HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK07-320 - Original - Communities in Schools of Kent - Kent Commons Facility - 11/01/2007 LEASE AGREEMENT KENT WAS H IN G T O N Between THE CITY OF KENT and COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF KENT for 107.8 square feet of office space in the: Kent Commons Facility 525 4th Avenue North Kent, Washington 98032-4497 THIS LEASE is entered into the date fully executed by and between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "Owner", and COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF KENT, a Washington non-profit corporation, PO Box 62, Kent, WA 98035, hereinafter called the "Tenant". 1. PREMISES The Owner hereby lets and leases to the Tenant those certain premises situated at 525 4th Avenue North in the City of Kent, Washington that are described as 107.8 square feet of office space in the Kent Commons facility, hereinafter the "Commons", for use by the Tenant. The area so leased is hereinafter called "the premises" and is depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. USE The premises shall be used for office use and for no other purpose without the written consent of Owner. No use shall be made of premises, nor act done in or about premises, which is illegal, unlawful, or which will increase the existing rate of insurance upon the premises or Commons. Tenant shall not commit or allow to be committed upon premises, any waste or any public or private nuisance or other act or thing which disturbs the quiet enjoyment of any other occupant in the Commons, nor shall Tenant, without the written consent of Owner, use any apparatus, machinery or device in or about premises which shall cause any substantial noise or vibration. If any of Tenant's office machines should disturb the quiet enjoyment of any other occupant in the building, then Tenant shall provide adequate insulation, or take such action as may be necessary by the Owner to eliminate the disturbance. Tenant shall observe such reasonable rules and regulations as may be adopted and published by Owner for the safety, care and cleanliness of premises or the Commons and the preservation of good order therein. Tenant will comply, at Tenant's own cost and expense, with all reasonable orders, notices, regulations or requirements of any municipality, state or other governmental authority respecting the use of the premises. 3. TERM The term of this lease shall commence on the 1st day of November, 2007, and may continue thereafter subject to the month-to-month tenancy provision in Paragraph 23 for a period of six (6) months, or until Owner adopts a policy concerning use of City facilities by 501(c)(3) non-profit corporations. 4. RENT Tenant is a Washington non-profit corporation that provides outreach and mentoring services to at-risk children in the Kent community. Kent has qualified Tenant as a human KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 1 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) service agency that has received program funding in 2007, and is proposed for additional funds in 2008. For all these reasons, Owner will lease the premises to Tenant, at a charge of $1 per month, conditioned on Tenant's fulfillment of the remaining provisions provided for in this Lease and on Tenant continuing to provide such outreach and mentoring services to at-risk children in the Kent community. 5. TAXES Tenant shall pay any tax that this Agreement, or the interest created thereby, may be subject to at any time during the term of the Lease or renewal thereof. 6. RE-DELIVERY Tenant, at the expiration of the term hereof or any extension thereof or upon any sooner termination thereof, will, without notice, quit and deliver up said premises to the Owner peaceably, quietly, and in as good order and condition as the same now are or may hereafter be placed by Owner, reasonable use and wear thereof excepted. 7. DAMAGES Owner agrees to keep and maintain the roof in good order and repair and make necessary structural repairs to the building not occasioned by Tenant's negligence during the continuance of this lease, upon receipt in writing from Tenant when such repairs are necessary. All other repairs for damages shall be made by Tenant at its sole cost and expense at all times while this lease is in effect. S. REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS All normal repairs necessary to maintain premises in a tenantable condition shall be done by or under the direction of Owner, and at Owner's expense, except those caused by negligence or acts of Tenant, his agents or invitees, which repairs shall be made at the sole cost of Tenant. Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements in said premises, without the consent of Owner in writing first, which will not be unreasonably withheld, and all alterations, additions and improvements which shall be made, shall be at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, and shall become the property of the Owner except for improvements that Owner, at Owner's option, agrees that they are the property of Tenant or elects to request Tenant to remove, and shall remain in and be surrendered with the premises as a part thereof at the termination of this lease, without disturbance, molestation or injury. If the Tenant shall perform work with the consent of the Owner, as previously mentioned, Tenant agrees to comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations of the appropriate City or County, and any other authorized public authority. The Tenant further agrees to save the Owner free and harmless from damage, loss or expense arising out of the said work. Tenant agrees that Owner has the right to make alterations to the building in which the premises are situated. Tenant will be entitled to a fair abatement of rent if such alterations materially interfere with Tenants use of the premises. 9. UTILITIES As long as Tenant is not in default in any of the provisions of this lease, Owner shall furnish a reasonable amount of electricity (i.e. normal lighting and low power usage office equipment), heat, water, and full janitorial service except no janitorial service on weekends KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 2 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) and City holidays. Owner shall not be liable (including consequential damages) nor shall rental be abated for interruption of said service caused by accident or necessity for repairs or improvements, or for any other reason beyond Owner's control. In the event of a recognized energy crisis affecting the electrical power available for the premises, Owner and Tenant shall adjust the hours of use of the premises to meet such crisis. If in Owner's reasonable opinion, Tenant uses more than a reasonable amount of electricity and/or water, Tenant shall, upon notification by Owner, pay for such excess at such times as the same becomes due and payable to the public utility furnishing the same. 10. INSURANCE The Tenant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Lease, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance hereunder by the Tenant, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The Tenant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and 2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Tenant. The Owner shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work Owner performed by or on behalf of the Tenant and a copy of the endorsement naming the Owner as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The Tenant's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. The Tenant's insurance shall be primary insurance as respect the Owner and the Owner shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. If Tenant is a self-insured governmental entity, an insurance policy need not be obtained, however, tenant shall provide, upon request, satisfactory documentation evidencing self-insurance coverage for the amounts set forth herein. 11. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The Tenant shall defend, indemnify and hold the Owner, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Lease, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the Owner. KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 3 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Lease is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Tenant and the Owner, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Tenant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Tenant's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Tenant's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease. 12. LIENS AND INSOLVENCY Tenant shall keep the leased premises, Commons, and property in which the leased premises are situated, free from any liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished or obligations incurred by Tenant. In the event Tenant becomes insolvent, voluntarily or involuntarily bankrupt, or if a receiver, assignee or other liquidating officer is appointed for the business of the Tenant, then the Owner may cancel this lease at Owner's option. 13. ASSIGNMENT Tenant shall not assign this lease or any part thereof and shall not let or sublet the whole or any portion of the premises without the written consent of Owner, or Owner's agent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld by Owner. This lease shall not be assignable by operation of law. If Tenant is a corporation, then any transfer of this lease from Tenant by merger, consolidation, or liquidation and any change in the ownership of, or power to vote, the majority of its outstanding voting stock shall constitute an assignment for the purposes of this paragraph; provided however, this paragraph shall not apply if in any consolidation or merger the present major stockholder of the Tenant retains substantially similar stock ownership in such merged or consolidated corporation. Any assignment of this lease shall not extinguish nor diminish the liability of the Tenant herein. In the event of any assignment or subletting so consented to, Tenant shall pay lump sum charge of $750.00 for each such assignment or subletting to the Owner for its services in connection with such assignment or subletting. If consent is once given by the Owner to the assignment of this lease, or any interest therein, Owner shall not be barred from afterwards refusing to consent to any further assignment. 14. ACCESS Tenant will allow Owner or Owner's agent free access at all reasonable times to said premises for the purposes of inspection, cleaning or making repairs, additions or alterations only those additions or alterations otherwise authorized or required by the terms of this lease to the premises or any property owned by or under the control of Owner, but this right shall not be construed as an agreement on the part of the Owner to make repairs, additions, or alterations. The Owner shall have the right to place and maintain 'For Rent' signs in a conspicuous place on said premises and to show premises to prospective tenants for 150 days prior to the expiration of this lease. 15. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION In the event the premises or the building is damaged to such extent as to render the premises untenantable in whole or in a substantial part thereof, or is destroyed, the Tenant shall give Owner or Owner's agent immediate written notice thereof, and, it shall be optional KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 4 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) with the Owner to repair or rebuild the same; Owner shall have not more than 60 days after date of such notification to notify the Tenant in writing of Owner's intentions to repair or rebuild said premises, or the part so damaged as aforesaid, and if Owner elects to repair or rebuild said premises, Owner shall prosecute the work of such repairing or rebuilding without unnecessary delay, and during such period, if the damage is not the fault of the Tenant, its employees, agents or invitees, the rent of said premises shall be abated (starting when the premises or a substantial part thereof first becomes untenantable), in the same ratio that the portion of the premises rendered for the time being unfit for occupancy shall bear to the whole of the leased premises. If the Owner shall fail to give the notice aforesaid Tenant shall have the right to declare this lease terminated effective when the premises or a substantial part thereof first became untenantable by written notice served upon the Owner or Owner's agent. In the event the building in which the premises hereby leased are located shall be damaged (even though the premises hereby leased shall not be damaged thereby or rendered untenantable) to such an extent that in the opinion of Owner it shall not be practicable to repair or rebuild, or is destroyed, then it shall be optional with Owner to terminate this lease by written notice served on Tenant within 30 days after such damage. 16. NOTICES All notices to be given by the parties hereto shall be in writing and may either be served personally or may be deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, by either registered mail or by regular mail with certificate of mailing obtained; and if to be given Owner, to be addressed to the Owner, or Owner's agent, or, if to be given Tenant, may be addressed to Tenant at the leased premises. 17. SIGNS No sign, picture, advertisement or notice shall be displayed, inscribed, painted or affixed to any of the glass, woodwork or walls of the premises, except those approved by the Owner in writing. Owner will not unreasonably withhold such approval. Any signs proposed for use by Tenant shall be painted by a sign painter designated or approved by the Owner. All signs so placed shall be removed at Tenant's expense prior to termination of tenancy and premises restored to original condition. No signs or devise shall be hung or placed against the windows of said premises nor be visible from the exterior of the Commons; and no furniture, curtain or other obstruction of any kind or size shall be placed against or in front of any glass partition dividing said premises from the corridors of said building, or placed in any way so as to interfere with the typical and ordinary appearance of the premises as viewed from the corridor and the exterior. 18. DEFAULT AND RE-ENTRY If Tenant shall violate, default or not comply with any of the material covenants, agreements or provisions of this lease agreement, then the Owner may cancel this lease upon giving the notice required by law, and re-enter said premises, using such force as may be required. Notwithstanding such re-entry by the Owner, the liability of the Tenant for the rent provided for herein shall not be extinguished for the balance of the term of this lease, and Tenant covenants and agrees to make good to the Owner any deficiency each month as the amount thereof is ascertained by the Owner. In the event it becomes reasonably necessary to make any changes, alterations or additions to the premises or any part thereof for the purpose of reletting said premises or any part thereof Tenant shall also be responsible for such cost. KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT — Page 5 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) The failure of the Owner to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements of this lease, or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such, or any other covenant or agreements, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. 19. COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES If by reason of any default on the part of Tenant it becomes necessary for the Owner to use an attorney or in case Owner shall bring suit to recover any rent due hereunder, or for breach of any provision of this lease or to recover possession of the leased premises, or if Tenant shall bring any action for any relief against Owner, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this lease, the prevailing party shall have and recover against the other party in addition to the cost allowed by law, such sum as the court may adjudge to be reasonable attorney's fees. In the event the Tenant defaults in the payment of rental, the Tenant agrees to pay for the reasonable cost of any attorney employed by Owner to collect the rental due and/or enforce any or all of the provisions of this agreement. 20. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY In the event of any entry in, or taking possession of, the leased premises as aforesaid, the Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove from the leased premises all personal property located therein. Owner may store the same in any place selected by Owner, including but not limited to a public warehouse, at the expense and risk of the owners of the personal property, with the right to sell such stored property, with five (5) days notice to Tenant after it has been stored for a period of thirty (30) days or more. Proceeds of such sale shall be applied first to the cost of such sale, second to the payment of the charges for storage, if any, and third to the payment of any other sums of money which may then be due from Tenant to Owner under any of the terms hereof. The balance, if any, shall be paid to Tenant. 21. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS Subject to the provision hereof pertaining to assignment and subletting, the covenants and agreements of this lease shall be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of any or all of the parties hereto. 22. CONDITIONS OF OCCUPANCY Tenant agrees to abide and be bound by the following rules and policies of Owner, which shall be considered as covenants of this lease: Common Areas The following areas adjacent to or located in or on the premises, shall constitute common areas available for Tenant's non-exclusive use including without limitation: walkways, hallways, stairways, driveways, lavatories, janitorial rooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, landscaped areas and grounds, parking areas (see paragraph 24 for additional information), and all other areas used in common by the tenants of the Kent Commons facility, Owner, and invitees and employees of the Tenant. All common areas shall be subject to Owner's management and control and shall be operated and maintained in such a manner as Owner, in its reasonable discretion, shall determine. Owner may, from time to time in Owner's reasonable discretion, alter, modify or change the dimensions and KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 6 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) location of the common areas, or designate portions of the common areas for the exclusive use of tenants of the Building; provided, however, that any such alterations, modifications or changes shall not materially interfere with Tenant's use and enjoyment of the premises as set forth in this Lease. Tenant and others entitled or allowed to use the common areas shall be subject to and shall comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the common areas as may be established by Owner from time to time. Light and Air This lease does not grant or purport to grant any rights of access to light or air over property, and this lease does not warrant or protect against interferences with light or air in the leased premises by any construction upon adjacent, abutting or nearby property. Electrical Installations Tenant shall not, without the written consent of Owner, operate or install any electrical equipment or machinery (other than ordinary office equipment, including but not limited to copying machines), or replace or move any electric light fixtures provided, however, that with the consent of Owner, Tenant may replace building light fixtures of his own choice with the express understanding that such installation will not increase the Tenant's consumption of electricity, and that the cost of such fixtures and installation shall be at Tenant's sole expense. It is further agreed that Tenant shall at the expiration or sooner termination of the lease upon demand of Owner pay the cost of replacing the standard light fixtures belonging to Owner. Awnings No awnings shall be attached to the outside of any windows or to the building of which the premises are a part. Windows The Tenant shall not allow anything to be placed on the outside window ledge of said premises; and nothing shall be thrown by the Tenant or others out of the window of said building. Floor Coverings The Tenant or other person shall not lay linoleum or other floor covering without prior written approval of the Owner. The tacking or fastening of any flooring material to the baseboard or baseboard molding is expressly prohibited. Tacking strips installed by Tenant, with Owner's consent, shall, at the option of Owner be removed and floor repaired at the expiration of lease, at Tenant's expense. Furniture and Bulky Articles Safes, furniture or bulky articles shall be moved in or out of said premises only at such hours and in such manner as shall least inconvenience other occupants of the building and minimize injury or damage to the premises and Commons and when and as the Owner shall reasonably decide; and no safe or other article of over 2,500 pounds shall be moved into said premises without the consent of the Owner, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, the Owner to have the right to fix the position of any article of such weight in said premises. KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 7 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) Miscellaneous (a) Water closets and other water fixtures shall not be used for any purposes other than those for which they are intended, and any damage resulting from misuse on the part of the Tenant, its agents or employees, shall be paid for by Tenant. No person shall waste water by interfering or tampering with the faucets or otherwise. (b) Owner reserves the right to close and keep locked all entrance and exit doors of the building during such hours as Owner may deem to be advisable for the adequate protection of the property, provided that the Tenant shall have access to the premises. (c) The Tenant agrees that Tenant and Tenant's employees shall use only the parking stalls designated in paragraph 24 below of this lease. (d) Owner reserves the right to make such other and further reasonable regulations as in its judgment may from time to time be needed or desirable for the safety, care and cleanliness of the premises of the Commons and the preservation of good order therein. (e) All doors to public corridors shall be kept closed except for ingress and egress. 23. HOLDOVER If the Tenant shall, with the written consent of Owner, holdover after the expiration of the term of this lease, such tenancy shall be on a month to month basis and may be terminated as provided by the laws of the State of Washington. During such tenancy Tenant agrees to pay to the Owner the same rate of rental as set forth herein, unless a different rate is agreed upon, and to be bound by all of the terms, covenants, and conditions as herein specified, so far as applicable. 24. EMPLOYEE PARKING FACILITIES Parking for Tenant and its employees will only be provided on the South side of the Commons building in the designated "Staff Parking Only" area. 25. SUBORDINATION Upon Owner entering into any financing or refinancing affecting the subject premises, Tenant agrees to execute documents at the request of Owner to subordinate this lease to any mortgage, (or deed of trust or other security) granted to a financing institution or other secured party or entity. 26. COMMUNICATIONS Tenant is responsible for all installation, operation and termination charges related to its own independent telephone system, including, but not limited to, costs, expenses and charges for telephone equipment and line charges, line installation, inside wiring, re- configuration, and system repairs. Tenant shall install a system compatible with Owner's system and shall coordinate and schedule with the Owner all work by communications vendors for installation of such a compatible system. Tenant shall notify the City thirty (30) days in advance of terminating their telephone service or increasing/decreasing the size of KENT COMMONS LEASE AGREEMENT - Page 8 of 9 December 19, 2007 (between City of Kent and Communities in Schools of Kent) a ^ their telephone system. Tenant shall be responsible for acquiring and paying for local telephone directories. 27. RATIFICATION All acts consistent with the authority of this Lease and prior to its effective date are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of this Lease shall be deemed to have applied. 28. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this agreement, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this agreement on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, age except minimum age and retirement provisions, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this agreement and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension in whole or in part, of the agreement by the Owner and may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. The foregoing conditions are mutually agreed to by the Owner and the Tenant. TENANT: OWNER: COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF KENT CITY OF KENT, A Washington Non-Profit Corporation A Washington Municipal Corporation By: klw'k"--� By:— Z24�_' 4 Nam /Ti le: O ! 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