HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK07-248 - Original - Kent School District - Field & Facility Joint Use - 04/05/1983 Records Ma-046 m e KENT Was„,„Gro„ Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: Kent School District Vendor Number: Contract Number: This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: Interlo cal Agreement with Kent School District for Field and Facility Joint Use Detail: Project Name: Agreement with Kent School District No. 415 and City of Kent Contract Effective Date: 4/11/83 Termination Date: Indefinite Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Teri Petrole Department: Parks Administration Details: S Pubbc\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\ADCV832 07/02 J A N 0 U ly04 I ' AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 415 AND CITY OF KENT PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT The Agreement, made and entered into this 5th day of April 198 3 , by and between the City of Kent, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and the Kent School District 415 of the State of Washington, hereinafter called "District." W I T N E S S E T H Whereas the governing bodies of the City and District are mutually interested in an adequate program of community recreation under the auspices of the City public parks and recreation department; and Whereas said governing bodies are authorized to enter into agreements with each other, and to do any and all things necessary or convenient to aid and cooperate in the cultivation of good citizenship by providing for adequate programs of community recreation; and Whereas the City has established by ordinance a Department of Parks and Recreation responsible for carrying out the purposes of community recreation; and Whereas in the interest of providing the best service with the least possible expenditure of public funds full cooperation between City and District is necessary; and Whereas a joint use concept can provide for the maintenance and operation of existing fields and buildings for their better utilization by both parties; and Whereas a joint use agreement would allow and encourage the City and District to work together in planning, developing and building facilities for joint use. NOW, THEREFORE In consideration of this premise, said City and said District do now agree to cooperate with each other in carrying out the above purposes, and to that end do agree as follows: Section 1 . The District will make available to the City for community recreational activities all school facilities which are not needed for the conduct of school programs and which are suitable for community recreation activities, except for those District properties which are not presently developed and those District properties which have been, or will be, developed by non-District personnel or organizations. However, the District may at its discretion elect from time to time to make available to the City these undeveloped properties and properties developed by non-District personnel or organizations. All requests for use of District facilities shall be made in writing by the Director of Parks & Recreation of the City or his designated representative and will be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools or his designated representative of the District. Section 2. The City will make available to the District for school events, activities and/or programs all City facilities which are not needed for the conduct of City programs and which are suitable for said events, activities and/or programs. The facilities are to be requested (in writing) by the Superintendent of Schools or his designated representative, subject to the approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation or his designated representati ve. Section 3. The use of selected school facilities shall be in accordance with the regular procedures of the District in granting permits for use of school facilities as provided for by the laws of Washington and the rules and regulations of the Board of Directors. Section 4. It is hereby agreed that a schedule of dates to be requested for the use of the District School facilities will be worked out in advance by the City and that this schedule will be arranged to avoid conflict between District and City use; that in the scheduling of said facilities, District events and programs shall have first priority and City programs, established by the Recreation Department, shall have second priority and any other events by other groups or agencies shall have third priority. Approved requests shall specify times and dates in a manner that will make it possible for the District to schedule groups or agencies that have third priority. Section 5. It is further agreed that a schedule of dates for the use of the City facilities will be worked out in advance by the District and that in the scheduling of said facilities, recreation department activities shall have first priority and District events and programs shall have second priority and any other events by other groups or agencies shall have third priority. - 2 - Approved requests shall specify times and dates in a manner that will make it possible for the City to schedule groups or agencies that have third priority. Section 6. The City, through its Department of Parks 3 Recreation, agrees to provide adequate personnel to supervise the recreation activities which take place after school hours and during holiday and vacation periods at the approved areas