HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT06-315 - Original - Tiburon, Inc. - Version Management Program (VMP) Upgrade to Version 7X - 09/19/2011 Records Mana'gernen KENT Document WASYINGTON Am CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: ; b LIXc k _ n:i\G , Vendor Number: 4-�t8y5 JD Edwards Number Contract Number: Ste'- 31!�- This Is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: -T: 6Ur6ct Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ['Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 'r_-A'D. in Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): thl a _ Number of days required notice for termimk& or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: .-ADepartment: Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): v m P tAna y-&- R_ A-o vwr- p%o a -IX S:Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 T I BU R I�N® Tiburon,Inc. 6200 Stonendge Mall Road Suite 400 Pleasanton,CA 94588 USA T 925 621 2700 April 13, 2010 F 925621 2799 vw w hburomnc com Ms. Kim Clements City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave , South Kent, WA 98032-5895 Subiect: Enhancement Agreement (EA)—285716C CMS/Ti 7.6& PRMS/Ti 7 6 Version Management Pro rg am (VMP) Upgrade Reference: Master Support Agreement between the City of Kent and Tiburon dated September 9, 2005* Dear Kim• Tiburon, Inc is pleased to present this Enhancement Agreement for the additional services required by the City of Kent to make their system Version Management Program (VMP) Upgrade ready Proposing a baseline version upgrade of the RMS/Ti (now LawRECORDS), CMS/Ti (now JailRECORDS) This Enhancement Agreement includes the basic services required to upgrade City of Kent Included applications/interfaces • LawRECORDS (formerly known as RMS/T) from version 7.3.3 to the latest released version (currently 7 6) including ARS (LAN and Mobile versions), WebQUERY, PropRoom/Barcode, WIBRS • JailRECORDS (formerly known as CMS/Ti) from version 7 3 3 to the latest released version (currently 7 6) • Imaging • Custom Transfer from a CAD to Tiburon LawRECORDS • Identix Fingerprint interface • TIPS/Barcode • WebQUERY NOTE: Geographic Presentation & Analysis (GPA) is no longer supported in version 7.5.2 Once the upgrade is complete GPA will no longer work CPS/Ti will not be upgraded, it will be left where it is with no changes proposed The costs for the services and software to provide a version upgrade of baseline products are included in the annual maintenance fee Additional costs will be necessary to upgrade custom interfaces, purchase additional hardware and purchase additional training services Tiburon will provide two (2) application training days to review and train features of the Jai IRECORDS/Law RECORDS systems The cost of providing these two training days are included in the total cost of this Enhancement Agreement Please carefully review all software which is ancillary to your Tiburon-provided systems for items that may require upgrading or modifying for specific operations A COMPuDYNE COMPANY Ms. Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C• LawRECORDS &JailRECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13, 2010 Page 2 of 8 *.Vote The expectation is that the part ofthe Agreement that lists included apphcationshnterfaces should include those listed in City of Kent s VSA exhibit I Which would include Get Case interface Get Jail interface, PRC MIS derived table transfer Ms Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C. LawRECORDS & JaiIRECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13, 2010 Page 3 of 8 Scope Description Please refer to Attachment A- Scope Description Price Description Total $57,915.00 Price Breakdown: # Item/Task Hours Unit Total Cost Cost 1 ,r_i SIJE-L- oa 36 $ 28600 l , - - • JO new server staging 2 Custom CAD-RMS transfer - Testing and 36 $ 286.00 10, 296 . 00 QA 3 Migration of Imaging and Identix 36 $ 286.00 10, 296. 00 interfaces -Testing -QA 4 Install a TRN instance of the 12 $ 28600 3, 432 . 00 application server components, create a TRN workstation build, copy CTAB and operator tables from PRD one time, enable WebQUERY TRN instance on the WebQUERY PRD server 5 QA associated with item 1 4 $ 28600 1, 144 . 00 6 Application training days to review 16 $ 23400 3,744.00 and train features of the JailRECORDS/LawRECORDS 7 Travel expenses (flight, meals, 3, 107 . 00 lodging, car) 9 Project Management 60 $ 26000 15, 600. 00 Total 236 $ 57,915.00 The Tiburon Annual Maintenance amount will not increase. Completion Criteria The VMP upgrade will be complete upon cutover of the applications to production operation. Terms and Conditions Ms Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C: LawRECORDS &JailRECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13, 2010 Page 4 of 8 1) The work described herein will be scheduled to commence at a mutually agreeable date after the Client's acceptance of this Enhancement Agreement. 2) The following are not included in this Enhancement Agreement: • Hardware replacements or upgrades. • Crystal Reports, Oracle, SQL or other third-party product upgrades or modifications • Chent-specific documentation • Modifications to any third-party systems that may be used by Client to access the applications • Migration of existing customizations(baseline applications of the versions are to be deployed) • Any new application modules Only those modules contained in the client's current 7 3 3 system will be upgraded • Services to uncrate/box any new servers or install/configure them into racks. • Law RECORDS Logging 3) There is no warranty period Maintenance continues for all systems throughout the entire VMP process 4) Any interfaces will be upgraded/migrated to the baseline versions. 5) This fixed price Enhancement Agreement is valid unless modified by Tiburon in writing prior to Client acceptance of the Enhancement Agreement. 6) This Enhancement Agreement is subject to and bound by the all terms and conditions of the Master Support Agreement between the City of Kent and Tiburon dated September 9, 2005, except where specifically amended in this Enhancement Agreement However, the terms and conditions of this Enhancement Agreement and the Master Support Agreement prevail regardless of any conflicting or additional terms on any Purchase Order or on other correspondence generated specific to this Enhancement Agreement Any contingencies or additional terms obtained on any Purchase Order are not binding upon Tiburon All Purchase Orders are subject to approval and acceptance by Tiburon 7) By the parties' signature on this Enhancement Agreement in the signature blocks provided below, the Client is authorizing Tiburon to proceed with the work described herein and confirms funding will be obligated Any requisite contractual documents required by the Client's purchasing procedures are the responsibility of the Client City of Kent: Tiburon: LLI.t e' Name: M� . , SrYs �PK itl Title: a Fo Date: Date: 1�t- is-soto Attachment A Scope Description Attachment B. General Operating Requirements Ms Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C• LawRECORDS & JailRECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13, 2010 Page 5 of 8 Attachment C: Hardware Configurations Attachment A—Scope Description General Responsibilities Working together, Tiburon and the Client will complete the required steps needed to upgrade the Client's system Tiburon Responsibilities for LawRECORDS & JailRECORDS Upgrades: 1. Designate a Coordinator to oversee the upgrade who will. • Maintain communication with the Client's Coordinator • Schedule and coordinate all "I iburon staff • Establish an upgrade schedule with the Client's input that includes the intended version • Communicate progress updates on Tiburon Tasks with the client during the active phase of the project(post software installation through cutover) 2. Provide a Product Demonstration of the new features This Demonstration may be conducted remotely and can take between 4-6 hours for LawRECORDS and JailRECORDS (depending on the installed version to be installed version change). 3. Provide the services to migrate the client's current tailoring and configuration to the new version. No new tailoring or configuration settings are included In some cases, old tailoring cannot be migrated because old fields have been removed or changed. 4 Validate and test the installation and data conversion to insure quality. 5 Conduct Initial and Final Data Conversion/Migration. There may be a period of down time required to conduct a full back up of the source data prior to the final conversion During the data conversion (typically 24-60 hours in duration) the source system will be on Inquiry only mode and not available for data entry and only limited queries through the GUI screen will be available 6. Provide two (2) days remote technical support post-cutover, and one (2) day on-site trainer cutover support for LawRECORDS and JailRECORDS. 7 Update TCS Configurations to reflect updated system version information Ms. Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C• LawRECORDS & JailRECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13,2010 Page 6 of 8 Client Responsibilities for LawRECORDS and JaiIRECORDS Upgrades: I) Designate a Coordinator to oversee the upgrade who will: • Schedule and coordinate all Client staff and third-party(vendors and/or departments) support • Maintain communication with the Tiburon Coordinator • Establish an upgrade schedule with Tiburon • Communicate progress updates on Client Tasks with the Tiburon during the active phase of the project(post software installation through cutover) 2) Provide VPN remote access and on-site access to Client server and network equipment, including to all development and system "roof' accounts on all servers running Tiburon applications as well as one demonstration/testing workstation during the upgrade process Provide Administrator Access to Tiburon technical staff to allow configuration of required users Adequate connectivity is a requirement of VMP eligibility 3) Provide all necessary hardware and third party product upgrades in accordance with Tiburon's specifications. 4) Submit hardware configurations (for any replacement hardware or upgrades) to Tiburon prior to purchase(if Tiburon is not providing the hardware) 5) Maintain/update Code tables and operator tables in both systems concurrently after the initial data migration 6) Update required new file maintenance tables as required. This includes adding new security settings as necessary to support new features. 7) Reconfigure(as necessary)any Crystal Reports to operate correctly with the upgraded systems 8) Deploy any workstation client software, including mobile versions of ARS (if applicable) 9) Download the latest documentation from Tiburon TCS self service website. Alternately, a CD of the baseline current documentation can be requested as well All documentation is delivered in full — whether each feature is licensed or not by the client 10) Conduct a full System Test to insure that all tailoring and configuration settings are migrated correctly and completely and that data conversion is accurate Note Tiburon conducts its own QA testing, but each client specific environment is best reviewed by on site staff as well as Tiburon QA staff 11) Report any system problems using Tiburon's TCS system (either on line or via email/phone) Note that a new Configuration & login will be established for Product release versions and higher Patch build installations will not require a new login Ms Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C LawRECORDS &Jai1RECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13, 2010 Page 7 of 8 Attachment B—Version 7.51x Operating Requirements Operating System Levels Server Windows Windows 2003 Server Workstations: Windows XP SP2 Database: Windows Oracle 1 Og or SQL 2005 Crystal Crystal Reports XI Developer Full Edition* *To use Crystal Reports through WebQuery, you must purchase Crystal Reports XI Developer Full Edition which is loaded on the WebQuery server itself This is in addition to any other Crystal Reports that are required to build reports The free runtime version that some sites have been using will no longer work For WebQuery, the server should be the most powerful Windows machine available At minimum, a dual processor is required, along with Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, PC Anywhere 12 0 and WmZip Prior to placing any order for VMP hardware(if Tiburon is not to provide the hardware), you must run the specifications by Tiburon in order to ensure that whatever you place on order will work with your new system Ms Kim Clements City of Kent Enhancement Agreement(EA)-285716C LawRECORDS & JaiIRECORDS VMP Upgrade April 13 2010 Page 8 of 8 Attachment C—Hardware Configurations Hardware Note- 7 6 requires a minimum OS of Windows Server 2003 and Oracle 1 Og (or SQL Server 2005) to Operate Beginning with this version, Tiburon will certify VMWare for use with its applications 7 6 no longer supports 800x60O (this may specifically affect clients running mobile ARS with the Tiburon MDC application) At the time of Upgrade planning, City of Kent and Tiburon can validate Hardware readiness and determine if further hardware is needed to support the upgrade