HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW09-218 - Original - GMAC ResCap - Clark Springs Aquisition - 04/16/2009 Records Maonwag6- mer KENO W hSHINGTGH Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: GMAC ResCap Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: EGVO9 -a l Y This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Clark Springs Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 4/16/09 Termination Date:5/22/09 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Tim LaPorte Department: Engineering Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Purchase and Sale Agreement for property located at 26025 SE Kent Kangley Rd., Ravensdale C4K y -7p--?- S:Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\Contrac[Cover\adcc7832 1 11/08 M 20, 6 P u Assi�t�o: a359.1eaan6 lla[e: G4-;�B GMAC ResCap Addendum to Standard Purchase Contract This is as Addendum("Addendum")to the Standard State Porobase Contract( C orttraGt ) on the 1'roperrr°'know�l 2s 2M SE KENT ONGLEY RD RAVEt49GAi.E KING VOA 08-051 ,ur%bich, DtyOf" Waah(ngton is referred W as"Buye+"g;;d GMAG RasCap is referred to as"Seiler",And is hereby made a pa:k of the cowwt, Effect of addenda=1h the evet t of any=ftiet betty oeti this Addendum,escrow insmtaticrns,and/or other documents attached to this Addendurn such as The S&Mdwtt State Arans.9P Contract,the terms of this Addendurn shell pres'nil except as athmwEL prm lded by law. r Sellers Authority: No contact for-the sale of the Property shall be tff tine unless axucuted in writing b)both Buyer and Seller.Thia Addendum,including the disdotoxvof information,or other daclosure forme or nodees refit:fired by law or local eustGrti,tonstkutes the eadrtt contract bet»tea Buyer rind Seller This Addendurr_ supersedes all pr;vious aorea,rmioaticna,undarstar,duW,represtmta2ans,warrantles,covena"its and contacts, whether written or oral,and there*are no, gal or other-written contracts between Buyer and Seller, No oral promises, representations(express or implied)wa..anLea o_conua.-Is rrade by Seller or broker or any person acting on behal" of Seller shalt be deemed valid or binding upon 3e'.ler unless expressly included in this Addrnduro till regotarnrna are merged into th s Addendum. Any o':her n mien or verbal statements made by Seiler.Seller's representatives or any real estate licensee,chat,'no-,obligate seller,No provision,term or clause of the Addend-s shall be rs+,Zsed, modified,arnerded or w2ived except by an instrument in writing signed by Buyer and Seller. Buyer is adriscd dAr Seller may be r"4pvnd4 ro multiple o6trs a,ance tun right to awe;,arse aat each offer. Only a completer Standard Puramse COntratt and Addendum,fully signed b} the Buyer and Seller,will Convey Ballet's aocaptano". Buyer acllmvwledges that Seller acquirex titla by idmolosurc,dozed in tieu of foreclosure,or the purchase of an owned MI estioe wset NEa" of the former rnortgageelleader.In the et,ent any of f'ae beta%cor�ditlom are tnet,at Seller's option and sole discretion.Seller ay notify Buyer that ttw.Addeadurn ;s cancel,d and the eatr+eat trap?y deposit shall he returned to Buyer as Buyer's sole rc riedy Se`ler shall have no furl}ar obit_ tton to Buyer in rziatioi.to the AddMdum,including but not limited to reimbursement for any expenses a. If sailer determines char it is imabie to conv�r itsurablo t;tle to the Property thro'--wh a title insurance cotapany seteatcd by Seller at regular rztai b, if ar:y third party,:whether tenant ho nro-,vaer's association.mortgage Insurance company or otherwise, exercises rishta under a nghroffrst refasal,optlan ar limits right to p rchase the Property; c. If Seller has transferred and conveyed tliu Prnporty to a third party;or, d If tt.a Purchase Price is InsufliclaiC ro pay the Sum ofthe zloamg^_estY,to test,eoarrtissions +td caw liens an or obligations secured by the Property that Seller Iw agreed to pay hereondor; e. if a cocci of law ev¢r{ums a lbrecloaur.,t'-Mtees sale,sheriffs sale or the Rke,or deed in lieu tranmetion, that results in Seller or its prodder essor,suceassor ar assign °aking Cite to the Prop";ry; C If the Property is affected by an enviroamarral harn_d,ws de.er:mrcd by Seller,or 9. if 5elicr has r eccivocd oNCiai octl+niObrat tic;Property 13 t;YiOI40il of 9ktld::g c0ddS Or similar k s or ' SEgUlat10n5. Na Addendum for the sale oft]hc Praperty shall be effective unless exe�cuwd in writing by both Buyer anti S,elier, 3. Purchase Price:Total purchase price of$590000 _. shall bo psi d to Seiler In cettifled funds at the closing. Bu'er and Seller acknowledge rtMpt of a copy of this papa whirh constitute,]sage 101 11 pages. } SRtL'i'5 i+urr t uyer 4lnirtgls air, 7 i"83 ( '?tk►fi ft et (f�` �1;, �! dj r id 3. Initial Otprre± lrnmediaxly foiloyring Seller's sorsptattoeof the Udaadum to the Standard Purchase Cantrgzt, escrow will be opened by both patties with an escrow ftprmt designated by Seller.The"earnest coney"dapbsited shall be in d e aemolva of S 4000 and�abmitted to escrow wi:,t in two,{2)calendar days.A COPY Oil TFM DEPOSIT C13ECK MUST BE SUBNII'1TELl' n-H ADRElYl3L M._F„iRNE.ST MOAMi`.R P[>Sn WILL Bpi VADE NOq RLFUNARBCL UNI JMV 34-W?T V DI UPPRDYAL OF EVNPIF 1r CONTPNGE CYORLOANC(I'V7 NGEACYI,SRECEIVAI)HYSEWEAINWMING,�W17HdN SWIFIED TL'FIB. 4. Coatiugenvtes: Buyer hereby af£rmg thatthe sale or re6,-Ancing o°any raal property awned b;ir§c Buyer to not a contingency of:his Addetclum, 5. Floaaee Terms.TrA Purchase Addendum(chtak tme):Q is Q is aot oontingent upon time Iduyer obtalmino, tirmanetng for the pnrohase of the Propatty. If 13me Addeotlum is contingent an 8ubncmg,the Ov.Pe of fuuncing sha;i ba the fo3owing(check one below): a. 11 conveutiortat E)FAA CI VA, Seuer shs;l pay a ra"I nura of: Description Amount Repairs Amotmt kiotrte Warranty �4tEY'-mte.Ar;SCt4Zt Transfer pees Amount Leader B.agvired Repairs Credit)n YJw of Repairs Non Recurring dosing t tests 53tdc'1 mnsft5 Tat Yes Mwn Pay meat A64stmce Ihty n Payment Asaistrnce Pmgram Fee 00 rrNpersoDescription1 Other Expeaae t 0thtr P:xPcnso Dvmr(ption 2 Odw Expense 2 Other Expense Desarrptlon 3 Other Expense 3 Total,r onues"Jens 0.00 i, if the Addendum is ontingent upon financing,the Buyer shall present proof,satisfactory to the &He1,of the Buyer's prcgtiailfloet:an for nanga e'.o r in an anxotznt"rid under Lrms svffcie".t far UM'Buyer to prcfnran his Gbi.gaticns uudar:he Addendum.-ie prege.eilfieaaon sl:dl withow limiwwn,a certtftcaticst o>preequalifi;atiDr(or a mnrtgagt loan comm1unent)from a direct mortgzge lender il:t Btrfer's submi,,sion of proof of prcqualiC atios,saliafactory to fre Sellz.is a �tuMand Seiler of nowledge nexciptol o copy of this page,which mngtittUa Page 27f I pages 3d1�'Sl7dtt 3 N�ctr'1fI'llwaIr 21, ;W. City 01 5toi cotiditton prect*.dettt to the Seller's acceptrssce of the Addendum LW failtuc of the Buyer to pro13de such prvofprior v the ce cr'a%!xvoution of i'le tick^endue,rmy nullify&w Sche:'s execution oft a Addertdurt and render the Con.ract roll tmd void The Buyer shall complete and submit to a mortgage lender an application for a mo tgage loan cotitaining,lie terms set forth In the Terms znd Cortdi:ions se,;lor,of this Addendum vinbca three(3)calendsz days of mutual a ceptanee of thls Addendum.Bayer shall emplray diligent efforts to oira%a taorigage loan comr:i`.Irient within Fourteen(14)calendar days of mutual acceptattcx of;nis Addendum if,despite else Buyer's dtiipent efforts,the auycr cannot obtain a morieap loan zomn»tmeunt wnhat such fourteen(Ill)calendar days,then aither the lluyeror tits Seller-may tetmtuate the Addendum by givitze writ=notice rothe other party,and this Addendum may be automatically ttriminated at the sole option of the Seller, in the event of&,e terminatioa by Buyer,the Buyer'a notice w Seller must irul ide a copy of the loan application,proof of the application date,and a copy of thz dental letter from thtr prospective lender. Fatrncst xtloiteg is considered non-refundable if buyer chooses not to terminate within the iShc ealendsr dam.In the event of a proper Itnnination of the Addendum by Buyer under this paragraph, to earnest money deposit shall bs returned to the Buyer and the parties snail have no fvrt'rxr obligation to each other under the Addendtt_rn. 'Me Buyer agrees to cooperate and comply with VII requests for documents and infornabon from the B u)W s chosen lender during the loan application proms Failure of the stayer to comply witli a 4iz:uiuests from the¢chosen le'-'der that results m the denial of the mortgage loan,or failure of tim B uyer to provide proper notice to Seller in the even of termination by Buyer,shall constitute a breath of the Addendum.Sol ler shall be entitled to.etadn all earnest money deposited by Buyer wdfn no addlt=W sighalwvi wired. u. Selo resetvas the right to approve or disapprove of any requzrcraertts of an F"VA appraisal,Ir Lender requires any Impound accounts,viey shall the established per toms and condttlor,s of roan &r&or Lender aid slWl be paid by Buyer. b, Qi fish Offer:(lfchecktd)t The Addendum is not contingem upon.financing.Buyershail prrn-ride Sete: proof of liquid funds on&Vosit ut toe United Stages sufficieot to close this transaction. Such proof shall be provided prior to Seller'sacceptance of this Addcnd=and shall be subject to Seiler';approval, c. The Buyer is aware that the prove and terms of this to enaction were negotiated based on the type of financing selected try the Buyer Any change to tltc loan type,tt ins or x change in the Buyer's lender after neptiatiotas have been completed"I cousltute a breach cf ttre&4dettd:1r,and Salter shall be entitled to mitin all earnest moray deposited by Buyer with no additional sipWAtWes required by bu*er. Subicct property shall resuam,n the MLS until cloned and funded. d. TMIS OF'Llf;{E FBSEYCF,;CLOSING DAZE,PKR DlLK,Tlus transaction shall ciost on or itefots os-za-lM , Seller in=approve any extensioe to the close Ofesao5t'date,requested by Buyer,in w ittcg Tl,e Setler may earnest money deposit I-T ct y to Seller for said extension incercficd funds prior to sigttmt;of any amendment. In add,tion,Buyer<z rces to pay Sue:lam a non-re-iundable,per-diem fee in the amoani of S tM lday ir.certified funds prior to lire sigrft of extension amendment,there is tin sutornatic extension with this Addendum, a Guyer s1 II deliver all funds due$oiler in the forth of c rtifled check or wire transfer. Faiure w deliver Rinds accotding to either of toe previously mentioned me rods sh"tit conaiderc-d b:each of Lae Addmdurm. f (rli'm nanx).snTaogsrryK.Wt wg31 ty-tose address is,ac V.s=:rcwe i xtrs eivn,st O'4A,4=sash 'telephone NO I t5eot4s-carp C105irtg Agent(Individual's blame)*mPAAKn-Aw F�dr:ui cots g Ad itt oEai Terrrc Ba rfndUkracknowiedgereceiptofsea ofdrtr page, iiVs Yl` PY 1�13e!, P b "'l C St4(�)Jtll $r�yer'a InlFs'ats) 1,2W Ci:v if K4r{ six 3716 a I b. CONDOMMPflPvfJPL7I7M3MILQWiKERS AMCUTION-,if the Property is s cordoru-nium,plaTmed unit deveiopnlent,subject to a lwirrrcxv+nes s assaeianon or co-operati m,t nlem otherwise teyul-d by'itw,l3uyc,at Buyer's own kKpetise,is ivsporw:we for oblaining and mvewving the cvet and.ctmdt'ao:rs.restr'c ito is andlo, bylaws of the relevant entity'Atthin seven(7)calendar rays of Seller's delivery of exectttcxl Addendw'u to Stayer, Seller Wets W employ reasonable efforts to assist Buyer,n o,tnlrung a copy of said doettmert if Buyer does not not fy Scller ire Yriting,withtn tali(1 a)days of Selle:s acceptance it iti deewed that The birf z acscspts all sa=d documents. 7, CLOSING Ct'33'1CSA14Dtl,WVWM NTS� a Bu=t and;Seiler acme to pro=the following ex rs;res,as of the closing dale trtnicipal-eater raid sewer charges,aillity charges,real estate trxes and assessmcros =-)vion area cnarpas,condominium or;ilatintd unit dev4opment or similar too murrity assessments,utd payrx=s of homeowncr's association sper,..ar asscssrnmts.Payments not yet due and owing are ttte reespansibiurf orthe Stye r wnhout cmdlr t3wards the Put case Price,All pro-rations will be calculated using th*figurees available at the time of closing. The day of the cdcmiog wilt.be charged to Buyer. There will ba do pra-iatiam or adjustments after aloslnv This faxivision iha11 aw-vi n dea,yery of fne deed, b. All ethei casts and eVewcs,including any cost,exp zit or transfer tax imposed by arty stala or local enliz} not Wltd;visa addresseel hzttin,'including any tax or es�essutent imposed upon the Ptvperty:err arty period prior to the clpsurg daft due to a change m 1he use of rise property after the closing date,shall be raid by Buser 9. i.'eiSLBiARLE7'$S`U. a. J.11eas 01herwise indicated below,Stiler shall furnish Buyer,at 4 upe:m,a fee(p'araers)title pel;cy is$u04 by seeker s Cho=of Title Company,with standard,base coverage fat prier Buyer at its sole exile;cc and elearion may obwin azry endorstme=and extended cavnrapo's It aistres out Seiler is under t,o obdizvbon t4 take any action or inmat any coats related to such atsditional artdorstments and coverage. b. Buyes may choose to purchase title tuseuarce from a die'ereat title company at ihoT own er.pense_ Buyer iurtiier a!reus to cooperate with Seller's tiJecloeng company at no extra expense:o Seiner. Seller agree;to ,:eHver,nsr.Y2b?atide,and fees to pay for the cost of;to-tamiara bavc 94ywm'Owners'Policy of n:tc insurante'from seller's choice of title company(hull wath any:ndorsemciats or exiendrd rerrge being at Huye;'s xote eiectfon sad expcnsa} lit ate c�esit Buyer ol~orrsco to obta,n titetr own foe(owners)lxattry andlor title chant,they shall order the same wi hira three'l;j calendar days of Seller execrtmg the kdderxtunt of side,or all objections to title shall be waived t. Bu)it anti,-t notcfy Seller's nilelclos.ng company of all title objectiona at leasf tea(10)calrnda:days befere 0ks--i:.g,61 all objections to He wall�e waived, Cf Sc;let carnet d re said objecions aftx a pixui f3tL't a,ft,^„Gr to do so would delay the LiaSntb bcy:nd talc Q:ib.r,.^,l I 3,ay exttr4ed c1ming date, age' es to accept a free(owners)tint policy,as stated above,at Sae;'s expero;, Rrgt$ar rates mist iopiy Sevier agraes to pay Lire fremiam for a fee tow ners)tit e Policy Only if Selter's se:ectcd lisle agent issues the policy. d, 1£a inorti—ee policy is reyuitce,Buyer shall be tespom*.oie fix pzyment of ilia fu.l premium a Seller shall not De obliVed to rd:oove 6rry exception or to?�4 i.^,g any action ar prccaed ng or btzir any asperse ir,order b3 eaavzy title to the Property or to make`,'le ti,e,n; ao_a.slid any eatcnapt by SeUt1 r to r and Seller aekrmwledge rteitptof4 copy of this p2m whirb con€:ttutes Page 4pf 11 pngses, i _.�( � X 1�-r .SCf7Cr'f J'rr3rr Birver's btiiaalt a; 17. 3_, 1 _ » e.ar ., x�,;t ►�;. y,,� iwmavosueh title extxp#iotts shad tirr linposc an c;Dli�i+on open�lirr to re�va those exerptons. rt;�,r acimowleAges,lit t Seder's 60e to the Propery W'ae 5-bloct to cotirt approval at a forcciosuze a0lion, M-uit or alike Cr simile =;%ion,i.e.deed itt ltcu or as part of a putt hdac`,rom a prior aen leer,o-b a mortgagor's right of redesipnon. 9 Ft ILM OF DEED:T.hts dui to be delivered at closing s!teii be a deed the:covenaotb that graatcr grants only that title which grantor?nay have and that grantor will only defend title Agau-xst persons ela,ming by,tlnar~gh,w under to grainer,but not otherwise(which deed may be known as a Special Warranty,Li:ntted W -mity,twit Cairn or awpi i and Sale Deed). 10, SXLUR DISCWSURI;RLWP.PMCHASINfr`1 fM PROPMrY"AS IS": a. Butter undor-Lands that Seller leas Bever lived in or or,the Property The Property is Doing said and — --_- purchased in"as is-where is coaditioa-without representations and warraittia"expressed or impI&L Bny4_-acknowledges thdt this Property was acquitted by formlo crc,deed xa lieu of foreclosiue,a=-she purchase of a REO of the former mo iagdiendrr and maybe exempt from certain state requirements res�arding dslivety of 3 state mandated Real Estate Transfer IY%Z IOSUte Statetnem Buyez ack;towiedges that s oozy era pert relying on any representations,statomenis,gucranteas or warranties ref any kind lnciuding, witnow hwmarfon, $c physical condition of the property and any;mpro�erneuts 1ec4ted tt.ercon,or their sUttabitity for aTr pia tteular propose rn of t ieichantantlity Buyer,hall rely on rt?c-h^,i lnvtoptions of the property in determining whether taaegttire It The pmvisitms of th:s paragraph are a tiiaterial part of ilia considerdUan for sellar mitering into tins Arldmilwa.and sDaii survive closing, b. If them is e n enforcement proceeding arising from wile uions of such violatlon5 betas an eirfartemert board.r�^tai triasrcr,.:tiiiR of coirtpoxeriz jruisdi,Kirm or sirtiiiaz otrfarccrnttx]lfniy,tad nvitriti i3uytr star Se]W,ertrinate,the Addetdun, Buyer agrera fro. i, To 4c=pt the Property subject to dw violations,A..P+M R. JU responsible for compliance with the spplicWe code or reg,vadon&,vd with orders Issued in any code caforceincite proceedug,AND lit Rinsolvodie deficiencies as soon as possible at-r+he cias:nf and flarxltng,AND iv. Boyer fiather s to mdemrrify Seller froth all claims or nobility arcing:rim Buyer's breach of this si wm a. P,vyet hereby ac'mowledges that Sella may not ba providing Buyer with a Real Estate ihtcioxui Statement Mdlor Certificate of 0ectTan:y with respect to the Fraperty.Btrycr hereby waives tiny-„xlairetnt zit that. Seiltir flimished Buyer with any such disclosure state iieeut and/or a Certificate of Occupancy and hereby mleeses Suilrr from all Liability resulting from flea non-delivery of sigh diactosure: ! terr"and/or Cerahcate of Occupancy where applicable. d, Buyer ackriowiedprs that no personal property is included as part of tlx:transaction unless mp easly ir,oluded in the Addendtirxi RUytr assumes fuR responsibility for any Personnt Property remaining ar,the grope,-v at the time of Closing and fittading and personal Property said by Seller-hall he accrptcd by Suva man"as is, wtitre is"basis without repre3en non or.warranty of any kind or nature,and specific,lly excluding any wan-.nitres of merabarrtabilrty or fitness for aK+partxulax put pose I t LEAD RASED PAINT A.ND fXUD BASED 11AZA. L'DS FOR PRF 173 PROP£RTI&1; Every purehastw ofany i ter=st in ecitientiri r al grope ty on which a mmdemal dwe11in2 way built prior to I"is noofied L:st€itch property-nay presrml exposure N lead from lead-based paint that,rat place young children ii:risk of dea-elapwg lead poisiing. Lead poisoning in young children may produce p`rnarient neurotogical damage,including leamiq,dimbitities,reduced intelligence quotient tehavimi;problems, mtl impalmd mnanory. Lead poisoning atsti pests a partttular risk to pr*pra women The 4v2cr of any me-tst mi csidential real prupc.*ty req Ltd ic,provide'dit buyer with nny infort:aifio:,on lead-bawd paint hazards(rani risk assessments or insp,s.;uo:u u,.tno 3ei.er'S POSd2a9ly-1Pt aiu'➢i,�aTj life bL')@t vi l3Tly uiUtirY,:CSfhIYCYtd pitiik i,aTafd$ A flSii 1S�ctSt:2STi$f tP-1"r7e.�ajtln fox possible ivnxi�Dasexi pa�zt hazards is rxamtnend=.r1 poor N pnrohas at the txT.Rnae of/lie Beyer B er and War oidmowletfgn receipt of a ropy of this page,which racstitu:es Page 5of t i lag I ,Sriler'7 foie fir &rynS Intuoir r,,- .' i�l'ls ,.;?�t+l �tbt< cs <�ts� ;o• rs'1'E � � Please check and ttii'tiai: Lead Rased Paint Inspection is v Alwd a Lead Based Paint Inspection is not Waived 12. WIVEIt'S DUTY TO 1X9PECTnTTST: a. X calendar days after the Seller delivers Ad*idtart to Bayer.Btiver sball bane tha right to - inspectttxeY'roperty, b Aithongh the property is sold"As is-Wbere is without representations nr+wikrMuties",thr lht_Varbts a right to la5pwV osto Pave the Pt'opeTly mspected by others or,3uyer's behalf to cete,^,ninetlr conditon and ---- --- existen c of defects if airy. All inspections siwli de at Bu)� 's sa;e experse Se7t r rccammestds tlaal Suytr secure such Surveys,professional building inspecciou regotts,inspemons or other reports necessary to di,mr.;tine the prsserice of radon gas,lead based paint and/or lead based paint hazania,asbestos or other rm.is or ha wdors substances in oar arowtd tne Property.Buyer should otrtairt arty other repots had irsprcums,as they dxra appropriate to determine the condition of fire Property,its title,appliances,and other G4m{Wrietit$. c. Bty cr 1,a:the right to waive any or all inspections,itrJuxtia,the insp-nton for lead based paint and/or lead basad paint hazards. d, Malta,mildew,spores and/or other microscopic organisms and/or ailergcns itnileedl elp Teftrred to in this Addendum as"Mold")are onytro mental conditions that arms car im in in rssidentiai prc*ptL^ries and tray affect the i'raperty Mold in some fortes has been reported to he toxic and to cause serious physical injures,including but not limited to allergic and/or respirat . mzctians or otherproalcros,particularly in persons with inu-nuno system problems,young children and/or elderly persons. Mold has also been reported to cause nZensire damage to personal and real pwt rry. Mold may have been removed,wmediated or covered in the course of any cltan'sne or rcpal-ring of Prix.Property,'/le Buyer a IMOwledges tltai,if Seller or arty of Seller's employe", coritractors,or agents cleaned or repaired tine Property or remediated mold contamination,Scaler clues rxit warrant the cleaning,repairs or r„mediation. Buyer accepts full rat pcnsibility for all hazards that may result from the presence of mold in or around the Property The Buyer is satisfied with the condition of the Property,norwithstariding the past or present existence of mold in or around iisu Property,and Buyer has not is any tvay :lied upon any r"sectatitms of Seller, Seller's employees,otficem,directors,contractors,or agents conceming the past or presort existence of mold to or around*he Property, e, 1F BUYER DOES NOT EXERCISE THESE RIGHTS,BUYER IS ACTLYG AGAINST?'IiE RECONVhMNDAVON OF SEL LVR.BUYER UNDERSTAI DS THAT ALTHOUGH Cnh+`DMONS AND DEFECTS ARE OFTEN DIFFICULT TO LOCATE AND DlSCOVE;2, ALL REAL PROPERTY A.ND IMPROVENIENTS MAY CONTAIN DEFECTS AND C£INDITIO,YS NY'HICI3 ARE NOT READILY APPARENT AND li MCH MAY AFFECT THE VALUE OR DESIRAWLITY OF THE PROPERTY.BUYER ANTI SELLER ARE .AWARE THAT SELLER AND BROKERS DO NOT GUARANTEE AND IN INO NVAY AS91JINTES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY. BL`T-R IS ALSO AWARE THAT i3UYER SHOULD EXERCISE REASONA 3I,F.CARE TO PROTECT AGATNST FACTS KNOWN TO,OR NMUIN THE DILIC;ENT A=FNTION AND OBSERVATION OF,THE BUYER, Please check cad initial: All other lnspectionb are waived D �" Buyers do i'ot Waive u2p-Aon right(t) $ Bayer and Seller adtaairiedg+rtWpr of s copy of"palls which eensdtatw P*go Sdf 11 Pages, X —?L-Wx' SrfbV',rrw of r Nr,o-ar'srnu:aJa 1 M1'I� I u 1 da,a�/ i :}>1.R,li€ City S"' KRr; 11 .16 t' 22 13. BUYEWS INSMCTION. a. Bayer-hail n>ut ditecily or indirectly rac'se any impecHmt to be made by any veramatst burld rig or eoriti isoeetor m governmtnt emp?oyes without the prior written}conaeW of Seller, b. if t+c Prupmrty is located in a junsdiction that rec urM1s acettifirzte of occupancy,smoke detector ctrli{rcat;um,sepLo certification,energy comfit.or any similar cerd5cauon or pc7i nit or any b'M of improvement or repair to flit P operty(coh'xnvt]y,"Pertitits and 2 pa rs"j Buyer acSw,owSc'ges and agrees :hat Btcyer shalt be res=sibit far obm1nutg any end ail of th=.Peanuts and ReparK at Buyer's son t~Ypaasc, Buyer shall obtain Seiier's written consent prior to the commencement of ar,y repair.to subject property. Btyor 4tal1 triue applica'ion for all Perr s and Repairs avithln lYrree f 3)calendar day>cf Seder's scccpance. o. Buyer she 11 bt tnaporisibie for tepmir of damage or re4toratrmn of tine P ropem, regttired becaise of may Ipect on or tests i3uyet{s}have performed peraonalSy a had performed on tbtir belva an the 7?ropelty, d. Bayer acknowidges and agrees that l)uyer and/or Buyer's comracto-,will not be Wanted access to the property prior to closing and funding for any re*rs or alternators,a the property.Saou►d Buyer and/or Stryer's contractor unlawfutty access the property prior to closing and'xiding,for the purpose of glair or altemationts,the Buyet will be in default of she terms of the Adderrdum.Under no crrcurrstances%Yiii the Buyer and/or}kryer's wntractat have say option?or rombursement of arty r epaJr or alicrationg F rtf'or rnt'i pnoi to plc rr.g rid finding uniess agreed upon in undrig by all parties. 14, ;'I YER'S INSPECTION RESULTS' a 1Uthougi:the Property is sold'As Ia-'-there Is Without Reprtsrotadons or warranties", upon receipt of 13a)ees inspection rmport(s),the seller shall have seven(7)days aftcr t ie date%Ilcr rermwes Bayer s ,mnlu t notice of any defects,to adrse Buy'et or BLcyer's a wmry,in,v ritatig tial Seller shall proceea utuier on5 of the failowiag options, i Treat the condition and repair she defect at Seller's own cgittm.Buyerag&cs to consammate the parchase transaction according ra the tarts of this Addendum;(in to eras;of lead basec paint andior lead based paint hazard n-ncdla on Seller will provide Buyer with a leNl .ate".zone a rsk assessor or inspactor demonstrating tnat the condition has been remedied oefors the d3ie of closing) if Seller elects to make any such repairs to the Property,Seiler shall nonfy 9u)'er after coatylettoii of the repairs and Buyer shall have three(3)calendar days from the der of notice to inspect tht repairs and notify seller of any disapproved ibxm, Bayer's fail;^,.;o in Wr'XngsuehTrp des 5ha�l bu deemed as Buyer's acceptance thereof.Under ro circumstances shall Seller na required to make arty repairs or treatments after the c€osmp and fwdiag date. OR 11. Provide a credit to the B%:ycr for the cost of repairs)agreed to by Buyer ann Seller in velitarto,which shall be crWned at cdosinp in which event Buyer agrres to consummate the puchase transaction according to the terms of this At!desdum.OR iii. To nattier make repairs;tor credit the Buyer at:which time the Buyer,can terminate the purchase transaction and reserve a ttfund of earnest motley deposit The Buyer howemr.may elect uw consaunmtate tits purchase ttansac Lion,taking the Property in is"as is-%Vhore is"condition with w,4ateyerdefects exist. To =raise This right.Buyer must provide Seller wr tten none¢orguch intention within four(it)days front receipt of Seiler's notice of its elevtio b. In eridition,Huger shall rave the nghtto make a f-uW inspection of the P cperty prior to cwsr.g to"ure that its condition has not derezroraiec ft m the date of the Addendumn(ard:nary wear and rear excluded). Buyer acknowledges that tl•e c;osicg o.`•ihs^ansactioc deems Buyer's;3-Mr-r:atior,Thee Btiver:s satisfied fA Eye condi',on of the Property for all purposo and satisfied with air mpAn;and tteu errs to the Property,Buyer waives all la atn Ala efl to corAitton,ga«My,repairs or treatments to t;7e Pmper(p, G. B,.yer assumes all risk of loss,damage or miury,which may raise becaus>o:or may be in any way corstaemed with,the presence of radon gas,asbestos or any othe_toxic or hazardous aubsinnce in or,:.round the f Weity, Buyer fully and forever releases and dlscnaMes Seiler,is officers,em-ployees,;agents anti contractors,from any and T,d tiaims,l4b,.1n:es,csxpt,cscs and damag_i,wnsther now os hereafter Snowrt, rwbich Buyers henna or ma}hereafter haoe ga net Seiler its officers,e,t1p,oyCn,agents and 4ontrac nrc. 9uycr releases and'tndemnifres wile:,Its officers,emplo%eel,agems and cnntrzc,on,Frorn and aga.nat auy 1(J y;'M27!atir ^iSpER9{l;Fth rl`n�atliLrrtev's fe>sj,relattrig to any Claim gvrn4--ming ter,¢res-,xcc of i3^nr gas ' asbestos or other toxin or hazar.lc us substances in of around the Property,or come in contact wrth the Surer and Saute 24aw wlertge soc�t of s copy of tbL trage;which conxtitctea Page i of f 1 pan+sts. x(__ )( 't x�� Su7Ct'>Jn b .0yer's Intlialt `er [009 1!0v E+ Kept Property,w1t4ch claitrt Is trade by Buyer,or eiryperson Shyer allows to reside m rr about the Pmrcrtv or oormA in cotttaa with the Property, This provision shall srrvivc delivery of eta Deod and the closinefunding, d. Buyer etas read and widerstaads g ch v a sw has vr;Iurrarily rsd km%ingty co:searei to rich wwyers attic agrees:v'ai:d li by. 15.CLOSING: a, E ttier Seller aridlor Buyer shall pay;ecord;ing fM,escrow fees and other cur"nary cursing casts icfe manner customary for residential real estate nmactions in cite metropolitan area or city in wroth the Properly is locatd, b Stryer uuderstxnds and agrees tlwt Sedler may have entered into zn arranizemerrt wi`.h several Fitldclosing con,pan:es for rRviding discounted title and escrow/closing servim m Buy er attd Seiler.Seller assumes no liability for an}actiom or the€aih=to act by any title and/or esc.-owlc',os ng:ornpany in winectlou with �•r�afittror-eswdclosmg servaers provided t4 Bu±�erc�ndfot -'szHEr�z$uekanmtt�th�fsys:zai location for tyre close of escrow. c- All closing and repalr figures must be aanti"rmed and app:uvod by Scaler or fneir clns}na agent to writing preferably foivy-eight(48)timm to advanrt of closing, Closing,date and time r^ist be Scheduled es soon as po�ibto. W RRAL ESTATE COW M'l'LLS ON-Seiler shall pay a mai eswpe commilstiion ptrsa intto the listing Addendum between Seder and Scheer listing broker, Selleruil'payno odher cownmias_ons Commission to be paid on aasaxc co a£collet ibr eammissions n acaardance v ttti the lla;in;Addendum bamt:en Stile and Seller's t:5ting broker rt-A sutlh conimissiDn shall only tie deemed earned upon tne claaiug azd fWidmg of this purchase trattsw,tioa 17, SETTI.1~MENT ASS, A.T.r a. Buyers fallme to noHy Seller In writtng of arty def%ta within the time 0a is provided in this Addendum, aAdJor b. Ac.eptaace of the Deed at satLernm sbail consiliute Suyer'a full acceptance of the condition of#-%ei Proper. and a war ter of Buyei:r.p,`t is o-4=to its cc darer o asset.ar y clam elated to the ;at zny'me in the future c• 1"hi.Sprovision shall survwvc delivery.�f thaDeoo and the c)osaa�Yurdlrt;• lg, POSSESSION, a. Passesolor-shall be given to the Buyers itt eiosing acid Aiding. Buyer may nat alter rite P-opperty,sure anything omen the Property,occupy the 2roperry or perr, it others to use or uCcupy the Frenerty prior to closing and funding unless=pmved in advance and in"flag by Se ler b. Seiler will provide keys in Send;possession.Buyer is infornxd tF e?o t1 r is on P.master key sys�«rk. IC >gBtty'ef's trspoasibtltty to re key the Property af4s fundtrta Garage door transtrit+ers,wctrly gm keys attd+or cards,and mailbox key are notirclucW in pumbase prlee o, OCCUPANCY ANM STATUS OF PROPERTY:Seller, t`s represwztatives,Writs end assigns slali not be responsible for es irting or relocating any tenants or oeoupans of personal pmper`y at the r ope-ty prior to or rah--w"cnk.o the closing and Funding unleis otheirwrse speeihcally agread to in writing ay Seller Seiler has no knowledge cf rectally deposits grid thus none volt be t:itisferred to Buyer az closing. fit. Buyeraagrees;o assume ai resporAbiliry and liability forthe refund of any sec=ty deyasi�s;o the tenants p rsuarit;othe provisions of applicable is as and regulation¢and shall indrtGnify,de=end end hold Seller hwmiess for any claims,litigation,costs,damages or expenses related to arty disptlre in connection wah any secvniydoposY after the closing-and funding date. lilt All:erit di,e,payable,and co/lcctcd tk':rm harts for the tont,ill vj Ilkh:lw Ulos na 4r4 f, iding Dare occurs wv 11;or be prorate,!. iv, Buyer acknowledges and agrees uiat the Property may be subject to the provisions of betel rent control ord,oances and regulenons, v Ruyer agrees that as of the c'osirig and ftindizig date al,�-.Iction proceedings and other duties and respons bilires of a prottlrty owner a^,d landlord,includi'-K but not limited to th se oftruediags :tlgaira-?fo-<omp;;snx with suet•local rent control ardnisr res and-egWatinw,shall%beBuysr's sole re=ponrabi?i"y real a;Buyer's sole cosi- $uyer and culler gtknowieAge receipt AC a copy rf thle pate,ssltich enriatitataa Page.$of i i pftges, (-04) x�'t��1 4;d7ex's In<ndCr R yer't Initials 19.WAIVERS, a. As a tnamriai part of the comideraii on to be r eteived by Seller Misr ice AMeadum ss nepliated wid a&-ecd to by Buyer and Seller.Bayer xaives'Je following: y All rights to file and maintain an action against Seller for specs ftc perfnrniznte a d a iy nglr to record a Its pendens against the prope y or to record fir file the Addendum t'us AdoLnd=or airy memot2xdum thereof in the official real property records; fi. Arty and all claims ansr:te from the adjustrrrcnts or pro-rations or errors in caletr wkg ti',e same that ere or ins;he diswvcred mite:cio rS r d funoL.g, its Any mm, dy of any land,other d=as exprusly prov;ded in tbi,,Addendum,to which Buyer mi&, othcrmm be entitled by raw or in equiry,whetter basec on mutu2l ml; take of fact or law o, iv. Arty right to trial by jmy,Except as%mi rtr thereof is pruiiibiied by few.m,arty l tigatltr,�arising fonn, or connected w th or related to the Addendum; v. Attg"claim for loss or,damage,ineludirl&withaut limitation,Indirect,special or consegti mig loss or damage arising r'roni,sued opon,due to or otherwise telawx lu, 1. Lnv runmenzal condidor s affecuo;the property,t,'tc lading bu:not bridr-d to mold,lea.¢ paint,futi o.l,allergeis or other toxic substances of any kind, �. &ncrcacr,,merits,emsemcnta,shortages irinrea or airy clutter matter which wo.ilti bi:disclosed or Nvealed by a survey or inspection of the.nroi-", or search of pubhz mords. In the event Buyer breaches,any of the ptovrsioms described or contemplated aatder this Section,and acomi: finds thst Buyers legal action is without me ii,Buyer shall pay all ieasoneble iu mcys' fees and earls incurred by Seller in defendir,&siicir action Amount shall be In addition to any liquidated damages held or recove od ptwwwt to Section 1 of this AddendwyL i le provID'ors of this 5,�Ciimi;hall surOve t`to alosin,gjf inding or ter minstion of this Addendum" i 20. REMEDIES FORDEOAULTt a In tl•A event of Buyer's default,nwitesiai breath arynisrepresenttrilon of ziy fact ueeirs the teams of the Addendum,Seller,at its option,may terminate the Addendum the Lamest Money widanyy other funds paid by.Buyer as liquidated damages.Setter may also invoke any ot<`ic,=tied) ca�preuly set forth in the A'idtlendum(or allowed by law).Seller is autornatical[y ralea:red from the obligation o sell the Property to Buyer.Neither Seller nor its representatives,agents.ammeys,ai:r x ssort,or assigns shall be liable to Bnya for any damages of any lemd baanse of Seller's Mute to sell tint cnrvey sae Pro;,erty, Bnyrr acknowlcdges and ages that by signing tins,Addendum,Seller shall have the audit to rim or seek the relcaso of the earnest money under'ms section,arihait any ftnt1wr action,consent or docimtem from Buyer. b_ Buyer acknowledge,that in the eN ent of termination of the Adderid im asrxn,t for(Buyer's b;each),return u[ Buyer's ranyest Motley will adequately Ml faaly corttpa setts Buyer Upon rotian of the F,unest.Money to Shyer,the Addcridum shall 1.6 terminated,and Buyer and Sclkr shalt hale no fi,rther€iabil(ty,oblrgition,or respv is glint.to:each other Beyer atces trot Seller sha14 no be liable to Any or far any special coirsequential or,punitive damages whatsoever,lvhrtriet in Addendum,tort(including egligmr,a-id strict liability)or Any other legal or oqui:able principle, 21. L`e"IlIMNI)'I€:ATION: a. Buyer agrees to indemnify and belly protect,defend mid hold Seller,its offttsem,directors,tmployees, shucholder5,servivers,rcpmseatatives,a,ems,atinmeys,tenams,brokers,successor and-wigrts liatmiess from amd against aily end all claims,costs,hers,loss,daniages,attorneys'gees and owpeeises of every kL;d and natures that may be sustained by or made against Seller,its off ceri,d r rotor%etnployeea,shareholjl rs, Services,rwp r'»aiitabvesS aVmis,altorreys,:enw.,%,brokers or,LAStt is y iesultiag f-onn.or 3riS171$ out of. r, trispecuons or repairs made by Buyer or its agents,mplay GeS.contra,-tots surr.,eSsors or assign: ii. The imposition of ern fine or penalty imposed by arty govrrumt rr'al entity re--Ating frvm Buyer's failure io tumefy ootain Any permits,approves ;epav,�or inaptch ins or to complry with all agpllcab.e law'S,tides,ordm;inces and regQatton5, ll Wand Stilcr arknoarierlke rrteeipt of a tau+-or tens page,which consiitutm PO*e 90f 11 pah*cs S+flsr's 1x� 7fuyer's 1'irr6nls Si„ Claims for a_noerna due and'Mvi,ng by Seller for taxes,homeounex's associotiou duns or asses€ancnt, or any Wbe-terms prorates at closing under See doe 4 of this Aciderdosn; iv. or rnpresanustive's who use cr occupy the Proper;�fr"sor tc closing aixi fundiryy. v. All irdeinrarfes described in this Addendum(ineludtngthis Secdon 18)shall survive the closing and A ndingior terminemon of the AAderduri_ 22, MX OF LOSS. Ir tole event of fire,du'strnctrorl or otlur casualty loss tothe Property ep-er Sollee s Acceptance of the Addeadunt and error to clai=g mid ftf Air g,Wier may.at its soic d.scrction,repair or restore Lriw Pmper y,or yeller n.�•.ermmare the A6cendwit, if Seller-eiects to repair or restore the Prop_,ty,then Se:lier ray,4 itq pie discretion,I<mit the amount to be expecccnd. If Seiler elects to r eparr or;»store the Propem, 13rtver's sole and exc,ustve remedy shall be elfht-F to acquire the Property In its that.current condition at the p,.rchaw Price-wUh-no n€suC#-losroflenninatat2m Addeaow r U 9 ra:eive s r " any F:atiteat lvfoney.Buyer mist notify Sella_wihin 6reo(3)days of nohficatlon that woeK bas been cornpletcd of ;7 arrant to proceed vi h pure a e or tttmrna iat of Addeadun If Seller ckectz not to repair of restor rate Property there Buyer has the option to purchase the propery in its artt-rarit oondruon or term;nate the Add w iuin and rec$ive a refund of EaraeA Money as their sole rerntdy. 23. EAUN Y34T 1 ONLkLN:In the evrxrt tl in,Seiler's rriterr-st in the Phope,:y,or any part thereof,snail leas e laeen taken by eminent dornain or shall re In the process of being taken on or before the clowiag oaee,either"i-ty finny tzrtninate the addendum and the Eatruzst Money steallf be rewfned to Buyer and m thet parry shall nave any further rlgMs or liabilities Aereunder. 24, SLVERABMIT:.The invalzdlir ,illegality or enferceabiliry of any provision of the AdderidLun stall not afWt the vand,�•or c.:(arrca-Srlity of-in),other ptoi:lslon o".he Adderdu r.,all of winch shall remain in full F; cad ciTtrw� 25. ASSIGNMENT OF ADDENDUM-Biyas shall not wign the opvutt`o parch e.w ithcue the st rr�s wn ten consent or Seller, -Wt:r at its sole diserebr rray awlgti the Adde:slum without prior ttcrilce to,or ccrisent of, Buyer, 26, GENOF-U.Unless the context otherwise moires„a npiar nouns and pronouns,when used htzreiti,shall,be eetme l to intludc,tic plural of Itch nouns or proriouns,and proriouns of one gender shall be deecnxl to include the etiwvalcalt pr~anoitn of the oth—, gmder. 27, FORM i'rIATEURE:No,party shall be responsible for delays orfaflure of paxitzrmascemsids3eg'frorn acts of God,riots,acts o;war,epidemics,pawer f,=lures,acts ofterromm.earthcuakcs or ones disasters,f rovicrin each delay or failure of performance could not have ke :^pre.erred by r rasoaablz precautic-i and csuot r»onabty be circurnvctr�ted by-,uch parry ti><-ougA tea of alternate soucox,, coTkaround pl ar;e or o3ier inetc,s. 23. NOTICES,All noticzs req aimtd to be given and r the ht dtnd4ra shall be dee ned to have bean dative ed whin ertuai!y received ui tite case of bar:]or ovemiglrt delivery,electronic mail or by fax with wrfirtnagon of triins,ni_as yn 29. ATTORNEY REY1ENV.-kh,ycr acknowledges:her Buyer nab had the oppor unify to consultwi,li it,legal ccauael regardi<g the Agreetuent to r u o asc AccordingiY,the terms of tho Apeem,ebt arc neat to be construed 29111-At ariv party because thA party dral$ed the Addendsrn and Addendum or coast-med 1,,r favor of zny pc-ty because that'party tailed tra widerstarrd the legal effect of the provisions of tha Adaena itn. 36. ADDITltONA1.7iY NSE1?ti3ONDITIONS.' a 711i's Addenni,rn is st:bject to mortpge tnsuranoe approval cut investor approval. b. Sub;act property will rernain to MLS untii t-amaction is rased and funded_ s, s Addcada rr to Staridatd Purchase A d .dun is s t`ec ttr Salict's receipt of$uyGt's ally exennttai Sta0cmd Sta Plurcbast Contract. Bw r and ad ier acknowledge receipt of s ropy of this p"wheab twulittitet Page 10of 11 pages, 1 Xt��• X( �5'allrr:elxtrt l;uvvr'rlrerria& Y I i. F-XFI2ATiflti: Uniess Hu er's rt, tar,acceptance of this GMI AC Resap Addendum w Stand&a Purchase A&'xndum,copy of earnest money Vaymert and proof of furdir, is re;zived by the Seller via tax or electronic m9I within 48 hocx;of 04-16-09 ,this Addendum to Standard Purc],AW Cona ov and or;onal Purchase Addendum mfen3ued above,shatl be deem,%J rt%eked and ea^.iest money dtpotit s^all be retu.�ned to tFe Biryt r. Dover and Seller ard:rto*vt rec " t and acembace of ull of the terms abore by signature bebw, Buy _ /6 w,3; Prr name of Company} wa.� �` _.D?' r I3tryer Data Print"lame(or name of t".rnr.,piny) _ Attoniey Irdo2mavaa(ef r�rgkcable) Ntmo/Contact _ Address Phone ructber �Pacsi,:,iia _ p Bu ytr sad Sager a 6mo wNdgc m-Lpi ofa copy of this page,which rtastffutes Page Hof 1 I pages. X�L x(se a�r�Cr i.[it:tlgfS ftll�Pf'Y.f .Q�4 :t. L;rtiS 'isi}d l:i'r 9t c C :, L Fc=m 2• CieMOGM200 p RW; nW KvR;t a#P,R90 A1jM 0m4V'd $1 WIn wst tduMaa LI SHro 13�RM Y Ra qd troll ALL PfG},75 RFSV�dED Page 1 015 RESIDENTIAL REAL,ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT I� SPECIFIC TERMS I. [late:_; i1�!2(Y[39 MLS No.; 29D33725 - 2. Avyer. Qt%,qfK=t.-_ $. set#er: w C Property, Tax ParEa! 906'aztd 2S234t 9092 , �—m _...�t1 _ CO1 ntJ� straetAcdre56.Z6Q1'iSF.Keoe74an lieyRd Ravenc. le � r sh:ngon R051 Lsaal lescrV1,7n; Attachatf as Exhib,t A, ry1 s. tricIow-EYB_m,y�fv -StC_v_Caili3' iJl ra'ks�C1'afiAr. .44a5!~Pt'��rfY$ri-tl -�'6 -h :-f �'frer�t3 a�n r > n wood rld tq, F WvShto dish, []rsecw ily system; Q other 14- Putoba9e Prke: 539f3.f3J0 DO Thr� hlt. Z':Eiy thl7lrq$.^,t�-�4j�j$. .. - i_ Earnas3 Money; {10 be hold by L--}Selling broker; r Moss A Agent) pomr,af Cnac ` S4 tJ00 C,ttiar( ts- Default. (oh4o only one) Forfeiture of Earnest Money; 0 80w t Elsc:ion of Remtgdias S. Disclosures in Form 17c Buyer wrfiCl;W3 not 2 have a MMOOY for Ssiler dte9l)9ent errors,inarcurac}es, a CmIsslons in Form 17 10. Title IrtswAnci Company_ FirstA3nerievn Title ikscrance Co. M CUmIng Agent, 11 a qvE Pied vasrng agent e,a3uy°?2 oholoe First AmP ' r tl Ir<xucanre and Fy"rnw :'S 12,. Closing Rate; 9-i+n 2O"-- M passe&stun Dat¢ r[z r}n C' ng, c7t,ar 14. Ofkrr ExpirAkjn Late- 04,1 2009 IS- Sorvicesof Closft3 Agent for Payment of LItRiRtes. C]Requested gattact NLti-fvtL.S IForm ie^tq; LJ Wa?dad 15. Crtar-4os and Assessrnenix Due Alcor Closing: .0 a surnad by Fuyarl; �- prs gaud In`up by SLrilsr at clps,ng 17. Agency oistiosurat S-ding License rooresent5 Pj Buyer; P,Seller; I_i Batt,parile6; ❑ne-i:her parry Lrs6ag Awl repressmts SaRer; ❑bolh nertles 1+3. AG�rrnd�:.'2,SC1Lin•r1- ..,. �7 ',1.Li�,C_r>i1i.J: ` S ! ".'7.�11S1L`1�......__ Oupr'L Pgnw&u / Dew SONO's 5`9� wure - ., Cato a�yers Ate, '- soars tw�n�u - Kent� yA 4$t}32 _ llallas.'t'�C GIv,atatQ,TO Ci1�.,StMe,2p ,�• ?53_556-5500--_ 000-009.0009 Ph r" Fax Phone Fyn �@ry>_i s�mat!AidrN� Se71^r's f~rtwl Adu'cn6 JOttn LL.Seat R.E,Kcnti 3647 Better Prvccrties riezl T,?ata.A 92_77 Se814534wwr rJL50ftK2 N0. f.Gs:inj Brow IAL301scs No Kent Barber �7583 _ $onnie y'ni tiY 25807 St4llo txr.,t.eo{p&fj� ym'-s 1AS Ne, Ur4rsl AQcnt 11nm, M_S LAG`No- 2D6-355.59_77 _ 253-270-3923 253-SA9-265fi _ 253-5fi9 2,668 Fax Far^zt ���2WD AiRSG&nJ ni ptad'.dA2$E3+s ArpY.4+Mrt e-0Gr�ma+t Utt:�iy L5:•9(p 6CT2t r xc o t rs RFSIDENTtAL REAL ESTATE PURCHASE t1d O U111 A09SERIEUT by t,r.Ts�E5E v80 Ya etaSS GENERAL TERMS famlinU 3rij a. Purchase Price Buyer agrees to pay to Seller the Purchase Once.including the Eamesz Money,it Cssh at Closing, t finless otherwise scecif4d in this Agreement 8WV re(Nemerts that Buyer fan swffic7or*lands 10 do"tms Gue 1A 2 arxaralr-e WO Iris Agreompi it and is no:seiying on any oonte aorti source of funds,irdudmg f-tras uom ivacs,tits 3 sale of other property,gifts,rewPmen or f,utn earrings,except to:he extent oth,erw"specifteid in;his A.Uraarilani, 4 JJ, Earnest money,Buyer agrees to dodvar the Farneet Money wrthln 2 days attof mutual aoceptartca of kills Agreement 5 to Selling Licessae wno wilt depostt any chrx'Am be hall by toffirig 3roker,or deiiver any Lamest Marry to DO he d ti by Cies:ng Aged,within 3 days of receipt er mutual acc,ptarce,wwM dyer occu-s later If the Farness Many is held 7 by Selling Brokerand is over 310,C00 00 it wait be depasitod inin an inures-bea.ing trust accat�*"T,Sallloq Lookers a rx�m6-7C4Y1CP.d-tf'-dt yit-COf'D182B5-ii'>-195�Or7n W-9.-1Ri9=+)£i,_tt any,�#ier3fUULci�Dn1T1�'a111i iharg6&-Afitl�€5, B will be paid to Buyer.B:ryar agrees,tbi rgnnourse Selling Broker lof bank chargos dnd'aes an excess of thn mtE2st 16 earned,if sny tf the Earnest Morey hekd by SeHrrg aroker is otar Sl O,ODO 00 3uyer nas tne Dp9on to require Selllrg It $raker;a Lieges t the Earnest N,or ey taxi the Raising Trost FurYJ 1L un,wth the v hest pa d to u a 12 Troasurar,d boat Setter and Slyer so agroe tr wrding It to Buyer iiut•s riot complete an IRS Point IN-9'ao4one 13 Setting Broke roust Cepcs(I the Earnest Money or;he Earnest Manny is 510,000.00 or loss,the Earnest n'4x)nar snail 14 be dupmded;ntc the Housing Trust Fund Account.Setting firo'scr ray transter tha Earnest Morey to Ciosmn Agent 15 at Closrrg it ait oe part of the Earnes:Money is to be refunded td Sur ar and any such costs rerimn u-ipetd,the is Selling Broker or teeing Agent may deduct and pay ihem tbetnfro,i The Haines mafr ct Closing Agent to l f) try proviee wi iaer,verification of rK-;aipt of tt`e Earnest Haney and notice of dtaharor of any check to the parl.us and 18 Ucenseas at:be addresses artorw tar numbers provided herein;arxi(2)commence an mtarpleader action in the tp county in which he Profieriy is!o =ad whin 33 days of a party's dome d tor the Earnest Money urdesr thin parties 2Q agree otherwisa In wrung The P;#Mes auEtton U ttia partycarime king an interp,e-,der anion to dedl4ct L.0 to 21 $250.113O for the tars lhv Mt 22 e, included items.Any of ft toij0wirg items,including items identified rr,Speact:n:Term No Sit the carresponding box 23 w checked,located in or on the Property are Included It]the Sala•bittlt to appAarxres;WSII-to--wail carpeting;el.rtakns, 24 drapes and all other vitndow traatrrtcnts.window Wid cocr suaa is,awnings;storm doors aria windows,Insfatfad 25 le'sev`sioe antennas;L3cadat•-rife aar mndrhoncng siod boat;ng twiires;trash awprictor.fuepiace doors,gar l.rja a-td 2a pas tog lighters,irrigation:xwres etouric garage door Doienars and rematea,water hea.em,tnskati x at rclr at 27 fixtures,agMirig fixtures;ehtliba,plants and zees planted in me grounc,all baJxoom,and ott•sr fixtures,artd all 23 associated o1eratir-9 egtxpment.if any of the above Included iurms are,eased or sncL nibered,Seller rignBrS to 23 acquire and clew li"a dtorbefore Ciosmg- 3O ` d. Continfori of True.U tress 0 1c;-wlsa specitred in this hgreemtrvif,tale to tax:Property sttatt be rnar mA6a=_t Ciowlct7_ 31 The follam mg shall not cause the Lillie,c be urtmarhetable.rights,reserve aons,covenam,condriorm vr-c reetri�tons, 32 presently of record and ge1'araf to the area;easernanis Lind vncmachmenrs,rot malertahy affecting the value of or 33 u-iduly irrte,i fr-rvrg iv`h Suyetrs reasonable use U`the Property;and reserved oii and/or mirnr,y right-.,Wi etary 34 enccmt mires er irenns not assumed by Beyer,shal be paid or vsschageo uy Seller on or before Ctoaing.i ilie sna.l 35 - tie ccaveved try a Statutory Warranty Ned. if g;m AgtPC-Tlent is for co,1,oyarro of a btlyer's s'CerOGs in a Fugal $a Estate Contract.!'+e Slatut"Warranty Head shall@1c'udcs abuyer's assig�irronl of t-ta yOntrae sufficieilt io can•aey 37 Life-acgjred title. 38 0. Title Insurance.Si''ter atrhormes Buyer's lender eir Closing Agent,at Seller's expense,xa appiy for the hen•current 39 A,-TA Corm of HomEumim's Policy of Title Insurance for Orin io-Fov -amily fl9srtlene8 front'he Trb inFaira'tce do (-'lmpa(ty if;yelfgr p,"rev gyuy�y rg,�ivCO g af8hmr;a*y Crtnmi%f^Flr,!frOt71 A I Ain try,rggre(;prgD7r+!Fe1 E+u C di docdires to us¢ Boyer'hall pay any car,cr,.latiort`ads owing!v'he original Titt4,nbur,3nci Company 0;he,-mse,the 42 party applying for;tile insurartde agrees to Pay any ails cancelialion fee,in the event such a 46e is asxrmsed-It tlw_ 43 Title lrstrance(,=pany cetected by the parties vnll not issue it rtomemmers Policy for rho;Property,tho parties rid "rgioa*hai the Title trs,,rn.-,ce Company shall tor,2ad Issue the t`tvii-..urrert Ai TA s:sward form Sure-3 Polley The 45 Tide Insurrr..e Ccrnaa•iy shall send a copy Ld;he pral,minwy tx>in•-,r nett to Sa'ter,List"Agent,B.,ysr and�itgttt 48 liv-L-ee The preliminary eon,llrmern,and;ne tilts policy to ba is�Led.Ball contain ca excepoors cther that,-is 47 Ce7v.a!Exciusioi.3 and FxaalY,fAna 1n the Pokey arr'u Spec,a]ExCtsehns consistent ialF,!he Condr')or-r�i.Ti'In IIj;.{, 'ta pra.rided It title carrot be lnatija so irsuraW,critX,o'he Ciosi;nij Dale,then as Buyer's saki a,id exxt-Nrve fovirdy, 49, the carrel;.tsoney shall,Lnlez--Buyer 10 waive s,rCh ur rr am3rar^es,be relurJE9 tc the Myer,'n,a any unpar a costs daacrbed it:hts Agreement,and this Aoreemam.snatl'hereupon be tenminatrrd.Buysr,huil ur<va 51 n0'yht sq,.pcc.`;c par,Gr;na,.�a 0:dana�;A^s a '^-"'eQwrL;dS^rhra -,=Iaa-to 1mE31E: f3111 Ra:r _ _ „ir.dui,.-yX-1s1,,Il_� 52 DATE `3 DATE i1:25�J° City Form-2: SCor ant 2,009 Rogidera of PL1uh4o 3 Salo A4ro T' taal'.+1•A6�rAut:,-�a lotting Secs as n 3a t cs RESIDENTIAL REAL_ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ALL rtirtix*a ReseRvrti e naam s a GENERAL TERMS tctivmrwart) f. Closing and Po5mession,This swe sna'l be closed by the Closing Agana on the Closing Date it the Closing Date falls 55 on a Saturday,Sunday,legal hobday as defined nn RGW 1.16 050,or day VM*41 the county rer;oroing Office is closed. 55 the Closing Agent shalt close the bansaciton ors ifie next day 1haE;s net a Safurefsy,Sunday,fetal hat4ay,or say when 57 the county recording off-ice is closed. 'Cosng"meats tfa dais on wroth all ors t ihpaitg are recorded and the sale 58 procaeda era avadabte to Seffotr Seller shall deliver keys and garage door rernVeil to Buyer on the CiosTg Date or an 59 ,he-Possession Date,Wittctuivar Occursfirst.Buyer shah be antibed to posse"'On at 8 00 p m on the Possession Stl Date,Satter agrees to maintain the Property in tis presem condition,normal wear and tsar excepted,until the Huynr is fil entitled 10 possession.11 possession trars'ers at a time other that CkwQ,the parties agree to execula NIO;MLS Form 62 SSA(Rana!A4reer:terrt7Occuaartcl+Ptior to C ssariL2 NWVLSa56IFi�rtr=tAgrserstano'Seitar-Ooru{,aiasy�tfer- G,osing)(or atferna4ve tetras"agreenrenta)and are advisou of the need to contact their respective insurance 64 rxtmpanies to assu it8 appropriate•lazard and habiltty;nsvfance policies are in place,as applicable 65 g,Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchange If efther Buyer cr Sa'dsrmterda for'-his". rsac'.fan to be a part of a Section 109E 66 hka-Wtid,exctfarge,then the other parry agrees o COOPerate f t eta ox^def an of the Ake-krrld"C tangy W iorfj as tun 67 dfsopa atrng patty Incurs noaddtuonat Crabilrty trs domU so,and so tong as any expan%as(inc udtng aiStmeys tees ar d 68 costa)rncufM by the cooperating party that are relatad only fn the exchange are paid or reimbursed to the coorore. 99 tIng part'at or orior to Cloarrg.NotWYJistanding the Assignment paragraph of this Agreemart ary party cor:pieting a 70 Section 1031 hke-kind eirchaWsi fritty assign this Aoroiv..err to itt quaiihed intorr^,aotary of any entity set up lyr the 71 purposes of rxtmpteung a rave asi Exchange. 72 h.Closing Costs wild Prorattons and Chargat and Assessments. Seller and Buyer shall each pay ora•traif of the 73 escrow fee unless otherwise requued by applicable FHA or VA reguldlions Texes for the current year,rent,interest, 74 and tienrrbie horneawner't associabor,dues straw t*,prorated an of Closing.Buyer agrees to pay Buyer's ban casts, 'r 5 41Cht fN credit report,lt{tplA"charge girl lardrx's title raturana2,txiiess provided othenWse m Ns Ag�eement.1f 70 any payments are delinquent on ercumbraric*s wrc•ictt Will remain aftEr Closing,Closing Agantit ws;tructed'o pay, 77 such delinquentses at Closing from rnoriV dtio,or to be paid by,Seller-&yen agrees to pay for remaining fits!in+,e 76 fuel Lank 0,prior to Goring,Salle,obtains a written statement as to the quantity and ct.rrent price iron the suppliar. 79 Seller agrees to pay all ;�Jfry charges,including unb0led charges Unless wivved in Specrific Tern No i5,Seiler and So Buyer request the sarvicee m Closing Agent to oithursing funds necessary m satiety unpaid uoiry charge~;in 81 accordance with RCW 60 80 and Seller agttura to proyae the names and addresses of ail to 1iries providing service to 82 I he PFoporj'and having Tien n0ts;(attach NWMI-S Form cK Ideriftabon of U105 s or equivalent) Suym Lc ad.read 83 to verify the existtmua and amount of arty local lmprovemen;dstrici,capauty or mpac!cfiargas or Other asss ism&-'ts 84 ,,at may be charged against:he Progcmy ba,are W Ztier C4Os1r g.Seiler ail;pay such cherges t'fat are cn,;,trnhranc€s 85 at the time of Closing,or that are or bu-v ma due on W before Closing.Ctwrgas I"ad before clot ng,ai.t LerrdmnLl Be due artcr Closing shaft bar paid as agrood m.SoeGfir_Term No.1$- 87 1. Safe information.The Ui dog Agent or Salting Gcersee is authorized to report this Agreamer,'bnrluding prime and at 88 lanais)to the Multiple Lrstirg Service that pubfisherl•t and W tie marribm,financing=titt:,ions.3ppraiscrs,aid fag atyone else related to this sale.Brayer and'Hier exweaaty auftnze all Orisirg Agkms,appraisers,ttte insurance 90 cofrrarnes,and others related to fans Sale,to'urnsh the taring Agem andfor Sa3tng licensee,on requcsl,ary and 91 ail InFornfabon and copies of aocuments concen,orU I"pale 92 , fIRPTA-Tax WlttlRalding at Closing, The 0{jgs tg Agent is inlitruutad to prepare a certficaian(NW MLS Form 22i 93 or equivalant)tat Seller is not afore gn periion"vrMtin the meening of the Foreign Investrient Ln Real Property Tax 94 Act Seiler agrees rn sign this certification if Seller is a'oreign person.and Lhis transactrer,is not odtrmvis a exainpt 9.5 worn HRP,A.Closing Agent is rftstrf cod to wflthoid and pay the required amount to the irtemat Revenue Se vice. 96 k. Notices.In constd?raUon of the license to use tills aria NWMLS's compar.Iort forms and for 31y benefit of the Listing 97 Agent ardthu Selling Ucirrisee a$well as the ordefty admintstratrrw of ilwm offer•AtmterCfYer or thss Ag,eiijranf,the 98 Wies snevacably agree that Urless othnr"a;&epe•ci'red in tt-rs A9,cement,any ro=a required orbermtted in,or 99 reWiid t'%this Agreamer-t(Including rev'owtwe'.of w+ers or cor.mcmfl9- S)^e.57!)a in Vtnting Notices to Behar moist too be s;gned by at least one Buyer and small he loaned given only when the notice is rece;ved by Seller,by Lis'mg 101 Agent c yin f:censed of}1ca of !slang Us >cu •,„ v Yar mist be sigriod by at least ore Sober and Vhwl be 102 ceet lid Biven onfy when the notice is reeervrid by Buyer,by Selltng t.tcensee or in the licensed office of Se Sing 103 Limnaee Actual roarlpt by Selling Lieensea of a Form 17 Dzdcs,t,-e or,nformahart on Leto-Bawd Fatnt and teatl- 104 13aurio Paint Ha7aras,Public Ottenng&iatem2rt nr Resala Certificate,hxiecwt ws'association documerts�Wdod. 105 pig =nttoM.Elf}tSForm?0.^rrape''^ ntrpeam me t`C-S - :•arceP7 3,' usua sNW4t$ 106 DATE _ /� SLLt ER _- --- DATE' � �iC�71 D7 Al1YER: _. 7ATG• SELLER: G{af r-xm 21 i3e 4wr.21?GYC'�'tSi<Y Sn3at xexrl t>5 !'a�3:I rw�Ls'u'4 b`-etM4:a Rc.Nx t s RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AHDSALE A43REEMFWT s wLri,�ax�vea ns,.aof5 G'~NEffALTER►k5 {,,ronrrn¢rei;, Farm 22T$hall be deemed facW by Buyer,Sek`:ng ;Cersea and.:slang Agerr,have no responsicilty to adVza r f too recerpt V a notice beyond either phoning the party or causing a copy of the no;ce to be delrvercd to Jhe partes Ito address shown on this Agfsanier,-Buyer and Seiler must keep Selling u Lbrisea and Listing Agent adosrta at their III whereabouts ir,order to receive prompt notifirAbOn of racsiot of a notrne. 112 I. Cornputatton of Time. Untess odierwise specified in rfils Agreement any period of time measured in days ano stated ]i3 it,this Agreement shad start art ft day tottowtrg the evert:cofrirnercmg lire aerxtd and snall expire at9-00 a m o'to IJL 'ast ealendff day a the sp(wanid period of time.except;of lf�Possession Data,d tt•e last art•s a Saturday,5.rnday r 15 or legat holiday as de`'tned to RC141 1 16 054,the specifiec pones of 9rna shall expire on tho next day::hat is not a I t3 ay or iegst-hs{iday."spectfied period of 5-days or less shall not l nclWo Ulurdays.Sundays or- ill legal holidays.it the parties agree that an event will omit on a ap flc cahandar date,the event ahelT arch on tnat 11a dale,except for to Gtoynq Data,which,d t falls on a Saturday,Suzy,legW ho!ray as deffnad it RC'Al 1%6 050, 119 day when the sty recoTtiuig office is dosed,shall )=I on the next day teat is not a Saturday,Stu,tit ay,1iaqa3 120 holiday,or day when the county recording office is dared It the parzias agree upon and.artacn a`egai description 121 after this Agreement-,;sagnvd by Me otteres and delivered to Ilia offeror,Jaen for the pwpos"Of,aoriptmng ome, 122 mutaat aCCAMPteMe shall be deemed to be an the Sate oT delivery a'an accepted offer or cour•teroher w the offeror, ,23 rawer tr-an on Cie date the legal nescrlpz,on is a4tached Term is lit;fie essence of this Ardroornerit. IPd tn.Facs rr fle and Email Transmission Facsrmsie rarrmisaar of a ty s gn x nngiral document,end rrtrrrlfi nissian a# 125 any sherd fattish o transmiasron,shall be the samrl as d(4 very of an ongmal At the request ct either parry,or the 126 Closing Agsftt.;heparlfes will confitm'acsinrtd trarismntea signatures by sigring an original dacurnenl.F irtil rani- 127 rrllssicn of any doo smiaw oe inoxe,shaft no,be e!`eclre a-utyass the duties to Ilia,Agreement otherwise ag:ea_tin evrgtriV.In is.Imtasratlort. Trns{dement cunsii Aas the erbre rx tsta am g between the parties aad s a recce ail pan—or 179 txmtam iaraneoua unoerstardings and represernatAons No mrxliticalror of this Agreernerd shall oo e'fectiv,r unte¢s 130 agreed in wrftmig and signcd by Bayer and 5el;P- 131 o.Assignment, Buyer may no:assign this Agree-muri;,or Buyer's rights hereunder,wi:noul Seller's pros wnttan 132 consent,an`ess tie psrdes indicate trat a"Qrirnost is pe,mined ay the audition ci'ardor ass,giW ey the tiros 133 identifying Hie`Jaya:on the first page of this Agruamem. 134 P,Default.In the eve-ril 5tuyer fads,witf out legal wtuse,to ooinptate tho pu:chess of the ixrpperty,Caen the fo)Ic,wng 135 arcv1ston,a,Id,-tYied n Speeific Term No.8,a"salt apoiy: 136 i. Ferfa,ture o{Earnest Money_ Tl at portion of the Larrest Morey Prat cis not exceed five percen•{n,,,of the ta7 Pumhase Face snail lie'a+laited to tha SeP'vr a4;il%q eo!a arts,exclusive remedy avar6irile i1,Se11er£or sL st off v. 138 If,Sauer BlfCtiCrs of Remedios. Sellerrnay,tit 9;01 's tipaon,la)Keep the Earnest Morey as 1 q„Klated savages 15$ as the vole and exclusive remedy available to Seller far s tch'aiiure,(b)bring suit against 8i.y®r fur Setter'.actuat 140 rsage<,{Cj bang suit to aped't;aity its' 46 this Agrotniom ar<l rstover any incidental Reagan,of fd)p,lrsde 141 any otvr nght3 or rDti-dtft aVa i Slits at law or ooutry, 442 q.Professional Advice and Attorneys`Fces. B.ryer and Serer are advtsiid ro seek Me oo isel o'an at'on,ty anda 10.3 certiboo pubirc accnuntani to miew the terms of tf rs Agreerriert Buyer and Se'or agree to pay their ov+n teas T44 incurred fo'such revimv.However,if Buyry or Srdier ins "w3l;su't aganst the❑thercortcermng this Agreement the 145 prevsdlrKI pity is untitled To maeonable attsmeyt;tees and expenspes 146 I. Offer.Buyer agrees to purcnase the Property under Me•arms and Sri rtiars of this AgratiOnonc.Selle-shall hyvP 147 unihl 9 CC a m_x the OHGv EXPrs;or.Cate to accep:-tnts ailar,anlesa sooner w&drawn.Arcelitance r73d be 148 srftir..twe until a sfgred copy u;acnaally received by Sayer,>,y Wing Umnsee or al tie liter red elf=ce of Selling 149 Luc-ersae.It thus offer is not po atxap.ed,K shall lapse anq any Earnest?Acne?shall be rofundod 10 8,4yer fill s, Counteroffer.Arty change in the terms presorted to an offer or co..nterof'er other than the w&onbon 61 the 6alier6 151 riPmu,slw,l be cotrstcerso a counterotter,ti a par y lakes a oouniaofa man the other party rhall ho>a Lntif 9 W `,92 p-n;_ors the rxy,,;nerct+er axplrabor-dtite to accept;ria•counteroffer,unia3 sooner ritndrawn Acceptarv.,t j a 1 iwt 153 be ii-k--tivo:,nail a srgnerl copy is adiwiiv ref"etved ay Seller,by t,st,ng Agri.:cr at; e•yens sit Iffire pit!rshng 154 Agent.if ilia counterottar Is not so accepted,it shall lapse and any sanest MOCIEy st`a l be refunded to Ruyar 155 I. Offer and Counteroffer EXprration Lute. It no expiraron date ti specllod`or a')aCer,courtermlf�r,tt'e o"Cif 156 ca ntaroe s shall exn,rg 2 days artier re oft-,rcauntwoftar is oo'varae by the party mamnz ,he ate-+tics+arc€;er, i57 ariess socn,— ) 1 158 isGa:a. E:}YFA: ,� _ QATr= yr€ �r $Et.tFR DATF �_I(d �159 BUYER: DATE � SELLER: DATE: :f] - rr. i ' Form 2', �Coyru3rd 2CO2 pes,+unt4at PuxhaYe�la2i"A+}i�rxrai laWil:rvFsl tAwW7f6l3Hny SerolcO 3twnsa!v,�o RESMENT)AL REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGRELc7 5NT At.L nicra�s aEs_xveo- Pepe S or S GENERAL TERMS (rctrtru«d) u.Agency bisolesure. Sailing Brolior represents the same party that Selling Licensee represents.Listing Broker 161 represents the same partyttla;the Listng Agent represents la Sag ng Lrcersee and Listng.figar,t ere ditterent 162 salespersons sffifiatec with the same Broker,then ooth Buyer and Seiler confirm their conivrt to that Broker 163 reprosenting"parties as a dust agent If Wfing Licensee and L thing Agent aro the aame eaiesparsor 164 rep>eaonling both parties then both Buyer and Seiler confirm their consent m tat and blather Broker 165 epreran#t glx p Was as dual agents.All partritz ccknovAass raccetpt ni trio pamphilet e^Mted"TheLaw of leal 166 Estate Agency." %7 v. Commisston.Seger and Buyer agree to pay a commission in accordance with,any listing or ccmmels5iOn agreement 168 to-whiah thug are a party.The U#tlg_Bru€aar's Oenflin lion small be apportioned beta can Usimg Brower and Setfirg 198 -- Broker as specified in L9e€16tir ,Seiler and Buyer hereby consent to Listing Broker or Selling Broker receiving 170 compansatrnn from more m;r one party Soifer and Buyer hereby assign o Listing Broker and Selling Broker,as 171 applicabfo,a p0rton of their tuners in escrow equal 10 such cammiss or(s)and rrruvocably',natruct the Closing Agent 172 to distxarse the comrrflsson(s)dlreetly loft Broker(n) In any a0tin bylisfmg or Selling BrokartG erforoe this 173 paragraph,the pravalling parry is cr)oed io court coats and reasonable corneys`fees Seiler and Buyer agree that 1-14 the L�coasoes are imended'dtrrd party ber of csaries under this Agreoma-rt #ire w,Cancellation Rights,'Lead-Baaad Paint, it a ruldis tiai d%ellIng wall built"me?Tcjrvr,y prior to 1978,and Buyer 176 rur:orves a DIEOQq :,re of frigrr,qt Qr;on Lea"ased Pefnt and Lead-Based Patin liazares(NWtvit_S Farm 21-1)Idtler 177 mutiiat acceptancs,ultyar m¢zy rescind this Agreement at any tame up to 3 days thereafter 178 x. Information verification Period and Property Gon0ion Disclaimer. Buyer shall rase 10 days after mutual in acceptance to verity all information provKied from"Ier or Lstrng Agent related to-ha Prcpetry,This conhn,7ericy 180 Mali to deemed aatistled uniess Buyer gwas notice ldentAying the materially inaccurate tntormauee wlth.n 10 days 101 of rrmtuai acceptance.ff Buyer givfw fttneby notice tinder this section,then this Agreement shall terminate ano the IB2 Earnest Moneyatiall be n0vrded to Buyer Sugar and Seiler agree.that Bxcef;as provided Ir,this Agreement,all 183 r(tptyePntatf0lVa Inc information regaiding Ina Property and the transactfoli are solely from tf;c Seger or Beyer,and t 84 not from any Licensee.The parties adv owledge thatthe Licensees are not ratponsib€e ter assunng that the parties 185 per;orm their obiigabons ander this A"mm and that none of the Umrzeres have agreed to inaependemly 188 amrastgate or confirm any matter fefa%Ll to this tr&ns8ttien except its stated fn this Agreement,or in a separate 187 writing signed by such Licensee 11 audition,Licensees de not guarantee file value,quality or condihan of live 188 Property and some properties rndy contain building maianais,rncludmg cooing,roofing,ceitlrg,instJat on,oioetricat, lag and pEumbtng,Chet have been tin ;ubjpi;:t of lawstots andlor governmental fnq;ilry becaise of possaF[e;afocts,cr 190 health hazards,Some propertlaix may have oitiv detects arising attar eonslrUction,rich as drainage,loakage,pest, 191 rot and mold proUems.licensees do not have lie§401113a tc tdontifyor"Sea&a0actvs products,materials,or 192 cor-ditlonz.Buyer is urged to retain inspectrxrs tluapfied to identify the priisence of dstecilve niatcud*ts end evafii'lle, 193 the;condition of the Prope try.Licensees may assist the parties wilt locating and seferang third party sQrvtce 194 providers,s'xt-,as irscrcaors or coniractcrs,but Licensees cannot guarantee or be resoonrible for the crstvlces 195 prnvFdad by those t3Fd pailies The parties agree to exercise theircwn ji,dgman-and due diligence n,gwl- r third 196 party servica providers. 197 Y. Disclosures in Form 17. 14,Seiler provkfes Buyer with a disctbsure etalameni pursuant to RGW 64 06(Farm=7), 1913 Buyer may bring an action If tart to recover economic losses r9suring from irtendcne)inisropriesertations in Forth 199 17,and 0 the parties so agree in*Specific Term No 9,Buyer may ring an act 0rt in err,to recover r anomie t0saas Zoo reaOing from nogligent erixs,maccuraclE--,or omissions In Farm 17 Neverth ass,Buyer is adviriod to use cue ctil dillgetice to inspect the prorwTiy to Buyer s sa-,sfaction,as Soler may not knovr or 1•rve reason In k^toW of delecfs P02 11181 catetsl Inspections mlght ravaai If,in Specific Tenn No.9,the p,arv,_6 agree that Buyer will not hdve a remedy 203 for aconomtcless re-sulfing from regl gent errors,iraocarra:-jes,or ninlsslors in 1-orm 17,teen Auyer.iskvaaes the KA Oak cf economlC loss 11,4,rri"Jy rvuuit d0tn$eftPd's negligent If' FQVr,17�51,'Yf.r-4191a!nh the right, 20,r to bring any and all claims permitted raider the common law,including fraudufent conceaimeni Buyer qr d Super 1106 acknowledge that home protection plars may be avai:able whJch may Ixcvida sddlttonal protection and benefit 1c 207 Buyer and Seiler 208 lnhial9: auyitie ,r'' DATE rYr d+ SELLER:_ DATE_ BUYER, DATE: SELLER: _ CATE,, 2`.0 Lf�1��r 4'�u C�`.Q`.'eiY,xf r5 ei"Rt:.r•'4;{ii1 5th i ironer Ur Sc:Qpyright 26rs F $Y'aty a`=nungercy Advi T4L`inn North,YQa?tstU ttpie Libf{itq aOrYtdtV a ay.S$CE, ALL hICATa'RESERV15D Page f of i FEASIBUTY GON'nNG00Y AGbENDUM The folluwisy Is earl of the ftrClM O and Self AWeementdated butwcjw Ttta 0 oz Keot and concerning 26G25 f K>-rr`CRugjvyv ,-�..+e cd 1> VL6 4RCt' i - - - ---- - ("the Propeyw) r-euibiilty COTIttngertcy. Buyer shall verify witttm Thirty day!00 deyr,it not 5llad In)after mutual aoceptanCs (the'>=eesib i tty Comutgericy z xp;ration Date')the suitability ui the Prope,^y Tor Buyer's intanded purpo6o Inc{udrmg,cut not lirniw'd to,whenar the Property Can be platted,developed andlor bull!on(note or in the Tutu e)a-d what Itwill cost to do tt,s This Feasibilityy Contingency&HALL CONCLUSIVELY BE DEEMED WAIVED unlasa Buyer gives notice tit disapproval on w beforli fhe Feasibility Conhngeney Expiration Data It Bvrr g=vas a timely notice of disapp^oval,than this Agreement shall terminate aria the carneat Money shall be refunded;u Buyer.Buye^shoulo riot rely on any oral 5tatetnOnls concerf5{r4 feasibility ntada by the Setlar,Lis;rng Agerr,or Setting Ltcunaop. Euyer shoed ingt,ire at the city or oaarrty,and water,sewer or nthar special dretn*s in whwh the Property is located. Buyer's inquiry shall incliAo,btat not be$meted to:b.ta7ding or dovalopment moratona applicable to or betrg consA�- Od for tie Praparty,any spxtal buifdtng reqt�ratnents,incl,)d6ng setbadks, height limits of restriicdona on where t7 I,fings may be co;strueted on the Property;vfhether the Property'to affected by a hood none,wetlanda,shotelands w other environttwntally st=.rr live a,aa; read,sidaael,firs grid ary aft,grovnt;mtttga:w or impact fees Llmt mast be paid,the propeacture anc length Of time necessary to cbbion platapprbval anclor a budding»anti suHlolent water,sawcr orui t.ti.ty and any sarvicvS conrtbvtion charge,;and all other charges;hat riasf be parer. ixryer and avyises aparlm,rapresentate+tfs,conaultarililt,stch1tccts and engirieWs sha3t gave the right from time to 8mv during the leasibigly 00titingency,to enter onto the Property ar,d to conduct any tests,x studies that Buyer tnay need tc ascettarc the comitton and sur•,abrh,y of the Property for Buyers intanded purpose Buyer ahail restore the Property and all Improvements on the Prept rty}o thT rsams condition they werre in prior to tit:tnrpsclrcrrs_94ye-shag be respons•bre for at[dttaraat3oti resulllN from any uibpection of the Property poriormed on Buyer's nehaft AG RFEMENT i rRUINATED IF NOTICE OF SATISFACTION NOT TIMPILYPROVIDED, If chaolSsd,tl'ibAgreome, share turmtnata and aigor-.hall receive 9 refund of the Earnest Mohey unless Euyt;r givru Mfto to Seller on cr helore I he Eoavbilily Conlingsnoy F.xptrxtron Dale that the Property is svn2t le far Buyers Iniary.%d pLi-pose A ftitlnU^ r3llT�� DiT'c. /J( C7 SEVER DATE. 1 FIUYER. BATE, SELLEfl DATE. Farm 22t' 6"Capynght ivC8 Tile COMIMOCMy AddeAdvM Narlhw6ut Aii/lpple Lrsi•rG S9IS'try@ NN $1DS ALL MGLk TS P;EmvF_C PpPe,or t Tff Le WNIINGENCY r'tDCscr°s'r' MMI TO PURCHASE Ar SALE r#Gn;±cEMENNT 'the tdUbwiFzp is pert rif+hePurohesaand Sala AgrearnQYrt dated_..�Prt�,J+�„2�()�"" _ and GMAC ResCa con mEng '3f{�S S Ken'K^n I- Z t Aavtn iale Svc Q$tii= - ,"t e srorarty") 1. Title Contingency. Is Agraamsnt IS uukleat w Buyer's review el a pretmtasary catr mrtmnt:t int Sala insurance together with eassmerts,covenants—condit'raris and tes(rlc long&reep�t ,,*Tch are to ba obtabmrd by Buyer,to determine that they are ewsistsvt wetlt Buyers intondad use N ilia Property.Buyer sralf have 10---,days 15 days if not'Idled In)U fra.-n m weal acceptanrs at this Agmeet*:cnt or P1-mm itry date of Buyer's re_sipt c'.the well:ninarf Cornmftment for title insurance(from mutual acceptance,V ne;her box checked)to give vit itten tiotfcs Cf 8uyer't dmapproval and the raasorrt:therefore.Buyer may anly eW^^approve excepttena that are c.K,;rcin ',n the prellrrrnary commitment and rrrty riot oblect to mettete not aon:amed tt-oreIn. Sailer„hall htrva days(5 days tt not tided iri error rwce notice of disapproval to give Buyer wrft:an notice that aeflor win cleat all disapproved exceo'Jens.Sel3er shall have uricl the Closing Cate+o cure Ail dlsafoved exceptmrs.if Seller aces not grve`rinefy noses that Seiler W,A clear ad d'rsap;xoveo excepfian8, PcLyer nay terminate this Agruamert wr;iifn 3 days after the detdl�ne for SeNers mace, frt the event Boyer alerts to tasmirate ire Agmemen,tt•a Earnast grapey shait be re.urned to Buyer,lose any unpa(d casts dewibod to%v Agr83i nl, Buyer sha'i have no right to spedtic p+tr ems r,*or tram,ages as a Ford. mG9 at Sonar's insb,lrY to pros lde ire sable t tie Ef auger doss net terminate the Agream ent,Buyer shall be deenred to Neva valved all abisctions to Ode wh ch$slur did rwt sgrea to clear, z Suppled mal Title Repo04.It Buyer mue'ves supplerfilintad lick reports that disCtase new Umal`on(8)to the title ct n,mc,msr.then tta We periods and prosedures ier not",co-rac7.on,ano tsrinMatlaa aoove mall ape ly So the data of c`tuyer*s receipt of the supplemental foe report 8. Ri9n:a1Nble't7 trr,Thte AdderndLmCaes not re(evo Ar,4le.ci the obFgauun to provider Inw)tet&bra Otte at clot;IPQ as pruvided ie She Ageaern8nt- initals fStJYBKt Y BATE. SELLER: L I CP,TE BUYEFi;� ❑AYE' SELLER; tr,l�d, r r CO *arm 32a King 4C�'ipynfy#+i240l Sapac ACdcrd m KING COUNTY SEP"C ADDEWUM TO korthmsr v.reo e I atrig Swvroe Rxv.,Itsf PURCHASE S SALE AGREEMENT A_L RIGHTS ir>:SUNEo z=Pr3a i Of i Tne tonowng is part of the Purctmo and Sato Agree;tent dated _ 1�pril '2oU4 baI%Vsrt T4at 1 Qr and G1NL4C ResCan ecncerning 2602.5 SE Kznt Kan&v R.; 8avensdale. 1Y.A 98r)57 ("fha Ptoptrrtyaj THIS ADDENDUM SUPERGE056 ANY OTHER PROVISIONS Or iHIS AGREEMENT RELATIiIC3TO THE ON-SIT E - SEWAGE SYSTEM(-CS3}SERVING )HE PRC,7?ERTY. 1.Type of OSS,ins Property;s: Served by a private septic systerr Served Was �c syy cm J Not served by an approved public or privials sewer syirroln{il cheofted,only Paragraph 5 appPes) 2.Seller's APPresentations.Seger represents that to the beat of Sellei s knowledge,the OSS serving tho Property (a)doss rot requee repair Other than pumping ano rrorrnai mainssnar ca,(b)does not cwrenI!y fiolare ar'y apZdreat e local,state,and federal laws,slandarde,anti re9ulatigris;and(ct has no meta sal defects. 3,Ksng County Board of Health Code('Health Coda,,), a. Health Code, Seller Ail retain a licensed on-she sys'erl maintainer('OSM j to prepare a rnorritating and per+ormance inapsailon topoTI 01 the OSS COperation drtd Maintenance Report)and to cernplen the other equate ants of Haapl;l Code§13.80430.As soon as the OSM,omp',et8t the mquirements of Health Cede§ 13.60 03o,Seller bliall detrrer to Buyer it copy of the Cperation and Mairtrinance Report and a ropy of'Jm maintenance reoords for the OSS,if ava.able, fs. Olaetatton and Umntenanoe Report contingency. 3,ryse$obligations under toss nt Agrseerr are carrhnge nn Buyer's aPIProval of U'e Opieralfon and Maurerancc=raggrl_This co+tGngency shag:be dearred waived unless Buyer allois not,ce of dsssaprcval d the Qpsraaor and htairtenaroe{#sport whhtn days(5 days d 7ot filled#n)after receipt of the Operation and Maintenance Report,It Buyer gives timely notice of disapproval.tte Agreement shali tenor inate and tho Earnest Money shoii be refunded to Buyer. c.On-Sits 9*vrags Systerri Operation and Maintenance Acquirements, Seiler shall deliver to Buyer a soles Notice of Orr—Ste Sewage System Opetsnon and Memteranee Requtrerrents,which shall be recorded before Ctosrnn 136yef shall deliver to Seller on or betdre Closing a Buyer's Cetlaranorl of Receipt of Copy of Notice of or-Site Sewago System Operation and Maintenance Hegoirements,lrr at'rjrtlon,Buyer shaif pay ihu Operation and lea r tensnoe Program Fv~ as set north in the applicable feP scheeuie 4. L7 1nspaetion and Pamping Contlngeney 1r eheckod,Seiler ehs,11 have the OSS;nspscled and,it noaessary,rrirnood by 086 service company at Seller's sixpenss Seller ghail provide Buyer with a copy of the m-vectior repot,Ni`hm" days(15 days n not filled In)of r 1wh el a Ge p'.B ,If$elier had to 05S inspected and pumpntf within tN riortha of Mutual acceptance by an OSS service uurrm iany and Seiler provides Buyer with written evidence theroo''nc r.'r tuding tar, spectior re€soft,Seller abitA have no obligation,m ingpect and purrp the system unless ct3lervnse rr�,i,,,rad ny t3uya;`s lender, This Ar,raonertl=s cana Boned on Bilyer's sppravtii of the Inspection reporl from If, OSS smrnca company.This CG tnzenoy shall be deemed waived tiniest,Buyer gives notice of disapproval of the Irspecaon report mthEri_ days(S days if not filled M)after receipt of fora mr,{rr cticn-apart_if 9uyiu gives timely naiace pf dsaporoval,Toe Agr--- ans8 ism"ala ono the Earnest Money shall bo rof,inded to Buyer, (�! Buyer's Right to Attend Irtspesteon. ff checked fine it$QIler has nut atroady cctxi xfed er,ivsae�fior,8 yQr shall have:tie r, ,,to obcarve tole nspergon Sc1t?r shall proviaa 8syer With 3 days nont:e of the sate ano Time W the tnspec_Ien, Advisory Nou"Regarding Pumping. The OSS onould not me pumped oafare the Operation and Matrteranc0 Report Is performed by this OSri 98 requlred by Naalih Core§ 13.190 0a3,The Oaera',on and Maintenance Report req.iirrs that the system tie rbslirved before it is puirptad. 5.On-611e Sewage System Disotasure Form. It;he Propo•ty(at is not servad by an appiored?.ioilo or priva,e sewor lslmn girl(b)rs!0 be improved for reslder`ai fir ojwness pt rportis "Jar ag-ees to de'ivrr to&ye:a <inr,County On.S110 Sewage Sysiarn fY,sclotttua Farm 6.!Other, Snlitdc mik or tanks toast ix inspected and pumped before closing. tntlials: BUYER. gELLER-. BUYER: Y_ DATL:-_/-7 -- / &ELLtR' DATE: ySf0- ;7'#) S 3 i PdSTif:Ef.A' XHIBj f�}' THE WLST HALF OF SOCIT!{WES't QUAVER OF TH£',k)m-TF WM- WAMM OF THE',OUT1twzv �3SFhitTFai ter SY, 0H<-%TOtlIlQW?n NMT>t RANGE 6 FAST.W.M..IN MG t,ouNTY,WAVN-,WGTc);N, ?nMO ScriFTH OS'Tns;.KN+GLry ROAD; PNC%PT TH8 C1'C3T f DO FECT TIR'REOF FATtC9L L 4 THAT PORTION OF THE wFsi HAT.f oR Tw- zxsl- t ku OF 11'r 50'MRWVS'P QLiA -,M. tat' T)m i HORTMAZTQUAATM Of THS SOUMWf---Sf QU&M-k OF SECT[QN'23 TO".SHIP 22 NiY l,".PLAXCYS 6 P CST,W.1Ki M XING C6isTT5 Y,wt.SWN670Tt LYRt4S0iYTr[Os KEN7•KA�iG1EY ROAD. F i i i S 1 i { r 1 i R 3