HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK07-078 - Change Order - #11 - JV Constructors - Town Square Plaza - 01/31/2008 Records Management KENT W.=H,NGrOW Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: TV Y� S AY ,cAu-,-- S Contract Number: ftz7. 07 Thie ie ryeeinnnrl by AA�rxi fimmnne Vendor Number: '5 D Project Name: (Sl OY 50 (AGL Contract Effective Date: C l Contract Termination Date: / — 8 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: I bYl `f /1A Department: S 1 1 L) Abstract: ADCL7832 07/02 KENT Y'(q$MINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 NAME OF CONTRACTOR, CONSULTANT, OR VENDOR- JV Constructors, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME &PROJECT NUMBER: Town Square Plaza—JV Constructors ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: May 21, 2007 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled"Description of Work," is hereby modified as follows: Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Place Plaza concrete in restrictive/inclement weather conditions at the Town Square Plaza project in Kent, Washington as shown in the Contractor's Proposal dated November 5, 2007 attached and incorporated as Exhibit A. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Compensation," and Section III, "Time for Completion," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $397379448.00 including applicable alternates and WSST. Net Change by Previous Change Orders $ 2379737.18 (incl applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $3,9759185.18 (incl Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $ 87,823.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $ 7,816.25 Revised Contract Sum $41070,824.43 Original Time for Completion 1/31/08 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under N/A prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required ± for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion 1/31/08 Pursuant to Section 1 of the Contract executed by the parties, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Pursuant to Section 1 of the Contract executed by the parties, the Contractor accepts all requirements of ` this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement,which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: 4AL- By: By: I Z�v�� (signature) (signature) Print Name:_ Gary Johnson Print e° Suzette Cooke Its Pro iect M a er Its Mayor rl (T tie) DATE: C d DATE: l�31 W APP,4OVED AS TO FORM: en La De artment Town Square Plaza411—JV Constructors CONTRACT MODIFICATION-2 OF 2 Pg I of 1 JV CONSTRUCTORS- CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE ISSUING OFFICE CONTRACT NO. CHANGE PROPOSAL CITY OF KENT PR 2007-03 No. 13 DEPT OF PARKS TOWN SQUARE PLAZA Place Plaza Concrete in & RECREATION Restrictive/Inclement Weather Conditions CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL-CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Net Increase Net Decrease Calendar Days Increase 87,823 Concurrent COST PROPOSAL Item -Quantity-,, Unit Description Unit Price Labor U/P Other/Total Additional finisher time and equipment required 1. 1 Lot to provide protection to plaza concrete from inclement weather conditions 1 Lot Belarde Company 10/22/07 proposal 69,374 Provide metal frame temporary structure and 2. 1 Lot PVC pipe type temporary structure to protect concrete l Lot 40 x 50 Metal frame structure_w/tarp 3,224 1_ Lot 30 x 30 PVC pipe structure w/tarps 650 50 MH JV labor to erect& move structures 60.00 3,000 — — — 1 - Lot Sandbag allowance --- 120 Sub-Total 76,368 -- — W Constructors Markup 15% 11,455 - ---- - -- -- - -- ---- Grand Total 87,823 Date Typed Name and Title Signature 11/5/07 Gary A.Johnson,Project Manager 's,, �'�atrfi'fjret�b,�y,} I I�tia,�iinv;suVya'+i�s;IS-� l Delay Claim Project: Kent Town Square Plaza— --- _ _ ^- -- ---- -- - — --- -_---- Customer JV Constructors-Clty of Kent WORK DESCRIPTION: Addibonal time_and equipment for delays-estimated 1 man-ddar day for weather protection and 1 man-day - day for delay impacts Hunting weather conditions. Also wasted concrete due to pouring sequence and tenting issues. HOURS RATE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION REGULAR T OVERTIME REGLLAR 1 OVERTIME COST CEMENT MASON-JOURNEYMAN Based on 45 total days 720 00 j - _ 65 05 79 55 46,836 00 Based on Actaul u to October 19th-10 total days with 35 days reamamin _ — - - I i TOTAL LABOR 4fi 83 HOURS RATE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION MODEL UNIT NO REGLLAR STANDBY REGULAR STANDBY COST _Pickup Truck -- - _ -- - — 360.00 _ —_ - 15 00 —�- 5,40000 --- --------- TOTAL EQUIPMENT t2�'I'_ -_: F, �," ,y ., .fir,' - 'UATERWS&RE+NTA C0.5T5-a`'= >�ra._�.= s�f; -�'L�;' - _ -'��" -` _ - - TOTAL - e , � DESCRIPTION I QUANTITY UNITS UNITPRICE COST Per Dium costs to house 9000 I DAY 1 6000 —5,40000 TOTAL MATERIALS AND RENTALS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY I UNITS UNITPRICE COST 1 _ TOTALSUBCONTRACTORa i TOTALLABOR _ 46,83600 LABORMARKUP 20.0% 9,36720_ TOTAL EQUIPMENT 5,40000 EQUIPMENT MARKUP 20.0% 1,080 00 TOTAL MATERIALS AND RENTALS __-_5,40000 SALES TAX ON PERMANENT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8.90% 48060 MATERIALS AND RENTALS MARKUP 15.0% 81000 TOTALSUBCONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR MARKUP 5.0% }GRAND TOTAL i+ 0;37 BQ° l C k8alarde Construction\Kent Town Square Plaza\ 10/22/2007 Delay Claim-10-22-07 Page 1 Page 1 of 1 Gary Johnson i 1 From: "Brian J Kittleson" <BrianK@Belardeco com> To: "'Gary Johnson"' <gary@jvconstructors com> Cc: "'John F Belarde"' <john@belardeco com>, "'Johnna Belarde"' <gohnna@belardeco com>,"'John Viger"' <john@jvconstructors com>, "'Wayne Hill"' <Wayne@belardeco com>, "'Andrew C Weber"' <AndrewW@tbpemck com> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 12-20 PM Attach: Delay Claim- 10-22-07 pdf Subject: Delay Claim &Weather Impacts Gary, Enclosed is our estimated delay claim We have based in on the fact that up to last Friday we had spent an additional 10 day with losses of 2 man-day's per day We projected out 35 additional working days where we would encounter the 2 man-day per day additional costs If you have any questions or concerns please call me Brian J. Kittleson 3 Yuw orraawrY k_ wppw'' Page I of 1 Gary Johnson From: "Brian J Kittleson" <BrianK@Belardeco com> To: "'Gary Johnson"' <gary@jvconstructors com>, "'John Viger"' <john@jvconstructors com> Cc: "'John F Belarde"' <john@belardeco com>, "'Wayne Hill"' <Wayne@belardeco com> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 8 53 AM Attach: Delay letter 10-11-07 doc Subject: Draft Delay Letter Please review this letter and we can further discuss this at today's meeting Thanks, Brian J. Kittleson OEMNn 10/11/07 � r Architectural Concrete Solutions j October 11, 2007 Gary Johnson JV Constructors P.O. Box 80346 Seattle, WA 98108-0346 RE: Kent Town Square Plaza Delays Dear Gary; As you are aware work on the Plaza portion of the project has been delayed nearly two months. Originally we were scheduled to begin the Plaza portion of the project on July 300'and actual construction began on September 25' with the first Plaza concrete being placed on October 4t`. These delays have been document on your schedules and have been caused by numerous changes and third party utilities. Pursuant to Section 1.04.4 Changes our work as been altered and delayed. With these delays our work is now pushed into more inclement weather. These delays are causing us to spend additional labor and materials to construct the project. We are tracking our additional costs and are in the process of estimating the magnitude of these costs impacts. We are requesting equitable adjustment to our contract pursuant to Section 1.04.4. We are progressing with the work to the best of our abilities and it is our intent to produce a high quality project. Sincerely, Brian J. Kittleson Construction Manager Belarde Company, Inc. P.O. Box 684, Woodinville,WA 98072 Tel(425) 376-2500 * www belardeco com * Fax(425)376-0332 A Licensed Bomanite®and Lithocrete®Contractor* Contractor License No BELARC*27QK 1 �r Page 1 of 1 Gary Johnson From: "Brian J Kittleson" <BnanK@Belardeco com> To: "'Gary Johnson"' <gary@1vconstructors com> Cc: "'John F Belarde.. gohn@belardeco com>, "'Wayne Hill"' <Wayne@belardeco.com>, "'Andrew C. Weber"' <AndrewW@tbpenick com>, <Rich@tbpenick com>, "Steve Teets" <mudmanS19@yahoo com> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 12 51 PM Subject: Kent Plaza Gary, Today's meeting was very productive I think this gave all a clear understanding of what work needs to be completed ahead of the concrete work in order to accelerate the schedule We are working on a schedule based upon our meeting today As discussed we will track all additional costs associated with the delays that have occurred to the project that are due to the changed conditions(PSE, Comcast, Qwest, &other changes) to the contract. We will also discuss the size of"tents"needed to perform the work in rainy weather As discussed Rigo and Dick will work hand in hand on grades to ensure that any further confusion or discrepancies can be mitigated It is our intention to keep the lines of communication open so we can work together to help facilitate completion of the project. Thanks, Brian J. Kittleson 10/?1?007 M o r COLn a w EE IL ` ty w -� Z z w w w LLi LL w W Q f2 J O im 0 cv - LL Z �I a O r J a O z N N _ U N y H o w w Y 0 K a a O N } w n H H H m w w Lo o0u) Z > E o w } Q U co Q 0 ~ = O r N M (O F. co ( O w In li Z Q U N n � r r r r r r N Q v I S � � S' N N LI w y -0 `,J LL Qf �1 J o X U LU 1-- C�@ n76 xt�--WGW H- ®il X r�UO � 2 N x c, 4J J n'9 Z J X !- E Page: 1 OF t Customer Number 1005131 INVOICE , 90271826 5975 East Marginal Way South Phone: 206 764-3000 SEATTLE,WA 98134 Fax: 206 764-3012 USA E-mail: customerservice®gtaciernw.com Date 10/16/2007 Sold to: JV CONSTRUCTORS INC Ship to: JV CONSTRUCTORS INC PO Box 80346 SEATTLE WA 98108-0346 SEATTLE WA 98108-0346 USA US Customer P.O. I Cust Order* Pro'ect/Order#I Shipped Via I Terms Due Date 169 896816 896816 1 Prepaid Net due 30 days 11/15/2007 Ship Date Ticket Product Description Plant Quantity UM Unit Price Gross Price Number Number Shipped 10/16/2007 $0779549 70001595 POLYPROPOLENE SAND 701E 200 EA 0.60 120.00 BAGS RECENED OCT 2 2 2007 JV CONSTRUCTOR ,a TotalOuant' : SUBTOTAL: 120.00 Tax: 0.00 REMIT TO: State&Local Taxes 0 00%, Total 120.00 Glacier Northwest(Washington) P O Box 3601 Thank you for your business! SEATTLE WA 98124-3601