HomeMy WebLinkAboutES11-246 - Original - NEOGOV, Inc. - Insight Enterprise Edition - 08/01/2011 M � Service Agreement THIS ON-LINE SERVICES AGREEMENT(this"Agreement")is made and entered into this 1st day ofAugust,2011, by and between GovernmentJobs.com, Inc., a California corporation (dro/a "NEOGOV"), and the City of Kent, Washington a public entity acting by and through its duly appointed representative("Customer"). 1. Provision of On-line Services. (a) Customer hereby engages NEOGOV,and NEOGOV hereby agrees(subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein),to provide the services(the"Services")more fully described in this Agreement and in Exhibit A(Order Form). Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that NEOGOV's provision and performance ofthe Services is dependent and conditioned upon Customer's full performance of its duties,obligations and responsibilities hereunder 2. Additional NEOGOV Responsibilities.In connection with the performance ofthis Agreement,NEOGOV shall be responsible for the following (a) NEOGOV shall provide all required hosting and operations support for the applications provided through this agreement (b) NEOGOV shall follow those support, maintenance and other procedures and shall provide those support, maintenance and other services to Customer more fully described in this Agreement. 3. Customer Responsibilities In connection with the performance of this Agreement and the provision of the Services, Customer shall be responsible for the following. (a) NEOGOV's logos,including the"powered by"logo,may appear on the"employment opportunities","job description"and other pages of Customer's web site. (b) Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that Customer's use of the Services and the performance of Customer's other obligations hereunder comply with all laws applicable to Customer. (c) Customer shall be responsible, as between NEOGOV and Customer, for the accuracy and completeness of all records and databases provided by Customer in connection with this Agreement for use on NEOGOV's system 4. Ownership,Protection and Security. (a) The parties agree that the NEOGOV marks and the Customer marks shall both be displayed on and through NEOGOV's system(s) (b) Ownership of any graphics, text, data or other information or content materials and all records and databases supplied or furnished by Customer hereunder for incorporation into or delivery through the application(s)described in this agreement shall remain with Customer,and NEOGOV shall cease use of all such material upon termination of this Agreement (c) Customer acknowledges and agrees that nothing in this Agreement or any other agreement grants Customer any licenses or other rights with respect to NEOGOV's software system(source code or object code)other than the right to receive Services as expressly provided herein NEOGOV shall retain all ownership in the intellectual property and all other proprietary rights and interests associated with NEOGOV's software system and Services and all components thereof and associated documentation,except as expressly provided herein (d) NEOGOV grants to Customer a limited license during the term of this Agreement to use and reproduce NEOGOV's trademarks and logos for purposes of including such trademarks and logos in advertising and publicity materials and links NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 1 of 8 r � solely as permitted hereunder All uses of such trademarks and logos shall conform to Customer's standard guidelines and requirements for use of such trademarks and logos 5. NEOGOV Representations and Warranties. (a) Service Performance Warranty NEOGOV warrants that it will perform the Services in a manner consistent with industry standards reasonably applicable to the performance thereof (b) No Other Warranty EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES SET FORTH 1N THIS SECTION 5,THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN"AS IS"BASIS,AND CUSTOMER'S USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT ITS OWN RISK NEOGOV DOES NOT MAKE, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS, ANY AND ALL OTHER EXPRESS AND/OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,NONINFRINGEMENT AND TITLE,AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE,OR TRADE PRACTICE NEOGOV DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES WiLL BE UNINTERRUPTED,ERROR-FREE,OR COMPLETELY SECURE. (c) Disclaimer of Actions Caused by and/or Under the Control of Third Parties NEOGOV DOES NOT AND CANNOT CONTROL THE FLOW OF DATA TO OR FROM THE NEOGOV SYSTEM AND OTHER PORTIONS OF THE INTERNET. SUCH FLOW DEPENDS IN LARGE PART ON THE PERFORMANCE OF INTERNET SERVICES PROVIDED OR CONTROLLED BY THIRD PARTIES AT TIMES,ACTIONS OR INACTIONS OF SUCH THIRD PARTIES CAN IMPAIR OR DISRUPT CUSTOMER'S CONNECTIONS TO THE INTERNET(OR PORTIONS THEREOF) ALTHOUGH NEOGOV WILL USE COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORTS TO TAKE ALL ACTIONS IT DEEMS APPROPRIATE TO REMEDY AND AVOID SUCH EVENTS, NEOGOV CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT SUCH EVENTS WILL NOT OCCUR ACCORDINGLY,NEOGOV DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY RESULTING FROM OR RELATED TO SUCH EVENTS 6 Publicitti