HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1997-0133 - Supplement - King County Dept of Natural Resources - Provision of Surface Water Services - 05/09/2012 Records Ma � erne KENT WA5H1NGTON Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: lin 4-LA Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: 0t") © ` � sy This is assigned by City Clerk's Office � (� f� Project Name:,, MLllotk - For M4c, P— gfQPY►I"� -/�An'1C�.V)C)' ma Description:*nterlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: S Termination Date: q 130 2 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: AQ y `F I 'lW111(1 Department: P W t5 IJ Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): C-VXA sl t 1 la S Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 Additional Services Interlocal Agreement Between King County and City of Kent For The Provision of Surface Water Services Scope of Work 2012 Citywide Stormwater Pond Maintenance King County will provide services to the City of Kent under this Scope of Work pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement Between King County and the City of Kent for the Provision of Surface Water Services. executed March 26, 1997. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of removing approximately 2,600 tons of soil sediments and 1.500 cubic yards of vegetation growth from 41 identified City owned stormwater ponds This work will help restore the overall stormwater runoff holding capacity of the ponds that have diminished over the years with sediment and vegetation build-up. This work will also include miscellaneous items and other related work associated with the maintenance of the stormwater ponds. The purpose of this project is to perform work identified as a maintenance component within the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit The NPDES Phase II Permit requirements state that after a deficiency is found within city owned stormwater ponds that the City has 24 months from the date of inspection to make the necessary repairs. TASKS City of Kent has developed a project package for the project titled 2012 Citywide Stormwater Pond Maintenance dated April 2012, which provides a detailed description of all required tasks and is attached as Exhibit A. The following is a summary of key tasks: A. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control 1. The following tools and materials will be available on site and deployed as needed during construction. • Straw bales for slope mulching • Silt fencing for perimeter siltation control • Hand brooms, street sweepers, and wash trucks for control of sediments on paved traffic surfaces • A spill response kit All paved traffic areas will be kept free from sediment accumulations by daily sweeping or washing. B. Traffic Control 1. Maintain all traffic with traffic control flaggers throughout construction activities. Additional Work Interlocal Agreement 1 King County and City of Kent Surface Water Services C. Miscellaneous Maintenance 1. Perform mowing and selected removal of trees and tree stumps that exceed 18 inch diameter. Place riprap around conveyance Imes that inlet into the pond as stated within the specifications provided. Place crushed rock surfacing as directed by City staff. 2. Remove and restore fencing as shown on site drawings,the specifications and or by the City representative. 3. Clean out inlet, outlet pipes and repair pipes with damaged ends as shown on the site drawings or as directed by the City representative. D. Removal and Disposal of Material 1. Remove and properly dispose of solids and sediments within the 41 listed stormwater ponds. The estimated quantity of soil sediments removed is 2,600 tons and 1.500 cubic yards of vegetation growth. 2. Hydroseed the exposed soil areas that have been impacted by the maintenance activity as stated within the specification package and shown within construction plans or as directed by the City representative. SCHEDULE Work is anticipated to start as early as May 14, 2012 for stormwater ponds that are dry. All work activities shall be completed no later than September 30, 2012 unless otherwise allowed in writing by the City representative . Hours of construction between 7:00 am and 10 pm. ESTIMATED COST The project work is currently estimated to not exceed $620,000, which includes some contingency to account for unexpected costs or additional pond work that may be added during the maintenance activity. As provided in Exhibit B,the county has provided an estimate of$514,563.51 to perform the work. The County will provide the City all invoices and costs incurred for construction costs. If any change order is needed,the County will immediately inform the