HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD14-172 - Original - City of Seattle - 2013 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - 10/01/2013 ® r � 5... 3 KEAIT WA9HINOTON Documenf ° �e�' F N S=CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: City of Seattle Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number 1'Contract Number: D VA®1y This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: 2013 Justice Assistance Grant Description: X Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 10/1/2013 Termination Date: 9/30/2017 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): N/A Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Sara Wood Department: Police Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Interagency agreement for spending of 2013 Justice Assistance Grant funding of $52,379, City of Kent/Police will bill Seattle for reimbursement of expenses under the grant. S:Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 Interagency Agreement g Y i� Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program FY 2013 Local Solicitation Executed by City of Seattle Department Authorized Representative: Diane Pilon 610 Sth Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 and City of Kent,hereinafter referred to as"Recipient" Grant Manager: Sara Wood 220 4th Ave,S Kent,WA 98032 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by having their representatives affix their signatures below. CITY OF KENT CITY OF SEATTLE % c ,Suzgtte'(ooke, Mayor Harry Bailey, Interim Chief of Police Date: 15 .c if Authorized by; Grant Program: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)Program FY 13 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page I of 72 WHEREAS, the justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program is the primary provider of federal criminal Justice funding to state and local jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the JAG Program supports all components of the criminal Justice system, from multi- jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, and justice information sharing initiatives; and WHEREAS, the United States Congress authorized $635,618 In the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for jurisdictions in King County; and WHEREAS, 10 jurisdictions in King County were required to apply for a JAG Program award with a single, joint application; and WHEREAS, the City,as the Identified Fiscal Agent,submitted the joint application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance on July 9, 2013 to request jAG Program funds; and WHEREAS, based on the City's successful application, the Bureau of Justice Assistance has awarded $635,618 to the City from these JAG Program funds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the grant whereby the City,as the identified Fiscal Agent for this award, is to distribute grant funds to co-applicants, the City intends to transfer some of the JAG funds it receives to those co-applicants; and WHEREAS, the City is not obligated to continue or maintain grant funding levels for the JAG Program once grant funds have lapsed;and WHEREAS, recipients of JAG funds from the City should not anticipate the City will assume responsibility for any program costs funded by JAG once JAG funds are spent; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: This hnteragency Agreement contains six Articles: ARTICLE 1; TERM OF AGREEMENT; The term of this Interagency Agreement shall be in effect until September 30, 2016 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions hereof ARTICLE IL• DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The services to be performed under this Agreement shall be conducted for the stated proposes of the Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program (42 U.S.C. 3751(a,) The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions,JAG funds support all components of the criminal justice system, from multijurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs,courts, corrections, treatment, and justice Information sharing initiatives,JAG funded projects may address crime through the provision of services directly to FY 13 JAG Interapticy Agreement,Page 2 ar72 individuals and/or communities and by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal justice systems, processes,and procedures. ARTICLE III: SPECIAL CONDITIONS • Funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance solely for the purpose of furthering the stated objectives of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program.The Recipientshall use the funds to perform tasks as described in the Scope of Work portion of this Agreement. • The Recipient acknowledges that because this Agreement involves federal funding, the period of performance described herein will likely begin prior to the availability of appropriated federal funds.The Recipient agrees that it will not hold the Seattle Police Department,the City of Seattle, or the Department of Justice liable for any damages, claim for reimbursement, or any type of payment whatsoever for services performed under this Agreement prior to the distribution and availability of federal funds, • The Recipient shall comply with all conditions and limitations set forth in the FY 2013 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award # 2013-DJ-BX-0715. The FY 2013 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award Report#: 201.3-DJ-BX-0715 is attached to and made part of this agreement, as Attachment A,Allocation and use of grant funding must be in accordance with all special conditions included in the Award Report, All Recipients are assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the Award Report as binding. • The Recipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of funds under this agreement will be in accordance with the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Formula Program: Local Solicitation, Allocation and use of grant funding mast be coordinated with the goals and objectives included in the Local Solicitation. All Recipients are assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the Local Solicitation as binding, • Recipient agrees to obtain a valid DUNS profile and create an active registration with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database no later than the due date of the ReclpienVs first quarterly report after a subaward is made. • The Recipient shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations,and program guidance. A non-exhaustive list of regulations commonly applicable to BJA grants are listed below, including the guidance: (Q) Administrative Requirements: OMB Circular A-102, State and Local Governments (10/7/94, amended 8/29/07) (44CFR Part 13) (R) Cost Principles: OMB CircularA-87,State and Local Governments (5/10/04) I FY 13 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 3 of 72 (S) Audit Requirements: OMC Circular A-133,Audits of State, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations (6/24/97, includes revisions in the Federal Register 6/27/03) (T) The Recipient must comply with the most recent version of the Administrative Requirements, Cost Principals,and Audit Requirements. 