HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD07-265 - Change Order - #2 - MA Mortenson Company - Kent Events Center Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) - 12/24/2007 r -y (Form Color GREEN) City Of Kent COWRACT NO CO 2 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER KENT EVENTS CENTER COP No PROJECT TITLE TO M. A. Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below andior detailed on the attachments referred to n Incorporate COP#1 and 2 as follows: COP #1: Increase of $42,291 (including GC/CM Fee & WSST) COP #2: Increase of $138,330 (including GC/CM Fee & WSST) Lu Net Total: Decrease of $180,622 O W J Q 0 Q Q. O a REASON FOR CHANGE DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO LN1N Architects (A!E) TO PM(E&AS) J CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ❑NOCHANGE ®INCREASE DECREASE 11 0 OF One Hundred Eighty Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Two Dollars $180,622 a (Washmglon Stale Sales Tax Included) O UQ In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Si are attached hereto ZCONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ®NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O O The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization XX M. A. Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR BY DATE O 1M F,[C L z TO CITY OF KENT 0 We have carefully examined this proposal and find the cost to be reasonable erefore,we recommend acceptance H a Z uJ Z. �WA7 ACE O NEftS REP PrE SENTATIVE11 DATE uJ AGENCY DAit CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $64,187,946 PREVIOUS TOTAL $63,627,082 PREVIOUS ADDITIONS $0 CHANGE AMOUNT $180,622 PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS $560,864 NEW TOTAL $63,807,704 12-4 PERCENT CHANGE FRUWURIGINAL NEW CONTRACT DE( 11,211118 Subst Completion CONTRACT AMOUNT 0.281%COMPLETION DATES J�N 11 21I119 Beneficial Use JAN 31,20119 Physical Completion ! i ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices Incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order L- The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature i d ,V AUT IZING IGNA I URE DATF t (Fom color GREEtq Citv of Kent CONrRAcr No ' AGENCY CO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COPNo 1 PROJECT TIME TO M.A. Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE You are dvected to prepares cost proposal for the work described below andlor detailed on the attachments referred to CI#00006-Reme(bation of UnSllitable Soils in Access Road Location East Access Road(approximately 250'north of James St) On 08/17/07 CTI over-excavated a 49'x 4T area to a depth of 2'as directed by the geotechnical engineer CTI then placed 1'of Quarry Spalls directly on the native soil They then put geofabnc over the quarry spans and l'of structural over that After this work,required compaction was still not able to be achleved This material was then removed on 08/22/07 The quarry spalls that were placed had to be abandoned because they had been compacted ID Into the wet soil beneath CTI ever-excavated this area an additional 4'IS'total depth below existing native grade) They then laid o geognd and geofabric on the native soil They then placed l'of quarry spalls and 5'cf type-17 structural fill bringing them up to native a grade On 08/23/07, gectech directed CTI to over-excavate an additional 25'x5O'area This additional area was over-excavated to a N depth of 3' They laid geofabnc and geogrid on the native soil,placed 1'of quarry spalls,and 2'of type-17 structural fill on that This a work was finished on 06/24/07 leaving them at existing native grade 0 I � a REASON FOR CHANGE Direction of geotechnical engineer for remediation of unsuitable soils. DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED 9/11/2007 CHANGE ORIGINATED BY M.A. Mortenson PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY Sill In accordance with the Agreement and General Conditions,the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below Also, pursuant to the above-referenced Agreement,Contractor agrees to waive any protest It may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order,Including,without Imitator claims related to contract time contract acceleration Contractor overhead or lost profits This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement particularly those pertaining to Time of Completion WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO LMN ARC'HITL(TS (AIE) TO PM(ESAS) OCONTRACT PRICE CHANGE MNO CHANGE MINCREASE DECREASE a O a OF Thtrt} Eight Thousand Eight Hundred.trid Thltti FiNe and No Cents S38,835,00 R (WesMn9ton Si Sties Tax NU lirduded) O U In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheets)are attached hereto ZCONTRACT DO MPLETION DATE ❑X NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR PAYS O U The foregoing amount covers everything required In connection with the change AN other prow ns of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization M.A. Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR BY r DATE 9/11/2007 TO CITY OF KENT O We have carefully examined this proposal and find the cast and time impac o r s able T ref we recommend acceptance Iwo S` Are DATE OWNERSREP ESENTPTNE DATE g O (u W K AGENCY DATE OWNER DATE CONTRACT SUM MARY iBYOwner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL p Ni SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT F- NEW BENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY DATE NEW FINAL COMPLETION DATE F a The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change oreer to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE KEc-IIOo ; LMNARCHITECTS FILE COPY RECEIVE11E SEP 2 ® 2007 TRANSMITTAL FROM Tom Burgess September 20, 2007 PROJECT NAME Kent Events Center PROJECT NUMBER 06068 PLEASE DISTRIBUTE TO In City of Kent-Owner SOJ-Management ❑ Thunderbirds Hockey- ❑ M.A.Mortenson Company- 400 W Gowe iiX 800 Fifth Avenue,Ste 4130 Tennant GC/GM Mail to 220 Fourth Ave S Seattle,WA 98104 14326124`h Ave NE 14719 NE 29i1 Place Kent,WA 98032-5895 206-838-3700 Ph Kirkland,WA 98034 Bellevue,WA 98007 253-856-5500Ph 206-386-1831 Fax 425-869-7825 Ph 425-376-0300 Ph John M.Hodgson Bradley Tong 425-497-0812Fax 425-376-0300 Colin Campbell Granger Stuck ❑ PBI(Architects-Assoc.Arch ❑ MKA-Structural ❑ MKA-Civil ❑ Wood/Harbinger,hm- #200-1985 West Broadway 1301 Fifth Avenue,Suite 3200 1301 Fifth Avenue,Suite 3200 Mechanical Vancouver,BC,Canada V6J 4Y3 Seattle,WA 9 81 01-2 699 Seattle,WA 98101-2699 3025 112`h Ave NE,Suite 200 604-736-5329 Ph 206-292-1200 Ph 206-292-1200 Ph Bellevue,WA 98004-8002 604-736-1519Fax 206-292-1201 Fax 206-292-1201 Fax 425-822-9499 Ph Ian Mci(ay Brian Dickson Steven Holuschak 425-822-4338 Fax Philip DeBells ❑Sparling-Elec/Lighting/AV ❑ Site Workshop-Landscape ❑ WCA-Food Service ❑ Davis Langdon-Cost 720 Ohve Way,Suite 1400 1927 Post Alley 9200 E Mineral Ave,Suite 320 1000 Second Avenue,Suite Seattle,WA 9 8101-1 8 5 3 Seattle,WA 98101 Englewood,CO 80112 1700 206-667-0554 Ph 206-285-3026 Ph 303-649-1600 Ph Seattle,WA 98104 TroyThnxn RobertShrosbree 303-649-1660Fax 206-343-9119Ph Stephen Young 206-343-8541 Steve Kelly ❑ Flack+Kurtz-Code ❑ Shannon&Wilson Geotech- ❑ Blumen Consulting-EIS ❑ Heffron Transp.-Traffic 1417 Fourth Avenue,Suite 400 400 North 34'^Street,Suite 100 720 Sixth St S,Suite 100 6544 NE 61"Street Seattle,WA M101 PO Box 300303 Kirkland,WA 98033 Seattle,WA 98115 206-342-9900 Ph Seattle,WA 98103 425-284-5401 Ph 206-523-3939 Ph 206-342-9901 Fax 206-632-8020 Ph 425-284-5402Fax 206-523-4949 Fax Robert Pielow 206-695-6777 Fax Richard Schipanski Marni Heffron Jim Mattoon TRANSMITTED HEREWITH REMARKS Please find enclosed Change Order number one for Kent Events Center. — 801 SECOND AVENUE,SUITE 501 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98104 206.682.3460 FAX 343 9388 (Form Color GREEN) City of Kent CONTRACT No AGENCY CO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No.Z-C PROJECT TITLE i TO M. . Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSA QUEST ATE You are dire ed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachm f ed to CI#00006',Remediation of Unsuitable Soils in Access Road j Location East Access Road(approximately 250'north of James St) On 08117107,CTI t a 49 x 47'area to a depth of 2' as directed by thi4eotechnlcal engineer CTI then placed 1'of Quarry Spalis directly a oil They then put geofabric over the quarry spalls an 1'of structural over that After this work, required compaction s o ble to be achieved This material was then removed on 8/22/07 The quarry spalls that were placed had to be a n e use they had been compacted into the wet soil beneath CTI ov r-excavated this area an additional 4'(6'total depth b xis in native grade) They then lard geogrid and w geofabnc on the native Sol They then placed 1'of quarry spalls and 5'of S ct al fill bringing them up to native grade On � 08/23/07,geotech directed I to over-excavate an additional 25'x5O'a ddi nal area was over-excavated to a depth of 3' They laid geofabric and geogrl on the native soil, placed l'of qua r d 2' f type-17 structural fill on that This work was as finished on 08/24/07 leaving the at existing native grade 0 a REASON FOR CHANGE irection of g ca a gineer for remediation of unsuitable soils. DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED 9/I 2007 C GE ORIGINATED BY M.A.Mortenson P POSAL REQUESTED BY SU.I WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRI D IN TH ROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO LMN ARCHITECT 7A/E) TO PM(E&AS) CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE FIND CHANGE I CREASE DECREASE 1a I a OF Thirty Eight Thousand Eight Hun¢ ed and T 'rty Five and No Cents $38,835.00 [r (Washingim State Sal 6 Tax Not Included) In accordance with the General Conditions,Cos stimate Detail Sheet(s)ar ttached hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ®N CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O O The foregoing amount covers everythin quired in connection with the change All ther provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not be n poor to authorization M. A. Mortenson Colpipany CONTRACTOR BY ___ DATE---9/11/2007- -- TO CITYOFKENT Z O We ha carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonab a fore,we recommend acceptance. h Z Lu 07w DATE OWNER'S REPRE ENT NE DATE i O K A N COIy RACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) /// ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT O PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL g NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Y _ ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order = The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE (Form Color:GREEN) Cih of Kent cornRAct No 07050001-10 AGENCY CO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER fientFientcCenter COP No. 1 PROJECT TITLE TO k1. A. morienson Compairy CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE1O— You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below andfor detailed on the at[achments referred to- Date: 08/1 1/07 &�S f��I�s I-c SO GIs 31.52 Tons F S,7,00 per Toil = S1.;96.64 N T:i-Pe 17 'Gravel 1zol^rEJkF 128.2' Tons 'a Ss5,.00 per Ton =S4.489.45 w Lu Cif J Q O o_ O o: o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Overe-xcay ttinn and Replacement (EL Site ACCess Ro,16 €.Tl l ii 0-F 3-001 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY Ciro Tra nsfer. hic, PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY CIS- WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: TO, Li. §T64`;.SSSIJtI a7.I17.iFti (A/E) TO: Ben Golding PM(E&AS) J in CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE: ONO CHANGE t ENCREASE El DECREASE a am OF $6 286.09 0 (Wasnugmn side Sales Tax"Included) U In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto z CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE El CHANGE ❑INCREASE DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O O The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorizabon C°it-y �'i'�+n her. Inc. CONTRACTOR BY /� i DATE 8/31/2.007 TO CITYOFKENT z Q We have carefully elrarmned this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance F ¢ z z w `S NE DATE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE DATE O U w LW AGENCY DATE OWNER DATE --- CONTRACTSUMMARY (BYOwner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT z PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL O i= NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Fr oThe final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal. Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the ❑contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this charge order. The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed. AUTHOR2tNG SIGNATURE DATE City Transfer, Inc- (CT/J Extra Work Order Customer Project Date RI Job N Customer EWO N C'fr EWO N MA Mortenson Kent Events Center 8/17/2007 07-1 3 &001 CTI Employees-Regular Time CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT 1 1 *8OL nfSpa& 31 52 TON 5700 1,79664 12 Type 17/Grave/borrow 128 27 TON 3500 4,48945 CTI Employees-Overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS S 6,26609 Subcontractors COST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ 0.00 Description of Work and Quantites Performed --See attached field copy for work description and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS Is 0.00 CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS Is 0.00 Outside Rental Equipment EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs(Less Equipment) $ 6,28609 Total Equipment Costs $ 000 Markup of 15%on Labor $ 000 Markup of 5%on Subcontractors $ 0 00 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ 000 Total Amount Due is 6,286.09 Customer has read and reviewed the work set forth in Mrs Extra W W Order(EWO)including those terms on the reverse side and agrees to sad terms in then entirety Customer agrees the work set forth in this EWO was satisfactory performed sgnature acknowledges and affirms that the signator is a duty appointed representative of me Customer with the authority to request the above work Customer signature Cn Foreman signature Date (See Field Copy) Tvi.1�(.V w� 8/30/2007 K GTY TRANSFER INC CTI Extra Work Order Customer/Project Date ab# Customer EWO# CTI EWO# CTI Employees CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT nX 3js �s i - TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS S Subcontractors COST TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Description of Work and Quantities Performed h� r ��= = 5dr--7— VN -- S A-,0 �P � S Mtn TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS S Outside Rental Equipment EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs $ Small Tools and Supplies(5%of Labor) $ Overhead/Indirects j 15%on All Direct Costs) $ Profi, 10%on All Costs $ TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ Total Amount Due $ Customer has ead and reviewed the work set forth in this Extra Work Order(EWO)including those terms on the reverse side and agrees to said terms in their entirety Customer agrees the work set forth in this EW was satisfactory performed Siggature acknowledges and affirms that the signator is a out,,appointed represen[attve of the Customer with the authority to request the above work Custom Sgnztur Date :IFor anS nature Date pC D m F m OZJ ty ObULt5 if WNfL 3G �?,mc�m » r wa¢ D roUm `o QU=w LIS m�-°O b 9 � � oy '.4-.y yl JZ'J¢ mm „E mQ A A F }r f m e'mom°ro m to in UD w .r 1 CD J Fi `W, 00=Z ca Ofa0 eN_ `wmeN0 O �¢E¢ c D w t mO-� wE caorcj d O 0Z 00 mmotE E E S <0N4 CD_ � mmo c'm`Emm C P U d£ ~4 W�a- �nm W JWX� min on0� } J �� `1 i r . �7Z¢ mm`m m1EE P r W U 66 N¢Y ;O_ °NmNa g ,� �✓ r,� - 1 2O~O2 o� cm3 �`m of °mom �3m3 mw \ �� '\ ZHZm A�Q °jyC°ro 4 ¢¢Z AND �Uyma'C-m Oct U�r�m� a. m ZZ ) i-m my>�ab i ��0 �� 'f t ! t.._ Z �<Z� aia EL d � � f ,l O F¢O0 Jmm roroimSm.N .w ''-fit r' W � ~� .itY r:� •y' '� `.� O hy-3 W(L Zmm nm�c�q r �� m o �•. o w a f^' z aFwi �0 wo��a� x m �� � yo a o V 0 4 s 14 _. 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Z W r O co Qm = r a W(A Lce)O ~O p _ _ _ O a _ C%jLU Z to - - rCc a ° - _ � ° $ yy3i U Z •_ U _ all - s, F 4 AGG r W Z Z W Y {b ¢ 2 Z Y Q O O Z z w J {- Z J W U c a 2 U og. a) ¢ (Form Color GREEN) City of Kent coN it No AGENCY Co CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No 2 PROJECT TIRE TO M.A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachments referred to CI4*00006-Remediation of Unsuitable Soils in West and North areas of Project Mortenson continued remediation beyond that area remediated in the access road-as directed by the geetechnlral engineer and the customer's field representative The second change order reflects the additional remedial required for subgrade surfaces in the parking areas on the West and �5 North end of the project site This completes remediation required In these areas with a very small potential area adjacent to the w project trailers w Al remediation was limited to the very minimal depth required and specific density(compactions)requirements were relaxed to limit ti the extent of remediation required to meet compaction in the parking areas 0 0- 0 a REASON FOR CHANGE Direction of geotechnical engineer for remediation of unsuitable soils. DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED 1 0/512 0 0 7 CHANGE ORIGINATED BY M.A. Mortenson PROPOSAL REOJESTED BY SOd In accordance with the Agreement and General Conditions,the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below Also,pursuant to the above-referenced Agreement,Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature ansmg from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order,Including,without limitation,claims related to contract time,contract acceleration,Contractor overhead,or lost profits This Change Order, unless otherwise provided,does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement particularly those pertaining to Time of Completion WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO LMN ARCHITECT (A/E) TO PM(FBAs) J • OCONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ❑NO CHANGE ❑X INCREASE DECREASE a aOF One Hundred and Twenty Seven Thousand and Twenty Five Dollars No Cents $127,025.00 of (WasPirgtm Stare Sales Tax NcA mWiled) U In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE X❑NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change Al other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization M.A. Mortenson Company cONTRACTOR BY DATE 9/11/2007 Z TO CITY OF KENT We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reason er re,we red nd acceptance ?7 hE DATE 01 E EPR ENrATIVE GTE U w K AGENCY GTE OWNER GTE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL i PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL 0 NEW SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT r NEW BENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY DATE Fr I 0 NEW FINAL COMPLETION DATE < [—]The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this charge order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is agured AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE (Form Color GREEN) City of Kent wa CONTRACT NO AGENCV _ _HLI-CURY CO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No 2 _ PROJECT TITLE ro M. A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachments referred to CI#00006 -Remediation of Unsuitable Soils in West and North areas of Project Mortens\he ued remedlatlon beyond that area remediated in the access road-as directed by the g is engine nd the , customepresentative i The sece order reflects the additional remedlatlon required for subgrade surfaces In the p n est and North end of th site This completes remediahon required in these areas,with a very small potentia a lac" to the project W traders w All remes It ed to the ve minimal de th re uired ands iflc densi -' ry p q pec ty(coIre is were relaxed to limit the Nextent ofhon re ired to meet compaction in the parking areas o i D. O REASCHANGE Direction of geotecchnical e i or r ediation of unsuitable soils.DATE REQUIRED 10/5/2007 F ATED M.A.Mortenson _- -___— ---_— RO EQUES BY _ __— SO.I WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES CRIBED IN E AL R EST FOR To LMN ARCHITECT TO PM(E&AS) in CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE �NO CHANGE INCREAS DECREASE O a_ O a of One Hundred and Twen Seven Thous d Twenty Five Dollars $127,025.00 of (Washington State Sales Tax Not Inclu O U In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Eshnnale Detai s)are attached hereto ZCONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ®NO CHANGE INCR ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O O The foregoing amount covers everything required in c ection with the cha a All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to a Ization M. A. Mortenson Company C TRACTOR BY DATE 9/11/2007 z TO CITY OF KENT O We/carefullyd this proposal and fined the cost to be rea\IeTherefore,we recommend acceptance w A/E DATE NTA7NE DATE O U W KAGENCYDATE DATE CONTRACT SUM RY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIO\AMT PREVIOUS ADDITIONS _ CHANGEZ PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEONEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGITAMOUNT af X [—]The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by thi F- contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order The C of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing dY p g g proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature Is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE MORTENSOK OWNER CCA# : 2 Neneywell DATE AUTHORIZED : 9/10/2007 Title: Unsuitables Soils-Area A CIN : 00006 Description: 1 0/512 007 Total 0 - 6 Soils Remediation-S Area k CTI $19,707 45 7 Soils Remediation-SW Aria f yr- CTI $12,981 24 8 Sods Remediation -SW Area, °$ t CTI $13,221 15 9 Sods Remediation-SW Area '�� o; CTI $3,329 21 10 Sods Remediation-Area 3 ` r CTI $18,846 56 11 Sods Remediation-Area 3 �`.` CTI $17,090 85 12 Sods Remediation-Area 3 s� ate. CTI $9,961 35 13 Sods Remediation-Area 1 CTI $2,767 80 14 Sods Remedfation-North End -C $17,415 65 Subtotal $115,321 Subcontractor Bonds Ind $0 Subtotal $115,321 Markup on Subcontractors 4 00% $4,613 Mortenson Fee 4 00% $4,613 Subtotal $124,547 Insurances 11400% $1,420 Bond Premium 0 85% $1,059 Subtotal $127,025 (Form Color.GREEN) City of Kent CONTRACT NO 07050001-10 WGERCT- co CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No. 3 PROJECT TITLE TO M. A. Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 8/31/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below andlor detailed on the attachments referred to Date: 08/22/07 Type 17/ Gravel Borrow 221.21 Tons @ $35.00 per Ton =$7,742.35 4x8 Quarry Spalls 59.53 Tons (� $57.00 per Ton =$3,393.21 o Fabric (1401) 2.300 SF @ $0.25 per SF= $575.00 OW CI# J Q O a. 0 W o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Overexcavation and Replacement @ Site Access Road CTI EWO#8-002 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer,Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer, Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO M.A. Mortenson Company (A!E) TO Ben Golding PM(EBAS) J CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE �NO CHANGE X❑INCREASE DECREASE O a OF $11,710.5b 0 1 (Washington State Sales Tax Not Included) I- In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto ZCONTRACT COMPLETION DATE X❑NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O O The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY DATE 8/31/2007 Z TO, CITY OF KENT 0 We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance. Q 0 W w A/E DATE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE DATE O w AGENCY DATE OWNER DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT 0 PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACTAMOUNT R Om ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified. This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing sgnature is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE City Transfer, /tic. /CT/i Extra Work Order Customer Pm}ect Date Crl.bb 1' Customer EWO i C71 EWO i MA Mortenson Kent Events Center s/22/2007 07-13 8-002 CT1 Employees-Regular Time CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT 12 Type 17/49ra✓elborrow 22721 TON 3500 7,74235 11 4x8OuarrySparrs 59 53 TON 5700 3,39321 14 Fabnc(J4oN/ 2,300 00 SF 025 575,00 CT1 Employees-Overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ i1,710-56 Subcontractors COST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ 0.00 Description of Work and Quanbtes Performed See attached field copy for work description and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS Is 000 CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT TOTAL EOUIPMENT(TRUCK COSTS S 0.00 Outside Rental Equipment EOUTP# HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs(Less Equipment) 11,77056 Total Equipment Costs 000 Markup of 15%on Labor $ 000 Markup of 5%on Subcontractors $ 000 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ 0.00 Total Amount Due $ i 1,770 56 Customer has read and reviewed the work set forth n this Ema Work Order 1EW01 inctuding those terms on the reverse side and agrees to said terms n their entnety Ctrrtomer agrees the work set forth in this EWO was satisfactory performed Sgnatum acknowledges and affirms that the srgnamr a a duty appointed repmser tatry of the Customer with the authority to request the above work Customer signature Dare Crl Foreman Skptarure jDa"B13012007 e (See Field Copyl r&VU W LCk U*1& CITY TRANSFER INC. CTI Extra Work Order Cus[omer/Pro)ect �� Date ob p rcossomerEwo# Ctl^EWO b :9� 407 ca t�2 CTI Employees CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT � 230 � rya TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS S Subcontractors COST TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP M HRS RATE EXT Description of Work and Ouantities Performed A y+lam ,� 2, C� S— ,ef G1 jZ-4-1 71c&w &F / Ord 124C, A< A)gt-L ZPs o TOTAL EQUIPMENT 1 TRUCK COSTS $ Outside Rental Equipment EOU)P tt HRS RATE EXT • Total Direct Costs $ Small Tools and Supplies(5%of Labor( $ Overhead/Indirects (15%on All Direct Costs) S Profit 10%on All Costs $ TOTAL RENTAL COSTS s Total Amount Due $ Cus omen has read antl reviewed the work set With in this Extra Work Order IEWOI including those terms on the reverse side and agrees to said terms in their ennrery Customer agrees the work set forth to rh,s EWO was sans`actory pe,formed Signature acknowledges and affirms that the signator s a duly appointed representative of the Customer with the atuhoriry ro request the above work Customs CTI f e n signature Dat= Z O O_ oza ao mW _ erer '✓ QYF ma n3"�Qi q C mpm O pZO< aU¢ 3mc ®��ma vl to W & m m,mO uL OE� Eli O aoa �� ��u, m�mm �✓ pRY W �VTa¢ L°c5 �n p m�v m tLOpw ccj � O o � OFWy P'mo =9a�m 9�o om Z-4 mmomm m c C s o o QE¢ E Z i aoDm om m 3�� d E_ S Fe zzmamo '03mryEg i= F c ScC9t } QUa7 LU 9mmo c mmm w¢aU m W �wxr �m5�n ono« ? i yam• aiwodygm�'m�`o W Y 1 m 9 C5 / o9�N ;mom b =115 g ?v'z- Inn -E--iIo 4sad, � UWF� ��m EctmEv iQ¢< „ S Lo. w�Xm° E nO W W w aZE p 1E 4. 4d az , m Z 4V�g s cma i 1 NASHINGTON Kapowsin Quarry King Creek Pit COCK QUARRIES, INC. Ledge Rock& Crushed Rock Sand,Gravel &TopSoil d ORPORATE OFFICE 6 29104 Camp#1 Rd.E Ortar_-.%1A 98360 Champion 1 Road Telephanel360)893-SSh� v J Telephone(360)893-7701 O Box I806 FA,._ (360 41 893-35I! FA1 (3b01 3� 93-7 i02 )RTING,«A 98360 i 360)893-1661 AX: (360)893-1664 DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION J Landscape Rock,GrL�el,Rig-Rap, Road Subbase,Ballast i CUSTOMER NAME • + • CITY TPAIISFEP. 111C � `I-F)n $' w QIUj iRF FREIGHT 01-t3a r, 11.'i : 1 j TAX PO n I TOTAL DUE 3ROSS ARE r i ET °11 WEIGHMA TEN ` DRIVER CUSTOMER 7 % 7 2 3 RM 23g7 2 % ! q /9 $ ; a , q �� ; �c 2 Tco rig- ! ■ zo6;� Zi m ma . # aq 2 aaE ~- §§ ®\�- 2 § , 2 =e bo ;s 0 -0 ) "N— . d| p > ]7 2 q: aow ■ § 9( (o 2, !l�4e, qX ! .- q\ ®fk9 � � °© © 7#§ q« q= ■, p /! ) }k§ ' alp. \A0 A; ` §1 No 2 , c9§ »| Aft _ ! . ;- !!HT q$ � ; 7- q q/ A 22 § « ■/� e q. a» 7� \y!wg 2 . v sr R `8z 2 r §!� _ �| � �_ q. , r 9 !A L ;. 2 , . VASHIN GTON Kapowsin Quarry � King Creek Pit ,OCK QUARRIES, INC. Ledge Rock&Crushed Rock F Sand,Gra4el &TopSoil J 29104 Camp#I Rd E. Ortir;.11A98360 Champion 1 Road 'ORPORATE OFFICE 4 Telephone(3b0)893.33Ut1 �" Telephone 1360)893-7701 O Box 1806 FAS (3601 893-551? EAY (360)893-7702 ,RTING,AAA 98360 )60)893-1661 4`s• (360)893-1664 DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION CT Landscape Rock,Grai el.Rip-Rap,Roar;Subbase.Ballast CUSTOMER NAME f �i • - 6 0 01 Y T'b� , ♦ M c 2'C rat - r �.. ; i A i..t'.l's ����.�') i 'a.- _ � ! Ton '� `t� T� 4_::S f':_�`-_1�"�. D I s p� ?c Z� N'f : {I FREIGHT 7 TAX ¢=: TOTAL DUE 3ROSS f»3, 4'O i1 ARE: --- ET fir•'�����. 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D>> o - mZ�Z `' c� moo Q3sdf° O1°8'^m m �02 <O�CJ l V O NnmmO `<n0 �i➢y'y V O mg .0 3 n m W ��cm roN moNOZ 0 m�3mmm� �mcs WOy a , roL ' �mCT< �3m Tm=y ..1 I ->�-00 maz cx,m oy �_� C' mmomo -30 =zaN Tye O��} 0 a3m3m ,mm< Docc xi"�+ r Q.Hmm o''Zm j ZV Z mo 3om :UMQ �+ O" G �XmD y W'm'��o mm nD Dm m O o =� 3 3om. -=` DOZZ mym 'Op TO C-00 9 m room vm_ 'alum es O N n Rm�mm » Or o ��Dmm '-o mmOz a O m E . 0mOD�i� Xa v m c- nos-o o. �xo ONOm 4n1 \ c'^ { =mu0 "o S�-l� o mCD om� mm DO _1 Fmmy< am Dy�z VJ y mc� 511 3-py f U ) 1� w -1 Z w w >_m_�m_ ma ➢OZ� ^' � 'w.. qro 71� y O Q mmmx ol0 y�OD .+a movom n- D T t V1 { .Dorm oa ;fir \A m FF =mcm a0 Iz" IZ m ma m m a /'-� ti mo-oo'o' �F amm t+I ��_ �a �.=m3v m� D1O m Z-i 3.'iN6 �� NL70 K m _ a _ Q a m O 0 c m z z 0D 1 O 0 0 o O z O z m m m o O — a _ m y .a vow all 5 y a c a CO z N D = m - _ W 0 fn co c z z m m 3 0 w :3 m mp n A -1 r o _ Q - n a - N pm DW o x 0 O �m ro N (Dx m _ c - o m Z T - m cn Oo ^i � NO cD� n CDm - _ m a mp 0 U) .. = m m G> A �I ZO co O _ - N D z m _ � ! z - m m — z m _ z i D — m _ m < m m a m ° o c c _ -4 O O 3 x - p .. Z O - m D m m z O _ v = _ m O -- - z Q O O N - C < i N Z N y i m - v co p) z 31 - 01 M Oj C z z a - p tmn w ; RI O O x — — - m� O � � O r cn - IV �X m c a m Z W Oj -i D — m x �Q - 2 co �O A O O X - W O 0 N umi m m m 0 -_ (.3) p 0 R�1 - - m T m m - _ s O V _ Z 37 D _ V O o z z :. = o 14 o °r°m < - z N - H _ O — m 0 A m n v J D m - o O D - _ C O - r O m m ZZZi m m - -- 0 y m O D n m v < m z ° o = - a m OY 0 � Y O cc _ C Z N< 3 - _ m m CD . i� o x - - - rO n O �Z O x m _ m m� DO �m ro cox m C - O m m Z - -' fD N CO 1 '� O m 0 W Oo 0 m m - _ m m mM w _ _ = cOn p O m m0 D c D i" O O m L� O o z° Zm < m - -- m -- O N ? 13 D rn M m < 9 r +(Form cover;GRN) City of Kent coNTRACT No 07050001-10 co CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No 4 PROJECT TITLE TO M. A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 8/31/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachments referred to Date: 08/23/07 Type 17 265.50 Tons @ $35.00 per Ton =$9,292.50 4x8 Quarry Spalls 32.58 Tons n $57.00 per Ton = $1,857.06 Fabric (140N) 1,250 SF Ca $0.25 per SF = $312.50 CI# rn ¢ O o_ O X o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Overexcavation and Replacement(a, Site Access Road CTI EWO#8-005 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer,Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: TO M.A.Mortenson Company (AIE) TO Ben Golding PM(E&AS) J pCONTRACT PRICE CHANGE El CHANGE X❑INCREASE DECREASE a W OF $11,462.06 a O (Washington State Sales Tax Nat Included) In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto Z CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE El NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O U The foregoing amount covers everything required In connection with the change All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY DATE 8/31/2007 1Z TO CITY OF KENT 0 We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance. f- 0 z w 0 AIE DATE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE DATE O V W AGENCY DATE OWNER DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT Z O PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ❑The final amount of ins change order differs from the cost proposal invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due In connection with this change order ¢ The Cl tyof Kent hereby accepts the for egoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE a City Transfer, Inc. (CT/ Extra Work Order Customer Pra7eU E8/ Cnjb# Guaomer EWO# CTI EWO#MA MortensonKent Events Center 23/2007 07-13 8-005 CTI Employees-Regular Time CLASS FIRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT 12 Type 17/Grav f borrow 265 50 TON 3500 9,29250 11 4X6OuarrySpaps 3258 TON 5700 1,85706 14 FabncII401Vj 1,25000 SF 025 31250 CTI Employees-Overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 11,46206 Subcontractors COST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS S 000 Description of Work and Quanbtes Performed See attached fie/d copy fol-walk description and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS S 0.00 CT7 Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT I it TOTAL EQUIPMENT(TRUCK COSTS S 000 Outside Rental Equipment EQUIP# 14RS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs)Less Equipment) $ 77,46206 Total Equipment Costs $ 000 Markup of t 5%on Labor $ 000 Markup of 5%on Subcontractors $ 000 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ 0.00 Total Amount Due $ 1 1,46Z06 Customer has read and reviewed the work set forth in this Extra Work Order 1EWO)including those terms on bse nve+se side and agrees m said te-rrrs in their entirety Customer agrees the work set forth it,this EWO was sattsfaaory performeN Signature adtrwwledges and alfirms tlsat the signator u a duly appointed repremnrawe of the Customer with fie audwnq to requescrhe above work Cusrorner Sgnature Date CV Fttremat Sgreatitre `,W, _ Date (See Field Copy) I OZI& LCk4"I / 8/30/2007 CITY TRANSFER INC. CT/ Extra Work Order ustome0project Date Job# Customer EW0# CTI EWO# CTI Employees CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials OUANTITY PRICE EXT I-fype '� •" aA/ A l /2-50 " TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ Subcontractors COST TOTAL LABOR COSTS S TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Description of Work and Quantities Performed aAf F X ag-(WSJ ( t P it TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS Outside Rental Equipment EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs $ Small Tools and Supplies (5%of Labor) $ Overhead/Indirects I 1 S%on All Direct Costs) S Profi� 10%on All Costs $ TOTAL RENTAL COSTS S Total Amount Due $ Customer has read and reviewed the work set forth in this Extra Wo-k Orde,(EWO)including those terms on the reverse side and agrees to said terms in their entirety Customer agrees the work set forth in this EWCjwas satisfactory performed Signature acknowledges and affirms that the sgnator is a duh,aopom[ed representative of the Customer with the awhoriry to request the above work Custom Slgnz[urP Date CTI For ature Date — 23 Jos- i w C m-s � �Na LiN ODm�m W Q .Up ��mm0 :, w_Ww cm mCm..m a .c (V �m�ym3 W S o k F'UT Lac o� tmia O'�m Na' 6 ti xo > QU�p vb+ - OhC-w� w •�� c7j � - -. -_ __ m�La10 p ¢ c �L, 4( - - NOQa mom` i £cm4E Ems°'£ W i '✓ tY ` aowQ �oE Lonc°'m � t 0` F, aZ mZ'o mm %p Zon LAI 1 S 60YZ QO' t` qi o� U¢pFY y.`amm acl jdtro EO� O W W 4 za3pb_ mzz mO `I ° z ra,2 M< -t- as am m_c 1 _ fa .. � tea_ •-af � � UaQUI Wcj N ��pp��..CA ._ V-1 c �� O FY- W¢ Zmt Fmm Srmim m �� U ' J v P' Z aF-W2 OOI_ Wo3o acrn X N E ■ t.. 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Ledge Rock&Crushed Rock Sand,Gravel&TopSoil 29104 Camp#1 Rd.E.,Orting,WA 98360 Champion 1 Road ORPORATE OFFICE Telephone(360)893-5500 \ Telephone(360)893-7701 O.Box 1806 FAX: (360)893-5511 i FAX: (360)893-7702 RTING,WA 98360 � , -,� r, 60)893-1661 ``' � `r•J kX: (360)893-1664 DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION 361 010 1 CT259 0 1 Landscape Rock,Gravel,Rip-Rap,Road Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME f, • •-• • • _C'ZTY TRAMPER TT;M 32.5 Ti:•n 4" R ?' Q1J,;!X_ Dispatcli NO: ord�t 140 1 FREIGHT TAX 1 • 4 PO C TOTAL DUE POUNDS • TONNt GROSS- IQ72k"tY .53.60 A?SI:TGA ,7{)B 0 3?13 NET 55 � 2, 5,Q, WEIGHMASTER DRIVER CUSTOMER (Form Color.GREEN) City of Kent CONTRACT NO Co CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No. 5 PROJECT TITLE TO M. A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work descnbed below and/or detailed on the attachments referred to, Date: 8/24/07 Type 17 165.67 Tons $35.00 per Ton=$5,798.45 I- W w CI# J 0 a 0 a REASON FOR CHANGE Overexcavation and Replacement @ Site Access Road CTI EWO#8-007 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer, Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO M.A. Mortenson Company (A/E) TO Ben Golding PM(E&AS) J u) CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE --]NO CHANGE ©INCREASE DECREASE iL �° OF $5,798.45 a <L' (Wastinptcn State Sales Tax Not Included) O In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto 2 CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ®NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O O The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change AA other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY DATE 8/31/2007 Z TO CITY OF KENT O We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance, F Q Z W w 2 0 A/E DATE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE DATE O U w Cr AGEN Y DA7E OWNER DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT Ir PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT K z0 The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the []The as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order ¢ The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE C4ty Transfer, /nC./C71 Extra Work Order Customer Protect Date/ / C71 lob! Customer EWO 6 CTI EWO i MA Mortenson Kent Events Center 8 24 2007 07-13 8-007 CTI Employees-Regular Time CLASS FIRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT 12 Type ill ara t bwmw 16567 TON 3500 5,79845 CTI Employees-Overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS is 5,79845 Subcontractors COST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS S 0.00 Description of Work and Quantites Performed See attached field copyfor work descapiron and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS S 000 CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP* HRS RATE DCT TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS $ 000 Outside Rental Equipment EOUIPS HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs(Less Equipment) S 5,79845 Total Equipment Costs 5 000 Markup of 7 5%on Labor S 000 Markup of 5%on Subcontractors 5 0001 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS S 0.00 Totat Amount Due $ 5,798 45 Customer has read and reviewed the work set forth n this Extra Work Order IEWO)including those terms on the reverse side and agrees to card terms to their entirety Customer agrees the work set forth rn this E WO was satisfactory performed Signature atinowledges and affimrs that the stgnator is a duty apponted representative of the Customer wrth the authority to request the above work Ccsttvne•Srgrtature Date Cn Foreman signature � 1�7 � i � Date (See Field Copy T�W Gckiiie u , 8/31/2007 CITY TRANSFER INC CTI Extra Work Order Customer/Project Date oG# Customer EWO# CTI EWO tt CTI Employees CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT TOTAL MATERLAL COSTS S Subcontractors COST TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Description of Work and Quantities Performed i� IuS pe-v4e f rr S�)FT OC—F c k- :RaoLAQ TOTAL EQUIPMENT 1 TRUCK COSTS $ Outside Rental Equipment EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs $ Small Tools and Supplies(5%of tabor) $ Overhead/Indirects(I S%on All Direct Costs( $ Pro& 10%on All Costs S TOTAL RENTAL COSTS S Total Amount Due $ Customer has read and reviewed the work set forth in this Extra Work Order IEWOI inouding triose terms on the reverse side and agrees to said terms m their entirety Customer agrees the work set forth m, this EW was sarisfacrory performed Signature acknowledges and affirms that the signator is a duN appointed representdnve of the Customer with the authority to request the above work Cust er e Date CTI Fo ignarure Date 1 2 07 low "0,6 5= -2-'j � • p •W4 y'f Z� F 9 UL p Em yu O� lei, 3m nN"C° cE mUmm° x�rr mg ommm� c c * /Kf r' Z�Us ma >�i0m mot, C.) � �'l 3Fa )�=Z omm 2�d5E � t SAED 2 mW NQ_� jNE c>.mm u� aS E L' _ r Uq 0°-pm¢ � •� •.L WVNJ c 5cv4E �- In lr ro-- k/0 •�• aowa °oE �`Ncm � � tk Mco woNa r` . mVIQ3 _ N f ,- ` NW y� Eij} 4N2F u�r m=u�Sm� . m� {- Zw,p mm t so ZV-zmm.D c>Ncoy 11 Ua-m oww c NEm azOw 7_ m=vN--y G 0j= 4 Z r<z2 mcr E3a mm.£ cc • _ �• W U � �� �;� .�._. � f-.�w¢ ZmL mEmcU� m 8 O Q LL 4 i i l w n w m ^t ~ Z N ZO T r - CD ui _Z Z Q - S _ N _ ir ¢a V CDM a _ 0Fo 2 w wm7i LO cl)j j a = z _ LL Z- U U. j dm It U aw Y 0 __ O C M O � roco , CCm - - ¢ Z _ p Nz LU ,. ._ O u > W . ssa U z - v m - O ` 0 � J OP w w - v _ _ z p Z g m = > 7 - p -- - _ O J _ Z J W 1 U _ 0 _. a i u a ¢ t 1 \y c eL -5155 V <\ i� W(A¢ VN i0m�m f'y ¢YW0ZJ p'CQ nyL'ap FWW cN mC a p ¢ O t•, m oy .1�^,.\ M� ti, �ZO¢ mr s.�m� m m CQ ♦ q U... m ➢ 00 CIQ '^ 2 UCH a>=D�. F1 OCO Ni:9IN Z 1\ty W In0 LmIE CO.j E d tam t0 E _E S � �\ 1 yJ 2Uw� $moo cs°'mE "CC p aow� W 'm'o` �oac Fi �`• Ut`�'. i •� , j yW2q 3nc o°-E'm � I\�yt � Z�GN O0� mjd76 O w mm— mj°caE QU�YZ cWq mo Et' S . w m� c� v F� p y ter- mm OC _°80 Q aSm m a` 1. ]� w�¢¢2 F' V - VJCD X fLN 45 a f� :N w�¢¢ Utm c..`m= P1ZZ I \7 .\ '".,� mO w 1- ¢ZOW J=.2 atmm- i 0D2 t Z ti¢Z� c�' Ecamm� 0.(Aa H¢�� Jva 'y a. ¢ { O re ..k •�: O F3Z¢ OZmm` L°`m Sz ', •� \y U 4{ !.1 `• W Z W= O n� U a S FI �I 4 ¢ 3a¢3 cm Q LL 1: LU � • VT w - $ F D - r - z m - _ a z w > _ Z LO - W o ¢°o - h -- (5 m z ¢ gD u UlN ¢ a W _ -, nw � w w I LO o _ o ¢o 0 > _ w - - NCO N ,. 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LO U O-L U ._ _ - Y p W a C ch �p _ O d E CO LU _ ¢ o co ¢ - Lo o° - 5 W N Z N m - U `\�o o , - na& LU Q Lu _ Z O - Z 2 in z Z w - O .-_ - O ¢ Z - a U U - O - - ¢ a H LU g ' U w U3 Ll S U a. N ¢ �.�Racro��r s H o � nvc SvQQ� Septemb r 10, 2007 TO: John Baker MA. Mortenson Construction John.baker@mortenson.com FROM: Keith Benson PROJECT: Kent Events Center CTI No. 0713 RE: Quarry Spall Pricing Quarry Sp It $57_00 per Ton Contract nit: $35.00 per Ton Quarry Sp 311 includes: Over-excavation Geo Textile Quarry Spall Added Haul Base UnitHaul: 1 HR Quarry Sp U: 3.5 HRS Add Haul: 2.5 HRS $300.00 per load Av. Load size: 28 Ton/ $10.71 per Ton Quarry Spall unit 8.00 (See Invoice) Sub-Total: $18.71 Mark-Up. 2.80 Total Increase: $21.51 I P.O.Baas 1850-Sumner,WA 98390-0400 2720 E_VaAey H".Fast*Sumner,WA 99390*Seattle(253)850-1775*Tacoma(2531863.4556'Fax(253)850-1797 �c ASHINGTON 03 C K KKAPOWSIN QUARRY gUARRIESIND. KING CREEK SAND & GRAVEL EST.199D P.O.Box 1806 ¢hone:360-893-1661 Orting,WA98360 1 Fax:360-893-1664 Invoice 99133 Bill to: Job: CITY TRANSFER,ZINC. P.O. BOX 1850 2720 E VALLEY HWY E SUMNER, WA 98390-0400 i I Invoice# 99133 Date- 07131 07 Customer P.O.#. 1 -•• ---- - ----- -- --- -- •--- - ---- ---- - • - - Payment Terms. NET 15TH Salesperson: Customer Code 361 Remarks: TicketQuantity D'escription U/M Unit Price Extension 2843 216085 008 2"-4"SPALLS i TN t060 22744 2290 216087 008 2"-4"SPALLS i TN 8.00 183.20 (I 28.05 21608$ 008 2"-4"SPALLS TN 800 22440 4 Subtotal: 635.04 Total: 635.04 RF_C'D AUG —f a PRICES OK i i'GIL CODE I • l! ' ; JOB NO. f i PHASE 30 1 ' COST TYPE U (/ Print Date 08/01/07 Page 1 __ ' I aft R A C Toy i b N ® MNSSAAW AK 9�CgTE S�eQv September 10, 2007 f TO: John Baker MA Mortenson Construction John.baker@morterison.com FROM: Keith Benson PROJECT: Kent Events Center CTI No. 0713 RE: Geo-Textile Fabric Unit Rate$0.25 per SF I • See invoice attached i per roll $ 330.00 • Labor hours 16.5 HRS @ $ 42.26 = $ 697.29 • Backhoe 1580 1.5 HRS @ $110.00 = 165.00 Sub-Total = $1,192.29 • Supervision mark-up, 15% Labor = $ 104.59 • Safety mark-up, 2% Labor = $ 13.94 • Overhead mark-up, i2% _ $ 143.07 • Profit, mark-up, 6% = 71.53 Total = $1,525.42 PA Box 18$0`Sumner,WA 98390-0400 2720 E.VaRey Hwy.East Sumner,WA 98390'Seattle(253)850-1775'Tacoma(253)863-450 Fax(253)850-1797 , Invoice Na 10078634 - Date 8121f2(f07 .,_• OrdeirNo. F0046925 ShiplowID _ S0084605'-_ - OrderTyPe Fife Sales Order --- '=•-AII�Wesi,InE.isaU"B,A.namafarNW,Gaasyathelic5,lnP : - - - Customer ID - C1T600 , � 8951 S.E'.76th_Drive,'Po>'tiand,OR 97206 503-771-SITS $00-878-5115 tra,l 503-77'1-1161 r . 7� s INC, ' _ _ ,, CITY TRANSFER,INC__ - A^; 625 West James ST39D - - - ' Kent WA$8390�r -4'_arx .•`t_N.+ - gyp; • _ -• •-■ ■ a • -ER Z, b', &` OUR TRUGK ' _ Gfenn`> (253)8504775 - 0743 •-■ - ■ SALESPERSON Net 30 Days Scott EtzkOrn T'AC QTY ORDERED UNITS CITY SHII <: 102200125` � 500 ROLL, _ S.00 DA_0 =330.ODD 000 1,650-000 _(10D7738)Geotex 2DOST Woven, 12 5'x 432' - ,, - • - - _ _ - ��ply:, COST TYPE_ yrFr - - - ,,r ,' - ' - l•,;i, - -Sales Total 1,65000 - - x Please pay from this imolce - -5 '--- Shipping 8 Handling _ -OA0 ` Mnc,Charges .O-D0 - --, Stalemeuls byreguest only :i; lax Total '"a` 146.g5 r' 1,796.85 v Less Paid Am"; 4.00 'Thank you for your business - �� %[p.- „1 - � Y, - thMy trh�, l'a'-'s�'"��'+`°T'Jy':"- ���t.^`✓,r•',�'.;� j2'� `'4, v .J'd:' _ _ _ c`S`` --1.`+tt, .-. _`,'01. mac.:...�..;2=,i"a l:.,...'V' :-42�.r'_' »r»,..x4-t'E..?r..,. rti'S'iz a°:�aa 3,Lh xa•`si*'.%<+.��...`�r ..- r °»tea..;'� r �' -� .' �.:_` . a°.a�£r-e F�e:x•„�,n' - _£�+sA�,R�','i.-.+ri�,.� `r rx'se'u-._,.'"..�;5 , 10/05.f2007 FRx 151 43 FAX 253 854 2255 N. A. Horbention 2001/015 v (Farm Color.GREEN) City of Kent _ CONrnACT No 07050001-10 TGMY--- CO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No. 6 PROJECT TITLE TD•M.A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 9/10/2001 You are directed to prepare a cast propose for the work described bolow,and/or detailed an the attachments referred to. Date.8128107 Type 17 563.07 Tons @ $35.00 per T np� eWED W i� cI# AUG 212007 MORTENWN t'ROJECre70.5IlOt p KENT LVENT CENTkIt O K o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Overexcar'a tioD and Replacement @ SW Pavement Area CT1 RWO#8-008 _ DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer, Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR. To. M.A.M_ ortenson Company (A/E) TO- Ben Golding PM(EaAS) oCONTRACT PRICE CHANGE. ENO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE IL of $19,707.45 L tY murir4tw state uba Test Nat Ircludad) O � V In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Eatimate Detail Sheets)are attached hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ❑NOCHANGE ❑INCREASE El DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS v The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain In full force and etfect. We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization. City Transfer, Inc. CONTRACTOR BY _ DATE 9/10/2007 luil TO• CITY OF KENT We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance. ArE -DATE OWNERS REPRESENra -" DATE 4 , DATE civoi�fflic_ DATE u1 CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT 0 PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DAME DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT � I I 0 The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the � ❑conlractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this Change order, Z The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified. This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed AUTHORIZING IGDATE 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 44 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Horteneon Z002/015 City Transfer, Inc. CTI Extra Work Order Cusromt Project Date / rnJobd CVSLomcrEWOM GSI Mo. MA Mortensen Kent Events Center 6/2 zoo? 07-13 D8 8-008 CTIEmployees-RCgular lme CLASS HRS RATE EXT Matenab QUANTITY PRrCE E1(T 12 Typr/71aav&bvfMw 56307 TON 3500 19,70745 cnzinployccs-overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 19,707.45 Subcontractors COST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS Is 0.00 Description or Work ind OwinbtcS PCffOrmed See attached field copy for work description and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ 0,00 CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE FUT TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS Is 0.00 Outside Rental Equipment EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Total Direct Costs(Less Equipment) $ 19,707.45 Toni Equipment Costs S 0.00 Markup of15%onLabor $ 000 Markupof5%onSubcontractors $ 0.00 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ 0.00 Total Amount Due $ 19,707.45 cumin r Nkis re+Qano rwl,v d the wwk set lane In this bah.Wank Order(E W01 inaudmg those terms on the reverse We and agree;to S td terms in Their crivi Cusrorrier�9ree+thewst set forth m[his EWO wessatbfectorypeflo(Med SlgnatWe acknowledges aM alllmis that The slgnitar if a dwyappoinscd regnesCnNlva of the Cuaamer with theauthtenty m request the above. k. umincry nlww Oete LTI Foreman slgnamn: Date (See Field Copy) rw4t:fG7flYlL/ 9/5/2007 10/0V2007 FRI 15144 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. xorteneon U003/015 CITY TRANSFE INC. CTI i' Extra Work Order u0urrr1F nlrv-[ ,i" G�lx t,P (USNtt1CT kWOA' CTI CWo A jCTI Employu,b C5. S I-IRS RAIE EXT Materials OUANUTY PRICE EXT i i TOTAL MATEa4LL COSTS S Suhconrrarrnrs COST � 1 TON IABOR COSTS S TOTAL SUBCbINTRACT COSTS S I CTI Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT Description of Work and Oudntlues Performed I oG�Pt Al 07c2 r� � r Spa-r lolIN TOTAL FaUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS S I Oumdo Rinral Equipment EQUIP# HRti RATE EXT + I ^ I I Total Direct Cows S Small Tools and Supplies IS%of I aunr) S Overhead/Indlrects I I Yy+on All Direct Casts; S Profi[ I OOA on All Costs S f0IAi RFNTAL COSTS S Total Amount Due $ I CUSiVmei lrnre lnnd remewrcl rhr v.Crk 5rt T"EV)In IN',E* YVo+kO+JeI,CWoV ux luAnU IN,,,IrvM%nn mr rnC 40Cand dVl y the v,Ai cc fUnli In rho FWp <5 5aosl.,ury prdurruelk l,gmamm vYnCnvICdC!Y d117 arr I ni Ind[IN,Lyr utu u,duly epyoinlenl nr Ihr f 115[OPItt wrill U1e auU Dui M1J lu re fur%t II e7.A.nvf work r VArmCll']VOdaBEr De[e III FOmn m�SjOdrWt Ua[C 10/05/2007 FR1 15164 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Hortaneon �OOa/015 * � o m �N�t°—TSl ai3 =mHp Ct �C'� �� 4 ~ '��• C n 3 0 — n-Y�'m`@din [y9 pti Elmf-m p V �� �'g y c (1 x nv nstSZ `i �J 2m�A 0 n m fNT ohm_ 59m N�D(7 O Vl `N m 1i wo y`mymam �Ir DOa� e0 i `� d C'' V 1 ❑ _A jamhaj v jZA1 2 =CQ P Z3„- m02m m n� \ `v Z nn yD�m �V 4 v ` x x ✓ g9�'°=mQ v'�� -imp R 1 0 1 � '\_• '� .1' \ �11i 4 zj 2 O—" mm Azmy h7 mm^mm ark 00 3"ag inn Q(Vbr m m- C 259 cm . s W Z y S n N 3agO 1W1 22200 ` N a eLm H. 0m10� .� �� y l r v� Vti V, m_- n_ mpOZ V l 1Pg � g=� p*o� t \1 C.0Ir.� �S m�2®¢_ plmil p�~gj `•� • [+�1 1� q VJ/ • �' 3��?fi a�$ �mC9 � / ` G 1 1 R.1 � �}, !�7 '� 2m am �� AFam 923 Mm yy i ` gap5Q 9R R dV 6 y '' r 1mm„m 8a 3'"m , MIX g6 a ^d8 �x -Oym 3sg.. DER 36 y00 m� m z .ti Z C ••5 a n 9 I o o Z _ g 3PK :v 0 z m o -: 0 W — IS y r I r IF � r, I C7 r• i 0 p Ay A 1 : y — C fn I m T O N 9 i m O UR 1 a z m Q 1 w c -1 a J Ip m z 2 C Tf L1 je O Y 0 m0 n m0z GI r I , o y- = T a m m Rn ajj mac'a] T7m M m m N x CD _ m 2 n c- COW z ocm ° _ co Cf G o a m m 1 D O ]I Ay Z .i m .. �{ ry W Wi z .�. M• v g Y a = m :s 10/05/2007 Fax 15:44 PAX 253 854 2255 N. A. Kortenson 0005/015 N a a o m m -gZZZI mm C — _ — D N yy W � 31 4 4 D - o ~ WJ . d r � m2 • C. N ^ O C I m Z N � _ m — O� W cn W � RI z 0 c v b o — �o �_ �O m c° m Z m +. 0�0 - i C 1 — m m N O = G = W co 7C�J .. 33 m a m r v�i O o 17j 00 a rm vt I _ a z _ z I — m iIt 17 .., m m -41 :^ _ M — m z z c i O c 0 ➢ x �.. z .. i m z -� 0 0 _ �• < — ie m B a m M p W G7 m OD z z c ma s m � c� � c mZ � �d m o a N _ 0 m m °' D g° ra m cox m — 1" o m Zm " � N our m x �O n W WW 1 C 0 pb " �' S m O� Cl 1 A m 37 Mp cr ..rn m T m -. .— O _ _ m m 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 46 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Mortenson �J006/015 @0x m9 111111 �,� � z Asam no S a � '6�� ��� ~ry�b 2 o D o . c RI V1-Z r ]I 1 � Oti 6 Tr ` I aI.g $gn TC� ZzO p32ms 3a� n:D� 'm mmg a co ry C) rr-m t � yi `� N T x �4_ yyam- ?Ou KDy9 I` NaiF rtN ��v. Z; (m-, d NQ 1 1 3ao�, �K MO ��amg `m y°OD i"GR rn d @OMN6 'l lzg m93A, 1 Amy ny7iD m 3a9Q BRA EA �mD °w8 mmoz 3J3 O 62F M°n-I yf� W 4�` _ns n Z= '� B� i �3Ps <mC9 kAJ) ; ffigo Ool �� {�t30 s m \ W 1 m to E &' 2SN'm= �$ nG=< IU y� V'� ryr y V o I•'�1`iCO ' ic 1p o¢S�dI �Fp I I F I am mm Ho dun �.. VIOD nmn a o = S N m n ` _.m u - m z a z W 2 — 0 O F o O z (2. O <° m o a o m a' 7. ' I ., -•c z , w a i o £ c o n r, c T N N b o mz �� m a �� 3 z .. z m ' r o # T o 4 0m �o ' -`� A - o z: fO N W w m a m p -V r -u CJ3 f(QWpp m O ; m m m A ht0 i r> = ppO m C ,r of i O D A �,, J O M s> N v D z z £? 51 z u r rn a TI M W -• C-f zco P _ C ti LV -4 m .+. m ti 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 45 FAX 253 $54 2255 K. A. mortanoon �997J915 S 0 v z M1 I m m ti a m ° - of '� CN N , _ C O O D x Z rt r - � • 3 f = o 1 - r_ e O ti N z 'i CDC A _ rn < m - m Z N 3) 5 m :1 J �Q ST rj) <m Omj 3 c - _4 .s m UI W 0 rl } n•- O Z 0 o Y x ` m m� M m r bo m ro COx �, oo 1 m 9 Lnpm v W wOD m m 0 mA _ 6 by � '" •'^ v v v m m -17 to m El n $ z z z 1 { m I m I D -- m ; m i I } m fl _ 5 b �� _ O r. O m _ r - z -4 - r p - O C < m Z 2 z .s _ — o m - 0 D O 0 - ° I < m Z _ O p �- y m L 1 7. m ' m9 w 1 CD M r C z CD z c J �r. o� W m r 0 m 0 x A A CD� r r Z a �z O G M CD h j_ Y O n T nn Q A m m om. P� Q 030 I zTI Y _L Z 7.Tr S y m - m r r i171 G) 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 45 FAX 253 954 2255 M. A. HOrtenSOn ®998/015 P N V I N m m p m v n _ _ — o m ., o D Z a r o w t m O ^ o m I = z o — - mZ 9 m W fp ` p -4 c z z m c v �a' A = m� mT r. It �� ° <2 C � 9 c m� Ch RI A m A mpg I ° k r 1 o a o m a rM y _ Cl Zrrn N T - m m - m - S a o S-- R tD Ca Cn22 a-3 SyNY _V a0 w yy 9 yaaga t n�� xmo> o ` Y $ a x aj'c5 z no-.z a 3-:Rm C s 9gg�� � � �nayn o 5..� .0 Q � 63 ' • 3nE3 .m 3=a L O O mo rn .cm6 3o n'< m N77X 4i D'Y n� S5m k2mz Jfi ` o m 3 o- � n n gip $ Z yn 3 e V pO ffiu¢�RO 4ftS Ty.jV 2• 241 NA c y<2 3�a�am M!& mooz 41009 S •se N� O a kg91a� 9pmW 1 vy wo9F94 � aimm to $ `a nt rrl url mg"e5 �o� yXO� •q 0'3 � iv C9DI hl ` 22 S 3Sgpg � n HOrA 7C c -t SPaa -w:t O=o m N C ni gr� C90N T z tnm0 e' O 9 ft1 `� g32e � �548 vyew b �} 4�o i y C7 r.°z1 i � �. O cj �d� A .K ° ai3 2. Dm~r aJ t ag ym f m•�8'o u� 9mm y Pr 03 gS mad ANd 3 00 5'S NOO m� 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 45 Fax 253 854 2255 K. A. Mortemson �009/D15` n m _ O r O y \ 0 Z '• m y m O _ O ~ Cwl w ocn , 5 "'o 0 v m w e {D co v� :3 m i ° n r- 0 mQ r y `i c m'� oaim m - - o o �r- yX a _ o m z m _ N pip i n 0 __1 m p v �.] co CDC] r O o r^ O O Y e., `- y 31 • p A c:a - O Co • R 71 i. Om ,f m ti < ]1 I - I " m n � ti a 7� _ rN� ---- • � p O - - r — 0 o a � ., z 1 - •-• � v O pp m 2 O c 8 n° y y C to Z °_ rn do a ❑ mT 3 o r — my C m �O mb r z r �Z �ii �d s= '0 _ m m n C rl, y03 m t m 0x I� Or - N rnrnO - C O D W 7. ID = coo o m0 Oo y L p b y °'• '"' O •, O O o V O �I " $ — x r m rs Z r rT 10/05/2007 Pxi 15: d5 PAX 253 854 2255 K. A. Mortpnson �jpiQ/p15 w vT a o Ln< m 1 c _ m co 71 1: 0 I &• r• m y r¢ Z y'♦ O C �i 'v A �v m .�• a O Y _ r O �A �{ cn Z m ? mo ro M I m m 1; � � , w cn z r m 3u 6 r I i R �m 01 O m° " m .0 a 4 m O c m mW A� I r O n' O m w r- O m z'n T*z m rj a _- I y v y r� A 00 = W too () -` r m ! O r. O m A w. Co CPO T� o n m In n CC .. T Jln N .' {• A 7 O A S r,. o o �m r ` C7r °A z z m n+ - { M _y •� � ,i• iy ♦a I n, fA LC 1 N z E O m 1 m L_ . -i 31 = _ T m v z 0a mom °'B LxB 3 m a= g m'jz mz W 1 8 a v c CT �8m� O m>>n px <Iy C �11 FE z�y 0 r 0 mp-pm a§p mO yyY y .t r z = s 3m Dy s mx o laa9 ��y 3�3p r r � "qga n� �m3 KID ♦ �4 ' Q0. dm 3' $ao'[a rgyH Ci o' RIMub' mOOD `J G M1 _ <yY , -70 & 3V_ _ Z p rmxy AUN M Fj t,� W n 17� s[� a mib D2CC W L W C uTi� gz Xuzu C P1a gogpp� oRg p_]mm T mm3�7 '9$ nmAm m p$ s or arMM am_ Or'�1 m � `��, CA H@gl TO Fes-+ �f (ryYy�-yy �yg30 VC co C7 r�mmg '� mmqAQLh SO qul f3r DmyU„ �I I s�gnyRq� b� m,9 5.�0�` prypryer Dym sa C r O m y NOp— 10/05/2007 FRI 15145 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. HOrtpnbOn 0 o D ° z g 1 $ w O j m 0 p •1 RI M •, O F_. , 8 c n 7r Q e - r r rnn O CNh p -r -� - ^ K m Q03 O Z 0 c ,� ., m y W �-� r o T ' r y m� 01 CO m fi p �m yO {m N wX CD a . T" m x �O J ^ _ woo71 n z WL. V o r m • >= to i � v g •� Z z ,_ s Z ,,,_ , i m I N z a m - m s = I_« A D c r a o a - 0 z - m ,, g x m y _ O S .L y 0 i Q L a J• — r a v m� N 9 m - —^ Y o-4 w - C�� .. ' � <m oo'r g v Z z v rn w m p N r O ,C Cj r o _ a � mmr °�' ym i o ° o d -C w D - (7 _ m m -n _ Ch -• -1 v " o r A D 0 2 W f0 fn n I i p • A N - D O m0 t = O 00 I r• .-. - p - a p - o a C O { m _ J 4. 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 45 Fax 253 854 2255 M. A. Morteneon U0121015 mpriD W I✓ e H manuz � " a ti m e mg$m r A m •gmn� m= Aw :zv 2CQ j` 1 m2�p MK aWW2 ? m Yi� I r vS rV` m3 a�Ni i `� ._ T 0 L.u3 o'p same ^ igr �� 1 M m 3 90CC \I 3 13 7 1 r + M J� r 9Smv D?ACa <S W 0. Sp�mN ua� Oftm r ZS�� g e58 mo =31i Czcn _1g _ 3m.�2~_ ua_a zzn� Y� �. . , ggg a area to rn w°ida� ¢'r DiOz e c 8e�4 fir- mY•_�Im -..t' �i -�'' � �� C �� I s$ 5 n 1'. a C O r L: Or n O x• RI r' y i �� O C I m w z z c c _ MN 3 I a m z Lr, p 0 C a a �~ W 1 O C a ! I 9 <_ mO Q U I _ y a m = I I z •' Z r <mED 3 I p (C1 •� .. O W 7 M p * O �z A mO r r z ,^ v 'r _ o m Mm r I g o srr E co X o ,Q :}. M O T T N ti o m z-n m rs CO -� I _ - 7S- p ^: D LnO 2 co WO h rn al _. z z I s^ m .... [0: o m m I 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 44 PAX 253 854 2255 K. A. Horteneon ®013J415 m Z Y m a c l] y > _ y[ r n r - Z •i m o m � r } fu a m : w C4 C Il "' =1 D � 0 T + — <m a, 3 a 1 x 0 - p� w � � m n -? O n A r z v' Q C 0 0 _ `n mW rn >m m La En i 0> c r . �% C m Z-n S w LT A � a �p =. i w m� n I ;; m m O37 _ 00 00 5 N mr� rn 0 m Ul o O z CDy I z z in I yz V m > f H 1 O rD- ti .. a: a -' c I m c a� 5 C y m z Z O i .., _ ..0 - 0 C O 0 0 m z o z m y 0 r, P < a m • '•. L 1 • Y r ► � r A � I Y`•^ C ^ � A + 9 _ _ mD 0rnrn0 G 1 a •' Z n - to ca 7 m O C O C C Z m O 0 x v m rh rn � m ... C •r >r <W �p .� m r ro `Dmx m — m 90 m p C O c: v z rn ,• m ^r " , - g _ m J 10/05/2007 PRI 15:46 PAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Kortanison ®g16/015 a g a }C m$cg99� my�b Z 1 V r ni ai3'l ?� 2 00" X a x .0 ngg-3 ( C ZZ _3 'n S go,'S S{gm m t _ t Fu N mm9 ud V0 �9rm J. 4 z s 70% \ Sg$ g� ova 0M,�z ,y EaJE zrz 3 cacao =.83aR mp Oz �" 63, P2 R.a= mmxy .Y C3 M,mvv 'l r 0 r Rg R Mp ma3 O]1AD 354�$$ G m y ug i`mjmy v�� priCm] }vt\ '•q n vby ®!bng Do E8 mp OZst zxx5 �mo iD�� 4J 11 g�a�o Xt3_' tDo� ` 1 ti �s 50 �maN a >am vn aO ' fn N tm��d 3 ay0y Si=' Pm@mom 'b v Q SQy-m� m V, ZT �mS'nd 33 BPS °� nFl asp mx 3� A m _ v O m 0 n 1' P •J j ~ 1 0 Z 1 Y n O n 0 Y m .-1 m m +'am G `1 I m 2 id Z C �5 a S _ r •,_ :IL rs.n m 3 O 2 " m \ 2>4 1 � `S ZZm 4 7 n O C i n 4 I ro mS O ;� z m `—! r CO m oo e Q Z Z .+ n 3 n � =0 Ul a Q, D W m I a _ w �• ! T to Ln W CA)00 CDW 0 m Q O its 71 CF, s� �. w ` X1 W' it r sp ? ter. D — CD m_, m 10/05/2007 FRI 15!46 Fax 253 $54 2255 K• A. Korteneon �g15/015 b m C1 2 L fA n 5 0 n m Y z -f 0 ,3 u p __ c •ti m y m m m z O Z i. _r m -, y { m 0 - O ^- p m cs- g c •� N � (1 Z Z (.. O y e v -; rn z ro D L 2 A S W C/J 0 -s y -- r <WM m C Z , p .-. , O� W 7 O — — m O n A OT C C N "'LI) m 0 y jmo � D cpmop x ._ D [Ci m i y0 _ W W0 i pQ 0 L = f0 ,1 O 0 fm1 m 030 OpD r - N o o m m g z O O EO p rm r V, z - y y r •. QO to 0 1 m s a y OI W' "' O ;v m D m O O a p O �, Z _ h pp f < m Q r O 7, m i m m ^ — o A o p 4 0 o g Z K s m _ OS cn 0 m mD � do c Z � A om o o i O _ nCD r n a Q :zZ { 0 z m o m z-n 1 w rr y -1 p ti _ m y O i �° rD 00 n r p 4a Ln m CA A O b A 'i C K 1 b gz 05+ m m ;;z W 0 5/^o007 FRI 15t38 FAx 253 854 2255 M. Morteneon U001/011 , J (Form Color'GREEN) Cityol'Kent CONTRACT NO 07050001-10 AGENCY CO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Bent Evcnts Center COP No. 7 PMFCT Tm.E To. M.A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 9/10/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work descrlhed below and/or detailed an the attachments referred to. Date: 8/29/07 Type 17 153.62 Tons @ S35.00 per Ton=$5,376.70 Type 17 31.42 Tons g$35.00 per Ton= $1,099.70 0 4x8 Quarry Spalls 114.12 Tons @ S57.00 per Ton =$6,504.84 C[# FRECEIVED 10 2 X2007 o: REASON FOR CHANGE Overcxcavation and R_a Iacement(a�SW PavementCTI EWO#8-009 N PR0JF.(TO?(I4Wi - - •7cENTrtwe ' DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Trans PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,lac. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: TO, _ M.A.Mortenson Company (AIE) TO: Ben Golding PM(EW) lom CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE. �NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE OF $12,981.24 2 (waehneton Scale Saw Tao Not imkxiad) O v In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Delall Sheet(s)are attached hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ❑NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS 0 The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change- AN other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shall not hegin prior to authorization. City Transfer,Inc. _CONTRACTOR BY WA� DATE 9/10/2007 Z TO. CITY OF KENT O We have Carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance. i Q i 0 z w g AIE -- DATE M ER'S REPRESENTATIVE OATE O ' W w AGENCY OWNM DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) i ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT p PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL ' d NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ! 0 ❑The final amount of this Change order differs from the cost propowL Invoices incorporating this Change order constitutes acceptance by the z � contractor as Total reimbursement due in connector with this change order. I The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and author¢es the performance of the changes specified. This constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature Is affixed j AUTHORIZING SIGNATLI E n E 10/05/2007 FRI 15! 38 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. HorEartsor, U002/011 Ci Transfer,/ncw/CTI Extra Work Order Cusmmtt Pra�ect L8/29/2007 CTI Jo�M CWMMUEWof err rwo0 MA Mortenson Kent Events Center 07-13 09 8-009 CTIEmployees-RcgularTlme CLASS MRS RATE EXT Materials OUANTITY PRICE EXT 12 7"/r/cra abwrow 15362 TON 35.00 5,376.70 12 7}g7E 17/Gvdkd bw=w 3142 TON 35.00 T,099-70 If 4xE0t,,&VSpa& 114.12 TON 5700 6,504.84 CTI Employees-Overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 12,981.24 subcontractors CAST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS s 000 Description of Work and Ouantltes Pcrformcd see attached field copy for work deserlpdon and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS S 0.00 cn Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HR5 RATE EXT TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS S 0,00 Outslde Rcntal Equipment EQUIP# HZ RATE EXT Total Dircet Costs(Less Equipment) $ I Z,901.24 i Total Equipment Costs S 0.00 Markup of 15%on Labor S 0-00 Markup of 5%on Subcontractors S 000 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ 0.00 Total Amount Due Is 12,981,24 Cuaomer nxs reed ind renewed the work set forth n rhd Ewa Wank Order IEWOI nnuoing UsOsc rams on me reverse vde end ages w said terms n rhea enrrery Cusmmcr aar me work cee 5wm n M EWO wM sausfacmry performed slgnewrc acFTawreddcs ara aNkrra ysx me slgweor lsadJy appain`ed representauve otuse ClmamCr wldiirse swrtrwnb to request the-ewe work Lumirrmrrslgmaue Date CIIfoRm.+n S,gaitWe Ome (See Field Copy] rWbLifWW1'�/ 9/5/2007 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 38 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Korteneon �003/411 CITY TRANSFER INC. CTI +� _�• Extra Work Order ' CL rmillftw Ua[C Ob# Custw'e CWO# EWO# I CTI Employee; LASS HRS RATE EXT irclnk QUANTITY PRICE EXT j 17 bz r� I I I r i r i IOTAI WTERIAL COSTS S Subcontractors COST r TOTiv_LABOR COSTS S TOTAL SUB(UNIRACTCO5T5 S CTI Equipment and Trucks I-OUIP H HRS RATE EXT Description of Work and Ouinnrrc^s Prrfarnt•d Aw �+� SU•!G S ,QC-�'�I�"�/�7`/cam f g. I r ' TOrALEOUIPMEhfr/TRUCK COSTS S Outside Rental Cgwpmenr EUl11P a HRS RATE EXT i V 1 I ' Total Direct Costs $ Small Tools and Supplies(SNo of Labor) S -- Overhead/fill!I SIX)on AltlhitYlCcnliJ S Pro Fit I046 on Al Costs $ TOTAL RENTAL COSTS S ToraI Ampunr Due S iCtninrnrr h,n mxl and rShrwM MO Work Sul r0W.rri ant Crrr+Wuik Ord"ICWOJ tie rudvty lhnv lrrml on 1hr nvrnr•u[k dne at)rret t0 tall[Br rn 11 mt ertoely Cuelw nrr rclren he wink wi rretn m r II inCVQ7 wn.nbinolorypMnrmM}r,�rr.�Nn�<L"Vitt•+ICI]h enp dtfiotl tlb[fllevynelur rSa JuW+py rinlrArrprr+rri rva rvihrt ugnm['wgh Pic 30tn nityO tVw`3f[h.•Gove wwk Cm rr�r Su�uyure pyre Cu}r 4 'dNR G�.jnr z-. `"".-..+^.•--.� Gam-/ � I 10/05/2007 FRI 15133 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Mortenson ®00a/011 NASHINGTON ivapowsin Quar—, 4 King(-'reek Pit ,�C (DCJAI2RIFS IvC• Lcrlpc Rock Z('ru;ficrl Rock ` 1 Sand,G1 avel 3'I'opSnil 29104 Camp#1 Rd I: (h-Iu,g.1Va 98360 , ' \ Champion I Road f)I21'bl{8O6'01 6[CI' * Telephone(360}Ky3-»01} Telephone(360)893�77f11 .O.Ism 18[16 FA3i:(360)893-551! !%: (360)893-7702 iR)N93-WA 98360 i611)893-1661FAK• (360)893.1664 \ c"a fii y 21 9733 e DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCAMON 8/29/2007 7: 12 : 361 010 1 CT405 0 1 Landscape Rock.Crawl.Rip-Rap.Road Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME 9 ■ CITY' TIL' NSFER INC I 29 . 1 Ton 4" X 8 ■ QUARR Dispatch No: 0 FREIGHT Order No: 1 TAX PO # TOTAL DUE • • r � ■ G40SS 99663 49.83 ■ ■ RENT EVENTC X,'IER TARE: f JUB 07-12 41300 * 20. 65 NET, )VASHINGTON Kapowsin Quarry King Creel.Pit 'OCK QUARRMS,fNC. Ledge Ruck c@ C'rushed Ruck tiq 11,Gravel.ti Top,5ni1 29104 Camplfl Rd.E..Or[ing.VA 9$360 i ' z. Champion I Rued OI{I'QKA'1'P:Ot'b'1CR Telephone(360)8')3-S,"00 \� I'dephone(36(1)893-77111 () Box 1806 FAX. (36f1)893-5511 it PAX:(360 893-7701 -RTING.Xi':198360 - 160)893-1661 21978b xw AX!(360)8934664 a DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION 316i Off 1: . � 'i35_ . •,. t'•,: ; �,; a '-' t Landscape Rock,Gravel,Rip-Rap,Road Subbase,13allatil CUSTOMER NAME ■ r • CITY TRANSFER INC 28 . 8I Tan 4" X 8" QUARR` Dispatch No: 0 Order No: 1 FREIGHT TAX PO # - v - TOTAL DUE GROSS, ' 98900 49.45 r ■ KENT EVEN CENT53 TARE, JOS 07 •-?3 41300 20 , 65' f , , - NET 57600 28. 84) "' `" W_IGHMA IVER CUSTOMER 10/05/2007 PRI 15: 39 PAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Mori:eneon f�j005/011 VA,SHINGTON Kapowsin Qum ,' `* Kinb Creek Pit ,()CK QUARRIES,INC:. Ledge RocL N&Crushed Ruck Sand,Grim el &TopSail 29104 Camp kl Rd.E n:ling.11198360 Champion 1 Road 'ORPORATE OFFICE A Telephone(360)393•.v0U �. Telephone f360)SV3.7701 .O.Box 1806 FAX 1360)8935511 •- `� F,1X:(360>393.7702 :RTING,WA 983604j � QI 160)893.1661 A\:(360)393-166.1 '� M:t " - -. ---•-•— DATE TIME- CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION 36-1 -ei0 2 CT405 0 Landscape Rock,Gravel,Rip-Rnp,!toad Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME o • CITY TRANSFER INC 28 . 41 Ton 1 41' X 8" QUARR Dispatch No: 0 Order No: I FREIGHT TAX PO TOTAL DUE GROSS 98190 49.05 71 - uE'N'" )✓VE:�1T3 CZN;':'A- TARE: 41300 20. 65' NE T, fl�I )VASHINGTON Kapowsin Quarry ,f`�E� King Creek Pit Ledge Rock&Crushed Rock p' ° Sand,Gravel&Top:al OC K QUATiRTRS,INC. ' 29104 Camp ff1 Rd.t.,(h•nnp,1Va 98360 t "w. � Champion 1 Icoad ORPORATE OFFICE Telephone(360)893-5500 - Telephone 060)893-7101 ,O.Box 1306 FAX:(360)893-5511 !~ � FAX:(360)893-7702 -RTING,WA 98360 160)393.1661 , 219368 AX-(360)893.1664 - DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION "e'1'40 i ; T Landscape Rock.Gravel.Rip-Rap.Read Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME ., • CITY TRANSFER INC I 27 . 7� Ton 4" X 8" QJARR Dispatch No: 0 Order No: I FREIGHT TAX Pp # TOTAL DUE GROSS. 96760 48. 39 IF . KENT EVENTS MXTEP.TARE: 41320 20. 65 I1 -, NET,i 5�Q90 .27 ,'74 t ! -- ----- - --r---- -- --- --- ----- 7• WEI6HMA �� - DRIVER `CUSTOMCR - '- 10/05/2007 FRI 151 39 Fax 253ry))yy 854 2255 M.A. Norteneon �j006/Onn11 jj v o m a� mNm-�m-z a � � r LT m o '\ Z L' T;W x C Sk°" Cy �v :DP S X �� J W 93� -i n 21 ffpg4 a a W R..' ema;qd d3 - aroP � r \'~! 6 � 37Rg Rpp m np .4a imm @n� rn e -C m oz T y a'- a R A37va S �S W �o- m ` Z 0 cm N 1" !U E �a � a � 1 � •� 1^s , Gt( yy¢¢ aIm ,F]F] -� ,ti , ,,r, '�, •l. ,i, (:� :,'VJ rn w %e'Y,Ii+.i ���. .d. 'i•. C�} a�• -yi • „"r( ., ^, 1,� rµ ,,me:t�.''r , �r, pan, •r r.' ,a,n'� r, �e:. n - '• 4I, 1.� ' lr I It b 4Y M4, m [ Bn$ n9g3 m�q 111 4..gu mm; C1y �Sf1D a m a$Ss @� Sm�IA .Z r NX Yi c310� ,da` 9� O 3 x g ' m yp y A -gg`ms uSm rn�yO 9mgg qC ogmp VA mod �Z. mmm nCAZ m71X" X m b ms Or �l Hall H � c l� :s o zi pt Q 5 aS c p o 1'clfrg4 a a°gym g 8� $Poti �9.4 C H n Al �'•�$_Y. ��g OolyflmO 8 C� U m ��✓ mm ° 9 , to op zmr c v_+ o5y o Y a' or igm °m ���K • �� �~ D CDQm gT J a ?& § Gov 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 39 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. norteneon Z007/011 I < fr? '"1 m 6' 3 i ID --i R) m p 4J 0 7 < Rl m N m R it ID Zct p` I ' cl ar T1;: a n zn l ' v —7er mZ a � � w• o 0 m cl S a o r rr n A O T r 'n W O :it: x -0 9 L4 ° ma y � cmn s O a r- L ° h im m mx 21 o m z T Tr E m �ii -a O v 3 r y 6 $ rD W [r7 m o r-i < 0 D F+• 2 CD n fi L 5 y �! 4 m m my hue (A Qo T� M n °" a T.� O m m° C n CS 7 0 g -mi 0 o 03 o mm c 0 V O K X Z Y G Q 2 It".. Ln ,\ Y m -4 ID i•• m m � G� m G7 M w i ca a - .+ $ z rn lea c W b. mx •at ��s mom/, m .�.cyy+y. J .7 ,, O O W n E+: x °-J -1 s Y -C O 0 l(i •t m Z ° O 7 �� D a N o 4' eil ID AA �^�. Is ° m 3%c z er •� ;n E c G o 0 n u1 z n m © S µ m 9 N t 77 —1 m f 3 C O C4 I >> 2 •• '-' w o m r CA) j 7- �71 4. O Q m C 0 9 CA a mN � a Al ° m Zn £ to Ws 4v p °: m a vl 210 -0 Cl) %w Z Z-4 tD r m ° w < O O b }, 1.. S & m mix Q �+ vm �I v a Cl mo sn_ u, b m M to $ a G o � m ear O o i .t .. GI o 7 •• C z m 1)r a `� o " < m Z m 9 'er r. m r @t P & rn U rGw0 = c Er ul PD N i4: Z r-i W ® z Z 00 r avQ - n ua � IR V: " Y h c r s1- g Z m f31 m 1D 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 39 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. MOrbangon 0008/011 ____FTT I I I v 4 m [pi a 3 =�mn x9Qam y =m� fia S y N g co �< ��T 'L g3 3A ;7A b C:0 SAM, aalz x Z m Im m A O gg x $E g 9g8 s.: 8 sn gga�' A O'.ama 3 8 T>m_ 8 5jm$mQ¢ d 7i i C aZ J � ��goa9 is'�Y Z. Too B 8 OSm4 ( 9 NMI IN $°z z ? F a�A m 3 s3Fg c(mpN A mOa �m fozx' -S x 3 m 3�?.t �,i ayTP '� $ 'Qg AyESG p G ? 1 ea w $mo,n MY Gi g s O A 41 4 mm 6m O �� O Mti Am, o=$j wrt, m Will w �Z CG(n'm '^ ?i�yA LI CD W LA r � R 2`JFIE o9n� 3- AAp g Ada gr !m PO D e ° ° x m o Z m 20 < m 0 fi,. <f to ip .'7. a 6 a S a ° •• �K Zrn ^d qu x � ° c < f) ° g $$ —� rr z 4 m b m W O9 W CO m m LA <z cn m O m m La g o R) m N m x c co v 31 � �, ra�no -� y m O ¢. m m y 9 cn C 9 7C L-� g z i v, < r it m m ro � m ro s V4 C W ripfl? P _ (t ti !+ g J S S N N LT'X 6� �n m 5T 0 3 •' 3 Cy1 C'f 10/05/2007 FRI 15! 40 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Mortenaon 2009/011 RIT, - m 4 au I mg 9 r m �N 2 i n L mNa 3 s tl1 !a m X ]���� g W m8�63 ��b mind mom 3-;�i �^aDO o 6s �J ;mBm 3C 02a� em m c 0 mgr�6.m h maZ m '� m m O x��a �S min d iS�S a u ! r ain P2 a�8s_RQ u'$m� r�a0b2 p Qm�B$$ Q�S Tamd � 3 yZCCLtj T g� vmom _r gam �1 T 3Sld4 CNy o a m a=r z M. 1� gga�m : M. OE: c o mmpz 8r 5 m MU , m A? MAO�I \ 9E. j �3z O.'m s v Qp N N w Lma� nA DOZj a8r O .l+ n $ $gym 4'lOy 3ug 67 �myr x. m°m i n gF1m 3S a a ff IZ8 w . ��m33 �S 9Nm 55 s O ?m��8- S o�_un m a 0; r r g a z n Gt z 9 �Y e7i i✓to 7C v 6 Dl 3 C 09 r . 3 � fn � � cn gz � A do c .. Z IA o tmn CO Rrt r O o � r 0 17 ,b CD CS O Ct T. '-'� r Z O� O I>n Rl z 7 !rs m� �Q] r Q $ �m N mx n m M oCD G t-r < 0 0 A `+- = GO Oppp A .. V m 1 A x Q O a A h O O .. ala p o p mmm 20A W I� a 4 z 2 Y ITI Z m 99 s rr , -4 3 1 " m -4mu m i7 lT 6 t0 g iD wmw y � m w CI. - - 1O/O5/2O07 FRI 15:60 FAx 253 854 2255 M. Korteneon fdJgiq/011 } O _ ern p �N9 rs a$m$�m - 9 Smy� m m.i�m >>,�@Y@mZ AD1 C'-i �t r 9E���m dry zDn< 8 A �^c c�n Q o •�3m`mmv ngga -i1]!y 24 f� rr 'gmgm R3� TOwbo 8, 31 ;3i= Amozx p�0 Dm m E C.) gm� Qa py9 F� *� gg� P Fq.1 $ono v os 441.' c y at -40 6� c � 1; �V� O p2 mK g•2 yDzz r_' ; P�v6� 3-2 _4x°mC C .� mQ110 f. l C�ymy 1'R 3a3 7 m-� bNO� 1 Eg le Rg= A z= s 3 3 �g,c m a 3 1K g Cam - 5 DON Rr§ na V >mm a 8 �mz$m Qa mpo� s p{ CJ'i cn �mON 6 g;z a6 =m.f�Dz o ti fm (\ 1 �g 38 Do V� �_ \nn( a) IN 3)M-m 8mgm Q a a� V Vy ryryryry ; a a@�Qa �� �FD � �� ymmi SZo ;� 8?; A. 3 Nod m� 0 m 4% m z iJ z c S a T ro -1 a -t r o Lium .r• { z x m A m 0CD O cil Ly m M 9 e m O +. 3IC z V5 rr !A M I 1e $ o E � o g a cn z 0 Cl)Z p ... m p o r � Wa pp 3 d z « o a •+ a o to -� Y .. mo _o 'p M m 1.+ i a m m Z-n 1'. La i z mJGJ co m�p m sit 0 O 7p 3 r- z m t0 flt l7 �D m � z - O N G't m m SWIG OI m 90 n i x2 ° °z -4 m s �mnr �, 15 to to ra L� M ti sum z ° Z ff 6 y C: a rl 9 h to m Ot ; S ID It z m fl m 9 g v 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 40 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Mortenson Q011/011 'mmq ^^ m r A x -,Ogg 8 i ggg yAd g $ w mN=l im QyBm �g'Cb DDy� 4 co.0 np~Z m - ZZm r m w Mm mQ NOQi CNI s g y � bxa c "gym PS g`3 Y�Zv •• ''O V CmpDm ^� 9 -� a3g8 R3 oz 5a nD�o 2 3 m 3i A Mar v y •J �a 2 m n � ae �j Q R I u 8 RJR OyQm �m co , R ap. 8 S v 0y Aom53 �� DNS" 3 ? 6 •-OFE m z L1 z --1 a 9 c s 5` r- ,G p ? O W = tJ ° op { m D m 3) M N ifJ t-1 T, y z N n pL P � a z 0 i CA • m v. Om cz { W �, 5 m �. O m �Wp Cl) f er '{ Tl •� -<D lA z 2 O mw m w i-i 71 O C m 0 j, m 70 1— �+ z C71 � z g m_ � r" 0 r° m N m X a r v m z m £ °l (�J� C M C O 0 M v" W 0 Q n 'ft rrr� .� m c —t G; G+ �" o m o L4 so cn G m m 0 07 7- Q A —1 OR vt ro is Eli Soso c 2 mom ,{ O W � � 91 i $ µ �1 n cam^ v i +-4{� g lei m (}} m rr < —t31 v --—---- M�- -- — s0/05/%007 FRI 15: 34 FAX 253 854 2255 N. A. Norteneon IZ001/009 (Form Cato-GREEN) City or Kent __ _CONTRACT NO 07050001-10 CO i i CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP He. 8 I _ PRO)ECTTITLE I TO. M. A. Mortensou Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 9/10/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachments referred to, I Date: 8/30/07 U8 Quarry Spalls 231.95 Tons @ S57.00 per Ton=$13,221.15 IF N RECEIVED !z CI# AUG 212007 N IL M(IRTFry SUN PROIECf e7lt$t1111 REASON FOR CHANGE Overexcavation and Replacement @ SW Pavement Aten KFNT EVEN t(ENTek CTI EWO# 8-010 _ DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer, Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer, Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR. TO, M.A.:Vlortemson Company (AIE) TO! Ben Golding PM(EBAS) !J v CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE. NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE i� I. of $13,221.15 :C (WashNI n Slate Solo TeX Not Indudcd) I� In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheets)are attdohod hereto 0gp CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ❑NO CHANGE ❑INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS t] The foregoing amount covers everything required In connection with the change. All other provisions of the contrad remain 0 full force and effect We understand thatwork shall not begin prior to authorization. � I City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY _ DATE_9/10/2007 z TO: CITY OF KENT O We have carefully examined this proposal and Rned the cast to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance �4 Z W _ ACE 4 OATSOWENiATNEQAT9af ig (W 7CG6NCY OWWJR DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM_ PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT M i ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices incorporating this Change order constitutes acceptance by the }- contractor as total reimbursement due in Connection with this change order. a The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance Of the Changes specified. This Constitutes a change order to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed. ----KU—rROR0N SIGNATURE - DATE 10/05/2007 FRI 15! 34 FAX 253 S54 2255 K. A. Kortengon Z002/009 eit yransfer,Inc.IcT/ Extra Work Order Cutomer Meaect Daie CTI laU R ( Cm EVM a Cm F.wo# MA Mortenson Kent Events Center 8/30/2007 07-13 10 CrI Employees-Regular Tlme CLASS HRS RATE EXf Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT oc Andrew Costanedo opmle 3.00 0.00 0.00 11 4x80ua7y5pads 231,95 TON S7 00 13,221.15 MCI Matt Dunn oprote 8.00 0,00 000 C-n Employees-Ovcrme TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 13,221.15 Subcontractors COST TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS $ 0.00 Description of Work and OuanOtes Performed See aaachedfre/d copylnr work description and hours verified. TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ 0.00 CTI Equipment and Trucks EOUIPd HRS RATE EXr II(`I I TOTAL EouiPMENT/TRUCKCOSfS $ 0.00 Outside Rental Equlpment EOUIPN HRS RATE EXi Total Direct Costs lLess Equipment) $ 13,221 15 Total Equipment Costs $ 000 Markup of 15%on Labor S 000 Markup of 5%on Subcontractors $ 0001 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS $ 0-00 Total Amount Due $ 13,221.15 Cuttdner has rnld and r yme uce work I rorvr in tht4 C.va Work Order IEWol inrtuding MC temp tsn the rewfse S10 and agrees to safd terms in then enwety Customer agrees the Work sCt fort+in this L1V0 ' was satlsrattaryPvforMM Slgna[yrC nsMnaWadges aria atnara ehit the sigmator is ad*,,Ppamted reprewma[NC of the Customer wide iheauthonty to rerpusr the ateo.work Csetana Sgrla[urc Date Da CTI Forcrrxin slgms e m (see Field Copy) rdG�&W/ 4:tcMw�►�(V 4/6/2007 I I 10l05/2007 PRI 15134 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. xortengOrl ®003/009 1 'r CITY TRANSFE INC CTI Extra Work Order � turnrr/11urc�l Dnle IM+• '•� CVU��EVM# I I CT(Employees CIASS HfS RATE EXT Matenals WANrtfY PRICE EXT. I � ' 1 r TOTAL MATERIAL COS I S S ' SubconUdctors COSJ 1 1 i r TOTAL LABOR c oSTS $ TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS S 1 c7l Equipment and Trucks EQUIP# HRS M16 EXT Desc'Ipt(on of Work and Quantities Performed I TOTAL 60I11PMFNT!TRUCK COSTS S f ov {.EQite UvwI C,Rcnkd Equipment COUIP# IIRS RATE EXI I I (Al Total Direct Costs $ %rn,ll'To(il%dnd Supplies JS%of Labor) $ ' Cnferhead/Indlrects(15%on All Ullecr(cw%) S Profi:10%on N(Costs S lUlAl RFNTALCOSTS S Tnbd Arrinfrn(DUe $ 1 r Cust�ntr l a.ir,d and rrwrwrrl nr wrM vY lrMh in[MS tur.WeiA OfJCr iCWOI xIalWxxj Jwsr term nn lhr,rvrnr.RlydM enrrcr r0 kn0[ttmS in tllol Crn r'y Cdolwnrl nyrrr�ll ie woxk•,e,frxtMn lhr5 Ew0 ds M0'a"y y ,r�...M Srnr,. sem)[Jr Is 3 dwk?3,lyuu aW rey,nrr[n4vt of Ihr(uVnmrr vnT rnr du[npnry tn'C jLICs[fltC 1CrhCWwk CJa[exn SIgn3Lure f L'atc CT,9...won LgnaprtC UUr C r ✓-. / 10/05/2007 FRI 15135 PAX 253 854 2255 H. A. sorteneon ®00a/009 Ilia otrsin uarr% Kin Creek Pit COCK QUARRIES, Q r K fC1CIi QIIARI:iES,INC. I.edge 1Loc4& Crus�2rd Rack / • n� Sand,(:rave),.L'lopSoil 2910-I Camp#]Rd.£..Orting.1ti,19$J60_ , Champion 1 Road ORPO&1'1'6:OFFICE � Telephone0601893-5500 ;N Telephone i360)893.7701 .0.Box 1806 Fj)A;1360)893-5511 N\FAX:(360?893-770-1 IRTING WA 98360 x / I Z-•,� )60)893.1661 r AX- (360)893.1&64 i' �` , — a DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION L �01 1A CT �? _ Landscape Rock,Gravel.Rip-Rap,Road Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME a • m • I C'xY TR.rXSFZx XIN: i -0 3 TOi] 4 " K a' y?u:I'.Ff? R}I sp'k4^_h N• , vrdF"T N-n i ` FREIGHT i 1 TAX PO h TOTAL DUE GROSS ti r 4 r-n r . TARE NET : 50-1 (IN 3V7 . 3a a wEI�HMa Te»A'7 DRIVER CUSTOMER VASH CNGTON Kapuwsin Quarry Icing Creek Pit 3 :OCK QUARRIES,INC. Ledge Ruck&Croshcd Rocs: d — Sand,Caravel&TopSoil 29104 CAtnp#I R(I.I?.,Ortuin,WA 98360 - Champion 1 Road ORPORATE OFFI(,E Telephone(360)893.55011 Telephone(360)893-7'7h1 ;' ) ,0.Box 1,406 FAX: (360)893-5511 i/ FAX:(160)393-7702 R'C1NCr.WA 98360 Ail t s '1=r 1601$93.1661 tt m_ A i I a AX.(360)893-1664 +�# DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX r ,S LOCA-LION ' y/ 7 8j30/?,0::7 9" 42 . 3(51 ryt (I i km?SPi �! '_ fir w J }i7L j Landscape Rock,(arasel,Rip-Rap.Road Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME a • e • • o f TTY TIMNSFER 'ING T•<sn 4 1 X 8" QUARP. ' J1517c"tch No: 'T ` 1 I Order No : 1 FREIGHT I TAX t ,I•'r. P� TOTALDUE f GROSS, F;'d;.l.'f.. TARE, " "' It 92 00 1 . 45 rf NET, ' ,�'/z of Cr0 3LA . 9 ` 10d05•/z007 FRI 15: 35 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Morteneon 0005/009 NWASA NGTON Kapowsin Quarry King Creels Pit f j ROCK QU.kRRIES,iNC. Ledge Rock&(:rushed Rock Sund,Gra%cl &TupSuil 291114 Camp#1 Rd.1•...Ortmr,1{"a 9836U .' ••. Cbampum 1 Rvwl CORPORATr.OI'F 1('F. I'cicphonc(3611)893-�5U(1 I'dephow-(360)893-7701 P.U.Box 1806 (360)893-7702 ORTLNG."'A 983611 --- (360)8934661 � al FAX {360)893-1664 DATE TIME CUSTOMER PROOUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION_�Y; 7 i :c?$ : Y51 rJ`_! i CTZ5P 2 i Landscape Rock,Gravel,Rip-Rap.Road SuhhLse,B2112.0 CUSTOMER NAME MEW •• • C.Ti[ }. TG'i 4 a X t: QUARRY L:3 pel Cl7 CTU: k FREIGHT O�daz F•la: 1 TAX • I F 0 TOTAL DUE GROSS —k TARE 42-00 21 .45•NET, "" " 4t'f�mR°'• WEIGHVSASY DRIVER CUSTOMER VASHINGTON Kapowsin Quarry I�i11g Creek Pit OCK QUARRIES,INC. Ledge Rock&Crushed Ruc1. s Vjni6!Gravel A Inp.soi1 29104 Camp 81 Rd.E_,Orting,WA 98360 Champion I Road ORPORITE OFFICE Trlephone(36U)893-5511t! ', 'I'elephnne(.;GO)893.7701 O.Box 1806 FAX:(36111 893.5�11 i�� F4X (360)893.7701 RTING,WA 91Cihl1 60)893-1661 kX-(3611)893.1664 DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION $/30/2007 9!45! 361 olw 1 CT348 0 1 Landscape Rock,(:ravel.Kip-Rap,Road Subbase.Ballast CUSTOMER NAME • - . 77- • ' t cxTX TRANSFER INC 27 .0 Tcr. 4" X 8" Q 1 IS n2Ch NO: Or dr�Y No: i FREIGHT )3 TAX PO # TOTAL DUE - GROSS 9504 0 47 . 11 , , i _':7'T rE,. t TARE NET 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 35 FAX 253 954 2255 K. A. Kortenbon �09b/009 YA1 I$INGTON Kupowsin Quarr} f" King Creek Pit 'OCK QUARRIES.INC, Ledge Rock&Crushed Roch band,(:ratio! TopSoil 29104 Gimp{kl Rd.E..UrlinK.W 19836U Champion 1 Road ORFORATE OFFICE. Telephuni (360)893-5500 Telephone(360)893.7701 .0.Box 1806 FAX. (360)893-5511 \,FAX;(3(01893.7702 �RTING.WA 98360 'e i60) 893-1661 t.�gs�" �' e?f'z 1 : •.*.,o AN:(360)893-1664 DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION /�V) J- 1_i,7 . - ?ijT Cl l,11 1 n'1 11 48 0 - `_._ 1 •-_ Landscape Rock.Gravel.Rip-Rap.Road Subbase,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME a yr� e • II e ,,STY 'T'RIANSF'ER ITI� c]rue r No: 1 FREIGFIT TAX c� PO n TOTALDUE •e e e • GROSS' 5atl�'J 5b'7 . � 1 � • r.t'h..9' F, 'F,Aa�` . t,�.tr'il;� TARE' i NET " WEIGHMAST DHNER CUSTOMER VASHINGTON Kapowsin Quarry �'' King Creek;Pit ACK QUARRIES,INC. Ledge Ruck&Crt»hc(1 Rock f' R Saud,Gravel&TopSoil 29104 Camp#1 Rd.L,!)ding,WA 9,4360 i' Champion I Rnad ORPORATE OFFICE Telophone(360) 893-55011 \. fclephnnc(360)893-7701 Cl Box 18U6 FAX:(360)893-5511 %� b'4X:(300)893.7702 'RTINC.,W A 98360 �. :60)N93-1661 AN-(360)893.1604 a ` DATE TIME 665TOMER PRODUCT RAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION , 8/3101/2007 10-0 251 010 1 :..'1'•117 0 1 Landscape Rock,C=ravel, Rip-Rap,Road Subbase.Ballast CUSTOMER NAME • e. • CJTV TRANS,:FR TnTC 21 }. 0 Ton 4 !: 8" ".' UARR Dic.nntq�P i3c7: C OSC1�r No: 1 FREIGHT J- i3 TAX 3 TOTAL DUE i �,e e e • GROSS 4(3 .7E . e F,F nr�• !-;.;hi,j'nj (:; (•(',�P TAPE' sT341"J E NET. I1 _�, -- - 48131. 10/0512007 FRI 1505 FAX 253 854 2255 M. A. Morten5on ®047/049 Kapaitiain Qutlrry ICinn Creek Pit kASHINGTO :OCI{QUARRIES,INC. Ledge Ruck& CruA;ed Rock r' Sand,Gravel&Topsoil 20104 Camp N1 Rd.E,Or(ing.11 A 98360_ `�> Champion 1 Road 'ORPORATE OFFICE 4 Telephone 1360)893,5501) Telephone(360)893-7701 .().Box 1806 FAX: (360)893.5511 FAY:1360)893.7702 1RTING,W a 98360 ,„�+ W)393-1661 - 1 AX:(3611)893.1664 — DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER TRUCK TAX LOCATION 4/30j::!<? l% G. 4'T'�- LLandscape Rock,Gravel,Rip-Rap,Road Subb:lse,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME • •• INWENWO&M i • I I CITY TRANSFER INC 3 L . it To11 4" X S" (Z�UARR Dl.Pa tc:-7 P40: 3 G�tdf-r No; 1 I FREIGHT �J C� TAXj I Sys TOTAL DUE GROSS- TARE- NET / s J� , 1a I ,a i '` WEIGHFdAS°rWN DOVER CUSTOMER VASHINOTON Kapowsin Quarry King Crcck Pit OCK QUARRIES,INC. Ledge[rock&Crushed Ruck � °�+ � SAnd, ion I l&TapSoil 29104 Camp A Rd.E.,Orunt.W,98360/` '. Champion 1 Road )RPORATL OFFICE w 'telephone(360)893-55(H) Telephone(360)893-7701 O.Box 1806 FAX:(360)893-5511 FAX:(360)893-7702 RTING,WA 98.160 60)893-1661 lX:(36o)S93-1664 t -r i DATE TIME CUSTOMER PRODUCT HAULER ^TRUCK TAX LOCATION I f +3j`343(21!�7 1 :1LA: d61 $14'r 1 C'"[`417 r fd Landscape Rock,Gravel,Rip-Rap.Road Subhu+e,Ballast CUSTOMER NAME * •• •UN CTT`t 'CPANSVER rW1 5 , 4 'fork 4" X S" 121JA2'P.J i i]Ispaictj NO : �' FREIGHT Order No: 1, / TAX �7 t PO $ TOTALDUE GROSS. 10018i, SO 09 r • Ltii^' c',ei(I3`i f�i1TE;p TARE ,.rj 11 i r. 1 41340 20 .6 ° NET. I{ 52L�42 29.1E3 - 10/05/2007 FRI 15! 34 FAX 253 854 2255 M. JL Nortengon �j048/004 L O ` n sD 9-m En � M. n � 3xi =9Nn X T p0 g j� b'2 A^T--2i TO n m n g�n� mmr' OOa ° �` — v' QT INN .m a�gGm'gm3� 'oy � 0 3 Wma g _ np � zzm �� s'rn, m m O v o a�e n>>� � �9 m�a5 Ma, s ego Uu =ZyZ 1 O ali �e �S va•z �Dp- C_. S e a mgN9 OCR! i4 N Q a��w m{O07 - g mq �r2p y' gti 35: aM=y [ .4 oT �$n� �a, Oaa�A0. `fl T�" l 1,J �a isy Q a o r/ aZMO) n� 8 m R °z9 8 z _rl �p 44 ^D9 a N cax9 M sm; s002 r Sps�• '�7 aMMO V •mi aam0 C m Gl 3p •^ 3uo S�MO'M w n Nopl-� � °rs o 'o m g ° OyC GN 1 U �. V am^ m y0,z aWe i I� J� tar Sp°-D= K_ m Oxm --� P�% m�R Lx g ��� z ? J" 1 mg pwM y mm C1 5�p�.p y3C Lapp{ rt U D [E] 6�� m�mF a 9 D ao m C � a S x mm"6�m �'- mmci z am" a � m A N �Mm8� e�,�� Nr��n a 6 B x Magi,3 A�1° 'Oza 030 'om� �g� taw= _r m Px Y ys cv6� 5g 2n�m m c A X- S�a �e gEc � mn I P� u�.-�K 'S n6 �Tp 0,jrjV N A ��eQan �3Q 2 0 Daoo ° gBgC°�m.. �m� �� P2 Y-9 23m mm-y v�Sn97 a7cb 9, y 0 epl la @L3� }OCC 3~ r RR s 3 rt �-gym will Vail a5� 3o6v 3Pa 9sAVC, g a mm�' 3m3 0'�s0 MO°oZy Lrl °qoN C9 '` �" ` LaJ Nn -0 � m �•�F�S '1101mDD 1 - np AO CO vVZ i L`3km �S aOZF ° p�6 oC _ as 3n gad 3, LF]i Q�� P �as amm 14 10XOV2007 FRI 15! 36 PAX 253 854 2255 M.A. xortenson �j009/009 JTF I Q D r7 8 m a 5 ,� m w z M,i SRf �fw a xZY1 y SCm 61( u^ �3P mOZD v m `� A9tiP �. • { m m O _Z7X m��F� �Quf pDy�D Vy{m wa N4 ono' y2�jti r 0 S �+mcc mmgazq Rji�l msoa 5 8 ; 99am m•4 o nc b �� I mm n ` H'1 ` gm��8a 9g�•�xmC � a $ cmAy rn I � z r n�$ 2 r >uNiO= Sots giff'c'!?Ow w a O r m v�oy Lq w _ <-n 3� 108 sa 9 U5 s�O S Cy sn G Q7 n��Cn ono N C Q ` 'g6�m ogg� n 0 F o n LQ 'ppm "� 9�pT r m s9�o9 m� 9mm S%M o� m5ra r� 3 .n,.r+ •i�Yf` t ,r �....w4 se"fa ..i �_•.rr-+.+-c-� _ r._v�-. • --s—T����� a }I _+ O v am mA- x�`^� � Iy fir• m � 7- 0 m0 Dom= r� m �.`ugmso I �Sa� °erg — z �P�imzm spa Aozm �' ✓s r7 i gg �r OZm _ T O mm<3 t4 � SC N 1 Q3.m3q Na� m<pn n� 4 Mp Q DNA ` d m'0 Z' o v c,c .say oam m g-Sm �m4 AJC�N fT' lam` 1iC o m3� m3 9PzT C M1N1 m m¢ o ?& xm� � dc + a�5 Cmv ap mQ� n mnP -1 Ia`{r�• mYy x z Q m J 2-y8pm l99,'Qi,4 SO acTb V INth 1 3 "JJ C_ H m 3 C m 9 Ay �+ -ram of ?� Y , m�gm �" mmap o-Pn6 w� 4.�ya O-n c O � m c i 9 quL S <v m0 G vl q� cm 090m � G^ v� � ]np � a 11�66mnvd Aco c'� yp O o �+m �._Z 2r7 T-IT aEK: �y'n� 9� rt7xA } Y dx Dym 9 1 n 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 30 FAX 253 856 2255 N. A. Mortenson 2001/006 r;A (Form Color:GREEN) City of Kent coN RACT No 07050001-10 �G Co CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No. 9 PROJECT TITLE TO. M. A. Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 9/10/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal far the work escrEFCSelow and/or detailed on the attachments referred to, Date. 8/31/07 Type 17 45.97 Tons @$35.00 per`Con =$1,608.95 N 4x8 Quarry Spalls 30.18 Tons @$57.00 per Ton =51,720.26 lu Lu CI# R 0 o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Overexcavation and Replacement @ SW Pavement Area CT1 FWO#8-011 - DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer, Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer, Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR. TO, M.A.Mortenson Company (AfE) TO. Ben Golding PM(EaaS) CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE: �NOCHANGE F—JINCREASE ❑DECREASE o_ ° a of $3,329.21 IO lwaYhnglm State Sales Tax Not Incivaed V In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheat(s)are attached hereto. CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE ❑NO CHANGE ❑INCRFASE ❑DECREASE OF _-- CALENDAR DAYS O O Tho foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization. City Transfer, Inc. CONTRACTOR BY � DATE 9/10/2007 Z TO, CITY OF KENT We have Carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable. Therefore,we recommend acceptance z w AJE GATE OWNEKS REPRESENTATIVE DATE' O O w C: AG DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT I z0 PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL — — - NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT l E I 0 ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal Involces Incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the j contractor as total reimbursement due In connection with this change order. a The City of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified. This eonstilules a change order to the contract only when authorizing Signature is affaCed. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE 10/05/2097 FHI 15! 30 Fax 253 854 2255 K. A. Nortenson Z002/006 city Transfer, inc./CT/J Extra Work Order Cu,cancr Pro¢ct Dale/ CTI Joda CuromerfWOA CfIEWOM MA Mortenson Kent Events Center 8 31 007 07-13 1 i $-011 CTI Employees-Regular Time CLASS HRS RATE EXT Materials QUANTITY PRICE EXT 12 Typc 171rown10arrow 45.97 TON 3500 1608.95 11 4W OLOrrySpala 30 18 TON 5700 1.72026 CTI Employees-Overtime TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 3,329.21 Subcontractors COST TOTALSUSCONTRACT COSTS $ 0.00 Description of Work and Ouantltes Performed See attached field copy for work description and hours ver/fed TOTAL LABOR COSTS Is 0.00 CTI Equipment and Trucks EOUIPk HRS RATE EXT TOTAL EQUIPMENT/TRUCK COSTS $ 0.00 Outstde Renral Equipment EOUIPM HRS RATE EXT Tow Olrect Costs it ess Equipment $ 3 t129 21 Total Equipment Costs $ 000 Markup of 15%on Labor $ 0.00 Markup of 5%on SOxontracrors S 000 TOTAL RENTAL COSTS Is 1TotaIAM0VntDue S 3,3Z9.21 CVs[p h,1s rendnnd reviewed the work set 10(Lh in tars Extra Work OrdCr(EWO1 tri[4r hg lmore terms on the reverse side and agrm m san wrms[n trier entirety CustomeragreesuteworKs romhlnd113EW0 was sa[s(B[thy performed.sklr urc aaknow ago lno alkrmsthat thengnatofdaflayapporred r�rCSCtlid[NCNU1C Cl6Wrner wdh the authority[o retires[v1e aDI Work. Cu Mcrsionanrc thine C-llrorenmSgna[Ure Date (See Field Copy) I I I rad&wf.NCXrLSdrL 9/6/2007 1A/05Iz097 Fxt 15: 30 Fax 253 854 2255 x. A. Horteneon 0003/006 ,I CITY TRANSFER INC. CC") Extra Work Order ! u[x e rrr a Dale rgoa Cuaome nvoa rn Ewa u 677-f C n Emplayee5 CLASS HRS RATE ExT Marenals OUANTITY PRICE EXT r i I i TOTAL MATERIAL COM S i Sub[nnlr.r[ton COST I TOTAL LABOR COSTS Is TOTAL SUBCONTRACT COSTS S 1 ' CTI Equlprnerr and TIULk5 EQUIP# HRS RATE EXT l h5uiption or work and Quanuies Performed Ce ! TOTAL COUIPMENT/TRUC K C Oti CS $ Outside Renal Equipmcni / EQUIP# HRS RATE CXr . lot al Owl I CC)% $ � Small Innis and Supolle515%of L3b0r) $ OVu1hCdd/1ndnCf is;15%on NI Dlrea Cuts► S Proh. 10'A(in All Co5rs $ TOTAL RLVAL C OSTS S lutdl Arndun1 OLIO $ r inrnnrPhil rraf,nd ivveweJJ cwink,elfntlhm Uv,AinwnrkrMdrr[hwol inri ergs selm. ri Vl[hC rCYI`fSCadeend nyrrrl luhurlwml inrh(rrrlwcrry Cugnmrrigrm UPC Woikle[rurllim Ihn EWO wa.Ar,.ranory OCrrcw,i1Cd SPyilelwe ei.kt"e-dUr t a ld rff rim ih.11 old iUS W 1Ir1 WJH I}Pr n uhowy f11 rrqurK mr ihnvr wwk Cu P PUC flm C71fo n5iyndure _ Da[r T P 1 qy 10/05/2007 FRI 15, 30 FAX 253 354 2255 K.A. Hortenpon �OD4/006 O p =d v � �♦, J 46 om��3n �jm.H m .y In G. x 0 a z sm �.z i5 •c 8¢ip'�2��' o J1 O n3 m 3g6mQ ��m 10>n O ti ♦� b3 ° mp 9Khi m A ' OE ¢ m S 3' H "`tititi D 1i� �l m m O >ntiPmt —a ar��s2 �o- � Q®�o8$ ��S mny� • �$ ti m � D �m�agig mP MP°= a Al W v�gE �9j DEAN W 09 c O Rgawa ql s�zv 7t 3� 1 Z� r yr ftag; 9Rp pXV� �f O m9 wq 1mn C1TMD tz T - y 3a�Fa HAL How Iri m � p 1 1 �[im a' 2Ls Mozz': C m var G y 3�4 3�m V T_Oc m¢o � b �ym o nz �MQ�— N ^� 6 �9gm j i ' aort __�n f h o M N Q CA)o. 4 S9�mz 8 16GIA M NC $SL Qm§5 mm Urn ♦ r m A 111 -•f �a pZO ;z 1 4 ♦ r y ��.y.m.r�. � ._ s_ _ __ -. ..�.��.�1�. _ ._ .,_ �Tlr.-._+.r"�--,'�--v..L♦1Yw iti.....!Y-+�.. ' � -.. �. —.-, i- �. �_�—..� y z , y a a m nq^S= yam_ =fll�lA 2 O .� • � x m a� �9na o I o' In 'VVu008nmC Opy ' 4 _ C'� Z 2 a a' Rp v 1 _p 3� 3�n iy�T m ♦ w N➢X m"IN; R Sara I Ya` m P J&§'jm3R lit 2 A F I I MM o z -jg$ ffoT �Opn eo V� ma 3�,a Tpw� w g A S E'¢ 'ro 3 a iM AM; m po= •� A g ==mao mm5 y�ce I •n l � ° mm=1 � q33 p2CC �oxv 4la r. 3m� e amOv O n'AM ' I M n Mypza �/ m �• I s 3 3 7ff�u mSA, vyTa 1 O m p mt y 3�- ,3 3� C OU1 r ym 2 C m ¢ 77 m S;AC .� ��l��l O n 1102 awe O�'n o '+�I�l �_a mm05 V�f O� ain0 Q=3 O�ny s`'9 sg� ti0Ox 2 l .Jl 3- � D a, a o {!� Hof uy2 ia5 m^lvp t C1 _Ud cS 9 Lap;_ 5� y02� SI Mr l d •.�.0 �J -e e god- Pa b -_"im mg' • to Bps¢ oc r tit p ¢ Eo ef)3gm .c �Z0 n �cfa ... Y'OC m� . 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 31 PAX 253 856 2255 M. A. Morteneon ®095/906 rt, j p o - o p , 1 0 — � < o mp ro mca co o m NO = = W wED� o 6D Op m A rn _ 1A y m -- --� >d3w01517J ~— a3AUK —� — y31$,dWHD13M - 13N ♦ ,` wIr„5ry.a i(J4' r�V�' I„4'�Y Y�Y+..y'C•Y�oP V,IV.IV VY,.q YYH• +I;V;w, aun rrl,u ,.yea nY.,uu,rr n;FY/• '1• iS.IY:Y•rY•":r•',� Y,YY.rI YVr, a, •1'I.a Y..S •• ,aa A;.n.a ul•. ' ♦�+ y'�Y^r''Y}1y AA'��''yy}}.Y•..rn1V iVl �, I.r. „ •1 +.r e.Yl jn..VnV lS�SWV• LiC•Y�, �I~ •�% :.11Zi >>'._dY'��';I` � .1,, x,�wX ?„ '' y"' 7Nfi7W'O1SK7 a 1seHvg`aAggnS peug'del[-d!N pmux ),3poU adeaspae7 !12Sb4,,r NO'I1V00"►»::;: �_•• a ' 1., U37nVH ;'.'kJ, r ..Ye Xdl }ID Fi 1,•••' '� (100'tlil::^' 1i3WO15n0 ""'3WU;.�:: 31V0 0991-£68(09£) XV3 • rn 199T-£68(09£) 09£86 dM`-)N1.1-HO ZOLL£6R(09£)-xVA . TTSS£68(09£) Xdd 9081 XUR 'U'd l IOLL-£6R(09£1aungd;iM ', __`4 00S5•£68(09£)auugdalal, ;0)1.9t10't1.f.V21ndM07 ping 1 unrdmino `t 09£R6 VM xupo"a-pH 18 dmrD 6016Z � Iingdny�'IanCao pucg 11.0g pagsuaa g 43021 a9parl �NIl ?1Y2Y21 RZ}x�0� Y /- y W�aa3 Aury1 S-mano uplAodeg 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 31 FAX 253 854 2255 IL A. Korteneon ®006/DO6 p u m� ]J n O �'�,31Cg� 3 Im!/IY b •.1 . 1 q+ - g O m o- y�na n m'Q a$sz yeti xm-in Z �VZJ� �/�"li E O y ]I `�mm caa�� Nyyn yWy� `n zC70 .;PEW y0F, oo,C \f �p m 3 b 1 w5 3.- moza �; Go o �g S aa� iip,N m �S C:,� ,n mM X 27 HE �- Hp / Oad.g$d Cn3 �maE��a �3^ i<Na Oc It�ftm�� (m(n 00E (+. � I am�' ma00 g _ S ''Z�€1� a`m3g�g m bzvccs �r 3 �� rm 034 Mier ram' mmomozz } m y 2u00-1 3�m csgc ' �' g 0 ?e a g's! 1ms m0� Cci 8r 6 es'�m „nS mT00� `� al m-_w R54 O00� �3p gm,w R'�1 fa, OyON m� 11 F j -:" 4z R4-A'c3 �- > > E��1� �S i0 t •! �V � 1 � �Pi y 1 V a n dm^ S- 4 0• rnmtim �--- ]14� o` {Tm �gna �c c 543 a 1 ma ama yy NO ?sewn Poo � m ti n x m M n _, m _ �c�77 _ r .. ,. i x r- 0 j m z 0 •• TLn v T • � w - z O c ` g •i I m o0-1 QL 33 do r „z Cl) �u m o � o T c: Wp 2 D C iv J m m Z-n L y •S• m N O W C1 fCn n m m V O .i A mm Y w n m , � N 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 25 Fax 253 856 2255 H. A. Horteneon U0061006 (Form Color.GREEN) City ofKent comAcTNo 07050001-10 cQ CONTRAGT CHANGE ORDER Kent F`ents Center COP No. 10 PRcmccTTRLE — TO- M.A.Mortensen Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL.REQUEST DATE 10/1/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal and/or detailed on the attachments;referred to: Date: 09/05107 4a8 Quarry Spalls 119.18 Tons @$57.00 per Ton=$6,793.26 w Type 17 344.38 Tons @$35.00 per Ton=$12,053.30 w W C1# 0 a O a REASON FOR CHANGE Soil Remediation-Area 3 CTT EWO#8-012 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED 8Y City Transfer,Inc. PROPOSAL FlEQUESTHO BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR. TO: M.A.Mortenson Company (AIE) TO: Ben Golding PM(E&AS) CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE. ONO CHANCE r7INCRWE DECREASE a of $18,846.56 O (Nfarhnplm SLi Sales Tax Na hxduded) In accordance With the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE' ONO CHANGE INCREASE ❑DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS O The foregoing amount covers everything required in conneclion with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization. City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY oATE 10/1/2007 2 TO, CITYOFKENT 4 We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable. Therefore,we recommend acceptance. Z w A/H DATE �TIVE DOE O U w a A.I-N OWNER CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTA 0 L NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT C O PThe final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal. Invoices Incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the J contractor as total reimbursement due In connection with this change order 4 The City of Kent hereby accepts fhe foregoing proposal and authonzes the performance of tho changos specified This constitutes a change order le the Contract only when authorizing signature Is affixed AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 25 FAX 253 854 2255 N. A. Mortenson m005/006 (Form Color'GREEN) Ctty of Kcnt CONTRACTNo 07050001-10 AGENCY CIO _ CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No ll _ PROJECTTm.E TO. M.A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAI.REQUEST DATE 1011/2007_ You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work descn ed below and/or detailed on the attachments referred to: Date: 09/06/07 Ty pe 17 488.31 Tons @$35.00 per Ton^$17,090.85 w a CIO 0 0 a it a o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Soil Remediation-Area 3 _ CTI MOO 8-o 13 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED _ CHANGEORICINATED BY City Transfer,Inc. PROPOSAL REQL'E$TEn SY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORMALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR TO; M.A.Mortenson Company (AIE) TO- Ben Golding PM(EBAS) J CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE: �NO"NGE INCREASE DECREASE a OF $17,090.85 O (wAlWVM Sias SAD$Tit:Nd tWbded) ¢v In accordance with the General Conditions,Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto ZCONTRACT COMPLETIONDA7P ONO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS 0 The foregoing amount covers everything requlrad In connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full torte and effect We understand that work shall not begin prior to authorization. City Trausfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY DATE 10/1/2007 z TO CITY OF KENT We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable. Therefore,we recommend acceptance. a A/5 oATe owaeRs kw AOE 1*1 mrb UWIKR CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS_ CHANGE AMOUNT Z PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL O NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATC DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT o ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the cost proposal. Invoices incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the F Contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change Order. C The CIy of Kent hereby accepts the foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes specified. This constitutes a change crderto the contract only when authortang signature is affixed. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE 10/05/2007 FRI 15125 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Mortensen E004/006 (Form Color.GREEN) City of Kent couRAcT No. 07050001-1 0 AGENCY Ca CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COF No. 12 PROJECTTmF To• M. A. Mortenson Com any CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE ^ 10/1/2007 You are du•ectr�d to prepare a Cast proposal for fhe work described bebw and/or detailed on the attachments referred to. Date: 09107/07 Type 17 284.61 Tons @$35.00 per Ton=$9,961.35 W CI# O o_ REASON FOR CHANGE Soil Remediation-Area 3 CTI ENVO#8-014 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED..... _ CHANGE ORIGINATED BY Clty Transfer,Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: TO-_ M.A.Mortenson Company (ACE) To: Ren Golding AM(EaAs) J CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE. �NO CHANGE 7INCREASE DECREASE d OF $9,961.35 a Wee tlmgron Slue Sala Tu Not 4v,Yuded) 100 In accordance wtlh the GeneralCOndltions,Cost EstimateDetail Sheet(s)fire adacthed hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE nNO CHANGE �iNCREASE ❑DECREASE QF CALENDAR DAYS The foregoing amount Covers everything required In connection with the Change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. I We understand that work shag not begin prior to authorization. i City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY DATE 10/1/2007 TO: Cm OF KENT O We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable. Therefore,we recommend acceptance. a w ACE GATE OWNER'S REPRESENTATNE PATE 0 U W C AGENCY GATE TE�" CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM _ PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS — CHANGE AMOUNT IZ PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCFWr CHANCE FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 0 ❑The final amount of tha Change order differs from the cost proposal Invoices Incorporating this change order constitutes acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due In connector witn this change order. The Cityof Kent hereby accepts the fore y going proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes speafied This COnSttUlas p change order to the contract only when authorizing signature.s affixed. AUrHORIZINO SIGNArURE DATt 10/05/2007 FRI 15: 24 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Hortenzon 0003/006 (Faris Color.GREEN) City orKut coNTRAcT w, 07050001.141 coAGENCY CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Ewnts Center COP No. 13 PROJECT TITI-r _ TO: 1M.A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 10/1/2007 You are directed to prepare a cost proposal forthe work doscnbed below andlor detailed on the attachments referred to' Date: 09/10I07 Type 17 79.08 Tons(u;$35.00 per Ton $2767.80 M LS GX# W 10- 0- 0 REASON FOR CHANGE Soil Remediation-Area 1 CTI EWO#8-015 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY Clty Transfer, Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PFRFORMALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: TO: M.A. Mortenson Company (AYE) TO. .8cct Golding FM(E&AS) CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE: �NOCHANGE F—]NCREASP DECREASE o_ a OF S2,767.80 2' (WOSH Jlon SWto Sales TOK Not Included) 4U In accordance with the General CondtOons,Cost Estimate Dolan Sheet(s)are attached hereto ZCONTRACT COMPLETION DATE' ENO CHANGE ❑INCREASE DECREASE OF CALENDAR DAYS The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection wilh the change. AN other provisions of tho contract roman In full force and effect. We understand That work shall not begin prior to authorization. Cj!y Transfer, Inc. CONTRACTOR BY DATE 10/1/2007 z TO: CITY OF KENT Wo have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance. a 0 z W g AIE DATE OWNER'$REPRESENTATIVE DATE 0 I U W DATE: �Ar ram—' DATE CONTRACT SUMMARY (BY Owner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT p PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS NEW TOTAL NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE DAYS PERCENT CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CCNTRACT AMOUNT YO ❑The final amountof lhls change order differs from the cost proposal_ Invoices iroorporating this change order CanStltUle&acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order. The Ci of Kent accepts the faregoin ra osal and authorizes the rformanco of the tY Y 9 P P po changes speafied. TMs conshlulES a change order to the contract only when authorlzlng signature is affixed. ` Al7TNp IZIN SIGNATURE DATE 10/,;�5/2007 FRI 15: 24 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Mrrtenson fQ902/09ti A fForm Color:GREEN) City of Kent coNWCTNO 07050001-10 co CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Kent Events Center COP No. 14 aRa EGT nTLE To:M.A.Mortenson Company CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL REQUEST DATE 10/1/2007 You are sr�ca to prepare a cost proposal for me work descrihed below and/or det20ed on the attachments referred to: Date: 09/13/07 Type 17 497.59 Tons @$35.00 per Ton=$17,415.65 W W CI# 0 0 0 a - REASON FOR CHANGE Soil Remediatfon-North End _ CTI EWO#8-016 DATE PROPOSAL REQUIPED CHANGE ORIGINATED BY City Transfer,Inc. PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY City Transfer,Inc. WE PROPOSE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGES DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: To: MA.Mortenson Company (A/E) TO: Ben Golding PM(E&AS) 40 CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE. ❑NO CHANGE F-JINCREASE DECREASE O C2 of 517,415.65 cc (W56MQlee Stele Sates Tex Not rndlW9e) O v In accordance Wllh the General Conditions,Cost lEsUrnate Detail Sheet(s)are attached hereto CONTRACT COMPLETION DAP;, �NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE OF _CALENDAR DAYS 9 The foregoing amount covers everything required In connection with the change. Aft other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect We understand that work shell not begin prior to authorizaton. City Transfer,Inc. CONTRACTOR BY-- DATE 10/1/2007 z TO: CITY OF KENT O We have carefully examined this proposal and fined the cost to be reasonable Therefore,we recommend acceptance, d W W ArE DATE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE DATE Q W w o' TGFNCw.__- .—••—� ••• DATE OWNER nATt CONTRACTSUMMARY (BYOwner) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM PREVIOUS TOTAL PREVIOUS ADDITIONS CHANGE AMOUNT Q� PREVIOUS DEDUCTIONS - --- NEW TOTAL - -- N NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DAfE DAYS PE12Cts7T CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL CON TRA,CTAMOUNT lY Y ❑The final amount of this change order differs from the Cost proposal, Invoices incorporating thle change order oonSliWleS acceptance by the contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this change order. t The City of Kent hereby acoepM Ine foregoing proposal and authorizes the performance of the changes spoclged. This constitutes a change order to the contract only when author>ang signature is affixed AUTHORIZING SI NA DArE--- — ----- - 19/a5/2007 FRI 15: 24 FAX 253 854 2255 H. A. Morteneon ®091/006 MOIMNSoff PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET-MEMO PAD Aft DATE PROJECT Q-NT EV_EMT�5, C9NTTEP—,, INJURIES 3 I 1 I I I I • 1 QUA �Qaty s 14.1 ✓ ; of q.lo2 ' -- - s ag�3o�o�- � ; C���-rn{s�.�ls --- ; �31.�(5 ; � ✓ ; ; o23t:gS 10 11 12 I 1 14 I 1 ' I I 17 c7�/o�Jrrl i pe.-' 1`j • 'f��,3{; ; ,% `j$18.3 Y ' ,e ,e Ty,a�--1 �4,3 61 (1, 1 1 ^� I 2, ot�ro�o-7 1 ype+ �7 : 71,64 ✓ Z�.08 22 y 23 Dq'11 1 v,� ; : J �rpc'1'7 ; T y,�7'�� 177 67- — 24 25 r 1 26 ' 1 1 • r , 27 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 r 1 I 28 , 29 • I 1 1 ' 1 31 ' i 1 . 1 3< 35 SHEET OF =