HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW06-203 - Original - WA State Dept of Ecology - Kent Recycling Collections Events - 01/01/2006 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ANDfJ CITY OF KENT �s�! �} i, Grant No: G0600199, Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement. This is a binding agreement entered into by and between the State of Washington Department of Ecology, hereinafter referred to as ECOLOGY, and the City of Kent,hereinafter referred to as the RECIPIENT,to carry out the activities described herein. JURISDICTION: City of Kent MAILING ADDRESS: 220 4"'Ave S CITY, STATE,ZIP: Kent,WA 98032-5895 RECIPIENT GRANT COORDINATOR: Robyn Bartelt TELEPHONE: 253-856-5 549 FAX: 253-856-6500 E-MAIL: rbartelt@ci.kent.wa.us RECIPIENT BILLINGANVOICE COORDINATOR: Donna Palmer TELEPHONE: 253-856-5511 FAX: 253-856-6500 E-MAIL.: dpalmer@ci.kent.wa.us ECOLOGY GRANT OFFICER: Anna Lewis TELEPHONE- 425-649-7056 FAX: 425-649-7098 E-MAIL: alew461@ecywa.gov FUNDING SOURCE Local Toxics Control Account MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE COST $ 75,876.00 STATE GRANT SHARE $ 56,907.00 LOCAL SHARE $ 18,969.00 STATE MAXIMUM GRANT PERCENT 75 % FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO 91-6001254 For the purpose of this agreement,the RECIPIENT will be allowed to match the state grant share with cash and interlocal in-kind costs in accordance with application instructions. This agreement is effective on January 1,2006, Any work performed prior to the effective date of this agreement without prior written authorization and specified in the Scope of Work will be at the sole expense and risk of the RECIPIENT. This agreement shall expire no later than December 31,2007. Grant No. G0600199 " Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent .' •• fa S" FF fJ REGULAR CYCLE SCOPE 0; The project(s) set forth below summarize the RECIPIENT's budget(s)tracked by category, goals and expected outcomes, activities with tunelme,method of evaluation, and estimated project cost * The estimated project cost is for grant officer information only, it will not be used for budget tracking purposes. Recipient Responsibilities: The RECIPIENT is responsible for implementing activities identified in the local Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and the Hazardous Waste Management Plan. A. CATEGORY: Residential Waste Reduction and Recycling TOTAL CATEGORY COST: $ 62,543.00 1. PROJECT TITLE. Kent Recycling Collection Events -2006 Summary Description: The RECIPIENT will promote and coordinate two special collection events in 2006. They will take place in the spring and fall and will serve to collect household hazardous waste(HIM and hard-to-recycle solid waste. The RECIPIENT will use the events as a venue to distribute educational materials on how to reduce waste and recycle using Kent sponsored or private sector recycling programs. The events may also serve as a venue for distribution of compost bins or other items to Kent residents. Promotional advertising for the events shall occur in advance of the events through direct flyer mailing, city newsletters, newspaper advertisements, and the City's website. Costs for disposal of usable latex paint and uncontaminated used oil in a landfill are not eligible for reimbursement. The costs of processing and disposal of non-HHW materials are not eligible for reimbursement. Small quantity generator waste will not be accepted at these events. ECOLOGY shall be acknowledged in any published materials for providing funding for this project; copies of all promotional material shall be submitted to ECOLOGY. Project income directly generated as a result of the activities funded by this grant shall be reported as a credit against the expenses of that activity on Form C2. Goal Statement: The goal of the program is to promote alternatives for Kent residents to recycle and re-use hard-to-recycle items. This program will help the RECIPIENT promote recycling by diverting recyclable material from the City waste stream. Outcome Statement: As a result of the Residential Recycling Collection Events,Kent estimates it will divert and recycle 220-250 tons of material from the Kent residential waste stream and serve 2,100-2,300 households. Work Plan and Activities with Timeline: Activity Timeline Milestone Arrange date and site forspring event. Feb-Mar,2006 Receive signed use permit Arrange event vendors. Feb-Mar, 2006 Receive signed participation agreements. 