29)Nan-Federal entities that expend $500,000 or more in one fiscal year in Federal awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget(OMB) Circular A-133-Audits of States,Local Governments, and non-Profit Organizations. Non-federal entities that spend less than $500,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year,.except as noted in Circular No.A-133,but records must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of the Federal agency, pass-through entity, and General Accounting Office (GAO). 30)Recipients required to have an audit mast ensure the audit is performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS),as found in the Government Auditing Standards (the Revised Yellow Book) developed by the Comptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement. The Recipient has the responsibility of notifying the Washington State Auditor's Office and requesting an audit, 31)The Recipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub-recipients also maintain auditable records. 32)The Recipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractor's. Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report submitted to the Seattle Police Department, The Recipient mast respond to requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days of the date of request, The City reserves the right to recover from the Recipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit, 33)If applicable, once any single audit has been completed, the Recipient must send a full copy of the audit to the City and a letter stating there were no findings, or if there were findings, the letter should provide a list of the findings. The Recipient must send the audit and the letter no later than nine months after the. end of the Recipient's fiscal year(s) to: Diane Pilon,JAG Program Manager Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 FY 13 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 4 of 72 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 206-386-1996 34)In addition to sending a copy of the audit, the Recipient must include a corrective action plan for any audit findings and a copy of the management letter if one was received. 35)The Recipient shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts. The Recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments,national evaluation efforts, or information or data collection requirements,including, but not limited to, the provision of any information required for assessment or evaluation of activities within this agreement, and for compliance BJA reporting requirements. • When implementing funded activities, the Recipient must comply with all applicable federal,state, tribal government,and local laws, regulations,and policies.The Recipient is entirely responsible for determining the Recipient's compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies,which include,but are not limited to: (E) City of Seattle regulations including, but not limited to: (9) Equal Benefits Program Rules (SMC Ch.20.45:http://cityofseattle.net/contract/equalbenefits/) (10)Women and Minority Owned Affirmative Effort: If a Recipient intends to subcontract out any part of a contract Instead of performing the work itself, then the following requirement applies: Consultant shall use affirmative efforts to promote and encourage participation by women and minority businesses on subcontracting opportunities within the contract scope of work. Consultant agrees to make such efforts as a condition of this Agreement. i. Outreach efforts may include the use of solicitation lists, advertisements in publications directed to minority communities, breaking down total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities where economically feasible, making other useful schedule or requirements modifications that are likely to assist small or WMBE businesses to compete,targeted recruitment efforts, and using the services of available minority community and public organizations to Pei-form outreach. j. Record-Keoping: The Consultant shall maintain, for at least 24 months after the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, relevant records and Information necessary to document all Consultant solicitations to subconsultants and suppliers, all'subconsultant and supplier proposals received,and all subconsultants and suppliers actually utilized under this Agreement. The City shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. (27)Licenses and Similar Authorizations: The Consultant,at no expense to the City,shall secure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement all FY 13 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 5 of 72 i required licenses,permits, and similar legal authorizations, and comply with all requirements thereof, (28)Use of Recycled Content Paper: Whenever practicable, Consultant shall use reusable products including recycled content paper on all documents submitted to the City. Consultant is to duplex all documents that are prepared for the City under this Contract, whether such materials are printed or copied, except when impracticable to do so due to the nature of the product being produced. Consultants arc to use 100%post consumer recycled content, chlorine-free paper in any documents that are produced for the City, whenever practicable,and to use other paper-saving and recycling measures in performance of the contract with and for the City. (29)Americans with Disabilities Act: The Consultant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (ADA) in performing its obligations under this Agreement. Failure to comply with the provisions of the ADA shall be a material breach of, and grounds for the immediate termination of, this Agreement. (30) Fair Contracting Practices Ordinance: The Consultant shall comply with the Fah, Contracting Practices Ordinance of The City of Seattle (Chapter 14.10 SMC), as amended. (31)Suspension and Debarment: The Recipient certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participating in transactions by any Federal department or agency, By signing and submitting this Agreement,the Recipient is providing the signed certification set out below. The certification this