HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK07-177 - Change Order - #2 - Mike Werlech Construction - Russell Rd Maintence Facility Roof & Wall Improvements - 05/06/2008 Records Mama- Bement KENT Document WA9HIXGTOM E This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: ('094i � Contract Number: r 177 This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: Project Name: Contract Effective Date: -7 l Q o `CJ� Contract Termination Date: �f Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renews or amendment Contract Manager. (,� — Department: Abstract: ADCL7932 07/02 r KENT WhS HINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Mike Werlech Const ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER- Russell Road Maintenance Facility Roof& Wall Improvements ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: June 27, 2007 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Replace 364 2x6 roof joists on Building B @ $300 each= $109,200 Replace 5 31/8" x 191/2" Glu-Lam beams @ $3,000= $ 15,000 Roof and Wall Framing repairs to Building B due to dry rot including- South wall studs and plates, posts, beams and soffit. $97,575 Foundation repairs at the South wall of Building B $9,829 Rebuild the wall between Buildings A and B $2,776 Replace 76%joist hangars $4,814 Credit for reduce Labor <$9,814> Extension of time to complete these items 90 Days 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $429,066.00 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $28,602.59 (incl applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $457,668.59 (incl Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $229,380.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $ 20,414.82 Revised Contract Sum $7079463.41 CHANGE ORDER- 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion October 8, 2007 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under February 5, 2008 prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (±) for this Change Order 90 calendar days Revised Time for Completion May 5, 2008 (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement,which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By: By: (signature) (rgnature) s Print Na e Print am . Its f-- Its l — (Title) S to or1� DATE: Li� )— 0 DATE: CHANGE ORDER-2 OF 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if change order requires mayor's signature) (I _ Ke t L artment [werlechshopswal Irookhan ge I CHANGE ORDER-3 OF 3 02/07/2008 09:59 2069300227 MIKE WERLECH CONSTRu PAGE 02 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON ` MT Contract Change Proposal PROJECT, Russell Road Maintenance Facility DATE: February 6, 200a Roof&Wall Improvements CHANGE PROPOSAL NO 6 Revised O• Contractor In connection with your Contract with the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as following, Unit price work per contract price for replacing the following at Building B 13- (364) 2X6 Root Joists @$300 ea. (5) 3 118" X 19'Yz"Glu-Lam beams @$3000 ea. TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE: WAGNER ARCHITECTS BY: Greg Somers DATE:216108 O. Owner's Project Representative e propose to perform all changes described in the above request for a total ADDITION DEDUCTION to the Contract sum of; --i $124,200(One Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Two Hundred dollars) (Washington State Sales Tax not included) 0 e have attached hereto Cost Estimate Detail Sheets Nos 0 The foregoing amount covers all direct and indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on he remainder of the project All other provisions remain in full force and effect e request the completion date tie extended XX calendar days because of th rk. Mike Weriech Construction, Inc, BY, DATE _�-� CONTRACTOR TO: CITY OF KENT Z We have carefully examined the foregoing proposal and find it to be in order and the cost reasonable. We O therefore recommend its acceptance. 4 o , Z UJ 0 DATE: Z- — O w TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE IVE The foregoing proposal is accepted and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This instrument when signed below, constitutes authority to proceed with the above work A formal change Order in this amount wrillfollow Billings cannot be honored for this change until issuance of the formal Change Order O N AUTHORIZED BY 0 x - Date Q 02/07/2008 07:51 2069380227 mii<E WERLECH CONSTRU PAGE 02 CITY OF KENT, WA.SHINGTON T Contract Change Proposal T PROJECT: Russell Road Maintenance Facility DATE' February 6, 2008 Roof&Wall Improvements CHANGE PROPOSAL NO. 7 O: Contractor In connection vnth your Contract with the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as following. Roof and Wall framing repairs to Building B due to rot repair including. LL South wall studs&plates, Posts, Beams,and Soffit TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE, WAGNER ARCHITECT BY: Greg Somers DATE: 2l6/08 O. Owner's Project Representative e propose to perform all changes described in the above request for a total ADDITION DEDUCTION to the Contract sum of —r $97,575(Ninety Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Five dollars) U) (Washington State Sales Tax not included) O e have attached hereto Cost Eshmate Detail Sheets Nos. 860-005, 006, 008. 009, 011. 025, 026 0 rY he foregoing amount covers all direct and indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on a- the remainder of the project. All other provisions remain in full force and effect, e request the completion date he extended XX calendar days because of t is ork Mike Werlech Construction, Inc, BY. DATE _C. 0 CONTRACTOR TO: CITY OF KENT ^ Z We have carefully examined the foregoing proposal and find It to be in order and the cost reasonable We 0 therefore recommend its acceptance 4 a a w Z f w &a& 50Nt�5 BY DATE• Z-7--09 TECHNICAL REPRES TAl IVE The foregoing proposal is accepted and authorizes the performance of the changes specified. This instrument when signed below,constitutes authority to proceed with the above work A formal charge Order in this amount a ill follow Billings cannot be honored for this change until issuance of the formal Change Order, O N AUTHORIZED BY O x r— "gate- 4 02/07/2008 07:51 2069380227 MIKE WERLECH CONSTRU PAGE 04 CITY OF KENT, WA ';HJNGTON `` ANT Contract Change Proposal PROJECT: Russell Road Maintenance Facility DATE. February 6,2008 Roof&Wall Improvements CHANGE PROPOSAL NO 8 O:Contractor In connection with your Contract with the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as following: Foundation repairs at the South wall of Building B_ u_ ryl W TECHNICAL REPRESENTAI�IVE• WAGNER ARCHITECTS BY: Greq Somers DATE 216l08 0 Owner's Project Representafive ,We propose to perform at[changes described in the above request for a total ADDITION DEDUCTION to the (Contract sum of —i $9,829(Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Nine dollars) (Washington State Sales Tax not included) O a e have attached hereto Cost Estimate Detail Sheets Nos. 860-010 XThe foregoing amount covers all direct and indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on r L the remainder of the protect. All other provisions remain in full force and effect e request the completion date be extended XX calendar days because of t i ork. Mike Werlech Construction, Inc. BY: DATE. CONTRACTOR TO: CITY OF KENT Z We have carefully examined the foregoing proposal and find it to be in order and the cost reasonable. We O therefore recommend its accepta ice Q G Z U.1 U DATE: tcc o TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing proposal is accepted and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This instrument when signed below, constitutes authority to proceed with the above work. A formal change Order in this amount Z ill follow. Billings cannot be honored for this change until issuance of the formal Change Order. O N UTHORfZED BY. O x 02/07/200B 07:51 2069300227 MIKE WERLECH CONSTRU PAGE 06 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON . ......... Contract Change Proposal PROJECT: Russell Road Maintenance Faality DATE: February 6,2003 Roof&Wall Improvements CHANGE PROPOSAL NO: 9 TO Contractor In connection with your Contract wth the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as fallowing Rebuild the wall between Buddings A&B u_ TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE: WAGNER ARCHITECTS BY Greg Somers DATE, 216108 O: Owner's Project Representative e propose to perform all changeLs described In the above request for a total ADDITION/DEDUCTION to the Contract sum of $2,776(Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy SIx dollars) rQi) (Washington State Sales Tax not Included) a e have attached hereto Cost Estimate Detail Sheets Nos 880-012, 014. WThe foregoing amount covers all direct and indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on CL the remainder of the project. All other provisions remain In full farce and effect e request the completion date tr:extended XX calendar days because of t is ork Mike Werlech Construction, Inc. BY DATE CONTRACTOR TO, CITY OF KENT Z We have carefully examined the foregoing proposal and find it to be in order and the cost reasonable. We O therefore recommend its acceptance H a w G Gi2E&, 5()ME-VZS BY DATE: z�?'OS U o: TECH ICAL REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing proposal is accepted and authorizes the performance of the changes specified, This instrument when signed below,constitutes authority to proceed with the above work. A formal change Order in this amount Z ill follow Billings cannot be honored for this change until issuance of the formal Change Order. O NAUTHORIZED BY O Date d i 7 03/05/2008 12:49 2069380227 MIKE WERLECH CONSTRU PAGE 06 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON taT Contract Change Proposal PROJECT Russell Road Maintenance Facllity DATE March 4, 2008 Roof&Wall Improvements CHANGE PROPOSAL NO: 10 TO Contractor in connection with your Contract with the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as following Replace the roof joist hangers at Building B. LL Lu IM TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE WAG ER ARCHITECTS BY'Gre Somers DATE 314109 O: Owners Project Representative e propose to PPerform all changes described in the above request for a total ADDITION/DEDUCTION to the Contract sum oF• —� $4,314(Four Thousand Eight Hundred Fourteen dollars) < (Washington State Sales Tax not Included) O d We have attached hereto Cost Estimate Detail Sheets Nos. � The