HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2007-0837 - Original - Jo Miller and Her Burley Roughnecks - Kent Cornucopia Days Outdoor Performance - 07/12/2007 T Records Management KEN WASHINGTON Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name. , ow Vendor Number: / Ouglh fuzz'( JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: Detail: Project Name: ` T Contract Effective Date: 711D -7 Termination Date Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: l71 Department: Abstract: 5 Pubiic\RecordsManogement\Forms\ConlroclCovei\ADCL7832 07102 �, _u <��i la 41 f�� LVGMJJ1V4a !n�rau� ns.�nUnK��a �J�� . , . ,k KENT CON77i1LC"i'at1 '=EWT between tto City of Kant rtutd .lo Miller and Her 8urtY FtgrWLtVe M THIS AGREEMENT is made bawmen the City of Kent, a Washirxitan municlMl norporMn (hereinafter the `W,and Jo Miller and Her Burly Roulihnecks.C/o Mary Mcfaul 6trWng mW MMmgC mrd o Onged under yte Laws of the State of Washington, fooaW and doing busirims at PC)Box 46316.Feettle.WA 88136, 206-838-6764{h wlaft9r the'ContrW4Dr0). 1. DESCMPTION OF VV=K. Contractor shall perkrrrn the follwft s vk*s for the Clty: Dwscaiutton: .Irn Miller and Her Burly Roughnecks will pe+fbrtn on the ouldoor Main 8tape as part of Kent Comucrmple Days. Gay. Date,Yew. Friday.July 13,2007 Start UnelDuratioennillopTime: 8:30 PmJ1 hous0 0 p m_ Event Location:Kent Cornucopia nays,Main Stage,Kent Regional tJbrwy parking lot,212 2 4 Avenue North,Kent Merchandising:Contractor may still CDs,tapes,videos and other performance retested material. Contractor must provide aalb9 9W. City will not take a percertmge of sales C7ontructor further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will he performed in aaaoalarice with genwally awepted professional practices in etitDCt at the time those services are performed. a. cwPENvATiOm. The City sh2N pay Contractor the fatal sum of 311,750.00 for the work to be performed under this Agreement; upon eadafactoty oompletlon of all swims and requInarnants spec find In this Agreement. IN Ke �. IV. PEftFOONANC".E SPACE. The City agrees to furnish, at fls sole Mast and expanse, a place of perfarnwrim an the dats(a)and at the times)oorntakied In Section 1, The City shall also provide ushers,house manager. and fox off►oo staff and any addFdoml ser0mv and personnst as required, for the efficient operation of the wVwjament. 011wr arrangernents will be the responsibility of the City and Contractor as fVkws below_ Venue: Outdoor covered stage provided by City. Sound: City roof provide quality sound system and technician;Contract will provide t nKW roquinsmarft no 18W than a woeias poor to pwkvmwxm data. Lights: City will provide basic stage tightirtg for coming pwforrrwAcws. Dressing Room: Public resgroorfte and swni ptfvate wwm-up spaces In the adjacent Kent Library(durng dtytirm Library hours). For evening hours(WW the UbrM Is closed),public saris cans will to avail4ka as reab==and a mull tent will be reserved for pedonw staageldressfrrg. Tedmiud 8ddf: City was provide sound t6Ctu &in. V. INDS"OENT COITRACMR. The party intend that an Independent Contractor-Employer Relationship will be awled by this Agruernent and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the portorrnarroe and detaitCof its work,the Ci'y being urterested only in the resutts obtained under this Agreement VI, EVALUATION. The Contractor shall have the suftefty to control and diced the perfanttance and detals Y.the awbvet work: however.Ilene mark mutt also nu of the approval of the City and shall be eutled to the City*general right of inspectirm and u4x vlsiiin to SOCUM the satisfactory o pletion thereof. In the panfaffnan a of this AgrwawrrL CwtractM aproes to amply with all federal,state and muni*W laws, rules, and replatons that ara or may in the Wwre b6cme applicable to Convacfar or Contractors business,equipment and personnel. VIi. WORK PERFORM AT CONTRACTOR'S RiSK. Contractor steal be resportmble tar the sately of its employees, agents,and aukwantraclaM In ttto perfomheno©of the contract work and serail ;rbiias ate probdon necessary for diet purpme. Vill. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor shall delend, lnderrvfify and hold the City, its olftwo, otiiGWa, employees.agents and volunmrs harmless from any and ap claims, Injuries,dsamapee, bssr3s or sub. InrlWing all togal CONTRACTOR SERVICSs AG1tEF_MSNr- t trtiIU%GUU/ 15:31 t A 4trp2+)tl l Q 43 MlPg4L ri 9.vn,.�:uvi YJ v v 1 -resat and aftomey fees,arising out of or in connecIllion with the Contraetot�t pet, rmonfre of this Agreement,exoW for that parifon of the injuries and damaged caused by the Cityrg negfigemsw*, Induc�rr� assertions that the use or banoW of any soitwere, toot- do mterd, report, film, tape or saurni repmduclion delivered in aaoordance with this Agreement txsstatlhAes an iniringerment oi"any txopyrigK patent trademadc, trade name, or noise festilG3 in unfair trade Practices. The Ctty's inspedion or sconfibirice of any of C.onfhA"s "k when shall not be grounds to avoid any of theas covenants of indemnfiicoWn. The proftlons of this sadion shalt survive the expiratran or terms radon of this Aeevenrent. UL INSURANCE. The Contractor shall p umra and maintain for the duration of tree Ajlraement ifflA trice of We types and in tiro antotsnty described in Exhibit A attached aria intzoorated by"reference, X. TERMINATION AMD RREACK Either party may terminate this Afll'earneffl,with or without cause, upon prrvfding the olh6r party nMtrsty(90)days wet w rxi =at ifs address.met forth ore lhes signature blcm*of this Agreement All oarAs irraurred by the City due to CointracOes failure to comply with the ternk9 and conditions of this Agreement shall be the maponsib8ityr of the Correft 0m. The City may deduct its omits from any payments due to the Contracloc or pro-rate the Agreement ernount based upon the ecNal ttme of Conte cWs parfomtianca spared lu the contracted perfbrnunm schedule. xi, MAPMIB8JTY OF FERFORMANCE. Outdoor pwWmrriances lens OXWdered 'ralrr or shine.' In the event that extreme irtc ivriant weather renders an outdo(u performance imposx�e, the Ctty twill altefnpt to arrunpe an alternate periamtance space and Contractor will employ its treat efforts to pmVide the oontraet work in Mt aiterraIls ps•r rmence space. The Contictor shall be under no Mbility for falhre to perform in the event that such feittus is caused by or due to acts or regulaLortx of public authortties,-lull tuhmt strike, epidemic or any other cruse beyond the control of Contractor_ in titre event of a f:allum to pedo m as provided In this seollan, ne"r prArty shalt be ilpble for the balance of the Agreement x111 MISf:MLl.AN6O11,11111 NI6MfMONS, A. blscairYslnatfon. in the perferrna re of work undar fhb A reernpnt or any sub-contrail, the Conftftr shalt not, by reason of race, religion. color,sex, age, sexual orientation, national,origin,or the presence of any sensci y. mantati,or physical disatilAy.disrrimineW agalrtat any person, a ft2adjt t8 Mats rlab. pursuant to Chapter 3.50 of the Kent City gods,the City requires As Contact ft to use recycled and retydable pcoduals whenever pnlotcable, A price pr+sfvranr v may be cnvaitablei far any cift4nat€ed recycled product. C. Non-Wahrer of Bmwh. The faGtxe of the City to Inlet intact stict perfomtance of any of Ifre covenants and agreements contained In this Agreement or to exercise any option confesrod by this A.gromment in one or more 0stances shalt not be conaftW to be a waiver or rolinquishment Cf dime cQvertants, agreements or options, and Cie same shall be and rennin in full force and effect_ O- R, eM100 of Di i" end CwNwnlrrss Low. This Agrwxnent shall be governed by and construed In accordance with the taws of the aunts of trvastdngion. if the parties arm unable to settle any dispute, dI flaosi C or claim arining from to parties'perfommnos of tlnts Agr assent,the exclusive mearro of resolving hat dispute,difference or claim, shall onfy be by Bing suit exdusWy under the venue, rulea and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, IEiryg County, Washington, unttsa fits pwth m agme in writing to an aitemah* "Pule reeoN,ition process_ In any darm or u-cwsuit for damages arising fr m the parties' periorrnance of this Agreement, e4ch party shall pay all its legal costs and art enoy"s fees Inorrrod In defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit,in addition to any other r9mver'y or award provided Ni low. Jam, however, nothing In this mr graph shad{rye WnMed to leant the CIVs right to indemnification under Section VIR of this Agroetriant E. VJ Nam. All communications regarding this Agrsaan'rq'nt sha8 be sent to the pashas of the addream katnd on ifre signaMro page of the Agrwrnent, unleSB not ied in fire Contrary. Any w tfan notice herixtnder shall becw% saffeativa three (3) business days after the date at malling by or certified mail, and shall be d"med sufficiently given if sent W the aWrimmas at the addirm stated In this Nreemant or such other address as may be haneWter spftit'red in writing F. AerAg mM. Any *Wgnrnent of this Agreement by either party wiftut Me gwtiftm conwrit of the non- rssignirry pet~<y shall be vdd. If the clan-assigning party gives Its convent xI arty gssignment,the temiv of this Agreement r continue In full form and effect and no further assignment shall ba mass without addillonal written consent, G. fir n. NO waives. alteratl0n, Or rtsadficatiun of any of the provlslons of this Agmernsnt shall be binding uniess In writt V red Mried by a dory authort rad repreuentatiae of rite C�and Contractor, H. M Aaneemant the written provislons and tarnte of this; AegreemoK together with any Ewiibits Mirsalv*d herdf», shag supersede Of prior verbal sfabamenis of any cf iw or other reprmeenieftva of the CRy, and stair statr_rr ehIS shall trot be eKscWs or be construed ntortrill lw or forming Ia part of of albertrrg In any manner ttti9 i I , • .. i. ice.s.. ens+ r v. +vi.:v _».....�._ ..... .....,....� _. o � Agreamer L All of the Am doaxnwO are hereby made a pt►rt Of this AW tt However, should any language in any of tie Exhibits to this Agraemerd wnitl A with any language wntalned In this , raernerrk fhty terms of the Agrwmerht shall prwail. f Compliance with Um. The ConVaekx epreas to comply with 241 ral.date,and ffmiripal laws. n4m, and regutabons that are now affocW* or in tie future become appkable to s businms, equipment, and personnel engaged In operuftes covered by this Agreement or a ccrriing out of tto perfonnonos of tt,ose aperamons. W WITAIM,the oattles bNow exacuts this Agreement,which shall l Oraontw of ectim on the Int data anterW befoW. COMMUM:TOIR: CI11V OYF KEfdY. f � 1 naduva Print Nw. f+f It L`( (�i : Jeff I� Wng alre atr ,Pq& Rea*vdon and Its Communlly"wvb�-- (Tide) � MAWS) DATE; "�rolo� DATE.,,, o -WMGES TO E!E SENT T . NOTICES TO BE WENT TO: Ct?NTRAt'TC2R Cf(Y OF KENT: tr Ronda 1314arback.Cultural Programs Manapdr cY 44113,Y City of Kent sZma tt, u.!r4 9gIS(dL- � 220 Fourth Ave"South Kent,WA 96M a —`(taesptl�a)) (2S3)) 556 5W4 (tr (Y53} 856-6a5o csirntle) I �I, �'" N�P�r ��tMc�•l� t`� �v+--lei. �"t1�t.�'�.--~' I i i I i I i I I i t i CON7 zA CTOR SERViCr,S A.(jUP.k1BN't'.3 fear 510,000-SplePerormer) I f V 1 ' aVI L.1Vf-L 7A .:VvvJo IV iJ 1\.rnV a. .un.vnVnrlt� 't!J L'1 ,JO MIL & HER BURLY ROUGIHN GKS QUARTET Sound Rider / Stage Plot 2007 co �.'pY Gutter vncsl S3,ihaem Amp Upright awustic bas D1 or mic tho amp DAME NOVA Vocal-SM 58, boom ® Voeal-SM 56, bourn Erlectric Guitar-me amp JQ Acx"o�r-dlo-n--DI NAonfEGr Vocal-SM 58,boom � I MAtNtor I- Acoustic Guitar-DI �-- —+ FAonahor AUDIENCE Jo Miller& Herfilurly Roughnecks: Please note that t1w band is seat up in a slight U shape. Jo starids a bit dowrtftge u id Nova and Dave stand a bit upstage. Stage Left, slight upstage: Nova Devonle - SM 58 on boom stand 16r vocal, DI and XLR line for accordion Center Stage, downstage: Jo Miller- SM 58 on boom send for vocal, DI for acoustic guitar. E Stage Might, slight upstage: Dave Keenan - SM 68 on boom for vocal, mic for guitar amp Upstage CenterLeft: Corey Kaiser- SM 58 on boom stand for vo , DI or mic for upright bass amp. Please provide the following backline No Baackllne Needed. BacTcline: -Provide one guitar amp: Fender Twin Reverb`;equlvaient. Provide amp for upright bass: Ampeg SVf3-Pro w/Ampeg or Bag End 15"speaker/horn cabinet Equipment list: 4 vocal miss on boom stands, SM 5$ or better. 2 t strumentlamp mics, SM 57 or better. Up to 4 Dls, depending on how the signal comes from the arpps. 4 monitors, 2 -4 montior mixes, 3 AC strips. Total of 8 channels. Questions? Contact Mary McFaul, 206/938.6754. marymcfaul0c o ricastnet This rider is part of the Jo Miller and Her Burly Roughnecks contras.-{. Please indicate that you have read this and agree by initialing below: i � updats7iD7 Ir dt data