HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD07-300 - Amendment - #1 - Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC - License Agreement - 04/03/2012 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND THUNDERBIRD HOCKEY ENTERPRISES, LLC RECITALS A. On March 15, 2011, the city of Kent sent a Letter of Intent ("LOI"), to the Seattle Thunderbirds supporting an amendment to the Lease Agreement between the City and the Seattle Thunderbirds that would revise the sale of suites and club seats at the ShoWare Center. The LOI contemplated the following basic changes with regard to the seasonal sale of suites and club seats: 1. The Seattle Thunderbirds ("Team") would be the sole contractor for the sale of suite licenses for hockey games only and SMG, as the City's agent, would sell suites on an individual basis for all non-hockey events. 2. This Amendment would allow suite pricing at approximately $16,200 for a ten person suite, $19,440 for a twelve person suite, $22,680 for a fourteen person suite, and $25,920 for a sixteen person suite for all hockey games. 3. The Team would receive a 15% commission on all "full-season" hockey game-only suite sales. After accounting for any commission due, the Team would receive 60 percent and the City would receive 40% of the net proceeds of the sale of suites for hockey games. The Team would also advertise non-hockey events to its full database of customers for the purpose of selling suites to non-hockey events. The Team would also be required to make other reasonable efforts to sell suites to its customers for non-hockey events. If the Team sells a suite for a non-hockey event, the Team would receive a 15% commission. After accounting for the Team's commission, if any, the City would retain 100 percent of the net proceeds from the sale of suites for non-hockey events. 4. The Team would be allowed to sell, on a single game basis, tickets to any suite which is not under contract for a Hockey Event at a price to be determined by the Team. The F revenue from those sales would be included as both General Admission Revenue and as Net Ticket Proceeds. a First Amendment to City of Kent and Thunderbird Lease Agreement Page 1 of 6 5. All of the "performance clauses" represented in the Exhibits at the end of the current License Agreement would be mutually ad3usted to reflect the revised pricing structure of certain seats. 6. Club Seats would be reduced to $975.00 per seat on a Season Ticket basis. The City would receive the first $75.00 on each ticket sold on a Season Ticket basis, and the remaining $900 would be split with Thirty Percent (30% or $270) to the City, and Seventy Percent (70% or $630) to the Team. B. This First Amendment (Amendment) to the License Agreement by and between the City of Kent and Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC (License Agreement), amends the original License Agreement executed on August 7, 2007. All other provisions of the original Agreement not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the parties amend the License Agreement as follows: AMENDMENT 1. ADD the following definition to ARTICLE I, AGREEMENT DEFINITIONS: 1.22.1 "General Admission Revenue" means all revenue generated from the sale of all tickets to Hockey Events that are not season ticket Suite License sales. 2. DELETE Section 4.1 of the Agreement, entitled "Term; Performance Standard," and REPLACE with the following: 4.1 Term; Performance Standards (a) The term of this Agreement shall be binding and effective as of the Effective Date and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) years from the Occupancy Date. (b) The City or Team may terminate this Agreement effective as of the end of the Operating Year during which notice of termination is given to the other Party if (i) for any three consecutive Operating Years, the "General Admission Revenue," for Regular Season Games at the Arena equals less than each year's amount shown on Exhibit D in the column labeled "General Admission Revenue Target." (c) If for any two consecutive Operating years the General Admission Revenue for Regular Season Games at the Arena