HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-280 - Original - WSDOT - SR 515 Turnback Agreement No. TB 1-0065 - 01/02/1992 Records Man.-- ge, MA)�KENT Wqs„,NGrov Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. r Vendor Name: State of Washington Dept of Transportation Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: YOU L a2 8o This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: SR 515 Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ® Other: Turnback agreement Contract Effective Date: 1/2/1992 Termination Date: Indef Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Ingrid Willms-Dixon Department: Public Works Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): SR 515, Benson Road, between SE 240th St. and SE 196th St. Section 17-22-5; Sec 8-22-5; Sec 5-22-5 S Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11108 AP Depwirnwd of TrompoeurBM ORGANIZATION' AND ADDRESS j CITY/TOWN TURNBACK City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South AGREEMENT Kent, WA 98031 „ AGREEMENT NLMBER SECTION/LOCATION TB 1-0065 SE 240th Street to SE 196th Street 1 6 3 SIVE R0bTE CON I ROL SFCr10? DISTRICT NJN"BER NUMBER NLMBER t t 515 1741 1 , THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered :nto this .� r� day o.f n;t.I tart,VL- 19 a, between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, Department of TranSwrtation,acting by and through the Secretary of Transporta- tion, hereinafter called the "STATE", and the above named organization, hereinafter called the "CITY" WHEREAS, the STATE is planning the construction or improvement of a section of state route as shown above, and WHEREAS, the STATE. will abandon a portion of an existing state highway and/or construct, reconstruct, or rearrange 1 certain city streets, frontage roads, access roads, intersections, ramps, crossings and/or other pertinent features, and x WHEREAS,construction of this facility including rearranged city streets and other features will necessitate the transfer of jurisdiction from the CITY to the STATE of those rights of way, and WHEREAS, upon completion of construction of this facility it is necessary to describe the division of responsibility of the STATE and CITY in the ownership, maintenance and reconstruction of this roadway and other features, anti provide for the transfer of rights accord nigh NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of Title 47 24,010 and 47.52,210, and pursuant to WAC 468-18-050, "Policy on the construction,improvement and maintaining of intersections of state highways and aty streets", WAC 468-30-075, "Procedure for transfer of abandoned state highways to cities and towns" and in consideratic„ of the terms, conditions, covenants and performance contained herein or attached and Incorporatec and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS, CITY RIGHT OF WAY CIt t COMPLETION INSPECTION The CITY agrees that the transfer of jurisdiction and/ Upon completion of construction of the facilities cov- or ownership of 211 city rights of way needed for the construe- cred by this AGREEMENT, an inspection by representa- tion of flits facility shall be governed by R.C.W. 47 24010 tives of the STATE and CITY shall be, made to determine and/or R C.W. 47.52.210 Prior to commencement of eon- that the requirements of this AGREEMENT have been ful- struction, the STATE will notify the CITY in writing that it filled will assume jurisdiction and relieve the CITY from all re- sponsibility in the operation,maintenance and reconstruction The CITY, following satisfactory completion of the thereon until construction is complete, joint inspection, will provide the STATE a letter agreeing to II accept the facilities covered by this AGREEMENT ir. inch present condition ABANDONED STATE HIGHWAY IV 11 a pub:ic highway which is or has been a part of the TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION route of a state highway and is no longer necessary as such is Subsequent to the completion of construction, opening a to be certified to the CITY, it will be included in the plans to public use and receipt of the CITY's letter of aceeptance, marxed Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference the STATE will notify the CITY in writing of its intent to made a part of this AGREEMENT. transfer jurisdiction of these features as shown on the at- ln those cases involving abandonment of a stare high- tached plans marker Exhibit "A" The CITY agrees to ac- cept sa,c abandoned highway, rearranged city streets, way. a jo tit maintenance inspection by representatives of the frontage roads, cud-de-sacs and ter features, including STATE and CITY shall be held onar to en:erng into t,iis right of way, access control and other property rights, and to AGREEMENT and all agreed to deficiencies if any, shall a be enumerated in detail and included as wart of Exhibit"A relieve the STATE fron all respcnsibibties in the opera-.ion, maintenance and reconstruction of these features Exhibit items of work, if any,which cannot be agreed to prior to "A" is colored, wherever applicable, as follows executing .his AGREE14ENT, shall aim be enumerated in Red indicates construction and rights of way to be con- detail and included -b part of F c,nbit "A' veyed to the CITY 4 indicates casements to be conveyed to the CITY. V fellow indicates non-el-e-ating properties to be corveycd to RECORDED CONVEYANCE the CITY Thcsc properties are considered necessary Within six months following the nonce to transfer iuris- for the cont•nued maintenance of the a-eas snoten in diction, the STATE will furnish the CITY a recorded con- red and/or blue color vevance of those features shown in red, blue, yellow, crange Green indicates areas within the highway right of way to be and jor brown color on the plans marked Exhib•t "A'. 11 maintained and reconsir;ictcd by .he CITY Except The forthcoming instrument will be subject to the fol- for snow and ice removal maintenance and recon- lowing restrictions. ** SEE BELOW struction of the separation st-uctures shall be they responsibihby of the STATE xixwxx xxIYx Orange indicates access control and access rights to be Con- X�t� gR7fdG�drilb�p:1 [s2g7£tXtY veyed to the CITY Ties-- rights may he maintained or dispceec of by the CITE` and any r-vtnue result- ing from said disposal shall be placed in the CITY'sj street fund and used exclusively for street rurposes. VI Brown indicates access control and access rights to be con- LEGAL RELATIONS veyed to the CITY. These rights shall be maintained by the CITY and will not be trarsferred,said,aban- No liability sball attach to the STATE or CITY by doned. vacated, or otherwise altered cr disposed of reason of entering into this ACREEk4ENT except as ex- without prior written approval of tite STATE. pressly provided herein IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year first above written CITY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEP;s;trict ;Adr,)jnis, T OF TRAM' RTATION By 'it r of Kent � B ator Date. ** It is understood and agreed that the above referenced property is transferred for road purposes only, and no other use shall be shade of said property without prior written notification to the grantor. Revenues resulting from any vacation, sale or rental of this property, or any portion thereof, shall be placed in the grantee's road/street fund and used exclusively for read purposes, except that the grantee may deduct the supportable direct costs of any such vacation, sale or rental- DOTT %W'l i_b4d""? LO t npnl 9tla p>;A-174 l