HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-111 - Original - Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC - Contract - 02/11/11 ® R%ecords M eKENT Document WAS HI HGTON CONTRACT COVER SKEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerics Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Cleric's Office. Vendor Name: Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: b Description: ❑ Interlocai Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract J Other: Contract Effective Date: Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: epartment:&�er gf::� PF Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): S:Pubilc\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 LICENSE FOR UTILITY INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT, LLC PARTIES THIS LICENSE ("License") is between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("City"), and COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company ("Licensee"). RECITALS 1. Licensee seeks to provide communications services to T-Mobile West Corporation, successor-in-interest to VoiceStream PCS III Corporation, dba T- Mobile ("T-Mobile"), who has a leasehold interest on City owned real property located at 23825 98th Avenue S., Kent, WA. The leasehold interest terminates on September 26, 2015, with one (1) additional option for renewal. 2. It is the intent of the Parties to enter into a License agreement with appropriate terms and conditions so as to allow Licensee to provide communication services to T-Mobile. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND LICENSEE AGREE AS FOLLOWS: LICENSE 1. License Granted. The City grants this License ("License") for a period of five (5) years from the Effective Date for Licensee to install, operate and maintain cable and other underground facilities to be used to provide T-Mobile with communications services over the real property described in Exhibit A ("Property"). If T-Mobile's lease is renewed, this License shall extend for the term of the lease's renewal period. Licensee is authorized to install the improvements described in Exhibit B ("Improvements"). 2. Damage to Property and Restoration. Licensee shall repair any damage to the Property caused by the installation, operation, or maintenance of the Improvements on the Property. Upon revocation, termination or expiration of this License, Licensee shall restore the Property to its original condition prior to the issuance of the License, with the exception that the conduit and vaults shall remain. Such restoration obligation shall survive the expiration date of this License. 3. Revocation and Termination. This License does not grant an estate UTILITY LICENSE--Page 1 of 7 (between City of Kent and Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC 23825 98`h Avenue S, Kent, WA) in the land described as the Property; it is not an easement; it is not a franchise; it is not exclusive; and, it does not exclude the City from full possession of the Property. As a License upon real property, it is revocable at the will of the City. However, prior to termination or revocation by the City, the City shall provide Licensee with at least 120 calendar days' written notice of that termination or revocation. Upon the effective date of the City's termination or revocation, Licensee is required to remove all Improvements and restore the Property within thirty (30) calendar days per the terms of Section 2. If Licensee fails to remove the Improvements within the allotted time, the City may remove all or part of the Improvements, restore the Property, and recover the costs of such removal and restoration from Licensee. Licensee waives any right it may have to any claim for damages of any kind incurred as a result of the City's removal of all or part of the Improvements. 4. Permits Required. The City's grant of this License does not release Licensee from any of its obligations to obtain applicable local, state, and federal permits necessary to install, construct, operate, maintain, remove, repair, reconstruct, replace, use and inspect the Improvements. Licensee's failure to comply with this Section 4 shall constitute grounds for immediate revocation by the City. 5. Indemnification. Licensee shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, assigns and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, actions, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all reasonable legal costs, witness fees, and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of any of Licensee's rights or obligations granted by this License, but only to the extent caused by the gross negligence of the City, its employees, agents, contractors, or invitees. The provisions of this Section 5 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 6. Notice Before Entry. Entry upon the Property is by way of a locked gate maintained by the City at 23825 98th Avenue S., Kent, Washington. Licensee shall install their padlock on the entry gates for access in series "daisy chained" with other placed locks. At no time shall Licensee install their lock in a fashion that prevents access for other licensees, tenants or City. City reserves the right to cut any lock required to gain access to City's real property and access area. Licensee shall give City advance notice at least twenty four hours of its request for entry, which time shall include at least one full business day. Such Notice may be by telephone to Public Works Operations (253) 856-5600. 7. Reservation of Right to Require Additional Security. The City reserves the right to require such additional physical security measures as may be UTILITY LICENSE--Page 2 of 7 (between City of Kent and Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC 23825 98`h Avenue S, Kent, WA) required to protect the Property. B. Assignment. Licensee shall not assign all or any portion of its rights, benefits, and privileges, in and under this License without prior written approval of the City, which approval will not be unreasonable withheld or delayed. Licensee shall, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of any proposed assignment, file written notice of intent to assign the License with the City together with the assignee's written acceptance of all terms and conditions of the License and promise of compliance. 9. Venue and Jurisdiction. This License shall be construed in accord with the Laws of the State of Washington. Venue and jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes shall be in the Superior Court for King County, Washington. In the event of claim or litigation regarding the enforcement of the terms of this License, each Party shall be responsible for its own legal costs and attorney fees except as noted in Paragraph 5. 10. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, or other communications provided for in this License, unless otherwise noted, shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as the case may be, to the addresses listed below for each party, or to such other person or address as either party shall designate to the other from time to time in writing forwarded in like manner: CITY: LICENSEE: City of Kent Comcast Cable Communications Attn: Director of Public Works Management, LLC 220 Fourth Avenue South Attn: Kent, WA 98032 402 Valley Avenue NW, Suite 101 Puyallup, WA 98371 11. Entire Agreement and Effective Date. This License contains the entire agreement between the parties and, in executing it, the City and Licensee do not rely upon any statement, promise, or representation, whether oral or written, not expressed herein. This agreement shall be effective upon the last day executed (Effective Date). 12. Warranty of Authority to Execute. Each person executing this license warrants that he/she has the requisite authority to bind the party for whom that person is executing. UTILITY LICENSE--Page 3 of 7 (between City of Kent and Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC 23825 98"' Avenue S, Kent, WA) IN WITNESS, this License is executed and shall become effective as of the last date signed below. K CITY OF KENT LICENSEE By: Z By: —_ Pri m Suzette Cooke Print Name: StiNe. Ta1�f a I o Its: ate: o� ii // Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Suzette Cooke is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the City of Kent as its Mayor, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. B,R/CC4�i� Q U��20T"R, lee T NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the Sate 'O(jB 'p Y of Washington, residing at �zjg eAGX-h � =�j My appointment expires Z UTILITY LICENSE--Page 4 of 7 (between Clty of Kent and Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC 23825 98" Avenue S, Kent, WA) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) . ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I herebycertify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that c)1F Y Y TFAAAr;-t-- Is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she Is authorized to execute the Instrument on behalf of C6,4CA� CABLE as Its VP of C*46 and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned In the foregoing Instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above ```�\1\1i1111111��1Z `�� c�U E PFT�sii `N 4(Z:.'4Cj S910i�� pn�i NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State AVBLIC of Washington, residing at ISIZO I.&W My appointment expires N XI I-Mw Z 0 WASH '\So```` nnuli\ P\CWII\Flies\Open Files\0863-CellTowerLeases\T-Mobile fka VolceStream\23825 98th Ave S(Pump Station 5)Comcast License docx UTILITY LICENSE--Page 5 of 7 (between City of Kent and Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC 23825 98"' Avenue S, Kent, WA) EXHIBIT A Legal Description �I DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. ENGINEERING-SURVEYING-LAND PLANNING 726 Aubum Way North Aubum,WA 98002 (253)333-2200 FAX (253)333-2206 18 January 2011 APN: 182205-9055 Easement Description That portion of Lot 1,City of Kent Short Plat"Valley Com#SP-84-10"recorded under Recording No. 8412200589,in King County, Washington lying 5.00 feet on each side of the following described lme: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said Lot 1 and the south line of the north 5.00 feet of said Lot 1; Thence west along said south line,a distance of 569.00 feet; Thence southwesterly a distance of 15.00 feet to the south line of the north 13.00 feet of said Lot 1; Thence west along said south line,a distance of 2.00 feet; Thence south perpendicular to the north line of said Lot 1,a distance of 17.00 feet to the south line of the north 30.00 feet of said Lot 1; Thence west along said south line a distance of 11.00 feet; Thence north perpendicular to the north line of said Lot 1,a distance of 1.00 feet to an existing outdoor equipment cabinet and the terminus of said described line. Extending and/or shortening the exterior margins of this easement to intersect each other where applicable and to terminate at the east boundary of said Lot 1. ko kAsIl, 0 z F p Qa L00 EXHIBIT B Improvements D U a m m m � 3 m m N m x 0 n D CA L t/) =ti ti o o 'D 3 a m z fD nm 3 w w N Z C Z C N x y B a 3 m (D a' c'o 3 mom + 3 wN „„,., 0 o I J J CDW N W m to rr m m m Li ,�• N 'N" N A m m �wrwrwwwa=r Ul L 1 p z z SU 33 D � CA CD D CD y wCD DJ cr cn O a nrmm nw n �rst.p CD 3 Sur>knkA Ave bi Z AO 3 cr to '� CD � WtM Ave S -� 4-�� l C) sliq� o L=3 m CA C n A�,a S 5 Ayp 8 2 Ava S O LD 0 to N N '' pi• rt 49tt1 Ale►S S Aam SE m m eA1Aut$E CD w # CD 0 d AWI SE ?at at P#s A N LOW P#SE D C� v � m En m104th AV*SE $� � D EtLe.... o � m +� N o_ D y n r3o m m 6r N j` r ID w nNi aem 0 0 m m z z i 3 3 M o „ may m m n o c o N a CJ py� n c CD a o m aj 3 n = N O O N J fD N 0 N R D y a w m N r €x pm (L4fig m D ;T-Mobile D m 3 . „ wU 4 _ aCO w .,...,�_..._�.. 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