HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK14-003 - Original - King Conservation District - Green Kent Partnership Year 5 Grant Funding - 4/1/2014 Record eme , D®Currlei, WAS HINGTON ? ;'V CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: King Conservation District Vendor Number: 55217 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: `�z �' This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Green Kent Partnership Year 5 Grant Funding Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment M Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 4/1/2014 Termination Date: 3/31/2015 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Victoria Andrews Department: Parks Planning & Dev. Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Acceptance of $54,086.00 to support Year 5 of the Green Kent Partnership, including funding for Forterra PPD Contract # PPD14-02 P:\Planning\Grants\KCD Grants\KCD 2014\2014-15 Green Kent Partnership Year 5-CONTRACT COVER SHEET.docx AGREEMENT FOR AWARD OF KING CONSERVATION DISTRICT MEMBER JURISDICTION GRANT City of Kent This Agreement is made between the King Conservation District Number 9, a municipal corporation in King County, Washington, located at 1107 SW Grady Way, Suite 130, Renton, WA 98057 (referred to herein as "District"), and City of Kent, a municipal corporation in King County, Washington, located at 220 4th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 (referred to herein as "Recipient"), for the purposes set forth herein. SECTION 1. RECITALS 1.1 Whereas, the District is a special purpose district organized and existing under authority of Chapter 89.08 RCW which engages in certain activities and programs to conserve natural resources, including soil and water, which activities are declared to be of special benefit to lands; and 1.2 Whereas, pursuant to RCW 89.08.400, King County has authorized and imposed a system of assessments to finance the activities and programs of the District; and 1.3 Whereas, pursuant to RCW 89.08.220, RCW 89.08.341 and/or Chapter 39.34 RCW, the District is authorized to enter into agreements with municipal entities and agencies (governmental or otherwise), or their designees, in order to carry out and facilitate the activities and programs of the District to conserve natural resources; and 1.4 Whereas, the District has reviewed the grant application submitted by Recipient and has determined that the application meets the requirements of Chapter 89.08 RCW and the District's policies and procedures for awarding grants; and L5 Whereas, the District and Recipient desire to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of establishing the terms and conditions relating to the District's award of a grant to Recipient. SECTION 2. AGREEMENT 2.1 The District agrees to award Recipient a grant in the total amount of Fifty Four Thousand Eighty Six Dollars ($54,086.00) from 2012-13 Kent collections. Grant funds shall be used by Recipient solely for the performance of the work described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The District shall pay the grant funds to Recipient in accordance with the District's policies and procedures, including but not limited to, the policies and procedures contained in the Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Foram Grant Application Instructions and Policies, provided that such funds have been collected and received by the District. Page 1 of 4 2.2 Recipient represents and warrants that it will only use the grant funds for the work described in Exhibit A, which may be amended by the parties pursuant to Paragraph 3.3 of the Agreement. Recipient shall be required to refund to the District that portion of any grant funds which are used for unauthorized work. Further, Recipient agrees to return to the District any grant funds that are not expended or remain after completion of the work covered by this Agreement. 2.3 Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the grant funds may only be expended on work which shall be entirely within the District's jurisdictional boundaries. The following municipal entities are not within the District's jurisdictional boundaries: Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish. Recipient shall be required to refund to the District that portion of any grant funds which are used for work performed outside the District's jurisdictional boundaries. 2.4 In the event the scope of work authorized by this Agreement includes the use of grant funds to purchase houses located on real property within a flood hazard area, Recipient acknowledges and agrees that grant funds may only be used for such purposes if the houses to be purchased were constructed before floodplain mapping or sensitive areas regulations were in place for that area. Recipient shall be required to refund to the District that portion of any grant funds which are used for unauthorized purposes. 2.5 Recipient shall be required to provide the District with biannual financial and project progress reports, along with an annual summary report. Financial and project reports shall be due June 30 and November 30 each year. The Recipient shall also be required to submit to the District a final report which documents the Recipient's completion of the work in conformance with this Agreement within thirty (30) days after the completion of the work. The final report shall, among other things, summarize the project's successes and shall address the regional benefits accomplished by the work. The final report shall also identify any obstacles or challenges which were encountered during the work, along with general recommendations regarding ways to avoid such obstacles or challenges in the future. If requested, 'Recipient agrees to provide the District with additional financial or progress reports from time to time, at reasonable intervals. 