HomeMy WebLinkAboutLW07-147 - Original - Synaptec Software, Inc. - LawBase Prosecution Case Management System - 06/07/2007 LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT between City of Kent and Synaptec Software, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation, ("City"), and Synaptec Software, Inc., organized under the laws of the State of Colorado, with its principal address located at 4155 East Jewell Avenue, Suite 600, Denver, CO 80222 ("Synaptec") Recitals: Whereas, the City issued a Request for Proposals for a Prosecution Case Management System, dated September 27, 2006, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; and Whereas, Synaptec submitted a proposal, dated October 17, 2006, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit B, to provide City with the LawBase Case Management Software and related services, which was selected as the successful proposal. Now, therefore, the Parties agree as follows: 1.0 Definitions City Operating Environment: Operating environment means all host computer(s), network, client, and software operating systems, database software (i.e., SQL Server), and any other peripheral devices necessary to operate the City's system. Concurrent Software License: Concurrent licenses represent the number of simultaneous connections to the application software database, regardless of the number of machines upon which the application software is installed. Final Acceptance: Final acceptance means the date, as determined in writing by City, that the software product and software documentation for each project phase/milestone has been delivered, placed in operation, tested by the City, and have provided full functionality for a period of at least 30 calendar days. Licensed Software Product: Licensed software product means the computer programming code, including object code and any source code which may be provided, and the user manuals, including any corrections, enhancements, updates or other modifications to such computer program and user manuals for the software programs provided by Synaptec under Exhibit B. Licensed software products do not include any third party software. Software Documentation: Software documentation includes, without limitation, all media, machine readable or otherwise, including tapes, disks, diskettes, recordings, memories, chips, photos, printed or written documents, manuals of any type, and any other media containing recorded or stored information. Software Installation: Software installation means the point in time when all modules of the complete application software package have been delivered to the City's site, configured to perform correctly on the City's system, put into operation, and executed by City employees. _""4MMIMMIMW �. Source Code: Source code means all Synaptec's source and object programs, including all corresponding documentation. Software Support Agreement: Software support agreement means an agreement entered into between Synaptec and City to become effective at the expiration of the warranty period that will provide for ongoing service, maintenance, and updates of the software product and software documentation through telephone and onsite assistance. Third Party Software: Software delivered with the licensed software products but which require separate license with a third party prior to their use. Update(s): Update(s) means program corrections, enhancements or upgrades to licensed software product within the scope of City's purchase of software product and software documentation. Warranty Period: Warranty period means the one-year time period after final acceptance in which Synaptec is responsible, at its cost, for service, maintenance, and update of the licensed software product and software documentation through telephone and onsite assistance prior to any software support agreement taking effect. 2.0 Description of the Work Synaptec will provide the software licenses, professional implementation services and annual maintenance and support services in accordance with Exhibit A, as supplemented by Exhibit B, except where inconsistent with Exhibit A or this Agreement. 3.0 Effective Date and Term The 12 concurrent software licenses to use the licensed software product will become effective upon delivery and installation of the licensed software product onto City's operating environment and will continue in perpetuity unless terminated sooner pursuant to this Agreement. The term for the professional implementation services covered under this agreement will become effective upon the date the Agreement is executed by the City and will continue through the expiration of the warranty period. The term for the maintenance and support services covered under this Agreement will become effective upon the expiration of the warranty period and will continue on annual one-year terms, which will automatically renew each year, unless City provides Synaptec with thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to not renew maintenance and support services. 4.0 Implementation Schedule The parties, within the first 30 days of the effective date of this agreement, will mutually agree to a project implementation schedule to complete the work through final acceptance, a copy of which will be attached and incorporated as Exhibit C. 5.0 Financial Provisions The City will pay Synaptec a not to exceed fee of $27,250, plus applicable sales tax, for the Licensed Software Products and professional implementation services to be provided under this agreement, plus the applicable annual maintenance and support fees in accordance with the following: A. Software License Fees: City will pay Synaptec a total Software License Fee of $12,000, which includes TWELVE (12) concurrent software licenses at $1,000 each, for LawBase Version 10.7.1 users executing the software at any time. The initial license fee of $1,000 per concurrent user will be fixed through the expiration of the warranty period if the City purchases additional software licenses during that period. Thereafter, if the City purchases additional software licenses, Synaptec may charge up to five percent (5%) more from the initial license fee. The City's purchase of any additional concurrent software licenses will be reflected in a written amendment to this agreement. B. Professional Implementation Services Fees: i. LawBase Project Management Fee: Synaptec will provide project management to implement LawBase through final acceptance at a total cost of $1,500. ill. LawBase Design Consulting: Synaptec will provide three (3) days of on-site screen consulting at City's offices at $1,500 per day for a total cost ; of $4,500 plus reasonable travel expenses as more particularly described in Exhibit B and two (2) days of remote consulting services at a cost of $1,000 for a total cost of $2,000. Synaptec will provide additional on-site consultation services, upon request, at a cost of $1,500 per day or additional remote training at a cost of $125 per hour. iii. Training: Synaptec will provide Licensee with four (4) 2-hour sessions of remote Administrative training at a cost of $250 per session for a total cost of $1,000 and two (2) days of on-site end user training at a cost of $1,500 per day for a total $3,000 plus reasonable travel expenses as more particularly described in Exhibit B. iv. Interfaces: Synaptec will provide the necessary design, programming, installation or testing of an interface between LawBase and Microsoft Outlook Calendar so that items placed on the LawBase calendar will automatically be posted to the user's calendar in Microsoft Outlook at a total cost of $1,500. C. Annual Maintenance and Support Fees: Synaptec will provide the first year of annual support, which will commence at the expiration of the warranty period, at a total annual cost of $2,700 Synaptec may request an increase in the annual maintenance and support fees for each renewal year of maintenance and support services in an amount up to the average of the prior 12 months of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all urban consumers for the Seattle-Tacoma- Bremerton metropolitan area, but no more than 5% in any one year. 5.1. Invoicing Synaptec will invoice software license fees upon installation of the licensed software product. Synaptec will invoice consultant services and expenses upon final acceptance of the licensed software products. Synaptec will invoice annual maintenance and support fees upon the expiration of the warranty period. All invoices will be in a form acceptable to the City and include any reasonable documentation. 5.2. Payment The City will make all payments of undisputed charges will be made in U.S. Dollars within forty-five (45) days of an approved invoice in accordance with this Agreement. 6.0 License 6.1 Grant of License Synaptec grants to City twelve (12) concurrent user software licenses, which are non-transferable, non-exclusive, and perpetual, to use, in accordance with this Agreement, the LawBase version 10.7.1 licensed software product as more particularly described in Exhibit B and its related software documentation, as it may be updated and revised from time to time in accordance with this Agreement. Title to all licensed software product and all related intellectual property will be and remain exclusively with Synaptec. The Licensed Software and all intellectual property rights, including without limitation patent, copyright and trade secret rights, in the Licensed Software and in the associated user instructions and reference documentation are and shall remain the property solely of Synaptec. Synaptec owns the copyright in a computer program entitled "LawBase" and in certain related computer programs (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Licensed Software"). The term "Licensed Software" as used in this Agreement is defined as the computer program and routines known as LawBase, including all updates, improvements, enhancements and customized elements thereof from time to time developed by Synaptec which are released during the term of the license granted herein. The Licensed Software includes the application software only and does not include all hardware and software necessary to run the application such as a Microsoft SQL database. 6.2 Use Restrictions Licensed software use is restricted to 12 concurrent users, unless City purchases additional licenses. City agrees to use the licensed software only for City's purposes and will not or will not allow the following: (a) Use of any licensed software for any purpose, at any location or in any manner not specifically authorized by this Agreement; or (b) Make or retain any copy of any licensed software except as specifically authorized by this Agreement or in writing by Synaptec; or (c) Create or recreate the source code for the licensed software, or re-engineer, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the licensed software; except in accordance with the Agreement or in writing by Synaptec; or (d) Modify, adapt, translate, update or create derivative works based upon the licensed software, or combine or merge any part of the licensed software with or into any other software or documentation except as otherwise expressly provided by this Agreement or by written consent of Synaptec; or (e) Remove, erase or tamper with any copyright or other proprietary notice printed or stamped on, affixed to, or encoded or recorded in any licensed software, or fail to preserve all copyright and other proprietary notices in any copy of any licensed software made by City; or (f) Sell, market, license, sublicense, or distribute to any third party any licensed software; 6.3 Right to Copy City will not, without prior consent of Synaptec, make additional copies, in whole or in part, of the licensed software provided under the license except for back-up purposes. 6.4 User Instructions Synaptec will provide one (1) editable (word format) and one (1) PDF copy of the associated user instructions/manual for the Licensed Software purchased under this agreement. City may, at its own expense, make any number of hard or electronic copies of the associated user and reference documentation as is necessary for its own internal use. 6.5 User Group City will automatically become a member of the user group for the Licensed Software as more particularly described in Exhibit B. 7.0 Proiect Responsibilities 7.1 City The City will be responsible for providing meeting rooms, providing access to computer facilities and equipment, responding to Synaptec requests for approvals, and other requests related to City business in a timely manner, and will coordinate City staffing related to the pro]ect. City is also responsible for the following actions: 1. Determining whether the Licensed Software will achieve the results City desires; 2. Procuring, installing, and operating computers and operating systems to run the Licensed Software; 3. Providing a proper environment and proper utilities for the computers on which the Licensed Software operates, including an uninterrupted power supply; 4. Selecting and training City personnel so they can operate computers and so they are familiar with the accounts and records that serve as input and output for the Licensed Software, and S. Establishing adequate operational back-up provisions in the event of a defect or malfunction that renders the Licensed Software or the computer systems on which they run non-operational. 7.2 Synaptec Synaptec will be responsible for all other items relating to implementation including system installation, design consultation, providing administrative and end-user training to City staff, and providing adequate system documentation. All implementation and training services will be provided in a timely manner in accordance with this agreement. 7.3 Timelines Timelines will be mutually agreed to in accordance with this Agreement. Both s the City and Synaptec will be responsible for working in a cooperative manner to meet implementation timelines for the following milestones: ❑ Contract Execution ❑ Software Installation ❑ Module and System Implementation and Training Completion ❑ Initial Module Acceptance ❑ Final Module Acceptance ❑ System Goes "Live" .a ❑ System Acceptance Period ❑ Final System Acceptance Any delays to the schedule shall be pre-approved by the City and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 8.0 Operating Environment Designation The license granted to use the software products under this agreement will be fully operational when used on the City's operating environment. 9.0 Change in Designated Operating Environment Synaptec will provide all identified support levels for the City's operating environment for a minimum of five (5) years from the date the City issues its final acceptance of the licensed software product, other products and software documentation. If Synaptec discontinues support for the City's operating environment at any time prior to the expiration of this five-year period, Synaptec shall provide, at no cost to City, all assistance necessary to move the City to an h operating environment, of the City's choice, that is supported by Synaptec. This assistance shall include, at a minimum, installation and configuration of the software in the new operating environment, conversion of data from the unsupported operating environment to the new operating environment, and training necessary to A operate and maintain the system in the new environment. The City may change its designated Operating Environment at any time to a supported operating environment and transfer the Software Licenses under this Agreement to the new operating environment without incurring new Software License Fees. 2' 10.0 Product Functionality 10.1. Functionality The Synaptec's software application shall provide the following functionality: Cl Functionality documented in the Synaptec's response to RFP. ❑ Functionality documented in any amendments to Synaptec's response to RFP. ❑ Functionality demonstrated during the product demonstrations as described in the City's RFP. ❑ Functionality documented in the Synaptec's software documentation. ❑ Functionality documented as part of the contract. 10.2. Altering Functionality In the course of updating or enhancing the software application, Synaptec may alter an application's functionality; however, Synaptec will not eliminate or substantially alter any key software functionality promised under this agreement for a minimum of the first five years from the date of the City's final acceptance without City's written approval. In the alternative, Synaptec may offer to maintain such key functionality as a customized component at no cost to the City. 11.0 Timely Service and Correction 11.1. Timely and Professional Service Synaptec services shall be performed in a timely and professional manner by qualified technicians familiar with the software and its operation. Synaptec further represents that the services furnished under this agreement will be performed in accordance with industry practices in effect at the time those services are performed. 11.2. Defects Corrections Throughout implementation and during the terms of all support and maintenance agreements, including all renewal periods, Synaptec will promptly correct all defects to the extent those defects originate from the acts or omissions of Synaptec's products or personnel. 12.0 Warranty 12.1. Title Warranty Synaptec warrants that is has full title and ownership of the software products and other products. Synaptec further warrants that is has the full power and authority to grant the license(s) granted by this agreement to the City and that the license to and the use by the City of the software products and other products in no way constitute an infringement or other violation of any copyright, trade secret, trademark, patent or other proprietary right of any third party. 12.2. Merchantability and Fitness Warranty Synaptec represents and warrants that the software product(s), other products and software documentation will be merchantable and will be fit for the particular purposes established in City's RFP and Synaptec's response to City's RFP. 12.3. One-Year Express Warranty Synaptec warrants that, for a period of one (1) year from the date that the City has issued its final acceptance of the licensed software product(s), other products and software documentation, the licensed software products(s), other products and software documentation will be free from significant z: programming errors and from defects in workmanship and materials and shall operate in conformity with the performance capabilities, specifications, functions, and other applicable descriptions and standards, specifically including all specifications established in the user manual and elsewhere by Synaptec. During this warranty period, Synaptec shall also provide the City the support and maintenance services set forth in the Maintenance Agreement at its cost. After expiration of the warranty period, Synaptec shall provide support and maintenance services for the licensed software pursuant to the terms of an annual maintenance and support services agreement pursuant to this agreement. This warranty will not be affected by the City's modification of the software product(s) (including source code), other products or software documentation, so long as the Synaptec can discharge any warranty obligations notwithstanding those modifications or so long as the Synaptec can discharge any warranty obligations following customer's removal of its modifications. 12.4. Virus Warranty Synaptec warrants that the software product(s) or other products do not contain any malicious code, program, or other internal component (e.g., , computer virus, computer worm, computer time bomb, or similar component), that could damage, destroy, or alter any computer program, firmware, or hardware or which could in any manner, reveal, damage destroy, or alter any data or other information accessed through or processed by the software product(s) or other products in any manner. Synaptec shall immediately advise the City, in writing, upon reasonable suspicion or actual knowledge that the software product(s) or other products may result in the harm described above. Synaptec has advised, and the City acknowledges and " accepts, that the Licensed Software Product does contain code that will not allow the City to add new data in the event the City has a well overdue payment. 12.5. Maintenance Warranty Synaptec warrants that it will maintain the software product(s), other products and software documentation, including all updates, so that the « software product(s), other products and software documentation will operate in conformity with all improvements, additions, or modifications of the software installed at City's site or sites for a period of not less than five (5) years from the date of City's final acceptance of all software products, other products and software documentation. 13.0 Indemnification 13.1 General Indemnity Synaptec agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents and assigns from and against any and all third party claims, actions, losses, liabilities, judgments, awards and costs (including attorney fees and legal expenses) arising out of or in connection with the negligence of Synaptec in the performance of this agreement. Synaptec shall defend or settle, at its sole expense, all suits or proceedings arising out of the foregoing, provided that City gives Synaptec prompt notice of any such claim of which it learns. In all events, the City shall have the right to participate at its own expense in the defense of any such suit or proceeding through counsel of its own choosing. This indemnification will survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes Synaptec's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification, This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. 13.2 Intellectual Property Indemnity Synaptec agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, and its officials, officers, employees, agents and assigns from and against any and all third party claims, liabilities, losses, damages or expenses (including attorneys' fees and related costs) arising out of or relating to the ownership, possession or use of the licensed software protected by intellectual property rights, including patent, copyright and trade secret. In case such licensed software is held to constitute an infringement and their use enjoined, Synaptec, at its cost and expense, shall: (a) secure for the City the right to continue using the licensed software by suspending the injunction or by procuring a royalty-free license, or (b) replace the licensed software with noninfringmg software, that performs the same functions as the infringing item, or (c) modify the licensed software to cure the infringement Synaptec will have no obligation under this section for a claim of infringement to the extent it is attributable to the City's unauthorized or improper modification or use of the licensed software. No settlement that prevents the City from continuing to use the licensed software product(s), other products or software documentation as provided in this agreement shall be made without the City's prior written consent. This indemnification shall survive termination or expiration of the Agreement. 14.0 Limitation on Liability Except for liability pursuant to Section 13 hereof, Synaptec's maximum liability for damages will be limited to $250,000. 15.0 Insurance Synaptec shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Synaptec, their agents, representatives or employees with the minimum limits and types described below. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. 15.1. Automobile Liability Automobile liability insurance (including commercial automobile liability insurance) covering all owned, non-owned, hired, leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. This automobile liability insurance will have a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 15.2. Commercial General Liability Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, products-completed operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The policy will be endorsed to name the City as an additional insured under the Synaptec's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. Insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 15.3. Professional Liability d Professional liability insurance appropriate to the Synaptec's profession with limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. .; �a 15.4. Workers' Compensation Workers' compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 15.5. Deductible Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Synaptec. 1 i 15.6. Endorsement With the exception of Professional Liability insurance, which shall be provided on a claims-made basis, the City, its officers, officials, employees, and agents shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by Synaptec for the City. Synaptec's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 15.7. Verification of Coverage The Synaptec shall furnish the City with original insurance certificates and a copy of amendatory additional insured endorsements upon execution of the agreement, which will be attached and incorporated as Exhibit D. The policy will also be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party except after thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 15.8. Primary Synaptec's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City. Any insurance, self-insurance or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City will be excess of the Synaptec's insurance and will not contribute with it., 15.9. Failure A failure to provide insurance coverage and written acceptance of the tendered policy shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of contract by Synaptec. The City reserves the right to then award the contract to another Synaptec. In order to protect the public interest and notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, Synaptec's failure to comply with any provision in this section shall subject the contract to immediate termination without notice and without recourse by any person. 16.0 Rights In Data 16.1 City City shall retain rights in the Data stored In the Database Structures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City grants Synaptec the right to use the Data for any purpose connected with Synaptec's business relationship with City, with the understanding that any release of City's Data to other parties must be preauthorized by the City in writing. 16.2 Synaptec Synaptec will not permit the disclosure or duplication of any information received from the City or stored on City systems unless such disclosure or duplication is specifically authorized in writing by the City, Synaptec will not use any advertising, sales promotion, or other publicity matters relating to any software furnished under this agreement in which the City's name is mentioned without the prior written consent of the City. 17.0 Key Contract Staff Synaptec agrees that, for circumstances within the Synaptec's control, proposed Synaptec staff in key roles will remain on this project, that their level of involvement will not decrease beyond that proposed, and that they will not be reassigned or replaced by less proficient Synaptec staff through implementation of the proposed system. Any proposal by the Synaptec for changes to, or replacement, or substitution of key Synaptec staff throughout the duration of the project must be submitted to the City for review and approval. Key Synaptec staff for this project have been identified as the persons performing the following roles: ❑ Project Manager - This is the person responsible for the overall schedule, budget, resources and quality, and who provides day-to-day management of the project. The person in this role is expected to have significant on-site presence in the City during all phases of the project planning and implementation. ❑ Technical Lead - This person is the primary technical architect and expert assigned to the project. As with the project manager, this person is expected to have a significant on-site presence in the City during all phases of project planning and implementation. In the event a key Synaptec staff replacement is required, or requested by the City, the City shall have the right to review resumes, interview replacement candidates, check candidate references and at their discretion, accept or reject proposed replacements. In no event shall such changes in key Synaptec staff take effect without the written consent of the City. YI 18.0 Source Code Escrow 18.1 Escrow Agent Synaptec agrees to place current copies of its source code, including all relevant commentary, explanations and other documentation, as well as instructions to compile the source code, plus all revisions to the software source code encompassing all corrections, changes, modifications and enhancements made to the software by Synaptec (the "Escrowed Material") into an escrow account with an escrow agent, subject to the terms of a software escrow agreement that must first be approved by the City. Synaptec will update these copies within forty-five (45) calendar days of each major product release. Synaptec will provide the Escrowed Material as required herein prior to the final acceptance date. 18.2 Instances of Default The City may access the Escrowed Material upon the occurrence of any one of the following instances of default: (a) City terminates the contract for default; (b) Synaptec ceases its ongoing business operations; (c) Synaptec stops maintenance support of the software module in question; (d) Synaptec suffers any act of insolvency; or (e) Synaptec fails to maintain technical staff capable of supporting or modifying the software system. 18.3 Right to Obtain Source Code The City will give written notice by certified mail to the Escrow Agent and Synaptec of the occurrence of any instance of default. Synaptec will have thirty (30) calendar days from the date the notice is sent, or other time as agreed in writing by the City, to cure the default, but if the default has not been cured within that time, then the Escrow Agent shall, upon the next calendar day after the expiration of the period allowed to cure the default, deliver to the City the Escrowed Material, including all revisions. Upon the direct request from Synaptec, the City shall have the unconditional right to immediately obtain and use the Escrowed Material. 19.0 Independent Contractor The parties intend that an independent contractor-employer relationship will be created by their relationship. The City is interested primarily in the results to be achieved and compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The responsibility for the conduct and control of the work will lie solely with Synaptec. Synaptec is not to be considered an agent or employee of the City for any purpose, and the employees of Synaptec are not entitled to any of the benefits that the City provides for its employees. Synaptec understands that the City does not intend to use Synaptec's services exclusively. Synaptec will be solely responsible for reimbursement to subcontractors and the City will have no obligation to them. 20.0 EE ual Emplovment Synaptec shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances prohibiting discrimination in employment with regard to age, sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. Further, Synaptec will comply with the City's Minority and Women Contractors Policy (Administrative Police Number 1.2, attached and incorporated as Exhibit E) and also provide all written statements required by that policy. 21.0 Support during Warranty and Maintenance Periods Synaptec will provide its standard licensed software maintenance and support services to the City that will enable the software system to perform in accordance with this agreement. An annual software maintenance and support services agreement will go into effect at the conclusion of the applicable warranty period and shall automatically extend for additional one (1) year periods, unless cancelled by the City by written notice no less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of period of coverage. Synaptec will provide the City no less than twenty-four (24) months prior written notice if the Synaptec generally discontinues offering maintenance to customers of the licensed products. Synaptec will not provide such notice during the initial five (5) years following final acceptance of the licensed software. Throughout the warranty period and during the term of the maintenance and support agreement, Synaptec will provide, at a minimum, the following software maintenance and support services: ❑ All new releases of the software product(s) ❑ All software system modifications, updates and revisions ❑ All software system improvements ❑ All functional problem resolutions to the software product(s) ❑ All software documentation modifications, updates and revisions ❑ All software system modifications in support of changes in the City's operating system ❑ Telephone support during the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Pacific Time, five days a week, excluding weekends and national holidays ❑ On site support, when required because of the severity of a software problem or for other reasons identified in the agreement ❑ All support services listed in this agreement, the City's RFP and the Synaptec's response to RFP Response times will vary depending upon the severity of the problem experienced (e g., problems or bugs that materially affect the functionality of any software product may require immediate onsite response; less critical problems may only require telephone response within a set time period). Synaptec's required response times for identified support (i.e., telephone, onsite, or otherwise) will be within fixed periods of time. 22.0 Termination 22.1 Synantec's Right to Terminate Synaptec may terminate this agreement if the City fails to make timely payment as provided in this agreement, so long as the Synaptec has first LL provided the City with written notice of that default and the default has not been corrected within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of Synaptec's written notice of default. 22.2 City's Right to Terminate This agreement and the license granted hereunder may be terminated by the City if Synaptec is in default of any provisions of this agreement, so long as the default is not corrected within ten (10) calendar days, or other time period as agreed in writing by the City, which will not be unreasonably withheld, of the receipt of written notice of the default from the City. For the purposes of this Section, "default" shall include, without limitation, any failure to abide by the terms or conditions of this agreement including the City's RFP and Synaptec's response to the RFP, or any of the following instances: ❑ Synaptec defaults on any of the terms of its contract with the City; ❑ Synaptec ceases its ongoing business operations; ❑ Synaptec stops maintenance support of the software module in question; ❑ Synaptec fails to perform the contract in a timely fashion; i ❑ Synaptec suffers any act of insolvency; or ❑ Synaptec fails to maintain technical staff capable of supporting or modifying the software system. 22.3 Other Termination The City may terminate this agreement, including all related agreements (e.g., maintenance agreements, etc.) in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever Synaptec is prevented from proceeding with the project work by J reason of a preliminary, special, or permanent restraining order from a court of competent jurisdiction where the issuance of such restraining order is primarily caused by either acts or omissions of Synaptec or by acts or omissions of persons or agencies other than Synaptec. Additionally, the City may also terminate the grant of license portion of this agreement upon 60 days' written notice if the City's Information Technology Director determines that termination is in the best interests of the City. 22.4 Disposition of software upon termination Upon termination of this License, Licensee shall immediately deliver to Synaptec or destroy all of the Licensed software and all copies of the associated user instructions and reference documentation. Within thirty (30) days after the termination of this license, Licensee shall certify in writing that, to the best of Licensee's knowledge, all of the Licensed Software and documentation has been returned or destroyed. 23.0 Claims Any claim for damages incurred by either party resulting from breach of this agreement by the other party shall survive termination. The remedies provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive but shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all other remedies provided by law and equity. No delay or omission in the exercise of any remedy herein provided or otherwise available to Synaptec shall impair or affect its right to exercise the same. 24.0 Attorneys' Fees Subject to the indemnification and limitation of Synaptec's liability provisions set forth in this agreement, if any action or suit is brought with respect to a matter or matters covered by this agreement, each party shall be responsible for all its own costs and expenses incident to such proceedings, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 25.0 Governing Law The construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed exclusively by the Washington State Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A Revised Code of Washington, and other laws of the State of Washington without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof. If parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court located in Kent, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. 26.0 Entire Agreement The terms and conditions outlined, together with City's RFP and Synaptec's Response to RFP constitutes the entire agreement between Synaptec and City and shall not be modified except in writing, signed by both parties. In the case of inconsistencies or disputes among this agreement, the City's RFP, and the Synaptec's response to RFP, the following order of precedence shall prevail in descending order of priority: 1) This agreement and any written and fully signed amendments thereto. 2) The City's RFP and any written amendments thereto. 3) The Synaptec's response to RFP and any authorized written amendments or clarifications thereto. If any terms or conditions of this agreement are invalid under any applicable statute or rule of law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. 27,0 Severabilitv If any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable under any applicable statute or law, it is to that extent deemed omitted from this Agreement. The remainder of the Agreement will be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent possible. 28.0 Notice All communications regarding this Agreement will be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder will become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and will be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. 29.0 Assignment Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party will be void. Neither party will unreasonably withhold consent. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect and no further assignment will be made without additional written consent. 30.0 Access to Records and Audits Even though Synaptec is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and will be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. The Synaptec will permit authorized representatives of the City to inspect, audit, make copies and transcriptions of books and all data and records of the Synaptec relating to its performance under the Agreement, except for internal Synaptec correspondence, at mutually agreeable times during normal work hours Synaptec will maintain all such records for a period of three (3) years after the City makes final payment under this Agreement. 31.0 Waiver The waiver or failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided for in this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of any further right under this Agreement. 32.0 Amendment No amendment, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of both parties. a I 33.0 Conflict of Interest Synaptec warrants and represents that it presently has no interest and agrees that it will not acquire any interest which would present a conflict of interest under Washington law during the performance of services under this Agreement. Vendor further covenants that it will not knowingly employ any person having such an interest in the performance of this Agreement. Violation of this provision may result in this Agreement being deemed void and unenforceable. 34.0 Protection of Confidential Information 34.1 Synaptec Protection of City's Confidential Information Synaptec will not release any reports, information or materials prepared in connection with this Agreement without the approval of the City. Synaptec will safeguard and keep confidential the City's confidential information to the same extent it safeguards its own confidential information. 34.2 City's Protection of Synaptec Software City agrees that Synaptec Software contains proprietary information, including trade secrets, know-how and confidential information that is the exclusive property of Synaptec. During this Agreement, City and its employees will maintain the confidentiality of this information and will not disclose any such proprietary information to persons not an employee, officer or agent of the City without prior written consent of Synaptec. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date entered below. CITY OF KENT SYNAPTEC SOFTWARE, INC.: r By: S By: Q jui, Su ze to Cooke, Mayor q11 (signatur I Print Name: �^ C Its: V - t � E •}�� DATE: (Tale)7 DATE: 5' - D� ATTEST: Brenda Jager, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent L w Department NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CITY: SYNAPTEC SOFTWARE, INC.: ATTN: Jeffrey J. Tefelske 220 Fourth Ave S Synaptec Software, Inc. Kent, WA 98032 4155 E. Jewell Avenue Suite 600 (253) 856- (telephone) Denver, CO 80222 (253) 856- (facsimile) (303) 320-4420 (telephone) (303) 320-4860(facsimile) r KEN TT WASH { N G T O N PROSECUTION CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Proposal Due Date &Time: October 18, 2006, 2 00 PM Pacific Standard Time Submit Proposals to: City of Kent Attn City Clerk— Proposal for Prosecution Case Management System 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 EXH " IBIT TABLE OF CONTENTS A. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 1 I. Purpose.......................................................................................................................... 1 II. Goals for a PCMS.......................................................................................................... 1 III. Current Environment.................................................................................................... 1 IV. Criminal Division Overview..........................................................................................2 V. Proposal Schedule................................................................................ ...........2 ............. VI. Communications with City...........................................................................................3 VII. Vendor Questions .........................................................................................................3 B. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION & RFP PROCESS ...................................................................4 I. Requirements ................................................................................................................4 II. Proposal Costs..............................................................................................................4 III. Items beyond Scope .....................................................................................................4 IV. Best and Final Proposal ............................................................................................... 5 V. Vendor Demonstrations................................................................................................5 VI. Site Visits....................................................................................................................... 5 VII. Vendor Selection Criteria .............................................................................................5 VIII. Clarification to Proposals............................................................................................. 5 IX. Errors in Proposals....................................................................................................... 6 X. Reference Checks......................................................................................................... 6 XI. Rejection of Proposals ................................................................................................. 6 XII. Incorporation of RFP and Proposal in the Final Agreements ...................................6 XIII. Confidentiality of Proposals during Selection Process.............................................6 g; XIV.Confidentiality of Proposals......................................................................................... 7 XV. Withdrawal of Proposal .................................................................................. i C. PROPOSAL FORMAT.........................................................................................................8 , D. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................9 I. Letter of Transmittal......................................................................................................9 II. Table of Contents..........................................................................................................9 III. Vendor Response Forms..............................................................................................9 IV. Subcontractors/Third Party Vendors...........................................................................9 V. Hardware Environment............................................................................................... 10 VI. Software Environment................................................................................................ 10 VII. System Security.......................................................................................................... 10 VIII. System Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 10 IX. Web-based Services ...................................................................................................11 X. Implementation & Training Program ......................................................................... 11 XI. Maintenance & Support Program .............................................................................. 11 XII. Functional Requirements ........................................................................................... 11 XIII. User Group .................................................................................................................. 12 XIV.Customer References................................................................................................. 12 XV. Price Quote.................................................................................................................. 13 XVI.Sample Documents..................................................................................................... 15 XVII.Additional Information ............................................................................................... 15 E. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 16 I. Security Features........................................................................................................ 17 II. Case Management Features....................................................................................... 18 III. Reporting Features .....................................................................................................22 IV. Notification and Alerts Features................................................................................23 V. Workload and Calendar/Scheduling Features..........................................................24 VI. Workflow, Triggers, and Events Features.................................................................25 VII. Vendor Support Features ...........................................................................................26 Vill. Software Features.......................................................................................................26 IX. System Interface Features..........................................................................................28 X. Features — Information Only.......................................................................................28 APPENDIX A -VENDOR RESPONSE FORMS......................................................................30 APPENDIX B — REQUIRED TERMS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................36 A. INTRODUCTION I. Purpose The City of Kent (City) is requesting proposals for a Prosecution Case Management Software system (PCMS) The scope of products and services desired includes application software, implementation, configuration, testing and training as well as ongoing maintenance and support Only solutions which support Microsoft SOL Server 2000 or higher will be considered ll. Goals for a PCMS • Increased efficiency • Easy to use • Track entire case in one place, centralized storage (briefings, motions, subpoenas, exhibits, discovery, court deadlines, etc ) • Track all people associated with cases • Interoperate/Integrate with Microsoft Office • Generate statistical and other reports • Generate forms, brochures, and pamphlets • Print subpoenas • Support victim advocates/ record victim advocate contacts • Avoid duplicate data entry • Generate monthly prosecution calendar • Assign cases to prosecutors • Tickler system (based on local court rules) • Reduce physical storage for files • Save time wasted looking for files • Look up past pleadings • Facilitate legal research • Optionally track civil cases III Current Environment The City's technological environment relies on standard components to lower costs, enhance security, and provide reliable operation The City's standard is based on Hewlett Packard hardware containing Intel-based processors running Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Server HP Blade servers are used to deliver an increasing number of City applications Currently, the City is attempting to migrate applications towards a thin-client or zero weight client solution The City workstations are Hewlett Packard hardware running Microsoft Windows XP/2000 and Office XP. City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 1 IV. Criminal Division Overview The City's law department has Civil and Criminal divisions This RFP solution is targeted to meet the needs of the Criminal division If the PCMS is capable of meeting the needs of the civil division it would likely be used by them as well The Criminal division prosecutes all criminal violations of misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor crimes, defends the City on appeals of criminal misdemeanor matters, prosecutes drug forfeiture cases, and appears at all scheduled court calendars regarding criminal matters The Criminal division advises the Kent Police Department, assists family violence victims involved in City criminal cases, and responds to citizen inquires The Criminal division reviews and researches federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and court decisions relating to the prosecution of criminal cases The Criminal division provides community outreach, prevention, and training through family violence victim advocacy The City's family violence victim advocates provide individual victim education, prevention, safety planning, and referral to non-City assistance programs Refer to page 11 for information about staffing and case volumes. V. Proposal Schedule Listed below are the scheduled milestone dates for the procurement process Release RFP to Vendors. ............. . . ........... September 27, 2006 Deadline for Submission of Vendor Questions., October 6, 2006@ 2 00 p m (PST) Answers Posted to Web Site October 10, 2006 Proposal Due Date October 18, 2006@ 2 00 p m (PST) Proposal Review October 19, 2006 —October 23, 2006 Select Vendors for Demonstration . ......... . October 27, 2006 Vendor Demonstrations ... ...... November 6 — November 10, 2006 Customer Site Visits November 13 — November 17, 2006 Select Vendor Finalist .. .... . .. .... December 1, 2006 Contract Negotiations ......... ...... December—January 2007 Begin System Implementation .. ...... February 2007 Begin Live Operations ...... .. March 2007 Depending on the responses received, the City may alter this schedule or change it completely. City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 2 VI. Communications with City All communications regarding this RFP from vendors and other sources must be directed to Kevin Casault, Senior Systems Analyst City of Kent Phone (253) 856-469 220 Fourth Avenue South Fax (253) 856-4735 Kent, WA 98032 Email kcasault�ci kent wa us Contact with City employees is expressly prohibited without prior consent VII.Vendor Questions The City will post responses to vendor questions about this RFP at http//www ci kent wa us/procurement/€nformationtechnologylperos/documents asp by 10/10/2006, Vendor questions must be submitted in writing (may be faxed or sent via e-mail) by 10/06/2006 at 2 00 PM PST Vendors who seek information, clarification, or interpretations from City employees without using this written submission process are advised that such material is used at the vendor's own risk and the City shall not be bound by any such representations, whether oral or written Any RFP revisions will be issued by written addendum and will be distributed to all vendors prior to the proposal due date r, a� J City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 3 jI I B. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION & RFP PROCESS I. Requirements The original printed proposal and one (1) electronic copy of the original proposal in MS Word 2002 and four (4) printed copies must be submitted to the City Clerk in a sealed envelope by 2 00 p m PST on October 18, 2006, and clearly marked Proposal for Prosecution Case Management System Proposals should be delivered to City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 All proposals submitted must be valid for at least one hundred eighty (180) days from the proposal due date in order to be considered The City reserves its absolute right to accept or reject any proposals delivered after the deadline, and any proposals so rejected after the scheduled closing time shall be returned to the vendor Proposals may be sent by mail or hand delivered, however, if sent by mail, the responsibility for delivering a proposal to the City before the deadline is wholly upon the vendor Proposals may not be submitted by FAX It. Proposal Costs The City is not responsible for any costs incurred by potential vendors in preparing and submitting their proposal or participating in the selection process Those submitting proposals do so entirely at their expense There is no expressed or implied obligation by the City to reimburse any individual or firm for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting proposals, providing additional information when requested by the City, or for participating in any selection interviews or demonstrations III. Items beyond Scope Items that are beyond the scope of this request for proposal include- a Computer Servers and Workstations The City maintains an inventory and will separately purchase any additional commercially available workstations and servers required for the PCMS b Relational Database Software. The City maintains licenses and will separately purchase any additional required licenses for commercially available Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) c. System Interfaces d Data conversion City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 4 IV. Best and Final Proposal The City reserves the right to select vendors for continued consideration or a vendor for contract award based upon the written proposal, without further discussions Should the review committee determine that further discussions would be in the best interest of the City, the Committee shall establish procedures and schedules for conducting discussions and/or presentations with selected vendors When in the best interest of the City, the Committee may request that one or more vendors revise selected portions of their proposals for continued consideration in the selection process The City may, at any time in the process, continue or terminate discussions or negotiations with any selected vendor and take up discussions with any other vendor originally submitting a proposal V. Vendor Demonstrations The City retains the right to request selected vendors to demonstrate their product These product demonstrations will held on City premises and follow a script provided by the City VI. Site Visits The City retains the right to request selected vendors to allow visits to sites currently using the proposed system in a live, production environment VII.Vendor Selection Criteria A review committee will make a recommendation for the award of the contract to the vendor whose proposal is determined to be the most suitable for the City, considering all the criteria as set forth in this Request for Proposal, including but not limited to the vendor's ability to. • Meet the functional and technical requirements described in this RFP • Provide a cost-effective solution that meets the financial goals of the City • Provide quality, timely cost effective implementation and support services • Demonstrate stable, consistent product operation, system expertise and excellent service as evidenced by site visits and client references Vill. Clarification to Proposals The City reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a vendor's proposal or to obtain additional information necessary to properly evaluate a proposal Failure of a vendor to respond to such a request for additional information or clarification may result in rejection of the vendor's proposal ; The City's retention of this right shall in no way reduce the responsibility of vendors to submit complete, accurate and clear proposals Therefore, it is emphasized that all proposals should be complete and submitted with the most favorable financial terms City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 5 IX. Errors in Proposals Vendors are responsible for all errors or omissions in their proposals and any such errors or omissions will not serve to diminish their obligations to the City Vendors will not be allowed to alter proposal documents once proposals have been submitted unless requested by the City to do so The City reserves the right to allow corrections or amendments due to errors identified in the proposals by either the vendor or the City The City may waive minor administrative irregularities contained within the proposal documents X. Reference Checks The City may conduct reference checks on competing vendors throughout the procurement process The City may also contact any person or organization for information regarding a vendor regardless of the references provided by the vendor XI. Resection of Proposals The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and or all proposals, and waive any informalities in proposals and may waive minor deviations from the specifications and shall be the sole judge thereof This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract Selection of a vendor by the review committee shall not be construed as a contract award The City may award a contract on the basis of information in addition to that received in a proposal. Xll.Incorporation of RFP and Proposal in the Final Agreements Upon the award of a contract, the selected vendor will be required to enter into the City's professional services agreement for the software implementation and licenses and an appropriate maintenance and support agreement The City's required terms and conditions are attached and incorporated herein as Appendix B By electing to respond to this RFP, Vendor agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions However, the vendor and City may determine to amend some of these contract terms and conditions, if mutually agreed Vendors must review the required terms and conditions and specifically request any modifications or changes in their proposal, otherwise they will be deemed to have accepted the required terms and conditions Requests for significant modifications or wholesale rejection of the City's provisions and substitution of the vendor's standard form agreement is not acceptable and may result in rejection of the proposal The RFP and the vendor's proposal, including without limitation, all promises, warranties, commitments, demonstrations, and representations made during the proposal selection process, shall be binding and incorporated by reference into any contract entered into with the vendor as a result of this RFP process The City reserves the right to add terms and conditions during contract negotiations that are within the scope of the RFP XIII. Confidentiality of Proposals during Selection Process The City intends to keep each proposal confidential during the selection process By submitting a proposal, each vendor agrees that it will not seek to obtain, review, or compare any other proposal until final selection is complete Accordingly, if the City receives any such requests from any vendor, the City will refuse that request, and will not disclose any part of any other proposal If a vendor nevertheless persists in its efforts to obtain, review or compare any other proposal, the City may, at its sole option, eliminate that vendor from further consideration City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 6 XIV. Confidentiality of Proposals Washington State law requires disclosure of public records unless there is a specific exemption from disclosure By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the materials become the property of the City and may be subject to disclosure unless an exemption applies If the vendor believes any portion of its proposal or materials submitted to the City contain information that would be exempt from disclosure under Washington State law, such as proprietary or trade secret information, the vendor will request that the City withhold such information from disclosure by marking the specific page(s) containing the information as "confidential " A vendor may not mark its entire proposal as confidential If a vendor requests that the City withhold from disclosure information identified as confidential, and the City complies with the vendor's request, vendor will assume all responsibility for any challenges or claims resulting from the non-disclosure, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City from and against all damages or claims, and pay any and all costs and expenses related to the non-disclosure of vendor's information Vendor will not make a claim, sue or maintain any legal action against the City in connection with the non-disclosure of vendor's confidential information If a vendor does not indicate confidential information or request the City to withhold information from disclosure, the City will have no obligation to withhold the information from disclosure and may release the information without liability to the City XV.Withdrawal of Proposal Submission of a proposal will constitute a firm offer to the City for one hundred eighty (180) days from the due date for receipt of proposals A vendor may withdraw its proposal anytime before the due date for receipt of proposals, without prejudice, by submitting a written request, by mail or fax, to withdraw its proposal to the City Clerk The City may request an extension to the proposal validity period beyond the 180 days it a City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 7 C. PROPOSAL FORMAT In order to thoroughly analyze the responses to the RFP, vendors are required to prepare their proposals in accordance with the instructions outlined in this section Vendors whose proposals deviate from these instructions may be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified at the discretion of the City Vendors should present their products, services and applicable features in a clear and concise manner that demonstrates the capability to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be concentrated on accuracy, clarity, comprehensiveness and ease of identifying pertinent information and suitability of the product and services The proposal should be organized into the following major sections ■ Letter of Transmittal ■ Table of Contents ■ Vendor Response Forms (Vendor Profile, Vendor Authorization and EEO Declaration) ■ Subcontractors/Third Party Vendors ■ Hardware Environment ■ Software Environment ■ System Security ■ System Interfaces ■ Web-based Services ■ Implementation & Training Program ■ Maintenance & Support Program ■ Functional Requirements ■ User Group ■ Software Customer References (at least 3) ■ Price Quote ■ Sample Documents • Additional Information City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 8 D. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES The following items are guidelines for the minimum information requested in each section of the proposal All responses shall apply to the vendor's latest released product version 1. Letter of Transmittal a Provide the title of the proposal b Provide a brief written description of the proposal c Provide the date on which the proposal is made d Provide the date on which the proposal expires e Provide the printed name, signature, and signature date for the person or persons authorized by the vendor to make the proposal It. Table of Contents Provide a list of proposal sections and the starting page number for each section III. Vendor Response Forms Refer to Appendix A — Vendor Profile, Vendor Authorization and Equal Employment Opportunity Declaration forms IV. Subcontractors/Third Party Vendors Please explain the extent and nature of all additional companies that may supply goods and services under this proposal Include in your response the following a The words "Not Applicable" if this section does not apply b The name, address, and telephone number for each proposed subcontractor/third party vendor c A brief description of the goods or services that each subcontractor/third party vendor is expected to provide under this proposal d A brief description of the qualifications/experience of the subcontractor/third party vendor and its key personnel or features of its third party products If the vendor's proposal includes subcontractors or third party vendors, the City expects that the vendor will act as the prime contractor, and will take full responsibility for delivering and implementing the complete system, including acting as the sole point of contact for payment and problem resolution Subject to the City's approval, the City may enter into separate license and maintenance and support agreements for third party products 1 City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 9 4$� V. Hardware Environment Base your recommendations on the current and potential future size and activity in the City a Describe the recommended overall system hardware configuration, including the number and size of server and workstation computers, and any additional components and peripherals b Describe the recommended server and workstation configurations, including descriptions of central processing unit(s), networking hardware, hard disks, power supplies, printers, and any additional components and peripherals c Provide the number of electronic case files supported by the proposed hardware configuration VI. Software Environment a. Name the programming language(s)that were used to develop the system b Describe the reporting tools that are provided as part of the system or that are compatible with the system c. Describe the methods used by the system to prevent errors and to recover from errors d Describe the methods used by the system to archive and/or purge data e Describe the basis for software licensing for the system (e g , named user, concurrent user and site license) IF Indicate whether any or all of the source code is provided to the customer so that the system can be enhanced and customized for the particular customer g Describe the development tools that are provided to allow customers to enhance and customize the system h Describe any third party software products that are part of the system VII.System Security a Describe the security provisions provided by the system b Describe all security, accounting, and other certifications that apply to the system c Describe the ability of the system to track, and recover if necessary, configuration changes, user updates, and data modifications and deletions d Describe how the system controls user access to specific functions, forms, reports and data fields e Describe how the system protects data during transmission from or to external systems f Describe how the system protects sensitive information from disclosure g For systems that provide a web component, describe how the system verifies user identities and protects information Vill. System Interfaces a Describe the standard interfaces provided with the system that allow external systems to pull data from and post data to the system b Describe the protocols used by Y the system to communicate with externals stems Y c Describe the abilityof system users a City staff)to create custom reports and data extracts Y ( 9 , tY ffl P d Describe the redundancy and error correction features provided by the system e Describe the methods available with the system that allow system users to configure, customize, and update the system (custom menus, configuration files, database views, etc ) to facilitate reporting and communication with external systems City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 10 IX Web-based Services a. Describe the features provided by the system that allow users to interact using the internet b Describe the technology used to provide web-based services c Describe any special security considerations d Describe how data integrity and security are maintained during transmission across the internet X. Implementation &Training Program Please provide a detailed plan for implementing and for providing training for the proposed system This information should include a Example Implementation plan from a previous implementation of similar size and complexity b Implementation and training approach c Estimated hours required for City staff to support system setup, configuration, and startup d Suggested training course audiences e Training course descriptions, by type of user, including number of hours per day and total duration f Describe how you conduct product acceptance testing and explain how it will ensure the system pz is ready for production XI. Maintenance & Support Program Please explain any post-implementation support that is offered Include in your response the following a The type of support available (e g , telephone, web-based), hours of operation using Pacific Standard Time, average response time and any level of service options b Problem reporting and resolution procedures c. The method used to calculate maintenance fees (e g , #of users, % of software purchase). d Maintenance release schedules including frequency and method of distribution ; e The methods used to control software configurations f A description of the types of system customizations that are available g Describe the backup and recovery best practices for the system you are proposing XII.Functional Requirements Refer to the Functional Requirements section of this document. 4 gi }y City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 11 Y`� XIII. User Group Please describe the user group associated with the vendor's products. Include in your response the following a The name and approximate size of the user group. b Contact information for user group officers and/or key contributors c User group website address (e g , http llwww yourusergroup org) d A list of conferences and periodic meetings hosted or attended by the user group e Any additional relevant user group information XIV. Customer References Provide a list of at least three (3) public sector references that use the proposed PCMS which are comparable in size and structure to the City Refer to Appendix A — Software Customer References form The City reserves the right to contact any person or organization for information regarding a vendor regardless of the references provided by the vendor City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 12 XV.Price Quote Using the information provided in the chart below, please provide a clear and comprehensive price quote that individually lists, describes the basis for, and totals all of the anticipated costs to put the proposed system into operation for the City, including the following a Software license fees, by module, if applicable, and per user b. Professional implementation services fees including the following i Hourly Fee Schedule for each personnel or position proposed, which includes all costs of labor, overhead, insurance, profit and all other costs except for out-of-pocket expenses ii The estimated number of hours for each personnel or position, for configuration (including necessary modifications to meet the City's required functional requirements), implementation, testing and training phases in Out-of-Pocket Expense Fee Schedule for each type of expense (e g copy charges, travel, etc ) and an estimated total for out-of-pocket expenses for the implementation services c Maintenance and Support Fees, including annual costs to provide maintenance and support for the proposed system d Hourly Fee Schedule for each personnel or position in the event additional work is requested that is outside the scope of work under this RFP f Calculate and list the total applicable taxes (8 8%) for each major line item in the price quote ' Measure Counts Estimated average case load • Inbound criminal citation per month 350 to 450 • Outbound criminal citation per month 250 to 350 • New forfeitures per month 3 y • New appeals per month 3 Estimated number of users 4 legal assistants • 1 legal assistant intern • 1 domestic violence advocate • 1 domestic violence advocate intern • 4 prosecuting attorneys plus 1 deputy city attorney • 4 civil attorneys (assuming the system can be used to track civil cases) The City expects to have a progress payment schedule based upon on-time completion of specific work tasks that will be negotiated during the selection process and contract negotiations Professional services are not taxable to the City 1 City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 13 1 Price Quote form Annual Applicable Total Maintenance Description Version# Qty Price Tax(8.8%) Price Expense Example Software 1.0 1 1000.00 88.00 1088.00 100.00 Example Service 40 250.00 ------ 10000 --------- TOTAL PRICE $ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 14 XVI. Sample Documents Please include a sample of the following documents a Statement of Work outlining Vendor and City responsibilities b Standard Mai ntenance/Techrncal Support terms and conditions (including any for third party products) c Training manual for the proposed PCMS d User manual for the proposed PCMS e Standard reports for the proposed PCMS XVII. Additional Information This section should include supplemental information that will differentiate your proposal from other vendors' proposals or any specific requests for modifications to the City's required terms and conditions i a { City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 15 E. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The features listed in the following tables have been identified by the City for inclusion in the desired PCMS The answers provided in this section must directly reflect the proposal being made The responses should be in the following format for each checklist item- s Mark the "Yes" box (left) if the item is included as part of the standard package or is configurable out of the box • Mark the "No" box (middle) if the item is not available • Mark the "Mod" box (right) if the system requires a custom programming to meet the specification Please enter brief explanatory comments in the Vendor Response column where appropriate or for clarity purposes, provided additional more lengthy comments on a separate attachment with the section title and item number being commented on clearly referenced Each item is labeled as follows ■ "R" (Required)for items that are expected to be included in any proposed system, or ■ "O" (Optional) for items that would be considered a useful enhancement, or ■ "I" (Information Only) for items that would be considered valuable when considering the long term viability of the system Information Only items will not be scored as part of the vendor response City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 16 I. Security Features # Feature Type Yes I No Mod Vendor Response 1 Security levels and user profiles are definable by the System Administrator R ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 User profiles can be maintained R ❑ ❑ ❑ 3 The following levels of security are provided ■ Application/subsystem R ❑ ❑ ❑ • Screen/transaction R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Document/Report R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Record R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Field O ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 Supports group/role based security If yes, describe how this is accomplished R ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 Tracks user activity include • Adds R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Changes R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Deletions R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Print requests R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Others (describe) 0 El El 6 Audit trail for tracking every data change R 11 El El 7 Generates audit reports of user activity If yes, provide a report sample R ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Ability to prevent data export based on user authorization R ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Ability to manually lock a record to prevent further changes R ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 Ability to grant users access to specific process and functions with varying levels of authority (e g R ❑ ❑ ❑ ;; add, change and delete) 11 Ability to designate an electronic case file as confidential and set user access accordingly R ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 17 # Feature Type Yes I No I odT Vendor Response 12 Describe how your system tracks and controls R who has create, update, or delete privileges 13 Supports varying levels of administrator security If yes, describe these levels R ❑ ❑ ❑ 14 Provides the capability to deactivate and R reactivate a user ❑ ❑ ❑ 15 Allows a user's security to be changed R ❑ ❑ ❑ 16 Ability to restrict the information a user can see and/or change based up their security profile If R ❑ ❑ ❑ es, describe how user access is restricted? 17 Security reporting available for audit purposes. R ❑ ❑ ❑ 18. System integrates with Microsoft Windows NT/Active Directory security groups ❑ ❑ ❑ II. Case Management Features (Features related to the creation and life cycle of an electronic case file): # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response Electronic Case File— Base 1 Ability to create a new case R E] ❑ ❑ 2 Ability to create a new person/contact record and perform name verify function R El El El 3 Ability to associate people and cases R ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 Ability to associate documents to cases by case type R ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 Support for multiple defendants R 1:1 ❑ ❑ 6 Support for multiple citations R 7 Support user-defined data fields (e g , alpha- numeric field to hold the city's citation/case number) Ability to include user-define fields in R ❑ ❑ ❑ document and report generation 8 Support a case with multiple citations and multiple defendants R ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Ability to assign a pnonty to a case R ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 Ability to store externally generated information or documents (e g , related to law enforcement R ❑ ❑ ❑ charges, arraignment, judgments, sentencing) 11 Ability to link to external files/images R ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 18 # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 12 Ability to edit/update case information R ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 Ability to delete/terminate a case R El El El 14 Supports bulk update to multiple case files R El El E-1 15 Supports case version control If yes, describe R 16 Supports transaction rollback or undo feature R 17 Ability to maintain/track location of associated paper/physical case file R ❑ ❑ ❑ 18 Ability to track property forfeitures R 19 Ability to track bad and bond amounts and requirements R ❑ ❑ ❑ _ 20 Ability to track location of a defendant prior to adjudication (custodial status) R ❑ ❑ ❑ 21 Ability for prosecutors to review/approve cases R El 0 El 22 Ability to combine multiple electronic case files R 23 Ability to merge multiple contact/people R records ❑ ❑ ❑ 24 Ability to generate labels for physical case files R El El El Electronic Case File - Retention 25 Ability to archive documents R 26 Utility to purge records based on user-defined R criteria El ❑ ❑ 27 Ability to generate a hard copy listing of purged R records ❑ ❑ ❑ 28 Ability to manage retention schedules by case R ❑ ❑ ❑ type Electronic Case File - Query/Retrieval 29 Ability to perform name searches by ■ Wild card ■ Soundex (Please provide a y description of algorithm used) R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Phonetically i n; City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 19 _ rfE # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 30 Ability to perform searches by document R ❑ ❑ ❑ 31 Ability to perform searches by prosecuting R ❑ ❑ ❑ attorney 32 Ability to perform searches by case number. R ❑ ❑ ❑ 33 Ability to perform searches by date R ❑ ❑ ❑ 34 Ability to perform searches by case type R ❑ ❑ ❑ 35 Ability to perform searches by status. R El 1:1 El 36 Ability to perform searches by defendant/person using any field available R ❑ ❑ ❑ Example phone number or date of birth 37 Ability to search past pleadings R El El El Electronic Case File - Document Generation 38 Ability to support existing MS Word document templates R ❑ ❑ ❑ 39 Ability to create new and modify existing document templates R ❑ ❑ ❑ 40 Ability to generate documents needed as part of an electronic case file including but not limited to ■ Coversheet R El 1:1 ■ Amended Complaint R El El El ■ Motion for Bail R ■ Protection Orders (No Contact Order) R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Notice of Discovery R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Victim/witness correspondence R ■ Disposition report R El El El • Affidavits R City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 20 # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response ■ Subpoenas R ❑ ❑ ❑ • Case Notes/Narratives R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Summons R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Property forfeitures R ■ Pleadings R ■ Warrants R El ❑ ❑ ■ Motions R ❑ ❑ F 41 Ability to associate document types with case types R ❑ ❑ ❑ 42 Ability to auto fill documents with data from electronic case files (auto-fill/lookup) R ❑ ❑ ❑ 43 Ability to add the City's logo to documents generated R ❑ ❑ ❑ 44 Ability to merge electronic case file data into documents (batch process) R ❑ ❑ ❑ Electronic Case File - Data Elements 45 Ability to define status types R ❑ ❑ ❑ 46 Ability to define events types R El 47 Ability to associate status and events to case type R ❑ ❑ ❑ 48. Ability to define case types R 49 Ability to define custom lookups/pick lists. R El El 0 50 Ability to define required data elements R ❑ ❑ ❑ 51 Ability to define custom data elements for cases R ❑ ❑ ❑ 52 Ability to define custom data elements for defendants/people/contacts R ❑ ❑ ❑ 53 Describe the base data elements available for R defendants/ eople/contacts 54 Describe the base data elements available for R a case City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 21 III. Reporting Features (Features related to any non-security/system related reporting, report creation, and customization): # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Is the reporting tool an integral part of the system? If no, please name the proposed R ❑ ❑ ❑ roduct and version number 2 Ability to create custom ad hoc reports If yes, describe the process for creating custom R ❑ ❑ ❑ reports 3 Ability to customize reports to add the city logo. R El El El 4 Describe the standard reports that are R provided with the bases stem 5 Ability to print a case file R 1:1 El 6 Ability to print the following reports ■ Cases by status R El El 0 ■ Cases by case type R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Court schedules/calendars R ■ Case type by disposition R ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Ability to generate specific reports including ■ Average life cycle by case type R El El El • Variance to target by case type R El El El ■ Available resource capacity R • List of case files to be destroyed based upon retention schedule R ❑ ❑ ❑ and case type • Retention schedule on closed case report (sent to state) R ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Forecasting reports R ❑ ❑ El 9 Bottleneck reports R El El El 10 Prosecutor caseload reports R El El El 11 Gang-related reports R City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 22 # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 12 Crime-specific reports R ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 Ageing Case reports R El ❑ ❑ 14 System provides the ability to customize the list of reports that are available to each system user, including both standard and R ❑ ❑ ❑ custom reports 15 System provides reports that can be printed and exported to text, portable document format (PDF), word processor, spreadsheet, R ❑ ❑ ❑ and database table formats 16 Ability to run reports based upon system security roles R ❑ ❑ ❑ IV. Notification and Alerts Features (Features related to automated alert and notification events): # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Supports alerts and automatic reminders R ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 Daily alerts show the day's events and outstanding issues for individual resources, when case load exceeds resource's R ❑ ❑ ❑ availability, case status, etc 3 Ability to provide alerts/notifications on aging cases R ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 Ability to send a-mails alerts R El El El 5 Ability to create custom alert and notifications as needed R ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 System automatically notifies users of items that require attention or action via electronic R ❑ ❑ ❑ mad 7 System automatically distributes reports via R electronic mail ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Route electronic case file via e-mail R ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 23 y� V. Workload and Calendar/Scheduling Features (Features related to the assignment of cases to staff and staff workload): # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Ability to assign cases. R El El 0 2 Ability to assign cases to prosecutors/legal assistance alphabetically by defendant last R ❑ ❑ ❑ name 3 Rules base case assignment (e g , all DV cases to Tami Alf other case types by defendant's last name), or manually R ❑ ❑ ❑ assigned 4 Ability to assign duplicate cases where multiple defendants involved in same R ❑ ❑ ❑ complaint 5 Ability to define rules by which cases are assigned R ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 Describe how your system manages the R allocation resources rosecutors/staf 7 Ability to track workload for performance measures and head count assessment R ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Ability to support a master central calendar If yes, describe data elements/required information which is associated with a R El ❑ ❑ calendar entry 9, Describe the process for the creation and R maintenance of a master calendar 10 Ability to define user privileges to the master calendar R ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 Ability to interface with prosecutor desktop calendar R ❑ ❑ ❑ 12 When scheduling, the master calendar should show the busy or not available times (e g , assignments, vacations, non-litigation related appointments) for resources based R ❑ ❑ ❑ on their individual calendars but not show the nature of the appointment Master calendar is a consolidation of all legal activities 13 Scheduling entry in master calendar automatically update the assignee's R ❑ ❑ ❑ calendar 14 Supports scheduling upcoming events, maintaining and displaying information on scheduled events, and monitoring adherence R ❑ ❑ ❑ to schedules 15 Ability to import calendars from other sources If yes, describe the process to import a calendar and the allowed formats. R ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 24 # Feature Type Yes I No Mod Vendor Res onse 16 Multiple ways to view the calendar If yes, give examples R El ro El VI. Workflow, Triggers, and Events Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Ability to define workflows and event triggers by case type R ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 Ability to track workflow steps If yes, describe R ❑ ❑ ❑ 3 Support manual override of workflow steps R El El El 4 Ability to setup specific event triggers to initiate an alerts based upon certain process. (Example A new criminal citation for John Doe was entered into the system yesterday and a new case file was created Another criminal citation arrives today for John Doe R ❑ ❑ ❑ While entering the new citation an alert pops up notifying the legal assistant that John Doe has an active case This way the legal assistant can determine if this should be part of the prior case or if this is a new case ) 5 Ability to track specific milestones through out the Iifecycle of a case R ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 Events to track including but not limited to ■ Citation received from KPD R El El 0 ■ Electronic case file created R El 1:1 El ■ Prosecutor assignment R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Amended complaint created R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Prosecutor approves/declines amended complaint R ❑ ❑ ❑ • Amended complaint filed with court R 0 El El ■ Arraignment R El El El ■ Pretrial R El El E-1 • Motions R ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 25 a # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response • Trial/Disposition R • Review hearing R El 1:1 El ■ Final disposition R 1:1 El • Destruction R El El VII. Vendor Support Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Training program provided to new installations If yes describe R ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 Indicate how many hours of training are typically required for • Users R ■ Trainers ■ S stem Administrators 3 End user support options are available including after-hours support If yes, R ❑ ❑ ❑ describe 4. Technical support options are available including after-hours support. If yes, R ❑ ❑ ❑ describe 5 System user conferences hosted by you and/or user groups If yes, describe O ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 Provide a full set of documentation for • User ■ Trainer R ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ System Administrator ■ Other lease describe 7 Provide an electronic searchable version of the documentation R ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Provide the information model (e g data dictionary and schema information) to clients for databases O El El 0 (Note* The City will agree to sign a NDA with the software vendor VIII. Software Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 System runs under Windows 2003 on servers R ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 System runs under Windows XP SP2 on client workstations R ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 26 # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 3 System uses SQL Server 2000 or higher as the primary system database R ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 System supports remote administration If yes, describe O ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 System provides tools to aid in the deployment of software to the client PCs O ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 System has built-in backup and restore feature O ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Vendor certifies within six months of release of software updates by third party vendors, that the proposed system will run correctly with the 3'd party R ❑ ❑ ❑ software updates (e g , operating system atches) 8 Vendor allows customers to develop and implement custom database views O ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Vendor provides a detailed document (e g , Data Dictionary) that describes all system tables and the links between O ❑ ❑ ❑ system tables 10 System includes software development tools that allow customizations to the O ❑ ❑ ❑ base product 11 System includes on-line context based help facility R El ❑ ❑ 12 System has built-in database maintenance tools O ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 System supports standard Windows application functionality (For example, R ❑ ❑ ❑ ctrl+c copy, ctrl+v paste, etc 14 Built-in legal research tool O 15 Describe your systems basic architecture R 16 Describe the application development R environment used to build yours stem 17 Describe if your system has a module to allow limited access from the world wide web (Example Setup victims so they O can see the progress on a case via a secured web site a 18 System is able to print and read bar codes O ❑ ❑ ❑ 19 System supports use of PDAs (Palm Pilot, Windows Mobile, etc ) O ❑ ❑ ❑ 20 Supports out-of-the-box support for civil case management O ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 27 # Feature Type YeslNol Mod I Vendor Response 21 Ability to process civil appeals O El El El 22 Describe how your system handles multiple users, data concurrency control, R record locking, and conflict resolution 23 System operates at 99% reliability (uptime) or better for all system R ❑ ❑ ❑ functions 24 Ability to run concurrent fully functional test/training systems for non-production O uses without additional licensing ❑ ❑ ❑ constraints and costs IX. System Interface Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Supports two-way communication with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange R ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 Integrates with Microsoft Office products If yes, describe how your system supports integration with Word, Excel, Outlook, and R ❑ ❑ ❑ Access 3 Does your system provide support for linking to documents within the Stellent IBPM (Imaging & Business Process O ❑ ❑ ❑ Management) X. Features — Information Only # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 System automatically imports system configuration, and other information supplied via text files, spreadsheet files, or I El El El via real-time links to other databases 4 Ability to receive incident/arrest information from a law enforcement system I ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 Ability to receive booking information from a jail facility system I ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 Ability to receive criminal/traffic citations from a law enforcement system I ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Ability to receive judgment and sentencing reports from the local courts system I ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 System works with Crystal Reports If yes, describe I ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Support other common desktop tools If yes, please indicate which ones I ❑ ❑ ❑ City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 28 # Feature Type Yes I No Mod Vendor Res onse 10 Describe if your system has out-of-the-box capability to integrate/interoperate with other systems (Please indicate which ones 11 System provides a mechanism for real- time bidirectional data transfer with I ❑ ❑ ❑ externals stems 12 Describe how your system supports antra/inter-governmental information I sharing efforts 13 Describe if a system module is available which provides data or message broker I capability 14 Describe how your system supports open standards like XML and SOAP I City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 29 APPENDIX A - VENDOR RESPONSE FORMS City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 30 A. Vendor Profile Please provide the following vendor information Year founded Headquarters location Local officer(s) Total gross revenues Total gross revenues for public sector Average rate of growth in sales over the last three years Number of full-time personnel ■ total company ■ management ■ support ■ research and development Number of full-time personnel dedicated to public sector products • support ■ research and development Number of total customers by product suite • past year • past three years Number of public sector sales by product suite. ■ past year ■ past three years ■ Washington State Describe the evolution of the prosecution case management software Include the date of the first installation and the major developments which have occurred (e g , new version, new modules) Number of PCMS installations using SQL 2000 or higher Does your company have current pending or threatened litigation? If yes, explain in detail 1 City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 31 B. Vendor Authorization I, <Vendor Representative Name>, certify that <Vendor Name> has reviewed the City's Request for Proposal (RFP) for software and implementation services for performance of the prosecution case management system (all software and implementation services) <Vendor Name> has responded to all required sections as directed in the RFP This proposal constitutes <Vendor Name> response to the City's RFP I further certify that I am authorized to negotiate for and contractually bind <Vendor Name> in all discussions with the City for the procurement of the software and associated services named above All contact with <Vendor Name> should be directed to Name Title. Address Telephone Fax Email. Signed Date Title Corporate Seal City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 32 C. Software Customer References MUST SUBMIT AT LEAST 3 PUBLIC SECTOR REFERENCES FOR THE PROPOSED PCMS At least two references should describe projects completed by the proposing Software Vendor/Implementation Team combination Organization Contact Name Contact Title Address Telephone Email Server/Database Platform Number of Concurrent Users Contract Dates Number/Type of Support Personnel In the table below, list the modules that were included in the project and the dates they went live Module Approximate Go Live Date J ,.r a City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 33 D. DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to compliance with Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement will comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The City requires any contractor, subcontractor or supplier working on this Agreement to certify that the following statements are true. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the statements below, it will be considered a breach of contract, subject to suspension or termination of the Agreement, in whole or in part, in the City's sole discretion. The statements are as follows: 1. The Vendor has read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this Agreement, the Vendor will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this Agreement, the Vendor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the Agreement, the Vendor will actively consider hiring and promoting women and minorities. By signing below, the Vendor certifies that it is in compliance with the City's equal opportunity policies regarding contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. Dated this day of 200_. By: For: Title: Date: City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 34 EXHIBIT 1 CITY ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY: Jim White,Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City will conform to federal and state laws All contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of the CITY must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and if holding contracts with the CITY amountmg to $10,000, or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps 1 Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the CITY'S nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments 1 Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the CITY'S equal employment opportunity policy 2 Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state, and local laws,policies, and guidelines City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 35 i APPENDIX B - REQUIRED TERMS AND CONDITIONS City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 36 REQUIRED TERMS AND CONDITIONS The City will require certain contractual obligations In addition to all statements made in the RFP related to the procurement process, the following terms and conditions will be applied to any contract entered into with the City These may include but are not limited to the following 1.0 Definitions City Operating Environment: Operating environment means all host computer(s), network, client, and software operating systems, database software (i e , SQL Server), and any other peripheral devices necessary to operate the City's system Concurrent Software License: Concurrent licenses represent the number of simultaneous connections to the application software database, regardless of the number of machines upon which the application software is installed. Final Acceptance: Final acceptance means the date, as determined in writing by City, that the software product and software documentation for each project phase/milestone has been delivered, placed in operation, tested by the City, and have provided full functionality for a period of at least 30 calendar days Licensed Software Product: Licensed software product means the computer programming code, including object code and any source code which may be provided, for the software programs provided by the Vendor under the Vendor's responses to this RFP Licensed software products do not include any third party software Request for Proposal or RFP: Request for Proposal or RFP means the City's published document seeking proposals for a prosecution case management system, issued on September 27, 2006 Response to RFP: Response to RFP means the Vendor's response, dated October 18, 2006, to the City's RFP, dated September 27, 2006, and together with Vendor's demonstrations and supporting documentation presented at City's site during the week of November 06, 2006 Software Documentation: Software documentation includes, without limitation, all media, machine readable or otherwise, including tapes, disks, diskettes, recordings, memories, chips, photos, printed or written documents, manuals of any type, and any other media containing recorded or stored information Software Installation: Software installation means the point in time when all modules of the complete application software package have been delivered to the City's site, configured to perform correctly on the City's system, put into operation, and executed by City employees Source Code Source code means all Vendor's source and object programs, including all corresponding documentation Software Support Agreement: Software support agreement means an agreement entered into between Vendor and City to become effective at the expiration of the warranty period that will provide for ongoing service, maintenance, and updates of the software product and software documentation through telephone and onsite assistance Third Party Software: Software delivered with the licensed software products but which require separate license with a third party prior to their use City of Kent : Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 37 Update(s): Update(s) means program corrections, enhancements or upgrades to licensed software within the scope of City's purchase of software product and software documentation Vendor Software: Vendor Software will mean the computer program in object code and the user manuals, including any corrections, enhancements, updates or other modifications to such computer program and user manuals Warranty Period: Warranty period means the one-year time period after final acceptance in which the Vendor is responsible, at its cost, for service, maintenance, and update of the software product and software documentation through telephone and onsite assistance prior to any software support agreement taking effect 2.0 Effective Date and Term The license to use the Vendor Software will become effective upon delivery and installation of the software onto City's operating environment and will continue in perpetuity. The term for the implementation professional services covered under this agreement will become effective upon the date the Agreement is executed by the City and will continue through the expiration of the warranty period The term for the maintenance and support services covered under this Agreement will become effective upon the expiration of the warranty period and will continue on annual one-year terms, which will automatically renew each year, unless City provides Vendor with thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to not renew maintenance and support 3.0 Financial Provisions Payment for the products and services to be provided under this agreement will occur in accordance with the progress payment schedule and statement of work exhibits (to be determined during contract negotiations) 3.1. Invoicina Vendor will invoice professional services and expenses separately from software license fees in a form acceptable by the City and with reasonable documentation 3.2. Payment Method All payments of undisputed charges will be made in U S Dollars within forty-five (45) days of an approved invoice in accordance with the Progress Payment and Fee Schedule (to be determined during contract negotiations), so long as City has accepted and approved the products and services listed on the invoice 4.0 Licenses Any software license provided under this agreement shall be guaranteed in perpetuity to the City. City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 38 5.0 Responsibilities Vendor will provide the software product(s), other products, support, and other services as negotiated with the City at the conclusion of the RFP process These software products, other products, support and services shall be accompanied by the software documentation and include program specifications that describe the program setup, operation, and maintenance 6.0 Operating Environment Designation The license granted to use the software products under this agreement will be fully operational when used on the City's operating environment 7.0 Changes in Designated Operating Environment Vendor will provide all identified support levels for the City's operating environment for a minimum of five (5) years from the date the City issues its final acceptance of the software product(s), other products and software documentation If the Vendor discontinues support for the City's operating environment at any time prior to the expiration of this five-year period, the Vendor shall provide, at no cost to City, all assistance necessary to move the City to an operating environment, of the City's choice, that is supported by the Vendor This assistance shall include, at a minimum, installation and configuration of the software in the new operating environment, conversion of data from the unsupported operating environment to the new operating environment, and training necessary to operate and maintain the system in the new environment The City may change its designated Operating Environment at any time to a supported operating environment without incurring additional License Fees 8.0 Additional Licenses and License Fees The initial license fees will be fixed through the expiration of the warranty period If the City increases the number of concurrent users before the expiration of the warranty period, City will pay additional license fees at the same rate as the initial license fees Thereafter, if the City increases the number of concurrent users, the City may pay additional license fees at an increased rate, but such rate will not be increased more than five percent (5%) of the initial or then current license fee 9.0 Product Functionality 9.1. Functionality The Vendor's software application shall provide the following functionality ■ Functionality documented in the Vendor's response to RFP ■ Functionality documented in any amendments to Vendor's response to RFP ■ Functionality demonstrated during the product demonstrations as described in the City's RFP • Functionality documented in the Vendor's software documentation. I • Functionality documented as part of the contract 9.2. Altering Functionality v In the course of updating or enhancing the software application, the Vendor may alter an City of Kent , Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 39 j application's functionality However, the Vendor shall not eliminate or substantially alter any software functionality promised under this agreement without the express written permission of the City 10.0 Timely Service and Correction 10.1. Timely and Professional Service Vendor services shall be performed in a timely and professional manner by qualified technicians familiar with the software and its operation Vendor further represents that the services furnished under this agreement will be performed in accordance with industry practices in effect at the time those services are performed 10.2. Defects Corrections Throughout implementation and during the terms of all support and maintenance agreements, including all renewal periods, Vendor will promptly correct all defects to the extent those defects originate from the acts or omissions of Vendor's products or personnel 11.0 WarrantV 11.1. Title Warranty Vendor warrants that it has full title and ownership of the software products and other products Vendor further warrants that is has the full power and authority to grant the license(s) granted by this agreement to the City and that the license to and the use by the City of the software products and other products in no way constitute an infringement or other violation of any copyright, trade secret, trademark, patent or other proprietary right of any third party 11.2. Merchantability and Fitness Warranty Vendor represents and warrants that the software product(s), other products and software documentation will be merchantable and will be fit for the particular purposes established in City's RFP and Vendor's response to City's RFP 11.3. One-Year Express Warranty Vendor warrants that, for a period of one (1) year from the date that the City has issued its final acceptance of the software product(s), other products and software documentation, the software products(s), other products and software documentation will be free from significant programming errors and from defects in workmanship and materials and shall operate in conformity with the performance capabilities, specifications, functions, and other applicable descriptions and standards, specifically including all specifications established in the user manual and elsewhere by Vendor During this warranty period, Vendor shall also provide the City the support and maintenance services set forth in the Maintenance Agreement at its cost After expiration of the warranty period, Vendor shall provide support and maintenance services for the Software pursuant to the terms of that Maintenance Agreement This warranty will not be affected by the City's modification of the software product(s) (including source code), other products or software documentation, so long as the Vendor can City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 40 discharge any warranty obligations notwithstanding those modifications or so long as the Vendor can discharge any warranty obligations following customer's removal of its modifications 11.4. Virus Warrantv Vendor warrants that the software product(s) or other products do not contain any malicious code, program, or other internal component (e g , computer virus, computer worm, computer time bomb, or similar component), that could damage, destroy, or alter any computer program, firmware, or hardware or which could in any manner, reveal, damage destroy, or alter any data or other information accessed through or processed by the software product(s) or other products in any manner Vendor shall immediately advise the City, in writing, upon reasonable suspicion or actual knowledge that the software product(s) or other products may result in the harm described above 11.5. Maintenance Warranty Vendor warrants that it will maintain the software product(s), other products and software documentation, including all updates, so that the software product(s), other products and software documentation will operate in conformity with all improvements, additions, or modifications of the software installed at City's site or sites for a period of not less than five (5) years from the date of City's final acceptance of all software products, other products and software documentation 12.0 Indemnification 12.1 General Indemnity Except for liability that is solely the fault of the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and assigns (each of the foregoing hereafter referred to individually as the "Indemnified Party"), Vendor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Party from and against any and all third party claims, actions, losses, liabilities, judgments, awards and costs (including attorney fees and legal expenses) arising out of or in connection with the negligence of the Vendor in the performance of this agreement Vendor shall defend or settle, at its sole expense, all suits or proceedings arising out of the foregoing, provided that City gives the Vendor prompt notice of any such claim of which it learns In all events, the City shall have the right to participate at its own expense in the defense of any such suit or proceeding through counsel of its own choosing This indemnification will survive the expiration or termination of this agreement It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes Vendor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties 12.2 Intellectual Property Indemnity Vendor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, and its officials, officers, employees, agents and assigns from and against any and all third party claims liabilities, losses, damages or expenses (including attorneys' fees and related costs) arising out of or relating to the ownership, possession or use of Vendor Software protected by intellectual property rights, including patent, copyright and trade secret In case such Vendor Software a City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 41 is held to constitute an infringement and their use enjoined, Vendor, at its cost and expense, shall (a) secure for the City the right to continue using the Vendor Software by suspending the injunction or by procuring a royalty-free license, or (b) replace the Vendor Software with noninfringing software, that performs the same functions as the infringing item, or (c) modify the Vendor Software to cure the infringement Vendor will have no obligation under this section for a claim of infringement to the extent it is attributable to the City's unauthorized or improper modification or use of the Vendor Software No settlement that prevents the City from continuing to use the software product(s), other products or software documentation as provided in this agreement shall be made without the City's prior written consent This indemnification shall survive termination or expiration of the Agreement 13.0 Damages and Limitation on Liabilit a v Vendor's indemnification shall apply to all damages incurred by the City or third parties, whether direct, indirect, actual, consequential or incidental However, Vendor's liability for damages to the City for any cause whatsoever, regardless of form of action, whether in contract, or tort, shall be limited to the greater of two million dollars or two times the total fees paid to Vendor for the products and services contemplated under this agreement 14.0 Insurance Vendor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Vendor, their agents, representatives or employees with the minimum limits and types described below Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A M Best rating of not less than A VII 14.1. Automobile Liability Automobile liability insurance (including commercial automobile liability insurance) covering all owned, non-owned, hired, leased vehicles Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage This automobile liability insurance will have a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident 14.2. Commercial General Liability Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, products-completed operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury The policy will be endorsed to name the City as an additional insured under the Vendor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City Insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate 14.3. Professional Liability Professional liability insurance appropriate to the Vendor's profession with limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit 14.4. Workers' Compensation Workers' compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 42 14.5. Deductible Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Vendor 14.6. Endorsement With the exception of Professional Liability insurance, which shall be provided on a claims- made basis, the City, its officers, officials, employees, and agents shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by Vendor for the City Vendor's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability 14.7. Verification of Coverage The Vendor shall furnish the City with original insurance certificates and a copy of amendatory additional insured endorsements before commencement of the work The policy will also be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party except after thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage 14.8. Primary Vendor's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City Any insurance, self- insurance or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City will be excess of the Vendor's insurance and will not contribute with it , 14.9. Failure A failure to provide insurance coverage and written acceptance of the tendered policy shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of contract by Vendor The City reserves the right to then award the contract to another vendor In order to protect the public interest and notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, Vendor's failure to comply with any provision in this section shall subject the contract to immediate termination without notice and without recourse by any person 15.0 Rights in Data City City shall retain rights in the Data stored in the Database Structures Notwithstanding the foregoing, City grants Vendor the right to use the Data for any purpose connected with Vendor's business relationship with City, with the understanding that any release of City's Data to other parties must be preauthorized by the City in writing Vendor Vendor will not permit the disclosure or duplication of any information received from the City or stored on City systems unless such disclosure or duplication is specifically authorized in writing by the City Vendor will not use any advertising, sales promotion, or other publicity matters relating to any software furnished under this agreement in which the City's name is mentioned without the prior written consent of the City City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 43 16.0 Project Responsibilities City The City will be responsible for providing meeting rooms, providing access to computer facilities and equipment, responding to Vendor requests for approvals, and other requests related to City business in a timely manner, and will coordinate City staffing related to the project Vendor Vendor will be responsible for all other items relating to implementation including system installation, providing technical and user training to City staff, and providing adequate system documentation All services and implementation shall be provided in a timely manner Timelines Timelines will be mutually agreed to prior to contract execution Both the City and Vendor will be responsible for working in a cooperative manner to meet implementation timelines for the following milestones • Contract Execution ■ Software Installation ■ Module and System Implementation and Training Completion ■ Initial Module Acceptance ■ Final Module Acceptance ■ System Goes "Live" ■ System Acceptance Period ■ Final System Acceptance Any delays to the schedule shall be pre-approved by the City and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld 17.0 Key Contract Staff Vendor agrees that, for circumstances within the Vendor's control, proposed Vendor staff in key roles will remain on this project, that their level of involvement will not decrease beyond that proposed, and that they will not be reassigned or replaced by less proficient vendor staff through implementation of the proposed system Any proposal by the Vendor for changes to, or replacement, or substitution of key Vendor staff throughout the duration of the project must be submitted to the City for review and approval Key Vendor staff for this project have identified as the persons performing the following roles ■ Project Manager—This is the person responsible for the overall schedule, budget, resources and quality, and who provides day-to-day management of the project The person in this role is expected to have significant on-site presence in the City during all phases of the project planning and implementation ■ Technical Lead—This person is the primary technical architect and expert assigned to the project As with the project manager, this person is expected to have a significant on-site presence in the City during all phases of project planning and implementation. In the event a key Vendor staff replacement is required, or requested by the City, the City shall have the right to review resumes, interview replacement candidates, check candidate references and at their discretion, accept or reject proposed replacements In no event shall such changes in key Vendor staff take effect without the written consent of the City City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 44 18.0 Source Code Escrow Escrow Agent Vendor agrees to place current copies of its source code, including all relevant commentary, explanations and other documentation, as well as instructions to compile the source code, plus all revisions to the software source code encompassing all corrections, changes, modifications and enhancements made to the software by Vendor (the "Escrowed Material") into an escrow account with an escrow agent, subject to the terms of a software escrow agreement that must first be approved by the City Vendor will update these copies within forty-five (45) calendar days of each major product release Vendor will provide the Escrowed Material as required herein prior to the final acceptance date. Instances of Default The City may access the Escrowed Material upon the occurrence of any one of the following instances of default (a)Vendor defaults on any of the terms of its contract with the City, (b) Vendor ceases its ongoing business operations, (c) Vendor stops maintenance support of the software module in question, (d) Vendor fads to perform the contract in a timely fashion, (e) Vendor suffers any act of insolvency, or (0 Vendor fads to maintain technical staff capable of supporting or modifying the software system Right to Obtain Source Code The City will give written notice by certified mad to the Escrow Agent and the Vendor of the occurrence of any instance of default Vendor will have thirty (30) calendar days from the date the notice is sent to cure the default, but if the default has not been cured, then the Escrow Agent shall upon the thirty-first (31s) calendar day deliver to the City the Escrowed Material, including all revisions Upon the direct request from Vendor, the City shall have the unconditional right to immediately obtain and use the Escrowed Material 19.0 Independent Contractor The parties intend that an independent contractor-employer relationship will be created by their relationship The City is interested primarily in the results to be achieved and compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement The responsibility for the conduct and control of the work will lie solely with Vendor Vendor is not to be considered an agent or employee of the City for any purpose, and the employees of Vendor are not entitled to any of the benefits that the City provides for its employees Vendor understands that the City does not intend to use the Vendor's services exclusively Vendor will be solely responsible for reimbursement to subcontractors and the City will have no obligation to them 20.0 Equal Employment Vendor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances prohibiting discrimination in employment with regard to age, sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification Further, Vendor will comply with the City's Minority and Women Contractors Policy (Administrative Police Number 12, attached in Appendix A as Exhibit 1) and also provide all written statements required by that policy City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 45 21.0 Support during Warranty and Maintenance Periods Vendor will also enter into a software maintenance services agreement with the City that will enable the software system to perform in accordance with this agreement, the City's RFP, the Vendors response to RFP, and other identified documentation, including amendments or addenda that may be issued from time to time This software maintenance services agreement will go into effect at the conclusion of the applicable warranty period and shall automatically extend for additional one (1) year periods, unless cancelled by the City by written notice no less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of period of coverage The Vendor shall provide the City no less than twenty-four (24) months prior written notice if the Vendor generally discontinues offering maintenance to customers of the licensed products The Vendor will not provide such notice during the initial five (5) years following execution of this agreement Throughout the warranty period and during the term of this maintenance agreement, Vendor will provide, at a minimum, the following software maintenance services ■ All new releases of the software product(s) ■ All software system modifications, updates and revision ■ All software system improvements ■ All functional problem resolutions to the software product(s) ■ All software documentation modifications, updates and revisions ■ All software system modifications in support of changes in the City's operating system ■ Telephone support during the hours of 7 00 a m and 6 00 p m , Pacific Time, seven days a week, excluding national holidays ■ On site support, when required because of the severity of a software problem or for other reasons identified in the agreement • All support services listed in the license agreement, the City's RFP and the Vendor's response to RFP Response times will vary depending upon the seventy of the problem experienced (e g , problems or bugs that materially affect the functionality of any software product may require immediate onsite response, less critical problems may only require telephone response within a set time period) Vendor's required response times for identified support (i e , telephone, onsite, or otherwise) will be within fixed periods of time, vague response requirements such as "prompt" or "reasonable" will not be accepted 22.0 Vendor's Right to Terminate The Vendor may terminate this agreement if the City fads to make timely payment as provided in this agreement, so long as the Vendor has first provided the City with written notice of that default and the default has not been corrected within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of Vendor's written notice of default City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 46 22.1. City's Right to Terminate This agreement and the license granted hereunder may be terminated by the City if the Vendor is in default of any provisions of this agreement, so long as the default is not corrected within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of written notice of the default from the City For the purposes of this Section, "default" shall include, without limitation, any failure to abide by the terms or conditions of this agreement including the City's RFP and Vendor's response to RFP, or any of the following instances ■ Vendor defaults on any of the terms of its contract with the City; ■ Vendor ceases its ongoing business operations, ■ Vendor stops maintenance support of the software module in question, ■ Vendor fails to perform the contract in a timely fashion, ■ Vendor suffers any act of insolvency, or ■ Vendor fails to maintain technical staff capable of supporting or modifying the software system 22.2. Other Termination The City may terminate this agreement, including all related agreements (e g , maintenance agreements, etc ) in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the Vendor is prevented from proceeding with the project work by reason of a preliminary, special, or permanent restraining order from a court of competent jurisdiction where the issuance of such restraining order is primarily caused by either acts or omissions of the Vendor or by acts or omissions of persons or agencies other than the Vendor Additionally, the City may also terminate this agreement in whole or in part if the City's Information Technology Director determines that termination is in the best interests of the City 22.3. Claims Any claim for damages incurred by either party resulting from breach of this agreement by the other party shall survive termination The remedies provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive but shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all other remedies provided by law and equity No delay or omission in the exercise of any remedy herein provided or otherwise available to Vendor shall impair or affect its right to exercise the same 23.0 Attorneys' Fees Subject to the indemnification and limitation of Vendor's liability provisions set forth in this agreement, if any action or suit is brought with respect to a matter or matters covered by this agreement, each party shall be responsible for all its own costs and expenses incident to such proceedings, including reasonable attorneys' fees City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 47 24.0 Governing Law The construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed exclusively by the Washington State Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A Revised Code of Washington, and other laws of the State of Washington without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof If parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court located in Kent, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process 25.0 Entire Agreement The terms and conditions outlined, together with City's RFP and Vendor's Response to RFP constitutes the entire agreement between Vendor and City and shall not be modified or rescinded except in writing, signed by both parties In the case of inconsistencies or disputes among this agreement, the City's RFP, and the Vendor's response to RFP, the following order of precedence shall prevail in descending order of priority 1) This agreement and any written and fully signed amendments thereto 2) The City's RFP and any written amendments thereto. 3) The Vendor's response to RFP and any authorized written amendments or clarifications thereto If any terms or conditions of this agreement are invalid under any applicable statute or rule of law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired 26.0 Severability If any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable under any applicable statute or law, it is to that extent deemed omitted from this Agreement The remainder of the Agreement will be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent possible 27.0 Notice All communications regarding this Agreement will be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary Any written notice hereunder will become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and will be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing 28.0 Assignment Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non- assigning party will be void If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect and no further assignment will be made without additional written consent 29.0 Access to Records and Audits Even though Vendor is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and will be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion The Vendor will permit authorized representatives of the City to inspect, audit, make copies and transcriptions of books and all data and records of the Vendor City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 48 relating to its performance under the Agreement, except for internal Vendor correspondence, at mutually agreeable times during normal work hours Vendor will maintain all such records for a period of three (3) years after the City makes final payment under this Agreement 30.0 Waiver The waiver or failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided for in this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of any further right under this Agreement 31.0 Amendment No amendment, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of both parties 32.0 Conflict of Interest Vendor warrants and represents that it presently has no interest and agrees that it will not acquire any interest which would present a conflict of interest under Washington law during the performance of services under this Agreement Vendor further covenants that it will not knowingly employ any person having such an interest in the performance of this Agreement Violation of this provision may result in this Agreement being deemed void and unenforceable 33.0 Vendor Protection of City's Confidential Information Vendor will not release any reports, information or materials prepared in connection with this Agreement without the approval of the City Vendor will safeguard and keep confidential the City's confidential information to the same extent it safeguards its own confidential information 34.0 Software License provisions 34.1 Right to Copy City will not, without prior consent of Vendor, make additional copies, in whole or in part, of the Vendor Software provided under the license except for back-up purposes 34.2 Grant of License Vendor grants to City a non-transferable, non-exclusive, perpetual license to use, in accordance with this Agreement, the Vendor Software provided in Exhibit_and its related documentation, as it may be updated and revised from time to time in accordance with this Agreement Title to all Vendor Software and all related intellectual property will be and remain exclusively with Vendor 34.3 Use Restrictions Vendor Software use is restricted to _ concurrent users City agrees to use the Vendor Software only for City's purposes and will not or will not allow the following a. Use any Vendor Software for any purpose, at any location or in any manner not specifically authorized by this Agreement, or b Make or retain any copy of any Vendor Software except as specifically authorized by this Agreement or in writing by Vendor, or c Create or recreate the source code for the Vendor Software, or re-engineer, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Vendor Software, except in accordance with the Agreement if the Agreement is terminated for cause, or City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 49 ;; K d Modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works based upon the Vendor Software, or combine or merge any part of the Vendor Software with or into any other software or documentation not as otherwise expressly provided by this Agreement, or e Remove, erase or tamper with any copyright or other proprietary notice printed or stamped on, affixed to, or encoded or recorded in any Vendor Software, or fail to preserve all copyright and other proprietary notices in any copy of any Vendor Software made by City, or f. Sell, market, license, sublicense, or distribute to any third party any Vendor Software 34.4 CitV's Protection of Vendor Software City agrees that Vendor Software contains proprietary information, including trade secrets, know-how and confidential information that is the exclusive property of Vendor During this Agreement, City and its employees will maintain the confidentiality of this information and will not disclose any such proprietary information to persons not an employee, officer or agent of the City without prior written consent of Vendor 3 f City of Kent . Prosecution Case Management System Request for Proposal 50 Law Ba`e/-,'11 Legal Software that Thinks the Way You Do. a Synaptec Software Response to RFP for City Attorney's 9, b Office - Kent, WA y i z py S i b 1 a Synaptec Sohwore, Inc 4155 East Jewell Aven Suite 600 Denver,Colorado 8022r Telephone 800-569-3377 Telephone 303-320-4420 EXHIBIT,L Fax 303-320-4860 Email sales@lawbase c Web www lawbase co i IL TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Page Cover Letter 1 Table of Contents 2 Vendor Response Forms 3 Subcontractors/Third Party Vendors 8 Hardware Environment 9 Software Environment 10 System Security 13 System Interfaces 15 Web-based Services 17 Implementation & Training Program 18 j Maintenance & Support Program 21 User Group 24 Customer References 49 Price Quote 53 Sample Documents 55 Additional Information 141 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 2 III. VENDOR RESPONSE FORMS A. Vendor Profile Please provide the following vendor information Year founded- 1981 Headquarters location 4155 E Jewell Avenue Suite 600 Denver, CO 80222 Local officer(s). None, our offices and off iicers are located only in Denver, Colorado Total gross revenues As a private company, Synaptec Software does not release financial information, but as can be seen from the year founded listed above, LawBase has been a solution for legal professionals j for over 25 years Total gross revenues for public sector: Again, as a private company, we do not release this competitive information, but as can be seen from the references listed below, we have a number of governmental agencies as clients of LawBase Average rate of growth in sales over the last three As a private company, we do not years release this competitive information Number of full-time personnel We have a total of ten (10) total company employees We have one ❑ management person in management, four ❑ support people in support and two in ❑ research and development research and development Number of full-time personnel dedicated to public We do not have any employees sector products who are dedicated full-time to ❑ support public section clients ❑ research and development Number of total customers by product suite We do not publicly release this r ❑ past year information ❑ past three years Number of public sector sales by product suite We do not publicly release this ❑ past year information. ❑ past three years ❑ Washington State Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System == Page 3 Describe the evolution of the prosecution case LawBase was first installed in management software Include the date of the first 1981 and from the very installation and the major developments which have beginning, we recognized the occurred (e g., new version, new modules,). importance of allowing users to define the information that they wanted to track in their case management systems and as a result, we were the first product to have a fully adaptable data structure in the industry That version was ran in a CP/M operating system which was a precursor of DOS The product was rewritten to allow it to run on DOS, UNIX and Zenix The program was then developed to operate in the new Windows operating system and now runs in any Windows 32 bit operating system and in 1998, we switched to using Microsoft SQL as the underlying database Number of PCMS installations using SQL 2000 or We currently have 87 clients that higher are running Microsoft SQL 2000 or higher Does your company have current pending or No. threatened litigation? If yes, explain in detail B. Vendor Authorization I, Jeffrey J Tefelske, certify that Synaptec Software, Inc has reviewed the City's Request for Proposal (RFP) for software and implementation services for performance of the prosecution case management system (all software and implementation services) Synaptec has responded to all required sections as directed in the RFP. This proposal constitutes Synaptec's response to the City's RFP. I further certify that I am authorized to negotiate for and contractually bind Synaptec Software, Inc in all discussions with the City for the procurement of the software and associated services named above All contact with Synaptec Software, Inc should be directed to Name-Jeffrey J Tefelske, Esg. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 4 Title Vice-President — Sales & Marketing Address- 4155 E Jewell Avenue, Suite 600, Denver CO 80222 Telephone 800-569-3377 Extension 20 Fax. 303-320-4860 Email- Jeff Tefelske(a)lawbase corn Signed Date Title Corporate Seal- C. Software Customer References The customer references for LawBase are listed in Section XIV below D. DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to compliance with Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement will comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The City requires any contractor, subcontractor or supplier working on this Agreement to certify that the following statements are true If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the statements below, it will be considered a breach of contract, subject to suspension or termination of the Agreement, in whole or in part, in the City's sole discretion The statements are as follows: 1. The Vendor has read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. ; 2. During the time of this Agreement, the Vendor will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 5 3. During the time of this Agreement, the Vendor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer 4. During the time of the Agreement, the Vendor will actively consider hiring and promoting women and minorities By signing below, the Vendor certifies that it is in compliance with the City's equal opportunity policies regarding contractors, subcontractors and suppliers Dated this 16th day of October 12006 By- For Jeffrey J Tefelske for Synaptec Software, Inc Title Vice-President— Sales & Marketing Date October 16, 2006 EXHIBIT 1 CITY ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY: Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 6 Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City will conform to federal and state laws All contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of the CITY must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the CITY amounting to $10,000, or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the CITY'S nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the CITY'S equal employment opportunity policy 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state, and local laws, policies, and guidelines Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System `J Page 7 IV. SUBCONTRACTORSITHIRD PARTY VENDORS Synaptec Software, Inc does not use any subcontractors or third party vendors We strongly believe that the quality control service that we expect can only be guaranteed if we provide the service ourselves Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 8 V.HARDWARE ENVORNMENT A. Describe the recommended overall system hardware configuration, including the number and size of server and workstation computers, and nay additional components and peripherals. Synaptec's Response The Synaptec solution, LawBase, requires Microsoft SQL Server For an installation of the size proposed the LawBase database can coexist on an existing server Typical recommendations for the server would include 2GB RAM and 80GB hard drive Each workstation should have a minimum of 512MB RAM with no requirement for hard disk The preferred workstation operating system is Windows XP Professional although other modern Windows operating systems are acceptable. Each server and workstation must be connected to the network. B. Describe the recommended server and workstation configurations, including descriptions of the central processing unit(s), networking hardware, hard disks, power supplies, printers, and any additional components and peripherals. Synaptec's Response See answer to A above C. Provide the number of electronic case files supported by the proposed hardware configurations. Synaptec's Response- The system listed above should be easily able to support in excess of 100,000 case files �1 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 9 a VI. SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT a. Name the programming language(s) that were used to develop the system. Synaptec's Response The current version is written in C++. The next version that is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2007 is written in Microsoft net b. Describe the reporting tools that are provided as part of the system or that are compatible with the system. Synaptec's Response: LawBase has three methods of reporting that are provided as part of the system Included with LawBase is the RAVE report writer that allows users to create standard reports Secondly, we include our Query Wizard Ad Hoc Report Writer that allows users to easily create ad hoc reports and export the information to a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet Finally, the Smart FoldersTM feature of LawBase allows users to create stored queries on their desktop so that they always have an "interactive" report available In this way, it would be easy to always have a report of"my active cases" or a management report, such as show me all cases that have an overdue tickler item c. Describe the methods used by the system to prevent errors and to recover from errors. Synaptec's Response Synaptec has several user features that will help to maintain the validity of data entered into the system First, fields can be set up to only accept certain data For example, a gender field can be set up so that only "M" or "F" would be acceptable entries. Additionally, you can set criteria on fields so that they can check the data to make sure that the format is correct before allowing the user to move onto another area As an example, a Social Security Number field could be set so that a user must enter 9 digits to be acceptable Additionally, user picklists can be set so that users must accept an entry from the table in order for it to be acceptable to the system For example, when entering the name of an attorney for the city, you could only select from a finite list of choices. In this way, the user could not transpose a couple of letters and make an mistaken entry If a user makes an error, LawBase has several features to make sure that the data can be easily corrected For example, if a user had the proper level of security but mistakenly deleted a matter, it can be easily retrieved from the LawTool Administrative application Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 10 d. Describe the methods used by the system to archive and/or purge data. Synaptec's Response: Since the cost of data storage has become less of a priority over the years, we find that fewer of our clients desire to purge or archive data, preferring instead to flag files as "closed" and still be available on the system without cluttering day to day operations However, if you have a need to archive or purge data, Synaptec can assist you with that Synaptec would work with your existing business rules so that certain data or entire files could be deleted after a period of time In the event of purging data, you would maintain a limited file in LawBase with the most critical information so that it would always be available to your staff e. Describe the basis for software licensing for your system (e.g. named user, concurrent user and site license). Synaptec's Response: Typically, Synaptec is sold on a concurrent user pricing model However, we will work to meet the licensing requirements that best meet the needs of our users As a result, we have clients who have preferred a site license of LawBase and we have also found a limited number of clients who would prefer a named user, or seat license, model and we have met that need for them as well. f. Indicate whether any or all of the source code is provided to the customer so that the system can be enhanced and customized for the particular customer. Synaptec's Response LawBase has been designed so that a customer can customize the software to track the information that is important to them using the included LawBase Screen Design Utility In this way, the user can still meet the needs that they have to adapt the software to their requirements without the need to have the source code. Likewise, since LawBase uses Microsoft SQL as the underlying database, you also have the ability to use several SQL functions such as Stored Procedures or Web Services to further adapt the program to meet your requirements. In the unlikely event that Synaptec is no longer able to support LawBase, the source code is held in Escrow by an end-user to be released to the customer base so that they can continue to use LawBase to meet their case management needs. g. Describe the development tools that are provided to allow customers to enhance and customize the system. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 11 Synaptec's Response LawBase provides a number of tools that allows the customer to adapt LawBase to meet their own needs As mentioned in Answer "F" above, included with LawBase is our LawBase Screen Design Utility that allows you almost total control in the information that you want to track within LawBase You have the same functionality that we have in designing your database screens You can add new fields, delete existing fields, edit existing pages as well as add or delete complete screens In addition to the screen designer, you can also use the "workflow" feature allows you to create business rules that applies to changes in data in LawBase As an example, you could set up a workflow on a trial date field so that when the trial date is changed, it will automatically send an email via Microsoft Outlook@ to the users on that file of the new trial date, it can then change all the cut-off dates prior to trial, add those dates (or update those dates) on your LawBase calendar which will flow to your Microsoft Outlook@ calendar Finally, a note could automatically be entered to the activity log to act as an audit trail of all the changes to that field in the history of the matter. You could even have the workflow automatically create a form letter with our included interface to Hot Docs@ which comes bundled with LawBase Finally, as mentioned above, you can adapt the LawBase data using tools from Microsoft including Stored Procedures and Web Services. h. Describe any third party software products that are part of the system. Synaptec's Response: As mentioned in the answer above, we bundle the Hot Docs@ Document Assembly software with LawBase so that you can quickly create merge documents using the data contained in LawBase. We are proud of the fact that we are the only case management product that offers a bi-directional interface with Hot DocsO This means that we not only merge database information into a Hot Docs@ template, but also the template can pass information back to LawBase to automatically enter an activity note that the letter was sent and create a tickler for follow up in the future We also include the Rave@ Report Writer as part of our basic application. This allows you to create reports using the data in LawBase, but we do not limit you to using our report writer so you can use other report writers if you would prefer Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 12 VII. System Security A. Describe the security provisions provided by the system. Synaptec Response: LawBase provides the ability to set security by either user or groups Security can be set at the matter level, the page level, the function level and the calendar level The four basic levels of security are (1) no rights, (2) view only rights, (3) add right and (4) change rights As an example, you could have a restitution page that only certain staff members might be able to see and for all other users that page would not exist as part of the database Security can also be set at the individual field level in LawBase, in that a field can be "protected" and then in order to be changed a user would have to have a higher Administrative security level In addition to the security listed above, you can also set security on who can edit picklists, who can perform certain functions in LawBase and other tasks B. Describe all security, accounting, and other certifications that apply to the system. Synaptec's Response- None C. Describe the ability of the system to track and recover if necessary, configuration changes, user update, and data modifications and deletions. Synaptec's Response LawBase includes a sophisticated security model which allows for verification of user changes and deletions from the database. Should it be necessary, there is an archive function which will recover a deleted case file D. Describe how the system controls user access to specific functions, forms, reports and data fields. Synaptec's Response As discussed above in Answer "A" in this section, LawBase can set security for either individual users or groups of users in regard to specific functions As also discussed in that section, security I Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 13 can be set at the individual field, the screen level, the matter level or the function level. You can also control security on the calendar In reports you can determine which users have the ability to run reports and which can edit the reports E. Describe how the system protects data during transmission from or to external systems. Synaptec's Response- If SQL Server version 2005 is used its inherent encryption can be utilized Otherwise, a third-party product is required This is not included as a standard part of LawBase. F. Describe how the system protects sensitive information from disclosure. Synaptec's Response The best way to protect sensitive information is to make sure that it is only seen by those who have a "need to know" about that information LawBase will accomplish that by allowing you to set the security so that only users who need to see that information will see that data. G. For systems that provide a web component, describe how the system verifies user identities and protects information. Synaptec's Response: LawBase can be accessed over the Internet by using either Citrix or Windows Terminal Services In these cases, the user would have to log onto the system using a login name and password Additionally, you can set a user name and password on LawBase to provide additional protection Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 14 VIII. System Interfaces A. Describe the standard interfaces provided with the system that allow external systems to pull data from and post data to the system. Synaptec's Response. As LawBase utilizes the Microsoft SQL Server database system any tools which can operate within this environment can be used with the LawBase database Additionally, LawBase has an import/export utility that allows you do further imports and exports from our application B. Describe the protocols used by the system to communicate with external systems. Synaptec's Response, Any protocol utilized by SQL Server including TCP/IP, Named Pipes and XML C. Describe the ability of system users (e.g. City staff) to create custom reports and data extracts. Synaptec's Response As mentioned elsewhere in this response to the RFP, you have the ability to create custom reports in a variety of ways using our LawBase case management software Our Smart FoldersTm allow you to create stored queries that allow users to get quick access to cases that meet selected criteria Secondly, we include the Rave Report Writer with LawBase which allows you to create custom reports based upon any information stored in LawBase LawBase is flexible enough to also allow you to use any third-party report writer that can access a Microsoft SQL database Third, we include an ad hoc report writer that allows you to create and save queries from your LawBase data and allows the information to be easily exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or XML document. i D. Describe the redundancy and error corrections features provided by the system. Synaptec's Response- Synaptec provides several methods of error corrections to ensure that users are not capable of adding inaccurate information Fields can be set up to only allow certain entries to be made Asa couple of examples, you could setup a gender field to only allow an "M" or a °F" as acceptable answers Additionally, a social ' security field could be set up so that only 9 digits entries can be entered into the system If a user were to try and add an 8 digit social Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 15 3 security number, the system would not accept it and would not allow the user to move onto another field until that error has been corrected You can also set up pick lists in LawBase to be mandatory so that users would have to make an entry that conforms to the items on the pick list A great example of this would be making users select users from a staff table where it would verify the entry against the table to µ make sure that a user can not make an incorrect entry. Our Workflow feature by allowing a change in one field to update other fields in the system ensure more accuracy because the user doesn't have to make the second and subsequent updates since they are done automatically One final example is our ability to link contacts to matters In this way, users do not have to re-key information on people or organizations which helps to prevent mistakes E. Describe the methods available with the system that allow system users to configure, customize, and update the system (custom menus, configuration files, database views, etc.) to facilitate reporting and communication with external systems. Synaptec's Response As mentioned elsewhere in this response to the RFP, LawBase is incredibly flexible and allows you to use our included Screen Design Utility to allow you to create or modify the database screens in LawBase In this way, you can modify LawBase to track exactly the information that you need to track It is also flexible enough that you can use the same system to track both your criminal matters and civil matters in the same application Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 16 IX. Web-based Services A. Describe the features provided by the system that allow the users to interact using the internet. Synaptec's Response Throughout the system links are allowed to external websites, document stores and email addresses Additionally, with an optional application server, the entire LawBase program can be made available via a browser with all the same functionality as the traditional program. B. Describe the technology used to provide web-based services. Synaptec's Response• Synaptec creates web services to meet the needs of each individual client Web services are created taking advantage of standard .NET functionality C. Describe any special security considerations. Synaptec's Response. None D. Describe how data integrity and security are maintained during transmission across the internet. Synaptec's Response• Synaptec takes advantage of Secure Socket Layers when transferring data across the Internet Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 17 X. Implementation & Training Program Please provide a detailed plan for implementing and for providing training for the proposed system This information should include A. Example implementation plan from a previous implementation of similar size and complexity. Synaptec's Response: While we are not comfortable sharing with you an existing implementation plan from an existing client because the information is tailored to meet specific requirements of each of our users However, I have set out a generic implementation plan below. Once the contract is awarded to Synaptec Software, you would be assigned a project manager who would work with you to set goals for the project and a timeline for implementing those target dates As part of this process, the project manager would discuss multiple options for the implementation based upon our past experience. As one example, training can be handled in several ways and this will be worked into the project plan Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 18 LawSase lrc—mentatann Ti,ehne 'P ITas1 NaRe ¢�aatar v'c1TY FrISr erC9I Pesc�.xce La,rwSase�piernentaFlan- „ , 80 days'? 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Implementation and training approach. Synaptec's Response At Synaptec, we recognize that each of our customers have different needs in regard to training We understand that need and try to accommodate the needs of our clients Our project manager will work with the assigned project manager for the City of Kent to jointly determine the best method of training As an example, we have had clients who prefer to have end user training done by staff assignments (e g attorneys trained as a group, Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 19 paralegals trained as a group, and the staff trained as a group) while other customers have preferred to have training done by practice groups (e g criminal users trained together regardless of position while civil attorneys trained together) C. Estimated hours required for City staff to support system setup, configuration and startup. Synaptec's Response. We would expect that you could estimate about eighty (80) hours of time required for system setup and configuration during the course of the implementation. D. Suggested training course audiences. Synaptec's Response- All staff that will come into contact with LawBase should receive the end user training. A smaller group of 2-3 individuals who will be responsible for maintaining the system should attend the Administrative training. This normally is a combination of both IT staff and one or more "super-users" of LawBase who could perform most functions in LawBase such as updating users, groups, pick lists, etc without the involvement of IT staff. E. Training course descriptions, by type of user, including number of hours per day and total duration. Synaptec's Response: The end user training normally last about four hours The administrative training is broken down into four 2 hour sessions that covers LawTool, Report Creation, Hot Docs forms creation and training in the screen design utility F. Describe how you conduct product acceptance testing and explain how it will ensure the system is ready for production. Synaptec's Response: During the design phase, Synaptec will create a working prototype of your system and load it onto your network The design group (a small group of users and IT staff that covers all practice roles including attorneys, paralegals and other staff) will then be able to test the prototype During this phase, changes are expected and we would ask you to notify Synaptec in writing of the changes that are requested and Synaptec will create a second prototype This testing and revision process will continue until the system is acceptable to your office At this time, training of the larger staff will be scheduled Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 20 XI. Maintenance & Support Program Please explain any post-implementation support that is offered Include in your response the following A. The type of support available (e.g. telephone, web-based), hours of operation using Pacific Standard Time, average response time and any level of service options. Synaptec's Response- Synaptec provides support of LawBase in 4 basic ways First, we have a toll-free 800 number for support Secondly, we answer support questions via email Third, you can fax support issues to us. This is typically done when questions arise about a report layout or some other similar item that can be shown visually. Finally, we like to have some sort of remote access to the system The hours of support are 6 30 a m to 4 30 p m Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, exclusive of legal holidays The average support response time is within the hour of being contacted. We try to have a response to you immediately upon your inquiry, but since we may be handling other calls, we try to respond to all calls within an hour of them being made We offer an annual maintenance program that provides for unlimited support as well as an a/a carte program where customers pay for services as they use them B. Problem reporting and resolution procedures. Synaptec's Response- Issues can be reported to Synaptec in any of the methods listed above in response to Answer "A" If the customer j support representative is not able to help you immediately, they will provide you with a plan for resolution of the problem This may involve getting onto your system to review the problem or talking to another customer support person to get a better resolution for your situation Finally, if they are not able to provide a resolution, they will immediately escalate the problem and get a programmer involved in the situation. The goal is to get you a resolution to your issue in the quickest method possible C. The method used to calculate maintenance fees (e.g., # of users, # of software purchase. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 21 Synaptec's Response The annual maintenance plan is priced at twenty percent (20%) of the "cost of the software" which is defined as the cost of the user licenses plus any 3rd party interfaces such as Microsoft Outlook® D. Maintenance release schedules including frequency and method of distribution. Synaptec's Response Updates and upgrades of LawBase are released as soon as they are available While we do not have a planned number of releases per year, we strive to provide clients with at least four releases per year However, the number of releases are actually more a product of where we are in the product cycle Newer releases tend to have more releases than established versions Additionally, we try to offer a major release of the software every 18 to 24 months The updates are provided to users over the Internet. When a user is in our LawTool administrative application, it will check the current version that you are running at your office compared to the latest version available If a newer release is available, you will be notified and given the opportunity to download the latest version As a result, we can provide updates in a more timely fashion than if we were required to mad updates to all of our users E. The methods used to control software configurations. Synaptec's Response While LawBase is a very adaptable program and is tailored to meet all the requirements of our clients, those modifications are stored in the system database In this way, we ensure that all of our clients are running the same executable files In this way, we only have to maintain a single copy of our software source code and do not have conflicts with people adapting the software to meet their requirements Additionally, the user preferences are also stored in the database to keep the system registry free of LawBase information. In this way, all the information on users are stored in a single location and has the added benefit of allowing users to have the same preferences when they are accessing the system remotely that they are used to when they are at their desktop F. A description of the types of system customizations that are available. Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 22 Synaptec's Response As mentioned previously, Synaptec is highly adaptable to meet the requirements of your office LawBase has only 2 fields that are required by the system In addition to those fields, you have total control over the fields that you will have in the system The included LawBase Screen Design Utility allows you to add fields, delete fields, edit screens, add new screens or delete existing screens of information. In this way, LawBase will never become outdated In addition to being able to make changes to the database, you can also create your own custom reports and Hot Docs@ form templates You can control the organization of files by creating your own Smart FoldersT"" that allow users to quickly access all cases in the system that meet selected criteria. From the administrative side, you have complete control over security so that users will only see the information In the system that they have a need to see You will also have complete control over system workflows, pick lists, and other system cosmetics. G. Describe the backup and recovery best practices for the system you are proposing. Synaptec's Response: For an office your size, we would recommend a daily backup of your data Since the LawBase data is stored on a Microsoft SQL server, you can simply include that server as part of your standard backup routine Of course, daily backups should be made and some of the data should be stored off-site This would included as part of your standard disaster recovery plan I i i Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 23 XII. Functional Requirements L Security Features # Feature Tvpe Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Security levels and user profiles are definable by the This would be set up in Svstem Administrator. our LawTool R X ❑ administrative program and can be set at both tl user and the group level 2 User profiles can be maintained User profiles are also R X maintained in our LawTool program 3 The following levels of security are provided: ■ Application/subsystem LawBase allows you to R X set security and passwords at the application level ■ Screen/transaction You can set security at the screen level so that screens can only be sees R X ❑ by the users who have permission to see those screens Other users would not even be able see that screen • Document/Report Security can be set for R X 0 ❑ both the ability to run and the ability to edit reports ■ Record You can set security at either the matter(case) contact(rolodex) level R X that users can (1) have i rights, (2) have view on rights, (3) have add rights, or(4) have edit rights ■ Field At the field level,you can determine if a user has the right to edit that O X field In this way, a fieh can be"protected"so th even is a user has edit rights, they would not b Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 24 able to change this field unless they have a highs administrative security rights 4. Supports group/role based security If yes, describe Users can be placed mtc how this is accomplished groups Users can belong to as many groul as you require The setting of groups is dom R X ❑ ❑ in our LawTool administrative application and give yoi the right to set security for groups in the same way that you set it for individuals 5 Tracks user activity include: ■ Adds Law Base allows for auc trails to be done on any field in the system Yoi R X ❑ ❑ would have the ability t track additions, deletion changes, print requests changes in information any field it the system ■ Changes R X ❑ ❑ Please see answer above ■ Deletions R X ❑ ElPlease see answer above I • Print requests R X ❑ ❑ Please see answer above ■ Others (describe) O X ❑ ❑ Please see answer above 6. Audit trail for tracking every data change Audit trails can be set o any field as described above These can be viewable audits where the information is writtc to the database so that R X ❑ ❑ other users can view the changes or it can be written to a table in the underlying database, so that the data can be viewed only by a systen administrator .i iy Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 25 7. Generates audit reports of user activity. If yes, This report is complete] provide a report sample R X customizable by you ❑ ❑ based upon your needs system activity 8 Ability to prevent data export based on user LawBase can be set so authorization that only selected users R X ❑ ❑ would have the ability t export information outside the system 9. Ability to manually lock a record to prevent further Records in LawBase art changes automatically locked R X ❑ ❑ whenever a user goes into the edit mode to make changes to that record 10 Ability to grant users access to specific process and Yes, you have the abiht functions with varying levels of authority (e g add, to grant users access to change and delete). R X ❑ ❑ specific process such as the ability to add, edit o delete 11 Ability to designate an electronic case file as Yes,you can set securit confidential and set user access accordingly at the matter level so tN R X El ❑ you can limit access to that information to only users who need to be ab to see that information # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 12 Describe how your system tracks and controls who This function is set in the user profile and the has create, update, or delete privileges R security setting areas to our LawTool administrative application 13 Supports varying levels of administrator security. If Administrators can be yes. describe these levels have different levels of R X ❑ ❑ security settings as described above for hot individuals and groups 14 Provides the capability to deactivate and reactivate a Users can be controlled user R X ❑ ❑ in the LawTool piogran 15 Allows a user's security to be changed. Changes to security, wi the exception, of the usf password which can be R X ❑ ❑ changed by the user, are changed by administrators in the LawTool application 16 Ability to restrict the information a user can see and/or As described above, change based up their security profile If yes, describe security can be set for a how user access is restricted" R X ❑ ❑ user so that they can on see the information that they need to be able to Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 26 see . Further,you can limit their ability to interact with that data 17 Security reporting available for audit purposes. You can track the user': R X security settings in LawBase 18 System integrates with Microsoft Windows NT/Active LawBase can be set to Directory security groups verify a user against the O X Windows NT/Active Directory security to ad an additional level of security in LawBase 11. Case Management Features (Features related to the creation and life cycle of an electronic case file): 4 Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response Electronic Case File—Base I Ability to create a new case. Yes, but this ability can b� R X limited as part of the security features of LawBase 2. Ability to create a new person/contact record and Yes, but in the same way perform name verify function. that you can limit the R XEj ❑ ability of users to add nev cases,you can set security to limit who can add new contacts to the system 3 Ability to associate people and cases. Yes, you can easily Iink a contact to a case so that information in the contact database can be attached 1 a case file In this way, R X users do not have re-key this information each time contact is linked to a case Additionally, the information needs only to be updated in a single location 4. Ability to associate documents to cases by case Yes,you can link type, documents to cases by R X using either our launch fields or the office link function of LawBase 5 Support for multiple defendants R X ❑ ❑ Yes, you can have an unlimited number of Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 27 defendants for any matter 6 Support for multiple citations. For each defendant, you R X 0 ❑ could have multiple citations 7 Support user-defined data fields (e g,, alpha- As described above, other numeric field to hold the city's citation/case than the 2 required systen number) Ability to include user-define fields in R X fields in LawBase, you document and report generation have total control over all other fields 8. Support a case with multiple citations and multiple R X ❑ ❑ Yes, see Answer#6 abovi defendants 9 Ability to assign a priority to a case Yes, since LawBase alloy R X you to create your own fields, you can easily crea a priority field 10. Ability to store externally generated information or External documents can b documents (e g, related to law enforcement linked to a file using erthL charges, arraignment,judgments, sentencing) R X ❑ the launch field or the office link function of LawBase 11 Ability to link to external files/images. Yes, see answer#10 abov R X El ❑ # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 12 Ability to edit/update case information. Yes but you can limit thi, R X ability based upon the security of the user 13 Ability to delete/terminate a case. Yes, but again the securit, R X features of LawBase can limit who has the ability t delete a case 14 Supports bulk update to multiple case files R X ❑ ❑ Yes, this can be done by using SQL commands 15 Supports case version control. If yes, describe. R o X ❑ 16 Supports transaction rollback or undo feature. R X ❑ ❑ Yes, you can not save changes or undo changes 17. Ability to maintain/track location of associated Yes, since LawBase is paper/physical case file adaptable to meet your requirements, you can trai the physical location of th R X file You can even use of optional FileBase records management module to track the location of files using bar codes. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 28 18 Ability to track property forfeitures. Yes, since LawBase can l adapted to meet your R X ❑ requirements you can set up to track this requirement 19 Ability to track bail and bond amounts and Yes, since LawBase can l requirements. adapted to meet your R X requirements you can set up to track this requirement 20 Ability to track location of a defendant prior to Yes, since LawBase can l adjudication (custodial status) adapted to meet your R X requirements you can set up to track this requirement 21. Ability for prosecutors to review/approve cases. Yes, and our Smart FoldersT^' can assist by pulling all scheduled case R X ❑ together in a single folder so that they can quickly access all the cases that need to be reviewed 22. Ability to combine multiple electronic case files. Yes, this can be done by t R X ❑ ❑ administrative functions c LawBase 23. Ability to merge multiple contact/people records. Yes, this can be done by t R X ❑ administrative functions c LawBase 24 Ability to generate labels for physical case files Yes, this can be done wrtt R X ❑ the included Hot DocsV feature of LawBase Electronic Case File-Retention 25 Ability to archive documents LawBase does not store d documents m our databas, but links to where the R X documents are stored on t system Since they are nc stored to our database, we can not archive them as p, of our program 26 Utility to purge records based on user-defined Yes, information in criteria R X ❑ ❑ LawBase can be archived or purged based upon you criteria. 27. Ability to generate a hard copy listing of purged Any information in records R X LawBase can be printed out Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 29 28. Ability to manage retention schedules by case type. Yes, again,this mformatu could be pulled together I R X ❑ ❑ the users by use of our Smart FoldersT"' technology Electronic Case File-Query/Retrieval 29 Ability to perform name searches by. LawBase allows searches be done by usmgwildcar( ■ Wild card or you can use a soundex ■ Soundex(Please provide a description system of algorithm used) R X ❑ ❑ ■ Phonetically We use the soundex featu built into Microsoft SQL # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 30 Ability to perform searches by document. You can search to see if a document exists in the R X ❑ ❑ matter, but you can not search the text of the document itself 31 Ability to perform searches by prosecuting attorney. R X Yes,you can search on ar ❑ ❑ field contained in LawBa 32 Ability to perform searches by case number R X Yes,you can search on ai ❑ ❑ field contained in LawBa 33. Ability to perform searches by date R X Yes, you can search on ar ❑ ❑ field contained in LawBa; 34 Ability to perform searches by case type. R X Yes, you can search on ar ❑ ❑ field contained in LawBa, 35 Ability to perform searches by status. R X Yes,you can search on ar ❑ ❑ field contained in LawBa, 36 Ability to perform searches by defendant/person Yes, you can search on ar using any field available Example phone number or R X ❑ ❑ field contained in LawBa, date of birth 37 Ability to search past pleadings. Like Answer 930 above, you can search for the R X El ❑ existence of a pleading, b you would not be able to a full text search of the pleading itself Electronic Case File-Document Generation 38 Ability to support existing MS Word document LawBase comes bundled templates R X ❑ Elwith Hot Docs© so that y can quickly create documents in MS Word b Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 30 usm that a lication 39 Ability to create new and modify existing document R X ❑ Yes, using Hot Does© as templates. ❑ described above. 40 Ability to generate documents needed as part of an electronic case file including but not limited to ■ Coversheet With the included Hot Docs® document assemb program, you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase • Amended Complaint With the included Hot Docs® document assemb program, you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Motion for Bail With the included Hot Docs© document assemb program, you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Protection Orders(No Contact Order) With the included Hot Docs®document assemb program, you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Notice of Discovery With the included Hot Docs© document assemb program,you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Victim/witness correspondence With the included Hot Docs( document assemb program. you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Disposition report R X With the included Hot ❑ ❑ Docs(`document assemb Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 31 l program, you can quickly assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Affidavits With the included Hot Docs© document assemb program, you can quickly R X El ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase # Feature Tye Yes No Mod Vendor Response ■ Subpoenas With the included Hot Docs® document assemb program, you can quickly R X assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Case Notes/Narratives With the included Hot Does® document assemb program you can quickly R X assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Summons With the included Hot Docs® document assemb program,you can quickly R X 0 ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Property forfeitures With the included Hot DocsOO document assemb program, you can quickly R X assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase • Pleadings With the included Hot Docs® document assemb program,you can quickly R X assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 32 ■ Warrants With the included Hot Docs® document assemb program, you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase ■ Motions With the me Fuded Hot Does*) document assemb program.you can quickly R X ❑ ❑ assemble template documents from information contained in LawBase 41 Ability to associate document types with case types. You can assign certain document types to types c R X ❑ ❑ matters by organizing the into folders in the Hot Docs® library 42 Ability to auto fill documents with data from Yes, with our Hot Docs9 electronic case files. (auto-fill/lookup) R X ❑ ❑ document assembly software 43 Ability to add the City's logo to documents Yes, this can be done witl generated R X ❑ ❑ Hot Docs® 44. Ability to merge electronic case file data into R X Yes, this can be done witl documents (batch process) ❑ ❑ Hot Does® Electronic Case File-Data Elements 45 Ability to define status types. R X ❑ ❑ 46 Ability to define events types R X El 0 47 Ability to associate status and events to case type R X ❑ ❑ 48 Ability to define case types. R X ❑ ❑ 49 Ability to define custom lookups/pick lists. R X 50 Ability to define required data elements. R X ❑ ❑ 51 Ability to define custom data elements for cases. R X ❑ ❑ 52 Ability to define custom data elements for R X defendants/people/contacts El El 53 Describe the base data elements available for R In LawBase you have total control over what defendants/people/contacts information you want to track within LawBase 54. Describe the base data elements available for a case. R Please see answer above, you have complete Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 33 control over this information in LawBase Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 34 III. Reporting Features (Features related to any non-security/system related reporting, report creation, and customization): # Feature T pe Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Is the reporting tool an integral part of the LawBase comes bundled systems if no, please name the proposed product R X ❑ ❑ with the Rave Report Write and version number 2 Ability to create custom ad hoc reports If yes LawBase includes an easy t describe the process for creating custom reports use ad hoc query wntet that allows users to query the system on a query-by- example model Once the data variable is selected,the user would be able to determine the link between that data(e a equal, greater R X ❑ ❑ than, less than, etc) and the the search results will show in a panel on the report writer The report layout c, quickly be changed by the user by dragging fields fron LawBase onto the report panel The results can then be quickly exported to Excel®. 3 Ability to customize reports to add the city logo R X This can be done in the Rav ❑ ❑ Report Writer 4 Describe the standard reports that are provided Since LawBase is so adaptable to the needs of the with the base system user, we do not include a lot of standard reports We do include some reports for parts of the R program that are not customizable, so you will ge some calendar reports, activity notes reports, case history reports and office link reports However, even these "standard' reports can be adapted to meet our requirements 5 Ability to print a case file. Yes, this can be done with R X ❑ ❑ our"interview" report that comes with LawBase 6 Ability to print the following reports ■ Cases by status All fields in LawBase are part of the report writer, so R X ❑ ❑ you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 35 ■ Cases by case type X All fields in LawBase are part of the report writer, so R you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase. ■ Court schedules/calendars X All fields in LawBase are part of the report writer so R you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase ■ Case type by disposition X All fields in LawBase are part of the report writer, so R ❑ ❑ you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase 7. Ability to generate specific reports including: ■ Average life cycle by case type X All fields in LawBase are part of the report wi iter, so R ❑ you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase ■ Variance to target by case type X All fields in LawBase are part of the report writer, so R ❑ ❑ you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase ■ Available resource capacity X All fields in LawBase are part of the report wi itei, so R El you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase • List of case files to be destroyed X All fields in LawBase are based upon retention schedule and part of the report writer, so case type R ❑ you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase • Retention schedule on closed case X All fields in LawBase are report(sent to state) part of the report writer, so R you can report on any field, that you are tracking within LawBase 8. Forecasting reports X As long as this Information need for this report is being R ❑ ❑ tracked in LawBase, you would be able to create a re ort on this information 9 Bottleneck reports R X As long as this information need for this report is being Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 36 tracked in LawBase, you would be able to create a retiort on this information 10. Prosecutor caseload reports X As long as this information need for this report is being R ❑ ❑ tracked in LawBase, you would be able to create a report on this information 11 Gang-related reports As long as this information need for this report is being R X ❑ ❑ tracked in LawBase you would be able to create a report on this information. # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 12. Crime-specific reports As long as this information need for this report is being R X ❑ ❑ tracked in LawBase, you would be able to create a report on this information 13 Ageing Case reports As long as this information need for this report is being R X ❑ ❑ tracked in LawBase, you would be able to create a report on this information 14 System provides the ability to customize the list of You can apply security on reports that are available to each system user, individual reports so that including both standard and custom reports. R X ❑ ❑ users would only see the reports that you want them have access to in LawBase 15. System provides reports that can be printed and LawBase allows reports to exported to text, portable document format(PDF), R X created in ASCII, HTML, word processor, spreadsheet, and database table ❑ ❑ PDF, XML and Excel formats formats 16 Ability to run reports based upon system security Users can only see data in roles R X ❑ ❑ reports that they are able to see under their security functions in LawBase 1 IV. Notification and Alerts Features (Features related to automated alert and notification events): # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Supports alerts and automatic reminders Users can be alerted in R X several ways in LawBase ❑ ❑ First, alarms can be set for users that will go off at a pre Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 37 selected time or secondly, LawBase can be set to automatically send emails to users when certain conditior exist 2 Daily alerts show the day's events and X This information will displa, outstanding issues for individual resources,when on the calendar as a task and case load exceeds resource's availability, case R 1:1secondly, you can have these status, etc cases pulled together into a Smart Folderrm 3 Ability to provide alerts/notifications on aging X This would best be handled cases R LawBase by organizing then cases into a Smart Folder TM 4 Ability to send a-mails alerts X LawBase can automatically R Elsend email alerts in LawBas using Microsoft Outlook 5 Ability to create custom alert and notifications as X Yes, this can be done either needed. R manually or by using the Workflow feature 6 System automatically notifies users of items that X This can be done by either require attention or action via electronic mail R using the Smart Folders, alarms or the email notification 7 System automatically distributes reports via Synaptec has done this type electronic mail of report batch processing it R X the past but the reports can not have variables in the report that would require use in ut 8 Route electronic case file via e-mail While this could be done using the report writer options, it would be best practices to provide access t, R X the LawBase file via an alarm If you want to route the file to somebody outside the City Attorney's office th could be done V. Workload and Calendar/Scheduling Features (Features related to the assignment of cases to staff and staff workload): # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Ability to assign cases Yes, LawBase would allow R X you to assign cases Many c our clients, use Smart Folde to easy check the existing Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 38 workload of users before assigning new matters 2 Ability to assign cases to prosecutors/legal X This could be done assistance alphabetically by defendant last name. R ❑ ❑ automatically using the Workflow feature of LawBase 3. Rules base case assignment (e g., all DV cases to X This could be done Tami All other case types by defendant's last R automatically using the name), or manually assigned El F1 Workflow feature of LawBase 4 Ability to assign duplicate cases where multiple X The best way to do in defendants involved in same complaint. LawBase would be to run a conflict check on the name c a defendant and then assign manually to the appropriate staff person The reason tha R El El we suggest that this be done manually is because it woul( be possible for a new case tc have multiple defendants the are already part of other cas( that might be assigned to different attorneys 5 Ability to define rules by which cases are X This could be done assigned R automatically using the Workflow feature of LawBase 6. Describe how your system manages the You can quickly track the allocation resources in allocation resources(prosecutors/staff) R LawBase and create links to matters by using the Smart FoldersTM 7. Ability to track workload for performance Yes, this could be done usin measures and head count assessment R X ❑ ❑ either the Smart Folders or the Reporting o tions 8 Ability to support a master central calendar If LawBase allows you to crea yes, describe data elements/required information R X ❑ ❑ a"master" group which which is associated with a calendar entry would have a calendar 9. Describe the process for the creation and This would simply mean setting up a master grout maintenance of a master calendar in LawTool All users would automatically be pai R of the master group If you wanted a sub-set of all the users.then this could easily be done by creatin a grou calendar 10 Ability to define user privileges to the master Yes, you can set security on calendar. the master calendar in the R X same way that you can set security on any other calendar 1 I Ability to interface with prosecutor desktop Yes, LawBase has an calendar R X ❑ ❑ optional interface to Microsoft Outlookl)calends Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 39 q that would allow informatio from LawBase to be posted to the users Outlook calenda then the information could b updated in either location 12. When scheduling, the master calendar should The LawBase calendar has show the busy or not available times(e g, been designed to show assignments, vacations, non-litigation related multiple appointments at the appointments) for resources based on their R ❑ X ❑ same time and currently doe individual calendars but not show the nature of not have the ability to mark the appointment. Master calendar is a an item as "private" consolidation of all legal activities 13. Scheduling entry in master calendar R X automatically update the assignee's calendar ❑ ❑ 14 Supports scheduling upcoming events, maintaining and displaying information on R X ❑ ❑ scheduled events, and monitoring adherence to schedules 15. Ability to import calendars from other sources If LawBase will work with the yes, describe the process to import a calendar and user's Microsoft Outlook the allowed formats. calendar However an unpo R X ❑ ❑ would not be required since LawBase would automatically sync the calendars # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 16. Multiple ways to view the calendar If yes, give The LawBase calendar can t examples. viewed in day, week, month R X ❑ ❑ year or schedule view The schedule v iew allows you to look at multiple calendars side by side VI. Workflow, Triggers, and Events Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1 Ability to define workflows and event triggers by In addition to being able to case type set it by case type, you can R X ❑ ❑ also set workflow events based upon individual field or case entry or exit 2 Ability to track workflow steps If yes, describe Workflow steps can be sees R X ❑ ❑ easily in the LawTool program 3 Support manual override of workflow steps. R X ❑ ❑ This can be set up to be pai of the workflow Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 40 4 Ability to setup specific event triggers to initiate LawBase has the ability to an alerts based upon certain process (Example A do a duplicate records new criminal citation for John Doe was entered check In your example, into the system yesterday and a new case file was when the user starts to ente created Another criminal citation arrives today R X the second John Doe matte for John Doe While entering the new citation an ❑ ❑ it will notify the user that alert pops up notifying the legal assistant that John another John Doe matter Doe has an active case This way the legal already exists and based assistant can determine if this should be part of the upon this alert, the user car nor case or if this is a new case) respond accordingly 5. Ability to track specific milestones through out the This is typically done by hfecycle of a case. showing a screen of milestones Another option R X ❑ ❑ would be that this information can be tracked in the notes or the history section 6. Events to track including but not limited to: • Citation received from KPD As mentioned above,the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R X ❑ ❑ Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow ■ Electronic case file created X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R ❑ ❑ Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow ■ Prosecutor assignment X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R ❑ ❑ Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow ■ Amended complaint created X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R ❑ ❑ Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then It could be used to fire the workflow ■ Prosecutor approves/declines amended X As mentioned above, the complaint R ❑ FEI workflow can be created of Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 41 any fields in the system Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could bt used to fire the workflow ■ Amended complaint filed with court X As mentioned above the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow ■ Arraignment X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R Therefore,you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow ■ Pretrial X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R ❑ Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could N used to fire the workflow ■ Motions X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R ❑ ❑ Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response ■ Trial/Disposition As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R X Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could bt used to fire the workflow ■ Review hearing X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then It could be used to fire the workflow Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 42 ■ Final disposition X As mentioned above, the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R Therefore, you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow ■ Destruction X As mentioned above,the workflow can be created of any fields in the system R ❑ Therefore,you would have to have this field in the system, but then it could be used to fire the workflow VIL Vendor Support Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1. Training program provided to new installations Synaptec will provide both If yes describe R X El D administrative and end-user training to your staff 2 Indicate how many hours of training are Users- The end user training is normally about 4 typically required for- hours. ■ Users ■ Trainers Trainers- This person should be part of both the ■ System Administrators end user training sessions and the administrative training sessions so that they have the most R information to provide additional future training to the end users. This would be a minimum of two days Administrators- The administrative training of LawBase is typically done remotely over the Internet in four 2 hour sessions 3 End user support options are available Support is available from including after-hours support If yes, describe. 6 30 a m to 5 00 p in Monday to Friday exclusive R X ❑ of legal holidays After hour support can be made available on an as needed basis 4 Technical support options are available Customers can either be on including after-hours support If yes, describe. the maintenance program or get support on an ad hoc R X basis As described above, we would be happy to provide after hours support on a pre-approved as needed Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 43 n basis 5 System user conferences hosted by you and/or We have found that our user groups If yes, describe. O ❑ X ❑ users do not desire a user conference, but prefer an online user group 6 Provide a full set of documentation for LawBase provides the ■ User following manuals for our ■ Trainer R X ❑ ❑ customers User, Technical, ■ System Administrator LawTool and Workflow. ■ Other(please describe) 7 Provide an electronic searchable version of the All manuals are provided to documentation. R X ❑ ❑ you in both Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats 8 Provide the information model (e g data A data dictionary is dictionary and schema information)to clients provided as part of the for databases O X ❑ ❑ standard installation of LawBase (Note The City will agree to sign a NDA with the software vendor) VIII. Software Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response I System runs under Windows 2003 on servers R X ❑ ❑ 2. System runs under Windows XP SP2 on client workstations R X ❑ ❑ # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 3 System uses SQL Server 2000 or higher as R X the primary system database ❑ ❑ 4 System supports remote administration If LawTool can be run away yes, describe from the server from any O X ❑ ❑ location or method that allows you to access the LawBase database 5 System provides tools to aid in the Nothing is required to be deployment of software to the client PCs. loaded on the client's PC's, but in the event that you elect to have the application O X ❑ ❑ run on the client desktop, our LBUPDATE program would allow you to deploy the software to the client's desktop 6. System has built-in backup and restore LawBase should be part of feature O ❑ X ❑ your standard backup and disaster recovery program. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 44 7. Vendor certifies within six months of release Absent exceptional of software updates by third party vendors, circumstances, this would that the proposed system will run correctly R X be a goal of LawBase with the 3rd party software updates (e g, operating systempatches) 8. Vendor allows customers to develop and LawBase comes with our implement custom database views LawBase Screen Design O X Utility that allows you to make changes to the database views 9. Vendor provides a detailed document(e.g., LawBase will provide you Data Dictionary)that describes all system O X Ej with a data dictionary view tables and the links between system tables 10. System includes software development tools As mentioned above, that allow customizations to the base LawBase allows you to product. create changes to the O X database view Other tools such as the Workflow allow you to customize the system further 11 System includes on-line context based help Synaptec provides a PDF facility R X copy of the User manual that is full searchable 12 System has built-in database maintenance LawBase has some built in tools database maintenance tools O X but also takes advantage of the tools made available by Microsoft SQL 13. System supports standard Windows application functionality (For example, R X El El ctrl+c copy, ctrl+v paste, etc ) 14 Built-in legal research tool LawBase does not have any specific legal research O X tools, but has methods to allow you to quickly access Lexis and Westlaw 15 Describe your systems basic architecture. LawBase data and all design elements are stored in the system database The LawBase application can R be run in a variety of methods including being run at the workstation, via a fileshare of from an apphcation server 16 Describe the application development LawBase is written in C++and uses Borland's C++ environment used to build your system. R builder as the programming tool 17 Describe if your system has a module to allow limited access from the worldwide LawBase can allow you to create a web export in web. (Example Setup victims so they can O either HTML or XML format that would allow see the progress on a case via a secured web people to see information via a secured web site. site ) Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 45 18. System is able to print and read bar codes. LawBase can print bar O X ❑ codes and can read bar codes with our optional FrleBase program 19 System supports use of PDAs (Palm Pilot, LawBase calendar Windows Mobile, etc) information can be O X ❑ ❑ exported from LawBase to Outlook and then to your portable PDA. 20 Supports out-of-the-box support for civil LawBase is not an"out of case management the box" solution, but can easily be adapted to track O ❑ X ❑ the civil case management aspects of your office in the same way that we can track the criminal matters # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 21. Ability to process civil appeals. This would be another O X modification to the system ❑ ❑ database to track this information 22 Describe how your system handles multiple LawBase has been set up to handle multiple users users, data concurrency control, record and has been for our 25 years in business When a locking, and conflict resolution. user edits a file,that file will be locked preventing R other users from making changes to the database portion of that same file Other aspects of the program such as activity notes allows all uses s to make new notes without interference 23 System operates at 99% reliability(uptime) R X El better for all system functions 24. Ability to run concurrent fully functional In fact, LawBase strongly test/training systems for non-production uses recommends that customers without additional licensing constraints and O X ❑ set up both test and Iive costs environments for making ro am changes, IX. System Interface Features # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response I Supports two-way communication with Yes, but all calendar items Microsoft Outlook/Exchange must start in LawBase and R X ❑ ❑ then export to Microsoft Outlook, however,the link the becomes bi-directional 2 Integrates with Microsoft Office products If The Outlook integration is yes, describe how your system supports R X ❑ ❑ described above m Answer integration with Word, Excel, Outlook, and #1 We work with Word b Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 46 Access. allowing users to link Word documents to LawBase matters and our Hot Docs® interface allows you to create documents using Word The LawBase Query Wizard allows you to export the information to Microsoft Excel Finally, with Access, you can use the Access Report Writer in place of the LawBase Rave Report Writer 3. Does your system provide support for linking We do not currently have an to documents within the Stellent IBPM interface with Stellent (Imaging&Business Process Management) O r7X IBPM, but would be willing to explore creating an interface between the applications X. Features - Information Only # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 1. System automatically imports system We have done this in the configuration, and other information supplied past with other applications. via text files, spreadsheet files, or via real-time We would be willing to links to other databases I ❑ X work with you to create such a modification to allow the import of an ASCII comma delimited file 4 Ability to receive incident/arrest information This would depend upon the from a law enforcement system format that this information is stored in However, I X LawBase comes with an Import/Export option that allows you to import information from other systems 5. Ability to receive booking information from a This would depend upon the jail facility system format that this information is stored in. However, I 0 ElX LawBase comes with an Import/Export option that allows you to import information from other systems Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 47 6. Ability to receive criminal/traffic citations This would depend upon the from a law enforcement system. format that this information is stored in However, LawBase comes with an I ❑ ❑ X Import/Export option that allows you to import information from other systems. 7 Ability to receive judgment and sentencing This would depend upon the reports from the local courts system format that this information is stored in However, LawBase comes with an I ❑ ❑ X Import/Export option that al lows you to import information from other systems 8 System works with Crystal Reports If yes, Since LawBase uses describe I X Microsoft SQL, you can use ❑ ❑ Crystal Reports to query the database 9 Support other common desktop tools. If yes, LawBase works with many please indicate which ones. popular 3`d party I X ❑ ❑ applications such as Interwoven, Hummingbird, Worldox, Summation, Concordance and others # Feature Type Yes No Mod Vendor Response 10 Describe if your system has out-of-the-box LawBase has optional interfaces to work with capability to integrate/interoperate with other I other 3"'party applications such as those listed s stems (Please indicate which ones ) above in response to Question 49 11. System provides a mechanism for real-time We have create interfaces bidirectional data transfer with external that provide real-time bi- systems I ❑ ❑ X directional data transfers primarily with accounting applications 12. Describe how your system supports mtra/inter- As mentioned above. LawBase information can be governmental information sharing efforts. I exported in a variety of formats such as ASCII, HTML, XML and Excel allowing information to be imported into others stems 13 Describe if a system module is available which I Not currently. rovides data or message broker capability 14 Describe how your system supports open As mentioned above, LawBase allows data to be standards like XML and SOAP I exported in an XML format. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 48 XIII. User Group A. The name and approximate size of the user group. Synaptec's Response The group is the LawBase User Group and currently has approximately 100 members. B. Contact information for user group officers and/or key contributors. Synaptec's Response- The moderator of the group is Jeff Tefelske. He can be reached at Jeff TefelskeCa_lawbase com or by phone at 800-569-3377 x 20 C. User Group website address (e.g. http://www.yourusergroup.org). Synaptec's Response The website for the user group is htt // rou s yahoo com/ rou /lawbase/ p 9 p Y 9 p D. A list of conferences and periodic meetings hosted or attended by the user group. Synaptec's Response- The user group does not hold any conferences or scheduled periodic meetings as our group when polled have consistently responded that they prefer an online group rather than an annual conference In fact, because our clients are located all across the United States and internationally, most users have stated that they could not attend if such meeting were held We have, however, held informal meetings of users at various national trade shows in the past. E. Any additional relevant user group information. Synaptec's Response The group allows users to share information with each other while also providing a way for Synaptec to provide a method to share best practices with our client base Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 49 XIV. Customer References Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 50 Reference #1: Organization City of Fort Lauderdale Prosecutor's Office Contact Name Ms Donna Dargis Contact Title Information Services Address 100 North Andrews Avenue, 6th Floor Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Telephone 954/828-5126 Email donnad(a--)ci fort-lauderdale fl us Server/Database Platform Windows NT Number of Concurrent Users 10 Contract Dates June 8, 1999 Number / Type of Support Personnel One primary person In the table below, list the modules that were included in the project and the dates they went live Module Approximate Go Live Date LawBase 11/22/1999 Reference #2: Organization South Carolina Attorney's General Office Contact Name Ms Sandee Sprang Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 51 a-y Contact Title Information Services Address PO Box 11549 Columbia, SC 29211 Telephone 803/734-3970 Email aassprang(a-ag.state sc us Server/Database Platform Windows NT Number of Concurrent Users 68 Contract Dates June 17, 1998 Number/ Type of Support Personnel One primary person In the table below, list the modules that were included in the project and the dates they went live. Module Approximate Go Live Date 12/13/1999 LawBase Reference #3: Organization Pima County Attorney's Office Contact Name Ms Patty Todd Contact Title Paralegal Address 32 N Stone Tucson, AZ 85701 Telephone 520/740-4044 Email patty todd(o)pcao.Pima goy Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 52 Server/Database Platform Windows NT Number of Concurrent Users 50 Contract Dates March 6, 2000 Number/ Type of Support Personnel One Primary In the table below, list the modules that were included in the project and the dates they went live Module Approximate Go Live Date LawBase 11/1/2001 Groupwise Interface 11/1/2001 Time Entry Customized Programming 2005 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 53 x XV. Price Quote Price Quote form Annual Version Applicable Maintenance Description # Qty Price Tax(8.8%) Total Price Expense LawBase Concurrent 10.5.6 12 $12,000.00 $1,056.00 $13,056.00 $2,400.00 Software Licenses at $1,000.00 each Project Management N/A 1 $1,500.00 0.00 $1,500.00 0.00 Fee On-site Consulting - N/A 3 $4,500.00 0.00 $4,500.00 0.00 $1,500.00 per day Consulting Services N/A 2 $2,000.00 000 $2,000.00 0.00 performed at Synaptec Software - 51,000 00 per day Administrative N/A 4 $1,000.00 0.00 $1,000 00 000 Training— Four 2 hour sessions done remotely over the Internet $250 00 per session. End User Training - N/A 2 $3,000.00 0.00 $3,000.00 000 $1,500 00 per day Interface to Microsoft 10.5.6 1 $1,500 00 $132 00 $1.632.00 $300 00 Outlook Travel Expenses-2 N/A $1,750.00 0,00 $1,750.00 000 flight ($400.00 each), 5 nights hotel ($100 00 per night), 5 days of ground transportation($40 per day), 15 meals— 5 days ($50.00 per diem). Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 54 TOTAL PRICE 27,250.00 1,188.00 28,438.00 2,700.00$ Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 55 5 XVI. Sample Documents A. Statement of Work Outlining Vendor and City Responsibilities. Synaptec's Response: A sample project plan is included above in Section X, Answer A If Synaptec is awarded the contract for the project, then our project manager would work with your project manager to develop a customized project plan for this implementation The project plan will clearly show the work to be performed by different resources at both the City of Kent and Synaptec Software, Inc B. Standard Maintenance/Technical Support terms and conditions (including any for third party products) Synaptec's Response, Here is the portion of the LawBase Licensing Agreement that relates to software maintenance and support 5.0 Software Support and Maintenance: 5 1 Synaptec shall provide Licensee one year of support as set forth in Section 3 9 above Support will be provided to a single contact with Licensee 5.2 Support shall be provided to a single designated user of the Licensee by• 5 2 1 Telephone Synaptec will provide telephone support from 7:30a m to 5:30p m Mountain Time 52.2. Fax Support will be provided in response to faxes submitted by designated users. 5.2.3- E-mail Synaptec will provide Licensee with a current Internet e- mail address to which support questions can be submitted The current e-mail address is support@lawbase com Should the appropriate email address for support change, Synaptec will notify Licensee of the new address no less than five business days in advance 524 Modem Licensee shall be responsible for making a modem and recognized communication software available (Synaptec will provide a list of acceptable software upon request) Alternatively, remote access via an approved TCP/IP connection is preferred Licensee understands that only limited support can be provided to Licensee without remote access to the Licensee's computer. 1 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 56 5.3 At the conclusion of the twelve (12) month period the Licensee may elect an Annual Software Maintenance Plan or elect hourly telephone support 5.3.1. Software Maintenance Plan- Licensee may elect to purchase an annual Software Maintenance Plan and is charged at twenty percent (20%) of the then current list price of the Licensed Software Software Maintenance includes any consultation for questions as provided in Section 5 2 of this Agreement. The software maintenance does not include hardware or operating system setup or configuration or work with any other application programs Software Maintenance includes any program updates, changes and enhancements, bulletins, electronic documentation, and information on techniques as may from time to time be made available 5 3 2 Telephone Support In the event that Licensee does not enroll in the Annual Software Maintenance Plan, described in Section 5 3 1, then Licensee will automatically be enrolled in a telephone support program. Licensee will be billed at the then current hourly rate The current rate is $125 00 per hour with a one hour minimum per call Synaptec reserves the right to request payment for support in advance Licensee will not be entitled to any free updates or enhancements to the software if they elect to be on telephone support Finally, Licensee should be aware that priority in support response is provided initially to clients who are on Annual Maintenance. C. Training Manual for the proposed PCMS. Synaptec's Response Listed below is a sample training agenda for both the Administrative and End-User training of LawBase As mentioned above, once the contract is awarded, the exact training agenda for your installation will be defined to meet your exact requirements End User Training Agenda LAWBASE SAMPLE USER TRAINING AGENDA I. Opening Search Screen and Master Icon Bar Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 57 x a. Search Tree Options i Case Files 1. Smart Folders—vs.- drag and drop folders a Adding a new folder 2. Launch a case by double clicking 3 Explore to a specific screen or feature 4. right click options a. adding a note b adding a critical date c. adding a history event d running Hot Does e. running a report ii. Contacts iii Calendars 1. Individual calendars 2. Group calendars 3. Calendar icon to pull up your calendar iv. Reports b. Cases/Contacts Tab Search i Standard Search ii. Using wildcard in a search iii. Doing a Comparison Search (use of greater than; less than, etc) c. Conflict Search d. Adding a New Case e. Adding a New Contact f. Master Icon—File Lookup g Master Icon—Printer i Default Printer Selection ii. Right click on icon for an automatic screen print II. Cases Information a. Edit Mode—vs- Browse Mode (also discuss Add mode) b. Header block i Type of law field ii. Security field iii Splitter bar options c. Field Types i. Drop-down tables it. Date Fields 1. pop-up calendar—navigate to change date 2. Day Calculator Options iii. Link Fields (links to contact database) 1. linking information to a link field a. drag and drop method b. drop down list method Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 58 2. viewing information 3. clearing existing information iv. Launch Buttons 1. playing the launch file 2. linking a file to the launch field v. Email buttons vi Triggers (if applicable) d. Multiple Tabs 1 Multiple copies indication ii. Moving from one copy of a tab to another using navigation bar 1. first copy 2. last copy 3. next copy 4. previous copy 5. add a copy 6. delete a copy (if applicable) e. Moving within a Tab i. Tab takes you to the next field III. Activity Notes a. Getting to Notes i. Click on the All Notes Tab on the bottom Tab ii Use F2 as a speed key b Adding a Note i. Adding a note from the Search Tree ii. Right click on the All Notes bottom Tab m Clicking on the Plus sign on the navigation bar iv. The Note Entry box 1. Date and Time filled in automatically but can be edited 2. Time Spent Field 3. By Field 4. Type Field 5. Billable Check Box 6. Launch Button 7. Text Box a. Allows for an almost unlimited amount of text b. Rich Text Features i. Bold (either the icon or control-B) ii. Italics (either the icon or control-1) iii. Underling iv. Strikeout feature v. Changing the color of text vi. Justification options 1. left justify 2. right justify 3. center text Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 59 4. adding bullets 8. Emailing the note to Others 9. Saving the Note 10. Exiting without saving (cancel button) v. Notes Display Options 1 Sorting on a Single Field (click on the field) 2 Sorting on multiple Fields (shift click on the second field) 3. Moving columns 4. Resizing columns 5. Search within a column (control and click on the header) c. Editing a Note i From the column view ii From the individual entry d. Deleting a Note (if applicable) IV Tab Notes a Tab Note Indicator (the * after tab notes) b Viewing Tab Notes c Adding a Tab Note V. Critical Dates a. Getting to Critical Dates i. Click on the Critical Dates Tab on the Bottom Row of Tabs ii Use F9 as a speed key b. Adding a Critical Date i Adding a Critical Date from the Search Tree ii. Right click on the Critical Dates Tab on the Bottom Tab row iii Clicking the Plus sign on the navigation bar iv The Calendar Entry Box 1. Date (displays day of the week automatically next to the field) 2 Starting Time and Ending Time 3. LawBase Alarm function a Date of Alarm b. Setting Time for Alarm 4 Show Past Due Dates 5. Show as Appointment checkbox 6. Type of Critical Date and Tickle Factor 7. What 8. Description 9. Status 10 Launch Button 11. Audit Information a Posted Date and Posted By b. Last Changed and Changed By 12 Notes 13. Persons to be notified a Adding users individually or by group Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 60 b. Responsible checkbox c Deleting users 14. Setting Critical Dates or Appointments to Recur a. Recurrence Pattern i. Daily 1. every x days 2. every weekday ii. Weekly 1. number of weeks event to recur 2. day(s) of the week item to recur iii. Monthly 1. Select a specific day of the month 2. Select a pattern (i.e First Tuesday of the Month) iv. Select Yearly Pattern v. Select Starting and Ending Dates for the Pattern v. Critical Dates Display Options a. Sorting on a Single Field (click on the field) b. Sorting on multiple Fields (shift click on the second field) c. Moving columns d Resizing columns e. Search within a column (control and click on the header) vi. Editing a Critical Date vii Deleting a Critical Date vni Completing a Critical Date 1. To History 2. To Notes 3. To Critical Dates ix. Select All Option VI. Case History a. Getting to the Case History i. Click on the Case History Tab on the bottom row of Tabs ii. Use F8 as a speed key to get to case history b. Adding a Case History Event i Adding a Case History from the Search Tree ii. Right click on the Case History Tab on the Bottom Tab row iii. Clicking the Plus sign on the navigation bar iv The Case History Entry Box 1 Date 2. Type 3. Action 4. Method 5 Tab Numbers 6. What 7 Audit Information a. Posted Date Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 61 b. Posted By 8 Launch Button 9. Notes c. Case History Display Options 1 Sorting on a Single Field (click on the field) 2. Sorting on multiple Fields (shift click on the second field) 3. Moving columns 4. Resizing columns 5. Search within a column (control and click on the header) d. Editing a Case History Event e. Deleting a Case History Event VII Office Link a Getting to Office Link(click on Office Link Tab—no speed key) b. Adding an Office Link item i. Adding an Office Link from the Search Tree ii Right click on the Office Link Tab on the bottom row of Tabs. in. Clicking the Plus sign on the navigation bar iv. The Office Link Entry Screen 1. Title 2 File Location 3. Posted and Posted by fields filled in automatically 4 Type of Document v. Preview the Item vi Stretch Option vii Launching the application (double clicking on the application in the window) 1. ability to Edit and have document changes show up in LawBase window (OLE capability) 2. Only one person can edit the same item at the same time VIII. Running a Hot Does template a. Getting to Hot Does i Smart Folder or Drag & Drop Folder ii. Case Folder(search results) iii Within a Case b. Running Hot Does i. Select Form ii Merge Information iii Print or Edit from directly within Word Processing IX. Calendar a. Getting to a Calendar i. Search Tree Tab ii. Master Icon shortcut to my calendar b. Individual Calendars—vs- Group Calendars c. Select Person or Group's calendar to be displayed d Select Date to be displayed e. Calendar Views Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 62 i. Year View ii. Month View 1. drag and drop to reschedule 2. Goto file command 3. Complete Task from Calendar 4. Delete Task from Calendar 5. Add Note to File from Calendar iii. Week View 1 drag and drop to reschedule 2 Goto file command 3. Complete Task from Calendar 4. Delete Task from Calendar 5. Add note to File from Calendar iv. Day View 1. Appointment View a. Goto File command b. Complete task from appointment view c. Delete task from appointment view d. Add note from appointment view e. Double click to show appointment detail 2. Task View a. Goto File command b. Complete task from task view c. Delete task from task view d. Add note from the task view e. Double click to show task detail v. Schedule View 1, view individual 2. view pre-defined group 3 view ad hoc group f. Adding an Appointment and/or Task from the Calendar view i. Add link to case ii Rest is the same as Critical Date entry above. X. Running Reports a Standard Reports i. Printer Option in Notes, Critical Dates, Case History and Calendar b. Pre-defined Reports i. Print from Search Tree ii. Print from within a matter and/or contact XI. Query Wizard a. How to create a query b. Using the query wizard for searching/How to export it into excel Administrative Training Agenda Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 63 _ 9 3 LA • I TO V L ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING AGENDA I. LawTool Administrative Training A. User/Groups Information x i. Adding/Editing Individual Users ii. Groups 1. Adding/Editing Groups 2. The "Master" Group iii. Who's Logged In B. System Information i. Cosmetics 1. Default Note Type 2. Complete CDM's field 3. Case Show and Contact Show Fields 4. Automatic Number of Files (Case No; Case Pattern, and Case Field) 5. Linking information to CDM Location Field (Cal-Case Link and Cal- Contact Link) 6. Remove Locks (pull down menu only) 7. User ability to change password ii. Case Types iii. Contact Types iv. Critical Date Types 1 Type 2. Tickle Factor 3. Schedule Color v. SQL Runner vi. Database Explorer vii. Conflicts 1 Setting up different types of Conflicts 2. Selecting Fields that should be included in the conflict search viii Glueware ix. Recover Deleted Files x Global Actions C. Security i. Case Security ii Functional Security iii. Calendar Security (in User Setup) D. Updating Program Files—Utility Menu Il. Admin in LawBase i Setting up "Smart Folders" Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 64 1. Setting up the SQL rule 2. Display options 3. Filters 4. Security 5 Columns ii. Setting up "drag & drop Folders" iii Options to Arrange the Search Tree iv. Revert to Folder Rules Option v. Adding fields to the Cases Search Tab vi Adding fields to the Contact Search Tab vii. Pick list setup vni. Remove Locks on particular Case File Report Training Agenda I. Getting into the Report Writer a Three ways I Right click on the report icon (the little printer) and create a new entry, then right click and edit report ii Right click on an existing report and choose edit report III. Go to Notes within a case and click on the printer icon, from there you will see a list of reports to run, at bottom there is a button to edit a report this opens the report writer 11. Report Editor a Report Pages: Layout/Template = (main page), Search/Query = report options page b Explain Report Writer Environment i Report, standard, drawing tool bars ii. Property panel iii Report Index Panel => Project Tree III. Creating a Report a Simple Report i tools => Report Wizard => Simple Report ii simple report really used when you want to print information from one tab such as a open case report iii. choose particular page you wish to pull information from etc GO through steps iv Rename the report v Pieces of the Report 1 Bands. a Data vs Band b. Controller Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 65 4 c. Band styles d Detail, Master keys 2. Variables a Datatext vs Text b P_serial, case_id, etc page 74 Tech Manual c Datamemo component vi Create a ReportOptions page- pulls the information from LawBase 1 Using Query Wizard to build basic SQL statements b. Master/Detail Report - useful when you need to pull information from multiple tabs i. tools => Report Wizard => Master/Detail Report ii choose MAIN page, controlling page, then proceed to choose the other tabs you will be getting DETAILS from in Rename Report iv Master, Detail Bands. Master, Detail keys v Create a ReportOptions page 1 Additional SQL statements needed for additional tab information c. Text Prompts i text variable text=Notes by ^fieldtype=table atty^default=% d Variable Look Ups i Looking up other tabs u Looking up contact information Hot Docs Training Agenda: HOT DOCS TRAINING AGENDA I. Creating a HotDocs Template a. Title — a label for the form, user sees it in the library b. Filename — be sure you are in forms directory c. Description (optional) d. New Template Contents Options II. Explain Toolbar III. Variables a. Locating the HotDocs name in LawBase b. Different Types of fields & HotDocs types Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 66 i. Default HotDocs variables: TODAY& COUNTER c. Basic HotDocs-LawBase variables d. Linking Rolodex fields in HotDocs IV. IF Statements V. Repeat Variables a. Lbr & repeat dialogue box VI. Computation Variables a. adding notes, CDMs, or History items b. Updating fields in LawBase screens Screen Design Traininq Agenda LBDESIGN TRAINING AGENDA I. Example Palette a. Different Types of Fields and their uses b. Regular Fields vs. System Fields c Grids Il. Adding Fields a. Field Properties for each type of field b. Alignment c. Cursor Order III. Adding Tabs a Tab Properties IV. Contacts V. Saving & Syncing Databases a Green Check mark to check screens b. Syncing D. User manual for the proposed PCMS. R Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 67 Synaptec's Response Here is the Synaptec User Manual. This section is confidential and we would ask the City to treat it as such Law, Base7m USER MANUAL Version 10.5 902N39T oY a Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 68 Last Updated: 9/22/2005 Synaptec Software Inc. Copyright 1981-2005 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 69 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE SEARCH SCREEN ThePull-down Menus..................................................................................................74 TheFile Pull-Down Menu ............................................................................................75 TheOptions Pull-Down Menu.....................................................................................76 TheWindow Pull-Down Menu.....................................................................................77 TheLawBase Toolbar..................................................................................................78 SearchTabs .................................................................................................................78 TheSearch Tree Tab ...................................................................................................79 TheCases Search Tab ................................................................................................80 The Contact Search Tab..............................................................................................80 The Conflicts Search Tab............................................................................................80 TheReports Tab ..........................................................................................................11 Searching .....................................................................................................................81 LawBaseSearch Language ........................................................................................81 StandardDatabase Search .........................................................................................82 Running a Standard Search........................................................................................83 OPENINGA CASE .......................................................................................................83 SearchTabs .................................................................................................................83 Creating Search Fields on the Search Fields Tab ....................................................83 CopyingCase Files .....................................................................................................84 ADDING A NOTE FROM THE SEARCH SCREEN ......................................................85 SmartFolders ...............................................................................................................85 FolderWarning ............................................................................................................86 CreatingFolder Security.............................................................................................87 Creating Rules Based Folders....................................................................................88 Creating Search Filters on the SmartFolders............................................................88 SmartFolderDisplay....................................................................................................89 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 70 Creating/Modifying SmartFolder Security.................................................................89 Creating a Drag and Drop Folder ...............................................................................90 Changing a Drag and Drop Folder to a Rules Based Folder....................................91 Changing a Rules Based Folder to a Drag and Drop Folder....................................91 FolderSearch Filters...................................................................................................91 Changing Search Filter Formatting............................................................................92 Changing the Formatting of a SmartFolder...............................................................92 changing the name of a SmartFolder.........................................................................92 CASEFILES .................................................................................................................93 Addinga New Case .....................................................................................................93 Addinga New Contact.................................................................................................93 Finding the Name of a Field........................................................................................94 Copiesof Tabs.............................................................................................................94 CreatingCopies of Case Tabs....................................................................................94 Finding Copies of Case Tabs .....................................................................................95 DeletingCopies of Case Tabs ....................................................................................96 DatabaseField Types..................................................................................................96 Standard Edit Fields....................................................................................................96 DateFields ...................................................................................................................96 PickLists......................................................................................................................27 RolodexFields.............................................................................................................28 NumberFields..............................................................................................................28 TriggerFields...............................................................................................................98 DeletingCase Files......................................................................................................98 Todelete a case file.....................................................................................................98 Attachinga Rolodex card ...........................................................................................98 CaseTabs.....................................................................................................................99 DatabaseFields ...........................................................................................................99 FUNCTIONTABS .......................................................................................................100 CaseNotes.................................................................................................................100 CaseNotes Overview................................................................................................100 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 71 j HIDDEN FEATURES OF THE NOTES FUNCTION TAB ...........................................103 CRITICALDATES.......................................................................................................105 CriticalDates Function Tab ......................................................................................105 HIDDEN FEATURES OF THE CRITICAL DATES FUNCTION TAB..........................107 CaseHistory...............................................................................................................113 HIDDEN FEATURES OF THE HISTORY FUNCTION TAB........................................115 OfficeLink..................................................................................................................117 CONTACTS.................................................................................................................119 TheContacts Database.............................................................................................119 CALENDAR ................................................................................................................119 The Link Between Cases and the Calendar.............................................................119 CalendarView Tabs...................................................................................................119 LawBase Calendar - Year View.................................................................................120 LawBase Calendar - Month View..............................................................................120 LawBase Calendar - Week View...............................................................................121 CalendarDay View ....................................................................................................121 LawBase Calendar - Schedule View.........................................................................123 Seeing the Calendar of Other Users or Groups......................................................124 Arranging the Schedule View...................................................................................124 Adding Calendar Entries (Critical Dates).................................................................125 Adding Critical Dates from the LawBase Calendar................................................125 LAWBASEREPORTS................................................................................................126 Reports.......................................................................................................................126 RunningReports .......................................................................................................126 LAWBASE QUERY WIZARD .....................................................................................129 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 72 QueryWizard .............................................................................................................129 QueryOptions............................................................................................................133 HOTDOCS...................................................................................................................134 Introductionto HotDocs............................................................................................134 HOTDOCS CAN BE RUN SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS.........................................134 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ..............................................................................134 SHORTCUTKEYS......................................................................................................134 CONTROL BAR (ABORT CHANGES) .......................................................................134 CONTROLBAR..........................................................................................................135 CRITICAL DATE RECURRENCE...............................................................................135 OFFICE LINK ENTRY BOX........................................................................................136 REPORTPROPERTIES..............................................................................................137 RICHTEXT..................................................................................................................137 SHORTCUTKEYS......................................................................................................137 SEARCH SCREEN SHORTCUTS ..............................................................................138 CASEFILE SHORTCUTS...........................................................................................138 FUNCTIONTAB SHORTCUTS ..................................................................................139 ENTRYBOX SHORTCUTS ........................................................................................139 printersetup...............................................................................................................140 selectinga printer......................................................................................................140 introductionto SQL...................................................................................................141 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 73 The Search Screen The LawBase search screen is the 'control panel' for the entire application. From this location the user can search for a case, run a conflict check, add an entry to their calendar, or any number of activities. The screen is divided into three areas or "panes". • The top pane contains the pull down menus and movable toolbar. • The left pane contains the six SEARCH TABS used to search the database. The Search Tree (SmartFolders) Tab The Cases Search Tab The Contacts Search Tab The Conflicts Search Tab The Conflicts Search Tab The Reports Tab The Other Shortcuts Tab • The right pane displays results of your searches. The search screen also has the icon directly above the Search Tree Tab. Drag files to this icon to remove them from drag and drop folders you have created THE PULL-DOWN MENUS You can utilize pull-down menus to accomplish many tasks in LawBase. Most of the functions of the pull-down menus can also be activated by either clicking on LawBase action buttons or by utilizing one of the many shortcut keys. The menu bar across the top of the LawBase search screen has four pull-down categories: • The File menu • The Options menu • The Window menu Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 74 You can utilize pull-down menus to accomplish many tasks in LawBase. Most of the functions of the pull-down menus can also be activated by either clicking on LawBase action buttons or by utilizing one of the many shortcut keys. The File Pull-Down -—-------------- gaua= --- E Opions 'window Help New Case Cttl+N -- New Contact Dff+L -- - --- -----------1 Case Tffar�v(Case Res) 2 Case Todd(Case ReA :r­tt Case Todd JrL Eyit j Case Ftles All Cases L4e COnjaCtS 3 Calendars The File pull-down menu accesses two main LawBase functions. New File - From this location you can add a new case to the database. New Contact - From this location you can add a new contact to the database. NOTE You can also add new cases and contacts by using shortcut keys or by clicking on the associated icon These two functions can also be activated by utilizing short-cut keys or by clicking on the appropriate action button. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 75 Also included in the File menu is a list of the five most recently opened LawBase files. This list will include both case files and contact files. This makes a handy method for locating and revisiting files that you have used recently. The Qptions Pull-Down Menu File Window Help ,� ?, Calenda[ SIvO+Fl „ Pnnter Setup ChI+P 2 Change Password ot It) Case Todd SmM Foldet Case Files «,<]p All Cases � s � Contacts Calendars E_ THE OPTIONS PULL-DOWN MENU ALLOWS YOU TO GO DIRECTLY TO YOUR PERSONAL CALENDAR OR EXECUTE A LINK SEARCH. IT ALSO ALLOWS PASSWORD CHANGES TO YOUR LAWBASE LOG IN. THIS CAPABILITY CAN BE RESTRICTED TO ADMINISTRATORS ONLY. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System 3 Page 76 The Window Pull-Down Menu LawBase OSynaptec Soltwate, Inc- File Qpbons Help Tile Horizontally - w1J cascade 2 Found grange ,< , Cime Alf r , _yr 1 Search Screen A Case Todd Small:Folders �$ Case Files F All Cases Contacts riT Calendars The Window menu controls how you view your opened LawBase windows. Just like your familiar windows desktop, LawBase allows you to arrange open windows according to four standards: Tile - Tiles the open windows top to bottom, vertically scaling each window in order for all windows to appear on the screen. This function is valuable if you want to directly compare entries in multiple cases or contact entries • Cascade - Places open LawBase case or contact screen in "stairstep" formation from the top left of your screen to the bottom right Cascaded windows are opened at about %75 of screen width and %50 of screen length You might want to cascade your windows to get a good view of all of your open cases and contacts Arrange Icons -Organizes minimized windows. Close All- Closes all windows that have been left open during the current session. This is a quick way to shut everything if you need to free up some room or resources for continuing work. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 77 NOTE: Formatted windows will continue to appear in their previously defined shape whenever they are opened until a new windows format is applied to them. In addition to permitting you to arrange your open objects, the Window menu also lets you quickly and easily switch between windows 1 SearchForm - This area below the splatter bar displays the header information for all open cases and contacts, but the first entry will always be the SearchForm, which is the primary window for LawBase This list of open objects is invaluable for navigating your desktop, especially when you have more than a couple windows open In order to switch between open items, simply select it from this list rather than hunt for it by moving or closing other windows Your currently selected window will always appear with a v next to it. THE LAWBASE TOOLBAR The LawBase toolbar resides on the Search Screen and performs five basic tasks. It can be repositioned from the top of the screen to any one of the other three sides of the working area Simply drag the toolbar to one edge of the screen. You can use the toolbar to quickly perform five basic tasks. • Add a Case • Add a contact • Go to Your Calendar • Select Printers • Run Query Wizard search tabs The LawBase Search Screen has six active Search Tabs, which are used to locate specific cases or contacts • The Search Tree contains user defined SmartFolders and Drag and Drop folders to organize your cases and contacts. From here you can also access the LawBase calendar. • The two Search Tabs, Cases and Contacts, allow you to find cases or contacts in the database according to specific information, such as client name, dates of events, or phone numbers Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 78 • The Conflicts Search Tab is used to search multiple locations in the database for a single name or other identifier • Reports tab contains all Rave reports written for your LawBase system. • Other Shortcuts tab allows you to bookmark frequently used documents or web sites. NOTE: The search tabs and conflict search setup is fully customizable. Please speak to your LawBase administrator if you desire changes. the search tree tab The Search Tree offers direct access to the three main components of LawBase. Each section of the search tree has customizable features, which aid in the organization and accessibility of your database The three sections are. Case Files and Contacts Calendars NOTE- Depending upon your individual security privileges, you may or may not be able to perform some of the tasks described here Consult your LawBase administrator to find out more: The Case Files and Contacts sections offer the greatest amount of flexibility and customizability. The number and content of all the folders in these sections is fully customizable. ; • You can create and organize the custom folders. To organize the folders as they appear on the tree, right click in the left pane I of the Search Tree (click next to the component you wish to organize) and € select Arrange Tree a 1� The Calendar tree displays calendars for individuals and groups which are available for you to view Based upon security privileges, you may see only a few entries in the calendar tree. • If you believe that you are not seeing the personal or group calendars you should, or to learn more about calendar security, consult your LawBase administrator. f Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 79 the cases search tab The Cases Search Tab is found next to Search Tree on the LawBase Search Screen. The tab is used to input search information to find cases you wish to view or include in other folders Type an entry into a search field and hit the <ENTER> key to run the search. There are advanced search options including use of wildcards and conditional logic You can also use multiple fields in a single search by typing into more than one search field before hitting <ENTER>. NOTE The fields available in the Cases Search Tab are designated by your firm If you would like to have new fields added, or would like the order of the displayed search fields changed, speak to your LawBase Administrator. the contact search tab The Contacts Search Tab is located on the LawBase Search Screen. The tab is used to input search information to find contacts you wish to view or include in other folders. Type an entry into a search field and hit the <ENTER> key to run the search. There are advanced search options including use of wildcards and conditional logic. You can also use multiple fields in a single search by typing into more than one search field before hitting <ENTER> NOTE: The fields available in the Contacts Search Tab are designated by your firm If you would like to have new fields added, or would like the order of the displayed search fields changed, speak to your LawBase Administrator. the conflicts search tab The conflicts search tab, located on the Search Screen, is used to check multiple fields in the LawBase database for a matching piece of information. Type an entry into a search field and hit the <ENTER>key to run the search. There are advanced search options including use of wildcards and conditional logic NOTE- The fields available in the Cases Search Tab are designated by your firm. If you would like to have new fields added, or would like the order of the displayed search fields changed, speak to your LawBase Administrator Because searches check only the fields specified by your firm, consult with your LawBase administrator to determine what database fields are cross- referenced while searching for conflicts Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 80 the REPORTS tab The Reports tab displays built in calendar and notes reports as well as custom reports These reports may or may not be available to you depending upon your security access settings Individual reports can be added to the tree by right-clicking and choosing Insert. (NOTE- You must create a report BEFORE you can add it to the tree on the Report tab.) the OTHER SHORTCUTS tab The Other Shortcuts tab allows ,you to bookmark frequently used documents and web sites. New shortcuts can be added to the tree by right-clicking and choosing Insert. Searching Each of the Search Tabs on either the link search or standard search screens has customizable search fields These fields are formatted to search specific fields in your database For example, your office may have a search field titled "Client Last Name" which points towards the field in your database which holds the client's last name Your LawBase administrator can create as many search fields as you require, even search fields to look through large comments fields on your database tabs or the case notes. lawbase search language WILDCARDS - Every time you enter a search string into either a Link or a Standard Database Search, LawBase automatically places an invisible * , also known as a wildcard, at the end of your entry The wildcard tells LawBase to accept any other letters or numbers in its place Thus if you type the name John into a search field, LawBase will return anything that is a match for the first four letters, regardless of what other letters follow Consequently the search for cases or contacts containing John might return John Wilson, John Arigoni, or even Johnsville Phillips. By adding a wildcard at the beginning of your search, you can find information which falls in the middle of a LawBase field. Consequently by adding a * to the beginning of our search for John we will find all instances where the letters J-O-H-N appear,regardless of what precedes them or follows them. This method is especially beneficial when searching large notes fields for specific entries. NOTE: Because of a quirk with SQL databases, when adding a * to the beginning of a Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 81 i search it is necessary to include one at the end of the search string also, even though a normal search as discussed above automatically includes a * at the end of your search. MULTIPLE SEARCH FIELDS - You can also combine multiple Search Fields in your search. By typing the desired criteria into more than one field, you tell LawBase that you wish to find cases that contain matches to BOTH items entered For example, you may wish to find cases which have John Doe listed as the Plaintiff, and which have an estimated value of over u $500,000.00. ADDITIOI\AL SEARCH CHARACTERS - In addition to the wildcard symbol, you can utilize additional SQL terminology in your search of the LawBase database. A few examples: !Find instances in the database which DO NOT match the search string you enter The syntax for this search differs according to the underlying database. _ IF example: !=pro bono or<> pro bono Find cases which have values I >= alphabetically or mathematically <= equal to OR greater than the string j entered. example: >=3/5/71 _ ® �Used in combination with search words AND other search characters to and form complex search strings (NOTE. or You cannot include both and and or in the same search string examples: >=3/5171 and <5/1/71 John* or Jon* or Jahn* Standard Database Search LawBase allows users to search the case and contact database by entering criteria into predefined Search Fields (these fields are maintained by your LawBase Administrator and can be modified at any time) Each field allows you to search specific fields in the database For instance, you might have a search field labeled "Opposing Counsel" which is hard coded to look to your database to find the names of opposing counsel attached to every case in your database. Thus by entering "John Doe" and running your search, LawBase will show you all cases in the database which contain opposing counsel named John Doe. There are two reasons to run a database search: Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 82 ■ To find a specific case you wish to view <or> ■ To find a case you wish to add to one of your Drag and Drop organizational folders on the Search Tree. Running a standard search To search for a case or contact(to either include in a Drag and Drop folder or to access the case itself) you must first choose the appropriate Search Tab on the Search Screen. The Case Search and the Contact Search are performed in the same manner, so instructions here are applicable for both types To find a specific Case or Contact • Select the appropriate tab • Locate the item you wish to search for on one of the Search Fields on the tab These might include "Client Name" , "Opposing Counsel", or "Court Reporter " NOTE These Search Fields are defined by your firm. Ask your LawBase Administrator if you believe there are search fields which should be added • Type the information you are attempting to match. Hit ENTER OPENING A CASE Simply double-click on the folder or the name of the case you wish to open. NOTE: If you click on the Y sign next to the folder you might simply explode the folder (display all sub-folders and functions) rather than open it Search Tabs Creating Search Fields on the Search Fields Tab NOTE: To create search fields on a search tab, you must first have the proper security access to perform the task. If you are not sure whether or not you are able to add new search fields, contact your LawBase administrator OVER VIE W.•Because it is often unwieldy and slow to search for a case only by browsing through folders, it is necessary to give users the ability to pull up cases and contacts by searching according to specific criteria For instance, it is common to pull up cases according to a case name or number In order for users to perform this simple search, the search tab on the Search Screen must be properly configured Both the Cases and Contacts tabs allow users to create their own search fields Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 83 To set up these search fields, you must tell LawBase which page and field you want to check when the user types in some information. For instance, if the user is searching for cases based upon the client name, you must indicate in your search field setup where to find the client name field in your database By doing this you assure that LawBase will always examine only the fields necessary to find matches to your search. To create a search field on the search tab: 1. Click on the tab you would like to modify (either CASES or CONTACTS) 2 Right-click anywhere in the left-hand pane and choose Properties. 3. The "Search Setup" dialog box appears If you already have some search fields configured, you will find them here. 4. Click the "+" to add a new entry. 5. In the "Page" column, choose the database page that contains the field you want to search 6. In "Field Name" select which field contains the specific information you want this search to look for. 7. In "Display" you should type the title you want to give to this search, e.g. "Client Search" or "Opposing Counsel " 8. In"Type", select what type of field it is. "All Text" (for most fields), "Date", "Non- Validated Pick List' or "Validated Pick List If you chose a pick list format, you will need to also give the Pick List name in the next column. 9. Click the checkmark to complete this entry. 10. Repeat the process to add any additional search fields to this tab. To organize search fields simply click and drag fields to their desired location. (You must be an Administrator to perform this function.) Copying Case Files It is sometimes necessary to copy an individual case file (when trial groups split or when additional parties are added to the same litigation matter.) LawBase allows you to make a copy of a case file and to assign a new name, effectively starting a new case file at the same position as its copy Because any Notes, Critical Dates, History entries or attached files will be different, none of the information from the LawBase Function Tabs is copied, only the custom database fields To copy a case file: i In the Search Tree, locate the case you wish to copy. 2 Right-click on the case and choose Copy Folders from the popup list 3 A new copy is created with a blank case title Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 84 ADDING A NOTE FROM THE SEARCH SCREEN You can add a note to a case file from the LawBase Search Screen. This can be done quickly and easily, without the need to even open the case file in question. To add a note from the Search Screen: 1 On the Search Screen, locate the file to which you want to add the note. 2 In the search results pane, click on the [+] next to the case file This reveals the function tabs and custom designed case tabs areas. s Right-click on the Notes section. a Select Add Note from the popup list This reveals a Note Entry dialogue box. 5 Fill in the information and click OK s NOTE: This method adds a single note to the ALL NOTES function tab. You can not add an entry to the TAB NOTES function tab using this method. SmartFolders LawBase features a new technology called SmartFolders; folders which hold your information according to whatever criteria you specify. Thus LawBase gives you unlimited options in managing and filing your information. The database will always have only one master copy of any given case, but you can have multiple links to that given case on your Search Screen, depending upon what folders you have set up. (EXAMPLE) LawBase has a folder called "ALL" as a default in the Search Tree Obviously, this folder would contain every case which has been entered into your system You rnay, however-, wish to create a folder which shows only cases that are active Consequently when this folder has been created it will hold only cases which are currently marked as active Note that this DOES NOT remove those cases which are marked active from the folder which contains "ALL"cases Thus there can be multiple references to the same file, depending upon how you have set up additional SmartFolders You can design folders which are automatically populated with cases depending upon attributes of each given case or you can create folders which simply hold whichever cases you put into them. There are two types of folders which LawBase lets you create: • Rules-Based Folders • Drag and Drop Folders Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 85 ;i C+ fang Laure-Hot DocsTester - Folders t]�L� Projects -k_D All Files To day's Notes Smart folder icon CDM's for todap Test i Laura's Notes E Laura Calendar Ev s Law aae Files Drag & Drop folder icon ITT _w. Series t Files t Sales JeffTest = 23 Cale ndars -il n ti Pe3i�imxe` [tsi^s tune^t ai[.t_� [ _ `- Rules Based Folders are truly SMARTFolders Based upon rules, which you set, the folder automatically populates itself with cases from your database. You can create Rules Based Folders to hold only cases where a given attorney is listed as the managing attorney, or you could create a folder to hold cases that have been valued at over $500,000 Basically any field in your database (or COMBINATION of fields) can be used to define a Rules Based Folder. There are two flavors of Drag and Drop folder in LawBase; case folders and contact folders. In either instance Drag and Drop Folders are best used to organize items which can't be organized in a Rules Based Folder This would include cases which are currently very active and are therefore constantly being referenced Folder Warning Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 86 SmartFolders just reference information contained in the database, they don't actually hold any data Consequently, one specific case might be referenced in multiple folders (e g one folder containing cases for Bob AND one folder containing REAL ESTATE cases might both refer to a single real estate case being handled by Bob ) Thus changing or destroying a SmartFolder will not destroy or otherwise change the actual cases contained within, it will instead only change what cases are referenced in that particular folder. Even if ALL the folders were deleted, the cases themselves would still exist in the database. You must still take caution in altering or destroying Drag and Drop folders, because many times the specific collection of cases they reference might be quite tedious to reproduce(you would have to drag every case back into the folder.) In order to create or modify the contents of a SmartFolder, you must have an understanding of Structured Query Language. For this reason you should consult with your LawBase administrator when you desire to make changes to these rulesets. creating folder security NOTE. The ability to create and edit SmartFolders and their security levels is ultimately controlled by LawBase security levels. You must have the proper security access in order to make SmartFolders or otherwise modify properties such as security levels. Each SmartFolder which is created for the LawBase search tree can have its own security levels. You can manipulate this security setting to determine several functional abilities- The Ability to see this folder and its contents. - Each SmartFolder can be made invisible to individuals or groups. This feature is often used to prevent the Search Tree from becoming inundated with hundreds of personal folders You can even set security such that individuals can only see their own entries to the folder. The Ability to add and delete entries from this folder. - You can also specify that individuals can only make changes to their own entries in the folder. What do you want to do? Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 87 s creating rules based folders Rules Based SmartFolders contain cases according to automated guidelines which must be defined for each folder Different from Drar;and Drop folders, Rules Based folders fill themselves with cases automatically depending upon what "rules" are defined. To create a drag and drop folder: • First identify to which existing group you want to add your new folder. (Example) You can create your new Rules Based folder as a subfolder of the group "ALL"or you can first create new categories such as a "REAL ESTATE"group and then place your folder into this new category • Right click the group you have chosen as the parent to your new folder. • From the picklist which appears, choose Insert... This will display the "Search Tree Setup" dialogue box. 4. Name your new folder by typing its title into the Display Text field. 5. Make sure that the Rules Based? check box is checked 6. Define which rules you want your folder to follow when picking its cases to display by typing a valid SQL statement into the Rules field 7. Click OK. No other formatting is necessary, although you may want to set security for this folder, create special search filters, or change what information is displayed. creating search filters on the smart folders To add search filters to a SmartFolder: 1. Right click on the folder you would like to modify. 2 Select Properties... from the popup list. 3. Click to add a new filter (or to change the properties of an already existing filter.) 4 For PAGENO, select the database Tab that holds the information you would like to filter. (EXAMPLE) - If you would lake to have the ability to search a SmartFolder's contents and filter out all the cases where Bob is the managing attorney, you must first tell LawBase which tab in the database holds the 'managing attorney'field - Once you have selected the tab, the system replaces it with its page number in the database 5. For FIELDNAME, enter the database field name of the field which holds the data you would like to use for your filter (EXAMPLE) -As above, you must not only specify the tab which contains the managing attorney's name, you must also identify the faeldname Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 88 The information you enter here does not have to include the case tab name, it must only identify the field name - Click HERE to learn how to find the name of a field in LawBase. 6. For DISPLAY, enter the name of your new filter. (This will appear in the SmartFolder at the bottom of the displayed list of cases.) 7. Click OK. Smart folder display Each SmartFolder (or Drag and Drop folder) you create can show information from your database. Thus if you create a folder which shows all cases with an estimated opportunity over $500,000 , you might want your returned list of cases which fit this definition to show not only the case name and number, but also the total worth of the case. To choose what information to display: 1. Right click on the SmartFolder you wish to modify. 2. Select Properties. 3 In the 'Display' field, enter the name of the field(s) from the database you wish to display (Ask your LawBase administrator to make these changes if you don't fully understand the SQL requirements.) creating/modifying smart folder security To modify the security settings for an individual SmartFolder: Right click the folder you wish to modify. Select Properties... from the popup list. Click on Security Click on to add a new security profile entry - or- Click on user name to modify an existing security profile entry. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 89 blame Secunty Jrder Ck ' Qancel rLZ�BBefres creating a drag and drop folder The drag and drop folder is simple to create, and no custom formatting is required. to Create a Drag and Drop Folder: • First identify to which existing group you want to add your new folder. (Example) You can create your new drag and drop folder as a subfolder of the group "ALL"or you can first create new categories such as a "REAL ESTATE"group and then place your folder into this new category • Right click the group you have chosen as the parent to your new folder • From the picklist which appears, choose Insert... This will display the "Search Tree Setup" dialogue box. 4. Make sure that the Rules Based? check box is unchecked. 5. Name your new folder by typing its title into the Display Text field. 6 Click on TEST SQL to make sure your SQL statement is valid. 7. Click OK. NOTE LawBase will allow you to create folder properties in the Rules area of the Search Tree Setup, but these rules will not take effect unless the folder is changed to a Rules Based folder Clack HERE to learn how to change a Drag and Drop folder to a Rules Based folder No other formatting is necessary, although you may want to set security for this folder, create special search filters, or change what information is displace Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 90 f changing a drag and drop folder to a rules based folder WARNING Once you have converted a Drag and Drop folder to a Rules Based folder, there is no way to reclaim your organization of files which were originally stored in the Drag and Drop folder. There are two ways to turn a Drag and Drop folder into a Rules Based folder: 1. Right click on the folder you wish to change. 2. From the popup list, choose Revert to Folder Rules. -or- 1 Right click on the folder you wish to change. 2 From the popup list, choose Properties... 3. Check the Rules Based? option box. 4. Click OK. NOTE Utilizing either method above tells LawBase to use the SQL rules defined in the Rules area of the "Search Tree Setup"dialogue box If no rules are defined, the folder will not be populated with any cases changing a rules based folder to a drag and drop folder There are two ways to change a Rules Based folder to a Drag and Drop folder: • On the Search Tree tab, simply drag cases into your Rules Based folder If you drag a case into the folder which does not conform to the rules which you have set up, LawBase will ask you if you want to make this folder a Drag and Drop folder. • Answer yes to begin using this folder as a drag and drop folder. -or- Right click on the folder and select Properties... from the popup list. • On the top of the Search Tree Setup dialogue box, click on the Rules Based? box to remove the check mark. folder search filters Each SmartFolder, which is created can also have a limitless number of additional filters built in to aid the search process For example, if you have created a Rules Based folder to hold real estate cases, you might also occasionally want to narrow the search to show real estate cases being handled by a specific attorney. Rather than create a new SmartFolder designed specifically to hold only real estate cases by that given attorney, you can build an additional filter into your Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 91 SmartFolder which will allow you to further drill down into the contents of your real estate folder and examine which attorneys have which cases. This ability essentially allows you to run ad hoc queries on individual folders. Changing search filter formatting To change the search filter on an individual SmartFolder: 1. Right click the folder you want to adjust 2. Choose Properties... from the popup menu. 3. Under the Filters area, adjust the PAGE, FIELDNAME, and DISPLAY as desired. Page Field Name DISPLAY • Page is the tab that contains the field you wish to use to narrow your search down. • Field Name is the field you wish to use to narrow your search down. • Display is the label that will be displayed for the filter. 4. Click OK Changing the formatting of a smart folder NOTE- To change the formatting of a SmartFolder, you must first have the proper security access to perform the task If you are not sure whether or not you are able to make these changes, contact your LawBase administrator. To change the settings of a folder: 1. Right click the SmartFolder you would like to change 2. From the popup list, select Properties... 3. Make your desired changes changing the name of a smart folder 1. Right click the folder you want to rename. 2. Select Properties... from the popup list. 3. Type a new folder name in the Display Text field Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 92 4. Click OK Case Files Adding a New Case NOTE- To add a new case to the database, you must first have the proper security access to perform the task. If you are not sure whether or not you are able to add new cases, contact your LawBase administrator. There are three ways to add a new case to the database, all from the LawBase Search Screen: • Click on the ''4 icon. • Click on the File pull-down menu. Select New Case from the list. • Use the CTRL-N keyboard shortcut. LawBase provides a blank case form for you to fill in Depending on how your specific system is configured, you may have some of the fields filled out automatically (e g case number fields, responding attorney.) Adding a New Contact NOTE. To add a new contact to the database, you must first have the proper security access to perform the task. If you are not sure whether or not you are able to add new contacts, contact your LawBase administrator. There are three ways to add a new contact to the database, all from the LawBase Search Screen: • Click on the %.> icon. • Click on the File pull-down menu Select New Contact from the list. • Use the CTRL-L keyboard shortcut. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 93 Finding the Name of a Field To display the database name of any field on the customized LawBase case tabs: 1. Right click on the field you want to learn about. 2 Select Show Field Name from the popup list (there might be several entries to choose from depending upon what type of field you have clicked on.) A dialogue box will appear which shows two pieces of information; • HotDocs,Fame (The word to the left of the represents the case tab name as it has been assigned for document assembly The name on the right side is the specific field name Both the tab name and the specific field name are required to distinctly identify one individual field, since two case tabs could have fields with the same field name) _ This is the name of the field as it is known to HotDocs, the document assembly program which is shipped with LawBase • Database Field Name (LawBase has a distinctive name for every field in your datebase The left side of the "."is the case tab name as it is stored in the database (ex PageO) The right side is the field name Both the tab name and the specific field name are required to distinctly identify one individual field, since two case tabs could have fields with the same field name) = The name of the field in the database. HOftcs Name-Header status Database Field Name=PAGEo.status Copies of Tabs LawBase allows you to duplicate every tab in your database as many times as is necessary. This feature is especially beneficial when you don't have a set number of items to track, such as deponents You can have only a single tab, designed to track only a single deponent, but you can use copies of the tab to keep track of as many deponents as is necessary. Creating Copies of Case Tabs NOTE: Make sure you are in EDIT mode before attempting to copy any case tabs. To create a copy of a case tab: Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 94 Click on the 0 in the navigation bar at the top-left corner of the tab you wish to copy (below green line separating the header from the tab). This will result in a blank copy of your case tab. When you have multiple copies of a tab, LawBase allows you to scroll through available copies using the navigation bar above the top left corner of the tab 0 0 0 0 or by using the mouse and arrow keys on your keyboard. Finding Copies of Case Tabs There are THREE methods to see whether or not a case tab has been duplicated in a specific case. 1. From the Search Tree, click on the rl:l next to the case you are interested in examining. 2. Next click on the * next to Pages. 3. Finally click the +` next to the specific case tab you wish to see. If there are any copies of that particular tab, they will be shown here. C- Tars Contacts Office 3E3 33rd and Steele 303-320-48601234 Test St 430-234-4562 zdfga 303-355-6820 6301 E 22nd Aire ,+t LawBase ji Pre Sale z+ integrations o- 1 Project ji Notes Critical Dates # History j Office Link <or> 1 Refer to the area just above the specific case tab you are interested in examining. 2. If there are multiple copies of that tab you will see the exact number of copies (and which number you are currently editing ) <or> Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 95 1. On the right hand side of the tab there is a list of all the copies of the tab in question, and allows you to organize the items however you choose. By clicking on the header of each column, you will organize the list in alphabetical order Click on the same header again to organize in reverse alphabetical order (the yellow triangle will swatch directions) You can also sort the list by two or more of the columns displayed by holding the shift key down and clicking on the header of each column You will see a number appear, this indicates the order in which the list is being sorted. phonel5 addl 1430-234-4562 zdfga 303-355-6620 5301 E 22nc 303-320-4860 1234 Test S Your firm has control over the items which are displayed (and can therefore be used as an organizational tool ) Speak to your LawBase administrator to discuss changing these items. Deleting Copies of Case Tabs NOTE: Make sure you are in EDIT mode before attempting to delete any case tabs. Click on the 0 in the navigation bar at the top-left of the tab you wish to delete (once agaznjust below the green divider between header and tab). Database Field Types Standard Edit Fields ByuRa These fields allow any entry values so long as they do not exceed the predefined maximum number of characters as set by your LawBase designer Sometimes these edit fields will hold considerably more text than they appear to, and will scroll if you continue to type NOTE If you continually run out of room in a data entry field, ask your LawBase Administrator about increasing field length. Date Fields Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 96 Click on the calendar button to display a graphic calendar which allows you to select a date by clicking on it. You can also type in a date (slashes are automatically added) and the date field will format it for you. NOTE: Remember to use leading zeros when typing in dates Pick List Fields I Data fields which display a small downward-pointing arrow allow you to choose an entry from a small list of available choices The list is a table showing values and a further description of those values. The description of the value is not stored into the database, but simply displays as an explanation to the user. There are two basic pick list types: 1. Tables where it is possible to enter values from the list OR enter text into the pick list field which does not exist as an entry in the list. An example of this table might be a "City" pick list, where many of the same cities are used over and over again, but where the flexibility to add new cities is necessary If you enter text into a pick list field, it is NOT automatically added to the pick list. To add a value into the pick list contact your LawBase Administrator. 2. Validated Tables which require you to pick an entry from the list. This table prevents non-standard entries into the field. NOTE: If you begin to type into a pull-down table LawBase will guess your entry and fill in the rest. Depending upon your security privileges, it is possible to edit the entries in the pull-down table. 1 Double-click in the pick list field to get the 'Edit Pick List' dialogue box. z Add, delete (using the navigation bar), or change available entries. NOTE: The "Value" portion of the table is generally limited to 20 characters, while the "Description" is generally limited to 80. Rolodex Fields Rolodex fields allow you to freely connect people or places from your contact or case database By attaching an Contact/Case you create searchable, reportable, documentable links between your cases and specific individuals, groups,locations, and other cases. Number Fields F Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 97 Click on the calculator icon to display a graphic calculator that will allow you to calculate an amount to enter into the field OR type the amount into the field. Trigger Fields Triggers are data fields which "trigger" events when you enter information and exit the field The event which is triggered can include any one or combination of the following• ■ add (or delete) a history item, critical date, or note. ■ automatically create an email message, including the to, re:, and body ■ fill in or change a field in the database NOTE: all of the above actions can include on-the-fly data pulled from the database, such as client information or dates. DELETING CASE FILES To delete a case file: 1 Open the file By requiring this step, LawBase prevents accidental deletion of cases. 2 From within the case file, choose the edit menu and choose DELETE FILE. 3 LawBase will ask if your are sure you want to delete the file and everything associated with it. a Click YES. ATTACHING AN ELECTR ONIC ADDRESS(ROLODEX) CARD OVERVIEW : Much of LawBase's power comes from its ability to freely link contacts to your case / matter database. Create only one contact card for any individual, group, or location and then attach it to as many cases as you require If any piece of information changes, you only have to change it once Once you have attached these contacts to individual cases, you can utilize their information in reports or automatically generated HotDocs word processing files. There are two ways to attach an electronic address card: Running a Search (highly recommended) i Make sure you are in EDIT mode 2 With your cursor in the address field, type the first few letters (or more) of the contact/case you are searching for A drop-down appears with matching records. 3 Select the contact/case from the list (either press the down arrow until the correct entry is highlighted and press ENTER, or use your mouse to click on the entry.) If you cannot find the contact/case to be attached, and KNOW that it has been entered into the system: j Make sure you are in EDIT mode 2 Click on the IJ or right-click in the contact field and select "Look up Link " The Link Files dialogue box appears and allows you to select case or contact file search. 3 Select the Contact Search tab to search the contacts database. (NOTE. It is possible to attach Cases to Cases by searching utilizing the Case Search tab.) a Place the cursor in one of the available Search Fields and type the name you are looking Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 98 for. (NOTE You can enter just a few letters of the word and LawBase will extrapolate the rest) Click HERE to learn how to run advanced searches using special search characters e Hit ENTER to run your search s Once you have found the correct contact, you must double click the contact/case folder, it will automatically be added to the rolodex field Note Linking a contact/case into the case file this way may end up leaving the field LOOKING like it is blank, when in fact it is not blank it is just linked to the wrong tab information. To test click on the J to see if the field is linked, the contact/case will be opened. Case Tabs Database Fields DATA ENTRY FIELDS The tabs in LawBase are comprised of data fields custom-designed by your firm Fields can be formatted to hold specific data and/or perform different functions FIELD TYPES ■ standard edit(free text entry of limited length) mask edit(auto formatted text of limited length) ■ date ■ pull-down table ■ electronic address link ■ memo fields (free text entry of unlimited length) ■ protected (no data entry allowed) ■ external (pulls data from other sources) ■ trigger (performs actions) Protected Fields If you are unable to enter data into a field, and you are sure you are in EDIT mode, it may be that you are attempting to enter data into a PROTECTED field A database field may be protected for several reasons. For example it may hold calculated data such as the sum of several other data fields or a calculated Statute of Limitations date. 6 Mask Edit Fields The MASK EDIT field either forces a specific set of entries (such as YES or NO), or formats your entry automatically (e.g. places dashes into social security numbers or capitalizes the first letters of entered words ) Mask edit fields look just like regular edit fields until you begin to enter data You may notice that the characters you enter are automatically formatted or that by entering only a letter or two the rest of the entry is automatically filled in. Rolodex Fields Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 99 i A i The ROLODEX field attaches contact cards to case files (or other cases to case files). Once attached, users and document generation tools have access to the name, address, phone and other information contained in your electronic address card. To learn how to search for and attach an electronic address card, click HERE. Memo Fields The MEMO field allows unlimited free text entry As you type, the memo field will automatically grow in length, and a scroll bar will appear on the right Memo fields might also scroll left to right depending upon their formatting. External Fields External fields get their data from a source other than by typing it in Sometimes they simply show information from other places in your database, such as other tabs or the header External fields also may pull data from other databases, such as time and billing software. You cannot type directly into an external field. Function Tabs Note, °- TabNotes CntcalDates A,,Histcxy 0ftrrel-irk Case Notes Case Notes Overview Each LawBase case file has a function tab called Notes. All the notes regarding the daily in's and out's of a case should be stored in the Notes tab. Case notes are especially valuable for tracking events which would otherwise fall through the cracks, including phone calls, email, fax, and document based contact with clients, witnesses, opposing counsel, courts, etc. Individual note entries can be included in document generation and database reports. Each Note entry automatically tracks the time, date, time spent, and the login name of the individual responsible for entering the note The note entry itself is a rich text field allowing for bold, italics, underline, etc. LawBase also allows for notes to be organized by case tab. A separate Tab Notes area exists for each database tab, thereby allowing you to enter notes which are specific to an area of your database and keep them separate This is especially valuable in making certain notes more readily available for review In addition, any Notes entered to Tab Notes are automatically included in the Notes tab, guaranteeing that you will always be able to find the Note you are looking for In addition, the Tab Notes tab will be highlighted blue on any individual tabs which contain Tab Note entries A° i—,—ii THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'NOTES' AND 'TAB NOTES' The Tab Notes function tab is actually a collection of tab copies. There is one Tab Notes copy for each custom case tab which exists in your LawBase database. This includes any case tabs Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page100 which have themselves been copied. Because a separate Tab Notes copy exists for each case tab, the notes which you enter to the Tab Notes area remain divided according to which case tab they are attached to. This is useful because it allows for note "grouping" according to given case tab themes For instance, you may have a custom case tab titled "Witness Information" which contains contact and other information for case witnesses. Depending on the circumstances, your firm may make considerable efforts to contact a certain witness, or to negotiate incidentals with a desired expert witness To utilize your LawBase database effectively, you should keep track of these proceedings by adding case notes to your file By adding these notes to the "Witness Information" Tab Notes area and more specifically a certain witness, you can keep notes specific to witnesses separate from other notes. This aids in quickly locating these notes later on, because they will exist in their own grouping on the Tab Notes function tab You can also locate tab notes in the Notes section of the case file,by ordering by the Tied To column which indicates what tab and what copy of the tab a note is connected with (if any). IMPORTANT: Even though, as explained here, it may be valuable to divide notes onto Tab Notes tab copies, it is equally important to be able to locate these notes later on As an example, let us say that in addition to the "Witness Information" tab mentioned earlier your office also has a case tab called "Case Budget" to keep track of various expenses. It is then conceivable that, on the subject of'expert witness fees', one person in your office would enter relevant notes to the "Witness Information" Tab Notes area, while another member of your office would enter relevant notes to the "Case Budget" Tab Notes. We see in this example that the power of Tab Notes has actually become something of a problem, because it is certainly undesirable to have notes on the same subject separated onto separate areas of Tab Notes. There are two answers to this problem. First, LawBase makes it possible to find notes entered on separate areas of Tab Notes by including each and every entry from Tab Notes in the Notes function tab. Thus in this example even though individuals in your office might enter notes to the "incorrect" Tab Notes copy, you are guaranteed that these notes will always be locatable in the Notes function tab The real issue here would be the failure of your attempt to logically group these notes on Tab Notes (since the "expert witness fee" notes will have been entered to two completely different areas of Tab Notes ) This brings us to the second answer to this dilemma; make sure that your office policy is clear concerning the use of Tab Notes It is only advisable to utilize this powerful feature of LawBase if everyone understands the responsibilities and ramifications of its use. KJatcs . NOTES FUNCTION TAB The Notes function tab contains all the Notes entries for a LawBase case file, including any entries made to one of the Tab Notes function tab copies NOTE There are also manv hidden features of the LawBase function tabs - Navigation Bar-Navigate your list of Case Notes, add new entries ' , delete entries and more Print Notes - Launches the LawBase report Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page101 vr� generator and displays all available Note reports Iueiate Search in Entries -Find a specific entry in the Date, Type, By, Attachment, Bill, or Spent columns of the Notes function tab. To choose which column you would like to search, hold down the CTRL key and click on the header of the column you wish to search NOTE You cannot search the Notes area of Notes because it is a rich text field pats Date Column - Displays the DATE individual Notes were entered Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. NOTE The depressed arrow displayed at left indicates that the All Notes function tab is being sorted in Inverse order by date Type' , Type Column - Displays the TYPE of individual Note entries Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. gy By Column - Displays the user login of persons responsible for entering individual Note entries. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. Notes Column - Displays the NOTES added to Note entries. You cannot sort on by the Notes column because it contains Rich Text. Attachment Attachment Column - Displays the location information for files which are ATTACHED to individual Note entries. Sort or Inverse- Sort this column by clicking on the header. Bit Bill Column - Mark entries which are billable This column can be used later in a report which calculates time spent in a case file. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header [pent Spent Column - Displays the SPENT field of individual Note entries Sort or Inverse- Sort this column by clicking on the header. Tied To _ Tied To Column —Indicates if a note has been added as a TAB NOTE It will display the tab the note is attached to as well as what copy of the tab (if needed). Sort this by Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page102 clicking on the column header. Function Tab Hidden Features: Many of the actions you can perform on the Function Tabs can be accessed via shortcut keys or combination key-mouse clicks. Below is a quick list of available hidden features. HIDDEN FEATURES OF THE NOTES FUNCTION TAB Click on a column Sorts the column (toggles either descedmg or ascending order) header SHIFT-click on a Selects multiple columns for sorting (toggles either desceding or column header acceding order subsorts) CTRL-click on a Sets that column as the default for the "Search In" function column header Right-click Select the number of lines to display in the quick view of note entries TAB NOTES FUNCTION TAB Xkl±Notes The Tab Notes function tab operates in exactly the same manner as the All Notes Function Tab. There is one copy of the Tab Notes function tab for every copy of a custom database tab in your LawBase database. This allows you to create notes and loosely relate them to the topic or content of one of your custom case tabs Thus Notes entered to the Tab Notes area should directly reference some feature of the custom case tab to which it is attached Every note added to the Tab Notes area is automatically displayed on the All Notes Function Tab The Tab Notes tab will be highlighted blue on any tabs which contain Tab Note entrees. 11+t�Ci (NOTE: You must first click on a case tab before you are allowed to view the Tab Notes) ADDING A CASE NOTE ENTRY There are three ways to add a note entry to a LawBase case file: ADDING A NOTE BY CLICKING DIRECTLY ON A FUNCTION TAB The same process is used to add a note entry to either the All Notes or Tab Notes function tab: i Right-click on either the Notes or Tab Notes function tab on the bottom of your case file. z Select Add from the popup dialogue box. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 103 NOTE: In order to add a note to Tab Notes,you must first choose the case tab and copy to which you want to add the note. <or> 1 Click (left-click) on either the Notes or Tab Notes function tabs on the bottom of your case file (Note This will bring the Notes or Tab Notes tab forward and display the selected tab) z Click the 0 button on the control bar to add a new entry. <or> F 1 From outside of a case, left click on the M next to the case file folder Expanding to see the tabs for the case. z Right click on the NOTES tab to get the tab menu. s Select ADD NOTE. NOTE ENTRY BOX Date ro2111, Time 11 Z Spent 00 0t1 , ByJL.AU,A Type j r Billable? V Ok w E.-Mail X Cancel The Note Entry dialogue box is displayed whenever you create a new entry for the Notes or Tab Notes function tabs of a case file 5 Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 104 Date - Records the date the note was entered. Defaults to today's date, although other dates may be entered if necessary. Time - Records the time the note is entered This value is taken from the system time on the individual workstation on which LawBase is running. Defaults to current time, although another time may be entered if necessary. Spent - Tracks the total amount of time the current case has been open. Time increments are user defaults controlled by your LawBase Administrator. Usually six minute increments (tenths of an hour) are the default The Time Spent value can be used later on to track how much time a user or your office spends in a case This information can then be used in conjunction with the BILLABLE checkmark to calculate fees if necessary NOTE- The clock begins ticking when a case is opened and the time value immediately jumps to the first increment amount Consequently if your time increment is set to six minutes, a note entry made after a case file has been open for three minutes will display six minutes as the Time Spent Additionally, any further notes calculate time spent not from the time the case was opened, but rather from the time the last note was entered. By - The login of the individual responsible for creating the note entry. This field is automatically filled in with your login when you create a new note entry but it can be changed if necessary Type - The type of event being referenced in the note entry Defaults created by your office populate the pull-down menu Although it is possible to enter values which do not exist in the list, it is not advisable to do so unless there is some extenuating circumstance that makes is necessary. Speak to your LawBase Administrator to add or remove items from the Type pull- down list. Billable - Marks individual noted events as billable. This is valuable in creating reports which track time and billing. The default of this may be either checked or unchecked depending upon your user setup Speak with your LawBase Administrator if you believe it should be changed Launch - Identified by the rocketship button, the launch field allows you to attach files or documents to your Note entry. Note - The actual note entry itself is entered in this space. You are able to use the rich text formatting buttons above the Note area to add bolding, underlines etc. Email— The email button allows you to email the note. Critical Dates o critical Dates J Critical Dates Function Tab The Critical Dates function tab contains all the calendar entries for a LawBase case file. This might include PENDING, SUSPENDED, and even COMPLETED Critical Dates. Navigation Bar-Navigate your list of Critical Dates, add new entries 0, delete entries 0 and more. Complete Critical Date - Completes the Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 105 selected Critical Date(s), thereby removing the Critical Date(s) from the LawBase calendar This does not delete the Critical Date The completed Critical Date will be moved to the default tab set by your administrator(either Notes, History, or Critical Date). (It is advised that you complete Critical Dates to the History function tab unless you have a compelling reason to do otherwise) �+ Select All Critical Dates - Marks all Critical Dates on the function tab for completion. This can also be performed by manually selecting each Critical Date to mark for completion. Print Notes - Launches the LawBase report generator and displays all available calendar reports. puedate Search in Entries - Find a specific entry in -- --- the Date, Type, What, or Attachment columns of the Critical Dates Tab. To choose which column you would like to search, hold down the CTRL key and click on the header of the column you wish to search. NOTE You cannot search the Notes area of Critical Dates because it is a rich text field Date Date Column - Displays the DATE individual Critical Dates are due. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. NOTE The depressed arrow displayed at left indicates that the Critical Dates function tab is being sorted in Inverse order by date. Type Type Column - Displays the TYPE of individual Critical Date entries. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header What What Column - Displays the WHAT entry of individual Critical Date Entries. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. Antes Notes Column - Displays the NOTES added to Critical Date entries You cannot sort on Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page106 by the Notes column because it contains Rich Text Attachment Attachment Column - Displays the location information for files which are ATTACHED to individual Critical Date entries. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. 5tatu Status Column - Displays the STATUS of a Critical Date entry Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. Selected Column—The arrow indicates what row is selected. HIDDEN FEATURES OF THE CRITICAL DATES FUNCTION TAB Click on a column Sorts the column (toggles either desceding or ascending order) header SHIFT-click on a Selects multiple columns for sorting (toggles either desceding or column header ascedmg order subsorts) CTRL-click on a Sets that column as the default for the "Search In" function. column header ADDING CRITICAL DATES TO THE CALENDAR All the calendar events for a case can be added, deleted, and organized from the Critical Dates function tab (You can also work with Critical Dates directly from the LawBase calendar.) Each entry in the Critical Dates tab creates an entry in one or more LawBase calendars. (There is an exception to this rule) Usually Critical Dates which are completed for the purpose of removing them from active calendars are moved to the History or Notes function tabs It is possible to complete a Critical Date and keep that entry in the Critical Dates tab of a case These entries have a status of"COMPLETED"but are otherwise indistinguishable from active Critical Dates when viewed from the function tab It is therefore unadvisable to leave "completed"calendar entries in the Critical Dates tab if there are no compelling reasons to do so To add a Critical Date entry to an open case file: i Click on the Critical Dates function tab on the bottom of the case file screen. 2 Click the icon(just above the area where the list of Critical Dates entries is displayed ) s The Calendar Entry box is displayed <or> Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 107 1 Right-click directly on the Critical Dates function tab on the bottom of the case file screen 2 Click on Add. 3 The Calendar Entry box is displayed. <or> 1. From outside of a case, left click on the F+1 next to the case file folder. Expanding to see the tabs for the case 2. Right click on the CRITICAL DATES tab to get the tab menu. 3. Select ADD CRITICAL DATE. THE CALENDAR ENTRY BOX Main Information I Details What Name Resp DREW Date 08/11/200311 Monday StertTime 12 05PM�EndTiin rv-# Show Past Due Date? l— Show As Appointment? Type Default � Zj Tickle Intervall Alarm � Time]_ Status PENDING _For Case Test Synaptec Synna'p�tac Software Test Case-Defauk §1 I cl8lack _7j 90 --�_ r �k Recur X Cancel F.-Mail You utilize the Calendar Entry dialogue box whenever you add a Critical Date from either the LawBase calendar or from within a case file There are two portions to the Critical Date entry box, Main Information and Details MAIN INFORMATION: WHAT A short description of the calendar entry. Usually this field contains information expanding on the Critical Date TYPE field DATE• The day on which the event is scheduled. This field defaults to today's date, but will almost always be changed to some future date Once a date has been selected, the day of the week is automatically displayed. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 108 STARTING TIME: An optional field which is only utilized when the critical date is also marked SHOW AS APPOINTMENT The starting time allows you to block of times in the time register of the DAY VIEW of the LawBase calendar If a starting time is designated but no ENDING TIME is filled in, the DAY VIEW will display just the start of the event If an ending time is designated, the full span of the event will be hilighted in the DAY VIEW This field defaults to the current time which alternately serves the purpose of tracking when a Critical Date was originally entered by a LawBase user. This information is lost if the user designates an actual starting time for the critical date ENDING TIME• An optional field used in conjunction with the STARTING TIME. When filled in, and when the SHOW AS APPOINTMENT box is checked, these fields block out time slots in the DAY VIEW of the LawBase calendar. SHOW PAST DUE DATE Determines whether or not Critical Date entries will remain on users calendars even after the due date has passed The default state for all Critical Date entries is such that they remain on users calendars until they are actively removed. Thus if there is an entry to file a brief by a certain day, it is important that that entry not disappear from a users calendar simply because the due date has passed Because required actions frequently are not performed by the required time, it is advisable to leave these entries marked as SHOW PAST DUE DATE There are instances however, such as conference calls, lunches, and other appointments, which can easily be set to disappear from the calendar after they expire. SHOW AS APPOINTMENT• When marked as appointments, Critical Dates are displayed in the time register on the LawBase calendar DAY VIEW and the SCHEDULE VIEW Any Critical Dates which are set to occur at a specific time should be marked as appointments NOTE- You must also enter a STARTING TIME in order for appointments to be displayed in the time register on either the DAY VIEW or the SCHEDULE VIEW TYPE. Identifies the type of the Critical Date created. Each Critical Date calendar entry must have an entry in the TYPE field, although it is possible to type an entry which is not available from the pull-down list. Each entry on the TYPE pull-down list automatically enters a value into the TICKLE INTERVAL field. This field can be manually edited to change the tickler for any one Critical Date entry. TICKLE INTERVAL Displays the tickler rules for individual Critical Date entries The TICKLE INTERVAL field is set automatically by the Critical Date TYPE, but the default value can be modified simply by typing a new entry in the TICKLE INTERVAL field. Following is an explanation of the symbols used to describe the tickler: • d - day • w - week • in - month • b - bi-monthly • s - semi-annually • y - year Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 109 Each letter can be preceded by a number(except for'b' and 's')to designate multiples such as '4 days' or '3 weeks' These entries can be entered in any order (2d3wly can also be entered 3wly2d.) ALARM- Comprised of two separate fields, the ALARM lets you set a visual reminder for all parties listed in the PARTIES TO NOTIFY area of the Critical Date entry. Once you have entered a date and a time for the alarm, an informational reminder box will popup on all notified users' screens at the time designated. NOTE: Users must have LawBase open in order for the alarm to be activated. TIME: Time set for the alarm to go off. STATUS- Identifies the status of the Critical Date. The options are: ■ PENDING - The default condition for Critical Dates. The PENDING condition identifies the Critical Date as being active and visible on the LawBase calendar ■ SUSPENDED - Critical Dates which must be taken off of the LawBase calendar on a temporary basis Sometimes events which are delayed indefinitely or have rescheduling pending should remain as Critical Dates in their respective case file, but should not appear on the calendar. ■ COMPLETED -Normally any Critical Dates which are "completed" are removed from both the LawBase calendar and from the Critical Dates tab of the case file By changing the STATUS field within a Critical Date entry it is possible to change the status of an entry without removing it from the calendar or the case file Critical Dates function tab. FOR CASE Identifies the case file to which a Critical Date entry is attached When the Critical Date is created from within a case file, the FOR CASE field is automatically filled with information When creating a Critical Date calendar entry directly from the LawBase calendar you must link your entry to a specific case. Start typing the case name into the FOR CASE field to get a list of cases to link to the calendar entry. PARTIES TO NOTIFY: Listed on the right hand side of the Crticial Date entry screen. It indicates the LawBase users whose calendars should display the Critical Date entry RECURRENCE BUTTON- Set any Critical Date to appear repeatedly on users calendars. By setting a recurrence factor, LawBase automatically creates multiple mdependant copies of your Critical Date and schedules them according to the multiple criteria. (NOTE This is only found when first adding the critical date to the calendar, it does not appear when editing an already existing critical date) EMAIL BUTTON: Click on the email button to send a reminder to someone about critical date that is/has been added. DETAILS: POSTED DATE. The date that the Critical Date was entered into the system This field is automatically filled in when the calendar entry is created. POSTED BY The LawBase login of the user who entered the Critical Date This field is automatically filled in when the calendar entry is created. LAST CHANGED: The Date the Critical Date was edited after already having been added. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 110 CHANGED BY: The LawBase login of the user who edited the Critical Date after the Critical Date had already been added LOCATION. An electronic address link which may be utilized to identify a location for the event detailed in the Critical Date entry ATTACHMENT. Identified by the rocketship button, the launch field allows you to attach files or documents to your Critical Date entry. NOTE AREA. A free-text area which allows notes to be added to individual Critical Date enures. ADDING PARTIES TO NOTIFY Each Critical Date created can be sent to the calendars of multiple LawBase users or groups Use the right-hand pane of the Calendar Entry dialogue box to designate the users whose calendars will display the Critical Date you are creating. NOTE: As a default, the login of the party who created the Critical Date is always added to the list of parties to notify Speak to your LawBase Administrator about disabling this default. To add users or groups to the list: i Make sure you are already in the Calendar Entry dialogue box (get here by adding a Critical Date.) 2 Click , on the top of the right-hand pane of the entry form. A blank line is created. s Click in the blank field under Name' and a downward arrow appears, this signifies the availability of a pull-down table. a Click on the arrow to see the list of LawBase users and groups. s Choose the individual or group of individuals who should see the Critical Date being created NOTE All individuals named an a group will get notification of the Critical Date It as not necessary to name them individually if the group as chosen, s Click 0 when you are finished. Repeat this process for additional users or groups. You may also mark individual or multiple entries as "Responsible" by checking the `Resp' check box so that project leaders can be identified in the Critical Date entry itself or during reporting processes. t COMPLETING CRITICAL DATES OVERVIEW When the tasks outlined in a Critical Date have been completed, you may choose to remove the Critical Date from the LawBase calendar. This is especially true if you have marked the "Show Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 111 past due date" option on the Critical Date entry box. Rather than delete a Critical Date entry, which may delete all record of the activity associated with the Critical Date, it is usually preferable to "Complete" the Critical Date. To complete a Critical Date: (from a case file or from the calendar) From the Critical Dates function tab in a LawBase case file. 1 Highlight the Critical Date entry you wish to complete This may be accomplished by performing one of the following: >Smgle-click the 'Notes' column of the entry in question. >Single-click the far left column next to the entry to complete (this moves the Q to the entry which will be completed.) >Use the left and right arrows in the control bar to move to the entry to complete. 2 Click '-'� to complete the entry The Critical Date entry will automatically be completed to the previously established tab (Notes, History, or Critical Dates) Contact your LawBase Administrator if you do not know what this tab is set to. From the LawBase calendar. Highlight the Critical Date you wish to complete by single-clicking. Right-click and choose Complete from the popup menu The Critical Date entry will automatically be completed to the previously established tab (Notes. History, or Critical Dates). Contact your LawBase Administrator if you do not know what this tab is set to. The process of Completing Critical Dates accomplishes two tasks: It removes the Critical Date from all users' LawBase calendars It moves the Critical Date from the Critical Dates function tab in the associated case file. Where does a completed Critical Date go? By default, LawBase sends Critical Dates to the History function tab of the associated case file This allows you to see every scheduled event related to a case file. even after the event has taken place This is especially beneficial for auditing the progress of a case or matter after the fact. Your office has the ability to allow each Critical Date to be completed to areas other than the History function tab Other areas which may hold completed Critical Dates includes the case Notes function tab or even the Critical Dates function tab (completed Critical Dates are distinguishable by their status, marked "Completed" ) However, as a rule it is preferable to complete all Critical Dates to the same location in a case file Speak to your LawBase administrator about changing the default location to send completed Critical Dates. CRITICAL DATES OVERVIEW Critical Dates are the connection between LawBase case files and the calendar Every case in your database has a Critical Dates function tab which contains all the calendared items for that Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 112 single case file. Calendared items may include trials, depositions, meetings, reminders to send documents etc.. Critical Date calendar items can be set to display on the LawBase calendars for multiple users. Thus a calendar entry for a pretrial meeting might be sent to the calendars of responsible attorneys, paralegals, support staff, and a master office-wide calendar Even though multiple parties might have the same entry on their calendars, the entry itself exists at only one place in the database Consequently any user with security privileges can make a change to the calendar entry for all parties to see. Each Critical Date can be accessed, manipulated, completed, or deleted from within the case file to which it is attached or from the individual LawBase calendars. TICKLERS Ticklers modify the way Critical Dates are displayed on the LawBase calendar. A Critical Date entry is always visible on its due date, but ticklers allow individual events to show reminders prior to the date they are actually due These reminders, or "ticklers" appear only on the DAY VIEW of the LawBase calendar. The bottom pane of the DAY VIEW lists three types of Critical Dates; those that are due today, those that were due previous to today but were not marked as "completed" and have show past due date checked, and those Critical Dates which are scheduled for some date in the future but are being shown as a reminder (thru the Tickle Interval) These reminders can appear in this pane of the DAY VIEW according to any schedule described by the user. Each Critical Date has a field called TICKLE INTERVAL which holds the instructions for how the reminders to that calendar entry are scheduled. The TICKLE INTERVAL field is usually filled in automatically when the Critical Date TYPE is identified, but users can manually change this value. Thus a statute of limitations Critical Date might be set to remind users up to a year before it is actually due, whereas a deposition might only require a few days advance notice. Following is an explanation of the symbols used to describe the tickler: ■ d - day w - week ■ m - month ■ b - bi-monthly ■ s - semi-annually ■ y - year Each letter can be preceded by a number (except for'b' and V)to designate multiples such as '4 days' or '3 weeks'. These entries can be entered in any order ( 2d3wly can also be entered 3wly2d.) Case History HISTORY FUNCTION TAB OVERVIEW Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 113 The LawBase History function tab provides an area in each case file to store completed Critical Dates Rather than delete calendered events when they have passed, the History tab allows you to organize and search these events Although the History tab was originally designed to serve as a reservoir for completed Critical Dates, you can add new entries directly to the History tab. NOTE Contact your LawBase Administrator to learn how your office utilizes the History Function Tab HISTORY FUNCTION TAB The History function tab contains all the History entries for a LawBase case file, including entries created by completing Critical Dates or by direct entry. Navigation Bar -Navigate your list of History items, add new entries 0, delete entries 0 and more. Print Notes - Launches the LawBase report generator and displays all available Note reports. Duod a of Search in Entries - Find a specific entry in the Date, Type, By, Attachment, Bill, or Spent columns of the All Notes function tab. To choose which column you would like to search, hold down the CTRL key and click on the header of the column you wish to search. Date t Date Column - Displays the DATE individual History items were entered. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header NOTE The depressed arrow displayed at left indicates that the HISTORY function tab is being sorted in Inverse order by date. TYPE Column - Displays the TYPE of individual History entries This field is transferred from the same TYPE field in Critical Date entries Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header Achon ACTION Column - Displays the ACTION which led to the completion of a Critical Date. Typically this field holds the Status from completed Critical Dates Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page114 header. Method METHOD Column - Displays the METHOD by which individual Critical Dates were completed. This usually extrapolates on the Action field Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header. Lj�jtachment Attachment Column - Displays the location information for files which are ATTACHED to individual History entries Sort or Inverse- sort this column by clicking on the header Tab 1 TABI Column - By assigning a TAB number to History entries it is possible to create a pleadings index or other artificial event organization. Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header, jabs I TAB2 Column - Used in unison with TAB I, TAB2 offers an additional level of sub- categorizing events. Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header. What What—Used to give a brief description of what the history item is about. HIDDEN FEATURES OF THE HISTORY FUNCTION TAB Click on a column Sorts the column (toggles either desceding or ascending order) header SHIFT-click on a Selects multiple columns for sorting (toggles either desceding or column header asceding order subsorts) CTRL-click on a Sets that column as the default for the "Search In" function column header ADDING AN ENTRY TO THE HISTORY FUNCTION TAB Case History items are typically accomplished Critical Date entries which, and are therefore sent to the History function tab by the process of completing a Critical Date. It is possible, however, to add entries directly to the History function tab This may be necessary if record of previously completed activities need to be added to a case file, or if your office has decided to track some events in case History which are never calendared. To add an entry to the History tab: Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 115 i Click on the History funtion tab on the bottom of the case file screen. 2 Click the 0 icon(just above the area where the list of History entries is displayed.) 3 The History Entry box is displayed <or> 1 Right-click directly on the History function tab on the bottom of the case file screen. 2 Click on Add. s The History Entry box is displayed. <or> 1. From outside of a case, left click on the R next to the case file folder. Expanding to see the tabs for the case. 2 Right click on the HISTORY function tab to get the tab menu. 3 Select ADD HISTORY. HISTORY ENTRY BOX Date �� �e� Type[--- �'pe� -- _ -- Action � Method What Frosted Cate jW11120 "Posted By DRE(W�� dBlack Qk � -Mad XQancel Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 116 The History Entry box is used to create new entries to the History Function tab of a particular case file. Depending upon the practices of your company, you might only rarely add entries to the History tab in this manner. Most History entries were originally Critical Dates that were marked as complete These completed Critical Dates are turned into History entries to remove them from the LawBase calendar and to allow for the use of the additional fields found in the History Entry Box. NOTE. Every organization has its own way of utilizing the Case History Tab This HELP topic is meant only as an overview of some of the features of the History Entry box and may in practice be a very unsuitable description for your office's individual implementation. Please contact your LawBase Administrator for a better understanding of how your office utilizes History entries. DATE The day on which the event occurred This field defaults to today's date. If this field is filled by a completed Critical Date it will hold the date the event was originally scheduled to occur, also called the DATE field in Critical Dates. TYPE. Describes the category of the event. On completed Critical Dates this contains the value which was originally entered as the Critical Date type. ACTION: The event which caused the History entry to be created. Normally the ACTION field is automatically filled with "COMPLETED" when a Critical Date is completed and turned into a History entry It is possible to be more specific by entering more detailed information to the ACTION field For instance, if the History entry refers to a deposition, the ACTION field might say "TAKEN" or even "POSITIVE" to describe the outcome of the completed deposition METHOD- Used to modify or extrapolate on the information in the ACTION field For instance, the ACTION may be "SERVED," thus the METHOD field might say something like "CERTIFIED" or "COURIER" to explain more precisely how the ACTION took place The ACTION field is not auto-filled by completing a Critical Date. TAB#• Useful in creating pleadings indexes, the TAB fields allow you to ascribe whatever indexing numbers you see fit. If your office utilizes a numbering system for docketed events or for case-related actions, the TAB field would be a good place to store that information. Later on you can sort on this field. WHAT The full description of the event (sentence length.) This is automatically filled by the Critical Date WHAT field when they are completed. POSTED DATE: The day that the History entry was created This defaults to today This field is also filled in with today's date when a Critical Date is completed POSTED BY The login of the person responsible for creating the entry. LAUNCH- Identified by the rocketship button, the launch field allows you to attach files or documents to your History entry. Any item attached to completed Critical Dates also appear in the launch field. NOTE. A free-text area which allows extensive notes to be added. Notes are imported from completed Critical Dates. Office Link OFFICE LINK TAB ,I Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 117 The Office Link Function Tab provides links to any documents or files related to an individual LawBase case file By selecting the network location of word-processing files, spreadsheets, courtroom presentations, and other files, you give immediate access to these files for everyone with security permissions to do so It is possible to launch any file or document from within LawBase, giving you the ability to speedily review documents related to a case, or change information in an attached file. Navigation Bar-Navigate your list of History items, add new entries and delete entries. The printer icon launches the LawBase report generator and displays all available Attachment reports. 7jTt E Search in Entries - Find a specific entry in the Title, Posted, Author, Type or Filename columns of the Office Link tab. To choose which column you would like to search, hold down the CTRL key and click on the header of the column you wish to search. Preview' ' Preview - Click this box to see a quick preview of the file selected in the pane on the bottom left. The preview appears in the bottom right pane Stretch , Stretch - Click this box to stretch the previewed file in order to view more in the preview window. Title Column - Displays the Title of the attachment (This title is specified when the document is attached, thus it does not necessarily have to match the actual title of the document) Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header P-O-s t-e-dl Posted Column - Displays the DATE the file was attached. Sort or Inverse-Sort this column by clicking on the header. uthni Author Column - Displays the login of the individual who attached the file or document. Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header. FT-YP-0-1 TYPE Column - Displays the TYPE of individual attachments This field should be filled in when you select the file to be attached. Consult your LawBase Administrator if any file types are missing Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page118 from the pull-down list of options. Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header. Filename Column - Displays the path and name of the attached file This field is automatically filled in when you select the file to be attached Sort or Inverse-sort this column by clicking on the header Contacts THE CONTACTS DATABASE Your LawBase database includes an electronic contact database which is just as customizable as your case / matter database Your organization has most likely custom designed the contact database to allow you to track the individuals and organizations important to your practice. The electronic contact database functions in exactly the same way as your case/matter database All the features and functionality you are provided by your case /matter database also exists for contacts. This includes all the Function Tabs and all the data field abilities. Calendar The LawBase calendar is a powerful tool in managing your company's time In addition to having standard calendaring abilities, such as group scheduling, appointment making, multiple views of your calendar and more, your LawBase calendar is tightly integrated with your case/matter database, and allows you control all of your docketing and case scheduling from one easy-to-use interface. Click on the links below to learn more. THE LINK BETWEEN CASES AND THE CALENDAR Every case in the LawBase database has a function area called Critical Dates. These Critical Dates are calendared events for a specific case. These events might include trials, depositions, meetings, conference calls, etc When individual Critical Dates are created from within a case file, the notice of these calendared events is automatically exported to the LawBase calendar. In each Calendar Entry, it is possible to notify multiple parties or groups of the event. Thus any entry to the LawBase calendar can have a direct link to an individual case file in your database Calendar View Tabs CALENDAR VIEW TABS The Calendar has 5 tabs that allow you to customize your view. ■ The YEAR view offers a year-at-a-glance and does not display any Critical Dates. Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 119 ■ The MONTH view displays an entire month, including abbreviated information on all your Critical Dates that are due in that time period. ■ The WEEK view also shows abbreviated Critical Date information a week at a time. ■ The DAY view is most comprehensive and in the left pane graphically displays your appointments by hour, half-hour, or whatever increment you choose (NOTE Speak to your LawBase administrator to change the time increment on your personal calendar) Displayed in the bottom pane are all of the Critical Dates that are due or are being tickled ■ The SCHEDULE VIEW displays the appointments of single or multiple persons or groups You can configure the schedule tab to display whatever combination of users you choose. LAWBASE CALENDAR -YEAR VIEW The YEAR VIEW displays an entire 12-month piece of your calendar. (NOTE- No Critical Date entries are displayed on the YEAR VIEW.) What can I do with the YEAR VIEW calendar? Double-click a date to be taken to the DAY VIEW for that date. <or> Right-click and choose "Go to Today" to return to today's date in the YEAR VIEW. Today's date is always circled in red in the YEAR VIEW. The date currently being viewed is highlighted blue. LAWBASE CALENDAR- MONTH VIEW The MONTH VIEW displays one month at a time. Within each day are displayed any Critical Dates which are due When more Critical Dates are due on a date than can be displayed, a scroll bar appears. Some of the things you can do on the Calendar Month View: ■ View another month - Click on the forward or backward arrows on either side of the screen To advance directly to another month or year, use the pull-down menu on the top of the screen ■ Open a Critical Date - Double-click on the entry you wish to view. ■ Add a Critical Date - Double-click on a specific date, or click the + button on the top left of the screen ■ There are also several options available by right-clicking on an existing Critical Date entry. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 120 Goto File - opens the case file to which the Critical Date is attached. Complete - removes the Critical Date from the calendar and moves it to the History section of the case file. Click [HERE] to learn more about completing Critical Dates. Delete - deletes the Critical Date. Recommended only when there is no reason to have any record of the calendared event. Add Note - adds a note directly to the case file which contains the Critical Date in question. ■ Reschedule Critical Dates - Drag Critical Dates from one calendar location to another for easy rescheduling, or open the Critical Date entry and change the due date directly ■ Copy Critical Dates - ALT-Drag Critical Dates to create an exact copy of the calendar entry on another date (This makes scheduling multiple-day events easy) LAWBASE CALENDAR-WEEK VIEW The WEEK VIEW of the LawBase calendar displays Critical Dates a week at a time. To see the calendars of other individual users or groups, select them from the pull-down list on the top of the screen. What can I do with the Critical Date entries on the WEEK VIEW? ■ Open a Critical Date entry - Double-click an entry to see the details in the Calendar Entry Box ■ Reschedule Critical Dates - Drag individual entries to another date to reschedule Critical Dates. ■ There are also several options available by right-clicking on an individual Critical Date entrv: Goto File- opens the case file to which the Critical Date is attached. Complete - removes the Critical Date from the calendar and moves it to the History section of the case file Delete - deletes the Critical Date Recommended only when there is no reason to have any record of the calendared event. Add Note - adds a note directly to the case file which contains the Critical Date entry. ■ Copy Critical Dates -ALT-drag calendar entries to create an exact copy on another date. Calendar Day View LAWBASE CALENDAR-DAY VIEW Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 121 The DAY VIEW of the LawBase calendar has three panes of information August �2003 " Yea? Month week Uey Schedule 6m art:n Tue Sd T� Fi Sv 9ih Mon Tue WH Th, rn Sae Sun m_xr T+x dN Thu Po 3s 6m Man Fw Wed Thu Fri 56 1 2 1 2 3 e 5 6 1-- 3 i I 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 7 6 6 U 0 12 19 5 9 7 6 9 V 11 2 3 6 5 6 7 9 2 90 V 0 R A3 N a R % e K 17 U O 26 f1 9 M 5 1 9 a 9 * 0 a t3 N 16 PM-, n 6 a N 21 22 23 21 22 n 26 26 n 27 tS 20 21 u 23 26 26 w 17 r M 20 21 22 30 N 25 3 27 29 29 >0 26 a30 M H b 29 30 91 n iV 25 26 27 26 26 Pitt, 30 3 LV PM 7u6W MU2003 P Date Type Whet ForCeSe q W t PM 30 PM 6 00 PM 30 go 6P 30 - PM 7 G0 PM PM PM PM I PM � 900 PM PM t0 P 3U 00 PM rl LAWBASE CALENDAR- DAY VIEW(TOP PANE) The top pane of the DAY VIEW displays months at a glance. Depending upon your screen size and resolution, you may see many months at a time. Click on a date in the top pane to jump to that date. Additional information, such as Critical Dates and appointments are then displayed in the other panes of the DAY VIEW. <or> Right click and choose Go to Today to automatically highlight today's date. LAWBASE CALENDAR- DAY VIEW(LEFT PANE) The left pane of the DAY VIEW shows Critical Date entries that have been marked as "Appointments " NOTE: standard Critical Dates become Appointments solely by marking the box titled "Show as Appointment" in the Calendar entry dialogue box These appointments may show at a specific time. or may show a "block" of time For instance, a company meeting that is scheduled between 3 and 5 P M may show a green bar blocking off the full two hours for the meeting. Events that do not have scheduled ending times may only display their start time The Critical Date entry form allows for both starting and ending times for appointments, although only a start time is required for appointments. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 122 What can I do with the Appointments pane in the DAY VIEW? Double-click on an appointment to see the calendar entry dialogue box,where you can see additional information about the entry. <or> Right-click on an appointment to get a list of possible actions: ■ Choose Goto File to open the case file connected to the given appointment ■ Choose Complete to remove the appointment from your calendar (and everyone else's LawBase calendar) Click [HERE] to learn more about completing calendar entries. is Choose Delete if you wish to remove the appointment from your calendar AND to delete all record of its existence NOTE. it is advisable to use the Complete feature rather than deleting calendar entries because it retains a record of the scheduled event) ■ Choose Add Note to quickly add a note to the case file that is attached to the appointment entry. <or> Double-click on an open time to add a new entry. The displayed date and time you clicked is automatically filled in in the Calendar Entry box. (NOTE: The times shown in the left pane of the DAY VIEW show different time increments according to individual LawBase user preferences. Contact your LawBase administrator to change your time increment.) LAWBASE CALENDAR- DAY VIEW(BOTTOM PANE) The bottom pane displays Critical Dates which are either due on the day being examined, are past due and have not been completed, or are being tickled for some future due-date. All entries displayed in the bottom pane are for a specific date (either actual or tickled.) To determine which date is displayed, look for the date highlighted in blue in the top pane of the DAY VIEW. Click on another date in the top pane to see Critical Dates and ticklers for that date. NOTE The bottom pane will not display critical dates when you are examining past dates, although appointments that were not completed will display LAWBASE CALENDAR-SCHEDULE VIEW The SCHEDULE VIEW allows you to examine a graphic representation of the daily appointment schedule for individuals or groups of users. This differs from the Appointment Pane in the DAY VIEW in that the SCHEDULE VIEW shows each user's appointment schedule separately. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 123 r To change the users displayed in the SCHEDULE VIEW: ■ Click on the user pull-down list on the top of the screen to select other users or groups to view When groups are selected, each individual in that group is displayed on a line. Any appointments for the selected individuals are displayed as color coded blocks. (Your LawBase Administrator has control over which colors are assigned to which types of events ) <or> ■ Right-click and select Choose Users to pick schedules you want to see This is useful if you want to view the schedules of multiple users, but no group exists with those users as members. Let your cursor hover over an individual entry to see a tool-tip with detailed information on the appointment Double-click on an entry to see its details. SEEING THE CALENDAR OF OTHER USERS OR GROUPS Regardless of which tab of the LawBase calendar you are viewing, you may select a different user or group from the pull-down table at the top of the screen If you select a group from the pull-down, you will be shown the Critical Date entries for all the members of that group. (NOTE. The ability to view the calendars of other members of your office can be tightly controlled by LawBase security. Your company may have restrictions in place which either make it impossible to view the calendars of other groups or individuals, or which limit which Critical Date entries you are able to see Consult your LawBase Administrator to learn more) ARRANGING THE SCHEDULE VIEW The SCHEDULE VIEW of the LawBase calendar will display the appointments of multiple individuals or groups on a daily basis There are two methods to choose which users or groups are displayed To show the schedule of a predefined group: t Click on the pull-down table on the top of the calendar view which displays the login name of the calendar currently displayed (this defaults to your login name) 2 Select the user or group from the list you wish to view in the SCHEDULE VIEW The identified users'names will appear in the bottom pane of the SCHEDULE VIEW To choose which users to show in the SCHEDULE VIEW: i Right-click in the bottom pane of the SCHEDULE VIEW. 2 Click on Choose Users s From the list on the left, highlight an individual whose schedule you wish to see. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page124 a Click L sl to send the individual selected to the right-hand pane marked "GROUP." This individual is now included in your ad-hoc schedule group 5 You may also use the IE to send all available users into your scheduling group. s Click�to see your schedule group. NOTE CALENDAR SECURITY SETTINGS MAY MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO SEE THE APPOINTMENTS OF CERTAIN USERS OR GROUPS CHECK WITH YOU LAWBASE ADMINISTRATOR IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SEE SOME CALENDARS. ADDING CALENDAR ENTRIES(CRITICAL DATES) There are two ways to add entries (also known as Critical Dates)to the LawBase calendar: ADDING CRITICAL DATES FROM THE LAWBASE CALENDAR You can add new calendar entries (Critical Dates) from directly within the LawBase calendar. These critical dates can be attached to any case file or contact file in your database, or can remain unattached. (NOTE. Some features do not exist on all tabs, therefore we will examine each tab individually) From which of the five calendar view tabs, would you like to add your calendar entry? ■ Year View ■ Month View ■ Week View ■ Day View ■ Schedule View YEAR VIEW 1 Single-click the date of the calendar entry you wish to create. 2 Click on the + button on the top left of the calendar window. or Double-click the date you wish to add an entry. MONTH VIEW 1 Click on the number of the day you wish to calendar(make sure that the frame around that day turns blue to indicate that it has been selected) 2 Click on the +button on the top left of the calendar window. or Double-click the date you wish to calendar (again making sure that you are clicking in the portion of the calendar box which turns blue when it is selected ) WEEK VIEW Double-click the date on which you want to create a calendar entry. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 125 DAY VIEW 1 In the top portion of the pain, single-click on a date 2 Click on the +button on the top left of the calendar window. or 1 In the top portion of the pain, single-click on a date 2 Double-click on a specific time in the left pane of the calendar window. (NOTE: This will bring up a Critical Date entry with the double-clicked time chosen as the starting time. SCHEDULE VIEW 1 Single-click (highlight)the date in the top pane of the calendar window. 2 Click on the + on the top left. or 1 Single-click the date in the top pane of the calendar window. 2 Double-click on the TIME you wish to create the calendar entry. LawBase Reports REPORTS LawBase includes the RAVE report writer RAVE is highly customizable and offers a powerful reporting environment Because RAVE reports are fully customizable, there is no guarantee that any two firms will have the same reports available For this reason, it is impossible to include instructions here for custom designed reports. Speak to your LawBase Administrator to learn about the options available to you RUNNING REPORTS LawBase divides your available reports into several categories. In order to find the report you wish to run, your must first ask yourself several questions. ■ Is this report a calendar report? ■ Will I run this report on a single case file (see next bullet) or on multiple case files? ■ If this report is run on a single case file, does it primarily pull information from the custom case tabs or from one of the function tabs such as Notes, Critical Dates, Case History or Office Link? Single case reports are available in two locations in the LawBase application. To run a single-case report: Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 126 i From the SEARCH TREE, locate the individual case file that you would like to involve in your report. 2 Right-click on the case and choose Case Report from the popup menu. This activates the Report Selection dialogue box All reports that have been created by your office (and which have been identified as single-case reports) are displayed. (NOTE Your office may have reports that require the selection of a specific case tab in order to operate correctly To run a case report utilizing a specific copy of a case tab, simply explode the case tree on the search screen and right-click on the case tab you wish to use in your report) 3 Double-click the report you wish to run. <or> 1 Open the case file you wish to use for your report. 2 Click on 64 to display the Report Selection dialogue box. Double-click the report you wish to run. (NOTE. Your office may have reports that require the selection of a specific case tab in order to operate correctly. To run a case report utilizing a specific copy of a case tab, browse to the tab and copy you wish to incorporate BEFORE you click on the printer button.) Function Tab reports pull information from the Notes, Critical Dates, History, or Office Link tab in a single case file. To run this type of report: 1 From the SEARCH TREE, locate the individual case file you wish to use in your report. 2 Click the + next to the case name to explode the case. 3 Right click on one of the displayed function tabs (Notes, Critical Dates, Case History, Office Link) and select the appropriate report type <or> t Open the case file. 2 Click on the function tab you wish to use. 3 Click on the function tab to display available reports. (NOTE Make sure you click on the printer button located on the function tab and not on the top of the case file.) Calendar reports are best run from the LawBase calendar, but depending on the specific report you may be able to run it from another location. To run a calendar report: 1 Click on '' to open the LawBase calendar. 2 Select the user or group you wish to include in your report from the pull-down menu on the top of the calendar screen. 3 Click on to open the Report Selection dialogue box. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 127 a Double-click the report you wish to run. <or> Run a calendar report from the Critical Dates function tab of a case file in order to see calendared items for only that case. <or> Your LawBase Administrator may have set up your system to allow calendar reports to be run from the SEARCH TREE Check the Reports tree in the left pane of the SEARCH SCREEN to see if you have any calendar reports available to you. To run a report on multiple case files: Go to the REPORTS section of the LawBase SEARCH TREE. Click the+ next to Reports to see the available options. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 128 LawBase Query Wizard QUERY WIZARD LawBase allows you to use a wizard to create SQL statements to find cases (or contacts) that match certain criteria This can simplify your life and shield you from having to know much about SQL. The wizard can be launched from a few places, but usually you'll w from the Search Screen. Launch Query Wizard 6 IT--"g gip, V rJInwt Foldets ,Jeff's Important Cases Test Folder Greenville Folder -. Examples for Law Firms ' n Cases by Attorney General Litigation Cases Peal Estate Cases _D Probate Cases T ,4�j Accident Gases _. Appellate Cases Work Comp Cases *� Examples for Corporations Examples for Governments _ Management Folders ;I All Cases Contacts + _ �i Law Firms Expert Witnesses Companies Courts D Colorado State Courts Federal Courts My Contacts All Contacts + i, Calendars When you launch the query wizard, you'll be presented with a blank database screen At this point LawBase waits for you to type in what criteria you're looking for You can search for i Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 129 information in the header, on any tabs, or in three major sub items. (Notes, Critical Dates or History) There is also a "Results Pane" at the bottom This shows either the matches for your search so far, or you can press a button to make it show the SQL statement that has been created A Query screen will look like the following. (Your screen will look different depending upon the database that has been designed for your firm) s ` } ] xa V) 1" Return Results for Search Tree? Serial File No F — Type of LawF � � Atty r Paralegal Matter-Name Client r StatusF� J Openedl Closed � LastChangedl IN By[ Securityl Work Flow --- »3 Client Information Officers/Directors I Corporation Into EMW Governance I Capital wd Dividends``Frc`bUousl ssumed I Name f—I F Chent Photo Address Address CAY1 State F----]- Zrpr— Phone f— Email DCB i Death 1 A e Synopsis Accident Nores CntrclCatNrstory To use the wizard, type the information you're looking for into any field. When you exit the field, a box will popup asking you how to match the information you typed in For instance, if you wanted to find all the cases that"JJT" is the attorney for, you would type in "JJT" into the Arty field When you exit the field, the following screen would appear. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 130 IMMONNOV -__ ATTY = JJT —Function roup-- -- r" Equal To(-) < Not Equal To(I=) C Greater Than (>) 1 GreaterThan orEqual To(>=) Less Than (<) r Less Than or Equal To(<_) 7K X Cancel Simply select how you want to find the cases (in this example Equal to JJT) and press the OK button. In some circumstances, some of the functions may be inaccessible. This is due to restrictions in SQL However, you should generally be able to do exactly what you need with the available choices After your first criterion is entered, the bottom panel of the Query Wizard will show you the results so far. 1294 Found SERIAL TYPELAW lAtty 1-Name IFNarne I status 46 17 JJT Abercrombie John OPEN 49 17 JJT Ames Adelbert OPEN Continue to build the query by entering values in fields on the header or in any of the database tabs To search for multiple values in a field, add values in the same field and the Query Wizard will search for any of the values entered LawBase will handle creating the best SQL statement for you including any needed links between tables. You may use wildcards in your searches also. Simply place an asterisk (*) to match any number of characters For instance if you wanted to find any entries that began with John, you could enter"John*" in a field. This would match"John', "Johnson" and "Johnston" as they all begin with JOHN. Unlike Smartfolders, you must enter the wildcards at the end of any entry you wish to search if you do not desire exact matches. Because Memo fields (in Notes, Critical Dates and History) contain invisible characters describing fonts, colors and the like, anytime you search one of these fields, wildcards will be automatically placed at the start and end of the field If you wish to sort your results by the contents of a field, simply right click on the desired field. To reverse the order of the sort, right click again on the same field. You may sort on multiple fields (for instance last name, then first name) by simply right clicking on them in the order you want to sort. By default, when you do a search, all the fields on all the tables you searched on will be returned. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 131 There are two ways to change this behavior. If you wish to select the fields you wish to see, simply drag and drop the field on the query results This will change the query to select any fields you drop on the results. There is also a check box in the header 4�1-,JFW-tyfn Results fin Search Trere" . When this is checked, only the fields on the header are returned and the wizard will only return one row for each file that matches This is used if you plan on using your results for a smart folder or a report For instance if you searched for all cases that had notes made after June 17, 2002 without this box checked, you might receive 4 results for a file that had 4 notes after June 17. (One result for each note) When you check this box, you'll only receive one entry for the case removing the duplicate entries. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 132 Query Options „ 30 t" Return Results for Search Tree Serial On the menu bar of the Query Wizard are a few options. The % button takes the created SQL statement and returns it to whatever called the Query Wizard. If you call the wizard from the search screen, the SQL will be returned and a temporary smart folder will be displayed containing the files that match your query. You may then go into these files just as you regularly do to modify them The button clears your current search and allows you to begin a new one. There is no way to undo criteria or sorts once they are selected, so you might have to start over if you make a mistake. This button will allow you to do this The button toggles the bottom panel from showing you the search results so far, to showing you the SQL that has been created so far This allows you to see the actual SQL code that LawBase creates from your work or to see which files match the criteria that you've selected. The Contact/Case File button 1> will allow you to change to search Contact files. Once you are searching Contact files, you may press it again to return to searching Case files. The Copy Button �6 will copy the created SQL code so that you may paste it elsewhere. The main use for this is if you wish to create SQL statements that you are going to use in the report writer You can create your SQL then use this copy button, allowing you to then paste the SQL in the Report Writers SQL You may export your results to Microsoft Excel using the Export button . This can be quite useful for ad-hoc reports or simply to send the results for further manipulation using the power of Excel { Finally, the Serial - section allows you to search (and sort) on the serial number for files. This field is not normally available on the database screens, so it must be placed here There are some limitations of the Query Wizard to be aware of. You may not search on Case Link Fields This is because there is no way for the system to know what has been linked into these fields. (Any Case Link may be linked to any page and field in the database. SQL must know exactly what page and field were linked.) If a field is a text field, searching for numeric data will probably only work if there are leading zeros Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 133 1 I HotDocs INTRODUCTION TO HOTDOCS 91 HotDocs is a document assembly application designed to work seamlessly with LawBase. By creating your own HotDocs forms, you have the ability to use your Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect to automatically generate documents or forms and automatically include data pulled directly from LawBase To learn more about HotDocs and how to pull LawBase data into your HotDocs forms, please see the HotDocs Help File NOTE Every HotDocs form available in LawBase has been custom-built for your firm, either by Synaptec Software or by individuals in your company. This level of customization makes it impossible to discuss the specifics of any HotDocs documents. Speak to your LawBase Administrator to discuss individual HotDocs forms. HOTDOCS CAN BE RUN SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS. From the Search Tree i Right-click the case file you wish to include in your HotDocs document. 2 Select Run HotDocs from the popup list. 3 Select the form you wish to create. <or> From an open case file Open the case file. i Click 9 to start HotDocs. 2 Select the form you wish to create. Additional Notes Some of your HotDocs forms may require that you select a specific Case Tab or Tab Copy before running HotDocs. For instance, in order to generate a letter to opposing counsel you might have to browse to the case tab which displays the information for the counsel you want to be included in the letter Speak to your LawBase Administrator to learn more about running your specific HotDocs forms mISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Shortcut Keys Control Bar (Abort Changes) Cancels any changes you have made to the currently selected item. Control Bar(Add) Creates a new entry. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 134 Control Bar (Change) Makes 'editable' the selected record. Control Bar(Delete) Deletes the selected item. Control Bar (First Record) Moves to the first record to the list of items. Control Bar(Last Record) Moves to the last record in the list of items. Control Bar (Next Record) Moves to the next record in the list of items. Control Bar (Previous Record) Moves to the previous record in the list of items. Control Bar (Save Changes) Saves changes made to the currently selected item. Control Bar Critical Date Recurrence Critical Dates which occur regularly over a period of time can be automatically created using the Recurrence option located in the Calendar Entry Box. To set a recurrence pattern for a Critical Date: 1 In an individual Critical Date entry, click on PR Recur E 2 Choose a Recurrence Pattern - Set the Critical Date to show up either every day, week month or year in a given period 3 Define the Secondary Pattern - Depending on which recurrence pattern you choose, LawBase gives you additional options to further customize the repetition of calendar entries. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 135 DAILY GROUP - Choose to create Critical Date entries every day, every two days or some other pattern You can also choose to create Critical Date copies on every weekday within a period of time. WEEKLY - Select the weekly interval to copy the calendar entry. Then for each weekly occurrence choose which days to calendar MONTHLY - Choose the number of the day in each month you wish to calendar or identify a date using english operaters such as "First" or "Last." YEARLY - Identify a specific date every year on which to place a copy of your Critical Date. a. Define a Start and Finish date - Fill in the "Start" and "To" dates to define the first and last copies of the Critical Date to be created Critical Dates LawBase refers to any calendared event as a "Critical Date." This may include events such as depositions, hearings or trials, but less important dates such as reminders to check for incoming documents are also included in the definition. Office Link Entry Box When adding attachments to the Office Link Function Tab you must indicate the network location of the file(s) in question. After clicking on the +to add a new item, the Office Link Entry Box is displayed. TITLE The name you ascribe to the document of file. Although you might normally use the actual document name (protect doc), you also have the ability to give files more appropriate and explanatory names (Letter of Protection) FILE Click on the folder next to the File field to search for the document or file you wish to attach A Windows-standard search dialogue box appears Browse to the file on the network and either double-click or single-click and choose Open. This will insert the path and document name in the File field. NOTE- If you attach files located on your C:A or other local drive, these files will not be available to other members of your office. POSTED: Automatically filled in with today's date This marks the date the file was attached in Office Link, not the date the file or document was created POSTED BY- Automatically filled in with the login of the individual responsible for attaching the file or document. TYPE The format of the file or document linked, such as Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Lotus Approach etc The entries in this pull-down list are determined by your office Speak with your LawBase Administrator if you believe the list should be modified Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 136 Report Properties Individual reports might be specially created for a specific area of LawBase. Some reports print calendar information, some print case notes, and others print basic case information LawBase is smart enough to only show you the reports that apply to your current work environment Thus if you are viewing the LawBase calendar and you press the printer button, you will be shown only those reports that have some calendar element (and which usually span all your cases in the database ) If you were to press the printer button on the Critical Dates function tab of a given case, you will see other calendar reports, designed specifically to be run on one case at a time. There are 8 places from which a report can be run in LawBase. Each location may show different available reports. Rich Text The term "Rich Text" refers to the ability to add formatting to standard type This formatting may include bolding, italics, underlining,bullets, or more. Because rich text uses special characters to create text formatting, SQL databases cannot search rich text fields. LawBase includes rich text edit buttons in several locations throughout the application From left to right ■ Undo Last Formatting ■ Cut ■ Copy ■ Paste ■ Bold ■ Italics ■ Underline ■ Strikethrough ■ Font Color ■ Left Justify Text ■ Center Text ■ Right Justify Text ■ Bullets Shortcut Keys Almost every function in LawBase can be achieved by a combination of shortcut keys. Following is a list of available keystrokes, separated according to LawBase function area. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 137 SEARCH SCREEN SHORTCUTS SHIFT-F1 Go to the LawBase Calendar CTRL-N Add a new Case CTRL-L Add a new Contact Down Arrow Go to the next hilighted group in the Search Tree, or the next Search Filter on a Search Tab Up Arrow Go to the previous hinghted group in the Search Tree, or the next Search Filter on a Search Tab I Right Arrow Explode a closed group or case file Left Arrow Close an exploded group or case file CTRL-right arrow Go to the next Search Tab CTRL-left arrow Go to the previous Search Tab TAB Move from the left pane to the right pane SHIFT-TAB Move from the right pane to the left pane ENTER Open or activate currently selected item ALT-F Open File pull-down menu ALT-E Open Edit pull-down menu ALT-O Open Options pull-down menu ALT-W Open Window pull-down menu CASE FILE SHORTCUTS F2 Go to the ALL NOTES function tab F3 Toggle between EDIT and BROWSE mode F4 Delete case file F7 Go to the OFFICE LINK function tab F8 Go to the HISTORY function tab F9 Go to the CRITICAL DATES function tab CTRL-N Add a new copy of the selected case tab CTRL-S Save the case file CTRL-W Save and close the case file ALT-P Run a report CTRL-right arrow Go to next case tab Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 138 CTRL-left arrow Go to previous case tab TAB Go to next field on tab SHIFT-TAB Go to previous field on tab ALT-down arrow Open table attached to field ALT-W Maximize Case window ALT-S Show Tab Copies ALT-F Open File pull-down menu ALT-E Open Edit pull-down menu ALT-O Open Options pull-down menu ALT-W Open Window pull-down menu ALT-H Open Help pull-down menu FUNCTION TAB SHORTCUTS F2 Go to the ALL NOTES function tab F7 Go to the OFFICE LINK function tab F8 Go to the HISTORY function tab F9 Go to the CRITICAL DATES function tab CTRL-N** Add a new Entry CTRL-S Save the case file CTRL-W Save and close the case file ALT-P Run a report **NOTE- See next section for Shortcut keys after you have added a new entry. ENTRY BOX SHORTCUTS NOTE: These shortcuts apply to Notes, Critical Dates, and History entries TAB Move to the next data entry field SHIFT-TAB Move to the previous data entry field Ap F2 Open advanced text editing for notes area of Entry box CTRL-B Toggle Bolding on and off CTRL-I Toggle Italics on and off CTRL-S Toggle Strikethrough on and off Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 139 CTRL-C Copy highlighted text to clipboard CTRL-X Cut hightlighted text to clipboard CTRL-V Paste text from clipboard ALT-R Go to Recurrence dialog box ALT-C Cancel Data entry ALT-O Save and Close entry box CTRL-ENTER Save and Close entry box printer setup LawBase utilizes you Windows printer setup. In order to make changes or add new printers, you must use Windows to make the change To change printer settings 1. Click Start,point to Settings, and then click Printers. 2. Right-click the icon for the printer you are using, and then click Properties. The settings you can change depend on the type of printer you have. Click the different tabs to see all of the options you can set NOTE- Changing the printer properties will change them for all documents you print on this printer. To change these settings for one document, click the File menu in your program, and then click Page Setup or Print Setup. selecting a printer LawBase uses your Windows 95/98/NT printer settings. Any printers you have previously setup to be accessed from your system can also be used by LawBase Click on the icon to select which printer you want LawBase to utilize. NOTE- If you right-click on this button you can create a quick print of your currently selected LawBase screen Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page140 introduction to SQL LawBase uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to pull information from your case/matter database By performing queries of the LawBase system, you can select which cases fill your folders based upon each case's individual characteristics. To understand SQL, a basic understanding of the underlying data is necessary. The topic of Structured Query Language is to vast to explore here. There are several basic elements of the language which will allow you to perform most basic searches. The internet provides many sources of information on SQL and its use. E. Standard Reports for the proposed PCMS. Synaptec's Response While LawBase has a limited number of"standard" reports because of the flexibility of LawBase and the multiple ways that users can create their own custom reports, it is still difficult to provide you with printouts of the standard reports because each standard report allows for variables that allow you to create an infinite number of reports based upon the standard However, I have included several reports to give you an idea of the layout of our reports below. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System f, Page141 La Base NOTES ftnted By DREW For Case .cones v Acme Truc Tuesday,October 17,2006 Date - ,,-Sent sy Tvpe PWI�&=eOQW A 0 oREW PHONE ;akadln,the P'Curt&-he s sti I trearmwmb Dr29nwAk*. judgment .ett voi"nu-sSage for Jeff Tefelske COURT SM Tr-al has o**n set'or 03,I&TCD3,Akh ro-mes and A8-- Wle'2006,10 41 AM - OREW OMRTSETr Tr at--ate"a been set for 33,*.I.CDa wrh ro-jc*s verk-o P0,and ABC Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 142 LawBase Calendar for DREW Ool:2006 Nov 2006 9 M T JW T F S S tit JW IT F 3 1 4 S 6 7 3 4 1 10 11 12 12 14 S 6 7 S f� 10 11 15 -ITT- 17 IS —1—9 is I 17 is -1 —3 4 -19- =n 1 24 25 29 ;3 303 1 28 29 30 Date What For Case 10;1212006 CALL meeting-xith Cleveland Of 10113:2006, TRW El- travel to Houston I Of 16!2 30 6 STA7JS renewalof copyright for Cowsact for Kayrn D 10116Q-006 STATUS Did%ve get she set'lerrew Park ONo-vs-Tef 1011 61200-m-1 jones Y Acme-,ruckin I Oi 1612 906 STATUS Motion for SLIMMary Judg Sabl -vs-Erstid I Oil r12006 Jones v Acme-ruckin 10,(1 il"20006 SOI. deposition in Sextia of Dr Jones v Acme-ruckin I all r-,2,a3 6 STATUS meeting%vhh client about I 0.1 1712006 Default test repeatable appointme Zuk-vs-Hefter IWV2006 Default test repeatable appcintme Zuk-vs-Heller 10m7r2006 Default test-department mee ling Abercromf,,ie--vs-Rob 1011a(2006 Default *,es*repeatable iopcintrrve Zuk-vs- HePer 10111a:2006 Default test repeatable appointme zuk-vs- Helier 10.118s2006 Default tes*-depailknient meeting Abercrombie-vs-Rob 9011r9f2006 STATUS s:�us of copyrigh:filing Jones Industries-C 101,191,2006 STATUS check on Status of filing of Andrews-vs-Matuszl 1&W2006 STATUS Interroga',ories received b CcrAley-vs-Eholl l&2C!2006 CALL meet with VP and C:_:O -u 1&20.120X STATUS meeting with IAA Robinsc Bentley-vs-Desroche 1012(1112000* SOL Client Appointri,err Babb-vs- ErsW 1 0F21'20013 Default test repeatable appointme Zuk-vs- l-eller I Oi24,2004- TRAVEL light to Cleveland to talk 5 -1 Docs Appoitrment 1 X29,�200-le Defaul* ot 108112006 SEND monthly Status report to C Tu*sday Ov.ot*r 17 2030 Pig*I of ti Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page143 XVIL Additional Information LawBase System Overview Synaptec Software is recommending its flexible LawBase case management program as the solution for the needs of the City of Kent Synaptec's LawBase program provides a fully adaptable case management solution that allows clients to design the database to track information important to their firm. This combined with the features of LawBase described below combine to form a powerful case management package flexible enough to meet the needs of each of your practice groups This flexibility allows you to create a single database that would give users in each section the appearance of having their own customized system, but it would actually be part of a larger system allowing the benefits of firm wide reports and simplified system maintenance How can one product serve the needs of all these different users? Synaptec adapts your LawBase system to fit the way you do work, not the other way around With the ability to custom design your own database screens you can use your own vocabulary, organization and presentation style The security settings in LawBase allow each user to be limited to seeing only the information that is needed to perform their functions in the office. LawBase is a computerized Case Management system designed to increase the productivity and efficiency of your office LawBase is currently being used by thousands of law office personnel across the country, from governmental agencies to law firms with 750-plus attorneys and the legal departments of Fortune 500 companies We have over two decades of experience in helping clients develop their own solutions LawBase is also easy to use, and its intuitive design and straightforward approach has won praise from our users You'll be amazed at how easy LawBase is to use, thanks to the integration of the following features ..� Searching: Synaptec makes it easy to locate the matter that you are searching for with a simplified searching engine LawBase allows you to setup "smart folders" that automatically search the database each time you click on the folder Best of all, there is no requirement to know SQL or any scripting language to create these folders Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 144 You can also create drag and drop folders allowing you to create folders to organize your matters even when there Isn't a rule to determine the cases to be included There is no limit to the number of folders that you can set up in your system. Additionally, a matter can exist in as many folders as necessary. This allows different users to each organize matters in a way that makes the most sense to them without affecting the organizational structure of others You can even add security to each folder to determine who can see the folder on the search tree Fk Options Window Help 1294 Found a:.jAsgard-vs-Evans Smart Folders Aaron-vs-Evans Case Files ° Abay-vs-Evans Jeff's Important Cases ,�1 Abbott-vs-Evans Test Folder G+7 ,r Abbott-vs-Evans i Greenville Folder + Abercrombie-vs-Robinson I; Examples for Law Firrr€s L a Ables-vs-Everett ases byAttomey M; r',') Abrahams-vs-Everett Will Evans' Cases s_ Abramowitz-vs-Everley Phil Hornburger Cases Awn-vs-Drazewskr fins ms= (+3 =-:) Amato-vs-Dreier General Litigation Cases C1 Ambridge-vs-Dresser Real Estate Cases Ambrose-vs-Drexler a-21 Probate Cases ai 116 Ames-vs-Halliburton .A Accident Cases 1�1 x=1 Ames-vs-Driscoll ,Ll Appellate Cases C+ L, Amis-vs-Driver ,� Work Comp Gases � � q Ammen vs-Ridley Examples for Corporations Amos-vs-Drouant Examples for Governments F_p En Andrews-vs-Outimeyer Management Folders ffls=i Atlasys-Enderli T Cases wahout Status Note t+l Atwater-vs-Engelman Today`s Notes C+l-LE� Atwater-vs-England Today`s Critical Dote, E Aucoin-vs-Englert � � Auer-vs-English ;- RecentActivityw/oCOMS All Cases r Lt Aughtry-vs-English + Contacts Ayd-vs-Ericson Calendars [4l iLD Aylward-vs-Erikson r+i ILI Baaset•vs-Ernst L+t Babbvs-Erstad -- aj i ) Babilis-vs-Erwin Bacalis-vs-Eschme nn Ft 2D Bachman-vs-Esdorn Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 145 You can also do more "traditional" searches of either the matters or contacts on any field that you want to use for searching within the database Searches can be done using wfldcards, AND's, OR'S or other Boolean searching methods. .7 Case/Matter Database - Provides instant access to all matter information from anywhere, showing all case activity, schedules, critical dates and more The heart of LawBase is the user definable case/matter and contact databases As mentioned above, this can be set up by your office to track the Information important to you Also, you can use terminology that is already used by your office which greatly reduces the learning time of the application While other packages describe themselves as "customizable", many limit what fields or pages can be altered With LawBase, you have only 2 required fields and the rest of the database design is left to you Further, Synaptec provides you a utility that allows you to modify the database further after installation, so that as your needs change, LawBase will change along with you, so that you will never outgrow the program p 1131 xl gy Browse Re No Type of Law LITIGATION� 1�� Atty "' J ParalegalFF C Matter Name Jones-vs-Acme Trucking 2 found NONEfrome - A`% ,A„ � Inarrie Client Information Name Mr Jeffre I" Jones Jr Locke Becywrmo Address i 284 North 120th Street Address Api104 City Denver State 1co- 2ip 60225 Phone 303/825-6487 ? Email JJories@hotmail com DOB 01 J08/1959 -' Death 01/08/2002 ,, AcI9144 03013696 Synopsis Jeffrey Janes was driving east on West Main Streetwhen he reached . I the intersection with North South Avenue his car was forced off the road by the atruck driven by the defendant Acme Trucking,when its , r Accident Ic\S'r NAPTEC7DEMNriks\BESS BMP y. Nales „ TiiN Cra,calOMesHzBtay OffeLink -_ __ ________ ----- __ _, _._________---.._____.__..._ .....__.._......._....._____...____....._ Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 146 The above screen example shows several of the different field types that are available in the design Lawbase offers date fields; phone fields (that can automatically dial the phone on TAPI phone systems), email fields, which will work with any of the popular MAR email applications, links to other documents, images or objects on the network such as word processing documents, pictures, etc , and many others. LawBase also provides a customizable contact database allowing for a single point of information entry for people or companies that will be seen over and over again in different matters Contacts can be linked to matters with a single click of the mouse This is ideal for people like courts, judges, opposing counsel, claims adjusters, etc Here is an example of a court rolodex card: EdII} Contact Name Pefferson County Circuit Courts Company Jefferson County Court and Administrative Facility Type Of Contact Address 100 Jefferson County Parkway 1COURT � w E jjoojo 11 found NONE - J.* - Judge Info t inane�rAre 1 !Leto And 3031 f Judge Mr Chtstopher P— Munch Jack Barr 3031. , DtrectDial 303f271-6170 DtrectFax - men Boat 303r Email cmunch@ effarson co us B B Jnk :031 Bailiff Roger 3" Anderson Step Mun 3031 Lawolerk lGretchen FL7 Osbourn =Frank Plant 3031 Judicial Assistant JBevedy(Bev) Rachel ,Ruth Pow mot. ; Division Guru Room 329 e 1i 31 ;L T JUoa 3031 i ,James Lm 303E e Lf t{ l� 1 I 7 I 7 Notew T �eLink Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 147 This example shows the court information and judge information for Jefferson County Colorado You only have to enter the information about the court a single time and then duplicate the judge tab for as many judges as are necessary There is no limit to the number of times that a tab can be duplicated, so it doesn't matter if you need to keep track of a single judge (or any other type of contact) or hundreds or thousands You can switch the view of the judge by simply clicking on a different judge on the right hand panel of the screen As you can see from the above example, you can even store pictures in the database for easy reference .AV Graphical Workflow: Synaptec has prided itself on making LawBase the easiest case management system on the market for the last twenty yearsi Our latest addition is a graphical workflow module that allows you to create a "roadmap" for each type of matter and automatically schedule events This can be done without the knowledge of SQL or a LawBase scripting language allowing users to easily create these workflows Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 148 x PAGE4 " i,PAGE28 Arty trial If(Then l i e Action CHANGE CALENDAR 9 um4 SQL FEE Fietd Action ADD NOTES Action CHANGE CALENDAR 'Fold Update mil Ee(d Update mq t i I Field Update drscl sure You can create a workflow by simply dragging and dropping information onto the screen and entering the information that you want to appear automatically For example, the workflow on the left above, automatically sends an email message to the newly assigned attorney whenever the assigned attorney field changes Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 149 To CC' 130c; Attach. Subject New Assignment r Send Silently? t—he above--matter has been assigned to you to handle in the future You should review the file immediately and be aware that many critical dates may now be assigned to you X Cancel You simply have to enter the text of the message that you want to send The graphical workflow module can also create note entries, critical date (docketing entries), make changes to the database automatically, or even automatically create a Hot Docs® document whenever a certain event takes place This makes sure that whenever event "A" happens you can rest assured that reminders and notifications of event "B" will automatically be created ensuring that you never miss important deadlines or notifications again. je, 1:7 Document Creation: LawBase comes bundled with Hot Docs® document assembly software This allows you to create either Word or Word Perfect documents from templates that you create LawBase is the only case management software application that has created a bi-directional interface with Hot Docs meaning that not only is information from LawBase shared with Hot Docs to create your customized documents, but you can also set up the templates to automatically update LawBase with activities such as note entries, critical dates or changes to the database This can have a variety of uses in your office For example, once a notice of claim has been filed, you can automatically create a response letter, based upon information in LawBase, then have the document create a note entry so that you have a log of when the response was made and also create a critical date of the new limitation they have for filing suit Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 150 Conflict Checking: LawBase also provides a full-featured conflict of interest checking in the system While governmental legal departments such as yours do not have the same needs to do conflict checking as a private law firm, you may still have the need to search for names that seem familiar to you In this way, it would be easy to find that a claimant in a new matter is also a witness in another matter This can provide you with very valuable information AV I 1.7 Activity Notes: In addition to the database, LawBase adds additional functionality to both the matter and contact databases that allow you to handle the steps necessary to completely handle a matter One of these features is Notes Notes is like an unlimited electronic legal pad, that allows every user in the office to make notes to the file for later review Notes allow you to keep track of all the activity in a matter. This is an example of a note entry card in LawBase Date 0211112003 Time 1 33PM Spent 0{I 115 ` f3y RE4 Type PHONE I— Billable? =t ' �_=h '1�lBlack" t .1U ._. This is an example of an activity note it allows for an unlimited amount of text Additionally.you have all the rich text features that you are used to in word processing such as bold, r� &r underlining and even svkeeot You can also change the color of text and have different formatting options such as center or even night justification. • you can even add bullets if necessary Finallyw+th spagjV you can easily spot incorrectly spelled words y Qk E-Mail X.Qmncel i In addition to the features described in the text of the note, each note is date and time stamped and keeps track of who made the note automatically You can then select the "type" of note so that you can later easily find all notes of a selected type. For example, a list of all phone conversations You can also decide if a note is billable and this can provide you with the ability to quickly find all notes flagged as billable If you need to track and record your time, you can use the notes feature as an electronic time sheet We can even export time entries to a time and billing application if you desire. Finally, the header of the note, allows you to attach a document, image or object to the note allowing for quick retrieval later For example, you may send a letter to somebody outside the legal department and then when they call with questions about the document, you can retrieve the document with a single click of the mouse It will Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 151 _a automatically load the program in which the document was created and load the document LawBase will automatically load any type of document that you choose. Finally, once you have created the note entry, we wanted to make it easy to share this information with others by emailing the note to them { Eire Edit View Insert Format Tools &ctior+s Helps Tax.. C. . Subject: Jones-ys-Acme Trucking This is an example of an activity note It allows for an unlimited amount of text Additionally, you have all the rich text features that you are used to in word processing such as bold, italics, underlining, and even strikeout You can also change the color of text and have different formatting options such as: center or even right justification. you can even add bullets if necessary Finally with speellcheck you can easily spot incorrectly spelled words. LawBase automatically takes the information from the notes and creates an email message Now all you have to do is enter the name of the person you are sending It to and any additional introductory message. It is now very easy to share information with people either in or outside the department that you have entered into the notes without the need to re-key the information or even cut and paste it from the notes Since email plays an increasing important role in our professional lives, you can even drag and drop emails from Microsoft Outlook into a case to automatically create a note entry it,TCritical Dates/Docketing Manager— LawBase provides you the ability to track important deadlines for each matter or contact It reminds staff of critical dates, docket Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 152 4110111jp - dates and important deadlines, firm wide or for one case and produces "ticklers" before the deadline LawBase allows users to view these critical dates from either within the matter or contact as well as from the calendar. Browse � File No ABC101 Type of Law LITIGATION Atty PLH Parelegel ABC ' Duedate� .• 0% PreAew?r Stretch pate Type Wfa Notes M 6 hY #s 'EVIE t eadir U;I;;, e 111i1ty= i t 06/01/2003 DEADLINE Discovery Cut-off Date 06I01/2003 DEADLINE Deadline for Motion for SumrmaryJudgr 07/11/2003 DEADLINE Pre•Trial Statement Due 07/21/2003 DEADLINE Motams in Lmrne must be fled 07l3012003 DEADLINE Voir Dire and Jury InstrucTio are Due E407/3V200308 TAIAL Trial Date Trial Date today 21 Notes Tab Notes O CrAlcal Dateg tory QFf,a Leak This shows a view of all the deadlines related to the Jeffrey Jones matter These are the deadlines that were created by the workflow that we saw above This one automatically creates these critical dates when the trial date field was filled in the database. It creates a series of critical dates for all the tasks associated with this trial. By double clicking on any individual task you can see the full detail of that critical date. Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 153 Main I nio rm abo n I Details (0 _I0 Name Restt what ►ABC Date P—/31/-20035—f�lThumday StanTirneF68­30AM�End Tinri+8 3�0.AM � PLH W Show Past Due Date? W, Show As Appointment? Type TRIAL Tickle Interval 13w5d Alarm FO 7—/31/2 0 0 3 f7i TimeF 00AM Status [PENDING Zj For Caserj?—� FFe'Truckml A J! F A-1-111 d Trial Date today J kk j EgBecurj X-Qancejl -F-Mail j This shows the detail for the "Trial Date" critical date Unlike either Microsoft Outlook or Groupwise, LawBase does not make an artificial distinction between "tasks" and "appointments" Rather, LawBase realizes that something can be both a task and an appointment The trial date detail shown above is a good example The trial date is an appointment, you need to be in court at that time However, you also need to prepare for the trial ahead of time In LawBase, you can create both of these reminders with a single entry Additionally, you can assign this task to as many individuals or groups of users as necessary and you can easily display which of those users are responsible for completion of that task Finally, you can email this Critical Date to anybody else that needs to know This could be somebody in the office as a notice that you have added something to their calendar or to somebody else in the City government that needs to know that a deadline has been set I' '3T Calendar— Once the information exists in the critical dates section of any matter, you may want to view the information on a more personal basis of "What do I need to do today?" LawBase comes equipped with a calendar function that allows you to view what you need to do Synaptec Software, Inc. Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 154 PER W'C "'RIWV --AdAl fER—EW February 2t103 „ Year Month Week DeY Schedule ME Sun Man Tw Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun JAmw fir ed Thu Fri Sat AM �j 1 2 3 4 t -06— 5 6 7 8 3 10 11 2 3 4 5 8 1 0 'AM 12 13 14 15 19 17 19 0 10 11 12 13 Am to 30 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 17 18 18 20 21 22 —Aki- 26 27 29 29 30 31 23 24 25 28 27 20 AM 14-0r-')t Tod,":271412993 30 Date Type Whet AM lForcese 11 00 0112IY2003 0 STATUS Interrogatories:received by outside counsel on this r Cawley vs Altif 01/2712003 0 MEETING meeting oath Cleveland Office to discuss H/P issue AM 01/28/2003 0 STATUS check on status of filting of corporate tax return Ardews-Y 0C 01129/2003 0 TRAVEL flight to Cleveland to talk meet with local office to di FM 01/28/20031 MEETING Legal Tech Meeting to select booth for rext year , 01128/2003 0 STATUS meeting with client about status of case PIA ................ ..... 1 00 0112312003 0 MEETING Staff Meeting PM 01429/20030 STATUS status of copright tang jonft Indu 30 01/29/2003 0 SEND monthly staff report to CFO PM 200 01,r=003 0 MEETING meet woh'VP and CEO-update of litigation matters FIM, _j 02I1 4/2003 1 MEETING meeting wth Will Robinson in Executive Board Roo Benfley-ys 30 PM 00 PM 30 PU ♦ Wj The LawBase calendar provides multiple views (I e year, month, week, day and schedule) of your calendar Above is an example of a day view of your calendar It will display your appointments on the left hand side of the calendar while displaying your tasks, or critical dates, on the right hand side of the calendar. The task list will display all critical dates that are due today, are overdue and you have not completed the task or are due some time in the future and you have asked the system to remind you ahead of time You can view the detail of any critical date by double clicking on the specific task that you want to view Appointments can display in a variety of colors depending upon the type of appointment that it is For example, all trials could be displayed in red, while motions could be displayed in blue so that you could quickly view the type of appointment based upon the color Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 155 Mow I" X JDREW fF;eb�ruy 2003 Year Month Week Day Schedule Sur, Mor, Tue W4 Thu F(t Sit &jA Mon Tue W" Thin Fn Sal Sin Mor, Toe Wed Thu Fii SW 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 6 1 8 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 6 7 $ 9 to 11 12 S 10 U Q 0 Ift 16 9 10 tj 2 0 14 15 U 14 15 % 17 18 19 Is 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 17 10 M 20 21 22 20 V 22 23 24 25 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 <Xn Today:211402003 7 00 30 , _4M 00 am am_ 900 30 am 1000 30 6M 11 64 30 In addition to the standard views that are provided by other calendar applications, LawBase also provides a "Schedule View" that allows you to see multiple calendars side byside In this way, you can quickly see where multiple people are scheduled to be This can either be done based upon pre-assigned groups or on an ad hoc basis Synaptec has long believed in working with other leading software applications on the market, and in this area, we have developed interfaces that allow sharing information from LawBase to other popular calendar applications such as Microsoft Outlook@, Novell GroupwiseO and Lotus Notes Calendar@ With these optional interfaces, LawBase can allow users to keep the calendars that they are already using and eliminate any duplicate entries of important deadlines because they flow automatically from LawBase. &7,Case History — This feature allows you to track tasks that have been completed and can also be used as a pleadings index to give you a history of all activity on that matter Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 156 Date fO-2/03/2003 Typepi!� � Action [COMPLETED Method l --wJT*b*F—f— What ldid Jeffrey Jones call to schedule his meeting on depa? Posted Date 101129/2003 Posted By 1DREW 2 9 ZI UI-S d8lwk :jJ �.:: _^�] Jeffrey Jones called and setup a meeting with Drew to discuss his upcoming deposition I Qk X.Qancel _ -J In this example shown above, this item was scheduled to be completed on February 3, 2003, but was actually completed by DREW on January 2 8th 17 Office Link— Maintains links to documents and attachments of all types including word processing, web pages, images, etc In the same way that you can attach a document, image or object directly into the database (see discussion above on the launch capabilities of LawBase), we have also added a function that allows you to track all documents, images and objects related to a case in a single place called "Office Link." In the example below, you can preview the picture, document or object in the preview window If you then double click on the preview window, you can launch the application and work on it directly Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 157 Fi .el ► 'r 'i' ' 'r,� —`' �_xA i i ew '1 SiretCh� � Tl- E'_- - T,He t- Posted JAUther 1 Wx4�erfWMerge Files 05A2M39 DREW Gra[dnc Meese __, 05[1211" DREW ► 320-vetrclelD �05J12A999 DREW t a^ J otes age Ares t rat" al" istmy Oihca Lmk { Search & Report— LawBase allows you to produce reports from the information that you are tracking in the program This can be done in a variety of ways First, using the report writer that comes bundled with LawBase, you can produce reports and access them easily from the main LawBase screen as seen below File Options Window Help Repor#s Phil's Open Gases Open Gases by Attorney,' Calendar Report t Grrttcal Gates Report Case status Report Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 158 Here a list of pre-defined reports are available to be run However, each report can be set up to ask different questions so that the report can be customized each time to meet your exact needs For example, the "open cases by attorney" report asks for which attorney to you want to search and then includes only that attorney in the Report. Part of the training in LawBase will be to show your staff how to create these reports to match the exact requirements of your office Additionally, if your staff already has experience with an SQL report writer such as Crystal Reports®, you can continue to use that report writer and access the LawBase database information. LawBase will function with any Report Writer that can access an SQL database Finally, sometimes, you need to run a simple ad hoc report and don't want to go through the process of creating a full featured Report in the report writer for something that you plan to use only once This is a perfect time to use the LawBase Query Wizard. The Query Wizard was designed to allow users to easily export information into an Excel spreadsheet by using "Query by example methodology". You can also easily customize the report layout by simply dragging the fields that you want onto the report layout Finally, you can transfer that information to Microsoft Excel@ with a single click of the mouse Once in Excel, you can further modify the report or easily print or email it to somebody else. XV17 LawBase Security - LawBase includes sophisticated security functions allowing the system administrator to limit or prevent access to specific files by user, area of law or any other criteria. LawBase security also has a functional component, which can limit or prevent the use of features such as the Report Writer, Electronic Contact lists, etc LawBase allows the administrator to prevent, or allow, anyone access to any information contained in the database. This includes the ability to limit access based on type of employee or job level 4,17 Internetlintranet - LawBase is at the forefront of allowing your department to extract and publish information via a secured Intranet server. With its advanced report writer, selected information can be formatted in HTML or XML language for access by any standard browser One advantage of this method is that only the appropriate information is displayed in exactly the layout desired Different layouts may be used for various end-user constituencies Synaptec is also at the forefront of working with web services to allow information to be easily transferred between applications or to be "consumed" by either LawBase or other databases. We have already created web services allowing information to be shared Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 159 between different databases to allow for complete conflict of interesting checking in a single search rather than requiring the user to perform the same search in multiple databases manually The consumption of information using web services can be something as simple as entering a claimant's telephone number and having it complete the address fields based upon a search of the web for phone numbers You can also have other applications "consume" information from LawBase via a web service to transfer the information into the alternate database jkF Remote Access — LawBase can use a variety of methods to allow you remote access to LawBase from everywhere you want it You can connect to LawBase remotely using either WiFi technology or cellular In this way, you can pull LawBase information down wirelessly to your Windows PDA, laptop or even the new Windows Tablet PC's k.{ Interfaces to other popular applications — Synaptec has long believed that software applications should talk to each other and we have designed LawBase with a very open structure We have created interfaces to many different applications such as: Calendaring/Email LawBase will function with popular calendar and email applications such as Microsoft Outlook, Novell Groupwise and Lotus applications Document Management, LawBase offers interfaces to market leaders such as iManage, Hummingbird's PC Docs Open, and Worldox. These interfaces allow for a single click retrieval of all documents related to a matter Litigation Support LawBase interfaces with both Summation and Concordance litigation support applications allowing you to quickly gain access to deposition transcripts, exhibits, etc Time and Billing: LawBase works with scores of different time and billing applications to make transfer of information easy between applications Document Assembly As mentioned above, LawBase works with Hot Docs from Capsoft, the market leader in document assembly for the legal profession Included in the LawBase package are sufficient copies of LawBase to allow you to create and run different templates for each user in the system Synaptec Software, Inc Response to RFP for City of Kent Prosecution Case Management System Page 160 ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE rM 06-04-2007 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA/PHS ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 543148 P : (877) 616-7474 F : (877) 905-0457 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW PO BOX 33015 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURERA Hartford Casualty Ins Co INSURERS Hartford Underwriters Ins Co SYNAPTEC SOFTWARE INSURER 4155 E. JEWELL AVE. STE 600 INSURER DENVER CO 80222 INSURER COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS WSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFfECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE MMIDDIYYJ DATE MMIDD/YY GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE A Ei COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 54 SBA TQ 94 4 4 0 4/01/0 7 0 4/01/0 8 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire) S 3 0 0 / 000 CLAIMS MADE � I OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $10 1 000 X Business Liab PERSONAL&ADV INJURY ' $1, 000, 000 GENERAL AGGREGATE 52 r 000 , 000 GEN L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS_ COMP,DP AGO 52 1000, 000 POLICY 22T X LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE OMIT $1 r 000, 000 B ANY AUTO 54 UEC IQ1521 04/01/07 04/01/08 (Ea accident) I ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 6 X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 71 (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT 5 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY AGG $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ S DEDUCTIBLE S RETENTION 5 It WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WCSTATU OH- LIMITS EMPLOYERS LIABILITY E L EACH ACCIDENT 4 E L DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE $ E L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TIONSAOCA TIONSIVEHICLESIEXCLUSKINS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Those usual to the Insured' s Operations. CITY OF KENT IS ADDITIONAL INSURED PER BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM SS0008 ATTACHED TO THIS POLICY. CERTIFICATE HOLDER ADDoIONALWsuIawnsrRrERLErm- _ CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE(10 DAYS FOR NON-PAYMENT)TO THE CERTIFICATE CITY OF KENT HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR 400 W Gowe St . REPRESENTATIVES Kent WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25-S (7/97) ®ACORD CORPORATION 1988 MARSH ADVANTAGE AMERICA/PHS PO BOX 33015 SAN ANTONIO TX, 78265 CITY OF KENT 400 W Gowe St . Kent WA 98032 ACORD 25-S (7/97) BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Form SS 00 08 04 05 © 2005,The Hartford QUICK REFERENCE BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Beginning on Page A. COVERAGES 1 Business Liability 1 Medical Expenses 2 Coverage Extension - Supplementary Payments 2 B. EXCLUSIONS 3 C. WHO IS AN INSURED 10 D. LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES LIMITS OF INSURANCE 14 E. LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES GENERAL CONDITIONS 15 1. Bankruptcy 15 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit 15 3. Financial Responsibility Laws 16 4. Legal Action Against Us 16 5. Separation Of Insureds 16 6. Representations 16 7. Other Insurance 16 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us 17 F. OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INSURED COVERAGES 18 Additional Insureds 18 G. LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES DEFINITIONS 20 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties and what is and is not covered Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declarations The words "we", "us"and "our"refer to the stock insurance company member of The Hartford providing this insurance The word "insured"means any person or organization qualifying as such under Section C -Who Is An Insured. Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning Refer to Section G - Liability And Medical Expenses Definitions A. COVERAGES (a) The "bodily injury" or "property 1. BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE (BODILY damage" is caused by an "occurrence" that takes place in the INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY) "coverage territory", Insuring Agreement (b) I he "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs during the policy a. We will pay those sums that the insured period, and becomes legally obligated to pay as (c) Prior to the policy period, no insured damages because of "bodily injury", listed under Paragraph 1. of Section "property damage" or "personal and C. — Who Is An Insured and no advertising injury" to which this insurance "employee" authorized by you to give applies We will have the right and duty to or receive notice of an "occurrence" defend the insured against any "suit" or claim, knew that the"bodily injury" seeking those damages However, we will or have no duty to defend the insured against "property damage" had occurred, in any "suit" seeking damages for "bodily n whole or in part If such a listed injury", "property damage" or "personal and insured or authorized "employee" advertising injury" to which this insurance knew, odor to the policy period, that does not apply the "bodily injury' or "property damage" occurred, then any We may, at our discretion, investigate any continuation, change or resumption "occurrence" or offense and settle any claim of such "bodily injury" or "property or"suit"that may result But damage" during or after the policy (1) The amount we will pay for damages is period will be deemed to have been limited as described in Section D. - known prior to the policy period Liability And Medical Expenses Limits (2) To "personal and advertising injury" Of Insurance, and caused by an offense arising out of your (2) Our right and duty to defend ends when business, but only if the offense was we have used up the applicable limit of committed in the "coverage territory" insurance in the payment of judgments, during the policy period settlements or medical expenses to which c. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" will be this insurance applies deemed to have been known to have No other obligation or liability to pay sums or occurred at the earliest time when any perform acts or services is covered unless insured listed under Paragraph 1.of Section explicitly provided for under Coverage C. — Who Is An Insured or any "employee" Extension-Supplementary Payments authorized by you to give or receive notice b. This insurance applies. of an "occurrence"or claim (1) To "bodily injury" and "property (1) Reports all, or any part, of the "bodily damage" only if injury" or "property damage" to us or any other insurer, Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 1 of 24 © 2005,The Hartford BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (2) Receives a written or verbal demand or b. We will make these payments regardless of claim for damages because of the "bodily fault These payments will not exceed the injury"or"property damage",or applicable limit of insurance. We will pay (3) Becomes aware by any other means that reasonable expenses for "bodily injury" or "property damage" has (1) First aid administered at the time of an occurred or has begun to occur, accident, d. Damages because of"bodily injury" include (2) Necessary medical, surgical, x-ray and damages claimed by any person or dental services, including prosthetic organization for care, loss of services or devices; and death resulting at any time from the "bodily (3) Necessary ambulance, hospital, injury". professional nursing and funeral e. Incidental Medical Malpractice services (1) "Bodily injury" ansing out of the 3. COVERAGE EXTENSION- rendering of or failure to render SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS professional health care services as a a. We will pay, with respect to any claim or physician, dentist, nurse, emergency "suit" we investigate or settle, or any "suit' medical technician or paramedic shall against an insured we defend be deemed to be caused by an "occurrence", but only if (1) All expenses we incur (a) The physician, dentist, nurse, (2) Up to $1,000 for the cost of bad bonds emergency medical technician or required because of accidents or traffic paramedic is employed by you to law violations arising out of the use of provide such services,and any vehicle to which Business Liability (b) You are not engaged in the Coverage for"bodily injury"applies We business or occupation of providing do not have to furnish these bonds such services (3) The cost of appeal bonds or bonds to (2) For the purpose of determining the release attachments, but only for bond limits of insurance for incidental medical amounts within the applicable limit of malpractice, any act or omission insurance We do not have to furnish together with all related acts or these bonds. omissions in the furnishing of these (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the services to any one person will be insured at our request to assist us in the considered one"occurrence" investigation or defense of the claim or 2. MEDICAL EXPENSES "suit", including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off Insuring Agreement from work. a. We will pay medical expenses as described (5) All costs taxed against the insured in below for "bodily injury" caused by an the "suit" accident (&) Prejudgment interest awarded against (1) On premises you own or rent; the insured on that part of the judgment (2) On ways next to premises you own or we pay If we make an offer to pay the rent,or applicable limit of insurance, we will not (3) Because of your operations, pay any prejudgment interest based on provided that that penod of time after the offer. (1) The accident takes lace in the (7) All interest on the full amount of any P judgment that accrues after entry of the "coverage territory" and during the judgment and before we have paid, policy period, offered to pay, or deposited in court the (2) The expenses are incurred and reported part of the judgment that is within the to us within three years of the date of applicable limit of insurance the accident, and Any amounts paid under (1) through (7) (3) The injured person submits to above will not reduce the limits of insurance examination, at our expense, by physicians of our choice as often as we reasonably require Page 2 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM b. If we defend an insured against a "suit" So long as the above conditions are met, and an indemnitee of the insured is also attorneys' fees incurred by us in the named as a party to the "suit", we will defense of that indemnitee, necessary defend that indemnitee if all of the litigation expenses incurred by us and following conditions are met necessary litigation expenses incurred (1) The "suit" against the indemnitee by the indemnitee at our request will be seeks damages for which the insured paid as Supplementary Payments has assumed the liability of the Notwithstanding the provisions of indemnitee in a contract or agreement Paragraph 1.b(b) of Section B. — that is an "insured contract", Exclusions, such payments will not be (2) This insurance applies to such liability deemed to be damages for "bodily assumed by the insured, injury" and "property damage" and will (3) The obligation to defend, or the cost of not reduce the Limits of Insurance the defense of, that indemnitee, has Our obligation to defend an insured's also been assumed by the insured in indemnitee and to pay for attorneys' fees the same"insured contract", and necessary litigation expenses as (4) The allegations in the "suit" and the Supplementary Payments ends when. information we know about the (1) We have used up the applicable limit "occurrence" are such that no conflict of insurance in the payment of appears to exist between the interests judgments or settlements, or of the insured and the interest of the (2) The conditions set forth above, or the indemnitee, terms of the agreement described in (5) The indemnitee and the insured ask Paragraph(6)above,are no longer met us to conduct and control the defense B. EXCLUSIONS of that indemnitee against such "suit" 1. Applicable To Business Liability Coverage and agree that we can assign the same counsel to defend the insured This insurance does not apply to and the indemnitee; and a. Expected Or Intended Injury (6) The indemnitee (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" (a) Agrees in writing to: expected or intended from the (i) Cooperate with us in the standpoint of the insured This investigation, settlement or exclusion does not apply to "bodily defense of the"suit", injury or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasonable force to (ii) Immediately send us copies of protect persons or property, or any demands, notices, (2) "Personal and advertising injury" arising summonses or legal papers out of an offense committed by, at the received in connection with direction of or with the consent or the "suit"; acquiescence of the insured with the (Ili) Notify any other insurer whose expectation of inflicting "personal and coverage is available to the advertising injury" indemnitee, and b. Contractual Liability (iv) Cooperate with us with respect to coordinating other (1) "Bodily injury"or"property damage",or applicable insurance available (2) "Personal and advertising injury" to the indemnitee, and for which the insured is obligated to pay (b) Provides us with written damages by reason of the assumption of authorization to- liability in a contract or agreement (i) Obtain records and other This exclusion does not apply to liability information related to the for damages because of. "suit", and (a) "Bodily injury","property damage"or (ii) Conduct and control the "personal and advertising injury"that defense of the indemnitee in the insured would have in the such "suit". absence of the contract or agreement,or Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 3 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (b) "Bodily injury" or"property damage" (b) Performing duties related to the assumed in a contract or agreement conduct of the insured's business,or that is an "insured contract", (2) The spouse, child, parent, brother or provided the "bodily injury" or sister of that "employee" as a "property damage" occurs consequence of(1) above subsequent to the execution of the This exclusion applies contract or agreement. Solely for the purpose of liability assumed in (1) Whether the insured may be liable as an "insured contract', reasonable an employer or in any other capacity, attorneys' fees and necessary and litigation expenses incurred by or for (2) To any obligation to share damages a party other than an insured are with or repay someone else who must deemed to be damages because of pay damages because of the injury "bodily injury" or"property damage" This exclusion does not apply to liability provided assumed by the insured under an "insured (1) Liability to such party for, or for contract" the cost of, that party's defense f. Pollution has also been assumed in the same"insured contract",and (1) "Bodily n, "property damage" or "personall and advertising niury" i" " a" ""yam ��. arising out of the actual, alleged or litigation expenses are for threatened discharge, dispersal, defense of that party against a seepage, migration, release or escape civil or alternative dispute of"pollutants" resolution proceeding in which damages to which this (a) At or from any premises, site or insurance applies are alleged location which is or was at any c. Liquor Liability time owned or occupied by, or rented or loaned to any insured "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for However, this subparagraph does which any insured may be held liable by not apply to reason of: (i) "Bodily injury"if sustained within (1) Causing or contributing to the a building and caused by intoxication of any person, smoke, fumes, vapor or soot (2) The furnishing of alcoholic beverages to produced by or originating from a person under the legal drinking age or equipment that is used to heat, under the influence of alcohol,or cool or dehumidify the building, (3) Any statute, ordinance or regulation or equipment that is used to relating to the sale, gift, distribution or heat water for personal use, by use of alcoholic beverages the building's occupants or their guests, This exclusion applies only if you are in the business of manufacturing, distributing, (ii) "Bodily injury" or "property selling, serving or furnishing alcoholic damage" for which you may be held liable, if you are a beverages. contractor and the owner or d. Workers' Compensation And Similar lessee of such premises, site or Laws location has been added to your Any obligation of the insured under a policy as an additional insured workers' compensation, disability benefits with respect to your ongoing or unemployment compensation law or operations performed for that any similar law additional insured at that e. Employer's Liability premises, site or location and "Bodily injury"to such premises, site or location (1) An "employee" of the insured arising is not and never was owned or occupied by, or rented or out of and in the course of loaned to, any insured, other (a) Employment by the insured; or than that additional insured,or Page 4 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (iii) "Bodily injury" or "property released as part of the damage" arising out of heat, operations being performed smoke or fumes from a by such insured, contractor or "hostile fire", subcontractor, (b) At or from any premises, site or (h) "Bodily injury" or "property location which is or was at any damage" sustained within a time used by or for any insured or building and caused by the others for the handling, storage, release of gases, fumes or disposal, processing or treatment vapors from materials brought of waste, into that building in connection (c) Which are or were at any time with operations being performed transported, handled, stored, by you or on your behalf by a treated, disposed of, or processed contractor or subcontractor,or as waste by or for (iii) "Bodily injury" or "property (i) Any insured,or damage" arising out of heat, smoke or fumes from a (11) Any person or organization for fire", whom you may be legally hostile ", or responsible, (e) At or from any premises, site or location on which any insured or any (f�i) At Gr 11O111 any premises, site or contractors or subcontractors location on which any insured or working directly or indirectly on any any contractors or subcontractors insured's behalf are performing working directly or indirectly on operations if the operations are to any insured's behalf are test for, monitor, clean up, remove, performing operations if the contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, "pollutants" are brought on or to or in any way respond to, or assess the premises, site or location in connection with such operations the effects of, "pollutants" by such insured, contractor or (2) Any loss, cost or expense arising out subcontractor However, this of any. subparagraph does not apply to (a) Request, demand,order or statutory (i) "Bodily injury" or "property or regulatory requirement that any damage" arising out of the insured or others test for, monitor, escape of fuels, lubricants or clean up, remove, contain, treat, other operating fluids which are detoxify or neutralize, or in any way needed to perform the normal respond to, or assess the effects of, electrical, hydraulic or "pollutants";or mechanical functions (b) Claim or suit by or on behalf of a necessary for the operation of governmental authority for "mobile equipment"or its parts, damages because of testing for, if such fuels, lubricants or other monitoring, cleaning up, removing, operating fluids escape from a containing, treating, detoxifying or vehicle part designed to hold, neutralizing, or in any way store or receive them This responding to, or assessing the exception does not apply if the effects of, "pollutants" "bodily injury" or "property However, this paragraph does not damage" arises out of the apply to liability for damages because intentional discharge, dispersal of "property damage" that the insured or release of the fuels, would have in the absence of such lubricants or other operating request, demand, order or statutory or fluids, or if such fuels, regulatory requirement, or such claim lubricants or other operating or "suit" by or on behalf of a fluids are brought on or to the governmental authority premises, site or location with the intent that they be discharged, dispersed or Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 5 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM g. Aircraft,Auto Or Watercraft (2) The use of "mobile equipment" in, or "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising while in practice or preparation for, a out of the ownership, maintenance, use or prearranged racing, speed or entrustment to others of any aircraft, "auto" demolition contest or in any stunting or watercraft owned or operated by or rented activity or loaned to any insured Use includes I. War operation and"loading or unloading" "Bodily injury", "property damage" or This exclusion applies even if the claims "personal and advertising injury", however against any insured allege negligence or caused,arising, directly or indirectly, out of other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, (1) War, including undeclared or civil war, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the "occurrence" which (2) Warlike action by a military force, caused the "bodily injury" or "property including action in hindering or damage" involved the ownership, defending against an actual or maintenance,use or entrustment to others of expected attack, by any government, any aircraft, "auto" or watercraft that is sovereign or other authority using owned or operated by or rented or loaned to military personnel or other agents, or any insured (3) Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, This exclusion does not apply to* usurped power, or action taken by governmental auihonry in nmoering or (1) A watercraft while ashore an premises defending against any of these you own or rent, j. Professional Services (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: "Bodily injury", "property damage" or (a) Less than 51 feet long, and "personal and advertising injury" arising (b) Not being used to carry persons out of the rendering of or failure to render for a charge, any professional service This includes (3) Parking an "auto" on, or on the ways but is not limited to next to, premises you own or rent, (1) Legal, accounting or advertising provided the "auto" is not owned by or services; rented or loaned to you or the insured, (2) Preparing, approving, or fading to (4) Liability assumed under any "insured prepare or approve maps, shop contract" for the ownership, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, maintenance or use of aircraft or field orders, change orders, designs or watercraft, drawings and specifications, (5) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" (3) Supervisory, inspection, architectural arising out of the operation of any of or engineering activities, the equipment listed in Paragraph f(2) (4) Medical, surgical, dental, x-ray or or f.(3) of the definition of "mobile nursing services treatment, advice or equipment", or instruction, (6) An aircraft that is not owned by any (5) Any health or therapeutic service insured and is hired, chartered or loaned treatment, advice or instruction, with a paid crew. However, this exception does not apply if the insured (6) Any service, treatment, advice or has any other insurance for such "bodily instruction for the purpose of injury" or "property damage", whether appearance e skin enhancement, hair r the other insurance is primary, excess, removal or replacement or personal contingent or on any other basis. grooming, h. Mobile Equipment (7) Optical or hearing aid services including the prescribing, preparation, "Bodily injury" or "property damage" fitting, demonstration or distribution of arising out of ophthalmic lenses and similar (1) The transportation of"mobile equipment' products or hearing aid devices; by an "auto" owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any insured, or Page 6 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (8) Optometry or optometric services Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this including but not limited to examination exclusion do not apply to "property of the eyes and the prescribing, damage" (other than damage by fire) to preparation, fitting,demonstration or premises, including the contents of such distribution of ophthalmic lenses and premises, rented to you for a period of 7 or similar products, fewer consecutive days A separate Limit (9) Any of Insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in (a) Body piercing (not including ear Section D.- Limits Of Insurance piercing), Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not (b) Tattooing, including but not limited apply if the premises are "your work" and to the insertion of pigments into or were never occupied, rented or held for under the skin, and rental by you (c) Similar services, Paragraphs (3)and (4) of this exclusion do (10) Services in the practice of pharmacy, not apply to the use of elevators and Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this (11) Computer consulting, design or exclusion do not apply to liability assumed programming services, including web under a sidetrack agreement site design Paraoraohs (3)and (4)of this exclusion do Paragraphs(4)and (5)of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage" to not apply to the Incidental Medical borrowed equipment while not being used Malpractice coverage afforded under to perform operations at a job site Paragraph 1.e. in Section A.-Coverages Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not k. Damage To Property apply to "property damage" included in the "Property damage"to "products-completed operations hazard". (1) Property you own, rent or occupy, I. Damage To Your Product including any costs or expenses "Property damage" to "your product" incurred by you, or any other person, arising out of it or any part of it organization or entity, for repair, m. Damage To Your Work replacement, enhancement, restoration or maintenance of such "Property damage" to "your work" arising property for any reason, including out of it or any part of it and included in the prevention of injury to a person or "products-completed operations hazard" damage to another's property, This exclusion does not apply if the (2) Premises you sell, give away or damaged work or the work out of which abandon, if the"property damage"arises the damage arises was performed on your out of any part of those premises, behalf by a subcontractor (3) Property loaned to you, n. Damage To Impaired Property Or (4) Personal property in the care, custody Property Not Physically Injured or control of the insured, "Property damage" to "impaired property" (5) That particular part of real property on or property that has not been physicallyinjured, arising out of which you or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or (1) A defect, deficiency, inadequacy or indirectly on your behalf are performing dangerous condition in "your product" operations, if the "property damage" or"your work", or arises out of those operations,or (2) A delay or failure by you or anyone (6) That particular part of any property acting on your behalf to perform a that must be restored, repaired or contract or agreement in accordance replaced because "your work" was with its terms incorrectly performed on it This exclusion does not apply to the loss of use of other property arising out of sudden and accidental physical injury to "your product" or "your work" after it has been put to its intended use Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 7 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM o. Recall Of Products, Work Or Impaired (c) Title of any literary or artistic work, Property (8) Arising out of an offense committed by Damages claimed for any loss, cost or an insured whose business is expense incurred by you or others for the (a) Advertising, broadcasting, loss of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, publishing or telecasting, repair, replacement, adjustment, removal (b) Designing or determining content or disposal of. of web sites for others, or (1) "Your product"; (c) An Internet search, access, (2) "Your work", or content or service provider (3) "Impaired property", However, this exclusion does not if such product, work or property is apply to Paragraphs a., b. and c. withdrawn or recalled from the market or under the definition of "personal and from use by any person or organization advertising injury" in Section G. — because of a known or suspected defect, Liability And Medical Expenses deficiency, inadequacy or dangerous Definitions condition in it For the purposes of this exclusion, p. Personal And Advertising Injury placing an "advertisement" for or "Personal and advertising injury". linking to others on your web site, by IL J. re-1 LLe L (1) Arising out of oral, written or electronic L s not cons U� cU `11 Ups ness publication of material, if done by or at of advertising, broadcasting, the direction of the insured with publishing or telecasting; knowledge of its falsity, (9) Arising out of an electronic chat room (2) Arising out of oral, written or electronic or bulletin board the insured hosts, publication of material whose first owns, or over which the insured publication took place before the exercises control, beginning of the policy period, (10) Arising out of the unauthorized use of (3) Arising out of a criminal act committed another's name or product in your e-mail address, domain name or metatags, or by or at the direction of the insured, any other similar tactics to mislead (4) Arising out of any breach of contract, another's potential customers, except an implied contract to use (11) Arising out of the violation of a another's "advertising idea" in your person's right of privacy created by advertisement", any state or federal act (5) Arising out of the failure of goods, products or services to conform with However, this exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that the any statement of quality or insured would have performance made in your such stateorederal in the absence of advertisement ; (6) Arising out of the wrong description of (12) Arising out of. the price of goods,products or services, (a) An "advertisement" for others on (7) Arising out of any violation of any your web site, intellectual property rights such as (b) Placing a link to a web site of copyright, patent, trademark, trade others on your web site, name, trade secret, service mark or (c) Content from a web site of others other designation of origin or displayed within a frame or border authenticity. on your web site Content includes However, this exclusion does not information, code, sounds, text, apply to infringement, in your graphics or images,or "advertisement", of (d) Computer code, software or (a) Copyright, programming used to enable (b) Slogan, unless the slogan is also (i) Your web site, or a trademark, trade name, service (u) The presentation or functionality mark or other designation of origin of an "advertisement" or other or authenticity, or content on your web site, Page 8 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (13) Arising out of a violation of any anti- (a) May be awarded or incurred by trust law; reason of any claim or suit (14) Arising out of the fluctuation in price or alleging actual or threatened injury value of any stocks, bonds or other or damage of any nature or kind to securities,or persons or property which would not have occurred in whole or in (15) Arising out of discrimination or part but for the "asbestos hazard", humiliation committed by or at the direction of any "executive officer", (b) Arise out of any request, demand, director, stockholder, partner or order or statutory or regulatory member of the insured requirement that any insured or q. Electronic Data others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, encapsulate, contain, Damages arising out of the loss of, loss of treat, detoxify or neutralize or in use of, damage to, corruption of, inability any way respond to or assess the to access, or inability to manipulate effects of an "asbestos hazard", or "electronic data" (c) Arise out of any claim or suit for r. Employment-Related Practices damages because of testing for, "Bodily injury" or"personal and advertising monitoring, cleaning up, removing, injury"to encapsulating, containing, treating, del.0mlyiny ur neutralizing or in any (1) A person arising out of any: way responding to or assessing the (a) Refusal to employ that person; effects of an"asbestos hazard" (b) Termination of that person's t. Violation Of Statutes That Govern E- employment, or Mails, Fax, Phone Calls Or Other (c) Employment-related practices, Methods Of Sending Material Or policies, acts or omissions, such as Information coercion, demotion, evaluation, "Bodily injury", "property damage", or reassgnment, discipline, "personal and advertising injury" arising defamation, harassment, humiliation directly or indirectly out of any action or or discrimination directed at that omission that violates or is alleged to person,or violate (2) The spouse, child, parent, brother or (1) The Telephone Consumer Protection sister of that person as a Act (TCPA), including any amendment consequence of "bodily injury" or of or addition to such law, "personal and advertising injury"to the (2) The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, including person at whom any of the any amendment of or addition to such employment-related practices described in Paragraphs(a), (b), or(c) law, or above is directed (3) Any statute, ordinance or regulation, This exclusion applies- other than the TCPA or CAN-SPAM Act 1 Whether the insured may be liable as of 2003, that prohibits or limits the O Y sending, transmitting, communicating or an employer or in any other capacity; distribution of material or information. and Damage To Premises Rented To You — (2) To any obligation to share damages Exception For Damage By Fire, Lightning with or repay someone else who must or Explosion pay damages because of the injury Exclusions c. through h. and k. through o. do S. Asbestos not apply to damage by fire, lightning or (1) "Bodily injury", "property damage" or explosion to premises rented to you or "personal and advertising injury" temporarily occupied by you with permission of arising out of the"asbestos hazard" the owner A separate Limit of Insurance (2) Any damages, judgments, settlements, applies to this coverage as described in loss,costs or expenses that Section D. - Liability And Medical Expenses Limits Of Insurance. Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 9 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM 2. Applicable To Medical Expenses Coverage e. A trust, you are an insured Your trustees We will not pay expenses for"bodily injury" are also insureds, but only with respect to a. Any Insured their duties as trustees To any insured,except"volunteer workers" 2• Each of the following is also an insured b. Hired Person a. Employees And Volunteer Workers To a person hired to do work for or on behalf Your "volunteer workers" only while of any insured or a tenant of any insured performing duties related to the conduct of c. Injury On Normally Occupied Premises your business, or your "employees", other than either your"executive officers" (if you To a person injured on that part of are an organization other than a premises you own or rent that the person partnership,joint venture or limited liability normally occupies. company) or your managers (if you are a d. Workers' Compensation And Similar limited liability company), but only for acts Laws within the scope of their employment by To a person, whether or not an you or while performing duties related to "employee" of any insured, if benefits for the conduct of your business the "bodily injury" are payable or must be However, none of these "employees" or provided under a workers' compensation "volunteer workers"are insureds for or disability benefts lave or a si da law. (1) "Bodily injury" or "personal and e. Athletics Activities advertising injury"' To a person injured while practicing, (a) To you, to your partners or instructing or participating in any physical members (if you are a partnership exercises or games, sports or athletic or joint venture), to your members contests (if you are a limited liability f. Products-Completed Operations Hazard company), or to a co-"employee" while in the course of his or her Included with the "products-completed employment or performing duties operations hazard" related to the conduct of your g. Business Liability Exclusions business, or to your other Excluded under Business Liability Coverage "volunteer workers" while C. WHO IS AN INSURED performing duties related to the conduct of your business, 1. If you are designated in the Declarations as (b) To the spouse, child, parent, a. An individual, you and your spouse are brother or sister of that co- insureds, but only with respect to the "employee" or that "volunteer conduct of a business of which you are the worker" as a consequence of sole owner Paragraph(1)(a)above, b. A partnership or joint venture, you are an (c) For which there is any obligation insured Your members, your partners, and to share damages with or repay their spouses are also insureds,but only with someone else who must pay respect to the conduct of your business. damages because of the injury C. A limited liability company, you are an described in Paragraphs (1)(a) or insured Your members are also insureds, (b) above, or but only with respect to the conduct of your (d) Arising out of his or her providing business Your managers are insureds, but or failing to provide professional only with respect to their duties as your health care services managers If you are not in the business of d. An organization other than a partnership, providing professional health care joint venture or limited liability company, you services, Paragraph (d) does not apply are an insured Your"executive officers"and to any nurse, emergency medical directors are insureds, but only with respect technician or paramedic employed by to their duties as your officers or directors you to provide such services Your stockholders are also insureds,but only (2) "Property damage"to property with respect to their liability as stockholders (a) Owned, occupied or used by, Page 10 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (b) Rented to, in the care, custody or b. Coverage under this provision does not control of, or over which physical apply to control is being exercised for any (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" purpose by you, any of your that occurred, or "employees", "volunteer workers", any partner or member (if you are (2) "Personal and advertising injury" a partnership or joint venture), or arising out of an offense committed any member (if you are a limited before you acquired or formed the liability company) organization b. Real Estate Manager 4. Operator Of Mobile Equipment Any person (other than your"employee"or With respect to "mobile equipment" registered in "volunteer worker"), or any organization your name under any motor vehicle registration while acting as your real estate manager. law, any person is an insured while driving such c. Temporary Custodians Of Your equipment along a public highway with your Property permission Any other person or organization responsible for the conduct of such person is Any person or organization having proper also an insured, but only with respect to liability temporary custody of your property if you arising out of the operation of the equipment, and die, but only only if no other insurance of any kind is available /Al IAl.4k ..44.. 1�.kd.4.. 4 i4,, 4- 44...4 4..... F—, 4L.... I...L..I.4.. `I/ VVI"N I CNF GVL LV IIQVIIIL,' .11011lg V.L VI YIW LV Mal '.IGIJVII VI Vl l'PIIILPLIVII IVI LIIIJ IICLLl111Ly maintenance or use of that property,and However, no person or organization is an insured (2) Until your legal representative has with respect to been appointed a. "Bodily injury" to a co-"employee" of the d. Legal Representative If You Die person driving the equipment, or Your legal representative if you die, but b. "Property damage" to property owned by, only with respect to duties as such That rented to, in the charge of or occupied by representative will have all your rights and you or the employer of any person who is duties under this insurance an insured under this provision e. Unnamed Subsidiary 5. Operator of Nonowned Watercraft Any subsidiary and subsidiary thereof, of With respect to watercraft you do not own that yours which is a legally incorporated entity is less than 51 feet long and is not being used of which you own a financial interest of to carry persons for a charge,any person is an more than 50% of the voting stock on the insured while operating such watercraft with effective date of this Coverage Part your permission Any other person or The insurance afforded herein for any organization responsible for the conduct of subsidiary not shown in the Declarations such person is also an insured, but only with as a named insured does not apply to respect to liability arising out of the operation injury or damage with respect to which an of the watercraft, and only if no other insured under this insurance is also an insurance of any kind is available to that insured under another policy or would be person or organization for this liability an insured under such policy but for its However, no person or organization is an termination or upon the exhaustion of its insured with respect to limits of insurance a. "Bodily injury" to a co-"employee" of the 3. Newly Acquired Or Formed Organization person operating the watercraft, or Any organization you newly acquire or form, b. "Property damage" to property owned by, other than a partnership, joint venture or rented to, in the charge of or occupied by limited liability company, and over which you you or the employer of any person who is maintain financial interest of more than 50% of an insured under this provision the voting stock, will qualify as a Named 6. Additional Insureds When Required By Insured if there is no other similar insurance Written Contract, Written Agreement Or available to that organization However Permit a. Coverage under this provision is afforded The person(s) or organization(s) identified in only until the 180th day after you acquire Paragraphs a. through f. below are additional or form the organization or the end of the insureds when you have agreed, in a written policy period, whichever is earlier, and Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 11 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM contract, written agreement or because of a (e) Any failure to make such permit issued by a state or political inspections, adjustments, tests or subdivision, that such person or organization servicing as the vendor has be added as an additional insured on your agreed to make or normally policy, provided the injury or damage occurs undertakes to make in the usual subsequent to the execution of the contract or course of business, in connection agreement, or the issuance of the permit with the distribution or sale of the A person or organization is an additional products, insured under this provision only for that (f) Demonstration, installation, period of time required by the contract, servicing or repair operations, agreement or permit except such operations performed at the vendor's premises in However, no such person or organization is an connection with the sale of the additional insured under this provision if such product, person or organization is included as an additional insured by an endorsement issued (g) Products which, after distribution by us and made a part of this Coverage Part, or sale by you, have been labeled including all persons or organizations added or relabeled or used as a as additional insureds under the specific container, part or ingredient of any additional insured coverage grants in Section other thing or substance by or for F.—vpiionai Additional insured Cuver dye the vanrinr,nr d. - a. Vendors (h) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the sole Any person(s)or organization(s) (referred to negligence of the vendor for its below as vendor), but only with respect to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising own acts or omissions or those out of "your products" which are distributed its employees or anyone else n its behalf However, this or sold in the regular course of the vendor's acting business and only if this Coverage Part exclusion does not apply to provides coverage for "bodily injury" or (i) The exceptions contained in "property damage" included within the Subparagraphs(d) or (f), or "products-completed operations hazard" (ii) Such inspections, adjustments, (1) The insurance afforded to the vendor tests or servicing as the vendor is subject to the following additional has agreed to make or normally exclusions. undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in This insurance does not apply to connection with the distribution (a) "Bodily injury" or "property or sale of the products damage" for which the vendor is (2) This insurance does not apply to any obligated to pay damages by insured person or organization from reason of the assumption of whom you have acquired such products, liability in a contract or agreement, or any ingredient, part or container, This exclusion does not apply to entering into, accompanying or liability for damages that the containing such products vendor would have in the absence of the contract or agreement, b. Lessors Of Equipment (b) Any express warranty (1) Any person or organization from unauthorized by you, whom you lease equipment, but only with respect to their liability for "bodily (C) Any physical or chemical change injury", "property damage" or in the product made intentionally "personal and advertising injury" by the vendor, caused, in whole or in part, by your (d) Repackaging, except when maintenance, operation or use of unpacked solely for the purpose of equipment leased to you by such inspection, demonstration, testing, person or organization or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original container, Page 12 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 1 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (2) With respect to the insurance afforded e. Permits Issued By State Or Political to these additional insureds, this Subdivisions insurance does not apply to any (1) Any state or political subdivision, but "occurrence" which takes place after only with respect to operations you cease to lease that equipment performed by you or on your behalf for c. Lessors Of Land Or Premises which the state or political subdivision (1) Any person or organization from has issued a permit whom you lease land or premises, but (2) With respect to the insurance afforded only with respect to liability arising out to these additional insureds, this of the ownership, maintenance or use insurance does not apply to of that part of the land or premises (a) "Bodily injury", "property damage" leased to you or "personal and advertising (2) With respect to the insurance afforded injury" arising out of operations to these additional insureds, this performed for the state or insurance does not apply to municipality, or (a) Any "occurrence" which takes (b) "Bodily injury" or"property damage" place after you cease to lease that included within the "products- land or be a tenant in that completed operations hazard" premises or f. Any Other party (b) Structural alterations, new (1) Any other person or organization who construction or demolition is not an insured under Paragraphs a. operations performed by or on through e. above, but only with behalf of such person or respect to liability for "bodily injury", organization. "property damage" or "personal and d. Architects, Engineers Or Surveyors advertising injury" caused, in whole or (1) Any architect, engineer, or surveyor, but in part, by your acts or omissions or only with respect to liability for "bodily the acts or omissions of those acting injury", "property damage" or "personal on your behalf and advertising injury" caused, in whole (a) In the performance of your or in part, by your acts or omissions or ongoing operations, the acts or omissions of those acting on (b) In connection with your premises your behalf owned by or rented to you,or (a) In connection with your premises; (c) In connection with "your work" and or included within the "products- (b) In the performance of your completed operations hazard", but ongoing operations performed by only if you or on your behalf (i) The written contract or written (2) With respect to the insurance afforded agreement requires you to to these additional insureds, the provide such coverage to following additional exclusion applies such additional insured, and This insurance does not apply to (ill) This Coverage Part provides "bodily injury", "property damage" or coverage for "bodily injury" or "personal and advertising injury" "property damage" included arising out of the rendering of or the within the "products- failure to render any professional completed operations hazard" services by or for you, including (2) With respect to the insurance afforded (a) The preparing, approving, or to these additional insureds, this failure to prepare or approve, insurance does not apply to. maps, shop drawings, opinions, "Bodily injury", "property damage" or reports, surveys, field orders, "personal and advertising injury" change orders, designs or arising out of the rendering of, or the drawings and specifications,or failure to render, any professional (b) Supervisory, inspection, architectural, engineering or surveying architectural or engineering services, including activities Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 13 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (a) The preparing, approving, or This General Aggregate limit does not failure to prepare or approve, apply to "property damage" to premises maps, shop drawings, opinions, while rented to you or temporarily reports, surveys, field orders, occupied by you with permission of the change orders, designs or owner, arising out of fire, lightning or drawings and specifications,or explosion (b) Supervisory, inspection, 3. Each Occurrence Limit architectural or engineering Subject to 2.a. or 2.b above, whichever activities applies, the most we will pay for the sum of all The limits of insurance that apply to additional damages because of all "bodily injury", insureds are described in Section D. — Limits "property damage" and medical expenses Of Insurance arising out of any one "occurrence" is the How this insurance applies when other Liability and Medical Expenses Limit shown in insurance is available to an additional insured the Declarations is described in the Other Insurance Condition The most we will pay for all medical expenses in Section E.— Liability And Medical Expenses because of "bodily injury" sustained by any General Conditions one person is the Medical Expenses Limit No person or organization is an insured with shown in the Declarations. respect to the conduct of any current or past 4. Personal And Advertising Injury Limit partnership, joint venture or limited liability Subject to 2.b. above, the most we will pay for company that is not shown as a Named Insured in the sum of all damages because of all the Declarations "personal and advertising injury" sustained by D. LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES any one person or organization is the Personal LIMITS OF INSURANCE and Advertising Injury Limit shown in the Declarations 1. The Most We.Jill Pay 5. Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations and the rules below fix the most The Damage To Premises Rented To You we will pay regardless of the number of Limit is the most we will pay under Business a. Insureds, Liability Coverage for damages because of property damage" to any one premises, while b. Claims made or"suits" brought, or rented to you, or in the case of damage by fire, c. Persons or organizations making claims or lightning or explosion, while rented to you or bringing "suits" temporarily occupied by you with permission of 2. Aggregate Limits the owner The most we will pay for: In the case of damage by fire, lightning or explosion, the Damage to Premises Rented To a. Damages because of "bodily injury" and You Limit applies to all damage proximately "property damage" included in the caused by the same event, whether such "products-completed operations hazard" is damage results from fire, lightning or explosion the Products-Completed Operations or any combination of these Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations 6. How Limits Apply To Additional Insureds b. Damages because of all other "bodily The most we will pay on behalf of a person or injury", "property damage" or "personal organization who is an additional insured and advertising injury", including medical under this Coverage Part is the lesser of expenses, is the General Aggregate Limit a. The limits of insurance specified in a shown in the Declarations written contract, written agreement or This General Aggregate Limit applies permit issued by a state or political separately to each of your "locations" subdivision, or owned by or rented to you b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the "Location" means premises involving the Declarations same or connecting lots, or premises Such amount shall be a part of and not in whose connection is interrupted only by a addition to the Limits of Insurance shown in street, roadway or right-of-way of a the Declarations and described in this Section railroad Page 14 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM If more than one limit of insurance under this (1) Immediately send us copies of any policy and any endorsements attached thereto demands, notices, summonses or applies to any claim or"suit", the most we will pay legal papers received in connection under this policy and the endorsements is the with the claim or"suit", single highest limit of liability of all coverages (2) Authorize us to obtain records and applicable to such claim or "suit" However, this other information, paragraph does not apply to the Medical Expenses (3) Cooperate with us in the investigation, limit set forth in Paragraph 3.above settlement of the claim or defense The Limits of Insurance of this Coverage Part apply against the"suit", and separately to each consecutive annual period and to (4) Assist us, upon our request, in the any remaining period of less than 12 months,starting enforcement of any right against any with the beginning of the policy period shown in the person or organization that may be Declarations, unless the policy period is extended liable to the insured because of injury after issuance for an additional period of less than 12 or damage to which this insurance months In that case, the additional period will be may also apply deemed part of the last preceding period for purposes d. Obligations At The Insured's Own Cost of determining the Limits of Insurance E. LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES No insured will, except at that insured's own GENERAL CONDITIONS cost, voluntarily make a payment, assume anv ohlioation or incur anv expense, other 1. Bankruptcy than for f rst aid,without our consent Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or of e. Additional Insured's Other Insurance the insured's estate will not relieve us of our If we cover a claim or "suit" under this obligations under this Coverage Part Coverage Part that may also be covered 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, by other insurance available to an Offense, Claim Or Suit additional insured, such additional insured a. Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense must submit such claim or "suit" to the other insurer for defense and indemnity You or any additional insured must see to it that we are notified as soon as However, this provision does not apply to practicable of an "occurrence" or an the extent that you have agreed in a offense which may result ina claim To written contract, written agreement or the extent possible, notice should include permit that this insurance is primary and non-contributory with the additional (1) How,when and where the "occurrence" insured's own insurance. or offense took place, f. Knowledge Of An Occurrence, Offense, (2) The names and addresses of any Claim Or Suit injured persons and witnesses, and Paragraphs a. and b. apply to you or to (3) The nature and location of any injury any additional insured only when such or damage arising out of the "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit" is "occurrence"or offense known to b. Notice Of Claim (1) You or any additional insured that is If a claim is made or "suit" is brought an individual, against any insured, you or any additional (2) Any partner, if you or an additional insured must insured is a partnership, (1) Immediately record the specifics of the (3) Any manager, if you or an additional claim or "suit" and the date received; insured is a limited liability company, and (4) Any "executive officer" or insurance (2) Notify us as soon as practicable manager, if you or an additional You or any additional insured must see to insured is a corporation, it that we receive a written notice of the (5) Any trustee, if you or an additional claim or"suit" as soon as practicable insured is a trust, or c. Assistance And Cooperation Of The (6) Any elected or appointed official, if you Insured or an additional insured is a political You and any other involved insured must subdivision or public entity. Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 15 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM This Paragraph f. applies separately to (3) We have issued this policy in reliance you and any additional insured upon your representations 3. Financial Responsibility Laws b. Unintentional Failure To Disclose a. When this policy is certified as proof of Hazards financial responsibility for the future under If unintentionally you should fail to disclose the provisions of any motor vehicle all hazards relating to the conduct of your financial responsibility law, the insurance business at the Inception date of this provided by the policy for "bodily injury" Coverage Part, we shall not deny any liability and "property damage" liability will coverage under this Coverage Part comply with the provisions of the law to because of such failure the extent of the coverage and limits of 7. Other Insurance insurance required by that law. b. With respect to "mobile equipment" to a other valid and collectible insurance is available for a loss we cover under this which this insurance applies, we will Coverage Part, our obligations are limited as provide any liability, uninsured motorists, follows underinsured motorists, no-fault or other coverage required by any motor vehicle a. Primary Insurance law We will provide the required limits for This insurance is primary except when b. those coverages below applies If other insurance is also 4. Legal Action Against Us primary, we will share with all that other No person or organization has a right under insurance by the method described in c. this Coverage Form: below a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us b. Excess Insurance into a "suit" asking for damages from an This insurance is excess over any of the insured,or other insurance, whether primary, excess, b. To sue us on this Coverage Form unless contingent or on any other basis all of its terms have been fully complied (1) Your Work with That is Fire, Extended Coverage, A person or organization may sue us to recover Builder's Risk, Installation Risk or on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment similar coverage for"your work", against an insured, but we will not be liable for (2) Premises Rented To You damages that are not payable under the terms of this insurance or that are in excess of the That n fire, premises or explosion applicable limit of insurance An agreed insurance for premises rented u you settlement means a settlement and release of or temporarily occupied by you with liability signed by us, the insured and the permission of the owner, claimant or the claimant's legal representative (3) Tenant Liability 5. Separation Of Insureds That is insurance purchased by you to cover your liability as a tenant for Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance, "property damage" to premises rented and any rights or duties specifically assigned to you or temporarily occupied by you in this policy to the first Named Insured, this with permission of the owner, insurance applies. a. As if each Named Insured were the only (4) Aircraft,Auto Or Watercraft Named Insured, and If the loss arises out of the maintenance b. Separately to each insured against whom or use of aircraft, "autos"or watercraft to a claim is made or"suit"is brought the extent not subject to Exclusion g. of Section A.—Coverages 6. Representations (5) Property Damage To Borrowed a. When You Accept This Policy Equipment Or Use Of Elevators By accepting this policy, you agree. If the loss arises out of "property (1) The statements in the Declarations damage" to borrowed equipment or are accurate and complete, the use of elevators to the extent not (2) Those statements are based upon subject to Exclusion k. of Section A.— representations you made to us, and Coverages. Page 16 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (6) When You Are Added As An When this insurance is excess over other Additional Insured To Other insurance, we will pay only our share of Insurance the amount of the loss, if any, that That is other insurance available to exceeds the sum of you covering liability for damages (1) The total amount that all such other arising out of the premises or insurance would pay for the loss in the operations, or products and completed absence of this insurance, and operations, for which you have been (2) The total of all deductible and self- added as an additional insured by that insured amounts under all that other insurance, or insurance (7) When You Add Others As An We will share the remaining loss, if any,with Additional Insured To This any other insurance that is not described in Insurance this Excess Insurance provision and was not That is other insurance available to an bought specifically to apply in excess of the additional insured Limits of Insurance shown in the However, the following provisions Declarations of this Coverage Part apply to other insurance available to c. Method Of Sharing any person or organization who is an If all the other insurance permits additional insured under this Coverage contribution by cquai SharcS,'vvc Will futiv'v✓ ' Part this method also Under this approach, (a) Primary Insurance When each insurer contributes equal amounts Required By Contract until it has paid its applicable limit of This insurance is primary if you insurance or none of the loss remains, have agreed in a written contract, whichever comes first written agreement or permit that If any of the other insurance does not permit this insurance be primary If other contribution by equal shares, we will insurance is also primary, we will contribute by limits Under this method,each share with all that other insurance insurer's share is based on the ratio of its by the method described in c. applicable limit of insurance to the total below applicable limits of insurance of all insurers (b) Primary And Non-Contributory 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against To Other Insurance When Others To Us Required By Contract a. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery If you have agreed in a written If the insured has rights to recover all or contract, written agreement or part of any payment, including permit that this insurance is Supplementary Payments, we have made primary and non-contributory with under this Coverage Part, those rights are the additional insured's own transferred to us The insured must do insurance, this insurance is nothing after loss to impair them At our primary and we will not seek request, the insured will bring "suit" or contribution from that other transfer those rights to us and help us insurance enforce them This condition does not Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to apply to Medical Expenses Coverage other insurance to which the additional b. Waiver Of Rights Of Recovery (Waiver insured has been added as an Of Subrogation) additional insured If the insured has waived any rights of When this insurance is excess, we will recovery against any person or have no duty under this Coverage Part to organization for all or part of any payment, defend the insured against any"suit" if any including Supplementary Payments, we other insurer has a duty to defend the have made under this Coverage Part, we insured against that "suit" If no other also waive that right, provided the insured insurer defends, we will undertake to do waived heir rights of recovery against so, but we will be entitled to the insured's such person or organization in a contract, rights against all those other insurers agreement or permit that was executed prior to the injury or damage Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 17 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM F. OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INSURED 3. Additional Insured -Grantor Of Franchise COVERAGES WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is If listed or shown as applicable in the Declarations, amended to include as an additional insured one or more of the following Optional Additional the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Insured Coverages also apply When any of these Declarations as an Additional Insured - Optional Additional Insured Coverages apply, Grantor Of Franchise, but only with respect to Paragraph 6. (Additional Insureds When Required their liability as grantor of franchise to you. by Written Contract, Written Agreement or Permit) 4. Additional Insured - Lessor Of Leased of Section C., Who Is An Insured, does not apply Equipment to the person or organization shown in the a. WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is Declarations These coverages are subject to the amended to include as an additional terms and conditions applicable to Business insured the person(s) or organization(s) Liability Coverage in this policy, except as shown in the Declarations as an Additional provided below Insured — Lessor of Leased Equipment, 1. Additional Insured - Designated Person Or but only with respect to liability for "bodily Organization injury", "property damage" or "personal WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is and advertising injury" caused, in whole or amended to include as an additional insured in part, by your maintenance, operation or the Derson(s) or oraanization(sl shown in the use of equipment leased to you by such Declarations, but only with respect to liability person(s)or organization(s) for "bodily injury", "property damage" or b. With respect to the insurance afforded to "personal and advertising injury" caused, in these additional insureds, this insurance whole or in part, by your acts or omissions or does not apply to any "occurrence" which the acts or omissions of those acting on your takes place after you cease to lease that behalf. equipment a. In the performance of your ongoing 5. Additional Insured - Owners Or Other operations, or Interests From Whom Land Has Been b. In connection with your premises owned Leased by or rented to you a. WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is 2. Additional Insured - Managers Or Lessors amended to include as an additional Of Premises insured the persons) or organization(s) shown in the Declarations as an Additional a. WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is Insured —Owners Or Other Interests From amended to include as an additional insured the person(s)or organization(s)shown in the Whom Land Has Been Leased, but only with respect to liability arising out of the Declarations as an Additional Insured - ownership, maintenance or use of that part Designated Person Or Organization,but only of the land leased to you and shown in the with respect to liability arising out of the Declarations ownership, maintenance or use of that part of b. With respect to the insurance afforded to the premises leased to you and shown in the Declarations these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply b. With respect to the insurance afforded to This insurance does not apply to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply (1) Any "occurrence" that takes place This insurance does not apply to- after you cease to lease that land, or (1) Any 'occurrence" which takes place (2) Structural alterations, new after you cease to be a tenant in that construction or demolition operations premises, or performed by or on behalf of such (2) Structural alterations, new person or organization construction or demolition operations 6. Additional Insured - State Or Political performed by or on behalf of such Subdivision—Permits person or organization a. WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is amended to include as an additional insured the state or political subdivision shown in the Declarations as an Additional Page 18 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Insured — State Or Political Subdivision - (e) Any failure to make such Permits, but only with respect to inspections, adjustments, tests or operations performed by you or on your servicing as the vendor has agreed behalf for which the state or political to make or normally undertakes to subdivision has issued a permit make in the usual course of b. With respect to the insurance afforded to business, in connection with the these additional insureds, the following distribution or sale of the products, additional exclusions apply (f) Demonstration, installation, This insurance does not apply to servicing or repair operations, 1 "Bodil injury", ro ert dama e" or except such operations performed ( ) Y "property Y 9 at the vendors premises in "personal and advertising injury" connection with the sale of the arising out of operations performed for product, the state or municipality, or (g) Products which, after distribution (2) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" or sale by you, have been labeled included in the "product-completed or relabeled or used as a operations" hazard container, part or ingredient of any 7. Additional Insured—Vendors other thing or substance by or for a. WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is the vendor,or amended to include as an additional (h) "Bodily injury" or "property insured the person(s) or organization(s) damage" arising out of the sole (referred to below as vendor) shown in the negligence of the vendor for its Declarations as an Additional Insured - own acts or omissions or those of Vendor, but only with respect to "bodily its employees or anyone else injury" or"property damage" arising out of acting on its behalf However, this "your products" which are distributed or exclusion does not apply to sold in the regular course of the vendor's (i) The exceptions contained in business and only if this Coverage Part Subparagraphs (d) or(f), or provides coverage for "bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the (n) Such inspections, "products-completed operations hazard" adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to b. The insurance afforded to the vendor is subject to the following additional exclusions. to make in the usual course of (1) This insurance does not apply to business, in connection with (a) "Bodily injury" or "property the distribution or sale of the damage" for which the vendor is products. obligated to pay damages by (2) This insurance does not apply to any reason of the assumption of insured person or organization from liability in a contract or agreement. whom you have acquired such This exclusion does not apply to products, or any ingredient, part or liability for damages that the container, entering into, vendor would have in the absence accompanying or containing such of the contract or agreement, products (b) Any express warranty 8. Additional Insured—Controlling Interest unauthorized by you; WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C is (c) Any physical or chemical change amended to include as an additional insured in the product made intentionally the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the by the vendor, Declarations as an Additional Insured — (d) Repackaging, unless unpacked Controlling Interest, but only with respect to solely for the purpose of inspection, their liability arising out of. demonstration, testing, or the a. Their financial control of you;or substitution of parts under b. Premises they own, maintain or control instructions from the manufacturer, while you lease or occupy these premises and then repackaged in the original container, Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 19 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM This insurance does not apply to structural The limits of insurance that apply to additional alterations, new construction and demolition insureds are described in Section D. - Limits Of operations performed by or for that person or Insurance organization How this insurance applies when other insurance 9. Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees Or is available to an additional insured is described in Contractors - Scheduled Person Or the Other Insurance Condition in Section E. - Organization Liability And Medical Expenses General a. WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is Conditions amended to include as an additional G. LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES insured the person(s) or organization(s) DEFINITIONS shown in the Declarations as an Additional Insured - Owner, Lessees Or Contractors, 1. "Advertisement" means the widespread public but only with respect to liability for "bodily dissemination of information or images that injury", "property damage" or "personal has the purpose of inducing the sale of goods, and advertising injury" caused, in whole or products or services through in part, by your acts or omissions or the a. (1) Radio; acts or omissions of those acting on your (2) Television; behalf (3) Billboard, (1) In the performance of your ongoing Idl hAnnP71nP- operations for the additional I ' ' insured(s);or (5) Newspaper; (2) In connection with "your work" b. The Internet, but only that part of a web performed for that additional insured site that is about goods, products or and included within the "products- services for the purposes of inducing the completed operations hazard", but sale of goods, products or services, or only if this Coverage Part provides c. Any other publication that is given coverage for "bodily injury" or widespread public distribution "property damage" included within the However, "advertisement" does not include "products-completed operations hazard" a. The design, punted material, information respect to the insurance afforded to or images contained in, on or upon the b. With res p packaging or labeling of any goods or these additional insureds, this insurance products, or does not apply to "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal an advertising b. An interactive conversation between or injury" arising out of the rendering of, or among persons through a computer network the failure to render, any professional 2. "Advertising idea" means any idea for an architectural, engineering or surveying "advertisement" services,including- 3. "Asbestos hazard" means an exposure or (1) The preparing, approving, or failure to threat of exposure to the actual or alleged prepare or approve, maps, shop properties of asbestos and includes the mere drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, presence of asbestos in any form field orders, change orders, designs or 4. "Auto" means a land motor vehicle, trailer or drawings and specifications, or semi-trailer designed for travel on public (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural roads, including any attached machinery or or engineering activities equipment But "auto" does not include 10. Additional Insured - Co-Owner Of Insured "mobile equipment" Premises S. "Bodily injury" means physical WHO IS AN INSURED under Section C. is a Injury, amended to include as an additional insured b. Sickness; or the person(s) or Organization(s) shown in the c. Disease Declarations as an Additional Insured - Co- Owner Of Insured Premises, but only with sustained by a person and, if arising out of the respect to their liability as co-owner of the above, mental anguish or death at any time premises shown in the Declarations 6. "Coverage territory"means Page 20 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM a. The United States of America (including its b. You have failed to fulfill the terms of a territories and possessions), Puerto Rico contract or agreement, and Canada, if such property can be restored to use by b. International waters or airspace, but only if a. The repair, replacement, adjustment or the injury or damage occurs in the course removal of "your product" or "your work", of travel or transportation between any or places included in a. above, b. Your fulfilling the terms of the contract or C. All other parts of the world if the injury or agreement damage arises out of 12. "Insured contract" means: (1) Goods or products made or sold by you in the territory described in a.above, a. A contract for a lease of premises However, that portion of the contract for a (2) The activities of a person whose home lease of premises that indemnifies any is in the territory described in a person or organization for damage by fire, above, but is away for a short time on lightning or explosion to premises while your business, or rented to you or temporarily occupied by (3) "Personal and advertising injury" you with permission of the owner is offenses that take place through the subject to the Damage To Premises Internet or similar electronic means of Rented To You limit described in Section ntln v L� L..I.d.. .d A,i...J.....1 C..pen Limits is V;14 Q..� IVIG41441 LAflG11JeJ LIIIII IJ provided the insured's responsibility to pay of Insurance damages is determined in the United States of b. A sidetrack agreement, America (including its territories and c. Any easement or license agreement, possessions), Puerto Rico or Canada, in a including an easement or license "suit" on the merits according to the agreement in connection with construction substantive law in such territory, or in a or demolition operations on or within 50 settlement we agree to feet of a railroad, 7. "Electronic data" means information, facts or d. Any obligation, as required by ordinance, programs to indemnify a municipality, except in a. Stored as or on; connection with work for a municipality, b. Created or used on, or e. An elevator maintenance agreement, or C. Transmitted to or from f. That part of any other contract or computer software, including systems and agreement pertaining to your business applications software, hard or floppy disks, (including an indemnification of a CD-ROMS, tapes, drives, cells, data municipality in connection with work processing devices or any other media which performed for a municipality) under which are used with electronically controlled you assume the tort liability of another equipment party to pay for "bodily injury" or "property 8. "Employee" includes a "leased worker" damage" to a third person or organization, "Employee" does not include a "temporary provided the "bodily injury" or "property worker" damage" is caused, in whole or in part, by you or by those acting on your behalf 9. "Executive officer" means a person holding Tort liability means a liability that would be any of the officer positions created by your imposed by law in the absence of any charter, constitution, by-laws or any other contract or agreement similar governing document Paragraph f includes that part of any 10. "Hostile fire" means one which becomes contract or agreement that indemnifies a uncontrollable or breaks out from where it was railroad for "bodily injury" or "property intended to be damage" arising out of construction or 11. "Impaired property" means tangible property, demolition operations within 50 feet of any other than "your product" or "your work", that railroad property and affecting any railroad cannot be used or is less useful because bridge or trestle, tracks, road-beds, tunnel, a. It incorporates "your product' or "your work" underpass or crossing that is known or thought to be defective, However, Paragraph f. does not include deficient, inadequate or dangerous,or that part of any contract or agreement Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 21 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM (1) That indemnifies an architect, (1) Power cranes, shovels, loaders, engineer or surveyor for injury or diggers or drills, or damage arising out of (2) Road construction or resurfacing (a) Preparing, approving or failing to equipment such as graders, scrapers prepare or approve maps, shop or rollers, drawings, opinions, reports, e. Vehicles not described in a., b., c., or d. surveys, field orders, change above that are not self-propelled and are orders, designs or drawings and maintained primarily to provide mobility to specifications;or permanently attached equipment of the (b) Giving directions or instructions, following types or failing to give them, if that is the (1) Air compressors, pumps and primary cause of the injury or generators, including spraying, damage, or welding, building cleaning, (2) Under which the insured, if an geophysical exploration, lighting and architect, engineer or surveyor, well servicing equipment, or assumes liability for an injury or (2) Cherry pickers and similar devices damage arising out of the insured's used to raise or lower workers, rendering or failure to render professional services, including those f. Vehicles not described in a., r c., or d. listed In (1) above and supervisory, �� m^1nt�InCd _,­1 m... y far plirpuOQQ inspection, architectural or other than the transportation of persons or engineering activities cargo 13. "Leased worker" means a person leased to However, self-propelled vehicles with the you by a labor leasing firm under an following types of permanently attached agreement between you and the labor leasing equipment are not "mobile equipment" but firm, to perform duties related to the conduct of will be considered "autos" your business "Leased worker" does not (1) Equipment, of at least 1,000 pounds include a"temporary worker" gross vehicle weight, designed 14. "Loading or unloading" means the handling of primarily for property (a) Snow removal, a. After it is moved from the place where it is (b) Road maintenance, but not accepted for movement into or onto an construction or resurfacing, or aircraft, watercraft or"auto", (c) Street cleaning, b. While it is in or on an aircraft,watercraft or (2) Cherry pickers and similar devices "auto", or mounted on automobile or truck c. While it is being moved from an aircraft, chassis and used to raise or lower watercraft or"auto" to the place where it is workers,and finally delivered, (3) Air compressors, pumps and but "loading or unloading" does not include the generators, including spraying, movement of property by means of a mechanical welding, building cleaning, device, other than a hand truck, that is not geophysical exploration, lighting and attached to the aircraft,watercraft or"auto" well servicing equipment 15. "Mobile equipment" means any of the following 16. "Occurrence" means an accident, including types of land vehicles, including any attached continuous or repeated exposure to substantially machinery or equipment the same general harmful conditions a. Bulldozers, farm machinery, forklifts and 17. "Personal and advertising injury" means injury, other vehicles designed for use principally including consequential "bodily injury", arising off public roads, out of one or more of the following offenses b. Vehicles maintained for use solely on or a. False arrest, detention or imprisonment, next to premises you own or rent, b. Malicious prosecution, c. Vehicles that travel on crawler treads, d. Vehicles,whether self-propelled or not, on which are permanently mounted. Page 22 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM c. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry Work that may need service, maintenance, into, or invasion of the right of private correction, repair or replacement, but occupancy of a room, dwelling or which is otherwise complete, will be premises that the person occupies, treated as completed committed by or on behalf of its owner, The "bodily injury" or "property damage" landlord or lessor, must occur away from premises you own d. Oral, written or electronic publication of or rent, unless your business includes the material that slanders or libels a person or selling, handling or distribution of "your organization or disparages a person's or product" for consumption on premises you organization's goods, products or services, own or rent e. Oral, written or electronic publication of b. Does not include "bodily injury" or material that violates a person's right of "property damage"arising out of privacy, (1) The transportation of property, unless f. Copying, in your "advertisement", a the injury or damage arises out of a person's or organization's "advertising condition in or on a vehicle not owned idea"or style of"advertisement", or operated by you, and that condition g. Infringement of copyright,slogan, or title of was created by the loading or any literary or artistic work, in your unloading" of that vehicle by any "advertisement", or insured, or h. Discrimination or humiliation that results in (2) The existence of tools, uninstalled injury to the feelings or reputation of a equipment or abandoned or unused natural person materials 18. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or 20. "Property damage" means thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, a. Physical injury to tangible property, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and including all resulting loss of use of that waste Waste includes materials to be recycled, property All such loss of use shall be reconditioned or reclaimed deemed to occur at the time of the 19. "Products-completed operations hazard", physical injury that caused it, or a. Includes all "bodily injury" and "property b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not damage" occurring away from premises physically injured All such loss of use you own or rent and arising out of "your shall be deemed to occur at the time of product" or"your work"except "occurrence"that caused it (1) Products that are still in your physical As used in this definition, "electronic data" is possession;or not tangible property (2) Work that has not yet been completed 21. "Suit" means a civil proceeding in which or abandoned However, "your work" damages because of "bodily injury", "property will be deemed to be completed at the damage" or "personal and advertising injury" earliest of the following times to which this insurance applies are alleged (a) When all of the work called for in "Suit" includes your contract has been completed a. An arbitration proceeding in which such (b) When all of the work to be done at damages are claimed and to which the the job site has been completed if insured must submit or does submit with your contract calls for work at our consent, or more than onetob site b. Any other alternative dispute resolution (c) When that part of the work done at proceeding in which such damages are a job site has been put to its claimed and to which the insured submits intended use by any person or with our consent organization other than another 22. "Temporary worker" means a person who is contractor or subcontractor furnished to you to substitute for a permanent working on the same project "employee" on leave or to meet seasonal or short-term workload conditions 23. "Volunteer worker" means a person who a. Is not your"employee", Form SS 00 08 04 05 Page 23 of 24 BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM b. Donates his or her work, (2) The providing of or failure to provide c. Acts at the direction of and within the warnings or instructions scope of duties determined by you, and c. Does not include vending machines or d. Is not paid a fee, salary or other other property rented to or located for the compensation by you or anyone else for use of others but not sold their work performed for you 25. "Your work" 24. "Your product". a. Means: a. Means (1) Work or operations performed by you (1) Any goods or products, other than real or on your behalf, and property, manufactured,sold,handled, (2) Materials, parts or equipment distributed or disposed of by furnished in connection with such work (a) You, or operations (b) Others trading under your name; b. Includes or (1) Warranties or representations made at (c) A person or organization whose any time with respect to the fitness, business or assets you have quality, durability, performance or use acquired, and of"your work", and (2) Coniwmner-s (,fher 4hw. ;vehicles), (2) Th^ pmv'idm" of or f-:1... to provide "`".1 materials, parts or equipment warnings or instructions furnished in connection with such goods or products b. Includes (1) Warranties or representations made at any time with respect to the fitness, quality, durability, performance or use of"your product", and a Page 24 of 24 Form SS 00 08 04 05