HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL06-276 - Change Order - #1 - A.C. Kindig & Co. - Kent Event Center Field Review - 02/05/2007 NZ KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 NAME OF CONTRACTOR, CONSULTANT, OR VENDOR: A.C. Kindig & Co. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Consultant Services Agreement for Kent Events Center ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: October 16,2006 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled"Description of Work,"is hereby modified as follows: Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: A detailed scope of work and cost estimate dated January 28, 2007 is attached. A.C. Kindig& Co. will evaluate the Naden Site and Commons sites for potential wetlands, prepare a wetland delineation report and prepare a wetland impact assessment of the Kent Events center project on the Naden and Commons site. A.C. Kindig & Co. will assist in preparing the EIS wetland section and coordinate with City of Kent surveyors, Blumen Consulting, and LMN regarding the project EIS and site plan. A. C. Kindig & Co.will prepare a wetland buffer averaging and enhancement plan. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Compensation," and Section III, "Time for Completion," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $5,000.00 including applicable alternates and WSST. Net Change by Previous Change Orders $0.00 (inel applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $59000.00 (incl Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $12,082.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $ 50.00 Revised Contract Sum $179132.00 Original Time for Completion October 31, 2006 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under N/A prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required ± for this Change Order 273 calendar days Revised Time for Completion July 31,2007 (insert date) The Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below, and agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement,which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY: A.C. KINDIG& CO. CITY OF By: ��u By: j (signature) / )(signature) t Name: ZCL E S �� I�(/ Prini Na e:< n z Its 7���✓r C i�t�a 7 Its _..-- '(Tale) aleJ DATE:_ — 31 — 1-e04r, DATE: AP OVED AS TO FORM: e Law Dcp ment CONTRACT MODIFICATION -2 OF 2 A .C. Kindig & Co. [ NVIKONME NJ Al CONSULTING 12501 Bellevue-Redmond Road,Suite 110 Bellevue,Washington 98005-2509 425 6M 03M fax 425 455 8365 SCOPE OF WORK (revised January 28,2007) WETLAND DELINEATION AND ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT KENT EVENTS CENTER (Commons Playfield, Kent,Washington) A.0 Kindig & Co. (Dr. Jim Kelley) will review the proposed Kent Events Center site for potential wetland conditions The work will consist of reviewing background information, completing a field delineation to identify the locations of wetlands, and preparing technical memorandum that summarizes our findings Also included in the scope is coordination, as necessary, with the City of Kent and the project team. Work associated with these tasks is further outlined below. TASK 1 Preliminary Review of Background Information and Meeting(completed) Previously completed studies, evaluations, and background information pertinent to the wetland assessment on or near the project site will be reviewed These documents include- King County Soil Survey • King County Wetlands Inventory • National Wetlands Inventory • City of Kent Wetlands Inventory • Kent Critical Areas Regulation • Preliminary wetland information provided by Adolphson&Associates • Aerial Photographs available from the City or other sources • Construction or maintenance records for the park facilities that may indicate drainage problems The above information will be used to help document and interpret potential wetland conditions on the project site A preliminary evaluation of the Kent Events Center site will be completed to identify potential wetlands on or nearby the site Following the background review, teleconferences and a meeting with the project team will occur to discuss preliminary findings and further evaluation needs. [NOTE: Work described in this task was completed as of October 20, 2006 Information obtained in this Task will be used, as appropriate, in Tasks 2 and 3 J Scope of Work 1 A C. Kindig 4 Co Wetland Delineation and Ecological Assessment revised January 28, 2007 Kent Events Center, City of Kent TASK 2 Field Delineation (Haden and Commons Site) The Kent Events Center sites(Haden and Kent Commons) will be examined to identify potential wetlands on or adjacent to the site. The boundaries of any wetlands will be identified on an aerial photograph or other suitable base map of the project site. Wetland identifications will be completed according to criteria specified in the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987), and in Ecology's Washington State Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual(1997). Wetlands identified on the site will be delineated according to the three parameter wetland delineation approach specified in these manuals In identifying wetlands, appropriate consideration will be given to the "normal circumstances"of the site, as clarified in the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Guidance Letter 86-09 Because of existing land-uses (mowed sports fields), dry weather conditions, and historical hydrologic alterations, the three required wetland parameters (soil, vegetation, and hydrology) are anticipated to be absent or unreliable Therefore, historical information (aerial photographs, maps, and other information) may be used to help support a wetland determination for the site Historical