HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC12-299 - Original - United Way of King County - East Hill Revitalization Project - 10/01/2012 s Records M a n-. -- eMle KENT " - WASH,„G,o„ Document i ,.. CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: United Way of KC Contractc� Yendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: 2013 Consultant Services Agreement Detail: Project Name: New Solutions Contract Effective Date: 10/1/2012 Termination Date: 06/30/2013 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Josh Hall Department: ECD Abstract: c w\. l l l E t a S Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\contractCover\ADCL7832 07/02 United n United Way of King County Contract Way GUY New Solutions Funding Contract October 1, 2012—June 30, 2013 United Way of King County This contract is made between United Way of King County and City of Kent,East Hill Revitalization Project,referred to as "the Contractor". A. Term of Contract This contract is in effect from October 1,2012 to June 30,2013. B. Amount of Contract A total of$25,000 will be awarded to the Contractor by United Way of King County for services provided during the terms of the contract Subject to the terms and conditions contained in this agreement and all attachments,payment shall be made according to the payment schedule in Attachment A C. Amendments United Way of lung County, at its sole discretion,may adjust amounts awarded under this contract or otherwise amend the contract,upon at least 90 days written notice, for changes in economic and other conditions affecting our community,including but not limited to 1) determination that United Way of King County revenues are insufficient to meet current or emerging priorities or 2) determination that significant changes in public sector funding warrant changes in United Way of King County's funding Other amendments require mutual written consent and 60 days nonce D. Scope of Work The Contractor agrees to the scope of work as outlined in Attachment B E. Anti-Terrorism Compliance Measures In compliance with the spirit and intent of the USA Patriot Act and other counterterrorism laws,the Contractor represents that it takes reasonable steps to 1 Verify that individuals or entities to which it provides,or from which it receives, funds or other material support or resources are not on the U S Government Terrorist Related Lists*, 2 Protect against fraud with respect to the provision of financial,technical,in-kind or other material support or resources to persons or orgam7ationq on such lists,and 3 Ensure that it does not knowingly provide financial, technical,in-kind or other material support or resources to any individual or entity that it knows beforehand is supporting or funding terrorism (whether through direct allocation by the United Way of King County Board of Directors or through the distribution of donor designated funds which it processes for donors participating in a United Way of King County campaign) *In this form, "U S Government Terrorist Related Lists"refers to (a) the list of persons and entities in Executive Order 13244, (b) the master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by the Treasury Department, and (c) the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations maintained by the Department of State,as may be updated from tune-to-tine F. Non-Discrimination Compliance Measures The Contractor shall not discrinimate on the basis of age,gender,race, sexual orientation,national origin, religion, presence of a disability or any other requirements of federal, state, or local law in the delivery of service The Contractor also acknowledges and understands United Way of King County's strong commitment to and preference for funding Contractors which prohibit discrimination based on age,gender, City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract New Solutions FY2013 I race, sexual orientation,national origin,religion and presence of a disability in all areas, including governance, employment or volunteer recruitment G. Termination of Contract If the Contractor fails to meet or comply with the terms of this contract,United Way of King County may,at its sole discretion 1)work with the Contractor to develop a goal and tirneLne for compliance,or 2) defer payments,or 3) eliminate payments,or 4) amend the award,or 5) terminate the contract with 30 days'notice During the contract period,the Contractor will notify United Way of King County at least 60 days prior to the effective date should the Contractor plan to discontinue a program that is tied to the funded outcome(s) Either party may terminate the contract for cause upon 30 days nonce United Way of King County may withhold payments and/or terminate all of its contractual obligations hereunder immediately if,in the opinion of United Way of King County, the Contractor triismanages or makes improper use of any funds provided hereunder,or refuses to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this contract United Way of King County will require repayment of any funds determined to be mismanaged by the Contractor H. Contract Terms The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal and state laws pertaining to charitable organizations The Contractor agrees to comply with all United Way of King County terms,conditions and requirements as stipulated in this contract and attachments At any time during the contract year,United Way of King County may conduct an audit to verify compliance with contract terms I he following attachments are included and in effect with this contract ® Attachment A—Payment Schedule ® Attachment B—Scope of Work ® Attachment C—Contract Requirements ® Attachment D—Audit Policy I. Signatures The signatures on this document indicate that the parties are in agreement with all stipulations made herein Contractor,your signatures further indicate that you are currently in compliance with all contract terms, conditions and requirements UNITE D WAY OF KING COUNTY CITY OF K jc,4Fine ecto /C O Signature* President/CEO Sur.e,A/e e&vAe Director/CEO Name(printed)* Director/CEO's Title (printed)* 10/2/2012 Date *Required City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract New Solutions FY2013 2 Attachment A Payment Schedule Payments under this contract shall not exceed$25,000 A one-tune payment of$25,000 will be made by United Way of King County within four weeks after receipt of the signed contract,including all attachments