HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW13-081 - Amendment - #1 - WA State Dept of Ecology - James St Stormwater Outfall Retrofit - 05/01/2012 Records M eme KENO Document WASHINOTON CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be Y completed b the Contract Manager prior to submission p to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. r Vendor Name: Department of Ecology, State of Washington Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: '� 1' r� ar_�t This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Amendment No 1 to Grant Aqrmnt No. G1200585 James St Stormwater Outfall Retrofit. Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ® Other: Grant Agreement Contract Effective Date: 5/1/2012 Termination Date: 6/30/2015 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): N/A yI Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Kelly Casteel Department: Public Works Design Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Retrofit improvements to James Street outfall to mitigate existing stormwater and water quality Issues. Federal ID# 91-6001254 S Public\Records Management\Farms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 i STAIy. I � 4 I 5 t ti J n: L au�ea;,e STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PO Box 47600 ® Olympia, WA 96504-7600 m 360-407-6000 711 for Washington Relay Service - Persons with a .speech disability can call&77-1133-6341 April 28, 2014 Kelly Casteel City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 Re: City of Kent Statewide Stormwater Grant-Proviso Local Toxics Control Account Grant No. G1200585 FY 12 Funding Cycle Dear Ms. Casteel: Enclosed is a signed copy of the above-referenced amendment between the Department of Ecology and the City of Kent for the James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit Project. If you should have any questions, please call me at (360) 407-6564. Sincerely, Tracy Farrell Financial Manager Water Quality Program Enclosures r i DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY State of Washington AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT NO. G1200585 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND THE CITY OF KENT PURPOSE: To amend the above-referenced grant agreement between the Department of Ecology[DEPARTMENT] and the City of Kent [RECIPIENT] for the James Sheet Storrawater Outfall Project. This amendment is needed to establish a new expiration date of the grant agreement in order to allow the RECIPIENT sufficient time to allow for delays resulting from delays in the design process and also add new language to the existing General Terms and Conditions. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the grant agreement is amended as follows: The grant expiration date is extended from March 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015. ATTACHMENT II: General Terms and Conditions Pertaining to Grant and Loan Agreements of the Department of Ecology 1. This will be added: W. FUNDING AVAILABILITY The DEPARTMENT's ability to make payments is contingent on availability of funding. In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date and prior to completion or expiration date of this agreement, the DEPARTMENT, at its sole discretion, may elect to terminate the agreement, in whole or part, or to renegotiate the agreement subject to new funding limitations and conditions. The DEPARTMENT may also elect to suspend performance of the agreement until the DEPARTMENT determines the funding insufficiency is resolved. The DEPARTMENT may exercise any of these options with no notification restrictions. FURTHER, this amendment shall be effective on May 1, 2012. i I f The City of Kent-G1200585 James Street Stonnwater Outfall Project Page 2 . Except as expressly provided by this amendment, all other terms and conditions of the original grant agreement and all amendments remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: the parties have signed this amendment. STATE OF WASHINGTON THE CITY OF.KENT DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY D N ALD A. SEEBER E DATE 1JS eE' f OOKE / DA TE WATER QUALITY i ACTING PROGRAM MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL (Revised 05105109) a Part 1 FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program Application DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY For Ecology Use Only State of Washington Application cation No. Place the cursor in the gray box at question 1, fill in the answer, and then use the F11 function key to navigate through the remaining questions in the application. 1. PROJECT TITLE: (Please keep the project title to five words or less) James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit 2. APPLICANT NAME: (Eligible public body) City of Kent E APPLICANT FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Federal ID No : 91-6001254 4. APPLICANT SIGNATORY: (The person whose name is listed here must sign Part 1 -Box 14 of this application) Name: Timothy J.LaPorte,P.E. Title: Public Works Director Telephone Number: 253-856-5500 E-Mail Address: Fax Number. 253-856-6500 TLaPorte@kentwa.gov Mailing Address Agency: City of Kent Address: 220 Fourth Ave S City: Kent State WA Zip Code. 98032-5895 5. APPLICANT PROJECT MANAGER: (The person whose name is listed is the main contact for the project) Name: Alex Murillo, P.E. Title: Environmental Engineering Telephone Number: 253-856-5528 E-Mail Address: Supervisor Fax Number: 253-856-6500 AMurillo@kentwa gov Mailing Address Agency: City of Kent Address: 200 Fourth Ave. S. City: Kent State: WA Zip Code: 98032-5895 To ask about the availability of this document in a format for the visually impaired, call the Water Quality Program at 360- 407-6502 Persons with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability can call 877-833-6341. 1 ECY 070-428 (09/11) Application Page 1 1 Part 1 FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program Application 6. PROJECT INFORMATION: What is the population served by the Project? 118,000 What is the population served by the System? 118,000 Is a map of the PROJECT location included with the application? ®Yes ❑No Note. The map should identify the primary location of the PROJECT and show its relationship to affected water bodies Also include the location of other projects funded by Ecology that are adjacent to this PROJECT Is the PROJECT located in the Puget Sound basin(WRIA 1-19)? ®Yes ❑No Is the PROJECT located in a basin with salmonid stocks listed as threatened ®Yes ❑No or endangered in accordance with the Endangered Species Act? h"//www nwr noaa gov/ESA-Salmon-Listings/Index cfm Is the PROJECT statewide? ❑Yes ®No If NO,list below all of the county(ies),Water Resource Inventory Aiea designation(s)(WRIA),Legislative district(s),and Congressional district(s)where at least five percent of the PROJECT will be accomplished. Note: You must select a pnmary location and then provide additional location information as applicable All separate designations(County,Legislative District, Congressional District, and WRIA)must equal 100 percent(list from greatest to least percentage, and please break any ties by at least one percentage point) Lunityour separate Legislative Districts and Congressional Districts to those that cover greater than five percent of the project area County(ies) for the Project: WRIA(s)for the PROJECT: 12-Digit IIUC Code for the PROJECT: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/apps/watershe http://vievver.nationalmap.2ov/viewer/ ds/wria a es/index.litml nhd.html?p=nhd Name Percent Water Resource Inventory Area Percent Hydrologic Unit Code Percent King 100 WRIA 9 100 171100130305 100 Total 100 Total 1100 Total 100 Latitude/Longitude for the PROJECT: Provide coordinates in Decimal Degrees(e g,45 3530/-120 4510)of PROJECT location The PROJECT Congressional District(s)for the Legislative District(s)for the location is the approximate center of PROJECT: PROJECT: where you will be working Facilities http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/ http://apps.leg.wa.$Zov/DistrietFinder/ projects should report the outfall location default.aspx?city=&street=&zip= default.aspx?city=&street=&zip= or center of the land application site Latitude/Longitude coordinates can be located at http/iitouchmap com/latlong.html Number Percent Name Percent Project Lat Long Location 09 100 33 100 James St. 47.38664 -122.22856 Total 100 Total 100 i ECY 070-428(09111) Application Page 2 e Part 1 FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program Application 7. WATER BODY AND WATER QUALITY NEEDS ADDRESSED BY THE PROJECT: Is the affected water body listed on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d)List as impaired? Yes❑ No http•//apps ecy wa gov/wqawalviewer.htm If yes,what is the 303(d)-listing parameter(s)and associated identification number(s)? Does the PROJECT cover a priority area addressed in the Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda? Yes® No❑ The Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda can be found at http://www psp wa.gov/aa action agenda phn If yes,provide the name of priority area South Central Puget Sound Action Area Check all type(s) of water bodies that this PROJECT targets: ® Freshwater rivers ❑ Direct marine water ❑ Freshwater lakes ❑ Saltwater estuary ® Freshwater wetlands ❑ Other(specify) ® Ground water Check all boxes that apply for this PROJECT: ❑ Endangered salmonids ❑ Threatened salmonids ❑ Other Endangered Species Act protected species(identify) ❑ Protection of shellfish habitat http•//www doh wa og v/ehp/sf/Pubs/annual-inventory.pdf ❑ Protection of domestic water supply http•//www.doh.wa. og v/ehp/dw/sentry.htm ❑ TMDL requirements http•//www.cey.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdl/index html ® NPDES requirements -Operations &Maintenance-Phase 11 Permit Section S5 C 5 ® Other(specify) Coho 8. PROJECT DURATION: Estimated Start Date: 6/2012 Estimated Completion Date: 10/2012 PROJECT Length 5 months Note Projects funded by the FY2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program must be completed by June 30, 2015. The project type and scope of work wdl determine the project duration during funding agreement negotiations Most projects take three years or less to complete 9. PROJECT TYPE: ® 1. Retrofit an existing stormwater facility. ❑ 2. Install accepted Low-Impact Development(LID)techniques ❑ 3. Retrofit project with LID components. ❑ 4. New or retrofit construction of Vactor Waste Facility. ❑ 5. Installation of pre-treatment/oil control facilities upstream of existing drywells ❑ 6. Stormwater quality treatment and flow control to reduce stormwater flows to combined sewers. ❑ 7. Installation of TAPE-approved General Use Level Designation treatment technologies. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 3 Part 1 FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program Application ® 8. Other,please provide description. Retrofit improvements to James Street outfall to mitigate existing stormwater and water quality issues. 10. PLANNING AND DESIGN STATUS Is this project ready to construct? Yes ❑ No If yes, are designs 100%complete and included with the application packet? Yes ❑ No Is this is a design/construct project? Yes ® No ❑ If yes,what percentage are the designs complete? 30 percent complete designs (enter the percent complete above) 11. FUNDING REQUEST: (Provide the amount of funding requested to complete your project) Check for consistency with costs provided in Part 2, Question 2. Project Amount &Terms: Total PROJECT Cost $100.000 This amount represents the full cost of the PROJECT(including non-stormwater components). Eligible PROJECT Cost $100,000 This amount represents the stormwater-related portion of the project costs that are grant eligible. Contact Ecology staff with any eligibility questions. Ecology Funding Request $75,000 This amount represents the portion that Ecology may fund(75 percent of Eligible Project Costs up to the$1,000,000 grant ceiling). Refer to the funding program guidelines at. htto•//www ecy wa gov/proesams/wq/fundmg! undingProprams/OtherFundinaPro¢rams/StWa12a/FY12 aStWa html Other Funds in PROJECT Identify secured source(s)of funds: $ State/Federal agency $ State/Federal agency $ State/Federal agency $25,000 Local Agency Drainage Utility funds $ Interlocal contribution ECY 070-428 (09111) Application Page 4 Part 1 FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program Application 12. BRIEF NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : (50 words or less) (Please use complete sentences,this description will appear in the published funding list). This project will retrofit the existing James Street outfall by adding a new, large water quality vault to retain sediment from stonnwater runoff from James Street, a major east-west arterial, improving water quality and preventing the sediment from being discharged to Mill Creek, a class 2 salmonid stream. 13. APPLICATION CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND THAT I AM THE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY OR DESIGNEE FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF THIS INFORMATION ON BEHALF OF THE APPLICANT. Timothy J. LaPorte,P E. Printed Name Signature Public Works Director Title Date THIS CONCLUDES PART 1 ECY 070-428(09111) Application Page 5 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program This is the rated portion of the application with a total of 1,000 possible points. Each question identifies the proportion of available points Applicants shouldprovide clear and concise information and answers. The Application Scoring Guidance provides information on what reviewers will look for in a successful application Pre submittal checklist: ® Project Analysis Form—included at the end of the application Part 2, (required for project evaluation and review). ® Parts 1 and 2 of the application are complete. Supporting materials such as maps,MOAs,or specific documentation is included with the application packet ® The Funding Request(Part 1-Question 11)matches the Budget(Part 2-Question 2). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Summarize the overall stormwater project,the associated stormwater problem, and how this project will address or solve the problem. (Limit your answer to 250 words or less.) James Street is four lanes and one of four major east-west arterials connecting residents,and businesses east of downtown Kent to I-5, SR 181, SR 167,and Sound Transit commuter rail station and King County Metro bus transfer station. James Street is very steep,with a 17 percent grade. Due to its steep grade and the fact it is a major commuter route,James Street is a Priority Level I for sanding during the winter months. At the base of the hill,two catch basins connect to a manhole to collect stormwater which then outlets directly into Mill Creek. The project would reduce potential impacts to Mill Creek by providing a larger structure to catch sediment,while protecting public safety and maximizing efficiency of city crews. The manhole structure is monitored after storms to identify when maintenance is needed to ensure sand and sediment does not enter directly into Mill Creek,a class 2 salmonid stream and a tributary to the Green River which has endangered species ni it The sediment can be detrimental to the survival offish and to the overall water quality of the stream system. This project will consist of constructing and installing a large vault to increase sediment storage that will be vactored out to prevent sediment from entering Mill Creek,protecting water €' quality. This project is adjacent to a future project to relocate 1,000 linear feet of Mill Creek through an adjacent 17- acre wetland complex that will both be restored and enhanced. i 1. SCOPE OF WORK Scoring Guide Total 250 Points Complete and concise project description. Provides clear detailed description of project tasks, deliverables, Up to 250 pts. timelines, and purpose. Information on the project was provided in the Project Analysis Form. Reviewers award points for a clear, complete, and well thought-out scope that directly addresses a stormwater problem. The scope demonstrates an understanding of the work required to fully implement and complete the project. In order to be considered for funding, all applicants must fill in answers on the Project Analysis Form, located at the end of this application. Using the task and required performance framework provided below: ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 6 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program Provide a detailed scope of work for the project that includes clearly defined tasks, deliverables,timelmes, and cost per task. • The detailed Scope of Work and the Project Analysis Form are the only places where you can describe Your proposed project so Ecology reviewers can understand what you plan to do. In order to receive the most points you need to describe the project fully so that Ecology can understand the proposed construction activities and compare this application with others. • Describe the project area and provide supporting map(s) and any relevant diagrams and/or pictures. • Reference the stormwater manual used for the project design. Task 1—Project Administration and Management A. The RECIPIENT will administer and manage the project. Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to: maintenance of project records, submittal of payment vouchers, fiscal forms, and progress reports; compliance with applicable procurement and mterlocal agreement requirements, attainment of all required permits, licenses, easements, or property rights necessary for the project; conducting, coordinating, and scheduling of all project activities; quality control; and submittal of required performance items. The RECIPIENT will ensure that every effort is made to maintain effective communication with the RECIPIENT's designees, the DEPARTMENT, all affected local, state, or federal jurisdictions, and any interested individuals or groups. The RECIPIENT will carry out this project in accordance with completion dates outlined in this Agreement. B. The RECIPIENT shall submit all invoice requests and supportive documentation to the Financial Manager of the DEPARTMENT. Required Performance: 1. Effective administration and management of this grant project. 2. Submittal of 100% design documents, Geotechnical Analysis, Structural Design, any applicable permits, SEPA and Cultural Resources Review prior to start of construction. 3. Maintenance of all project records. 4. Submittal of all required performance items, including the Post Project Assessment Plan, progress reports, financial vouchers, and maintenance of all project records. Total Task Cost: $ 9,000 Task 2: Fabrication and Installation of Water Quality Vault and Pipes A. The RECIPIENT will fabricate and install a vault and pipes according to design plans and specification for the project. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 7 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program Refired Performance: 1. A vault and pipes will be fabricated according to details and specs. 2. Traffic control. 3. Implement Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 4. Project site will be excavated. 5. Vault and pipes will be installed. Total Task Cost: $ 60,500 Task 3• Asphalt Surface Restoration and Other Construction Expenses A. The RECIPIENT will restore construction site to complete project and re-open to vehicular traffic. Required Performance: 1. Final stabilization of disturbed area, as necessary 2. Apply asphalt to construction site to restore surface. 3. Traffic Control. 4. Restore site to re-open for traffic. Total Task Cost: $30,500 ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 8 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program 2. PROPOSED BUDGET (up to 100 points) Scoring Guide Total 100 Points Complete project budget is consistent with the scope of Up to 20 pts. work. The cost estimates are clear and reasonable Up to 30 pts. The project budget represents a good value for the work and water quality benefit achieved. A value analysis or Up to 50 pts. similar study was performed. Budget: Points are awarded for a complete,reasonable budget that is consistent with the tasks described in the scope of work. Please fill out the Budget by Task and by Object. • Clearly define the Task- or Object-oriented budget. TOTAL Eligible Cost by Task Elements Proposed Project Budget and Time Frame Task elements Total Project Total Eligible Estimated months Cost Cost needed to complete 1. Project administration/management $ 9,000 $ 9,000 5 2. Fabrication& Installation of Vault, Pipes $ 60,500 $ 60,500 3 3. Asphalt Surface Restoration and Other $ 30,500 $ 30,500 2 Total costs and months needed to $100,000 $100,000 5 complete: TOTAL Eligible Cost by Budget Object Salaries: $ 6,000 120 hours @ $50/hr Benefits: $ 3,000 120 hours @ $25/hr Indirect costs: $ Contracts: $ 60,500 Contract for services, includes vault construction,pipes and installation r Materials, goods, and 1 services (list major item): $ Equipment (list major items): $ f $ Travel: $ Other (please outline): $ 30,500 Stabilization of disturbed area, asphalt surface restoration Total Eligible Cost: $100,000 Funding Request 75% : $ 75,000 ECY 070-428(09111) Application Page 9 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program Match Source List other funding sources and amounts,including local cash matching funds. In-kind contributions are not eligible. Funding Source: City of Kent $ 25,000 Funding Source: $ Funding Source: $ Describe the status of matching funds: cash match available in 2012 Cost Estimate Process- Reviewers award points to cost-effective projects with accurate cost estimates. For example, an applicant may determine cost effectiveness and estimate accuracy based on experience with past or on-going projects,through consultation with other entities that have related experience, or through a planning process such as value analysis. • Describe how costs were estimated. Include the steps taken to ensure accuracy. • Describe the process used to control cost and ensure that this is a cost effective project(e.g.,value engineering or cost benefit analysis). • Identify the Match sources. Cost estimate was based on years of experience in design and construction of similar projects with similar tasks. During preparation of tasks and associated costs, careful review of past projects and expenditures were used in determining the proposed details and costs for this project. Costs will be controlled by closely reviewing and evaluating all expenditures to ensure they are in line with budget. The City of Kent has qualified staff that completed preliminary project design and will complete final design and SEPA which helps reduce the total overall project cost. City staff will oversee project construction to ensure timelines are met and costs aie within budget. The match for this project will come from the City of Kent Drainage Utility fund. EI VERITY OF PROBLEM, STORMWATER QUALITY, AND HYDROLOGIC MPROVEMENTS Scoring Guide Total 300 Points Severity of the stormwater problem is well documented. Up to 100 pts. Project will achieve substantial water quality or Up to 100 pts. hydrologic benefits. The project provides treatment for a large portion of the watershed, or addresses a significant amount of the Stormwater problem. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 10 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program The project provides long term sustainability of water quality benefits (e.g., Operation and maintenance of the Up to 100 pts. system, long-term program follow-up, watershed management). Reviewers award points for addressing severe stormwater problems, documentation of those problems, and expected protection of water quality and improvements to hydrologic function. Projects with substantial environmental improvements receive the most points. Projects with measurable improvements receive more points than those with unclear or vague benefits. Reviewers will consider the actual benefit,the total impact(area impacted, number of people affected) and level of implementation, and the severity of the problem. Reviewers will consider only changes that can be achieved by the proposed scope of work. • Define the severity of the stormwater problem. If available, show how the problem has been documented in a plan or assessment (e.g., TMDL Water Quality Improvement Report or Water Quality Implementation Plan, presence of 303(d)-Listed water bodies,part of watershed or salmon recovery plan). • Describe the expected project results, including how the project will achieve water quality protection or improvements and restore hydrologic functions • Describe how much of the watershed will be treated, and how much of the stormwater problem will be addressed by the project. • Describe how the water quality or hydrologic improvements will be sustained for the long-term. As appropriate, include information on how long-term operation and maintenance of the facility will be addressed. • If in the Puget Sound basin(WRIAs 1-19), describe how the project meets the goals of the Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda, and how well it aligns with Section C of the Agenda The Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda can be found at: http•//www psp.wa.gov/aa action a enda.php James Street is a major east-west arterial which receives priority sanding during winter storm events. With a grade of 17%, stormwater runoff carries sand and sediments rapidly down the hill into catch basins which connect to a manhole,which then outlets to Mill Creek, a salmonid stream This is a priority site for city crews to vactor out as soon possible following a winter storm event to ensure sand and sediment does not enter into Mill Creek as the manhole structure rapidly fills with sand during these storm events. This project, identified as a problem area in the City of Kent Drainage Master Plan, will install a larger water quality vault to increase sediment storage, preventing accidental discharge of sediments entering Mill Creek. A larger storage vault will maximize city crews and culvert cleaning and protect public safety with less road closures to maintain the system. Mill Creek is located in the Lower Mill Creek Basin which is approximately 3,129 acres. From upstream of the James Street outlet structure, Mill Creek flows 5.5 miles through the Kent valley and is a tributary to the Green River which has endangered species. Preventing sand and sediments from entering Mill Creek 1 contributes to the overall health of the stream and the watershed. The vault and associated infrastructure will be inspected and maintained by city crews as per the Phase 11 NPDES Municipal Permit requirements. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 11 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program The project meets the following goals of the Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda: A: Protect intact ecosystem processes, structures,and functions • Protect and conserve freshwater resources to increase and sustain water availability for instream and human uses: o Implement and update streamflow protection and enhancement programs C: Reduce the sources of water pollution • Use a comprehensive, integrated approach to managing urban stormwater runoff to reduce stormwater volumes and pollutant loadings. o Implement the municipal stormwater NPDES Phase I and 1I permits so discharges from municipal stormwater systems are reduced. Achieve overall water quality standards o Prioritize and implement stormwater retrofits in urbanized areas, including roads Develop high- level prioritization criteria for the selection of new projects. Link retrofit priorities to coordinated watershed restoration and pollution prevention strategies. o Work to stop pollution before it reaches Kent's streams and municipal storm sewer system. D. Work effectively and efficiently together on priority actions • Coordinated long-term strategy: o Integrate and coordinate implementation of existing sound wide and local plans and programs to improve efficiency and effectiveness in addressing Action Agenda priorities. * local watershed-based salmon recovery plans,water quality plans, comprehensive plans o Improve coordination and collaboration of watershed and marine groups to improve implementation efficiency and effectiveness, synthesize existing recommendations. E. Build an implementation,monitoring, and accountability management system Build and use a performance management system to improve accountability for ecosystem outcomes, on-the-ground results, and implementation of actions: o Implementation of performance management system to make sure the most beneficial actions are being taken to protect and restore the ecosystem to9 achieve the desired goals. 4. PROJECT TEAM Scoring Guide Total 50 Points Team members' roles and responsibilities are well defined and an estimated percentage of time each team member Up to 30 pts. will devote to this project is adequate for the scope of work. Team members' past experience is relevant. Up to 20 pts. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 12 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program Reviewers will award points based on skills, qualifications, and experience of the project team members. • Describe roles and responsibilities of each team member. As applicable,include contractors and partner agency roles. Include the estimated amount of time each team member will devote to the project. (e.g., what percentage of each team member's work week will be devoted to this particular project?) • Describe the relevant skills and qualifications of each team member(do NOT submit resumes). • Discuss your commitment to maintain staff competencies and responsibilities over the life of the project. Mike Mactutis, P.E.,Environmental Engineering Manager Mike has 19 years of experience in Civil and Environmental engineering and has been the Environmental Engineering Manager for the City of Kent for six years. The projects and programs that his group is responsible for range from habitat restoration to flood protection to water quality to solid waste recycling and disposal. The City has made significant improvement in its environmental quality while Mike has been the manager,with advances made in how the City meets and exceeds NPDES Municipal Permit standards on the installation and function of public and private stormwater facilities. Mike has experience in designing and managing environmental projects as well as managing the needed resources to ensure they continue to be successfiil after they are constructed. Mike will spend about 2% of his time managing the team working on this project and provide leadership and input throughout the design and construction process. Alex Murillo,P.E.,Environmental Engineering Supervisor Alex is a registered Professional Engineer with over 15 years of combined experience in general civil and environmental engineering and is currently the City of Kent's Environmental Engineering Supervisor. In his professional career he has been involved in a variety of water quality and storm drainage projects both at the project engineer level and as a supervisor. Some of the projects include design of roadway drainage systems and sizing of conventional stormwater facilities for stormwater mitigation, drainage review of stormwater detention and treatment requirements for residential and commercial developments, and preparation of a citywide drainage master plan document which identified a ten-year list of project improvements to address flood protection and stormwater quality treatment needs throughout the city. Most recently, Alex was an engineer of record for a$5.2 Million project improvement in the Kent Valley which included installation of 3200 lineal feet of six-foot diameter pipe to divert roughly 260 acres of watershed area from a known flood prone area The project was recently completed in 2011 and will reduce roadway flooding and water quality impacts to Mill Creek. Alex will spend about 5%of his time supervising project staff on the James Street Outfall Improvements project. Chris Wadsworth, Environmental Engineering Technician Chris has 10 years of engineering and design experience. At the City of Kent, Chris supports team members on a variety of projects by developing CAD models, preparing design and construction documents,performing engineering calculations, and formulating cost estimates. Chris has worked on a variety of projects including floodplain wetlands, stormwater ponds, stormwater channels, and utility developments. Chris completed the conceptual design and will turn it into a set of design and construction documents,which he will then follow through the construction process. 15% of his time will be spent on project management and technical support. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 13 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program 5. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS AND LOCAL COMMITMENT Scoring Guide Total 50 Points A comprehensive decision making process was used to Up to 30 pts. arrive at the proposed project. The level of local support and commitments from project Up to 10 pts. partners is documented. A collaborative process will be implemented to execute Up to 10 pts. the project. Reviewers award points based on project development and implementation efforts and commitments from project partners. Provide documentation as appropriate (e.g. MCA, interlocal agreement). • Describe the decision making process used to select this project. Why was this project chosen as the best solution over other projects? • If applying for multiple projects in the same area or if this project is part of a larger phased project, describe how the projects or phases are different and explain the water quality priorities for the area. • Describe how you have involved and fostered local,regional, and statewide partnerships for the success of the project. n/a • Describe past project performance,water quality outcomes,and how you will sustain long-term water quality efforts for this project. • Describe past project successes, including outcomes achieved, and performance. The city determined this is a priority project as a result of the recently found direct impacts to the adjacent stream, resulting from winter sanding of James Street and the potential for sediments/sand being deposited directly into Mill Creek from stormwater runoff of large winter stone events. Additional projects near this location; the Mill Creek at James Stream Restoration project(downstream), the Mill Creek Restoration—Smith Street to James Street and Mill Creek Trunk Storm Drain Restoration— Titus Street to Smith Street(upstream) will greatly improve the water quality of the Lower Mill Creek Drainage Basin. These three projects will include widening and enhancing the stream channel,relocating 2,100 feet of channel directly downstream from this project through a restored and enhanced wetland, increasing channel capacity and improving overall water quality by filtering out pollutants and settling and depositing of sediments within the wetland substrate. The project aligns with previously established pollution prevention goals vetted by the NPDES Permit development process. Operation and maintenance of the project is according with the Phase II permit. The City of Kent has completed design and construction of similar projects related to improving water quality. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 14 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program They include: Green River Natural Resources Area (GRNRA)—A 304-acre combined stormwater detention and enhanced wetland facility that provides a rich diversity of wildlife habitat. The site is one of the largest man-made, multi-use wildlife refuges in the United States. Mill Creek flows from a diversion channel into the enhanced wetland from the east and exits at the north end of the site. The GRNRA was configured to protect high-quality habitat at the site while substantially improving water quality in the lower reaches of Mill Creek. Stormwater runoff entering the site passes through an extensive treatment system, including two pre-settling ponds and a 20-acre constructed wetland, reducing sediment loads and urban pollutants from upstream. Water then enters the main lagoon for additional treatment prior to draining back into Mill Creek at the north end of the site. Provisions have been made to supplement flows during the critical low- flow periods in summer using three groundwater extraction wells. This augmentation helps improve oxygen levels and temperature conditions in lower Mill Creek. Planning for the project began in 1979. The city funded the majority of construction which began in 1996 and was completed on time in 1997. The city added a five-acre native plant nursery, completed in 1999 These native plants are planted throughout this site and in city-wide natural areas. The city has maintained and managed the site since 1996. This project was awarded the 1998 American Public Works Association Project of the Year. The GRNRA is located approximately 2 miles downstream from the Mill Creek @ James Stream Restoration project. Value engineering was a constant during the design of this project, reducing the estimated cost of the project by about 30 percent, from$14 million to $10 million. Lake Meridian Outlet Channel—A three phase project which includes creation of new stream channel for fish habitat, connecting easterly from the outlet from Lake Meridian to Big Soos Creek. The new channel has large woody debris and extensive native plantings. Phase 2 was completed in 2011. The final phase, to be completed in 2012, will include enhancement of three acres of wetlands to improve water quality and provide flood protection. Total project cost: $3 million to be cost shared with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Upper Johnson Creek Restoration—A two phase project which relocated a portion of Upper Johnson Creek, adding approximately 870 feet of new stream channel lined with coir logs,habitat logs, logjams, and streambed boulders to provide habitat.Habitat enhancements to the existing wetland on site included logs with rootwads, brush piles,removal of invasive vegetation and planting of native vegetation. The project improves water quality, benefits fish and wildlife habitat, and provides improvements for flood protection and Stormwater conveyance. The project was completed on time. Total project cost: $500,000. Leber Homestead—Mill Creek Confluence/Green River Final Design—This project is in final design and will create off-channel habitat off of Mill Creek-Auburn,near the mouth of the Green River. The off- channel habitat will increase floodplain refuge habitat for Chinook and other salmon species. The project design is meeting timelines and will be completed September 2012. City staff is completing the final design and construction bid documents, reducing overall design cost. Project cost for preliminary and final design: $300,000, funded by State Salmon Recovery Funding Board. Downey Farmstead Restoration Project—The project will create off-channel rearing and refuge habitat for use in winter and spring months by juvenile salmon,particularly Chinook that inhabit the Green River. The project will also create additional floodplain storage to help alleviate flood damage in the urban and agricultural areas in the project vicinity Minimization of flooding will also protect water quality. The ECY 070-428 (09/11) Application Page 15 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program project will include removal of invasive plants, installation of native riparian vegetation, installation of wood debris structures and engineered logjams. Preliminary design was completed on time in March 2010 at a cost of$150,000. Final project design is planned to begin January 2012 at a cost of$300,000. Both preliminary and final design will receive funding from the State Salmon Recovery Funding Board and King Conservation District. Riverview Park Ecosystem Restoration—The project will provide summer rearing habitat and high flow winter refuge for salmon through creation of a new off-channel area from the main stem of the Lower Green River and across the river from the mouth of Mill Creek-Auburn(Leber Homestead). Improvements include a bioengineered chamlel side slope with benches, large wood debris, spawning gravels and riparian plantings. The city worked with the U.S Army Corps of Engineers to complete final project design Final design totaled$350,000, funding provided by State Salmon Recover Funding Board and federal stimulus funds. Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2012 at a cost of$2,957,000, funded by federal stimulus money, King Conservation District, City of Kent and State Salmon Recovery Funding Board. 6. READINESS TO PROCEED Scoring Guide Total 150 Points Project elements are in place for the project to proceed Up to 100 pts. and documentation is provided(e.g. Planning, Design, Permits). SEPA review is complete and documentation is provided. Up to 25 pts. Cultural Resources (Exec. Order 05-05) is complete and Up to 25 pts. documentation is provided. Reviewers will award points based on how soon a project can begin construction. • Describe the steps you have taken to proceed immediately with the project. Provide detailed information and documentation on project elements such as status of designs,permits, inter-local agreements, landowner agreements, easements, other secured funding, staff, or agency approvals. • Describe what environmental review has taken place, such as: o State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). http://www ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-review.html o Cultural resource assessment(Executive Order 05-05). http://www dahp wa.gov/pages/EnvironmentalReview/L,aws.htm The city has completed the preliminary design for the James Street Stormwater Outfall retrofit project. The final design, permits, SEPA, geotechnical and structural studies, and Cultural Resources Review will be completed prior to construction. Matching funds are secured. The project will be ready to proceed in June 2012. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 16 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program 7. EARLY ADOPTERS OF NEW REGULATIONS and TECHNOLOGY Scoring Guide (choose one option) Up to a Total of 50 Points Applicant has adopted no requirements of the current permit. 0 pts. Applicant has adopted one of the permit requirements listed below. 10 pts Applicant has adopted two of the permit requirements listed below. 20 pts Applicant has adopted three of the permit requirements listed below. 30 pts Applicant has adopted four of the permit requirements listed below. 40 pis Applicant has adopted five of the permit requirements listed below. 50 pts Applicant provided information on implementation of new technology. 10 pts. Reviewers award points based on information provided by the jurisdiction for the number of the following permit requirements that are met: • Has the applicant developed and implemented a Stormwater Management Program(SWMP)? • Does the applicant have an active storlrlwater Public Education and Outreach Program? • Does the applicant have an active Illicit Discharge, Detection, and Elimination Program? • Has the applicant developed and implemented an ordinance to prohibit non-stormwater and illegal discharges and/or dumping in the permitted separate storm sewer system? • Has the applicant developed an Operation and Maintenance Plan for the permitted area? • Has the applicant mapped the permitted separate storm sewer system? Also, if applicable, please provide information on any new stormwater technology that has been implemented within this jurisdiction(e.g. low impact development techniques, TAPE). • Has the applicant implemented new stormwater technology in the permitted area? • Has the applicant developed and implemented a Stormwater Management Program(SWMP)? Yes, the city has per the Phase II NPDES permit. • Does the applicant have an active stormwater Public Education and Outreach Program? Yes, the city has a very active education program working with local schools, neighborhood groups and area businesses to provide education opportunities and awareness. • Does the applicant have an active Illicit Discharge, Detection, and Elimination Program? Yes • Has the applicant developed and implemented an ordinance to prohibit non-stormwater and illegal discharges and/or dumping in the permitted separate storm sewer system? Yes, Kent Municipal Code, Chapter 7.14 ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 17 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program • Has the applicant developed an Operation and Maintenance Plan for the permitted area? Yes,the city has and O &M program ensuring safe and efficient operations of all stormwater detention, treatments, and conveyance systems both to minimize flooding and to prevent or reduce pollutant runoff from municipal operations and the storm system. • Has the applicant mapped the permitted separate storm sewer system? Yes Sample information of all of the above bullets can be found online at www.KentWA.gov/NPDES, and is attached to this application. • Has the applicant implemented new stormwater technology in the permitted area? Yes, city projects include: pervious asphalt at Kent Town Square Plaza and Kent City Hall; grass paving installed at the Green River Natural Resources Area in 1999, Rainwater Harvesting System (cistern) for re-use in toilets at City Hall, installed in 2005; and Foster Park Levee project utilizing low impact development techniques. 8. HARDSHIP Scoring Guide Total 50 Points This jurisdiction has a Median Household Income less than 80 Up to 50 pts. percent of the state Median Household. Reviewers will award points based on jurisdiction's Median Household Income information provided. (Ecology will compare the information provided by the applicant to the Office of Financial Management data for state Median Household Income). • Please provide the Median Household Income for the applicant(see Appendix B in the FY 2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant Program Guidelines). Median Household Income—City of Kent $53,570 ECY 070-428 (09/11) Application Page 18 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program Project Analysis Form Purpose Please fill in the application-level Project Analysis Form for the proposed stormwater infrastructure project. This information is necessary to obtain funding from the Department of Ecology (Ecology) for stormwater construction projects. Stormwater infrastructure technical information gives Ecology an opportunity to review and comment on the technical merits and cost effectiveness of projects, ensuring that Ecology's funds are used for only high quality projects. The information in the Project Analysis Form is not a permit requirement, but is a pre-requisite for applying for design/construction and/or construction funding. The Project Analysis Form must be complete enough that Ecology can fully understand the proposed project A well described project will score higher than one with limited information. This information does not require the use of an engineer to prepare, but will be used by Ecology reviewers to further determine the overall scope of the project,the area the project is anticipated to protect,the relative size of the stormwater issue, and the readiness to proceed with design construction or construction. Required Elements Please address the following elements for the proposed project: 1. Provide information on the Technical Project Manager and their qualifications including professional licenses, experience, and relationship with applicant. Include contact information for the Project Manager. Alex Murillo,P.E., Environmental Engineering Supervisor E-mail: AMurillo@KentWA.gov Phone: 253-856-5528 Alex is a registered Professional Engineer with over 15 years of combined experience in general civil and environmental engineering and is currently the City of Kent's Environmental Engineering Supervisor In his professional career he has been involved in a variety of water quality and storm drainage projects both at the project engineer level and as a supervisor. Some of the projects include design of roadway drainage systems and sizing of conventional stormwater facilities for stormwater mitigation, drainage review of stormwater detention and treatment requirements for residential and commercial developments, and preparation of a citywide drainage master plan document which identified a ten-year list of project improvements to address flood protection and stormwater quality treatment needs throughout the city. Most recently,Alex was an engineer of record for a$5.2 Million project improvement in the Kent Valley which included installation of 3200 lineal feet of six-foot diameter pipe to divert roughly 260 acres of watershed area from a known flood prone area The project was recently completed in 2011 and will reduce roadway flooding and water quality impacts to Mill Creek. Alex will spend about 5% of his time supervising project staff on the James Street Outfall Improvements project. 2. Provide a project description that includes a location map and a topographical map of the drainage area overlain with project elements (buildings, swales, erosion control structures, etc.). Include a description of the flow control and/or water quality BMPs proposed. If you have not made a final decision on the facilities, identify what facilities you are considering and how the proposed BMPs will mitigate the pollutants on the site. ECY 070-428(09/11) Application Page 19 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program Sediment and total suspended solids will be contained within the vault preventing them from being discharged into the adjacent stream. 3. Provide the characteristics of the stormwater, including types of pollutant loads (TSS, Cu, Zn, P) and the land use in the area where the flow originates Pollutant loads including TSS, CU and Zn in the stormwater are typical of urban roadway runoff. Land use in this area where flow originates includes residential, multifamily, mixed use, commercial, urban separator and parks and open space. 4. Provide an estimate of the size of the drainage area controlled by the proposed facility and the overall drainage area upstream of the point where runoff enters the receiving water. The Lower Mill Creek drainage basin is approximately 3,129 acres and Upper Mill Creek drainage basin upstream of the project area is 1,500 acres. 5. If the project is a retrofit,provide a discussion of how the proposed level of water quality treatment and flow control compare with the new and redevelopment standards. Currently there is no water quality treatment at the retrofit project site. Installation of the vault will provide simple and immediate water quality treatment by removing and storing the sediments. 6. Have you evaluated alternative projects and if so provide the reasons they are unacceptable. This is the most cost effective,efficient and immediate retrofit alternative with the least impacts to Mill Creek yet greatly improving the water quality. 7. If applicable,provide an estimate of the cost of the proposed project. Cost estimate of the two projects, upstream and downstream of this project location total over 5.8 million. The James Street Outfall Retrofit projects total cost is $100,000. 8. For infiltration sites,provide a discussion of the site suitability for the proposed project. • Include soil suitability to the site and depth to ground water if known. • Include known site characteristics that would likely yield a suitable site. • Include the plan for further investigation that you will carry out in the design phase. n/a 9. Have the following activities been completed? If so, please check the box next to the completed items: ❑ Application for SERP or SEPA approval ❑ Receipt of SERP or SEPA DNS or MDNS ❑ Cultural Resources approval (Executive Order 05-05) ® Detailed pre-design/Engineering report. If completed attach copy to application. ® Construction Plans and Specifications (30 %complete) ❑ Council/Commission approval to advertise for bid ECY 070-428(09111) Application Page 20 Part 2 FY 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program THIS CONCLUDES PART 2 ECY 070-428 (09/11) Application Page 21 I KE S T WnS MI NOr ON Agenda Item: Consent TO: City Council DATE: January 15, 2013 SUB7ECT: James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit Acceptance of Statewide Stormwater Grant - Accept MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor to accept the FY2012 Statewide Stormwater Grant in the amount of $75,000 for the James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit Project and direct staff to establish a budget for the funds, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: James Street east of Central Ave is very steep, with a 17-percent grade. Due to its steep grade and the fact it is a major commuter route, James Street is a Priority Level-1 for sanding during icy conditions. This project would reduce potential impacts to Mill Creek by installing a large vault to catch sediment, preventing it from entering Mill Creek. The vault structure will be monitored after storms to identify when maintenance is needed, ensuring sand and sediment do not enter Mill Creek. The Public Works Department anticipates construction of this project in spring of 2013 in conjunction with the James Street Pump Station Project. The State grant funds cannot be billed until they have been accepted by the City Council. EXHIBITS: Grant RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee BUDGET IMPACTS: The City will receive $75,000 of state funding for the James Street Stormwater Outfall Retrofit Project. The project match, $25,000, is budgeted and will be paid through the stormwater utility. i REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes wesnn o.o. � I Review d by Director Originator's Name: Cheryl Viseth Dept/Div. PW En ineerin ension: 5504 j Date Sent: 3/12/2014 Date Required: 3/19/2014 Return to: Cheryl Viseth CONTRACT TERMINAT N DATE: 06/30/2015 VENDOR: Department of Ecology DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: - I -& ATTACH THE COUNCIL MOTION SHEET FOR THE MAYOR - if applicable Brief Explanation of Document: James Street east of Central Ave is very steep, with a 17-percent grade. Due to Its steep grade and the fact it is a major commuter route, James Street is a Priority Level-1 for sanding during Icy conditions. This project will reduce potential Impacts to MITI Creek by Installing a large vault to catch sediment, preventing it from entering Mill Creek. The vault structure will be monitored after storms to Identify when maintenance Is needed, ensuring sand and sediment do not enter Mill Creek. This project was put on hold due to levee work. The Department of Ecology has mutually agreed to amend the grant for this project which was originally due to expire on March 30, 2014. It has been extended until June 30, 2015. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department ° r'('this area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: MAR 12 2014 Approval of Law Dept.: n� Law Dept. Comments: °FY DEP1' 7 C ED I Date Forwarded to Mayor: 3 ( City of Kent Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: I Recommendations and Comments: I �,,/1e CITY OF KENT C Disposition: ���// �2-r �'v ✓� _ i/ , /CLERK I Date Returned: i-