HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2007-0861 - Original - New York Stage Originals - Spotlight Series: Tap Kids - 11/06/2007 Records Management KENT Wn5 NI N a TON Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: �iK Vendor Number: ILV I(O JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: I Detail• bV? fvI � ' WtAw 11 26 Project Name: I 2 ?XT V V 6' I P 6/ I0& Contract Effective Date: 1 b Termination Date: Z Contract Renewal Notice (Days): l� Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: kkiDepartment: Abstract: S.Pubhc\RecordsMonagemenl\Foims\ConlroclCovei\ADCL7832 07/02 FPCY :r4YSTPGE FAX N0. Oct. 12 2007 G t:29FM P2 KENT wnu a,wn[4" CONTRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT between the City of Kent and New York Stage Originals THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the and New York Stage Originals,located and doing business at 27 South Washington St.,Tarrytown,NY 10591, (914) 524-0948(hereinafter the"Contractor") I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Contractor shell perform the following services for the City Description. Contractor will present one public performance of Tap Kids as part of the Kent Arts Commission's Spotlight Series. Start TimelDurationlStop Time: 7.30 p.mJ120 minutes including 20 minute intermissionl9,30 p.m. Day, Date, Year: Friday,January 11, 2008 Event Lunation: Ken+wood High School Performing Arts Center, 25800 11341i Ave. SE, Covington, WA 98042 Lodging: City will provide 6 double rooms cn the night of January 11,2008, Hospitality: City will provide hospitality backstage to include bottled water,fru:tjuires,a healthy lunen and a riot dinns.r for performers. Merchandising; Contractor shall have the sole and exclusive right, but not the obligation,to sell merchandise directly pertalninq to and/or bearing the likeness of Artist, inclus ve of compact discs, at the performance Contractor must provide all sales,ta*t aro wall retain '100%of sales revenue Sponsorship: City ieserveb the right to obtain ocrporate sponsor(s)fo-Contractor's performance and wilt notify Contractor io advance o: any sponsorship. House seats: Cily mil held twelve 16)complimentary house seats for Contractor,to be released 24 hours prior to amain if not notified by contractor Contractor further represents that the seiNices furnished under this Agieernent will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional prances in effect at tiie time those services are performed II COMPENSATION, The City shall pay Contractor the total sum of$7,500.00 for the work to be porfonned under this Agreement upon aati5factury completion of all services and requirements specified in this Agreenient. A deposit of$750 00 will be paid, by City of Kent check, to New York Stage Originals i.lpcn (minpiete execution of i;Qntiact. R payrrent of$2,250 will be paid, by Co of Kent check to New York Stage Originals no iatrr ti,e,: 10 days piles tc the performance. The balance of$4,600.00 wiii be paid,by City of Kent check,to New York Stage Originals on the clay of the oerfoi rnance. Ill. PRESS MATERIALS. Contractor agrees to provide to the City where appropriate, at his or f er own expense, complete presto materials, including hard copy or high resolution electronic photographs, biographic descriptions, and program materials, not less then sly, (6) weeks prior to the initial event date for the 0 y's ,isa in promoting the event, All publicity and promotional matenal, regarding the event released to the media or pubic by the Contractor shall credit the City of Kent for support of the event or project IV. PERFORMANCE SPACE, The City agrees to furnish, at its sole cost and axpensa, a piece of performance cn the dates)and at the time/s)contairiod in Section 1. The City shall also provide ushers, house manager, and box offices staif and any addition-! services and personnel as required by the City, for the efficient operation of the engagement. Other arrangements will be the responsrbiity of the City and Contractor as follows below. CONTRACTOR SCRVt{:ES Il rndrc-,R 70 P)r)—Lamer Orranizana i Fry :h1 3TFGE FAX NO. :9145240948 uez. 12 2021-7 P3 Vanua: City will provide proscenium theater- Kentwood Fircgh School Performing Arts Center. Soured: City will provide sound system according to attached technical IIder.` Lights: City will provide lighting according to attacned iechnical rider,. Dressing Rooms. City will ptcvide dressing roam facilities according to attached rider." Technical Staff: City will t.rovide dressing room facilities according to att;cnad nder,' Technical Staff: City will provide sound and lighting tecnnicians,and theater manager familiar with facility Contractor will provide any ctner tFchn%al staff, in^lud,ng a road managor of tiltr:ctor necessary fcr the performance. 'The attached tet;nnical Elder is part of thiq agreement. V. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties Intend that an independent Contractor-Employer Relationship will be created b/ this Agreement and that the Contractor has the anil,ty, to eontl I an^ direct the performance and crAmiq of its work, the City being Interested prl,starily only in the results obta reel under aiis Agreement and compliance with iM terms and conditions. VI. WORK PERFORMED AT CONI RACTOR'$ RISK. Contractor shail be responslUe for Li-e safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all prorecton -ecessaiy f(Sr that p'lrpoge. Vll. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor shall eefenc, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, of jowls, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and ail claims, injuries, damages, ±osse5 or suiN,including a!i lecial cows and attorney tees, arising out of or in connection with the Contractcr's peeormance of tins Ag eer ent, except for treat pcwtion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence, including asse Lions t' et the iise or transfer of an{ software, Gook docurnent, report, film tape or sound reproduction delivered in accordance v;ith this Agreement rx,n5+�+u es an infnngemen-,of any copyright. natant trademark„ trade narne, or otherwise results in unfas lade practices Tf•�- C:ity's nspeotion or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of triese covenants of Indemnification. The provisions of this section shall survive the expirat on er termtnation of this Agreement. Vill INSURANCE. The Contractor shaii procure and inamtain for the dural on of the Agreement, insurance of the typas and in the amourts described in Exhibit A attacna:t and incorporated by this refurence. IX. DISCRIMINATION. in the hiring c`employees for the performani of woiir under this Agreament or any subcontract, the Contractor, is subcuntrac oib,or any person acting on behalf of the C--�rtactor or subcontractor stw'! not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexuar oriertation, i,ationai origin, or the presence of any sersu-y, mental, of pnisical disability, discriminate against any persoi) who is qualified and available to perrurm the ,Cork to which the et;-pl�ioyment relates Contractor .hall execute the attached pity of rent Equal Employrrent Opportunity Policy Lieciaration, Com:7iy with City Administrative Policy 1.2 and upon completion of the aontroct work, 1,1e the attached Comatiance Statement X. TERMINATION AND BREACH. Eitiryr party ntay terminate this Agreunroiit, with of vi tnout cauee, upon providing the othar party n'nety (90) dayc written no,,te at its address set forth on the sigra`ure block of this Agreement. A4 costs tricurred by the City due to Contractor's failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be ti,e 1esiK:nsibility of the Contractor 'fhe City may dacaict 0.9 cuttW horn any paymeril5 des to the r ontrattor a1r pra-rate the Agreernent amou7t based upon tree actual time of Contractor's performance Compared fn the cci*aCtec peiform::,i.e schedule Xi. IMPOSSIBILITY OF PERFORMANCE, Outdoor performances are considered 'rain or shine, in the event that extreme~ nciement weather readers an o6tdoor performance impossible, the Cit_e 'Aril attempt to arrange an alternate performance space aria Contractor will employ its best efforts to provide the contli warF n that eµernate performance spaces. Neither party will oe under liatrfrty fw fai!ure to perform in the event ffiett sa;h failure is cav~ed by or due to acts or regulations of public aulhor-tes, civil tumult, strike epidemic or any other ca.jse beyond tint control or either party in the event of a failure to perform as provided in this scic-ion, neither party shai! be liable fur tra balance of the Agr"ment. XiI, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A, Recvc.abkr fJ8teriais Pursuant to Chapter 3,80 of the Kent City Code,the City repuirss Its Cor•tractors to usu recycled land recyclable praoucts whenever practicabic, A price prelere.rce may he ;+va',aGin foi any desig rated recycled product. 6 fj _yUarvar nf, h, The failure of the City to insist upon stnrt periornianc3 of any of the covenants and aflieements contatnBd in thEs Agreement, or to e v5rclse any option conferred Icy this Agreement in aria or more :tstances shall not be construad to be a waiver or ralinquishmenf of those covenants, agieernents or options, and Life same shall be and remain in full fore anc effect. t Y)\'TRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT'-2 (I irr,lri >1'0 600—Lareer Ovoanizatianj FPJ• :N1'SIRUE= FHX NO. :91135240948 Oct. 12 2067 01:30Pr4 P4 C Resolution of Qifi utes and Q2AM[ L1M. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington if the parties are unable to settle any disputa,difference or claim arising from it;e parties' performance of this Agrerarrent, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute,difference or claim, snall only be by filing stilt exclusvo:y under the venue, rules and lurisdicticr, of the King County Superior Court KInc Coijoty, V!`ashtrgtcn, unless the parties agree fir writing to an aiternative dispute resolution process In day claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties performance of this Agrcelnert, each party shall pay all its legal costs and Attorr+ey's fees incurred in defend+^c, or twinging such claim or lawsuit in addition to any other re,oveary or 7n^ard provided by law prove d, however, nothing in 'his paragraph shall be construec to Lmit the City's right to inoollinrliration under Section VII of this Agreement. D rltten Natice All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signa+ure page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Ary written notice herEwrider shall become effective throe (3) business days after the tater of mating by registered or certified mail, and shall be doflmed surflcientty given It sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as inwy be hereafter specified in writing. E Assignmart Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non- assigning party shall be void It `he non-assigning party gives its consent tc eny assig invent,the terms of this Agreement sha+!continue in full force and affect and no further assi:g,tment shall be made without adational wr tten Consent. F nflcldificatron No waiver, alteration, or modh1cailon of any cif the provisions of this Agreement shell be binding unless in writing and signed by n du'y authorized representative of the City and Contractor. G Entire Aom?aement 1-he written piov;sior:i and terms of this Agreement. t:ogrGher with any Exhibits attached hereto, shah supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer o• other representative of tie City, arld such statements shall not be effective or be construed as enteting into or forming a pert of or altering in any manner this Agreement All of the above docur cents ale hereby mace a part of this Agreement, Howevei, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agree rient, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Corr+ lip anre with Laws- The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal, state,and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Contractor's business, equrpirenl a-id personnel engaged in operatiotrs covwed by this Agraeriant c�arisrng cut of the performenue of this Agmarnent. IN WITNESS,the parties below execute this Agreement,which shalt become effective an the last hate entered below. rONTFtAC7l3R: CITY OF KENT: I By By: -- I fsry �reJ (3QnaNrr o Pn,d Name,_ ' t y ,,, PrinjNam , JeffWatlingI's F !__ u ItsDirector, Parks, Ftecr6 tion& Community Services f DATE.__ �T f flJL _ I t lrtta) DA FE:--r f" �tl NOTiCES TO BE SENT TO, —� l NOTICES TO BE SEhI f 10: � -_--- i Ci" NTRACTOR• CITY OP KENT: I Ronda B,llerbeck, Curtural Programs Manager —L-tr��- 3 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South _ i Kent,WA 991J32 (253)666-5050(te'aphone) ;2631866-6050(facsimile} t /'Y'HI'(YN9YY1lrM�C,MwnWtll mlgn.f,MW M11`m.Mur,yy.,,nb+n„yM,n1,vY,?�dner/.rynyn py,4r CO?�"1'KAC'lC1R SLRVtCh'ti 4{iRP,liM6'yT-3 r t,ndet'.S 10.000—Lauer rb^rare r�attnri 1 G FJi :p�YSTRGE FRX NO. :91-$5240948 Oct. 12 200 01:31PM Pr, F New York Stage Originals (0iiginal Works,LLC') 27 S Wnshidgton St. Tar rylunn,NY 10591 (914)332-0229 F1kX(9l4)524-09411 Emai.l:acwyorksta2e(a-ao1 com Fechuical keg ?renients Presenter to provide the fo)lowing for the Nev* fork Stage Originals production of TAP KIDS � Fertility: A. Proscenium Stage Perfotming Space with mimmum 32' width tprosceniurn opening,)by 26' depth icurtaia line to cycloramd or black ba.k drop) Wt;od floor or sprung floor,or suitable equivalent stage floc+ No cement floor.. *Flexible for other ;on0gu ations ie outdoci venues, in the ouuu.d etc, :'leave call Co:npauy'I`U to dct,-i-mine feasibility of other contigurat;ons. JI,Eguifanirrtt A. Stage equipment, including liglAing and sound equipment as may be in the possession of the. Prescnter, shalt be icadily availdble for use by Cornp in+ B, Draperies, Masking I Four horders (black velour prcl'ernxl)to provide complete ovoilread a:aasking 2 Five pairs of black legs(black velo,ri prof. cd)to prtwide complete side madkmg 3 One Cyclorama(must be free of visible d+md c) 4 One Ilia&Scnm (x o, t't,Idt f Wv r('11s'° 5 All irapei res h:br. inmg p.ioi to company Ufi] a] C. Accessories I Ter) (LO)all metal fold:ng chair;witl)out arm rests and metal Scats (no c ashions) D. Lighting Equipment The Presentee will secure additiont+l light+ng equipment in addition to theatre ttrimMory w;necsgsary to ededuaiely execute Tap Kids ligh:plot attached to this rider. Any deviations fioni light plot that ar-- neeessaiy please contact Company LD All venues inust orovide eround rnw.lights. F,t.:unple. (6)6'•0"MR-16 Strip lights of eyuivaiew (please nMe:this ig in addition to cyc lights) E.Bffects 1. DI,50 Hazer 2. Dry lot Machine 3, 6 piece; of I'silver box buss in the following lengths. 2x5' 2 x 8' w x 10' or equivalent staggering of heights 6 Fl001-phteh with xttsilunclltliardwdre fen efoiertrentioi)cd truss FR7r; :rarsri UE Fax No. :914524e94e Oct. 12 i=oar 0,-:31FN P6 F. Sound Thr ci trpany may use Presenter Bound equipment as may be in the possession of the the,iter Sound cannot he lmiked m iflim a Jhosed or glass booth P1 esentel to plc)vidc.1 si4uird iystem of rxrellent quelity inClridmg umpliFxi &house speaker sy.,ern sufficient for venue siz4 and acnt.sh^: and all nrx.t,5 trt'y cabling A rmm,num 24 cn.rnnel mixing cunsole, hack3uii;c"me, mist2ge rnorli:ors. Pre,,emer to supply n lugh quahly sicrco paramattic FQ systan. Five(5)PCC160 llovr trncrcphorles, Twn(2)Pro CD players, Reverb Unit. G.Conmiunicanors � A mrnanum eight(8) station Lica-cmn system fm communications including(IjStage Lett and (1)5tagc Right,(1)Ug'ntmg operator, (2)Follaw spots, (t)Sound operator, (I)Stage Manager,(1)0n, deck sound Ti.Miscellaneous All perisluiblas including gels,gaffers,tape,RoReo fluid,dry ice,etc, cabling for sound& lights TIT,Personnel A L1ghw! eng As per Company lighting plot(which w,ll be sent prior to Company arrival),to be hung ci,suited &patched rnd colored pr for to Company arrival, Presenter to supply all nece,sary personnel B. Load ii7/Set-upiFocus/Cueing/Sound Check:Four(4)qualifrcd working Electricians,two(2) Sound(cr.e of wOivm ,s experienced with lavalier microphone,),one(I j Wardrobe two(2);±age hands S o sIT)PPRSC)>tiNEL MIk"ST BE TRAINED SOUND PRD PUSS IONALS. Light(8)1101ir Call from beginning to end of sound check, 'Company TD will decide with Presenter TD the exact needs far lnu l in/focus. Presenter will vdd iAditiuml personnel if thcawr size o:layout,or time constraints requite Show Gill Orio(l)Lighting hoard op to run lights(or more is house Mcs apply) Onc(I)Fxrcrienccd Soundboard op to run sour d One(l)Ply Rail Ono(]) W ardrahe 'hvao(l} F.Aaw SpoLoperalors '1 wo(2) Deck clectriiims(for props,lights, sound etc) tMPORT.ANT,W-F,USF HOUSE, SOUND PFRSO,NFT,UNT?FR DIRFCTTO;w OF OTJR ST A ,A MANAU ER,,VIL)IL) C'ompgry to have a minimum One(l)hour sound,space, and lights check prior to the first performance in each venue. This shoula occur no less tnun 2 hour 1 before curtain D. Load out same call as load :n F. Any addirio nal ptmonnel as required by house 1V.Dressing RvanisiRelica rsat Space FR_-V .H STAGE FAX NO. ;9N5240IS4B Oct. 12 2007 01:=2� P7 Presenter will provide a clean and safe rchcatsal,warm-up facility for the cast on tine day of 111c tech.aird or petformalice(s). Schedule to he wortcod out",tth I ap Kids,Company 1"ami er i ° 4,e invawc 4t tep,;t twur��jalean heatei'au•-con�l.hon�d dressing moms wa,h goad lif,lit�rg Knd U2thiaoin5 All • ,�f'u iiL.:_ 1 ' dressing moths must have a pegirig ;ystem as,well n_• monitors to the r,tagc, Laund y facahises, irnnuig hoard and non A'ce5s to frrc2c•r or icebox anti supply of ice Yr�I' V.Accommodation`_ r 3 y. EighM)-cl-&fi'non-su101611i;,air-condst c7ned hotel roams with private baths find two(2)ilc�uhle sr Atccommodation to be within close proximily to theater and include complimentary breakfast tsr f� �� ��� Abreakfast coupons to be provided �' �s VL Hospitality: ` y ' ' An adequate supply of boitied water a,id distilled water and fuutjurccs at tall tiffes p:us hospitality ibreckfinst, hmch,dinner) for Company of up to`ourteen a 14) Miscellnncoui; A. Giound Tr insportation.This includes to and from airporr to hotel(accommodation)and fron•i hotel (acconunodtition)to thcatci. B.Two(2)6'X3' tables,one stage right and one stage left V11.kroduction Office. A somralc morn in venue,which will act 8,Coiuparly ptoductinn office. For residencies the office will be egj1pped w,tli awot'kjng phone line and High speed wireless intcmd, Company will have accogs to Pax machine and photocopier if dviilahlc at venue