HomeMy WebLinkAboutL026-11 - Other - Goodman Real Estate, Inc. - Seller Disclosure Statement - 09/30/2011 Records M em KENO" Document WASH,H OTOH CONTRACT COVER SKEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerics Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: �/� Of I Vendor Number: ]D Edwards Number Contract Number: 45 C ll This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Descri tion: ❑;nterlocal reea ent ❑/than e Order ❑ Amendment Contract p Other: d PI6{�� ✓r�21 �S-5a L e � ' et J1� Contract Effective Date: !1136111 Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager CL )4partment: (— co 1 A Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): L(r-� jk�f S All S:Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 Forth 17 Commercial OCopydght 2010 Seller Disclosure Statement-Commercial SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT'S Nest Multiple Listing Service Rev 6110 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 4 ll (� Kan COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SELLER: C 1 T O t Kan iL I 1 f To be used HrItansfers of commetctal real estate as defined in RCW 60 42 005 See RCW Chapter 6406 for further 2 explanations 3 a INSTRUCTIONS TO THE SELLER 4 Please complete the following form Do not leave any spaces blank If the question clearly does not apply to the property write 5 , 'NA"If the answer is"yes"to any asterisked(*) ttem(s),please explain on attached sheets Please refer to the line numbet(s)of 6 the questiou(s) when you provide your explanation(s) For your protection you must date and initial each page of this disclosure 7 statement and each attachment Delivery of the disclosure statement must occur not Intel than five (5) business days, unless 8 otherwise agreed,after mutual acceptance of wtuten purchase and sale agreement between Buyer and Seller 9 NOTICE TO THE BUYER t0 THE FOLLOWING DISCLOSURES ARE MADE By SELLER ABOUT THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED I I AT 4 3Q West St'I'ti lli 51reet 12 CITY Ken+- COUNTY Kirt ("THE PROPERTY") 13 OR AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON T HE ATTACHED EXHOfT A. SELLER MAKES THE FOLLOWING DISCLOSURES 14 OF EXISTING MATERIAL FACTS OR MATERIAL DEFECTS TO BUYER BASED ON SELLER'S ACTUAL 15 KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROPERTY AT THE TIME SELLER COMPLETES THIS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT UNLESS 16 YOU AND SELLER OTHERWISE AGREE IN WRITING, YOU HAVE THREE (3) BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE DAY 17 SELLER OR SELLER'S AGENT DELIVERS THIS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT TO YOU TO RESCIND THE 18 AGREEMENT BY DELIVERING A SEPARATELY SIGNED WRITTEN ST'AIEMENT OF RESCISSION TO SELLER OR 19 SELLER'S AGENT IF THE SELLER DOES NOT GIVE YOU A COMPLETED DISCLOSURE STATEMENT,THEN YOU 20 MAY WANE THE RIGHT TO RESCIND PRIOR TO OR AFTER THE TIME YOU ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AND 21 SALE AGREEMENT 22 THE FOLLOWING ARE DISCLOSURES MADE BY SELLER AND ARE NOT THE REPRESENTATIONS 23 OF ANY REAL ESTATE LICENSEE OR OTHER PARTY THIS INFORMATION IS FOR DISCLOSURE. ONLY 24 AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A PART OF ANY WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUYER AND 25 SELLER ❑ 26 FOR A MORE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION OF THE SPECIFIC CONDITION OF THIS 27 PROPERTY YOU ARE ADVISED TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR THE SERVICES OF QUALIFIED EXPERTS 28 TO INSPECT TIIE PROPERTY, WHICH MAY INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ARCHITECTS, 29 ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, PLUMBERS, ELECTRICIANS, ROOFERS, BUILDING INSPECTORS, 30 ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT INSPECTORS, OR STRUCTURAL PEST INSPECTORS THE 31 PROSPECTIVE BUYER AND SELLER MAY WISH TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OR 32 INSPECTIONS OF THE PROPERTY OR TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE PROVISIONS IN A CONTRACT 33 i BETWEEN THEM WITH RESPECT TO ANY ADVICE, INSPECTION, DEFECTS OR WARRANTIES 34 Seller❑is/❑ Is not occupying the ptoperty 35 1. SELLER'S DISCLOSURES: 36 *If you answer "Yes" to a question with an asterisk(*),please explain your answer and attach documents, if available and 37 not otherwise publicly recorded If necessary,use an attached sheet 38 YES NO DON'T 39 1. TITLE KNOW 40 A. Do you have legal authority to sell the property?If no,please explain ■ ❑ ❑ 41 *B Is title to the property subject to any of the following? 42 (1)First right of tefusal ❑ ■ ❑ 43 (2)Option ❑ ■ ❑ 44 (3)Lease or rental agreement ❑ ■ ❑ 45 (4)Life estate? ❑ ■ ❑ 46 *C Are there any encroachments,boundary agreements,or boundary disputes? ❑ ❑ 47 *D Is there any leased parking? 0 ■ ❑ 48 *E Is there a private road or easement agreement for access to the property's ❑ ■ ❑ 49 *F Are there any rights-of-way,easements,shared use agreements or access limitations? ❑ ■ 0 50 *G Are there any wi itien agreements for joint maintenance of an easement or right-of-way? O ■ O 51 *H Are there any zoning violations or nonconforming uses? ❑ ■ C7 52 *I Is thete n survey for the property9 ❑ ■ ❑ 53 *I. Are there any legal actions pending of threatened that affect the property? ❑ ■ C7 54 *K Is the property otnpltance with the Antei scans with Disabilities Act? ❑ ❑ 55 SELLER'S INITIALS DATE:— ' ��SELLER'S INITIALS- DATE. I q 'I Form 17 Commercial SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ®CoPYr19ht2010 Seller Disclosure Statement-Commercial COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev 6110 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2 of 4 (Continued) YES NO DON'T 56 2. WATER KNOW 57 *Are there any water rights for the property,such as a water right permit,certificate,or claim? ❑ r lQ 58 3. SEWER/ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM 59 *Is the property subject to any sewage system tees or charges in addition to those covered 60 in your regularly billed sewer or on-site sewage system maintenance service'? 0 ■ O 61 4. STRUCTURAL --W(A C�I�I7%1q � �T� -Jo be �l r� �D �-62 1 *A Has the roof leakedwithin the last earsv ❑ ❑ 63 *B Has any occupied subsurface flooded or leaked within the last five years? ❑ ❑ 64 *C Have there been any conversions,additions or remodelingv ❑ ❑ ■ 65 *(1) If yes,were all building permits obtained? ❑ G ■ 66 *(2) If yes,were all final inspections obtained'? B a ■ 67 *D. Has there been any settling,slippage,or sliding of the property or its unprovements? ❑ ❑ 68 *E. Are there any defects with the following (If yes,please check applicable items and explain) ❑ O s 69 Q Foundations ❑ Slab Floors 70 ❑ Doors ❑ Outbuildings 71 8 Ceilings ❑ Exterior Walls 72 G Sidewalks ❑ Siding 73 ❑ Interior Walls ❑ Other 74 ❑ Windows ���L t ,�,I 75 5. SYSTEMS AND FIXTURES — N'� �1(� hQ I111 11�GT5 'K� ��1D1► "" r"'^ —' *7� *A Ai e there any defects in the following systems9 Iryes,please explain. ❑ ❑ ■ 77 (1) Electrical system ❑ ❑ ■ 78 (2) plumbing system ❑ O ■ 79 (3) Heating and cooling systems ❑ ❑ ■ 80 (4) Fire and security system ❑ ❑ # 81 6. ENVIRONMENTAL 82 *A Have there been any flooding standing water,or drainage problems on the property that affect 83 the property or access to the property? ❑ ■ ❑ 84 *B. Is there any material damage to the property from tire,wind,floods,beach movements, 85 earthquake,expansive soils,or landslides? ❑ ■ ❑ 86 *C Are there any shorelines,wetlands,floodplains,or critical areas on the property? ❑ ■ ❑ 87 *D Are there any substances,materials,or products in or on the property that may be environmental 88 concenm,such as asbestos, formaldehyde,radon gas,lead-based paint,fuel or chemical 89 storage tanks,or contanunated soil or vatery ❑ ❑ 90 *E Is there any soil or groundwater contamination? ❑ ■ ❑ 91 *F Has the property been used as a legal or illegal dumping sitev C3 ■ ❑ 92 *G Has the property been used as an illegal drug manufacturing site? ❑ ❑ 93 7. FULL DISCLOSURE BY SELLER 94 A. Other conditions or defects 95 i *Are there any other existing material defects affecting the property that a prospective 96 buyer should know about? ❑ is 0 97 SELLER'S INITLALS• DATE: _SELLER'S IWT1ALS. DATE- P li I I 1 I Form 17 Commercial SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ®Cop 2010 Seiler Disclosure Statement-Commercial COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Northwest Multiple Listing Service Rev 6110 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 3 of 4 (Continued) B. Verification 98 The foregoing answers and attached explanations (if any)are complete and conect to the best of Seller's knowledge 99 and Seller has received a copy hereof Seller agrees to defend, indeimnfy and hold real estate licensees harmless from 100 and against any and all claims that the above information is inaccurate Seller authorizes real estate licensees, if any,to 101 dehvelAe _�,ew�_ disclosure statement to othei real estate licensees and all prospective buyers of the property 102 Date: 1� Date. 103 Seller Seller. 104 96. t)f T(U 1 evy\ NOTICE TO BUYER 105 SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION 106 INFORMATION REGARDING REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM LOCAL LAW 107 i ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES. THIS NOTICE IS INTENDED ONLY TO INFORM YOU OF WHERE TO 108 OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION AND IS NOT AN INDICATION OF THE PRESENCE OF REGISTERED SEX 109 OFFENDERS. 110 1I. BUYER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT t I 1 Buyer hereby acknowledges that 112 A. Buyer has a duty to pay diligent attention to any material defects that are known to Buyer or can be known to Buyer by 113 utilizing diligent attention and observation 114 B The disclosures set forth in this statement and in any amendments to this statement are made only by Seller and not by 115 any real estate licensee or other party 116 C Buyer acknowledges that, pursuant to RCW 64 06 050(2),real estate licensees are not liable for inaccurate information 117 provided by Seller,except to the extent that real estate licensees know of such maccurate information 118 D Tlus information is for disclosure only and is not intended to be a part of the written agreement between Buyer and 119 Seller 120 E. Buyer(which term includes all persons signing the "Buyer's acceptance" portion of this disclusuie statement below) 121 has received a copy of this Disclosure Statement(including attachments,If any)bearing Seller's signature(s) 122 DISCLOSURES CONTAINED IN THIS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ARE PROVIDED BY SELLER BASED ON 123 SELLER'S ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROPERTY AT THE TIME SELLER COMPLETES THIS DISCLOSURE 124 STATEMENT UNLESS BUYER AND SELLER OTHERWISE AGREE IN WRITING,BUYER SHALL HAVE THREE(3) 125 BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE DAY SELLER OR SELLER'S AGENT DELIVERS THIS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT TO 126 RESCIND THE AGREEMENT BY DELIVERING A SEPARATELY SIGNED WRITTEN STATEMENT OF RESCISSION 127 TO SELLER OR SELLER'S AGENT YOU MAY WAIVE THE RIGHT TO RESCIND PRIOR TO OR AFTER THE TIME 128 YOU ENTER INTO A SALE AGREEMENT. 129 a BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND 130 ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE DISCLOSURES MADE HEREIN ARE THOSE OF THE SFLLER ONLY,AND NOT OF 131 ANY REAL ESTATE LICENSEE OR OTHER PARTY }� 132 DATE DATE: 2 133 BUYER BUYER 134 t SELLER'S INITIALS DATE ( SELLER'S INI-IIALS DATE Form 17 Commercial SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT �Op 2010 Seller Disclosure Statement-Commercial i Rev COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Nort Multiple Page 4t oft 4 (Continued) BUYER'S WAIVER OF RIGHT TO REVOKE OFFER 135 Buyer has read and reviewed Seller's responses to tlus Seller Disclosure Statement Buyer approves this statement and waives 136 Buyer's right to revoke Buyer's offer based on this disclosure. 137 1 d DATE DATE: 138 t a BUYER: BUYER: 139 BUYER'S WAIVER OF RIGHT TO RECEIVE COMPLETED SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 140 Buyer has been advised of Buyer's right to receive a completed Seller Disclosure Statement. Buyer waives that nght 141 However, if the answer to any of the questions in the section entitled"Environmental"would be"yes,"Buyer may not waive 142 the receipt of the"Environmental"section of the Seller Disclosure Statement 143 DATE DATE 144 BUYER. BUYER- 145 If the answer is"Yes"to any asterisked(*) items,please explain below(use additional sheets if necessary).Please refer to the 146 tine number(s)of the question(s). 147 C 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 n SELLER'S INITIALS DATE SELLER'S INITIALS. DATE \ -.000". REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KtNT Please Fill In All Applicable Boxes i Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator: Tom Brubaker Phone (Originator): 5786 Date Sent: 09/30/11 Date Required: 09/30/11 Return Signed Document to: Kim Komoto CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: N/A VENDOR NAME: Goodman Real Estate DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 9/20/11 Brief Explanation of Document: Real Estate Form 17 for Kent City Center All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department REDe..("( is t® be completed by the Law Department) Received: f Approval of Law Dep�t�:I�'SEP 3 4 2011 ` Law Dept. Commertt` 97-N LAW DEPT Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: ' E � � � Recommendations and Comments: ft,T r, Disposition: CITY OF h=NT 6TY CLERX Date Returned: