In any medium furnished by one party to this agreement to the State of Washington K10970 Page 3 of 6 Department of Corrections 158361 i other party, will remain the property of the furnishing parry, unless otherwise agreed. The receiving party will not disclose or make available this material to any third partles without first giving notice to the furnishing party and giving it a reasonable opportunity to respond. Each party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third parties. 8. RIGHTS IN DATA DOC shall be the copyright owner for all purposes under Title 17 U.S.C., of all date which originates from this Agreement, Data shall include, but not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studles, computer programs, films, tapes, andlor sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to use, copyright, patent, register and the ablilty to transfer these rights, 10, INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party,who are engaged In the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. 11. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall - not be binding unless they are In writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties, 12. TERMINATION 12.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days prior written notification to the other party. If this Agreement Is so terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs Incurred In accordance with the terms of this Agreement rendered prior to the effective date of termination. 12.2 DOC may terminate this Agreement Immediately by written notice to the Agency if(a) funding from state,federal, or other sources is unavailable,withdrawn,reduced, Insufficient,or limited In any way; or(b) DOC determines in Its sole discretion it is unable to continue to provide the services herein by reason of any law, rule, regulation,Judgment, pollcy/procedure change by the Secretary of DOC, or act by the Washington State Legislature. In no event will DOC be liable for any damages, termination fees, or other charges as a result of invoking this provision. 13, TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If for any cause, either party does not fulfill In a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days, if the failure or Violation Is not corrected,this Agreement may be terminated Immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other, State of Washington K10970 Page 4 of 6 Department of Corrections 158361 I 14. DISPUTES In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined by a dispute board In the following manner: Each party to this Agreement shall appoint a member to the dispute board, The members so appointed shall jointly appolnt an additional member to the dispute board, The dispute board shall evaluate the facts, contract terms and applicable statutes and rules and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the dispute board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. 16, GOVERNANCE This Agreement Is entered Into pursuant to and under-the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws, The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws, In the event of an Inconsistency In the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule,the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence In the following order: 1, Applicable state and federal statutes and rules; 2. The terms and conditions contained herein;and 3. Any other provisions of the Agreement, Including materials attached or Incorporated by reference, 16. ASSURANCES The parties agree that all activity pursuant to this Agreement will be In accordance with all the applicable current or future federal,state and local laws,rules,and regulations. 17. ASSIGNMENT The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunder, is not assignable or delegable by either party In whole or In part, without the express prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 18. WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise Its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such Ina writing signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement. 18. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document Incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such Invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the Invalid.provision, if such remainder oonforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. State of Washington K10970 Page 5 of 6 Department of Corrections 158361 20.• ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understanding, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 21, CONTRACT MANAGEMENT I The contract manager for each of the partles shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and blllings regarding the performance of this Agreement. [Kent., Contract Manager for the A enc Is: The Contract Manager for DOC Is: Thomas, Chief of Police Barbara Davenport, Canine Training Program Manager t Police Department Washington State Department of Corrections 4th Ave E. Washington Corrections Center WA 98032 PO Box 9DO phone:263-8W5800 Shelton,WA 98684 il: kthomas@kentwa,gov Telephone: 360.427.4618 Email:barbara.davenoortaa doc.we.aoy IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. KENT OL E DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (31g tore) (Slpnat re) Ken Thomas Gary Banning (Printed Name) (Printed Name) Chlef of Police Contracts Administrator (Flue) (Date) (15ate) Approved as to Form: This contract format Was approved by the offloe of ihe. Orney General. Apror —o 6Fate of Washington K10970 Page 6 of 6 Department of Corrections 188361 1 Department of rrections W A A H I N N t 0 N $ t A t I STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASo-IINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. BOX 900.Shelton,Washington • 98684 CANINE TRAINING PROGRAM NARCOTIC DETECTION DOG TRAINING i TABLE OF CONTENTS i ♦ Table of Contents ... 2 ♦ Introduction ........ 3 ♦ The Narcotic Dog Team ....................... ..........I............. 4.5 ♦ Selection of a Dog 8 ♦ Selection of a Handler ................ 7 ♦ WAC Training Requirements 8 ♦ Team Training Guidelines .. 9-11 ♦ Class Expectations 12 ♦ Team Certification 13 I ♦ Maintenance Training 14 ♦ Administrative Fee ................. 15 ♦ Financial Responsibilities ......I..................... 18-17 Requests for Training .... 18 ♦ In Closing .......I...... 19 ♦ Attachment: 'Request for Narcotic Detection Dog Training'Form Page 2 of 19 INTRODUCTION I The Department of Corrections (DOC) Canine Training Program Is based at the Washington Corrections Center In Shelton, WA. The Canine Training Program offers a narcotic detection dog academy to Correctional and Law Enforcement Agencies from within Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Officers attending training must be full time correctional officers or commissioned law enforcement officers, who have passed their basic academies, Each narcotic dog training class Is six weeks in length (see page 15 regarding class break) and meets the requirements set forth In the Washington Administration Code (WAG) 139-05-915. Narcotic dog training classes are offered three times per year, beginning In January, April and October. Each class has three to four students,dependent on the availability of dogs. Approval is granted on an Individual and space available basis, Approved requests for training are processed according to the date received. it NOTE; To simplify the designation of an individual as he/she or him/her, the word "he" Is used and Is not Intended to designate a specific gender. In addition, we have used the word "Agency"to represent all types of departments. I Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev. 09121/16) Page 3 of 19 THE NARCOTIC DOG TEAM The trained Narcotic Dog handler directs his dog in a specific"search pattern"watching his dog for any changes of behavior. The Narcotic Detection Dog is trained to recognize specific odors, le. Heroin, Cocaine, Crack Cocaine and Methamphetamines.** Upon detecting an odor he has been trained to recognize, the dog will give a "change of behavior,"work to the source of the odor, and give a conditloned "response," or"alert," to the location. At this point the handler will"reward" his dog. [**Since the passing of I-502,Marijuana Is no longer included unless specifically requested by the agency.) The following will provide a basic understanding of the Narcotic Dog Team: REWARD: Each dog selected for narcotic training has an extreme fixation on objects or toys. For training purposes we narrow the dog's choice to one Item, usually a ball. The first step in training Is to condition the dog to believe that every time,and the ONLY time, he receives"his"ball Is when he smells a specific odor. After the dog has`made the association, he must, upon recognizing the odor,work to the source before receiving his ball or"reward." CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR: Changes of behavior are those physical changes a dog displays upon encountering an odor he has been trained to recognize. Each handler will be trained to recognize those physical changes that are specific in his assigned dog. A change of behavior in a dog could be one or more of the following: Increased breathing, intense sniffing,a change in the dogs ear set, a change In the dogs tail movement, increased animation in the dog, etc. RESPONSE OR ALERT:After the dog has learned to work to the source of the odor, he is taught to give a"response"or"alert" before receiving his reward. There are two basic types of responses a dog may be trained to give, "passive" or "aggressive." • Passive Response: The dog trained to give a passive response will "sit" upon locating the source of an odor he has been trained to recognize, The last place his nose was, before sitting, Is the location where the odor is being emitted. • Aggressive Response: The dog Is trained to give an aggressive response and will scratch at the location where the odor is being emitted. Although different training techniques are employed to solicit the different responses, both types of dogs work equally well. However, due to the probability of damage to property and for the dog's safety, all Narcotic Detection Dogs ASSIGNED to Washington DOC facilities are trained to give a passive response (per department policy). If a non-WA DOC agency wishes to specify a specific alert, we will try to accommodate that request, SEARCH PATTERNS: The trained handler will direct his dog to search in a specific pattern to ensure that no area has been missed, The handler must be able to read the dogs "change of behavlor" that will Indicate the presence of odor and to direct a more detailed search if needed. NARCOTIC DOG TEAM (Con't) Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev, 09/21/15) Page 4 of 19 i The handler must understand the theory of scent, as applied to narcotics and to be able to assist his dog, especially in high or overhead alerts, TYPES OF SEARCHES: A Narcotic Dog may be used to search a wide variety of items and locations. Initial training will cover the following areas: • Buildings: Residential, office, maintenance, and school type buildings. • Vehicles: Personal and maintenance vehicles, buses, and semi-trucks. • Open areas: Above ground and buried narcotics. • Luggage and Parcels: Mail, luggage, packages and parcels under the previous conditions. OBEDIENCE: The Narcotic Dog Team receives a minimum of obedience training. The basic commands taught are"heel," "sit,""down,""stay,"and "come." Strict or advanced obedience is not stressed as It tends to make the new dog "handler-sensitive" and inhibit his narcotic work, DUAL TRAINING: The Patrol Dog may be dual trained in narcotics, if the dog shows an aptitude for the.work AND the handler displays a willingness for the additional work and responsibility. Dual training requires twice the maintenance training and three times the record keeping of the single purpose patrol dog. Dual training in dogs assigned to DOC will be avoided. PERSONAL SEARCHES: Some dogs may have the aptitude to receive additional training In the searching of people. Only those teams assigned to correctional agencies will be scheduled for personal search training, Those teams considered for personal search training should have a minimum of six months actual experience before attending training. The training is one week in length and will be conducted at the team's facility(s). An Agency considering this training for their team must make specific arrangements with the Canine Training Program, Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(r(v.,09/21/15) Page 5 of 19 SELECTION OF THEDOG The Canine Training Program receives approximately 99%of Its dogs from•local humane societies, animal control facilities and rescue organizations, The remaining 1% are received through private donation from the community. NO guarantee regarding breed or appearance is made or Implied. We focus first on aptitude to do the work. Most dogs are lab/retriever mixed breeds as they are the most available type; however we occasionally have other breeds/mixes, An Agency may supply their own dog fortraining; however,the dog must be surveyed by the Canine Training Program staff and tested for suitability and aptitude for narcotic work before gaining final approval to attend the class, The three criteria required during initial testing are; i • Object Oriented -sustained fixation on a ball/toy to the exclusion of all else • Footing -comfortable walking/working on slick surfaces • Friendly with.people Other factors that are also considered are; • Determination and drive to search for a hidden ball/toy; • Breed and appearance; • General health (including hip x-rays), size, age; and • Temperament and self-confidence. After passing the Initial testing phase,each dog receives the equivalent of the first week of training. Even after a dog has passed the Initial testing and training, and is Into.the official class phase, the dog may still be found unsuitable for narcotic detection work, It Is always our goal to have more dogs on hand than are needed. However, there is always that possibility that a handler's training will need to be rescheduled if the assigned primary dog and secondary dogs do not complete their training, In the event that an Agency supplied dog tails to complete training the Agency may either recall their Team or, providing a dog Is available,continue the handler's training with a dog supplied by the Canine Training Program. Canino Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev,09/21115) Page a of 119 SELECTION OF A HANDLER The selection of an appropriate handler is just as Important as the selection of an appropriate dog. Any Individual performing dog-handling duties must do so voluntarily. Not everyone has the ability or the aptitude to deal with a dog on a day-to-day basis. Usually this will be the first time that their performance will depend on a partner they cannot verbally communicate with. Some of the qualities that should be considered when selecting a handler are: a Work ethic and drive Ability to work unsupervised a Problem solving skills Quality of work Report writing skills • Ability to take Instructions and accept change a interpersonal skills a Temperament and patience a Pride in appearance Health and physical conditioning Home environment(rent/own) a Regular work assignment(for part-time handlers) Upon request, the Canine Training Program will provide assistance in making a selection, After the Agency has narrowed the field of applicants, we will conduct a two-part Interview consisting of a verbal and a hands-on phase, Upon completing the Interviews, we will provide the Agency with our recommendations. The final selection of a handier will rest with the Agency and should be based on ALL of the above qualities, NOT based solely on the Canine Training Programs recommendation, Even after a careful selection process, it is possible that an individual will not display the "hands- on"aptitude necessary to work with a narcotic detection dog. In the event that this should happen, the Agency will be rescheduled for the next class, if at all possible. Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev.09/21116) Page 7 of 19 i WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The training requirements prescribed In Washington Administrative Code(WAC) 139-05-915 (4)(b) for the Narcotic Dog handler(General Detection) require a minimum of 200 hours and will Include, but are not limited to the following: • Philosophies and theories of Police K-9 • Legal and liability aspects, Including Department policies • Public Relations • Care and Maintenance • . Obedience and Control • Area Searching • Building Searching • Evidence Searching • Detection of Specific Substances It must be remembered that this Narcotic Detection Dog training course was established by, and geared toward, the Department of Corrections. Consequently classes on "Philosophies and Theories of Police K-9," "Legal and Liability Aspects," and "Department Policies," have been slanted toward the Department of Corrections, After completion of this Canine Training Program It Is recommended that each Agency provide the handler with additional training specific to their Agency and Jurisdiction, such as: • Department policies. • Legal and liability aspects • Search warrants • Affidavits Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detecilon(rev.09121115) Page 8 of 19 f TEAM TRAINING GUIDELINES All dog training Is dependent upon the handler and the dog's ability, as a"Team", to progress, The following Is a basic guideline only, but has been used to set minimum standards for the Team's weekly progression. In most cases the Team will progress faster. If the Team develops a problem in a specific area,causing their progression to be sl'owerthan the guidelines,we will try to determine If the problem can be corrected with extra work in that area or if a member of the Team needs to be replaced. Day 1: On the first day of class, the handlers will meet the trainer at the Washington State Patrol Academy and are assisted with checking Into lodging. After in-processing at the Academy, the handlers will be escorted to the Washington Corrections Center(approx. 2 miles away) where they will receive an orientation regarding the facility and receive ID badges providing them with access to the facility. At the Kennel facility the handlers will receive a class on kennel maintenance and have the opportunity to Interact with the class dogs, Day 1 will conclude with a class orientation. During the orientation, the following topics will be discussed and/or demonstrated: • Capabilities and utilization of the Narcotic Dog Testing for aptitude In the prospective dog Training requirements • Terminology • Care and maintenance of the dog Equipment used . Training records, and Obedience and control Day 2; Day 2 will begin with a safety class regarding the management of untrained dogs. The handlers will load all of the class dogs and the class will move to the training site. The students will be given a class and practice session utilizing the scent box. The scent box Is introduced and utilized to; Canine Training Program•Narcotic Detectlon(rev,09121/16) Page 9 of 19 i TEAM TRAINING 'RAIN NG GUIDELINES (Con t) assist the handler in: Body position, leash control, presentation, verbal commands and voice Inflection, and timing the reward delivery, 4 teach the dog to: associate his reward with a specific odor, follow hand presentations, always work to the strongest source of the odor, give a specific pinpoint The handlers will rotate through the available dogs, utllWng the lessons learned on the scent box. Day 2 ends with a simple room search of short duration . Day 3: Day 3 begins with the scent box and quickly moves onto simple furniture searches. Week 1: By the end of Week 1, the handlers will have been assigned their primary dog. The teams should have progressed to working training exercises with B to 8 training aid (Heroin) combinations on furniture. The automatic response should have been introduced. Week 1 will conclude with a class at a local Pet Store. During this class the handlers will receive Instruction on nutrition for the working dog, selecting a suitable dog food, and purchasing the necessary equipment for class. Week 2: By the end of Week 2, the dog should be associating the odor with the proper response followed by the reward. During this week,we have Introduced the dog's first additional odors,cocalne/crack cocaine. The dog should be giving an automatic response approximately 20% of the time, The Team's search times should be extended to 15 to 30 minutes. Week 3: By the end of Week 3, the dog should be giving an automatic response 30 to 40% of the time. The Team's search exercises should be extended to 30 to 45 minutes. The Team should be started on basic vehicle, parcel and open area searches. During this week, the final