HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW13-065 - Original - Regional Water Supply System Partners - Repayment Agreement to City of Tacoma for Second Supply Project - 08/24/2010 REPAYMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement, effective August 24, 2010, is by and among the City of Tacoma, Washington ("Tacoma"), the City of Kent, Washington ("Kent"), Covington Water District ("Covington") and Lakehaven Utility District ("Lakehaven" and, collectively, the "Participants") WHEREAS, the Participants entered into the Agreement for the Second Supply Project (the "Project Agreement") to obtain required perrmts for, design, finance, construct, operate and maintain certain property and facilities to obtain and receive deliveries of water for the Participants from the exercise by Tacoma of the Second Diversion Water Right (the "Project'), and WHEREAS, the Project offers to all of the Participants an additional source of water with the benefits of joint development, tax exempt financing and economies of scale, and WHEREAS, the Participants have approved a Filtration Treatment Project Financing Plan relating to installing a filtration treatment system at the Project ("Filtration Treatment Project"), and WHEREAS, Tacoma has agreed to finance, to the extent not prepaid by Participants, the costs of Phase I of the Filtration Treatment Project by the issuance of nonrecourse revenue bonds to be issued by Tacoma("2010 Project Bonds"), and WHEREAS, Lakehaven has elected to separately fund its share of costs of Phase I of the Filtration Treatment Project and will not participate in the issuance of the 2010 Project Bonds, and WHEREAS, the Participants have entered into a Filtration Treatment Project Financing Plan that sets forth the terms under which Lakehaven will make cash payments for Phase I and the financing plan for the Filtration Treatment Project, and WHEREAS, Kent and Covington have elected to have Tacoma issue 2010 Project Bonds to finance a portion of its/their share(s) of Phase I of the Filtration Treatment Project, and WHEREAS, a portion of the Bonds are being issued as Build America bonds because such bonds result in a lower net interest cost than tax-exempt bonds, WHEREAS, the Tacoma Public Utility Board has approved and the Tacoma City Council adopted an orchnance and resolution (the "Ordinance") authonzing Tacoma to issue $47,840,000 principal amount of its Regional Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, 2010 (the "Bonds"), consisting of Series A in the principal amount of $3,595,000 and Series B in the principal amount of$44,245,000 to finance the portion of the Filtration Treatment Project described in the Ordinance, and A-1 510903341 WHEREAS, it is advisable to elaborate on the Project Agreement's payment sections, and WHEREAS,the Bonds will be Project Bonds under the Project Agreement, and WHEREAS,the Participants wish to set forth the terms under which the Participants shall make payments to Tacoma equal to their share of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due and to confirm other matters required to market the Bonds, and WHEREAS, this Agreement has been duly authorized by ordinance or resolution of each of the Participants and by the City NOW, THEREFORE, the Participants agree as follows Section 1 Term This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by the Participants and shall expire when the Bonds are no longer outstanding under the Ordinance Section 2 Payments by Kent and Covington Notwithstanding any provision of Section 25 of the Project Agreement to the contrary, Kent's and Covington's obligations to repay their share of the Project Bonds shall be governed by the following provisions (a) Kent and Covington hereby acknowledge and agree that