2.6 Recipient's expenditures of grant funds shall be separately identified in the Recipient's accounting records. If requested, Recipient shall comply with other reasonable requests made by the District with respect to the manner in which project expenditures are tracked and accounted for in Recipient's accounting books and records. Recipient shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principals and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. 2.7 Recipient shall be required to track project expenses using the Budget Accounting and Reporting System for the State of Washington ("BARS"). Page 2 of 4 2.8 The District or its representative shall have the right from time to time, at reasonable intervals, to audit the Recipient's books and records in order to verify compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Recipient shall cooperate with the District in any such audit. 2.9 Recipient shall retain all accounting records and project files relating to this Agreement in accordance with criteria established in the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington State Archivist. 2.10 Recipient shall ensure that all work performed by Recipient or its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors is performed in a manner which protects and safeguards the environment and natural resources and which is in compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations. Recipient shall implement an appropriate monitoring system or program to ensure compliance with this provision. 2.11 Recipient agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the District, its elected or appointed officials, employees and agents, from all claims, alleged liability, damages, losses to or death of person or damage to property allegedly resulting from the negligent or intentional acts of the Recipient or any of its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors in connection with this Agreement. 2.12 Recipient agrees to acknowledge the District as a source of funding for this project on all literature, signage or press releases related to said project. SECTION 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 3.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No prior or contemporaneous representation, inducement, promise or agreement between or among the parties which relate to the subject matter hereof which are not embodied in this Agreement shall be of any force or effect. 33 No amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on any of the parties to this Agreement unless such amendment is in writing and is executed by the parties. The parties contemplate that this Agreement may from time to time be modified by written amendment which shall be executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties and attached to this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 3.4 Each party warrants and represents that such party has fall and complete authority to enter into this Agreement and each person executing this Agreement on behalf of a party warrants and represents that he/she has been fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of such party and that such party is bound by the signature of such representative. DISTRICT: RECIPIENT: By V\ William Knutsen Name ene � Name Board Chair,King Conservation �� `� " District Title Title A Date 9 / 1,! l y Date � d J Approved as to Form: Approved to F is DISTRICT LEGAL COUNSEL: RECIPIENT'S ATTORNEY: Byt. f Name : C- ?' ' yvNo Gd Name—L 1 fiI 4 g '1,�+I- Date Date Page 4 of 4 Exhibit ?D Member Jurisdiction IA Forum Grant Program King Conservation District Grant Application Project Title: Green Kent Partnership,Year 5 Applicant: City of Kent Parks & Public Works Contact: Victoria L. Andrews Principal Partners (if any): Forterra, Kent Parks Title: Special Programs Manager Foundation, Green River Community College Address: 220 4th Ave.S. Total Project Cost: $425,006 Kent, WA 98032 WRIA Funding L Jurisdiction Funding KCD Funding Requested: $54,086 Phone: 253-856-5113 Project Start Date:April 1, 2014 Fax: 253-856-6050 Project End Date: March 31, 2015 E-mail: vandrews@kentwa.gov 1. Project Description - provide a brief description of the project that summarizes what you will do, how you will do it, and why you will do it. Consider the following in the answer to this question: what pressing need will be addressed by the project or what promising opportunity will be capitalized on?Who or what will benefit or be positively and negatively affected? WHAT: The city of Kent is requesting assistance from KCD to continue implementing the Green Kent Partnership, utilizing the 20-year Management Plan as a roadmap. The plan states, "In 2014, we will revisit the park and site selection processes to ensure we are meeting project and community goals." Funding resources remain unchanged, so the management team is strategically adjusting the annual work plan and site locations to maximize what can be done by volunteers, staff and crews. For 2014, the plan calls for enrolling 85 new acres in initial restoration. We are projecting to enroll five new acres while focusing on maintaining restoration in 109 acres, which is more than the plan's original estimate of 95 acres. The number of Stewards we can support remains at 20, allowing for turnover, and total volunteer hours should easily surpass 8,000. In 2013, two KCD-funded changes extended city resources. First, contracted crews enabled more fieldwork to be done. Second, creating an internship forged a partnership with Green River Community College (GRCC)'s Natural Resources program to give real-world work urban forestry experience to a student and a cost-effective additional staff member to support Stewards and fieldwork. HOW/WHY: The Green Kent Temporary is a key role in managing the stewardship component of the Partnership and assists with tracking overall restoration progress. In addition to being the primary contact for Stewards, the Green Kent Temporary will: 1) serve as their main liaison to Park Operations staff, 2) support their work parties, 3) enter their work logs into GIS, 4) create Member Jurisdiction&WRIA Forum Grant Application -January 23, 2012-Page 1 of 6 preliminary planting plans, 5) monitor and map plant survival, 6) research and draft features for the monthly e-newsletter, 7) organize a booth at Kent's three- day Cornucopia Days festival, 8) solicit local business support, and 9) participate on the management team. Contracted crews will be utilized to support fieldwork at existing or new locations. A certain number of crew days may be reserved as a reward for Stewards who have cleared an area large enough to plant or have held enough work parties to qualify for a day of crew time. The intern will provide both office and field support: 1) assist with GIS mapping, 2) participate in planning and site meetings, 3) extend the Green Kent Partnership's visibility by posting signage while working independently at select parks, 4) maintain the tool inventory and 5) support Stewards' work parties and events such as Green Kent Day. Founding partner Forterra continues to be a valuable resource and heightens Kent's presence in the region. In 2014, Forterra will organize four training opportunities for our Stewards, opening them up to other Green Cities' Stewards if class size permits. The grant will also allow Forterra staff to participate quarterly in management team meetings and at a Steward orientation, including allowable travel reimbursement. Forterra will maintain and contribute to the resource-sharing site and calendar that all Green Cities access, inform city staff of potential new grant resources as they become available and provide letters of support if appropriate. Finally, Forterra will use its considerable connections to promote the Green Kent Partnership regionally, especially Green Kent Day, with the media and in other appropriate avenues. This will again include a staffed booth with Green Kent materials at the WA State Fair. 2. Natural Resource Improvement Actions - describe how the project will address a minimum of one of the natural resource improvement actions described on page 1 of the application instructions. Consider the following in your answer to this question: What natural resources will be improved? What are the known needs, gaps or deficits that will be addressed? What are the known benefits to soil, water, air, plants, fish and wildlife, landowners? Direct Improvement of Natural Resource Conditions: To date, our partnership with KCD has helped us to begin restoration efforts on 109 acres of publicly stewarded land at 37 different sites (HMUs). Over 20,000 native trees and shrubs have been planted. In addition to tracking restoration progress on GIS, KCD-funded staff are mapping the plants that have been installed, and both Stewards and staff are now monitoring survival rates. With KCD's help in 2014- 15, we anticipate being able to remove 500-1,000 cu. yds. of invasive plants, plant 10,000 native plants, add modest new acreage and maintain the progress thus far, moving these acres toward the sustainable goal of low-maintenance, healthy forests and wetlands. Member Jurisdiction &WRIA Forum Grant Application - January 23, 2012-Page 9 of 6 Known need/gap: some HMUs that have been entered into Phase 1 (initial invasive removal) will likely remain in Phase 1 for the indefinite future. To be properly restored, replanted and maintained, they need more resources than the city currently has and, therefore, are a lower priority. Examples: open space in Clark Lake Park, where scotch broom is mowed semi-annually; and perimeters of wetlands, where invasives are cut back. Known benefits to soil, water, air, plants, fish and wildlife, landowners: according to Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott of WSU's Puyallup Research & Extension Center, many studies have shown that woody mulch increases nutrient levels in soils and plants. Invasive yellow flag iris has been removed from a shoreline area at Lake Meridian Park at work parties. Birds, including songbirds, are enjoying the berries on shrubs planted at restored sites, and both volunteers and staff have photographed trillium in several restored wooded areas. Education & Outreach: Awareness about and interest in the Green Kent Partnership is increasing each year. The monthly e-newsletter currently reaches 2,148 (273 more than last year) and the Green Kent Facebook page has 100 followers (77 last year). Stewards have garnered two awards and we continue to see articles about Green Kent in local, state and national publications, both print and electronic. Capacity Building: 1) Natural areas strengthen local neighborhoods, improve property values and make communities more attractive and vibrant. 