photographs and other historical information may be used to understand the "normal circumstances"of the site and to determine what ecological nexus may exist between wetland on the site and other navigable waters The ecological condition of on-site wetlands will be evaluated determine the appropriate regulatory rating, potential buffer requirements, and mitigation standards Ecological conditions will also be evaluated to understand the ecological functions provided by the wetlands and to evaluate whether there is a "significant nexus"between the wetlands and navigable waters of the U S TASK 3 Reporting,Meetings, and Coordination The results of the work described in Task 2 will be summarized in a technical memorandum that describes current wetland conditions on the Naden and Commons sites. The potential uncertainty in the wetland determination(due to altered site conditions and completion of the study during early fall)will be discussed The potential significance of wetlands to project planning and site design will also be identified As appropriate,the historical alterations to site hydrology and wetlands will be discussed. The memorandum will discuss wetlands relative to their Clean Water Act jurisdiction This will include evaluation of whether a wetland is hydrologically isolated from other waters of the U S , adjacent to navigable waters, or hydrologically connected to other waters. The potential changes in federal wetland jurisdiction that may result from the recent Rapanos U S Supreme Court decision will also be considered In this regard, an ecological evaluation of wetlands will be completed and the potential for a"significant nexus"between any on-site wetlands to other navigable waters or their tributaries will be evaluated Finally, coordination with City of Kent and the project team are anticipated to occur through teleconferences and 1 strategy meeting. An additional meeting, on the project site, with the City staff is planned TASK 4 Impact Assessment,EIS Assistance, and Buffer Enhancement Plan A.0 Kindig & Co will evaluate the potential project impacts to wetlands and wetland functions on the Naden and Commons site Impacts will consider direct impacts (wetland filling) and indirect impact (impacts to buffers, potential hydrologic modifications, and other disturbances) This analysis will be included in the wetland delineation report A conceptual mitigation approach will be included in the report that addresses buffer enhancement and buffer averaging A C Kmdig & Co. will prepare the EIS section for wetlands,and/or assist Blumen Consulting in the preparation and review of the EIS section Scope of Work 2 A.C Kindig 6 Co Wetland Delineahon and Ecological Assessment revised January 28, 2007 Kent Events Center, City of Kent Following completion of the EIS process, a Buffer Averaging and Enhancement Plan (5 copies) will be prepared. The plan will consist of a brief technical memorandum (2-5 pages) that specify the general requirements of the plan. The Buffer Averaging and Enhancement Plan will also include a full-size plan sheet that shows the design layout of the proposed project, areas of buffer averaging, buffer enhancement, and wetland enhancement areas A plant list, specifications, and other landscape details will be included on the plan Tlus plan sheet will be prepared and printed by the project design engineer/landscape architect A C Kmdtg & Co. will provide all technical assistance with regard to the wetland and buffer enhancement requirements Limitations The following limitations apply to the work described above: • A.C. Kmdig & Co will not survey or map the wetland boundary. A licensed surveyor will need to survey and map wetland boundaries for the wetland delineation report. • Hydrologic observations (occurrence of surface water in adjacent ditches, apparent flow paths, surface ponding, and soils saturated within the upper 12 inches will be described at the time of the wetland delineation No other monitoring or analysis is included in this work • Drainage path and potential hydrologic connections will be evaluated from aerial photographs and field observations from public right-of-ways These observations will not include any vegetation clearing or survey that may be required for a complete drainage analysis. Rights- of-entry and evaluation of private properties is not proposed. • The city of Kent will provide a topographic survey of the site. The map datum for this survey and the FEMA Flood Rate Insurance Map will be provided by the City • Wetland functions relevant to the determination of a "significant nexus" will be evaluated qualitatively based on standard procedures used by the Seattle Corps District and Washington Department of Ecology • The scope does not include effort for permitting any wetland impacts associated with the project,nor in obtaining regulatory review and approval of any delineated boundaries. • This wetland buffer averaging pi sheet will be prepared and printed by the project design engineer/landscape architect A.0 Kindig & Co. will provide all technical assistance with regard to the wetland and buffer enhancement requirements Approved by A.C.MnAe&Co.: Date Approved by City of%d: Date Scope of Work 3 A.C. Kindig dr Co Wetland Delineation and Ecological Assessment revised January 28, 2007 Kent Events Center, City of Kent D by g r A y m C dsl " a a Oy w A S x ro ° ( n � � Q o rn U id crCD C � a � a O 7d Cq CrJ r+ o 0 0 O o im a� A X :o o ° 2 N y z fr, � z c oe 00 0 o o m0.4 0 0, a ° x ° a ►-3 p� En 00 00 A A O A O O .� A ,. O O O O l � � z Nq I� z sr cn A a A < A A O A OCD OC, °0 'S7 b7 ;IQ O O O O O O � � � � � �• � z z XD �r GA x Hf 64 `N r U J fI? fIf A N N O N N S N pO O m O 0 0 S O O O S p V O O O