they shall pay Tacoma a portion of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and are liable to repay Tacoma amounts due and owing with respect to such principal and interest as shown on Schedule A Interest on the Bonds is payable sermannually on each June 1 and December 1, commencing June 1, 2011 Principal of the Bonds shall be payable annually on each December 1, as shown on Schedule A Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated based on a 360- day year of twelve 30-day months The Bonds shall bear interest at the rates set forth in the Resolution and as shown on Schedule A (b) Kent and Covington shall renut to Tacoma on or before three business days prior to each interest and principal payment date, commencing in May 2011, an amount equal to the interest and principal, if any, next conung due based on their percentage share of the Bonds as shown on the final Schedule A For the Series B Bonds (the `Build America Bonds"), Kent and Covington shall pay interest based on the interest rate net of the 35% payment to be received from the federal government, provided, however, if Tacoma receives the 35% payment after an interest payment date, Tacoma may charge Kent and Covington interest on such late payment at a rate equal to the current earnings rate on the City's investment pool from the interest payment date to the date the interest payment is received from the federal government unless the reason the 35% payment is not received is the sole result of Tacoma's failure to submit forms in a timely manner to the federal government Payments shall be sent by check or electronic transfer to the address or account shown on Schedule B Tacoma shall not be required to bill Kent and Covington for these payments A-2 510903343 (c) Tacoma agrees to deposit all amounts received from the Participants under this Agreement in the City of Tacoma Regional Water Supply System Bond Fund maintained under the Ordinance and to use such money for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds and Future Panty Bonds (as defined in the Ordinance) If Tacoma draws on the Reserve Account to cover a payment not made by any Participant, Tacoma may deposit amounts related to such late payments paid pursuant to paragraph (b) above to the Reserve Account to meet the Reserve Account Requirement(as such terms are defined in the Ordinance) (d) Kent and Covington may provide for the prepayment of all or a portion of their allocable share (in increments of$5,000) of the Bonds on any date when the Bonds are subject to optional redemption (at the price set forth in the Resolution) upon at least 60 days written notice to Tacoma at the address shown on Schedule B Tacoma shall apply those amounts to the redemption andprepayment of an allocable onion of the Bonds P P (e) Consistent with the terms of the Project Agreement, each Participant agrees that it will establish, maintain and collect rates and charges for water and other services, facilities and commodities sold, furnished or supplied by it through its water system which shall be adequate to provide revenues sufficient to enable the Participant to make its required payments under this Agreement (in the case of Kent and Covington) and the Project Agreement and comply with the rate covenants in their respective resolutions or ordinances authorizing their senior lien water bonds (as such covenants may be changed) (f) Kent and Covington shall remain obligated to provide for their respective shares of debt service on the Bonds listed on the final Schedule A unless all Participants consent to add a new Participant or to permit an existing Participant to assign its interests to a new Participant and all of the requirements set forth in Section 15(c) of the Ordinance are met In such event, Schedule A shall be adjusted to reflect the revised debt service schedule for all Participants, including the new Participant All other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect (g) Tacoma may in its sole discretion issue bonds that refund the Bonds ("Refunding Bonds") if and only if there is a debt service savings for each maturity of Refunding Bonds (compared to the Bonds and except as necessary to round out maturities to the nearest $5,000) and the final maturity date of the Refunding Bonds is not later than that of the Bonds In such event, Kent and Covington shall be obligated to provide for the payment of their respective shares of the principal of and interest on those Refunding Bonds, and Schedule A shall be adjusted to reflect the revised debt service schedule for the Refunding Bonds Refunding Bonds that do not provide the debt service savings with the maturities described above may be issued by Tacoma only with the written approval by Kent and Covington "Refunding Bonds" shall be treated as "Bonds" for the purposes of this Agreement, and all other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect A-3 510903343 Section 3 Covenants (a) Tacoma, Kent and Covington agree that they will not take any action during the life of the 2010 Bonds that would adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the Series A Bonds or Tacoma's right to receive the federal credit payment for a portion of the interest on the Series B Bonds, and such parties will execute a certificate prepared by bond counsel in connection with the issuance of the Bonds regarding the reasonable expectations of each party and the tax representations necessary for the Bonds to be issued as tax-exempt or Build America Bonds Kent and Covington shall provide copies of any proposed contract with private parties for the management of its water system or any contracts with a private party or the Federal Government that exceed three years (or such lesser period if informed in writing by Tacoma) for the sale of water from the Project to Tacoma Tacoma and its bond counsel shall promptly review such contracts and shall inform Kent or Covington, as applicable, if such contracts are expected to result in private use of the Project If bond counsel concludes that such contracts will result in more private use than is permitted by then current IRS laws and regulations based on Tacoma's, Kent's and Covington's percentage shares of debt service on the Bonds, Tacoma, Kent or Covington shall not enter into such contract unless Tacoma, Kent or Covington, as applicable, within 60 days after the contract is executed, provides funds to Tacoma sufficient to redeem or defease the portion of the Bonds that bond counsel concludes is required by Federal tax law to be retired Tacoma shall provide to the Participants copies of any of its proposed contracts that it expects to execute and that is likely to result in private use prior to the time the contract is executed If Tacoma, Kent or Covington takes an action that creates a possibility that the Series A Bonds could lose their tax-exempt status or the Series B Bonds would not be eligible to receive the federal payment of a portion of interest, such party shall be responsible for paying costs to remedy such issue (b) Kent covenants that it will not amend its Ordinance No 3258 or adopt an ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds the effect of which would be to limit Kent's ability to declare Kent's obligations under the Project Agreement and this Agreement to be a contract resource obligation of Kent (c) Lakehaven covenants that it will not amend its existing bond resolutions to limit its ability or obligation to treat its share of all costs of the Project, including once its 1998 Bonds are no longer outstanding, when the Project is not operating, as operating and maintenance expenses of its system or as a contract resource obligations after its 1998 Bonds are fully redeemed, refunded or defeased (d) Covington covenants that it will not issue any additional bonds on a parity of lien with its Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2001, and that it will include a provision in its future bond authorizing resolutions enabling it to treat its share of all costs of the Project, including when the Project is not operating, as a contract resource obligation. (e) Each Participant represents that it has no outstanding utility revenue bonds or other obligations including Public Works Trust Fund loans, and covenants that it will issue no future utility revenue bonds or other obligations including Public Works Trust Fund loans,that in either case permit the owners or holders to accelerate debt in the event of a default Each A-4 51090334 3 Participant further covenants that it will not enter into any agreement or adopt any resolution or ordinance granting the owners or holders of any revenue obligations the right to accelerate payment in the event of default Section 4 Ongoing Disclosure To assist the underwriters of the Bonds in complying with the ongoing disclosure requirements of Section (b)(5)(i) of Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Rule"), Kent and Covington agree to include reference to the Bonds in its/their regular ongoing disclosure filings pursuant to the Rule or, in the absence of a regular ongoing disclosure filing, to provide or cause to be provided annually to each nationally recognized municipal securities information repository and to the state information depository for the State of Washington (if one is created), in each case as designated by the SEC in accordance with the Rule, audited financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to Washington municipal corporations (except as noted in such financial statements) within eight months after each fiscal year Covington and Kent shall provide Tacoma a copy of such filing by each September 1st Section 5 Official Statement The Participants acknowledge that Tacoma is preparing an official statement for the sale of the Bonds The Participants agree to cooperate with Tacoma in providing information regarding the Participant for inclusion in the official statement and to certify that the information provided is accurate Section 6 Assignment, Third Party Beneficiary The Participants shall not assign their interests or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of all the other Participants This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind the respective assignees The Bondowner's Trustee (as defined in the Ordinance) may enforce a Participant's obligation to provide for payments that are due under this Agreement There are no other third party beneficiaries of this Agreement Section 7 Communications Communications between the parties, including reconciliation statements and electronic transfers sent pursuant to Section 2(b), shall be delivered in person, mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the addresses and to the attention of the person and account specified on Schedule B of this Agreement A party may change such address or account or specified person by submitting to the other parties a revised Schedule B Section 8 Amendments; Reliance No amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a written amendment signed by all parties Tacoma will issue the Bonds in reliance on this Agreement Section 9 Severability If a provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this Agreement Section 10 Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Washington A-5 510903343 Section 11 Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and each shall be considered an original when the signature of each party has been obtained Section 12 Waiver No provision of this Agreement may be waived except as documented or confirmed in writing and no such waiver may be used to materially impair the force and effect of any substantive provision of this Agreement Any waiver at any time by a party of its right with respect to a default under this Agreement, or with respect to any other matter ansmg in connection therewith, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or matter A-6 510903343 the Participants have duly executed this Repayment IN WITNESS WHEREOF, p y Agreement on the date first written above. City of Tacoma City of Kent Department of Public Utilities Water Division By. C' Iu ^- By: V,* Linda McCrea Suzette Cook Title: Water Superintendent Title: Mayor Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: Z :" �C 1t' By: Bill F bre Tom Brubaker Title: Attorney Title: Attorney Covington Water District Lakehaven Utility District By: By: Gwenn Maxfield Don L P. Miller Title. General Manager Title: President of the Board of Commissioners Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: By: Eric Fnmodt Steve Pritchett Title: Attorney Title. Attorney A-7 510903342 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Participants have duly executed this Repayment Agreement on the date first written above. City of Tacoma City of Kent Department of Public Utilities Water Division By: By: // C---- Linda McCrea e e Cook "Title: Water Superintendent Ti e: or Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form aH -lcgaiit� By: By: l Bill Fosbre om Brubaker Title: Attorney Title: Attorney Covington Water District Lakehaven Utility District By: By: Gwenn Maxfield Don L.P.Miller Title: General Manager Title: President of the Board of Commissioners Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: By: Eric Frimodt Steve Pritchett Title: Attorney Title: Attorney A-7 SIO903342 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Participants have duly executed this Repayment Agreement on the date first written above. City of Tacoma City of Kent Department of Public Utilities Water Division By: By: Linda McCrea Suzette Cooke Title Water Superintendent Title: Mayor Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: By: Bill Fosbre Tom Brubaker Title- Attorney Title: Attorney Covington Water District Lakehaven Utility District By: } B `\Gwenn Maxfield Don L.P Miller Title. '\,Yeneral Manager Title: President of the Board of Commissioners Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: By: Eric Frimodt Steve Pritchett Title: Attorney Title: Attorney A-7 51OM342 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Participants have duly executed this Repayment Agreement on the date first written above. City of Tacoma City of Kent Department of Public Utilities Water Division By: By- Linda McCrea Suzette Cooke Title: Water Superintendent Title- Mayor Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: By- Bill Fosbre Tom Brubaker Title- Attorney Title: Attorney Covington Water District Lakehaven Utility District B B By: Y: Gwenn Maxfield Don L.P. Miller Title: General Manager Title: President of the Board of Commissioners Approved as to form and legality: Approved as to form and legality: By: By: Eric Frimodt Steve Prit heft Title: Attorney Title: Attorney A-7 5LO903343 SCHEDULE A Principal and Interest Payments SCHEDULE A-1 510903343 Avg J0.2UIO 1130 mo Pxparod o OuV,,..p 01nmd 1ledmr In, prfe ROND IN 141"'FR ICE cm 61 I a.. W ixtmg3oe Regroml Rarer S44ph S'q"l-Kerj Only Rc=.B..L.Sa.2010 k k Smc 2010 D Fu�33a00eP N'"Ib p Powd i8enal Elalmg Pnmpzl Cowon Inmlasl Debr$et .- DexServxe 0601,2011 42U 11'09 420.112 M 1201,2011 '299"03 2'2993 ds 693.10912 061U12012 '21W 03 112 09"03 12 UI"_012 '299'03 2"2,99"03 $45,994 06 06012013 21299"03 2"399'9} 12 0 L2013 26Q000 2 00Mb 2299'03 532097(H 805.9A1116 06 U1,201, 2'039'03 039-03 12UL2011 261000 2MM, 2'039'03 5ii39'03 505,'9106 06012015 26"i'03 26',',03 12012011 270,Ua1 2%WA N,-1703 Ill%_1 M 805,444-06 06 W1 201t, 265 04'03 263.04"01 M 12016 215,000 3 000% 26_5 0t'03 510 04,03 WA98A6 060IQUr 260 922 03 16092203 12011,201, 28i10V0 3000% 260�'203 5109'r'03 SolSa4A6 060i Mg 256'1203 2W"22 W 1101 IN]9 290000 3mr5o 2167203 546,-w sal'"4A6 06012019 212 3'2 03 2525v203 12 012019 300,000 3 DOWN 252 372 03 512 3"2 03 804,744.06 06 01 2020 1'872 03 24',S'+2 03 1201N20 ATOM 3.000% 2191103 is,02M 865,744 pb 0601?lY.'i 2203 213,11L03 1201 2V21 '1 15 000 4 JDWA 1. 2.,222 03 5 CC 222201 801,4s4 06 06 01-2022 2%922 01 2%922 03 1201.^.022 330.000 4"% 2x602,03 166,9'I03 603,Sa406 0"1,M3 23032203 230,3=03 U01,202_3 3115,000 4=% 2303220,3 375-12,03 905,64406 06411 2094 72',412 03 223 412 rR 11-01202, 355,000 404114 22.112203 5'W.'2203 SOIA4406 0601,2025 21632203 216�2203 12.012025 PUN 5371% 21631203 SM,v.03 802.6"1A 0601,2016 2063T'69 206,468 I2012026 3N5,000 5371% 2063iN68 541 +b'tg '9777136 0h01202-1 1%046% 19604650 12012127 :00,00D 5311% Pk04650 596. b30 -92,09300 06,01^_028 183,A4 SO 13, 59 12.OIP2wN 4€U00 5371% W'304% 545"W.50 "80.60400 0601 2029 1%193105 1 20 95 1_OI2fL9 425.000 S3-1% 1'429395 59929345 -7358'90 U601 2030 162880 58 162 54U 38 12012030 :40.000 5311% 162,85058 6Cr,88058 165;4116 0v01"2411 1'I u61 38 I<J'W'38 12012(M 'S5,000 5621% 15100,IN 60('061i3S '37,12g26 0607 2012 13h 2-6 fiO 13h 276 60 120174M 170.000 5621% M2-660 60a2'16(41 -r16'55320 0&01 2033 U5,06'25 12�06'25 1201 N33 490000 5421% 125,06'25 615,06-25 '40.1a450 0&01,2U3. 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Paw I NTT DFAT�FRNWF C'y 443v�It a.Wm t Aegwz f Wx[c 5 tWP,b}9cn-i`miag!.xt(Ay Rcvcauc Bmtdc&nw 20.0 4&ScL s2010 B T.1�cnficd\unx 35%Federal Mli P=Od Endam 'Fotat33ebt5m," Sabatdy Ne Dcb4:Sm _]mll ml_0 1 cul 48923 =75L`.23N,300 `_fl._011 325,vI a =14,057.2 21 ,82036 61L1OF2 3-25,67711 -314057 21.,3"2036 2n2¢22 48 =14di712 21',3-036 6F120.3 3;,877 IS •;14 057 t2 21 820 36 ,211,2013 32�,N-748 -114,047 z2 21-41936 6t11.1014 325 6-7 0 -1105712 21.82036 .21112024 31a,6'746 -111,037:2 21 gd2U36 61D_Oi5 325,6'7 qj -.1107 i_ 21:,62)3b :_21L_^015 1358'7 dA •1]4,M7°_ 21„33036 611P_016 35,87748 -l14,0>7,;: 21„12036 l2CW6 3-�,R-7W -114,0�7,2 21t,42036 01,2937 3"3,R'T 48 -114.O5712 21462036 :2r1r20;7 3;�,977 15 :14.OS7:2 211 62036 6ti�'O:8 3:5,8'7 19 1107:2 21:,E2O36 '211r20'S 315,1-7 W -111037 2 21.,42036 6t1Qn:q 325,8774R -'14ib712 21'920 16 :2fl.0,9 325,c"74E di4,Os-7,2 '11,32016 6lLCIECO 32537718 -114,057,2 2f'32036 1271e1O20 325,817Is -11406712 2,4a.,036 6t7R021 325,R7718 .`14057 2 21i32036 7b9@021 325,97719 =1405712 21'82036 MaO22 3258-,749 .v14D371,2 21`82036 1211,20,12 325,9" 48 414,037„$ 11.Q036 611,20 1 325,8'7 a1 --11 057.2 211,4'N 36 ..1C0J 325 d17 1', 1I4,O57 i2 21.,&2036 325,a-7 46 14p57'2 21,d2036 1211COJ4 J]5,3'748 114047'2 21 ,32036 611.(C5 32537748 114,057,2 21 ,32036 1211 M5 358749 -,14,047 2 211,32036 eu1r2VM 3ZS,&774� -,14,057,2 21..32036 :2b_'01% 325,%-?ffi -.1d,u57 L2 21,d2036 WICO27 325,4-7U ,1I'm12 21,d2036 `.11,?027 324,8'748 -'14,0571II 211,32036 6,1,2028 325,8'748 =14,M73: -11,d2036 '2"=s 325,877 i8 '1a,03712 213,820 36 bb2V-19 32,8T% -,11.03712 21182036 12'ICO29 M5,9-7$8 114037,2 -11182036 ' 6 'Wo 324587718 -'14037:2 21'320 36 .21,2030 3 5,977A II I(67-2 21'g2036 WD.031 325s"?43 74(h-7 2 YI +1036 2,1,2O31 32c.R'748 `14.057'2 21132036 611f'033 325,8'748 -:14.W,C2 21-82036 12412032 325,31749 111407.2 21 .82036 NIM,33 12587748 014,05712 21,92036 1211M33 LWOX,748 ;14,0c712 -V 4036 6112034 2%04360 101,515,26 18852S34 SCHEDULE A-6 510903343 A6glo,�*osasomvrwsd 9c enna Makesrx Page9 NTT DEBT SFRN X F C'm o:Tam,,x'twWag'm &-gain Watt^SjrAt 4y.'cn•Cm V Chly AcvmuaAceMz Sane:0,0 4&Smiex J01U 9 I'mal�c�fied 4.,m'�e�s 55%1 eftal I3AD1 Mad N6dm8 Tool Delft Sm,cc Sibs.