City of Kent-East Hill ReN italization Contract New Solutions FY2013 3 Attachment B Scope of Work The Kent East Hill Revitalization (KEHR)Project's goal is to catalyze a community driven revitalization process of the neighborhood and commercial districts within Kent's East Hill area by budding partnerships within the surrounding community,growing awareness of the revitalization process to all residents, and prioritizing the goals and objectives through a community driven process,at the same tune grooving the capacity in the community through leadership development and collaboration Deliverables • Organizational structure identified,clear roles,processes and procedures developed and organizational leadership structure created • 5-15 leaders trained in facilitation,communication and planning • 3-5 additional community meeungs held and facilitated by the community leaders • Planning and implementation of a"(juick victor)" project • Cultural Competency and Cross-Cultural communication trainings for KEHR members Reporting Submit a final report including the following • What results were achieved for each of the deliverables above? • What were the challenges that you faced in project implementation? • NXhat have you learned that you want to share with others? • Hoag have you leveraged the small grants fund amount with other funding,in-kind donations, volunteer hours,new partnerships, cost savings, etc? • What are your next planned steps for this program? • Submit report by July 22,2013 for the October 1, 2012 through June 30,2013 period in the e-CImpact web-based reporung system City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract New Solutions FY2013 4 Attachment C Contract Requirements The Contractor agrees to the following requirements: REQUIREMENT DUE DATE 1 End of Year Report July 22,2013 The Contractor will measure the work listed in this contract Submission will be made in e-Clmpact in accordance with instructions provided by United Wav of King County and will report to United Way of King County regarding the results of program evaluation 2 Success Ston July 22,2013 The Contractor will submit at least one individual or Submission will be made in e-Clmpact program level Success Story The story should be current, but may be pulled from an already prepared newsletter or document prepared by the Contractor 3 Non-discrimination Policies Ongoing See Section F,Non-discrimination Compliance Measures 4 Financial Audit Audit submission due 6 months plus 1 The Contractor will submit as stated in the audit policy for day following the Contractor's fiscal near the audit requirement end 5 If the Contractor has a website,it displays the United Way of Ongoing King County logo on its home page with a hyperlink to http//wcvw unitedwayofkingcounty org and the statement, "Supported by United Way of King County" 6 The Contractor will display the United Way of King County Ongoing logo in newsletters,e-newsletters, annual report and printed brochures relevant to the funded outcome(s) 7 The Contractor will provide copies of electronic or hard- Ongoing copy newsletters to Communications Director,United Way of King County,720 Second Avenue,Seattle,WA 98104,or to mbeneke@uwkc org 8. The Contractor will maintain an up-to-date listing in the 211 Ongoing registry City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract New Solutions FY2013 5 Attachment D United Way of Ring County Audit Policies REQUIRED SUBMISSIONS All United Way of King County(hereafter known as UWKC) grantee agencies are required to annually submit financial statements that are GAAP compliant or a tax return (please refer to"Content of Submission Packet') These submission packets are due no later than six (6) calendar months plus one (1) day after the close of an agency's fiscal vear (i e,if your fiscal year end is December 31, the reports are duejuly 1 of the following year With all submissions or milestones,if a due date falls on a weekend or UWKC holiday,the due date is moved to the following UWKC business day Submission packets are apportioned into three (3) tiers by amount of revenue and/or grantee award. Tier 1,Agency has: $1,000,000 or more in total annual revenues OR receives$100,000 or more annually in grantee funding from LAWZ{C the agency is required to submit 1 Audited Financial Statements 2 Documentation that the Agency's governing Board (or Board designated committee) has accepted the audit report Acceptable documentation can be either (a) minutes of the agency Board (or Board designated committee) meeting at which the audit report was accepted as final,or(b) a letter signed by an agency Board officer that,in his/her capacity as a Board officer,he/she accept the audit report as final, as authorized by the board 3 All OMB Circular A-133 reports associated with the financial statement audit 4 SAS 115 letter,Communication of Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit,or a management letter or letter signed by a Board officer stating that no material weaknesses or significant deficiencies were reported to the Board by the auditor Tier 2,Agency has: Between$300,000 and $999,999 in total annual revenues OR receives between$30,001 and$99,999 in funding annually in grantee funding from UWKC, the agency is rewired to submit 1 Reviewed Financial Statements 2 Documentation that the Agency's governing Board (or Board designated committee) has accepted the review Acceptable documentation can be either (a) minutes of the agency Board (or Board designated committee) meeting at which the review was accepted as final,or(b) a letter signed by an agency Board officer that,in his/her capacity as a Board officer,he/she accept the review as final,as authorized by the board Tier 3,Agency has: Less than$300,000 in total annual revenues OR receives$30,000 or less in grantee funding annually from UWT{C, the agent, is required to submit 1. IRS Form 990 or 990EZ 2 The agency financial tool provided by UWKC City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract New Solutions FY2013 6 Submission Requirements: 1 Audit reports must be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards by an independent certified public accountant 2 Review reports are to be prepared in accordance with AICP A standards 3 Financial statements must be in confortnity,with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Guide, "Audits for Not-For-Profit Organizations" 4 Where applicable,audits are to adhere to Government Auditing Standards,the requirements for OMB Circular A-133,and any other relevant standard The independent accountant's report should include an unquahfied opinion In the rare event of a qualified opinion,an adverse opinion,or a disclaimer of opinion,the report must be accompanied by an agency board statement which sets out the agency's plan for correcting the item or items which caused the independent accountant to issue other than an unqualified opinion If any part of the submission audit packet is missing by the due date,including financial statements that are non-compliant with GAAP,the entire packet is considered to be incomplete and funds will be held until all required pieces are submitted and reviewed. REVIEW OF SUBMISSION PACKETS Upon receipt of the submission packet,the submission will be reviewed by the UWKC Audit Review Committee The review process may uncover issues that call into question the financial health or integrity of an agency, or create doubt as to the abihty of that agency to honor its contractual performance conimuments with UWKC Such issues will be investigated by staff and committee members Agencies will be notified of all issues to be investigated and notified when issues are resolved During this investigation,the agency's non-designated funds will be withheld Upon successful resolution of the issues, the withheld funds will be released If the issues cannot be successfully resolved, the Community Building Cotmmtttee will ask the Board of Directors of UWKC to approve the forfeiture of all withheld funds and to cease non-designated funding for that agency If the Board of Directors of UWKC approves the forfeiture of all withheld funds and the cessation of non- designated funding for that agency,the agency may reapply for future funding from UWKC Issues identified in the review of the submission packets,as well as the agency's history of submissions (including timely filing),will be an element in determining any future allocation levels EXTENSION REQUESTS If an agency is unable to meet the due date,a written extension request may be submitted by the agency to UWKC The extension request 1 must be signed by the Chair of the agency's governing Board AND 2 received at UWKC in time to be evaluated and approved prior to the due date (At a minimum the request should be submitted to UWKC at least 1 week before the due date) Approval of an extension shall be limited to circumstances clearly beyond the control of the agency City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract Nev,Solutions FY2013 7 Extension requests must include a target submission date as well as a brief description of 1 What event(s) has caused the submission to be late 2 Who is responsible for the event(s) causing the delay 3. The tinning of the relevant factors affecting the event 4 Why the event(s) is beyond the control of the agency 5 What steps the agency has taken to ensure that the delay will not reoccur Extension requests must be approved by both the Chair of the UWKC Audit Review Committee(or designee) and the Senior Vice President of Community Services (or designee) The approval process may require a week or more If the extension is not approved,the agency will be considered subject to the impacts noted in the following section IMPACT OF NON-FILING OR INCOMPLETE FILING Failure to comply with the stated Audit Policy wilt result in the following actions: •If the required submission is not received agency funding will be withheld after receiving communication from UWKC as per contractual agreement("sequestering process") Funding will be withheld until the complete audit packet is submitted and reviewed by the UWKC Audit Review Committee Chair or their designee •If the required submission is 90 days or more late: the President of UV61KC or their designee, through the Community Building Comnuttee,will bring this issue before the Board of Directors of UWKC to approve the forfeiture of a portion of,or all,withheld funds and to cease non-designated funding for that agency and take other appropriate action •If an extension request has been approved after the sequestering process has begun,the sequestering process is stopped temporarily,but resumes at the point of interruption should the agency fail to meet the target submission date that was agreed to in the extension approval process •Upon Audit Review Committee verification that the agency has submitted a current and complete packet and that die review process uncovered no issues to be investigated, the Chair of the UWKC Audit Review Committee will notify the President of UWKC or his/her designee m writing The President of UWKC or his/her designee will instruct the accounting staff to release all withheld non-designated funds to the agency and to resume normal monthly non-designated fund payments for that agency The President of UWKC or his/her designee will notify both the agency Executive Director and the agency Board Chair of this action A copy of the Audit Review Comnuttee letter of audit verification and a copy of the President's letter of release from sequestering will be placed in the agency's permanent file Impact on continued funding_If an agency's allocation is withheld, a contract for further funding will not be issued until the UWKC Audit Policy requirements are met and any issues are resolved Further,if an agency's allocation is withheld,the sequestering will not be removed until required submissions for all missing years are received,reviewed by the UWKC Audit Review Committee and any issues are resolved Approved by UWKC Community Building Committee March 2011 City of Kent-East Hill Revitalization Contract New Solutions FY2013 8 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes WASH'NGTON Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator �� Phone (O[iginator) Date Sent j Date Required Retui n Signed Document to �r CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: ' VENDOR NAME: L — �A �� DATE OF COUNCIL ,APPROVAL: I T � Brief Explanation of Documen t41 1:1 Pro ect M0 . RECEIVED DEC 3 2012 City of Kent ffice of the Mayor All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department lThfs Aiea to be Completed Bti the LaaA Department) Received RECEIVED Appioval of Law Dept DEC 0 3 Z012 F Law Dept Comments- KEN" LAVY DEP K. Date Forwarded to Mayor- 2'- Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Received- Recommendations & Comments: q 2v1� u- Disposition Date Returned. Iage5870 • 3r05