HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK12-249 - Original - Washington State Arts Commission - Spotlight Series - 12/15/11 WASHINGTON STATE ARTS COMMISSION Program: Grants to Organizations-Project Support—Level B-Midsized Arts Organization FY2012 Contract No.2012013 GRANT CONTRACT i THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between the WASHINGTON STATE ARTS COMMISSION,711 Capitol Way S, Suite 600,PO Box 42675,Olympia,WA 98504-2675 hereinafter referred to as the COMMSSION,and Name: Kent Arts Commission Physical 2..20. .4th....Ave.South .. _ . . . ...... Address: � Kent WA 98032-58..5 mailing 220,4th.Aye South Address- Kent IVA 98032-5838 i Phone No. (253)856-5050 Web Site- www1entarts.com ............................ Washington State UBI No, 173 000 002 Federal Employee Id No. 1-6001254 `t� Social Security Number NIA hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR THE PARTIES MUTUALLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: A. PURPOSE OF CONTRACT This Contract sets out the terms and conditions by which the COMMISSION awards a grant to the CONTRACTOR for the purpose of developing, sponsoring,promoting or admmistermg an activity,project or program which is related to the growth and development of the arts and humanities in.the State of Washington. RCW 43.46 provides the statutory authorization for making the grant. The funding is administered under WAC Title 30. B. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY.PROJECT, OR PROGRAM CONTRACTOR shall use funds awarded under this Contract No.2012013 solely for the grant proposal, funded through Project Support for Midsized Arts Organizations for FY2012 as described in Attachment A:Scope of Work. C. AMOUNT OF GRANT 1 The Commission awards Heritage Center Funds m the amount of ZERO AND 00/100 Dollars ($0.00)to the CONTRACTOR 2. The Commission awards Federal Funds in the amount of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars ($3,500.00)to the CONTRACTOR Applicable only if Contract includes Federal Funds: Federal Catalog ofDomesho Assistance No 45.025 Federal Grant No: 10-6100-2024 3. The Commission awards private funds in the amount of ZERO AND 00/100 Dollars ($0.00)to the CONTRACTOR 4. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide matching funds equal to or greater than the total funds provided by the COMMISSION. Grant Contract No 2012013 2 of 3 1 5. Payments will be made in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in Attachment B. D. CONTRACT PERIOD Funds are awarded for the period beginning January 1,2012 to June 30,2012. The CONTRACTOR must expend all funds by the ending date of this contract. Funds not expended by the ending date of this contract shall lapse unless an extension is requested in writing by the CONTRACTOR and approved in writing by the COMMISSION.The CONTRACTOR shalt notify the COMMISSION immediately upon knowledge that any portion of the funds will not be expended by the end of the fiscal year. E. CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVES The following shall be the contact persons for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Contract. Either party shall provide written notification to the other of changes in contract representation. CONTRACTOR's Contract Representative: COMMISSION's Contract Re resentative Name Ronda Billerbeck Name Christel Ratliff and Title• ................ ..., and Tale. Cultural Programs Manager Administrative Assistant Grg City of KeifttAKts.Commission Orr Washington State Arts Commission— Name. Name: Grants to Organizations Address. 220 4th Ave South, Address PO Box 42675 Kent, WA,MU;-MM Olympia,WA 98504-2675 Phone: (253)856-5055 ext- Phone (360)586-0026 Fax (253)856-6050 Fax (360)586-5351 E-Mari rbillerbeck ci.kent.wa.ns E-Marl: ehristel.ratliff arts.wa, ov F. LIMITATION OF AUTHORITY The COMMISSION's Agent shall be the Executive Director of the Washington State Arts Commission Only the CON]MISSION's Agent shall have the express,implied,or apparent authority to alter,amend,modify,or waive any clause of condition of this contract.The Agent may delegate this authority,but such delegation is effective only if in writing.See General Terms and Conditions for Contract Amendment or Modification procedures. I G. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS All rights and obligations of the parties to this Contract shall be subject to this Contract and its attachments including the following,which by this reference,are made a part of this Contract: I Attachment A: Scope of Work AttachmemB. Payment Schedule Attachment C, General Terms and Conditions i Attachment D: Voucher Attachment E: Fin al_Report Rzquirements.(finalieport materials availablg at www arts.wa govl Attachment F-Nauonal Endowment for the Arts General Terms and Conditions (deleted if Contract does not include federal funds) H. INSURANCE j Automobile Liability In the event that services delivered pursuant to this contract involve the use of vehicles, either owned or unowned by the CONTRACTOR,the CONTRACTOR shall require the owner or driver of the automobile to provide automobile liability insurance The minimum limit for automobile liability is. $100,0001$300,000 bodily injury and$100,000 property damage ' I ENTIRE CONTRACT This Contract including all attachments contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings,oral or otherwise,regarding the subject matter of this contract and attachments shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties. I Grant Contract No 2012013 3 of 3 T. FINAL REPORT The CONTRACTOR shall provide a final report to the COMMISSION within 30 days following the Contract Period ending date,submitted according to the forms and format identified in ATTACID/IENT E. K. MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS i NA THIS CONTRACT is executed by the persons signing below who warrant that they have authority to execute this contract. Ken Arts Co missio WAS ON SSE ARTS C01�1MISSION Csigna re q farr authorized to stgn R�ICTOR) Kris 4 ker, xecutive Director VJ for ONP -JP- a+��rIq Date: (printed name of signatory) C c k-§ YRccr" A ell � W' Yi�5 (prnted zitle bf signatory) I Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (Signature of Susan Thomsen,Assistant Attorney General,State of Washington,March,2003 on file in fiscal office) I I Grant Contract No. 2012013 4 of 3 I GRANT CONTRACT-ATTACMIENT"A" Scope of Work Program: Project Support -Level B-Midsized Arts Organization Contract No.2012013 CONTRACTOR: Kent Arts Commission 1. The CONTRACTOR agrees that funds shall be received solely for the services and/or reimbursements described here below: Project Support assistance with: Presenting performers for the'Spotlight Series' i Event Announcement and Documentation: The CONTRACTOR must provide to Grants to Organizations of the COMMISSION,any public announcement,press release, or other direct mail announcement of the event(s)funded under this contract. The CONTRACTOR will mail such public announcements to: Grants to Organizations Washington State Arts Commission PO Box 42675 Olympia,'WA 98504-2675. Final Reports are due: Every grant recipient must submit a Final Report to the Washington State Arts Commission's Grants to Organizations,30 days following the contract ending date;this is a contractual obligation for the grant. The completed form must be received by the Washington State Arts Commission(WSAC), Grants to Organizations, by 5:00 P.4 August 1,2012 The Final Report Form should be downloaded from the COV11b1ISSION website at www.arts.wa.aov,under Grants to Organizations. Final Report Penalty: Grant recipients that do not submit Final Reports by the August 1,2012 deadline will have a 10% penalty deducted from any future grant from Grants to Organizations. Logo Credit: WASHING T ON STATE I Recipients of grants and programs are asked to credit �� ARTS C 0 M M I S S 10 N WSAC in promotional communications about the grant. The WSAC logo may be downloaded from the website, vvww.artsma.aov. If your grant includes federal funding(which would be stated NATIONAL on page 1 of your contract),you are also obligated to ci edit the National Endowment for the ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS Arts (NEA)in the same manner as WSAC. NEA logos are downloadable at www.arts gov. GRANT CONTRACT-ATTACHMENT"B" Payment Schedule Program: Project Support -Level B-Midsized Arts Organization Contract No.2012013 CONTRACTOR: Kent Ai t5 Commission The CONTRACTOR agrees that funds as awarded in section(1)of the CONTRACT and in consideration of section (2)of the CONTRACT,will be paid to the CONTRACTOR by the COMMIISSION in consideration of the following terms and conditions- 1. No funds will be paid to the CONTRACTOR in advance of the contract starting date stated in section D of the CONTRACT. i 1. Payments will be made after the expenses for which COMMISSION funds were committed have been incurred. 3. All requests for payment shall be on the form of voucher set forth in Attachment D. 4. You have the option of obtaining your grant payments via direct deposit through the Office of Financial Management(OFMI) The necessary forms are downloadable from www arts wa eov under the link Grant Payments 5. The COMMISSION will make payment to the CONTRACTOR within 20 business days of receipt of a properly completed invoice,which shall include documentation of authorized expenses. 6, The invoice voucher must be signed in blue ink. The schedule for payment is as follows: Month/Year Amount May 2012 $35500.00 TOTAL AWARD $3,500.00 I I