or facilities. Section 7. It is understood and agreed that the personnel employed by the City in its Parks 8 Recreation Department shall be under the supervision of the Department and further that the District will advise in the planning and administering of a recreation program to be conducted by the City on or in District facilities. Section 8. It is recognized that school properties and facilities are intended primarily for school purposes and for the benefit of individuals of school age. It is therefore agreed that, in planning programs and scheduling activities on school grounds, the recreational needs and opportunities of such individuals will be well provided for and adequately protected. Section 9. It is further agreed that in the event of any dispute or difference arising as a result of the City program being conducted on the sites jointly used and selected as above outlined, or as to the use of a District facility, said dispute or difference shall be brought to the attention of the Mayor and the Superintendent or their designees. Section 10. It is further agreed that the City Recreation Department will furnish and supply all expendable materials necessary for carrying on a City sponsored community recreation program unless otherwise agreed. Section 11 . It is further agreed that the City may, with permission, install sprinkler systems, turfing, playground equipment, fencing and additional recreational equipment not in conflict with school use, on areas selected by the Director of Parks 6 Recreation, subject to approval by the Superintendent of Schools or his designated representative. Any installation of equipment, construction or development of facilities on said premises, for community recreation purposes, shall be at the City's cost unless otherwise agreed. Section 12. It is further agreed that the plans and specifications for the placement of all equipment, facilities and permanent improvements upon said premises and the type, design and construction thereof, shall be approved by the Superintendent of Schools or his designee prior to any installation thereof. - 3 - Section 13. It is further agreed that the cost of maintaining said improved areas shall be borne proportionately by the City and the District as determined by the relative use of said areas, and further that the City and ithe District agree to maintain such areas in good condition during the periods of their respective responsibility. Section 14. It is further agreed that any permanent improvements or equipment installed or erected on said premises by the City shall remain the property of the City and may be removed if permit for use of area is terminated. Section 15. It is further understood and agreed that either party to this Agreement may at any time terminate this Agreement upon giving, in writing, to either party 90 days notice of its intention to terminate same; provided, however, that in the event a City recreation program is in progress at the time the City receives written notice of District's intent to terminate, termination of the Agreement shall not be effective until after the program is completed not withstanding the fact that said completion date may be more than 90 days subsequent to District's notice of termination. In order for a program to be in progress as that term is used in this Section, application for use of said facility must have been approved by the District. Section 16. It is agreed that in consideration for the use of any District facility and/or property, the City will save and hold harmless the Kent School District, its elected and appointed officials, its employees and agents from any and all liabilities, including fraudulent and groundless accusation of liabilities, resulting from any City of Kent use of said facilities and/or property. Section 17. It is agreed that in consideration for the use of any City facility and/or property, the District will save and hold harmless the City of Kent, its elected and appointed officials, its employees and agents from any and all liabilities, including fraudulent and groundless accusations of liability, resulting from any Kent School District use of said facilities and/or property. Section 18. The City shall maintain a policy of comprehensive general liability including athletic participant liability protections and indemnifying the District, its elected and appointed officials, its employees and agents against any and all claims, suits and actions arising out of or in - 4 - connection with the use of the District's facilities and/or property as granted pursuant to this Agreement. Policy limits shall be in the amount of at least $10,000,000 public liability for each occurrence. Said policy shall contain a provision requiring the carrier to provide at least 30 days notice prior to cancellation or amendment of the policy. A certificate of insurance shall be issued naming the District, its elected and appointed officials, its employees and agents as additional insured with respect to the policy. Section 19. The District shall maintain a policy of comprehensive general liability including athletic participant liability protecting and indemenifying the City , its elected and appointed officials, its employees and agents against any and all claims, suits and actions arising out of or in connection with the use of the City's facilities and/or property as granted pursuant to this Agreement. Policy limits shall be in the amount of at least $10,000,000 public liability for each occurrence. Said policy shall contain a provision requiring the carrier to provide at least 30 days notice prior to cancellation or amendment of the policy. A certificate of insurance shall be issued naming the City, its elected and appointed officials, its employees and agents as additional insureds with respect to the policy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on their behalf. CITY OF KENT, A municipal Corporation, First Party, , / Bye C ayor Attest:-cT �- ty C1 e KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 415, Second Party, By Board resi ent Attest: Board Secretary 4306-116A - 5 - COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS 1410 PROCEDURES 1.0 Applications 1.1 Prior to the use of a facility, an application for use of buildings or grounds must be made on forms supplied by the school district and obtainable from the building principal , athletic department, or business office. All information requested on the application must be provided by a responsible representative of the group requesting use of the facilities. Applications for use of athletic or recreational facilities should be initiated through the athletic director and all other requests through the appropriate building administrator. The principal and/or athletic director shall sign all six copies indicating that the requested dates are available and approve the nature of the specified use. All copies shall be forwarded to the business office for assessment of charges. All applications must be received by the business office at least ten, but not more than thirty, days prior to the beginning date of the intended use. - 1.2 A single application may be made for a series of stated meet- ings of like character; however, a separate application must be made for' meetings that deviate from the original applica- tion. Facilities utilized shall be limited to those specified on the application. Only approved applications constitute permits for the use of school facilities. 1.3 Applications will be considered and scheduled when submitted in the appropriate manner and it is determined that there is no conflict with Kent school programs and activities. 1.31 Applications for continuous use for a series of like meetings will not be approved for more than the current scheduling period (see 1.37). 1.32 PTA/PIE, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Campfire Girls that have scheduled school facilities for regular meetings the previous year will continue to be scheduled on the same priority basis as a district activity. Recreational activities sponsored by these groups will be treated as a third priority. 1.33 Programs and activities sponsored by Kent Parks and Rec- reation shall have second priority in scheduling athletic and recreational facilities as per the agree- ment between the City of Kent and the Kent School District. 1.331 Kent Parks and Recreation will submit requests to the director of athletics for the Kent School District in the mutually agreed upon form. COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS 1410 PROCEDURES 1.332 Kent Parks and Recreation requests shall specify times and dates in a manner that makes it possible for the district to schedule groups or agencies that have third priority. 1.333 Kent Parks and Recreation. as per the agreement between the City of Kent and the Kent School District, shall bear their proportional costs of maintaining any improved area or field for their use and further shall pay their proportionate cost of maintaining areas or equipment in good condition during the times of their respective responsibility. These costs shall be established by the Business Manager of the Kent School District within a reasonable time of their occurrence. 1.334 Problems from Kent Parks and Recreation are to be referred to the athletic department. 1.335 Major problems and policy decisions from the schools should be referred to the athletic department, not directly to Kent Parks and Recreation. 1.34 The French Field stadium will be scheduled in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.37. 1.341 Use will be scheduled according to the following priorities: FIRST PRIORITY: KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTIVITIES* SECOND PRIORITY: KENT RECREATION ACTIVITIES THIRD PRIORITY: COMMUNITY YOUTH ACTIVITIES FOURTH PRIORITY: COMMUNITY ADULT ACTIVITIES FIFTH PRIORITY: NONCOMMUNITY AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES *(WIAA events are classified as school activities and Kent School District will determine appro- priate charges.) 1.342 The Kent School District reserves the right to reschedule events. 1.343 The approved charges for use of French Field are on Addendum B. -2- COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS 1410 PROCEDURES 1.35 Applications for non-recreational use of a single facility by more than one group will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups in paragraph 1 .0 of the policy receive priority in case of simultaneous application. 1.36 Recreational programs and activities sponsored by groups and agencies other than Kent Parks and Recreation shall have third priority in scheduling athletic and recrea- tional facilities and will be scheduled by the Kent School District athletic director after consultation with the director of Kent Parks and Recreation on the following basis: 1 .361 Application for use of recreational , playground or athletic facilities will be submitted to the individual school or the Director of Athletics for the Kent School District via the Community Use of Facilities forms provided by the district. 1 .362 Application will be considered on a third _ priority basis when it is determined that the activity is consisten# with the provisions of this policy. 1 .363 Application will be approved by the athletic director, the building principal and the business department. 1.37 Kent Parks and Recreation and all other groups, agencies and individuals requesting use of recreational and ath- letic facilities will submit applications in accordance with the following schedule: 1 .371 Fall Season (September 1 through November 30) 1.3711 Submit requests by August 1. 1.3712 District athletic director's action complete by August 3. 1.3713 District principal 's action complete by August 7. 1.3714 District action by August 15. 1.3715 Kent Parks and Recreation will notify the athletic director of any requests not } received by the 15th day of the month. -3- COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS 1410 PROCEDURES 1 .372 Winter Season (December 1 through February 28) 1 .3721 Submit requests by November 1. 1.3722 District athletic director's action complete by November 3. 1.3723 District principal 's action complete by November 7. 1.3724 District action by November 15. 1.3725 Kent Parks and Recreation will notify the athletic director of any requests not received by the 15th day of the month. 1 .373 Spring Season (March 1 through May 30) 1.3731 Submit requests by February 1. 1.3732 District athletic director's action ' complete by February 3. 1.3733 District principal 's action complete by February 7. 1.3734 District action by February 15. 1.3735 Kent Parks and Recreation will notify the athletic director of any requests not received by the 15th day of the month. 1 .374 Summer Season (June 1 through August 30) 1.3741 Submit requests by May 1 . 1.3742 District athletic director's action complete by May 3. 1.3743 District principal 's action complete by May 7. 1 .3744 District action by May 15. 1.3745 Kent Parks and Recreation will notify the athletic director of any requests not received by the 15th day of the month. 1.375 PTA/PIE, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls may schedule one year in advance (see 1.32). -4- COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS 1410 PROCEDURES 3.6 Before leaving the building or grounds , all groups will pick up, clean and put in order the facility used by them for their activity. The district reserves the right to charge for cleanup, damages, etc. 3.7 The applicant will notify both the building administrator and the business office of any cancellation of previously scheduled facilities in ample time to plan accordingly. In case of failure to do so, the district may bill for expenses incurred in preparation for use of the facilities requested. 4.0 Payments 4.1 All basic charges and charges for district-required buildings and grounds services performed by school district employees shall be arranged by and paid to the school district's business office. These employees are then paid by regular payrol-l . No organization or group is to make any payment directly to on-duty school employees or make any individual arrangements with employees as to service charges. All basic or service charges or damages shall be billed from the ` business office directly to the applicant immediately following the month during which facilities were -used. User charges will be determined on a cost basis established by the Board of Directors as an addendum to these basic procedures. 5.0 Right Reserved to Revoke Permits 5.1 The school district reserves the right to cancel any permit given and to refund any payment made for the use of school buildings or grounds where it deems such action advisable and for the best interests of the school district, or to modify its policies at any time. 5.2 All permits, with the exception of the Kent Parks and Recrea- tion Department, automatically expire at the close of the school year. Kent Parks and Recreation Department follow the schedule in procedure 1 .37. 5.3 A separate request is required for use of school facilities during the school summer vacation period by all groups and individuals not involved in the schedule procedure of para- graph 1 .37. 6.0 Reporting of Unauthorized Use 6. 1 Unauthorized use of facilities and grounds should be reported to security and to the building administrator. Adopted by Board: 12/2/70 Revised by Board: 9/22/82 Revised by Board: 11/26/75 Revised by Board: 10/12/83 Revised by Board: 1/31/79 Revised by Board: 12/9/81 -6- COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL BUIL"INGS, EQUIPMENT AND GROUND: 1410 - POLICY The buildings and grounds of the Kent Public Schools are primarily for public school purposes. However, every possible opportunity will be provided for after school and evening use of school facilities by citi- zens of the Kent School District and community groups. It is the policy ,, of the Board of Directors to: / OSi JL OF 1.0 Authorize use of facilities without charge by Kent,,ofganizations considered to be affiliated with school�hiunctions° such as employee groups, parent-teacher associations , 'pres'chool , Kent Area Council of Parent-Teacher Associations, boys ' and girls ' scouting, 4-H 01 a groups, Kent Recreation Department, Red Cross , civil defense, law enforcement or fire protection groups° res�ed groups organized �`S ��Fa,r,r• solely for charitable purposes and formally constitut d non rofit, 6-i f nonpartisan, nonsectarian, unorganized athlete groups devoted solely to activities for ages 19 and under. There will be charges for cooks, ,janitors , or supervisors when it becomes necessary to pay salaries beyond normal working hours , to defray costs for damages to facilities , equipment and fields or pay s.6a costs for heat and utilities. , 2.0 Authorize I non-commercial , 'non-profit organizations and groups not defined in the previous section to utilize school facil- ities on a cost reimbursement basis . This category includes groups and organizations dedicated to the promotion of education and general welfare activities of the community including , but not ` limited to (1 ) special study and self-betterment groups , (2) parti- san political groups (except for annual caucus meetings or caucus meetings held during a presidential election year) , (3) political subdivisions of city, county and state, (4) recreational and athletic activities of private agencies or groups , and (5) religious groups. 3.0 Authorize the casual use of playgrounds by community groups without charge, providing the use does not interfere with school or sched- uled activities. A permit for the use of school grounds must be secured for scheduled events other than spontaneous casual use. The term playground does not include specialized athletic fields and sports areas. Casual use of secondary school football and soccer game fields is prohibited. ex�`Pr 4.0 Prohibit the use of school facilities�1 by commercial , private or political groups that charge admissi,oti, raise funds or seek to make a profit. ?e-e n=%AoD6 Tj;a..AZ� - 2cVw.« �.nc1�,c tick 5.0 Authorize use of school music facilities for private music teachers on a space-available and cost-reimbursement basis. Space availability to be determined by the building principal . The intent of this procedure is to provide a service to the community and is not intended to compete with local business establishments. c�v�racc ��� rzucssn 3"! Qtz�c CA wQCS Adopted by Board: 12/2/70 ' Revised by Board: 11/26/75 Revised by Board: 1/31/79 40- uu Revised by Board: 12/9/81 �c<_c .....-,t\ Revised by Board: - 10/12/83 Revised by Board: 2/14/90 Kent School District No. 415 APPLICATION FOR USE OF PERFORMING ARTS FACILITIES ❑ The School Board has established Policy 1410, setting forth ❑ KENT-MERIDIAN three (3) "use"categories/classifications, in addition to Kent ❑ KENTRIDGE School District use,to facilitate administrative processing ❑ KENTWOOD of all community-use applications for Performing Arts facilities.A definition of those non-school use classifications can be found on the reverse side of this application to aid you in determining which categories you or your organization Date of Application" and/or group fall into The box at upper left MUST be filled in correctly for "Application,with insurance,must be submitted review by the P rincipal or designee. at least 10 days prior to use to be considered. Applications submitted without insurance will not be accepted NOTICE: NO RIGHT TO USE FACILITY UNTIL SIGNED APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATON IS RECEIVED BY APPLICANTI Name of Organization Person in Charge Address Address City State Zip City State Zip Telephone Telephone Facility Requested 13 Stage Lighbng 13 Sound Board 13 Piano O Lighting/Sound Tech 0 Event Manager 0 Stage Sets/Shells Grand Plano i] Upnght Piano ❑ Other(list) O Rehearsal time Expected Attendance Number of Performers Total Date(s)Requested Day(s)of the Week Event Time From To +Setup and Cleanup Time -Total Fours Per Day Event Time From To +Setup and Cleanup Time -Total Hours Per Day What is naturelpurpose of facility user Admission (if any) Child$ Adult$ Other$ For what purpose will the proceeds be used'/ Paragraph 3.0 - APPLICANTS RESPONSIBILITIES. Insurance $1,000,000 for non-profit groups and$5,000,000 for profit groups must be carried at Application for a school facility shall constitute acceptance by the applicant of the responsibility for any damage done as a result of their use,and willingness to comply with all rules and regulations regarding the use of school facilities. 32 The applicant must exercise the proper care in the use of school premises and agrees that in consideration for use of the theater that he/she/they will save and hold harmless the Kent School District#415 for any and all liabilities,including fraudulent and groundless accusations of liability,resulting from his/her/their use of the described facility 33 The applicant must provide satisfactory adult supervisor of all activites. 34 Before leaving the building or grounds,all groups will pick up,clean and put in order the facility used by them for their acbviy 3.5 The applicant will notify both the building administrator and the district Athietics/Acbvibes DapL of any cancellation of previously scheduled facilities in ample time to plan accordingly In case of failure to do so,the Kent School District may bill for expenses incurred in preparation for use of the facilities requested Data: Applicant's Signature: (BELO)y - TO BE COMPLETED BY SCHOOL PERFORMING ARTS THEATER IMANArcw Approval&Pam Q Approved-No Charge [] Disapproved Q Approved-With Charges 'ESTIMATED TOTAL 13 Category A *Sao Attached Workshoet - 0 Category B 13 Rehearsal s/Auditions 13 Category C [3 Other(specify) Principal/Theater Manager Signature Date Athlebcs/AcbvRies Signature Date DR-8-83 fRav a-931 Athlebcs/Actmaes-White Custodian-Green Finance-Yellow Apdicant Pink Maintanane-Goldenod