HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW12-301 - Original - U.S. Department of the Inhterior - Green River at 200th Bridge and Springbrook, Mill Creek and Rock Creek Stream Gaging Stations - 10/1/12 Form 9-1366 U.S. Department of the Interior Customer#: 6000000723 FY13 (Oct. 2005) U.S. Geological Survey Agreement#: 13WNWA09800 Joint Funding Agreement Project#: 97229EU TIN#: 916001254 Fixed Cost r r Agreement Yes No FOR WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the 1" day of OCTOBER 2012, by the U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, party of the first part, and the City of Kent, party of the second part 1 The parties hereto agree that subject to availability of appropriations and in accordance with their respective authorities there shall be maintained in cooperation a fixed-price agreement for operation, maintenance,and data collection on Green River at the 200th Street Bridge, and at Springbrook, Mill Creek, and Rock Creek stream gaging stations, herein called the program The USGS legal authority is 43 USC 36C, 43 USC 50, and 43 USC 50b 2 The following amounts shall be contributed to cover all of the cost of the necessary field and analytical work directly related to this program 2(b) includes In-Kind Services in the amount of $ N/A by the party of the first part during the period (a) $46,125 OCTOBER 1, 2012 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 by the party of the second part during the period (b) $60,080 OCTOBER 1, 2012 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (c) Additional or reduced amounts by each party during the above period or succeeding periods as may be determined by mutual agreement and set forth in an exchange of letters between the parties (d) The performance period may be changed by mutual agreement and set forth in an exchange of letters between the parties 3 The costs of this program may be paid by either party in conformity with the laws and regulations respectively governing each party 4 The field and analytical work pertaining to this program shall be under the direction of or subject to periodic review by an authorized representative of the party of the first part 5 The areas to be included in the program shall be determined by mutual agreement between the parties hereto or their authorized representatives The methods employed in the field and office shall be those adopted by the party of the first part to insure the required standards of accuracy subject to modification by mutual agreement 6 During the course of this program, all field and analytical work of either party pertaining to this program shall be open to the inspection of the other party, and if the work is not being carried on in a mutually satisfactory manner, either party may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other party 7 The original records resulting from this program will be deposited in the office of origin of those records Upon request, copies of the original records will be provided to the office of the other party 1 8 The maps, records, or reports resulting from this program shall be made available to the public as promptly as possible The maps, records, or reports normally will be published by the party of the first part However, the party of the second part reserves the right to publish the results of this program and, if already published by the party of the first part shall, upon request, be furnished by the party of the first part, at costs, impressions suitable for purposes of reproduction similar to that for which the original copy was prepared The maps, records, or reports published by either party shall contain a statement of the cooperative relations between the parties 9 USGS will issue billings utilizing Department of the Interior Down Payment(Bill) Request (form DI-1040). Billing documents are to be rendered QUARTERLY Payments of bills are due within 60 days after the billing date If not paid by the due date, interest will be charged at the current Treasury rate for each 30 day period, or portion thereof, that the payment is delayed beyond the due date (31 USC 3717, Comptroller General File B-212222, August 23, 1983) U.S. Geological Survey Name of Customer United States City of Kent Department of the Interior USGS Point of Contact Customer Point of Contact a Name Ken Frasl Name Address USGS WAWSC Address: 934 Broadway, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98402 Telephone 253-552-1670 Telephone- Email kefrasl@usgs.gov Email Signatures Signatures By Date BY Dat // Name. Cynthia Barton, Ph.D., L.G., L.H.G. Name SGtZ�f�e Lnofj� Title Center Director, USGS Washington Title Water Science Center /� a .� By Date By Date Name Name Title Title 6000000723/13W NWA09800/FY13-C x 6000000723/13W NW A09800/FY13-C ANT OFF r United States Department of the Interior o U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY USGS Washington Water Science Center 934 Broadway, Suite 300 Tacoma, Washington 98402 (253 1600 • FAX (253) 552-1581 "UV U Z 2012 October 31,2012 Mr Mike Mactutis CRY OF City of Kent � � ��M�+ '`�l 220 4`'Avenue South Kent,Washington 98032-5895 Dear Mr Mactutis This letter supersedes our letter,same subject,dated September 21,2012. Note that the Green River gaging station at the 200`h Street Bridge is added to the Joint Funding Agreement. Enclosed please find the costs for continuing the U S Geological Survey cooperative data-collection program in Federal fiscal year 2013 (October 1,2012 through September 30, 2013) The total fixed cost of the program is $106,205 Under the USGS cooperative program,$46,125 will be provided by the USGS,making the Cdy's total share of the program costs$60,080 If this agreement is acceptable to you,please sign both copies of the enclosed Joint Funding Agreement(JFA) and return one copy to the above address Also, complete the customer contact information on page two of the JFA PLEASE NOTE In order to continue operation of these gages,the USGS will need a signed agreement no later than November 16,2012 The USGS will bill you quarterly, in four equal amounts If you have questions regarding billing, please contact Sheila Loyd, Budget Analyst,at(253)552-1656(e-mail smlovdC usgs qov) The USGS has TIN number 916001254 on file for the City of Kent If this number is not correct, please contact Sheila Loyd with the correct number For your information,the USGS DUNS number is 093640092 It is understood that the results of this work will be available to the USGS for publication and use in connection with related work Near real-time data for all the stations in this program are available from the USGS National database at http//waterdata usgs qov/wa/nwis/rt If you have any questions, please contact Ken Frasl,Tacoma Field Office Chief,at(253)552-1670(e-mad• kefrasl@ usgs cloy) Sincerely, f Cynthia Barton, h D , L G ,L H G Center Director Enclosures cc:Tacoma Field Office Chief, USGS WAWSC,Tacoma,WA U.S. Geological Survey/City of Kent Cooperative Stream-Monitoring Program October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013 city USGS Total USGS Station No. 12113344 Green River at 200th Street Bridge Streamf low data $7,710 $0 $7,710 Real-time satellite telemetry $1,385 $0 $1,385 Subtotal $9,095 $0 $9,095 (a) USGS Station No. 12113346 Springbrook Creek at Ordlia Streamflow data $8,100 $7,320 $15,420 Real-time satellite telemetry $1,450 $1,320 $2,770 Precipitation data (not published) $1,205 $1,085 $2,290 Subtotal $10,755 $9,725 $20,480 USGS Station No. 12113347 Mill Creek at Earthworks Park Streamf low data $8,100 $7,320 $15,420 (b) Real-time satellite telemetry $1,450 $1,320 $2,770 Subtotal $9,550 $8,640 $18,190 USGS Station No. 12113349 Mill Creek at Orillia Streamf low data $8,100 $7,320 $15,420 Real-time satellite telemetry $1,450 $1,320 $2,770 Subtotal $9,550 $8,640 $18,190 USGS Station No. 12118400 Rock Creek below Diversion near Ravensdale Streamflow data $8,100 $7,320 $15,420 Real-time satellite telemetry $1,450 $1,320 $2,770 Precipitation (published) $2,030 $1,840 $3,870 Subtotal $11,580 $10,480 $22,060 USGS Station No. 12118500 Rock Creek near Maple Valley Streamflow data $8,100 $7,320 $15,420 Real-time satellite telemetry $1,450 $1,320 $2,770 Subtotal $9,550 $8,640 $18,190 TOTAL $60,080 $46,125 $106,205 (a) One half cost paid by City of Tukwila Total cost$18,190 (b) USGS operates peak-stage crest-stage gages upstream and downstream from street culvert downstream from gage During flood events, the peak stage measurements at the gage may be affected by backwater from plugged outlet gates on structures REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes K•,T1i IGTO1 Reviewed by Director Originator's Name: k; -. ; -IV, Dept/Div. Extension: Date Sent: If I ; Ir - Date Required: - Return to: '!:4 � � ir f( ` CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: VENDOR: �',,��, ; �,i,, i� r «rt C�;;•- �� `�' DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: ATTACH THE COUNCIL MOTION SHEET FOR THE MAYOR - if applicable Brief Explanation of Document: Ll C-17-i ` 3 C ct C�of 11��, _ It V 15 � � cq-j'� t_V r 2 C It �� All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (This area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: 4 � t � % RED r G �-' �f Approval of Law Dept.: f�y. Keni NOV 0 2-52012 �{+ o ;spa Law Dept. Comments: 7Datewarded to Mayor: % G " LI) 1 Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: I �, '� Recommendations and Comments: ?�y ` , 201 i Disposition: ���!/Z�Gi�/72.0� f j f� Cl� Date Returned: r • WASMIM KENT Agenda Ifem: Consent Calendar - 7I GIOH TO: City Council DATE: November 6, 2012 SUBJECT: USGS Cooperative Data Collection Program Agreement - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the joint funding agreement for Water Resources Investigations between the city of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. SUMMARY: This is an on-going program with the city of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for stream data collection. For Fiscal Year 2013, the City will contribute $60,080 to the annual program cost of $106,205 with the USGS providing the remainder. USGS's share of the cost is funded through federal funding at a set limit. For 2013 the federal limit is $46,125. These gages provide valuable information on stream and weather conditions, including water surface elevations, flow levels and amounts of precipitation. This information is used to calibrate stream flow models and increase the accuracy of stormwater flood projection models. The models are used in the design of stormwater projects. The gages, through their link to internet web sites, allow staff and the public to monitor stream flow levels from remote locations. The stream flow measured by the gage at Rock Creek and Kent Kangley Road is a requirement of the Clark Springs Habitat Conservation Plan. It is used to determine the City's augmentation of flows in Rock Creek during the drier months. This contract will provide for operation, maintenance and data collection at five gages. Two are located on Mill Creek, one on Springbrook Creek and two on Rock Creek. The gage information is available to the public real-time at http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wa/nwis/current?tvlpe=flow EXHIBITS: USGS Joint Funding Agreement RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee BUDGET IMPACTS: Costs for this contract will be charged partially to the Water Utility (Rock Creek gages) and partially to the Stormwater Utility (Mill and Springbrook gages).