HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK08-136 - Original - Merritt + Pardini - Municipal Facilities Needs Study - 07/02/1998 KEIt S 1"U'p Y' 71 = Me r(M+PaMini, the Beckwith' s`ulting Group,= Merritt+Pardini Architecture Urban Design Transmittal Planning Interior Design To: Council Members City of Kent From: James R. Merritt U Date: 2 July 1998 n Project/No: 97034 �) Copies Date Description J 0 24 2 July 1998 Draft Report City of Kent Municipal Facilities Needs Study r� U Remarks: �.J Q The enclosed draft report is a work in progress. This is an opportunity to present our current findings and discuss the opportunities available to meet the city's growth needs into the future. James R.Merritt,AIA LeRoy J.Pardmi,A I A Richard L Ramsey, We have enjoyed working with the city staff and look forward to your comments. r� ASLA,AICP V 1701 Commerce Jennifer Mundee (� Tacoma,Washington �✓ 98402-3207 (253)383-8700 C) (253)383-8728 Fax For Jim Merritt U 1000 Lenora St Suite 405 1 Seattle,Washington 98121-2720 (206)223-2742 0 (206)622-9462 Fax UMembers of The American U Institute of Architects Document3 1.21 PM 07/02/98 r i � 1 (7 i� 1. Summary The City of Kent has grown very quickly in the past 20 years and will continue to grow in the upcoming 20 years. The City has planned well to meet the needs of administrative department growth by purchasing the Centennial Center building (> andi s now ready to take advantage of additional space in this building. The Polio and Fire Departments have tried to keep up with growth, but with the annexation of a large area, they will need to expand to match the increasing population. The potential annexation of the Benson area will cause a sharp increase in population, and the public safety departments will need to be prepared for instantaneous growth. Maintenance shops and yard space have not kept pace with the increasing service area and increasing numbers of staff in the Parks and Public Works Departments. This area-needs immediate attention to ensure that O the City will be ready to respond in emergency situations. Secure communications,information, and traffic signal systems should be developed in a location least likelyto be"affected by-disasters. + This City of Kent facility needs study is based upon the growth projections developed by department representatives. Projections have been made for the staff and facilities required currently as well as at the point when the city population has grown to 100,000 and 130,000. Department heads worked together to develop the following project directives, goals and decision criteria which have been the basis for this study. 1 Goals ♦ Public accessibility important ♦ Improve customer service cam) ♦ Keep up with-demands ♦ .Departmental unification ♦ Improve efficiency Maintain key adjacencies ♦ Identify"shared" spaces to increase efficiency ♦ Provide adequate parking for fleet, staff, and public ♦ Improve security ♦ Separate public spaces from work areas ♦ Minimize times departments move Influences on Decisions L? ♦ .Annexation effiect and timing still to be determined ♦ Public access to information. changing technology(paper moving to digital) ♦ Centralization vs. Decentralization ♦ Centennial Center lease income vs. efficient space use f ♦ City Hall building is inflexible, needs code upgrades ♦ Investment in existing space MoPewmmkWnAe Pap.,ate 6A4PM U ♦ Costs of relocating utilities vs. inefficient spade ♦ Locate noisy, dirty operations away'from office space ♦ Valley is subject to disasters , v What land is available on East Hill? Decision Criteria ♦ No Department can stay"as is" ♦ Continue to invest in City Center Campus ♦ Departments that stay in City Center Campus: Mayor/Admire,Finance,.Civil Law, E.S., I.S., Engineering, Planning, Fire Prevention, Parks Admin. ♦ Police Evidence storage to stay.in City Hall jail ♦ Courts to move to the Aukeen facility ♦ Council Chambers-k cation could move ♦ Departments with multiple locations(valley and hills): Police, Fire,Parks Facilities, Parkas Maintenance, Public Works Maintenance ♦ New East Hill Police Precinct in future. ♦ An East.HM site can be shared among several departments Program Development Summary of assumptions, limitations, and method to be provided later. Options to Accommodate Growth City Hall Campus City Hall Campus departments as projected to a population level of 130,000, will essentially fill City Hall and the Centennial Center with some modifications. All departments can be consolidated and the good public access counters can be created. The courtyard area in City Hall could be infilled to increase,usable floor area, and the Centennial Center could have interior renovations to improve efficiency.An addition between City Hall and Centennial would provide additional space and serve to link the two buildings to create a single City Hall focal point. Police Department The Police Department will need to triple in size as the population grows to 100,000 plus. It is desirable to retain the Police headquarters on the downtown campus as a-central and efficient facility. Either a major expansion of the existing building will be needed or a new facility could be built on or near the campus block. As the population approaches 130,000, a new precinct will be needed where the population concentration determines at that time. City of Kent Munidpal Feciities Study Counci Meeting Drag sun.aminAw P.D•2 al8 Usaftwambd M PM 711M 1 j r� 1 1 i 1 Maintenance Shops r The Public Works and Parks maintenance departments are currently in very substandard facilities. In order to continue the current level of service, a new facility, major renovations and expansion of the existing facility, or multiple n smaller facilities are needed. It is imperative that the emergency operations (� facility, emergency communications, traffic signals, and major equipment are located in an area less prone to disasters than the current valley floor location. A site selection study needs to be done to determine what alternative sites are available. Then the departments can decide to pursue a centralized or multiple facility option. J Fire Department The Fire Prevention Department should be centrally located on the City Hall campus. Fire Stations should receive maintenance upgrades and moderate expansions over the next several years. Priorities for City Action 1. Initiate a site selection process and feasibility study for a new maintenance facility. 2. Do not renew leases in Centennial Center on first, second, and third floors to allow City departments to relocate. 3. Study potential for expansion of downtown police station. J 4. Look for opportunities to deal with an increasing need for employee parking. = a 5. Fire Station improvements. t� U U U J C �1 City of Kent Munidpal Faciities Study Coundi Meeting Draft su edmhidm Pmp S d 8 YrdMPYdni J e04 PM 711M U r �1 �1 2. City Hall Campus administrative departments Summary The City of Kent administrative departments are currently located in the City Hall as well as a portion of the Centennial Center. As departmental staff f 1 numbers have increased, some departments have been forced to split into several locations due to space constraints. A primary goal is to reunify departments, eg. Finance,Fire Prevention,Information Services. All departments require more office space,lack sufficient storage space,and are too cramped to function (1 efficiently. Projected space needs for 100,000 population level brings the required administrative space requirements to a level which utilizes the majority of City Hall and Centennial Center. These two buildings will provide sufficient space to allow for the projected staff growth to 100,000 population level. At 130,000, some additional space may be required. The diagrams which follow,show the space required to meet the 130,000 population needs. Departmental Staff and Space Requirement Projections The following departments are included in this portion of the study: ♦ Administration/Mayor's office ♦ City Hall Campus Support Law ♦ Finance j ♦ Employee Services �' ♦ Information Services (� ♦ Parks Administration + Public Works Administration/Engineering ♦ Planning ♦ Fire Prevention The following Table I shows the staff numbers expressed in total employee equivalents (TEE)in 1998 and projected out for population levels of 75,000, 100,000, 115,000 and 130,000. These employee numbers were then used to help (� determine the area required to house these employees into the future. Table 2 gives a summary of the facility requirements for City Hall campus departments. U U The area occupied by each department is shown as it exists and growing to 1 130,000 population. These areas include the existing space, the space currently required based on typical square feet per employee type plus special areas for each department. These areas are projected to grow based on 1)employee growth, and 2)estimated increases in special areas based on their specific function. City of Kerd Municipal FacUities Study Council Meeting Draft draft dot Pep 4 d a Mo.Open" y� 526 PM 711M t� I Z. Kent FacUity Planning Study Total employee equivalents(TEE)growth rates TEEM O.OW population Ratio TIMJ7.000 population Division exst 75 100 115 130 70.0 75 100 115 130 Flamarks City Administration 10 12 13 13 14 0.14 0.16 0613 0.11 0.11 Empldyao services 14 20 25 25 25 0.20 0.0 0.25 0.22 0.19 Finance 39 41 44 47 49 0.58 O.S5 0." 0.41 0.38 Fire Prevention 20 24 26 28 31 0.29 0.32 0.26 0.24 0.24 Information Services 31 33 38 41 47 0.44 0.44 0.38 0.38 0.36 Law 19 22 26 26 •36 0.27 O.x9 OM 0.24 0.27 Municipal Court 19 19 21 22 23 0.27 0.26 0.21 0.19 0.18 Parks&Recreation-Admin 20 20 20 20 22 0.26 0.26 M20 0.17 0.17 Parks iL Recreation-Fhwou 8 e 8 8 11 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.06 Parka&Recreelon-Senior 7 7 7 7 7 0.10 0.09 0.07 �0.06 0.05 Parks&Recreation-Comm -13 14 14 15 17 0.19 0.18 -0.14 0.13 0.13 Parks 5 ROcnmoon-FleftV 15 15 15 15 15 0.21 0.20 0.15 0.18 0.11 Parks&Recreation-golf 17 17 17 17 17 0.24 0.23 0.1? 0.15 0.13 Parka&Recreation-am 9 24 41 52 57 0.13 -0.32 0.41 0.45 0.44 Parks 5 Recreation-J 36 51 67 80 87 0.54 0.68 0.67 0.70 0.67 Subtotal 126 1bS 188 213 231 1.80 206 1.88 1.95 1.78 Planning 39 46 58 - 63 71 0.56 0.61 0.5e 0.85 O.s4 Police 178 191 254 293 381 2.64 2.99 2.54 285i US Public Works Wm-InWagon 58 62 67 70 74 0.83 0.83 0.67 0.61 0.57 Public Works-Main Yard 92 93 126 139 153 1.31 1.24 1.28 1.21 1.18 Public Works-Annex Yard 13 14 19 22 22 0.10 M19 OAO 0.19 0.17 Subtotal 163 169 214 231 249 L33 2.25 2.14 Z.01 -1.92 Total 658 732 905 1.004 1.106 9.40 9.76 9.05 8.73 8.51 Change between irawnente 74 174 99 102 0.3543 -0.704 -0.324 -0.222 _ Percent change between Ineremen 119A 24% 11%. 10% 4% -7% -4% -3% Total employee equivalents( IM Includes full-time and.part-time employeae and Interns who require workstation space. Summary facility requirements - City HalXentenniai TIMM A00 Population Net aq ft11.000 population Diviskrrl Meat 75 100 115 130 so 70.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Fiemerim City Campus Support 0 0 0 0 O 4.203 7,268 7.810 8.W2 8.8P2 City Adniirlistration 10 12 13 13 14 3.788 3.773 9.e08 3.908 4A43 Employee SeMoas 14 20 23 25 25 2,034 3.M 4.604 4.MK 4,004 Finance 39 41 44 47 49 2.842 6,619 7.024 7.429 7.899 Fire Prevention 20 24 26 28 31 1.673 4,998 4.696 4.992 6,437 %formation Services 31 33 36 41 47 4,902 7.164 7.829 8.328 9.071 Law 10 12 14 16 20 2,753 2.453 2.723 3,020 3.587 Parks$Rocroation Admire 20 20 20 20 22 4.139 3.747 3.747 3.747 4,017 Parks&Recreation Field 0 0 0 0 0 470 470 470 470 470 Planning 39 46 58 63 71 6.508 10,119 11,626 12.845 13.757 Public Works Admin 58 62 67 70 74 9.973 11.540 11,689 ' 11.837 11.986 Subtotal 241 270 305 323 353 43,295 61,470 66.324 69,330 73.492 Plus building layout factor 0% 0 O 0 0 0 �! Effective building space requirement 43,295 61.470 W5 M 69MO 73.4et2 Plus building core requlrem 16% 6.494 9.221 9.949 10.400 11.024 Gross building requirement , 49.789 70.691 780273 79,780 84.618 Area factor(net square feWperson) 180 228 217 215 206 Numerical change between lncre 29 35 18 30 20.901 5.582 9.089 8.243 (�4 Percent change between Increm 12% 13% 6% 9% 42.0% 7.9% 12.11% 10.8% ,�• �l r J ' dp r� •� n all W Z 1- aL}- V ILAD � W - s a w �) y. v r um �J `j The spreadsheets showing the specifics of each department are located at the end of this report. , Existing Facility Conditions The existing departments in the City Hall building have outgrown their space and have resorted to using storage areas and passageways for office space. The plan Figure 1—Existing Conditions shows the tight spaces and small floor plates in City Hall at the moment. Centennial provides a more open and flexible floor plan, but these departments are also short on space. The first and second floors are connected by an open stairway which was intended to allow visual and physical connection among the building and permitting-departments. As the departments outgrow this space, the central opening is not able to serve its purpose any longer and takes up valuable floor area. The Centennial building has 58%leased to private companies. These leases expire at various times from 1998 to 2001. The City has the opportunity to not renew some leases and move City departments into these areas incrementally as growth occurs. The City could also try to relocate some tenants to other areas of the building to create contiguous spaces for City Departments. An incremental ._growth into the Centennial building will allow the City to provide adequate space but still have the benefit of income'from leased office spaces. Figure 2=Lease Availability plan illustrates the portions of the Centennial Center whichwill become available before 2000 and those areas which will be available from 2000 to 2002. The entire building could potentially be occupied by the City in 2002 when all the current leases will have expired._ Departmental Organization Alremadves 'The relationships among-the departments in the City Hail Campus are diagrammed based on the interviews with city staff at workshops 1 and 2. Figure 3 depicts the preferred adjacencies expressed in these meetings. The alternative diagrams depict the space required for each department when the population level is 130,000. Alternative I t° Alternative 1 (Figure 4)is the least expensive in terms of capital expenditures, but it will not provide a very efficient facility and may cause greater operational costs over time. It proposes to leave the Centennial Building interior as it is. There is a pedestrian connection across the parking lot and a hallway revised in Centennial. City Hall remains as it is which requires Info Services to be spread ` across three floors in City Hall. The Council Chambers remain as they are. City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Drag ma adrWM DO Page 5 d e 6A5 PM 7MMO } U� �-I (j�1 l 1 U There is little space for employee lounge and wellness facilities.All of Centennial is required to accommodate the departments. U U Alternative 2 Alternative 2 (Figure 5)requires that the City Hall building courtyard is infilled , on all floors. By enclosing this triangular area, there is the opportunity to create U a gracious public reception counter in front of the elevators as well as provide a floor plate which is larger and more flexible. In this alternative, Administration/Mayor Office occupies the top floor of City Hall. Law is on the �U third floor with a portion of Info Services. Information Services requires all of the U second floor as well. The first level contains the Council Chambers, Council work LU' rooms, employee lounge area, and some area remains to be used for other public needs such as daycare, a cafe or other retail uses. The Police Evidence storage LU remains as is. U.� At 130,000 population, most of all floors of Centennial will be required to accommodate the remaining departments. There will be some space for future U growth available.A pedestrian connection and a more generous public entrance on the west is created.Removing the existing stairway between floors one and two will add additional floor.area. Relocating the restrooms and creating public counters in front of the elevators will improve efficiency on all floors. U Alternative 2.1 Alternative 2.1 (Figure 6)rearranges the uses in Alternative 2 slightly. The ground floor of City Hall has a public information desk in the center of the lobby with public and council member meeting rooms and a large cafe/lounge. Employee Services and Finance share the first floor of Centennial,Engineering takes over most of the second floor as it becomes available. Planning takes over much of the third floor as it becomes available.Fire Prevention and Parks Administration share the fourth floor along with the employee wellness and lounge facilities. U U Alternative 3 r l Alternative 3 (Figure 7)vacates City Hall entirely and builds an addition to the `d east of the Centennial building on the site of the Court building. This addition will contain the Council Chambers and one department which will not fit in Centennial. A drop off area and a small amount of parking could also fit on this parcel. The loading dock is not appropriate right nest to the front door of the new city campus and would have to be relocated to the west side of the building. �-J City Hall is an important icon for the City of Kent and it would be difficult to justify leaving the building. City Hall is not very efficient for office use and it would probably be difficult to find a buyer or new tenant. Potential reuse as a U City of Kent Municipal Faalipes Study Council Meeting Draft dMftpLd- P"9 6 cf 6 Msrd6+P"M 5:26 PM MIN museum was suggested. The stairways do not meet building codes and may need major remodeling if the building were to be taken over. Alternative 4 Alternative 4(Figure 8)leaves the City Hall building second, third and fourth floors vacant.All of the Centennial building is required in this alternative,but the Centennial building alone is not large enough to accommodate all of the projected space needed. A new building and/or the first floor of City Hall would be required in addition. Based on discussions with sta%Alternative 4 was revised to Figure 8 Alternative 4.1. Alternative 4.1 _ Alternative 4.1(Figure 9) combines some of the best aspects of alternative 2 and alternative 4. City Hall and Centennial are used very efficiently. Preferred Alternative - Development of the Downtown City Hall Campus: The City currently has a well defined civic campus which consists of the block containing City Hail, the Police Station, Court building, the City parking garage and the Centennial Center. City Hall is not large enough to accommodate all City administrative staff. By incrementally taking over the Centennial Center and formalizing a pedestrian connection between these two buildings, these two buildings can function as the focus for City functions. Short term improvements An enlarged public entrance on the west side of the Centennial Center which connects to the elevator lobby would improve access. The existing parking lot should be re-striped and a pedestrian path created connecting the City Hall entrance with a covered entry canopy at the Centennial Center west entry. Pedestrian access between the parking garage and these entrances should be formalized and preferred short cut routes developed. To create a positive public service environment,it will be necessary to remodel the Centennial Center to provide public access counters and waiting areas on the first, second, and third floors. In the future three floors of Centennial will have departments with public counters. Building and fire codes will not allow an open stair to join more than two levels of the building, therefore it is not possible to extend the existing stairway between the first and third floors. Using the elevators as the main public access route would be most efficient,but the toilet rooms are located immediately in front of the elevators creating a barrier to the office space. Relocating the toilets just south of the elevator and stair core will allow the creation of an open public reception area on each floor. Moving toilet 4} City of Kent Municipl Fscilides Study Council Meeting Draft *&f"Lftt Paps 7 a 8 IMrtN!►Par�N f SM PM 711M f 1 r rooms will be relatively expensive,but the building will be uninviting and lconfusing for the public to use if they remain where they are today. Long term improvements: (� The Court building will be vacated and can be redeveloped by the City to provide space for future new programs or leased to private developers. The remaining two parcels on the block should be acquired by the City as parcels become available. This will allow the City the flexibility to develop in the future as needs arise. The Police Station should be expanded as required to function as the Police r� headquarters. The police parking area may need to be reconfigured and/or a i portion of the existing garage may be needed for police vehicles. A new Council Chambers which includes the latest data and video technology �> could be built between the City Hall and Centennial buildings creating a direct link and main entrance hub for both buildings. The existing council room could be used by Employee Services and Information Services as training rooms. The City Hall courtyard above the council chambers and lobby could be enclosed to provide larger, less restrictive floor plates on the second, third, and fourth floors. This infill would provide additional floor area without requiring new circulation space. The reception area on each floor could also be improved. ram; F� U City of Kent Municipal FadliGes Study Cma Meeting Draft ar.1h p Oc v p.0 or 8 �ParaNi 5:28 PM 711ree . f 1 � 4 I'riKK`� � ' 4 � l�cUi�l I N i !-70 � y C•� 3 I 1 LA 77 2 IN FeK�t/tTlcri 2 EN( INttKINC�/ � SrKvlc.r✓s I'U3�t�wD�K�� } r- Nil RCO P/ W Gowe Street I N C ITPro to r1 IL N& L RV Lt CCr— GTAfIIeE?— EVrIDEIN(x Parking Garage i o so ao 100 ftro Kent City Hall Campus EXISTI N O MID Municipal Facilities Plan Alternative I APF-IL 2coc JAN Soo I 4 jCT 4 1�• 19 `i9 9� �Cc AUG, 9& 2,000 3 �— 3 BAN `ir- C/ W Gowe Street 1 2 o co 3rto KTi`N� Parking Garage OW i Ponce i 0 20 40 Go North Kent City Hall Campus LEASE ISFA E NA ILA bILIT'r Municipal Facilities Plan ' Alternative 4 LA 'a PLAIN INS put &INEM t* f W Gowe Street 7 Pvf5�,ik.; NFO Parking Garage AC—F—A Police o 20 4 loo N.M Kent City Hall Campus Municipal Facilities Plan Alternative 4 4 } AVM itti C,:r1F FCG'Nl'j 1 tv F 1 U. i?�.t,t tk1'E L),QC� t } Pu$�,Gwc0S �) 3 S �40uo INV LA- viC+rS R Et-oC�k1"E Tot�eT� 1 2 �EM i>b l✓ �E ii7CtV'i"E 7irt1 f;S �11,cTS W Gowe Street 7 � a LCA n(r,(7 C-A-AM btP—' P Lf CE F f N P tv t t✓ I � � Parking Garage i I I Police � o zo <a Boa rionn Kent City Hall Campus a Municipal Facilities Plan Alternative MAYo2. I-��}NCt TOlt_�TS 1 L/��nf �o f erg w 3 FY <" l } INf d M-MOVe V- L, hrE ��--� Sta.I�wAY -Tbi LtiTS 1 2 A2 SE�.VtCES > I�IFILj i?t,CVt"o ! i �s �r�tewhY TcII CrS W Gowe street T' �f t:: OJL t✓�F&C � -EMP. Se�vl GCS � ME IErIN& f���MC CAF6� i I - COV IN&i L VeGK c rIAtqPir� F1NtkNC.E �� cI s i E I DGNcc a Sr1cP C VZ4�,SS I kjU Parking Garage ° 20 40 too North Kent City Hall Campus F Municipal Facilities Plan _.� �_ Alternative Z� a � a thTS tk p FLANNNC% WOr-4oUd" &ti r3+ �j c Ale- ------------ r� s '�� t�U6L1c 2 A NSW Ao>11-taN NEW w Gowe Street FW AN G� 1 Lo pocy Wfto J J Parking Garage 1 i i 1 00 NOM Police o za +a ')Kent City Hall Campus ;Municipal Facilities Plan Alternative Aomim MAYOFL 4 N f D f,MAT 10 3 3 A�"' f + PLNNN IN& 2 2 77 Ttom, � t. � t u C3L,LID 5tq4w-) Toth I S I, � W Gowe Street f tMPicYGI E r-\I I GE:S F(NAN bE: FIXAD,N& POOLE: EV DFJJ Parking Garage FPolice IL 0 20 0 00 N.ft Kent City Hall Campus Municipal Facilities Plan Alternative 1 4 t 4 M AY o R- ,) 3 3 LAW i I, lira i..c u N G E Svc otdet5 ° 7r-� �hiG iN�Eiz-1tJC�/ pub"(, rdo �5 2 2 '� in}�Ot�M�TIoN C 65 'A � QVIt EP �r11L �/ !®'�7. 5ta* J piocxi-- � W Gowe Street t MF'ct"fE� SG? IGE r t { } I DOCK 0(0- P9-eIENTIoh4 �I Parking Garage 6 � IFL Police mo NOM Kent City Hall Campus °� Municipal Facilities Plan Alternative 401 3. Police and Courts City of Kent Muridpal Facilities Study Coundl Meeting Draft Police Department Daviffand MWM+Parm Me PM WIM r , c ; i r� r^� . c Introduction This summary includes the following: Problem Statements We start by stating the existing problems as determined in the first two workshops. The recommendations that follow respond to the basic problems identified. Project Direction/Givens _ During the first two workshops we identified a number of directions/goals (' and"givens"for the project that guide our square footage projections and 0 recommendation options. Recommendations The recommendations that follow are for the police department's existing 0 headquarters,a future precinct station,a"Restorative Justice Center",and 0 -allowance for law department space (Family Violence Unit). Each of these facilities/spaces will be described. t� This "macro" level study will provide square footage projections for building and site needs based on a reasonable square footage per staff. We -also break-the total building areas into approximate space needs per functional area. ._, U U 0 �I U Draft Police Findings Summary-6110/98 U City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study Q 1 Problem Statements , Police Headquarters Facility Building Size ' The existing police facility is undersized for the current staffing. The comprehensive plan states that the police headquarters is approxi- mately 18,000 SR By dividing the building area(18,000 SF)by the total number of staff operating from the building(148) we find that there is currently 101 " SF per staff. This falls well below reasonable square footage per staff. ; Site and Size The existing site,located at 232 4th Avenue South,will not accommo- date projected future staff vehicle requirements. Personal vehicles are ,not currently accommodated on site,and a lottery is used to allocate .the limited space in the adjacent parking garage to personal vehicles. Corrections The jail has-reached cell capacity and needs increased administrative __and correction officer staffing. Staff also desire regaining "lost" support space functions(esp. storage and locker space). Annexation A substantial annexation is anticipated to occur within 3-5 years. This annexation will provide an immediate population increase and an increased future population growth potential. Policing Need • There will be a substantial increase in travel time to police this area adequately from the existing headquarters. • In the short-term,it does not appear that the annexation area will generate an increase in calls for service per capita. - Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10198 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 2 + Md�L�w•,Waea.9�L►w+:a t«c.®9�� Project-Direction/"Givens" Population Kent'sbuild-outpopulation(forplanning purposes)willbe 130,000. The rate of growth: ?. • The City feels that it could reach 100,000 population relativley soon-with the proposed annexation north and east of the city 01 -limits. They feel that 100,000 population should be a reasonable target forbuilding square footage development,while the site area should accommodate the 130,000 build-out population. Staffing • "Swom"Staff/Thousand: Perpetuate the current rate of police sworn staff per thousand population. Beginning 6/1/98: 178 total staff-57 civilian staff=121 sworn staff. 121 sworn/70(thousand pop.) 1.73.sworn staff per thousand. Ave. Sworn staff per thousand population (100,000 - 249,000 Pop): ( Pacific States = 1.3 Western States = 1.4 National Average = 1.9 (; Percentage of sworn and non-sworn staff: Retain the current U sworn and non-sworn percentages of total staff(sworn staff=68% 0 and non-sworn=32%)or slightly increase the non-sworn percent- age of total staff. • Total build-out(130,000 popj staffing(for site-development): by using the same staff ratio per thousand and the same sworn to non- U sworn ratio we will have(225)sworn staff members at build-out. 0 To this (225) we must add approximately 32% additional non- sworn staff(106) which yields a total staffing level of(331) at build-out. • Total 100,000 M.staffmit(for building development): by using 0 the same staffing ratio per thousand and the same sworn to non- sworn ratio we will have(173)sworn staff,plus 32%non-sworn staff(81),yielding a total staffing level of(254). J Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10/98 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 3 ' McCGNu•,W:lsw.�L"uy:•,1�®9�t$ • .Effective 1998 staffing totals for planning: Adult suspect pro- cessing and holding will occur at the current corrections (jail) facility and training staff work from the off-site training center location. Corrections staff(25)and training officers(5),will not be included in the staff total for planning purposes(178 total staff -(25+5)= 148). Effective build-out staffing totals for site 121anning: The correc- lions division accounts for 14% of current staffing, and is not considered in this planning exercise (jail will remain a separate .component). The Training staff account for approximately 3%of total current staffing. If the future jail and training staff were to be deducted then there would be a 17% (14% + 3%) effective staffing level reduction (331 x 83% = 275 effective staff total. This means that there would be 187 sworn staff and 88 non-sworn staff(total 275 effective staff)at build-out population. • Effective 100.000 pop. staffing totals for buildingd�evelopment: Assuming that we reduce the 100,000 pop.staffing(254)by 17% we will have(211)for an effective staffing total. This means that there would be(143) sworn staff and(68)non-sworn staff. Police Facilities • The police headquarters will remain in its current location until forced to relocate(after exploring staff and function reallocations. • There will be a police presence (precinct station or substation) located to serve the Kent East Hill and annexation area. These facilities will need to be defined to meet the police department and public needs. • �A po lice olice precinct station: will be a frill-service facility (patrol, investigations,community education,records,etc.). The precinct station will be located as pats of a community activity center. • A Rolice substation: will be< • Do not plan for communications space,dedicated training space, or additional corrections inmate capacity in the facility projec- tions. Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10/98 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 4 r , J J � Police Facility Sites t ) • Accommodate fleet/take-home vehicles on the headquarters site. Personal vehicles will be parked off-site, with the exception of r identified late shift personal vehicles. • The precinct station site should be planned to accommodate fleet and personal vehicles. • Archival storage, large evidence, vehicle.evidence, seized ve- hicles, and bicycles will be at an off-site location. i� J J J - J J - \l us 'J J J J J J� Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10/98 J City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 5 J .. Recommendations Transfer Staff to'Precinct Station: The following spreadsheet shows a staffing allocation from the existing police headquarters to a precinct station that will allow the - remaining headquarters staff to provide adequate police and support , services as the"police headquarters". The headquarters staff should have the same square footage allocation per staff member as the new precinct station(250 SF/Staff). Determine Square Footage Square Footage per Staff(250 GSF/Staff): The projected square footage per staff was determined by comparing the police functions and staffing identified in the workshops against recent similar projects in the Seattle area and western states. The following factors were considered: • Communications and Corrections square footage are not part of this study. • A latents lab has been identified (not in the existing police headquarters),however no dedicated staff have been indicated. Square Footage Projection per Comprehensive Plan: (comparison) • 396 SF x thousand population(70)=27,720 SF. • 27,720 SF/ 148 staff working from facility= 187 SF per staff. • This will result in an undersized facility. Square Footage for Police Headquarters: The existing square footage is known (approx. 18,000 SF). The recommendation will determine a number of staff that can reasonably occupy this space. A couple of functions are noted as possibilities for dislocation to allow growth space for the remaining functions in the following pages. Sizing the headquarters to accommodate staffing through 100,000 population will provide a substantial headquarters facility that the public can identify with and go to for service. This will also provide Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10/98 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 6 i HdLwu.,W. 0 Me planning flexibility for future precinct station or substation develop- ment since the annexation has not yet taken place. By the time the headquarters reaches its staffing capacity,community activity centers and high growth areas should be evident. Headquarters Square Footage(@ 100,000 pop.): 211 staff x 250 square feet per staff=approx. 53,000 GSF Headquarters Addition/Remodel Inneficiency Factor: 1 5%x 18,000=900 GSF Square Footage for Precinct Station: C -100 staff Precinct Station: The initial direction from the police E; department was to plan for an initial staffing of (100) for the precinct station. This would result in a 25,000+/-GSF facility. • 64 staff Precinct Station: This staffing total would accommodate the additional police department staffing need for the 100,000 to .130,000 population increase. This would result in a precinct station that is approximately 16,000 GSF. .� Project building space for Law Department(Family Violence(Unit) r `' The projected square footage was based on information generated during the planning workshops with the representatives from the Jpolice department and law department. The family violence unit was described as starting with 17 staff and projecting a future 25 staff. Staff work area and support space is anticipated to be approximately 4000-4500 GSF plus a large family violence waiting area(separate from the police headquarters lobby if co-located). Due to the existing headquarters site/space constraints this space may `.� not be a good candidate for inclusion at the police headquarters \ facility. The accompanying parking requirement would be problem- atic as well. Project building space for a "Restorative Justice Center" `J The projected square footage was determined during the planning Draft Police Findings Summary-MOM �i City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study Y 7 workshops to accommodate 5-10 staff members and 100+program participants .(home detention, etc.). The size of this facility is projected tobe.approximately 3500 GSR This facility is projected to be an off-site facility located near the existing jail facility. Determine Parking Need for the Police Headquarters Due to the-constrained existing site, on-site parking at the existing police headquarters will be planned to include shift fleet vehicles and assigned fleet vehicles, as well as parking for identified non-sworn ; personal vehicles arriving or leaving the facility at late hours (staff safety issue).All other personal vehicle parking will be on the street or in an adjacent parking structure. • Parking at the police headquarters to accommodate a 100,000 _.population staffing level requires space for: (verify) (4)Administrative assigned vehicles -(7)Lieutenant/Manager assigned vehicles (2)Evidence fleet vehicles if this function remains at HQ (1)Parking space for training sergeant fleet vehicle (7)Community Education vehicles (2)Pro-Act fleet vehicles if this function remains at HQ (7)Property Crimes Detectives fleet vehicles (6)Persons Crimes Detectives fleet vehicles (1)Parking Enforcement fleet vehicle (6)Motors (38)Patrol fleet vehicles Records personal vehicles (late shift secure parking) (84) total vehicles require off-street/motorcourt parking. Other site amenities are assumed to stay the same(service area,loading and unloading,etc.). Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10/98 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 8 r � n 0 MR • Headquarters'Parking(@ 100,000 pop.): 84+/-parking spaces x 400SF=approx. 34,000 GSF petermine Site Area Need for the Police Precinct Station The site will need to accommodate the staffing requirement(64)for -an.additional 30,000 population(the police headquarters is intended (1 to accommodate staffing for a population of 100,000). The parking requirement for the new police precinct station will include space for i - 'fleet and personal vehicles. Site area is not restrictive in the vicinity of the proposed new precinct station,and security of fleet and personal -) vehicles is deemed important. (� A reasonable site area can be targeted using approximately 850 SF per x staff. .This number has been compared to recent police facility projects of similar size. Based on a 16,000 SF initial building size and - 64 staff operating from the building: J 64 x 850=54,400 SF or approximately 1.25 acres _J 'J t � c �J c� U Draft Police Findings Summary-6110198 City a Rent Facilities and Space Needs Study 9 r H401AU11 W.l.a. Develop Options to extend usability of the existing police department headauarters .-By scaling back staff from current(1998)levels,the existing police -headquarters can operate satisfactorily for a relatively brief period of time (dependent-on the actual rate of population growth) but, as staffing levels grow the facility will soon require additional square footage or-the separation of additional functions or staff to maintain -an adequate work environment. The existing site is also constrained. The following functions are listed for potential off-site locations: • Property/Evidence Function: The existing facility has identified approximately 375 SF for evidence storage which could be relocated to an off-site facility,while retaining 200 SF shown for - -evidence processing. 'To maintain an efficient-work flow for the reduced number of patrol officers,this processing area could then be reallocated for a reduced evidence processing area (100 SF) and a temporary evidence storage room(100 SF) that could be checked and emptied during the day by an evidence tech. • Traffic and Pro-act both benefit by being centrally located geo- graphically,and need relatively easy access to other police func- tionstsupport space. • Additional reductions: ? If space reductions will not accommodate the required staffing: • Provide additional square footage to the facility. or • Relocate the police headquarter facility. With limited support space duplication traffic can function sepa- rately,although communication with the rest of patrol may suffer due to the separation. Pro-act needs relatively easy access to investigations. If Traffic and Pro-act are both relocated to an off-site facility approximately 8ii0SF can be made available for.additional staff _ Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10/98 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 10 L 1 a Me growth of the remaining functions. J (� Facility Costs (order of magnitude oWlI) The cost of police facilities and sites have been averaging between$170 and$175 per square foot. This does not include the"soft costs"that must be included to yield project costs. Project costs are different for each municipality,but have been projected at 35%to 40%on recent projects r in'Tacoma and Seattle (project costs are projected as even higher in ("J Bellevue). Police Headquarters(planned for 100,000 pop and 211 staff): Police Headquarters Remodel-Cost: a tenant improvement for { staff remaining in the police headquarters including HVAC ad- justment but not major addition or replacement. 18,000 SF.x$45=$810,000 Police Headquarters Remodel: inneficiency factor (5%) of the fJ existing square footage. This is additional(new)square footage required to accommodate the same number of staff. 18,000 SF x .05=900 GSF : J 900 SF x$175=$157,500 • Police Headquarters Addition: new square footage. 35,000 SF x$175=$6,125,000 Total Police Headquarters Order of Magnitude Cost=$7.092.500 U Draft Police Findings Summary-6/10198 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 11 . k�Cl.,a.,Wes«�LwY►w,l..s.®9�r3$ Police Precinct Station(planned for a 100,000 population and 64 staff): Precinct Station: a new facility $25,000 SF x$175-=$4,375,000 • Family Violence Unit: new facility space 4500 SF x$175=$787,500 Restorative Justice Center: 3500SF x$175=$612,500 Draft Police Findings Summary-6110/98 City of Kent Facilities and Space Needs Study 12 r� �17LIG� {-I 1� �3�DrT1oN I dl � I j 'na- le r r I� C —r4r,-MopeL A.14t7 ,arptTioN To ,AocoM. Ioo,Gz tvpUt.ATIoN -5W-f-IN6 (0) N prP % plISLIG I�Jz�lt�l'y� �t�'k.� ,AI4� l.�N .+G4�'It AND ' INN IGl�NLY Tvl� l-oNs�P 2- 3°,b AZAP, d5� PVC To l.05Fr. effleieWaY 114 F. 'pfL GJf-u1AT►oN Tn. A;PrrioN I PF2�ING'T' s-WTI�N sR'E �}GV .01Z .25 AG t��iNGT ✓�TA170N - Pi GINC�T" ✓ OW opnoN 1 —1J�w t'�-unJt� ��t.-ttY 'ro ��oM, Md dot¢ �Lrill� f,oP13LAT(oN Imm i4o o D To w,&v t"mL,ATJoN). ,ADD. Swr- = lob —5MV AIZPA IS UFVN.FAWG8v AT vlPAPP i i r� 233,750 SF oR 5.31 A4"wv � 1 Ol L✓� -UAW OLUL-71} P AW 5nV- 'M AtZON, SWINGS(2775). Me Ir �IJIWOLl� FlpfULA low op 13o,Ado, OUIL PINb ?wvTF Fw A"Ilmw TO be (05% OF 711 SF' 'grM Af%4 5 5ft"G UFDN MOW AT &rAPr% 4� Lr—j REW rouc e L Lij W Gows SOON fto offoo C•rn•nnid Cenw C4 Hsu IL I • n FL ry/ Pa,Wnp Garfge \ LLj W.T"S tw I r_40 o b �— Kent City Hall Campus Municipal Facilities Plan fA, r� ) '1 L-r-j r-) ExrhNbtiD PO GE �j sL f') -w SSA 000 s,�. W.Gmm$bwt PON Off= C.rq W C.rmr ( Cal m" i' PC- FStobo, r �y l W?a.Sftw FEFL-1 Ej Kent City Hall Campus Municipal Facilities Plan c �J r� r ; 4. Maintenance departments Summary- Both Public Works and'Parks are in substandard facilities at this time. The summary spreadsheets demonstrate the large disparity between the space in which the Public Works and Parks departments are currently operating and the i � space they should have at their projected staff level for a population of 75,000. 'The staff numbers projected by the-managers-are in an appropriate range for a .=city-of this size. ;The staff to population ratio will reduce over time due to efficiencies of scale,but maintenance departments continue to grow at a.faster .rate as a city grows compared with administrative departments. ,The area of ( � streets,utilities,parks;facilities to maintain will grow dramatically when the 'Benson annexation occurs. The city needs to be prepared to meet this need. Projected space needs summary ( The following spreadsheets were developed by department managers based on projected staff increases as the population increases. The total employee equivalent numbers assume that these departments continue to provide similar services to those of today. No new programs have been added. Na services are contracted out.. As the-city doubles in size, there are bound to be new programs ..added and changes in-service delivery. These issues could be considered in more detail as the city evolves. Table 4A shows the space requirements. Detailed spreadsheets are found in the ti appendix. Service delivery options Maintenance facilities.can be developed as one centralized base or as several dispersed facilities. A centralized base is most efficient for the size of facility, and gprovides an effective management oversight of staff The disadvantage of one facility is the amount of time crews must spend to reach work sites and the trips required throughout the day to pick up materials. Dispersed facilities reduce the amount of drive time by locating the necessary materials new work sites. But the managers will have less control over their crews and supervisors will spend more time traveling to work sites. Multiple sites require redundant facilities such as J lockers and crew rooms, storage and equipment. Prototypical Yard Layout The most efficient layout for a public works yard has the heated functions in one building, the covered storage and open storage in separate areas. By planing ( these function in three rows, efficient site circulation can be achieved. ( } M+PVMkddALdoe Paps 1 d 2 5:04 PM z� 711M j-J Summary facility requirements- Maintenance Yards TEEN.OW population Net sq M.000 population ohrtsion eat 75 100 115 130 am MO 100.0 115.0 13MO Aamarha Faft A PER Yard-HOW 0 0 0 0 0 168 420 420 420 420 Parka A Rota Yard-Golf 17 17 •17 17 -17 5.639 5.871 5,971 8.871 s.871 Perks d.Plan Yard-East H 9 24 41 52 57 0 14,037 15.544 17.213 17.984 Perks 3 Rctn Yard-James 38 51 -67 80 87 7.964 22.064 28,857 38.068 44.708 Planning-Home Repair 0 0 0 0 D 0 530 630 630 690 Public Waft Yard-Traffic 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.829 6.109 6.829 6,4= Public Works Yard-Mein W 93 128 139 193 33.678 70,760 81.M 86.736 93.581 Public Works Yard-Anne 13 14 19 22 22 1.149 10121 10.283 11.099 11.889 Subtotal' _ 169 199 272 310 336 48.596 130.722 149,252 166.852 1e1.852 'Pius!wilding layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Effective building apace requirement -48498 130.722 149.252 166,652 181. Pfus building core requlmn 15%- 7.290 19,11W 2L388 25,029 27.278 Grow building requirement 35.888 150,390 171,640 191.11W 209.130 Area factor(net square ieedpereon) 268 557 549 338 541 Numerical change between incre 30 73 38 .26 94.443 21.310 41450 37.490 Pe►88nt change botwgefl WnM 1846 37%14% 9% 1WO% 14.2% 27.6% -21.9% 'TM OW population Net sq f/1.000 population Division .ei011 75 100 '113 130 am 73.0 100.0 113.0 130:0 Aemarlo; Fades S Man Yard-FWd1 - 0 �0 -0 -0 0 0.0 - 0.0 v QO QO .0.0 Puke d.AM Yard-edf 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Parke i Ratn Yard Effid H " -0 0 0 0 0 0.0 21 LO 5.2 s.4 Parka il<ROtn YOM-James 0 A 0 0 0 3.0 3.5 4.3 3.2 5.9 Public,Wares Yard-Traffk; 0 -0 '-O -0 0 QO 0.5 0.6 0.5 Ws Public Works Yerc-Main 0 0 0 0 0 8.2 10.2 11.8 12.6 13.3 Public Works Yard-Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 12.3 18.5 21.3 23.4 25.2 Summary facility requirements- Parks facilities TEF11,000 population Net$4 RN.000 Population Division coast 75 100 115 130 euat 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks Farms&Ran i Flescumce C 8 8 8 6 11 5.161 5,392 5.382 5,302 5.720 Parks&Retn-Senior Cent 7 7 7 7 9 19.216 18.262 18.282 18,292 18.559 Public Works-Commons 13 14 14 15 17 48.E 46 7W 46 705 46AM0 47.110 Subtotal 28 28 20 20 36 70.469 70.W9 70.349 70.484 71,3119 Plus building layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Effective building space requhment 70,469 70.30 70.349 7OA84 71,389 Plus building owe requimm 13% 10,570 10.552 10.532 10.573 10.706 Dross building requlnsmew $1.039 W.901 80,901 61.057 82.097 Area factor(net square fesl/person) 2,530 2.473 2.473 2,393 1.096 Numerical change between lucre 0.6 0 1 6.a (138) 0 155 1.196 Percent change between Increm 2% 0% 4%22% --0.2% 0.0°4► 0.2% 1.5% ( 1 Altematives Four alternatives are presented for Kent to meet the spaces needs at 130,000 �} population. r A. One central location -B. Parks at Russell Road site;Public Works at a new facility on East Hill C. Parks at Russell Road;Public Works split into two facilities D. Split functions of both departments into two facilities Preferred Alternative .At this point, a preferred alternative is not known. In order to determine if these alternatives are even possibilities, it will be necessary to-begin a site search for large parcels in appropriately zoned areas. A site on the western edge of East Hill would be most central for the entire city. If no property is available in the center, other alternatives can be considered.The next step is to evaluate which is most cost effective option over time, based on service delivery locations, travel times, opportunities to co-locate with other agencies, and opportunities to develop multiple stockpile sites. U -J i� City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Draft Pubic Works and Parks Maintenance ` nahM l.doc Paps2d2 MoveoPerM 5:04 PM 711M ■ ■ ■ Project M INTWAtIGE M SNo. O Memorandum Merrrtt+Pard�n� Sum o Telephone Fe ' Architecture wfh?o: Phone El Minutes of Meeby Urban resign O Planning Interior Design N this do"not mast with your understanding,plasse eonbet w in writing within sawn deys.TNANK1Iou. Page of Date OM01445 u ^'br--_ 600T '—To- l 30�000 - By _CSNT�ALITtv ALL FUr4 Distribution - �== :� s _ t "cr-rilot. - - sG— -- --------___ 1701 Commerce Tacoma,Washington 98402-3207 (253)M3-6700 (253)383MO Fax 1000 Lenora St Suite 405 Seattle,Washington 98121-2720 (208)223.2742 (206)622-9462 Fax ------. Members of The American ; Institute of Architects -- ( 1 �■yi■ ■ Project No. ❑Memorandum Merritt■ C N��� Subject ❑Telephone Rec ❑Note to the File AmMeftw F wiftTo: Phone ❑Minutes of Mee Urban Design Interior Design tf this dos not mast with your uedmsanding,please contest us In writing within seven daya.THANKYOU. Page of Date - 1 c,uS �1 By (01 - Distribution �- 9+- J N-. - AtRW ' WAS __ 4�is F IC mil( 1701 Commerce `J Tacoma Washington (V1 98402-3207 (253)3838700 (253)383 M Fax 1000 Lenore St — —. -_ --•-—_._ _---- -- ----_— _._---- _ ___.-- -- Suds 405 Seattle,Washmgton -- 98121-2720 - _ -------- ---- -_-- —- _. _— _—_ (206)223-2742 (206)622-9462 Fax Membersof _ _-- _ • -- _. -— ____..____—__, _ _ _._- -_— ___--. The American InstlNle o1 Architects _.__. _•-•_--_-_ _ ._ ___ -- ___� _ - _ _.__._ ■ . Project KiNT M A-I WT�1 A N C� No. O Memorandum e +�ini Subject 0 Note to the Re', 0 Telephone Re ^ Architecture th/Ta Phone O Minutes of Meeb Urban Design 0 Plarming Interior Design If this doe$not msst with your understanding,pte$e$eonbat us In WMfvg wMIn move"dmym.THANKVOU. Page 2 of�� Date ---— ----------- _.-_-__ - ________.- ----•--- •----- -• ----• -- ----•- -•-- eft LTA !'� S�t•t�s - __-. __._ By VAC Distribution yy_yy. —___ � n$. Wr-S _MA I lJT-- --- 70070 1701 Commerce ) <�G - --•.ry- --_ .,_._-_.__�. � M Tacoma,Washington __!' � �.�.L.G_�. _ --_. __-- -••_- �tl G_�.__. --•-------A - 98402-3207 (253)363VM (253)383-8728 Fax ___ ________ _ _- _ - •--- -_.__�.__ —__.. __-----__-__.._._ -- -- 1000 Lenora St. Suite 405 Seattle,Washinglon 98121-2720 -- --- _ -_.- -__ ___--- _ _ _ _ _•-_ _ (206)223.2742 (206)622-9462 Fax Members of The Amendan Institute of Architects r ) 0 ( proj ❑Memorandum Merritt+Pandini '� ' "� Subject ❑ Telephone Reca ❑Note to the File Architecture ❑Mlnotes of Meet Urban Design Withl7b: Phone F ❑ Plan Desift gn sign Ifthk doa not meet with you►undersgnding,platy eontset w In wAtlng vOgrM swan dsya THANK Y0UPage of. _ Date - -- -- -- - — ------- --- --- �� � � . _�_��L�� _ P�k'•�.S -t- ��'�$�,�.G .W D MKS - AL Distribution •-'_ Alec- 0 71 t Commerce Tacoma, ma,Washington 98402.3207 (253)383.8700 (253)383.8728 Fax 1000 Lenora St. Suite 405 — Seatlle,Washington -- ( 98121-2720 (206)223-2742 (206)622.9462 Fax -- - - — — _..___--_ _. _. _ __.—•__—._--_ —____.._. ._.__ —_ U \ Members of f`11 The American InsMute of Architects ___. __.____.-__ ._ _ __•_------ --r-----_-----_ --_--_. —-- r � j Public Works Yard Prototype C� soon"", ' - s shop IIIti1Jf1t t+iy sand absk buy mbtbay i Squ4m on Sand vuhwt Mmp CJ pwtq np o .dt b debris ( r� ' h�dperow ax�ee�lnp . R 400lgt ( 3.9 scre rwnwnum E 1 �50,ee U < > 5. Kent Fire Department �j Introduction The directions for this study were two fold: 1)Review the Status of the Fire Prevention Department, how they currently function and operate, and how they should operate in the future and 2)Perform an overview analysis of each of the Fire Station Facilities and determine potential impacts to each based on projected growth and annexation. The text of this report will reference graphic exhibits, located in this section as C� well as in the City Administrative section. Through document research and discussions with Fire Department personnel, the following has been prepared as a first step towards identifying current and future needs for the department.-This study sets forth a`globar overview of needs intended for planning purposes. This summary will be organized as follows: (� Problem Statements This summary begins by stating the problem of the Fire Prevention Department and each of the Fire Stations. These problem,statements were developed during the first workshop session. The recommendations that follow respond to the needs identified. _ J Project Direcdon/Givens During the workshop process goals and objectives were identified for future planning based the projected future City growth and potential impacts of proposed annexation. In general, the departments mission to protect life and property by:responding to requests for assistance,both emergency and non- emergency;expanding public education and information and reducing risks in the fire and life safety environment, summarizes the departments goal for service delivery to the customer. Recommendations The recommendations presented provide ideas for approach towards providing customer service as the population of the City of Bent grows. It also reviews facility upgrades that will provide better interdepartmental efficiencies. (� Problem Statements The following issues were identified as departmental concerns,both current and future: 7nM+P�ra.drRdoc Popp 1017 9 21 III Fire Prevention Department Segregation of this department from Developmental Services and the Public Education Office,in what was initially classified as a temporary move, is having a negative impact on the departmental efficiency and customer service. Having Public Education located at Fire Station 71 is impacting areas of the existing classroom and storage areas at this station. Station Evaluations The following items are needed to improve the function and efficiency of each Fire Station. Not all concerns are noted below. Each station should have individual studies performed to fully identify all related needs. Station 71: • Inadequate-storage,space. • Poor HVAC system. • pump Pit use and-negative effect on neighbors. • Overall facility upgrades. Station 72: • Functional layout is inefficient • No community areas. • Small, dorm and fire fighter areas. • Physical space separations. • Small Decontamination area. • No small maintenance area. • Inadequate parking. Station 73: • Lacks space for possible Aid car. • Limited storage. • "Limited dorms for gender separation. Station 74/Training Center: At this station it is difficult to identify specific needs without studying the possible master plan approach. The impacts of other departments, such as Police and Parks Maintenance, could have an impact as to how to approach additional development of this site. For example, should the Police Department remove the existing sub station at this site, it would free up space for additional Fire administration. The items noted below are areas of current and future facility stress points that should be evaluated as a whole: • Inadequate administration space. • Inadequate storage space for files and special projects. • Inadequate conference and meeting room space for department and public. City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Draft Fire Department foodrRAce Page 2 of 7 MuddtPardW 30 PM 711M ( 1 r , -• Inadequate parking. n • Inadequate restroom and shower facilities. c Station 75: No new work is identified for this facility except that at some time in the future n the building should-be connected to the public sewer system. �1 Station 76/Vehicle Maintenance Facility: Sharing this station with Bing County Medics has placed a strain on other areas f of the facility,such as loss of classroom/meeting rooms and dormitory space. Cut backs were made during initial construction due to budgeting constraints which (: resulted in elimination of building areas. O + Inadequate meeting room space for outside corporate presentations (i.e. Boeing). _• Need dorm-addition. Limited apparatus storage. • Incomplete fore sprinkler system. O Station 77: \l` Not part of this study. The department has current plans for demolition and -rebuilding the existing facility. Station 78: The Department has identified this as a new future station to service the northern part of the City. Location has not yet been identified. A site selection process should be performed for dete*�++�'*+�ng proper location and anticipated land costs. t� l� U City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Dn3ft Fire Deparhnent EndrhAoa Pops 3 d 7 W"Wari 3.21 PM 7119E } Project Directions/Givens Population: For planning purposes Kent's build-out population was projected to be 130,000 people. Departmental demand for service is determined by population. Level of service will be greatly•effected as the City grows from 60,000 to 130,000 people in the near future. Response times must be continually monitored so as not to jeopardize life safety of the communities population. Staffing. Short term staffing growth is projected to be the acquisition of 8 new Firefighters, 1 full time and 2 part time administration support. Proposed annexation, resulting in more service area,will necessitate increased future staffing. The goal is to provide quality service to the community as.it grows by having adequate staffing for this service. Fire Prevention: The FP Department,Development,Services, Office of Emergency Management and the Public Education Office should be brought back together and made easily accessible to the public. Fire Station Facilities: The goals for all the station facilities is to provide a safe and efficient working environment for the fire fighters and to provide fire safety education to the public. Some of the existing stations were compromised by reduction in size and functions, during the initial construction, due to budgetary constraints. The intent is to develop these facilities as originally designed and planned. The recommendations below do not include some basic facilities maintenance issues, such as building upkeep. It is assumed that these will be addressed and funded by the department on a regular basis. Fire Station Sites: In general the station sites are well maintained. The goal at all stations is to have adequate parking for departmental staff and the public. In some cases parking,both dep -Fmental and public,is limited due to constraints of the site. Each station will nef a to be reviewed for site impacts depending on proposed individual development. City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Draft Fire Department 06dAldoe Papa 4 or 7 M80*08ra d 3:21 PM 7M190 i� n (� Facility Costs: J Table 5A identifies approximate budgetary costs for each of the following !a recommendations. These budgets should be more fully identified for each respective facility. Vty of Kent Fire Department Facilities Description of work. ; Bud et ( Station 71 i Relocate pump Pit $ 155 000.00 -� interior remodel (� I New enclosed bldg. r Station 72 Acquire Property 1 105,000.00 Addition $ 326,000.00 Remodel I $ 212,000.00 Station 73 Addition/New parldng $ 325 000.00 RemodeVAid Car $ 100 000.00 Station 74 TA—equire Property $ 1,800 000.00 New Bid $ 1,900,000.00 (Remodel _ i $ 1,600 000.00 FP—aridng $ 500 000.00 Station 75 No scheduled work Station 76 Remodel e)dsting $ 250,000.00 Vehicle Maintenance New bay/pump 150 000.00 New hoist $ 95,000.00 New steam $ 378 000.00 I New sprinlders $ 74 000.00 Paint Booth N.I.C. E-� Station 77 Demo/Rebuild I $ 1,700,000.00 U Station 78 Pro $ 1,650,000.00 J 1 New building i '; $ 2,250,000.00 Other ; I FP Remodel I $ 250,000.00 New exhaust sys. $ 300 000.00 Paint -$ 185 000.00 Seal $ 75,000.00 Ca t $ 80,000.00 Si pals I 1 $ 275,000.00 J Totals i i Ts 14 735,000.00 City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Draft Fire Department firKv doc Pps 5 d 7 Merilt+PanBni 321 PM 7MM E ' Recommendations Fire Prevention: ' Locate Fire Prevention, Developmental Services,the Office of Emergency Management and the Public Education Office adjacent to each other and easily accessible to the public. This could occur in the existing City Hall building, the Centennial Building or a yet to be determined location near the City campus, as long as the functions.are adjacent. Station 71: • Remove-pump pit and locate at Station 76. • Upgrade mechanical and electrical systems. • Provide additional storage (heated and non-heated)for supplies. • Perform an overall facility analysis due to age of Station. Station 12: • Review feasibility of adjacent property acquisition. • Expand for dorms, community space and decontamination room. • Perform interior reconfiguration for better efficiency. * Review possibility of drive thru apparatus bays. Station 73: • Provide space for Aid car. • Provide space as originally designed. • Remodel partial interior spaces. • Expand parking if necessary. Station 74/Training Center: • Perform master plan of site and facility(s). • Remodel administration spaces. • Improve conference and meeting spaces. • Review potential area to the south for facility expansion. • Provide more general storage space and special projects area. • Improve locker and shower facilities. • Provide additional parking for staff and public. Station 75: • Connect to public sewer system when available. City of Kent Municip8l Facilities Study Council Meeting Draft Re Department fiadrRAM Paps 6 of 7 MNdH�P 3.21 PM 7MM t t''=1 ,r Station-76/Vehicle Maintenance Facility 1 -• Perform master plan of site and buildings. • -Provide additional meeting space. �- • Improve storage space. �? Complete fire sprinkler system. O Add new pump pit. Station 77: n . i • To be rebuilt. Station 78: -• Perform site selection study. -• Determine program and budget. Other: Additional costs are identified for some general maintenance. City of Kent Municipal Facilities Study Council Meeting Draft Re Departrnent fdedNRdm MWM*PWitl 321 PU MW u 0-010 0©-00 0 Q-0'O EY©-00 C Y30 0 C)c 0 0 117 • r I � a I m I y a m I � m a+ X m Z j -a G) I : I v z j o • n •O 0 a aim t [if o CA Pa r Z E Z Z V�.'V V�./'V v V'�✓�.✓�../�✓V V V"�J V V V"l.J V�.J lJ"�JtJ�.�/u'-V'V��.1-{.JV t.J'1.J"�,.�V"�J'V��V LJ��: 0 0 r C v � x a � OT h-15 W tz v ° rn a 14 t z z C * N O z m m 2 { n> -{ 00 x mx J z T F-00, n ro R1 a O O C -� m Z i 0 X 0 0 l ' as Ill m n --n d 1 _ M r- z i J u V V V V v�./�✓<./U�.J U\../V t.J'�"V�.'\.J t�V V�.�E.J\.J V• \.Ij LJ V''`.✓�-d�-f\.J'v'LJ k-.F .% O 0 rn o , Z O ' rn 3O11Od n W NIAII/S-90U:IO/JNIl33 lei ode s 0 3SIOd3X3/WdOa a rs O Z Z 0 - .-1_1 0 0 Pei! 111,11 i J N �f wo Tr* z t z _ Z c..: LAJ'IJ U t— j VC.-U .)J U J`V C,3'u4ju(—Yu. J u ULYIJ"J U(- 0 0 s ���� tiAw, �� • � y�p, 1� O F Z 31 C n I a C� ❑ ` ;: z r� z 4 Z .~nY r a o F Z Z � 6 ° p �n 00 �} S Y Z o F ' 0 • Q z c� g 0 0 3 FnZo m o m k, V, v Z �v�v v•v�rvv�:.�vvv c��t,��©C?L�`�9 a�0�3 C�'C�`©C�'C3-fl`O C�'��C�'C�fl l'J C�'C 0 0 sip Ps �� HI bd I I �+7 ❑r�..(Wl� 9y Iarn� o a � I I vy I _ _ ... . . . . .. . . o •• Off' Yf W ® •k ! O C/ !^ O � I I I C I •C W I i Iy C _ r+. ... N m `. O M H ' O I O O O Z R _ o . o o - �s =AAdISM 71, Wed FIL6. � CIL N S o - -J �•�� ��ar�e•aa� u o• L 0 0 0 c� g p m �p > z s c t z z I , V V V V V V�J V V l TV V LYV�V f�Vj V�V V V'V�V u V`�3 U C3 C��' C C�V�l�'�ti✓° CAL 0 0 m a o czi � m z A rn o ' I rn ° 1 � . z rn c a oCA a T m a O rn A < -a w = 00 0 > m '< z 0 ° o 1,9 _ A o [i Je T > m J J l� J J J Functional Requirements Municipal Facilities Planning Study Kent, Washington .�-�une 1998 J U J J J J J� J J t ) TOM 1TII9II07 a1TNXJ8A T/_ATi'@b07t 4V4 Rt:AO AR/L'Z/LO ZOd C200 'ON XK/Ll OT UO 86/SZ/90 �) coin 2JUSUOD 42TA►noag TL8Ttsvoc + Iva BT:vo so/cz/LO r Kant Fadllty Planning Study Summary facility requirements - City Hail/Centennial J EW,=population Net aq 1i AO popula IM Dlvlslom exst 75 100 113 130 aunt 75.0 10Q.0 118.0 180.0 Pmnarka City Ctlmpus Support 0 0 0 0 0 4,203 7,288 7,810 City Administration 10 12 13 13 14 3.760 3.773 3.906 9.808 4,043 (� Employee 9srvlcu -14 2D 25 25 25 2.034 3.929 4,604 4,604 4,604 finance 39 41 44 47 '49 -2,842 6.619 7,024 7,429 7.09 Fire Prevention -20 24 26 26 '-31 1.679 4,398 4.88b 4A2 5.437 information Services 31 33 38 41 47 4.902 7,154 -7.829 8.320 9.071 LOW 10 12 14 16 20 2.763 2.453 2,723 3,020 3,587 Parka;a Recreation Admin 20 20 20 20 22 4.139 3,747 3,747 3.747 4.017 rks Pa a Flacreatlon Reid 0 0 0 . 0 0 470 470 470 470 470 C� Planning• 39 46 58 .83 71- 6.50 10,119 11,826 12,643 13,757 Public Works Admin 58 62 67 70 74 9.973 11.540 11.688 11,837 -11" subtaal _.241 270 305 323 353 43.295 61,470_ 06,324 f18.330 . 73,492 Plus building layout taator '0% 0 0 0 0 0 Effective building space requirement 43,295 GIA70 OL324 69.330 73.492 Plus bulldirf9 core requlrem 13% -&494 9.221 9.949 10A00..-I I AN Grow bullding requirement 49.789 70.601 76,273 79,730 84;18 Area Udor(net square teit"rw* 180 220 217 215 2W 0 Numerical change between there 29 35 16 30 20,901 -5,%2 9= 8.243 Percent change between Increm 12% 13% 6% 9% 42.0% 7.9% 12B% 10.8% r9k Summary facility requirements - Maintenance Yards TEE/ WO population Not aq fd1.000 muiatfon• C) DMslon seat 73 100 115 130 em 75.0 100.0 113.0 130.0 Remarka Parks a Rein Yard-Fli" 0 O O 0 0 ISO 420 490 420 420 Parks&Rcin Yard-Golf 17 17 17 17 17 3.639 3.871 5.871 SATI ' 3.871 1 Parks a FIM Yard-East H 9 24 41 52 57 0 14,037 15,S" ' 17,213 17A" J Parks a f in Yard-James 38 51 67 80 87 7.984 22.064 2LOP 98.056 44.700 Planning-Home Repair 0 -0 0 0 0 0 630 630 690 830 Public Works Yard-Traffic 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.829 0.829 e,>1294 6.829 Public Works Yard-Main 92 93 128 139 153 33.9m 70,750 81.038 86,736 93,881 Public Wale Yard-Anrmt 13 14 19 22 221 1.149 10.121 -10.263 II AM 11.869 Subtotal IN 190 272 310 336 4BA98 190.722 149,252 16%852 181.852 (J Rue building layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 \� Effective building apace requirement 48 130.722 149.M2 16CO52 181,552 Plus building core requlrem 15% 7,290 19.008 22.388 25.026 117,278 Gross building requirement 55.888 150,330 171.640 191.880 209.130 Area factor(net square fest/person) 258 657 549 53B 541 Numerical change between Incre 30 73 38 28 94,443 21,310 41.550 $7.490 ( � Pareent change between incren 18%37%14% 6% • 1W.0% 14.M 27.0% 21.9% v TEEM.000 population Net aq RM.000 population ( , Division east 75 100 115 130 so 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks Parks a Rdn Yard-Field/ 0 0 O O O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 Parks a Rctn YSM-t3df 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 -� Parks a Rein Yard-East M 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 2S 2.9 S.2 9.4 Parke a Aeon Yard-James 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 8.5 4.3 5.2 5.9 Q T)OTPQ-P871b Tv.r AT:on on/rxitn ' -Y to-a 9200 'ON 18/11 OTUO 96/SZ/90 Tl8TZs3sZ� Yy3 GT.Bq Public Worke Yard-Trafllc 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 Public Works Yard-Main 0 0 0 0 0 8.2 10.2 11.6 128 13.5 Public Works Yard-Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 123 18.5 21.3 23.4 28.2 'Summary facility requirements - Police/Court 1101,000 population Net aq fin,=population Division east 75 100 115 130 exst 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks 12 Law-Akeem Court 9 10 11 15 -0 2,015 2,177 L339 .2,771 Municipal court 19 19 -21 22 23 Police-Main 180 - Police-East HUI Station 0 Subtotal M 29 8,.:, 34 38 0 2.015 Z.177 2,339 2,771 Plus building isMt factor 0% -0 0 0 0 0 Elfective building space requiramwd 0 2,015 Z177 2.339 2.771 Plus building Core requimn 13% 0 --902 327 351 416 prop buiroing requirement 0 2,317 2,504 2.00 3.181 n Area factor(net square feet►perlion) •0 89 88 89 73 Numerical change behmn Incre"" -3 "2 4 -2.317 186 378 so Rotent change between Inerarrl•"' 10% 6%120A ERA &0% 1&1% 27.3% Summary facility requirements-Parks facilities TEEl1,000 population Net so*/1.=population Dhmon ex9t 7S 100 113 130 No 7&0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks Parks&Rctn-Ret:ourae C 8 8 8 8 11 3.161 5,352 5 5,382 5.720 Parks&Rctn-Senior Gent 7 7 7 7 9 19.216 18.262 18.262 18.262 18.559 Public Works-Commons 13 14 14 13 17 46.1W 48.705 48.705 48.840 47.110 Subtotal 28 2e 28 29 98 70AN 70.349 70,340 7DA04 71,389 Plus budding layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 EI?ecibm building space requirement 70AN 70.349 70.349 70.484 71.389 Plus building care requirem 15% 10.= 10.552 1 G.1332 10.573 10.708 Gran building requirement 91.0,19 $0,901 80.901 51.057 82A97 Area factor(net square feet/person) Z530 2.473 2.473 Z393 1.886 Numerical change between incre 0.6 0 1 &5 (Ism 0 155 1.198 Percent change between Increm 2% 0% 4%0% -0.2% .0.0% 0.2% 1-R% r City Hall/Centennial Campus - support facilities Contact:Brent McFall 253.859.3357 fax:253.813.2067 3 June 1998 space nsf Service levels COUNCLILOBBY exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 -130,000 Comments 1 central lobby area 1,213 1,213 1.05 .1,273 1,273 1,273 1,273 1-273 2 Council Chambers 1,925 1,925 1.05 :2,021 2,021 2,021 2,021 2,021 r 3 Chamber audiovisual 75 75 1.05 79 79 79 79 79-see Information S E 4 Council conference room 0 0 1.05 10 0 0 _0 0 divide Chambers 5 Council workroom/office 0 0 1.05 0 0 0 0 0 see City Admin Subtotal 3,213 3,213 3,373 3,373 3.373 3.373 3,373 WELLNESS CLINIC (� 6 wellness room 0 144 1.05 -0 150 200 250 300 7 conditioning facility 0 480 1.10 0 530 630 730 830 8 locker/shower/rstrm-wom 0 600 1.15 0 690 790 890 990 25 sf x 24/use (� 9 locker/shower/rstrm-men . 0 480 1.15 0 '552 652 752 852 20 sf x 24/use Subtotal 0 1.704 0 1,922 2,272 Z622 .2,972 EMPLOYEE LOUNGE 10 kitchenette 584 77 1.25 730 96 106 116 126 @50 person capa 11 vending machines 0 . -90 1.25 0 113 123 133 143 12 toilet-ADA,2 each 0 100 1.05 0 105 105 105 105 13 couch -0 -216 1_20 0 259 331 403 403 14 tabletchaIrs 0 960 1,25 - 0 1,2011 1,300 1,400 1,500 Subtotal 584 1,443 730 1,773 1,965 2,157 2,277 CONCESSIONAIRE 15 espresso/coffee shop 80 80 1.25 100 100 100 100 100 in lieu of lounge? 16 newstand/flowers 0 , � 80 1.25 0 100 100 100 100 �1 17 daycare 0 0 1.15 0 0 0 0 -0 adernai users? `J Subtotal 80 160 100 200 200 200 200 Total 3,877 6,520 4,203 .7,268 7,810 8.352 •8,622 �.J �J c� `r� City Administration/Operations Contact:Brent McFall 253.859.3357 fax:253.813.2067 3 June 1998 •Exst Service levels MAYOR/ADMIN space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Mayor office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Director of Operations office 1 1 1 1 1 S Executive Assistant wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 4;Government Affairs Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 .5 Management Assistant wkstn - 0 1 1 1 1 6 Economic Development Specialist wkstn 0 1 1 1 1 7 Council Secretary wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 8 Administant 2 wkstn 1 1 2 2 3 9 Office Technician 2 lwkstn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLERKS OFFICE 10 City Clerk • office 1 1 1 1 1 11 Deputy City Clerk wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 12 Word Processing/Recording Specialist wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total personnel 10 12 13 13 14 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 20.0% 8.3% 0.0% 7.7% -space nsf Service levels MAYOR/ADMIN -exist •desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 890 432 1.35 1,202 583 583 583 583 2 workstations 1206 400 1.35 1,628 810, 945 945 '1,080 3 reception 70 144 1.25 88 180 180 -180 180 4 conference,24 person 270 ��480 1.05 284 504 504 504 504 5-storage 0 80 1.05 0 84 84 84 84 6 catering preparation 200 200 1.25 250 250 250 250 250 7 formal reception area 200 500 1.25 250 625 625 625 625 B Council workroom 1 0 1201 1.05 1 01 1261 1261 1261 126 Subtotal 3,701 3,162 3,297 3,297 3,432 CLERKS OFFICE 9 private offices 120 1.35 0 162 162 162 162 10 workstations 200 1.35 0 270 270 270 270 11 reception 0 63 1.25 0 79 79 79 79 12 storage vault-records 70 80 1.25 Be 100 100 100 100 Subtotal 88 610.75 610.75 610.75 616.75 Total 2,906 2,819 3.788 3,773 3,908 3,908 4,043 Space growth rate vs previous increment -0.4% 3.6% 0.0% 3.5% Net square feet per staff 379 314 301 301 289 J Employee Services Contact:Sue Viseth 253.859.3358 'fax:253.813.2190 3 June 1998 Exst Service levels (� space .existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Employee Services Director office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Administrative Assistant 2 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 3 Account Services Assistant wkstn 0 0 1 1 1 J 4 Receptionist wkstn 0 0 1 1 1 J RISK MANAGEMENT/TRAINING 5 Risk Manager office 1 1 1 .1 1 ( JJ 6 Risk Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 (� 7 Training Analyst wkstn 0 1 1 1 1 8 Loss Control Technician wkstn 0 0 1 1 1 S Office Technician 3 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 10 Intern 1wkstn I -=0 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 (� BENEFITS MANAGEMENT 11 Benefits Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 (� 12 Benefits Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 13 Benefits Specialist wkstn 1 2 2 -2 2 14 Wellness Coordinator wkstn 0 0 1 1 1 LABOR RELATIONS 15 Labor Relations Manager office 0 1 1 1 1 16 Labor Relations Analyst wkstn 2 2 2 2 2 17 Class/Corno Analyst wkstn 0- 1 -1 1 .1 18 Intern wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 RECRUITMENT 19 Recruitment Manager office 0 1 .1 1 1 20 Recruitment Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 21 Recruitment Specialist wkstn 1 2 -2 '2 `2 22 Intern wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 Total personnel 14 20 25 25 25 JStaff growth rate vs previous Increment 42.9% 25.0% -0.0% 0.0% space nsf Service levels Space utilization exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 -130,000 Comments �J 1 private offices 848 600 1.35 1,145 810 810 810 810• 2 workstations 475 900 1.35 641 Z025 2,700 2,700 2,700 0 3 reception 72 144 1.25 90 180 180 180 180 4 storage-files 150 150 1.05 158 158 158 158 158 5 conferencelorientation roo 0 240 1.05 0 252 252 252 252 Q6 training room,24 person 0 480 1.05 0 504 504 504 504 dedicated w/com Subtotal 1,545 2,514 2,034 3,929 4,604 4,604 4,604 Space growth rate vs previous increment 93.2% 17.2% 0.0% 0.0% Net square feet per staff 145 196 184 184 184 �J �J rD `f / O i Finance Department . Contact:May Miller 253.859. fax,253.850.2541 3 June 1998 Exst Service levels space existing 75,000 100.000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Finance Director office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Assistant Finance Director office 1 1 1 _1 1 3 Admin Assistant 2 wkstn 1 1 -1 1 ,2 4 Admin Assistant 2-part time wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 5 Financial Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 "Ii 'Senior Auditor/Financial Economist wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 7 Financial Analyst-Auto wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 8 Tax Auditor jwkstn 1 1 11 1 1 2 2 ACCOUNTING 9 Accounting Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 10 Financial Analyst wkstn -1 2 2 2 2- 11 Senior Acccounting Technician wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 , 12 Accounting Technician wkstn 3 3 3 4 4 FINANCIAL PLANNING 13 Financial Plan Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 14 Financial Analyst wkstn 2 2 2 2 -�3 15 Budget Analyst wkstn 1 2 2 2 2 CUSTOMER SERVICES 16 Customer Services Manager office .1 1 1 1 1 17 Business Liscense-part time wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 18 Financial Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 - 1 19 WA State Auditor wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 20 Financial Services Supervisor wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 21 Accounting Technician wkstn 1 1 1 .2 2 22 Customer Services Representative wkstn :6 6 8 8 , e incl 1/East Hill mi 23 Financial Services Supervisor wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 24 .Accounting Technican wkstn 1 1 2 2 2 25 Accounting Services Assist 3 wkstn 1 1 1 1 -1 26 Courier Remote niws 1 1 1 1 1 27 Courier Campus niws 1 1 1 1 1 26 Field Supervisor wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 29 Meter Reader 3 niws 1 1 1 1 1 30 Meter Reader 2 Iniws 1 21 21 21 21 2 Total personnel 39 41 44 47 49 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 5.1% 7.3% 6.8% 4.3% \ l space nsf Service levels Space utilization exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 517 600 1.35 698 810 810 810 810 2 workstations 1,176 2,900 1.35 1,588 4,185 4,590 4,995 5,265 .3 reception 500 500 1.25 -625 625 625 625 625 A conference,12 person 140 -240 1.05 147 252 252 _252 252 -5 storage office supplies 27 27 4.05 28 28 28 28 28 6 other special 64 64 1.05 67 67 67 67 67 7 image CO Computer 50 62 1.25 -63 78 78 78 78 8 record storage,1202 144 144 1.05 151 151 151 151 151 (� 9 mall/shipping-receiving 1" 1" 1.10 158- 158 158 158 158 J 10 printerslcopy room 80 120 1.10 88 132 132 132 132 11 loading dock-breakdown ar a 1201 1.101 Of 1321 1321 1321 132 Subtotal 2,842 4,921 126 2,842 6,619 7.024 7,429 7,699 Space growth rate vs previous increment - 132.9% 6.1% 5.8% 3.6% Net square feet per staff 73 161 160 158 157 (k=lJ �J �J F� Qj Fire Prevention Division Contact:Jed Aldrich 253.813.3265 fax:25&859.3559 3 June 1998 East Service levels space existing 75,000 100.000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Assistant Chief office 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIRE MARSHALL 2 Fire Marshall office 1 1 1 1 1 3 Assist Fire Marshal/Plan Check office 1 1 1 1 1 4 Permit Specialist wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 5 Fire Inspector wkstn 4 5 6 7 8 6 Hazardous Materials Inspector jwkstn 1 1 1 1 1 shared w/OEM FIRE&ARSON INVESTIGATION 7 Fire&Arson Investigator wkstn 2 3 3 3 4 8- Plan Reviewer wkstn 1 1 1 1 1" 9 Public Educator'Supervisor wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 10 Public Education Specialist wkstn 2 3 3 4 4. SUPPRESSIONS 11 Suppressions Support Specialist wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 12 Emergency Management Specialist wkstn 2 3 3 3 4 13 Administrative Secretary 2 wkstn 1 1 2 2 2 14 Intern wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 Total personnel 20 24 26 28 31 Staff growth rate vs previous Increment, 20.0% 8.3% 7.7% 10.7% space nsf Service levels CENTENNIAL exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 264 360 1.35 356 486 486 486 486 2 workstations 718 1,870 1.35 969 3,119 3,416 3,713 4,158 3 reception counter 80 100 1.25 100 125 125 125 125 4 storage room 48 64 1.25 60 80 80 80 80 _ 5 copy/files area 48 120 1.05 50 126 126 126 126 6 library 130 200 1.05 137 210 210 210 210 7 conference room,12 perso 1 0 2401 1.051 01 2521 2521 2521 252 Subtotal 1,288 2,954 1,673 4,398 4,695 4,992 5,437 Space growth rate vs previous increment 162.9% 6.8% 6.30i6 8.9% Net square feet per staff 84 183 181 178 175 FIRE 71 8 workstation 250 250 1.35 338 338 338 338 338 9 storage 1015 1,115 1.05 1,171 1,171 1,171 1,171 1,171 10 training room? 905 905 1.25 1,131 1,131 1,131 1,131 1,131 Subtotal 2,640 2,640 2,640 2,640 2,640 • Includes Public Education Department(486 sf)and storage(815 sf). i ) Information Services Contact:Dea Drake 253.859.3309 fax:253.859.4018 3 June 1998 Exst Service levels space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 -Information Services Director office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Administrative Assistant 2 wkstn 1 1 1 2 -2 3 Systems Analyst wkstn 4 5 6 6 7 4 Programmer/Analyst 2 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 (� OPERATIONS 5 Info Sys Operations Manager office 1 1 1 2 2 6 Computer Operator wkstn 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 (� 7 Data Entry/Computer Operator wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 Z 8 Telecommunications Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 2 9 Computer Support Specialist wkstn 3 3 5 _6 7 10,Personal Computer Techinician Assist jwkstn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MULTI-MEDIA n11 Multi-Media Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 (l 12 Production Coordinator wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 13 Graphic Arts Specialist wkstn 1.5 2 2.5 2.5 3 14 Printing Technician wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 15 -Video Technician wkstn 0.75 1 1.5 1.5 2 16 Public Services Aide wkstn 0.75 1 1 1.5 2 17 Intern jwkstn 1 5 1 5 1 5 5 1 5 10-15 hours/wee ( NETWOR LING SERVICES 18 Network Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 19 Network Analyst wkstn 2 2 3 3 4 �1 20 Network Assistant wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 Total personnel 31 33 38 41 47 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 6.6% 15.4% S.3% 13.4% space nsf Service levels Space utilization exist desrd-multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 637 480 1.35 860 648 648 810 810 2 workstations 1,875 Z700 1.35 2,531 3,848 4,523 4,860 5,603 3 reception 272 108 1.25 340 135 135 135 135 4 conference,12 person 0 240 1.05 0 252 252 252 25Z 5 storage 326 326 1.05 342 342 342 342 342 (� 6 computer room 774 774 1.05 813 813 813 813 813 7 print shop 750 750 1.10 825 825 825 .825 825 8 training room 0 0 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 share w/Employe 9 Chamber east video staging 50 50 1.05 53 53 53 53 53 (-1 10 Chamber west video stagin 50 50 1.05 53 53 53 53 53 11 video room 120 120 1.05 126 126 126 126 126 12 video studio/interview 0 0 1.25 0 0 0 0 0 setup Mayor form 13 video can area 48 481 1.25 1 60 1 601 601 601 60 Subtotal 4,902 5.646 185 4,902 7,154 7,W9 8,328 9,071 Space growth rate vs previous increment 45.9% 9.4% 6.4% 8.9% Net square feet per staff 161 220 209 203 195 J l Law Department 'Contact:Roger Lubovich 253.859.3340 fax 253.859.3983 '3 June 1998 Exst Service levels 'CITY ATTORNEY space existing 75,000 100.000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 City Attorney office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Office Technician 2 wkstn 1 1 1 2 2 3 Legal Secretary 1 wkstn -3 3 4 4 5 •4 Interns wkstn 2 2 3 3 4 CIVIL 5 Senior Civil Attorney office 1 1 1 1 1 6 Civil Attorney office 1 2 2 3 4 7 Civil Legal Secretary wkstn 1 2 2 2 3 PROSECUTION ; 8 Prosecuting Attorney office 1 3 3 1 41 l 5 6 Akeem Court 9 Legal Secretary 1 wkstn 2 2 3 3 4 Akeem Court FAMILY VIOLENCE 10 Domestic Violence Coordinator wkstn 2 2 1 1 1 Akeem Court 11 Legal Secretary 1 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 Akeem Court 12 Prosecuting Attorney office -1 1 1 1 1 Akeem Court 13 Office Technician 2/Receptionist wkstn 0 1 1 1 2 Akeem Court `Total personnel 19 22 25 28 35 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 15.8% 13.6% 12.0% 25.0% space nsf Service levels CITY HALL exist desrd multi existing 75.000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 748 360 1.35 1,010 648 648 810 972 2 workstations 954 700 1.35 1,208 1,080 1,350 1,486 1,890 3 reception 120 108 1.25 150 135 135 135 135 4 conference,12 person " 300 '300 1.05 315 315 315 315 315 5 copy/storage room 0 120 1.25 0 150 150 150 150 6 large conference,24 perso 0 0 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 share w/Admin 7 file area 1 0 ' 1001 1.25 1 01 125 1 125 1 1251 125 Subtotal 2,763 2,453 Z723 3,020 3,587 AKEEM COURT 8 private offices 0 480 1.35 0 648 810 972 1,134 9 workstations 0 500 1.35 0 810 810 810 1,080 10 reception 0 63 1.25 0 79 79 79 79 11 conference,12 person 0 240 1.05 0 252 252 252 252 12 copy/storage room 0 120 1.05 0 126 126 126 126 13 file area 0 801 1.251 01 1001 1001 1001 100 Subtotal 0 2,015 2,177 2,339 2,771 Total 2,122 3,171 167 2,763 4,468 4,900 5,359 6,358 Space growth rate vs previous increment 61.7% 9.7% 9.4% 18.6% Net square feet per staff 146 203 196 191 182 r G� i� Parks & Recreation Department Contact:John Hodgson 253.859.3992 fax:253.859.4005 _3 June 1998 Exst Service levels- space existing 76,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Parks Director CHall loffice I 1 1 1 1 1 2 Administrative Assistant 3 CHall lwkstn 1 1 1 1 1 1 FACUTIES MANAGIEMENT 3 Facilities Manager Cntnl office 1 1 1 1 1 4 Assistant Facilities Manager Cntnl office 1 1 1 1 1 5 Administrative Assist 1 Cntnl wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 6 Accounting Services Assist 2 Cntnl wkstn 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7 Building/Grounds Malnt Supervisor Cntni wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 8 Field Supervisor Cntnl wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 9 Custodial Supervisor - Cntnl lwkstn I ! 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 n RECREATIoN SERVICES 10 Recreation Superintendent CHall office 1 1 1 1 1 11 Cultural Programs Manager CHall office 1 1 1 1 1 (� 12 Parks Program Coordinator CHall wkstn 3 3 3 3 -4 13 Administrative Assistant 1 CHall wkstn 1 1 1 1 2 PARKS DEVELOPMENT O 14 Parks Development Superintendent CHall office 1 1 1 1 1 - 15 Park Planner CHall wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 16 Office Technician 2 CHall wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 17 Project Accountant CHall wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 Y 18 Parks Development Coordinator CHall wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 l-- Total personnel 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 21.5 (� Staff growth rate vs previous increment 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.3% space nsf Service levels CITY HALL exist desrd mufti existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 1 private offices 530 720 1.35 716 972 972 972 972 �J 2 workstations 1,280 1.350 1.35 1,728 1,823 1.B23 1,823 2,093 3 reception 0 108 1.25 0 136 135 135 135 4 flies area 0 80 1.25 0 100 100 100 100 5 conference,12 person 150 240 1.15 173 276 276 276 276 ( 6 storage room-exhibits 150 300 1.05 158 315 315 315 315 locate elsewhere? J 7 copy/storage room I 80 1201 1.051 841 1261 1261 1261 126 _ Subtotal 2,190 2,918 2,858 3,747 3,747 3,747 4,017 CENTENNIAL BUILDING 1 private offices 280 0 1.35 378 0 0 0 0 2 workstations 356 0 1.35 481 0 0 0 0 3 reception 63 0 1.25 79 0 0 0 0 4 conference/coffee/copy 240 0 1.15 276 0 0 0 0 5 storage 65 0 1.05 68 0 0 0 0 r Subtotal 1,004 0 6 1,282 0 0 0 0 J Total 3,194 2,918 4,139 3,747 3.747 3.747 4,017 Space growth rate vs previous Increment 31.1% 0.0% 0.0% 7.2% Net square feet per staff 212 192 192 192 187 �J t Parks Resource Center Contact:John Hodgson 253.859.3992 fax:253.859.4005 3 June 1998 F.xst Service levels space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments % 1 Recreation Facility Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Parks Program Coordinator wkstn 2 2 2, 2 -3 3 Parks Program Specialist niws _3 3 3 3 4 4 Office Technician 3 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 5 Office Technician w wkstn 0.9 1 1 1 1.5 Total personnel 7.9 8 8 8 10.5 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 31.3% space nsf Service levels OFFICE AREAS exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 360 1" 1.35 486 162 162 162 162 2 workstations 330 400 1.35 446 945 945 945 1,283 3 reception 150 150 1.25 188 188 188 188 188 4 conference,fireplace rm 0 0 1.05 0 0 0 0 '0 5 storage 36 80 1.05 38 84 84 84 84 Subtotal 876 774 1,157 1,379 1,379 1,379 1,716 PROGRAM AREAS 6 storage room 35 35 1.25 44 44 44 44 44 7 conference,fireplace rm 468 468 1.25 585 585 585 585 585 8 storagetsupply room 1" 1" 1.25 180 180 180 180 180 9 Garrison Creek room 300 300 1.25 375 375 375 375 F 375 10 stage 360 360 1.25 450 450 450 450 450 11 kitchen 276 276 1.25 345 345 345 345 345 12 Mt Rainier Hall 1 1,620 1,6201 1.25 1 2,025 1 2,025 1 2,025 1 2,0251 Z025 Subtotal 3,203 - 3,203 4,004 4,004 4,004 4,004 4,004 Total 4,079 3,977 5,161 5,382 5,382 5,382 5,720 Space growth rate vs previous increment 4.3% 0.0% 0.0% &3% Net square feet per-staff-office areas 146 172 172 172 - 163, i 1 Parks Senior Center - Contact:John Hodgson 253.859.3992 fax:253.859.4005 3 June 1998 (� Exst Service levels 'Senior Center space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Recreation Facility Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 -2 Parks Programs Coordinator office 3 3 3 3 4 addnl coord If G J �3 Parks Assistant wkstn 1 1 1 1 2 space for -4 Parks Program Specialist office 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 all site prgms 5 Interns wkstn 0 0 0 0 0 6 Volunteers wkstn 0 0 0 0 0 �. 7 Van Driver niws I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Total personnel 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 8.7 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 29.9% l space -nsf Service levels OFFICE SPACE exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115.000 130,000 Comments n 1 private offices 345 600 1.35 466 761 761 761 •923 (� 2 workstations 876 100 1.35 1,183 135 135 135 270 3 workstation-Ramona 150 0 1.35 203 0 0 0 0 4 reception counter 300 300 1.25 375 375 375 375 375 5 conferencellunch/copy •420 420 1.05 "1 441 "1 "1 441 6 storage room ' '352 352 1.05 370 370 370 370 370 (� Subtotal 2,443 1,772 3,036 2,082 2,082 2,082 2,379 PROGRAM AREAS 7 lapidary 300 300 1.25 375 375 375 375 375 8 assembly room 720 720 1.25 900 900 900 900 900 9 assembly room 300 300 1.25 375 375 375 375 375 `J 10 assembly room 700 700' 1.25 875 875 875 975 875 t 11 pool.tables -300 300 1.25 375 375 375 375 375 12 boutique/crafts 1,100 1,100 1.25 1,375 1,375 1,375 1,375 1,375 13 coffee and lounge Z400 2,400 1.25 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 14 greenhouse/puales/Itbrary 1,000 1,000 1.25 1,250 1,250 1.250 1,250 1,250 15 dining 1,140 1,140 1.25 1,425 1.425 1,425 1,425 1,425 16 kitchen 1,440 1.440 1.25 1,800 1,800 1,800 11800 1,800 17 ballroom 2,700 2,700 1.25 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 3,375 18 ballroom stage 450 450 1.25 563 563 563 563 563 J 19 stage storage 169 1 1.25 211' 211 211 211 211 ( � 20 ballroom storage I 225 225 1.251 281 1 281 1 281 1 281 1 281 Subtotal 149" 12.944 16,180 16,180 16,180 16,180 16,180 Total 15,387 14,716 19,216 18,262 16,262 18.262 16,559 ( � Space growth rate vs previous increment -5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% Net square feet per staff-office areas 453 311 311 311 273 �.J E� �)J �J Parks - Kent Commons .Contact:John Hodgson 253.859 3992 faX 253.859.4005 3 June 1998 East Service levels space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Recreation Facility Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 I -2 Parks Program Coordinator wkstn 5 5 5 5 6 addnl PAs -3 Parks Assistant wkstn ,3.75 3.75 3.75 4.75 5.75 to assist prgm I 4 Administrative Assistant 1 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 coordintrs 5 Administrative Secretary 1 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 (` 6 Office Systems Technician 1 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 7 Office Technician 2 jwkstn 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total personnel 13.25 13.75 13.75 14.75 16.75 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 3.8% 0.0% 7.3% 13.6% space nsf Service levels / OFFICE AREAS exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 276 120 1.35 373 162 162 162 162 II 2 workstations - 768 1,275 1.35 1,037 1,721 1,721 1,856 Z126 I 3 reception windows/mall 375 375 1.25 469 469 469 469 469 4 conference 1" 240 1.05 151 252 252 252 252 I •5 copy/storage 64 100 1.05 67 105 105 105 105 •6 coffee station - .100 100 1.05 105 105 105 105 105 `7 equipment storage 420 420 1.05 441 441 441 441 441 8 copy/storage 1 128 1281 1.05 1 1341 1341 1341 1341 134 Subtotal -2,275 2,758 2,777 3,389 3,389 3,524 - 3,794 -PROGRAM AREAS 9 green room,215 person 2,750 2,7501 1.20 3,300 . 3,300 3,300 3,300 3.300 10 green storage 180 180 1.20 216 216 216 216 '216 11 ,green room tables 320 320 1.20 384 384 384 364 384 12 mens/womens lockers 2,S42 2,542 1.20 3,050 3,050 3,050 3,050 3,050 - 13 conditioning room 800 800 -1.20 960 960 960 960 960 _ 14 conditioning room storage 104 104 1.20 125 125 125 125 - 125 15 basketball courts,211 12.750 12,750 1.20 15,300 15,300 15,300 15,300 15,300 I 16 court storage rooms,3 480 480 1.20 576 576 576 576 576 `^ 17 meeting room,130 person 1,380 1,380 1.20 1,656 1,656 1,656 . 1,656 1,656 18 meeting room storage 250 250 1.20 300 300 300 300 -300 19 meeting room stage 690 690 1.20 828 828 828 828 828 I- 20 stage storage 300 300 1.20 360 360 360 360 360 21 lounr., 'lobby area 300 300 1.20 360 360 360 360 360 22 meet+o.g room,20 person 300 300 1.20 360 360 360 360 360 23 kitchen 300 300 1.20 360 360 360 360 360 24 meeting room,35 person 575 575 1.20 690 690 690 690 690 I 25 racquetball courts,4 3,320 3,320 1.20 3,984 3,984 3,984 3,984 3,984 26 upper floor storage 1,240 1.2,,40 1.20 1,488 1,488 1.488 1,488 1,488 27 basement food storage 1,840 1,840 1.20 2,208 2,208 Z208 2,208 2,208 future rctnl equip 28 DSHS lease space 1 5,675 5,675 1 1.201 6,810 1 6,810 1 6,810 1 6,810 6,810 future meeting/off Subtotal 36,096 36,096 43,315 43,315 43,315 43,315 43,315 Total 38,371 38,854 46,092 46,705 46,705 46,840 47,110 Space growth rate vs previous increment 1.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.6% Net square feet per staff-office 210 247 247 239 227 / 1 9 i r1 Parks Facilities Management - Field and Custodial l Contact:John Hodgson 253.859.3992 fax:253.869.4005 ,• 3 June 1998 r} Exst Service levels RELD SUPERVISION space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Maintenance Worker 3 niws 1 5 5 1 5 5 5 '2 Maintenance Worker-2 niws 1 1 1 1 1 1� 3 BuildinglGrounds Maint Worker niws 1 1 1 i 1 CUSTODIAL 4 Custodial Lead niws 1 2 _2 2 2 2 5 Custodian 1 niws 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 , 75 n Total personnel 14.75 14.75 14.75 14.75 14.75 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% space nsf Service levels CENTENNIAL BLDG exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 truckload breakdown- 320 320 1.05 1 336 336 336 336 336 2 shop 128 126 1.05 134 134 134 134 134 Subtotal 448 448 470 470 470 470 470 -RUSSELL ROAD YARD 1 central storageisupply 1 1601 400 1.05 1 1681 4201 420 1 4201 420 Subtotal 160 400 168 420 420 420 420 Total 608 848 638 890 890 890 890 Space growth rate vs previous increment 39.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Net square feet per staff 43 60 60 60 - 60 l� C� } �J �i l� V I , 'rJ Parks Golf Maintenance Yard - Russell Road Page 1 of Contact:Pete Petersen 253.659.3992 fax 253.859.4005 3 June 199. space std FTEs/1000 population net sq ft/1,000 population code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and no. 1 Golf Maint Superintend po2 120 1 1 1 1 1 120 120 120 120 120 2 Supervisor pot 100 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 100 3 Office Technician wkstn 97 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 borrow Park Mai. 4 Mechanic niws 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 •0 0 5 -Maint Workers 3-full- niws 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 Maint Workers 2-full niws 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 Maint Workers 3-part niws 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 Maint Workers 2-part niws 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 Night Waterers-part niws 0 2 2 2 2 2 .0 0 0 0 0 Subtotals(personnel and nsn 17 17 17 17 17 220' 220 220 220 220 Plus circulation factor(percent of n 35% 77 In 77 '77 77 Total personnel nsf required 297 297 297 297 297 Plus special areas and equipment nsf 5,342 5,574 5,574 5,574 W4 Total departmental nsf required 5,639 5,871 5,871 5,871 5,871 Layout factor '0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total nsf required including layout _ 5,639 5,871 5.871 5.671 5,871 Area factor(nsf per person) 332 345 345 345 345 Staff growth rate vs previous year -0.0% -0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Space growth rate vs previous year 4.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% �l Parks Golf Maintenance Yard - Russell Road Page 2 of 3 Contact:Pete Petersen 253.859.3992 -fax:253.859.4005 space std FTEs/l000 population -net sq ft/1,000 population OFFICE AREAS code nsf axst 75 -100 115 130- exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and not 1 reception area ra 63 1 1 -1 1 1 0 63 63 63 63 ,'. 2 conferenceAunch,12 pe cro5 '240 1 1 -1 1 1 924 240 240 240 240 � ) 3 storage/copy-room sa 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 _100 WORKROOM/LUNCHROOM 4 kitchenette kedl 77 1 1 1 1 0 77 77 77 77 n 5 vending machines keel 15 2 2 2 2 0 30 30 30 - 30 1� 6 locker/shower/rstrm-cre each 40 17 17 17 17 0 680 680 680 680 7 mud room/hazardous m 03 79 1 1 1 1 0 79 79 79 79 ENCLOSED AND HEATED BUILDINGS 8 vehicle bay,12x30 sr _360 1 1. 1 1 0 360 360 360 360 9 small engine repair sr 300 _ 1 1 1 1 0 300 300 300 300 10 tools/equipmentstorage sr '200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 11 irrigation supplies sr 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 12 mechanic shop sr 0 1 1 1 1 700 0 0 0 0 1000 sf at Clubho ENCLOSED AND NOT HEATED BUILDINGS 13 equipment storage,40x sr 2000 1 1 1 1 1 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 14 equipment storage . sr 0 1 1 1 1 1 400 0 0 -0 0 400 at Par 3 Cour 15 equipment storage isr •0 "1 1 '1 1 1 200 0 0 0 0 200 at Par 3 Cour COVERED 16 small egpmt bays,30x3 Isa 10801 1 1 1 1 1 1 864 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 Subtotals 5 33 33 33 33 5,088 5,309 5,309 5,309 5,309 Plus circulation(percent nst) 5% 254 265 265 265 265 Total special area and equipment nsf 5,342 5,574 5,574 U74 5,574 J • f� l.� �J C� �J C') Parks Golf Maintenance Yard- Russell Road site requirements Page 3 of, Contact:Pete Petersen 253.859.3992 -far 253.859.4005 space -std FTEs/1000 population net sq ft/1,000 population / OFFICE BUILDING code nsf exst 75 100 115 "130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 -Remarks and n. 1 office building 1.25 1,526 1,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 2 enclosed-heated 1.05 735 1,008 1,008 1,008 "1,008 3 exclosed-not heated 1.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2A00 4 covered-not enclosed 1.00 864 1,080 1,080 1,080 -1,080 STORAGE MATERIALS 5 storage container leach 160 2 2 2 2 21 320 320 320 320 320 PARKING 6 vehicle stalls,10x20 sa 200 4 4 4 4 4 800 800 800 800 800 7 vehicle stalls se 0 1 1 1 1 1 1,400 =0 0 0 •0.1400 sf at Club, 8 employee parking se 200 17 17 17 17 17 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 9 visitor parking se 200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 Subtotals 24 25 25 25 25 11,045 10,766 10,766 10,766 10,766 Plus internal site circulation 175% 19,329 16,840 18.840 18,840 18,840 Plus buffer/landscaping 15% Z899 2,826 Z826 `2,826 Z826 Total net site sq It rqmnt 33,274 32.431 32,431 32,431 32,431 Plus zoning open space rqmnt -0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total Aross site sq it rqmnt 33,274 32,431 32,431 32,431 _ 32,431 'Total gross useable site acreage rqmnt ='0.8 -0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 r ; Parks Yard - East Hill facility Page 1 of 3 Contact:Rick Weiss 253.859.3345 fax:253.520.4252 3 June 1998 space std FTEs/1000 population net sq V1.000 population PARKS MAINTENAN code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and not 1 Supervisor p02 120 �1 1 1 2 2 120 120 240 240 2 Maint Workers-full niws 0 �•4 10 15 20 25 0 0 0 0 3 Maint Workers-part niws 0 4 8 20 25 25 0 0 0 0 r) ATHLETIC FlELDS 4 Supervisor pot 100 0 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 5 Maint Workers-full niws 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 _0 6 Maint Workers-part niws 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 R Subtotals(personnel and no 9 24 41 52 57 0 220 220 340 340 Plus circulation factor(percent of n 35% 0 77 77 119 119 Total personnel nsf required 0 297 297 459 459 Plus special areas and equipment nsf 0 13,740 15,247. 16.754 17,505 i Total departmental nsf required 0 14,037 15,544 17,213 17,964 ( � Layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total nsf required including layout 0 14,037 15,544 17,213 17,964 0 0 Area factor(nsf per person) 0 •585 379 331 315 Staff growth rate vs previous year 166.7% 70.8% 26.8% 9.6% Space growth rate vs previous year ERR - .10.7% 10.7% 4.4% Cj V �1 / Parks Yard - East Hill facility Page 2 of Contact:Rick Weiss 253.859.3345 •fax;253.520.4252 space std FTEs/1000 population met sq ft/1,000 population OFFICE AREAS code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and no, 1 reception area ra 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 2 conference,12 person cro5 240 1 1 1 1 0 240 240 240 3 storage/copy room sa 120 1 1 1 1 0 120 120 120 120 4 map room sa 120 1 1 1 1 0 120 120 120 120 WORKROOM/LUNCHROOM 5 kitchenette kedl 77• 1 1 1 1 0 77 77 77 77 6 vending machines keel 15 2 3 4 5 0 30 45 60 75 7 lunch/show-up room each 20 24 41 52 57 0 480 820 1,040 1,140 8 locker/shower/rstrm-cre each' 40 24 41 52 57 0 960 1,640 2,080 2,280 9 mud room/hazardous m ItI3 79 1 1 1 1 0 79 79 79 79 ENCLOSED-AND HEATED BUILDINGS 10 vehicle bay,12x30 sr 360 3 3 4 4 0 1,080 1,080 1,440 1,440 11 small engine repair sr 720 1 1 1 1 0 720 720 720 720 12 tools/equipment storage sr 600 1 1 1 1 0 600 600 600 600 13 welding/metal shop sr 400 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 400 400 14 carpentry shop sr 800 1 1 1 1 0 800 B00 800 800 15 sign shop w/storage sr 200- 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 16 electrlcai xepair shop sr 300 1 1 1 1 0 300 300 300 300 17 irrigation supplies Isr 300 1 1 1 1 0 300 300 300 300 ENCLOSED AND NOT HEATED BUILDINGS 18 warehouse storage sr 2000 1 1 1 1 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 19 custodial supply sr 1200 1 1 1 1 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 20 recreational equipment sr 2000 1 1 1 1 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 21 fertilizer storage sa 200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 22 hazardous materials sa 80 1 1 1 1 0 80 60 80 80 COVERED 23 small egpmt bays,10x2 sa 200 2 3 4 5 0 400 600 800 1,000 24 vehicle bays,10x20 sa 200 2 3 4 5 0 400 600 B00 1,000 25 vehicle bays,1200 Be 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 aquatic supplies sa 200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 Subtotals 0 76 113 139 152 0 13,086 14,521 15,956 16,671 Plus circulation(percent nsf) 5% 0 654 726 798 834 Total special area and equipment nsf 0 13,740 15,247 16,754 17,505 c l r- Parks Yard - East Hill facility Page 3 of 3 Contact:Rick Weiss 253.859.3345 fax:253.520.4252 space std F MW1000 population • net sq ft/1,000 population OFFICE BUILDING ' code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and not r� 1 office building 1.25 - 0 3,129 4,423 5,469 5,863 2 enclosed-heated 1.05 0 4,620 -4,620 4,998 4,998 3 -enclosed-not heated . 1.00 0 5,480 5,480 5,480 5,480 4 covered-not enclosed 1.00 0 1,000 1,400 1,800 2,200 STORAGE MATERIALS 5 beauty bark,20,60 sa 1200 1 1 1 1 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 35 yards 6 open storage area sa 10000 1 1 1 1 0 10,000 10,000 '10,000 10,000 fenced 7 debris/spoils,2040 sa .1800 1 1 1 1 0 1,800 11800 1,800 . 11800 8 dumpster-metal each 400 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 400 400 9 dumpster-garbage each 400 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 400 400 10 dumpster-vegetation leach 4001 1 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 400- 400 PARI4NG 11 vehicle stalls,10x20 sa 200 12 14 16 18 0 2,400 2,800 .3,200 3.600 12 vehicle stalls,1240 se 360 0 0 0 0 0 13 vehicle stalls,15x50 se 750 -0 0 0 0 0 14 employeeparking se 200 24 41 52 57 0 4,800 8,200 10,400 11,400 15 visitor parking se 200 2 :3 4 5 0 400 600 800 .11000 Subtotals _ -0 44 64 78 86 0 36.029 41,723 46,347 48,741 Plus internal site circulation 175% 0 63,050 73,014 81,107 85,296 Plus buffer/landscaping 15% 0 9,458 10,952 12,16& 12,794 Total net site sq ft rqmnt 0 108,537 125,689 139,620 146,831 O Plus zoning open space rqmnt 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total gross site sq ft rqmnt 0 108,537 125,689 139,620 146,831 Total gross useable site acreage rqmnt 0.0 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.4 U O U UJ U U 1 U u • Q Parks Yard - James Street/Russell Road Page 1 of Contact:Rick Weiss 25&859.3345 fax:25&520.4252 8 June 19E space std FTEs11000 population net sq ft/1,000 population ADMINISTRATION code nsf east 75 100 115 -130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and n, 1 Parks Maint Superinten po2 120 -1 1 2 2 2 270 120 240 240 240 2 Administrative Assist 1 _wkstn 97 , 1 1 2 2 2 97 194 194 194 3 Office Technician 2 wkstn 9710.6 1 2 2 2 97 194 194 194 PARKS MAINTENANCE 4 Supervisor pot 100 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 5 Maint Workers-full niws 0 -5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 6 Maint Workers-part niws 0 6' 8 10 12 12 0 0 0 0 ATHLETIC FIELDS 7 Supervisor pot 100 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 8 Maint Workers-full niws 0 3 4 8 11 11 0 0 0 0 9 Maint Workers-part niws 0 12 14 16 18 20 0 0 0 0 NURSERY 10 Supervisor pot 100 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 11 Maint Workers--full niws 0 .2 5 7 10 10 0 0 0 :0 12 Maint Workers-part ntws 0 4 8 10 12 16 0 0 0 0 Subtotals(personnel and nsf) 38 51 67 80 87 270 614 928 928 928 Plus circulation factor(percent of n 35% '95 215 325 325 .325 Total personnel nsf-required 365 829 1,253 1,253 1,253 -Plus special areas and equipment nsf 7,600 21,235 27,404 36,804 43,455 Total departmental nsf required 7,964 22,064 28,657 38,056 44,708 Layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total nsf required Including layout 7,964 22,064 28,657 38,056 44,708 Area factor(nsf per person) 212 433 428 -476 514 Staff growth rate vs previous year 35.6% 31.4% 19.4% 8.8% Space growth rate vs previous year 177.0% 29.9% 32.8% 17.5% ' Parks Yard -James Street Page 2 of 3 Contact:Rick Weiss 253.859.3345 -fax:253.520.4252 rl space sid FTEs/l000 population net sq ft/1,000 population --OFFICE AREAS code nsf east 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 -100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and not 1 reception area ra 144 '0 1 1 1 1 0 144 144 144 144 2 conference,12 person cro5 360 '0 1 '1 1 1 0 360 360 480 480 3 storagelcopy room sa 300 '1 1 1 1 1 70 300 300 400 400 ` J 4 map room sa - -200 '0 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 WORMOOM/LUNCHROOM l_; 5 kitchenette kedl 77 0 1 1 2 2 0 77 77 154 154 6 vending machines keel 15 0 3 -4 5 6 0 45 60 75 90 7 lunch/show-up room each 20 1 51 67 80 87 324 1,020 1,340 1,600 1,740 _. 8 lockerishowerirstrm-cre each 40 1 51 67 80 87 430 2,040 2,6W 3,200 3,480 men and women 9 mud room/hazardous m tl3 '79 0 2 2 2 2 0 158 158 158 156 ENCLOSED AND HEATED BUILDINGS 10 vehicle bay,12x30 sr 360 1 3 _, 3 4 4 800 1,080 1,080 1,440 1,440 11 small engine repair sr 400 1 1 '1 1 1 688 400 400 600 600 12 tools/equipment storage sr :500 1 1 1 1 1 414 500 500 700 700 13 welding/metal shop sr 500 1 1 1 1 1 360 500 500 700 700 0 14 carpentry shop sr 500 ' 1 1 1 1 1 660 500 500 700 700 15 -sign shop w/storage sr 400 '0 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 600 600 16 electrical repair shop sr' 500 -:0 1 1 1 1 0 500 500 700 700 17 Irrigation supplies Isr- sb0 1 .0 1 1 1 1 0 500 500 700 - 700 ENCLOSED AND NOT HEATED BUILDINGS 1$ warehouse storage sr 2000 --1 - 1 1 1 1 1,452 2,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 19 custodial supply ,- sr. 600 1 1 1 1 1 800 500 600 700 800 20 recreational equipment sr 1000• 1 1 1 1 1 1.240 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 { 21 fertilizer storage sa 1000 10 1 1. 1 1 0 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 22 hazardous materials sa 200 0 1 1 2 2 0 200 200 400 400 COVERED 23 small eqpmt bays,1OQ sa 200 0 10 15 20 25 0 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 �- 24 vehicle bays,10x20 sa 200 0 15 20 25 30 0 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 25 vehicle bays,12x30 sa 360 0 5 10 15 20 0 1,800 3,600 5,400 7,200 26 aquatic supplies sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotals 11 157 205 250 280 7,238 20,224 26,099 35,051 41,386 Plus circulation(percent nsf) 5% 362 1,011 1,305 1.753 2,069 Total special area and equipment nsf 7,600 21,235 27,404 36,804 43,455 U q U �J L) U Z Parks Yard - James Street Page 3 of s Contact:Rick Weiss 253.859.3345 fax:253.520.4252 space std PrEs/1000 population net sq ft/1,000 population OFFICE BUILDING code nsf exst 75 100 115 -130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and nc' 1 office building 1.25 1,486 6,466 8,215 9,580 10,124 2 enclosed-heated 1.05 3,068 4.599 4,599 . 6,447 6,447 3 exclosed-not heated 1.00 - 3,492 4,700 5.800 8,100 10,200 4 covered-not enclosed 1.00 0 6,800 10,600 14,400 18,200 STORAGE MATERIALS 5 beauty bark,20x60 N 1200 0 1 1 1 1 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 35 yards 6 open storage area sa 10000 1 0 0 0 0 16,000 0 0 0 0 fenced 7 debris/spoils,20x90 sa 1800 0 1 1 1 1 0 1,800 11800 1,800 1,800 A dumpster-metat each 400 0 1 -1 1 1 0 400 400 400 400. 9 dumpster-garbage each 400 -0 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 400 400 10 dumpster-vegetation leach 4001 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 "400 400 400 400 PARI4NG 11 vehicle stalls,10 c20 sa 200 17 20 23 26 30 3,400 4,000 4,600 5,200 6,000 12 vehicle stalls,1240 se 360 24 26 28 30 32 8,640 9,360 10,080 10,800 11.520 13 vehicle stalls,15x50 se 750 -0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 14 employee parking se 200 38 51 67 80 87 7,520 10,200 13,400 16,000 17,400 15 visitor parking Be 200 -2 2 3 4 5 400 400 600 800 11000 Subtotals --- 82 104 126 145 159 44,006 .50.725 62,094 75,527 85,091 Plus internal site circulation 175% 77,010 88,769 108,664 132,172 148,908 Pius buffer/tandscaping 15% 11,552 13.315 16,300 19,826 22,336 Total net site sq It rqmnt 132,567 152,809 187,057 227,524 256,335 Plus zoning open space rqmnt 0% 0 0 0 0 .0 Total gross site sq It rqmnt 132,567 152,809 187,057 227,524 256,335. Total gross useable site acreage rqmnt .3.0 3.5 4.3 5.2 5.9 J� r, f J Planning Department Contact.Jim Harris 253.859.3390 fax.253.850.2544 3 June 1998 ExW Service levels space existing 75,000 100,000 115.000 130,000 Comments 1 Planning Director office 1 1 1 1 1 2 Admin Assistant/Receptionist wkstn 0 0 0 0 1 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 3 Building Official office 1 1 1 1 1 4 Assistant Building Official office 1 1 1 1 1 5 Plans Examiner wkstn 2 3 5 5 5 6 Ovpmnt Permit Technician wkstn 3 4 4 4 4 7 Assistant Building Official office 1 1 1 1 1 8 Building Inspector wkstn 5 6 8 11 14 9 Code Enforcement Officer jwkstn 1 1 1 21 21 31 5 n PLANNING SERVICES 10 Planning Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 11 Senior Planner office 2 2 2 2 2 = 2 12 Planner/GIS Coordinator wkstn 1 1 2 2 2 13 Planner wkstn 5 5 6 7 8 14 Planning Assistant wkstn 1 1 2 2 2 HOUSING&HUMAN SERVICES 15 Human Services Manager office 1 1 1 1 1 16 Planner wkstn 3 3 3.5 4 4.5 �~ 17 Home Repair Coordinator wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 �1 18 Home Repair Specialist wkstn 2 3 3 3 3 w/CDBG entitlem } 19 Block Grant Intern wkstn 1 1 - 1 1 1 20 Block Grant Planners jwkstn 1 01 21 21 2 2 jw1CDBG entitlem ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ✓1 21 Administrative Assistant wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 22 Receptionist wkstn 0 0 1 1 1 23 Accountant/Bookkeeper wkstn 0 0 1 1 1 24 .Admin Secretary 1 wkstn 4 4 5 5 5 25 Office Technican 2 wkstn 1 1 2 2 2 t J Total personnel 39 46 57.5 63 70.5 Staff growth rate vs previous increment 17.9% 25.0% 9.6% 11.9% (� space nsf Service levels CENTENNIAL exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 966 960' 1.35 1,304 1,296 1,296 1,296 1,296 2 workstations 2,205 3,410 1.35 2,977 '5,643 7,351 8,168 9,281 3 reception counter 300 300 1.25 375 375 375 375 375 4 conference room,24 perso 400 480 1.15 460 552 552 552 552 5 storage room 120 200 1.05 126 210 210 210 210 r 6 conference room,8 person 112 160 1.05 118 158 156 158 158 7 open filing area 120 200 1.25 150 250 250 250 250 8 open filing area 192 240 1.25 240 300 300 300 300 9 GIS work area/copy room 160 240 1.25 225 300 300 300 300 10 scanning desk 70 240 1.25 88 300 300 300 300 EJ 11 library 225 400 1.05 236 420 420 420 420 12 reception counter-dvpmnt 4 200 3001 1.051 210 • 315 1 315 1 3151 315 Subtotal 5,090 7,120 6,508 10,119 11,826 12,643 13,757 Space growth rate vs previous increment 55.5% 16.9% 6.9% 8.8% Net square feet per staff 167 220 206 201 195 r RUSSELL ROAD YARD 1 shoptwork space 0 300 1 1.05 0 315 315 315 315 2 lockable storage room 0 1001 1.05 0 105 106 105 105 3 open storage area 0 200 1.05 0 210 210 210 210 Subtotal 0 600 .0 630 630 630 630 - _ r - 2I 1 G. �l l Public Works Department Contact:Don Wickstrom 253.859.3383 fax:253.859.3559 3 June 1998 t� Exst Service levels space existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 Public Works Director office 1 1 1 1 1 2 City Engineer office 1 1 1 1 1 3 Public Works Account Supervisor wkstn -1- 1 1 1 1 �} 4 'Accounting Technician wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 5 Account Services Assist 3 wkstn 1 1 1 -1 -1 6 'Administrative Assist 3 wkstn 1 1 1 t 1 7 --Permit/Building Specialist wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 8 .Office Technician 3 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 9 Office Technician 2 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 10 Administrative Secretary 1 jwkstn I 1 1 1 1 1 DESIGN ' 11 Design Engineering Supervisor office 1 1 1 1 1 12 Engineer 2 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 13 Engineer 1 wkstn .3 3 9 4 4 14 Engineering Technician wkstn 3 3 3 3 3 15 Const Map Coordinator wkstn 1 2 2 -2 2 16 -Engineer 2-Streets wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 17 Engineer 1 -Streets wkstn 2 2 .2 2 2 18 Senior Engineering Tech-Streets wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 19 Engineer Technician-Streets jwkstn 1 21 21 2_1 21 2 CONSTRUCTION 20 Construction Engnr Supervisor office 1 1 1 1 1 21 Engineer 2 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 22 Engineer 1 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 23 Construction Inspector wkstn 4 4 4 4 4 T 24 Cr Construction Ctrl Inspector wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 24 Project Coordinator jwkstn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �J SURVEYING 25 Land Survey Supervisor wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 26 Survey Party Chief wkstn 2 2 2 2 2 27 Survey Technician wkstn 2 2 2 2 2 TRANSPORTATION J 28 Transportation Eng Supervisor office 1 1 1 1 1 29 Engineer 1 wkstn 3 3 3 3 3 30 Traffic Specialist wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 31 NTCP Coordinator wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 32 Senior Signal Technician wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 33 Signal Technician wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 U 34 Control Coordinator jwkstn I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ENVIRONMENTAL 35 Environmental Engr Supervisor office 1 1 1 1 1 36 Engineer 2 wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 q 37 Engineer 1 wkstn 1 2 3 3 4 38 Senior Engineering Technician wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 U 39 Conservation Specialist wkstn 2 2 2 2 2 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 40 Property Manager wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 41 Propery Analyst wkstn 1 1 1 1 1 42 Property Management Technician wkstn 2 2 2 2 2 Total personnel 58 62 67 70 74 U Staff growth rate vs previous increment 6.9% 8.1% 4.5% 5.7% space nsf Service levels Space utilization exist desrd multi existing 75,000 100,000 115,000 130,000 Comments 1 private offices 375 720 1.35 506 972 972 972 972 2 workstations 5,361 5,720 1.35 7,237 8,019 8,168 8,316 8,465 3 reception counter 180 240 1.25 .225 300 300 300 300 4 conference,8 person 108 150 1.35 146 203 203 .203 203 5 file room,vault 504 600 1.05 529 630 630 630 630 6 storage rooms -63 100 1.05 66 105 105 105 105 7 copy/office room • 54 200 1.05 57 210 210 210 210 8 traffic control room 108 0 1.05 113 0 0 0 0 locate East Bill? 8 conference room,12 perso 180 240 1.15 207 276 276 276 276 10 lunch room 195 0 1.15 224 0 0 0 0 consolidate builds), 11 conference room,12 perso 180 '240 1.15 207 .276 276 276 276 12 print room 210 -240 1.05 221 "252 252 252 252 13 open layout area • 36 36 1.25- 45 45 45 45 45 14 CAD work area/light table 180 2401 1.05 189 252 252 252 252 Subtotal 7,734 8,726 9,973 11.540 11,688 11,837 11,985 Space growth rate vs previous increment 15.7% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% Net square feet per staff 172 186 174 169 162 �J� J Public Works Traffic Signal Yard -Page 1 of 2 Contact:Don Wickstrom 253.859.3383 -__fax:253.859.3559 3 June 1998 space std FTEs11000 population •net sq I1/1,000 population (� code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and not 1 Staff at Centennial jnIws 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotals(personnel and nsf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plus circulation factor(percent of n 35% 0 0 0 0 0 Total personnel nsf required 0 0 0 .0 0 Plusspecial areas and equipment nsf 0 6,829 6,829 -6,829 6,829 Total departmental nsf required 0 6,829 6,829 6,829 -6,829 Layout factor _0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total nsf required Including layout 0 6,829 6,829 6,829 6,829 Area factor(nsf per person) ERR ERR ERR ERR ERR Staff growth rate vs previous year ERR ' "ERR ERR 'ERR Space growth rate vs previous year ERR 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% r space std FTEs/1000 population net sq ft/1,000 population OFFICE AREAS code nst exst 75 100 115 -130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and not 1 office workroom jtr3 250 1 1 1 1 0 250 -250 250 250 2 lunch/breakroom120 1 1 1 1 0 120 120 •120 120 3 restroom 79 1 1 1 1 0 79 79 79 79 ENCLOSED AND HEATED BUILDINGS 4 electronic repairAest sr 550 1 1 1 1 0 550 550 550 550 5 'traffic master computer sr 150 1 1 1 1 0 150 150 150 150 6 utility wash room sr 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 7 equipment storage sr 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 1000 sf at Clubht ENCLOSED AND NOT HEATED BUILDINGS F9 8 loading dock breakdow sr 375 1 1 1 1F 0 375 375 375 375 ' - warehouse sr 3700 1 1 1 1 0 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 1200 at Par 3 Coup COVERED C) 10 pole and fittings storage sa 1080 1 1 1 1 0 1,080 1,060 1,080 1,080 Subtotals 0 10 10 10 10 0 6,504 6,504 6.504 6,504 Plus circulation(percent nsf) 5% 0 325 325 325 325 U Total special area and equipment nsf 0 6,829 6,829 6,829 6,829 0 0 9 U r� U 0 U Public Works Traffic Signal Yard Page 2 of 2 Contact:Don Wickstrom 253.859.3383 fax:253.859.3559 space std FTEs/1000 population • net sq ft/1,000 population BUILDINGS code nsf east 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and no. 1 office building 1.25 0 561 561 561 561 2 enclosed-heated 1.05 0 945 945 945 945 3 exclosed-not heated 1.00 0 4,075 4,075 4,075 4,075 4 covered-not enclosed 1.00 0 11080 11080 11080 1,080 STORAGE MATERIALS 5 pole/materiai storage Isa 25001 1 1 1 1 1 0 2,500 2,500 2.500 2,500 PARKING 6 vehicle stalls,107se sa 200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 7 employee parkinse 200 3 3 3 3 0 600 600 600 600 8 visitor parking 200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 '200 200 Subtotals - 0 6 6 6 6 0 10,161 10,161 10,161 10,161 Plus internal site circulation -110% 0 11,177 11,177 11,177 11,177 Plus buffer/landscaping 15% 0 1,677 1,677 1,677 1,677 Total net site sq ft rqmnt 0 23,015 23,015 23,015 23,015 Plus zoning open space rqmnt 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total gross site sq it rqmnt -0 23,015 23,015 23,015 23,015 Total gross useable site acreage rqmnt 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 tod £S00 *ON 19/11 OT:LO 96/SZ/90 -07w-. SO ztnsizo� >;3T aH %2TC2V29C rVJ 8T:80 OSICZ/LO n r "Public Works Yard- Main facility pw 1 a 3 l ) Contact:Eddy Chu 253.959.3998 'Fate 233.839.3664 1a Juno 1996 mme lip frEsnow population net sq ftn.OW popuWbon ADMWLgWTlOM Code • nsf eW 75 1W 115 130 em 75.0 100.0 11&0 -130.0 Aernaft and not 1 Operations Manager p03 144 1 1 1 1 1 140 144 144 1" 1" 2 Admin Supervisor pot 120 1 1 1 1 1 120 120 120 120 3 Engineer pot 120 1 1 1 1 1 120 120 120 120 �.J 4 Office Support wWn 97 4 4 9 5 5 500 368 •485 496 485 6 Technical Support wkstn 97 4 4 1 5 6 $66 4N 485 58Z LMLMEB 6 Uperntandent pp2 120 1 1 1 , , 190 120 120 .120 7 Supervisors wksm -97 9 -8 3 3 2 791 291 21h .291 291 8 Maint Workers-full rtiws 0 14 10 15 18 24 0 0 0 0 0 Main Workers- art nim 0 2 2 4 6 7 0 0 0 0 WATER 10 X rintendent p02 -72-0 1 1. 2 2 2 3" 120 240 240 240 Intl WD30100.0 11 supefvlsors wksM . 97 3 .3 1 3 3 291 291 :291 291 12 Technician wksln .97 3 '3 6 7 -7 104 291 SIM 879 .679 Cntim ems 13 Maine Workers-full nhNs 0 13 10 19 21 23 0 O 0 10 14 Maint Workers-part niws * I 3 3 5 5 6 0 0 0 0 3'TREEr 15 Suparntandent pot 120 1 - 1 1 1 1 .92 120 120 120 120 16 Supervisors • wkstn -97 -2 - 2 .2 -2 2 259 194 - 194 194 194 17 Sign 8voWsa wktittt 97 1 1 1 1 1 296 97 97 97 97 19 Malnt Workers-full news '.0 17 20 26 20 26 0 D 0 O 19 Maint Workers- nhas 0 !3 8 7 6 6 0 0 0 O FLEET 20 Fleet Manager pot 120 1 t 1 1 1 120 120 120 120 120 21 Supervisor pot . 100 11 1 1 1 1 100 100 -100 100 0 22 Parts Bursi wkstn 97 1 1 1 2 2 97 87 194 194 n 23 Rarflo Technician wkstn 97 0 1 1 1 1 87 97 97 97 i- 24 Mechanics-full nlws 0 4 5 7 9 -11 0 0 0 0 U 25 Mechanics-part lnfvxs 0 1 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 O `\ WAR84OUSE U 26 Supervisor p02 120 1 1 1 1 1 469 120 120 120 120 o 27 Technician wkern 97 1 2 3 3 3 194 291 201 291 28 Maint Workers-futt news 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 129 Matnt workers-W news 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 O O 0 &blow$(personnel grid aso 82 92 126 139 133 3.195 3.412 4,114 4.308 4,405 Pius circulation•factor{percent of n 35% 1,118 1.194 1,440 1.508 1.642 j Totai personnel nd requWW 4.313 4AN L654 5.816 5.947 1 / Plus special areas and egbtpmant nsf 29.364 66.144 75A85 BOA19 97,614 Total departmental nst required 33.676 70,750 61.098 SL735 93.361 Layout nor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total nsf required including iaYout 33,678 70.750 -81,038 W735 $3,561 U Area factor(nst per person) $60 769 63s 624 612 Staff growth rate vs prwloue year O.D% 99.19! Lift 10.1% 0 Space growth fate vs prwlous Year 110.1% 14016 7.096 7.9% �USU0J A2j"amn 9o@j SOB C200 'ON IWIRL OT:LO 96/SZ/90 Public Works Yard — Main facility gage 2 of 3 ,- Contut Eddy Chu 253.859.3985 fax 253.959-11M space sod FTFsf1000 population net 14 M A00 population -OFRCE AREAS code nN exat 75 100 115 130 aft 79.0 100.0 11&0 130.0 Remarks and not' 1 reception area,8 perso ra4 192 1 1 1 1 1 96 182 192 192 182 2 confarence.24 person Croy 460 2 1 1 1 1 300 480 480 480 480 3 mapfcopy room ar 120 1 1 1 1 1 44 120 120 120 120 4 training room,30 perso sa Goo 1 1 1 1 1 563 600 600 600 600 b records room sa ;eW 2 1 1 1 1 382 600 ow Soo SW 6 computer room sa 100 0 - 1 1 --1 1 .0 100 100 100 100 I- 7 water quality labs sa �400 -2 -'1 •1 -1 "1 500 400 •400 400 400 I 6 SCABA center as, SOO 1 1 1 1 1 400 SW Soo 500 500 9 laundry room sa 30D 0 1 1 1 1 3W 300 - 300 300 300 I- 10 ency power ism 500 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 500 500 Soo 500 11 kitchenette kedl 77 0 2 8 4 5 - 0 164 231 11as 386i 12 vending machines keel -15 -4 -, 4 6 e 10 60 60 90 120 150 13 lunchishow-up room each - 20 1 59 88 97 110 780 1,180 1,760 1,940 2.200 ► 14 locker/Shower/Mr each -40 6 59 88 27 110 1.288 .23M 3,520 3,880 4.400 i 18 khckerafbiluMaundry/e each 1100 1 -1 1 1 1 727 1.100 1.100 1,100 1,100 16 mud mom/hazardous m M 79 0' 2 '3 4 S' .0- 150 93T 316- 395 i 17 sleeping rooms each 100 0 3' •4 5 8 - - 01 300 400 500 600 ENCULVID AND HEAT®SULDINGS 18 vhce mains bays.25x3a ar 750 1 6 7 8 9 3ASS 4AOO 5.260 0,000 6,750 19 parts warehouse ar 2000 1 1 1 1 1 868 2.000 2,000 2.000 2.000 20 pans storage or 0 1 1 1 1 1 300 0 0 0 0• _ 21 parts storage-'auto at 0 1 1 1 y -1 873 0 0 0 0 22 storage-water sr 0 i 1 1 1 -I 200 0 0 0 0 23 tooJsfeclulpment storage sr 800 :1 1 1 1 1 400 Soo SOO 500 600 24 radio repair shop ar SOO -0 1 1 1 1 A Im 600 Soo Soo 23 radio garage or 450 0 1 1 1 1 0 4ao 450 450 450 28 warehouse sr 10000 1 1 1 1 1 1,769 10.000 10.000 10,000 10.000 2 stories poscibir 27 small engine repair ar 300 1 1 1 1 1 15O 300 Soo 300 300 28 carpentry shop ar 300 0 1 1 1 1 0 300 300 SOO 300 29 point shop ar am 'a 1 1 1 1 0 300 300 30D 300 30 metal Shop ar =0 ,O 1 1 1 1 0 300 300 300 300 31 disaster mtls supplies or 600 0 1 1 1 1 278 60O GOO 800 am 32 general Shop area of 1200 1 1 1 1 1 942 1,200 1.200 1=0 1.200 33 sign shop sr 720 1 1 1 1 1 590 720 720 720 720 34 vehicle bays.1240 as 360 0 1 1 2 4 0 360 360 72D I A40 Water vehicles 35 vehk le bays,1240 s8 300 10 17 17 20 20 0 6,120 5,12D 7.200 7.200 36 truck bays,12%40 se 480 1 4 6 8 8 1,290 1.920 3.840 3,640 3,540 Street vehicles 37 vehicle bays,I3x50 Be 750 8 4 4 4 4 -2,940 3.000 3.000 3,000 3,000 Utilityvenhcies 98 enclosed materials Isr 1200 0 1 1 1 1 0 1.200 1,200 1,200 1,200 winter sand,sett ENCLOSED AND NOT HEATED BLAL,DINGiS 39 hazardous materials sr 200 1 2 2 2 2 100 400 400 400 400 40 wash rack wlsump,200K Sr 1200 1 1 1 1 1 I M25 1,200 1,200 1.200 1,200 41 •water shopkdhlorknation ler 1000 1 1 1 1 1 990 1.000 1 A00 1.000 1,000 COVERED STORAGE 42 Veh101e DRYS,12x30 ee 1 5 S 5 51 1.32D 1.800 1,800 1,800 1.800 weer vehicles r44 YeNcle Days,ULM ie 350 1 1 1 1 1 0 WO 360 380 36D Util2y v9=19S vehicle bays.l ac30 se 360 20 22 22 22 28 4.62A 7,920 7.920 7.920 10.080 StfM vehlcies vehicle Days.I ZM se 360 5 7 10 10 12 0 ZAM 3.600 3.600 4,320 Fleet vehicles ! 1 90d SS00 ON XH/11 OT:LO 96/SZ/90 !�1 46 vehM bays.12dO as 380 1 2 8 10 10 0 720 2.880 3.GW 3.600 47 MXk balS.1 at40 So 480 0 6 7 10 12 0 2.400 3.W0 4.800 5.760 FIM vW*** J 46 sign p=8 se 300 1 1 1 1 1 300 300 300 900 300 49 pipe and own racim in 1000 0 1 1 1 1 -0 11000 1.000 1.000 1.000 POLICE IMPOUNDMENT � ISO bkwms,misc Issaa 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 c 51 vehicles 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8ubmwo 83-236 315 348 392 27.N8 4MM4 71.B0 77.08$ 83.442 Pius Nrcuiatlon(percent roo 5% 1.396 31150 aim 9.853 4.172 Tata1 spedal ww and aqulpmoM nsI 29.304 06,144 75.486 $0.919 47.014 O 0 U LOCI £900 'ON 18/11 OT=IO 26/92/90 TOM 2111111100 42TA3t-a9 TL9Tt2V2zr Iva sz:90 96ftZ/LO Public Works Yard- Main facility site requirements -Page 9 of 3 Contact:Eddy Chu 253.859.3395 tare 253.859.3884 apace -SW FTES11000 population net eq it11,000 population OFFICE BUft.DING .code nsf east 75 100 115 130 lariat 75.0 100.0 116.0 130.0 Remarks and not": 1 offky building i.25 12,167 17,13B 20,555 22,213 23.711 2 enclosed-heated 1.06 14.691 35,984 38,767 41,087 42.630 3 4=1cmd-not heated' 1.00 P-315 2,600 2,600 2.600 2.800 4 coveted-not enclosed 1.00 1 6.240 17.020 21.220 23.300 27,220 YARD OPERATIONS 6 IoadUg ramp each 480 0 1 1 1 1 0 400 480 480 480 6 tank-Cm,10.000 gallon aacft 1200 2 2 3 3 3 Z400 2AW 9.600 3,800 3.800 above ground,cvrj 7 tank-diesel.4,000 galio each 1000 1 1 2 2 2 1=0 1.000 2.000 4000 2.000 aboveground,ev; 8 tank-proparis,1,000 gmd each 1000 1 1 1 1 1 Illow 1.000 1,000 1,000 110w STORAGE MATERIALS 9 sand.90x120 as 10800 1 1 1 1 1 10.800 ULM 1 1 1.000-1.500 yard 10 cold mbc asphit.20x30 sa ow 1 1 1 1 1 800 800 am 600 600 5 ten 11 washed rods,20 M as 600 1 1 1 1 1 1,050 BOO B00 600 5 ton 12 used tires.2040 as 600 1 1 1 1 1 ON 600 600 600 800 ! 13 crushed aagrpte.20M60 sa aw 1 1 1 1 1 600 800 600 600 ON 200 ton 14 culvert sa 600 d 1 1 1 1 O am 600 Soo 600 15 guard rail tie 600 0 1 1 1 1 0 600 600 600 w0 16 open storage area sa 900 1 1 1 1 1 900 900 900 900 900 17 water pipe and parts $at M000 1 1 1 1 1 8,400 III= 9.000 9.000 9.000 + 18 acphlUcorrc spls.2000 as lam 1 1 1 1 1 1.800 1,600 1.800 1,800 1.800 19 debrisfapous.20x90 sa 1800 1 1 1 1 1 1.800 1.800 1,800 1.800 1,800 20 dumpster-metal each 400 1 2 2 3 3 400 am SW 1.200 1.= 21 dumpater-garbage each 400 1 2 2 3 9 400 am 800 12M 1 im 22 du er-vegetation each 400 2 3 S 4 4 a100 1.200 1.200 1,800 PARIONO 23 vehicle awls,l OM as 200 23 25 25 0 4.000 4.600 5,000 5,000 UttOtleO ven1086 24 whicle stalls,10M as 200 0 23 33 35 40 0 4,800 8.600 7.000 8.000 Btroetv6111des 25 vehicle"Is.I CM ea 200 0 29 29 31 35 0 5,800 5.800 8.200 7.000 WOW vehicle6 26 vehicle stalls,I Ox20 ea 200 112 2 S 10 15 22.400 400 1,000 2,000 3,000 27 vehicle stalls,12x30 as = 14 0 0 0 0 6,040 0 0 0 0 28 vehicle 4tatis,15x50 so 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 employee pariting so 200 92 92 129 139 153 16.400 18,400 25,600 27,800 30,500 30 visitor parkin 6e 200 5 5 6 7 8 1.000 1.000 1=0 1,400 1,600 FOLIM IMPOUNDMENT 31 vahlcis aws.112r20 16a. 1 20 24 2B 25 1 3.600 4.91V 4,800 5,200 5,WU Subtotals 241 214 273 332 118,402 146421 170.842 182,B61 195.941 Plus Internal site circulation 175% 207.204 256,412 29B,973 320.007 342.697 Plus bulferflandscaping 15% 31,081 38.462 44,846 48.001 51,434 Total net site sq R rtlrnnt 35 LOB6 441,395 514,651 550,870 5 ,272 ` Plus zoning open space rqmnt 0% _ 0 0 0 0 0 Total gross site sq ft rqmnt 356.41K 441.395 514,651 550,970 590,272 Total gross useable efts acreage rqmnt 8.2 10.1 11.8 126 1&$ 101� 2T119=3 RITES TL9Tt2b9zt YV3 6T:90 961tZ/LO r n Public Works Yard - Annex Page 1 of 3 Contact:Eddy Chu 253.859.3395 fax:253.859.3664 3 June 1998 J space ad FTEs/1000 population net sq ft/1,000 population n UTILITIES code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and notes 1 Supervisors wkstn 97 1 1 1 1 1 97 97 97 97 97 n 2 Maint Workers-full niws 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 Maint Workers-part niws 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n WATER 4 -Supervisors wkstn 97 1 1 1 1 1 97 97 97 97 97 5 Maint Workers-full niws 0 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 0 .0 0 n 6 Maint Workers-part 1nIws '01 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 n STREET 7 Supervisors wkstn 97 1 1 1 1 1 97 .97 97 97 97 n 8 Maint Workers-full niws 0 3 -,3 4 5 5' 0 0 0 0 0 9 Maint Workers-part Inivis 0 2 2 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotals(personnel and nsf) 13 14 19 22 22 291 291 291 291 291 Plus circulation factor(percent of 35% 102 102 102 102 102 Total personnel nsf required 393 393 393 393 393 nPlus special areas and equipment nsf 756 9,728 9,870 10,706 11,477 n Total departmental nsf required 1,149 10,121 10,263 11,098 11,869 Layout factor 0% 0 0 0 0 0 n 'Total nst required including layout 1,149 10.121 10,263 11,096 11,869 Area factor(nsf per person) Be 723 540 504 540 Staff growth rate vs previous year 7.7% 35.7% 15.8% 0.0% O Space growth rate vs previous year 781.0% 1.4% 8.1% 7.0% 0 `rrLJ\\ U�J LJ U[ � �J n, U Public Works Yard - Annex Page 2 of 3 Contact:Eddy Chu 253.859.3395 lax:'253.859.3664 space std FTEs/1000 population -net sq ft/1,000 population ' OFFICE AREAS code nsf exst 75 100 115 130• exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and notes 1 reception areas ra 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 2 conference,12 person cro5 240 1 1 1 1 0 240 240 240 240 �- 3 storage room Ise 100 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 100 WORKROOM/I.UNCHROOM 4 kitchenette kedl 77 1 1 1 1 0 77 77 77 77 5 vending machines keel 15 2 3 4 5 0 30 45 60 75 6 lunch/show-up room each 20 6 8 9 9 0 120 160 180 180 7 locker/shower/rstrm-cr each 40 6 8 9 9 0 240 320 360 360 ): 8 mud room/hazardous tl3 79 1 2 2. 2 0 158 158 158 158 9 sleeping rooms leach 1001 . 1 1 1 -1 1 '0 100 100 100 100 ENCLOSED-HEATED 10 parts warehouse sr 400 1 1 1 1 0 400 400 400 '400. 11 tools/equipment storag sr 150 1 1 1 1 0 150 150 150 150 12 emergency supplies sr 200 1 1 1 1 0 200 200 200 200 13 vehicle bays,15x50 se 750 0 1 1 1 1 0 750 750 750 750 Utility vehicles 14 enclosed materials sr,, 1200 1• 1 1 1 - 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1.200 winter sand,salt ENCLOSED-NOT HEATED 15 p_arts/materials Isr 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 1i/ COVERED STORAGE " 16 vehicle bays;10x20 se 200 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 vehicle bays,12x30 se 360 0 1 1 1 1 0 360 360 360 -360 Water vehicles 18 vehicle bays,12x30 se 360 2 .2 2 2 2 720 720 720 720 -720 Street vehicles i 19 vehicle bays,12x30 se 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utilities vehicles I 18 vehicle bays,12x30 se 360 0 12 12 14 16 0 4,320 4,320 5,040 5,760 19 truck bays,12x40 • se 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 20 other covered storage Ise 01 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 lWater pipe racks POUCEIMPOUNDMENT 21 bicycle,misc 1:: 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 022 vehicles 200 0 0 - 0- _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotals 2 41 46 51 54 720 9,265 9,400 10,195 10,930 Plus circulation(percent of nsf) 5% 36 463 470 510 547 Total special area and equipment nsf 756 9,728 9,870 10,705 11,477 1 r 1 � i Public Works Yard - Annex site requirements Page 3 or Contact:Eddy Chu 253.859.3395 tax:253.859.3664 space std FTEs/1000 population net sq W1,000 population OFFICE AREAS code nsf exst 75 100 115 130 exist 75.0 100.0 115.0 130.0 Remarks and notes 1 office building 1.25 491 1,947 .2,116 2,210 2,229 �j 2 enclosed-heated 1.05 0 2,835 2,835 2,835 2,835 3 enclosed-not heated , 1.00 0 0 .0 0 0 4 covered-not enclosed 1.00 720 5,400 5,400 6,120 6,840 YARD OPERATIONS 5 loading ramp each 480 0 1 1 1 1 0 480 480 460 480 6 tank-gas,10,000 gal each 1200 2 1 1 1 1 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 above gmd/cvrd 7 tank-diesel,4,000 gal each 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 8 tank-propane,1,000 g each 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1,000 1.000 11000 11000 1,000 STORAGE MATERIALS 9 sand sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 cold mix asphit sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 11 washed rock sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 12 crushed,aggrgte sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 13 culvert sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 guard rail sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 open storage area sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 asphlt/conc spls sa 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 debrisispoils sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - i 18 dumpster-metal each -400 1 1 1 1 1 400 400 400 400 .400 19 dumpster-garbage each 400 1 1 1 1 1 400 400 400 400 400 20 dumpster-vegetation leach 4001 2 1 1 1 1 1 800 400 400 400 400 PARIONG 21 vehicle stalls,10x20 sa 200 4 4 4 4 0 800 600 800 800 Utilities 22 vehicle stalls,10x20 sa 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water 23 vehicle stalls,10x20 sa 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 street 24 vehicle stalls,1240 sa 360 A Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 vehicle stalls,15x50 sa 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 employee parking sa 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 visitor parking Isa 2001 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 U POLICE IMPOUNDMENT 28 vehicle stalls, I MM Isa 2001 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotals 8 11 11 11 11 4,811 15,862 16,031 16,845 17,584 Pius internal ciruclation factor 175% 8,419 27,759 28,054 29,478 30,771 Plus buffer/landscaping 15% 1,263 4,164 4.208 4,422 4,616 Total net site sq ft rqmnt 14,493 47,785 48,294 50,746 62,970 Plus zoning open space rqmnt 0% 0 0 0 0 0 Total gross site sq it rqmnt 14,493 47,785 48,294 50,745 52,970 Total gross useable acreage rqmnt 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 a ' IT Appendix. �> Order of Magnitude - J Cost. Esti _ . � •�` � " • � '; - \- r Mk -r; K'ENT' ' V N,I C11 P Al T Avi L urfE 1 =bra\ •�'� i - "" '�' - - V �'.''-{ �};��, �_.i,•ti- �._,1+';+....• ;1� �:�.�"T':;'3t''r �•�"� / _ `1, '' -tom �• _��i �F'•I '"�-; yai. �;•••s.; ' .r � �" ��'_ � t ~\ IP ��- J- ,,�, (-i ,tom..' rl,�':..+.__f•„�,� - _ _ : `�')- .\ !' .y°f'_i,'^"r� j�"i 1,:� i I` �r. _ - •wwr ���t, ',\- % - �`� ..1 r rtst:..+...i j��i.(i L` , 1 ` L �� ,•�=:ter.; T03i`l" ��,% /` f.'R�.+ `];•-fir-x�����•• \4u. r• -- - � \J�,� \° t'-.1/ tom'• � � _- , _ � � / � ) . _��`�;�;,'......`—:�`" - •_ _ it 1 a ..�ww �> --' .a ,. - �, July,!, +t _j tdtnt � � rtiW:�sar.:: '�icMAry:tL, �4+Z 1�"I . t; seckwlth Con.�ulting Group l ) �J Order of Magnitude Construction Cost Estimates The following cost spreadsheets are intended for rough comparison purposes only. These construction costs are based on general cost per square foot dollars, and are based on recent experience on similar projects. Individual sites and buildings will vary from these figures. Construction Costs have been estimated for site work, basic tenant improvements such as new carpet and paint, remodeling an existing building including replacing walls, toilets, and partitions, and new construction for buildings and parking (� structures. Soft Costs include design and construction management costs,but do not include 0 other costs such as the purchase of land, utility improvements, impact fees, and financing. Order of Magnitude costs have been provided for: 0 ♦ City Hall Campus Facilities ♦ Police Department Facilities ♦ Maintenance Facilities O ♦ Fire Department Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O Merritt+Pardini City of Kent Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilities Study O McClaren Wilson&Lawrie 07107/98 97034 City Hall Campus Cost Estimate I Alternative 1 Sitework Ped. Crossing 4000 sf @ $5.00 = $20,000 re-striping (� Canopy 2400 If @ $30.00 = $72,000 Tenant Improvements (� City Hall all 4 floors 24000 sf @ $40.00 = $960,000 Centennial all 4 floors 72800 sf @ $35.00 = $2,548,000 Remodel City Hall Remove Telephone 200 sf @ $115.00 = $23,000 Renovate Jail 2000 sf @ $115.00 = $230,000 Centennial Remove Signal Room 200 sf @ $115.00 = $23,000 New Construction none = $0 Total Construction $3,876,000 Soft Costs @ 35% $1,356,600 0 Total Alternative 1 in 1998 dollars $5,232,600 0 0 0 r� `✓ Merritt+Pardini City of Kent Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilties Study McClaren Wilson Lawrie Campus.)ds 717198 97034 �) City Hall Campus Cost Estimate (� Alternative 2 and Alternative 2.1 Sitework Ped. Crossing 300 sf @ $10.00 = $3,000 pavers Canopy 2400 If @ $30.00 = $72,000 Tenant Improvements City Hall all 4 floors 24000 sf @ $40.00 = $960,000 Centennial all 4 floors 72800 sf @ $35.00 = $2,548,000 Remodel n City Hall Remove Telephone 200 sf @ $115.00 = $23,000 (� Centennial Relocate 3 Toilet Rms 3600 sf @ $250.00 = $900,000 Remove Stairway 1800 sf @ $150.00 = $270,000 0 New Construction O Infill City Hall 3 floors 10800 sf @ $145.00 = $1,566,000 Total Construction $6,342,000 Soft Costs @ 36% $2,219,700 Total Alternative 2 in 1998 dollars $8,561,700 Alternative 2.1 is similar cost 0 0 0 L� Merritt+Pardini City of Kent Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilties Study McClaren Wilson Lawrie Campus.xls 7/7/98 97034 t r (' City Hall Campus Cost Estimate n Alternative 3 Sitework Demolish Courts NIC 0 sf @ $0.00 = $0 Site improvements 19500 If @ $5.50 = $107,250 Tenant Improvements City Hall none 0 sf @ $0.00 = $0 Centennial all 4 floors 72800 sf @ $35.00 = $2,548,000 Remodel Centennial Relocate Loading Dock 300 sf @ $115.00 = $34,500 Relocate 3 Toilet Rms 3600 sf @ $250.00 = $900,000 O Remove Stairway 1800 sf @ $150.00 = $270,000 New Construction Council Chambers Bldg 6500 sf @ $175.00 = $1,137,500 Total Construction $4,997,250 Soft Costs @ 35% $1,749,038 (� Total Alternative 3 in 1998 dollars $6,746,288 a rJ C� i� Merritt+Pardini City of Kent Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilties Study McClaren Wilson Lawrie Campus.ads 7/7/98 97034 l (� City Hall Campus Cost Estimate �1 (� Alternative 4 (� Sitework Site improvements 15000 If @ $5.50 = $82,500 Tenant Improvements City Hall 1 st floor 9500 sf @ $40.00 = $380,000 Centennial all 4 floors 72800 sf @ $35.00 = $2,548,000 Remodel City Hall Remove Telephone 200 sf @ $115.00 = $23,000 Centennial (� Relocate 3 Toilet Rms 3600 sf $250.00 = $900,000 (� Remove Stairway 1800 sf @ $150.00 = $270,000 New Construction Council Chambers Bldg 6500 sf @ $175.00 = $1,137,500 Total Construction $5,341,000 Soft Costs @ 35% $1,869,350 _ Total Alternative 4 in 1998 dollars $7,210,350 Alternative 4.1 (� Sitework Site improvements 15000 If @ $5.50 = $82,500 (� Tenant Improvements City Hall 4 floors 24000 sf @ $40.00 = $960,000 Centennial 3 floors 54600 sf @ $35.00 = $1,911,000 U Remodel City Hall Remove Telephone 200 sf @ $115.00 = $23,000 Centennial Relocate 3 Toilet Rms 3600 sf @ $250.00 = $900,000 Remove Stairway 1800 sf @ $150.00 = $270,000 New Construction (, Council Chambers Bldg 6500 sf @ $175.00 = $1,137,500 Inflll City Hall 3 floors 10800 sf @ $145.00 = $1,566,000 Total Construction $6,850,000 U Soft Costs @ 35% $2,397,500 (� Total Alternative 4.1 in 1998 dollars $9,247,500 Merritt+Pardini City of Kent U Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilties Study -� McClaren Wilson Lawrie Campus.xls 7/7/98 97034 n J City Hall Campus Cost Estimate n City Hall / Centennial Parking Office parking requirements typical: 3 stalls/1000 sf City Hall 24000 sf @ 3 per 1000 = 72 Centennial 72800 sf @ 3 per 1000 = 218 (� Visitors 15 n 305 stalls req'd Cost for additional parking for 100 cars(not including land) Surface Lot On grade stalls 100 st @ $3,000.00 = $300,000 Addition to Existing Garage(no ramps mq'd) Structured stalls 100 st @ $10,000.00 = $1,000,000 New Structured Parking Garage Structured stalls&circ. 100 st @ $14,000.00 = $1,400,000 U Q v 0 J ' Merritt+Pardini City of Kent (� Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilties Study McCiaren Wilson Lawrie Campus.xls 7/7/98 97034 I , o, y; Police Cost Estimates 0 0 r� Police Facilities Option la Sitework Campus site improvemts 40000 sf @ $5.50 = $220,000 Precinct site work 54400 sf @ $5.50 = $299,200 New Construction New Headquarters 53000 sf @ $175.00 = $9,276,000 - New Precinct Station 16000 sf @ $175.00 = $2,800,000 o New Parking Construction Structured stalls&circ. 84 st @ $10,000.00 = $840,000 o Total Construction $13,434,200 (� Soft Costs @ 35% $4,701,970 �j Total Police 1a in 1998 dollars $18,136,170 0 Police Facilities Option 1 b Sitework o Campus site improvemts 20000 sf @ $5.50 = $110,000 { Precinct Site work 54400 sf @ $5.50 = $299,200 Remodel Existing bidg imprvmts 18000 sf @ $45.00 = $810,000 Existing bidg inefficiency 900 sf @ $175.00 = $157,500 0o New Construction � Addition to Extg Hdqtrs 35000 sf @ $175.00 = $6,125,000 o New Precinct Station 16000 sf @ $175.00 = $2,800,000 0 o New Parking Construction o Structured stalls&circ. 84 st @ $10,000.00 = $840,000 Total Construction $11,141,700 Soft Costs @ 36% $3,899,595 Total Police I in 1998 dollars $15,041,295 0 Police Facilities Option 2 Sitework (� Site work 233750 sf @ $5.50 = $1,285,625 with on grade parking New Construction New Headquarter Station 69000 sf @ $175.00 = $12,075,000 o Total Construction $13,360,625 Soft Costs @ 35% $4,676,219 U Total Police 2 in 1998 dollars $18,036,844 U Merritt+Pardinl City of Kent Beckwith Consulting Group Municipal Facilties Study McClaren Wilson Lawrie Campus.xls 7/7/98 97034 Maintenance Facilities Cost Estimates i1 Alternative A! Now facility centralized + 3 material stockpiles Development cost awr4als-130,000 population service level main yard unit quantity unit cost gnty cost 1 site preparation sq feet 1.097.712 $0.25 $274,426 Now construction 2 Ofts buildings &q feet 44,446 $100.00 $4.444,600 3 enclosed-heated sq fast 58,405 S76.00 $4.386,375 4 enclosed-not heated aq feet 23,363 $60-00 $1,401,780 5 covered-not enclosed 8q feet P,940 "S.00 $2,60Y.300 6 vehicle wash rack aq feet 960 US-00 S43= 7 vehicle loading dock aq feet 1,200 $6.00 S9.6D0 6 above ground fuel tanks each 9 875,000.00 $676,000 9 rockfsand sitoraVe containmentareas-open aq feet 64.620 $&75 $40,965 10 internat access roadelaprons-asphaft eq feet 602,301 $3.00 $1.806,903 11 perimeter chain link fencinglascurlty gateslllghts each 1 875,000.00 575,000 n 12 hedgerow windbreaksllanOwApe buffers each 1 $50,000.00 $50,000 Subtotal construction $15,816,151 (� Soft casts 13 design teesl%alea todOermltalcontingencISS 35% S5,636,303 l Total In 1998 dollars $21,350,454 J satellite sties unit quantity unit cost clnty cost Sitsrrork 1 site preparation aq feet 46,DD0 W25 311,250 New construction 2 ro&jaand storage containment areas-open sq teat 27,220 M73 $20.413 - 3 internal accm roada/aprons-asphalt $a fog 22.20D S8.00 8016W 4 perimeter chain link fencinglascurlty gates/lights each 1 SS0.0D0:00 950,000 /� 5 hedgerow windbreaksdlandscaps buffers each 1 S25.00D.00 $25.000 L J Subtotal lion $173,2W Soft cam 6 design Issa sales tax"Mitehmntingencias 35% 86D.643 l� Total in 1996 doliare 8239,908 O ><3 sRes $7D1.723 Alternative B-. Russell Road Shop plus new base on East HiN D"opment cost animate-130.0D0 population service level Russell Rol!sd Shop-50%of now cost fw remodalln unit quantity unit coat gnty cost aiteiroric 1 site preparation sq teat 386,708 80.13 $42A71 New constluction 2 olflce buildings sq foal 14,311 85D.00 6715,550 U 3 enclosed-heated aq feet 10,290 $37.SD 5386.876 4 enci0®ed-not heated aq feet 12,200 630.00 $366.000 5 covered-not enclosed aq feet 26,120 $22.50 $697.700 6 vehicle wash rack sq feat 0 $22.50 $0 7 vehicle loading dock aq feet 40D 34,.00 $1,920 6 above ground fuel tanks each 3 SWAMOO $112.l300 9 rockisand storage containment aman-open aq feet 5.720 SM38 M145 4J 10 Internsi access roadwWwon6-aaphWt aq feet 239.690 b'f.50 $68A59 / l 11 perimeter chain link rencingl Mlity gatealllghta each 1 W,600.00 $37.500 fV� 12 hedgerow wirxibrealo llandscape buffers each 1 $28.0=00 $35.000 U �.j 1 n' Maintenance Facilities Cost Estimates Subtotalonatruation $2,636.120 SM cam (� 19 design feSSlsafeS lWpermitslcontingencles 3;,9b $92P-642 ^ Total In 199E dollars $3.558.761 E ill unit quantity unit cote! gnty cost S 1 site preparation sq feet 757,944 $0.25 $199.466 Ne w conswuction 2 office buildings sq feet 30,135 $100.00 $3,013,500 3 enclosed-heated sq feet 48,873 $75-00 $3.642.975 4 enclpged-not heated sq feet 12,155 M.00 5729.300 5 covered-not enclosed aq feet 30,300 $4S.00 $1,372,500 s vehicle wash rack sq Not 960 $45.00 $43.200 (� 7 vehicle loading dock sq feet 4w $8.00 $3.640 9 above ground fuel tanks each 6 $75.000.00 5.460.000 9 rock/sandstorage containment areas-open sq fm 48.600 $0.75 $36,450 n 10 Internal access roadslaprons-asphalt sq feet 511,570 $3,00 $1.534,710 11 perimeter chain link fenctnglSecurity gateallights each 1 M,000.00 875.Ot1D 12 hedgerow wlndbreaksllandacape buffers each 1 $50,000.00 850.0w subtotal constniction $11.140.981 soft coft 13 design fesalsales taWperniitalcontingencles 35% $3,899,336 Total In IBM drf0ars $15.040.297' Alternative Q Muftiple sites Development cost estimate-130,000 population service I" Russell Road Shop-SD%of new cost for rumWelin unit quantity unit CON gntl+cost - Sitswork 1 site preparadon eq feet 339.768 SM13 $42.471 New construallon r 1 2 ounce buildings aq feet 14,311 moo 5715.550 3 enclosed-hgatW aq feet 10.290 $37.50 S385.875 O 4 enclosed,-not heated sq 1" 12.200 530.00 t1M.000 5 covered-not enclosed sq feet 26.120 $22.50 SS071M U 6 vehicle wash rack Sq feet 0 $M60 $0 (� 7 vehicle loading dock Sq feel 480 54.00 $1,920 �J 8 above ground fuel tanks each 8 $37.5MOD $11215i10 9 rocklsand storage toritainment arms-open sq lee! 3,720 $0 38 $2,145 10 Internal access rcadslaprons-asphalt Sq loot 239,18S 81.50 059.459 (� 11 perimeter chain link ferreinghwurity gates7llghts each 1 $37,500.00 $37,500 12 hedgwowwindbrealtlsJiandscepe buffers each 1 >SES.000LOO S2 AOD Subtotal consVoction $2.636,120 Solt caeca 13 design feeslkalels texlper+nits/Contingencils 35% $922,642 Total In 108 dollars $3,556,761 East Hill unit quanlur unit rest gnty cost �tework 1 site preparation Sq test 878= $0.25 SK743 New oonstructiion f � 2 office buildings aq feet 15.068 $100-00 $1.506.750 `L J 8 encRoW-heated sd lest 24.2117 $7S.00 $1,921.488 V Maintenance Facilities Cost Estimates 4 enclosed-not heated sq feat 6.0711 $60.00 $314,660 5 covered-not enclosed sq feet 15.250 $45.00 SON.250 (> 6 vehicle wash rack sq feet Sao $45.00 $"law 7 vehicle loading dock sq feet 460 S8.00 $$.No 8 above ground NO tanks each 3 i75AD.00 $995.000 9 rock/sand storage containrneni areas-open eq feet 24.3W $0.76 $18,225 10 Internal access roads/aprons-asphalt sq lest 255.785 MOD $767.355 11 perimeter chain link fencng/securtty gates/lights each 1 975.000.00 875.0W 12 hedgerow vAndbreaks/landscape buffets each 1 $50,000.00 850.000 Subtotal construction $5,60,501 soft cons 13 design tess/aales t ermhskondngencles g5% $1,979.775 Total in 1998 dollars $7.636.276 West Will unit quantity unit coat gnty cost �� 3ltewtxlc 1 site preperation aq feet 376.972 $0.95 $94.743 New coror action 2 office buildings aq feet 15,068 $100.00 $1,6K760 3 enclosed-heated aq feet 24,287 875.W $1,821,498 4 enclosed-not heated 44 feet 6,075 MOO S$64.650 5 covered-not enclosO sq feat 15.250 848.00 8M.3'SD �J 6 vehicle wash tack sq fen 9W 845.00 $43.200 J 7 Vehicle to Iing[lock aq feet 480 WOO $3,840 8 above ground fuel tanks each 3 $75.000.00 $225.000 O 9 rocklsand storage containment areas-open sta feet 24.300 $0.75 $18.226 10 Internal access roads/avons-asphalt aq feat 255.766 1&OD 8767.358 11 perimeter chain Nnk fencinWitecurity gates/lights each 1 $75,000.00 M.000 _ 12 hedgerow windbraWands cape butters each 1 $50AMOO 550,000 Subtotal construMon 8506.501 soft carx 19 design few/sales taidpermftskontfncerncles gags $1,979,776 0 TOW in 189E ddlans S7.6W.276 Alternative D: Spilt Parks and Public Works onto 2 sites D"atirfAent cost estimate-130.000 population service level Flussell Road SW-50%of new cost for Waodelin unit quantity unit cost qma►cost Site�erorlc !J 1 Bite preparation sq feet $41.736 $0.13 $42,717 % Newr constructbn �J 2 office buildings sq feet 14.311 $50.00 9715,550 3 enclosed-heated sq test 10.920 037.50 $409.S00 4 enclosed-not heated sq feat 12,200 $30.00 $3B6,OW 5 covered-not enclosed sq feat 25,120 $22.50 087,700 6 vehicle wash ra" aq fen 960 $28.b0 $21,6W 7 vehicle loading back aq feet 480 $4.00 91.920 r 8 above ground 1ue1 tanks each 3 $37,500.00 4112.500 L-/ 9 rooWsand storage containment arose-open 84 feat 5,720 $0.38 $2.145 0 10 Internal ac=w roads►aprons-asphalt 84 feet 239.6'd9 $1.50 • 059.459 11 perimeter chain link fenCing/eecurity gatesllights each 1 837AW.00 S37,15W 12 hedgerow whMrgalW9ndacape butters each 1 $25,000 00 825.OW Subtotal construcklon 152.681.691 (� soft costa �J o Maintenance Facilities Cost Estimates 0 13 aemlpn foeS/wiea taxlperrnftslcontingeneles 35% S93f3,557 Total in IMdollwa Sg,SW,47 East Miff unit quantity untt oast gntycost 1 site preparation all feet 760,110 $0.25 5190.030 o New caution 2 of e,building aq feet 30,135 $100.00 S9.013.500 3 enclosed-heated SQ feat 48.993 $75.00 $3.674,475 0 4 wkwad-not heated Sq feet 12,1SS W&W s729.300 5 covered-not enclosed gq feet 30.500 $45.00 S1,972,500 0 6 vehicle wash rack aq feet 9ff0 W.00 S43=0 7 vehicle loading dock Sq tout 480 S8.00 $8,040 8 above(;round fuel tanks each 6 $75.000.OD S430,000 (1 9 rock/aand storm containment areas-open all feet 39.000 *M73 S29.700 10 intemal access r0adWorons-asphalt aq feet 51 t.570 S3-OO $1.534.710 0 11 perimeter chain link fenangfeecurfty®atezllights each 1 576,000.00 $73.000 f� 12 hsdgerow w r=reakslfandscape buffers each 1 di50.000.Q0 560.000 8ubtatal contltruedon $11,186,955 Solt cows 13 daftn fsalsal"todpermlWcontingencies 35116 $3.908,189 Total in 1M dollars $15.074.444 30ur+ca:Beckwith Consulting Group 0 0 o _ 0 0 0 o o co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 l ) Fire Department Cost Estimates City of Kent Fire Department Facilities Descri tion of work. Budget Station 71 Relocate pump Pit $ 155,000.00 (� Interior remodel n New enclosed bldg.-- Station 72 Acquire Property $ 105,000.00 Addition $ 326,000.00 (� Remodel $ 212,000.00 Station 73 Addition/New parking $ 325,000.00 Remodel/Aid Car $ 100,000.00 Station 74 Acquire Property $ 1,800,000.00 New Bldg $ 1,900,000.00 Remodel $ 1,600,000.00 Parking $ 500,000.00 Station 75 No scheduled work Station 76 1 Remodel existing $ 250,000.00 J Vehicle Maintenance , New bay/pump $ 150,000.00 New hoist $ 95,000.00 New steam $ 378,000.00 �J Newsprinklers $ 74,000.00 Paint Booth N.I.C. O Station 77 Demo/Rebuild $ 1,700,000.00 Station 78 0 Property $ 1,650,000.00 New building $ 2,250,000.00 Other FP Remodel $ 250,000.00 New exhausts s. $ 300,000.00 Paint $ 185,000.00 Seal $ 75,000.00 U Carpet $ 80,000.00 �) Signals $ 275 000.00 Totals I $ 14,735,000.00 Merritt+Pardini Architects City of Kent Beckwdh Consulting Group Municipal Facilities Study 97034 l McClaren Wilson Lawrie FecilityBudget2.xls,7/7/98,9:26 AM