Following execution of this Agreement, the parties hereto may issue a press release, the form and substance of which shall be mutually agreeable to the parties, announcing the relationship created by this Agreement Except as expressly contemplated herein,neither party shall issue any additional press release which mentions the other party or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement without the prior consent of the other party,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7 Nondisclosure Through exercise of each parry's rights under this Agreement,each parry may be exposed to the other party's technical, financial, business. marketing, planning, and other information and data, in written, oral, electronic,magnetic,photographic and/or other forms,including but not limited to(i)oral and written communications of one party with the officers and staff of the other parry which are marked or identified as confidential or secret or similarly marked or identified and(it)other communications which a reasonable person would recognize from the surrounding facts and circumstances to be confidential or secret("Confidential information")and trade secrets In recognition of the other party's need to protect its legitimate business interests,each party hereby covenants and agrees that it shall regard and treat each item of information or data constituting a trade secret or Confidential Information of the other party as strictly confidential and wholly owned by such other party and that it will not,without the express pnor written consent of the other party or except as required by law including the Public Records Act of the State of Washington,redistribute, market,publish,disclose or divulge to any other person,firm or entity,or use or modify for use,directly or indirectly in anyway for any person or entity (i)any of the other parry's Confidential Information during the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years after the termination of this Agreement or, if later, from the last date Services (including any warranty work)are performed by the disclosing party hereunder,and(it)any of the other party's trade secrets at any time during which such information shall constitute a trade secret under applicable law 8 Liability Limitations. (a) If promptly notified in writing of any action brought against Customer based on a claim that NEOGOV's Services NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 2 of 8 R infringe a United States patent, copyright or trademark right of a third party (except to the extent such claim or infrmgement relates to any third party software incorporated into NEOGOV's applications),NEOGOV will defend such action at its expense and will pay any and all fees.costs or damages that may be finally awarded in such action or any settlement resulting from such action(provided that Customer shall permit NEOGOV to control the defense of such action and shall not make any compromise, admission of liability or settlement or take any other action impairing the defense of such claim without NEOGOV's prior written approval) (b) Customer acknowledges and agrees:(i)that NEOGOV has no proprietary,financial,or other interest in the goods or services that may be described in or offered through Customer's web site,and(ii)that except with respect to any material supplied by NEOGOV,Customer is solely responsible(as between NEOGOV and Customer)for the content,quality, performance,and all other aspects of the goods or services and the information or other content contained in or provided through Customer's web site (c) OTHER THAN THOSE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT,NEOGOV DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTIES TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) WiTH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER. NEOGOV SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY,UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE OR DUE TO ANY EVENT WHATSOEVER, FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,LOSS OF PROFIT,LOSS OF USE OR BUSINESS STOPPAGE. (d) Under no circumstances shall NEOGOV's total liability to Customer or any other person,regardless of the nature of the claim or form of action(whether arising in contract,tort,strict liability or otherwise),exceed the aggregate amount of fees and revenue received by NEOGOV hereunder for the prior twelve(12)month period,provided,however that the foregoing limitations set forth in this Section 8(d)shall not apply to actions brought under 8(a)above or to any injury to persons or damages to property ansmg out of NEOGOV's gross negligence or willful,gross misconduct 9. Term and Termination (a) This Agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and remain in effect for twelve(12)months unless terminated by either parry as set forth herein("Initial Term") (b) This Agreement may be renewed for additional terms ("Renewal Term") equal in duration to the Initial Term provided Customer notifies NEOGOV at least thirty(30)days prior to the end of the Initial Tenn or a Renewal Tenn (c) NEOGOV reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately if the Services provided hereunder become illegal or contrary to any applicable law,rule,regulation or public policy Each parry shall have the nghtto terminate this Agreement upon sixty(60)days prior written notice to the other party (d) Within sixty(60)days of notification of termination of this Agreement,NEOGOV shall provide Customer with a dedicated data files suitable for importation into commercially available database software(e g,MS-Access or MS-SQL) The dedicated data files will be comprised of Customer's data contained in NEOGOV's system The structure of the relational database will be specific to the Customer's data and will not be representative of the proprietary NEOGOV database 10 Payments. (a)Initial Term See Exhibit A(Order Form) (b)Renewal Term(s) For each Renewal Tenn.NEOGOV will continue to provide Customer with the Services,and will provide maintenance and support services as described herein, provided Customer issues a purchase order or NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 3 of 8 • modification to this Agreement and pays NEOGOV in advance the annual recurring charges then in effect If there is an increase in annual maintenance and support charges,NEOGOV shall give Customer written notice of such increase at least thirty(30)days prior to the expiration of the applicable term 11 Force Maieure NEOGOV shall not be liable for any damages,costs,expenses or other consequences incurred by Customer or by any other person or entity as a result of delay in or inability to deliver any Services due to circumstances or events beyond NEOGOV's reasonable control,including,without limitation (i)acts of God,(n)changes in or m the interpretation of any law,rule,regulation or ordinance,(in)strikes,lockouts or other labor problems,(iv)transportation delays,(v)unavailability of supplies or materials,(vi)fire or explosion,(vn)riot,military action or usurped power.or (vm)actions or failures to act on the part of a governmental authority. 12 Piece back Clause. It is understood and agreed by Customer and NEOGOV that any governmental entity may purchase the services specified herein in accordance with the prices,terms,and conditions of this agreement It is also understood and agreed that each local entity will establish its own contract with NEOGOV,be invoiced therefrom and make its own payments to NEOGOV in accordance with the terms of the contract established between the new governmental entity and NEOGOV ft is also hereby mutually understood and agreed that Customer is not a legally bound party to any contractual agreement made between NEOGOV and any entity other than Customer 13 Miscellaneous Either party may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement may not be modified or amended(and no rights hereunder may be waived) except through a written instrument signed by the party to be bound This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington,without giving effect to conflict of law rules Customer acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is not intended to be and shall not be construed to be a franchise or business opportunity. NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 4 of 8 Order Form N EOGVTM EXHIBIT A—ORDER FORM Customer: Bill To: City of Kent City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave South 220 Fourth Ave South Kent, WA 98032 Kent, WA 98032 Contact: Sue Viseth—Human Resources Contact: Becky Fowler,Benefits Manager sviseth(a)ci kent wa us,253-856-5270 bfowler e,ci kent wa us 253-856-5290 Ouote Date: 7/21/2011 Revision: 1 Valid To: 8/4/2011 Re uested Service Date: TBD Initial Term: 12 Months Order Summary Annual Non- Recurring Recurring Line Descri tionr Cost Cost 10 Insight Ente rise Edition 1.1 Subscription License $9,500.00 1.2 Provisionm $5,000.00 1.3 —jminjng $2,500.00 1.4 GovernmentJobs.com Subscri lion O honal Not Included Promotional Discount valid for 2 week contract close: $7 500.00 Sub Total: $9 500.00 $00.00 Order Total: $9 500.00 More detailed descriptions of the services are contained in the order detail for each service,which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 5 of 8 ' a Order Form NEOGOV`M Order Detail 1.0 Insight Enterprise Edition 1.1 License Subscription The Customer's subscription to the Insight Hiring Management Software includes the following functionality Recruitment • Customized online lob application • Accept job applications online • Online applications integration with current agency website • Online lob announcements and descriptions • Automatic online lob interest cards • Proactively search your applicant database • Real-time database of all applicant information • Recruitment and examination planning Selection • Create, store, and reuse supplemental questions in the Insight item bank • Screen applicants automatically as they apply • Define unique scoring plans per recruitment, or copy existing scoring plans • Test Item bank (optional in TMS) • Conduct item analysis • Test processing (automatically input Scantron test data sheets)* • Test analysis and pass-point setting • Score, rank, and refer applicants Applicant Tracking • Email and hardcopy notifications • EEO Data collection and reports • Track applicants by step/hurdle • Schedule written, oral, and other exams • Detailed applicant history record • Skills tracking and matching Reporting and Analysis • Collect and report on EEO data • Analyze and report on adverse impact and applicant flow • Track and analyze data such as time-to-hire, recruitment costs, staff workload, applicant quality, etc • Over 80 standard system reports • Ad Hoc reporting tool HR Automation • Create and route job requisitions • Refer and certify applicants electronically • Scan paper application materials NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 6 of 8 H Order Form NEOGOV TM Additionally, during the term of the subscription, the Customer will be provided Unlimited Customer Support (6:00 AM — 6:00 PM PT) Customer Support shall be provided to the Customer both on-line and by telephone Monday— Friday, 6 00 AM —6 00 PM PT (excluding NEOGOV holidays) Product Upgrades to Licensed Software Customer shall receive all product upgrades to purchased package Product upgrades are automatic and available upon the next login following a product upgrade rollout Product upgrade rollouts are generally released every three months 1.2 Provisioning The following activities are conducted as part of the Insight Enterprise implementation • Conduct a project kick off meeting to review the project timeline, deliverables, and establish project expectations • NEOGOV will establish an Agency-specific training environment that will be used during training and post-training to allow the Agency to learn the system and begin defining new roles, responsibilities, and activities within the HR staff • NEOGOV will provide all required user exercises and user guides to the Agency. • Once the core user community is comfortable with the system (typically within 10 hours of hands-on use) they will train the remaining HR staff to complete their tasks using Insight • Between the training and go-live, NEOGOV will complete the following activities o Creating an agency-specific training environment which is used by your agency during training and afterwards to train in prior to moving into production o Configure printable job bulletin o Integrate your new production job opportunities, promotional opportunities, and class specifications web pages into your existing agency website o Establish the Agency's Insight Enterprise production environment 1.3 Training NEOGOV will deliver training to Agency recruiters. We will provide all required user exercises and user guides to the Agency Following the training, your agency will have full access to the training environment. Additionally, your agency has full access to our Customer Support Help Desk during the training to help new users fully utilize Insight Our existing customers find that this unique implementation approach enables their users to become familiar with Insight in a safe environment, promoting system use and leading to a more successful rollout NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 7 of 8 Order Form NEOGOVTM Order Form Terms and Conditions: (1) The Customer hereby orders and GovemmentJobs com, Inc (d/b/a NEOGOV, Inc , hereafter"NEOGOV") agrees to provide the services described in this Order Form THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED PERSUANT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS ORDER FORM AND THE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEOGOV AND THE CUSTOMER (2) The Customer agrees that the payment schedule is as follows- Provide all required software and Licenses • One hundred percent (100%) of the annual license price is payable within thirty (30) days of execution of this Order Form and Service Agreement ($9,500 00) (3) Neither the Customer nor NEOGOV will be bound by this Order Form until it has been signed by authorized representatives of both parties (4) Changes or alterations to this Order Form will not be accepted THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND LIABILITY LIMITATIONS CONTAINED IN THE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CUSTOMER AND NEOGOV. DO NOT SIGN THIS ORDER FORM BEFORE YOU HAVE READ THE SERVICE AGREEMENT & ORDER FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE READ THE SERVICE AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS PROVISIONS Signature:—(]0'_� Jami Pe , Mayor Pro Tern Customer " NEOGOV, Inc. Signature t � Signature Print Name lSue Viseth Print Name Sco t ta vNr a Title Employee Services Director Title ,Oresiole.,L Date. August 1, 2011 Date yo„ NEOGOV, Inc Proprietary and Confidential Page 8 of 8 9 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KEN T Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes WASHINGTON Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator Phone (Originator): �c� Date Sent: S _I -,z _` � Date Required: _ Return Signed Document to: CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: �N VENDOR NAME: [\d _ OV DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Brief Explanation of Document: -��-G.►� ��a--� �`-� � Gam' c.� All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) Received: RECEWErj City ru, Ken7 tflce of the ��ia,ror Approval of City AttorA4 15 2011 City Attorney CTENT:AW DEPT, Date Forwarded to Mayor: -YL�, Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Received � a r _ _�, x.,, y���� � Recommendations & Comments: -JU - 2011 Disposition: /� Y� ��u� a/V �ClTiTOFNT Date Returned; Iage5870 • 2/04