HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD05-294 - Extension - Medtronic Physio-Control - Defibulator Units Anual Maintenance - 10/01/2005 49,000 R P r-n r c M a K ENT W _ �J Document XSHINGTOX CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: ?�yJ 2�EJ Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: 2�'"Z'L'n�f� Detail: Project Name: Contract Effective Date: C7� Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): C0 d Number of days required notice for termination o renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Department: Abstract: S Pubhc%RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\ADCL7832 07/02 i :3 0$: 28a Keith Johnson 425-227-3978 p. 2 "�CIINICAL SERVICE SUPPORT AGREEMENT w- Meettroodc C^r;ract Number: s^i " 00521001 Bill To# 00521001 ,RE DEPARTMENT KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT ,24c , i 16T1i AVE.S E 24611 1 16TI I AVE S E T,WA 98031 KEN f, WA 98031 ,--ical Service Support Agreement begins on 10/1/2006 znd expires on 9/30/2007. aced Covered Equipment and/or Software is listed on Schedule A.This Technical Service Agreement act:o the Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of this document and any Schedule I3, if attached. " Data Management Support and Upgrade Service is included on Schedule A then this Technical Service 5 ^-o t Agreement is also subject to Medtronies Data Managemei t Support and Upgrade ce Perms and Conditions, rev 7/99-1. Price of coverage specified on Schedule A is $11,232 00 per term-payable in Quarterly installments. ;ne:zi Perms DISCOUNT ON ACCESSORIES I SCOUN7 ON ALL ELECTRODES 1"/°DISCOUNT ON LP12 UPGRADES �z, c pied M D'�RO 1C Emergency Response Systems,Inc Cu comer k By — - ----'--'— —aC1 v tUl.� ^C l c�-�4(` Y�f��iM.� / Priiii'/\/c�ffiiJ _^ L c-GllT�- O`F i ca.� ' fit c1P1l�7N ---; s -- — Date. Purchase Order Number c—tory Rep- WENN60 Cm tomer Contact. 'ohnson. Keith Captain John Keizer o e 800-442-1142 x2707 Mile 253-8564333 ")0-772-3340 [,A'<_ 253-856-6330 RefeienceNumber N60-1481 Renewal Pruit-,d.9/29/2006 Page I of 6 ao 09: 28a Keith Johnson 425-227-3978 P. 3 MEDTRONIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS,INC TECHNICAL SERVICE SUPPORT AGREEMEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS RED'EWAL TERMS `!e?"c-nic Emergency Response Systems,Inc's("Medtronic)acceptance of Customer's Technical Service Support Agreement s excress!v conditioned on Customers assent to the terms set forth in this document and its attachments Medtronic agrees to -- sr:,ces ordered by Customer only on these terms,and Custornei's acceptance of any portion of the goods and services x5e-Xi--,, r.is document shall confine their acceptance by Customer These terms constitute the complete agreement between the fan^s anz they shall govern any conflicting or ambiguous terms on Customers purchase order or on other documents submitted to Ved'ronic oy Customer These terms may not be revised in any mannerwit,aout the prior written consent of an officer of Medtronic. =`=oalR SERVICES Re�3e­'services are designated,subject to the Exclusions identified below,they sham include,for the designated Covered re•` __I repair parts and materials required,all required Medtromc service technician labor,and all related travel s s =or offsile(ship-in)services,units will be returned to Customer by Medtronic freight prepaid NC ECTON SERVICES services are designated,subject to the Exclusions identified below,they shall include,for the designated Covered =cu omert verification of proper instrument calibration,verification that mstr,iment mechanical operations and output e=,:repents are consistent with applicable product specifications,performance of an electrical safety check in accordance with a and Protection Guidelines,all required Medtronic service techn cian labor and all related travel expenses For (sh p-in)services,units will be returned to Customer by Medtronic frei,ht prepaid DOCUMENTATION each Repair and/or Inspection,Medtronic will provide Customerwr, a written report of actions taken or recommended of any materials replaced or recommended for replacemen; _ roc 'd<_o`rc^c product is designated as a unit of Covered Equipment for Rep;it Services and needs to be removed from service to --u!'ete-emus,an appropriate Loaner unit will be provided,if available un il the removed unit is returned Customer assumes como'ese responsibility for the Loaner and shall return the Loaner to Medhon c in the same condition as received,at Customer's _, icon the earlier of the return of the removed unit or Medtronic's recuest :C_JSEOtS -"s`_ ,al Service Support Agreement does not include supply or repair of accessories or disposables(e g,patient cables, ,?cord 3, pacer,etc),repair of damage caused by misuse,abuse,abnormal operating conditions,operator errors,and/or acts of God, -cps•s co -eturn an instrument to normal operating equipment at the time of initial service by Medtronic under this Technical Service Support Agreement,case changes,repair or replacement of items not originally distributed or installed by Medtroc,ni --.d s—lueions on Schedule B to this Technical Service Support Agreement, f any,which apply to Covered Equipment _ _E SERVICES -z e,' 4eoair and Inspections Services will be performed at the desgm ted service frequency and during designated service -ou,;xcect where service technicians are rendered unavailable due to mar,Jalory training commitments,in which case Medtronic de�'temate coverage. Customer is to ensure Covered Equipment i, available for Repair and/or Inspechon at scheduled 'r Cc.ered Equipment is not available as scheduled and Customer rec-,ests additional services to be performed or if Medtronic ax,tee to eerforn Repair or Inspection services not designated in this T-chnical Service Support Agreement(due to the nature of a—v cas st,ected,instruments involved not being Covered Equipment,requeec being outside of designated service frequency or hours, or aoplicat on of the Exclusions).Customer shall reimburse Medtronic at Med:ronic's standard labor rates less 10%(including overtime, *aop-opriate), plus standard list prices for related parts and materials less 1,%,plus actual travel costs incurred �AY1vtENT `-e cost o`,services performed by Medtronic shall be payable by Customer w1h n thirty(30)days of Customers receipt of Medtronic's __ o-_,ch other terms as Medtronic confirms to Customer in writing) Ir addition to the cost of services performed, _ _ _ cay or reimburse Medtronic for any taxes assessed Medtronic If the number or configuration of Covered _au--men`is al'ered during the Term of this Technical Service Support Agree Went,the price of Services shall be adjusted accordingly ­t\PRAN" i c n ,rants Services performed under this Technical Service Suppon Agreement and replacement parts provided in Y o +rig such Services against defects in material and workmanship for nirety(90)days from the date a Service was performed or a r:�s c,c^ded Customers sole remedy shall be reserve ang the affected mit and/or replacement of any part determined to be ec � : -ost any additional Customer charge,provided Customer notifies Medtronic of any allegedly defective condition �n i;';calendar days of its discovery by Customer Medtronic makes no other warranties,express or implied,including, !rn tabon,NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,AND IN NO EVENT 'A__MEDTRONIC BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,SPECIAL,OR OTHER DAMAGES Refermce Number N60-1481 Renewal Prints,'.9/29/2006 Page 2 of 6 09: 28a Keith Johnson 425-227-3978 p. 4 i —E=nr'VATIQN [ c oa•ty may temunate this Technical Service Support Agreement at any time upon sixty(60)days prior written notice to the othe' except that Medtronic may terminate this Technical Service Support Agreement immediately upon Customer's failure to make '—e y ^a vments for services rendered under this Technical Service Suppor'Agreement In the event of termination,Customer shall ^ ce r 4 to reimburse Medtronic for that portion of the designated price,rohich corresponds to that portion of the Term and the c o`S v ces provided prior to the effective date of termination E'J+YS will not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind due to its fadtrre to perform or delays