clause is a.material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the Recipient rendered an erroneous certification, the Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies, including termination and/or debarment, The Recipient shall provide immediate written notice to the City if at any time the Recipient learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The Recipient agrees by Signing this Agreement that it shall not enter into any covered transaction with a person or subcontractor who is debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized in writing by the City. The Recipient shall include the requirement in this section in any subcontracts. (32)In the event of the Recipient's or subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply with any applicable law, regulation or policy, the City may rescind,cancel,or terminate the Agreement in whole at,in part. The Recipient is responsible for any PY 13 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 6 of 72 and all costs or liability arising from the Recipient's failure to comply with applicable law, regulation, or policy, ARTICLE IV: SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work of this Agreement and the time schedule for completion of such work is as described in Attachment B: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Formula Program King County Joint Application, Project Narrative and Attachment C:JAG Budget Worksheet,as approved by BJA,Attachment B and Attachment C are attached to and made part of this agreement, The work shall, at all times, be subject to the City's general review and approval, The Recipient shall confer with the City periodically during the progress of the Work, and shall prepare and present such information and materials (e.g. a detailed outline of completed work) as may be pertinent, necessary, or requested by the City or BJA to determine the adequacy of the Work or Recipient's progress. ARTICLE V: PAYMENT (I) Compensation The Recipient shall be reimbursed on an actual cost basis. Total compensation under this Agreement is$52,379. The Recipient shall incur authorized allowable expenses in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget, as detailed in Attachments B and C. The Recipient may request additional reimbursement up to the amount of interest accrued on their portion of the grant award, The City will provide quarterly statements to the Recipient, once the interest balance accrued equals at least$1,000. Reimbursements will not be made for Interest accrued that is less than $1,000,Reimbursements can be requested,up to the total amount of interest accrued,after the initial quarterly statement has been sent, to perform tasks in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget, as detailed in Exhibits B and C, The Recipient shall submit invoices not more than monthly, and at least quarterly.After the first quarter, monthly submission is preferred. Invoices are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed. No travel or subsistence costs,including lodging and meals, reimbursed with federal funds may exceed federal maximum rates,which can be found at: http://www,gsa.gov, (3) Manner of Payment The Recipient shall submit reimbursement requests not more than monthly, and at least quarterly.After the first quarter,monthly submission is preferred. Requests are due no later than 30 clays after the end of the period in which the work was performed, Reimbursement request forms are provided, Substitute farms are acceptable. FY 13 JAG Interagency Agreoment,Pago 7 of 72 With each reimbursement request, the Recipient shall submit; • Detailed spreadsheet of expenditures by task and related financial documents (timesheets, invoices) • Project status report • These documents and invoices must be kept on file by the Recipient and be made available upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation for the corresponding tine period. Once the above conditions are met,payment shall be made by the City to the Recipient. Submit invoicing and documentation to; Diane Pilon,JAG Program Manager Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 206-386-9885 ARTICLE VI; AMENDMENTS No modification or amendment of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto,The parties hereto expressly reserve the right to modify this Agreement, by mutual agreement. FY 13 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 8 or72 Attachment A,page 1 of 8 Dey9Nmem Of JuAi9a '', OfObo of Jnsll90 Progmun PAGO I OP $ (;, �'� nOl'OnU DfJusllcC hsslslnncC (Jrmll 1,RHC1PIH1fTNAMHAtSO AUbAL'fS llnd ing 7)pCadt) 4•AIVARONU6IBDR1 9013-14M•0715 �• Cilydisoul9 COD Pbw'h Armw,701Aveng9P•0•B9b91749 S,PROJECT PERIODi FROM fArolllol2 TO 011 VIM Sroulf,14d 981Y4.47J9 DUDOETPPRIOP,PRO}( lO'0111019 TO W11D/1016 CAWARDDATq OS/11RQIS 7.ACNGN ., IA,O ANPRRIRMENDORNO, _--_.___—_•—' $,SUPPLI6MHN1'NV6NHR----- WHO 916M00) M 9.PRBYIOUS AWARD AMOUNT 30 )•PROIPCTTITLB IO.ASIOVNTOPIMS AWARD Mb Alt JIMMolnl IAOAPFIl(AI§A .—..._......-_..--_.—_—•-- f,TOTALAWARb $0$MS IP.SPECIAL CONOT170NS III RANOVA GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVCP SU MOT TO SUCII CONDITIONS OR LINUPATiONS AS ARHSHTfO UM US ATTACHEDPAOE(S), IB,STATUTORY ALIHORITY 70R GRANT 'Phil PrelNl(i iQwrtfdondN PY Ott IA,JAC)47 USO MD,Ouq.' IS.NMTIfOD OP PAYAIC`D' •',_...__. .T.T.��. GPRS AtlENCY APPAOVAI. GRANTER ACCEP7ANCH l6,TYPED NAMI AND AN.0 OF APPROYLCO OMCIAL is,TV'PEONAUR ANbTITLb ON AUTHOMM GRANTER OFMCIAL tkdfv P'D.+.+edi Aflkol,u1m DBfftot Abyof 17r S�10NdTURH OP hPp0.0VINU0PPICIAL 19.SIW78NRBOPAVIIIORIZeD ftCC1PIHNT 01'F7L'IAL 19A,DA76 /rrrlF\1,•,rb /fit o N f AORNOYVSeONLV _ 90.ACCOUNTR40CLA881f1OATjGN CODES 91, $R11UOIM16 FISCALYFUOP C DUDA Ow. D ORB M. POSIS AMOUNT ' % D Dl 80 M 00 655618 I j i OIP FOAM SOC<Y)(flOY.S•87)PR0190US gPDION$ARgOg604RTB, , OIP POR\I3M.Vl lRRY.48P} Attachment A,page 2 of 8 Department of Jusika ' Office of Justice Progrourt AWARD j llueenu of Milieu Asslslmlce Cb1 YWILIATION8HRRT pdon 2 on a Greul PROI¢CTRUAWCR 200•Dl.6*0715 AWARDDATII aLlr01011 ' sPscrdr,coxDJrtoxs I, 'Clio rdtlp10n1 e8(m le Comply Wllh live Rnonclol and odnilulsUntive«qulromord4wl.Carl In the otirrant edition of the . Oflleeof Juslito Pmgrauu(OlP)Plnaneiol Oulde. ... .. . .. . . .. . .. 2. The roelpleni acksmsvitdgos tin(fellureto Colloids an nmploblc Rgvat Rmpioymenl 0ppodunity Pi oil(jfreclpioul is requl«dlo subntll onemsumtl to 28 C,R,R,3c<Iion d2,001),Thal is approved byfha0ftlro for ftiNl Rlgbls,isa 'i vloladon of Rs CmliReS Asswen"s and may rmull in suspesulon or ttmlinsilon of funding,until aaell0mo ns like «olplent Is in cowpllonee, 3, The ralPlenlogreestoCotapiy Will,(lloosgmdmnmml audit requl«mentsofOhdnCbaulnrA•13).Audltsof$lmos, LOCnt OoVernnfenls,and NObpfORl Organizaltens,rold tunhtr vnJertlonds and og«es Ihnl funds way bo sVllhheld,or ether relaSed stqulranxnls snay be Imposed,If oun endhlg audit Nsuts(irony)from OAJD Ciroular A-I"Audits(0114 enpp other audlls of DIP giant funds)ure not smit(Aelodly and pronlplly oddreased,esfunhtrdescdbCd In the Intent ' eJltlan ohbo OJP pmnoalpl OplJp. -- A, Rtolpitnlun4miands end og&ICU that It cannot use any fedcrot funds,eltitu dlrcolly of Indirectly,In supplant Of do - III eoaomlanll"ptol,modINAlion or adoption of any lam,rogulallon or pollay, many lEYtl Of govemmatd,win�oul she oxprass pnor 1polton approval of O)R 6, Tha«tlpitnl must prowpRy rofarta llo DOl OlO appporedibio evidence thalopdnslpal,ertpplOyto,nggBnirconhmlor, subgmaSca,aubtonhecloy or onstI pit(son has ellhtr I)submitltd a felso a] lot for grant luads onder Iho PAIso Clalnss ANI or 2)C0lwollltd 0 cdntlnai ar alvll Yloioilon of Imrs pcslolnlnf to fond,Conflict of hllttest,br{brt)',graluliy,or similar mhtondaol Imaleing ermti hinds,7hls condltlon oleo app los loanysubrcdplen6, Po4enllal fraud,tvoslo, abase,ar rnlscoadud should bo repotted la Ilse Ol0 by mane OfttCooftheluspsNorOanerel U.3,Depastrnenl of Justice Intostlghtims Division 00 Pmmsylvolia Avanno,NAY. Room 006 Weshhsglan,DC 20530 c•mo11;olg,ho0lna@usdoJ.gov hotllnel(Comae)fnformadon In 1111811411 and Spanib);(800)869-4499 or hotline(ext(god)6I6-9881 ', ' Addlllonol lnformmlon is available from llto DO)010 n'tW110 of lnantutIRUOv1018, 6, Rcclplent undonlandt a ad ogtots the ll oannot u59 any ftdood Cards,eRltertnretny or indirtolly,In auppal of any Convert or subaWesd to OINer Ito Assoolatlon of CernmudRy Orlianlaalbns for Rafonst Now(ACORN)of 11s subsldluler,svlthout the express prior Wrinan applovnl or OJI•, 7, Tharetfp3Msl oRrtte to comply with any addltlonal r<qulr<menls that map holmpostd dodng thbgtalJ perfonuessre pododl iloageneydelemllnas tint ll««olplont Is nligl�dsh grantee.CL28 C,A,R.polls 6,70, om roues toms lRsv,t•se) Attachment A, page 3 of 8 DDpntlmanl of Jul life Offfeoof Jusifto Peognuau AWARD �� f1 lluronu orJusiicoAsslslnned CONTI"ATIONSHEET PROD 5 or P Ovou( pROJFCTNUa16BR lots D.11)(0715 w AWARD DATO OVIM013� SPliCLILCONntI'fONS E, ThereCiPhm Disler to toll ply svhhappllCabloregIIfORnArqudIngreglsinalonwi[hOho$yslem for Amid! Monag4ntrnl(SAM)(or wifliIsmwsorgovemmom4vldo system offsololly'dui g noted by Ohm ond01P).'rho ulplenl-nlsoogreta-laeomp{pp-Ivlih npppllanbleiealdsltonsonauba(verdsro�sawlesaubrcciplonlaahnsda-noMsgttlr end pprovido a Dnla Univeran{Numbasing Syrrenr(DUNS)number,Tim dcmlls of recipient obllgorlons ero posted an the OfRco oflusllee Pfogroms websire at hopelAvsvw,ofp.govlfundingJsam,lnm(Award conlldon;Rest,, lion whh Iho System Jar Atvard Managtmenr and Unirsrsal(denlltloI Regolsomenls),and Dro fncospofated by refertnro Here,Thb speelJ coodlll0n does not npp{y,to no mvard Io on indivle" who received the mvvd ns 0 anturel r foe(Lo.,unrtlol<d to any business or noropsofll organlzmlon That(10 to she"say owo or opunno In his or]ter name). 9, Porsuom toVxccutive Order 13513,"Nedefal traderAlp on Reducing Tom hfosseglug R'hll0 Driving;'7.1 Ped•Rag, 51225(Wober 1,2009),Ilia Depflameat 0otovmgu ttalplonts nod sob reelplents to adopt and Wow papal" bonningesnployaw from taxi messaging Willes driving any vthlolado6ng Iho course,ofptrfosming work Rmdod by this Sronl,end to ealablish workpinco softly pollOvs And conduct IdueNloo,alynren"a,and ollterouiwach to deerem, crasher Cnustd by distracted drivers, 10, Tim w1plent ogre"to comply av101 nil uppRisibio ims,togolellons,poilolm and guidanco(inshOing%fillo cost Ilmlls,prior Approval and repasung saqulramsnh,tshtro oppllcnblo)govomlug the use of federal funds for expensas retard to conferoncos,tueat gs,tin ogs,and othereven",lnduding the psovlslon of food ensVar boverogeamsvch oven,andtosisofouandantoataudlecants, htfomrnllononpcstlnsnllntva,regulollom,pollFlts,andguldoncois I nvnUable nt mnv,o)p,goYltUnJlnyron(Cosbhmv IL 'fharetlplml undtrslends and ogees that Any trnluhtg ar lrolnhs&gbsmedDls dovaloped otddAxred whh fundhag provided ui+dtr This mvmd must ndhese to IhP OJP T}ntnlnE 6uldIng Pdrtghs s for Ommces 0nd Subgsnnl<",Avalla610 nr Inlp;Omnv,oJp.osdoj,govlNndlnp/ojpuninin66ulJingprintlplw,lnm. . 12. Thantiplem ogre"lint flit curtenpy llAs anapcn mvard of ledsfo{l�nds aril l4 rswlvw nn nvvmd offedernlfunds other than[his OJP nward,and Most mvard funds Into been,are bting,'or mo so lw used,In wholo or In pass,rot ono or more of the Iden[lenl sort Items for which funds NC bring psov'ided under this OR nward,tho raciplcnl will promptly twllfy,In avriting,Iho grunt manager for ibis OrP imnrd,nnJ,lf so ri�utsicd by OlP,stoknbndgctauodl0ontlon ar chongaro6pr0Jeat•seopo grunt ndjusimmr nollco(CAN)to ellndnnto nay Inappfopdalo dupikollov of funding, m Thosedpton,understands and ngwos rim nward funds may not be used to dlsiduninato ogniml or donigmul tho rollgio stor moral W110;of Aarltnu who pancipare in programs for width RUAnelni msilsance Is provided ftonrrhose funds,or of Iho putroll or logo gwrdioos of such atudtms, 14, Thoarlphnlunder4busis end Pgrees than-(o)Nomvnrdfundsnmybo used tonulbsub"orestnbllshacomputer eel+vosk unless such ncuvork black Iho vlowlag,dotvFlloading,end exchonging of porno&nyyby,food(b)Nothlag in substidon(a)IImBs the woof funds necessity for any I'edool.Slous,tdbah or local Jewell oltemtot ogoney or mry o t,tr o shy oerrying out cdminoi tnveglgatlons,promotion,or adjudlemion noilvltlos, I5. The retlphAl ogfees to comply whh OPgram monitoring guldolhtes,protocols,and proccOfmnnd tucooperamwlth WA and OCKO on Ail Smon mOAhorlog feQuesn,inoluding raqums feinted to dcik ravlawa,en4nneed pragrammana desk reviews,anNor aim vUtu,Tho aolplenl Dirt"to proviso so D1A and OCPb tdl do<uroentallon ncewsory fo eomplttq monlioa(ag lnsks,InGhnding doCumenlallon rdlendw any 3ubawords woddunder lids Awud, PVdh<L lho ttciplgd Pg4"to Abld0 by remo»abla doedlluasae,by DJA Dad OC10(or prOvldlnE Iho tequFfl<d dOPumtnit, Panoto to enopefmo with It '10CP0'4 grunt manhodng ec[h•hlFt may result Insonclimis nfkcting tha reclplrntS DOI swell, Inoludhng,but not lindlcd to,whhholdings"dint Other ell, on the seolplom•e ascnss(o grnnl funds;r1him,to the Oftito ortilo howlor00new rot'Vol,s0Ylely;dosignollas of Iho reciplon[nt A DOl rllgh Risk grnntto;or Itrminndon of on AwArd(s), OR FORM 40W)(RbV.414) j i Attachment A, page 4 of 8 Department of lusl(ro 0lRcooriusllco Prograns AWACtb 13timia Of Jusilco Assistance C0NTINUAu0NSHLLPI' PAan9 OP a (il'Nlf I PgOMMUNMER 101)-Dl.me.0216 AWARD DATE 09*101) sPHUAL CONDMION-7 16, Tlsa leolplent ug«es toconsply\vllh oppllcable aqulremems to report Urswitr subnvaids of$ M(lor moro and,In carlain eireunmmues,to«poa 0se names net total some proton of lho nvo most highly compenmled oxuullvos of ht-reslplen4anJdtnWler�ubroolpplsn4sof�stvNd-0mds.-Sarhdauw.sll!-bwubmlttcrNwh."-.name cubstvmd.___ Reporl(lig System(PSRS). The d1tolite,f«dplenlobllgatlonr,which dedvo from lho Prdanl Funding A00viliablllty and Trompnrenoy Act ON OW(PPATA),ve pos«d on tho Ofll<o of ItlsRco Programs wcbshe 01 ',. hilpWar Reporiing Subasvards and linvulho Cmnpenralon),nod Alt, Intorpomird Dy aWbAao lit to. ibis condition,and Its repoDing rrqutre❑«nl,dots not apply to groat Awards Nndo tO on Iadlvidool who reeelYed lho Instant as a natural penon(I,e„unrelaled to any business or non.•prolli organlealloa(hat hoot oho piny own of operae In me or her rim), 17. Tho melplontogeees Nn all lnwmegeaeraled As adlreel romh or lhls mvnsd shall be d<amedprogram Income. All program lAwalo earned muss ba ercounted for and used for ilia porpases of funds provided under lhls mud,including such usobelug eomlsteat Will the rondltlons of ilto award,the tffeglve edltlon of tho0)p Pinanclal Guilds and,as oppltsnble,ehller(1)28C.P.R Post 66 or 20 C,RR Pan 70 ead2 ills,pag215(0)dU Choulnr A•1'10). !wither, IheusoorpeEmm hlrome mull be«ported on thaqualcdy P<dcrnl Pinamlel Rrpon,SU{25 19. To avoid dupllcatlag oxisling networks or ITsyslomt In any hlllialives funded by AJA for losv enforcement information sharing ayatouu tvldch Involea n1e1s1❑10 conn<cllvily betteetnjurisdlcllons,sash syalamtshallemploy,tolhooxitill possible,oxlaling networksmthe eommunleadon bnekbono toachlave lntenima wunaNlvhy,unl<sst ogymleeaw demoasual¢N Iho salidoctlon of UJA Ihaf 11tis rrqulrrment+would n¢f bo coil effectivo or would Impair the NnNlonolhy of an exlsiing or proposrd IT system. 19. Im¢Nor to prom¢le tufounaUon aharinS Dud Ninblo 1❑Isropembtl(ry among dispanlo ayatotsn across NeJuslice and publl¢sNclyeouvunniry,0lP rrgair¢r Rm gm'1101,comply u'lt 1 n03 's Global lusUco lnformmims Sharing lnllimly¢ (001's 01oba1)guldeltnes'nd«rommmdotlon for lids parieulnr ton6 0,011,0 ahait conform to tho 0lob I Sleadi d$Paekego(0SP)and nil con lluonl eft'llidn'whom opplleablo,rat described au hnp17Atanv.11,oJp.gm/gspp..grantcondldom Cmn(ee shall daumenl planned approaches to 1,roDaatlan shadng and dcscrlbo roaryy(Ia l¢111e 03P and appropdnto privo6y policy 111mi proucnslmred hlfosmnllon,or provide detnticd - Justinealloit[or why,an agernativo opproaeh Is rcronmseaded, i - O)P poa6t moat innV.i•nl -.•..� .._.,,-.~�' ____ ,I i Attachment A, page 5 of 8 Depadnftnl ofMika _ Office of halloo programs AWARD Dijo=ol'Justice Agslslnnce CONTINOATIONSIMET rdoR ) or a Grout PRO, W. oaR 1013,1u)- X•om AIMI)DATU QUIP101) BVrrOM COWIT10NS 26, Tha granko agrees to aeslsl DJA In eoaplying wit,Use Nnslonal DnvironamInI Poltoy Aol(NIIPA),tho Nellon-4 ' DlsfodtPreicn'ninon'Aol,andoheree6t<JfedeiNenvlrorimxmalDitpaclaudyicsrzqulremannlntllouso'ahhaa ' " nsfunsls,eitheW hede4 w 11 bo funded by-0yagou bgrankGAecosdinglfunds for tiny-of th000ArsWeRmilne-lGnny--- vfthe loltoseing activillq w ll be funded by ihegranLprior to obligating funds for any of tills proposes. 11 It Is dcicmlined that Day of tho following Regvllits%YIU bat funded by Ad grool,IN gronito agrees to comae[D)A. The grantee,W0141011d4[lilt this special condition opplles to Its fol lowla$utsv 0011villas tvheilicr or not they are being speclfieolly NnJed wflh the"toot funds.Thal ls,ns long os file ncllvhy is being<onduded by the a�ronlo'n subgrnnlro,or pay IhlydparryandihopcdvllyueeastobeundsdekcnIn order toIseIhosegrantfuri l,thisspeolol rondiDon must Drst be roll•TAo Aclivblea covered by ILIs apeclal condition oral '.. n. N'ew consrutllonl 'i It, Minnrrenovnllonorremodellogofnpropertyloeoted)nonenvbonn¢nlallyorhlasarlsallysenslllvaarch,Incivding propen63locatod ivilhln a 100•)ear flood pialo,a lvolMd,or What for ondougmul sp oW,or n properly listed on or 'ehgibls for listing on the Notional Raglstorof JDslotto Plpaess o. A renovation,lolls,or any proposed via of n building or fnpllhy bit wIll elikor(n)rosnil In n ehongo hl let basly Pr*"sa or(b)slgniRcently chants 1is also) f ;d, Implatitninllonofoneivprogranilnvolvingtheutoofchtntic lsotherAanchemicalslhotaro(a)pnrohnsedasaa 0J niot eomponew of a funded aotivily and Iaditlonally used,for oxampto,inoflice,houselivld,itcreedlonN,or eduoodon w1ronnlenls;and o. Implemomnion of a voigmnl relating to ealldothin mepsaropphelontlno lnborolory vNirillons,Including lho Idenillketlon,leisure,or olowo of olandestlne melli mph,In is laboratories, Tito glonito unkrs agds and vgteea that complylag 3vidh NaM may reguirs that preparation of on Isnvlrvuutoolal Assassmcat ngdlor ms Rnvhmunemal ImpaotStotentenh as dlreaied by h1A,Tho 6+anRo fudiser undsrslnnds nnJ ogress to the requirements for Initial nit It Won of n Wilgodon Pinn,As III laid at hitpa/rvwsv oJp.OtdoJ,govB1N"sanrctlnepa.htnd,for programs relating to wellsanlplumnrhm loboralory operations, Applleallon a(This Sptstal ConJldon to OrAUlee's DxlsUng Pmgmms or M1clkhlas:Por any of Into granree's or Its salt gronleos`oxIMNg programs or aodY1110 thAl svlD bo III ideal by lloso grout funds,)tlo grnnico,upon sptoifig regnast from DJA,ogrees;o coopoale 45'lih D)A In oily preparation by D)A of a 0,111001 or program anvironnlenml essessroeal of that fkar kd program or aclivlty, 21. Tltorcetpplanlbrtquhedloatablishp Wsl fundaetounl,(Thp Nlsl Pond only onlb41y nolbams lnteresobeadng • ntoonb)That", hlcluding any mitres,rhoy not ba In0 to poy debts oraxpn..I inra', Ly oiherncUNlka beyond Iho scope of Iho Rdward D)'too hiemodal Jusllce Assistagce Ornol Prageom FOR The reelplo�t oils ogress lv abhgalc And expend tho grruIt funds In the Inul fund(Including an)'Inieral eomrd)during iho period of lhs grsnL OrAnt foods (Including any Inleral[loft)not expendW by Ihs cod of Ills gran[proud owl bat"fumed to tiro Dureau of luslcv Atslslanca nolaiarthan 90days nftoriho sod ofIhogronl pad0 along withthe It snbailssloo of Iho PCJernt Plnonclal Report(10.425). 22. JAO funds may bo used to purchases bulletproof vests for an vgency,bin any not bo used ns tho 5056 antch for purposes of slid Dulle(proof Val Pastatsship(DVP)progrout, 2). The"clpleni ngrta toaobmll a signed«rlifloation lint that all Trio enforcement ageneto r"etvhsg vests purchased wllh)AU funds hro o n)AILtin"mmnhulary woof'puioy fit effect,Pilot Dprits and also ogenoles must keep signed cenlfleadons on fllo for onysub"clpisnts planalgg IQ 0111110 JAO funds for bnlllsslhreslsnnt had slnb•reshtnnl body nnnorpurchoses This polloy nmat be In ptaeo for at least nil unfomed officers betoro rosy pY 2013 funding can bo used by tho agenoy for Yells,Thera pro no«gUhonionts fogmding Iho nalUro of Iho paltry oilier than It being n mandotnry wear pniloy for all uniformed officers whUo on dAly. OIPFOR114tda'rlRna',a•ty III Attachment A, page 6 of 8 DapMmoal of JnAlco OfOeeofJusnce Programs A\9ARD ;} Bui'enu of3usUce Asslsimico CONT)NUATIONSHEBT PAaR6 OP �, Grenl Pk6Jeorp'UbNER )ol),b)AR•0)la T AWAROOA%n 030)1101) SPRCIA66owIYIONS u 24. BnIhsllnrulsmnl end slab•rWlRont body anuor purchased a'IIh JAO funds mayhepurchmad nl nuy threat loyal,make or model,from aoy dlstributoronnanufo swar,as long as the evils have been i sted and round to Comply wish PPIIca4loNnUvnasJnsflluleofJvuUco.baRisila-erg,ah,saaa,rn,.,aa.su,lea„,ine.p7TC.6 Il,n,WlcA Model List(hilfallol),gov),In nddillon,UalilslfarWlslantand stobgmistanl body nsmor ppurchd must bo hutcdcnn• medATila latest NIl slmtdard Infanuallo0 tan ba found here;6flpllhvinv,iU),govAoylcsliwhnoaselogyfbodyomtorlsnR ly loltlativahlm, 25, 7be recipltill ogrtes lhal any lafomlaUod leehuotogy system funded or aupported by Off)roads will eouply Mat 28 CAR.Pon A Criminal lnlelggcnto Systams Opemling Poliolts,VOW dwrinhaas this regulmiou lobe oppllcab)o, . Should O)P delemdno28 CAR.Port21 to N PPPlleable,O)P may,at its discio llon,ptdonn nudlis orlhosyaleni,os ppeer Iha regulallon.Should any vlolndoo of 28 C.P,R,Pad 23 ocour,the ttclplenl may lw Rnml ns pas 42 0.S.C, 8489g(o)•(d), Rectylent nosy nos satisfy such a One whh rtderal funds, 16. Tlioreelpltnl agrees to tluurethnl lho Stola InrannatlonTeclmology Point of Contact coalvoswdlon noURuollon rcgnrdhtg any Infomtatlon leohnolo�y proJttl funded by Uds grunt daing Iha obllgell9n and expendimraprdaJ This Is sofncllholo communlrallon amon8 veal nndasnlo governuamuot emhles rogording vazlous lnfominUon technology prajecls being ronducl<d with these gtma Pom1s.In addition,Iha«clplam agrees to mmmnm na ndtnW shagvo Rla docunstbiba lilt meeUug of MID requltenitnb Porn psi of$Into hdanuoUan'Ytehnoingy Points ofCoalasi,go to Mtpa(mysR 1.oJp.goy/defaulLaspxlnrenapoltay/wdpmclire&pagerlo46. 27. Tho gmnteongrasloeomPly whir this vppllcnblo requJrolumai of28C,P,R,Pan 28,the Npanmenl ol'Jusltco ' rognallongovonUng"RquaY1Tealmanl orPalUlbasedOrganleastons"(Ihe°LqualTreatmealRegalnilml"),71roRgoal 'Yrcohuvnl Regulation vorldW In pan Ulnl Depadnunt of Josllc0 grant awnnts of direct fundlag may col bovstd to funU any Inherently re�gious aeUv(Ilas,suvb w avatshlp,rellglous iushucden,or proselylitntlofl,ReclPlrnls of dlrul g mlu may still<ngag01 In Inherently«tlgivur aelivllles,but such eetivhlW most bboo sepwaso lu t too or pirco Gam sho 0<PaamC'I of luedce rrmded ppsogsons,and dnhlpall0111n illeh ABUAdo by tudIvIdaols roolvIng ativIca Irons,this grantee or a SubErentea most be volun3ory,Tho l�qun17tealmoni illation also mnkos clear ibol organl:atlons panlelppadnghiprogrmnsdhectlyfondtdbylhvlleppmusial rJuslirearanotpennlutilsodisedminelalashaprovlslon - ofsavlreson,ho boslsofnbeneYclary'a roNglon, Nonvhhslmlding anyoslsrspcolalcmlalllon of Una award,lalUt• braedorgmdzmlonatooy,laaonseCLCUoISIad<es,Soasldtrrollglounsabnslsror<mploymeni, Sto . hUpaAvaa'.oJp.govlaboul/oerlequnffbo,hsm, 28, 'rho tic 1pientnsknolvtedges that pit Poolroom slundcdlhmughcuba6'rods,wbetheratlh"LAD orloadlovels,nnrn eonronu to Ihe grout progrmu requirtmtms as atoned fn❑JA p"rogmm guldonea, 29. Omntto ogress la eawply tvllh lies rcqulrentenis of 28 C.h.h,Put 46 mid ntl O(Rca of Justice Programs Policies and !, procedures rogording tha prottetloss of hamaR reseveh subjcols,laoluding oblalnmenl of Irl don al Rovlesv Rood approvahif approprimo,oud anbJees loromud emtsenl. I 80. Ornntce agrees Io conspl)'svlth all carlldpAlalhy rtqulrenuuts of 42 0.3,C,acclton 8789g aid 28 C,p,R,Pnri 221hn1 !'I ore appllcablo to eolteclloa,use,And rowhaton of data orlafonnadon,Omaha further agees,as a coodlUon of sinus approval,to subudr n Prlvaoy CenlRrnia Ilmt Is In accord tvUh requhmnenla of 28 C,P,R,Pad 22 toil,In pnrUeolor, !, section 22A 11, 7110 reolpleal oilwa to tonsillar suban'ords undtr this)AO mvord to nccardanco svhh all opplleable datuhs,regulatlons. OMUciroalert,callguldotints,Ineludlogllies0VPhiancialOutdo,endtoIncludetheeppp tablecondldousofihis award In any sUbatvvd,Tho rtalppleast h rasponsiblo for overalghl of a sWICIPleni spending ol;d monhorhsg of apvcfRa ontoontes and benollts aibibulnbfe la Inc of JAO rands by aubrtclptenl;,'fho reClpldnt e8stes m wbmll,upau rtglmsl, dosumenlallun or Its polloiosand proctdusas for nwrlodog ofsu ewnidsnndtnbisasvosd. OIP FOR1,140M Is Attachment A, page 7 of 8 I PCPArtment of hsslke 019(oof Jusilco Progenms AWARD E IsurenuofJustleDAsslslmicD C0NTMATI0NSHEET PAGE ) or a Grant PROIfOrJ.•OamRA 101)-D)r0X•D)Ia AiVARDDAIR 011IM013 sracfnecaxoJrraxs ?2, Tho«tlplenl pgrctf dolt Nnds rc<olvtd undo lhlsmvord will aolbo used io snpplanl Slate orlatal Nnds,6ul wall be into to Increase the omounm of such funds Oil woDIJ,ln the nb«nto or pedeml ponds;bo made il"Inble for Lew ??, Aivwd rtciphhis want submit qumtoily is Wiwi Pinmelol Repon(W-426)and annual perfannpnto reports llarough OhiS(hlipsrxgrnnls,oJpP,vsdo),gdv), conslstoin wilh[he Do ped nit ha's msponsibllllles under the OoworatM. ptrfomlmco etd Resuhs AN COPRA),P,L,10)•G2,eppficPnls Who«eelvo funding undor ids solldlDtlon mutt provtde dAlq that measure the results of ihclr work,Tau«faro,gnartmly pedvrmsnce ntalrits«ports must bo aibndllcd throagh DIAL Porfomimce Men vamioni Toot(PMT)Webslte(wir\xbJaptr(ormancclovls,org). Por moro dctolied hlfonnallon on mponbsg olio ol6erJA0 requtremapU,refor to Iho lAO opening regulrenronis webpngo. Polluro to submit squired JAO reports by establlshM deadllnos may result in lho frcozing orgmilk funds and future Iligh Rlak 3-0, Award uclPlcnls Inusl vmlfy Pvhd of CmdncRPOC),pinnucl;J PoimofConlacl(PPOC),and Aulhotized ReprestmAlive contact inrmmallon in OMS,Including telephone nuanbef and evnatl address.Jr any Infomlalloa Is Inromd or Inns changed,R Clint AJJu«menl Notice(CAN)musl bo wbmltird via Iho QinDta Mnnngcmenl System {OMS)to document changer, 06, Thu gmmeongrsos that wllhln120dnysofmvnrdocccphince,each ourrentmwmberofainWouforcomsntIasi<force Nnd<d wlih thtso funds Who la a loth'foreo commander,agenoy ouctalvo,link Cored ofpcer,or olher wit foreo membervf cqulvaitm tank,hall tordpltle roqul«d online(Intsnel•based)last,Porto Irnlnipg,AdJRlonally,pit fulwo lock forte member are«qquircd to complete this lininhlg Ohio during the llroof Ibis nwoN,or onto ovtry four years It umhiplo awvds Include ihls«qulrement,Tlia haining Is praYlJed free Of tbargo oalln4 ihrongll DIA's comer"0"Talk Porno hticgdty anti J,tadeo6lp(tnvssselfll.mg>,'fhls unlningaddresses lost,foreo Om p1vness as weU m other key Issues Inaluding prtvnoy and civil llbenlestdghls'Iask fo«o pedomianco meosu«meal,personnel aetecdon,and Insk tone orerslght and nctouninbilily.\Vhan nlA funding suppose n lmk foreo,a msk terse pnsonnal redo should 6o compiled and mniniolutd,along 5vlds course<omplellon cmtlfleples,6y Iho grwt«clplenh Addll oral Infamtallon Ss hVolleble regawt Ills fqul«d amlulug mtd attess ineihod3 vIp nJA'a tvab alto and the Cantor for Task Force. lntogdty ond ',,ai, 'lop(owiv,eW.org). L, 06, No Mo fonds cony be expendtd on smannittl alrcroR,vnmemmil alwalt systems,or ntdnt rebicles(US,VAS,or UAV)unless the BJA Dlrcciar tortillas dud oxlmoidh,my and exigent cliamslanees exist,making ahem essoot al to the msbRetenre of Publio safely ond good order.AJdlllowlly,myJAO funding approved for this purpose would be aNJcrltooddiaona reporting,which wotdd bo slipulaied by DlA post,awaid, P. WAslrongly encoumgestllO rcelplul wilnlll oomnl(arnorc frequent)JAC success stollen it 1AO.Shancnsa®oJp.WJoJ,gov or vfR Iho online toms of helps:(rtctvivb)n.govkonlacnrs.mpx,lA0 suttess stoles should Include the;name and loenlion of pro8mndp[oJeciJ point Ofeoatntl wlrh photo end e•meill nmovnt of JAC Nnding recalvtd and In wMch fiscal yeas;and is brief summary date lilting the progmn✓proJeel had hs ImpaeL i ?g, Reelplont in ay not expend or thwilown On ads Doll]the imiew of Jasdco A sds 16wo,Offico of JOIN Pregra0la 11 ricolfcd end approved Iho signed Momamndumof URderlanding(MOU)between the Jlspmnlo Jwlsdletlor«and has Issutd p Otant Adjustment Nmhe(OA1ti7 rohwing ihla aptclal coudldon. 39, Retlplenl may not oxpond or dmW'down fonds twill the Dureau of lustito Assismnco,QM)has rceclwil docmitrindan daiAansOaiing ihaRho slate yr local8oveming body ravtow and ppubllo comment r<qulr<m<nls have best mcl anti n Ornol Ad)uslntenl Nolice(OAN)has been approved«tensing Ihlsap<dol condition, OlY F0AbN0IXVl IREV.-0dq Attachment A, page 8 of 8 Dtpadintnl ofJdnllce —••__._�._ �.--.-- .- a .UfficcofhisllcaProgsoun AWARD - ➢urenuofJuskiiAsslslmlce CONTINMTIONSIJEWr PAOB s OP a Grind PRoIeCPNWm¢R 1 -Ii 0).BRAHs AWAROVAU OWN10)) Sp E'(.'Iri L COXOfflOXS 30. 1YIth respect to Ilils ntvasd,fedtml fbuds may not Ua wd to pay cash eampamallou(selary phis bouuras)to Any eniployceofihomvordreclplcnlotnrma.@moxceodsliOxoflhamaxlmumennuslsahrypayaUlatoamombarofdw .. date govniimtV S nI n nalv�en�elm"n n9Lp.dth.nanordans nedntnrnncaAppretmlSyslcU fonhclyw. (Ail nwerdreolplent may oomptnmloinemployeootahighermto,provldtdtheamoum16olicestohhls <ampEnullon llndlollon is pild whh non•fesltrAl ANJs.) Tlds lhultntlon on cOnlpenimtan talcs allowable Undcr Ihis award my bo waived on on htdlvlduel basis of Iha •dlasxilon a!@o O1P Offidol hldlaaled ht ilte prof+Om'nnnouaeemen!URdtr O'hkh Ihb ntvord is made, Pv M OrPFORa14O0Ni(RHV,0s) Attachment 13,Page 1 of 2 FY 2013 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Formula Program Joint Application —Program Narrative City of Kent Project Name: Data Driven Crime Fighting Project Cost: $52,379 Project Description: This project will increase the effectiveness of the Kent Police Department's (KPD) Intelligence Led Policing (ILP). Police departments across the US are experiencing positive results with the use of a strategically located surveillance cameras and coordinated pro-active deployment of police officers,.The KPI) will apply this funding to developing the necessary technology infrastructure to support a Data Driven Crime Fighting Technology unit. Funding will also be used to purchase graffiti removal supplies. The Kent Police Department Public Education Specialist coordinates citywide graffiti removal. Program Need: Crime analysis reflected that clusters of crimes occurred in defined areas of Kent over the past five years. Weekly crime analysis meetings reflected positive results when officers were proactively deployed in hot spots. Crimes, both violent and property are concentrated in primarily two areas of the city. A third area reflected concentrated property and drug activity. This third area is located in an area of the city that was annexed from King County in July 2010. The KPD deploys both special investigative units and patrol officers to address recurring crimes in hotspots. Property crimes, including burglary, thefts and auto thefts are frequently the focus of KPD's data driven crime fighting efforts. Two Washington State cities with comparable populations as Kent reflect considerably higher per 1,000 property crime rates. These are Everett and Vancouver, both property rates per 1,000 were at 6A in 2012. While Kent's property crime rate per 1,000 is fairly steady from 2010.2012, it is considerably less at 4.8 in 2010 and 5.0 in 2012, This could be attributed to the KPD's Lntelligence led policing. Having surveillance cameras in the hot spot areas of the city would keep our community safer by not only having recorded images of crhve that has occurred in the city, but will also decrease the erhne in those areas by the public knowing that we have cameras in the area that are recording, Tukwila and Federal Way officers regularly share how the cameras have provided great video evidence for crimes that have occurred and gives the officers a real time view of areas of their city all at once from their laptops or computers. The use of this video evidence helps solve crimes and leads to successful criminal prosecutions. Program Activities for 4-Year Grant Period: After reviewing crime statistics for the last year the IUD command staff determined that the best use of the 2013 JAG grant would be for the purchase of a basic surveillance system that could be used in the hot spot areas of town. This system would encompass a dedicated computer server, a Attaclunent B, Page 2 of 2 dedicated computer, and cameras that would be fixed onto light poles. The initial cost of selling up a surveillance system is high since you have to bury the infrastructure to run it. After the initial purchase,the cost would be just for the system maintenance and cameras and their installation. Tlus program will begin by purchasing the technology infrastructure to take the KPD ILP to the next level. The KPD interviewed local law enforcement agencies and the Kent city traffic engineering department regarding their surveillance camera systems, KPD will use the information gained through these interviews to select the most relevant vendor for the KPD Crime Fighting"technology unit, This finding will allow KPD to utilize surveillance cameras in two hot spots at any one time, The base network and the server will support many more cameras for future hot spots. The only cost in the future would be for system maintenance and the cameras and their installation. The city has an ongoing need to fiord these supplies. The supplies are distributed to police vehicles, community organizations and neighborhood associations conducting city cleanup activities and for the City of Kent Corrections Facility Work Crew graffiti removal activities. Anticipated Coordination Efforts Involving JAG and Related Justice Funds: The funding from this grant will be supplemented by city funding for the police officers and detectives use of the technology equipment supported by this grant. Other justice fiords will be pursued in the future to expand this technology unit. A KPD Detective works on the South King County Preventing Auto Theft through Regional Interagency Links Task Force. This detective recently attended surveillance technology training in preparation of the KPD Crime Fighting Technology writ, The training and the task force are supported through Washington State grant finding. Supplemental graffiti supplies may be obtained through in-kind donations from Kent businesses and foundation funding applications. Project Objectives: Implement a camera surveillance system to deploy using data driven strategies. This base system will improve crime Investigations and decrease crimes in specified hot spots where it is deployed based on crime analysis, Equip patrol vehicles, support community cleanup efforts and equip CKCF work crew with graffiti cleanup supplies on a regular basis. This will ensure that KPD can respond and remove graffiti quickly. Studies have reflected that graffiti activity decreases when it is addressed and removed promptly. JAG Project Identifiers: Equipment--Video/Audio Recording Crime Prevention Graffiti - removal and monitoring Attachment C JAG Budget Worksheet, Page 1 of 3 Consultants/Contract s CITY Or AUBURN: OT Rate N of Hours Teen Late Night Program Officer Overtime, $88 17 S1,496 Citizen's Police Academy Officer Overtime: $88 58 $5,104 Fireworks Emphasis Patrols Officer Overtime, $88 221 $19 441 Aubmv Total: _ $26,041 CITY OF BELLEVUE: Purpose Location Item Computation Cost Narcotics Training TBD Airfare 7 x$750 $5,250 Narcotics Training TBD Registration 7 x$450 $3,150 Narcotics Training TBD Hotel 7 x$475 $3,325 7x3x Narcotics Training TBD Per Diem $109 $2,289 7x Narcotics Training TBD MiseTrans $62.28 $436 Bellevue Total: $14,450 CITY OF BURIEM Purpose Location Item Computation Cost Forensic Computer Examiner Training Registration $1,500 x I officer $1,600 Travel/Per Diem $1,600 Other Training $10,430 Item Computation Cost_ __ __ SSHD,Seagate, ITB $170 4 Port USB Switch $185 Hub Card Reader $60 CPU Speaker system $40 HD Docking Station $60 Baby Hub and Host kit $75 External HD,500 Gb $70 each x2 $140 External HD, I Tb $90 each x2 $180 Headphones $50 ASUS Monitor $170 SATA SSD HD,360 Gb $330 Forensic Card Reader,DI Uhrablock $100 Apple 30-pin to USB cable $30 Lightening to USB cable $30 8 port I Gb switch $55 Flash Drive,64 Gb $35 each x5 $175 Flash Drive,32 Gb $25 each x5 $125 Flash Drive, 16 Gb $15 each x5 $75 Simunitions Armorer Kit $165 Simunitions Pistol $580 each x2 $[,160 IPOK kits $95 each x15 $1,425 Attachment C JAG Budget Worksheet, Page 2 of 3 Carriers for IPOK kits $40 each xIs $600 Misc.Related Equipment $725 Simunitions Ammunition I ease $700 'BurlenTotal: $20455 FEDERAL WAY: Item Computation Cost Ballistic Blanket 4 Each 4 x 2500 $10,000 Pole Camera I F.ach 6,430.00 $6,430 Taxer 7 Each 7 x 981 $6,867 Smart Board I Each 6,220.65 $6,221 Verizon Wireless 42/Mo 36 months $1,512 Federal Way Total: $31,030 CITY OF KENT: Item Confutation Cost Server $14,235/ea.X I serve' $14,235 $3,835/ea.X I Computer computer $3,835 Computer monitors $1,205/ea, X 4 monitors $4,820 Mise.Pitts,components, license $5,475 $5,475 Day/night cameras $4,375/ea.X 5 cameras $21,875 Graffiti removal kits $534.75/ea.X 4 kits $2,139 Kent Total: $52,379 KING COUNTY: Iten Computation Cost YMCA -Alive&Free Outreach Network(WPP) vendor estimate $111,000 Washington Dads(JJ lot Service Provider) vendor estimate $40,835 Evaluation Consultant(JJ 101) vendor estimate $15,000 ResearohlEvaluatlon Consultant(DRAI Evaluation) vendor esthuate $25000 King County Total: $1.Z' CITY OF RENTON: Purpose Computation Cost Location and number of employees Domestic Violence Trahiing Conference TBD $1,800 Ce11cBrito Training 2 @$1800,00 ea. $3,600 CO13AN Car Cameas/D1CVS 2units r@i$5,500.00ca. $I1,000 Office suppplies for Doutostio Violence program(pamphlets,brochures,educational materials,other items needed) $100 per mouth X 20 months $2,000 Relocation Hotel rooms and moving travel Varied based on victim expenses expenses needs $4,879 $250.00 month for 24 Visa Cards for victim expenses(food/gas/clothes/phone) months $6,000 Renton Total: $29279 i i I Attachment C JAG Budget Worksheet, Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SEATAC: Item Computation Cost Overtime(Active Shooter Training) $100 per hour X 93 hours $9,300 AED-Automated External Defibrillators 3 x 972(including tax and shipping) $2,916 Miscellaneous paining supplies $243 SeaTac Total: $12 459 CITY OF TUKWILA: Items Computation Cost Hour Guard Uniforms 4 uniforms at$1625/each $6,500 Refreshments for approximately 25 Refreshments for Citizen's Academy attendees attendees• $354 Presentation/training materials for Citizen's Academy $1,500 Citizens Academy Subject Matter Expert(s) 1 SME at$500/each $500 Fi earns Trailer One Trailer at$8000/each $8,000 Tukwiln Total: _ $16,854 I REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE �T Please fill in All Applicable Boxes Nn Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator: Sara Wood Phone (Originator): ext. 5856 Date Sent: Aril 15, 2014 Date Required: April 25, 2014 Return Signed Document to: Sara Wood CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: N/A VENDOR NAME:'; DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: .5•: 4 Brief Explanation of Document: Attached are two copies of the same Interagency Agreement with the City of Seattle/Police Department so that we may receive $52,379 for FY 2013 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) grant funding. This is a formula grant. The City of Seattle manages the overall funding from the Department of Justice and processes expenditures and files reports. ` Please sign both copies and send them back to Sara/Police who will then send the two signed original copies to Seattle for final signature. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (Ths tocnpleted by the Law Department) Received: i f � 3 Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments 1 f a t l Date Forwarded to Mayor: 01,1V of Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: RECEIVED Recommendations and Comments: MAY 2 32014 , Ea l Dispositionc' �C f CITY CLLRK Date Returned: