HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-046 - Amendment - #1 - Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. - S 228th St Hot Spot Analysis - 04/25/2011 x T Records M ge me i KEN WAS„,„G,o„ Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: � �- �((o This Is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: S. 228th St. UPRR Grade 'Separation Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ® Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: I f �- as- I I Contract Effective Date: Date of the Mayor's signatureTermination Date: 12/31/11 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Garrett Inouye Department: Engineering Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Pre afire a_Wetland Delineation Report Addendum and update the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum from impacts due to the raising of PSE power lines for the P—roject. S.Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\ad�c7832 1 11/08 IS KENT W.5'..0,0 AMENDMENT NO. 1 . NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: S. 2281hSt. Hot Spot Analysis ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: February S. 2011 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: i. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: Prepare a Wetland Delineation Report Addendum and update the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum from impacts due to the raising of PSE power lines for the S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Project. For a description, see the Consultant's Scope of Work which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $1,500.00 including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $0 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $1,500.00 including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $11,739.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this $0 Amendment Revised Contract Sum $13,239.00 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Original Time for Completion 4/30/11 (Insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 0 prior Amendments (insert date) Add'I s Days Required t for this 245 calendar days Y q ( ) Y Amendment Revised Time for Completion 12/31/11 (Insert date) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: By: /�� By: (srg,�atur ) (signature) Print Name: ev 2c e. V'r Pr' t Na Suzette Cooke Its t/ceP rrrr P—�— Its Mayor rtle) rtle) DATE: `O2Zl/ DATE:4�12 ��/!/ APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable If Mayor's signature required) [IZA,t (A' Keint Law Department Jones&Sotkes-228"Hot Spot AmA 1/Inouye] AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 Exhibit A. SCOPE OF WORK City of Kent S 228th Street Railroad Grade Separation at Union Pacific Railroad Expanded Wetland Delineations and Visual Assessment Associated with Puget Sound Energy Power Pole Modifications The City of Kent(City)Department of Public Works has learned from Puget Sound Energy that due to the overpass of the Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR)proposed for South 22e Street,the type and/or location of power poles in the vicinity of the S 228`h St Railroad Grade Separation Project at the UPRR must be modified. Due to the increase in the elevation of the road surface elevation associated with the proposed overpass of the UPRR crossing,the height of the power lines must be increased to meet clearance restrictions,thus existing power poles must be replaced. Three power line corridors currently intersect S 2&h St in the vicinity of the UPRR(two to the west and one to the east of the UPRR corridor). )ones&Stokes Associates, Inc.,a wholly owned subsidiary of ICF Consulting Group,Inc. (Consultant) will complete the following tasks associated with these power pole modifications: • Task 1—Project Description Technical Memorandum and Update WSDQT Environmental Classification Summary • Task 2—Wetland Delineations and Discipline Report Addendum • Task 3—Visual Assessment and Update Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum • Task 4—Project Management/Administration Task 1 . Project Description Technical Memorandum and Update WSDOT Environmental Classification Summary Task 1.1. Prepare Project Description Technical Memorandum Consultant will prepare a Technical Memorandum that provides an overview of each discipline per the WSDQT Environmental Classification Summary(ECS)Form and how the change in the project description associated with the power poles In the vicinity of the S 22e St overpass of the UPRR corridor will affect each discipline. The Technical Memorandum will also provide a rationale for why the change in the project description does not change the No Effect determination presented in the No 710 Second Avenue,Suite 550 ♦ Seattle,NA 98104 o Tel 206 801,2800 ♦ Fax 206 8012899 www lonesandslokes com www icfi corn Effect letter prepared for the project. This Technical Memorandum will be provided to WSDOT with the Draft and Final ECS Form submittal,to document the considerations for each discipline associated with the change in the project description. Assumptions: ■ The City will provide Consultant with the changes to the project description associated with the required power pole replacements. ■ The change in the project description will not require additional field work or analysis for any disciplines other than Wetlands and Visual. • The change in the project description will not require any additional analysis or result in any change in the No Effect Determination presented in the No Effect letter. ■ One round of City review of the Project Description Technical Memorandum,with one set of consolidated comments received in track changes. ■ No comments from WSDOT will be addressed as part of this scope of work. Deliverables: ■ Draft Project Description Technical Memorandum for City review[electronic copy]. ■ Final Project Description Technical Memorandum submitted to the City with Final ECS Form package [electronic copy]. Task 1,2. Update WSDOT ECS Form Consultant will update the Environmental Classification Summary(ECS)Form to incorporate and address the change in project description and how the change in the project description may affect wetlands and visual quality. The updates to the ECS Form will not require additional analysis or evaluation for disciplines other than wetlands and visual quality. Deliverable: ■ Draft ECS Form for City review[electronic copy] ■ Final ECS Form for City[electronic copy]. Assumption: ■ Updates to the ECS Form will be minor and not require any additional analysis or evaluation for disciplines other than wetlands and visual quality. ■ No comments from WSDOT will be addressed as part of this scope of work. • Minor revisions to graphics to depict the change in the project description will be required. City of Kent—S 228th Railroad Grade Separation of UPRR 2 March 31,200 NEPA DocurnentatiDn Update Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacment Update Task 1.3. WSDOT Coordination Coordination with WSDOT Highways& Local Programs (H&LP)is expected to be required to achieve a quick turn-around during the review cycle of the ECS Form and supporting documentation. The Consultant Project Manager will be available for up to 4 hours to make phone calls to the WSDOT H&LP Project Engineer and ensure that WSDOT has all the information they need once the City has submitted the Final ECS Form and Supporting Documentation to WSDOT. This coordination will help facilitate a quick turn-around from WSDOT technical reviewers and ensure the project stays on track toward timely approval by WSDOT of the ECS Package Coordination with WSDOT will occur pre ECS-submittal and post ECS-submittal,to ensure all potential WSDOT needs are met upfront, prior to submittal and to ensure a timely review of all documentation submitted to WSDOT by the City. Deliverable: ■ Email summaries to City related to WSDOT coordination. Assumption: ■ Coordination with WSDOT will not require more than 4 hours to obtain WSDOT approval on the ECS Form and supporting technical documentation. ■ No comments from WSDOT will be addressed as part of this scope of work Task 2. Wetland Delineations and Discipline Report Addendum In 2009,wetlands were delineated up to 100 feet north and south of the current S 228th Street alignment. Due to the need to comply with required power line clearance restrictions,existing power poles located beyond 100 feet of the existing S 228th Street corridor must be replaced. To determine whether such power pole replacement activities will impact wetlands and/or wetland buffers,the wetland delineations must be extended to document the extent of wetlands and wetland buffers and calculate the potential impacts associated with power pole replacement activities. The Consultant will expand upon wetland delineations completed in 2009,and prepare an addendum to the Wetland Discipline Report to document the expanded wetland delineations and to describe anticipated wetland and/or buffer impacts associated with replacement of existing power poles to provide the necessary clearance of the overpass to be constructed at the UPRR grade separation project site. City of Kent—S 226th Railroad Grade Separation at UPRR 3 March 31,2010 NEPA Documentation Update, Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacment Update Task 2.1. Expanded Wetland Delineation, Rating, and Functional Assessment of the Project Site Consultant will conduct delineations of jurisdictional wetlands for the revised portion of the UPRR project area associated with the power pole replacements. Background information provided by the City(i.e.the figure provided by PSE illustrating the location of power poles to be replaced as part of the project and potential area affected)will be reviewed. The Consultant will conduct a delineation of waters of the U.S.within the revised project site.This task assumes two ten-hourfield days for 2 biologists.The foot print of the project area/area to be affected will be provided by the City Wetlands located outside of the project area/area to be affected will not be delineated under this scope of work.Wetlands will be delineated in detail within approximately 25 feet surrounding each of the 14 existing power poles located north and south of South 228`h Street as identified by PSE and the City. The area between the existing power pole and the interurban trail will also be delineated with flags placed approximately every 100 feet. Consultant will hang flags to mark the delineated boundaries of all wetlands and the locations of all sample plots. City will be responsible for surveying the delineated wetland boundaries and sample plot locations. Delineations methods will follow the 2010 Regional supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual:Western Mountains,Valleys,and Coast Region,the 1987 U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual(Environmental Laboratory 1987),the 1997 Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Washington Department of Ecology 1997),and City Critical Areas Chapter 11.06. Corps sample plot data forms will be completed In the field for each wetland and upland sample plot. Wetlands within 100 feet of S. 2281h Street have already been classified and rated based on the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington(Hruby 2004)and the City's Critical Areas Chapter 11.06(specifically section 11.06.580). The Consultant will update categories and associated bufferwidths for new wetlands/wetland areas delineated near power poles based on City Critical Areas Chapter 11.06(specifically section 11.06.600) if necessary. Assumptions: ■ The City will obtain permission to access private property as necessary to complete the wetland delineations. ■ The City will provide maps/figures that show the location of the existing power poles to be removed and the locations of the replacement power poles to be installed. The City will also provide the footprint of proposed replacement activities associated with the removal of existing power poles and the installation of replacement power poles, including access. ■ The City will calculate the direct wetland and buffer impacts and provide the calculations to the Consultant. City at Kent—S 228th Railroad Grade Separation at UPRR 4 March 31,2010 NEPA Documentation Update. Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacment Update ■ Site conditions for the delineations for the project area wetlands are such that the delineation of all features can be accomplished within two 10-hour workdays,including travel. ■ Consultant assumes up to 20 Corps wetland plots(14 wetland plots and 6 shared upland plots). All data forms will be completed in the field and cleaned up in the office. Field data will not be entered into electronic data forms. ■ Survey of the wetland flagging and boundaries are not provided by the Consultant.The City,or their surveyor,will survey the delineated wetland/stream boundaries and provide Consultant with a georeferenced shapefile or autocad file that is referenced to a geographic datum of the surveyed wetland/stream boundaries and temporary and permanent wetland impacts calculations within 2 weeks of the Consultant completing the delineation. ■ No comments from WSDOT will be addressed as part of this scope of work. ■ To save time,the Wetland Biologists will take photographs of the views along the Interurban Trail and S.228«Street to document existing views for use in the Visual Assessment to be completed under Task 3. Deiiverabies: ■ Sketch map of flag locations to be delivered to the City of Kent or their surveyor[electronic copy]. ■ Electronic copies of Corps data forms and Ecology wetland rating forms[electronic copy]. Task 2.2. Prepare Addendum to the Wetland Discipline Report The Consultant will prepare an addendum to the 2009 Wetland Discipline Report, perguidance from Bill Leonard, WSDOT reviewer of the 2009 Wetland Delineation Report.The addendum will summarize the change in the project description associated with the replacement of existing power poles,outline the direct wetland and/or buffer impacts associated with the replacement of the power poles,and the mitigation ratios required by the Corps, Ecology and the City for direct wetland impacts,the City's mitigation ratios for butfef I!^pacts,and describe the City's mtcntion of meeting the mitigation requirements for the various junsdict;ons. Per conversations with Harry Haslam,WSDOT H&LP Project Engineering covering for Phil Segami,who was on vacation; providing a performance standard within the Wetiand Discipline Report Addendum that addresses the calculated temporary and permanent wetland and buffer impacts,the mitigation ratio requirements based on the impacts,and a commitment by the City to meet those mitigation requirements will be sufficient for the ECS process. Thus no assessment of potentially suitable mitigation sites or conceptual mitigation plan will be Included as part of this scope of work. City of Kent—S 228th Railroad Grade Separation at UPRR 5 March 31,2010 NEPA Documentation Update: Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacment Update Deliverable: ■ Draft Wetland Report Addend Corps wetland delineation data forms and Ecology wetland rating p um, o ps gY g forms for City review and comment[electronic copy] ■ Final Wetland Report Addendum as attachment to the ECS Form submitted to City[electronic copy] Assumption. ■ The City will survey all wetland delineation flagging hung by the Consultant and provide georeferenced shapefiles or autocad files that are referenced to a geographic datum to the Consultant of the surveyed wetland delineation boundaries ■ The City will calculate temporary and permanent wetland and buffer Impacts and provide these calculations to the Consultant. ■ The City will provide the Consultant with files that depict the temporary and permanent wetland and buffer impacts associated with power pole replacement activities. All electronic files will be georeferenced shapefiles or autocad files that are referenced to geographic datum. ■ The City will provide Consultant with quantities of fill material that will be placed within wetlands(if required for construction access or power pole relocations). ■ The Consultant will generate new existing conditions and proposed impact figures from the electronic files provided by the City to depict temporary and permanent wetland and buffer impacts for the Addendum to the Wetland Discipline Report. ■ No comments from WSDOT will be addressed as part of this scope of work. No evaluation of potentially suitable wetland mitigation sites or development of a conceptual wetland mitigation plan will be included as part of this scope of work. ■ One round of review and consolidated City comments on the draft Wetland Memorandum,with comments received in track changes. Comments will not require any additional field work, delineations or analysis and will be mainly editorial in nature t Task 3. Visual Assessment and Update Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum Task 3.1. Visual Assessment A Visual Impacts assessment will be required to update the documentation, providing a qualitative assessment of the change in visual landscape that will result from the project,and confirm that the City of Kent—S 228th Ra0road Grade Separation at UPRR 8 ftch 31,2010 NEPA Documentation Update, Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacmeni Update alteration will not result in a visual landscape that is incompatible with the surrounding environment. Photographs of one additional view point(in the vicinity of the Interurban Trail)will be assessed. Task 3.2. Update Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum Per direction from Sandi Salisbury,WSDOT reviewer of the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum, the change in the project description will require revisions be incorporated into the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum The change in the project description will alter the views in the vicinity of the new overpass associated with the three power line corridors that intersect South 2281h Street. Two of the power line corridors(the eastern-and western-most)currently have wooden power poles. The center power line corridor currently has steel power poles. All three power line corridors are anticipated to require larger diameter and taller power poles. Del verable- ■ Revised Draft Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum for City review[electronic copy] ■ Final Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum submitted to City as part of the Revised ECS Package[electronic copy]. Assumption: • The City will provide details regarding the locations of existing power poles to be removed as well as the replacement power poles to be installed. Existing and replacement power pole information will include the location,material,diameter, height,color,finish (e.g. matte,polished,shiny,etc.)for each existing and each replacement power pole. ■ No comments from WSDOT will be addressed as part of this scope of work. ■ Photographs of the views in the vicinity of the power poles will be collected by the Wetiand Biologists during the wetland delineations and will provide the visual data necessary to assess potential visual impacts and complete the revisions to the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum. • One round of review and consolidated comments from the City on the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum,with comments received in track changes.Comments will not require any additional analysis and will be mainly editorial in nature. T ask 4. Project ManagementlAdministration Consultant shall prepare monthly progress reports identifying work completed during the invoicing period, percent of work completed to date, period hours, period labor costs, period direct expenses, status of Tasks, and, if Tasks are behind schedule and/or over budget, how Consultant proposes to City of Kent—S 228th Railroad Grade Separation of UPRR r March 31,2010 NEPA Documentation Update Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacment Update address these issues and bring them back into compliance with the contract. The progress reports will also Identify any outstanding issues or foreseeable issues that are of concern. Assumptions: ■ No more than 1 hour per month will be required by the Consultant Project Manager and no more than 0.5-hours per month by the Consultant Admin Tech for invoicing. The Consultant Admin Tech will also require not more than 0.5-hours to set up the project in the financial system. ■ This scope assumes up to three months will be required to fully complete this scope of work Deliverables: • Monthly progress report/cover letter and invoice City of Kent—$228th Railroad Grade Separation at UPRR 8 March 81,2010 NEPA Documentation Update: Puget Sound Energy Pole Replacment Update Schedule The following project schedule is an estimate for completing the tasks presented in this scope of work. TASK ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE Task 1—Project Description Technical Memorandum and Update WSDOT ECS Form Task 1.1—Prepare Project Description Technical Within five weeks of receipt of a Signed Contract Memorandum or Notice to Proceed Task 1.2—Update WSDOT ECS Form Within five weeks of receipt of a Signed Contract or Notice to Proceed Task 1.3—WSDOT Coordination Ongoing Task 2—Wetland Delineations and Discipline Report Addendum Task 2.1—Expanded Wetland Delineation, Rating, Within two weeks of receipt of a Signed Contract and Functional Assessment of the Project Site or Notice to Proceed Task 2.2—Prepare Addendum to the Wetland Within two weeks of completing Task 2.1 Discipline Report Task 3—Visual Assessment and Update Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum Task 3 1—Visual Assessment Within two weeks of receipt of a Signed Contract or Notice to Proceed Task 3.2—Update Visual Assessment Technical Within two weeks of completing Task 3.1 Memorandum Task 4—Project Management/Administration Ongoing City of Kent—S 228th Railroad Grade Separation at UPRR g March 31,200 NEPA Documentation Update, Puget Sound Energy PDle Replacment Update U d a` �O o IL oom ,n m i5 F. c Sx cc m fir' Otin m.p1:0 mt0 O[a[ i o y � K' eh[ tyq m mi HFv m o .fi.w ;c� [[ m; spy p m � 1A fA U Q E — i iNi i yN W o Q U ! { .0 3 { { i F t { E i t t i t F t t d c m �• t t i ! { ! t ! 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N4 y� ppp Q1 M d 6 Wa.�{ mE Wt 0.E wx it 7i m `y. m C �y y C N t9{ t>-[N: [t-i N; y W � � H X C F •N N N'th N C m Y Y Y Y.Y-Y:YE Y�Y•YtY ti CL O (}S O O O U Wt N' mE NF W[ w Nt N• N N L co m m m 1-t f-t i-'•i IT.9::IT!F'{f-•[hi f'-�{" f- 0 2 U 0 O Sl to NO 61h CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMDONYYI7 D2/0312011 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE-CERTIFICATE HOLDER-THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENp, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER($), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate h r is an ADDITIONAL IN URED,the poilcy(ies)must be endorsed.if SUBROGATION 1S WAIVED,subJeci to t terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In Ilea of such endorsement(s). ° e PRODUCER CONTACT AOn Risk Services Northeast, Inc. PHONE (212) 441-1000 F•X (212) 441-1953 New York NY Office (A<C No SKI) WC".'• 199 water Street E- S New York NY 10038-3551 USA PRODUCER $70000024256 CUSTOMERIDd INSURER(a)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC TA INSURED INSURER A. Great Northern insurance co 2U303 Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. INSURER ICF International, Inc. 9300 Lee Highway , INSURER C''` Fairfax VA 22031-1207 USA INSURER D' INSURER E INSURER F. COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:5TOO41538726 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS Limits shown are as request 0139 TYPE OF INSURANCE ADM p POLICY NUMBER LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 Package - Domestic $1,000,000 x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY SES EaocerureMo CLAWS-MADE X1 OCCUR MED EXP(Any ene Person) S10,00D X Pmd-Comp Op ICI M Gen?ASS PERSONAL&AOV INJURY S1,ODD,OOO GENERAL AGGREGATE Z,ODO,OOO w GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS-COMPJOP AGO d 0 -X7 POLICY MPRO- LOC JECT A AUTOMOME LIABILITY 73522995t 0612512010 06 25 2O 1 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 X ANY AUTO Automobile - All States BODILY INJURY(Per patter) O z ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per ecdtlenQ SCHEDULED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE p Per aaklent X HIRED AUTOS 0 x NON owNED autos v UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE �.�. DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WC STgTU OTNR EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY TORY LIMITS ANY PROPRIETOR!PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YIN E,L EACH ACCIDENT OFFICERNAEMSER EXCLUDED? El N 1 A (MuKhAcry In NH) r ' E L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE tt yyee8e describe under DESCRF`nONOP OPERATIONS below EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT DESCRWTION OF OPERATIONS i LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(AKath ACORD 101,AddlUond Remarks Schedule,N mere spese is required) Re: - south 228th street 1- The City of Kent IS included as an Additional insured as its interest may appear. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF YHE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED W ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, City Of Kent AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Public works Department Fourth Avenue south Ken r Kent, WA 98032 USA A/ ®1988.2009 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2009109) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: 5700000242 56 -^" 1 LOC#: ACORN 6* .� ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 AGENCY NAMED 04SURED Aon Risk services Northeast, Inc. Jones & stokes Associates, Inc. POLICY NUMBER See Certificate Number: 570041538726 CARRIER NAIC CODE See certificate Number: 570041538726 EFFECTIVE BATE ADDITIONAL REMARKS THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: Certificate of Liability Insurance Addlll olDaeragrbn 01 OpmliMs I L=tms/Vehicles 2 - subject to the standard terms and conditions of the individual policies, the indicated coverage is primary but only as respect work being done by )ones & stokes Associates, Inc. for the City of Kent. 3 - Except with respect to the limits of insurance, and any rights or duties specifically assigned to the First Named Insured, insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or "suit" is brought. ACORD 101(2008/01) ®2008 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1001.1t31 "U r%52-29-55 4a� *00ENDOMBE-FAMCRANGIMITIMPOLICY. PLWlRXADfr*M MLLX DESIGNATED INSURED This endwwm4t modiflea ina mos pra►9dad under the foAotrO , 9LlSINrA$AVrO COVOOSE FORM TntJC10lrM S 00VERA4E POW Vwih roeperes to owe rape pravtpld by lhls ertdommmenL the prpyiaiena of t m 0 harm trppty Was atodffMd by tots mdoa musL TMAsndoMmwttidriBes pwmof�(s) wn-wewadeLmdar9rsWhof*Anhwaed "Moo of the 00WS0 f orM This&Wor WMI doer rrot OW cou ona pmWdod to the Ca.wVo Fom% This endorsement thrNW the poky eNec&e ea tha Ino"an dds of Bra po&ey umWn snot4ar dalM is mdloeied beivw. Enbxx�mkwL*ms =5110 Co uttald{ptwd ay-, Nenrd fnauredw!CF InOpmdtlanai ktc.,etai Muftog iN �eligt'�it.� Nara ofPerson(s)orb* "Any pol-m n or erganftation as requtnett by as invarcd eoutrwel City of Kent tit no w" sppoars above, kri mumon requNd to cs><npiele lhls endorsement YAR be sheen in the Racteraflnoa ps epplkn6to to iho w4craament.} Boob person or argaNtaU shown h no Schaduia is an'fissured°for Umb%y C*uwspy but wAV to!w ement flret PeNon of "wftftm qualiass as tm-M#wW'unmr"Who la An inFMW Proviefon ombined M Soon"li of ft Co rare ft t:om►. CA 2A 40129g Copyrtpht,tnsu wwo SwVlws Off os,Inc4 tM Paws i ae R 17 tiahffitpinsara»ce Endorsement Ponry Porrod June 25,2010 to June 25, 2011 Effadwe Date June 25,2010 FriflryNumbor MI.21.119hrU fnsvrecr 101IN1'P.kNATIONAI.INC. Jones&Stokes Associates, Inc. Name of Company Great Northern Insurance Comparry Pate Issued June 25,2010 This 1wdtasentcnt aptitivs u•tin foititwing turnm• G NFRA1,t.IARII.rt'Y I finder Who is An IiiiinvI,0tv following provision is added' Who In An Insured Scheduled Person Or Sub1cci to alt or the ierrres antl condsvra tit thus rrsuranle,aay persrn or organization stlown in the Organ4sti6n Schedutc,acting pursuant In a uritien corittact m agreernent batwem you anG auth perFon or on an Mimi,is an insurers,bui they arc inauredsonly with mspecl iv liability emiq ono of'mur oNrahons,(It YIInt�rcrMFCS it lino tare nhllguiRd,pursunrt tv sucli contract tiragreernent,to provide them with such hnswarice as x afiordt&d by ibis pcibry, I Inwever,nt.such pemn nr er,oniradon is an Insured with respc[i in any, • rr mutilnivn of liability by than in a contra;l or dk't"=n nvs iitnitimiort does not apply to die liability for dantagus f„i injury or d unagc,to which this msurame aMhcs,that thepercnn or nrggntruhun would have rn the ohsenee trf such cnoirml or air enicn[, • damj:ca ur'igitrb out tit thwt solo negligence. schedule AX Y PERSON CAR ORGANIZATION AS REQUIEM BY INSURED fYll4TRAt"T City of Kent liemfito lnsuratae Adds"Mmxw.Schedrlad ftscn Or ftankwbon conttnirrd Form6v-W-2;;7;Tl 8-od Endorsenioril Pape I Uabfpty Endorsement (xndnued) Ail hlhR i=vi arvi CY Waitim n:lmrUt unctiimlod. AfRhURZBd R8{Yee9R'.a6YY �1A� %���1�+►�7�' LixEr&ylns mnm Add![fana{{nswad-SrhodukdPorranQrOrgan�ailort Jw,fMp rwm 80-024W fP&v 9-o4) Endereement Page 2 ac Roy CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D01/27//20D11 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURE ,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement{s). PRODUCER 1-804-000-0000 AtdE Carolyn O. Vernier Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. AX PHONE 804-916-6846 •809-916-6897 4860 Cox Road, Suite 200 " PR Glen Allen, VA 23059 CUSTOMERIO#- Carolyn 0. Vernier INSUR AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC0 WSURED INSURERA: LK INS CORD 33600 JONES & STOKES ASSOCIATES, INC. INSURER a: 9300 LEE HIGHWAY INSURER C: PAIRFAX, VA 22031 INSURER D INSURER E.- INSURER F. COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 19516C59 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES -IMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS IL BR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDLE B POLICYI LIMITS INSR.MAID POLICY NUMBER MMID M GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO PR RENTED PREMISES t $ CLAIMS-MADE n OCCUR NED EXP VM one roon $ PERSONAL E ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE S GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO S POLICY F7 PR0. LOC $ AUTOMOBrc.E LIABILITY COMBINED SfNGLE LIMIT $ (Ea acadenQ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(POT Person) $ ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per acddwd) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE HIRED AUTOS (PwacddeM) $ NO"WNEDAVTOS $ $ F LA I" OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ UAS CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ IBLEION S $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION WCS-Z31-508361-010 O6/25/1 06/25/I1 X WC STATU- OTH- ANDEMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/EXECU IVE El EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICEWMEMBER EXCLUDED? Q NIA i (Mandatory M NH) E.L.DISEASE•EA EMPLOYE $ 1,000,000 WA1,describe under 000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E L DISEASE•POLICY LIMA $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS(LOCATIONS/VEMCLE9(ARech ACORD 101,Adddional Remarks Schedule,I more space m mgwred) SOUTH 228TH STREET HOT SPOT ANALYSIS PROJECT CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITY OF KENT SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. GO FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE KENT, WA 98032 USA carolynvar 01988.2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(20091091 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 19516059 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes KENT WASHINGTON This form must he printed on cherry paper Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator Garrett Inouye Phone (Originator) 5548 Date Sent 4/20/11 Date Required. 4/27/11 Return Signed Document to Nancy Yoshitake CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: 12/31/11 VENDOR NAME: Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Brief Explanation of Document. The attached Amendment No 1 to the S 228th St Hot Spot Analysis agreement is necessary so the consultant can prepare a Wetland Delineation Report Addendum and update the Visual Assessment Technical Memorandum from impacts due to the raising of PSE power lines for the S 228th St Union Pacific Railroad Project IV -' All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department (This Area��too be Completed By the Law Department) EIVE® ti�`;t E G1 tr ��f y a}'Os Received EC " Approval of Law Dept. Law Dept. Comments- ���� APR 2 I KENT LAW DEPT. Date Forwarded to Mayor- Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Received: _ Recommendations & Comments: Disposition: i� � ---' ' Date Returned: Iage5870_templatebase 2/07