in its performance resulting from any cause beyond its reasonable control,including,but not limited to,acts of God,labor disputes, labor sho tages,the ___�rnents of any governmental authority,war,evil unrest,delays in man4acture,obtaining any required license or permit, c fedtronic's inability to obtain goods from its usual sources Any such o alay shall not be considered a breach of Medtrontc's c�,fSat,ors and the performance dates shall be extended for the length of st--h delay agrees to not employ or offer employment to anyone performing Services on Medtronic's behalf during the Term of ;h G-es�nicai Service Support Agreement or for one(1)year following its expiration without Medtronic's prior written consent T s Toc finical Service Support Agreement,and any related obligation of other party,may not be assigned in whole or in part - nor written consent of the other party : coligations of Medtronic and Customer under this Technical Service Support Agreement shall be governed by sws c'"fie State in which the service is provided All costs and experses incurred by the prevailing party related to z,i�o-ce4nt of its rights under this document,including reasonable ahorney's fees,shall be reimbursed by the other party end t Reference Number: N60-1481 Renewal Printed 9/29/2006 Page 3 of 6 3S 09: 29a Keith Johnson 425-227-3978 P. 5 MEDTRONIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS,INC. TECHNICAL SERVICE SUPPORT AGREEMENT SCHEDULE A i-act Number S3- icing Rep: Johnson, Keith, WENN60 J:str:ct: ROCKY MOUNTAIN c^.c: 800-442-1 142 x,2707 800-772-3340 Location: KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT,00521001 24611 116rR AVE,S.E KENT, WA 98031 Scope Of Service On Site Repair and I On Site Inspection pi.r Year-M-F(8-5 Ref Effective Expiration Total vodcl Part NumM:r Senal Number Line Date Dale Inspections LF '"AK(,)12 V1,P12-02-003855 30188991 6 10112006 9R02407 I ) '2 VLP12-02-003855 30198993 7 10/12006 9/302007 l 1K4*12 VLP12-02-003855 30188994 8 10/12006 9/302007 1 ' '1\{,r)12 VI,P[2-02-003855 30188995 9 10/12006 9/302007 1 7-'A c,1'2 VLP12-02-003855 30188996 10 10/12006 9/302007 1 JPt:PAKCo 12 VL1112-02-003855 30188997 11 10/12006 9/302007 1 ',9 KEN 12 VLP]2-02-003855 30199998 12 10/12006 9/30/2007 1 .AfcQd 12 VI.1)12-02-003855 A18")9 13 10/12006 9/30/2007 1 --l'AK(n)12 VLP12-02-W3855 30199000 14 MOM()() 9/302007 1 'ANP 12 VLP12-024X)3855 301890(11 15 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 1 `AK(P) 12 VLP12.02-003855 30189002 1 10/12006 9/302007 1 ' 0<AA' 12 VLP12-02495855 30189003 2 10/I2006 9/302007 1 c^^ ,se-vice On Site Repair Only:M-F/8-5 Ref Effective Expiration Total Par(Number Serial Numba Ltne Dad, Date Inspections ;I I-i'4CM 12 AC/DC PA VLPI2-09-000049 W0322 3 10/I/2006 9/302007 (1 ,11 i.1AK%12 AC/D(,PA VLP12-06-000076 030073 4 10/1/2006 91302007 (1 ' P 1"AMR)12 A(7fX'PA VL,P)2-06-000076 039002 5 10/l2006 9/302007 0 -',{QV 12 ACIDC PA VL('l2-(N-000049 005983 16 10/12006 9/30/2007 0 "K(9 12 AODC PA V1,1112-09-000049 005984 17 10/12006 9/30/2007 0 I ",Mt'12 AC/DC PA VLP12-09-000049 006005 18 10/12006 9130/2007 0 is"'l AKOR 12 AGDC PA Vl.P12-09-OW049 006011 19 1011201)6 9/302007 0 1"""%X 12 AC:/DC PA VLP12-09-000049 007462 20 10)12006 9/302007 0 0 ,2 ACIDC PA VLP12409-000049 007483 21 10/1/2006 9/302007 0 `2 ACIIX'PA V1,1`12-09-000049 007484 22 10/12006 9/302007 0 :Mt i2 AUDC'PA V1,1112.09-000049 007486 23 10/12006 9/30/2007 0 '.t'AK(P) 12 AC/IX'PA VLP12-09-000049 007488 24 10/1/2000 9/302007 0 C' I,PAKV 12 ACIDC PA V1,1`I2-09-000049 W7504 25 10/12006 9/30/2007 0 Reference Number N60-1481 Renewal Printi,l:9/29/2006 Page 4 of 6 D6 09: 29a Keith Johnson 425-227-3978 P. 6 AC/DC PA VLPI2-09-000049 0077% 26 10/1/2006 9/30n007 0 !—';'PAKW 1 ACIDCPA VI,P12-094MO49 007791 27 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 0 I,, 'AKW IZ AODCPA VIT12-09-OW049 007910 28 10/12006 9/302007 0 I IF?AKxI 12 ACIDIC PA VI 1`12-09-000049 007811 29 10112006 9/3WMI7 0 "\M5 12 ACIDCPA VI-Pl2-09-000049 007812 30 10/12006 9/302007 0 PGDCPA VLP12-09-ON049 007813 31 10/1/2006 9/30/2007 0 i *'Denotes an inventory fine that has changed once the last contract revision or addendum Reference Number N60-1491 Renewal Pnnte<!_9/29/2006 Page 5 of 6 :,S: 30a Keith Johnson 425-227-3978 P• 7 MEDTRONIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS,INC. TECHNICAL SERVICE SUPPORT AGREEMENT SCHEDULI B U1"—,PAK*12 k)F,FIBRILLATORlMONITOR AC''ower Adapter included when listed on equipment inventory(Schedule A) I;C Power Adapter included when listed on equipment inventory(Schedule A) 7eT,�-1'ator paddle repairs are included(excludes internal,stenlvablo and pediatric paddles) C'e—mu:nealrexis and Patient cables are excluded "C .CIA Madems are excluded. u w c Ncs are excluded. �o»ors are excluded. ha,2cw atre excluded ',),scouni of 17°/a from the f icld installed list price for any current and/or future available I,Ir LPAKG)12 upgrade is ncludeti%lien uutallcd by Medtrome Technical Services ')�oun•s ntay not be combined with any other special towns.discounts a-id/or promotions Liedtrome Fastpak*.Fastpak 2,Lifcpak SLA and Lifepak NiCd Battery -c--etams the responsibility to perform the battery maintenance anc evaluation procedures outlined in the ^?crvrng mstruedon manual and to replace baucnes that do not pass the conditions outlined under"Discaiding/ lox};ling Baucncs_" Batteries failing to meet battery performance tests sl ould be removed trout service and properly c�coil l,ecycled) 'fcu; torrcr provides evidence that a Medtronic Battery Pak fails to meet the performance tests noted above and/or age exceeds 2 years,Medtronic shall replace said Medtronic,Battery Pak(like for like)cc I-AS 1 PAK I,<.'�ASTPAK2 for FAST PAK2,LIFEPAK SLA for LIFEPAK SLA,or I WEPAK NiCd for 1, -If'AK NiCd, n x-Mu-n of 4 Medtronic Battery Yaks every two years.(including prior Support Plan periods)per LIFITAK00 12 r`]ato 'nomtor(listed on Schedule A) i o assist in proper recycling a-d removal ul'low capacity batteries, ,n accc Battery Paks become the property of Medtrome and must be retumed at the time of exchange Only batteries manufactured by Medtronic are covered under this Service Agreement. Any batteries manufactured by [her sources are expressly excluded from coverage under this Service Agreement Medironue cannot guarantee the o,cra',on,salely and/or performance of our product when operating with a i on-Medtrome battery Repairs and inspections e Rif^cd under this Agreement meet original equipment manufacturer's product specifications only when operating with a Medtronic battery Any repaurs,as determined by a Medtronic Service Ryacwniative,resulting from the use of a a o—Vo,dironic battery,will be billed at our standard list prices for pans and labor,including actual travel charges ;7 Software Updates b reed Repair and Inspection services are designated on the Technical Service Support Agreement inventory 1,`pak 12 units,at the customer's request,a Medtrome I echmcal Services Representative will install Lifepak 12 �e''ua=re urcates at no additional charge provided it is installed at the time o,a regularly scheduled inspection ',r.ndd+on -ring the term of this agreement,where an assembly such as a p,inted circuit board must be replaced in cr' ",c new software,these assemblies may be purchased by the customer at a 50%discount ofTthe current „e -sew assembly_ Software updates requested to he;installed at a mie other than the regularfv whoduled inspection will be billed at$205 per unit per software update 'flit;cost of the software update will be billed on a �e?'Tate invoice. 1V'Renoir-Only services an designated on the Service Order inventory for 1 fepak 12 units,at the customer's request "echnical Services Representatevc will msKaO a Ullepak 12 softy are update at a discounted price of$205 per tic update In addition during the term of this agreement whey,an assembly such as a printed circuit board ca',_ccc in order to install the new software,these asSemhhcs may b- pun,hascd by the customer at a 50%discount erl[ist pricc of a new assembly The cost of the Software update •ill he billed on a separate cnvou c " ray not be combined with any other special terms,discounts and or promotions Reference Number- N60-1481 Renewal Printed 9/29/2006 Page 6 of 6