2of9 Grant No. G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent Event publiCi jr—dCVel^p,print nrY and Fa}L �QQ6 RP_,CPiVP_,CgnfiY-nation from post mailspring event flyer. office. Hold Spring Special Collection Event Mar, 2006 Complete event report letter for City. Recycle materials collected at Spring Special Mar-Apr, 2006 Receive weight slips and non-haz Collection Event waste manifests from event vendors Prepare project reports for grant Apr-May 2006 Confirm grantors have received reimbursement. reports. Arrange date and site for fall event. Jul-Aug, 2006 Receive si ned use permit Arrange event vendors. Jul-Aug, 2006 Receive signed participation agreements Event publicity—develop,print, sort, and Sept-Oct, 2006 Receive confirmation from post mail fall event flyer. office Hold Fall Special Collection Event Oct, 2006 Complete event report letter for City. Recycle materials collected at Fall Special Oct, 2006 Receive weight slips and non-haz Collection Event waste manifests from event vendors. Prepare proiect reports for grant Oct-Nov,2006 Confirm grantors have received reimbursement. reports Method of Evaluation: The RECIPIENT will provide the following information to ECOLOGY for project evaluation: • The number of event participants-the site greeter will count cars as they arrive. • The volume of each material collected in pounds/tons as reported from event vendors and from material delivered to recycling centers. * Estimated Project Cost: $ 62,543.00 B. CATEGORY: Commercial Waste Reduction and Recycling TOTAL CATEGORY COST: $ 13,333.00 1. PROJECT TITLE: Kent Business Recycling Collection Events Summary Description: The RECIPIENT shall conduct two Business Recycling Events. The events shall occur each summer of this grant cycle Promotional advertising will occur prior to the events through direct flyer mailing to city 1- _'ses A L.. /�a.,_ L a Tt 1.... C.... ,J'„�..:L..4'..« C,.,7..n,.4�..«..1 ♦..«',.1.. u1i 11IGJJ(-iJ RILLL Vn Life lilt'' J eb site. iL may also set serve as a vc,-.ue LVr L11: L,l VU L1Vr1 Of cclu a-LiG al ln,UlLC l¢1J on waste reduction and recycling as well as other WRR related items to city businesses. Residential solid waste and household hazardous waste shall not be accepted at these events No costs for transportation or disposal of recyclable solid waste are eligible for reimbursement. Collection,handling, and disposal of non-re-useable or non-recyclable commercial solid waste are not eligible for reimbursement Additionally,disposal costs for small quantity generator waste are not eligible for reimbursement. 3of9 Grant No G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent ECOLOGY shall be acknowledged in any published materials for providing funding for this project; copies of all promotional material shall be submitted to ECOLOGY. Pro9ect income directly generated as a result of the activities funded by this grant shall be reported as a credit against the expenses of that activity on Form C2, Goal Statement: The goal of the program is to promote alternatives for Kent businesses to recycle and re-use hard-to-recycle items. This program will help Kent promote recycling by diverting recyclable material from the City waste stream. Outcome Statement: As a result of the Business Special Collection Events,Kent estimates it will divert and recycle 55-65 tons of material from the Kent business waste stream and serve 225-250 businesses. Work Plan and Activities with Timeline- Activity Timeline Milestone Arrange date and site for summer event. June,July, 2006, 2007 Receive signed use permit. Arrange event vendors. June, July, 2006, 2007 Receive signed participation apreements. Event publicity—develop,print, sort, June, July, 2006, 2007 Receive confirmation from and mailspring event flyer post office. Hold Business Special Collection Event July,August,2006,2007 Complete event report letter for City Recycle materials collected at Business July,August,2006,2007 Receive weight slips and non- Special Collection Event hazardous waste manifests from event vendors. Prepare project reports for grant August, September, Confirm grantors have reimbursement 2006, 2007 received reports. Method of Evaluation: The RECIPIENT will provide the following information to ECOLOGY for project evaluation: The number of businesses participants-the site greeter will count cars as they arrive. • The volume of each material collected in pounds/tons as reported from event vendors and from material delivered to recycling centers. * Estimated Project Cost: $ 13,333.00 COMMUNICATION ECOLOGY's regional grant officer(grant officer)will contact the RECIPIENT grant coordinator as needed to monitor progress toward goals and check consistency with Work Plans and Timelines. It is the responsibility of the RECIPIENT to contact his or her grant officer with any other questions or concerns regarding the grant. Grant officers are available to provide technical assistance at any time during the grant cycle 4of9 Grant No. G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent BILLING AND REPORTING A payment request consists of Forms A-19,B2,C2 and a progress report. The RECIPIENT must submit a payment request(with a progress report)at least every 12 months, but no more often than once per month. ECOLOGY may require additional voucher support documentation to be submitted with each payment request. The RECIPIENT must keep record of supporting documents in accordance with the requirements outlined in the most recent revision of Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecology Grants and Loans and make these documents available to ECOLOGY staff upon request. The RECIPIENT must also complete and submit a Final Performance Analysis(FPA) including the effectiveness of the approaches used and any lessons learned. The FPA must be submitted with the final payment request,unless instructed otherwise by ECOLOGY. The final payment request and the FPA are due February 15,2008 for regular cycle grants. REGULAR CYCLE CPG BUDGET CATEGORY TOTAL CATEGORY COST: CPG BASE(174/H09) 1. Residential Waste Reduction and Recycling $ 62,543.00 2. Commercial Waste Reduction and Recycling $ 13,333.00 TOTAL MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE COST $ 75,876.00 FUND SOURCE: CPG BASE(174/H09) Maximum Eligible Cost: $ 75,876.00 FUND' GRANT PERCENT(%) STATE GRANT SHARE Local Toxics Control Account(LTCA) 75 % $56,907 00 MATCH REQUIREMENT MATCH PERCENT(%) LOCAL SHARE Cash Match or Interlocal Costs 25% $ 18,969 00 5 of 9 Grant No. G0600199 ` Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent ADDITIONAL BUDGET CONDITIONS 1. Overhead is eligible;the RECIPIENT may charge 25 percent of salaries and benefits for time devoted specifically to projects outlined in this agreement. 2. The RECIPIENT contact for billing and invoice questions is: RECIPIENT BILLING/INVOICE COORDINATOR: Donna Palmer TELEPHONE: 253-85 6-5511 FAX: 253-856-6500 E-MAIL: dpalmer@ci.kent.wa.us 3. Grant payments should be made payable to: City of Kent 4. Grant payments should be mailed to this address: JURISDICTION: City of Kent MAILING ADDRESS: 220 4 h Ave S CITY, STATE,ZIP. Kent, WA 98032-5895 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS If parties other than the RECIPIENT are contributing to the local share of project costs,memoranda of understanding or other written agreements confirming the contribution must be negotiated These agreements must specify the exact work to be accomplished and be signed by all parties contributing to the local match of this project. Copies of these agreements shall be submitted to ECOLOGY. B. PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTS 1. The RECIPIENT shall follow their standard procurement procedures and/or applicable state law in awarding contracts; RECIPIENTS with no formal procurement procedures must comply with the "Standards for Competitive Solicitation", found in the most recent revision of Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecology Grants and Loans. 2. Following execution, at the request of ECOLOGY, the RECIPIENT shall submit a copy of all requests for qualifications(RFQs),requests for proposals (RFPs), and bid documents relating to this grant agreement to ECOLOGY. 3. The RECIPIENT may use existing contracts that conform to adopted procurement procedures and applicable state laws. The RECIPIENT shall notify ECOLOGY if it used contracts entered into prior to the execution of the grant agreement for performance of grant funded activities. 6of9 Grant No. G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent C. SEPA CO1VroLIANCE To ensure that environmental values are considered by the state and local government officials when making decisions,the RECIPIENT shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). Chapter 41.23C RCW, and the SEPA Rules, Chapter 197-11 WAC. Copies of the SEPA documents shall be sent to: ECOLOGY's Environmental Review and Transportation Section P.O. Box 47703 OIympia, WA 98504-7703 D. WETLANDS PROTECTION To comply with the directive of Executive Order 90-04,Protection of Wetlands, all local governments are requested and encouraged to make all of their actions consistent with the intent of this executive order; specifically, (1)to avoid,to the extent possible, adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands, and(2)to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands wherever there is a practical alternative. E. FAILURE TO COMMENCE WORK ECOLOGY reserves that right to terminate this agreement in the event the RECIPIENT fails to commence work on any of the projects funded herein within six(6)months after the effective date, F. PROJECT INCOME Any income directly generated as a result of the activities funded by this grant shall be reported as a credit against the expenses of that activity, as required by ECOLOGY's Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecology Grants and Loans. G. GRANT REPORTING The RECIPIENT, in conjunction with submission of payment requests,or at the request of the grant officer, shall prepare Progress Reports and submit them to ECOLOGY. The RECIPIENT must also complete and submit a Final Performance Analysis(FPA). H. PROMOTIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS A copy of all promotional and educational materials developed as part of this agreement shall be submitted to ECOLOGY concurrent with public distribution. ECOLOGY shall have the right to use any printed materials developed as part of this agreement in any manner ECOLOGY deems appropriate. The Washington State Department of Ecolob�,;-ill be arlrn^%v1Ar1gerl fnr�nrn,,;Aina funding in all rni`ibligherl material nnA nral presentations that result from this agreement. I. AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS No subsequent modification(s)or amendment(s)of this grant agreement shall be of any force or effect unless in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the RECIPIENT and ECOLOGY and made part of this agreement; except a letter of amendment will suffice to redistribute the budget without increasing the total maximum eligible cost or to change ECOLOGY's grant officer or the RECIPIENT's grant coordinator or to extend the period of performance as set forth in this grant agreement. 7of9 Grant No. G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent J. It is not mandatory for the RECIPIENT to abide by Part J of the Special Terms and Conditions, however, it is highly encouraged. MINORITY AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS PARTICIPATION The RECIPIENT agrees to solicit and recruit,to the maximum extent possible, certified minority-owned (MBE) and women-owned(WBE)businesses in purchases and contracts initiated after the effective date of this Agreement. In the absence of more stringent goals established by the RECIPIENT's jurisdiction,the RECIPIENT agrees to utilize ECOLOGY's goals for minority- and women-owned business participation in all bid packages, request for proposals, and purchase orders. These goals are expressed as a percentage of the total dollars available for the purchase or contract and are as follows: Construction/Public Works 10%MBE 6%WBE Architecture/Engineering 10%MBE 6%WBE Purchased Goods 8%MBE 4%WBE Purchased Services 10%MBE 4%WBE Professional Services 10%MBE 4%WBE No contract award or rejection shall be made based on achievement or non-achievement of the goals. Achievement of these goals is encouraged, however, and the RECIPIENT and ALL prospective bidders or persons submitting qualifications may take the following affirmative steps in any procurement initiated after the effective date of this agreement 1. Include qualified minority and women's businesses on solicitation lists. 2. Assure that qualified minority and women's businesses are solicited whenever they are potential sources of services or supplies. 3. Divide the total requirements,when economically feasible, into smaller projects or quantities to permit maximum participation by qualified minority and women's businesses. 4. Establish delivery schedules,where work requirements permit,which will encourage participation of qualified minority and women's businesses. 5. Use the services and assistance of the State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) and the Office of Minority Business Enterprises of the U S Department of Commerce, as appropriate. The RECIPIENT may report to ECOLOGY payments made to qualified firms at the time of submitting each invoice and on forms provided by ECOLOGY, the information should include: 1. Name and State OMWBE certification number of any qualified firm receiving funds under the voucher, including any sub-and/or sub-subcontractors. 2. The total dollar amount paid to qualified firms under this invoice. 8 of 9 Grant No. G0600199 Coordinated Prevention Grant Regular Cycle Agreement with City of Kent K. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This agreement,the"General Terms and Conditions",and ECOLOGY's Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecolozy Grants and Loans, contain the entire understanding between the parties, and there are no other understandings or representations except as those set forth or incorporated by reference herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this Grant Agreement: STATE OF WASIENGTON CITY OF KENT DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Cullen D. Stephenso6 Date jhjzed Official Date Program Manager Solid Waste and Financial Assistance Print Name of Authorized Official APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Assistant Attorney General Title 9 of 9 PROCUREMENT CERTIFICATION FORM Recipient: City of Kent Grant Name: CPG Agreement 2006-2007 Grant No.: G0600199 The undersigned, on behalf of the Recipient, certifies that the Recipient: (check/and complete one of the following) ✓ will follow Recipient's own adopted procurement procedures and applicable state law in procuring grant-related public works contracts, J ..•7n c, co + ctse and Purchase proress�oria� ar�u personal se.....e, ...,n.ra.,�.., a .. ,...r agreements. The procurement procedures were adopted )i�,Jfqj, V lOWMdate) by ;bv (adopting uthority) and are recorded in t-l2s 3.7 e 1 16� 0 Ofil f-czL% (document name). 7,r t dt.f'n-, (`r h'' fl,'W ; �/tG�Cs� e/71s�.Z� DIGG��/ ,vGd�31�sC` l �) minty fps �r� 11/5/M—r. t/ having no applicable, adopted procurement procedures, will follow the Standards for Competitive Solicitation found in the Administrative Requirements for Ecology Grants and Loans, WDOE 91-18 (Revised October 2000) (the "Yellow Book"), and applicable state laws in procuring grant-related public works contracts, professional and personal services contracts, and purchase agreements. ALIT O IZED SIGNATURE DATE J � TITLE l LE AL C UNSEL SIGNATURE DATE SAl►►Y AtTCVMe�y TITLE