2) Kent Parks and Public Works staff collect volunteer and fieldwork data, tracking it on a spreadsheet and on GIS maps. 3) Residents feel increasingly connected and empowered as real partners in the effort. 3. Project Activities and Measurable Results - using the table below, list specific project activities to be completed, the timetable for the activities, and the deliverables associated with those activities. Consider the following in your answer to this question: What actions, interventions, programs, services will be deployed? Activity Description Deliverables Timeline 1. Fieldwork (Green Kent Manage site visits, work 5/1/14- Temp., intern and other city plans, work parties, 4/30/15 staff, Stewards, volunteers. removal of debris, delivery of chips, cardboard, plants 2. Community outreach (Green Recruit, train and support 5/1/14- Kent Temp. and city staff, w. Stewards; recruit vols & 4/30/15 support from Forterra promote events on online vol. sites. Quarterly trainings for Stewards plus bi-monthly gatherings (some w. speakers). Monthly e-newsletter. Articles in appropriate print/electronic media. Member Jurisdiction&WRIA Forum Grant Application -January 23,2012-Page 10 of 6 Monthly mgmt. team meetings- Forterra attends 4/ r. for re ional updates. 3. 3rd Green Kent Day Tent. 2 locations. Green Tent. Kent Temp. will create 10/25/14 planting plan, vols. will help clear and plant native plants in two areas, lay cardboard and spread mulch. 4. Regional support- Forterra Host One-Hub website Their where all Green Cities contract share resources, runs from trainings/events, post 3/1/14 questions, etc. Plan and through facilitate four trainings for 2/28/15 to Stewards and quarterly avoice gaps forums for Green Cities in service staff (Kent pays and allow proportionately). time to Participate quarterly in prepare management team annual meetings and at Steward report to orientations. Advise city KCD staff of grant opportunities, provide other resources as requested and appropriate. 5. Contracted crews to 7-10 crew days to clear or Oct-Nov. supplement field work maintain identified sites. 2014 Stewards may be offered 1-3 days of crew support as reward incentives. 4. Effectiveness (see page 2 of application instructions for definition) - describe how the project will effectively implement the natural resource improvement measures identified in question No. 2 above. Consider the following in your answer to this question: Why is the primary applicant the best entity to deliver the proposed program/service/intervention? What is the capacity of the primary applicant to deliver the proposed program/service/intervention? What tools, services and partners will be brought to bear? Kent's 1,344 acres of parks, wetlands and other natural areas are under the management of city of Kent Parks and Public Works staff. Both departments include certified arborists and credentialed project managers experienced in natural resource improvement. Public Works also has an environmental ecologist and certified nursery horticulturist; they have been part of the Green Kent management team since the beginning. Both departments maintain hand tools reserved exclusively for Stewards in locked storage sheds. There are also Member Jurisdiction &WRIA Forum Grant Application -January 23, 2012-Page 3 of 6 locked steel toolboxes at two sites. For larger work parties, staff deliver flatbeds and volunteer trailers with additional tools. Forterra originated the Green Cities Partnership in Seattle in 2005. There are now six Green Cities in the Puget Sound region (Kirkland, Redmond, Tacoma, Everett and Kent are the other four), each sharing best management practices. 5. Efficiency (see page 2 of application instructions for definition) - describe how the project will efficiently implement the natural resource improvement measures identified in question No. 2 above. Consider the following in your answer to this question: How will the proposed program/service/intervention engage in conjunction with related efforts?How does your strategy best leverage resources? The city leverages in-kind and cash support from community businesses and actively seeks other grant funds to support the program. Eagle Scouts also do restoration projects for Kent Parks, soliciting donations to offset the cost of plants/supplies. In 2013, the total achieved was $24,587 by September. That included an in-kind grant valued at $15,000 from WA DNR for three weeks of WCC crew time at five sites and a $1,000 grant from Weyerhaeuser's Giving Fund. Green Kent volunteer contributions were valued at $75,521 as of the same period, with our major fall events yet to come. 6. Equity(see page 2 of application instructions for definition) - describe how the project will equitably implement the natural resource improvement measures identified in question No. 2 above. Consider the following in your answer to this question: In what part of the District will the proposed program/service/intervention occur? Who is the target audience and what demographic section of the community will be affected? The program is being implemented in Kent, King County. Target audiences are: park visitors (including bird-watchers, who are eager to see the return of more songbirds with the re-establishment of native vegetation) adjacent neighbors landowners Kent-based corporations (e.g. Starbucks and REI, both actively stewarding sites) • Parks and Public Works volunteers • elementary and high school students, who are learning about Green Kent through our award-winning Plant the Planet tree education program and from Campus Park restoration conducted by a Kent-Meridian High School staff member who is also a Steward • demographic sections of the community: since publicly owned property is distributed throughout the city, implementing the Green Kent Partnership equitably improves natural resources throughout the entire community. 7. Evaluation of Intended Results - describe the evaluation mechanisms you will use to track, document, and report that the project has achieved the intended results described in questions 1-3. Member Jurisdiction &WRIA Forum Grant Application -January 23, 2012-Page 4 of 6 Stewards select an area from sites prioritized annually by staff, who create a work plan and GIS map for the initial restoration area (roughly 1 acre). Stewards track their progress on work logs, and staff conduct a follow-up site visit after the first log to ensure they are tracking data correctly. Volunteer and staff hours are recorded on a database for quarterly reports. The Green Kent Temporary maps restoration phases and trees/shrubs planted in GIS. 8. Project Budget & Expenses Budget Item KCD Funds Other Funds Other Funds Total City Match Vol. labor, KPF Salaries and Benefits $30,992 $233,610 $136,160 $400,762 Travel/Meals/Mileage $500 $150 $650 Office/Field Supplies $1,000 $1,000 Contracted/ $22,594 $22,594 Professional Services Land Acquisition Permits Other(specify) Other(specify) Other(specify) TOTAL $54,086 $233,760 $137,160 $425,006 9. KCD Acknowledgement - Describe how the KCD will be acknowledged as a source of funding for the proposed program/service/intervention (see Grant Program Overview & Policies, General Grant Program Policies, #6). Press releases and print materials about the Green Kent Partnership reference King Conservation District's support. The Kent Parks Committee and the City Council will acknowledge KCD's grant during televised meetings, which are shown on public access channel TV-21. The city's website, Green Kent Facebook page, Program Guide and two e-newsletters (City Scene and Green Kent) will also acknowledge the support. o n September 10, 2013 Authorized Signature Date Member Jurisdiction &WRIA Forum Grant Application -January 23,2012-Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT Scope of Worlc: March 2014— February 2015 Presented to Ovy of Kent; F'arizs, Rerreatim , and Corn"Purtity Services y Forterra, UM 3 kh � 4� � u: r :, PARTNERSHIP , Since the 20-Year Park and Natural Area Management Plan was adopted by the Kent City Council in September 2009, Forterra has closely collaborated with both Parks and Public Works staff to implement the first phase of the plan (2009-2014). During the first three years of the partnership, implementation included the creation of volunteer recruitment, management, and tracking methods, the creation and support of a Green Kent Steward program, and the set-up of an interdepartmental management team responsible for malting progress toward actively managing the 1,344 acres of natural areas in need of restoration and maintenance by 2029. Through 2012, partnership tasks were divided across Parks, Public Works and Forterra staff. As the program became more established, in 2013 City of Kent staff assumed responsibility for the core tasks necessary to achieve the restoration and community engagement goals laid .out in the management plan. At the same time, Forterra has been working to develop tangible ways to share resources across the six-city Green Cities Network, resulting in regional benefits that are greater than the sum of each city's contribution. The City of Kent, while increasing its capacity to operate the program, sees the value in being connected to the pool of regional resources such as shared trainings and continuing education for stewards, quarterly topic-based focus groups with Green City program managers, and leveraged outreach to raise regional awareness of Kent's efforts, recruit for the 2014 annual Green Kent Day, and sign up new contacts who are interested in learning more about the Green Kent Partnership. The groundwork for this type of regional resource sharing was laid in 2013 and is in place to continue providing value to both Green Kent Partnership staff and stewards throughout 2014. Under this agreement, Forterra will provide the services described below at the rates shown in the table on page 2. Forterra's Responsibilities and rtpliverablIe• o Carer a rO �Ie n> td Oric iati,)n: Forterra staff will participate in the 2014 Green Kent Steward orientation, presenting the background behind the Green City Partnerships including Forterra's regional connection through the Cascade Agenda mission, and providing a sense of the geographic scope and impact that new Kent stewards will be contributing to by summarizing regional statistics. • fee-i'ed r ro'.,magcsrent tc reg inn', updioo Es Forterra staff will attend one Green Kent management team meeting per quarter to update partnership staff on upcoming training and education opportunities for Kent stewards across the regional Green Cities Network, and coordinate any potential grant proposal ideas that will contribute to achieving the Green Kent Partnership's goals. Qoa : r'y e"I"Za ional =rahOyogs fo; Stews qds: Forterra will organize and host four continuing education trainings for Green Kent stewards that will enhance steward knowledge about restoration best practices, volunteer event management, western Washington ecology, native plant identification and uses, plant propagation techniques, and/or other practical topics that could include things like small grant proposal writing and how to engage in the public process. Page 1 of ,wog .te Forterra will maintain and update a Green Cities Network resource-sharing site that will 1. Keep Green Kent staff informed of upcoming steward and staff trainings being offered in other Green Cities, 2. Provide a place to share helpful community and urban forestry resources, 3. Provide an updated Green Cities Network directory of staff contact information and roles where Green Kent staff can connect to help answer questions or solve problems that other cities may have already experienced, and 4. Provide a communication platform for Green Kent staff to post questions to other site users. o G•ru n gr0op,,: Forterra will coordinate and host four Green Cities focus groups to discuss topics important to Green City program managers as voted on by the managers. These group meetings will rotate across Green Cities. �e—r z ky E.i:i O 5 out €a)poc is Forterra will coordinate one regional press release about the Green City Day fall series that will highlight the efforts of all cities holding an annual Green City Day. The regional scope of this press release will position Kent's work as part of a larger effort, providing a broader reach and more awareness. The Green Kent Partnership will also be included in a Forterra-led outreach project at the 2014 WA State fair in Puyallup. By sharing costs across six Green Cities, Kent will benefit by having a presence at a regional event, while not having to bearthe entire financial burden of organizing and staffing the booth. Deliverable Cost Rate Forterra presents Green Cities background, connection to Cascade Agenda and regional statistics at Steward Orientation $270 $270/orientation Attend management team meetings once per quarterto provide regional update re: upcoming staff and steward training/educational opportunities and share potential grant proposal ideas $1,080 $270/meeting Forterra staff to organize logistics and host quarterly educational trainingsforStewards $5,400 $1,350/training TBD by training and Sub-consultant support for quarterly trainings consultant; not to exceed $600 $600 Green Cities one-hub sharing site; maintained with upcoming regional trainings available to Green Kent staff and Stewards, relevant shared resources as they become available, and updated Network directory $2,860 $238.33/month Four Green Cities focus groups,to be held quarterly with topics determined by city partner input $1,000 $250/focus group -$600/booth Annual Green Cities Day series outreach support: one regional press coordination release, coordinate booth at WA State Fair, 12 hrs. Forterra staff time •$550/regional press at booth for Green Kent Partnership release •$90/hr.staff time for $2,230 outreach Travel budget $154 $0.555/mile TOTAL $13,594 Page 2 of 2 0 W PS HiNGTON KENT Agenda Item: Consent Calendar - 70 TO: City Council DATE: December 10, 2013 SUBJECT: King Conservation District Grant Agreement for Green Kent Partnership - Authorize MOTION: Accept the $54,086.00 grant from the Icing Conservation District, authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Green (Cent Partnership budget, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks and Community Services Director. SUMMARY: Staff applied for and received a $54,086 grant from the King Conservation District to continue implementation of the Green Kent Partnership for 2014. Specifically, this grant will fund: $27,367 for the Green Kent Steward lead, a Green River Natural Resources intern and allowable mileage reimbursement, $13,594 for regional support through Forterra, $9,000 for contracted crew time, and $4,125 to offset a portion of the Special Programs Manager's time overseeing the project. EXHIBITS: King Conservation District Grant Agreement RECOMMENDED BY: Parks and Human Services Committee YEA: Ranniger - Ralph - Albertson NAY: BUDGET IMPACTS: Green Kent Partnership budget REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes Wwg„"oTax Reviewed by Director Originator's Name: Victoria Andrews Dept/Div. Parks Planning & Development Extension: 5113 Date Sent: 12/12/2013 Date Required: Return to: Victoria / Lynn Osborn CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: 3/31/2015 VENDOR: King Conservation District DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 12/10/2013 ATTACH THE COUNCIL MOTION SHEET FOR THE MAYOR - if applicable Brief Explanation of Document: A grant award from the King Conservation District in the amount of $54,086.00, to fund Year 5 of the Green Kent Partnership. cts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department DEC 17 2013 (This area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: RECE VED `W Approval AWk&4 DEPT. Law Dept. Comments: � EC 18 2013 l V„ CRY OF KENT CITY CLER Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shade t rri,�l�ted By Administration Staff Received: DEC 2 6A"I& jvl--�J) REUE Recommendations and Commen0tY OF KENT _ CITY CLERK DEC 17 l` Disposition: city of Kent or Date Returned: