HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD13-139 - Original - City of Seattle - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - 06/11/2013 I Records Management KENT MORIDocument N/ASHINOTON 5 & r � I CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: City of Seattle Vendor Number: 252472 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: 1 N This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program FY 2012 Local Solicitation Description: ® Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: June 11, 2013 Termination Date: September 30, 2015 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): N/A Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Debra LeRoy Department: Police Detail: i.e._address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Seattle Police Department is the primary recipient of the FY2012 JAG Program Local Solicitation grant. The Kent Police Department's grant award is $51,883. - C/JK S7/-?1 //3 S•Public\PecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 Interagency Agreement Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2012 Local Solicitation Executed by City of Seattle Department Authorized Representative:Diane Ptlon 610 5"'Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 and City of Kent,hereinafter referred to as"Recipient", Grant Manager Debta Leroy 220 4''Ave. S. Kent,WA 98032 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by having their representatives affix their stgnatuies below. CITY OF T CITY OF SEATTLE C S zett Coo Mayor Clark Kirnciei,Deputy Chief of Police Date. Authorized by: Grant Piogram: Edtvaid Byrne Memorial JnsdeeAssistame Grant QAG)Program j FY 12 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page 1 of 7 i WHEREAS,die Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice j funding to state and local jurisdictions;and WHEREAS,the JAG Program supports all components of the crhhhhlal justice system, from muld- lutisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence pioglatns,courts, corrections, treatment,and justice innfotmation skating initiatives;and WHEREAS,the United States Congress authorized$668,782 in the justice Assistance Grant GAG) Program for jurisdictions ui King County;and WHEREAS,12 jurisdictions vh King County were required to apply fora JAG Piogianh award witlh a single, joint application;and WHEREAS,the City,as the identified Fiscal Agent,submitted the joint application to the Bureau of justice Assistance on D,fay 14,2012 to request JAG Progtaur funds;and WHEREAS,based on tlhe City's successful application,the Bureau of Justice Assistance has awarded $668,782 to the City from these JAG Program funds;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the terms of the grant whereby*the City,as tine identified Fiscal Agent for this award,is to distiibute grant funds to co-applicants, the City intends to transfer some of the JAG funds it teceives to those co-applicants;and WHEREAS,the City is not obligated to continue or mahrtaith grant funding levels for the JAG Program once giant funds have lapsed;and WHEREAS,recipients of JAG funds from the City should not anticipate tlhe City will assume responsibility fot any progtam costs funded by JAG once JAG funds are spent; NOW THEREFORE, die parties hereto agree as follows: Tlus Interagency Agreement contains six Articles: ARTICLE I; TERM OF AGREEMENT, Tire term of this Interagency Agreement shall be in effect from the date it is executed by the SPD Chief of Police,or designee,witil September.30,2015 unless ternwiated earlier pursuant to the provisions hereof. ARTICLE II; DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The senrices to be performed under this Agreement shall be conducted for the stated purposes of the Byrne Mernodal Jubtice Assistance Giant GAG)Ptogtain (42 U.S.C.3751(a.)The Edwaid Byrne Memodal Justice Assistance Giant GAG)Piogratn is the primary provider of federal ctiniinal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions,JAG funds support all components of die ctunaual justice system, from multijuusdictionai drug and gang task fotces to crime prevention and domestic violence piogiams,courts, corrections, tieatinent,and justice hnfoiination sharing initiatives.JAG funded projects map address crime through the provision of services duectly to individuals and/or communities and by irnptonring die effectiveness and efficiency of cthnninal justice systems,processes,and procedures. FY 12 JAG Interagency Agreement,Fnge 2 or7 ARTICLE III: SPECIAL CONDITIONS • Funds ate piovided by the U.S.Depattinent of Justice,Office of Justice Programs,Buieau of Justice Assistance solely for tine purpose of futtheting the stated objectives of the Edwatd Byrne Memoiial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)Program,The Recipient shall use the funds to pelfortn tasks as described in the Scope of Work portion of dais Agreement, • The Recipient acknowledges that because this Agmenicnt involves federal funding, tine period of performance described herein will likely begun piioi to the availability of apptoptiated federal funds. The Recipient agrees that it will not hold the Seattle Police Department, the City of Seattle, or the i Department of Justice liable for any damages,claim fat retmbutsement,ar any type of payment whatsoever for services perfoinned undet this Agreement poor to the disttibution and availability of federal funds. • The Recipient shall comply with all conditions and limitations set forth in the FY 2012 Justice Assistance Giant Program Award#2012-DJ-BX-0526. The FY 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Program Award Report M 2012-1:)J-BX-0526 is attached to and made part of finis agreement,as Attachment A,Allocation and use of grant funding must be ill accordance with all special conditions included in the Award Report,All Recipients are assumed to have react,understood, and accepted the Award Report as bi ndung. • The Recipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of fiends under this agreement will be hi accordance with the Edward Byrne Mcinotial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)Formula Progiam: Local Solicitation.Allocation and use of grant funding must be coordinated with the goals and objectives included in the Local Solicitation.All Recipients are assumed to have read,understood, and accepted the Local Solicitation ns binding. Recipient agrees to obtain a valid DUNS profile and create an active tegistrration with tine Central Contactor Registration(CCR) database no later than the due date of the Recipient's first quatteily report after a submvard is made. • The Recipient shall comply widn all applicable laws,regulations,and program guidance, A non- exhaustive list of regulations commonly applicable to BJA grants ate listed below,including the guidance: (A) Adtninistrative Requiicnnents: OMB Circular A-102,State and Local Governments (10/7/94,amended 8/29/07) (44CFR Part 13) (B) Cost Principles: Olu1B Circular A-87,State and Local Governments (5/10/04) (C) Audit Requirements: Ok4C Circulat A-133,Audits of State,local Governments,and Non- Ptofit Otgaruzations (6/24/97,includes revisions in the Federal Register 6/27/03) (D) The Recipient must comply with fire most recent version of the Administrative Requhements,Cost Principals,and Audit Requirements. FY 12 JAG interagency Agreement,Page 3 or7 i 1 i i p t) Non-Federal entities that ex end$500 000 or mole in one fiscal}teat in Federal awards shall have a single or progiatn-specific audit conducted for that yeai in accoidance With the Office of Ivlanagetnent and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133-Audits of States,Local Governments,and non-Piofit Olga nizadons. Non-federal entities that spend less than $500,000 a yeai in federal awards are exempt fiom federal audit tequiteumnts foi that yell,except as noted in Cixculat No,A-133,but tecoids must be available foi ietdew or audit by appiopriate officials of die Federal agency,pass-tlit ough entity,and General Accounting Office(GAO). 2) Recipients requited to have an audit must ensure die audit is perfoiined in accoidance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards(GAAS),as found in die Goveintnent Auditing Standards (die Revised Yellow Book)developed by the Comptioller General and die OMB Compliance Supplement, The Recipient has the iesponsibility of notifying the Washington State Auditois Office and requesting au audit, 3) The Recipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit iequitement and shall ensuie that any sub-recipients also maintain auditable tecoids. 4) The Recipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its bubcontiactors, Responses to any unicsolved management fi-ndings and disallowed of questioned costs sliall be hhcluded with the audit tepoit subuhitted to die Seattle Police Department.The Recipient must respond to bequests for infoimation or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days of the date of request,The City ieseives the iight to iecover from the Recipient all disallowed costs resulting fiom the audit. 5) If applicable,once any single audit bas been completed, tie Recipient must send a full copy of die audit to die City and a letter stating dheie were no findings,or if there were findings, die letter should provide a list of the fuidings. The Recipient trust send the audit and the letter no Later than nine months after the end of tlhe Recipient's fiscal yeat(s) to; Diane Pilon,JAG Pbogiarn Manager Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 206-386-1996 6) In addition to sending a copy of die audit,the Recipient must include a corrective action plan foi any audit findings and a copy of the management letter if one was received, 7) The Recipient sball include die above audit requirements in any subcontracts, • The Recipient agrees to coopebate with any assessments,national evalua don effoits,of information or data collection requirements,including,but not limited to, the piovision of any infohmation FY 12 JAG tnleragency Agreement,Page 4 of i required for assessment or evaluation of acthdties within this agreement,and for compliance BJA teporting requirements. i o When implementing funded activities, the Recipient must comply with all applicable federal,state, tribal government,and local laws,regulations,and policies,The Recipient is entirely responsible for determining the Recipient's compliance with applicable laws,legulatious and policies,which include, but ate not hinted to: (A)City of Seattle regulations including,but not limited to: (1) Equal Benefits Piogiatn Rules (S'IC Cir.20.45:littpt//cityofseattle.net/contract/equaibemefits/) (2) Alomen and Minority Owned Affirmative Effort; If a Recipient intends to subcontract out any part of a contiact instead of performing the work itself, then the following requirement applies: Consultant shall use affirmative efforts to promote and encoutage participation by women and minority businesses on subcontracting oppoitunities within the contract scope of work. Consultant agrees to make such efforts as a condition of this Agreement. a, Outreach effoits may hiclude the use of solicitation lists,advertisements in publications directed to minority cone a unties,Leaking down total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities where economically feasible,malting other useful schedule or requirements modifications that ate liltely to assist small of%WIBE businesses to compete, targeted recrtutment efforts,and using the services of available ininouty community and public organizations to perform outreach. b, Record-Keeping: The Consultant shall maintain, for at least 24 months after the expiration of earlier teitnination of this Agieement,televamt records and information necessary to document all Consultant solicitations to subconsultants and suppliers,all subconsultintand supplier pioposals received,and all subconsultants and suppliers actually utilized under this Agieement, The City shall have the light to inspect and copy such iecoids, (3) Lieenses and Similar Authorizations: The Consultant,at no expense to the City,shall secure and maintain in full force and effect doing die term of this Agieement all tequired licenses, permits,and shnilar legal authorizations,and comply with all requirements thereof. (4) Use of Recycled Content Papei: Whenever practicable,Consultant shall use reusable products including recycled content paper on all documents subintted to the City, Consultant is to duplex all documents that are piepated for the City under this Contract, whether such matetials ate printed or copied,except when impiacticable to do so due to the nature of the product being produced. Consultants are to use 100%post consumer recycled content,cluotine-flee paper in any documents that axe produced for the City,whenever practicable,and to use other paper-saving and iecycling measures in perfotmance of the contract with and for the City. (5) Americans with Disabilities Act: The Consultant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (ADA) in performing its obligations under this Agieement. Failure to comply With die provisions of the ADA shall be a matetial breach of,and grounds for the immediate ternnation of, thus Agreement. FY 12 JAG Interagency Agreement,Page.5 of 7 f (6) Fair Contracting Practices Oidinance: The Consultant shall comply with the Fair Contracting Practices Orduiance of'The City of Seattle(Chapter 14.10 SbIC),as amended. (7) Suspension and Debarment:The Recipient certifies that neither it nor its principals ate ptesently debarred,suspended,proposed for debauuent,declared ineligible,or voluntarily i excluded from participating in ttansnetions by any Federal depattnient or agency. By signing Il and submitting this Agreement, die Recipient is providing the signed certification set out below. The certification this clause is a material repiesentntion of fact upon which reliance was placed when diis transaction was enteted into. If it is later determined that the Recipient tendeted an erroneous certification,the Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies,including tetnihiation and/or debarment. The Recipient shall provide immediate written notice to the City if at any time the Recipient learns that its certification was erroneous when subriutted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The Recipient agrees by signing this Agreement tbat it shall not enter into any covered transaction with a persoa or subcontractor who is debarred, suspended,proposed for debarment,declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded£loin participation br this covered transaction,unless authorized in writing by die City. The Recipient shall include the requirement in tins section to any subcontracts. (8) In die event of the Recipient's or subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply witii any applicable law,regulation or policy,the City*may rescind, cancel,of terminate the Agreement in whole or in patt. The Recipient is responsible for ativ and all costs or liability arising from the Recipient's failure to comply with applicable law,regulation,of policy, ARTICLE IV: SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work of this Agreement and die tune schedule for completion of such work is as described in Attachment B:Edward Byrne Nfemorial Justice Assistance GAG) Giant Formula Program king County Joint Application,Project Narrative and Attachment C:JAG Budget Worksheet,as approved by BfA. Attaclunent B and Attaclunent C are attached to and made part of this agreement. The nvoik shall,at all times,be subject to the City's general review and approval.The Recipient shall confer with the City periodically during die progress of the Work,and shall prepare and ptesent such information and materials (e.g.a detailed outline of completed work)as may be pertinent,necessary,or requested by the City of BJA to deteimuie the adequacy of the Work or Recipient's ptogicbs. ARTICLE V: PAYMENT (A)Compensation The Recipient shall be reimbursed on in actual cost basis, Total compensation under this Agreement is $51,883. The Recipient shall incur nutlio&ed allowable expenses in accordance with the Program Narrative and Project Budget,as detailed in Attachments B and C. FY 12 JAG Interagency Agreeinent,Page 6 of 7 f i The Recipient may request additional teimbutsetnent up to the amount of interest accrued on their portion of the grant award.The City will protride quattelly statements to the Recipient,once die interest balance accrued equals at least$1,000. Reimbursements will not be made for vitetest accnied that is less than$1,000.Reitnbuisernents can be requested,up to the total amount of httetest accrued,after tine initial quattelly statement has been sent, to perform tasks in accordance wide the Piogram Natrative and I Project Budget,as detailed in Exhibits B and C, The Recipient shall submit invoices not mote than monthly,and at least quattelly.After die fast quarter, monthly submission is preferred. Invoices ate due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in 1 which the work was performed. No tt,,wel of subsistence costs,including lodging and meals,reimbursed witil federal fiords may exceed federal maximum rates,which can be found at:htT://www.gsa,gov. (13) t,Iannet of Payment The Recipient shalt submit reimbursement requests not mbre than monthly,and at least quarterly.After the £list quarter,monthly submission is preferred. Requests are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed. Reimbursement request forms are proirided. Substitute forms are acceptable, With each reimbursement request,the Recipient shall submit: • Detailed spreadsheet of expendittues by task and related financial documents(timesheets, invoices) ■ Pto)ect status report • These documents and invoices must be kept on file by the Recipient and be made available upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation for the corresponding dine period. Once the above conditions ate met,payment shall be made by the City to the Recipient. Subnut invoicing and documentation to: Diane Pion,JAG Piogiam Managei. Seattle Police Department 610 5th Avenue PO Box 34986 Seattle,WA 98124-4986 206-386-9885 ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS No modification or amendment of the proidsions hereof shall be effective unless in writing and signed by authorized repiesentatives of the patties hereto,The paides hereto expressly resetve tine right to tnodtf} this Agreement,by mutual agreement. FY 12]AG Interagency Agreement,Page 7 of i ' 1 � DtpON04ntolJOI000 UI(!co oflwtico AloC+Mv rr PAOA I OP 7 t i J ➢uleuu oflustico AssISIAN D gPmtt V I,RECIPIUMAMO AND,IDDRUS I1MIPdIAt ZIP Codt) 4AVUU)N(J,tmER1 1018 DI.BX OS76 ��tyofsmioe W01'arns A1'p'1d P,0,0a191119 L MO)ECTPRRIDUIFROAI 10.VIN0I1 TO 0) GM$ St+We,iYAPPIPJ O7{9 OUDORTFAR10Ui FAO,II I014011 TO 030013 6.AIVARD DATB 0111111012 7,ACTION • IA,ORAHTCOIIISNENDOR N0. S.SUPPLC�1S0t8TNU}IRAR IAAUI 91400110) 00 P♦PAIMOUS AMMAMOUNT $0 ),PRDILOI TTTLO IO,AAIOUNTOFTIUS AWAR6 $668,7{P chyotSWnh FY7017)A01oIntPm)nm II♦T07ALA1VAAD 3601,7P7 19,SP➢CNL COVUIYlON3 TItOh➢OYOORh1{T PAOIECI'IS APP0.0VODSUDIECTT0 sUC11COWit10VS OR LRiFI'diTOV5 AS A0.OS0TFOA7il I ON T114 A1TA CI to D PA 0 F{3), 17.STATUTORY AntORTTY F'OR OAANT TRII projcll U wppN,tdundo FY 17(DIA•)AO)10 USO)7)0,(i ltq, I)'MMODOPPAY.MW OPRS AOkL\CY,IPPROV.U. OAANTERACCEPLVNCU 16.TYFRD MAMA A"m TITLUOP APPRDVTN00FFICML 18,TYPRD 00111,D7I10 ON AUTNURIal)ORAfMill OFTTCIAL DMUFObvuull MOW DUM01 ) I t,M',t kTUROOPAPPAOYINo 0FFIC IAL 19,SMATUR10PAUT110R17JID RECiPIOti70F?SCIAL PA DATP AOCNOY USO ONLY 10.ACCOU9ITT90 CLASSIFICATT04 CO1)P.s 91, LONOTWIF FISCAL FUND UtID. DN. YOAR CODO AV, OYC, AI:D. SUB, POMS AMOUNT X D Di W 00 00 E61182 ON TOM 400M IRRV.$47)PAAVIOUS EDITIOVS AROOOSOIJ1% O1PfORAN000'OI�V,d•1{) ' I DepanmenlofJuttlso OiflrootJuJltcaProgronu AWARDCOMMILIA'PION Aurenu of Juslleo Asslslnnca SHEET PAan d DP 1 PnOlccr NVUoHx tagDA08di16 AYARO DA7n 011llllat9 Spmw.CONOlI70NS i, Tho rteJplenl ogres t0eomply with tha Rnsrldal and adminlshatvo r<qulremenusd forth in the current tdhfon of tlw ' 011lco of)usllce Programs(OP)Mancini Guido, 2, T+ertclplentacknmvtcdgasthat fallwotosubmllonnccoplable llquaiRmptoymeni0ppariunityl'lon(if wolplentis raqulred'to submit ono ppursuom 10 28 C,1+,R,S talon 32,7D2),Ihot is nppmvW by lha 0fflea for Civil Rlghls,b a vbdotlon of lts Wilticd Assusarlcas and may sssuh In suspanslon or Itm+inalton of fund(rr g,u n0i such Unto ne Cho reoipleal is In cmupllorua, S, 'tliartclplcntagreestocomplywhbtlioorgan{ratlannlaudltrtquhamentsotOMnChruiarA•I33,Auditsof52oits; Loral 0ovt nments,and Non.I'011 OrgonlantlanL and bnhtr understands ohd ogreos ihnt Amds may ba wJlld,eld,or adlt r rolotcd nquboma+u may W isuposcd,U aunnnding aud(I!stow(ff any}t am OMt1 Cbcviar A.133 audls(Ord any other audln of OJP grout funds)06 not aalltfa<Io Sly and promptly addstttcd,os Nnlrer dessdbcd to she oune nl edllian of tho O)P Pfnancinl 0ulde. 3, Roolplanlonderslands and ollms that 11 Cannot usoonyRdtrol finds,olthcrdtrettlyolfnd(tccliy,insuppodoftho enealme nt,ropeol,modlllcallan ar odopllon of any law,regultllan ar parlay,at any levol ofgovommtnl,wlthoul Iho ozptws pdm wdtlan appr0Va1 of 0)P. ' 3. 'tlsor<ctplentwustpromptlyrehrtolhob0J0fdanyycnd:b!oevldcr,colhotn{+nnrtpal,emplayea,agant,contmrtar, ' aubgraolco,aabtonlnaelaL or oiler person has Clthtr g subnlfhad a folio claim fat gronl funds u nJ0 f U,a Palw Claims Adl or 2)eonuullted n edndnol or c(vll vlolallon o!Imvs pcdnlning to Iroud,conblct o!(nteresh brll>cry,gratulry,or slndtarmiscondurtlnvolvinggmnifvndt,'Ihlseandhlonatsooppliulooaysubtt<Iplurts, Potendalhnud,wnsto, ' abuso,or ndtcanductshouid la rtported to thoOIO by moll oftlra of Uro bssptctor Oeneml , U,S,[kpanmcnt of Juttice invwtigallom nlvlslon 550 Ponnsylvanfa Avenue,N.W. Room 3706 Wahinglon,DC20530 e.mollt olg.hotllne®usdo)•g0v hollfna(contac(jecanzlfon In l7ngnsb and 8pimlib)1(800)869•4499 or holuna fnq(202)616,9881 Addlllowd b+foouallon 11 available front Uio DO)010 tvebillo at vrmv,vsdo),gov1QIv. 6. RtolplentunJ<rslondsand ograes that It cannot no any faderol Nadi,obherebtolyorindirealy,in support ofany coolmct or auba+vosd to eithcr she Assoolollon of CoMmuelty Orgonizallons for Roform Now(ACORN)or Its subsldlodcl,without Iho axpross prior wdlltn opplovol of OJ P. 7. Tllostdplcniogttosto comply ivlthony additional rtqubemantsUrolm+ybelmposedduringgtho giant perfarmaoee period if tho agency dekmslnes(bat tha reclpltnt Is a hlgh•dsk grantee,Cf.28 C.P.R.parrs 6L,70, ' OIP POR1ft0aA'2IhnV,311) ' ,, �� DtpaUmcntofJuni<e Otnteaffusd<ot'rograms A1YAItDpONTLWA'PION Aurenu of justice Asslstnuce SHFFT PAos 1 op T PN01FDTHOM Eh 1012•Dl,n;t OM AwAan DATu 0711IM12 � SP�CLtGCONURIONS 8. 411ef4olpleoto¢ree,totompplywtthoppdcabieaquircm<nlsregatdlagCenkolContcaWorltOglsisollon(CCR)ond AppRtablomfulcllmssonsubtneordstofUsl4ttrsubrtclplcn7slhai donut ocgvito and prov]d 0 Vain Unlvtord , NumbcdogSys16M(DUNS)nvmbt, Thodtlallso(reclplenlobflgetlonsoe�wtedontlm0f0coofJusdcaP,ogsams vob s110 of h0p:1/vmv oJp,govlNndingfcer hrm(Awo d eandltloro Ctntw{Contractor Al and Unleersal Idt nlititt R(quhtnionts),and Oro IncorpmORA by(oforonto l+fre.Thls sptcia)condlllon Al not Apply to on nsvatd to onlndls'Idn01 vho received the Aword as n nalutoi ptdon(Lo„uMEloitd to ony business at non•proR1 organlzallon dmt he or she may own ar optrate to ids or h to nano), 9. PursuaaltodxecudveOrderI0SI0,"Pederall,taderildponRiduclogToalMossnglogWhlloDAYIng,'74 Pod,R9gr 51225(0. olwrl,2009),Ilwgtpmlmtmontoumg<sreclplonlsandsubrtolplentstoadoplandanrorcopollolos bwniogemployeesfromUzlmessagingvhlleddeldg any veldolodmtngdiatovisoofpt rornttngworkfdndcdby(his pant,andtowtob)llhwotk}ACOsArtlyp01le1os and conduNtducollon,osvmentss,ondollgrowfmljtodcoremo erarhes caused by disunotcd driven. 10, Thorcalplenlogrccstoconsplyvilh oil opplicabiolatvs,Icguladom,poll;fts,ondguldoora((Ino)udingspcolflocosl Ilmhs,plot opprovOl and rtponing oqulremen s,svhtro appUrnbla)govcming tho use of fcJtrol funds for oxN nsas folatad to cosdtrencos,meodngs,tra4slags,old olhcrovonts,lnoludhsgdla provlltoh uIfood ad/of boveroggas otsuch avonu,old coos of aliondaace at such ovonll,fnfarmo(loa ou pellteeat lases,raguladons,pollclts,and guldsaco Is ovallobloalwsnv,oJp,gov/funding/co icOst,htin, 11, Thomlpp loot oi;Tmtocomply with oppllcablorijIgIltontsiotopotlfust-lice u midsor$25,000ofmoroold,fu cnlalnclrcumstoncss,toetpoddrenorntsandlot eampensndanoJdonvamaUdgldyeompEnsaledaceeullvesoJ IhestolylontanylDrat.dorsubreolplen{sofawardNiles,SUehdatatvldbesubmlacdtothopi+ATASubavud REppootsingsyntm(riSRS), RodEiolltohta(QlEntobllgatlons,Whkhdtdvofro4ttheP<duolN' ""Accountoblliry ondTransparenoy ctof2006(FPATA),aapostadoil 01" 01,u11koPwgtamsuobsltaat hstpslmvv.o))pgovlfundinglffalmhlnt(A\vudcondltlontREponingSvbawnrdsandSlK<tutivo omponsauonhandaw IncOrpomled by toRrenco htro,Thls condldon,and Ns repon(ng uqulremaat doe t not nppty to gram atvatdt m ado to an individualvhon Ivedlhoaarprdasanotumlpcnon(I,o,s olatadtoAllybvJ1nEIornonvalWganleai19nIIIAI bo0rshomoy own ope,o101n bis orberunmo}, , 12, The reclpienlagr«sdmi011incomogancmladnsndtseclraotloffWsmvardshodbadtemtdprogmnllncame, Ali auctrusobelma umBeomSllantwhhled ptt)jihotondlilombumdntot end hoawotd for lhee(h dve<dltonho dofilovoJIdorMnanclalau3dce gilt uldon d,as $ opplicablo,01C(1)2gC,Rk,Pon 66of(2)2gC,D,RPart20 DWI C,R%Pan215(OA(AMOufar,4110). Ni licr, the vfo orprogrom Inconso mull ba tepaied on tho gwrtedy PcJaAI P)nsnctAl l4pasb Si+425, o7r FDnM a00a4lnsVA tt) i � �°^� UcpmmetnafJustica �s Oficoof jot dce,NOS(nmg AWARD CONTINUATION I )Jurenu ocdusH6o Assislnuso SIICN,T PAog a OF 7 ' PRols!cF tttl,roeR eoll•D)O8d1fa WARD DA911 0t/11p011 SPIJCIU CONDWONN Ig. ThagrnnleepgrtestoaslstPfAlncomplyingwh6dtoNsllonolUnvlronnebnlalPolfoyAdINUPA),IhoNol{anal Witch Preaervadon Act,and g9nrulateJredcmlenvtronmtntolimpactonolysesrequLentenratn the VsoortIM6 , grant(undf,elllurJlrecUybyytrioggrmntabOrbynaubgraw<a, Accordinglrhagrmueanggrr<estollrsldNtroUnotfnny ofdsefoltowingactivldasw(IlboNndedbythogrow,ppitortoobtlgailegulforanyofthtsopurposos, [fills dctcrmined rhos any ohhe(bllotving ncilvlStas wIS1 bo rundtJ by Asa grant Iha grantso ogrtu to contact ASA, The ggmnleo underatonds that 11dt apc01a1 condition applies to Its rotlowtng naw aoUvl¢ta whether or not they are being sptcllically NOW avhh[hasagmnt fonds,11m1It,01 long as Cho pedviiy 11 bring conducted by the grontta,o aubgronlea,of any Ihlyd party anti U�4 PtllYlty needs to Ixi undedot;en In order to use throb grant lUAds,rids sp<clnl eoAdhtOn nlae(rlfit be Mai,The activities covered by this spcclol eondhlon Ord: P, NmsvrontwcUcnl b.Minor renovation or romodalJ»g otn proppecrty lacand In on anv rounlemaliy or tdsiodcafly serishivb oleo,including. pro`pcnleslocoudwiddnaf00•yeuloodploln,aWetland,orhsb(tal�orondangertdspcclar,Oroproponyl htedonor ollgibloforIIsdngon1heNmilanalliogitsaratlllSlo IOPietf o,A r 0 ovallon,late,cr aay psopond Us* ora bultd(ng or f acltity Clot writ clther(a)rosui(In a ehpnge In Ifs bufo pdoru10 or N)slgnlilcondy ohangatlsslral d,lmpttmenlplfonofnnawpwgramtnvaSWngilmusoorchandcalsolherthonchomlcnlarhatluo(a)puruhsuedason Iaddootol component of a to nskd activity and(U)uaditlonmlly us<d,for oxmnsplo,In ofdco,household,ucu btlonnl,or <ducalron envlronmours;anJ a tlaplomeatadon ora program telaing to alandasttne nushamphetw Lla lebosmlory apcta Ions,Wduding trio IdtNllleallon,so,turo,or closuro Oro,ma0ar P mellulphaloadnoiobo ntorlos, � The grontcoundcrslandsnndogr<ssthpl<amplyingwhhNnPAsnpykqulroihoprepaallanofonllnvlranmsntal ' Asstalmoai atd/oran trnvhonmentol hnpnciSrotamenr,osdlre<uJ byAlA.7710 granlro funbtrsntdcrssends and agtw to the rcqulmmenU for irnpltmenlallon ora hlhlgedon plan,ns detailed at LIIp:Jhvsvty ofp.usdoJ,govJDl lhaovatlnepa,hlmi,for p ustasas relating to Will mphdomine labomtory oparodons. Applicpllon of Tlds Speclai CondltlPn to OrmNta'a lixlsting pragrpnu or ActivlUoss 1'ar any of trio gronko's or its subgranitos'eJ lIAS Progtoml or aollvlllas Ihpl Will 66 Nndod by Ihmso Stoll(funds,Ilto groalro,upon spcelflo rdquast from 1IJA,agrcas to cooperala with DJA In any pmpaalon by 121r\of a nmllonnl or pwgrom envhonmawol aueumenl afthsiPonatdprogmntorocUvtly, IJ, ToavoWdupllcadngoxktinguomotY arlTsytlamslnanyWdnsivasNndtdbyyWA toe IMV Wolcenl0ltuformaUml ahotingg syAoms svtdch lovatvo lntenlato connccgvhy botwten JudsJldlo ns,suoh systems shmll employ,Io trio bYlani posilblo,ox)sti hstsvorYsaithowrmnunlcallon bmckbona toaohlovoimcrstatoconuwtivhy,unlasstrio g anuacan dcmonstmtp logo sntbfaetlon ar DJA shot Ihls 1equir4 awl would not bo cost effecdva or o euld impalr the runedonollty or an oxisiing of proposed IT smem, U. 14 older to promote U ro mpsion sha ing and onablo intcropesabWty among dlspwate systems accoss th4 Jusdca And pubUosnfelycpommunhy,OlPs<qulasthagtonl<aeocogplytvl16b01+OIobalJusllcoWormn"on""'Ingtnidadva . SnJodsYackge(OS'p)and SJeoasUttusololtmsnUltvhsra Ppll nblo,oaJsee osed6sdppnfosmrotho01ob1 h1tp;JAnrn,h.oJp.govlgrpp gronk'Co Cilo"Itil Mal,lidooumlotpionncdopptonc6cslolntomlotlonshorfngmid d<talbbcom ItancbtotltoOSpnndoppropllotapdvasypolloythatproleeuahaedlntoonpdoo,otprovldedaadcd Jwllnoollontorot, an,l«mativbopproochGrtommauded, O)P FORtIJ00a4lRDKAdd) i I i rry oepnnmentor7osltre WACO Orinoco progams AWARDCONTMATION2 � tlureau of,)ustico Asslsinuco Sf .BT PADS s OF s Grnnl PAOffCI'MrarD2A 200-DI•OX-01M ANARDDA7n 07/1112012 WEVAh CONDIYIONS 16, Thor¢ttptantis«quUedloos1a611sdoWsttundaeeounh('fhotrol fund moyormeyrwtboon Into Iolbeodng oreounl.)ThePond,tndudingonylnleloshmaynoibeustdto pay debts oroxpmoslncu edbyolhteatIlvhttsbeyond the stape of the ndward uymo Nitmddol Justito AtlLttaaee Oront Proglom 0AC).The«elpylent olso ngrcas to obligates and axptnd Iho grant funds In tha troll Nnd(Induding ony interest to mcd)dudogg dro period ohha granh Cram Nods (tnot(dlag any lnitrosf mined)not oxpended by the end of she grant period must l lelumtd to lho nurem,of Jpsilco Astislanw no laRr Than 90 Jays oiler Iho end of ih9 gronl period,aloe¢vvllh Iho Rntl subndsilon of Iho Ptderal i'inanolo Ropoo(Sp•425)• 11, JAOtundsmaybouscdW omitme,bullaproof volt for onogonoy,but mny not Wustil011160%tralch(Or purp ;e4 of tho Hulloproof vul pollnelship(DVp)program, to. Tho«olpientogetestosubndtasfgntd(uitkolloo that that all latvento«emonlagcncics receiving vaupurchnstd \vithJAOfundsIIAYeA1Yrilltn'maadoteryweer'Polley in effect,Pistai¢gemswdsmta agencies must k etssfgncd tetllftsedaiu on iII*for Or y lArtetplens plann(ng to udllse)A0 funds for bullt;pioof via t purchases.Tlds Polley must boIn Plato for piIml all uniformtd oMcors bcforo ony PY 2012JAa funding con boused by the agcopy Nr but Ittproof will.IWO Oro Im rcqutromtnts regarding 1Eo naWro orolo polity otht r thorl It being a mandatory svt or polity for all Uniformed olRcca while on duly, Ip. bulletproof vests pu«haitd wUh JAO funds may be po«hmed at eay Mot loval,make or model,from say diltAlItor or taanulacturcr,ru loug m tVo vests hove btoa tested msd found to ctmpl9y tv(Ih oppllcablo leallonol rnsdrota of 7usllce bullisilo or slob stondo(ds,io addliton,bullelproor vests purclsased M11)JAO foods most ba Amaltoa.wsdo,The lolcsl tltl slondardlntouuation can bo found hire¢bttp;/lwmv,nl),govfsoplcs!!<chnoloBYN�IyomtorlrofclyInlRoltvo,litnt, 20. 'ftiarcciplentagrees¢h�tnuybi<osmoUonucMologysystamfundtdcrsuppodcdbyOJptundsvvllltamplywidiYB C.pol,PCs¢23,Cdndnol lnlolllgenca Systouls Opctatl ngg pal)clu,if o)P detosmints Ws ragulad on to bo opp)Icablo, Should OtisdtltmilnoAB CAR,Part 23 lobo applteable,01 p may,at its diacm1lon,perform audit,of the RAW,os 9789g(o)(d),tReclplint nlay natisufsfyruch n)nORvtlafeder!�nJro rcrlpl<nl may W RRt d m per d2 U,g.C. , 2l, Tiro«clplentagteesloonsurothaUhaSWtalnfornsallonTrcimologpPoint ofcoaloclrt olvoswrttl<nnotlRcodon regardinganyfaformntlent¢cluiolagyproJtelfundedbytklsgam udaglho4bllgottonandoxiundltureperiod.Tldsls totacllitatatonunwt[eallonantouglaolnndslategoYcmuicnlolentitltsroBNdWgvartouthsformoltontcthnology proJeets being rondurted svleh theta gram funds,!n addhlon,the r;clplaat eg«es to nmfmato m adrrdaJstrativo R10 documenthsg Iho muting of this«quhentcnt.Por n till of Stata Wosmadan'fcebnology Polnta of Conlaei,go to hupalmvw ll,o)p.govldofouh.otpx7area=potloyAndp,6cltc4&pngcaIO46, 22. 'flrogmnteoogtestoeonlplytvithlhaopplleablerrquircmentsof78C.P.R,Pan38,the Dopmlatnlol'Justico legulog011 goveraing"Equal Trealmtnl for RAllli Dastd organballuas'(the'Equal 7yeatment llegulallms")•no Rquel T«atnttnl Regulation provides In pall that Depmisaont of Jusilco gmnl mvords of dhtct Pond tng may not bo used to fund ony inhtrontly Tell IOUs nctivhles,such m worship,religious lAlwalori,or plosetyilrol Ion,Rtoipimns ordlrett grants cony still tngogo(n f olimntly rellgtous aclivIlles,but suck aoltvitlts mast Les separwd In line orplate front the utpartment of7usdco funded Progrom,and pmliclpadon In such acdvhles by indlvlduals utelvtng services from rho grantee or it sub.gtonito must bo volunloiy,Tho Ilquol Treahnicnl Regulatton also makes clear that orgnrslzatlons puttelpating to fifogmills dhtelly Nadtd by tlhs Papsilinom ot7uslica onoRol ptrmfued to dlscrfmtnmo in ibis pprovlsfo s of se tutees oililia balls of nlxnelloloty's religion,Notwllhuonding wy a hcrspcclnl coadlllon of dds nward,fahh• based olgonizollons may,In soma elreumrtantes,consider rellglon as a boll for eniploymtnl,&0 hliP:/Anvw.oJp.govlobauUoCAcqu�(bo,hlm. 27, ThoreelplemaoknowledgesdiatallprogoasNndeddroughsubawads,whelherotthassoleorlaailovela,mull ctnfomi to rho glint program«quhcmcm!ns da6d In D1A pwgam guldonce, OJP FORV t000't1ARV.J•re) y, OtpattmeMplJwllc4 olRceoflusticoProgroms AWARD CONTINUATION t��✓ Deena of J'us((co Assis(nuco SHULT raan a or o PNole91'tMmrR 10Jtd)1•DX 0114 dwhRD DAT$ 0111111012 St'HCG1L CONll1rlt)NS 24, CmnteeogmestoeantplywltbtMrequlramontsof28C.N.R,Pmld6pndollCfRcoothudreProgranupolJdasall proeedurw regsrding the proluUon of human restarch aubjeds,inolndtng oblolnmsnl of inslltullonal Rovlaty u oord approvol,UoppropdAle,and subJttt Inlomttd constnt 25, olonuopgiomto comply with allconlldonumhyaqulramt nit of,12U .C.wdoItMgg and 28C,V.R.Port21:061 wo pppllcnblo to collection,uw,and sevala4lon of data of in feml4tlon,Uranha Nnhor ogrt as,os n comlhlon of$mnl sertlon4tgjubndlaPdvaayCeNttrAlomat(Sid accordwtlhrequlremenlsof 8C,RR.Part22 Anti,Inpmticulw, 26, n4rwpicntogrcosth6t Mots acetvedu Or(411 award wIli not bomcdtosupploot State orlocalNnds,bulwlllbe uccd to Inottoao the Mlounis of tech funds Nal would,In me obloaro of P<LUAl rands,bo mado Avollablp rot Imv onfolcomtal Acdvlllm, 27, Award«alplanurousesubndlquwicdyaPcdsrolFlnantlalRepon(SP•425)andarotualparfomiontercpodsdvaugb t ChSS(hups:flgronts.oJyy,u:do].gov), C011111100killih the l)6pANlmOnl'srtspanAbllillwundtr the dovcmulent perfonnonco and Results Act(OP"),V.L,M-62,applltoqu who r(cetv6 fon iing under this solloltodou must providedatalisolmewuorhoteiuiuofIhelnvork. ibarefore,qunntdyporfommncoM04 sreponsmustbosubmintd UuoughlsJA'a Pottoswanror`,Sensu«mcnl'f0o1(PhiTjwebsltt(1Y1vw.bJaperlaslnancetools.vrg),Parmarodetalkd Infomtodonanrepoding And olherJAtlttqukenlcros,roterto Vie JAC«podingrequlrtmtnuuebpsgs, Poliwoto subndlrequired)AOreponsLyw1abUlhtddtndWts may rolvIllh111ort mingorgranifundsandNwroWithRusk daipnmlon. '40, 'lltouclplcnlogrtotomonitorsubatvnrdsundu this JAC wall lnatcordwcewhh all appplltab!estoNtw,regulaltons, 0M11 olrcolete,and guldolines.Including the 0)p rinsncld Oulde,end to Atlude the opp{hobla condhlo n of[IdsatvotJ In ony subaword.Tlw rtdFFlcnl is alponslblo for ovarslghi otsubraolplenUptnding and monllming of spccl0o outcomas and beneflis elu(butablo to use of dAtl Nnds byaubrcolpttn(s,Tho recfptanl agtete to auOmlL upon requtsl, doeumenlallon of Ili poiletes and procedows for monllotrtteeg ors0twuds vndtr lhir awad, 29. Akira Fall«ctplcntsmullvd city PolnIof Contact(POO),rinanclalPolatotConiacl(ROQ,6w)Aulhorlud NP14UP161 econlac Womlmlon Ili oys,includingloltpboaoouraWr And e•maliaddrou, tfanylnramatlonls Miontotorhasobongcd,a Glut Mjusunom Notice(CAM mutt bea linittled VIA UtoCrontsManagemonl Sys torn (Old$)to documenl ohangts, 70. Thogranito081465 Vol tvlddn120 days ofnwudacceplanco,enchtaemberota law enkwrikent task(axe funded wllh lhtto funds tvho Is a Iosk force canmlonJ<r,ogrnoy ogtcutivn,last force o0Ua4 or olha task tone member o! ' equ(Yafonlmnk,tvlllcmnpletorcqulrcdoaUno(G1lomaahaatd)InskloreeUalnfng,'rhotrolningtsprovldcdfieoaf andCtadersid (mviu fl,o(g),All eutrenl and newtak force idinNis are rctIOrtJ to eompltlo Uda Wining MDT,rins Viol] otlhe mvadt or once every four yyews ll muh)plo mva ds Include ibis requlrentent,Th)s training cddrwlw talk force 6iksttvemss 01 vole as olhtr fioy issues Including pdvaoy and clvU Ubettltald$hts,lask force pyterfoDnonco mtosutemeny peuonnol salcetlon,and task lone ovarslghl and aaovntabillty,Addplanol lnfamlallon is avoilablo saggading mis requred trolning odd acews ntemods via BINS tveb silo And tho Comer rot Task Potco folagthy And Uadeuhip(vemv attfLorg), o)Proml 4001 IPAV.4.16) i �.yh Depotimsntof)ustleo ornsool lusu<oprogranu AWARD CONTL`04MON Durenu of Jn51(co Asslstanee SMT Pnog r Of f PROIEcr:7Uo1RnR lOIDDI•Sffi0{76 AWARD DAtar 07111A012 srscinf,coxorrroxs 31, WIlh«spscttolMs ward,fthrd funds moynotbo used topaycoshcompensation(salary plot bonums)toany emptoytoofthoowardrcctptenlota toll,that a3eetds1100of1homeahnvmoauualsohiy ayablotoatreniberofdto ledoro!govcmmenPsStnlor%touttvoServlcops)atonogenoytvithacenlnosE' PctfoimauoApvtdsalSySlant loethotytaa (Annworduafpltnlamycohrpcnmtaanamploy<oalahigh<rrnta,provldtd hoantounllnoxccssottNs compinsoiloat(snJlollonlspsidwlthnan•fcderailunds.) ThlsllmtmtlononeompatunttonrntesallavobfnunderUdsawwdmnytwwatvedanonindlviduel6uisouha ' dkemdon of tha 0)P ollisla)lndlsnttd in 1ho program nnneunstmanl Und<r which this awonl is rneJe, 32, ltcciplcatmaynotoxpendordravdatvnNndsumQlhallwtavof7usl(teM1ss(slunco,0tdcaatNtl(coProgmmshns r22<l vLd and dppptovrd 1ho algutd 7,fomorandum of tlnderslanding(MOSn lunvew lha dlsyaralo Julirdlcllons mtJ has fssutd n dront AJJVsimenl Hollca(OAt�rcteastng Itds sptalal eondhtom 33, Acclplentmny not expendnrdtarvdornfunh unit)shoburecuotlwtlto Assistance,MeONusnsePMOMhu rtetivtd sho solo or local govmning body tovlow Andror community n91111cn1lon requttemcnIs havo&on met and has Ismed a 0lanl AdJusWent Nadro(QAN)nliensing IhG apeclal c060111011, O1P fORV arAa'2lRnV.d1{) i City of Kent Project Name: Police equipment/Cormnunity Corrections Program Project Cost: $51,883 Project Description: Equip new hire police officers with rifles Replace worn bicycles used by Police Bike Patrol Repair police firing range to ensure officer safety Continue work crews in convnunity with supervision from Corrections Officer on overtime Program Need: The Kent Police Department will provide new hire officers with rifles and accessories, The city funding for police equipment is limited and not all officers have a rifle assigned to them. This will ensure that rifles are available when officers respond to volatile and/or hostage related calls. This will improve officers' ability to respond to these volatile incidents effectively and protect public safety.The following is the type of incident where officers need ready access to a rifle: 2011:Officers responded to sounds of gunshots in a residential neighborhood. Officers encountered an adult male in underwear caitying an AK-47 style assault rifle.The officer closest to suspect,armed with his handgun, confronts and demands suspect drop the gun. Suspect refuses, and begins to pull.AK-47 up and pointed at first officer, when second officer, coining from different direction,shoots suspect with AR-15, The current Kent Police Bike Patrol officers are riding bicycles that were purchased prior to 2009,These bikes are worn from being deployed daily to perform community policing. Bicycle officers are able to ride up on crimes in progress much mole easily than an officer in a police cruiser. They also are able to interact with corrrrnuuity members more readily to gain intelligence information.We request handing to replace three of the four old bicycles, This covers bikes and bike gear. The Kent Police Firing Range is used by police officers for training and periodic firearms certification.This request covers replacing existing damaged sound deadening foam and baffles and angle iron support system for target nails. We initially considered doing this work on a phased approach as funding was available,but the conditions of the range have deteriorated and we need to address them soon to ensure the safety of police range/training staff and officers using the range. We requested a change of scope in the ARRA FY2009 JAG for the original quote to do this work.The cost to complete these repairs increased as we received additional quotes for this work, We request to fund the remaining balance for the critically needed repairs to protect officer safety through this grant. FY 2012 JAG Progiem Nairative The Kent Police Department began operating a supervised work crew pi ogi am in 2009, This program expands the areas that the work crew can work within the City of Kent and prepares qualified offenders for employment.The work crew program instills the discipline necessary to increase offenders' work ethic that will help them find and retain future employment upon their release from correctional supervision.These offenders earn good time that decreases their time in jail and helps the city maintain a manageable and safe jail population, Graffiti removal is one of the frequent projects performed by the work crew. We request funding for a total of 266 Corrections officer overtime hours over two year to supervise these work crew projects, I Program Activities for 4-Year Grant Period: By 12/31/2012: The rifles funded tluough this grant will be purchased and assigned to patrol officers. By 2/28/2012:The bicycles will be purchased and assigned to Bike Patrol officers.This will allow us to rotate out the used and worn bicycles.The range repairs will be complete by 2/28/2012 also, By 9/30/2014: The corrections officer overtime will be completely expended, Anticipated Coordination Efforts Involving JAG and Related Justice Funds: These JAG funds will supplement finding available for equipping patrol officers,The current sources for equipment funding are limited city funds. The State of Washington's budget deficit was passed onto Washington cities by eliminating the liquor tax revenue pass through to tfrc cities.This annual total of$10 million will be allocated entirely to the state general fund, A new Initiative 1183 privatized liquor retail outlets,effective June 1,2012 and included a provision to pass a portion of alcohol tax back to law enforcement, but it is unknown exactly flow this will be distributed to law e11110rcernent in Washington State,The Washington Traffic Safety ConuuIssion, Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs and the Kent Police Traffic School funds ate limited to equipment for(raffle officers and traffic safety. The BJA, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program FY 2011 award is currently fitnding a one year contract to provide Life Skills Workshops to offenders at(he City of Kent Corrections Facility(CKCF), The contract also covers community reentry services at the comtiactor's office once the offenders are released from the CKCF. The Kent Police Department continually seaiches for justice grant funding to support equipment and programs, Project Objectives: Objective 1:The Kent Police Department will ensure that officers have access to necessary equipment and equipment is in good working order, 1, Number of equipment items purchased. FY 2012 JAG Piogiam Nairative This will include the new rifles and replacement bicycles. 2. Number of equipment items purchased and'deployed to patrol officers. This will measure accountability that the equipment was purchased and distributed to patrol offtceis for their use. It will also measure the time it takes to assemble the base equipment and accessories to deploy in the field, 3. Percent of officers reporting improved efficiency with new equipment. This will measure if officers have found value in easier access to equipment and j replacement of old equipment. Objective 2: Provide a safe firing range for police officers' training and certifications, 1. Firearms trainers report improved program quality after range repairs, This will be gathered through a survey to the firearms trainers after the repairs are completed, 2. Percent of police officers reporting hnproved feeling of safety after repairs. Police officers training,practicing or being tested for certification will complete a post repair survey that will be conducted for one month following completion of the repairs. Objective 3:The Kent Police Department will expand the supervised work crew program though identifying new opportunities and increasing the number of offenders participating in the program. 1. Number of program slots added through initiatives. We already track offenders assigned to jail programs.We will continue this tracking and it will allow us to report the percent of increase in the number of offenders participating in the supervised work crew, 2, Number of hours of programming provided, We also report community service and work time credit hours completed by offenders quarterly. We will report the percent increase in conununity service hours as a result of this project. 3, Number of Program participants receiving services. We will report the number offenders participating on the work crew,the number carried over from the previous period,the number that dropped out of this program and the number that completed the program on a quarterly basis, 4, Number of corrections officers working overtime and number of hours worked for each officer. This measure will include only overtime worked to supervise the work crew. JAG Project Identifiers. Correctional Alternatives Firearms Officer Safety Overtime FY 2012 JAG Program Nar native i FY 2012 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application BUDGET A. Personnel -� CITY OF SEATTLE I3ame/Posit:on Computation Cost Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary monthly salary 0 of months 8 of positions (3 positions) $5,895 12,25 3 $ 216,641 00 TOTAL: S 216,641.00 B, Fringe Benefits CITY OF SEATTLE Name/Position Computation Cost Crime Prevention Coordinator Salary monthly benefits tJ of months 0 ofpositions (3 positions) $2,323 12.25 3 $ 85,370.00 TOTAL: $ 85,370.00 City of Seattle SubTolal: $ 302,01 t,DO O. Consultants/Contracts CITY OF AUBURN: OT Rate #of Hours Teen Late Night Program Officer Overtime: $88 18 $ 1,58400 Citizen's Police Academy Officer Overthne: $89 65 $ 5,720.00 Fireworks Emphasis Patrols Officer Overtime: $88 215 $ 18,920.00 Auburn SubTotal: S 26,226.00 CITY OF BELLCVUE: Item Computation Cost 34 MC-3 Type III Rifle Plates for SWAT Vests 24 x$600 $ 14,400.00 Sales Tax(approximate) 9.5% $ 1,255.00 Bellevue SubTota1: $ 15,655.00 CITY OF BURIEN: Item Qty Unit Cost Cost Rifles 5 $ 1,126 $ 5,630,00 Optics for Rifles 5 S 400 $ 2,000.00 Simunition Rifle Conversion 3 $ 315 $ 945.00 Ammunition for Simunition Rifles 1 $ 600 $ 600.00 B:caching Tool-Halligan Tool 2 $ 175 $ 350.00 Breaching Tool-boor Ram 1 $ 324 $ 324.00 Breaching Tool-Sledge Hemmer 1 $ 50 S 50,00 Ballistic Shields 2 $ 2,380 S 4,760.00 iPad 3 for surveillance camera monitoring 3 $ 700 $ 2,100.00 iPad Extreme Daty Military Case 3 $ 70 $ 21000 Sharp TV monitors and mounts for traiuhtgs/presentations 2 $ 1 300 S 2,600.00 Burten SubTota1: S 19,569.00 CITY OF DES IIMOINES: Item Computation Cost B:other Mobile Solutions Printer-$239.80 each 10 x 239.80 $ 2,398.00 HoneSnvell B ucode Seamier Kit-$229.00 each I x 229.00 $ 2,519.00 i I FY 2012 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application BUDGET Pi Inter Mount,E-Ticket C-ARPB-I 10-$1$5.00 each 9 x 185.00 $ 1,665.00 Universal Headrest Bracket-$160.00 each 9 x 160.00 $ 1,440.00 USB Cable Kits-$30.00 each 900 30 $ 270.00 BMS Perforated Rolled Paper Packs 25 x 41.25 $ 1,03125 Shipping(Estimated) $ 310.75 Sales Tax 8.60% $ 802.00 Des 117olnes SuhTotal: S 10,436.00 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Item Computation Cost Project I Tasers 9 Each Vendor Estimate $ 9,000.00 Project 2 UFED Sofivare Upgrade Vendor Quote $ 5,06000 1vlise Accessories Project 3 Automated External Defibrillator (AEA)Devices 24 Each Vendor Estimate $ 19,060 00 Project 4 Electrostatic Dust Lifter Vendor Estimate $ 900.00 Federal Way SubTotal: $ 34,020.00 CITY OF IC04NTi Item Computation Cost Corrections officer overtime(2012.2013) $43.09 x 148 hours S 6,378.00 Corrections officer overtime(2014) $44.39 x 118 hours $ 5,235.00 Social security $11,613 x.0765 $ 890 00 Retirement $11,613x.06 S 700.00 Rifles with accessories $2,0501set x 9 sets $ 18,450 00 Bicycles for Bike Patrol(replacements) $2,410/bike x 3 bikes $ 7,230,00 Metal fabricator/range repair conhactor TBD $13,000 for balance of estimated repairs $ 13,000.00 i KentsubTotai: $ 51,883.00 ICING COUNTY Name/Position Computation Cost IT Developer-Salary Requirement Development $11474/mo*4 mo*.7 FTE $ 32,127.00 Application Development $11474/mo*7 mo*.79 FTE $ 63,451.00 Implementation $11474/mo' l mo*.71 FTE $ 8,147.00 1T Developer-Benefits Requhement Development $3825/mo*4 mo*.7 FTE $ 10,710.00 Application Development $3825/mo*7 mo*.79 FTE $ 21,152.00 Implementation $3825hno* I mo*.71 FTE $ 2,779.00 King County SubTotal: S 138 366.00 CITY OF RENTONt Item Computation Cost Domestic Violence Training and Conferences Location TBD $4,000.00 (Price will vary depending on training an location) I EY 2012 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application BUDGET Honda Portable Generator with light I @$1545 00 ea, $1,545.00 Sales Tax $151AI Motorola MC75 Worldwide Enterprise 1@$3290,00 ea. $3,290.00 Digital Assistant Sales Tax $322,42 Trauma Kits(First Aid) 99 @$25.25 ca. $2,499,75 Sales Tax $244.98 Coban Car Camera System 1 @$6000.00 ea, $6,000.00 Sales Tax $588 00 Office supplys for Domestic Violence Advocate(pamphle(s,brochures,education materials) $3,564.44 (Items and price will vary depending on needs and items purohesed) Direct Victhn Services Assistance for victims protection-relocation $8,000.00 (Items purchased vary depending on victims needs at the time) Renton Suh'Cofal: $30,206,00 CITY OF SEATAC: Item Computation Cost Overtime $100 per hour x 60 hours $ 6,000.00 Installation of rifle racks estimate$75 per hour x 27(patrol cars) $ 2,025.00 Vertical Gun Rack $210 x 27(patrol cars) $ 5,670.00 Miscellaneous training supplies estimate $ $7.00 SeaTac SubTotal: $ 13,782,00 CITY OF SHORELINE: Item Computation Cost Handheld radar 5 radar units x$I 987 $ 9,935.00 I.Shoreline SubTotal: S 9,935.00 CITY OF TUKWILA: Item Computation Cost PD Evidence Sotiivare and Licenses I unit at$5000.00 plus tax and liccusiing $ 5,800.00 PD Officer work-stations 5 units at$500.00 plus tax and installation $ 3,000,00 Plotter for PD Crime Analysis 1 unit at$2500.00 plus tax $' 2,800.00 PD Crisis Communication Unit -Equip 8 Supplies 2 tablets x$700 $ 1,400.00 5 idcntlfying apparel @$150 each $ 750.00 5 work portfolios @$50 each $ 250.00 Negotiator Field Supplies(estimate) $ 500,00 PD Incident Co:mnand Vehicle electronics upgrade 1 radio reprogramming @$500 $ 1,000.00 i 1 DVR Hard Drive @$500 $ 500.00 PD Admin.Office-Mitel Conference phone and install. I unit at$693 plus lax and installation $ 693.00 Tulovila SubTotal: $ 16 693,00 i I FY 2012 JAG City of Seattle Joint Application BUDGET BiJDGET SUD11S4ARY- Ove:all Summary Budget Category Total Budget A. Personnel $ 216,641.00 B. Fringe Benefits $ 85,370.00 C. Travel $ D, Equipment $ E. Supplies $ F. Construction $ ! G. Contractual $ 366,771.00 H. Olher $ Total Direct Costs: $ 668,782.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS; $ 668,782.00 TOTAL JOINT ALLOCATION: $ 668,782.00 II 1 i i i i Edward Byrne Memorial FY 2012 Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Formula Program Joint Application Budget Na rra tii•ve A.Personnel ($216,641) A request of$220,950 is included for City of Seattle for salary costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Department. This amount will pay for 12 months in 2012 and an additional 2 weeks in 2014. B.Fringe Benefits($85,370) A request of$88,061 is included for City of Seattle for fringe benefit costs associated with preservation of 3 Crime Prevention Coordinator Positions in the Seattle Police Department. Fringe benefits are City of Seattle standard fringe benefits for civilian personnel,and include FICA, Health Care Medicare, Life Insurance,Retirement, Workers Comp, EAP,Disability Insurance,and Death Benefits,and are calculated at a rate of approximately 26%of base salary. G. Consultants/Contracts ($359,711) As the fiscal agent,City of Seattle will enter into Interagency Agreements with all of the sub- agencies listed•below. Sub-Agencies will be required to spend their funds,and then request reimbursement from City of Seattle. Therefore,we are listing all of the costs associated with their programs under Consultants/Contracts: City of Auburn A request of$26,226 will cover Auburn Pollee Officer overtime costs associated with three programs requested by City of Auburn:Teen bate Night,Citizen's Police Academy,and Fireworks Emphasis Patrols. At an average overtime rate of$0, approximately 298 hours of overtime will be worked. City of Bellevue A request of$15,655 will cover costs related to the purchase of 24 rifle plates for SWAT vests in the Bellevue Police Department. City of Burien A request of$19,569 will cover costs related to the purchase of Burien Police Officer Equipment to improve officer safety and make officers more effective in the field. I City of Des Moines j A request of$10,436 will cover costs related to the purchase of equipment to support SECTOR Technology Completion&Implementation in Des Moines. City of Federal Way A request of$34,020 is included to support 4 projects:$9,000 is included to purchase 9 Tasers, $5,060 for UFED software upgrades,$19,060 to purchase 24 Automated Defibrillator Devices, and$900 to purchase an Electrostatic Dust Lifter. City of Kent A request of$13,203 is included for Corrections Officer Overtime in 2012,2013, and 2014, Approximately 266 hours of overtime will be worked, Additionally a request of$18,450 is included to purchase 9 sets of Rifles, $7,230 to purchase 3 replacement bikes for Bike Patrol,and $13,000 for repairs to the Kent Police Firing Range. King County RMS Employee interface Project:$138,366 is requested for an IT Developer to create RMS 1 interfaces to provide DAJD employee access to RMS. Cit3,of Renton A tequest of$4,000 is included for Domestic Violence Training and Conferences, $8,000 for ditcet services to Domestic Violence victims,and$18,206 for various equipment that directly supports police programs. City of SeaTac A request of$13,782 is included for 60 hours of overtime and supplies and equipment to support Active Shooter Training and Equipment. City of Shoreline A request of$9,935 is included to purchase 5 Radar Units for the Shoreline Police Department to catch speed violators as well as collision reduction due to speeding. City of Tukwila A request of$16,693 is included to support the following equipment purchases: Tukwila Evidence Program Upgrade:$5,800,Tukwila Neighborhood Resource Center Workstations: $3,000, Crime Analysis Plotter:$2,800,Crisis Communication Unit Equipment: $2,900,Incident Command Vehicle Electronics Upgrade: $1,500,and PD Administiative Office Conferencing: $693 I ' i Byrne Justice Assistant Grants Budget Nair ative Joust Application Page 2 of 2 • I