HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD04-277 - Amendment - #1 - Valley Medical Center - Corrections Facility Medical Services - 01/01/2007 FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENTTO CORRECTIONS FACILITY MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF KING COUNTY (dba Valley Medical Center Occupational Health Services,) a non-profit municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington ("Vendor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, City and Vendor entered into an agreement for medical services for the City of Kent Corrections Facility, dated July 29, 2004, ("Vendor"); and WHEREAS, City and Vendor express their mutual intent and desire to amend the Contract in order to extend the Agreement beyond the original term, clarify certain obligations and to revise the level of service and compensation provisions of the Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual intent, desire and promises of the parties and other good and valuable consideration, City and Vendor agree as follows: 1. Section II, Time for Performance, is amended to extend the Agreement for an additional one (1)-year period from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 with the option to extend the agreement for two (2) additional one (1)-year periods, at City's sole discretion, by giving at least 60 days written notice prior to the expiration of the preceding term. 2. Section III, Level of Service and Compensation, Subsection A, Staff - Level of Service and Hourly Rates is amended to delete that section in its entirety and replace with the following: "A. Staff - Level of Service and Hourly Rates. Staffing levels and hourly rates are set forth below. The staffing levels may be altered at the request of the City with thirty (30) days advance written notice to the Vendor and expressed in a written addendum signed by both parties. The City and Vendor may mutually agree to minor revisions to the days and hours worked as long as the total hours per week does not change. The Vendor shall provide the following level of service for staff on the days indicated and at the hourly rates indicated: ANNUAL HOURS POSITION 2080 Licensed Practical Nurse ("LPN") @ $31.48/hr 40 Hours per week Work performed Mon-Fri, 7:00 am-3:30 pm Total monthly cost: $5,456.53 Total annual cost: $65,478.40 FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT- 1 ANNUAL HOURS POSITION 3120 Registered Nurses ("RNs") @ $53.39/hr 60 Hours per week Work performed Mon-Fri, 12:30 pm-9:00 pm and Sat-Sun, 10:00 am-8:30 pm Total monthly cost: $13,881.40 Total annual cost: $166,576.80 416 Physician's Assistant ("PA") @ $68.92/hr 8 Hours per week Work performed in shifts totaling 8 hours per week at Vendor's discretion Total monthly cost: $2,389.23 Total annual cost: $28,670.72 The total annual expense for Vendor staff at the above level of service and at the above hourly rates will be $260,725.92. On or around July 1 of each year, Vendor may increase the hourly rates for the LPNs, RNs and PAs under this Agreement if and to the extent it generally increases the hourly rates for all its LPNs, RNs or PAs pursuant to an applicable labor contract or generally applicable pay policy. Vendor will provide City with at least thirty (30) days' advance written notice of such increase and make any such contract or policy available for review by City, upon request. Any such increase will be expressed in a written amendment to this Agreement executed by both parties." 3. Section VI, Program Support Services, Subsection A, Quarterly Meetings and Report, is amended to add the following at the end of that section; "12. National Commission on Correctional Health Care ("NCCHC") standards and compliance review." 4. Section VI, Program Support Services, Subsection H, Accreditation, is amended to delete that section in its entirety and replace it with the following: "Certificate of Accreditation. The City desires to have its correctional facility medical services receive a Certificate of Accreditation by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care and has been working with Vendor to that effect. Vendor will make best efforts to cooperate with the City and to facilitate the initial accreditation of the City's correctional facility medical services and once issued, to maintain it. This includes due diligence in performing those services and tasks that are required to receive and maintain the Certificate of Accreditation in accordance with the most current version of NCCHC's Standards for Health Services, as amended from time to time. Vendor will keep the City apprised of any issues relating to or effecting the Certificate of Accreditation review process or maintaining the Certificate of Accreditation, once issued, in a timely manner. In the event the City does not receive its initial or renewal Certificate of Accreditation due to acts or omissions of the Vendor or its staff, Vendor will reinitiate the Certificate of Accreditation review process and pay all reasonable fees associated with reinitiating the process." FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT-2 5. Section VI, Program Support Services, Subsection J, Inmate Co-Pay, is amended to delete that section in Its entirety and replace it with the following: "The City has established a system for the collection of an Inmate co-pay, but at this time, that system is not operational. Vendor will cooperate with the City to implement the co-pay system in the event the City makes it operational." 6. Except as specifically amended, all remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. 7. The effective date of this First Amendment is January 1, 2007. IN WITNESS, the parties have executed this First Amendment to the Corrections Facility Medical Services Agreement on the last date written below. CITY OF KENT By: Print a e: Suzette Cooke Title M or Da e• D PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. i, dba Valley Medical Center Occupational Health Services By: 1241'� Print Name: Pa I Larson Title: Administrat r Date: ��� Approved as to Form: w4 /l om 6rubaW, City Attorney P \Civil\Files\OpenFiles\0446\Jail Medical OHS First Amendment revl.doc FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT-3