equals less than each year's amount shown on Exhibit D in the column labeled "General Admission Revenue Target," the City may, at its sole discretion, request that the WHL require the Team to produce a comprehensive business plan covering both business and hockey operations. If the WHL so requires such a plan, then upon receipt of the Team's business plan, the WHL and the City will jointly evaluate the plan and make recommendations regarding proposed actions by the Team to meet the performance standards If the Team agrees to the recommendations of the WHL/City, the Team will be granted two Operating Years, commencing in the Operating Year following the date of such recommendations, to achieve the performance standard set forth above, and the City may not terminate the Agreement at the end of the third First Amendment to City of Kent and Thunderbird Lease Agreement Page 2 of 6 low-attendance General Admission Revenue Operating Year as described in subsection (b), immediately above. However, if the General Admission Revenue for League Games at the Arena during those next two consecutive Operating Years (i.e., the third and fourth Operating Years) has low attendance that does not meet the General Admission Revenue Target; the City may then terminate this Agreement effective upon the last date of the fourth Operating Year with low attendance. If the Team does not provide a detailed business plan or does not substantially follow the actions recommended by the WHL/City, the provisions of subsection (b), above, shall then become effective and the then-current Operating Year shall serve as the final year of the evaluation period (which period will comprise a total of three Operating Years—the two consecutive Operating Years referenced at the beginning of this subsection plus the Operating Year referenced in this sentence). If the City does not request the WHL to require the Team to produce a comprehensive business plan, then the provisions of subsection (b), above, shall remain in effect as an alternative available to the City. (d) The Team will use its best efforts to obtain assurance by the WHL that if at any time during the term of this Agreement, the WHL determines that the Team is no longer a commercially viable operating member of the League and is unable to continue to operate, and as a result the Team forfeits or otherwise loses its franchise rights to the WHL, the WHL will offer the City the first option to purchase the franchise at fair market value or to find a buyer acceptable to the City and the WHL. (e) If the City terminates its license agreement with the Team without first availing itself of the procedure set forth above in Section 4.1.(c), the WHL will be under no obligation to maintain a WHL franchise in the Center. 3. DELETE Section 6.6 of the Agreement, entitled "Suites," in its entirety and REPLACE with the following: (a) The term, "Suite License" applies only to the sale of full-season hockey-only packages for one or more Suites. The term, "Individual Suite Sale" applies to all other Suite sales, whether for non-hockey events or individual hockey events. (b) On or before September 30 of each calendar year, the City and the Team will collaboratively develop the prices for Suite Licenses to be sold for the Operating Year that begins in the following calendar year. For the 2011-2012 Operating Year, tentatively agreed Suite License pricing is approximately as follows- $16,200 for a ten-person suite; $19,440 for a twelve-person suite, $22,680 for a fourteen-person suite; and, $25,920 for a sixteen-person suite. The prices listed above do not include Playoff Games, or other special Hockey Events that are not Team Regular Season League Games. Suite License Holders shall be required to buy tickets for Playoff Games as a part of their original Suite License, and any amounts paid for Playoff Games under a Suite License shall be divided between the Team and the City as described below Any amounts paid for Playoff Games or other Hockey Events that are not Team Regular Season League Games that are not for Suite Licenses (i.e. individual game tickets) shall not be subject to the revenue splits described below, and shall instead be listed as General Admission Revenue. Except as provided below, the Team shall be responsible for the sale of all Suite Licenses. The Team shall serve as the exclusive contractor to be responsible for the sale of Suite Licenses for Hockey Events, and shall receive a commission of fifteen percent (15%) of the revenues from the sale of Suite Licenses, plus, as described below, an amount equal to sixty percent (60%) of those revenues after the sales commission. The City shall retain the remaining forty (40%) of Suite License revenues after the sales commission. First Amendment to City of Kent and Thunderbird Lease Agreement Page 3 of 6 (c) Except as provided below, the City or the City's selected agent may market or sell all Individual Suite Sales for non-hockey events. The Team, however, will advertise non-hockey events to its full database of customers and make other reasonable efforts to sell individual suites for non-hockey events. If the Team completes an Individual Suite Sale for a non-hockey event, the Team will receive a 15% commission; otherwise the City will retain all Individual Suite Sale proceeds. For the purposes of this Section 6.6, any sale of a Suite to a non-hockey event to any customer in the Team's database shall be considered a sale made by the Team, and the Team shall be entitled to any commission due as if the Team had made the sale directly. Any subsequent sales of a Suite to a non- hockey event to any customer that was originally in the Team's database, but has moved into the City's database as a result of a prior sale shall still be considered a customer of the Team's, and the Team shall still be entitled to any and all commission due. Notwithstanding the above, events promoted by Feld Entertainment (limited to the following events: Disney on Ice, Disney Live, and the Ringling Brothers Circus), shall not be entitled to any commission for a sale to a customer in the Team's database. (d) Suite Licenses shall permit their holders to view all Hockey Events without additional charge and to use the lounge, VIP entrance, Suite level restrooms and Premium Reserve Parking allocated to the Suites. Suite Licenses shall not permit their holders to attend non-hockey events, or events that are not open to the general public, and/or events for which admission is not charged. However, holders of Suite Licenses for Hockey Events shall be provided with the privilege of buying the suite for Non-Hockey Events at the price that suite would be offered to the general public, and those Suite License holders will have the opportunity to purchase the suite for those Non-Hockey Events in advance of tickets going on sale to the general public, so long as the advanced sale can be reasonably accomplished given the nature and scheduling of the event. (e) For any Hockey Event where a Suite is not subject to a Suite License or an Individual Suite Sale, the Team may offer tickets for Box Seats in that Suite to the general public on a per-seat basis at a price to be established by the Team. The proceeds from the sale of such Box Tickets shall be included as both Net Ticket Proceeds and General Admission Revenue and not under this Section. (f) The City shall reset ve a Suite for its use at any and all times, and at no charge to the City. The City may make the Suite available to governmental, nonprofit, and school persons or entities, and may determine whether or not to charge for that use. The City shall, by providing notice to the Team on or before August 1 of each year, have the right to make its Suite available for sale for an entire Season; in that event, the Team shall have the option of selling that Suite for that Season to a single person or entity, or to sell Box Seats in that Suite on a per-seat basis, and all receipts for the seasonal sale of that Suite or those Box Seats shall be shared with the Team as General Admission Revenue and shall also be included as Net Ticket Proceeds. (g) The Team shall have the right to use a Suite for both Hockey Events and Non-Hockey Events, at no charge to the team, excluding, however, events that are not open to the general public or events for which admission is not charged. The team may, in its sole discretion, sell tickets to its Suite for any Hockey Event as individual game tickets. The sale of such tickets shall be treated as if the sale occurred under Paragraph 6.6(e). First Amendment to City of Kent and Thunderbird Lease Agreement Page 4 of 6 J 4. DELETE Section 6.7 of the Agreement entitled, "Club Seats" in its entirety and REPLACE with the following: (a) The Team shall have the right to sell Club Seats for Hockey Events. The price per each Hockey Event Season Ticket Club Seat for the 2011-2012 season will be $975.00, unless the Team and the City agree otherwise. A purchaser of a Club Seat will be a season ticket holder for Hockey Events, and that purchaser will have the privilege of using the Suite level lounge, VIP entrance, Suite level restrooms, Premium Reserved Parking, and such other privileges upon which the Team and the City agree. (b) The City shall have the right to determine the price of and sell (or to contract for the price determination and sale of) Club Seats for Non-Hockey events and the City shall retain or control the distribution of all revenues with respect thereto. The City shall also have the right to make Club Seats available for Center uses that do not constitute either Hockey Events or Non-Hockey Events (e.g. governmental or community meetings or events at which admission is not charged). However, holders of Club Seats for Hockey Events shall be provided with the privilege of buying seats for Non-Hockey Events at the price of those seats to the general public, and those Club Seat holders will have the opportunity to purchase those seats for such Non-Hockey Events in advance of tickets going on sale to the general public, so long as such advanced sale can be reasonably accomplished given the nature and scheduling of the event. Nevertheless, this does not provide Club Seat holders with an opportunity to purchase tickets in Club Seats at events that are not open to the general public, or to attend events for which admission is not charged. (c) All revenues realized from the sale of Hockey Event Season Ticket Club Seats shall be allocated between City and Team as follows: the first seventy-five dollars ($75.00) of revenue from the sale of a Club Seat Season tickets shall be paid to the City, and the balance of revenue from the sale of Club Seats shall be allocated thirty percent (30%) to the City and seventy percent (70%) to the Team. (d) If the Team does not sell a Club Seat on a Season Ticket or License basis for a Hockey Event, the Team may offer tickets for Club Seats to the general public on a per- seat basis at a price to be determined by the Team. The proceeds from the sale of Club Seats sold on a season ticket or license basis and all individual Club Seat ticket sales shall be included in the General Admission Revenue Target and as General Admission Revenue. The proceeds of such an individual club seat sale shall also be included as Net Ticket Proceeds. (e) The Team shall bear the costs of sales of Club Seats and shall not be entitled to a commission on any Club Seats sold. 5. DELETE Exhibit C to the License Agreement. 6. DELETE Exhibit D to the License Agreement and REPLACE with the new Exhibit D attached to this Amendment. 7. DELETE Exhibit E to the License Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are First Amendment to City of Kent and Thunderbird Lease Agreement Page 5 of 6 hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of pegury that they are authorized to enter Into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, by executing this Amendment, the parties below accept all requirements of this Amendment, which will take effect on the last date entered below. THUNDERBIRD HOCKEY ENTERPRISES, CITY OF KENT: LLC: By:_ (signatu e) _(signature) � /� P(int Na �LC P 1tPrint Name: % « lize# I Its 7 4- Nl ) (title) DATE: �- DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applic�abble if Mayor's signature required) NNE/ Ke t Wo Law Department r P\Civil\Files\Open Files\1560-Showare\Thunderbirds-Forst Amendment-Final docx 5 1 First Amendment to City of Kent and Thunderbird Lease Agreement Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT C Deleted by First Amendment to License Agreement f*hmot-e Sales, Tieket/Gence99wensiGlub Seats Revenue Pro For GenEesslen and Glub Seats in eaeh GpeFating YeaF ef the AgFeement-Pg'iu wzhc G�ty. Tieket cv� Gub T-E�t� Actual Guflcmd��u`a"vc Yea ncv'cRcic rcc-veftve Seats Tccvirtvc ncvcTrcic o �()E)8/}()9 $7GanC7C7 $?C () $030 4G2 2()09719 •zcn n20 215,009 854,628 2n� 277 2n7 370 14 C 21 C nnn 870,392 rrr/z-Tr �� r-r✓'�vvv /n12 276 C?C 770 71 n 21 n Cnn 8741748 T 3 279 7n? ?07 ACC 71n Cnn 8821658 07 GCO 7DTTTJ �T�JI C7V IIGrP/ JQ 7n� 270 7G0 374 1 n7 71 n Cnn 8p6�� 4�6�5� �00 II�7 701_d!1_5 777 GO? 383f A 53 224,990 OOC i ?O G 704 Cnn 393,149 224,999 flnl 7A0 21116/i;z 291,691 402,846 224,990 91 O C?7 7nn 7n0 9G7 d1 7 n0? 228 O!'1f) nA7�J =7CnVL' � //-OVV / -�n� ?nG Ann 423 17n ;228 onn nro 329 7�jT�J TlTZZV 29 71 n n3n n77 cn0 g n7c C77 �z-r�v�T �v / �-v�.rsc 322 017 nnn 717 73•� cnn 1 nnn 73n �7Tr r�vvv rvvv��v 77�7 ACC "I']� i /n1TQ'i'T329 7nn 338,327 dG / I 7fi_95 ']7 1 zIv n- Tr!122 2n� 7AG GG1 A70 GCC 238 7nn 7TP/V�T � � / ! C 755 349 Ann CCC 738 7nn 1,984,694 2025(26 '7G�S Cnn '1?� i 1�= �V I 1 1 I / 27 373 436 C1 C L78 7A7 Onn 1,132,914 7I7j�TQ ZTJ�O'V O ?O�7- C•)� 2431800 Ate? O00 1 1 C�Z6 ?n7 232 CA 1 682 243 890 1 1 77 71 A Z v L V'c./ �7'ZZTG �� Z'TJ �V/ V T/T7T7ZT 2029/30 Ani nOA CCC 345 248 fllll) i 206 7']n TOT/7VT � !7[TC T�L'�J 7(1211/i Ai��L CG(1 !l/10 ']AO nnn 1 23O nnn Z�Jv7 / 7PT/-�V� 7n� 4•)� 376 CObi 7ilk 1 7CII r ! ! ! r 7n� n32 n1r 5n�& 254 7nn 1 2OC n17 r�vi� / z-✓-T-/�vv �� 2033 34 443 O?"I G19 LA7 7Ci1 ?nn 1,310,775 Z�J JT TTJ�SL VZTVTJ � ' 2034/35 454,826 ��� or� 7CA ?nn 11 337 19C ? �j 7 �VV Tj�/STJ 2035/36 466,352 Gil� 936 7C� 1 7�Qy 2 n� et 7rr> ,877 659,803 2�-rvv z 3 n; 3vv 8 nO� 6:76,5 1 2C� i AA7�G0 Exhibit b Minimum Regular Seat Revenues Under the terms of Section 4,1(c)of this Agreement,the following are the standards for general admission paid attendance revenue in each operating year of the Agreement. v ra a General General General Admissign Admisgion Admission AttgOdance Revenue Year Ticket Price Target Tareet 2008/09 $ 13.50 114,156 $ 1,541,106 2009/10 13.50 114,156 1,541,106 2010/11 13.50 114,156 1,541,106 2011/12 13.50 124,200 1,676,700 2012/13 13.77 124,200 1,710,234 2013/14 1405 124,200 1,744,439 2014/15 14.33 124,200 1,779,327 2015/16 14.61 124,200 1,814,914 2016/17 14.91 124,200 1,851,212 2017/18 15.20 124,200 1,888,237 2018119 15.51 124,200 1,926,001 2019/20 15.82 124,200 1,964,521 2020/21 16.13 124,200 2,003,812 2021/22 16,46 124,200 2,043,888 2022/23 16.79 124,200 2,084,766 2023/24 17,12 124,200 2,126,461 2024/25 17.46 124,200 2,168,990 2025/26 17.81 124,200 2,212,370 2026/27 1817 124,200 2,256,617 2027/28 18.53 124,200 2,301,750 2028/29 18.90 124,200 2,347,785 2029/30 19.28 124,200 2,394,740 2030/31 19.67 124,200 2,442,635 2031/32 20.06 124,200 2,491,488 2032/33 2046 124,200 2,541,318 2033/34 20.87 124,200 2,592,144 2034/35 21.29 124,200 2,643,987 2035/36 21.71 124,200 2,696,867 2036/37 22.15 124,200 2,750,804 2037/38 22.59 124,200 2,805,820 \ REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE Z KFENT Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator: Tim Higgins 11,iGi „ ,'N,'_ Phone (Originator). 6701 Date Sent: 4/3/12 Date Required: ASAP Return Signed Document to: Tim Higgins CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: N/A VENDOR NAME: Thunderbird Hockey DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 12/13/2011`- . Enter rises, LLC Brief Explanation of Document: This agreement between the City and the Seattle Thunderbirds would revise the sale of suites and club seats at the ShowWare Center. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (This area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept.: � ��� Law Dept. Comments: APR ®3 2012 KEN Date Forwarded to Mayor: T W DEiU1. Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration St y � 1 C' Received: Recommendations and Comments: tit Cam CIF ht,; Disposition: .��j�/�' 9 L ,121e�e' fyy Date Returned: