HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD07-163 - Amendment - #A - Wa State Military Department - EMPG Grant #E07-349 - 01/03/2008 R � rr, rrrc Ma. m a � � mPr ■ KENT Document WHHINGTON � � CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: Dael _Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: FDO-7 - I(o 3 This Is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: 0 `M2�[�rr��nn ` o 'EMeC2 �y�ocr Detail: C 0-1 - Project Name: Contract Effective Date: Termination Date: d� Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: �i-iGLv� P,IC.�V Department: 1.1r-s2.., Abstract: S Public\ReccrdsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\ADCL7832 07/02 ' Washington State Military Department AMENDMENT 1 CONTRACTOR NAME/ADDRESS 2 CONTRACT NUMBER 3 AMENDMENT NUMBER City of Kent Emergency Management 24611 1161h Avenue SE E07-349 A Kent, WA 98030-4939 4 CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON, NAME/TITLE 5 MD STAFF CONTACT, NAMEITELEPHONE Brian Felczak, (253) 856-4345 Rachel Sova (253) 512-7064 6 TIN or SSN 7 CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC 8 FUNDING SOURCE NAME/AGREEMENT# 91-6001254 ASST (CFDA)# 97 042 EMPG 2007-EM-E7-0017, 2007-EM-E7-0060 9 FUNDING AUTHORITY Washington State Military Department (Department) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 10 DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION, OR CHANGE ORDER. Washington State was awarded supplemental Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funds from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for federal fiscal year 2007. A portion of this supplemental statewide award is being passed through to local jurisdictions and tribal agencies that already received EMPG FFY07 funding and have contracts in place. This amendment adds the supplemental funds to the original EMPG 2007 contract award and extends the performance period to allow for the expenditure of these additional funds for tasks found in the original Statement of Work. No new tasks are being added to the contract. The Contractor will tie specific expenses to each set of funds (original and supplemental) on invoices submitted for reimbursement. 11 AMENDMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Change the overall contract amount from $61,636 to $77,561, an increase of$15,925. 2. Change the contract end date from December 31, 2007 to December 31, 2008. 3. Replace the original Special Terms and Conditions up to Article V with the attached Revised Special Terms and Conditions up to Article V 4. In the Special Terms and Conditions, Article V -- Additional Special Conditions And Modification To General Conditions, Item #2 change the non-federal match from $61,636 to $77,561. 5. In the original Statement of Work, replace the Milestone Timeline with the attached Revised Milestone Timeline 6 Replace the original Budget Sheet with the attached Revised Budget Sheet. No other changes are required. All other terms and conditions of the original contract and any previous amendments thereto remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Department and Contractor acknowledge and accept the terms of this contract amendment and attachments hereto and in witness whereof have executed this amendment as of the date and year written below The rights and obligations of both parties to this contract are governed by this Contract Amendment Face Sheet and other documents incorporated herein by reference or attached and identified in the original contract document A copy of this contract amendment shall be attached to and incorporated into the original agreement between the Department and the Contractor Any reference in such contract to the "contract" shall mean "contract as amended " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this ame ment as of the date and year last written below FOR T DEPARTMENT F T CONTR O f"3`�J ly�o 07 Signs e Date S n re Date James M Mullen, Director uze to Cooke, Mayor Emergency Management Division Washington State Military Department for APPROVED AS TO FORM- City of Kent Emergency Management Spencer W Daniels (signature on file) 2/19/2004 Assistant Attorney General Form Date 10/27/00 Contract#E07-349 Amendment A REVISED SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARTICLE I -- COMPENSATION SCHEDULE: This is a fixed price, reimbursement contract Within the total contract amount, travel, subcontracts, salaries and wages, benefits, printing, equipment, and other goods and services or other budget categories will be reimbursed on an actual cost basis unless otherwise provided in this contract Any travel or subsistence reimbursement allowed under the contract shall be paid in accordance with rates set pursuant to RCW 43 03 050 and RCW 43 03 060 as now existing or amended and in agreement with federal rates Receipts and/or backup documentation for any approved budget line items including travel related expenses that are authorized under this contract must be maintained by the Contractor and be made available upon request by the Military Department Some flexibility to shift funds between/among budget categories is allowed as follows Changes to any single budget category in excess of 10% or $100, whichever is greater, will not be reimbursed without the prior written authorization of the Department Budget categories are as specified or defined in the budget sheet of the contract ARTICLE II -- REPORTS: In addition to the reports as may be required elsewhere in this contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Department's Key Personnel Financial #/Copies Due Date Invoices 1 Within 30 days of the end of the period in which the work was performed Invoices must be submitted no more frequently than monthly and it is recommended that invoices be submitted at least bi-annually Final Invoice for Original Award- $61,636 1 No later than 451" day after (shall not exceed original contract amount) December 31, 2007 Final Invoice for remaining balance 1 No later than 45'" date after (shall not exceed supplemental award amount) December 31, 2008 All contract work must end on the contract end date, however the Contractor has up to 45 days after the contract end date to submit all final billing Technical #/Copies Due Date Bi-Annual Strategy Implementation Report Electronic January 15 July 1,5 Performance Report Electronic TBD Bi-Annually Final Report Electronic No later than 45"' day following the contract end date NIMS Compliance Progress Reports Electronic April 30 September 30 All contract work must end on the contract end date, however the Contractor has up to 45 days after the contract end date to submit all final reports and/or deliverables. The Bi-Annual Strategy Implementation Report will be submitted via DHS's web-based grant reporting tool located at https //www reporting odp dhs gov/ The Performance Report and the Final Report will be submitted via the Military Department's web-based grant management tool located at https //fortress wa qov/mil/qms/qms/ ARTICLE III -- KEY PERSONNEL: The individuals listed below shall be considered key personnel Any substitution must be made by written notification to the Military Department CONTRACTOR MILITARY DEPARTMENT: Brian Felczak Rachel Sova, EMPG Program Manager ARTICLE IV -- ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall comply with OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, OMB A-102, Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments, and A- 133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations Contract#E07-349 Amendment A REVISED MILESTONE TIMELINE FFY07 and Supplemental-FFY07 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program MILESTONE TASK October 1, 2006 Start of contract performance period January 15, 2007 Submission of Bi-annual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR) to GIRT April 2007 Contract Execution April 30, 2007 Submit first NIMS Compliance Report July 15, 2007 Submission of Performance Report to e-GMS August 15, 2007 Submission of Bi-annual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR) to GIRT September 30, 2007 Submit NIMS compliance report November 2007 Supplemental Award Provided through Contract Amendment December 31, 2007 Original contract award amount must be fully expended January 15, 2008 BSIR due No later than February 14, 2008 Submit final request for reimbursement for original contract award amount and performance report July 15, 2008 BSIR due August 15, 2008 Submission of Performance Report to a-GMS December 31, 2008 End of contract performance period February 14, 2009 Submit all final reports, requests for reimbursement and/or deliverables w X Exhibit C Contract#E07-349 Amendment A REVISED BUDGET SHEET FFY07 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Contract expenditures shall be documented according to the following categories when appropriate: LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY 2007 Local Funds Budget* Personnel $293,701 96 In-Direct Costs $0 00 Travel $1,079 00 Equipment $0 00 Supplies $19,588 00 Telephones $6,970 00 Printing $4,461.00 Jaint/Maint $0 00 Auto Lease $0 00 Space Rental $0 00 Insurance $170 00 Subcontractor $2,387 00 Other $34,798 00 Total All Program Costs $363,154 96 To be expended before December 31, 2007 FFY 07 EMPG Award $61,636 To be expended before the end of the FFY 07 EMPG $15,925 contract performance period Supplemental Award The City of Kent Emergency Management total EMPG award is $77,561 This is based on the allocation factor of 21 4% of approved local emergency management operating budgets This award will not be used to supplant the existing local funds identified above The Department's Reimbursement Spreadsheet will accompany each reimbursement request submitted in e-GMS In addition, the Contractor agrees to make all records available to Military Department staff, upon request A total of 3% of this award can be used to pay for management and administration of this contract * No federal funds are included in the local emergency management operating budget. Funding Source Department of Homeland Security- EMPG and EMPG SUPPLEMENTAL