substance, methamphetamines, has been added. Canine Training Program•Narcotic Detection(rev. 09/21/18) Page 10 of 19 TEAM TRAINING GUIDELINES (Con't) Class Break Due to the length of the class,time away from home and the Intensity and repetitious nature of the training, handlers are given a 1-week break to help alleviate training burnout. Dogs will remain at the main kennel facility (with the exception of working patrol dogs) for the duration of the break. During the class break, handlers return to their Agency, Handlers should use this opportunity to make final arranaements for houslnalkennelina suitable training aids, vehicle set-up, etc., Week 4: By the end of Week 4, the dog should be giving a response on all known odors, Masking agents and distractions are being used, Teams should be conducting building, vehicle, parcel and open area search exercises of up to 1 hour in length. Week 6: During the beginning of Week 6,performance testing and evaluations will be conducted to conclude the basic training phase, Mid-week the practical application phase will begin with each Team performing searches under actual conditions at WCC. Preparation for WAG mandated certification and voluntary WSPCA accreditation continues, Week 6: Week 6 begins with the WAG certification and WSPCA accreditation. The remainder of the week Is spent continuing the practical application phase under actual conditions with the emphasis on diversity of locations. 4 Additional classes the handler will have received though out the six-week training: • Theory of Scent • Legal and Liability Aspects • Demonstrations • Educating Supervisors • Training Records • Care and Control of Training Aids • Transportation • Maintenance Training, and • Equipment and Veterinary Services Needed upon Return Canine Tralning Program-Narcotic Datectlon(rev. 09121115) Pagel 1 of 19 l CLASS EXPECTATIONS This class is 90% hands-on training versus classroom type lectures. This is not a class that allows for extra studying In problem areas. On occasion we will have a student that mentally understands the manual handling techniques, however has trouble translating that mental understanding Into a physical accomplishment. On these occasions we will provide every assistance to that individual to Include bringing in an additional trainer to provide one on one Instruction and evaluation. However, not everyone has the aptitude to "work"with a dog or a partner that you cannot verbally communicate with. There may come a point when this student is returned to their Agency. As with any training class, there are certain requirements and/or expectations that must be met in order to successfully complete this class, ♦ A written log detailing the team's training, from selecting a suitable dog to utilizing the trained dog in a field situation. This log will include different training techniques to accomplish each stage of training, a'record of the team's performance on each training aid In each training scenario, and notes from all additional classes; practical application searches and demos. A copy of this log must be submitted at the end of class to receive a certificate, ♦ A weekly find ratio of 75% or better, A find ratio of 70% or better on the final performance test. ♦ Successful completion of the Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) administered minimum standard certification test mandated by WAC 139-05-915. Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev.09/21/16) Page 12 of 19 it i TEAM CERTIFICATION Since the revision of WAC 139-06=916 In April 2003, all Washington dog teams must certify to the Criminal Justice Training Commission's (CJTC) minimum performance standards. This certification process is mandatory and must be successfully completed prior to the team beginning active duty. During the certification process, the team must demonstrate their control and the smoothness of their work in all phases of narcotic work and obedience, The Team's effectiveness will be tested In each of the following areas: • Building • Vehicle • Parcel, and • Open Areas • Obedience The Washington State Police Canine Association (WSPCA) also offers a General Performance Accreditation. As the WSPCA accreditation Is a higher standard than the CJTC certification, the Canine Training Program utilizes the WSPCA test administered by 2 Independent trainers, The CJTC certification Is a lesser-included standard,of the WSPCA accreditation, resulting in both tests running simultaneously. Aue to the perceived conflict of Interest, the trainer for the DOC training class will never act as an evaluator during one of these tests. For Washington Department of Corrections Teams: While the CJTC certification Is state mandated, DOP 420.280, Canine Teams, requires that each Team obtain its General Performance Accreditation through the Washington State Police Canine Association (WSPCA)which requires a higher level of performance. For other Agencies: The Canine Training Program uses both the CJTC Certification and the WSPCA "General Performance Standards for Narcotic Detection Dogs" for Its accreditation, While the WSPCA accreditation process is a voluntary program for its members, we highly recommend your team's participation, as this test is a higher standard. Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev,09/21/16) Page 13 of 19 MAINTENANCE TRAINING Upon completion of training, It Is Imperative the Team receives the cooperation of Its Agency In maintaining the standard of proficiency established during initial training. REMEMBER: Just like any other new officer straight out of the academy, your Team will need to make the transition from"training"to the"real world," The more varied the applications and training (conducted under real condltions), the more proficient your Team will be. Even though the Team Is working daily, a malntenance-training program must be established and continued If the efficiency and effectiveness of the Team is to be maintained, It is recommended that a minimum of two to four hours a week be devoted to training for the Narcotic Dog Team. I The Agency or dog handler may contact the Canine Training Program for assistance at any time, The Canine Training Program is currently conducting 3 narcotic dog academies each year. Teams may drop In to one of these classes for refresher training as needed. i Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detectlon(rev.09/21/18) Page 14 of 19 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE The administrative fee covers the costs associated with the dog such as routine vet screening (health check, vaccinations,x-rays,etc.),feed for the dog, In addition to the training for the handler, and other routine administrative costs, This flat fee takes the place of separate billing and reimbursement for vet bills and food. The guidelines for the administrative fee are: $1500.00 per student receiving a dog from the Canine Training Program. In the event that a student is terminated without completing training, the agency will be re- scheduled for the next available class at no additional cost, $1000.00 per student, where the gaining Agency supplies a trained narcotic dog or a working patrol dog is being crass-trained in narcotics, All dogs must be surveyed by the Canine Training Program prior to the beginning of class. All costs and expenses Incurred by a dog supplied by the gaining Agency are the responsibility of the gaining Agency. Each dog must be current on all vaccinations and be medically sound, In the event that a gaining Agency allows It's handler to use a personally owned dog, the gaining Agency must supply a letter accepting full responsibility for said dog. While training requests. are processed on first come first served basis, payment of the administrative fee will confirm and secure your handler's class position. An invoice can be supplied upon request. The check for the administra8ve fee should be payable to: Department of Corrections (Please reference this contract No. K10 68 &"Canine Training") Mail to DOC Business Services P.O. Box41107 Olympia, WA 88604 NOTE: Should the administrative fee andfor a signed contract not be received by the end of the 3rd week, the handler will not be permitted to take the dog for a home visit. Payments and/or contracts not received by the conclusion of the class will result In the dog remaining with the DOC Canine Training Program until payment Is recelved, Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev. 09/21/15) Page 15 of 19 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES In this section we have outlined the expenses to be expected while your team attends training. The following are approximate figures only: LODGING:. Lodging Is the responsibility of the agency. There are numerous hotels within a 30 minute drive. Lodging is also available at the Washington State Patrol Academy($44.00 per night), located approximately 2 miles from WCC. Agencies should contact WSP directly: Sergeant Freddy Williams WSP Training Division 631 West Dayton Airport Road Shelton WA 98584-8945 Office (360)432-7503 FAX(360)427-2134 . Email: Freddy.Wllliams@wsp,wa.gov MEALS: Meals are the responsibility of the agency. Meals are available at the State Patrol Academy for a fee ($8.00 per meal). Shopping facilities and restaurants are available a short distance away In the town of Shelton. KENNELING: Kenneling space is provided at the main kennel facilit and Is covered b the Y Y Administrative Fee, DOGS: Covered by Administrative Fee. VETERINARY SERVICES: The Initial veterinary services that the Canine Training Program provides to each dog include a Veterinarian's examination, hip x-rays, vaccinations, and fecal exam. The cost of these initial services are covered by the Administrative Fee. Any veterinary services needed beyond the above stipulated, are the responsibility of each Agency. The name of the veterinarian service used Is as follows; Portland Ave. Small Animal Hospital 7418 Portland Ave. Tacoma, WA. 98404 (253) 531-8282 Agencies supplying their own dogs are responsible for ANY services needed by their dog. Portland Ave. Small Animal Hospital will bill the Agency directly. Canine Training Program-Narootic'Detection(rev,09/21116) Page 16 of 19 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Con't) SUPPLIES ! EQUIPMENT: The following is a basic list of supplies and equipment that will be needed for this training course, We will assist the handler in purchasing this equipment on the first day of class; Sugolies: ♦ Logbook (Bound, with numbered pages) ♦ Small DVD disks ♦ Small Fanny Pack Dora Food: The Administrative Fee covers the cost for dog food while waiting to enter class and during training, Agency's supplying their own dog must supply their dog's regular food. Equipment: We will take the class to buy supplies on the first day of class. ♦ Leash (Nylon, 41x 6/8"or 3/4") 10.00 I ♦ Choke Collar(Metal, Medium Gauge) 10,00 (fitted to dog) ♦ Harness 20.00 ♦ Long Line(Nylon, 10') 16.00 ♦ Tie-Out Cable (Nylon coated, 10') 16,00 ♦ Brush 10,00 ♦ Travel Water Bowl 6,00 $ 86.00 Approximate Total Other suggested equipment and supplies that might be considered are shampoo, kennel crate, collar,toenail trimmers, etc. Venders will vary, Please plan on having your handler pay for these Items at the time of purchase. Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev.09/21/16) Page V of 19 REQUESTS FOR TRAINING All requests for training are approved on an individual and space available basis, regardless of agency size. Approved requests are processed according to the date received. Normal class size Is restricted to three students due to the difficulty of acquiring suitable dogs. Additional students may be added if. 4 An agency is sending an experienced narcotic dog to training with a new handler 1 An agency is requesting that a working patrol dog be cross-trained in narcotics An agency,with;staffexperienced and knowledgeable in the selection of narcotic dog candidates, supplies a minimum of two dons (tested and approved by the Canine Training Program)for participation in the class, All requests for training should be addressed to: Barbara Davenport, Canine Program Manager Washington Department of Corrections Canine Training Program 2321 West Dayton Airport Road Shelton, WA 98684 We suggest that all "Requests for Training" be sent in a timely manner as classes fill quickly and _ we are scheduling students six months to a year in advance, A "Request for Training" form is Included with this manual. A confirmation letter will be returned indicating the dates of the class your handler has been scheduled for. If the dates create a scheduling conflict for the agency,please contact us as soon as possible and we will re-schedule your handier for the next class. Prompt attention to this detail wiil'allow us to offer the slot to another agency on the waiting list. The Department of Corrections Contract Office will send a contract to your agency. This contract should be returned prior to your scheduled class start date. Failure to return the contract by the and of the 3"v week of training may result In the handler being rescheduled to a future class. Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev,09/21/15) Page 18 of to IN CLOSING We hope this information Is helpful to you In gaining Insight Into the DOC Canine Training Program offered at Washington Corrections Center, If additional information is needed or you have specific questions, please feel free to contact: Barbara Davenport Canine Program Manager Cell: (253) 732-5959 Email: barbara.davenport@doc.wa.gov Washington Department of Corrections Canine Training Program 2321 West Dayton Airport Road Shelton, WA 98584 Fax: (360)432-5925 I Canine Training Program-Narcotic Detection(rev, 09/21/15) Page 19 of 19 I I Department of WASHINGTON CORRECTION CENTER Corrections 2321 West Dayton Airport Road*Shelton, Washington *98684 W ASH I N G I O H E I -N T t REQUEST FOR NARCOTIC DETECTION DOG TRAINING (See Canine Training Manual for Administrative Fee Information and the scheduling process) Data: Fed Tax ID# Agency Head Name: Title: Email Agency: Address: Phone: Fax Handler's Full Name: DOB: SSN: Call Phone#: Service Provider Email: Contact Person: Phone: Email: (To be completed by K-9 Training Program Staff) i Date Received: Confirmation Letter Sent: Class Dates Scheduled: Handler Packet Sent: Handler Contact: Dog Assigned: Completion Date/Status: Can In e Training Program-Narcotic Detectlon(reV,e9/21/15) Page 1 of 1 REQUEST" FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE ® l" Print on Cherry-Colored Paper 10EAd Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director_ Originator: Amy SprOmberg Phone (Originator): 5881 Date Sent: 10/14/15 Date Required: 10/16/15 Return Signed Document to: Contract Termination Date: 11/20/15 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: Washington State Department of Corrections (Only required contracts t-� / g p . 20 000 and over or on an Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: n/a Date Risk Manager Notified:n/a (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: �/� Authorized in the Budget? YES NO Brief Explanation of Document: ILA between the Kent Police Department and the Washington State Department of Corrections for canine training to correctional and law enforcement officers. All Contracts Must.Be,Routed Through The Law Department h < � (-`his area to be completed by the Law Department) , ` Received: Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments; Date Forwarded to Mayor: 77,77t _ ° Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: Recommendations and Comments: yt r r s Disposition Date Returned: I bbFonnsl0ooumenlPmreesOiglReQuesl Whlayot§91�ie.dov