HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW12-062 - Original - Restoration Logistics, LLC - Horseshoe Bend & Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting - 03/07/2012 Records Man-ag-emen KENT Document WAS III NGTOM CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Restoration Logistics, LLC Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: PC ) 19 -0(0 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Horseshoe Bend & Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other; Contract Effective Date: Date of the Mayor's Signature Termination Date: 30 Working days Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Jim Storment Department: Engineering Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Installing approximately 1,090 native plants,_varying from one gallon to five gallon sizes_ along the Horseshoe Bend Levee. The project includes soil excavation, asphalt removal, installing fencing and irnigation, and maintaining plants for a_100% survival-rate-at two years. S Pub lic\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 SIGNED CONTRACT CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1 KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR a Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. i i DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR i KENT W A 5 H I N G T O N PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy I LaPorte, P E. Public Works Director 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 6 Fax: 253-856-6500 KENT w. r PHONE: 253-856-5500 CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 ADDENDUM No. 1 January 30, 2012 i FROM: The Office of the City Engineer, Kent Washington TO: All Plan Holders of the Project Specifications and Plans This addendum forms a part of the Contract documents and modifies the Project Proposal and Specifications and Contract Drawings in accordance with the ; following: ALL CHANGES ARE SHOWN IN BOLD, ITALICS AND/OR STRIKETHROUGH I — BID OPENING The bid opening has been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 7`n at 11:00, The City Clerk's office will receive sealed bids through 10:45 AM. II — BIDDER'S DOCUMENTS — REVISIONS OR MODIFICATIONS The following changes are included in the attached replacement pages of the Bidder's Document. Bidders must use the replaced pages of the Bidder's Document. SCHEDULE I - HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO NO QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1330 8-12.5 200 Install New Wooden Split Rail $ $ KSP LN FT Fence Per LF i360 8 6i.5 7-06 Pend Emeavatiefi, ineluding I laut $ {gyp �c PeF GY c v i3 3 0 MAYOR SUZETTE COOKE e SCHEDULE I - HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1395 2-01.5 20 Remove Existing Quarry Spalls $ $ KSP CU YDS Per CY 1400 8-02.5 130 Distribute Sand from $ $ * KSP EACH Supersacks Per EA 1405 2.01.5 1 Removal of Debris and $2,000.00** $2,000.00 KSP FORCE Garbage Per FA ACCOUNT **Common price to all bidders SCHEDULE II - UPPER RUSSELL ROAD TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1095 8-02.5 3510 80 Ocean Spray, $ $ KSP EACH (Holodiscus discolor) Per EA 1 Gallon 1100 8-02 5 350 200 Compost, Including Planting $ $ KSP CU YDS Area Preparation Per CY i336 8-12. 300 $ $ ESP LN Fence Per L 1400 8-02.5 170 Distribute Sand from $ $ KSP EACH Supersacks Per EA 1405 2.01.5 1 Removal of Debris and $2,000.00** $2,000.00 KSP FORCE Garbage Per FA ACCOUNT **Common price to all bidders Page 8 - Schedule I Page 11 - Schedule II REVISE Schedule I and Schedule II by adding the following: 9.5010 WA State Sales Tax 2 1 III — KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Page 2-1 - ADD Section 2-01 as follows: 2-01 Clearing Grubbing and Roadside Cleanup SECTION 2-01.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-01.5 Payment The unit price per cubic yard for "Remove Existing Quarry Snalis"constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment required to remove the existing quarry spalls from the site included in this price is the cost to haul and dispose of the quarry spalls to an approved dump site. The bid item "Removal of Debris and Garbage"by force account constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment required to remove the existing debris and garbage from the site including plastic covering, empty supersacks, mattresses, trash and any other items necessary to leave the site in a clean condition, included in this price is the cost to haul and dispose of the debris and garbage to an approved dump site. Page 8-13 - Section 8-01.5 - Payment DELETE the last paragraph of this section: � The unite9fltr-aet—prife per ruble yard fer"Pend Excavatten. !nel..d4 4a.Wl , shall d-supplies anaFea and grading te required elevatien, dewatering, e" site haul E)f e)(eavated Page 8-15 - Section 8/02.3(5) - Planting Area Preparation DELETE the first paragraph of this section: The Gentraeter shall emeavate planting pits te a depth ef thFee feet below adjaeent gFeund. T-Fee pits shall be abeut thFee feet in dlameter, and slall be neat and unlfefFn basins aFeund eaeh tree. The GeAtFaeteF Shall then plaee speelal planting FH0XtWFe inte the tFee basins, bFinging te g.Fa-de about one and ene half feet below the tep ef the planter by e-empaetien by -epeated Page 8-17 - Section 8-02.5 - Payment 3 1 REVISE the first paragraph as follows: The unit contract price per each for the following bid items constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for planting and staking stfeet shrubs and trees in accordance with the plans and the Kent j Special Provisions. This item includes but is not limited to excavation and haul of the holes for planting, feet baFF'eFs, Figuleh, fertilizer, wateFmg, water tubes, plaiqtff�g mixture, tree ties and stakes, and for watering and maintaining trees for a period of not less than two calendar years. 3 ADD the following paragraph to the end of this section: The unit per each bid item price for "Distribute Sand from Supersacks" shall constitute complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to remove the sand from the existing supersacks and distribute evenly over the shrub/tree planting area prior to mixing (ripping) into soil. Super sacks will not be salvaged so they can be damaged by the sand removal process. Removing and disposing of the supersacks will be paid for under a separate bid item "Removal of Debris and Garbage". Page 8-18 - Section 8-03.5 - Irrigation ■ REVISE the first sentence as follows: j The Contractor shall provide ' b supplemental water weekly to aff installed shrubs and trees whenever the preceding weeks rainfall total does not exceed 1" between June 1 and September 30. Page 9-3 - Section 9-14.3 - Fertilizer REVISE this section as follows: Fertilizer ferFees: fertilizer shall eensist of eaff►mere+al fertilizeF (6 10 8)—`3ebe's T-Fee Stakes", OF"Agrifefffl Slew Release Tablets". Fertilizer for upland seeded areas: Lilly Miller or approved equal to provide the following nutrients: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: Total available Nitrogen ................16% of weight (of which 50% is derived from ureaform) Total available Phosphorous ..........16% of weight Total available Potassium..............16% of weight Fertl'nzeic fer wet'and seeded areas! All aFeas which are seeded on wetlands eF in Tetalavailable n+tFegeri ................21% (Analyi-ed as NJ Available phesphereus ................. (Analyzed as 11}95} (Analyzed as K,GB Above percentages are proportioned by weight. The Contractor shall deliver fertilizer to the site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trade mark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information 4 IV - PLANS REVISE plan sheet numbers as follows: REVISE sheet 1 of 1 entitled HORSESHOE BEND LEVEE 3RD AVE S TO GREEN RIVER ROAD as Sheet 1 of 2 HORSESHOE BEND LEVEE 3RD AVE S TO GREEN RIVER ROAD, and revise sheet 1 of 1 entitled UPPER RUSSELL ROAD LEVEE IMPROVEMENTS as sheet 2 of 2 UPPER RUSSELL ROAD LEVEE IMPROVEMENTS. Plan Sheet 1 of 2 REMOVE the detention pond excavation and call outs. REVISE the Soil Preparation and Planting Notes as follows: • REVISE Note 1 to read "Spread 3" compost and sand from sandbags over entire area." • REVISE Note 2 to read " Mix (Rip) compost and sand into native soil to 12" depth - At least twice in opposite directions." • REVISE Note 5 to read "Hydroseed entire disturbed area with WSDOT standard erosion control mix." Plan Sheet 2 of 2 REVISE the Soil Preparation and Planting Notes as follows: • REVISE Note 1 to read "Spread 3" compost and sand from sandbags over entire area." • REVISE Note 2 to read " Mix (Rip) compost and sand into native soil to 12" depth - At least twice in opposite directions." • REVISE Note 5 to read "Hydroseed entire disturbed area with WSDOTstandard erosion control mix." END OF ADDENDUM No. 1 Chad Beren, P.E. Date City Engineer Attachments: Bidder's Document replacement pages 7, 8, 10, 11 Plans - Sheet 1 of 2 - Sheet 2 of 2 5 iSCHEDULE I - HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ? ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO NO QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1095 8-02.5 80 Ocean Spray, $ $ * KSP EACH (Holodiscus discolor) Per EA 1 Gallon 1100 8-02.5 700 Compost, Including Planting $ $ * KSP CU YDS Area Preparation Per CY 1270 8-01.5 1.6 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ $ * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC i 1290 8-03.5 1 Irrigation $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1330 8-12.5 200 Install New Wooden Split Rail $ $ KSP LN FT Fence Per LF i 1 1335 2-02.5 20 Saw Cut Existing Asphalt $ $ KSP LN FT Concrete Pavement Per LF I 1355 2-02.5 60 Remove Existing Asphalt $ $ 1 KSP SQ YDS Concrete Pavement Per SY 1 1360 8 (4.5 $ KSP C-Y H-atuf PeF GY 1365 1-10 5 40 Traffic Control Labor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 7 January 30, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 SCHEDULE I - HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL 1 NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1370 1-10.5 50 Construction Signs Class A $ $ * KSP SQ FT Per SF 1375 1-10.5 10 Traffic Control Supervisor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 1380 8-01.5 50 Clear Plastic Covering $ $ * KSP SQ YDS Per SY 1385 8-01.5 20 10-Foot Straw Wattles for $ $ * KSP EACH Drainage Way Barrier Per EA 1390 8-15.5 20 Quarry Spalls $ $ WSDOT TONS Per TON ($6.00 Min) 1395 2-01.5 20 Remove Existing Quarry $ $ KSP CU YDS Spalls Per CY 1400 8-02.5 130 Distribute Sand from $ $ * KSP EACH Supersacks Per EA 1405 2-01.5 1 Removal of Debris and $2,000,00" $2f000.00 J KSP FORCE Garbage ACCOUNT **Common price to aH bidders * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. i k Sub Total $ 9.5010 WA State Sales Tax $ Schedule I Total $ HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 January 30, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 SCHEDULE II - UPPER RUSSELL ROAD TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1095 8-02.5 3S9 80 Ocean Spray, $ $ * KSP EACH (Holodiscus discolor) Per EA 1 Gallon 1100 8-02.5 359 200 Compost, Including Planting $ $ * KSP CU YDS Area Preparation Per CY f 1270 8-01.5 0.8 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ $ * KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC f 1290 8-03.5 1 Irrigation $ $ KSP LUMP SUM Per LS i339 8-i2.5 389 $ $ K-SP LN Fence PeF LF f 1365 1-10.5 40 Traffic Control Labor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR f 1370 1-10.5 50 Construction Signs Class A $ $ * KSP SQ FT Per SF i 1375 1-10.5 10 Traffic Control Supervisor $ $ * KSP HOURS Per HR 1380 8-01 5 50 Clear Plastic Covering $ $ * KSP SQ YDS Per SY f * The description of this bid Item is Identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 10 January 30, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 SCHEDULE II — UPPER RUSSELL ROAD TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1385 8-01.5 20 10-Foot Straw Wattles for $ $ { * KSP EACH Drainage Way Barrier Per EA 1400 2-02,2 170 Distribute Sand from $ $ * KSP EACH Supersacks Per EA 1 1405 2-01,5 1 Removal of Debris and $2,000.00** $2,000.00 KSP FORCE Garbage ACCOUNT I **Common price to all bidders * The description of this bid Item is Identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. i Sub Total $ 9.5010 WA State Sales Tax $ Schedule II Total $ i 1 1 i I HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 11 January 30, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 ' • • tl F pp Rib �z ✓s•'a W � � � � � i- wd I II I I a w l b W � '3 J� _ $ m a o Fa s I I o 0 0 0Q 2 rn w `_' g W w g '" N �o ww I I 5 �S 4ps45y �^s om w o u7f 3i Y� Z O < W U � I I m 0 I I zw I I I ow Fa ? oW I `l 61yiLL .T�.T�W q j p iLp] a K' z p��%` F 81 yF �I I W z <=w I a z aaF� o _ �LLoLLo� O J N p-6-9 W U' I 1 1 \ Z Z i w~ W Z I FI I I \\ xa I I � o� Y` I I o ca of u C e \ m > � - I I II \ I W \ a Wra p, "5r5 w m FaNWW i oa w I \ ' €W I 7 i , ,•O£L�U i Wei :- I xJa s+x3 je3 e3�e3 a3 133b1S H169Z S d3 - w+e, as oa+s\ -- a3— � OOWI s a3 / y�LurY SlLcl-� W a i ' 6�o r S S S S S 2 N All F b € £ 8 g� g g p n o �� �g ® t $ r g vg, �I���n j t ' fi S o �� w Y °az6 a 6'W a> F3 a i x m -� za m � I O N Ng 125 ` I K O aaG€�' F Z 1 2 �i1�W2Nr O J Ji�cF� 3 aZ C1� �\ fA 2 N n ern aJ l7 c n. sT / wz WZ I \ W Tnt� J \\ I i Y + UREL HEDGE \ 2 > 04 fi I 6, / i It ow O e l 0 / I t Q d' 3Y„ - W y H *5 'ly a jGo / w� Z I w m Z Z 2 O � Z I I /` NOJ.RQI d F- F 01 J 1 I = I �! ' + Ia ml I � ' �W I F i i7 s N a O 0 0 000 �N I , i Zw �, g I u1 1 TAB INDEX ' Tab 1 Bidder's Package Tab 2 Payment and Performance Bond and Contract Tab 3 Table of Contents j Tab 4 Kent Special Provisions Tab 5 Construction Plans j Tab 6 Kent Standard Plans t Tab 7 Prevailing Wage a Rates 1 a t i t 1 CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR 1 Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY ]. LAPORTE, P.E. °�aAsg�A- PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR �a Q31M4 78 KENT W A 5 H I N O T O N r 1 BIDDER'S NAME C."P� CITY of KENT 1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR 1 Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting 1 Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR I • ENT W A 5 M ! N G T O N i ORDER OF CONTENTS Invitation to Bid Contractor Compliance Statement ' Declaration - City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Administrative Policy 1.2 - Minority and Women Contractors City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Statement Proposal City of Kent Subcontractor List (over $100K) Subcontractor List (over $1 million) Contractor's Qualification Statement Proposal Signature Page Bid Bond Form Combined Affidavit & Certification Form ' Non-Collusion, Minimum Wage (Non-Federal Aid) Bidder's Checklist IPayment and Performance Bond Contract Table of Contents Kent Special Provisions IConstruction Plans Kent Standard Plans iPrevailing Wage Rates i 1 INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the City of Kent, Washington, will receive sealed bids at the City Clerk's office through January 31, 2012 up to 10:45 p.m. as shown on the clock on the east wall of the City Clerk's Office on the first floor of City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. All bids must be properly marked and sealed in accordance with this "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be delivered and received at the City Clerk's office by the above-stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. All bids will be opened and read publicly ' aloud at 11:00 a.m. for the City of Kent project named as follows: Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 The project consists of installing approximately 1,090 native plants, varying from one gallon to five gallon sizes along two city-owned sites near the Horseshoe Bend Levee, south of S. 2591h St. and west of 80th Ave. S. The project involves two schedules of work (Schedule I and Schedule II) for restoration planting. Schedule I includes 550 plants, while Schedule II includes 540 plants. Both schedules include soil excavation, asphalt removal, installing fencing and irrigation, and maintaining plants for a 100% survival rate at two years. The Engineer's estimated range for this project is approximately$100,000 to $140,000. Bid documents may be obtained by contacting City of Kent Engineering Department, Nancy Yoshitake at (253) 856-5508. For technical questions, please call Matt Knox at (253) 856-5551. fBids must be clearly marked "Bid" with the name of the project on the outside of the envelope, addressed to the City Clerk, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895. Only sealed bids will be accepted. No facsimiles will be considered. Each bid shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and other contract documents now on file in the office of the City Engineer, City of Kent, Washington. Copies of the plans and Special Provisions may be purchased at a non-refundable cost of $50.00 for each set. Plans and specifications can also be downloaded at no charge at 1 www.kentwa.gov/procurement. Copies of the WSDOT Standard Specifications are available for perusal only. A cashier's check, postal money order or surety bond in the amount of 5% of the bid is required. The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all schedules or alternates or to waive any informalities in the bidding and shall determine which bid or bidders is the most responsive, satisfactory and responsible bidder and shall be the sole judge thereof. No plea of mistake in the bid shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of his/her deposit Ior as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a contract. Bidders must submit with their initial bid a signed statement as to whether they have previously performed work subject to the President's Executive Order No. 11246. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the day of bid opening. Dated this 11th day of January , 2012. BY• Brenda Jacober, City IjKplk Published in Kent Reporter on January 20, 2012 Daily Journal of Commerce on January 17 & 24, 2012 1 1 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (President's Executive Order #11246) Date le4!1 � T , 2 CDC ' This statement relates to a proposed contract with the City of Kent named Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 I am the undersigned bidder or prospective contractor. I represent that 1 1. I have, have not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the President's Executive Order #11246 (regarding equal ' employment opportunity) or a preceding similar Executive Order. 1 1 �5 ism NAME OF IDDER J 1 BY: � Signature/Title Gt/A 076 ( l'S 1 ADDRESS 1 {Note to Bidders: The information required in this Compliance Statement is informational only) HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Plantmg/Storment i January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 04-3005.7&04-3006 r DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to ' adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlined, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract; 1 The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this contract I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this contract the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an ' equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this contract, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. 1 By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. Dated this day of 12012. i 1 By: ' For: 37 �C_ 5 Title: ,�VAC oci 1 Date: �e Z HS Send&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 2 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 i ' CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY 1 NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 ; CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to 1 federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: ' 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. ' 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City`s equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. i HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd PlantingJStorment 3 January 11, 2012 Project Numbeis 09-3005 7&09-3006 ' CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ' COMPLIANCE STATEMENT i ' This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the contract. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of ' Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before- mentioned company was the prime contract for the contract known as Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting/Project Numbers: 09- 3005.7 & 09-3006 that was entered into on the (Date) 4 ' between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned contract. Dated this day of , 2012. I By. For: Title: Date: j HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Plarrtmg/Storment 4 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7&09-3006 PROPOSAL ' To the City Clerk City Hall Kent, Washington 98032 The undersigned hereby certifies that R�°S '''�� Ln tS Z has examined the job site and construction details of the work as outlined on the plans and described in the specifications for the project named Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Plantinig/Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09- ' 3006 for the City of Kent, Washington, and has read and thoroughly understands the plans and specifications and contract documents governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for that work and hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the bid and contract documents, and at the following schedule of rates and prices: NOTE TO BIDDERS: 1) All bid items are described in the Kent Special Provisions (KSP) or the Standard Specifications (WSDOT). Reference the Section No. listed in this proposal, where the bid item is described. 2) Proposal items are numbered in sequence but are non-continuous. 1 3) Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid must be shown. 4) Should bid items with identically worded bid item descriptions appear in more than one schedule of the proposal, the bidder must bid the same unit price. The City shall use the lowest unit price submitted by the bidder for the items in question in each schedule where identical bid item description appears. Bid items with identically worded descriptions which appear in more than one schedule are denoted with an asterisk (*). EXAMPLE SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1006 2-03.5 100 Roadway Excavation, $14.00 $1,400.00 WSDOT CU YDS Including Haul Per CY Any bids not filled out properly may be considered non-responsive. HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 5 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 SCHEDULE I — HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 1000 1-09 7 1 Mobilization $ Q-M,bo$ l Zoo. 00 WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 1005 8-02.5 75 Douglas Fir, $ Z3, 38 $ ' * KSP EA (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Per EA 5 Gallon ' 1010 8-02.5 30 Shore Pine, $ 2 5'• l $ — -— KSP EACH (Pin us contorta varcontorta) Per EA 5 Gallon $ 1050 8-02.5 30 Bitter Cherry, $ i S' o q (I �2 KSP EACH (Prunus emarginata) Per EA `1 2 Gallon 1060 8-02.5 15 Pacific Dogwood, $ $ KSP EACH (Cornus nutallii) Per EA 22 6• 2 Gallon ' 1065 8-02.5 80 Snowberry, $ f' 2 S $ �7i i Z '7 * KSP EACH (Symphoricarpos albus) Per EA T'l 1 Gallon 1075 8-02.5 80 Tall Oregon Grape, � S $ // * KSP EACH (Mahonia aquifolium) Per EA 1 b 1 Gallon ! 1080 8-02.5 80 Serviceberry, $ Z 1 $ I C' �^ KSP EACH (Amelanchler alnifolia) Per EA b 1 Gallon / r 1085 8-02.5 80 Mock Orange, $ .2 $ 43 4 . ( j ' KSP EACH (Phlladelphus lewisii) Per EA 1 Gallon _. ' * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL- NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. ' HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Plantmg/Storment 6 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 SCHEDULE I — HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. !2UANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1095 8-02.5 80 Ocean Spray, $ 7- 7- 1 $ KSP EACH (Holodiscus discolor) Per EA 1 Gallon 1100 8-02.5 700 Compost, Including Planting $ Z KSP CU YDS Area Preparation Per CY 1270 8-01.5 1.6 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 1290 8-03.5 1 Irrigation $ S'lb)0 KSP LUMP SUM Per LS oo 1330 8-12.5 200 Install New Wooden Split Rail $ $ q L1. KSP LN FT Fence Per LF 1335 2-02.5 20 Saw Cut Existing Asphalt $ ?'q, S'o $ KSP LN FT Concrete Pavement Per LF 0 0 fA# 1355 2-02.5 60 Remove Existing Asphalt $ 33-&o KSP SQ YDS Concrete Pavement Per SY 1360 8 (4.5 Pend ExeaYatieff,--1neki4*"-,# KS-P H&C14 PeF-G* 1365 1-10.5 40 Traffic Control Labor $ -S I (.,L(a $ jr 3 q 4 L) KSP HOURS Per HR The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd PlantonglStormen, 7 January 30, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 SCHEDULE I - HORSESHOE BEND TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM! UNIT TOTAL No. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 1370 1-10.5 so Construction Signs Class A $ 1.30 $ KSP SQ FT Per SF 5 ' 1375 1-10.5 10 Traffic Control Supervisor $ 47-2 { KSP HOURS Per HR $ C�ZZ.uO �)3-46= 38 38d� 1380 8-01.5 50 Clear Plastic Covering $ KSP SQ YDS Per SY v� ' Wise k41111111� 1385 8-01.5 20 10-Foot Straw Wattles for $ 1� $ KSP EACH Drainage Way Barrier Per EA $O 1390 8-15.5 20 Quarry Spalis $ 3 3. $ WSDOT TONS Per TON ($6.00 Mtn) 1395 2-01.5 20 Remove Existing Quarry $ q 3 -gU $ KSP CU YDS spans Per Y 7� 6`D 1400 8-02.5 130 Distribute Sand from $ 5 $ 21 07 0. Z r) KSP EACH Supersacks Per EA i1405 2-01.5 1 Removal of Debris and $2.000•00** $2,000.00 KSP FORCE Garbage ' ACCCtuNT **Common Price to off bidders * The description of this bid Item Is identical to a bid items) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. q 3�b1. #5a,1-4i5 .Sub Total $ 'l4,-3U. 9.5% wA State sales Tax $ 4 57�1so� Schedule I Total $ SCE S�2 9 a ianting/Storment 8 January 30, 2012 &09-3006 ' SCHEDULE II - UPPER RUSSELL ROAD TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT t1000 1-09.7 1 Mobilization $1ZOo $ tzo O WSDOT LUMP SUM Per LS 1005 8-02.5 70 Douglas Fr, $Z 3,3� $ 3 * KSP EA (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Per EA 5 Gallon 1010 8-02.5 28 Big Leaf Maple, $Z Z17 44� $ KSP EACH (Ater macrophyllum) Per EA 5 Gallon (.6;4vE 105o 8-02.5 28 Cascara, $ l L7'- a>7 $ 4Zl,1-6 KSP EACH (Rhamnus purshianna) Per EA 2 Gallon 1060 8-02.5 14 Western Red Cedar, $`Z -�_-77$ $ KSP EACH (Thuja plicata) Per EA 5 Gallon 1065 8-02 5 80 Snowberry, $ * KSP EACH (Symphoncarpos albus) Per EA 1 Gallon -44a.do 1075 8-02.5 80 Tall Oregon Grape, $` 65 $ 4-1, : -C IKSP EACH (Mahonia aquifolium) Per EA 1 Gallon 0-*0&—aft 4� 1080 8-02.5 80 Red Flowering Currant, $ 0. 2-7 $ 2jb KSP EACH (Ribes sanguineum) Per EA 1 Gallon 17 13CM 1085 8-02 5 80 Vine Maple, $d?. Z $ KSP EACH (Acer circinatum) Per EA 1 Gallons,, * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 1 HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 9 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7&09-3006 SCHEDULE 11 - UPPER RUSSELL ROAD TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1095 8-02.5 -35G 80 Ocean Spray, $ 1.11 $ KSP EACH (Holodiscus discolor) Per EA OWN 1 Gallon V 1100 8-02.5 350200 Compost, Including Planting $ It D, $ KSP CU YDS Area Preparation Per CY CP 40 1270 8-01.5 0.8 Seeding, Fertilizing, and $ /Lit C>xx'$ KSP ACRE Mulching Per AC 1290 8-03.5 1 Irrigation 0� $ Y-10-t' KSP LUMP SUM Per LS 1339 8 12.5 300 1n9tal1NewW- - H919�19161; pnil KSP LN Fefte PeF 6 1365 1-10.5 40 Traffic Control Labor $-;�' iL;6 $ KSP HOURS Per HR 1370 1-10.5 50 Construction Signs Class A $ t"� t' $ �5 -0-0 KSP SQ FT Per SF 1375 1-10.5 10 Traffic Control Supervisor $ 3 $ KSP HOURS Per HR 1380 8-01.5 50 Clear Plastic Covering $ —Z-Z6 $ AD KSP SQ YDS Per SY The description of this bid ttern Is Identical to a bid Item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price, HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Plianting/Storment 10 January 30, 2012 Pro]ect Numbers. 09-3005,7& 09-30()6 1 SCHEDULE II - UPPER RUSSELL ROAD TREE PLANTING ITEM SECTION APPROX. ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT I1385 8-01.5 20 10-Foot Straw Wattles for $ N 0 � $ * KSP EACH Drainage Way Barrier Per A l 1400 2-02.2 170 Distribute Sand from $ 1 7 $ KSP EACH SupersackS Per EA 1405 2-01.5 1 Removal of Debris and $2,000,00** $2,000.00 KSP FORGE Garbage ACCOUNT **Common price to ail bidders * The description of this bid item is identical to a bid items) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid Items with identical bid Item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Sub Total $ z � U 9.5% WA State Sales Tax -- schedule II Total 5� 1 1 I 1 H$ Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting(Storment 11 January 30,2012 PrtrJect Numbers: 09-3005.7&09.3006 i 1 BID SUMMARY ScheduleI 1 S2 IT. C9C') ,Y3D� Schedule II ' � � -'T� 3°��41 ! Q TOTAL BID AMOUNT b�i ! ' 1 1 i 1 t 1 � 1 t H5 Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 12 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 i CITY OF KENT SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Contracts over $100,000) List each subcontractor, from any tier of subcontractors, that shall perform subcontract work amounting to more than 10% of the total bid contract price. List I each bid item to be performed by each designated subcontractor in numerical sequence. If no subcontractors will be performing 10% or more of the work, indicate this by writing "None" and signing this form at the bottom of the page. Failure to submit a fully completed and signed subcontractor list after the time set for bid opening may disqualify your bid. Project Name: Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration 1 Plantina Project Numbers: 0J99-�3005.7 & 09-3006 ' Subcontractor Name " "lcco( Item Numbers �3li:� 34C�-, of 0a> Subcontractor Name Item Numbers tSubcontractor Name Item Numbers I Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers i I Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE HS Bend Pc Upper Russell Rd Plan h ng/Storment 13 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 I SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Contracts over 1 million dollars) Name of Bidder: Project Name: Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Plantina Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-30 6 Pursuant to RCW 39.30.060, Bidder shall list the names of the subcontractors with ' whom the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will subcontract for performance of the work of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; plumbing; and electrical, or to name itself for the work. Failure of the Bidder to submit, as part of the Bid, the names of such subcontractors or to name itself to perform such work or the naming of two or more subcontractors I to perform the same work shall render the Bidder's Bid non-responsive and, therefore, void. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Subcontractor Name: Plumbing Subcontractor Name: Electrical Subcontractor Name: 9 Signature of Bidder Date i I 1 ' HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Plantinglstorment 14 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 .I ' CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT (RCW 39.04.350) THE CITY WILL REVIEW THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSES TO THIS FORM TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PERFORM THE CONTRACT WORK. THIS FORM REQUIRES CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY STATE LAW AS WELL AS SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO THIS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT. THE BIDDER SHOULD READ AND RESPOND TO THIS FORM CAREFULLY. Indicia of contractor's responsibility inherently involve subjective determinations as to the contractor's ability to perform and complete the contract work responsibly and to the owner city's satisfaction. The city has an obligation and a duty to its citizens and its taxpayers to administer its budgets and complete its projects in a businesslike manner. Accordingly, it has a duty to exercise the type of inquiry and discretion a business would conduct when selecting a contractor who will be responsible to perform the contract work. The city's supplemental criteria are based, in large part, on the qualification statement form used by the American Institute of Architects. The city provides these criteria so as to provide the most objective framework possible within which the city will make its decision regarding the bidder's ability to be responsible to perform the contract work. These criteria, taken together, will form the basis for the city's decision that a bidder is or is not responsible to perform the contract work. Any bidder may make a formal written request to the city to modify the criteria set forth in this qualification statement, but that request may only be made within 48 hours of the date and time that the bidder first obtains the bid documents or three (3) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening date, whichever occurs first. If the city receives a modification request, it will consider any information submitted in the request and will respond before the bid submittal deadline. If the city's evaluation results in changed criteria, the city will issue an addendum establishing the new or modified criteria. If the city determines that, based on the criteria established in this statement, a bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work, the city will provide written notice of its determination that will include the city's reason for its decision. The bidder has 24 hours from the time the city delivers written notice to the bidder that the bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work to appeal the city's determination. No appeals will be received after the expiration of this 24 hour appeal period. The city may deliver this notice by hand delivery, email, facsimile, or regular mail. In the event the city uses regular mail, the delivery will be deemed complete three days after being placed in the U.S. Mail. The bidder's right to appeal is limited to the single remedy of providing the city with additional information to be considered before the city issues a final determination. Bidder acknowledges and understands that, as provided by RCW 39.04.350, no other appeal is allowed and no other remedy of any kind or nature is available to the bidding contractor if the City determines that the bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work. IHS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment is January 11,2012 Project Numbers- 09-3005 7&09-3006 1 rIf the bidder fails to request a modification within the time allowed, or fails to appeal a determination that the bidder is not responsible within the time allowed, the city will make its determination of bidder responsibility based on the information submitted. COMPLETE AND SIGN THIS FORM AS PART OF YOUR BID. FAILURE TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THIS FORM MAY ALSO RESULT IN A DETERMINATION THAT YOUR BID IS NON-RESPONSIVE AND THEREFORE VOID. THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED BY: Ry"5*ra4t'IDn, Lof Sf c'S NAME: r2Ven HUM lkrw s 1 ADDRESS: Lt21 �. fL,te�kc,„ St Saw t W A 9 13 11 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Rg=fOPa fi70n L=jCf: Cr ADDRESS: Ct vA 981 t 8 PHONE: /�� 96, - 63ti6 FAX: ic!- 6 L Z 1. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 1.1 Provide a copy of your Department of Labor and Industries certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW. 1.2 Provide your current state unified business identifier number. Got. - qq8 - 5dg 1 1.3 Provide proof of applicable industrial insurance coverage for your employees working in Washington as required in Title 51 RCW, together with an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, and a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW. Providing a copy of a state of Washington "Master License Service Registration and Licenses" form is typically sufficient evidence of the requirements of this subsection. 1 1.4 Provide a statement, signed by a person with authority to act and speak for your company, that your company, including any subsidiary 1 companies or affiliated companies under majority ownership or under control by the owners of the bidder's company, are not and have not been In the past three (3) years, disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3). HS Bend&upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 16 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7& 09-3006 1 1 2. ORGANIZATION 2.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? 13 2.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 13 2.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? NIA 2.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: 2.3.1 Date of incorporation: ' 2.3.2 State of incorporation: 2.3.3 President's name: 2.3.4 Vice-president's name(s): 2.3.5 Secretary's name: 2.3.6 Treasurer's name: 1 2.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 2.4.1 Date of organization: 1 2.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 2.4.3 Na ne(s) of general partner(s): 2.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 2.5.1 Date of organization: 2.5.2 Name of owner: i2.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: („I,qi{e4 `c4 �O„�c,�;o1y4 3. LICENSING St-&v� t4JW /W-CI Coin n'JaGcl .Ot 3.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do btjsiness, and indicate license numbers, if applicable. SeR Ad4r,),m ' 3.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is fled. 1 See 4. EXPERIENCE 4.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. ■ S pe A-J AtrJVW% ■ 4.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) 4.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? N 0. 4.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? N 0, HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd PiantincifStorment 17 January 11, 2012 project Numbers 09-3005 7&09-3006 4.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five years? No, 4.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details.) NO. 4.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. See. a-Adend�w. 4.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: H-Z(p, oov 4.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. t soe. addcmdor^ 4.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: 4}i 1;Uo.p p 4.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your orga ization. F1�sle see �.t-ta�ti�� 5.�. �2.'s odc endvrr. 4.7 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. Sec o�ddenjvw. . 5. REFERENCES 5.1 Trade References: Set Adde,. w, 5.2 Bank References: Cha;e 13gnk i I(o tht K 7r Wyi Sea{-{I,-- VJA 5.3 Surety: 5.3.1 Name of bonding company: lnte yr;f-7 Svroty 5.3.2 Name and address of agent: Kara Sk%-rinf r- 6. FINANCING 115L4H MiAvc-k AJc N. Sfe 4300 f 6.1 Financial Statement_ sea.kkle wA `l°oi 33 After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from any of the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must respond with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information. The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may Iresult in rejection of that bidder's bid. 6.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd PlantingJStorment is January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7&09-3006 i - Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes);Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 6.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 6.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization inamed on page one? 6.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the ' organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent- subsidiary). 6.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? 7. SIGNATURE , i G fk 7.1 Dated at this day of 1 6r'rN , 2012. iName of Organization: nFS tzru [-; "Sfi r- S By: Title: rl�c, her - /�Yl a., ✓' 7.2 f-U+'M �'r�� , being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information prov ded h rein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this day ofJ� , 2012. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Z'[:MYAPpLalntment Not hhc State of Washington THAO THI PHAN Expires Jul 23, 2014 HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Plantmg/Storment 19 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7&09-3006 COVERAGE CMPLOYER:`. This is your official certificate of industrial insurance coverage.It remains active until your account is closed. You are required by law to post both this certificate and-copies of the posters listed below.- I "3jaaa' You will soon he receiving I copy 0-902-482q If you require additional Insnrance Services Division copies,call Labor and Industries at 36 Employer Services • Job Safety and Health Protection (available in Spanish) Department of Labor.& Industries 0 Your Rights as a Worker/Family Care PO Box 44144 • Notice to Employees Olympia WA 93504-4144 WORKER: The employer named below is an insured policyholder I with the Washington State Industrial Insurance Trust Fund. UBI* PQli Effective Date Location E)IRloyef WA 9W1�. *Your Unified Business Identifier is the only number you need when conducting business with the Washington state departments of Revenue,Licensing,Employment Security,Labor and Industries an F;rt1-141�W{7M) d the Office of the Secretary of State, 1 DEPARTMENT OF L?A30R AND INDUSTRIES 'i REGISTERED AS PROVIDED BY LAW AS CONST CONTR LANDSCAPING IRECSIST.# ,DATE 1 CCBW RESTOLL994B9 112611111 EFFECTIVE DATE 1/29/2001 RESTORATION LOGISTICS LLC 4213 S BATEMAN ST SEATTLE WA 98118 I ,I , F625-052-00(07) L State of Washington Office of the Secretary of State Business Licensing Service Corporations(Division 1 , LEGAL ENTITY REGISTRATION Unified Business ID #: 601 998 508 1 � Business ID #t 1 4 r I, Itl Expires: 12-31-2012 r RESTORATION LOGISTICS, LLC [r 4213 S BATEMAN ST SEATTLE WA 98118 r, to x� Domestic Limited Liability Company Renewed by Authority of Secretary of State REGISTERED TRADE NAMES: - iRESTORATION LOGISTICS ,l RL FPi- t I l KI { I 1 l sY f� !a V� J l h 14 By accepting this document the licensee certifies that information ! provided on the renewal was compete,true,and accurate to the ,� best of his or her knowledge,and that the company will stay m compliance with all apphcab{e Washington State regulations i ctor,Department of Revenue I 1 rf - I N1 6P } . ww, S TATE OF TE of� BUSINESS LICENSE % WASHINGTON kf� . Domestic Limited Liability Compare nr y Unified Business ID #: 601 998 508 �� Business ID #; 1 d + RESTORATION LOGISTICS, LLC Location; 1<. RESTORATION LOGISTICS 4213 S BATEMAN ST Zs1 SEATTLE WA 98118 2713 TAX REGISTRATION i4 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE c 1 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE F.� s CITY LICENSES/REGISTRATIONS: 1 t j� BELLEVUE GENERAL BUSINESS #68776 LICENSING RESTRICTIONS: ffn l Not licensed to hire persons under age 18 at this REGISTERED TRADE location. RESTORATION LOGISTICS ° PF RL ts document bsts ffie registraLons, endor med above.By accepting this document,the licensee certifies theinform complete,true,and accurate to the best of h y or her dknowled licenses Authorized for the business conducted m compliance with all the Washington or state,county, d that on the application knowledge,and that business will 6e �q;�;-�_,- y and city regulations. or,Department of Revenue i I \`� Restoration Logistics, LLC • • • ical Solutions 4213 S Bateman St Phone 206-861-8398 ' Seattle, WA 98118 Fax 206-861-0125 info �r restlog com www.restlog com February 6,2012 To Whom It May Concern ' This statement is provided to confirm that Restoration Logistics, LLC, including any subsidiary companies or affiliated companies under majority ownership or under control by the owners of the bidder's company, are not and have not been in the past three(3)years, disqualified from bidding on any public works co tract under RCW 39 06 010 or 39 12 065(3) Sincerely, Steven Humphreys Member-Manager Restoration Logistics, LLC 1 Appendix to Contractor's Qualification Statement Addendum 1 Section 31 Legally ualified to do business throughout the State of Washington Work is primarily performed for King,Pierce Snohomish,Kitsap and Jefferson Counties,and the munici altles within Trade Cate ones NIGP Codes 96240 Ecological Services ' 92641 Ecosystems Development M mt,&Protection Svcs 92642 Env'I Svc's(Not otherwise classified 92652 Impact Studies Environmental 92663 Site Assessment,Environmental 96273 Restoration/Reclamation Svcs of Land&Other Properties 98614 Erosion Control Svcs 98852 Landscaping(Not mcl grounds maim or tree trimming NAICS code 561730 Landscaping Svcs CSI code 02960 Site Restoration and Rehabilitation 32 IPartnership(LLC)and trade name filed with State of washm ton ' 41 Invasive plant removal/control Native plant installation Welland and stream restoration Maintenance of restoration/mitigation sites Monitoring of restoration/mitigation sites Erosion/sediment control Drip irrigation design/Installation Surficial bank and slope stabilization Soil bioengineering Licensed herbicide apphca4on Browse-control applications 4 4 Sound Transit Maintenance Year 3 Sound Transit,Mart Louther 1 $280 000,10%completed completion date 1 2131/2 01 2 2012 Open Space Vegetation Work City of Mercer Island,Alaine Sommer ran $29,000,0%completed Completion date,11/1/2012 Novelty Hill Mltl atlon Puget Sound Energy,Molly Reid ) $34,000,20%completed,completion date 1213112012 ' 45 2006-2010 Vegetation Work City of Seattle,Rory Denovan $830 700,completion date 12/31/2011 percentage performed by own forces 100°% ' H lebos Marsh Restoration Friends of the H lebos,Chris Carrell $281,800 completion date 12/31/2011,percentage performed by own forces 100% Novelty Project Miti ation Plantings and 2008-2011 Maintenance Puget Sound Energy,Molly Reed 5256 000,completion date 1213112011,percentage performed by own forces 100% 2006-2010 Open Space Vegetation Work 1 City of Mercer Island,Alaine Sommer ran $77 500 coin letion date 1 213112 01 1,percentage performed by own forces 100% '46 Experience of Key individuals Please see attached S D 11's Present Commitments of Key Individuals ' Colin Macdonald Oversight of Consulting Services oversight of various contracts Steven Humphreys General administration,oversight of Contracting Services,oversight of various contracts Derek Beauchemin Oversight of multiple projects 47 Truck fleet 2 large stakeside crewcab dum trucks, 1 4x4 crewcab pickup 1 small pickup Mountable water tanks 1,500 gal)for vehicles,plus pumps,etc for irrigation Gas- owered hand tools chainsaws,brush cutters,etc Standard and specialized hand tools 51 Trade References Wabash Farms,31218 SE 408th ST Enumclaw,WA,98022 360-825-7051 Pacific Plants,12303 Issaquah Hobart Rd SE,12303 Issaquah Hobart Rd SE (425)392-6164 ACF West,Woodinville Corporate Center II,Bldg A#400,15540 Woodinville-Redmond Rd,Woodinville,Washington 98072,425-415-6115 ' 1 , 1 I 4213 S Bateman St Phone 206-861-8398 ' Seattle, WA 98118 Fax: 206-861-0125 www.restlog.com info@restlog.com COLIN MACDONALD - statement of qualifications ' SELECTED EXPERIENCE-prior to founding Restoration Logistics. IMore recent experience Is listed In Selected Proje At EarthCorps,Seattle,WA 1997-1999 RiverWalk Habitat Restoration Project No 1,Redmond Washington Designed and implemented a comprehensive monitoring and maintenance program for a 18 acre restoration project spanning the Sammamish River Supervised work crews maintaining and monitoring the site Monitoring components include plant census,structure and growth analysis,wildlife studies,cross-sectional analysis of stream channel movement, photo documentation,and preparing annual reports Duwamish Estuary Enhancement Protects,Seattle,Washington Designed and installed goose exclosures for estuarine wetland plantings Supervised youth work crews installing emergent vegetation,goose exclosures,and large woody debris ' Riparian Habitat Enhancement Projects, Redmond,Washington Designed and supervised the installation of native plantings at several riparian restoration sites in the City of Redmond Components included soil preparation,invasive plant removal, native plant specification and placement, creating as-builts and planting plans,and site monitoring and maintenance I Corpsmember Development Programming Created and led educational programmingfor local and international youth about the environmental restoration theory and practice associated with the above and other protects Created a native plant identification and ecology ' certification program for the conservation corps Other: Red Hill Valley Biological Inventory,Hamilton,Ontario 1995 Researched and prepared a comprehensive report on the use of the Red Hill Valley by breeding, migrating and overwintering birds,as part of a larger Environmental Impact Study EDUCATION Academic. B S(Honors)Biology,Queen's University,Kingston, Ontario 1994 Post-degree studies at the University of Waterloo,Waterloo,Ontario,Faculty of Environmental Studies,1995 ' Professional(selected): • Completed Wetland Delineation training in the University of Washington Wetland Science Certificate Program (2001), • Completed Wetlands Introduction to grasses,sedges,and rushes by Clayton Antleau at the Everett Community College (2001) • Completed the following courses sponsored by the University of Washington Center for Urban Water Resources Management and the Professional Engineering Liaison Program Geology and Geomorphology of Stream Channels (2000) and Wetlands Ecology, Protection,and Restoration(1998) • Completed Proper Functioning Condition Riparian Assessment Training,a methodology for assessing the physical functioning of riparian and wetland areas, presented by the National Riparian Service Team(1999) SKILLS AND AFFILIATIONS • Ten years of project management experience in natural resources Experienced with a wide variety of wildlife and habitat censuring and measurement techniques • Experience/training with a wide variety of habitat restoration techniques • Excellent technical writing and presentation skills Member,Science Advisory Team,WetNet(Washington Audubon Society wetlands program) n / 'RestorationLogistics, ' GEcological Sol • 4213 S Bateman St Phone: 206-861-8398 Seattle, WA 98118 Fax: 206-861-0125 ' www.restlog.com restlog@seanet.com STEVEN HUMPHREYS - statement of qualifications SELECTED EXPERIENCE-prior to founding Restoration Logistics. IMore recent experience Is listed in Selected Proje ' Colman Park Enhancement,Seattle,Washington Oversaw construction of an enhancement project that included extensive native plantings,creation of a system of ponds and swales for storm water control,and installation of bio-logs for shoreline stabilization Supervised work crews and volunteer groups in the field Developed and implemented monitoring and maintenance plans, including design and installation of drip-irrigation systems Participated in community outreach and authored interpretive signage ' Promontory Point Habitat Enhancement Project, Magnuson Park,Seattle,Washington Assisted project development and design in conjunction with community groups and various agencies Designed and installed a rainwater capture system and associated capillary beds for storage of salvaged plants at the new interpretive ' center Designed and supervised the installation of native plantings Snohomish County Airport Wetland Compensation Bank Program,Everett,Washington Served as site supervisor during second-phase planting on the 13 4 acre Swanson Wetland Mitigation Bank,the first project of its kind in Washington State Directed spring and fall planting of approximately 40,000 plants and trees, compiled as-built data and prepared for submission to overseeing agencies,and assisted in initiating the monitoring plan Worked in conjunction with several agencies, including FAA, USFWS,Snohomish County,and City of Everett Wetland Restoration/Forest Habitat Enhancement,San Juan Island,Washington ' Designed and implemented a restoration program on a 25-acre private property Components included an eradication program for reed-canary grass,creation of capillary beds and a staging area for plant salvage,ecological thinning of forest stands and placement of large woody debris ' Pritchard Beach Wetland Restoration,Seattle,Washington Worked closely with community groups and the Seattle Parks Department to assist in the restoration of a historic wetland Supervised work crews and volunteer groups installing native plants and removing invasive species Applied soil bioengineering techniques such as erosion control fabrics and willow/dogwood staking and installed waterfowl ' exclosures Various Restoration/Enhancement Projects,King County,Washington As a crew leader for the King County World Conservation Corps,directed crews of local and international youths in implementing a wide array of restoration projects, including • In-stream restoration • Stream and river bank stabilization • Logging road reclamation • Soil bioengineering • Nursery development • Native plantings ' • Invasive plant removal • Site stewardship EDUCATION B S.,Conservation of Wildland Resources, Ecosystem Science and Conservation Program, 1996 University of Washington,College of Forest Resources,Seattle,WA • Minor in Environmental Studies • Designed and built a small-scale urban wetland to mitigate roof runoff for senior project • Graduate level coursework in River and Stream Ecology and Morphology SKILLS AND AFFILIATIONS Completed Proper Functioning Condition Riparian Assessment Training,a methodology for assessing the physical 1 functioning of riparian and wetland areas, presented by the National Riparian Service Team December, 1999 • Certified by the International Erosion Control Association in Practical Approaches for Effective Erosion and Sediment Control May, 1999 • Completed Design of Natural Stream Channels course presented by Interfluve, Inc September-October, 1998 • Certified by the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps in urban stream restoration September, 1997 • Extensive native plant ecology knowledge • Member,Society for Ecological Restoration Derek M. Beauchemin QUALIFICATIONS ■ Experienced in estimating and managing the installation of Pacific Northwest native habitat restoration projects, including follow-up maintenance and monitoring activities ' • Demonstrated success during all stages of both small-and large-scale restoration projects • Demonstrated ability to modify in-field parameters based on site conditions EXPERIENCE 2005-Current Restoration Logistics, LLC, Seattle, Washington Restoration Field Specialist, Program Director/Project Manager since 2006 Management duties include site assessment visits, creation and submission of project bid documents,plant and related materials acquisition as well as managing the daily activities of up to 12 crewmembers in the installation of restoration projects The projects are spread throughout Western Washington, on both public and private lands Interacting with landowners, agency regulators and other stakeholders is a key component of the work Monitoring experience includes performance and compliance monitoring for various projects Responsible for managing a stream flow monitoring program, including the coordination and collection of data with flow meters in several urban creeks, data review, finalization and transmission to the client Licensed herbicide applicator Certified First-aid and CESCL. 2003-2005 Snoqualmie Holdings, LLC, Seattle, Washington Restoration Project Manager Directed and implemented the restoration of a I I0-acre organic farm in Carnation, Washington, along the Snoqualmie River Duties included site preparation for restoration, selection and planting of native materials, maintaining weed barrier material,watering, weeding and mulching, and propagation of native material for restoration use Used GIS and GPS technologies to monitor plant growth and survival and locations of invasive species populations Developed successful weed suppression techniques and plantings,as well as created detailed budgets for multiple restoration and mitigation pro.jects. 1999-2001 Center for Urban Horticulture, UW, Seattle, Washington Landscaper Actively maintained public gardens at the Center for Urban Horticulture,a distinguished resource at the University of Washington Duties included technical care of plants and beds, installing and removing flora, and interacting with many public interests on garden and display strategies 2000-2001 Horticultural Consulting, Inc, Seattle, Washington Water Assessment Specialist ' Assessed private residences for water efficiency and potential water misuse. Provided homeowners with water saving educational materials and techniques Resolved water-based landscape problems, made recommendations about plant/water relationships in landscapes, and recorded water use data for assessment reports EDUCATION I B.S , Environmental Science, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California 1999 ■ Numerous graduate level courses at University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 2001-2005 RELATED COURSEWORK Biology, chemistry, physics, botany,environmental science,environmental engineering,watershed protection, landscape plant selection and management, restoration ecology, forest ecology and biology, and plant physiology 639 A Market St., Seattle, Washington, 98107 derek@restlog.com (206)-459-0586 ' PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him/her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and agrees to complete the Contract within thirty (30) ' working days after issuance of the City's Notice to Proceed. The undersigned bidder hereby agrees to submit all insurance documents, ' performance bonds and signed contracts within ten (10) calendar days after City awards the Contract. The City anticipates issuance of the Notice to Proceed on the day of the preconstruction meeting. ' No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security consisting of a bid bond, cashier's check or cash in an amount equal to 5% of the total amount is hereto attached. Notice of acceptance of this bid or request for additional information shall be addressed to the undersigned at the address stated below. ' Receipt of Addendum No.'s 1 to the plans and/or specifications is hereby acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge receipt of the addenda may be considered an irregularity in this proposal. ' By signing this Proposal Signature Page, the undersigned bidder agrees to be bound by all terms, requirements and representations listed in the bid documents whether set forth by the City or by the Bidder. DATE: 7� (z LSOJ [� �Z NAME O D ; BY: (Print Name and Titl Address kA HS Bead&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 24 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 ' BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Restoration Logistics LLC , as Principal, and Hartford Fire Insurance Company as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of 5% of the Amount Bid RiiiiiftDs, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting/Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 According to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal thereof, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the ' Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the invitation to bid, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damaged, the iamount of this bond. I SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 31st DAY OF January 2012. Restoration Logistics LLC P INCIPAL �,�►'�Q. •,loss•, •.� V Hartford Fire Insurance Company, SURETY = : W Cameron Huntsucker, Attorney-in-Fact �� oReceived return of deposit in the sum of $ •��� "'���',�'' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/storment 21 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers D9-3005 7 &09-3006 tDirect Inquiries/Claims to: HARTF POWER OF ATTORNEY PO BX"0 6 ASYLUMAVENUE 1 ' HARTFORD,CONNECTICUT 06115 call 888-266-3488 or fax 860-757-5835 ' KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, Agency Code. 52-812452 Hartford Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut XO Hartford Casualty Insurance Company,a iorporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Hartford underwriters Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Twin City Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois I I Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Florida having their home office in Hartford,Connecticut,(hereinafter collectively referred to as the"Companies")do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of$500,000: Kara Skinner, Cameron Huntsucker of ' — — --- SEATTLE, WA — - — — — their true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(ies)only as delineated above by ®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof,on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and 1 executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law In Witness Whereof,and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on January 22,2004 the Companies d have caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed,duly attested by its Assistant Secretary Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies,the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are ' and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney 0 y+ r[, ."` 1BB7 a#``• � 'yt 1 __1-'om r 4°j.' o �i .�I ',ramm •aNM� :\'y: 1070 aas 197a t9t9 Scott Sadowsky,Assistant Secretary M Ross Fisher,Assistant Vice President STATE 0 F CON N ECTICUT COUNTY OFHARTFORD I SS. Hartford 1 On this 3rd day of March,2008, before me personally came M Ross Fisher,to me known,who being by me duly sworn,did depose and say,that he resides to the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, that he is the Assistant Vice President of the Companies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument, that he knows the seals of the said corporations that the seals affixed to the said instrumelt are sucn corporate seats, tnat tney were so affixed by authority of the Boards or Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto by I,ke authority n/1S/E.any •` • Scott E Paseka Notary Public CERTIFICATE My Cbmnusaon Fxpires Or.tobes 31,2012 I,the undersigned,Assistant Vice President of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is still to full force effective as of.3i Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford O�n �� �u��c.r.,r.irib,� UYA1 i' 03 r A'! _• --�-'�.�',`e`�° 3+r.0� _ G '4,rtnr`� 4RMa ',: rs7aer a:�la'rp 2 7919 ' t �'A r� •�•rrc+•°�P •�iP.laxie � r •^}`�•'=r�fe s' �_V tL��,�`. Gary W Stumper,Assistant Vice President t CITY OF KENT COMBINED AFFIDAVIT & CERTIFICATION FORM: NON—COLLUSION, MINIMUM WAGE (NON—FEDERAL AID) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he/she is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or 1 collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder on the foregoing work equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself or to any other person any advantage over other bidder or bidders. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement I and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. FOR; NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT 1 Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 NAME OF PROJECT 3 NAME OF BIDDER'S FIRM �91GNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPREStNTATIVE OF BIDDER Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 day of 2012. —� Nolery fW_ - Notary li a or the State of itaq a YNMMOIon HIEU VWAM Washington, residing at JCi (vv''+ My Appointment Expires Fop 28.2015 1 HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 22 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 BIDDER'S CHECKLIST ' The following checklist is a guideline to help the Contractor make sure all forms are complete. The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms. Failure to execute these forms as required may result in rejection of any bid. Bidder`s Package should include the following: 1 Bid Document Cover Sheet filled out with Bidder's Name ....................❑ Tableof Contents Sheet.......................................................................0 Invitationto Bid...................................................................................❑ ContractorCompliance Statement........................................................0 Date............................................................................................0 1 Have/have not acknowledgment ................................................0 Signature and address. .El Declaration - City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy ........0 Datedand signed ........................................................................0 AdministrativePolicy...........................................................................0 Proposal................................. .............................................................0 First line of proposal - filled in ...................................................0 Unitprices are correct ................................................................0 Bid the same unit price for asterisk (*) bid items.......................0 Minimumbid prices are correct...................................................0 Subcontractor List (contracts over $100K) ..........................................0 Subcontractorslisted properly....................................................0 Signature....................................................................................0 Subcontractor List (contracts over $1 million).....................................13 Subcontractors listed properly....................................................0 Signature....................................................................................0 Contractor's Qualification Statement...................................................❑ Complete form and notarize........................................................0 ProposalSignature Page......................................................................0 All Addenda acknowledged .........................................................0 Date, signed and addressed........................................................0 BidBond Form ..................................................................................... Signed, sealed and dated............................................................C7 Powerof Attorney.......................................................................0 (Amount of bid bond shall equal 5% of the total bid amount) Non-Collusion Affidavit ........................................................................0 Signed, dated and notarized .......................................................0 Bidder's Checklist ................................................................................0 The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A) CONTRACT This agreement is to be executed by the successful bidder. B) PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND To be executed by the successful bidder and his surety company. The following form is to be executed after the Contract is completed: A) CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT To be executed by the successful bidder AFTER COMPLETION of this contract. HS Bend&Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 23 January 11„ 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7&09-3006 i f PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND SENT TO CITY OF KENT Bond #52BSBFJ6271 i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: IThat we, the undersigned, Restoration Logistics I i C -as Principal, and Hartford Fire Insurance Company a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a Surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the CITY OF KENT in the penal sum of $ 87,472 62 , together with any adjustments, up or down, in the total contract price because of changes in the contract work, for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of ' Washington, and the Codes and Ordinances of the CITY OF KENT. Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a motion, duly made, seconded and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor of the ' City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above bounden Principal, a certain contract, the said contract providing for construction of Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting/Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09- 3006(which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, for non-FHWA projects only, if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time herein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said 1 contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the CITY OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract, then and in that event this Iobligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals The name and corporate seal (if required by law) of each corporate party is hereto affixed and duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. HIS Bend &Upper Russell Rd PlantmgJStorment 24 January 11, 2012 Protect Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 TWO WITNESSES: Restoration o istic LC PRINCIPA (en r inci I' na above) — BY: TITLE' DATE: 10 5'Oa --_ DATE. _ 3l ZJ -2 t Z 1tc Wj��n� CORPORATE SEAL: PRINT NAME IDATE: 03/01/2012 Hartford Fire Insurance Company —_ SURETY CORPORATE SEAL: BY: ameron I�un s cker 'NOSISGIN 4814, DATE: 3/1/2012-- RTFpR.%y. TITLE: Attorney-in-Fact NJft*"8 0 ADDRESS: c/o Inteoritv Surma LLC _ a 17544 Midvale Ave N #300 A :� t't• :C0 JGC1ttlG n"V V"T1n�� S.7 • • c = s��fi®e •••� ''r -- --- .���,.aaO� CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL um I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within Bond, that _ _Who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal _----- Of the said Corporation; that I know his signature thereto is genuine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body SECRETARY OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY HS Bend &upper Russell Rd Planting/storment 25 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-30D6 Direct fnquirres/Cfarms to: POWER j-, ATTORNEY THE HARTFORD r BOND,690T-4 P C 80X 2103,690 ASYLUM AVENUE HARTFORD,CONNECTICUT 06115 call 888-263-3488 or fax 860-757-5835 1 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Agency Code. 52-812452 0 Hartford Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organved under the law,of the State ofC'onnectictrt f ® Hartford Casualty Insurance Company d cotpoi ation dulo oiganrrod under the law,of the State of Indiana Hartford Accident and indemnity Company,a corporation duly organved under the ia� of the State of Connecticut Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company,a corporation duly organved under the laws of the State of Connecticut � Twin City Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organved under the IawS of the State Of [adrana Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois,a cotporatron duly org,uuzcd undo the I,ws of t1%Stets.of Illinois Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest,a corporation only organved under the law,of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast,a corporation duly organized undo the laws of the State of Florida hav,ng their home otnce in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Companies')do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of$500,000: Kara Skinner, Cameron Huntsucker of SEATTLE, WA :heir true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity i`more than one is named above, to sign Its name as surety(ies)only as delineated above by ®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof,on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guarardeeing the performance of contracts and executing cr guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law In Witness Whereof,and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Cempanies on January 22, 2004 the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice Presiden'and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary Further, pursuant tc Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies, the Compan es hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney /�' r*ra� �senNT �t r snit rs,'r ;"°c wy —°p-t., J `t�W ♦, 0 .s 4 .^ 3�>� ,� � • tt148'I`"^ •ar 0�8Y rame 197 s/. i': zp 7 0 ! � ���.� s���P ,�e r'.latt� J • � �`'�oh,w�R' � 'ac.n�t�� ��r���f' Scott Sadowsky,Assistant Secretary M Ross Fisher,Assistant Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Hartford COUNTY OF HAEBTFORD On:his 3,d day of March, 2008, before me Dersonally came M Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duly sworr, did depose and say that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, that he is the Assistant Vice President of the Cor panies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument, that he knows the seals of the said corporations that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals, that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Direclo,s of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto by Ilke authority t• a � Normy PObliL CERTIFICATE My(tin mre>um P rp,rta WoLxr 31 20,2 I,the undersigned,Assistant Vice President of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is still in full force effective as of Sf V4,�tt cf ' Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford Sµa i•4,q ®'' t • � µne,er ba D t.>• o �t •yo�o.i,`c � } m 1 \'+�a'�r��'/ 4q'y,rArtv ��) a 1��o d • � ,ky�r,o.ita°y+°`{ -�'Q� \.%,�� i i` Gary W Stumper,Assistant Vice President ' 4 CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made in triplicate, is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and organized under the laws of the,,State of located and doing business at S. f�.»•. { &A MAR ("Contractor"). 1 WITNESS: ' In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting/Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 in accordance with and ' as described in the Contract Documents and shall perform any alterations In or additions to the work provided under the Contract Documents and every part thereof. The Contract Documents shall Include all project specifications, provisions, and plans; the City's general and special conditions; the 2010 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations, if applicable ("Standard Specifications"); the City's bid documents; and the Contractor's ' response to the City's bid. Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed within thirty (30) working days. The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in the Contract Documents and every part thereof, except as mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the City. 1 2. The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract Documents and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the Contract Documents and the schedule of unit or itemized prices provided by Contractor in its response to the City's bid, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in the Contract Documents. ' 3. The Contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as expressly provided herein. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 26 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 5. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed Ishall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of Indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject ' to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. ' IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. jThe provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. i6. Contractor agrees, upon the City's written demand, to make all books and records available to the City for inspection, review, photocopying, and audit in ' the event of a contract related dispute, claim, modification, or other contract related action at reasonable times (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. 1 7. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the term of construction and throughout the specified term of maintenance, insurance of the types and In the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference. 8. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of RCW Ch. 19.122, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with RCW Ch. 19.122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing any 1 excavation activities. 9. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials, including but not limited to sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials, construction debris, etc, to protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient air environment within the City. HIS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 27 January 11, 2012 -_ Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 CITY OF KENT BY: UZE C O E, MAYOR ' DATE: / ATT ' BRENDA JACOBER, I CLERK APPROVED AS TO FOR : U-t.-o� ' KENY LAW DEPARTMENT } CONTRACTOR ' BY: 1 PRINT NAME: v.,•, TITLE: V'I+wM • r! DATE: HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 28 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 ' EXHIBIT A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS Insurance ' The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, Insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain Insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and ' leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, ` independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City 1 shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute Iendorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for ' bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less I than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: ` 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage ' maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 29 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 EXHIBIT A (Continued) 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mall, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional Insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of 1 the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The ' Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the ' amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. ' F. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 30 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MIRRDDIY72 ' PRODUCER 65 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Mumma Associates, Znc. HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR "Your General Insurance Store' ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 11811 N.S. First St., Suite 307 e2letnx®, :aA_ 98005 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED PZSTORATION LOGISTICS, LLC INSURER A_�SJI'$TZp pATT�pAT. - - BBBUF�g CD 4213 S Bateman St INSURER B Seattle, WA 98118 INSURER C INSURER 0 INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE L-STED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSR T POLICY NUMBER I POLICY EFFECTIVE POLCYOfPIRATION LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY CPPOO14532 0210312012 0210312013 EACH OCCURRENCE 6 tL0 MAGE TC RENTED J[ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES IEa occurs CLA-MSMADE ij OCCUR VIED EXP(Any one pars" PERSONAL B AOV INJURY 8 (jOQ GENERAL AGGREGATE 6 GEN'�AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER- PRODUCTS COMP/OP AGGJEC 8 a00000 ' POLICY 71 PROT -- LOC A AUTOMOELEUASIUTY CPP0024510 0210312012 0210312013 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ANYAUTO I IED KI;Idem) D AUTOS _ 6 ALL OWNED BODILY INJURY 6 ^` i SCHEDULED AUTOS I{Per Pe'sonl HIREC A„TOS BOOILV'NaURY i NON OWNEDAUTOS (Per accident) l - PROPERTY DAMAGE 6 (Per acclden[) GARAGE L'ABRITY AUTO ONLY-EA A_CCI_ DENT 6 ANY�UTO OTHERTHAN EAACC 6 AUTOONLY AGG 6 A EXCESS1Ul"BRELLA UABIUTY WD60010625 0210312012 02/03/2013 EACH OCCURRENCE 6 7000QQQ OCCUR CLAIMSMADE AGGREGATE ^_ _ 5 700aDD DEDUCTIBLE B _ RETENTION 6 6 A WORKER9COMPENSATIONAND CPP0014$82 02/03/2012 02/03/2013 ,8_.7 RYLINnrs _ °FA TM EMPLOYERS LU181LITY EL EACH ACCIDENT 8 7000000 ANV PROPRIETOR(PARTNERlEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED' E L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE 6 flyea 6aw,beumer SPECIAL PROVISIO' below EL DISEASE-POIICYLIMIT 6 OTHEF DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS!VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS City of Rent ?ublic Works is named as an additional insured on it proteins to on going work of the named insured. Endorsement AWNGL490109, applies and is attached. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCI IBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION City of Rent Public Works Dept DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3_ DAYS WETTER Attn: Nancy Yoshi take NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL 400 West GO7Pe IMPOSE NO OBLIGATIONOR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS On Rent, WA 98032 REPRESENT- ATIVES _ AUTHORIEZED IEPRESEN71ATIYE ACORD 25(2001+08) 0 ''ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ! COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY WIN GL 49 01 09 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YOU PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY This endorsement modes Insurance provided under the following. ' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to a. The prepanng, approving, or failing to pre- inciide as an additional insured any person or or- pare or approve, maps, shop drawings, ganization for whom you are performing operations opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, /when you and such person or organization have change orders or drawings and specifica- ! J agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that trans,or such person or organization be added as an addi- tional insured on your policy Such person or or- b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or ganization is an additional insured only with respect engineering activities ! to liability for "bodily Injury", "property damage" or 2. "Bodily Injury" or "property damage" occurring "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole after or in part, by a All work, including materials, parts or equip- 1. Your acts or omissions, or ment furnished in connection with such ' 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your work, on the project (other than service, behalf, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at in the performance of your ongoing operations for the location of the covered operations has ! the additional insured been completed, or A person's or organization's status as an additional b. That portion of"your work" out of which the insured under this endorsement ends when your injury or damage arises has been put to its ! operations for that additional insured are oom- intended use by any person or organization plated other than another contractor or subcontract B. The Limits of Insurance applicable to the additional for engaged in performing operations for a insured are those specified in the written contract principal as a part of the same project ! or written agreement or in the Declarations of this D. As respects the coverage provided under this en- policy, whichever is less These Limits of insur- dorsement, Paragraph 4.b. of the Other Insurance ance are inclusive of, and not in addition to Limits Condition is deleted and replaced by the following of Insurance shown in the Declarations 4. Other insurance C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these addtional insureds, the following additional exclu- b. Excess Insurance siors apply: This insurance is excess over any other This insurance does not apply to- insurance naming the additional insured as an insured whether primary, excess, contin- 1. 'Bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal gent or on any other basis unless the written and advertising injury" ansing out of the render- contract or agreement described in A. above ing of, or the failure to render, any professional specifically requires that this insurance be architectural, engineering or surveying services, provided on either a primary basis or a pn- including mary and noncontributory basis. ' WIN GL 49 01 09 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Office Inc with its permission, Page 1 of 1 ❑ ! ' KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................1-1 1-01 Definitions and Terms....................................................... 1-1 1-02 Bid Procedures and Conditions........................................... 1-3 1-03 Award and Execution of Contract........................................ 1-5 1-04 Scope of the Work ........................................................... 1-7 1-05 Control of Work ............................................................... 1-9 1-06 Control of Material ........................................................... 1-14 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public.................. 1-16 ' 1-08 Prosecution and Progress .................................................. 1-27 1-09 Measurement and Payment . 1-31 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control ................................................. 1-34 ' DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK........................................................... 2-1 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions.............................. 2-1 ' 2-03 Roadway Excavation and Embankment ............................... 2-2 DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION .......................... 8-1 ' 8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control......................... 8-1 8-02 Roadside Restoration........................................................ 8-13 ' 8-03 Irrigation Systems .......................................................... 8-17 8-12 Chain Link Fence and Wire Fence ....................................... 8-18 ' DIVISION 9 MATERIALS............................................................. 9-1 9-14 Erosion Control and Roadside Planting ................................ 9-1 ' CONSTRUCTION PLANS ........................................as......................... A-1 ' KENT STANDARD PLANS .................................................................. A-2 PREVAILING WAGE RATES............................................................... A-3 HIS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7 &09-3006 I KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following Kent Special Provisions modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2010 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations ("Standard Specifications"). Otherwise all provisions of the Standard Specifications shall apply. All references in the Standard Specification to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, or to I the contracting agency, shall be revised appropriately to read City and/or City Engineer, except for references to State statutes or regulations. These Kent Special Provisions also modify and supersede the General Special Provisions. Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract. Each specification contains all current specifications applicable to the particular work and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS SECTION 1-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.1 General When these Special Provisions make reference to a "Section", for example, "in accordance with Section 1-01", the reference is to the WSDOT Standard Specifications with all modifications as shown in these Special Provisions. SECTION 1-01.2(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement EA Each Eq. Adj. Equitable Adjustment FA Force Account HR Hour M GAL Thousand gallons NIC Not In Contract SF Square Feet SECTION 1-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.3 Definitions Contract Documents The Kent Special Provisions modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2010 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal construction, as prepared by the Washington State HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 1 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 Department of Transportation and the Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association, Including all published amendments issued by those organizations ("Standard Specifications") as of the date of signature by the Engineer. Otherwise all provisions of the Standard Specifications shall apply. Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract. Each specification contains all current specifications applicable to a particular work and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. i Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are: i 1. Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, current edition; 2. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, current edition, and; 3. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition; Incidental Work The terms "incidental to the project," "incidental to the involved bid item(s)," etc., as used in the Contract Documents shall mean that the Contractor is required to complete the specified work and the cost of such work shall be included in the unit contract prices of other bid items as specified in Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract). No additional payment will be made. Standard Plans A set of specific plans or drawings developed and adopted by the City of Kent, which show frequently recurring components of work that have been standardized for use, hereinafter referred to as the "Standard Plans" or the "City of Kent Standard Plans." Standard Specifications The Standard Specifications for this contract are contained in the following publications: 1. "2010 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction," prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works Association (APWA) Washington State Chapter, including all published amendments issued by those organizations. 2. "Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction," current edition, prepared by the WSDOT and APWA, hereinafter referred to as the Standard Plans. 3. The current edition of the "National Electrical Code." HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 2 January 11, 2012 Protect Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 4. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), latest Edition adopted by WSDOT. All reference in the Standard Specifications to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, or to the contracting agency, shall be revised appropriately to read City and/or City Engineer. To the extent any inconsistencies exist among any of the four above- listed documents, each document appearing on this list shall have priority over all documents, if any, listed below it. These publications are incorporated in this contract by this reference. The Contractor should note that these publications contain general j conditions to this contract, as well as construction details. Responsibility for obtaining these publications rests with the Contractor. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1-02.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.1 Qualification of Bidders Bidders shall be qualified by ability, experience, financing, equipment, and organization to do the work called for in the Contract Documents. The City of Kent reserves the right to take whatever action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the Bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. This action includes the City's review of the qualification information in the bid documents. The City will use this qualification data in its decision to determine whether the lowest responsive bidder is also responsible and able to perform the contract work. If the City determines that the lowest bidder is not the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the City reserves its unqualified right to reject that bid and award the contract to the next lowest bidder that the City, in its sole judgment, determines is also responsible and able to perform the contract work (the "lowest responsive and responsible bidder"). SECTION 1-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Upon awarding the Contract, the City shall supply to the Contractor, for its own use, five (5) copies of the plans and specifications. Additional copies can be purchased from the City at the price specified by the City or In the Invitation to Bid. SECTION 1-02.4(i) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING THE SECOND ITEM 2 OF THE 6TH PARAGRAPH: 1-02.4(1) General 2. The bidder failed to discover a latent ambiguity that would be discovered by a reasonably prudent contractor in preparing its bid. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 3 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 SECTION 1-02.4(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: ' 1-02.4(2) Subsurface Information Because of the varying soil composition and ground water levels encountered in various areas and at different seasons of the year, the City makes no representation of such conditions as they may pertain to this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all cribbing, sheet piling, dewatering, or other construction methods or procedures that may be necessary to complete the project, and additional compensation therefore will not be allowed unless otherwise specified in this document. The soils Information if any, used for design of this project Is available for review by the bidder at the following address: City of Kent Public Works Engineering Department 400 W. Gowe Street, Second Floor Kent, WA 98032 SECTION 1-02.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.5 Proposal Forms Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents including a "Bid Proposal" for the advertised project from the City of Kent upon furnishing a non-refundable payment as specified in the "Invitation to Bid" or by downloading at no charge at www.kentwa.gov/procurement. Bid Documents may be requested by mall, or picked up at the Public Works Engineering Department, 400 West Gowe Street, Second Floor, Kent, Washington 98032. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY OMITTING THE PARENTHETICAL REFERENCE, "(NOT WORDS),-IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SENTENCE TO THE END OF THE THIRD PARAGRAPH: 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal ALL BLANKS IN THE PROPOSAL FORMS MUST BE APPROPRIATELY FILLED IN, AND ALL UNIT PRICES MUST BE STATED IN FIGURES. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Proposals must contain original signature pages. FACSIMILES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND ARE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE SUBMITTALS. i HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 4 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 SECTION 1-02.7 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE WORDS "CERTIFIED CHECK". 1-02.7 Bid Deposit SECTION 1-02.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal All bids must be sealed and delivered in accordance with the "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be received at the City Clerk's office by the stated Itime, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mall. SECTION 1-02.11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to make, or file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate bids are specifically called for; however, a person, firm, or corporation that has submitted a subproposal to a bidder, or that has quoted prices of materials to a bidder is not thereby disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders or from making a prime proposal. SECTION 1-02.13 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 1(h) AND REPLACING ITEM 1(a) WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals Ia. The bidder is not prequalified when so required. SECTION 1-02.14 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 3 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 3. The bidder is not qualified or pre-qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT SECTION 1-03.1 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids The City of Kent also reserves the right to include or omit any or all schedules or alternates of the Proposal and will award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on the total bid amount, including schedules or alternates selected by the City. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 5 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7 &09-3006 A bidder who wished to claim error after the Bids have been opened and tabulated shall submit a notarized affidavit signed by the Bidder, accompanied by original work sheets used in the preparation of the Bid, requesting relief from the responsibilities of Award. The affidavit shall describe the specific error(s) and certify that the work sheets are the originals used in the preparation of the Bid. The affidavit and the work sheets shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first business day after Bid opening, or the claim will not be considered. The Engineer will review the certified work sheets, to determine validity of the claimed error, and make a recommendation to the City of Kent. If the City concurs in the claim of error, the Bidder will be relieved of responsibility, and the Bid Deposit of the Bidder will be returned. Thereafter, at the discretion of the City, all Bids may be rejected or award made to the next lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder. SECTION 1-03.2 IS REVISED BY REPLACING "45 CALENDAR DAYS" WITH "60 CALENDAR DAYS"RELATING TO CONTRACT AWARD OR BID REJECTION. 1-03.2 Award of Contract SECTION 1-03.3 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.3 Execution of Contract The form of contract that the successful bidder, as the Contractor, will be required to execute, and the forms and the amount of surety bonds that it will be required to furnish at the time of execution of the contract are included in the bid documents and should be carefully examined. The contract and the Surety Bonds will be executed in three (3) original counterparts. Within 10 calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the signed City prepared contract, insurance certification as required by the contract, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4. If the successful bidder fails to provide these documents within this 10-day period, the City may, at its sole discretion, reduce the time for completion of the contract work by one calendar day for each calendar day after this 30-day period that the successful bidder fails to provide all required documents. Until the City executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the City nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within City-furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the City. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 6 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 No claim for delay shall be granted to the Contractor due to his failure to submit the required documents to the City in accordance with the schedule provided in these Special Provisions. SECTION 1-03.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1 1-03.4 Contract Bond 5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety's officer empowered to sign the bond. 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements if the Contractor is a sole proprietor or partner. If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond must be signed by the president or vice-president, unless accompanied by written proof of the authority of the individual signing the bond to bind the I corporation (i.e., corporate resolution, power of attorney or letter to such effect by the president or vice-president). 7. The "Contract Bond" shall remain in force for one year following the Kent City Council "Final Acceptance Date" of the project to ensure defects are corrected during the one-year guarantee period in compliance with WSDOT Section 1-05.10 (Guarantees), and the IPayment and Performance Bond language of the contract. SECTION 1-03.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: j1-03.7 Judicial Review Any decision made by the City of Kent regarding the award and execution of the contract or bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under Washington State Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington. 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK SECTION 1-04.1(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.1(2) Bid Items Not Included in the Proposal The Contractor shall include all costs of doing the work within the bid item prices. If the contract plans, contract provisions, addenda, or any other part of the contract require work that has no bid item price in the proposal form, the entire cost of labor and materials required to perform that work shall be incidental and included with the bid item prices in the contract. SECTION 1-04.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE WORDS, "KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS, KENT STANDARD PLANS"FOLLOWING THE WORDS, "CONTRACT PROVISIONS"IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 7 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 SECTION 1-04.2 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda 1. Change Orders 2. The Contract Agreement 3. Addenda 4. Kent Special Provisions 5. Contract Plans 6. Standard Specifications 7. Kent Standard Plans 8. Bid Packet Information SECTION 1-04,4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.4 Changes For Item 2, Increases or decreases in quantity for any bid Item shall be paid at the appropriate bid Item contract price, Including any bid Item increase or decrease by more than 25 percent from the original planned quantity. SECTION 1-04.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.5 Procedure and Protest by the Contractor The Contractor accepts all requirements of a change order by: (1) endorsing It, (2) writing a separate acceptance, or (3) not protesting in the way this section provides. A change order that is not protested as provided in this section shall be full payment and final settlement of all claims for contract time and for direct, indirect, and consequential damages or costs, including costs of delays, related to any work either covered or affected by the change. SECTION 1-04.6 IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities SECTION 1-04.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.9 Use of Adjacent Properties Limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor shall confine all construction activities within these limits, unless separate arrangements are made for use of private property. Before using any private property adjoining the work, the Contractor HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 8 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers: 09-3005.7 &09-3006 shall file with the Engineer satisfactory evidence of written permission from the property owner to use that private property. Upon vacating the premises, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a release from all damages, properly executed by the property owner and in a form satisfactory to the City. The Contractor shall confine its equipment, storage of materials and operation of work to the limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits or direction of the Engineer and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with its materials. iDIVISION 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.8 City's Right to Correct Defective and Unauthorized Work If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified in a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the contract documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be identified In the written notice, by such means as the Engineer may deem necessary, including the use of City forces. If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have work the contractor refuses to perform completed by using City or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation which, in the opinion of the Engineer, could be potentially unsafe if its remedy is delayed, or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public. Direct or indirect costs incurred by the City attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment may be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized work. No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the City's rights provided by this section nor shall the exercise of this right diminish the City's right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the work as required. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 9 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 SECTION 1-05.10 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.10 Guarantees The Contractor shall be available approximately sixty (60) calendar 1 days prior to the expiration of the guarantee period to tour the project, with the Engineer, In support of the Engineer's effort to establish a list of corrective work required under the guarantee. Upon the receipt of written notice of such required corrective work, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently, and without unauthorized interruption of the City Facilities, the work necessary to correct the items listed. SECTION 1-05,11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.11 Final Inspection 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and request the Engineer to establish the Substantial Completion Date. To be considered substantially complete the following conditions must be met: 1. The City must have full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from an operational and safety standpoint. 2. Only minor Incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, or correction or repair work remains to reach physical completion of the work. The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of work in subparagraph two above that remain to be completed In order to reach physical completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the work Is substantially complete and ready for Its Intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. However, If after this Inspection, the Engineer does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for Its Intended use, the Engineer will, by written notice, notify the Contractor giving the reasons for the Engineer's determination. Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever Is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized Interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule Indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. This process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial Completion Date. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 10 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for Final Inspection, the Contractor, by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a Final Inspection. The Engineer will set a date for Final Inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then make a Final Inspection and the Engineer, if necessary, will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the Final Inspection reveals the work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take all necessary corrective measures to remedy the listed deficiencies. The Contractor shall allocate the necessary resources to pursue completion of all corrective work vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until achieving physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied that all listed deficiencies have been corrected. If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the Contractor, take all necessary steps to correct those deficiencies and may deduct all costs incurred to correct the deficiencies from monies due or to become due the Contractor. ' Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the City, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall not imply that all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract have been fulfilled. j1-05.11(3) Operational Testing It is the intent of the City to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment, street lighting, electrical distribution of signal systems, building or other similar work, it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the Physical Completion Date. Whenever items of work are listed in the contract provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. In the event the contract does not specify testing time periods, the default testing time period shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment that prove faulty, or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for HIS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 11 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 which they were Installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing shall be Included in the various contract bid Item prices unless specifically set forth otherwise in the contract documents. Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the , terms of the Contract. SECTION 1-05.12 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING; 1-05.12 Final Acceptance and Guarantee The Contractor must perform all the obligations under the contract before the Final Acceptance Date can be established. A Certificate of Completion for the work issued by the City will establish the Final Acceptance Date and certify the work as complete. The final contract price may then be calculated. The following must occur before the final acceptance date can be established and the final contract price calculated. 1. The physical work on the project must be complete. 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation (required by the Contract and required by law) necessary to allow the City to certify the Contract as complete. A Certificate of Completion for the work, signed by the City, will constitute acceptance of the work and shall establish the Final Acceptance Date, but shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to indemnify, defend, and protect the City against any claim or loss resulting from the failure of the Contractor (or the subcontractor or lower tier subcontractors) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, material persons, or any other person who provides labor, supplies, or provisions for carrying out the work. Additionally, the issuance of this Certificate of Completion will not constitute acceptance of unauthorized or defective work or material. Moreover, the City in establishing the Final Acceptance Date, shall not be barred from requiring the Contractor to remove, replace, repair, or dispose of any unauthorized or defective work or material or from recovering damages for any such work or material for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the City of Kent. Final acceptance shall not constitute acceptance of any unauthorized or defective work or material. The City of Kent shall not be barred from requiring the Contractor, at his expense, to remove, replace, repair, or dispose of any unauthorized or defective work or material, or from recovering damages for any such work or material for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance. Contractors shall be barred HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 12 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 i from bidding on future City projects until the provisions of this section are satisfied. SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Contractor Whenever the City evaluates the Contractor's qualifications pursuant to Section 1-02.1, the City may take these or other Contractor performance reports into account. Within ten (10) days of contract award, the Contractor shall designate I the Contractor's project manager and superintendent for the contract work. If at any time during the contract work, the Contractor elects to replace the contract manager or superintendent, the Contractor shall only do so after obtaining the Engineer's prior written approval. SECTION 1-05.14 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: i1-05.14 Cooperation With Other Contractors The City shall not be responsible for any damages suffered by the Contractor resulting directly or indirectly from the performance or attempted performance of any other City contract or contracts existing or known to be pending at the time of bid. Details of known projects are as follows: Scarsella Brothers Inc. is constructing a levee across the frontage of the adjacent Puget Sound Energy gas facility, along with associated work on the property's fence and driveway. SECTION 1-05 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-05.16 Water and Power The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the Contract includes power or water as bid items, or unless otherwise provided for in other bid items. 1-05.17 Oral Agreements jNo oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way binding upon the HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 13 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 Submittals that contain deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be accompanied by a separate letter explaining the deviations. The Contractor's letter shall: 1. Cite the specific Contract requirement including the Specification Section bid item number and paragraph number for which approval of a deviation is sought. 2. Describe the proposed alternate material, item or construction and explain its advantages and/or disadvantages to the City. 3. State the reduction in Contract Price, if any, which is offered to the City. The Engineer will stamp and mark each submittal prior to returning it to the Contractor. The stamps will indicate: 1. "APPROVED AS SUBMITTED" - Accepted subject to its compatibility with future submissions and additional partial submissions for portions of the work not covered in this submission. Does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. 2. "APPROVED AS NOTED" - Accepted subject to minor corrections that shall be made by the Contractor and subject to its compatibility with future submissions and additional partial , submissions for portions of the work not covered in this submission. Does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. No resubmission is required. 3. "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" - Rejected because of major inconsistencies or errors that shall be resolved or corrected by the j Contractor prior to subsequent submittal. An amended resubmission is required. Re-submittals that contain changes that were not requested by the Engineer on the previous submittal shall be accompanied by a letter explaining the changes. 1-06.6(4) Proposed Equivalents The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed equivalent with or without cause. 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC j SECTION 1-07.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed The Contractor shall always comply with all Federal, State, or local laws, codes, rules and regulations that affect work under the contract. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the safety of its workers and shall comply with all applicable safety and health standards and codes. In cases of conflict between different laws, codes, rules, or HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 16 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1 regulations, the most stringent law, code, rule, or regulation shall apply. The City will not adjust payment to compensate the Contractor for changes in legal requirements unless those changes are specifically within the scope of RCW 39.04.120. For changes under RCW 39.04.120, the City will compensate the Contractor by negotiated change order as provided in Section 1-04.4. SECTION 1-07.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2 State Taxes 1-07.2(1) General The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1-07.2(4) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area. The City of Kent will not adjust its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. li The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the bid item prices or other contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. Section 1-07.2(3) describes this exception. The City of Kent will pay the retained percentage only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been paid (RCW 60.28.050). The City may deduct from its payments to the Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of Revenue, whether the amount owed is related to this contract or not. Any amount so deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax — Rule 171 WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the state, or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. This includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as a part of the street or road drainage system and power lines when they are part of the roadway lighting system. For work performed in these cases, the Contractor shall include Washington State Retail Sales Tax in the various unit Bid Item prices, or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the work. ' HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 17 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 1-07.2(3) State Sales Tax — Rule 170 WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules apply to the construction and repair of new or existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property. This Includes, but is not limited to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the State of Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems unless those sewers and disposal systems are within, , and a part of, a street or road drainage system; telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a part of the street or I road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not this personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. For work performed in these cases, the Contractor shall collect from the City, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The City will automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit Bid Item prices, or in any other contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the following exception. Exception: The City of Kent will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in the unit Bid Item prices or in any other contract amount. 1-07.2(4) Services >� The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the City of Kent on any contract wholly for professional or other services (as defined in Washington State Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses The City of Kent has obtained the following permits: j Construction Stormwater General Permit Shoreline Permit Contractor shall obtain, at its sole cost, all other permits required to complete this project. A copy of each permit and/or license obtained by the Contractor shall be furnished to the City of Kent. Approved permits shall be furnished to the City of Kent upon completion of the project and prior to final acceptance. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 18 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1 Promptly notify the City of Kent in writing of any variance in the I contract documents with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders. Necessary changes will be adjusted by appropriate modification. tIf Contractor performs work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders, and without such notice to the City of Kent, Contractor shall assume full responsibility and bear all costs attributable to Contractor's failure to obtain all necessary permits within the time required. jSECTION 1-07.9(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH: 1-07.9(1) General The wage rates that will be in effect during the entire contract work period are those in effect on the day of bid opening, unless the City does not award the Contract within six months of the bid opening. The City will not adjust the Contractor's bid in the event the State or Federal Government adjusts the prevailing wage rates after the Bid Opening Date. SECTION 1-07.13(3) IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. 1-07.13(3) Relief of Responsibility for Damage by Public Traffic SECTION 1-07.13(4) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: j1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage The Contractor shall promptly repair all damage to either temporary or permanent work as directed by the Engineer. Alternatively, the Engineer may elect to accomplish repair by City forces or other means; however, the Contractor shall pay for these repairs and the City may deduct these repair costs from monies due or to become due the Contractor. No payment will be made for delay or disruption of work. SECTION 1-07.14 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD, FOURTH, AND FIFTH PARAGRAPHS AND REVISING ALL REFERENCES OF "STATE, COMMISSION, SECRETARY"OR "STATE" TO READ "CITY". 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage SECTION 1-07.17 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: ' 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities Chapter 19.122 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) relates to underground utilities. In accordance with this RCW, the Contractor shall call the One-Number Locator Service for field locations of utilities HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 19 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 (1-800-424-5555). If a utility is known to have or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the proposed excavation and that utility is not a subscriber to the utilities underground location center, the Contractor shall give individual notice to that utility within the same time frame prescribed in RCW 19.22.030 for subscriber utilities. SECTION 1-07.17 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS; 1-07.17(3) Utility Markings Once underground utilities are marked by the utility owner or their agent, and/or once new underground facilities have been Installed by the Contractor, the Contractor/excavator is responsible to determine the precise location of underground facilities that may conflict with other underground construction. The Contractor shall maintain the marks or a record of the location of buried facilities for the duration of time needed to avoid future damage by Installation of all planned improvements at that location. 1-07.17(4) Payment All costs to comply with this section and for the protection and repair specified in RCW 19.122 are incidental to the contract and are the responsibility of the Contractor/excavator. The Contractor shall Include all related costs in the unit bid prices of the contract. No additional time or monetary compensation shall be made for delays caused by utility re-marking or repair of damaged utilities due to the Contractor's failure to maintain marks or to locate utilities in accordance with this section. 1-07.17(5) Notification of Excavation Within ten business days but not less than two business days prior to the commencement of excavation, the Contractor shall notify all owners of underground facilities, whether public or private, that excavation will occur, and when excavation will occur. 1-07.17(6) Site Inspection Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees, agents and/or subcontractors, examined the areas subject to this agreement and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within those areas. Contractor further warrants and represents that it has also examined in detail the plans of such utilities provided to it by the City and all other affected utility companies or entities, whether public or private. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 20 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 The following list of contacts is provided only as a convenience to the Contractor and may not constitute a complete or accurate list of all affected utilities. CenturvLink Comcast Dennis Libadia Jerry Steele 253 372-5360 206 391-1763 Puget Sound Ener4v Verizon Anita Yurovchak Louise Popelka (253) 476-6304 (425) 201-0901 425 766-1740 SECTION 1-07.18 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance j Refer to the insurance requirements In the project agreement, which constitute the Contractor's Insurance requirements for this project. 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety SECTION 1-07.23(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic I The Contractor shall conduct all operations with the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public. The Contractor shall have under construction no greater length or amount of work than can be ` prosecuted properly with due regards to the rights of the public. To the greatest extent possible, the Contractor shall finish each section before beginning work on the next. ( To disrupt public traffic as little as possible, the Contractor shall permit traffic to pass through the work with the least possible Inconvenience or I delay. The Contractor shall maintain existing roads, streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian and bicycle paths within the project limits, keeping them open, and In good, clean, safe condition at all times. Deficiencies caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. Deficiencies not caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired by the Contractor when directed by the Engineer at the Clty's expense. The Contractor shall also maintain roads, streets, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths adjacent to the project limits when affected by the Contractor's operations. Snow and 1 ice control will be performed by the City on all projects. Cleanup of snow and ice control debris will be at the Clty's expense. The Contractor shall perform the following: 1. Remove or repair any condition resulting from the work that might impede pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor traffic, or that creates a hazard. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment- 1 - 21 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 2. Keep existing traffic signal and highway, road or street lighting systems in operation as the work proceeds. The City will continue routine maintenance on these traffic signal and lighting systems. 3. Maintain the striping and other channelization markings on the roadway at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling when to renew striping or channellzatlon, subject to the approval of the Engineer. When the scope of the project does not Include work on the roadway, the L City will be responsible for maintaining the striping and other channelizatlon markings. 4. Maintain existing permanent signing. Repair of signs will be at the City's expense, except those damaged due to the Contractor's operations. 5. Keep drainage structures clean to allow for free flow of stormwater. Cleaning of existing drainage structures within the project limits will be at the Contractor's expense when flow is impaired due to the Contractor's operations. Routine cleaning of existing drainage structures will be at the City's expense when the Engineer determines that flow is not impaired due to the Contractor's operations. 6. Whether or not the Contractor is on-site, when ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall immediately mobilize forces to place any asphalt concrete pavement, cold plant mix, crushed surfacing gravel and/or gravel borrow as the Engineer deems necessary to provide a smooth, even roadbed, pedestrian path and bicycle path. This work will be paid for under unit contract prices, but no adjustment in payments will be considered for any additional costs necessary to install the required surfacing material. If the Contractor fails to comply, the Engineer may order the work done by others and deduct the costs from any payments due or coming due the Contractor. To protect the rights of abutting property owners, the Contractor shall: 1. Conduct the construction so that the least inconvenience as possible is caused to abutting property owners; 2. Maintain ready access to sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, driveways, houses and buildings along the line of work; 3. Provide temporary approaches to crossing or intersecting roads, streets, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and keep these approaches In good condition; and j 4. Provide another access before closing an existing one whenever the contract or work requires removing and replacing an abutting owner's access. 5. Confine construction operations to one side of the roadway at a time, unless the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) approved by the City's Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) clearly indicates otherwise. When traffic must pass through grading areas, the Contractor shall: 1. Make cuts and fills that provide a reasonably smooth even ' roadbed, street, pedestrian and bicycle path; HS Bend & Upper Ruscell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 22 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7 &09-3006 2. Place, in advance of other grading work, enough fill at all culverts I and bridges to permit vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic to conveniently and safely cross; 3. Make roadway cuts and fills, if ordered by the Engineer, in partial width lifts, alternating lifts from side to side to permit vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists to conveniently and safely travel on the side opposite the work. 4. Install culverts on half the width of the traveled way, keeping the other half open and unobstructed to vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists until the first half is ready for use. 5. After rough grading or placing any subsequent layers, prepare the final roadbed and pedestrian and bicycle paths to a smooth, even surface (free of humps and dips) suitable for use by public vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists (compacted surface of crushed and compacted gravel at a minimum); and 6. Settle dust with water, or other dust palliative, as the Engineer may order. If grading work is on or next to a roadway, street, sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path in use, the Contractor shall finish the grade Immediately after rough grading and place surfacing materials as the work proceeds. When an adjacent sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path is in use, the Contractor shall Immediately place and compact crushed surfacing to a width, line and grade conforming to federal ADA requirements after rough grading is complete. The Contractor shall conduct all operations to minimize any drop-offs (abrupt changes in roadway, shoulder, street, sidewalk, or pedestrian I or bicycle path) left exposed to traffic during working and nonworking hours. Unless otherwise specified in the approved TCP, drop-offs left exposed to traffic shall be protected as follows: t1. Drop-offs up to 0.20 foot, unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer, may remain exposed with appropriate warning signs I alerting motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists of the condition. 2. Drop-offs more than 0.20 foot that are in the traveled way, shoulder, auxiliary lane, sidewalk, or pedestrian or bicycle path will not be allowed unless protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected as Indicated in 3b or 3c below. 3. Drop-offs more than 0.20 foot, but no more than 0.50 foot, that are not within the traveled way, shoulders, auxiliary lanes, pedestrian or bicycle path shall be protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected by having at least one of the following: a. A wedge of compacted stable material placed at a slope of 4:1 or flatter. ' b. Channelizing devices (Type II barricades, plastic safety drums, or other approved devices 36 inches or more in height) placed along the traffic side of the drop-off, and a new edge of pavement stripe placed a minimum of 3 feet from the edge of the drop-off. The maximum spacing between the devices in feet shall be the posted speed limit in miles per 1 HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 23 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 hour. Pavement drop-off warning signs, sidewalk drop-off warning signs, and pedestrian or bicycle path drop-off warning signs shall be placed in advance and throughout the drop-off treatment. c. Temporary concrete barrier or other approved barrier Installed on the traffic side of the drop-off with 1 foot between the drop-off and the back of the barrier, and a new edge of pavement stripe a minimum of 2 feet from the face of the ' barrier. An approved terminal, flare, or Impact attenuator will be required at the beginning of the section. For night use, the barrier shall have approved warning lights. 4. Drop-offs more than 0.50 foot not within the traveled way, shoulders, auxiliary lanes, or sidewalks, or bicycle or pedestrian paths, shall be protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected as Indicated in 3a, 3b, and/or 3c if all of the following conditions are met: a. The drop-off is less than 2 feet; b. The total length throughout the protect is less than 300 feet; C. The drop-off does not remain for more than three working days; d. The drop-off is not present on any of the holidays listed in Section 1-08.4; e. The drop-off is only one side of the roadway. 5. Drop-offs more than 0.50 foot that are not within the traveled way, shoulder, auxiliary lane, sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle lane, and are not otherwise covered by No. 4 above, shall be protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected as Indicated in 3a or 3c. 6. Open trenches within the traveled way, shoulder, or auxiliary lane , shall have steel plate covers placed and anchored over them. A wedge of suitable material, shall be placed for a smooth transition between the pavement and the steel plates where required. Open trenches within sidewalks, or pedestrian or bicycle paths shall not be permitted unless a suitable detour route is provided. Warning signs shall be used to alert motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists of , the presence of the steel plates, or pedestrian, or bicycle detour. 7. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguards, safety devices, protective equipment, and any other needed actions to protect the life, health, and safety of the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of the work covered by the contract. The Contractor shall perform any measures or actions the Engineer may deem necessary to protect the public and property. The responsibility and expense to provide this protection shall be the Contractor's except that which is to be furnished by the City as specified in other sections of these specifications. Nothing contained in this contract is intended to create any third-party beneficiary rights in favor of the public or , any individual utilizing the highway, road, or street facilities being constructed or improved under this contract. 8. The Contractor shall keep all traffic lanes, shoulders, auxiliary lanes, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike lanes clear of equipment and materials during nonworking hours unless otherwise shown on the HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 24 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 TCP approved by the City's TCS. The Contractor shall not keep equipment and/or materials stored within 12 feet from the edge of the traveled way, unless protected by permanent guardrail, concrete barrier, or other device approved by the Engineer. The I Contractor's employees and agents shall not park private vehicles within or along the traveled way, shoulders, auxiliary lanes, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike lanes when those public access areas are open to public travel. SECTION 1-07.23(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall maintain two-way traffic during construction. The Contractor shall build, maintain in a safe condition, keep open to traffic, and remove the following items when no longer needed: 1. Detours and detour bridges that will accommodate traffic diverted from the roadway, street, bridge, sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path during construction, 2. Detour crossings of Intersecting highways, streets, or roads, and 3. Temporary approaches. Unit contract prices will cover construction, maintenance, and removal of all detours shown in the plans or proposed by the City. The Contractor shall pay all costs to build, maintain, and remove any other detours, whether proposed for the Contractor's convenience or to facilitate construction operations. Any detour proposed by the Contractor shall not be built, or used, until the Engineer approves. Surfacing and paving of built detours shall be consistent with traffic requirements. Upon failure of the Contractor to immediately provide, maintain, or remove detours or detour bridges when ordered to do so by the Engineer, the City may, without further notice to the Contractor or the Surety, provide, maintain, or remove the detours or detour bridges and deduct the costs from any payments due or coming due the Contractor. SECTION 1-07.23 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-07.23(3) Temporary Street Closures rWhenever the plans or Special Provisions require a temporary road closure, the costs for the associated work for that temporary road ' closure shall be paid for under the traffic control bid items contained within the contract proposal. Whenever the Contractor proposes a temporary road closure that would prevent traffic from passing through the work zone in order to expedite the Contractor's work, and that closure will result in either a time HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 25 January 11, 2012 Protect Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 savings and/or cost savings as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall pay all costs associated with safely Implementing that approved temporary road closure; i.e., regardless of the fact that the contract may Include bid items for some or all of the work and materials required to implement this cost, or time saving Traffic Control Plan (TCP), all of the costs necessary for the preparation of the TCP, and for providing and implementing the traffic control devices and flaggers, shown on the TCP approved by the City's Traffic Control Supervisor , shall be at the Contractor's sole expense. At least ten days prior to beginning work on a temporary road closure, the Contractor will submit a TCP for that temporary road closure to the City for review and approval. Upon failure of the Contractor to immediately provide flaggers; erect, maintain, and remove signs; or to provide, erect, maintain other traffic control devices when shown on the approved TCP for the temporary road closure, or when ordered to do so by the Engineer, the City may, without further notice to the Contractor or the Surety, perform any of the above and deduct the costs from any payments due or coming due , the Contractor. 1-07.23(4) Road Maintenance Until Accepted in writing by the Engineer, the Contractor will maintain all roads within the confines of the pro3ect in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer. This shall include periodic grading of any street, detour, etc., on which traffic is allowed, wherever, in the opinion of the Engineer, such grading is required. When construction operations are such that debris from the work is deposited on the streets, the Contractor shall cover all loads, and as a minimum, remove on a daily basis, any deposits or debris which may accumulate on the roadway surface. Should daily removal be insufficient to keep the streets clean, the Contractor shall perform removal operations on a more frequent basis. If the Engineer determines that a more frequent cleaning is impractical or if the Contractor falls to keep the streets free from deposits and debris resulting from the work, the Contractor shall, upon order of the Engineer, provide facilities for and remove all clay or other deposits from the tires or between wheels before trucks or other equipment will be allowed to travel over paved streets. Should the Contractor fall or refuse to clean the streets in question or the trucks or equipment in question, the Engineer may order the work suspended at the Contractor's risk until compliance with the Contractor's obligation is assured or, the Engineer may order the streets in question cleaned by others and such costs incurred by the City in achieving compliance with these Contract requirements, including cleaning of the streets, shall be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor on monthly estimate. The Contractor shall have no claim for delay or additional costs should the Engineer choose to suspend the Contractor's work until compliance is achieved. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 26 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1 All costs in connection with the above work, Including labor, materials, tools and equipment, shall be considered as Incidental to the construction and payment thereof shall be Included in the unit Contract price of other bid Items. SECTION 1-07.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.24 Rights of Way Street right of way lines, limits of easements and limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. It is anticipated that the City of Kent will have obtained all right of way, 1 easements or right of entry agreements prior to the start of construction. Locations where these rights have not been obtained will be brought to the Contractor's attention prior to start of construction. IThe Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. SECTION 1-07.26 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.26 Personal Liability of Public Officers Neither the City, the Engineer, nor any other official, officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable for any acts or failure to act In connection with the contract, it being understood that, in these matters, they are acting solely as agents of the City. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION 1-08 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-08.0 Preconstruction Conference The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with up to 5 copies of the Contract documents. Additional documents may be purchased from the City at the price specified by the City or in the Invitation to Bid. Prior to undertaking each part of the work, the Contractor shall carefully study I and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify all pertinent figures shown and all applicable field measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy that the Contractor discovers. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 27 - January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstructlon conference will be held with the Contractor, the Engineer and any other interested parties that the City determines to Invite. The purpose of the preconstructlon conference will be: , 1. To review the initial progress schedule. 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work. 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc. 4. To verify normal working hours for the work. 5. To review safety standards and traffic control. 6. To discuss any other related Items that may be pertinent to the work. The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, at or prior to the preconstructlon meeting the following: 1. A price breakdown of all lump sum items. 2. A preliminary construction schedule. 3. A list of material sources for approval, if applicable. 4. Schedule of submittals. (See 1-06.6(2)) 5. Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) for approval. 6. Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for approval. 7. Request to sublet, for approval by the Engineer, of all subcontractors. SECTION 1-08.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed, Prosecution and Hours of Work Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed i and the contract bond and evidence of required insurance have been approved by and filed with the City. The Contractor shall not commence the work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the Project Site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date. The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the work. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the Contract. , Also reference Section 1-07.23(1) of the Kent Special Provisions. Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the ' City, the normal straight time working hours for the Contractor shall be any consecutive 8 hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, with a 5-day work week, plus allowing a maximum one-hour HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 28 January 11, 2012 , Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 lunch break in each working day. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any day, the ' Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to work those times. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the Inspector's time may be scheduled. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. is not required. Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control I requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the City's noise control regulations or the city receives complaints from the public or adjoining property owners regarding noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should this permission be revoked for these reasons. The Engineer may grant permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours, but may be subject to other conditions established by the City or Engineer. These conditions may Include, but are not limited to the following: requiring the Engineer or those assistants that the Engineer deems necessary to be present during the work; requiring the Contractor to reimburse the City for the cost of engineering salaries paid City employees who worked during these times; considering the L work performed on Saturdays and holidays as working days with regard to the Contract Time. Assistants may include, but are not limited to, survey crews; personnel from the City's material testing lab; inspectors; and other City employees when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor's work necessitates their presence. Recognized holidays shall be as follows: First day of January, third Monday of January, third Monday of February, last Monday of May, fourth day of July, first Monday of September, 11th day of November, fourth Thursday in November and day immediately following, 25th day of December, and any day so designated by the Chief Executive of the State of Washington or by the City of Kent for their employees, as a legal holiday. When any of these holidays occur on Saturday or Sunday, the preceding Friday or the ' following Monday will be a legal holiday for the City of Kent Employees. 1-08.4(A) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of City Employees iWhere the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday, Sunday or other holiday, or longer than an 8-hour shift on a regular working day, as HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 29 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 defined in the Special Provisions, such work shall be considered as overtime work. On all such overtime work an Inspector shall be present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the , Inspector's and/or Surveyor's time may be scheduled. The Contractor shall reimburse the City for the full amount of the Straight time plus overtime costs for employees of the City required to work overtime , hours. The City may deduct these costs from any amounts due or to become due the Contractor. 1-08.4(B) General The City allocates its resources to a contract based on the total time , allowed in the contract. The City will accept a progress schedule indicating an early physical completion date but cannot guarantee the City's resources will be available to meet the accelerated schedule. No additional compensation will be allowed if the Contractor is not able to meet their accelerated schedule due to the unavailability of City's resources or for other reasons beyond the City's control. The original and all supplemental progress schedules shall not conflict with any time and order-of-work requirements in the contract. j If the Engineer deems that the original or any necessary supplemental progress schedule does not provide the information required in this , section, the City may withhold progress payments until a schedule containing required information has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Engineer's acceptance of any schedule shall not transfer any of the Contractor's responsibilities to the City. The Contractor alone shall remain responsible for adjusting forces, equipment, and work schedules to ensure completion of the work within the times specified in the contract. SECTION 1-08.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING PARAGRAPHS 2 THROUGH 6 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.5 Time for Completion The time for completion of this contract has been determined considering weather patterns in the Puget Sound area which could delay or hinder placement of concrete sidewalk, driveways, asphalt paving and placement of pavement markings, among other items. The Contractor should anticipate probable delays in the construction sequence due to rainfall and weather patterns in the area and allow time for such rainy periods of weather in the construction schedule. Rainfall or rainstorms will not be considered as a delay to the Contractor in meeting the substantial completion date unless a weather storm is so significant as to cause a Federal, State, County, or City disaster proclamation directly affecting the immediate project area. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 30 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005.7 &09-3006 The City expects to approve the award of the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder at or prior to the regularly scheduled City Council meeting (see Section 1-03.3). Following the Intent to award notice, the Contractor shall have ten (10) calendar days to provide all required insurance documents and other required submittals. After receipt of all proper documentation, the contract will then be awarded by the authorized City representative. Following the actual award, the City will schedule a preconstructlon conference with the Contractor which is planned to occur no later than the estimated ' date for issuance of Notice to Proceed (see Section 1-03.3). The Contract will be considered substantially complete when all plants have been Installed. SECTION 1-08.8 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.8 Extensions of Time The Contractor shall submit any requests for time extensions to the Engineer in writing no later than 10 working days after the delay 1 occurs. The request shall be limited to the change in the critical path of the Contractor's schedule attributable to the change or event giving rise to the request. To be considered by the Engineer, the request shall be in sufficient detail (as determined by the Engineer) to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of the time requested. The Contractor shall be responsible for showing on the progress schedule that the change or event: (1) had a specific impact on the critical path, and except in cases of concurrent delay, was the sole cause of such impact, and (2) could not have been avoided by resequencing of the work or other reasonable alternatives. The reasons for and times of extensions shall be determined by the 1 Engineer, and such determination will be final as provided in Section 1- 05.1. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION 1-09.2(1) IS REVISED BY REPLACING "TRUCKS AND TICKETS" WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.2(1) General Requirements for Weighing Equipment ' Trucks and Tickets ' Each truck to be weighed shall bear a unique identification number. This number shall be legible and in plain view of the scale operator. Each vehicle operator shall obtain a weigh or load ticket from the scale operator. The Contractor shall provide tickets for self printing scales. All tickets shall, at a minimum, contain the following information: ' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 31 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 r 1. Ticket serial number (this is already Imprinted on the tickets). 2. Identification number of truck/truck trailer. 3. Date and hour of weighing. 4. Type of material. 5. Weight of load. The weighman shall record the gross weight and r net weight, except where the scale has a tare beam and the net weight can be read directly. In such case, only net weight need be recorded on the ticket. 6. Weighman's identification. 7. Item number. 8. Contract number. r 9. Unit of measure. 10. Legal gross weight in Remarks section. 11. Location of delivery. The vehicle operator shall deliver the ticket in legible condition to the material receiver at the material delivery point. SECTION 1-09.9(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.9(1) Retained Percentage There will be reserved and retained from monies earned by the Contractor, as determined by the progress estimates approved and accepted by the City, a sum equal to five percent of all amounts of such estimates. Withholding, management, and release of such retained monies shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 60.28, RCW. At the option of the Contractor, the retained funds shall be: 1. Retained in a fund by the City; 2. Deposited by the City in an interest bearing account in a bank, mutual savings bank, or savings and loan association. Interest on moneys reserved by the City under the provision of a public , improvement contract shall be paid to the Contractor; 3. Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company by the City. When the moneys reserved are placed in escrow, the City shall issue a check representing the sum of the moneys reserved payable to the bank or trust company and the Contractor jointly. This check shall be converted into bonds and securities chosen by the Contractor , and approved by the City and the bond and securities shall be held in escrow. Interest on the bonds and securities shall be paid to the Contractor as the interest accrues. , The Contractor shall notify the Engineer regarding the option chosen for holding the retained funds as soon as possible after the Contract award, , but at any rate within twenty calendar days from the date of issuance of the Notice to Proceed. If Contractor does not so notify the City, the Contractor shall be deemed to have made a final decision to place the monies retained in a fund by the City (Item (1) above). HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storn+ent 1 - 32 January 11, 2012 r Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 The Contractor in choosing option (2) or (3) agrees to assume full responsibility to pay all costs which may accrue from escrow services, brokerage charges or both, and further agrees to assume all risks in connection with the Investment of the retained percentages in securities. The City may also, at Its option, accept a bond for all or a portion of the Contractor's retainage. Release of retained percentage will be made sixty (60) days following the Completion date (pursuant to RCW 39.12, RCW 39.76, and RCW 60.28) provided the following conditions are met: 1. On contracts totaling more than $20,000.00, a release has been obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue (RCW 60.28.051). 2. No claims, as provided by law, have been filed against the retained percentage. 3. Affidavit of Wages Paid is on file with the City for the Contractor and all Subcontractors regardless of tier (RCW 39.12.040). 4. Asbuilt plans have been submitted to owner if required under the contract. In the event claims are filed, the Contractor will be paid the retained percentage less an amount sufficient to pay any claims, together with a sum determined by the City sufficient to pay the cost of foreclosing on claims and to cover attorney's fees. Retainage will not be reduced for any reason below the minimum limit provided and allowed by law. Pursuant to Section 1-07.10, the Contractor is responsible for submitting to the State L&I a "Request for Release" form in order for the City to obtain a release from that department with respect to the payments of industrial insurance medical aid premiums. The City will ensure the Washington State Employment Security Department is notified of contract completion in order to obtain releases from that department. 1-09.9(2) City's Right to Withhold Certain Amounts In addition to the amount that the City may otherwise retain under the Contract, the City may withhold a sufficient amount of any payments otherwise due to the Contractor, including nullifying the whole or part of any previous payment, because of subsequently discovered evidence ' or subsequent inspections that, in the City's judgment, may be necessary to cover the following: ' 1. The cost of defective work not remedied. 2. Fees incurred for material inspection, and overtime engineering and inspection for which the Contractor is obligated under this Contract. 3. Fees and charges of public authorities or municipalities. 4. Liquidated damages. ' HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 33 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 1 5. Engineering and Inspection fees beyond completion date. SECTION 1-09.11(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction ' This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any claims or causes of , action arising from this contract shall be exclusively in the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington. For convenience of the parties to this contract, it is mutually agreed that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the City arising from this contract shall be brought within 180 days from the date of Final Acceptance of the contract by the City. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor's failure to bring suit within the time period provided shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action that a Contractor asserts against the City arising from this contract are filed with the City or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the City to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the City to assist in evaluating the claims or actions. SECTION 1-09.13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.13 Final Decision and Appeal All disputes arising under this contract shall proceed pursuant to Section 1-04.5 and 1-09.11 of the Standard Specifications and any special provisions provided for in the contract for claims and resolution of disputes. The provisions of these sections and the special provisions must be complied with, in full, as a condition precedent to the Contractor's right to seek an appeal of the City's decision. The City's decision under Section 1-09.11 will be final and conclusive. Thereafter, the exclusive means of Contractor's right to appeal shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SECTION 1-10.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: ' 1-10.1 General The Contractor shall provide flaggers, signs, and other traffic control r devices not otherwise specified as being furnished by the City. The Contractor shall erect and maintain all construction signs, warning , signs, detour signs, and other traffic control devices necessary to warn and protect the public at all times from injury or damage as a result of HIS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 34 January 11, 2012 , Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1 the Contractor's operations which may occur on highways, roads, streets, sidewalks, or pedestrian or bicycle paths. No work shall be done on or adjacent to any traveled way until all necessary signs and traffic control devices are in place in accordance with Traffic Control Plans (TCP's) approved by the City's Transportation Engineering Specialist. The City's contact is Rob Knutsen, telephone number (253) 856- 5530. SECTION 1-10.2(i) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(1) General It is the Contractor's responsibility to plan, conduct and safely perform the work. The Contractor shall designate an Individual or Individuals to perform the duties of Traffic Control Manager (TCM). The TCM must be an employee of the Contractor. The duties of the TCM may not be subcontracted. The Contractor shall also designate an individual or individuals to perform the duties of the Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). The TCS shall be responsible for safe implementation of approved Traffic Control Plans (TCP's) provided by the TCM. ' The TCM and TCS shall be certified as work site traffic control supervisors by one of the following: Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 I1 (800) 521-0778 or (206) 382-4090 The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust ' 27055 Ohio Avenue Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297-3035 A TCM and TCS are required on all projects that have traffic control. The TCM may also perform the duties of the TCS. The Contractor shall identify an alternate TCM and TCS who can assume the duties of the assigned or primary TCM and TCS in the event of that person's Inability to perform. Such alternates shall meet the same requirements as the primary TCM and TCS. The Contractor shall maintain 24-hour telephone numbers at which the TCM and TCS can be contacted and be available upon the Engineer's request at other than normal working hours. The TCM and TCS shall have the appropriate personnel equipment - including two-way radios ' for communications with flaggers - and material available at all times, in order to expeditiously correct any deficiency in the traffic control system. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 35 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1 SECTION 1-10.2(1)A IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(1)A Traffic Control Manager The duties of the Traffic Control Manager (TCM) shall include: 1. Overseeing and approving the actions of the Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) to ensure that proper safety and traffic control measures are implemented and consistent with the specific requirements created by the Contractor's work zones and the Contract. 2. Providing the Contractor's designated TCS with approved Traffic Control Plans (TCP's) which are compatible with the work , operations and traffic control for which they will be Implemented. 3. Discussing proposed traffic control measures and coordinating Implementation of the approved TCP's with the Engineer. , 4. Coordinating all traffic control operations, Including those of subcontractors, suppliers, and any adjacent construction or maintenance operations. 5. Coordinating the project's activities (such as ramp closures, road closures, and lane closures) with appropriate police, fire control agencies, state, city or county engineering, medical emergency agencies, school districts, and transit companies. 6. Overseeing all requirements of the contract which contribute to the convenience, safety, and orderly movement of vehicular, ' pedestrian and bicyclist traffic. 7. Having the latest adopted edition of the MUTCD including the Modifications to the MUTCD for Streets and Highways for the State of Washington, City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6- 5, Traffic Control Plans, and applicable standards and specifications available at all times on the project. 8. Attending all project meetings where traffic management is discussed. 9. Reviewing the TCS diaries daily and being aware of "field" traffic control operations. 10. Assuring daily submissions of previous day's TCS diaries, indicating date of TCM review, to City's TCS. 11. Being present on-site a sufficient amount of time to adequately accomplish the above-listed duties. SECTION 1-10.2(1)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: j 1-10.2(1)B Traffic Control Supervisor , A Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) shall be on the project whenever traffic control labor is required, and whenever required by the Engineer. The TCS shall personally perform all the duties of the TCS. During non- work periods, the TCS shall be available to the job site within a 45- minute time period after notification by the Engineer. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 36 January 11, 2012 ' Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 The TCS's duties shall include: 1. Inspecting traffic control devices and night time lighting for proper location, Installation, message, cleanliness, and effect on the traveling public. Traffic control devices shall be Inspected each work shift except that Class A signs and night time lighting need to be checked only once a week. Traffic control devices left in place ' for 24 hours or more also need to be inspected once during the non-working hours when they are Initially set up (during daylight or darkness, whichever is opposite of the working hours). 2. Preparing a daily traffic control diary on DOT Forms 421-040A and 421-040B, which shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day to become a part of the project records. The Contractor may use their own form if it is approved by the Engineer. Include in the diary such items as: a. When signs and traffic control devices are installed and removed, b. Location and condition of signs and traffic control devices, C. Minor revisions to the approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP), d. Lighting utilized at night, and e. Observations of traffic conditions. 3. Ensuring that corrections are made if traffic control devices are not functioning as required. The TCS may make minor revisions to the approved TCP to accommodate site conditions as long as the original intent of the traffic control plan is maintained and the ' revision has concurrence of the TCM and the City TCS. 4. Attending traffic control coordinating meetings or coordination activities as authorized by the Engineer. 5. Ensuring that all needed traffic control devices are available and in good working condition prior to the need to install those devices. 6. Having a current set of approved TCP's and applicable contract li provisions as provided by the TCM and the latest adopted edition of the MUTCD including the Modifications to the MUTCD for Streets and Highways for the State of Washington, City of Kent DevelopmentAssrstance Brochure #6-5, Traffic Control Plans, and applicable standards and specifications. The TCS may perform the work described by "Traffic Control Labor" as long as the duties of the TCS are accomplished, and the TCS has possession of a current flagging card. An ANSI Type II retro-reflective vest and a hard hat shall be worn by the TCS whenever they are on the project. SECTION 1-10.2(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans (TCP's) The Traffic Control Plan (TCP) or Traffic Control Plans (TCP's) appearing in the contract plans show a method of handling traffic. All flaggers are to be shown on the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) except for emergency situations. If the Contractor's methods differ from the contract TCP's, ' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 37 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 the Contractor shall propose modification of the TCP's by submitting supplemental TCP's showing the necessary construction signs, flaggers, and other traffic control devices required for the project to the City's Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) for review and approval. The Contractor's supplemental TCP's shall be in accordance with the ' established standards for plan development as shown in the MUTCD, Part VI, Including Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD, WSDOT publication M 24-01, and the more stringent requirements of , City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-5, Traffic Control Plans. The Contractor's supplemental TCP's shall be submitted to the City's TCS for review and approval at least ten calendar days In , advance of the time the signs and other traffic control devices will be required. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing copies of the approved TCP's to the Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). , THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1-10,2(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(3) Conformance to Established Standards Traffic Control Plans (TCP's), flagging, signs, and all other traffic control devices furnished or provided by the Contractor shall conform to the standards established in the latest approved edition of the Manual on , Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) adopted by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and published by the U.S. Department of Transportation; and the Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD, publication M 24-01 published by WSDOT, except as modified by the more stringent requirements contained within the City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-5, Traffic Control Plans. Copies of the MUTCD may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 20402. Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD, publication M 24-01, may be obtained from the Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington 98504. City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-5, Traffic Control Plans, may be obtained from ' the City of Kent Public Works Department. When these publications appear to be in conflict, the decision of the City's Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) shall be final. THE LAST TWO SENTENCES IN THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1- 10.2(3) ARE DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: , When the Contractor obtains new traffic control devices or equipment subject to the requirements of NCHRP 350 Category 2, the Contractor will first provide to the City verification that such new traffic control devices or equipment have been certified NCHRP 350 compliant. THE LAST SENTENCE OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH IN SECTION 1-10.2(3) IS i DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: When a sign or traffic control device becomes classified less than , "acceptable" it shall be left in place until replaced with an acceptable HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 38 January 11, 2012 ' Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 sign or traffic control device. The replacement must occur within 12 hours, and only then will that traffic control device be removed from the project. 1 SECTION 1-10.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.3(1) Traffic Control Labor Flaggers shall be equipped with portable two-way radios, with a range suitable for the project. The radios will be capable of having direct contact with the Traffic Control Manager, Traffic Control Supervisor, and project management (foremen, superintendents, etc.). ' The hours eligible for "Traffic Control Labor" will be those hours actually used for the previously described work. Any work described under Section 1-10.2(1)B performed by a Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) will be paid for as "Traffic Control Labor" per hour. 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices SECTION 1-10.3(3)A IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.3(3)A Construction Signs All signs required by the Traffic Control Plans (TCP's) approved by the 1 City's Traffic Control Supervisor, as well as any other appropriate signs prescribed by the Engineer shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the posts or supports and erect and maintain the signs in a clean, neat, and presentable condition until the necessity for them has ceased. All non-applicable signs shall be removed or completely covered with metal, plywood, or an Engineer approved product specifically manufactured for sign covering during periods when they are not needed. When the need for these signs has ceased, the Contractor, upon approval of the Engineer, shall remove all signs, posts, and supports from the project and they shall remain the property of the Contractor. All orange background construction signs shall utilize materials and be fabricated in accordance with Section 9-28. All orange background construction signs shall be fabricated with Type IV or Type VII fluorescent orange sign sheeting. All post mounted signs with Type IV or VII sheeting shall use a nylon washer between the twist fasteners (screw heads, bolts, or nuts) and the reflective sheeting. Construction signs will be divided into two classes. Class A construction signs are those signs that remain in service throughout the construction or during a major phase of the work. They are mounted on posts, existing fixed structures, or substantial supports of a semi-permanent nature. Sign and support installation for Class A signs shall be in accordance with the contract plans or the Standard Plans. Class B HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment. 1 - 39 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 construction signs are those signs that are placed and removed daily, or are used for short durations which may extend for one or more days. They are mounted on portable or temporary mountings. In the event of disputes, the Engineer will determine if a construction sign is considered as a Class A or B construction sign. If it is necessary to add weight to signs for stability, only a bag of sand ' that will rupture on Impact shall be used. The bag of sand shall: (1) be furnished by the Contractor, (2) have a maximum weight of 40 pounds, and (3) be suspended no more than 1 foot from the ground. Payment for setup and take down of Class B signs will be under the contract price for "Traffic Control Labor" and will be limited to the work described in Section 1-10.3(1), and for transportation described in ' Section 1-10.3(2) when there is a contract price for "Traffic Control Vehicle." Signs, posts, or supports that are lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or which the Engineer deems to be unacceptable while their use is required on the project, shall be promptly replaced by the Contractor , without additional compensation. SECTION 1-10.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the , following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price for "Traffic Control Labor" per hour shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing those construction operations described in Section 1-10.2(1)B, and Section 1- 10.3(1) of the Special Provisions, and as authorized by the Engineer. The hours eligible for "Traffic Control Labor" shall be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work as documented by traffic control forms provided by the Contractor's TCM, and verified by the City Inspector's records, and the Contractor's Certified Payroll Records submitted to the City Inspector on a weekly basis. , The unit contract price for`Construction Signs Class A" per square foot of panel area shall be full pay for all costs for performing the work described in Section 1-10.3(3) and Section 1-10.3(4). This payment will include all labor, equipment, and vehicles necessary for the initial acquisition, the initial installation of Class A signs, and ultimate return of any City-furnished signs. Payment will not be made for Class A signs delivered to, or removed from the project without the approval of the City's Traffic Control Supervisor. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 40 January 11, 2012 Projiect Numbers: 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 The unit contract price for "Traffic Control Supervisor" per hour shall be full pay for each hour a person performs the Traffic Control Supervisor duties described in Section 1-10.2(1)B. Payment for traffic control labor performed by the Traffic Control Supervisor will be paid under the item for "Traffic Control Labor". When the proposal does not include a bid Item for a specific bid Item listed in the Standard Specifications and/or the Special Provisions, all costs for the work described for those traffic control bid items shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract prices for the various other bid items contained within the proposal. The Contractor shall estimate these costs based on the Contractor's contemplated work procedures. When traffic control bid items are included in the bid proposal, payment is limited to the following work areas: 1. The entire construction area under contract and for a distance to include the initial warning signs for the beginning of the project and the END OF CONSTRUCTION sign. Any warning signs for side streets on the approved TCP are also included. If the project consists of two or more sections, the limits will apply to each section individually. 2. A detour provided in the plans or approved by the City's Traffic Control Supervisor for by-passing all or any portion of the ' construction, irrespective of whether or not the termini of the detour are within the limits of the Contract. 1 No payment will be made to the Contractor for traffic control items required in connection with the movement of equipment or the hauling of materials outside of the limits of 1 and 2 above, or for temporary road closures subject to the provisions of Section 1-07.23(3) of the Special Provisions. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 1 - 41 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS SECTION 2-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.1 Description ' This work also Includes the repair of adjacent Improvements that were not designated for removal, but that were damaged by the Contractor's ' operations. SECTION 2-02.3(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: ' 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters In removing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs the Contractor shall: 1. Haul broken-up pieces of concrete and asphalt pavement into the roadway embankment, or to some off-project site, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, or permitted by the Special Provisions. 2. Material that is to be Incorporated Into the embankment shall be broken Into pieces not exceeding 18 Inches in any dimension, and no part of any piece shall be within three feet of the top, side or end surface of the embankment or any structure. ' 3. Make a vertical saw cut between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. When asphalt pavements are being widened, the vertical saw cut shall be ' made at least 1-foot from the edge of the existing pavement, and at least 2-feet from the closest edge of any cement concrete curb that will remain or be replaced, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 4. Replace at no expense to the City any existing pavement designated to remain that is damaged during the removal of other pavement, sidewalks, or curbs. 5. When cement concrete sidewalk, cement concrete pavement, or cement concrete curb is being removed, and the removal would result in a remaining strip of cement concrete less than 5 feet long, or where in the opinion of the Engineer the remaining portion of the sidewalk, pavement or curb would be damaged by the cutting required for the removal, then the entire sidewalk, pavement or curb shall be removed to the next expansion joint. SECTION 2-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: 1 ' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 2 - 1 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 The unit contract price per square yard for "Remove Existing Asphalt ' Concrete Pavement" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, , materials, tools, supplies and equipment required to remove existing asphalt from sidewalk for a depth of 3 Inches, and from roads for a depth of 6 Inches. Included in this price is the cost of hauling and disposal of the asphalt pavement. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 Inches it shall be paid according to the following formula: (Encountered thickness - 6 inches) x unit bid pace =6 inches additional ' compensation t For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be removed , which is 8 inches thick and its unit bid price was $2.00/SY then its additional compensation for the extra thickness would be: (8 - 6) x $2.00 = $0.67/SY in addition to the unit price. No other ' compensation shall be allowed. 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT SECTION 2-03.3(7)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(7)C Contractor-Provided Disposal Site , The City has not provided a waste site. The Contractor shall arrange for disposal and provide any necessary disposal sites in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for determining which permits are required for the selected disposal sites. Within the City of Kent, wetlands are identified by using the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January 1987. ' SECTION 2-03.3(14)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(14)D Compaction and Moisture Control Tests , Maximum density will be determined by the Modified Proctor Method , ASTM D-1557. All compaction tests if required will be performed by the City. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 2 - 2 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 DIVISIONS - MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SECTION 8-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.1 Description This work consists of temporary erosion and sedimentation control procedures (TESCP) as shown on the construction plans, specified in these special provisions, proposed by the contractor, or ordered by the Engineer as work proceeds. This work is Intended to prevent, control and stop water pollution or erosion within the project, thereby protecting the work, nearby wetlands, streams, retention/detention ponds, the storm drainage conveyance system and other bodies of water. Exposed and unworked soil shall be stabilized by suitable and timely application of Best Management Practices (BMPs). Best Management Practices are those practices that provide the most effective, practicable means of preventing or reducing pollution generated by non-point sources. Best Management Practices fall into a number of categories. Frequently they are split between erosion control BMPs, including grasses, mulches or other materials used to stabilize soil surfaces, and sedimentation control BMPs including check dams, sediment ponds (basins), straw bale barriers and other structural techniques. Most sites require the use of several types of BMPs to adequately control erosion and sedimentation, so erosion control BMPs and sedimentation control BMPs are often used together to address a single problem. All planting and hydroseeding shall be performed by a licensed Landscaping Contractor registered in the State of Washington who must ' be experienced in work of similar nature and have adequate equipment and personnel for the indicated work. The Landscaping Contractor must acquaint itself with all other work related to site improvements, and any other work which might affect preparation for planting or hydroseeding. SECTION 8-01.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions and the Standard Specifications: Seed ....................................8-01.3(2)B and 9-14.2 Fertilizer ...............................8-01.3(2)B and 9-14.3 ' Mulch and Amendments ..........8-01.3(2)D and 9-14.4 Tackifier ...............................8-01.3(2)E and 9-14.4(7) Straw Wattle Barrier...............8-01.3(9)C Erosion Control Blanket...........9-14.5 Clear Plastic Covering .............9-14.5(3) Water for plants.....................9-25.2 ' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 1 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 Construction Geotextile...........9-33 ' Silt Fence..............................9-33.2 Table 6 8-01.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: , 8-01.3(1) General Controlling pollution, erosion, runoff, and related damage may require , the Contractor to perform temporary work items including but not limited to: ' 1. Providing ditches, berms, culverts, and other measures to control surface water; 2. Building dams, settling basins, energy dissipators, and other measures, to control downstream flows so as to protect properties and waterways from the construction work areas; 3. Controlling underground water found during construction; 4. Covering or otherwise protecting slopes until permanent erosion- control measures are working; , S. Designing, constructing and stabilizing temporary onsite conveyance channels to prevent erosion from the expected velocity of flow from a 2-year, 24-hour frequency rainfall event for the developed condition. Stabilization shall be provided to be adequate to prevent erosion of outlets and adjacent areas; 6. Protecting stormwater drain inlets made operable during construction so that stormwater runoff will not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment; 7. Wherever construction vehicle access routes intersect paved roads, ' making provisions to minimize the transport of sediment (dust or mud) onto the paved road through the use of a stabilized construction entrance, tire wash or other BMP approved by the Engineer. If sediment is transported onto a road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day (or more frequently, if necessary, to meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications) and the recovered sediment shall be deposited at a designated location approved by the Engineer; or 8. Discharging excavation dewatering devices into a sediment trap, ' pond, storage tank or other BMP approved by the Engineer. Should the Contractor fail to install the required temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures or to perform maintenance in a timely manner, or fail to take Immediate action to install additional approved measures, all fines, cost of cleanup, costs for delays and ' down time shall be borne by the Contractor. Prior to or in conjunction with all clearing or grading, the Contractor , shall implement TESC measures as necessary to prevent erosion and to stop sediment-laden water from leaving the site and entering the storm drain system, creeks, wetlands or any other sensitive areas. The Contractor is responsible for constructing, maintaining and removing erosion control measures throughout the duration and phases of HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 2 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers. 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 ' construction of the project in addition to the measures shown in the plans, as needed, and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain and remove and dispose of water pollution and erosion and sediment control BMPs to prevent sediments and other debris from entering Into the storm drainage system and adjacent ' sensitive areas, Including creeks and wetlands. All cost for this work shall be paid for under the unit contract bid prices. The upgrading of the TESCP facilities shall not constitute a basis for additional working days for this project. The TESC facilities shown on the construction plans must be ' constructed and functional prior to any clearing and grading activities, and in such a manner as to insure that sediment laden water does not enter the drainage system or violate applicable water quality standards. ' The facilities shall be in accordance with and conform to the Appendix D to the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Erosion and Sediment Control Standards, except as modified by the Kent Construction Standards or these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall construct all necessary elements and provide other necessary materials, labor, and equipment. When the Engineer determines the temporary control devices are no longer needed, the Contractor shall remove them and finish the construction area they occupied as the Engineer directs. The TESC facilities shown on the construction plans are the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. As construction progresses and unexpected seasonal conditions dictate and as the City requires, ' the Contractor should anticipate more TESCP measures. These additional measures may include additional sumps, relocation of ditches and silt fences, etc. These measures will be necessary to protect ' adjacent properties and to meet water quality standards. These measures shall be paid for under the unit contract bid price. ' It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the City at once of any TESC deficiencies or changes in conditions such as rutting and or erosion that may occur during construction. The Contractor may recommend possible solutions to the Engineer in order to resolve any problems that are occurring. The Contractor shall provide additional facilities, as directed by the Engineer over and above the minimum requirements outlined on the approved plans. All costs for materials and labor shall be paid for under the unit contract bid price. The Contractor shall also restore all damaged areas and clean up eroded ' material including that in ditches, catch basins, manholes, and culverts. The Contractor shall have adequate materials on the site to respond to ' weather changes and shall modify the system to accommodate seasonal changes. If the Engineer or any governmental agency determines that the Contractor's drainage and erosion control measures ' are inadequate to meet the intent of applicable regulatory programs or the Contract Documents with regard to the control of surface water runoff, erosion or the prevention of environmental degradation as a result of surface water runoff or erosion, then the Contractor shall field design and implement additional surface water runoff or erosion control measures that address the deficiencies observed by the Engineer or the HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 3 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 governmental agency. These measures shall be installed and approved by the Engineer. Prior to Initiating earthwork or other soil disturbing ' activities at the site, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval of the installed erosion and sediment control measures. The Contractor shall field design and implement surface water runoff control measures ' appropriate to activities associated with temporary earthwork and other construction requirements. Measures that are not defined on the contract plans but are required to meet the requirements of applicable ' regulatory programs shall be installed after review and approval by the Engineer. The Contractor shall protect the construction area from damage caused ' by surface water, including damage due to ponding, erosion, and movement of contaminants due to lack of adequate surface water ' control measures. Damaged work shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions or as directed by the Engineer at no additional cost to the ' City. The Contractor shall protect adjacent properties, drainage ways, and watercourses from physical or environmental damage caused by surface water runoff, erosion, soil instability, migration of contaminants, clearing, grading, excavation, filling, or similar activities associated with the construction activities. Water shall be frequently applied in traffic areas, as required, to , achieve dust control at the site in accordance with these Special Provisions. Paved streets shall be swept periodically to remove soil from the pavement and minimize dust generation. Additional measures , may be required to insure that all paved areas are kept clean daily for the duration of the project. Clearing, grubbing, excavation, borrow, or fill within the right of way ' shall never expose more than 5 acres of erodible earth between October 1 and April 30 and never more than 17 acres of erodible earth , between May 1 and September 30. The Engineer may increase or decrease the limits in light of project conditions. Erodible soils not being worked, whether at final grade or not, as well as temporary soil and debris stockpiles, shall be covered within the following limitations, using an approved soil covering practice, unless authorized otherwise by the Engineer. Erodible soils is defined as any surface where soils, grindings, or other materials are capable of being displaced and transported by rain, wind or surface water runoff. , October 1 through April 30 2 days maximum May 1 through September 30 7 days maximum ' Grass seeding with fast germinating grasses alone will be acceptable only if left undisturbed for more than a minimum of six (6) weeks ' during the months of April through October inclusive, as approved by the Engineer. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 4 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 ' Contractor shall bear the risk of managing contaminated and uncontaminated stormwater originating from area occupied or disturbed ' by the Contractor during construction of the project and shall employ such additional measures as may be required to prevent environmental harm or physical damage to the work area, or adjacent property. ' Permit requirements from appropriate agencies are included in the Appendix. The Contractor is responsible for following all permit requirements, whether shown In the plans or not. These requirements may Include, but not be limited to, providing daily Inspection by an erosion control specialist of the adequacy and maintenance needs of all erosion control measures, submitting daily Inspection reports, and Inspecting and maintaining erosion/sedimentation control facilities on Inactive sites. No additional payment will be made for following permit requirements. All costs associated with permit requirements shall be included in the associated bid Item unit price. If the Engineer, under Section 1-08.6, orders the work suspended for an extended time, the Contractor shall, before the Contracting Agency assumes maintenance responsibility, make every effort to control ' erosion, pollution, and runoff during shutdown. Section 1-08.7 describes the Contracting Agency's responsibility in such cases. The requirements of this section shall apply to all areas of the site subject to construction activity as described in the Standard Specifications, the Special Provisions and contract plans, including Contractor construction support facilities, Contractor personnel parking areas, equipment and material storage/laydown areas, and other areas utilized by the Contractor for completion of the work. Nothing in this j section shall relieve the Contractor from complying with other contract requirements. SECTION 8-01.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1)A Submittals The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval, a minimum of 4 working days prior to ordering, a sample and manufacturer's certification of compliance for the filter fabric fence which includes: Manufacturer's name, address, telephone number, product name by trademark and style, geotextile polymer type(s), and physical properties. The Contractor shall submit for Engineer's approval product descriptions ' of all other materials used for erosion control. SECTION 8-01.3(1)C IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 1 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1)C Water Management ' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 5 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1. If the ground water meets State Water Quality standards, it may , bypass treatment facilities and be routed to Its normal discharge ' point at a rate that will not cause erosion. SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW ' SECTIONS: 8-01.3(1)F Applicable Regulations and Criteria Construction activities conducted within the City of Kent's Right of Way are subject to applicable federal, state and local permits. The Contractor shall comply with substantive requirements of applicable state and local regulatory requirements, Including, but not limited to the following: 1. WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington 2. City of Kent 2002 Surface Water Design Manual. 8-01.3(1)G Water Quality Monitoring Contractor shall test for turbidity in the 100 feet downstream mixing , zone to verify that the background turbidity is 50 NTU (nepholometric turbidity units) or less prior to discharging any stormwater during construction from the site into adjacent streams. The Contractor shall also test for turbidity at the point of compliance which shall be 100 feet downstream of the discharge point for waters up to 10 cfs flow at the time of construction or at 200 feet for waters above 10 cfs up to 100 cfs to verify that the added discharge does not exceed 5 NTU to the existing background turbidity of 50 NTU or less and 10 percent increase in turbidity when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTU. These turbidity tests shall be taken periodically (weekly) when stormwater is being discharged and during any storm event. All costs for this work shall be included in the various unit contract bid prices. 8-01.3(2) Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching SECTION 8-01.3(2)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)B Seeding and Fertilizing Topsoil and all other unpaved and unsodded areas within easements and right-of-way shall be seeded. Hydroseeding shall be the method of seed application. A slurry of seed, fertilizer, mulch and water shall be evenly broadcast over areas to be seeded. All work shall conform in all respects to Section 8-01 of the Standard Specifications, except as modified herein. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 6 January 11, 2012 ' Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer not less than 48 hours in advance of any hydroseeding operation and shall not begin the work until areas prepared or designated for hydroseeding have been approved. Following the Engineer's approval, hydroseeding of the approved slopes shall begin Immediately. ' Hydroseeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untillable. Hydroseeding shall consist of a slurry composed of water, seed fertilizer and mulch. Hydroseed (upland seed mix) to be applied by an approved hydro seeder which utilizes water as the carrying agent, and maintains continuous agitation through paddle blades. It shall have an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and mix into a homogeneous slurry the specified amount of seed and water or other material. Distribution and discharge lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic discharge spray nozzles which will provide a uniform distribution of the slurry. The seed and fertilizer cannot be placed in the tank more than 30 minutes prior to application. The seed and fertilizer shall have a tracer added to visibly aid uniform application. This tracer shall not be harmful to plant and animal life. If wood cellulose fiber is used as a tracer, the application rate shall not exceed 25 pounds per acre. Areas in which the above methods are impractical may be seeded by approved hand methods. The slurry to be used will consist of the following materials mixed thoroughly together and applied in the quantities indicated. 1. Grass Seed: Mixture shall be fresh, clean, new crop seed. Seed to be mixed mechanically on the site or may be mixed by the dealer. ' If seed is mixed on site, each variety shall be delivered in the original containers bearing the dealer's guaranteed analysis. If seed is mixed by the dealer, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer the Dealer's guaranteed statement of the composition of the mixture and the percentage of purity and germination of each variety. Grass seed shall be purchased from a recognized distributor and shall be composed of the varieties mixed in the proportions indicated in Section 9-14.2 of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions. Seed shall meet the minimum percentages of purity and germination specified. Seed shall be applied at the rate of 120 pounds per acre. The Contractor shall protect seed from hydration, contamination, and heating during delivery, storage, and handling. Store seed in cool dry location away from contaminants. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 7 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 Mix A shall be used as the standard hydroseed mix unless otherwise specified herein or on approved project plans. Mix B shall be used exclusively for seeded areas adjacent to grass lawns, within seeded medians, and within seeded traffic islands. ' In addition, Mix B shall be used for all seeded areas not specifically showing Mix A on the plans, or where otherwise directed by the Engineer. Mix C shall be used exclusively for seeded areas in and adjacent to wetlands, in detention and retention ponds, and in biofiltration swales. 2. Water: The Contractor shall begin maintenance immediately after seeding for a minimum of ten (10) weeks or longer as needed. Water seeded areas before hydroseed slurry has completely dried out. Water slowly and thoroughly with fine spray nozzle. Water the hydroseeded areas at least twice daily (in the early morning and late afternoon) until the grass Is well established as determined by the Engineer. Repeat watering operation as required by climatic conditions to keep areas moist for a minimum I period of 2 weeks from the day of first watering and as necessary for healthy growth. 3. Mulch: As needed to meet requirements of Sections 8-01.3(2)D and 9-14.4. 4. Fertilizer: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation applied at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer meeting the requirements of Section 9-14.3 of the Kent Special Provisions. Fertilizer shall be applied in accordance with the procedures and requirements for seeding in Section 8-01.3(2)B at the rates and analysis specified in Section 9-14.3 with regard to formulation and , rate of application. Fertilizer shall not be applied on any creek sideslopes in order to avoid contamination of these creeks. 5. Hand Seeding: Seeding shall be applied at the rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The seed shall be applied by an approved hand held spreader. The seed shall be evenly distributed over the disturbed area. Apply seed mix after the fertilizing has been accomplished and rake the seed into the surface soil to a depth of 1/4-inch. 6. If the slurry is used for temporary erosion control it shall be applied at the following rates: EROSION CONTROL: Seed 170lbs/acre Fertilizer 400lbs/acre Wood Fiber 2,000 Ibs/ acre Tackifier 80lbs/acre HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 8 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7 & 09-3006 7. If the slurry is used in a detention pond it shall be applied at the ' following rates: DETENTION POND EROSION CONTROL: Seed 60 Ibs/acre (native seed mix) 100 Ibs/acre (pre-germinate annual ryegrass) Fertilizer 250 Ibs/acre (21-0-10 quick release) Wood Fiber 2,000 Ibs/ acre Tackifier 80lbs/acre SECTION 8-01.3(2)D IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)D Mulching Wood cellulose fiber mulch conforming to Section 9-14.4 of the Standard Specifications shall be applied to all seeded areas on this 1 project. The application rate shall be 2,000 pounds to the acre in accordance with Section 8-01 of the Standard Specifications. Mulch shall be incorporated into the slurry of seed and fertilizer. Mulch of the type specified in Section 9-14.4(2) of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions shall be included in the I hydroseeding process. Wood cellulose fiber used as a mulch shall be suitable for application with hydroseeders as specified in Section 8- 01.3(2)B. The application of seed, fertilizer, and mulch shall be required in a single operation for all seed applications, unless otherwise directed. Mulch materials, shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied at the rates indicated, and shall be spread on seeded areas immediately after seeding unless otherwise specified. Distribution of straw mulch material shall be by means of an approved type mulch spreader, which utilizes forced air to blow mulch material on seeded areas. In spreading straw mulch, the spreader shall not cut or break the straw into short stalks. Straw mulch shall be applied at a rate to achieve a loose, overall thickness of three (3) inches. Areas not accessible by mulching equipment shall be mulched by approved hand methods. Mulch sprayed on signs or sign structures shall be removed the same day. SECTION 8-01.3(2)E IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)E Tacking Agent and Soil Binders Unless specified otherwise, wood cellulose fiber mulch per Section 9- 14.4(2) of the Standard Specifications shall have tackifier incorporated into the mulch fiber during manufacture. If additional tackifier is required, the tackifier shall be Type A as specified in Section 9-14.4(7) of the Standard Specifications. When specified, soil binders and tacking ' HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 9 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 agents shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's , recommendations. SECTION 8-01.3(2)F IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST THREE PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: , 8-01.3(2)F Dates for Application of Final Seed, Fertilizer, and Mulch Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the final application of seeding, fertilizing, and mulching of slopes shall be performed during the following periods: West of the summit of the Cascade Range - March 1 to May 15 and August 15 to October 1. Where contract timing is appropriate, seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall be accomplished during the spring period listed above. Written permission to seed after October 1 will only be given when physical completion of the project is imminent and the environmental conditions are conducive to satisfactory growth. SECTION 8-01.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)G Protection and Care of Seeded Areas Protect adjacent property, public walks, curbs and pavement from l damage. Do not place soil directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to the commencement of work. Keep streets and area drains open and free flowing. Protect all seeding against wind, storm, and trespassing. Replace any plants that become damaged or injured. In seeded areas, treat and reseed damaged spots larger than one square foot. SECTION 8-01.3(2)H IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)H Inspection Inspection of seeded areas shall be made upon completion of seeding operations, at the end of the maintenance period, and at any time during the maintenance period. The Contractor shall reseed, remulch or refertilize as required to establish a uniform, thick stand of grass. A uniform stand of grass shall be defined as any grass area with no spots greater than one square foot. Areas failing to show a uniform thick, healthy stand of grass after the maintenance period shall be reseeded at the Contractor's expense. Reseeded areas will be subject to inspection for acceptance. 8-01.3(9) Sediment Control Barriers SECTION 8-01.3(9)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Plantinq/Storment 8 - 10 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005.7 &09-3006 8-01.3(9)C Straw Bale Barrier 1 Straw bale barriers shall be Installed per the detail and locations shown in the plans. SECTION 8-01.3(9)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(9)D Inlet Protection Prior to clearing and grubbing, all catch basins near disturbed areas shall be fitted with inlet protection to prevent mud, silt and other debris from entering the storm sewer system. The Contractor shall maintain the inlet protection on a regular schedule as recommended by the manufacturer or as directed by the Engineer. At no time shall more than one foot of sediment be allowed to accumulate within a catch basin. The Contractor shall clean all catch basins and conveyance lines prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment-laden water into the downstream system. SECTION 8-01.3(15) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(15) Maintenance The E.S.C. facilities shall be inspected daily by the Contractor and maintained as necessary to ensure their continued function and operation. All sediment and material that accumulates as a result of the temporary erosion control measures must be removed and disposed properly. The I Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead, as described in Section 8- 01.3(1)B shall keep the Engineer informed of all areas of sediment accumulation; and the Contractor shall remove and dispose of all sediment and debris collected by the silt fences, inlet protection, straw bale barriers and sediment traps, as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor must obtain prior authorization by the Engineer before any material removal activities commence. This maintenance requirement also applies during any winter shut down. SECTION 8-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 8-01.3(17) Temporary Sediment Trap The Temporary Sediment Traps shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown in the plans. The Contractor shall inspect and maintain the Temporary Sediment Traps regularly. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 11 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 The Contractor shall remove sediment from the Trap when sediment has reached a depth of one (1) foot. The ESC Lead (Erosion and Spill Control Lead), as described in Section 8-01 of these Special Provisions shall notify the Engineer of the necessary removal; and as directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of the sediment. 8-01.3(18) Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Water used for washing vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or other State waters unless separation of petroleum products, fresh concrete products or other deleterious material is accomplished prior to discharge. Detergent solution may be discharged into sanitary sewer or allowed to be held on ground for percolation. A recirculation system for detergent washing is recommended. Steam cleaning units shall provide a device for oil separation. Handling and storage of fuel, oil and chemicals shall not take place adjacent to waterways. The storage shall be made in dike tanks and barrels with drip pans provided under the dispensing area. Shut-off and lock valves shall be provided on hoses. Fuel, oil, and chemicals shall be dispensed only during daylight hours unless the dispensing area is properly lighted. Disposal of waste shall not be allowed on fuel, oil, and chemical spills. Fencing shall be provided around storage area. Locks shall be provided on all valves, pumps, and tanks. 8-01.3(19) Failure to Perform TESCP If the Contractor fails to install the required TESCP measures, or to perform maintenance in a timely manner, or fails to identify deficiencies, and fails to take immediate action to install additional approved measures, all fines, costs of cleanup, and costs for delays and down time shall be borne by the contractor. SECTION 8-01.4 ZS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.4 Measurement Temporary Sediment Traps will be measured per lump sum, which shall include the sum total of all items for a complete temporary sediment trap to be constructed and maintained as shown in the plans, and as specified in this Special Provision. SECTION 8-01.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.5 Payment The unit contract price per acre for"Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching" shall be full pay for all labor, materials tools and equipment necessary to complete the above said hydroseeding, seeding, fertilizing and mulching at the locations shown on the plans, including the following areas: HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Pianting/Storment B - 12 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 1. All planter areas or areas disturbed by the Contractor's operations behind the sidewalk, even where it is only a narrow strip. 2. All biofiltration swales. 3. Detention pond site. 4. Other areas as directed by the Engineer. Water, fertilizer and mulch shall be provided by the Contractor as necessary to maintain and establish the seeded areas and is considered incidental to this bid Item. Topsoil Type B is considered Incidental to this bid item unless a specific bid item is listed in the proposal. The cost of baffling or blocking over spray as required to prevent over spray onto the sidewalk, curbing and non-planter areas is incidental to the unit price. The unit bid price per each straw bale used for "10-Foot Straw Wattles for Drainage Way Barrier" constitutes complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor and equipment required for supply, removal and ' disposal, placement and grading to install the drainage barriers wherever specified, shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Straw shall be in an air dried condition free of noxious weeds and other materials detrimental to plant life. The unit price per square yard for "Clear Plastic Covering" (6 mil polyethylene sheets) shall constitute complete compensation for furnishing, staking, maintaining and protecting, the material in place (including sand bags and stakes) on all exposed soils per the Standard Specification and as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Pond Excavation, Including 1 Haul" shall constitute complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and supplies and equipment necessary to construct the pond as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but is not limited to, excavation of bottom surface area and grading to required elevation, dewatering, off site haul of excavated material, and compaction. I8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION SECTION B-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.1 Description Drawings and Specifications: Definitions: The word "provide" means "furnish and install" (for landscaping only). Dimensions and Measurements: Dimensions govern when shown. Scale is approximate. Contractor shall check all dimensions in the field and verify them with respect to adjacent or incorporated work. Any discrepancies in the drawings shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer before work proceeds further. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 13 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 r Number of Specified Items Required: Wherever in these special , provisions an article, device or piece of equipment is referred to in the singular number, such reference shall Include as many such Items as are shown on drawings or required to complete the Installation. SECTION 8-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION. 8-02.1(1) Submittals The Contractor shall submit within 20 days after Notice to Proceed date a list of all plant material indicating source of supply, order Invoice, size and quantity for such species or variety. All plant materials shall meet requirements of State and Federal laws with respect to inspection for plant diseases and Infestations. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment of plant material and submitted to the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Seed ....................................................... 9-14.2 Fertilizer.................................................. 9-14.3 Mulch and Amendments............................. 9-14.4 Wood Cellulose Fiber................................. 9-14.4(2) Plant Materials.......................................... 9-14.6 Stakes, Guys and Wrapping ....................... 9-14.7 Tree Ties ................................................. 9-14.7(1) Compost.................................................. 9-14.8 Water for Plants........................................ 9-25.2 Botanical identification and nomenclature of plant materials shall be based on descriptions by Bailey in "Hortus Third" or superseding editions and amendments. 8-02.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-02.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(1) Responsibility During Construction The Contractor shall at all times keep the planted areas free from accumulations of waste materials or rubbish. Upon completion of the planting work, the Contractor shall immediately remove all refuse and debris resulting from the planting activities. The project will not receive either preliminary or final approval if the cleanup does not meet with the approval of the Engineer. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 14 January 11, 2012 ' Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 ' SECTION 8-02.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(3) Weed and Pest Control During the maintenance period, all weeds are to be removed by hand. SECTION 8-02.3(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(5) Planting Area Preparation The Contractor shall excavate planting pits to a depth of three feet below the adjacent ground. Tree pits shall be about three feet in diameter, and shall be neat and uniform basins around each tree. The Contractor shall then place special planting mixture Into the tree basins, bringing to grade about one and one-half foot below the top of the planter by compaction by repeated watering. Soil Preparation and Planting Notes 1. Spread 3" of 100% compost over entire area; 2. Mix (rip) compost native soil to a depth of 12" at least twice in opposite directions, so that compost is well incorporated; 3. Rototill compost/native soil mixture until a uniform grain size and soil texture is achieved; 1� 4. Plant native plants in amended soil; 5. Hydroseed entire site taking care not to damage native plants or cover stems and leaves with excess hydroseed slurry. Refer to Section 8-02.3(4) of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 8-02.3(7) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(7) Layout of Planting The location of trees shall be according to the tree placement details, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall stake tree locations and receive the approval of the Engineer before construction begins. 1 SECTION 8-02.3(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(8) Planting All trees shall be carefully placed in the tree pits to prevent damage to fibrous root systems during placement and backfilling operations, with burlap removed. Trees shall be set vertically in the center of the pits, backfilled with special planting mixture, watered and settled so that the crown of the root ball will have the same relation to finished grade as it bore to the grade of the ground from which it was dug. Planting mixture shall obtain a grade two inches below the top of the tree pit and shall be firmly compacted. All street trees shall be planted in general conformance to Kent Standard Plan 6-55. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 15 January 11, 2012 Protect Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 A sufficient amount of water shall be given each tree immediately after planting to eliminate air pockets around the roots and to supply moisture to ensure life. SECTION 8-02.3(9) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(9) Pruning, Staking, Guying, and Wrapping Pruning shall be limited to the minimum amount necessary to remove injured twigs and branches. Only cut injured limbs to the nearest lateral bud. Do not apply tree wound paint or petroleum product to tree cuts. Stake trees only if necessary (typically if tree is > 4' tall). Stake trees at one-third of height with "tree ties" or Engineer approved alternative. SECTION 8-02.3(13) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(13) Plant Establishment The Contractor is responsible for maintaining all trees and shrubs in a clean and thriving condition for a period of not less than two calendar years. The period of maintenance shall begin upon final installation and inspection of work, and subsequent written notification by the Engineer. Maintenance shall include all necessary cleaning, weeding, pruning, watering, and one supplemental feeding with approved fertilizer. The Contractor shall water all trees and shrubs a minimum of once per week during the months of June through September to establish the vegetation during the dry summer months. Maintenance of this watering schedule is critical to the survival of the trees and shrubs. SECTION 8-02.3(14) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(14) Plant Replacement The Contractor shall replace all trees and shrubs which, in the opinion , of the City Nursery Supervisor, have failed to establish themselves during the maintenance period at his sole expense. All replacement planting shall be conducted in conformance to these specifications. ' SECTION 8-02.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-02.3(17) Plant and Site Protection During Entire Construction Period The Contractor shall: 1. Protect existing trees to remain and new plants against injury and damage, including but not limited to: cutting, breaking, or skinning of roots, trunk or branches, or smothering by stockpiling construction material, or compaction by equipment. 2. Keep all heavy equipment (e.g., backhoe) outside of the drip lines of ail existing trees, so as not to damage the root systems. HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 16 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 ' 3. Notify Engineer immediately if a conflict arises between construction activity and the protection of trees and shrubs; alter methods as necessary and as approved by the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: I8-02.5 Payment 1 The unit contract price per each for the following bid Items constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for planting and staking street trees in accordance with the plans and the Kent Special Provisions. This item includes but is not limited to excavation and haul of the holes for planting, root barriers, mulch, fertilizer, watering, water tubes, planting mixture, tree ties and 1 stakes, and for watering and maintaining trees for a period of not less than two calendar years. 1 Common Name Species Plant Condition Douglas Fir Pseduotsu a menziesii 5 Gallon Shore Pine Pinus contorta var contorta 5 Gallon Bitter Cherry Prunus emar Inata 2 Gallon Pacific Do wood Cornus nutalln 2 Gallon Snowberry S m horicar os albus 1 Gallon Tall Oregon Grape Mahonia a uifolium 1 Gallon Serviceberry Amelanchler alnifolia 1 Gallon Mock Orange Phlladel hus lewisn 1 Gallon Ocean Spray Holodlscus discolor 1 Gallon Bid Leaf Maple Acer macro h Ilum 5 Gallon Cascara Rhamnus purshianna 2 Gallon 1 Western Red Cedar Thu a plicata 5 Gallon Red Flowering Currant Ribes san uineum 1 Gallon Vine Maple Acer arclnatum 1 Gallon The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Compost, Including Planting Area Preparation" constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to supply and spread the topsoil in the areas shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to the labor required for raking and compacting the topsoil, cleanup and complete preparation ready for seeding on planting. I8-03 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SECTION 8-03.3(I3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-03.3(13) Irrigation Water Service The Contractor shall obtain a hydrant meter and permit from the City of Kent Maintenance Shop located at 5821 South 240th Street (253) 856- 5600 to measure the quantities of water used. Hydrant wrenches are also available at the City Maintenance Shops at the Contractors option. No additional deposit is required for the hydrant wrench. The HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 17 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 Contractor shall be responsible for paying all water use costs at the current City rate. Prior to issuance of the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) and permit, the Contractor shall make a hydrant meter deposit to the City of Kent Customer Service Division located on the first floor of the Centennial Center at 400 West Gowe Street (253) 856-5200. The said deposit is refundable provided the Contractor returns the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops undamaged and all water use fees have been paid to date. The hydrant meter permit duration is two (2) months. At the end of the permit duration, the Contractor shall deliver the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops for reading. If the Contractor requires another hydrant meter and permit at the time a meter is returned to the City Maintenance Shops, he shall request a meter and one shall be provided. An additional meter deposit will not be required. The Contractors initial hydrant meter deposit shall be transferred to the new meter issued. SECTION 8-03.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-03.5 Irrigation The Contractor shall provide irrigation to all areas hydroseeded and/or planted shall be provided with supplemental water weekly whenever the preceding weeks rainfall total does not exceed 1" between June 1 and September 30. When needed, supplemental water when added to weekly rainfall will equal 1". 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE SECTION 8-I2.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.5 Payment "Install New Wooden Split Rail Fence", per linear foot. ' 1 j HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 8 - 18 January 11,2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 DIVISION 9 - MATERIALS 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING SECTION 9-14.1(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.1(1) Compost Compost products shall contain composted plant material derived from the aerobic decomposition of recycled plant waste. The composted 1 plant waste shall have a moisture content that has no visible free water or dust produced when handling the material. Compost shall be stable, mature, decomposed organic solid waste that is the result of the accelerated, aerobic biodegradation and stabilization under controlled conditions. The result is a uniform dark, soil-like appearance. Compost maturity or stability is the point at which the aerobic biodegradation of the compost has slowed and oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide generation has dropped. Subsequent testing provides consistent results. Compost shall not contain any sawdust, straw, green or under- composed organic matter, under-sterilized manure or toxic or otherwise 1 harmful materials. Compost production and quality shall comply with the Interim Guidelines for Compost Quality, #94-38 or superseding editions, and amendments, published by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Compost products shall meet the following physical criteria: 1. Compost material shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO Test Method T87 and T88. 100% of Type 1 Compost shall pass through a 5/8" sieve. 90% of Type 2 Compost shall be larger than 3/8 inch and smaller than 1 inch. ' 2. The pH range shall be between 5.5 and 8.5 when tested in accordance with WSDOT Test Method 417. 3. Manufactured inert material (plastic, concrete, ceramics, metal, etc.) shall be less than 1 percent on a dry weight or volume basis, whichever provides for the least amount of foreign material. 4. Minimum organic matter shall be 30 percent dry weight basis as determined by loss on ignition. (LOI test) 5. Soluble salt contents shall be less than 6.0 mmhos/cm for areas that receive more than 20 inches of precipitation per year. 1 6. Type 1 Compost shall score a number 6 or above on the Solvita Compost Maturity Test. Type 2 Compost shall score a 5 or above on the Solvita Compost Maturity Test. All compost products will be tested within 30 calendar days prior to application by the Contracting Agency with samples taken from the j material stockpiled by the supplier for project use. Compost not conforming to the above requirements or taken from a source other HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 9 - 1 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 than those tested shall be immediately removed from the project and ' replaced at no cost to the Contracting Agency. , Acceptance of composted products shall be based on the following submittals by the Contractor: 1. A Request for Approval of Material Source. 2. A copy of the Solid Waste Handling Permit Issued to the supplier by the Jurisdictional Health Department as per WAC 173-304 , (Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling). 3. Written verification from the supplier that the material complies with the processes, testing, and standards specified in the Interim , Guidelines for Compost Quality. 4. Written verification from the supplier that the compost products originate a minimum of 65 percent by volume from recycled plant , waste. A maximum of 35 percent by volume of other approved organic waste and/or biosolids may be substituted for recycled plant waste. 5. A copy of the lab analyses described under Testing Parameters in the Guidelines for Compost Quality. The analyses shall be less than three months old. 6. A list of the feedstock by percentage present in the final compost product. SECTION 9-14.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.2 Seed Hydroseed: ' Seed shall be "Blue Tag" or certified quality. The Contractor shall deliver in unopened containers with mixture seed content and inert material content plainly marked on the outside of the container. Grasses used shall meet the following specifications: WSDOT Standard Erosion Control Mix: 40% Perennial Ryegrass ' 40% Creeping Red Fescue 10% White Clover 10% Highland Col. Bengrass Mix A (Roadside Grass): Weight Seed Mix"A" Min. % Min. % Max. % Proportion Ingredient Pure Seed Germination Weed Seed 40% Perennial R e rass 98% 90% 0.5% 30% Creeping Red Fescue 98% 85% 0.5% ' 10% Colonial Bent grass 98% 90% 0.5% 10% Crested Wheat grass 95% 85% 0.5% 10% White Dutch Clover 98% 90% 0.5% Pre-inoculated l HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 9 - 2 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 Mix B (Playground Grass): Weight Seed Mix "B" Min % Min % Max. % Proportion Ingredient Pure Seed Germination Weed Seed 10% Creeping Red Rescue 95% 90% 0.5% 1 10% Chewin s Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 5% Kentucky Bluegrass 95% 90% 0.5% 40% Perennial R e rass 95% 90% 0.5% 20% Alta Tall Fescue 1 95% 90% 0.50/1, 15% Annual R e rass 1 95% 90% 0.5% 1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the manufacturer's Certificate of Conformance for seed. A complete analysis of the seed shall be submitted to the City for approval Including percent of pure seed, germination, other crop seed, inert and weed and the germination test date. The City reserves the right to reject any or all plant material at any time until final inspection or acceptance. The Contractor shall remove rejected plants immediately from site. The Contractor shall produce upon request sales receipt for all nursery stock and certificates of inspection. ' SECTION 9-14.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.3 Fertilizer Fertilizer for trees: Fertilizer shall consist of commercial fertilizer (6- 10-8), "Jobe's Tree Stakes", or "Agriform Slow Release Tablets". Fertilizer for upland seeded areas: Lilly Miller or approved equal to provide the following nutrients: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: Total available Nitrogen ........... 16% of weight (of which 50% is derived from ureaform) ' Total available Phosphorous ..... 16% of weight Total available Potassium ......... 16% of weight I Fertilizer for wetland seeded areas: All areas which are seeded in wetlands or in detention ponds shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: Total available nitrogen ........... 21% (Analyzed as N) ' Available phosphorous............. 0% (Analyzed as P205) Available potassium ................ 10% (Analyzed as K20) Above percentages are proportioned by weight. ' HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment 9 - 3 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 The Contractor shall deliver fertilizer to the site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trade mark, and Indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished In bulk with certificate Indicating the above information. 9-14.4 Mulch and Amendments SECTION 9-14.4(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: , 9-14.4(2) Wood Cellulose Fiber Wood cellulose mulch shall be specially processed 100 percent virgin wood fiber containing no growth or germination-inhibiting ingredients. It shall be manufactured In such a manner that after addition and agitation In slurry tanks with water, the fibers In the material will become uniformly suspended to form a homogenous slurry. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the material shall allow the absorption and percolation of moisture. Wood cellulose fiber shall be Weyerhaeuser Silva-Fiber Plus w/Tackifier i or approved equal. ■ Organic matter content shall be at least 93 percent on an oven-dry basis as determined by ASTM D 586. The moisture content shall be no more than 15 percent as determined by oven dried weight. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the dried weight content. SECTION 9-14.4(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: , 9-14.4(8) Compost Compost shall not contain any sawdust, straw, green or under- composed organic matter, under-sterilized manure or toxic or otherwise harmful materials. , 9.24.7 Stakes, Guys and Wrapping SECTION 9-14.7 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.7(1) Tree Ties Tree ties shall be patent "Tre-Ties" sufficient In size and number to j adequately support the trees as determined by Matt Knox, Environmental Ecologist at (253) 856-5551. HS Bend &Upper Russell Rd Plantin /Storment 9 - 4 January 11, 2012 9 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 i CONSTRUCTION PLAN S 1 1 1 I 1 1 I i 1 1 HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Planting/Storment A 1 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 &09-3006 tl F �< 6 dQWQ � �6 to G a z �ZLUw € b € $ 0 Syy 2 a S W W I ZZ Q W WF g f s * 9B MIA W Sa m r i�f �i >: o ..N o $ WOO 399 q I Z W 1i iv o w E _ Q UJ I 0W �v$ 00 g�L za ^�". z a:N 8 I F w ZF o I oNN i �znai6�WF SIN ou m= J q F 1 WE �N ��i fd d 4 fi it ?Z mo F i i 1 2 4 I 1 i i .J �• 1 i i a iz 5 q I 1 b Z g a> I �i 1 r h� # i W •• � ��� I 1 J i US 5 P:y > o Jw FI � F a'J lno SOW nO 0 zp � . 9 U1 a gg I I =<wo 0 Wy I I L$ n0'O Z ' F-40 ((9 na�O \ j R o N I W,m r O yy o F' (!)41Ell I J Cd I g $ > i m I =1 ISm I I I an n I as 133211SH169Z'S mgo r 8 8 8 8 8 � g 4 W 3 a u 3 o f Z� to W o aw I R �J k' � W F ' s a� N U vi 4 e io 1 �'� W(�• �l<y�<FO it �� p_•Z^y^I$-JW2� a z gvn¢F�F� F ioak�� i zz Na n i id WJ f_ / og ` N W AUREL HEDGE eo $+j a go �, i ! .4 V a c l 0� z o/ / �4 I` • tltltl NI J I O J ¢ Y UJ z l e I / amp n +� zN mzzo pl I // ig�w zl 9 / Naam z0I COI ! ��� z l e I A ' 8„ z Q/ �� / �m < m Qo II o 0 pOQ / I , I zw / g t KENT STANDARD PLANS The following Kent Standard Plans supplement all other plans, which have been ' prepared for this project and are considered to be a part of the project plans. STORM 5-29 Split Rail Fence HS Bend & Upper Russell Rd Pl anti ng/Storment A - 2 January 11, 2012 Project Numbers 09-3005 7 & 09-3006 1 1 1 TRIANGUIP'R) g ROUGH CEDARTYPE l ! 1 I POSTS ARE PRE-DRILLED FOR FENCE RAIL INSERTS B" — — ( I 4"TO 6"ROUGH 1 I CEDAR RAIL — 1 4 III 12"TO 16" __= 1 I I 4"X4" ROUGH CEDAR POST (TRIANGULAR) ! II ' 2' MIN. CRUSHED SURFACING ' 6"MIN. TOP COURSE '-71— (CSTC) 1 12" NOTES: DIAMETER 1. POSTS AND RAILINGS ARE PRECUT FOR ASSEMBLY. 1 2. 3 RAILS ARE PERMITTED. 3. FENCES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE APPROVED BUFFER EDGE. 1 a NOTE'THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 1 S()SE jjr, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE i7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT .k pF WASH, L THE CITY OF KENT A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. � � W 1 cz p� CEINGTY RING EPKENT J KENT SPLIT RAIL FENCE A R 21495 O w.." ...e. ' FGISTEa�,\ F J/ \G\ N DRAW 89 SCALE NONE SrANDPRD PLAN ANAL E CHECKED DATE 5-29 APPROVED September 2009 ` PREVAILING WAGE RATES i i i i i Horseshoe Bend Restoration Planting/Storment A - 3 January 11, 2012 Project Number 09-3005 7 ' State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe �enefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. ' Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 01/31/2012 _ounty Trade Job Classification Wage lHoliday Overtime Not °, ling Asbestos Abatement Workers Journey Level $40.03 5D 1H ng Boilermakers Journey Level $57.99 5N 1C King Brick Mason Brick And Block Finisher $41.01 5A 1M Ong Brick Mason Journey Level $47.87 5A 1M Ong Brick Ma_s_on Pointer-Caulker-Cleaner $47.87 5A 1M { King Building Service Employees Janitor $18.911 5S 2F ng Building Service Employees Traveling Waxer/shampooer $19.321 5S 2F %ng Building Service Employees Window Cleaner(non-scaffold) $22.65 5S 2F ing Cabinet Makers (In Shop) Journey Level $22.74 1 ng Carpenters Acoustical Worker $48.63 5D 1M King Carpenters Bridge, Dock And Wharf Carpenters $48.47 5A 1M Ong Carpenters Carpenter $48.47 5D 1M Ong Carpenters Creosoted Material $48.57 5D 1M King Carpenters Floor Finisher $48.60 5D 1M rig Carpenters Floor Layer $48.60 5D 1M Wing Carpenters Floor Sander $48.60 5D _1_M ang Carpenters Sawfiler $48.60 5D 1M Brig Carpenters Shingler $48.60 5D 1M King Carpenters Stationary Power Saw Operator $48.60 5D 1M "ng Carpenters Stationary Woodworking Tools $48.60 5D 1M rig Cement Masons Journey Level $49.15 7A 1M King Divers Et Tenders Diver $100.28 5D 1M 8A ng Divers Et Tenders Diver On Standby $56.68 5D 1M ing Divers Et Tenders Diver Tender $52.23 5D 1M ng Divers Et Tenders Surface Rcv Et Rov Operator $52.23 5D 1M Ong Divers Et Tenders Surface Rcv a Rov Operator Tender $48.67 5A 1B King Dredge Workers Assistant Engineer $49.57 5D 1T 8L ng Dredge Workers Assistant Mate(deckhand) $49.06 5D 1T 8L ng Dredge Workers Engineer Welder $49.62 5D 1T 8L .Ling Dredge Workers Leverman, Hydraulic $51.19 5D 1T 8L ; rig Dredge Workers Maintenance $49.06 5_D 1T 8L King Dredge Workers Mates And Boatmen $49.57 5D 1T 8L rig Dredge Workers Oiler $49.19 5D 1T 8L a ubv a. va a a 'King Drywall Applicator Journey Level $48.471 5D 1M King Drywall Tapers Journey Level $48.79 5P 1E King Electrical Fixture Maintenance Journey Level $25.34 5L 1E Workers King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer $61.93 7C 2W King Electricians- Inside Cable Splicer (tunnel) $66.55 7C 2W ;King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder $59.831 7C 2W :King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder (tunnel) $64.23 7C 2W King Electricians - Inside Construction Stock Person $31.83 7C 2W King Electricians - Inside Journey Level $57.72 7C 2W King Electricians - Inside Journey Level (tunnel) $61.93 7C 2W King Electricians Motor Shop Craftsman $15.37 1 King Electricians - Motor Shop Journey Level $14.69 1 King Electricians - Powertine Construction Cable Splicer $63.04 5A 4A King Electricians - Powerhne Construction Certified Line Welder $57.61 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Groundperson $41.06 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Head Groundperson $43.33 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Heavy Line Equipment Operator $57 611 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Jackhammer Operator $43 33 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Journey Level Lineperson $57.61 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Line Equipment Operator $48.64 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Pole Sprayer $57.61 5A 4A King Electricians - Powertine Construction Powderperson $43.33 5A 4A King Electronic Technicians Journey Level $31.00 1 King Elevator Constructors Mechanic $72.01 7D 4A King Elevator Constructors Mechanic In Charge $78.13 7D 4A :King Fabricated Precast Concrete All Classifications - In-Factory Work $13.85 5B 2K Products Only King Fence Erectors Fence Erector $15.181 1 King Flaggers Journey Level $33.93 7A 2Y :King Glaziers Journey Level $50.91 71. 1Y King Heat Et Frost Insulators And Asbestos Journeyman $55.68 5.1 15 Workers King Heating Equipment Mechanics Journey Level $67.82 7F 1E --King Hod Carriers & Mason Tenders Journey Level $41.28 7A 2Y King Industrial Engine And Machine Journey Level $15.65 1 Mechanics King Industrial Power Vacuum Cleaner Journey Level $9.24 1 King Inland Boatmen Boat Operator $51.95 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Cook $48.621 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Deckhand $49.62 5B 1_K King Inland Boatmen Deckhand Engineer $49.60 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Launch Operator $50.80 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Mate $50.80 5_B 1K King Inspection/Cleaning/Seating Of Cleaner Operator, Foamer Operator $31.49 1 Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Grout Truck Operator $11.48 1 Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control `� ng Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing_Of Head Operator $24.91 1 ) Sewer Ft Water Systems By Remote Control ng Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Technician $19.33 1 Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control ng Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Tv Truck Operator $20.45 1 Sewer Et Water Systems By R_e_mote Control rig Insulation Applicators Journey Level $48.67 5D 1M rig Ironworkers Journeyman $57.52 7N 10 King Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating Screed $40.03 7A 2Y ng Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $41.28 7A 2Y ng Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Batch Weighman $33.93 7A 2Y ng Laborers Brick Pavers $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Brush Cutter $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Burner $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Caisson Worker $41.281 7A 2Y Nng Laborers Carpenter Tender $40.03 7A 2_Y ng Laborers Caulker $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Cement Dumper-paving $40.77 7A 2Y ng Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Chipping Gun (under 30 Lbs.) $40.031 7A 2Y rig Laborers Chipping Gun(30 Lbs. And Over) $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Choker Setter $40.03 7A 2Y ng Laborers Chuck Tender $40.03 7A 2Y Ting Laborers Clary Power Spreader $40 77 7A 2Y ing Laborers Clean-up Laborer $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Compressed Air Worker 0-30 psi $52.08 7A 2Y 8Q King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 30.01-44.00 $57.08 7A 2Y 8Q psi rig Laborers Compressed Air Worker 44.01-54.00 $60.76 7A 2Y 8Q psi rig Laborers Compressed Air Worker 54.01-60.00 $66.46 7A 2Y 80 psi King Laborers Compressed Air Worker 60.01-64.00 $68.58 7A 2Y psi rig Laborers Compressed Air Worker 64.01-68.00 $73.68 7A 2Y 80 psi ng Laborers Compressed Air Worker 68.01-70.00 $75.58 7A 2Y _8_Q psi King Laborers Concrete Dumper/chute Operator $40.77 7A 2Y Brig Laborers Concrete Form Stripper $40.03 7_A 2Y ; ng Laborers Concrete Placement Crew $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Concrete Saw Operator/core Driller $40.77 7A 2Y ng Laborers Crusher Feeder $33.93 7A 2Y King Laborers Curing Laborer $40.03 7A 2Y ng Laborers Demolition: Wrecking Et Moving $40.03 7A 2Y (incl. Charred Material) King Laborers Ditch Digger $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Diver $41.28 7A 2Y King Laborers Drill Operator (hydraulic,diamond) $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Dry Stack Walls $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Dump Person $4G.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Epoxy Technician $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Erasion Control Worker $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Faller 8 Bucker Chain Saw $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Fine Graders $40.031 7A 2Y King Laborers Firewatch $33.93 7A 2Y King Laborers Form Setter $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Gabian Basket Builders $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers General Laborer $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Grade Checker if Transit Person $41.28 7A 2Y King Laborers Grinders $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Grout Machine Tender $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Groutmen (pressure)including Post $40.77 7A 2Y Tension Beams King Laborers Guardrail Erector $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (level A) $41.281 7A 2Y 'King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level B) $40.771 7A 2Y King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (level C) $40.031 7A 2Y King Laborers High Scaler $41.281 7A 2Y King Laborers Jackhammer $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Laserbeam Operator $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Maintenance Person $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Manhole Builder-mudman $40.77 7A 2_Y King Laborers Material Yard Person $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Miner $41.281 7A 2Y King Laborers Motorman-dinky Locomotive $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Nozzleman (concrete Pump, Green $40.77 7A 2Y Cutter When Using Combination Of High Pressure Air Et Water On Concrete 8 Rock, Sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Bla , King Laborers Pavement Breaker $40.77 7A 2Y 'King Laborers Pilot Car $33.93 7A 2Y King Laborers Pipe Layer Lead $41.28 7A 2Y King Laborers Pipe Layer/tailor $40 77 7A 2Y King Laborers Pipe Pot Tender $40.77 7A 2Y , King Laborers Pipe Reliner $40.77 7A 2Y `King Laborers Pipe Wrapper $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Pot Tender $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Powderman $41.28 7A 2Y =King Laborers Powderman's Helper $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Power Jacks $40.77 7A 2Y ' King Laborers Railroad Spike Puller - Power $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Raker - Asphalt $41.28 7A 2Y King I Laborers Re-timberman $4).28 7A 2Y , .,7 1 1 a..bv ✓ va a rig Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $40.771 7A 2Y Ong Laborers Rigger/signal Person $40.771 7A 2Y King Laborers Rip Rap Person $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Rivet Buster $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Rodder $40.77 7A 2Y ing Laborers Scaffold Erector $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Scale Person $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Sloper (over 20") $40.77 7A 2Y Zing Laborers Sloper Sprayer $40.03 7A 2Y rig Laborers Spreader (concrete) $40.77 7A 2Y ling Laborers Stake Hopper $40.03 7A 2Y It rig Laborers Stock Piler $40.03 7A 2Y King Laborers Tamper Et Similar Electric, Air Et Gas $40.77 7A 2Y Operated Tools rig Laborers Tamper (multiple Et Self-propelled) $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Timber Person - Sewer (lagger, $40.77 7A 2Y Shorer Et Cribber) rig Laborers Toolroom Person (at Jobsite) $40.03 7A 2Y ;King Laborers Topper $40.03 7A 2Y ng Laborers Track Laborer $40.03 7A 2Y ng Laborers Track Liner (power) $40.77 7A 2Y ng Laborers Truck Spotter $40.03 7A 2Y It rig Laborers Tugger Operator $40.77 7A 2Y King Laborers Tunnel Work-Guage and Lock Tender $41.38 7A 2Y 8Q rig Laborers Tunnel Work-Miner $41.38 7A 2Y 8Q Zing Laborers Vibrator $40 77 7A 2Y King Laborers Vinyl Seamer $40.03 7A 2Y ng Laborers Watchman $30 84 7A 2Y ng Laborers Welder $40.77 7A 2Y rig Laborers Well Point Laborer $40 77 7A 2Y rig Laborers Window Washer/cleaner $30.84 7A 2Y King Laborers - Underground Sewer Et General Laborer Et Topman $40.03 7A 2Y Water rig Laborers - Underground Sewer Et Pipe Layer $40.77 7A 2Y Water rig Landscape Construction Irrigation Or Lawn Sprinkler $13.56 1 Installers King Landscape Construction Landscape Equipment Operators Or $28.17 1 Truck Drivers ng Landscape Construction Landscaping or Planting Laborers $17.87 1 King Lathers Journey Level $48.74 5D 1 H ng Marble-Setters Journey Level $47.87 5A 1M I Ong Metal Fabrication Shop) Fitter $15.86 1 King MetaL Fabrication (In Shop) Laborer $9.78 1 ng Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Machine Operator $13.04 1 King Metal Fabrication(In Shop) Painter $11.10 1 Ong Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Welder $15.48 1 Ong Millwright Journey Level $49.47 5D 1M King Modular Buildings Cabinet Assembly $11.56 1 ng Modular Buildings Electrician $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Equipment Maintenance $11.561 1 King Modular Buildings Plumber $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Production Worker $9.40 1 King Modular-Buildings Tool Maintenance $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Utility Person $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Welder $11.56 1 King Painters Journey Level $35.70 6Z 2B King Pile Driver Journey Level $48.67 5A 1M King Plasterers Journey Level $46.63 7Q 1__R King Playground it Park Equipment Journey Level $9.04 1 Installers King Plumbers Et Pipefitters Journey Level $70.84 6Z 1G King Power Equipment Operators Asphalt Plant Operators $50.39 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Assistant Engineer $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Barrier Machine (zipper) $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Batch Plant Operator, Concrete $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Bobcat $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Brokk - Remote Demolition $47.12 7A 1T 8P Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Brooms $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment_Operators Bump Cutter $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power_Equipment Operators Cableways $50.39 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Chipper $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Compressor $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With $50.39 7A 1T 8P Boom Attachment Over 42 M King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Finish Machine -laser $47.12 7A 1T 8P Screed King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump - Mounted Or Trailer $49.48 7A 1T 8P High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With $49.90 7A 1T 8P Boom Attachment Up To 42m King Power Equipment Operators Conveyors $49.48 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons $49.90 7A 1T 8P With Attachments Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King Power-Equipment Operators Cranes: 100 Tons Through 199 Tons, $50.94 7A 1T 8P or 150' of boom (including jib with attachments); Overhead, bridge type, 100 tons and over, Tower crane up to 175' in height, base to boom. King Power-Equipment Operators Cranes: 200 Tons To 300 Tons, Or $51.51 7A 1T 8P 250' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) =King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons, $50.39 7A 1T 8P Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And Under $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Friction 100 Tons Through $51.51 7A 1T 8P 199 Tons i a usv va a ng Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Friction Over 200 Tons $52.071 7A 1T 8P t rig Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Over 300 Tons Or 300' Of $52.07 7A 1T 8P Boom (including .lib With Attachments) I rig Power_Equipment Operators Cranes: Through 19 Tons With $49.48 7A 1T 8P Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons Ong Power Equipment Operators Crusher $49.90 7A 1T 8P ; Ring Power Equipment Operators Deck Engineer/deck Winches $49.90 7A 1T 8P (power) ng Power Equipment Operators Derricks, On Building Work $50.39 7A 1T 8P 'Wing Power Equipment Operators Dozer Quad 9, HD 41, D10 and Over $50.39 7A 1T 8P ing Power Equipment Operators Dozers D-9 Et Under $49.481 7A 1T 8P ng Power Equipment Operators Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck Or $49.48 7A 1T 8P Crane Mount rig Power Equipment Operators Drilling Machine $49.90 7A 1T 8P 'ng Power Equipment Operators Elevator And Man-lift: Permanent $47.12 7A 1T 8P And Shaft Type rig Power Equipment Operators Finishing Machine, Bidwell And $49.90 7A 1T 8P Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power_ Equipment-Operators Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over With $49.48 7A 1T 8P Attachments rig Power Equipment Operators Forklifts- Under 3000 Lbs. With $47.12 7A 1T 8P Attachments ng Power Equipment Operators Grade Engineer: Using Blue Prints, $49.90 7A 1T 8P Cut Sheets, Etc King Power Equipment Operators Gradechecker/stakeman $47 12 7A 1T 8P rig Power Equipment Operators Guardrail Punch/Auger $49.90 7A 1T 8P Ong Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off- $50.39 7A 1T 8P i Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over Ing Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off- $49 90 7A 1T 8P road Equipment Under 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill Locator $49.48 7A 1T 8P ng Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill Operator $49.90 7A 1T 8P %ng Power Equipment Operators Hydrahfts/boom Trucks Over 10 $49 48 7A 1T 8P Tons rig Power Equipment Operators Hydrahfts/boom Trucks, 10 Tons And $47.12 7A 1T 8P ; Under mg Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. 8 Over $50 94 7A 1T 8P ng Power Equipment_Operators Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But Not $50.39 7A 1T 8P Including 8 Yards rig Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Overhead Under 6 Yards $49.90 7A 1T 8P rig Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Plant Feed $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $49.48 7A 1T 8P rig Power Equipment Operators Locomotives, All $49.90 7A 1T 8P 'ng Power Equipment Operators Material Transfer Device $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Mechanics, All (leadmen - $0.50 Per $50.94 7A 1T 8P Hour Over Mechanic) rig Power Equipment Operators Mixers: Asphalt Plant $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Motor Patrol Grader - Non-finishing $49.48 7A 1T 8P rig Power Equipment Operators Motor Patrol Graders, Finishing $50.39 7A 1T 8P ing Power Equipment Operators Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel Drill, $50.39 7A 1T 8P Boring, Road Header And/or Shield 5' � , . . . iKing Power Equipment Operators Oil Distributors, Blower Distribution $47.12 7A 1T 8P ' Et Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equipment Operators Outside Hoists (elevators And $49.48 7A 1T 8P Manlifts), Air Tuggers,strato King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons $50.39 7A 1T 8P Through 99 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Pavement Breaker $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pile Driver (other Than Crane Mount) $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $49.48 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Posthole Digger, Mechanical $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Power Plant $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pumps - Water $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Quick Tower - No Cab, Under 100 $47.12 7A 1T 8P Feet In Height Based To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Remote Control Operator On Rubber $50.39 7A 1T 8P Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Rigger And Bellman $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Rollagon $50.391 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $49.48 7A 1T 8P Materials King Power Equipment Operators Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Saws - Concrete $49.48 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Scraper, Self Propelled Under 45 $49.90 7A 1T 8P Yards King Power Equipment operators Scrapers Concrete Et Carry All $49.48 7A 1T 8P King Power-Equipment Operators Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 Yards $50.39 7A 1T 8P And Over King Power Equipment Operators Service Engineers - Equipment $49.48 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $47.12 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, $49.48 7A 1T 8P Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: Over 30 $50.39 7A 1T 8P Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $49.90 7A 1T 8P Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over $50.94 7A 1T 8P 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over $51.51 7A 1T 813 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Slipform Pavers $50.39 7A 1T 8P , King Power Equipment Operators Spreader, Topsider Et Screedman $50.39 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Subgrader Trimmer $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Bucket Elevators $49.48 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane Over 175'in Height, $51.51 7A 1T 8P Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane Up To 175' In Height $50.94 7A 1T 8P Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Transporters, All Track Or Truck $50.39 7A 1T BP Type King Power Equipment Operators Trenching Machines $49.48 7A 1_T 8P King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/dnver - 100 Tons $49.90 7A 1T 8P , • .. ..r n •. • • r •�• • • • .• • ..ten+.� And Over %ng Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver Under 100 $49.48 7A 1T 8P Tons Brig Power Equipment Operators Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $49.90 7A 1T 8P Ting Power Equipment Operators Welder $50.39 7A 1T 8P ing Power Equipment Operators Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $47.121 7A 1T 8P ng Power Equipment Operators Yo Yo Pay Dozer $49.90 7A 1T 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Asphalt Plant Operators $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment Operators- Assistant Engineer $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ? ng Power Equipment Operators- Barrier Machine (zipper) $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Batch Plant Operator, Concrete $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment Operators- Bobcat $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment-Operators- Brokk - Remote Demolition $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Equipment King Power-Equipment�erators- Brooms $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer_Et_Water ng Power Equipment Operators- Bump Cutter $49.90 7A 1T 8P ; Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment Operators- Cableways $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Chipper $49.90 7A 1T 8P Undergrou_n_d_S_e_wer Et Water nc Power Equipment Operators- Compressor $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer_Et Water ng Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer $_Water Boom Attachment Over 42 M ; King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Finish Machine -laser $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Screed ng Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump - Mounted Or Trailer $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer a Water High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. ng Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Boom Attachment Up To 42m ng Power Equipment Operators- Conveyors $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water With Attachments Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons ng Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 200 Tons To 300 Tons, Or $51.51 7A 1_T 8P Und_e_rground Sewer Et Water 250' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) ■ng Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons, $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And Under $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Friction 100 Tons Through $51.51 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 199 Tons l �ng Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Friction Over 200 Tons $52.07 7A 1T 8P a ubv a v va a Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Over 300 Tons Or 3W Of $52.07 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et_Water Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Through 19 Tons With $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Crusher $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Deck Engineer/deck Winches $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer_Et Water (power) ' King Power Equipment Operators_- Derricks, On Building Work $50.39 7A 1T 813 Underground Sewer-Et-Water King Power Equipment Operators- Dozer Quad 9, HD 41, D10 and Over $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground_Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Dozers D-9 £t Under $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck Or $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Crane Mount King Power Equipment Operators- Dnlling Machine $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Elevator And Man-lift: Permanent $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water And Shaft Type King Power Equipment Operators- Finishing Machine, Bidwell And $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power-Equipment Operators_- Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over With $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Attachments a King Power Equipment Operators- Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Grade Engineer: Using Blue Prints, $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Cut Sheets, Etc King Power Equipment Operators- Gradechecker/stakeman $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer E: Water King Power Equipment Operators- Guardrail Punch/Auger $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off- $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over ;King Power Equ�t Operators- Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off- $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water road Equipment Under 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/directional Drill Locator $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water , King Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/directional Drill Operator $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer E: Water King Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/boom Trucks Over 10 $49.48 7A 1T BP Underground Sewer Q Water Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/boom Trucks, 10 Tons And $47.12 7A 1T 813 Underground Sewer Et Water Under King Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. 8 Over $50.94 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But Not $50.39 7A IT 8P ' Underground Sewer Et Water Including 8 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Overhead Under 6 Yards $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Plant Feed $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $49.48 7A 1T I 8P a ubv a s va a i a Underground Sewer Et Water %ng Power Equipment Operators_- Locomotives, All $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment-Op erators- Material Transfer Device $49.90 7A 1T 8P UndergroundSewer Et.Water King Power Equipment Operators- Mechanics, All (leadmen - $0.50 Per $50.94 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Hour Over Mechanic) rig Power Equipment Operators- Mixers: Asphalt Plant $49.90 7A 1T 8P l Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power Equipment Operators- Motor Patrol Grader - Non-finishing $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Motor Patrol Graders, Finishing $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power Equipment Operators- Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel Drill, $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Boring, Road Header And/or Shield rig Power Equipment Operators- Oil Distributors, Blower Distribution $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Et Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equipment Operators- Outside Hoists (elevators And $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Manlifts), Air Tuggers,strato rig Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Through 99 Tons rig Power Equipment Operators- Pavement Breaker $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Pile Driver (other Than Crane Mount) $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power-Equipment Operators- Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water ng Power Equipment-Operators- Posthole Digger, Mechanical $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer 8 Water King Power Equipment Operators- Power Plant $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power Equipment Operators- Pumps - Water $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground-Sewer Et Water ng Power-Equipment Operators- Quick Tower - No Cab, Under 100 $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground_Sewer_Et_Water Feet In Height Based To Boom King Power Equipment-Operators- Remote Control Operator On Rubber $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer it Water Tired Earth Moving Equipment rig Power Equipment Operators- Rigger And Bellman $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power Equipment Operators- Rollagon $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer It Water King Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Materials rig Power Equipment Operators- Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Saws - Concrete $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water rig Power Equipment Operators- Scraper, Self Propelled Under 45 $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Yards ng Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry All $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 Yards $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer & Water And Over a ubv aa. va a 3 King Power-Equipment_Operators- Service Engineers - Equipment $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power_Equipment Operators- Shotcrete/gumte Equipment $47.12 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: Over 30 $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over $50.94 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer-Et Water 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over $51.51 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Slipform Pavers $50 39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Spreader, Topsider Et Screedman $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Subgrader Trimmer $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Bucket Elevators $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer a Water King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane Over 175'in Height, $51.51 7A IT 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane Up To 175' In Height $50.94 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Transporters, All Track Or Truck $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water Type 'King Power Equipment Operators- Trenching Machines $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water t King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 Tons $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/driver Under 100 $49.48 7A 1T 8P Underground-Sewer Et Water Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power_Equipment Operators- Welder $50.39 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water 1:King Power Equipment Operators- Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $47.12 7A 1T _8_P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Yo Yo Pay Dozer $49.90 7A 1T 8P Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Journey Level In Charge $41.951 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Spray Person $39.83 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Tree Equipment Operator $40.36 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Tree Trimmer $37.53 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Tree Trimmer Groundperson $28.35 5A 4A King Refrigeration Et Air Conditioning Journey Level $69.96 6Z 1G Mechanics King Residential Brick Mason Journey Level $47.87 5A 1M King Residential Carpenters Journey Level $28.20 1 King Residential Cement Masons Journey Level $22.64 1 King Residential Drywall Applicators Journey Level $38.08 5D 1M King Residential Drywall Tapers Journey Level $48.79 5P 1E „P . 01 , 1 1 Mf..V ♦J Vl 1 1 ng Residential Electricians Journey Level $30.331 1 ng Residential_Glaziers Journey Level $34.601 7L 1H ling Residential Insulation Applicators Journey Level $26.28 1 rig Residential Laborers Journey Level $23.03 1 King Residential-Marble Setters Journey Level $24.09 1 Ong Residential Painters Journey Level $24.46 1 Sing Residential Plumbers Et Pipefitters Journey Level $34.69 1 King Residential Refngeration Et Air Journey Level $69.96 6Z 1G Conditioning Mechanics rig Residential Sheet Metal_Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $40.04 7F 1R King Residential Soft Floor Layers Journey Level $41.95 5A 2Z ing Residential Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Journey Level $41.31 5C 2R Protection) ing Residential Stone Journey Level $47.87 5A 1M ng Residential_Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $43.93 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo/Tile Finishers Journey Level $21.46 1 Ong Residential Tile Setters Journey Level $25.17 1 ling Roofers Journey Level $43.65 5A 1R King Roofers Using Irritable Bituminous Materials $46.65 5A 111 ing Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $67.82 7F 1 E ng Shipbuilding a Ship Repair Boilermaker $34.13 7M 1H rig Shipbuilding Et Ship-Repair Carpenter $34.99 70 1B ng Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Electrician $34.90 70 _1_B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Heat Et Frost Insulator $55.68 5J 1S Ong Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Laborer $33.62 70 1B rig Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Machinist $34.62 70 1B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Operator $37.04 70 1B ng Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Painter $36.21 70 16 Ting Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Pipefitter $34.64 70 16 mg Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Rigger $34.67 70 16 rig Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Sandblaster $33.62 70 16 King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Sheet Metal $34.591 70 113 ng Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Shipfitter $34 67 70 1B ng Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Trucker $34.49 70 1B King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Warehouse $34.55 70 113 rig Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Welder/burner $34.67 70 1B Ting Sign Makers Et Installers (Electrical) Sign Installer $22.92 1 ng Sign Makers Et Installers (ElectncaL) Sign Maker $21.36 1 ng Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Sign Installer $27.28 1 Electrical) rig Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Sign Maker $33.25 1 Electrical) Y King Soft Floor Layers Journey Level $41.95 5A 2Z Ong Solar Controls For Windows Journey Level $12.44 1 rig Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Protection) Journey Level $68.79 5C 1X h, King Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Journey Level $13.23 1 Structural ng Stone Masons Journey Level $47.87 5A 1M ing Street And Parking Lot Sweeper Journey Level $19.09 1 Workers a usv a va a King Surveyors Assistant Construction Site Surveyor $49.481 7A 1T I 8P King Surveyors Chainman $48.961 7A 1T 8P King Surveyors Construction Site Surveyor $50.39 7A 1T 8P King Telecommunication Technicians Journey Level $22.76 1 King Telephone_Line Construction - Cable Splicer $34.20 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line_C_o_nstruction_ Hole Digger/Ground Person $18.72 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction_- Installer (Repairer) $32.78 5A 2B Outside -A King Telephone Line Construction - Special Aparatus Installer 1 $34.20 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Special Apparatus Installer II $33.51 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Equipment Operator $34.21 5A 2B Outside (Heavy) King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Equipment Operator $31.81 5A 2B Outside (Light) King Telephone Line Construction-- Telephone Lineperson $31.81 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line_Construction - Television Groundperson $18.16 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Television Lineperson/Installer $24.09 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Television System Technician $28.72 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Television Technician $25.81 5A 2B Outside King Telephone Line Construction___ Tree Trimmer $31.82 5A 2B Outside King Terrazzo_Workers Journey Level $43.93 5A 1M King Tile Setters Journey Level $21.651 1 King Tile, Marble Ft Terrazzo Finishers Finisher $37 76 5A 1B King Traffic_Control_Stnpers Journey Level $39.90 7A 1K King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix Over 16 Yards (W. WA- $46.72 5D 3A 8L Joint Council 28) King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix To 16 Yards (W. WA- $45.88 5D 3A 8L Joint Council 28) King Truck Drivers Dump Truck Et Trailer $46.721 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Dump Truck (W. WA-Joint Council $45.88 5D 3A 8L 28) King Truck Drivers Other Trucks (W. WA-Joint Council $46.72 5D 3A 8L 28) King Truck Drivers Transit Mixer $23.45 1 King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Irrigation Pump Installer $17 71 1 Installers King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Oiler $12.97 1 Installers King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Well Dnller $18.00 1 Installers BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 OVERTIME CODES OVERTIME CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE HOURLY RATE ACTUALLY PAID TO THE WORKER. ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS,THE HOURLY RATE MUST BE NOT LESS THAN THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGE MINUS THE HOURLY RATE OF THE COST OF FRINGE BENEFITS ACTUALLY PROVIDED FOR THE WORKER. 1 ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT # ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT(8)REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN(10)HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE iD. THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS BEFORE OR AFTER A FIVE - EIGHT(8) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY OR A FOUR- TEN (10) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED THE NEXT DAY AFTER EITHER WORKWEEK SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS WORKED AND ALL WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE E THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT(8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE F. THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN(10)HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE G. THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND THE FIRST TEN(10)HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ' H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS OR EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE I ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND DOUBLE THE ' HOURLY RATE OF WAGE J THE FIRST TWO (2)HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8)REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN(10)HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TEN (10) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE L ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE M ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF ' TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 , -2- O THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS,HOLIDAYS AND AFTER TWELVE (12)HOURS, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND AFTER TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF CIRCUMSTANCES WARRANT) AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 1 Q. THE FIRST TWO(2)HOURS AFTER EIGHT(8)REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND UP TO TEN (10)HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN(10)HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS(EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE ' THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE R ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE S. THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT(8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS AND ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE T WORK PERFORMED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY, OR TEN (10) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY WHEN FOUR TEN(10) HOUR SHIFTS ARE ESTABLISHED, OR FORTY(40)HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER WEEK, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY,OR OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SHIFT,AND ALL WORK ' ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TIME AND ONE-HALF THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE HOURS (12)IN A SINGLE SHIFT AND ALL WORK PERFORMED AFTER 6 00 PM SATURDAY TO 6 00 AM MONDAY AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE OF PAY THE EMPLOYER SHALL HAVE THE SOLE DISCRETION TO ASSIGN OVERTIME WORK TO EMPLOYEES PRIMARY CONSIDERATION FOR OVERTIME WORK SHALL BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYEES REGULARLY ASSIGNED TO THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED ON OVERTIME SITUATIONS AFTER AN EMPLOYEE HAS WORKED EIGHT(8)HOURS AT AN APPLICABLE OVERTIME RATE, ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS SHALL BE AT THE APPLICABLE OVERTIME RATE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE EMPLOYEE HAS HAD A BREAK OF EIGHT(8)HOURS OR MORE U ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE V ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS(EXCEPT THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY KATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON ' THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE W ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS DUE TO CONDITIONS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE EMPLOYER)) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY ' RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE X. THE FIRST FOUR(4)HOURS AFTER EIGHT(8)REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST , TWELVE (12) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE WHEN HOLIDAY FALLS ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, THE DAY BEFORE SATURDAY, FRIDAY, AND THE DAY AFTER SUNDAY, MONDAY, SHALL BE CONSIDERED THE HOLIDAY AND ALL WORK PERFORMED SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE Y ALL HOURS WORKED OUTSIDE THE HOURS OF 5 00 AM AND 5 00 PM (OR SUCH OTHER HOURS AS MAY BE , AGREED UPON BY ANY EMPLOYER AND THE EMPLOYEE)AND ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8) HOURS PER DAY (10 HOURS PER DAY FOR A 4 X 10 WORKWEEK) AND ON SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY)SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE (EXCEPT FOR EMPLOYEES WHO ARE ABSENT FROM WORK WITHOUT PRIOR APROVAL ON A SCHEDULED WORKDAY DURING THE WORKWEEK SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT-TIME RATE UNTIL THEY HAVE WORKED 8 HOURS IN A DAY (10 IN A 4 X 10 WORKWEEK) OR 40 HOURS DURING THAT WORKWEEK) ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON ' SUNDAYS AND LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ' BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 -3- 1. Z ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE OF PAY IN ADDITION TO HOLIDAY PAY 2 ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF ' WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE F. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE G. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE INCLUDING HOLIDAY PAY H ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY O ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 2 R. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS AND ALL HOURS WORKED OVER SIXTY (60) IN ONE WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 1 U ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED OVER 12 HOURS IN A DAY, OR ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ' W. THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT(8)REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ON A FOUR-DAY,TEN- HOUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE,EITHER MONDAY THRU THURSDAY OR TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY SCHEDULE,ALL HOURS WORKED AFTER TEN SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE THE FIRST EIGHT(8) HOURS WORKED ON THE FIFTH DAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED ON THE FIFTH, SIXTH, AND SEVENTH DAYS AND ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE Y ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS(EXCEPT FOR MAKE-UP DAYS)SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY OVER TWELVE ' (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE Z ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 00 P M AND 6 00 A M AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, EXCEPT FOR COMMERCIAL, OCCUPIED BUILDINGS WHERE FLOOR COVERING WORK CANNOT BE PERFORMED IN THE REGULAR DAYTIME HOURS DUE TO OCCUPANCY FOR SUCH OCCUPIED,COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, THE EMPLOYEE MAY AGREE TO WORK BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 00 PM TO 6 00 AM MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING AT 6 00 AM AT AN OVERTIME PAY RATE OF 10%OVER THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 3 A WORK PERFORMED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY, OR TEN (10) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY WHEN FOUR TEN(10)HOUR SHIFTS ARE ESTABLISHED, OR FORTY(40)HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER WEEK,MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY,OR OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SHIFT,AND ALL WORK ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TIME AND ONE-HALF THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE HOURS(12)IN A SINGLE SHIFT AND ALL WORK PERFORMED AFTER 6 00 PM SATURDAY TO 6 00 AM MONDAY AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE OF PAY ANY SHIFT BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 ' -4- STARTING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 00 PM AND MIDNIGHT SHALL RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL ONE DOLLAR ($1 00)PER HOUR FOR ALL HOURS WORKED THAT SHIFT ' THE EMPLOYER SHALL HAVE THE SOLE DISCRETION TO ASSIGN OVERTIME WORK TO EMPLOYEES PRIMARY CONSIDERATION FOR OVERTIME WORK SHALL BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYEES REGULARLY ASSIGNED TO THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED ON OVERTIME SITUATIONS AFTER AN EMPLOYEE HAS WORKED EIGHT(8) HOURS AT AN APPLICABLE OVERTIME RATE, ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS SHALL BE AT THE APPLICABLE ' OVERTIME RATE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE EMPLOYEE HAS HAD A BREAK OF EIGHT(8)HOURS OR MORE 4 ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ' ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE A ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID , AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE B ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS(EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE HOLIDAY CODES 5 A HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7) B. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) C. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) D. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) H. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS(6) L HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(6) J. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,CHRISTMAS EVE DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7) K. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9) L HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) N HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, , VETERANS'DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9) P HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS,AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) IF A HOLIDAY FALLS ON SUNDAY,THE FOLLOWING MONDAY SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A HOLIDAY R. PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,ONE-HALF DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7 112) 5. S PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,PRESIDENTS'DAY,MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY,LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7) ' BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 -5- ' T PAID HOLIDAYS- NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS(9) ' V PAID HOLIDAYS SIX(6)PAID HOLIDAYS Z. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY, ' THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) 6 A. PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,PRESIDENTS'DAY,MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY,LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) E. PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY,AND A HALF-DAY ON CHRISTMAS EVE DAY (9 112) G PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,CHRISTMAS DAY,AND CHRISTMAS EVE DAY(11) H. PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY,MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS,AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY(10) I PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7) 6. Q PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY,MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY,LABOR DAY,VETERANS DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) UNPAID HOLIDAY- PRESIDENTS'DAY T PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, ' LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9) Z HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY,LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) IF A HOLIDAY FALLS ON SATURDAY, THE PRECEDING FRIDAY SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS THE HOLIDAY IF A HOLIDAY FALLS ON SUNDAY,THE FOLLOWING MONDAY SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS THE HOLIDAY ' 7. A. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY IF ANY OF THE LISTED HOLIDAYS FALLS ON A SATURDAY,THE PRECEDING FRIDAY SHALL BE A REGULAR WORK DAY B. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY C. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY ' D PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERAN'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) UNPAID HOLIDAYS PRESIDENT'S DAY ANY PAID HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A 1 HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY PAID HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY E HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, ' THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 , -6- SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY ' F. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON ' THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY G HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, ' AND CHRISTMAS DAY(6) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY H. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY ' SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY 1. HOLIDAYS. NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENT'S DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY J. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY ' AND CHRISTMAS DAY(6) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY , K HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY L. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LABOR DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY 7 M PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, THE DAY AFTER OR BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENT'S DAY, , MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY AFTER OR BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY 10) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY , ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY N HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, ' THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY WHEN CHRISTMAS FALLS ON A SATURDAY,THE PRECEDING FRIDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY O PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, THE DAY AFTER OR BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENT'S DAY, ' MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY AFTER OR BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE EMPLOYEES BIRTHDAY 11) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A ' HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SATURDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE PRECEDING FRIDAY P HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY Q. HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) ANY HOLIDAY WHICH FALLS ON A SUNDAY SHALL BE OBSERVED AS A HOLIDAY ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY IF ANY OF THE LISTED HOLIDAYS FALLS ON A SATURDAY, THE PRECEDING ' FRIDAY SHALL BE A REGULAR WORK DAY ' BENEFIT CODE KEY-EFFECTIVE 08-31-2011 THRU 03-02-2012 -7- ' NOTE CODES ' 8 A IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS,THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE OVER 50'TO 100'-$2 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100'TO 150'-$3 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 150'TO 220'-$4 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 150 FEET OVER 220'-$5 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 220 FEET C IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS,THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE OVER 50'TO 100'-S1 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100'TO ISO'-$1 50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 150'TO 200'-$2 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 150 FEET ' OVER 200'-DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE D WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL$1 00 PER HOUR L WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS -LEVEL A $0 75, LEVEL B $0 50,AND LEVEL C $0 25 M WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS LEVELS A&B. ' $1 00,LEVELS C&D $0 50 N. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS-LEVEL A $1 00, LEVEL B SO 75,LEVEL C $0 50,AND LEVEL D $0 25 8 P. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS-CLASS A SUIT: $2 00,CLASS B SUIT $1 50, CLASS C SUIT $1 00,AND CLASS D SUIT$0 50 ' Q. THE HIGHEST PRESSURE REGISTERED ON THE GAUGE FOR AN ACCUMULATED TIME OF MORE THAN FIFTEEN(15)MINUTES DURING THE SHIFT SHALL BE USED IN DETERMINING THE SCALE PAID. 1 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE • Please FIII in All Applicable Boxes KENO\VqS HINGTON This form must be printed on cherry paper Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator Jim Storment Phone (Originator) 5550 Date Sent 3/5/12 Date Required 3/12112 Return Signed Document to Nancy Yoshitake CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: 30 working days VENDOR NAME: Restoration Logistics, LLC DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 2/21/12 Brief Explanation of Document The attached construction agreement is for Restoration Logistics to Install approximately 1,090 native plants, varying from one gallon to five gallon sizes for the Horseshoe Bend and Upper Russell Road Restoration Planting Project The project includes soil excavation, asphalt removal, installing fencing and irrigation, and maintaining plants for a 100% survival rate for two years All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) Received: PAi Approval of Law Dept. Law Dept Comments. �R 6 Z��2 �G lv;= KEN'T� LAW DEPT Date Forwarded to Mayor Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Ad on Staff Received. Recommendations & Comments: -- - ----=— r"', Dispositio 7 /Z-)4-t%� �"- ` f Date Returned: Iage5870_templatebase • 2/07