& Nr DOI Setvec 7 I Zob 16 0 Al Ell -0 +151c ,'O8 i',I A 61104s 2i1,44�00 49"10'5 .tlK} I"il,2035 1,622,44'00 -&$,'40" -551,it 2 &12036 2:4,11115 7$05410 139,38675 1:.Ji AE?36 1,6M,14.15 750l40 196'S 6,-JA7 :745is05 .6%W6- 11iF1;Al ,.1 :037 IAKi1905 6',036:7. `,eR i,W`b4 U12038 :33r_770 A66:6.20 36.5 5o .21r2IX08 1,6$8,5.7 v 46,6Z6.10 .,63',.Pa 30 h7.2039 50,3s738 3},fi29.5 58,73.43 1211,1094 lj6m,1s754 li'm<e :,63873,43 6+312D40 44,9z168 160309 29.J,B�q "I 2WO 16w 4=16,b 16.093041 66F WSa }c 35 n144, zt`.' ]3E114V054 'D'6Ne SctmsRme+e F'Iad au wed'o cam'SW.mlheiml shjJ u mevkb'cvmhoms and au"uualurem-xe o _d;P>ete.P—Ww..amp.c'0 nld Amcwal6o A,ewdl xt+mn a tiorl c'm Fwlaral tirnc:a Deaf aryal 0 35°4 n:fi aad when mtces:pays:§vugS uu fsul em of me trsMsrl-eoa SCHEDULE A-7 510%334 3 qu--- -- <A i ym P- Sy Omgn,;eg Glotvl ltuiketr lac page 5 110Ml D7 R r SE3t LICE t N of r.. A": .nrmn Regtom, wa SimpI3 S,cvm-Tacoma Orly R,couo Hw d�x,.2010 A&Jma 2010 B Fu d 4 rnLcC N.macro Aanod Annul En w,g Pnnnpnl Cm�pon IrRreet Debi Service N n Sauce 06 0112011 1'r.53`98 1 0'.N'98 12/112011 69ha873 69b26S 3 1,772,826.1 0601.2012 69"s73 69a26S13 I_'012012 69816573 6%26b'3 1,3%.53716 0601 Z013 69826813 648 208'3 U 01,2013 69826873 (,9S N's-3 1396.53746 06 U 1,201 I 69b2S 73 696 265'3 1201.2011 69826573 6962"'3 1,39f 1746 0601120E 6991603 698,268 a 12012015 69826873 69826E-9 1,346,13736 06 01.2016 69826873 698,2"11 12 U1,2016 696-US 73 69626873 1,396,53746 0601,2017 698,YlS73 69S269'3 12 01.017 6W26573 698,10-3 1306.531 16 of,01_018 69826873 69826E 0 3'_012019 698'68"3 698,26%'i IW6,�i7,:6 06112019 69h9.6S.73 605268'3 12012019 698 ZI873 69826d 3 1396,537.46 06111020 69816E i3 6981,6813 ItTl_<20 69826873 698,hs-3 1396,.53716 0601 INC 1 648 269 13 69&268-3 12111 1-,031 698268 a 69%2"-1 1,306,537 a6 0601dD-12 698265"3 69S 261 13 t_'-V1.022 69h26b7a 608,204 n 1,39653746 tl6U1_0.�3 69816813 698126b"3 I'_Ti1.2473 6481261"3 698,2bR'3 1,39Mh 7A6 06111_'I@4 69k269'S 111''""3 12 01 Ili`1 69kW6R T: 69S.26h'=4 1,306.53446 MINI _025 698268 73 608 26n'3 1101,_ 23 b98rb813 698,2b83 139b,53740 06101;,ffi6 6081-6913 69826E-3 1211120/6 0%16h'3 60y6S'3 096.53746 06,912027 69&165, 69A26E'3 12 91292° 69%26n 13 69k ME'3 U%,53746 U6 01'_1L'8 698-BS 13 698:bb"3 12 01,2028 698,268'3 69k.2"11 139057 a6 061J12029 699Ib873 694,28h'3 I'_UIP229 698768'3 69k26S'3 1,396.53746 0601203o 69826573 6uh26113 12 01 2030 69816813 049-:"13 1396,537 46 %01.2A31 69h26873 69&1"'3 12112031 69n 26h 73 69S,26ri"I 1,196,537 46 U601 2012 69k-6h-3 69626813 ti012t132 III,26k13 69S26S'3 1 i9b -i6 0&012W-1 698,26813 698_"6$"3 L'OIn_033 730,0W $621% 698_'O$'3 3423,168-3 4,126537.16 06.U 12@4 621 1112118 621.Y,2 08 12 Ul'_034 21hmWoo S 611% 621 542118 3,411 532 08 4,073,0SA 16 0,0124115 5+200.93 54204 93 12.0112015 2935.000 5 621% 5'^_,00A 43 3,471,001'93 4,010.009 M 06,012036 s59,516'5 -030516"5 I:0112016 3,040.000 5621°: .i9�It,75 3499.416-5 39590t3�O 060I 2037 3'.0--55 3--.(Y':55 12.012t137 115(40011 5621% i'40"51 i,52-0''55 3,89$l4i10 0"112OU 285,5116 90 281-146 Sit) 1,012038 3165000 5621% 285,511680 3,55054SO 3,$36.00760 0601 Mitt 1937S348 10,18398 12 U1 21)-;9 3385 000 5 621% 192'8198 3 5 4'83 98 3 7-156'06 0f.01 2W0 98,6.th 56 0b 6.E 55 11-01 2010 3 5€0.000 3 621% 98,6-5 55 3,603,64E 5$ 3,"07,29710 24S.e504) 3',(4(.S0211 (12.91,59211 6249139211 SCHEDULE A-8 510903343 Aag.0.2U,O 5 42 in.Pnared ht['iuy.oap timbal M4sCs 830- Pxpe 8 NTT DFBT*FRWF C'm J!TY., ,14vyyll'sl }tegmal Watt^Slupll s,%tm-tattNta ao<y Plevaau9Daula,tiL+,ry 2OX A& c..20108 F.1%c Iicd 4,w17as 356 Fedv al SA13s P=od 02dim 7onl Debt Smvtcc S4bxdv Net Debt Smme �iznn r7rL0`i t,u"4,«7 -376.(M 24 64846269 '27l20,11 69026873 N4 W4116 453,rt67 61-1)2012 698-1013 -211 394 ad 453$11 v iVI2012 649,w313 -24I191( 4t1117467 6,A,2013 6R2:9873 -244341A6 1<33'1tb7 12'1,2013 6 R,6A 73 -244,30406 49 37447 6,1r2014 699„78 73 .144 39406 153 6314 07 .211120:4 6',41,=6473 :443a40b t!3,d't4d7 ti2,.1035 6".26i73 .41,3940b 453,37467 .VIC015 6W 269 73 44,1,39406 $13 874 67 tni-10i6 698,-68 73 .144,3941Ab 46,374,67 .211-0'6 6"cad 73 444,391D6 aSS,871 47 6+112077 648,26d 73 -'44 39406 4<3 V4 67 :2r120i7 608,:64 73 _11 344Ab 413 67167 6 1e20;3 60416d 73 ,4'30406 453 37167 :211,20'8 699'69R =11W;O1 1i14716, 61Y2019 698 2m 73 214-194 06 4z 1 174 67 :2f1CO29 699,26973 a939k06 4s3i-N67 ulIWO 698.26d73 --21139306 41331467 iVilmr20 69t-hiI73 -244.394.66 453,97467 6111=1 608,?6473 •214194im 4$1374A7 12 72021 609,264 73 .:44 19406 411374 Al 6'7r2022 6QR,_6973 -i44394A6 45387467 `:IaO21 69926473 -41,3QtD6 43,,27467 67CO23 699-2647; 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Sag "1srf 39 4109e9<o 6+1.2PiU 98,649 R699 6412 96 <C 7 Two 1,6tlR 643 ca 14=^699 1"4 2 56 62 a91.9! -11 704 243 49 311 41-0 Not& 2070 Dv�:Smrto-ReurveF,wd aranai'u sxin23Q+za 4tlr91e{mm Suhlett tw murke:mahnunxasd acCuaiimn[npffia 20tb 4r,e.If ass,uvea-ecmp,t,f H�dh gr,,c,ch Romt...3nade paymm°s$am OAP FW gGoicm'.d aqua[B 31%uith ae¢i a 60,u[lettscpaVa 4um�i'w?mal E-ny al t'w 7utSahot SCHEDULE A-10 510903343 SCHEDULE B Notice Addresses Tacoma's electronic wiring instructions are as follows. City of Tacoma Wire Instructions Financial Institution Bank of America ABA Routing Number 026009593 Account Number 67650200 Type of Account Checking Account Name City of Tacoma,WA Federal Tax ID No 91-6001283 Bank Phone Number (800)426-1411 x 70566 City of Tacoma ACH Instructions- Financial Institution Bank of America ABA Routing Number 125000024 Account Number 67650200 Type of Account Checking Account Name City of Tacoma,WA Federal Tax ID No 91-6001283 Bank Phone Number (800) 426-1411 x 70566 a Checks should be mailed to Tacoma City Treasurer 733 Market Street, Room 23 Tacoma, WA 98402 Attn Second Supply Project City of Kent 220 4 b Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 Attn Finance Director Covington Water District 18631 SE 300th PI Covington, WA 98042 Attn Business Services Lakehaven Utility District 31627 1 st Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 Attn General Manager SCHEDULE B 510903343 i � �`� REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE 0 T Please Fill inAll Applicable Boxes i Reviewedlby Director i Originator's Name: Dave Brock Dept/Div. PW Operations Extension: 5658 j Date Sent: 3/26/13 Date Required: 3/26/13 Return to: Nancy Yoshitake CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: VENDOR: Regional Water Supply System DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 3/19/13 Partnership ATTACH THE COUNCIL MOTION SHEET FOR THE MAYOR - if applicable Brief Explanation of Document: The attached amendment is to the 2010 Tacoma Regional Water Supply Bond Repayment Agreement for the Tacoma Regional Water Supply System. For additional information see the attached Council motion sheet. RECEIVED MAR 2 6 2013 City of Ken, Office of the Mayor All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department I (This area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: 17 I Approval of Law Dept.:Law Dept. C VAR 2 G 2013 Comments: � Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded Areas To Oe Completed By Administration Staff Received: V Recommendations and Comments: �Y �% d" - aF�P - Disposition: ..��1�3 ��'7 � � L,�/C, //� �- C+�'�,�1 C' al Date Returned: