HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD11-079 - Original - Public Health Seattle & King County (PHSKC) - Regional Disaster Plan - 02/15/2011 Records M em KT Document WASHINOTON CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: 6011-077 T This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Description: ❑ Interlocai Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: Termination Date: -3 )- I a Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: e4 Department: irr�e, 41 Detail: (i.e. address, locbtion, parcel number, tax id, etc.): S Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContactCover\adcc7832 1 11/08 PHSKC :2011N MOO 1 PREP1989 Agreement bet«cen Public health—Seattle & King County and the City of Kent This agreement is made and entered into between Public Health-Seattle and King County (PHSKC) and the City of Kent as Subscuhing Organizations to the Regional Disastei Plan Both PHSKC and the City of Kent halve signed the Omn[hus Legal and financial Agieement (` Omnibus Agrcement", incotpoiated herein as Attachment 1 ) for oiganvations participating in the Regional Disastei Plan This agreement is governed b) the terms ofthe Omnibus Agreement It define, the responsibilitles of PHSKC as a "Borrower" and the Clty of Kent as a "I endei" in an incident rcquiurrg vacunation and/or dispensing of medication to people in King C ounty I. Introduction In a large to catastrophic disease outbreak. bioterrorist attack, or natural disaster, PHSKC would serve as a prmmaiy organization for the medical response in King County, as designated in Lmeigency Support Function (F.SI) 8 of-the Regional Disaster Plan The response could Include vaccinating and/or dispensing medication to large numbers of people PHSKC may need to operate temporary sites where large numbers of people can be served Hie City of Kent owns/leases facilities that would be appropriate temporary sites The purpose of this agreement Is to designate the facilities, define a method for developing a security plan, define the terms for initiation of use of-the facilities, and establish the responsibilities of each oiganization during an incident Unles,, otherwise agreed, PHSKC will request use of the Kent Community Centei facility only during a latgc or catastrophic incident requiring a medical response Use of the facilities will occur based on mutual agreement, as outlined in Section IV of this agreement The City of Kent will act in good faith to implement as much of this agreement as possible Depending on the sever ity of an event and physical impact to the infrastructure of the Kent Community Center, the City of Kent will implement the terms of this agreement to the best of its ability Nothing in this plan should be construed as independent of or bypassing regular emergency management procedures or the provisions of county or state declarations of emergencies 1I. Designated Facilities The City of-Kent will make available the following facilities for use as sites for mass vaccination and/or dispensing • Kent Commons 525 4ih Ave North, Kent WA 98032 Agreement between Page I of PHSKC dnd City of Kent PHSKC 4201 INM001 PREP1989 These facilities are available for use at any time of the year and could be used 24 hours/day. if necessai y Other Crty of Kent facilities may be available at the time of a mass vaccunation event At such time. the City of Kent will be flexible and work a ith PHSKC to offei facilities that meet mutual needs PHSKC and the City of Kent will prepare a Site Plan for each facility I he City of Kent will notify PHSKC if any information recorded in the Site Plans changes or is not accurate PHSKC will initiate veiification of data at least once every two yeai s III. Security Plan PIISKC and the City of Kent will cooperate to assess secuirty issues pertinent to each designated facility and complete a Security Plan for each facility I he Security Plans will he reviewed annually and updated as necessary Completed SeeUi'ity Plans and updates must he submitted to a PHSKC repicscrtalivc idenUlied in Section IX of this ngrcement annually or upon completion IV. Notification of Initiation of Use of Facilities Use of the facilities would be triggered by a large to catastrophic disease outbicak, bioterrorist attack, or natural disaster PHSKC will request use of the designated facilities at least 24 hours prior to start of use The City of Kent will provide confirmation to proceed as soon as possible after receiving the request PIISKC will specify as soon as possible after making the request to use the facilities • the affected population groups • the triage of types of persons to be served. if applicable • the estimated number of pcisons to be served • the anticipated duration of the response • the anticipated hours of operation V. Responsibilities of PHSKC The Regional Disaster Plan, ESF 8, outlines the responsibilities of PHSKC duiing a large scale disaster The outlined responsibilities include cooidinauon of mass unmunvation ptograms Mass dispensing piograms also may be necessary fhe responsihrlitics in this section are specific to a mass -vaccination and/oi dispensing program operated by PHSKC at the facilities designated by the City of Kent • Set up and operate Incident Command • Manage public information activities • Provide laptop computers • Administer data management activities Agreement between Page 2 of PHSKC and City of Kent PHSKC 4201 INM001 PREP1989 • Coordinate communication with city, county. state. and federal agencies, as needed • Provide nistiuctions for set up of facilities • Provide all vaccines and supplies needed for opeiations • Provide staffing for delivery of vaccinations and/or dispensing of medication • Arrange tot food service for staffers • Dnpose of hiomedical waste • Conduct post utilization decontamination V1. Responsibilities of the City of bent • Cancel events scheduled for facilities • Provide internet connectivity as identified in the Site Plans • Asyst in set up of facilities based on instructions tiom PFISKC • Fmute availability of parking identified in the Site Plans • Lnsure availability of equipment identified in the Site Plans to the best of the City of Kent's ability • Arrange for maintenance of equipment identified in the Site Plans during vaccination / dispensing incidents, if needed • Ensure continuation of janitorial services VIi. Cost and Payment I he City of Kent shall provide the facilities without rental cost to PHSKC Consistent with the Omnibus Agreement. PHSKC shall pay the City of Kent for valid and invoiced "assistance costs," defined in the Omnibus Agreement as direct material costs, equipment iental fees, fuel, and labor costs Incurred in piovidmg the facilities PHSKC also shall pay the City of Kent for valid and lnvotc,ed costs of facility icpairs resulting from PI ISKC use of the facility If applicable, PI ISKC will provide mstiuctions to the City of Kent regarding cost-tracking tequited for federal emergency assistance. and the City of Kent will track costs accoidingiy Viili. Term and Termination This agreement is effective upon signature by both parties and ends December 11, 2012, unless extended or terminated by either party prior to the termination date f,ither party may request an extension of the agreement prior to the termination date through an amendment process Fithei PHSKC or the City of Kent may terminate this agreement with written notification to the other party no Icss than thirty (30) calendai days in advance of the termination date A<freernent between Page 3 of PHSKC and City of Kent � r PHSKC #?01 INM001 PREP1989 IX. Contacts I he contacts foi PHSKC are- Michael Loeht Anly Eiden Manager, Public Health Preparedness Section King County Prosecutina Attorneys Office 401 fifth Ave Ste 1100 �16 '1'htrd A%CnnC, Room W400 Seattle. WA 98104 Seattle. 1k A 98104 206-263-8687 206-296-9015 michael loehr(a ktngcounty gov amy eider (Amgcounty gov The contacts for the City of Kent are- Brian Felezak Doug Siegert Ptogram Manager Facility Manager Kent Emergency Management Kent Commons (251) 856-4345 office (253) 856-5017 (253) 740-6540 dstegett,�ci kept wa us bfetcrak�a?,ct_kentwa,us X. Signatures Pu ltc Health - Seattle & King County City of Kent Benjamin 1, fer 'Nam .56t pe 60e7�,F- Chid Adn `nisttattve officer Ti Public Health -Seattle & Ktng Date O / / Date CP I/ Agreement between Page 4 of 4 PHSKC and City of Kent 440 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Please FIII in All Applicable Boxes WASHINGTON Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Onginator: Br,-arl �e�C2h/C- Phone (Originator) Date Sent* a - al- aL Date Required ..2 �? 3 -moo Return Signed Document to 6S /46o vC CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: /C�-3/ ae la VENDOR NAME: DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Brief Explanation of Document: L,sc sa l es cxlur;n q i»c1Jur d%�gsfer a✓ C'afaslYc�h;e �vt�t FUr rh�iSf VgcCln��rd� � ,!/ur cYls�>°n5,ny All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept : FEB 11 2011 Law Dept Comments: KENT L4 09PT. KENT Date Forwarded to Mayor (6 7( 1P Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Received: Recommendations & Comments: c Disposition: �� �� /�- 2011 o r�Qif a wry CITY OF ir,-NT Date Returned: clTr CLE=K Iage581-0 3,05