HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW06-203 - Amendment - #1 - WA State Dept of Ecology - Kent Recycling Collections Events - 07/24/2006 o b 4 9 v. JUL 2 w 2'C']" CITY OF PtE_NT STATE OFWASHINGTON �NC� ° [`v,Sa.�� � T DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest ifs ,,unal Office •3190 160th Avenue SE• Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452 • (425) 649-7000 July 27, 2006 Robyn Bartelt City of Kent 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Re: Coordinated Prevention Grant No. G0600199,Amendment 1 Dear Robyn: Congratulations! The enclosed executed grant amendment provides restored funding to increase your total eligible 2006-2007 Coordinated Prevention Grant amount to $113,897. Please note the same requirements for submitting payment requests as outlined with the original grant remain with this amendment. In general, each payment request should be submitted to the Department of Ecology with the following information to process a voucher for reimbursement of grant funds: • A completed, signed Invoice Voucher(Form A). • A completed Running Budget Summary (Form 132). • A completed Voucher Support Form (Form C2),breaking down expenditures by category. • A CPG Progress Report showing accomplishments by project. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at (425) 649-7056 or e-mail alew461@ecy.wa.gov. Sincerely, Anna Lewis Environmental Planner& Grant Officer Solid Waste& Financial Assistance Program Enclosures Cc: Grant File C AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT CONTRACT NO. G0600199 r* d irED BETWEEN STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY JUL 26 2006 AND I OF ECOLOGY CITY OF KENT LOGY Purpose: To increase the state grant share of this grant by $28,516. This appropriation of funds will help the City of Kent(RECIPIENT) to hold additional recycling collection events in 2007. It is mutually agreed that the agreement is amended as follows: 1. The total maximum eligible cost for this agreement increases by$38,021 from $75,876 to $113,897. 2. The state grant share for this agreement increases by $28,516 from $56,907 to $85,423. 3. The current Outcome Statement and Activities with Timeline for the following project(s)are deleted and replaced with the following CATEGORY A, PROJECT 1,Kent Recycling Collection Events -2006 &2007: a. From Original Summary Description: The RECIPIENT will promote and coordinate two special collection events in 2006. They will take place in the spring and fall and will serve to collect household hazardous waste (HHW) and hard-to-recycle solid waste. The RECIPIENT will use the events as a venue to distribute educational materials on how to reduce waste and recycle using Kent sponsored or private sector recycling programs. The events may also serve as a venue for distribution of compost bins or other items to Kent residents. b. Original Outcome Statement: As a result of the Residential Recycling Collection Events,Kent estimates it will divert and recycle 220-250 tons of material from the Kent residential waste stream and serve 2,100- 2,300 households. c. Outcome Statement: As a result of the Residential Recycling Collection Events,Kent estimates it will divert and recycle 440-500 tons of material from the Kent residential waste stream and serve 4,200- 4,600 households. d. Activities with Timeline: Activity Timeline Milestone Arrange date and site for spring event. Feb-Mar, '06 Receive signed use permit. & '07 Arrange event vendors. Feb-Mar, '06 Receive signed participation & '07 agreements Event publicity—develop,print, sort, Feb, '06& '07 Receive confirmation from post and mails ring event flyer. office. Hold Spring Special Collection Event Mar, '06 & '07 Complete event report letter for City. Recycle materials collected at Spring Mar-A r, '06 Receive wei ht sli sand non-haz Amendment No 1 to Ecology Grant No G0600199 ' Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent Special Collection Event & '07 waste manifests from event vendors. Prepare project reports for grant Apr-May, '06 Confirm grantors have received reimbursement. & '07 reports. Arrange date and site for fall event. Jul-Aug, '06& Receive signed use permit. '07 Arrange event vendors. Jul-Aug, '06& Receive signed participation '07 agreements. Event publicity—develop,print, sort, Sept-Oct, '06 Receive confirmation from post and mail fall event flyer & '07 office. Hold Fall Special Collection Event Oct, '06 & '07 Complete event report letter for City. Recycle materials collected at Fall Oct, '06& '07 Receive weight slips and non-haz Special Collection Event waste manifests from event vendors. Prepare project reports for grant Oct-Nov, 2006 Confirm grantors have received reimbursement 2007 reports 4. The existing CPG BUDGET and FUND SOURCE are deleted and replaced with the following. REGULAR CYCLE CPG BUDGET TOTAL CATEGORY TOTAL CATEGORY CATEGORY COST: CPG BASE COST:RESTORED (174/1109) (174/1132) 1. Residential Waste Reduction& Recycling $62,543.00 $38,021 00 2. Commercial Waste Reduction & Recycling $ 13,333.00 $0.00 TOTAL MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE COST $ 75,876.00 $ 38,021 00 FUND SOURCE: CPG BASE (174/H09) MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE COST: $ 75,876.00 FUND GRANT PERCENT(%) STATE GRANT SHARE Local Toxics Control Account(LTCA) 75 % $ 56,907.00 MATCH REQUIREMENT MATCH PERCENT(%) LOCAL SHARE Cash Match or Interlocal Costs 25 % $ 18,969.00 2 Amendment No. 1 to Ecology Grant No. G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent FUND SOURCE: RESTORED (174/H32) MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE COST: $ 38,021.00 FUND GRANT PERCENT(%) STATE GRANT SHARE Local Toxics Control Account(LTCA) 75 % $28,516 00 MATCH REQUIREMENT MATCH PERCENT (%) LOCAL SHARE Cash Match or Interlocal Costs 25 % $9,505 00 5. The effective date of this amendment is January 1, 2006. 6. All other terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect. STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF KENT DEPARTMENT OF ECOLO Y Cullen D S ephenson Date th nz Official ate Program Manager Solid Waste and Financial Assistance Print Name of Authorized Official APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Assistant Attorney General Mff — Title 3