foregoing amount covers all direct and Indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on �- he remainder of the project. All ether provisions remain in full force and effect e request the completion date he extended XX calendar days because thI ork. Mike Werlech Construction, Inc, BY DATE:-3 IZ'.d CONTRACTOR TO CITY OF KENT z We have carefully examined the,foregoing proposal and find It to be in order and the cost reasonable We O therefore recommend Its acceptance. Q 0 Z w © W PcG tJt S BY DATE: ,j O,P TECHNICAL R PRESENTA I"IVE / The foregoing proposal is accepted and authonzes the performance of the changes specified This instrument when signed below, constitutes authority to proceed with the above work. A formal change Order In this amount Z will follow. Billings cannot be honored for this change until Issuance of the formal Change Order. O N AUTHORIZED BY: S Date a 03/05/2008 12:49 2069380227 MIKE WERLECH CONSTRU PAGE 04 CITY OF KENT, WA,SHINGTON �`'�......NT Contract Change Proposal PROJECT Russell Road Maintenance Facility DATE. March 4, 2008 Roof&Wall Improvr-.ments CHANGE PROPOSAL NO: 11 TO: Contractor In connection with your Contract with the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as following, At Building B; Savings for replacing all roof joists as opposed to selectively replacing them. u. W TECH NICAL REPRESENTATIVE WAGNER ARCHITECTS BY. Gre Somers DATE 314/0B 0, Owner's Project Representative e propose to perform all changes described in the above request for a total ADDITION/DEDUCTION to the Contract sum of -$9,814 (Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fourteen dollars) CQlJ (Washington State Sales Tax not included) d We have attached hereto Cost Estimate Detail Sheets Nos. 0 W The foregoing amount covers all direct and indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on a the remainder of the project. All :ether provisions remain in full force and effect, e request the completion date be extended XX calendar days becaus f t is ork. Mike Werlech Construction, Inc BY DATE CONTRACTOR TC- CITY OF KENT Z We have carefully examined the foregoing proposal and find it to be in order and the cost reasonable. We 0 therefore recommend Its acceptance O Z UJ O U W�6rJ�YL S B DATE, 3�S OtF w TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing proposal is accept,M and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This instrument when signed below, constitutes authority to proceed with the above work. A formal change Order in this amount a ill follow. Billings cannot be honored for this change until issuance of the formal Change Order. 0 N AUTHORIZED BY O r � Date 03/05/2008 12:49 2069390227 MIKE WEP.LECH CONSTRU PAGE 02 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KENT Contract Change Proposal PROJECT Russell Road Maintenance Facility DATE: March 4, 2008 Roof&Wall Improvements CHANGE PROPOSAL NO: 12 O- Contractor In connection with your Contract with the City of Kent please furnish your proposal for performing the changes outlined as following: Due to the discovery of extensive areas of not, addfi9 calendar days to the contract time, u- he total contract time is revised to,,n calender days. There will be n dded costs due to the change in contract time 300 ems. `10 6 S, TECHNICAL E ESENTATIVE: WAGNER ARCHITECTS BY, Greg Somers 5ATE 314/0 F Owner's Project Representative propose to perform all changes described in the above request for a total ADDITION/DEDUCTION to the ntract sum of: .I $ O (Washington State Sales Tax not included) Q, We have attached hereto Cost Estimate Detail Sheets Nos. a Cr he foregoing amount covers all direct and indirect costs related to this change and to the effect of the change on a the remainder of the project. All other provisions remain in full force and effect. e request the completion date be extended calendar days because tht ark Mike Werlech Construction, Inc. (aS. l3Y; DATE.'3- K- CONTRACTOR TO. CITY OF KENT Z We have carefully examined the foregoing proposal and find it to be in order and the cost reasonable. We o therefore recommend its acceptance, a z w VNZ%'f L I`fGT B DATE: 08 TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE he foregoing proposal Is accepted and authorizes the performance of the changes specified. This instrument when signed below, constitutes authority to proceed with the above work A formal change Order in this amount Z III follow. Billings cannot be honored for this change until issuance of the formal Change Order O N AUTHORIZED BY- E 0 x F- Dale 4^ REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KEN T Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes WASMINGTGN Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Originator: . �C?�t� �1 c Phone (Originator) Date Sent �° �� Date Required: ; ,7 Return Signed Document to ,fit t,-a �J z._ CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: VENDOR NAME: DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: /l 7 ` Brief Explanation of Document:{ All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept.: APR 2 8 Z008 II Law Dept. Comments: Date Forwarded to Mayor � 4, {j(� Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Received: Recommendations & Comments: Disposition: Date Returned: Iage5870 3/05