HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK06-157 - Original - TF Sahli Construction - East Hill Skate BMX Bowl Construction - 03/14/2006 Records Mrgemer � Ak KENT - -7 Document 4.S.1MGTOX -- CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: TF 6�s)f" 747"2 n Contract Number: This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: 145-0 -7 Project Name: 6i!- f/- Contract Effective Date: �LL Contract Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: c%'!7/J*0 Department: Abstract: ADCL7832 07/02 i CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made i n t replicate, t s e ntered 1 nto b etween t he C ITY O F K ENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and TF Sahli Construction, organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at PO Box 332 Seahurst, Washington 98062- 0332 ("Contractor"). WITNESS: In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under the Contract Documents and every part thereof The Contract Documents shall include all project specifications, provisions, and plans, the City's general and special conditions, the 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations, if applicable ("Standard Specifications"); the City's bid documents, and the Contractor's response to the City's bid. Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed within 180 calendar days The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in the Contract Documents and every part thereof, except as mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the City. 2. The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract Documents and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the Contract Documents and the schedule of unit or itemized prices provided by Contractor in its response to the City's bid, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in the Contract Documents. 3. The Contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as expressly provided herein. Project Name EH Skate/BMX Bowl Construction Page 1 y 5. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract i s subject to RCW 4 24 115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. 6. Contractor a grees, u pon t he C ity's written demand, to make all books and records available to the City for inspection, review, photocopying, and audit in the event of a contract related dispute, claim, modification, or other contract related action at reasonable times (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. 7. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the term of construction and throughout the specified tern of maintenance, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference. 8. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and i s d eemed t o b e an excavator for purposes of RCW Ch. 19 122, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with RCW Ch. 19.122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing any excavation activities. 9. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials, including but not limited to sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials, construction debris, etc, to protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient air environment within the City Project Name- EH Skate/BMX Bowl Construction Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first heremabove written. CITY OF KENT BY: /jM�AYOR DATE. ATTEST- / < _ BRENDA JACOBER, C16fY CLERK VED AS FORM: 7 IKE LAW 7TMENT CONTRACTOR: TF SAHLI CONSTRUCTION BY: PRINT NAME: Tom Sahli TITLE: Owner DATE: '3— �- 104 Project Name EH Skate/BMX Bowl Construction Page 3 WITNESS, if INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this —tkday of 2006, before me personally appeared Ll and to me known to be AI/rIYrF_-- and of the catpofa4"ti4ndividual that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written ► r ••�clOp✓' � 4 ci `.,OTA�Y .., NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the Sx to "'' 8LI0 of Washington, residing at �,r •e_�e o� ,�p��' My appointment expires O • .....• . WASH- ,' Project Name EH Skate/BMX Bowl Construction Page 4 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 2 BIDDER'S PACKET FOR EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NUMBER PR 2006 01 BID DUE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2006 10:00 A.M. AT KENT CITY HALL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 220 4TH AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98032-5895 TO BE PUBLICLY READ ALOUD: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2006 10:15 A.M. JOHN HODGSON DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES BIDDER'S NAME: t' (,� ►'Z �,�, t o V\ , A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the project site, 11525 SE 2401h (South 2401h Street and 116th Avenue SE) Kent, Washington. KENT WASHINGTON BIDDER'S PACKET ORDER OF CONTENTS Location Map and Directions to Site Contractor's Compliance Statement Contractor's Requirement and Qualification Statement Bid Proposal Request for References Specific Subcontractor List Bid Bond Form Combined Affidavit & Certification Forms: Non-Collusion and Minimum Wage (Non Federal Aid) E.E.O. Policy Declaration City of Kent Administrative Policy No. 1.2— MWBE Certification of Non-segregated Facilities Proposal Signature Page EAST HILL SKATEIBMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION 11525 SE 240th (South 240th Street and 116th Avenue SE) Kent, Washington Directions from 1-5: (southbound or northbound) Take the Kent-Des Moines Exit. Turn east (left) onto Kent-Des Moines Road. Drive east on Kent-Des Moines Road/State Route 516 down into the Kent valley. This street will become Willis Street. Drive under Highway 167. Turn north (left) onto Central Avenue. Turn east (right) onto James Street. Drive east up James Street approximately two (2) miles. The street becomes South 240th Street. Turn south (right) at 116th Avenue SE. The future park site occupies the southwest corner of South 240th Street and 116th Avenue SE. Parking access is off 116th Avenue SE. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at 10-00 a.m. at the project site 11525 SE 240th (South 240th Street and 1161h Avenue SE), Kent, Washington. 6 n ri S t86$tiC,. n't�s'iE.t3m�€iGySt Ea3l� i o pr� p��[yy 25�tft�t aw O wooden tBeach 27M St 2p06 h1a Quest hen -- �72006 N9�V7E CONTRACTOR'S COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (President's Executive Order#11246) Date: r'e a 14 , 2006 This statement relates to a proposed contract with the City of Kent named East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction, PR 2006 01. I am the undersigned bidder or prospective contractor. I represent that I (please circle one response) have or have not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the President's Executive Order #11246 (regarding equal employment opportunity) or a preceding similar Executive Order. BIDDER: t- F Company Name By: .By: � /�li�vC�. Contractor or Contractor's Representative Signature Its: DATE: 2 — �h— 01 ADDRESS: ;r= SL.f Note to Bidders: The information required in this Compliance Statement is informational only x 's CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENT AND QUALIFICATION STATEMENT THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED BY: b L, 1, C_o v154� (.L,6 L)V1. NAME: ADDRESS: - . :Z�� PRINCIPAL OFFICE: A. Contractor Qualification Requirements This project calls for the construction of a 15,000 square foot skateboard park constructed of concrete which shall be the centerpiece of a larger park serving alternative sports enthusiasts. Moreover, due to the skate park's size and location, it is expected that the skate park will attract users from a wide area. Therefore, an extremely high quality skate park is called for. The skate park will have, as its centerpiece, a full pipe with the following general dimensions: 18 feet in diameter and 25 feet long The full pipe will be built such that users can ride the interior of the pipe, and ride over the top of the pipe. Moreover, the skate park must be constructed in such a manner that a rider may skate in a continual figure-eight fashion utilizing the interior and top of the full pipe at the intersection of the figure-eight. Therefore, due to the complexity of this skate park, in order to be qualified to bid for this project, the city shall require the following qualifications of bidders: ■ The bidder shall have constructed at least one concrete skate park within the past three years ■ The bidder shall have constructed at least one concrete skate park of 10,000 square feet or more in area. ■ The bidder shall have constructed at least one concrete skate park within the Pacific Northwest. For the purposes of this qualification, the term "Pacific Northwest" shall be defined as the areas of Washington or Oregon west of the Cascade mountain range. B. Contractor Qualification Statement 1. ORGANIZATION 1.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? ✓21- ,,f Y > 1.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: 1.3.1 Date of incorporation: 1.3.2 State of incorporation: 1.3.3 President's name: 1.3.4 Vice-president's name(s): 1.3.5 Secretary's name- 1.3.6 Treasurer's name: 1.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of organization: 1.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 1.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(s): 1.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 1.5.1 Date of organization: F '�tiv Gt g g 1.5.2 Name of owner: I 1.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: 2. LICENSING 2.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate license numbers, if applicable. 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your orga� i aeYs ip or trade name is filed. 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. t 3.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? go 3.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? JV0 3.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five years? 3.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details.) /Y(-) 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: 46 vt- - 3.5 On a separate sheet, list the skate parks your organization has constructed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion, the percentage of the work on each project that was performed by your work force, the percentage of the work that was subcontracted to another company, and the percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: dt 7 0 o 606 �— F� 3.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your organization, their experience building similar skate parks, and the skate parks they have experience constructing. J4- Lbv Ow 3.7 On separate eet, list the number off concree skate park full-pipes that your 1 organization has bu)t in the past five years. NIB►1,P. _ /;7 f f 3.8 On a separa a sheet, ist the nu ber of skate pars a of organization has built that are at least 10,000 square feet in total surface area. --� 3.9 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. wL c-,-4 tb — t�c'`c� �`c, Try ) (p / 4. REFERENCESj 4.1 Trade References: -IN �n�•-��� �/r�� ��1) (A'MaK V&lt G,417� .J. �✓�X�1d c c13W��t la}ecYdlt 4.2 Bank Reference: ► 7 . � �" tt � - S�.Guv.c� `��a��► >< — /�'S�ess,a.;:,..c. J-o!(, _ ;1•'t�� ���'g 4.3 Surety:,'� r _• �� � -5t�n,c�� � «t-��Va�•w�.0 � t 4.3.1 Name of bonding company: 4.3.2 Name and address of agent: ��� at ,ti� ��V-+() 5. FINANCING /�1'_ �5 J v cJ V CaL, `1'cootL 5.1 Financial Statement. After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from any of the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must respond with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information. The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may result in rejection of that bidder's bid. 5.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses), Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes); Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 5.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? 5.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent- subsidiary). 5.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? /VQ 3.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? k 0 3.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five years? fto 3.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details.) IVp 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: 000 3.5 On a separate sheet, list the skate parks your organization has constructed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion, the percentage of the work on each project that was performed by your work force, the percentage of the work that was subcontracted to another company, and the percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: � 700 UO o 60 i 3.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your organization, their experience building similar skate parks, and the skate parks they have experience constructing 3.7 On a separate sheet, list the number of skate parks that your organization has built that are at least 10,000 square feet in total surface area. 3.8 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. 4. REFERENCES 4.1 Trade References: 4.2 Bank References: 4.3 S u rety: 4.3.1 Name of bonding company: 4.3.2 Name and address of agent: 5. FINANCING 5.1 Financial Statement. After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from any of the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must respond with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information. The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may result in rejection of that bidder's bid. 5.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses), Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes), Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 5.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? 5.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent- subsidiary). 5.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? 6. SIGNATURE 6.1 Dated at this L day of , 2 06. Name of Organi ation: / "6 7 By: Title: GLJkl?n 6.2 \OVA 4AW being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this Jeclay of T, 2006. Notary Public DUnuga My Commission pires: ' a w•a t�RY �; � ............ inuuiwan��"` 4 ` BID PROPOSAL To The City Clerk City Hall 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 —�-- / The undersigned hereby certifies that has personally examined the lob site and construction details of the work as outlined on the Plans and described in the Contract Documents for East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction, PR 2006 01 for the City of Kent, Washington, and has read and thoroughly understands the Plans and Specifications and Contract governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for that work and hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the bid and contract documents, and at the following schedule of rates and prices: NOTE TO BIDDERS: 1. Unit prices for all items, all extensions and total amount of bid must be shown. Show unit prices in both words and figures and where conflict occurs, the written or typed words shall prevail. If a math error is discovered between the unit price and total amount, the unit price shall prevail and be used to calculate the correct total. The City reserves its right to make the final determination on all bids. 2. Washington State Department of Revenue Special Rule 170, and its related rules, applies to this contract. Under these rules, the City will automatically add retail sales tax to each payment made to the Contractor Accordingly, the Contractor should not include retail sales tax in the Unit Bid Item (s) or Lump Sum Prices, subject to certain limited exceptions. See WSDOT Standard Specifications, Section 1-07.2 (APWA Supplement). 3. Any bids not filled out properly may be considered non-responsive. 4. It is the intention of the City to award the entire contract to one contractor. A. BASE BID: EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION 1. PROJECT TOTAL (LUMP SUM): (figures) (dollars) (Written in dollars) Base bid amount should include all overhead, labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work. Work noted as "not in contract' abbreviated N.I.C. is not included in Base Bid. II. TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY PROVISIONS (LUMP SUM) If the contract contains any work which requires trenching exceeding a depth of four (4) feet, all costs for adequate trench safety systems shall be identified as a separate bid item in compliance with Chapter 39.04 RCW. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that the bidder agrees to comply with all the relevant trench safety requirements of Chapter 49 17 RCW. If trench excavation safety provisions do not pertain to this project, put N/A for dollar amount. Failure to complete this requirement shall be considered as non-responsive to the bid solicitation. /�� 1. Trench Excavation Safety Provisions Lump Sum $ 0 V (dollars) III. PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL LUMP SUM BID (ITEMS I and II) Lump Sum } (dollars) (Written in dollars -- B. ADDITIVE ALTERNATES The undersigned agrees to perform the additions called for in the following Alternates, as described in Specification Section 01100 BASE BID AND ALTERNATES for the following additions to the BASE BID. All items are totally inclusive of whatever is required to complete each item in its entirety including overhead and fees. Alternate Lump Sum Bidder shall indicate if bid is to be added to or deducted from the project total lump sum bid: 1. Amount to be added to, or deducted from, the project total lump sum bid to complete the work as described in Sheet SPOA as Add/alternate Number One Work includes 3,800 square feet of concrete skate park formwork. (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work as described above and as detailed on Sheet SPOA.) 2. Amount to be added to, or deducted from, the project total lump sum bid to complete the work as described in Sheet SPOA as Add/alternate Number Two. Work includes 4,000 square feet of concrete skate park formwork. $ 4.Lby9 1r" c.�rJl--an�►c� 1 (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work as described above and as detailed on Sheet SPO 1.) C. UNIT PRICE BIDS The following are Unit Prices that are totally inclusive of whatever is required to complete each item in its entirety including overhead and fees and including all requirements of the base bid for such items and same may be utilized, at the sole discretion of the Owner, for any changes, additions or deletions to the work at any time throughout the Project. Item no. Unit Item with Unit Priced Bid QQ sn 1. Import Fill PER C.Y. $ d�7 �- -- - �� / (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to import soil on site and install imported fill in accordance with Section 02300 of the Technical Specifications.) 2. Export Fill PER C.Y. $ 5 Y o o (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to excavate, haul and dispose to City provided site all unsuitable soil in accordance with Section 02300 of the Technical Specifications.) 3. Agggr�gate Ba a Course JER C.Y. $ (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide, install and compact aggregate base course in accordance with Section 03305 of the Technical Specifications.) 4. Co ete Flatwork PER S. F. $ l S SAD / o o ----------- - - (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide and install 4" thick concrete flatwork in accordance with Section 03105 of the Technical Specifications.) DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX 4 f The undersigned Bidder hereby verifies that these listed bid prices are true and correct in all respects. BIDDER: f���� DATE: !U(� (signature) By: e�� Title: C?j A 10W22 1. (print name Company Name: !r 2 16100 6cc lOh Address: City/State/Z �� Phone: W J� REFERENCES PROJECT NAME: EAST HILL SKATEIBMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION, PR 2005 05 If you have not worked for the City of Kent in the past three years, please provide three references for work performed similar in size and scope to the East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Constru�ctionn Protect. At least two of the references should be from a public agency. VA Agency Name T ii _13i L cf c z�z�.���cy cw t4 yl )&Address, city, state, zip 3 16 6 -- 4 73 'C3 o Phone Contact Name �-j �L _�'P ca {�s� Name of Project `,��, c, i, �'—� Amount of Contract (approx.) 'J-1i'�g_A o-k Pc A P /z s� C_, Agency Name �f I t l UA-p4 4,�' A T4 �tkJ L ,��+ ,l �(A JA Address city state, zip C?� ' - 7 �4 Phone i f�i 6 '5" t 2 Contact Name � t 'VA t- .A n- �'!c cam � k Name of Project Amount of Contract (approx.) 0-1 l t� Agency N me 6 c�a I S"g PO q3 tot, 'Row4 Li 14 l cm" LeAAddress, city, state, zip Phone " Vt'_� Contact Name t 9C9 wzvtter Lk iL _ jC Name of Project Amount of Contract (approx.) I CITY OF KENT SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (for contracts exceeding $100,000 only) Pursuant to RCW 39.30.060, list each Subcontractor, from any tier of subcontractors, that shall perform subcontract work amounting to more than 10% of the total bid contract price List each bid item to be performed by each designated subcontractor in numerical sequence. If no subcontractors will be performing 10% or more of the work, indicate this by writing "None" and signing this form. This document must be completed and included as part of your bid. Failure to submit a fully completed and signed subcontractor list after the time set for bid opening may render your bid non-responsive and void. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE: ��n�4�/c► _ PROJECT NAME: EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION, PR 2006 01 Subcontractor Name i d V%" Item Numbers S Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers rp BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we Thomas F. Sahli dba T. F. Sahli Construction as Principal, and Mmvelers Casualty & Surety Gmpany of America , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Twenty five Thousand Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, ]ointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction PR 2005 05 According to the terms of the proposal or bid made`by the Principal thereof, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 1 th DAY OF pecpmbPr 2005. PRINCIPAL- by : Thomas F. Sahli (�� its Owner SURETY: by . Lynn Horton its. Attorney-in-fa DATE- 12/19/05 2005 Received return of deposit in the sum of $ f TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA i TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY Hartford,Connectu ut 06193-9062 POWER OF ATTORNEY AND CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(S)-IN-FACT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut. and having their principal offices in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford. State of Connecticut, (hereinafter the "Companies") hath made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint Ray A. Smith,Lynn Horton,of Mill Creek,Washington, their true and lawful Attorney(s)- in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at any place within the United States, the following instrument(s) by his/her sole signature and act, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking and any and all consents incident thereto and to bind the Companies, thereby as fully and to the same extent as if the same were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies,and all the acts of said Attorney(s)-m-Fact,pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed This appointment is made under and by authority of the following Standing Resolutions of said Companies, which Resolutions are nog in full force and effect VOTED That the Chairman,the President, any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President,any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-m-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds,recognizances,contracts of indemnity,and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking,and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her VOTED That the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Semor Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in waiting and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary VOTED That any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Ireasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary,or(b)duly executed(under seal,if required)by one or more Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority This Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority is signed and sealed by facsimile (mechanical or printed) under and by authority of the following Standing Resolution voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY,which Resolution is now in full force and effect: VOTED That the signature of each of the following officers President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President anv Ass,stant Vice President, an. Secretary, _-, Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the, Com?,mN ma: bo affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-m-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and biding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached (11-00 Standard) City of Kent Combined Affidavit & Certification Form: Non Collusion, Anti-Trust, Minimum Wage (Non Federal Aid) and Certification of Lawful Employment NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being first duly sworn, the undersigned deposes and says, that they are the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself or to any other person any advantage over other bidder or bidders. AND CERTIFICATION RE: ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER Vendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti trust violations are in fact usually borne by the purchaser. Therefore, vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this order or contract, except as to overcharges resulting from anti trust violations commencing after the date of the bid, quotation, or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition, vendor warrants and represents that each of her/his suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser, subject to the aforementioned exception. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having been duly sworn, depose, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, worker, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, and that I know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. AND CERTIFICATION OF LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT The Contractor hereby certifies that he/she has complied with all provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, now or as hereafter amended, 8 USC Section 1101 et. seq , and that all employees, including subcontractor employees, are lawfully permitted to perform work in the United States as provided in this agreement with the City of Kent. FOR: NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT, ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER, MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFICATION OF LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT NAME OF PROJECT: EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION, PR 2006 01 NAME /O�F BIDDER'S FIRM: C;- '0tC�/A SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER (Notarization Required) [CORPORATE/PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT] STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the of the Partnership/Corporation to be the free and voluntary act of such Partnership/Corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires I �^ f SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZ D REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER (Notarization Required) [INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT] STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she ►a►auuu was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it to be his/ luntary . c• ......... act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. '`�e':A����Ei'•ti ZZ DATED: -P!P `D Em -� dTATE aE NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State o ashi gton, residing at 11E, CO My commission expires I I CITY OF KENT CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES The undersigned certifies that s/he does not maintain or provide for her/his employees any segregated facilities at any of her/his establishments, and that s/he does not permit her/his employees to perform their services at any locations under her/his control where segregated facilities are maintained. The undersigned certifies further that s/he will not maintain or provide for her/his employees to perform their services at any location under her/his control where segregated facilities are maintained The undersigned agrees that a breach of this certification will be in violation of the Equal Opportunity Clause set forth in this contract. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive, or are in fact segregated on the basis or race, color, religion, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. The undersigned agrees that except where s/he has obtained identical certifications from subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000, which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause, that s/he will obtain identical certifications from subcontractors and that s/he will retain such certifications in her/his files. Signature: fr�L Title: (( / n Company. ��SR l� I,' l"/0 S uC ! tx1 Address _ 67 �L✓ City/State/Zi3 -RJ4Q 144 I r��(/C� s 9 ,G� Date: -a& s Y V CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps. 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoringto assure adherence to federal state and local laws policies and guidelines. , P 4 V CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY DECLARATION The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's Equal Employment Opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlined, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent Administrative Policy Number 1.2. 2. During the time of this contract I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this contract I, the prime contractor, will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider the hiring and promoting of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this contract I, the prime contractor, will sign an adherence statement that the requirements as heretofore outlined were complied with. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. Dated this r� day of�� 2006. By: Company: 1 , CodVl Title: �� Date: - �4—06 c PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him or her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and agrees to complete the Contract within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after issuance of the City's Notice to Proceed. The undersigned bidder hereby agrees to submit all insurance documents, performance bonds and signed contracts within (10) calendar days after City awards the Contract. No bidder may withdraw her/his bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security consisting of a bid bond, cashier's check or cash in an amount equal to 5% of the total amount is hereto attached. Notice of acceptance of this bid or request for additional information shall be addressed to the undersigned at the address stated below. Receipt of Addendum No.'s , to the plans and/or specifications is hereby acknowledged. By signing this Proposal Signature Page, the undersigned bidder agrees to be bound by all terms, requirements and representations listed in the bid documents whether set forth by the City or by the Bidder. BIDDER: ' (Na6e-o-f Construction Company) By .�i� 11 C, w (Signature) (Print Name and Title) Date: 9, — 4^ G ;` Address: :ZL t EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may apse from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below. 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury The City shall be named as an insured under the Contactor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City 3. Excess Liability insurance covering both the Commercial General Liability and Automobile policies. 4. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000.000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a$2,000,000 products- completed operations aggregate limit 3. Excess Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence in excess of both the CGL and Auto Liability policies cited above. t h t EXHIBIT B (Continued) C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty(30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences E. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other any of their Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extend covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. F. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A M Best rating of not less than ANII. G. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured EXHIBIT B (Continued) endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. H. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. i c ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CSR LH DATE(MM/DDIYYYY) TFSAH-1 1 02 27 06 PRODUCER - THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Northwest Insurance Center Inc HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR 16300 Mill Creek Blvd, Ste G-1 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW Mill Creek WA 98012-1279 Phone: 425-742-3212 Fax:425-743-6886 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A The Ohio Casualty Insurance Co NSURER B Thomas F. Sahli INSURERC DBA T.F. Sahli Construction P.O. BOX 332 INSURER Seahurst WA 98062 INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS DIn LTR NSRE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MMFDDIYY PDATE Mll LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,0001000 A X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY BKW53094183 08/01/05 08/01/06 PREMISEs(Eaoccurence) $ 200,000 CLAIMS MADEFC OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 X $250 Deductible PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 Per Job Aggregate GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG $2,0 0 0,0 0 0 POLICY PRO- JECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1 A ANYAUTO BAW53094283 08/01/05 08/01/06 ,000,000 (Ea accident) ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON-OWNEDAUTOS (Peraccidenl) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE S (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ] ANY AUTO EA ACC $ OTHER THAN AUTOONLY AGG $ EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR 71 CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS X ER ATU- A EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVEBKW53094183 08/01/05 08/01/06 ELEACHACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WA STOP GAP EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yECIAL PROVISIONS below es,descnbeu EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $2,000,000 SP OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS The City of Kent, its officials, representatives, agents & employees are named as additional insureds as respects to their interest in all work performed by the named insured subject to policy terms & conditions. Waiver of subrogation applies. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION KENTW-1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION III DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL DBDIAMM=MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER N ED TO THE LE ,BUT City of Kent A City Hall building t I 220 - 4th Avenue S Kent WA 98032-5895 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATI ILynn Horton ACORD 25(2001108) ©ACORD CORPORATION 1988 POLICY NUMBER:BKW53094183 NAMED INSURED:T F Sahli Construction THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: The City of Kent,is officials, representatives,agents, &employees (If no entry appears above,information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declaration as applicable to this endorsement) A. Section 11—Who Is An Insured is amended to (1) All work including materials,parts or include as an insured the person or organization equipment furnished in connection with shown in the Schedule,but only with respect to such work,on the project(other than liability arising out of your ongoing operations service,maintenance or repairs)to be performed for that insured Performed by or on behalf of the addi tional msured(s)at the site of the cov B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these ered operations has been completed; additional insureds,the following exclusion is or added i 2. Exclusions (2) That portion of"your work"out of which the injury or damage anses has This insurance does not apply to"bodily injury" been put to its intended use by any or"property damage"occurring after person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 20 10 10 01 a NAME INSURED: T F Sahli Construction POLICY NUMBER: BKW53094183 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHER TO US This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY C OVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: The City of Kent, its representatives, agents, & employees (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) The TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHER TO US Condition (Section IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS) is amended by the addition of the following. We waiver any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule above because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or"your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the "products-completed operations hazard". This waiver applied only to the person or organization shown in the Schedule above. CG 24 04 10 83 C f l IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s) If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s) DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon ACORD 25(2001108) 4 PERFORMANCE BOND Bond #104667191 TO CITY OF KENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, Thomas F. Sahli dba as Principal, and Sahli Gonstruction Travelers Casualty & Surpty , a Corporation or Sole Proprietorship organized and exxiiein�' oun die laws of the State of Conne Wet icut as a Surety Corporation and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the CITY OF KENT in the penal sum of $4489392.00 for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the CITY OF KENT. Dated this day of , 2006. Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a motion, duly made, seconded and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington on the 21st day of February 2006, the Mayor of the City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above said, the above bounden Principal, a certain contract, the said contract providing for East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto; AND WHEREAS, the said Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, for non FHWA protects only if the T. F. Sahli ConstructigRall faithfully perform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time herein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the CITY OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the CITY OF KENT, then and in that event this obligation shall be void, but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals this 27th day of Fes, 2006, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party hereto affixed, and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. PRINCIPAL: PRINCIPAL: BY: T.F. Sahli Construction BY- TrOelers Ca_-R Suret Co. of America "744r"A Signed Thomas F. Sahli Sign e Lynn 'orton TITLE: Owner TITL� t T ,ay-in-fact DATE: DATE 2/27/06 Northwest Insurance Center, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 332 ADDRESS. 16300 Mill Creek Blvd., G-1 Seahurst, WA 98062 Mill Creek, WA 98012 City, State Zip City, State, Zip CORPORATE SEAL- TWO WITNESSES: (For Principal's signature) SURET CO SURET Signature Signature Lynn t Raymond Smith (Print Name) (Print Name) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL (for Bond) I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation or Sole Proprietorship named as Principal in the within Bond; that Thomas F. Sahli who signed the said bond on behalf ofT.F. Sahli Constructi°tfie Principal of said Corporation or Sole Proprietorship; that I know his/her signature thereto is genuine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. SIGNED. BY: (Its SECRETARY or ASSISTANT SECRETARY) Print Name DATE TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY Hartford,Connecticut 06183-9062 POWER OF ATTORNEY AND CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(S)-IN-FACT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having their principal offices in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford State of Connecticut, (hereinafter the "Companies") hath made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make constitute and appoint Ray A. Smith, Lynn Horton, of Mill Creek,Washington, their true and lawful Attorney(s)- in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at any place within the United States, the following mstrument(s) by his/her sole signature and act, any and all bonds, recogmzances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking and any and all consents incident thereto and to bind the Companies, thereby as fully and to the same extent as if the same were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attorney(s)-m-Fact,pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed This appointment is made under and by authority of the following Standing Resolutions of said Companies, which Resolutions are now in full force and effect VOTED That the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President any Senior Vice President,any Vice President,any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds,recognizances, contracts of indemnity,and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking,and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her VOTED That the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary VOTED That any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary,or(b)duly executed(under seal,if required) by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority This Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority is signed and sealed by facsimile (mechanical or printed)under and by authority of the folloii ing Standing Resolution voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY,which Resolution is now in full force and effect: VOTED That the signature of each of the following officers President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate hearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached (11-00 Standard) Y h A IN WFTNESS WHEREOF, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY have caused this instrument to be signed by their Senior Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto axed this 19th day of November,2002 STATE OF CONNECTICUT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA SS Hartford TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY } FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY COUNTY OF HARTFORD J*STY ANps t,GP'$Uwll �/ BB3`li t•R7FCRJ. K HARTFORD, 9< U' $19 S 2�� O BY W CONN n % ke ON"• Aa; � - a George W. Thompson ��� "4 ��, `y • �`' Senior Vice President »w� On this 19th day of November, 2002 before me personally came GEORGE W. THOMPSON to me known, who,being by me duty sworn, did depose and say that he/she is Senior Vice President of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument that he/she knows the seals of said corporations, that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals, and that he/she executed the said instrument on behalf of the corporations by authority of his/her office under the Standing Resolutions thereof 03 My commission expires June 30, 2006 Notary Public Mane C Tetreault i CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY,stock corporations of the State of Connecticut, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the Standing Resolutions of the Boards of Directors, as set forth in the Certificate of Authority,are now in force Signed and Sealed at the Home Office of the Company, in the City of Hartford, State of Connecticut. Dated this day of 120 00WW W*"' P,YY Aft ��pN6 Sl1y`r�p� 4pJ S�9 ot° ��<♦ d� /v�-- 5•HIARTFCRD�s� a HAflTF C ORD, < [7 1 9 B S O BY a x om g i CONN Z c• j -�; Kon