City in writing of the proposed changes and the change order work shall not proceed until the City has approved. The amount of any change orders shall not cause the total costs for the project work to exceed the above estimate. Authorized by City of Kent: Name;- ,.Sup tteCooke itle Ma or D e: 9 /� Additional Work Interlocal Agreement 2 King County and City of Kent Surface Water Services 4 Form A Page 1 of 1 i Discretionary Work Request for King County Road Services FORM A City of: kent Request Number: KT-027 Date: 04/06/2012 Problem Description: The 2012 Citywide Stormwater Pond Maintenance Project consists of removing approximately 2600 tons of soil sediment and 1500 cubic yards of vegetation growth from 41 identified City owned stormwater ponds. Also mincetlaneous items related to maintenance of the stormwater ponds will be included. Nature of Request: this work will help restore the overall storm pond holding capacity and improve the function of the ponds This work will include mowing,removal of trees and tree stumps that exceed 18 inch diameter, placing energy disapation material as needed,removing sedimentation,removing and restoring fencing and repair and clean out of inlet and outlet pipes as shown on the 41 identified City stormwater ponds. Location: 41 City owned stormwater ponds have been identified. Reference the attached specifications and plans for location Attachments: Scope of Work Map City Priority: High Special scheduling requirements: City is requesting that work will start as early as May 14, 2012 on the stormwater ponds that are dry or after Notice to Proceed is issued. All work activity shall be completed by September 30, 2012 unless otherwise allowed in writing by City representative. City Project Manager-Telephone Number: Alex Murillo -253-856-5528 Authorized By: Beth Tan Date: 04/06/2012 i I I I , I httpJ/your.kingcounty.gov/kedoVroads/discretionary/dataentry.aspx?m--KT-027 4/6/2012 2012 Kent Pond Maintenance Estimated Cost Estimated Brush Estimated Sediment Pond Asset ID Submitted JIM021 c 's IMmoval tons Z01 $10,973 06 0 36 Y01 $7,665.92 0 48 FF06 $7 848 94 0 48 DD01 $27,907 00 250 120 X04-B $8,047 34 10 60 JJ09-A $10,466 00 20 48 JJ09-B $7,357 80 10 24 JJ09-C $10,447 06 10 36 JJ09-D $11 455.86 0 120 FF07 $15 044.94 0 120 EE18 $7 859.12 0 36 PP05 $7,889 12 0 36 FF11 $20,465 96 80 48 Y05 $13,740 32 50 24 FF08 $7,758 72 0 36 W13 $11 283.12 0 72 1102 $10,936.32 0 48 FF02-A $7 647.92 0 36 BB05 $14,036 72 50 48 EE06 $10,650 72 0 72 PPD1 $7,039 44 20 24 EE31 $8,122 52 0 48 Y02 $7,915.92 10 48 TT04 $4,687.06 0 36 FF09 $16,952.52 80 36 EE08 $8,112.92 0 96 FF13 $7,639 92 10 24 VO4 $3,269 92 10 12 W07 $16,703.32 90 24 W04 $11,338 12 10 72 TT05 $11,426 52 0 84 ZZ07 $49,951.84 250 240 ZZ22 $7,860 92 0 48 ZZ05 $14,691 92 0 132 0005 $7 797.92 0 36 ZZ15 $10 261.80 30 84 ZZ12 $4,705 06 10 12 EE09-B $17,024 82 120 96 EE09-E $16,969 75 160 96 FF03-B $34,614 90 120 168 ZZ21 $17,994 44 120 24 Totals. $514,563 51 15201 2556 (( I wo Am ��'! Lj ./ YTS 1X i� __ •! �_ 1-ti M It "I j,_ _� _✓- ] N� r F r .:.,� ,< � >��• � j fir. � aysz'......� _ i i II City of Kent-2012 Pond Maintenance Project- Construction Stormwater BMPs Protect Sensitive Areas I All vegetation cleared as a part of the project will occur within the immediate area of the pond. Work is not allowed outside the delineated areas shown on the pond maps. If there are any concerns about sensitive area boundaries, contact the city inspector immediately. Minimize/Mitigate Trackout Construction access or activities occurring on unpaved areas shall be minimized, yet where necessary, access points shall be stabilized to minimize the tracking of sediment onto roads. Street sweeping shall be conducted daily, as necessary. Control Dewatering Dewatering water from ponds cannot be discharged into surface waters, sensitive areas, or the stormwater system. I If dewatering is necessary, the following are viable options for disposing of the water: ' i • Infiltration into non-sensitive areas within the pond property.This should be accomplished by pumping through a flow spreader. Visual monitoring will be required to ensure that no erosion, sedimentation,or other downstream impacts occur. I • Discharge to the sanitary sewer system with approval from the city inspector and King County Industrial Waste. • Pump into tanker truck and haul to an approved disposal facility with proper receipts for disposal • Water can be pumped to other pond cells or left in the pond only if the pond will not discharge within 24 hours of in-water work or pumping. Stabilize Soils Exposed soils shall be stabilized immediately after completion of work on ponds or as directed j by the city inspector. BMPs for soil stabilization that shall be used on this project include: j • Straw mulch and hand seeding as per the Kent Surface Water Design Manual: Prior to Sept 15 or as directed by the city inspector. • Hydroseeding with tackifier as per the Kent Surface Water Design Manual: After Sept 15 or as directed by the city inspector. I • Erosion control blankets as necessary on steep slopes. Protect Dram Inlets All catch basins that have the potential to be impacted by pond maintenance activity will be protected by storm drain Inlet Protection. Any entrances to the ponds that have a potential to experience track-out will be swept and the sediments will be removed from the roadway appropriately to further prevent any sediment or debris from entering into the conveyance system. I Control Pollutants Re-fueling of vehicles or equipment shall not occur within the pond or anywhere that spilled material can enter the pond, stormwater system, sensitive areas, or surface waters. Spill response materials shall be kept on-hand when equipment is being operated on pond sites. Maintain BMPs All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. 3 I i i GENERAL NOTES 1 PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ATTEND A PRE- CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH CITY OF KENT INSPECTION PERSONNEL 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A DEWATERING PLAN TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL ONE WEEK PRIOR TO COMMENCING SEDIMENT AND VEGETATION REMOVAL ACTIVITY AT THE PROJECT SITE 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NOTIFICATION OF WORK AND STREET/ALLEY CLOSURE TO ALL RESIDENCES A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO MOBILIZING EQUIPMENT. THIS IS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH DOOR HANGER BROCHURES PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS, METHODS AND SEQUENCES OF CONSTRUCTION, AND FOR THE SAFETY OF THE WORKERS 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORD "REMOVE" OR "REMOVAL" IN THE CONSTRUCTION NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS OR PLANS MEANS REMOVAL, HAUL AND PROPER OFF-SITE DISPOSAL BY THE CONTRACTOR AT AN APPROVED SITE AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 6. POND ELEVATION, SHAPE AND SCALE MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON SITE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO WORK, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING SHAPE OF POND HOLDING AREA AND LOCATIONS OF IN/OUTLET PIPES BEFORE SEDIMENT/VEGETATION REMOVAL ANY CONFLICTS SHALL BE RESOLVED WITH THE ENGINEER. 7. CLEARING WILL CONSIST OF MOWING AND BRUSH CLEARING FROM THE STORMWATER POND HOLDING AREA SIDE SLOPES TO THE STORMWATER POND AREA LIMIT. THE SITE DRAWINGS ILLUSTRATE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF HOLDING AREA AND BOUNDARIES. THE HEIGHT OF MOWING WILL BE BETWEEN 4 TO 6 INCHES, OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER. TREES DESIGNATED TO REMAIN ARE ILLUSTRATED ON THE SITE DRAWINGS REMOVE ALL BLACKBERRY BUSHES FROM POND SITES. B. UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION, MARKING AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122, REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS AND TO FURTHER DISCOVER AND AVOID ANY OTHER UTILITIES NOT SHOWN HEREON WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATION SERVICE (8-1-1) AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE OWNER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE CONTACTED IMMEDIATELY IF A CONFLICT EXISTS 9. THE APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS, THE APPROVED TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLANS, THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS ON-SITE AND ADJACENT TO THE SITE THAT WERE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION TO ORIGINAL CONDITION 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP STREETS CLEAN AT ALL TIMES BY STREET SWEEPING WHEN NECESSARY, OR WHEN DIRECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY MEASURES AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1-07 23 TO SECTION 1-07 23(2) OF THE KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION UNDER TRAFFIC AND DETOURS. 13. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 14. CAUTION - EXTREME HAZARD - OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE LINES ARE GENERALLY NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD OR UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL POWER IN ALL AREAS AND SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES DURING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND REGULATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH UTILITY OWNERS AND DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF HAZARD AND REMEDIAL MEASURES AND SHALL TAKE WHATEVER PRECAUTIONS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. 15. POND SITES CONTAIN A VARIETY OF WOODY VEGETATION INCLUDING BLACKBERRIES, HEDGES, WILLOWS, AND TREES OF VARIOUS SIZES. ALL SUCH VEGETATION IS TO BE REMOVED IN ITS ENTIRETY, INCLUDING STUMPS AND ROOTS, EXCEPT THAT VEGETATION SHOWN ON EACH PLAN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW EACH SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF WOOD/VEGETATION REMOVAL AS PART OF THE CLEARING AND MOWING BID ITEM REMOVAL OF 2012 CITYWIDE ANT GENERAL SEDIMENT, DEBRIS STORMWATER POND CRY OF KENT" NOTES AND INVASIVE SPECIES MANTBVANCE B W GO WE GO WE 3T RT DEPAYENr IN AND AROUND POND IKENT, WA. 98032 WSDOT SPECIFICATION EXCERPTS WSDOT 8-01.3(2)1 MOWING EACH MOWING WILL BE CONSIDERED ONE COVERAGE OF ALL AREAS TO BE MOWED WITHIN A DEFINED AREA. THE HEIGHT OF MOWING WILL BE 4 TO 6 INCHES OR AS DESIGNATED IN THE SITE DRAWINGS/PLANS OR IN THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. WSDOT 8-01 3(3) PLACING EROSION BLANKETS THE SLOPE RATING OF THE BLANKET, AS SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER, SHALL BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE INTENDED SLOPE AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE STANDARD PLANS TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS AS DEFINED IN WSDOT 9-14.5, HAVING AN OPEN AREA OF 60-PERCENT OR GREATER, MAY BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO SEEDING BLANKETS WITH LESS THAN 60-PERCENT OPEN SPACE SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SEEDING AND FERTILIZING OPERATION. WSDOT 8-01 3(B) STREET CLEANING STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE USED WHENEVER REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER WHEN SEDIMENT/DEBRIS CONDITIONS EXIST WSDOT 8-01.3(9) SILT FENCE SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE SITE DRAWINGS AND/OR AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER INSTALLATION SHOULD BE ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND FOLLOW WSDOT 8-01.3(9) SILT FENCE, GUIDELINES. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND VEGETATION AT BOTTOM OF PONDS TO A DEPTH OF 6", UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY ENGINEER. 2. PRESERVE VEGETATION AT TOP OF SLOPES. 3. REMOVE ALL TREES, INCLUDING WILLOWS, UNLESS SHOWN ON PLANS. TREES SHOWN ON PLANS ARE TO REMAIN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING EACH SITE TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF TREE AND BRUSH REMOVAL 4 DISTRIBUTE RIPRAP EVENLY THROUGH REQUIRED AREAS REMOVE ALL TREES, WILLOWS, AND STUMPS FROM POND PRESERVE BOTTOM UNLESS VEGETATION AT NOTED OTHERWISE TOP OF SLOPES APPROXIMATE 3:1 SLOPE 6" SEDIMENT AND GRATE VEGETATION REMOVAL PLACE SILT SACK OR ALONG POND BOTTOM 1" REBAR FOR APPROVED EQUAL BAG REMOVAL UNDER INLET GRATE TYPICAL POND SECTION EXISTING INLET INLET PROTECTION GENERAL REMOVAL OF 2012 CITYWIDE NOTEA SEDIMENT, DEBRIS BHT LEGEND, AND STORMWATER POND rr OF KENT AND INVASIVE SPECIES ENGINEER RT DEPAIIENr POPD$ECTp MAINTENANCE N IN AND AROUND POND 14KENTWA 00 W OOWE 3T , 9G032 HDiVVI \ - - — — z < E � < 0 . � | } / / \ / / sim / , ) . } \ � M ' ' \ ' � < r ) , / / / � \ � @ . a ƒ § ° [ { (§ / ! � � � ) § §■ � I ] � {/ § j \ m, \ ~ || w ■ HIOM 13AVUL » 2 � ; m .LL m_ 2 � ,kVM3AINCI �� \ � \ , | » ! &, §/ ) | | E \U m �K `/ ;_ | e ;! ° §/ Q _§§ & '& \ / K« Zkk\ j w < j q ;% !§Go « ! c i /�§2( 2■ <;,!» 0 §r R� { |aw :! ;;�£r k ,� � 2�;§a o� § mwI op& . B r§° ����®° : !e lg,E �w2a; �:(,!2§!®§,§!� (§ 2 , !<®,!`2;p( E� §a,�,.lP [Ka!®lEwwou ƒ`a;0<00<mmmN<0<E WnBE � � ��\, >� RAO& » - _HoiY; REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes W<SHINGTON Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator C fn2v- ( VISA 4V P�(-tic MLI im b Phone (Originator) 5504 v 552$ t�M Date Sent: 5- -7 -Zo 12 Date Required 5- to - 12 Return Signed Document to )}(e% VIAL( • (10 CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: 4 - 30- 2201z VENDOR NAME: Alt Co n+- DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: ,D- (-Zo 12 Brief Explanation of Document- Rw.Q.Ad w.uA 4b '� C-J's Zn4tv-1 oca.l ,NS n S��rh��� Mgthc 20 12 All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department tThrs Area to be Completed H� the Law Department) Received: RECEIVED otf%.e of May0l, Approval of Law Dept . MAY 0 7 2Q12 Law Dept. Comments KENT LAW DEPT Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Received- Recommendations & Comments: Disposition: ..� rr. Date Returned• ij;;e)ago . i,/os