M. Johanson �� V,�a� �`'1 ��,� �`Y - "''� Assistant Secretary, Bond 00 Project Manual ' EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION South 2401h Street and 116th Avenue SE Kent, Washington 1 City of Kent Dowl Engineers Parks, Recreation & Community Services Chris Kovac Perry Brooks 8320 154th Avenue NE 220 4th Avenue South Redmond, WA 98052 Kent, WA 98032-5895 (425) 869-2670, FAX (425) 869-2679 (253) 856-5114, FAX (253) 856-6050 Cell (253) 740-8903 Franklin Engineering, Inc. Frank Erwin MLA Engineering, pllc 625 Fourth Avenue, Suite 202 Michael Leonard, P.E. Kirkland, WA 98033 1411 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1111 (425) 827-3324, FAX (425) 827-6252 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 264-2727; FAX (206) 264-4835 Casne Engineering Steffen Teichmann, PE S B & Associates 10604 NE 38th Place, Suite 205 Michael Lamb Kirkland, WA 98033 1148 NW Leary Way (425) 522-1000, FAX (425) 828-2622 Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 789-2133; FAX (206) 789-2186 Grindline Entre Prises USA, Inc. Chris Hildebrand Blake Hankins 4056 23rd Avenue SW 20512 Nels Anderson Place Seattle, WA 98106 Bend, OR 97701 (206) 932-6414; FAX (206) 632-0920 (541) 388-5463, FAX (541) 388-3248 ' Bennett Lavacot Architecture David Bennett 3616 East Denny Way Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 328-4389 phone/FAX KENT W A S H I N O T O N Project Manual EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION South 240th Street and 116th Avenue SE Kent, Washington ' City of Kent Dow[ Engineers Parks, Recreation & Community Services Chris Kovac Perry Brooks 8320 154th Avenue NE 220 4th Avenue South Redmond, WA 98052 Kent, WA 98032-5895 (425) 869-2670, FAX (425) 869-2679 (253) 856-5114, FAX (253) 856-6050 Cell (253) 740-8903 Franklin Engineering, Inc. Frank Erwin MLA Engineering, pile 625 Fourth Avenue, Suite 202 Michael Leonard, P E. Kirkland, WA 98033 1411 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1111 (425) 827-3324, FAX (425) 827-6252 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 264-2727; FAX (206) 264-4835 Casne Engineering Steffen Teichmann, PE 1 S B & Associates 10604 NE 38th Place, Suite 205 Michael Lamb Kirkland, WA 98033 1148 NW Leary Way (425) 522-1000, FAX (425) 828-2622 Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 789-2133; FAX (206) 789-2186 Gnndline Entre Prises USA, Inc. Chris Hildebrand Blake Hankins 4056 23rd Avenue SW 20512 Nels Anderson Place Seattle, WA 98106 Bend, OR 97701 (206) 932-6414, FAX (206) 632-0920 (541) 388-5463; FAX (541) 388-3248 ' Bennett Lavacot Architecture David Bennett 3616 East Denny Way Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 328-4389 phone/FAX KEN T W A S H I N O T O N CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NUMBER PR 2006 01 BIDS ACCEPTED UNITL: BID OPENING• MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2006 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2006 10.00 A.M. 10.15 A.M. 1 DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 220 4TH AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 ORDER OF CONTENTS EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION Project# PR 2006 01 Location Map and Directions to Site Call for Bids TAB 1 Samples of Contractor's Compliance Statement Contractor's Requirement and Qualification Statement Bid Proposal Request for References Specific Subcontractor List Bid Bond Form Combined Affidavit & Certification Forms: Non-Collusion and Minimum Wage (Non-Federal Aid) E.E.O. Policy Declaration City of Kent Administrative Policy No. 1.2 — MWBE Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities Proposal Signature Page Agreement/Contract To Be Completed After Award of Bid Performance Bond Form and Certificate as to Corporate Seal- To Be Completed After Award of Bid Affidavit of Compliance* To Be Completed After Proiect is Completed Bidder's Check List TAB 2 Technical Specifications TAB 3 Kent Parks Special Provisions TAB 4 Geotechnical Report TAB 5 Prevailing Wages ATTACHMENTS: Bidder's Packet, Plans EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION 11525 SE 240" (South 2401h Street and 116th Avenue SE) Kent, Washington Directions from 1-5- (southbound or northbound) Take the Kent-Des Moines Exit. Turn east (left) onto Kent-Des Moines Road Drive east on Kent- Des Moines Road/State Route 516 down into the Kent valley. This street will become Willis Street. Drive under Highway 167. Turn north (left) onto Central Avenue. Turn east (right) onto James Street. Drive east up James Street approximately two (2) miles The street becomes South 240th Street Turn south (right) at 116th Avenue SE The future park site occupies the southwest corner of South 240th Street and 1161h Avenue SE Parking access is off 116th Avenue SE. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at 10 00 a.m. at the project site 11525 SE 2401h Street, Kent, Washington (South 240th Street and 116th Avenue SE). �M;�► av¢sT - r StseraSt im � y S 200th St y' _ of==" =; a t#ariap a " �,♦' 206ih6t n s th Ae[tti _ ry. 4 tY f S 2281h St 5'mii_1, a e`...�`,Ii���asi"�, a�`� •y'••!_=•�-•it"e`♦pi� ....w.. A.. ,�I"Y va' _ • Kent 1 a _`Sar2t � th Pic ! a aodm t Beach 4 4 4 E z' g 3-. . - _ Stat lake ° S 27701 St thoana. as r " ' -"" rie Rt.I.dt11F e Y a ]2OO6 Map Ctue St.Inc, �2046 MAVTE 1 t CALL FORBIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Kent, Washington, will receive sealed bids at the City Clerk's office through Monday, February 6, 2006 up to 10 00 a m as shown on the clock in the City Clerk's office located on the first floor of Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent Washington 98032-5895 All bids must be properly marked and sealed in accordance with the "Call for Bids" Bids must be delivered and received at the City Clerk's office by the above-state time, regardless of delivery method, including US Mad. All bids will be opened and read publicly aloud Monday, February 6, 2006 at 10 15 a m for the City of Kent protect named as follows East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at 10-00 a m at the project site 11525 SE 2401h Street (corner of South 2401h Street and 116`h Avenue SE), Kent, Washington The project consists of, but is not limited to, construction of the concrete Skate/BMX flow and street areas of the East Hill Skate Park project as indicated on the drawings and as specified in the contract documents Close, good faith coordination among contractors and suppliers will be essential to the success of the project Please refer to the Contractor Requirement and Qualification Statement in the bid documents. The Engineer's estimated range for this project is $425,000 Questions about the project can be directed to Perry Brooks, City of Kent, at (253) 856-5114 Bid documents may be obtained by contacting Kent Parks Planning & Development at (253) 856-5110, 220 4`h Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 or from the City of Kent's Procurement web page www ci kent.wa us/procurement/index asp Only bidders who obtain full sets of the bidding documents will be listed on the official "Planholder's List", used for distribution of addendum and other official and legal purposes Bids must be clearly marked "Bid" with the name of the project on the outside of the envelope, addressed to the City Clerk, 220 4`h Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895 Only sealed bids will be accepted No facsimiles will be considered Each bid shall be in accordance with plans and specifications and other contract documents now on file in the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Office, 220 41h Avenue South, City Hall, Kent, Washington Copies of the Plans and Special Provisions may be purchased at a nonrefundable cost of $30.00 for each set A $20 00 penalty fee will be charged for checks with insufficient funds Copies of the 2002 WSDOT Special Provisions are available for perusal only A cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond in the amount of 5% of the bid is required The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all schedules or alternates or to waive any informalities in the bidding and shall determine which bid or bidder is the most responsive, satisfactory and responsible bidder and shall be the sole judge thereof No plea of mistake in the bid shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of her/his deposit or as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a contract Bidders must submit with their initial bid a signed statement as to whether they have previously performed work subject to the President's Executive Order Number 11246. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the day of anticipated bid opening. Published in the King County Journal and Daily Journal of Commerce on 1/23/06 & 1/30/06 CONTRACTOR'S COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (President's Executive Order#11246) Date: 2006 This statement relates to a proposed contract with the City of Kent named East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction PR 2006 01 . I am the undersigned bidder or prospective contractor. I represent that I (please circle one response) have or have not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the President's Executive Order #11246 (regarding equal employment opportunity) or a preceding similar Executive Order. BIDDER: Company Name By: Contractor or Contractor's Representative Signature Its: DATE: ADDRESS. Note to Bidders. The information required in this Compliance Statement is informational only CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENT AND ,; QUALIFICATION STATEMENT THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH A ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. jThe Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading jSUBMITTED BY: NAME: ADDRESS- PRINCIPAL OFFICE: A. Contractor Qualification Requirements This project calls for the construction of a 15,000 square foot skate park constructed of concrete which shall be the centerpiece of a larger park serving alternative sports enthusiasts Moreover, due to the skate park's size and location, it is expected that the skate park will attract users from a wide area. Therefore, an extremely high quality skate park is called for The skate park will have, as its centerpiece, a full pipe with the following general dimensions 18 feet in diameter and 25 feet long The full pipe will be built such that users can ride the interior of the pipe, and ride over the top of the pipe Moreover, the skate park must be constructed in such a manner that a rider may skate in a continual figure-eight fashion utilizing the interior and top of the full pipe at the intersection of the figure-eight Therefore, due to the complexity of this skate park, in order to be qualified to bid for this project, the city shall require the following qualifications of bidders. ■ The bidder shall have constructed at least one concrete skate park within the past three years. ■ The bidder shall have constructed at least one concrete skate park of 10,000 square feet or more in area ■ The bidder shall have constructed at least one concrete skate park within the Pacific Northwest For the purposes of this qualification, the term 'Pacific Northwest" shall be defined as the areas of Washington or Oregon west of the Cascade mountain range B. Contractor Qualification Statement f' 1. ORGANIZATION 1.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contracto`W 1.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present bu ess name? 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following. 1.3.1 Date of incorporation: 1.3.2 State of incorporation: 1.3.3 President's name 1.3.4 Vice-president's name(s). 1.3.5 Secretary's name 1.3.6 Treasurer's name- 1.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of organization: 1.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 1.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(s). 1.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 1.5.1 Date of organization: 1.5.2 Name of owner. 1.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals ■ 2. LICENSING 2.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate license numbers, if applicable 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed. 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. 3.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) i 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awi�['bd la it? 3.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or salts,pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? '"! . ^' 3.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration wit#a regard�� to construction contracts within the last five years? 3.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details.) 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction protects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: 3.5 On a separate sheet, list the skate parks your organization has constructed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion, the percentage of the work on each project that was performed by your work force, the percentage of the work that was subcontracted to another company, and the percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years. 3.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your organization, their experience building similar skate parks, and the skate parks they have experience constructing 3.7 On a separate sheet, list the number of skate parks that your organization has built that are at least 10,000 square feet in total surface area 3.8 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. 4. REFERENCES j4.1 Trade References: 4.2 Bank References. 4.3 Surety: 4.3.1 Name of bonding company: 4.3.2 Name and address of agent: 5. FINANCING 5.1 Financial Statement. After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from arryoY f the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must resp�d with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information. The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may result in rejection of that bidder's bid 5.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items. Current Assets (e g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses), Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes), Other Liabilities (e g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares Ipar values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 5.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on 1 page one? 5.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent-subsidiary) 5.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? t 6. SIGNATURE 6.1 Dated at this day of 12006. �'- Name of Organization: By: ' Title 6.2 being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this _ day of 2006 Notary Public: My Commission Expires: j 1 i j I BID PROPOSAL jTo The City Clerk City Hall 220 4th Avenue South �n Kent, Washington 98032-5895 The undersigned hereby certifies that has personally examined the job site and construction details of the work as outlined on the Plans and described in the Contract Documents for East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction PR 2006 01 for the City of Kent, Washington, and has read and thoroughly understands the Plans and Specifications and Contract governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for that work and hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the bid and contract documents, and at the following schedule of rates and prices. NOTE TO BIDDERS: (1) Unit prices for all items, all extensions and total amount of bid must be shown. Show unit prices in both words and figures and where conflict occurs, the written or typed words 1 shall prevail. If a math error is discovered between the unit price and total amount, the unit price shall prevail and be used to calculate the correct total. The City reserves its right to make the final determination on all bids. (2) Washington State Department of Revenue Special Rule 170, and its related rules, applies to this contract. Under these rules, the City will automatically add retail sales tax jto each payment made to the Contractor. Accordingly, the Contractor should not include retail sales tax in the Unit Bid Item (s) or Lump Sum Prices, subject to certain limited exceptions. See WSDOT Standard Specifications, Section 1-07 2 (APWA Supplement). (3) Any bids not filled out properly may be considered non-responsive. (4) It is the intention of the City to award the entire contract to one contractor. A. BASE BID: EAST HILL SKATEIBMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION ; I. PROJECT TOTAL (LUMP SUM): $ (figures) (dollars) (Written in dollars) Base bid amount should include all overhead, labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work. Work noted as "not in contract' abbreviated N.I.C. is not included in Base Bid. II. TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY PROVISIONS (LUMP SUM) If the contract contains any work which requires trenching exceeding a depth of four (4) feet, all costs for adequate trench safety systems shall be identified as a separate bid item in compliance with Chapter 39.04 RCW The purpose of this provision is to ensure that the bidder agrees to comply with all the relevant trench safety requirements of Chapter 49.17 RCW. If trench excavation safety provisions do not pertain to this project, put N/A for dollar amount. Failure to complete this requirement shall be considered as non-responsive to the bid solicitation. 1. Trench Excavation Safety Provisions Lump Sum $ (dollars) III. PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL LUMP SUM BID (ITEMS I and II) Lump Sum $ i (Written in dollars) (dollars) 1 B. ADDITIVE ALTERNATES A , The undersigned agrees to perform the additions called for in the following Altetnatees, as described in Specification Section 01100 BASE BID AND ALTERNATES for the; following additions to the BASE BID All items are totally inclusive of whatever is required to complete eat item in its entirety including overhead and fees Alternate Lump Sum Bidder shall indicate if bid is to be added to or deducted from the project total lump sum bid: 1. Amount to be added to, or deducted from, the project total lump sum bid to complete the work as described in Sheet SPO 1 as Add/alternate Number One Work includes 3,800 square feet of concrete skate park formwork (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work as described above and as detailed on Sheet SPO.1.) 2. Amount to be added to, or deducted from, the project total lump sum bid to complete the work as described in Sheet SPO 1 as Add/alternate Number Two Work includes 4,000 square feet of concrete skate park formwork. $ (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work as described above and as detailed on Sheet SPO 1.) 1 i I C. UNIT PRICE BIDS The following are Unit Prices that are totally inclusive of whatever is required to complete each item in its entirety including overhead and fees and including all requirements of the base bid for such items and same may be utilized, at the sole discretion of the Owner, for any changds, additions or deletions to the work at any time throughout the Project Item no. Unit Item with Unit Priced Bid 1. Import Fill PER C.Y. $ j (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to import soil on site and install imported fill in accordance with Section 02300 of the Technical Specifications.) q� 2. Export Fill PER C.Y. $ (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to excavate, haul and dispose to City provided site all unsuitable soil in accordance with Section 02300 of the Technical Specifications.) 3. Aggregate Base Course PER C Y. $ (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide, install and compact aggregate base course in accordance with Section 03305 of the Technical Specifications ) 4. Concrete Flatwork PER S. F. $ (dollars) (The price includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide and install 4" thick concrete flatwork in accordance with Section 03105 of the Technical Specifications ) DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX i 1 The undersigned Bidder hereby verifies that these listed bid prices are trde'and correct in all ' respects. k = BIDDER: DATE: (signature) ,r jBy, Title: (print name) Company Name Address: City/State/Zip- Phone: 1 t i t 1 I REFERENCES PROJECT NAME: EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION PA.2006 01 If you have not worked for the City of Kent in the past three years, please provide thride, references for work performed similar in size and scope to the East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Project Aleast two of the references should be from a public agency. Agency Name Address, city, state, zip Phone Contact Name Name of Protect Amount of Contract (approx.) and Year Agency Name Address, city, state, zip Phone Contact Name Name of Project Amount of Contract (approx.) and Year Agency Name Address, city, state, zip Phone Contact Name Name of Project Amount of Contract (approx ) and Year i CITY OF KENT SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (for contracts exceeding $100,000 only) Pursuant to RCW 39 30 060, list each Subcontractor, from any tier of subcontractors, that shall perform subcontract work amounting to more than 10% of the total bid contract price. List Bch bid item to be performed by each designated subcontractor in numerical sequence. If no subcontractors will be performing 10% or more of the work, indicate this by writing "None" and signing this form. This document must be completed and included as part of your bid. Failure to submit a fully completed and signed subcontractor list after the time set for bid opening may render your bid non-responsive and void. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE: PROJECT NAME EAST HILL SKATE PARK/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION, PR 2006 01 Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name ' Item Numbers BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1 That we as Principal, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unf6 the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction, PR 2006 01. According to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal thereof, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee, or if the Principal shall in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall be Inull and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS DAY OF 2006 PRINCIPAL: by its. ISURETY: by its: DATE: 2006 Received return of deposit in the sum of $ City of Kent Combined Affidavit & Certification Form: Non Collusion, Anti-Trust, Minimum Wage (Non Federal Aid) and Certification of Lawful Employment NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT i Being first duly sworn, the undersigned deposes and says, that they are the identical person who ' submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself or to any other person any advantage over other bidder or bidders. AND CERTIFICATION RE: ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER Vendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti trust violations are in fact usually borne by the purchaser. Therefore, vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this order or contract, except as to overcharges resulting from anti trust violations commencing after the date of the bid, quotation, or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition, vendor warrants and represents that each of her/his suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser, subject to the aforementioned exception. AND 1 1 MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM rI, the undersigned, having been duly sworn, depose, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer,, worker, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of`wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the 1 above and foregoing statement and certificate, and that I know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. AND CERTIFICATION OF LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT The Contractor hereby certifies that he/she has complied with all provisions of the Immigration and jNationality Act, now or as hereafter amended, 8 USC Section 1101 et. seq., and that all employees, including subcontractor employees, are lawfully permitted to perform work in the United States as provided in this agreement with the City of Kent. 1 FOR: NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT, ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER, MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFICATION OF LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT NAME OF PROJECT: EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION, PR 2006 01 iNAME OF BIDDER'S FIRM- SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER (Notarization Required) ! [CORPORATE/PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT] ` STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the of the Partnership/Corporation to be the free and voluntary act of such Partnership/Corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument 1 DATED: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires i 1 ! SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER (Notarization Required) [INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT] iSTATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF K I N G ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires i i 1 1 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY DECLARATION The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's Equal Employment Opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any ' contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlined, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. The questions are as follows. 1. I have read the attached City of Kent Administrative Policy Number 1 2. 1 2. During the time of this contract I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability. t3. During the time of this contract I, the prime contractor, will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider the hiring and promoting of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this contract I, the prime contractor, will sign an adherence statement that the requirements as heretofore outlined were complied with. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. ' Dated this day of 2006. 1 By Company: Title: CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998.E SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES- April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. 1 1 1 1 CITY OF KENT CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES ' The undersigned certifies that s/he does not maintain or provide for her/his employee;any segregated facilities at any of her/his establishments, and that s/he does not permit her/his employees to perform their services at any locations under her/his control where segregated facilities are maintained The undersigned certifies further that s/he will not maintain or provide for her/his employees to perform their services at any location under her/his control where segregated facilities are maintained. The undersigned agrees that a breach of this certification will be in violation of the Equal Opportunity Clause set forth in this contract. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive, or are in fact segregated on the basis or race, color, religion, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. The undersigned agrees that except where s/he has obtained identical certifications from ' subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000, which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause, that s/he will obtain identical certifications from asubcontractors and that s/he will retain such certifications in her/his files. ' Signature: Title. 1 Company: Address City/State/Zip Date: i 1 1 1 ' PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE F ' The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him or her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, ' and agrees to complete the Contract within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after issuance of the City's Notice to Proceed. The undersigned bidder hereby agrees to submit all insurance documents, performance bonds and signed contracts within (10) calendar days after City awards the Contract. ' No bidder may withdraw her/his bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the day of bid opening The required bid security consisting of a bid bond, cashier's check or cash in an amount equal to 5% of the total amount is hereto attached Notice of acceptance of this bid or request for additional information shall be addressed to the ' undersigned at the address stated below. Receipt of Addendum No.'s to the plans and/or specifications is hereby acknowledged. ' By signing this Proposal Signature Page, the undersigned bidder agrees to be bound by all terms, requirements and representations listed in the bid documents whether set forth by the City or by ' the Bidder. BIDDER: (Name of Construction Company) By (Signature) (Print Name and Title) Date: Address: CONTRACT ' THIS AGREEMENT, made in triplicate, is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation("City"), and organized under the laws of the State of located and doing business at ("Contractor"). WITNESS In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for East Hill ' Skate/BMX Bowl Construction in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under the ' Contract Documents and every part thereof. The Contract Documents shall include all project specifications, provisions, and plans, the City's general and special conditions, the 2004 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the ' Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations, if applicable ("Standard Specifications"), the City's bid documents, and the Contractor's response to the City's bid. Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall start within ten (10) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed within 180 calendar days. The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and ' completing the work provided for in the Contract Documents and every part thereof, except as mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the City. 2 The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract Documents and the terns and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the Contract Documents and the schedule of unit or itemized prices provided by Contractor in its response ' to the City's bid, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in the Contract Documents. 3. The Contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. ' 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as expressly provided herein. ' 5. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, ansing out of or in connection with the performance of this contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24 115, then, in the event of liability for damages ansmg out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE ' INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES ' FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. ' The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. ' 6. Contractor agrees, upon the City's written demand, to make all books and records available to the City for inspection, review, photocopying, and audit in the event of a contract related dispute, claim, modification, or other contract related action at reasonable times (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. ' 7. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the term of construction and throughout the specified term of maintenance, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference 8. Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of RCW Ch 19 122, as amended Contractor shall be ' responsible for compliance with RCW Ch. 19 122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing any excavation activities. 9. Contractor shall fully cover any and all loads of loose construction materials, including but not limited to sand, dirt, gravel, asphalt, excavated materials, construction debris, etc, to ' protect said materials from air exposure and to minimize emission of airborne particles to the ambient air environment within the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and ' year first hereinabove written. CITY OF KENT ' BY: SUZETTE COOKE, MAYOR DATE: ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: KENT LAW DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR BY. ' PRINT NAME- TITLE. DATE: y WITNESS, if INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of 2006, before me personally appeared and to me known to be and of the corporation/individual that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR ' CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury The City shall be named as an insured under the Contactor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. 3. Excess Liability insurance covering both the Commercial General Liability and Automobile policies. 4. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington B Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily Iinjury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products- completed operations aggregate limit. 3. Excess Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence in excess of both the CGL and Auto Liability policies cited above C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability 1 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses tThe Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. E Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other any of their Subcontractors, Sub- subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extend covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. F. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A M Best rating of not less than A•VII G. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work H. Subcontractors iContractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor PERFORMANCE BOND TO CITY OF KENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, as Principal, and ia Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a Surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the CITY OF KENT in the penal sum of $ , together with any adjustments, up or down, in the total contract price because of changes in the contract work, for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington, and the Codes and Ordinances of the CITY OF KENT. Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a motion, duly made, seconded and passed on February 21, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor of the City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above bounden Principal, a certain contract, the said contract providing for construction of EAST HILL SKATE/BMX BOWL CONSTRUCTION, PR 2006 01 (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, for non-FHWA projects only, if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time herein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the CITY OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the CITY OF KENT, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals. The name and corporate seal (if required by law) of each corporate party is hereto affixed and duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. (SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE) i ' TWO WITNESSES: PRINCIPAL BY TITLE: DATE: DATE: jCORPORATE SEAL tPRINT NAME DATE: SURETY CORPORATE SEAL: BY: DATE: TITLE: ADDRESS: iCERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within Bond, that iWho signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal Of the said Corporation; that I know his signature thereto is genuine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. iSECRETARY OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY CITY OF KENT AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the contract known as East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction, PR 2006 01 that was enteredinto on the day of , 2006, between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned contract. DATED this day of 2006. By: Print Name: For: Title: STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the of the Partnership/Corporation to be the free and voluntary act of such Partnership/Corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. WITNESETH my hand and seal this _day of , 2006. NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Washington rResiding at My commission expires iNOTE: Please sipn this document after the project is completed. BIDDER'S CHECKLIST Project: East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms that must be executed in full as jrequired: Failure to comply shall result in rejection of any bid not so complying. A) BID PROPOSAL: The unit prices and alternate bids and/or lump sum price bid must be shown in the space provided Show prices in both words and figures B) REQUEST FOR REFERENCE This form is to be completed by the bidder C) CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENT & QUALIFICATION STATEMENT- This form is to be completed by the bidder. D) SUBCONTRACTOR LIST: Indicate all subcontractors (and yourself, if applicable) that will perform work amounting to more than ten percent of the total contract price This form must be completed and submitted with your bid--no delays will be allowed. E) COMBINED AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFICATION FORM- This form must be subscribed to and sworn before a Notary Public F) BOND ACCOMPANYING BID This form is to be executed by the bidder and the surety company unless bid is accompanied by a certified check The amount of this bond must equal 5% of the total amount bid and shall be shown in both words and figures G) E.E O POLICY DECLARATION To be completed and signed by the bidder. H) DISADVANTAGED MINORITY or WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION. If applicable to bidder. 1) CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREAGATED FACILITIES. To be completed and signed by the bidder J) PROPOSAL SIGNATURE SHEET To be completed and signed by the bidder. The following City of Kent forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A) PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT. Executed by the successful bidder. B) PERFORMANCE BOND/CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL. To be executed by the successful bidder and his surety company The following City of Kent form is to be executed after completion of the protect: A) AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE RE City Administrative Policy 1.2 To be executed after completion and p rior t o a cceptance b y O wrier R etainage w ill not be released by Owner until receipt of this Affidavit TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 General Requirement Section Title `` `Author 01010 Administrative Procedures City 01020 Field Engineering City 01039 Coordination and Meetings City 01040 Codes & Standards City 01090 Definitions and Abbreviations City 01100 Base Bid and Alternates City 01101 Site Security City 01300 Submittals City 01400 Quality Control City 01500 Temporary Facilities and Controls City 01600 Materials and Equipment City 01700 Project Closeout City 01900 Temporary Erosion Control City DIVISION 2 Site Construction Section Title ` "` " ,� Author 02255 Rough Grading — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline 02300 Earthwork, Site Grading — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline 02305 Backfillin — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline 02725 Storm Drainage — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline DIVISION 3 Concrete Section 'Title " - Author 03105 Concrete Formwork — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline 03205 Concrete Reinforcement— Skate/BMX Areas Grindline 03305 Aggregate Base — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline 1 03365 Concrete Shotcrete — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline DIVISION 5 Metals Section Title Author 055 55 Miscellaneous Metals — Skate/BMX Areas Grindline i I � j SECTION 01010 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Contractor shall familiarize himself/herself thoroughly with all conditions of the specifications, as well as technical sections. 1.02 PERMITS The City shall obtain and pay for any permits required during the course of the work. The City has obtained the necessary permits to date. civil construction 1.03 DUST CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible for alleviation or prevention of any dust arising from the work on this project, by using water or dust palliatives as required by the City of Kent and as approved by the Designated Authority. 1.04 VANDALISM The Contractor is hereby advised to take all lawful and prudent precautions against vandalism on any work and equipment connected with this project. The Owner will not in any way be held financially responsible or accountable for vandalism, or be responsible to repair or replace any work or equipment 1.05 WEATHER AND WATER TABLE CONDITIONS Since work may be done during inclement weather, and within a high water table, each bidder shall satisfy himself before submitting his bid as to the hazards likely to arise from weather or high water table conditions. Complete weather records , and reports may be obtained from any US Weather Bureau Office. No additional payment will be made for any conditions caused by inclement water, wetlands, streams, flooding, saturated soils, or high water table. 1.06 MAINTENANCE OF STREETS, TRAILS, UTILTITIES, ETC. A. The Contractor shall be responsible at all times for the maintenance of t streets, parking lot, and utilities affected by construction operations. Streets, sidewalk, and utilities shall be kept in full operation during the entire course of the project Debris and rubbish shall not be allowed to accumulate and all premises shall be maintained in a neat and workman- like condition as determined by the Owner. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01010 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES jB. In the event the Contractor fails to conform to these requirements, the Owner shall have the right to have the work done by others and the cost will be deducted from monies due the Contractor. 1.07 PROTECTION OF MATERIALS The Contractor is responsible for protection of materials and completed work from vandalism until the work is completed. j1.08 EROSION CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible at all times until final acceptance for any erosion control during construction and for repair of any completed work damaged by erosion. 1.09 STATE LICENSING LAW The Contractor agrees and covenants to furnish the Owner proper evidence that the Contractor has fully complied with the State Licensing Law as specified in Chapter 77, Laws of the State of Washington, of 1963, as amended, and a Contractor's Certificate of Registration shall be in full force and effect throughout the work project hereinabove enumerated 1.10 EXISTING SITE TOPOGRAPHY The existing topography is shown as screened contour lines and spot elevations. Notify Designated Authority immediately should actual conditions vary significantly from those shown. 1.11 SURVEY DATA/EXISTING CONDITIONS The Contractor's surveyor shall establish and stake out control points for the various parts of the work for location, lines, and grades from the base I ine as shown on the plans An electronic file of coordinates will be provided to the surveyor by the Designated Authority upon request. Surveyor shall be a licensed surveyor in the State of Washington. 1.12 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. The Contractor shall keep one set of drawings and specifications at the site for the purpose of recording all changes made during construction as changes occur East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01010 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES B. In addition, the drawings and specifications shall be marked to record all materials used where options or altemates were indicated or specified and dimensional changes made during the course to the work shall be drawn to scale. C. The Contractor shall provide a mylar record drawing prepared and stamped by a licensed surveyor reflecting the actual vertical and horizontal locations of drainage facilities (including open channels) constructed on the protect site as per City of Kent code requirements. D. The record drawings shall include the following declaration by the licensed surveyor. 'WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT ALL IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ARE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THESE RECORD DRAWINGS PER THE FIELD MEASUREMENTS TAKEN (Date) " PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used PART 2 — EXECUTION Not used END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01020 FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1—GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. GRADES, LINES, AND LEVELS 1. Employ a licensed Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor to lay out the work and establish all points, lines, grades, and levels from such points, reference lines, and datum as indicated on the drawings. The Contractor will be held responsible for the accuracy of his work 2. Provide all such stakes, spikes, steel pins, templates, platforms equipment, instruments, tools, and materials, and all labor including instrument men, road-men, chain-men, etc , as may be required in laying out any part of the work. 3. Provide all stake out and locations of the various portions of the work and provide such lines and grades as are necessary for the proper construction and drainage of the project as required on drawings. 4. Submit all layout data to City Representative/Engineer for approval prior to beginning work. Retain and record all layout data not shown on contract documents or at variance with the contract documents. Retain and record survey data on record drawings 5. Record all survey data in accordance with standard and approved methods All field notes, sketches, recordings, and computations made by the Contractor in laying out the work shall be available at all times during the progress of the work for the ready examination by the Owner or its duly authorized representative. 6. Maintain and preserve all stakes and other marks established until authorized to remove them, if such marks are destroyed by the Contractor through his negligence prior to their authorized removal, and if required by the City Representative/Engineer, they shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense. 7. Locate all utilities prior to excavation by calling 1-800-424-5555 Qwest Fiber Optic line is located on the site If working within five feet (5') of the line, a Monitor must be present on-site. Call 253-939-2443 at least 48 hours in advance of the need for the Monitor. ' East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01020 FIELD ENGINEERING PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used PART 3 — EXECUTION A. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE ENCOUNTERED 1. Immediately identify any hazardous substance or condition exposed during the Work to the Project Manager/ Engineer for decision or remedy END OF SECTION r r t �t East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction , SECTION 01039 COORDINATION & MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Coordination. B Pre-construction conference. 1 C. Progress meetings D Pre-installation conferences. 1.02 COORDINATION A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and Work of the various Sections of Specifications to assure proper, efficient, and orderly sequence of construction and installation of interdependent elements. B. Verify that utility requirement characteristics of operating equipment are compatible with building and site utilities. Coordinate work of various Sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment. C. Coordinate space requirements and installation of electrical work that are indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts, and conduit as closely as practicable; place runs parallel with line of building or fences Utilize spaces efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, for maintenance, and for repairs D. Coordinate completion and clean up of Work of separate sections in preparation for Completion. I1.03 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Owner will schedule a preconstruction conference after Notice of Award. B. Attendance Required: Owner, Inspector, and Contractor. C. Agenda- 1 Execution of Owner-Contractor Agreement 2. Submission of executed bonds and insurance certificates. 3. Distribution of Contract Documents 4. Submission of list of Subcontractors, list of Products, schedule of values, and progress schedule. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01039 i COORDINATION & MEETINGS 5. Designation of personnel representing the parties in Contract, and the Arch itect/Engineer. 6 Procedures and processing of field decisions, submittals, substitutions, applications for payments, proposal request, Change Orders, and Contract closeout procedures. 7. Scheduling. 8. Security of Project. 9. Site Meetings. 10 Coordination with Owner. 11 Notice to Proceed. 12. Special Instructions 1.04 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Owner will schedule and administer weekly meetings throughout progress of the work at weekly intervals. B. Contractor shall attend meetings. C. Attendance Required: Contractor, Job Superintendent, Owner, Owner's consultaants and Subcontractors and Subconsultants as appropriate to agenda topics for each meeting. D. For each weekly meeting, Contractor shall prepare and provide a neat, concise, and updated two-week schedule of projected work E. Agenda: 1. Review minutes of previous meetings 2. Review of submittals and status of submittals. 3. Review of overall and two-week schedule 4. Maintenance of progress schedule. 5. Review plans and specifications related to anticipated work. 6. Review of Work progress. 7. Field observations, problems, and decisions. 8. Review of off-site fabrication and delivery schedules. 9. Other business relating to Work. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01039 COORDINATION & MEETINGS 1.05 PREINSTALLATION CONFERENCES A. When required, convene a pre-installation conference at work site prior to commencing work of a Technical Section. B. Require attendance of parties directly affecting, or affected by, work of the specific section. C. Notify Owner seven (7) days in advance of meeting date. D. Prepare agenda and preside at conference. E. Review conditions of installation, preparation, and installation procedures, and coordination with related work. PART 2-PRODUCTS Not used PART 3-EXECUTION Not used END OF SECTION l East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01040 CODES & STANDARDS PART 1—GENERAL 1.01 CODES AND STANDARDS A. All work shall conform to the most current editions of the Standard Specifications and Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, as published by the Washington State Department of Transportation (Standard Specification and Standard Plans respectively), unless otherwise indicated herein. B. The Contractor shall have one copy of the most current editions of the Standard Specifications and Standard Plans at the job site. C. All work shall conform to the most current edition of the City of Kent Construction Standards. D. The Standard Specifications apply only to performance and materials and how they are to be incorporated into the work The legal/contractual relationship sections, and the measurement and payment sections do not apply to this document. E. Erosion control and stormwater systems must conform to the requirements of the latest edition of the "Surface Water Design Manual", King County WA, except as amended by the City of Kent stormwater manual and construction standards. F All work shall conform to the most current and accepted building code adopted by the City of Kent G. All work shall comply with other codes and standards as required in the project drawings, specifications, and by applicable jurisdictional entities 1.02 CODE COMPLIANCE A. Give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any public agency having authority over the performance of the work. B Contractor will be held responsible for observance by himself, his agents, his sub-contractors, and all employees, of the regulations of the United States Government, State of Washington, City of Kent, and King County covering sanitation, fire protection, safety, and burning. IEast Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01040 t CODES & STANDARDS C. Promptly notify the Owner in writing of any variance in the contract documents with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders Necessary changes will be adjusted by appropriate modification. D If Contractor performs work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders, and without such notice to the Owner, Contractor shall assume full responsibility therefore and shall bear all costs attributable thereto. E. Where the drawings and specifications call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger sizes than may be required to said laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, and orders, the provisions of the drawings and specifications shall take precedence over said laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and orders. PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION 1 East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction , SECTION 01090 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 NUMBER OF SPECIFIED ITEMS REQUIRED Wherever in the project specifications and drawings, an article, device, or piece of equipment is referred to in the singular number, such reference applies to all and as many such articles as are shown on the drawings, or required to properly complete the installation. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A."Owner": The City of Kent or their representative. B Designated Authority (Engineer, Landscape Architect). an employee of or consultant to the City of Kent. C "Provide" shall mean, "furnish and install" or "furnish labor, equipment, and materials necessary for complete and proper installation, ready for use, and under the terms of the contract drawings". "As shown", "as indicated," "as detailed," "as noted," or words of similar meaning refer to contract drawings. D."The work" means "the project work to be accomplished under this contract " E "Approved" means "Approved by the owner or designated authority " "For approval" means "for owner approval, or designated authority approval." ' F. Where the words "or equal" are used, the owner is the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the proposed substitution. G "Products" means new material, machinery, components, equipment, fixtures, and systems forming the Work. Does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication, conveying, and erection of the Work Products may also include existing materials or components required for reuse. 1.03 ABBREVIATIONS See Legends on the drawings. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction r SECTION 01090 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.04 ORGANIZATION OF SPECIFICATIONS Divisions and sections of these specifications conform generally to customary trade practice. They are intended for convenience only. The Owner and Designated Authority are not bound to define the limits of any subcontract. 1.05 DIMENSIONS AND MEASUREMENTS Written dimensions govern. Do not scale drawings, unless so indicated on the r plans. Check all dimensions in the field and verify them with respect to the adjacent or incorporated work. 1.06 CONFLICT IN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. Bring immediately to attention of the Designated Authority any conflicts relating to technical aspects in drawings and specifications. (See 1-04.2 of the Kent Parks Special Provisions). B. Contractor shall request clarification and information in written format. PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used END OF SECTION r r r r East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction i ' SECTION 01100 BASE BID & ALTERNATES PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL Bidders shall submit a proposal for the base bid and alternates. The City reserves the right to award the base bid only if considered to be in the City's best interest Only basic information concerning Base Bid and Alternates is listed in the proposal No attempt has been made to list all items or details Refer to technical sections of the Specifications and Drawings for more detailed information 1.02 SITE WORK A. Base Bid 1. Includes all labor, materials, equipment, direct and incidental required for successful completion of the work drawn and specified, together with the necessary appurtenant and/or associated work. 2 Work Not Included in Base Bid Work noted as "not in contract" abbreviated N.I.C., or work included under alternates is not included in Base Bid B Trench Excavations Safety Provisions If the contract contains any work that requires trenching exceeding a depth of four (4) feet, all costs for adequate trench safety systems shall be identified as a separate bid item in compliance with Chapter 39 04 RCW The purpose of this provision is to ensure that the bidder agrees to comply with all the relevant trench safety requirements of Chapter 49.17 RCW This bid amount shall be included in the total Lump Sum Base Bid set forth above. If trench excavation safety provisions do not pertain to this project put N/A for dollar amount. Failure to complete this requirement shall be considered as non-responsive to the bid solicitation C. Additive Alternates Additive alternate bids shall include work described in the proposal and shall include modifications, adjustments, and revisions to the Base Bid or other work necessary to incorporate such alternate work into the project. The sum shown on the Contractor's Proposal shall cover all costs into the completed project. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction I SECTION 01100 BASE BID & ALTERNATES PART 2—PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3—EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION r r r r r r r r r r r East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01101 SITE SECURITY PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 SITE SECURITY A The Contractor shall secure the site with temporary fencing and post signs stating that the site is a construction area — do not enter Contractor is hereby advised to take all lawful and prudent precautions against unauthorized entry to the work area. B. The Contractor shall take all lawful and prudent precautions against damage to project equipment, materials, completed work, and all other elements of the work Contractor shall upgrade precautionary measures as appropriate and necessary to ensure adequate site security. C. The Contractor shall coordinate security efforts and measures with Owner and local law enforcement as appropriate 1.02 ACCESS TO SITE The Contractor is responsible to maintain safe means of ingress and egress to the construction site off of adjacent public roads. 1.03 VANDALISM A. The Contractor is hereby advised to take all lawful and prudent precautions against vandalism on any work and equipment connected with this project The Owner will not in any way be held financially responsible or accountable for vandalism, or be responsible to repair or replace any work equipment. iB. The City will notify City Police Patrol Units when project commences. PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01300 , SUBMITTALS PART 1—GENERAL 1.01 SUBMITTALS A. RELATED WORK ELSEWHERE 1 . Contractual Requirements for Submittals: a) General Conditions b) Special Conditions B. SUBMITTALS REQUIRED 1 See each Section under PART [—GENERAL for specific items to be submitted for approval. C. COMPLIANCE 1. Failure to comply with these requirements shall be deemed as the Contractor's failure to furnish the exact materials specified or materials selected by the Owner based on these specifications. D. MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE 1 . Contractor shall submit three copies of manufacturer's literature for approval. 2. Catalog cuts or brochures shall show type, size ratings, style, color, manufacturer, and catalog number of each item and be complete enough to provide for positive and rapid identification in the field. E. SAMPLES 1. The sample submitted shall be the exact or precise article proposed to ` be furnished. 2. Samples, color chips, finish styles, etc. shall be submitted in sufficient t number as to provide the Owner with alternate choices. F. SUBSTITUTIONS 1. The contract is based on materials, equipment, and methods described in the contract documents East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction r SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS j2 Contractor shall not substitute materials, equipment, or methods unless such substitution has been specifically approved for the work by the Owner. 3. Requests for substitutions may not be made prior to bid. r4. Requests for substitutions may be made after award of bid All technical data and costs, and delivery information shall accompany I such requests. When, in the sole opinion of the Owner, the product is equal, or better, in all respects, to the product specified, it will be approved subject to contract requirements and the Contractor's rassumption of the responsibility for all extenuating circumstances. 5. Where the phrase "or equal" or "or equal as approved by the Owner' occurs in the contract documents, Contractor shall not assume that material, equipment, or methods will be approved as equal by the Owner unless the item has specifically been approved for this work by the Owner. 6. In all cases, Owner approval of substitutions shall be made prior to installation or use. 7. The decision of the Owner shall be final. G SUBMITTALS 1. Samples, tests, shop and detail drawings shall be submitted in related packages All equipment or material details that are interdependent or ' are related in any way must be submitted indicating the complete installation. 2. All tests, samples, shop drawings and materials submitted for approval must be submitted ten (10) working days prior to use or installation of the material or shop drawings. r3. Following approval, all work must be done in accordance with the approved shop drawings, samples, and submittals. 4. If corrections are required, the Contractor shall make the corrections required by the Owner and file with him the same number of corrected copies as indicated above r rEast Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01300 , SUBMITTALS 5. The Owner's review of, and approval of, any tests, submittals, or shop drawings is understood to be an acceptance of the character of the details and not a check of any dimensions or quantities Owner's approval will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules, whether or not the Owner finds errors in review of such details. The Owner's review of, and approval of, any submittal will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility of consequences due to deviations from the contract documents unless the Contractor has called attention to such deviations in writing. No changes shall be made in any drawing after it has been reviewed, except by the consent or the direction of the Owner in writing. PART 2 — PRODUCTS ■ Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1—GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Quality assurance and control of installation 1 B References C. Inspection and testing laboratory services 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce work of specified quality. B. Comply fully with manufacturer's instructions, including each step in sequence. C. Should manufacturer's instructions conflict with contract documents, request clarification from designated authority before proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as a minimum quality for the work except when more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. F. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices. j 1.03 REFERENCES A. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date for receiving bids. I B. Should specified reference standards conflict with contract documents, request clarification from designated authority before ff proceeding. 1 i East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction I SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL C. The contractual relationship of the parties to the contract shall not be altered from the contract documents by mention or interference otherwise in any reference document. 1.04 INSPECTION AND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. Owner will appoint, employ, and pay for services of an independent ■ firm to perform inspection and testing of compaction, concrete, asphalt, and painting if needed. B. That independent firm will perform inspections, tests, and other services except those specifically required of the Contractor in individual specification sections C. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to the Architect/Engineer and Owner indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or noncompliance with contract documents. D. Contractor shall at all times cooperate with independent firm; furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage, and assistance as requested. 1. Notify Architect/Engineer and independent firm 48 hours l prior to expected time for operations requiring service 2 Make arrangements with independent firm and pay for additional samples and tests beyond the Owner's test if ' required for Contractor's use. t C. Re-testing and site visits required because of nonconformance to specified requirements and scheduling shall be performed by the same independent firm on instructions by the Architect/Engineer Payment for redesign and site visits will be charged by the Owner to the Contractor by deducting inspection or testing charges from the contract sum/price. PART 2—PRODUCTS Not used PART 3—EXECUTION Not used END OF SECTION L East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction J' SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES & CONTROLS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACTOR'S WORK All work specified under this Section shall be provided by the Contractor. j1.02 TEMPORARY POWER Contractor shall provide sufficient electric power of capacity necessary and make I it available to all those connected with the work. The Contractor is to pay for all temporary transformers, lines, poles, meters, and other changes and all charges connected with the use of the permanent facilities until accepted by the Owner. All costs and other charges in providing electric power to be paid by Contractor until acceptance of project by Owner. I1.03 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE SERVICE As soon as possible after Notice to Proceed with construction, provide a non-coin box telephone or cellular phone on the site and maintain same until completion of the work Pay for installation, maintenance, and non-toll calls and allow all connected with the work to use, provided they pay for toll calls 1.04 TEMPORARY DRINKING WATER Make necessary arrangements and provide drinking water from a proven safe source required during entire construction period. Comply with state and local health requirements. Serve in single service containers or sanitary drinking fountain 1.05 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION Contractor to provide water and make it available to all those connected with the work. The Contractor is to pay all costs and charges for same until acceptance of protect by Owner Obtain a temporary hydrant permit from the City of Kent or prevailing purveyor if required. 1.06 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES The Contractor is responsible to provide and maintain restroom facilities. Locate inside the construction area and keep in clean, orderly, and sanitary condition Secure to prevent tipping or other disturbances by vandals or others. Remove 1 when directed by Owner and disinfect premises. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES & CONTROLS 1.07 TEMPORARY SHEDS Construct and maintain such temporary sheds as may be required for the use of workmen, for tool cribs, and for the storage of materials, project plans and documents. Provide temporary light in all areas of the sheds. All sheds shall be maintained at all times in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. Upon completion of the work, all sheds shall be removed and the premises cleaned. 1.08 STAGING AREA The Contractor staging area to be agreed upon by the Contractor and the Owner Submit a proposed location to the Owner for approval. All disturbed areas shall be cleaned up, fine graded, seeded, and otherwise restored to its original condition as determined by the Owner or according to the Plans and Specifications. 1.09 FIELD OFFICES The Contractor is not required to provide a field office on the premises for this project. 1.10 DAILY CLEAN UP (See Kent Parks Special Provisions) Contractor is required to clean all streets, trail, walkways, and alleys at the end of the work day Contractor shall secure all areas of the work, equipment, and material and leave the site in a neat, orderly manner. PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01600 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT PART 1--GENERAL 1.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ' A. QUALITY 1. Unless otherwise specified, all materials, equipment, or other items incorporated in the work shall be new. 2. Deliver materials and equipment to job site in original unbroken containers, stamped with brand and maker's name. L 3. All workmanship shall be consistent with latest shop and trade practices. 4. All required certificates, tests, labels, and compliance with all code and legal requirements are conditions of acceptance for use in the work. 5. It is the Contractor's responsibility to be certain that all equipment and materials selected by the Contractor or sub-contractors or materials suppliers conform exactly to the requirements of the drawings and specifications. 6. The approval of a manufacturer's name by the Owner does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for providing materials and equipment that comply with the contract documents. 7. Identification of a product in the specifications is to establish standard, type, performance, and quality that the Owner has determined as requisite and necessary for the project. 8, in general, the preparation of the drawings and specifications has been based upon sizes, loads, and requirements of specific items, materials, or equipment, and, as such, are the basis of bidding. B. STORAGE AND PROTECTION 1. The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to insure safe and secure storage for materials and equipment. 2. Protect all materials and equipment from damage from whatever the cause. 1 East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01600 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT 3. Comply with Owner's directions to safeguard materials and equipment stored on site or off site. 4. Provide all insurance as required by General Conditions for materials stored on site or off site. PART 2 — PRODUCTS , Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSE OUT PART 1—GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT CLOSEOUT A. CONTRACT RECORD DOCUMENTS ' 1. Definition a) On-site As-built drawings are defined as a printed set of the contract drawings that the Contractor shall keep current and indicate thereon all differences between the contract work as drawn and as installed, and where any work added to the contract is also indicated b) As-Built (Record) Drawings are defined as a black line set of prints ' of the contract drawings covering the completed work, and on which are shown any and all differences between the contract work as drawn and installed, as well as any work added to the contract. c) Concealed work is that which is installed underground or in areas that cannot be readily inspected by means of access panels, inspection plates, or other removable features Contractor shall record concealed work daily on the on-site As-Built drawing. B. REQUIREMENTS 1. Each contractor and sub-contractor (General, Mechanical, Electrical, etc ) shall prepare and maintain a set of on site As-Built Drawings which clearly show all differences between the contract drawings as drawn and the work as installed, and shall also indicate work performed which was not shown on the contract drawings Include location of all clean outs and access panels. C. ON SITE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 1. Each Contractor (General, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.) shall maintain a set of on site As-Built Drawings at the job site. These shall be kept legible and current, and shall be available for inspection at all times by the Owner. All changes in the contract work or work added shall be, neatly and in consistent format, shown on these drawings in a permanent contrasting color (e.g. using a red, blue, green, or other colored pen). East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSE OUT D. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 1. Upon substantial completion of the project, each Contractor (General, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.) shall submit one copy of the As-Built Drawings to the Owner for review and approval. E APPROVAL 1. The Owner shall review the on site drawings and the As-Built Drawings, and shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of these drawings. 2. The receipt and acceptance of As-Built Drawings is a prerequisite to project acceptance by Owner. F. PERMITS 1. Deliver all permits "signed off' to the Owner. 2. Submission of "signed off' permits is a prerequisite to project acceptance by Owner. G. REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES 1. Temporary office facilities, toilets, storage sheds, electric and plumbing lines and/or connections shall be removed from the site and services terminated upon completion of the work, or sooner if progress permits and in the opinion of the Owner. 2 Portions of the site occupied by temporary construction shall be restored by the Contractor to a condition completely satisfactory to the Owner. H. PRE-FINAL INSPECTION Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing (and by phone)when all the work or portions of the work are complete and ready for inspection The Owner will make inspection and prepare a punch list to be forwarded to the Contractor who shall promptly correct punch list items as identified by Owner Contractor shall restore all areas disturbed during construction to original, or better condition, and to the satisfaction of the Owner. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSE OUT jI. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 1. Provide data for: a. All products/equipment with moving parts. b. Mechanical equipment and controls. c. Electrical equipment and controls. d. Finishes. 1 2. Submit three (3) sets prior to final inspection, but no later than 48 hours prior to scheduled training, bound in 8.5 X 11 inch three ring binders. 3. Part 1: Directory listing names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Contractor and sub-Contractors, suppliers and Consultants 4. Part 2: Operation and Maintenance instructions, arranged by Technical Specification Division listing a. Pertinent design criteria b. Equipment model number, supplier. c. Parts list. d. Operating instructions. e. Maintenance instructions. J. FINAL INSPECTION Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing, or by phone, when all punch list items have been corrected. The Owner will set a time for the final inspection, at which time the Owner, other City Representatives, Designated Authorities (as applicable), and Contractor shall jointly inspect the work. The Contractor will promptly correct any further punch list items as identified. Owner will provide a written Notice of Project Acceptance after all punch list items have been corrected. Warranty period begins from the date of Project Acceptance and runs for one year. Contractor is responsible to complete, and provide proof of, all necessary Washington State releases. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction I SECTION 01700 I PROJECT CLOSE OUT PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 — EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION , s i I i t East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 01900 TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PART 1 — GENERAL I1.01 DESCRIPTION Work in this section includes erosion and sedimentation control. Location of silt fences, stabilized construction entrances, catch basin protections, and other erosion control measures are shown on the Construction Drawings, and in accordance with City of Kent codes. 1.02 JOB CONDITIONS Construction of the erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be done prior to any grading, clearing, or demolition. Owner shall determine if any additional TESC is needed. PART 2 — PRODUCTS ' 2.01 SILTATION FENCE AND CATCH BASIN PROTECTION Geotextile for catch basin protection and silt fence shall be Mirafi 140NS or approved equal, meeting or exceeding Mullen burst of 220 psi (ASTMD-37866), trapezoidal tear of 40 lbs. (ASTM D-4533) and a puncture strength of 65 Ibs (ASTM D-4833). PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL Prior to site grading, clearing, or demolition, construct stabilized construction entrance, construction fence (clearing limits), filter fabric fence sedimentary and interceptor swales and maintain throughout duration of project, in accordance with City of Kent requirements 3.02 PROJECT CLOSEOUT Temporary silt fence, catch basin protections, and other TESC measures shall be removed after re-vegetation measures have been completed and accepted. 1 Restore areas affected by silt fence per Sections 02820 and 02900. END OF SECTION ' East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction ' SECTION 02255 ROUGH GRADING- SKATE/BMX AREAS ' PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Removal of soil and subsoil ' B. Cutting, grading, filling, rough contouring, and compacting the site for site structures, building pads, and landscaping. ' 1.2 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Accurately record actual locations of utilities remaining by horizontal dimensions, elevations or inverts, and slope gradients. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 1 A. Topsoil 1. Import sufficient topsoil so that all turf repair areas shall receive a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil 2. Provide new topsoil that is fertile, friable, natural sandy loam, surface soil, reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, weeds and other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than 2" in any dimension, and other extraneous matter harmful to plant growth. B. Imported Structural Fill: Nonexpansive, granular borrow. I 1. Conforming to Unified Sod Classification System for soils designated as GW or GP. 2. Free of lumps larger than 3 inches, rocks larger than 3 inches, and organic debris. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify site conditions. B. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours and datum. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 02255 ' ROUGH GRADING- SKATE/BMX AREAS B. Stake and flag locations of known utilities. ' C. Locate, identify and protect utilities that remain from damage. D Protect above and below grade utilities that remain. E. Protect plant life, lawns and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaping. ' F. Protect bench marks, survey control point, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving and curbs from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. 3.3 FILLING A. Fill to contours and elevations indicated using unfrozen materials. B. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage other work. C. Systematically fill to allow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not fill over porous, wet, frozen, or spongy subgrade surfaces. D. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. E. Place and compact materials in equal continuous layers not exceeding 8 inches compacted depth F. Slope grade maximum 3:1, as per plans, unless otherwise noted. Make gradual grade changes. Blend slope into level areas. G. Compaction density 95 percent of maximum dry density. 3.4 CLEAN UP A. Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. i B. Upon completion of the work, remove soil piles, surplus material, and equipment from the site. Restore ground surface to original condition. END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction ' SECTION 02300 EARTHWORK/SITE GRADING PART 1 - GENERAL ' 1.1 GENERAL A. Provide all labor, materials, services and equipment indicated on Drawings andlor herein specified to complete Site Grading Work (finish grading) within designated skatepark area. B. Site grading shall consist of establishing finish grade to conform to the contours, grades, line and shapes as indicated on the Drawings. ' C. Land alteration of existing topographic conditions to conform to the contours, grades, lines and shapes indicated on the Drawings. Contractor shall place and compact all required backfill material to conform to the contours, grades lines and shapes as indicated on the Drawings. D. Placement and compaction of existing stockpiled fill material or imported fill (approved by Owner) to conform to the continuous grades, lines and shapes as indicated on the Drawing. 1.2 EXISTING UTILITIES A. Contractor is responsible for staking and marking the location of all existing utilities before commencing work B. Retain and protect in operating condition all active utilities traversing the site designated to remain. ; C. Where existing utilities not indicated on the Drawings are encountered: support, shore up, protect and immediately contact the Owner to help coordinate the continuance and/or relocation of said services. 1.3 PROTECTION ' A. Use all means necessary to protect existing conditions designated to remain, newly constructed conditions and adjacent properties Avoid any encroachment on adjacent properties. B. In the event of damage or loss immediately make all repairs and replacements required to the owner's approval at no additional cost to the owner. iC. Any damage to existing skatepark structures to be repaired by Contractor at no additional cost to owner. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 02300 EARTHWORK/SITE GRADING PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS General Fill; Imported borrow or soil excess excavated onsite, free of lumps larger than 3 inches, rocks larger than 2 inches, and debris PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL , A. Conduct work in an orderly manner. Soil or debris shall not be permitted to accumulate on streets or sidewalks nor to be washed into storm drains or adjacent waterways with out filtering with appropriate silt screening device. i B. Use all means required to prevent the erosion of freshly graded areas during i construction and until such a time as proposed hard surfaces and or erosion control have been constructed. 3.2 LAYOUT A. Maintain all benchmarks, control monuments and stakes. Protect from damage and dislocation. B. If any discrepancies are found by the surveyor between the Drawings and the actual site conditions, the Owner reserves the right to make minor adjustment in ' Work Specified as necessary to accomplish the intent of the Contract Documents without increased cost to the owner. 3.3 FINISH GRADING A. Finish grade shall conform, after compaction, to shapes, spot elevations and contours as indicated on Drawings, with uniform levels or slopes between finish elevations or between finish elevations and existing elevations. B. Rims of drain inlets shall be flush with finish surface of concrete 3.4 COMPACTION , Minimum 95 percent of maximum dry density. 3.5 CLEAN UP A. Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction 1 SECTION 02300 EARTHWORK/SITE GRADING 1 B. Upon completion of the work, remove sod piles, surplus material, and equipment from the site. Restore ground surface to original condition 1 END OF SECTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction ' SECTION 02305 BACKFILLING — SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL ' 1.1 GENERAL A. Provide all materials, operations and labor as indicated on Drawings and as ' specified herein to complete all site Backfdl and Compaction Work. B. Backfills for all excavations required for specified area construction including the ' placing and compacting of material around site structures to the lines indicated on the Drawings. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM C136 — Method For Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. B. ASTM D2419 —Test Method For Sand Equivalent Value of Sods and Fine Aggregate C. ASTM D2434 —Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head). D. ASTM D2922 —Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). ' E. ASTM D3017 —Test Methods for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil —Aggregate Mixtures. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Nonexpansive, granular borrow. ' PART 3 - EXECUTION ' 3.1 BACKFILLING OPERATION A. Backfill shall not be placed around concrete structures (i.e.) footings, ' foundations, walls, etc ) until the concrete has attained 75 % of it's design strength. ' B. Place backfill in 6" layers (loose measurements) and compact between each successive layer. C. Maintain optimum moisture content of backfill materials to attain required relative compaction density. (2% of optimum) East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 02305 1 BACKFILLING — SKATE/BMX AREAS D. Protective Measures: All work shall be protected and guarded against danger of 1 life, limb and property. 3.2 COMPACTION METHOD 1 A. Place all backfdl materials according to all applicable provisions of the standards 1 referenced in section 1.2. B. Backfill shall be class II aggregate base or approved imported fill. 1 C. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and the compaction equipment shall make sufficient passes that the required density is 1 obtained. 3.3 COMPACTION DENSITY 1 95 percent of maximum dry density. 3.3 CLEAN UP 1 A. Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. 1 B. Upon completion of the work, remove soil piles, surplus material, and equipment from the site. Restore ground surface to original condition. 1 END OF SECTION 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction 1 ' SECTION 02725 STORM DRAINAGE — SKATE/BMX AREAS ' PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL Provide storm water drainage system consisting of drain lines, inlets, trenching, ' bedding, backfill and out-fall connection for entire skate park as shown within the construction drawings. 1.2 PROTECTION Protect all existing tree roots, shrubs, paving and utilities from damage due to drainage excavations. Re-route piping if necessary to avoid excessive damage to existing conditions as directed by the Owner to avoid damage Provide protective barrier from all open trenches. 1.3 COORDINATION Coordinate all work affected by drainage operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. PVC Drain Pipe- Manufacture in accordance with standards noted herein. 1. Marking and Identification: continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name, pipe size, type of pipe and material, SDR number, ASTM standard number and the NSF (National Sanitary Foundation) seal. 2. PVC pipe-fittings shall be of the same material as the PVC pipe specified and shall be compatible with PVC pipe furnished. 3. All drainpipes shall be SDR-35 or approved equal. ' B. Drain Inlets 1. Zurn Floor Drain (or equal). —Z-415 Body Assembly with "Type B" Strainer Strainer diameter shall be 10". Body assembly shall accommodate a 6" SDR- 35-drainline connection. 2. Materials & Finish — Body shall be Dura-Coated cast iron with bottom outlet, combination invertible membrane clamp and adjustable collar. Strainer shall be polished nickel. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 02725 STORM DRAINAGE — SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION Excavate ditch no greater in width or depth than is necessary to permit construction. 3.2 BEDDING Provide a firm foundation of uniform density throughout the entire length of the pipe. The exterior of the pipe for not less than '/< of its circumference shall be bedded in an earth foundation of uniform density accurately shaped to fit the outside of the pipe The material used for bedding shall be material from on-site excavation. When rock is encountered at grade, the rock shall be removed to a depth of six inches below grade and tamped, clean fill, rock free over %2 inch, earth from the excavation shall be used to bring the elevation up to grade. 3.3 LAYING A. Do not place pipe in a wet trench. Keep trenches free from water. B. Coupling: Use approved solvent weld or pressure coupling. Clean pipe and fittings thoroughly of dirt, dust, and moisture. Apply a light uniform coat of solvent to pipe (or compression fitting if applicable) fitting and immediately make the connection. 3.4 BACKFILL After the pipe has been installed and the joints completely set, material from the ' on-site excavation at a moisture content with which the required density can be obtained, shall be placed equally along both sides of the pipe in layers not exceeding six inches loose depth. Compact each layer thoroughly by hand or pneumatic tampers to finish grade. 3.5 CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM ' Bore into the surface. Do not extend the pipe into the structure. Construct a concrete collar material not less than six inches greater in diameter than pipe and six inches long, and bond to the structure. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 02725 STORM DRAINAGE — SKATE/BMX AREAS 3.6 CLEAN UP A. Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. B. Upon completion of the work, remove soil piles, surplus material, and equipment from the site. Restore ground surface to original condition. END OF SECTION i l East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03105 CONCRETE FORMWORK— SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Deliver and store all material in such manner as to protect it from damage and deterioration. B. Design, construction and safety of all formwork shoring and reshoring shall be the complete responsibility of the contractor C. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to insure that all applicable safety laws are strictly enforced and to maintain a safe construction area. 1.2 COORDINATION Coordinate all work affected by concrete formwork operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS jA. When finish concrete is below grade plywood or sawn lumber formwork shall be constructed of substantial material as selected by the contractor. B. Where finished concrete is above grade and scheduled to be exposed, use Plyform Class I and II, EXT-DFPA or equivalent. IC. Form coating shall be a non-grain-raising and nonstaining type that will not leave residual matter on the surface of the concrete or adversely affect bonding to concrete of paint, plaster or other applied materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 ERECTION A. All concrete above grade shah be in cast-in-plywood forms. 1 B. All concrete below grade shall be cast-in-plywood or sawn lumber forms. C. Concrete below grade may be poured directly against earth in open trenches. jD. All forms shall be constructed true to line and level, sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar, and shall conform exactly to the dimensions of the finished concrete as shown on the drawings. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03105 CONCRETE FORMWORK— SKATE/BMX AREAS E. Where studs in framework are spaced not over 12 inches on center, 5/8" minimum plywood shall be used. Where studs are spaced not over 16 inches on center, 3/4 " minimum plywood shall be used. F. Place long dimension of plywood sheets perpendicular to direction of studs. All forms to be inspected prior to pour. G. All forms and alignments of paving, layout, and special paving areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner (or authorized representative) prior to pouring (give a minimum of 48 hours notice) 3.2 REMOVAL OF FORMS Do not disturb or remove the forms until the concrete has developed sufficient strength to safely sustain its own weight and the superimposed loads above After concrete is placed, the following minimum time periods shall elapse before the removal of forms: Forms Shores Sides of walls and edges of slabs and footings: 3 days 5 days 3.3 CLEAN UP A. Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. B. Upon completion of the work, remove soil piles, surplus material, and equipment from the site. Restore ground surface to original condition. END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03205 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT — SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Provide steel reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete. B. Stack reinforcing steel in tiers. Mark each length, size, shape and location. Maintain reinforcement free of dirt, mud, paint or rust. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 315-80, Manual of Standard Practice for detailing reinforced Concrete Structures. 2. ACI 318-77, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM — latest editions): 1. ASTM A233, Mild Steel Arc Welding Electrodes 2. ASTM A615, Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 3. ASTM A706, Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. C. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI): Manual of Standard Practice, latest edition. D. American Welding Society (AWS): Reinforcing Steel Welding Code, D12. 1-75, including latest revisions PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Steel Reinforcement: Deformed Billet Steel, ASTM A615, Grade 40, or equivalent. 2.2 FABRICATION Fabricate to sizes, shapes and lengths detailed in accordance with the requirements of ACI 318-71 and ACI 315-65. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03205 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT — SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Accurately place reinforcing steel in accordance with drawings. Thoroughly clean reinforcement of any coating that would reduce bonding. Do not splice reinforcement at points of maximum stress. Stagger splices in adjacent bars and provide a minimum overlap of 30-bar diameters at splices unless specifically noted otherwise on Drawings. B. Securely saddle tie intersections with #18 galvanized black annealed wire. Rigidly secure reinforcement in place. Provide concrete coverage as shown on Drawings. 3.2 CLEAN UP Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. END OF SECTION i i t East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction jSECTION 03305 AGGREGATE BASE — SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL Aggregate base course i 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM D2922 —Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). B. ASTM D3017 —Test Methods for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil —Aggregate Mixtures PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Imported Structural Fill- Nonexpansive, granular borrow. 1. Conforming to Unified Soil Classification System for soils designated as GW or GP. 2. Free of lumps larger than 3 inches, rocks larger than 3 inches, and organic debris. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION Verify substrate has been inspected, gradients and elevations are correct, and is dry. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Correct irregularities in substrate gradient and elevation by scarifying, reshaping, and recompacting. B Do not place on soft, muddy, or frozen surfaces. 3.3 AGGREGATE PLACEMENT rA. Spread aggregate over prepared substrate to a total compacted thickness as shown on the plans. B Place aggregate in maximum 4 inch layers and compact to a specified density. East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03305 AGGREGATE BASE — SKATE/BMX AREAS C. Level and contour surfaces to elevations and gradients indicated. D. Add small quantities of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate as appropriate to assist compaction. E. Add water to assist compaction. If excess water is apparent, remove aggregate and aerate to reduce moisture content. F. Use mechanical tamping equipment in areas inaccessible to compaction j equipment. 3.4 TOLERANCES A. Flatness- Maximum variation of inch measured with a 10 foot straight edge. B. Scheduled Compacted Thickness: Within '/4 inch. C. Variation from Design Elevation: Within '/4 inch. 3.5 CLEAN UP A. Clean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. B. Upon completion of the work, remove soil piles, surplus material, and equipment from the site Restore ground surface to original condition. END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction iSECTION 03365 CONCRETE SHOTCRETE — SKATE/BMX AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL All flat"skateable" surfaces to be constructed of either concrete or shotcrete All "transitional, vertical, or banked" concrete surfaces to be built of Shotcrete, with no exceptions permitted. The contractor shall state in submittals which construction technique will be employed. j1.2 REFERENCES A. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 301, Specifications for Structural Concrete Buildings 2. ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Concrete i 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type as required. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C 168, Type C or F (limit use of fly ash in concrete mix design to not exceed 20% of cement content by weight). 3. Strength: All concrete shall attain a minimum strength of 4000 psi 28 days curing after placement of same. 4. Aggregates: ASTM C 33, or equivalent in local aggregates of proven durability. 1 5. Water Potable. 6. Air-Entraining Mixture: ASTM C 260 7. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494; type as required to suit project conditions. Only use admixtures which have been tested and accepted in mix designs, unless otherwise acceptable. B Shotcrete: i1. Cement: All cement shall conform to the standard criteria of ASTM C-150, Type 1. 1 East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03365 CONCRETE SHOTCRETE — SKATE/BMX AREAS 2. Sand: all sand for shotcrete shall conform to ASTM C-33. 3. Strength: All shotcrete shall attain a minimum strength of 4000 psi 28 days curing after placement of same. 4. Mix proportion• The design of the shotcrete shall be provided by the Supplier, which shall be approximately 75% sand, 25% coarse maximum size, 7 to 7.5 sacks cement. 5. Mixing Method: Mixing shall be accomplished in a power batch mixer equipped to measure accurately the quantity of aggregate and the time of mixing. 6. Mixing Period- The mixing period shall be at least 1- 1/2 minutes at a mixer peripheral speed of approximately 200 feet per minute. Materials mixed more than 15 minutes shall not be used in the work and shall be discarded. C. Sealant: 1. All sealant materials used in the work specified in this Section, unless otherwise specifically approved by the Owner, shall be single or double component, pnmerless, of a non-sagging type in neutral color or other approved color where exposed to view PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. All materials shall be installed in compliance with manufacturer's written instructions and/or recommendations for installation. B. All work shall be performed in a manner equal to or exceeding accepted trade industry standards as Outlined by the specific trade Council for the trade(s) involved in the performance of the work. 3.2 PLACING OF SHOTCRETE A. Shotcrete shall be placed only by qualified, experienced personnel that have been engaged exclusively in the design and construction of concrete skateparks for a minimum of three years. B. Hairline cracking of the finished concrete surface is acceptable. Cracks that develop into loose spawls are not acceptable and shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 03365 CONCRETE SHOTCRETE — SKATE/BMX AREAS C. Back-up Surfaces 1. The shotcrete shall be applied against material which will not deteriorate during the application. Where necessary, provide back-Lip wood or metal formwork to form vertical walls. 2. Shotcrete shall be applied to the floor area adjacent to vertical areas before application of shotcrete to the vertical areas in order to prevent rebound accumulation during application. 3. All surfaces on which shotcrete are to be applied shall be dampened sufficiently to prevent excessive absorption of water content from the shotcrete mix prior to curing 4. Sufficient ground wires shall be furnished and installed to permit establishment of correct thickness and surface planes of the shotcrete; both horizontal and vertical ground wires shall be installed at corners and offsets not clearly established by the formwork, where needed to establish correct thickness and planes. C. Nozzle Technique 1. Shotcrete shall, where possible, be applied with the application nozzle held at right angles to the surfaces to be shotcreted and at a distance of 2 %2 to 3 feet, except when enclosing reinforcing steel. I2. Shotcrete shall, when applied to enclose reinforcing steel, be applied with the application nozzle held so as to direct the shotcrete behind the reinforcing steel bars, and shall be directed at each side of such bars separately. 3. No shotcrete shall be placed into, around, or over rebound materials. 1 D. Tolerances 1. All shotcrete shall be placed to the lines and dimensions indicated on the drawings and as required to allow for finish material to achieve true planes and uniform surfaces. 3.3 CLEAN UP jClean site daily of trash and debris resulting from construction operations. END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 05505 MISCELLANEOUS METALS- SKATEIBMX AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL Furnish materials and perform labor required to executed this work as indicated on the drawings, as specified, and as necessary to complete the contract, including, but not limited to Bowl Steel Coping, Ledge steel Coping, and Handrails. PART 2 — PRODUCTS Not used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 STEEL SHAPES Conform to ASTM A36 3.2 STEEL PIPE Conform to ASTM A53, Grade B Schedule 40. 3.3 STEEL PLATE Conform to ASTM A283, Grade A. 3.4 STEEL TUBING Conform to ASTM A501. Minimum 11 gauge for all posts and rails. 3.5 FABRICATION 1 A. Using skilled mechanics, form and fabricate items of work as indicated and as required to meet installation conditions. Make provisions to connect with or receive the work of other trades. B. Unless otherwise indicated, weld or bolt connections between members. Where possible, conceal connections in the finished work Fit or miter exposed joints to hairline tolerance or use welded joints. On finished surfaces, grind all welds smooth and flush with base metal C. Bend pipe or tubing without collapsing or deforming the walls, and so as to produce a smooth uniform curved section and maintain uniform sectional shape East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction SECTION 05505 MISCELLANEOUS METALS- SKATE/BMX AREAS D. Where items are to be imbedded in concrete or masonry, provide welded- on anchors or lugs as indicated or required 3.6 WELDING All welding shall conform to requirements of the Committee for Standard Tests for Welds of the American Welding Society All welding shall be arc welding wire feed Welds in finish work shall be filled out flush, ground and dressed. Welders for structural shall be certified END OF SECTION East Hill Skate/BMX Bowl Construction DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1-01.1 General 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement j1-01.3 Definitions 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1-02.1 Qualification of Bidders 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications 1-02.4(1) General 1-02.4(2) Subsurface Information ■ 1-02.5 Proposal Form 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal 1-02.7 Bid Deposit 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal 1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals 1-02 13 Irregular Proposals 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids 1-03.3 Execution of Contract 1-03.4 Contract Bond 1-03.7 Judicial Review 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK 1-04.1(1) Bid Items Included in the Proposal 1-04 2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications and Addenda 1-04.5 Procedure and Protest by the Contractor 1-04.9 Use of Adjacent Properties 1-04.11 Final Clean Up 1-04.12 Off-Site Disposal 1-04.12(1) Disposal Within Wetlands 1-04 12(2) Special Contractor Indemnification Relating to Disposal 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.3(1) Request for Information 1-05.4 Conformity with and Deviations from Plans and Stakes 1-05.4(1) Surveying 1-05 4(2) Staking 1-05.4(3) Conformance 1-05.4(4) Deviation 1-05 4(5) Preservation 1-05.4(6) Control Stakes 1-05.8 City's Right to Correct Defective and Unauthorized Work 1-0510 Guarantees 1-05.11 Final Inspection ' 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing (APWA Only) 1-05.12 Final Acceptance 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment Contractor 1-05 14 Cooperation with Other Contractors 1-05.16 Water and Power 1-05.17 Oral Agreements 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed 1-07.2 State Taxes 1-07.2(1) General 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax—Rule 171 1-07 2(3) State Sales Tax—Rule 170 1-07.2(4) Services I1-07.6 Permits and Licenses 1-07.9(1) General 1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage 1-07 14 Responsibility for Damage 1-07 15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control 1-07 15(1) General Conditions 1-07.15(2) Clearing Requirement 1-07.15(3) Protection of Clearing Areas 1-07.15(4) Inspection and Maintenance of TESCP Facilities ' 1-07.15(5) Additional Measures 1-07.15(6) Catch Basin Protection 1-07 15(7) Vehicle Maintenance and Storage 1-07.15(8) Failure to Perform TESCP 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property i 1-07.16(5) Archaeological and Historical Objects 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities 1-07.17(1) Utility Locations 1-07.17(2) Interference 1-07.17(3) Notification of Excavation 1-07,17(4) Site Inspection 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic 1-07.23(1)A Traffic Restrictions on the Contract Work 1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours 1-07.24 Rights of Way 1-07 26 Personal Liability of Public Officers 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 1-08 Pre-construction Conference 1-08.3 Progress Schedule 1-08 3(1) Hours of Work 1-08.3(2) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of City Employees 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work j 1-08.5 Time for Completion 1-08.6 Suspension of Work 1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension 1-08.8 Extensions of Time 1-08.9(1) Liquidated Damages 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities. 1-09.9 Payments 1-09.9(1) Retained Percentage 1-09.9(2) City's Right to Withhold Certain Amounts 1-09.9(3) Markup Limitations for Extra Work 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction 1-09 13 Final Decision and Appeal 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans 1-10.2(3) Conformance to Established Standards I1-10.3(1) Traffic Control Labor 1-10.3(3) Construction Signs 1-10.4 Measurement 1-10.5 Payment 1-11 OTHER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-11.1 Coordination of Work with City 1-11.2 Conformance to Requirements of King County 1-11.3 Road Maintenance 1-11.4 General Restoration 1-11.5 Landscape Restoration i 1 KENT PARKS SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following Kent Parks Special Provisions modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of t the 2002 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations ("Standard Specifications"). Otherwise all provisions of the Standard Specifications except the Division 1 APWA Supplement (pp. 1-109 through 1-130) shall apply All reference in the Standard Specification to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, engineer, project engineer, or to the contracting agency, shall be revised appropriately to read City and/or City Representative except for reference to State statutes or regulations These Kent Special Provisions also modify and supersede the General Parks Special Provisions Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract. Each specification contains all current specifications applicable to the particular work and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. DIVISION 1 — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS SECTION 1-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.1 General. When these Special Provisions make reference to a "Section", for example, "in accordance with Section 1-01", the reference is to the WSDOT Standard Specifications with all modifications as shown in these Special Provisions. SECTION 1-01.2(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement. Ea Each Eq. Adj. Equitable Adjustment FA Force Account Hr Hour Hund. Hundred Mgal. Thousand gallons NIC Not In Contract SF Square Feet SECTION 1-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.3 Definitions. City Representative The City of Kent's Representative who directly manages the administration of a construction protect. Contract Documents The Kent Parks Special Provisions modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2002 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations ("Standard Specifications") as of the effective date of this contract Otherwise all provisions of the Standard Specifications EXCEPT the APWA Supplement (pp 1-109 through 1-130) shall apply. Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract Each specification contains all current specifications applicable to a particular work and may include references which do not apply to this particular project Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are: 1. Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, current edition, 2. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, current edition, and, 3. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition, Incidental Work The terms incidental to the project, incidental to the involved bid item(s), etc., as used in the Contract Documents shall mean that the Contractor is required to provide the specified work complete and the cost of such work shall be incidental and included in the unit contract prices as specified in Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract). No additional payment will be made. Owner The City of Kent or its representative Standard Details A set of specific plans or drawings developed and adopted by the City of Kent, which show frequently recurring components of work that have been standardized for use, hereinafter referred to as the "Standard Details" or the "City of Kent Standard Details". Standard Specifications The Standard Specifications for this contract are contained in the following publications. 1. "2002 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction," prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works Association (APWA) Washington State Chapter, including all published amendments issued by those organizations. Please note, however, that the Division 1 APWA supplement to the Standard Specifications (pp. 1-109 through 1-130) does not apply and is not a part of this contract. 2. "Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction," current edition, prepared by the WSDOT and APWA, hereinafter referred to as the Standard Plans. 3. The current edition of the "National Electrical Code". 4. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), latest Edition adopted by WSDOT. All reference in the Standard Specifications to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, or to the contracting agency, shall be revised appropriately to read City and/or City Engineer. To the extent any inconsistencies exist among any of the four above-listed documents, each document appearing on this list shall have priority over all documents, if any, listed below it. These publications are incorporated in this contract by this reference. The Contractor should note that these publications contain general conditions to this contract as well as construction details Responsibility for obtaining these publications rests with the Contractor. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1-02.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.1 Qualification of Bidders. Bidders shall be qualified by ability, experience, financing, equipment, and organization to do the work called for in the Contract Documents. The City of Kent reserves the right to take whatever action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the Bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. This action includes the City's review of the qualification information in the bid documents. The City will use this qualification data in its decision to determine whether the lowest responsible bidder is also responsible and able to perform the contract work. If the City determines that the lowest bidder is not the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the City reserves its unqualified right to reject that bid and award the contract to the next lowest bidder that the City, in its sole judgment, determines is also responsible and able to perform the contract work (the "lowest responsive and responsible bidder"). SECTION 1-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications. Upon awarding the Contract, the City shall supply to the Contractor for its own use five (5) copies of the Plans and Specifications Additional copies can be purchased from the City at the price specified by the City or in the Call for Bids. During the bidding process, any questions that may arise shall be directed to the City of Kent in writing. Answers to questions received, shall be in writing and sent to ALL Planholders. SECTION 1-02.4(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING THE SECOND ITEM 2 OF THE 6T" PARAGRAPH: 1-02.4(1) General. 2. The bidder failed to discover a latent ambiguity that would be discovered by a reasonably prudent contractor in preparing its bid. SECTION 1-02.4(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2.4(2) Subsurface Information Because of the varying soil composition and ground water levels encountered in various areas and at different seasons of the year, the City make no representation of such conditions as they may pertain to this project The Contract shall be responsible for any and all cribbing, sheet piling, dewatering, or other construction methods or procedures that may be necessary to complete the project and additional compensation therefore will not be allowed unless otherwise specified in this document. The sods information, if any, used for design of this project is available for review by the bidder at the following address: City of Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department 200 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 SECTION 1-02.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.5 Proposal Form. Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents and a "Bid Proposal" for the advertised project from the City of Kent upon furnishing a non-refundable payment as specified in the "Call for Bids" Bid Documents may be requested by mail, or picked up at the City of Kent, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032, (253) 856-5110. NO VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION WITH ANY OFFICER, AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY, EITHER BEFORE OR AFTER EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT, SHALL AFFECT OR MODIFY ANY OF THE TERMS OR OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN ANY OF THE DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE CONTRACT. ANY SUCH VERBAL COMMUNICATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS UNOFFICIAL INFORMATION AND IN NO WAY BINDING UPON THE CITY. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the Proposal Forms with Alternates, Additives, or Deductives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency The Bidder shall bid on all Additives, Deductives, or Alternates set forth in the Proposal Forms, unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, Instructions to Bidders, or Technical Specifications SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY OMITTING THE PARENTHETICAL REFERENCE, "(NOT WORDS)," IN THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SENTENCE TO THE END OF THE THIRD PARAGRAPH: 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal. ALL BLANKS IN THE PROPOSAL FORMS MUST BE APPROPRIATELY FILLED IN, AND ALL PRICES MUST BE STATED IN BOTH WORDS AND FIGURES. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY DELETING THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: If the scope of works include street improvements, the bidder shall bid "Traffic Control Labor" at the fixed cost shown for that item on the bid document. The Contractor shall calculate the total amount based on this unit price. If the Contractor's bid differs from this specified amount, the City will unilaterally revise the bid amount to the minimum specified amount and recalculate the Contractor's total bid amount. The City will use the corrected total bid amount for award purposes and to fix the amount of the contract bond. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Proposals must contain original signatures. FACSIMILES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND ARE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE SUBMITTALS. SECTION 1-02.7 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE WORDS "CERTIFIED CHECK" AND "CASH". 1-02.7 Bid Deposit. SECTION 1-02.8(2) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST SENTENCE IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-02.9 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal. All bids must be sealed and delivered in accordance with the "Call for Bids". Bids must be received at the City Clerk's office by the stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. SECTION 1-02.11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals. No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to make, or file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate bids are specifically called for; however, a person, firm, or corporation that has submitted a subproposal to a bidder, or that has quoted prices of materials to a bidder is not thereby disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders or from making a prime proposal. SECTION 1-02.13 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 1(h) AND REPLACING ITEM 1(a) WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals. a. The bidder is not prequalified when so required. SECTION 1-02.14 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 3 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders. 3. The bidder is not qualified or pre-qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT SECTION 1-03.1 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids. The City of Kent also reserves the right to include or omit any or all schedules or alternates of the Proposal and will award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on the total bid amount, including schedules or alternates selected by the City. A bidder who wishes to claim error after the Bids have been opened and tabulated shall submit a notarized affidavit signed by the Bidder, accompanied by original work sheets used in the preparation of the Bid, requesting relief from the responsibilities of Award. The affidavit shall describe the specific error(s) and certify that the work sheets are the originals used in the preparation of the Bid. The affidavit and the work sheets shall be submitted to the City Representative no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first business day after Bid opening, or the claim will not be considered The City Representative will review the certified work sheets, to determine validity of the claimed error, and make a recommendation to the City of Kent. If the City concurs in the claim of error, the Bidder will be relieved of responsibility, and the Bid Deposit of the Bidder will be returned. Thereafter, at the discretion of the City, all Bids may be rejected or award made to the next lowest responsive, responsible Bidder SECTION 1-03.3 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.3 Execution of Contract. The form of contract that the successful bidder, as the Contractor, will be required to execute and the forms and the amount of surety bonds that it will be required to furnish at the time of execution of the contract are included in the bid documents and should be carefully examined. The contract and the Surety Bonds will be executed in three (3) original counterparts The unsigned form of contract will be available for signature by the successful bidder on the first business day following award Within ten (10) calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the signed City prepared contract, insurance certification as required by the contract, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03 4 If the successful bidder fails to provide these documents within this 10-day period, the City may, at its sole discretion, reduce the time for completion of the contract work by one calendar day for each calendar day after this 10-day period that the successful bidder fads to provide all required documents. Until the City executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the City nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within City-furnished sites The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the City. The City of Kent expects to award this Contract at the regular scheduled City Council meeting to be held on February 21, 2006, with the Notice to Proceed being given on or about March 21, 2006, provided that all required contract documents, insurance and submittals have been properly executed and accepted by the City. Following the actual award, the City will schedule a pre-construction conference with the Contractor at a day and time to be determined. No claim for delay shall be granted to the Contractor due to his failure to submit the required documents to the City in accordance with the schedule provided in these special provisions. SECTION 1-03.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE FIRST PARAG RAP H: 1-03.4 Contract Bond. 5 Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety's officer empowered to sign the bond. 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements if the Contractor is a sole proprietor or partner If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond must be signed by the president or vice-president, unless accompanied by written proof of the authority of the individual signing the bond to bind the corporation (i e , corporate resolution, power of attorney or letter to such effect by the president or vice-president). 7. The "Contract Bond" shall remain in force for one year following the "Final Acceptance Date" of the contract to insure contract defects during the one-year guarantee period in compliance with Section 1-05 10 (Guarantees) SECTION 1-03.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.7 Judicial Review. Any decision made by the City of Kent regarding the award and execution of the contract or bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under Washington State Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington. 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 1-04.1(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.1(1) Bid Items Included in the Proposal. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, supplies, and incidentals required to complete the work. The Contractor shall include all costs of doing the work within the total lump sum bid. SECTION 1-04.1(2) IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. SECTION 1-04.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE WORDS, "KENT PARKS SPECIAL PROVISIONS, KENT STANDARD DETAILS" FOLLOWING THE WORDS, "CONTRACT PROVISIONS" IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: SECTION 1-04.2 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications and Addenda. 1. Change Order 2. The Contract Agreement 3. Addenda 4. Kent Parks Special Provisions 5. Contract Plans 6. Standard Specifications 7. Technical Specifications 8. Plans and Kent Standard Details 9. Bid Packet Information SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST FOUR PARAGRAPHS: SECTION 1-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY DELETING THE 5TH PARAGRAPH IN THAT SECTION AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.5 Procedure and Protest by the Contractor. The Contractor accepts all requirements of a change order by: (1) endorsing it, (2) writing a separate acceptance, or (3) not protesting in the way this section provides. A change order that is not protested as provided in this section shall be full payment and final settlement of all claims for contract time and for direct, indirect, and consequential damages or costs, including costs of delays, related to any work either covered or affected by the change. A change order that is not protested as provided in this section shall be full payment and final settlement of all claims for contract time and for direct, indirect, and consequential costs, including costs of delays, related to any work either covered or affected by the damages or change. SECTION 1-04.6 IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. SECTION 1-04.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.9 Use of Adjacent Properties. Limits of construction are indicated on or defined on the plans. The Contractor shall confine all construction activities within these limits, unless separate arrangements are made for use of private property. Before using any private property adjoining the work, the Contractor shall file with the City Representative satisfactory evidence of written permission from the property owner to use that private property. Upon vacating the premises, the Contractor shall furnish the City Representative with a release from all damages, properly executed by the property owner and in a form satisfactory to the City. The Contractor shall confine its equipment, storage of materials and operation of work to the limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits or direction of the City Representative and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with its materials. SECTION 1-04.11 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE AFTER THE FIRST SENTENCE IN THE FIRST PARAGRPAH: 1-04.11 Final Clean Up. Finish and clean up shall be considered as incidental to the construction of the project, and the Contractor will include all finish and cleanup costs as part of the lump sum base bid. tSECTION 1-04.11 ITEM 2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING ITEM: 2. The City's Representative will decide whether any or all unneeded excess material including oversized rock left from grading, surfacing or paving may be deposited in an approved location on the project site or disposed of off-site Disposal of all excess material and debris shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Disposal costs are incidental to the construction, and the Contractor shall include all costs attributable to disposal in the lump sum bid price SECTION 1-04.11 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING ITEM: 3 Any item that was to remain unaltered or undisturbed in the plans and specifications, shall be restored to its original condition if it was altered or disturbed during construction. SECTION 1-04 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-04.12 Off—Site Disposal. t The Contractor shall dispose of all debris and materials only at an approved disposal site. The Contractor shall acquire all permits and approvals required for the use of the disposal site. A permit is required to fill within the City Limits of Kent. The cost of any such permits and approvals shall be included in the total lump sum bid price. The Contractor shall, if requested by the Contracting Agency, provide the Contracting Agency the location of all disposal sites to be used and also provide copies of the permits and approvals for such disposal sites. 1.04.12(1) Disposal within Wetlands. Disposal of excess material within a wetland area will not be allowed without necessary permits and approval by the local agency with jurisdiction over the wetlands. Wetlands are defined as those areas inundated or saturated by ground or surface water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated sod conditions. Wetlands generally include lakes, rivers, ponds, swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. 1-04.12(2) Special Contractor Indemnification Relating to Disposal. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from any damages that may arise from the Contractor's activities in making these disposal arrangements Such indemnity shall be in accordance with Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 4.24.115, as amended. Any action required to satisfy any permit and/or any approval requirements in a contractor provided disposal site shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional expense to the City. 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK SECTION 1-05.3(1) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH: 1-05.3(1) Request for Information. Time is of the essence in this contract. It shall be the Contractor's duty to thoroughly review the plans in advance to determine whether they will work in the field. Should the Contractor have the need for clarification, he will direct his question to the City's Representative in advance so that there is no delay in the execution of the work. In any event, the City shall be afforded at least Three (3) days to respond to any request for clarification and will not be liable for any costs attributable to delay unless the City fails to respond within the Three (3) day time period SECTION 1-05.4 IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.4Conformity with and Deviations from Plans and Stakes 1-05.4(1) Surveying. The Contractor is responsible to retain a licensed surveyor to provide all surveying necessary for the work or for any structure. The Contractor shall include all costs for surveying in j the total lump sum bid. • 1-05.4(2) Staking. The Contractor will lay out and set any construction stakes and marks needed to establish the lines, grades, slopes, cross-sections, and elevations in strict accordance with the contract documents These stakes and marks will govern the Contractor's work. The Contractor shall take full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and slopes measured from them. 1-05.4(3) Conformance. All work performed shall be in conformity with the lines, grades, slopes, cross sections, elevation data, and dimensions as shown in the plans If the plans, Special Provisions, or these Specifications state specific tolerances, the work shall be performed within those limits. The City's decision on whether the work is in conformity shall be final, as provided in Section 1-05.1. 1-05.4(4) Deviation. The Contractor shall not deviate from the approved plans and working drawings unless the Contracting Agency approves in writing. 1-05.4(5) Preservation. The Contractor shall work to preserve benchmarks, monuments, and corners. The City will deduct from payments due the Contractor all costs to replace any permanent survey markers carelessly or willfully damaged or destroyed by the Contractor's operation. 1-05.4(6) Control Stakes. Stakes that constitute reference points for all construction work will be conspicuously marked with an appropriate color of flagging tape. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to inform its employees and its subcontractors of their importance and of the necessity for their preservation The cost of replacing such controls, should it become necessary for any reason whatsoever, shall be at the Contractor's sole expense. SECTION 1-05.5 IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. SECTION 1-05.8 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.8 City's Right to Correct Defective and Unauthorized Work. If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified in a written notice from the City Representative, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the contract documents, the City Representative may correct and remedy such work as may be identified in the written notice, by such means as the City Representative may deem necessary, including the use of City forces. If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the City Representative determines to be an emergency situation, the City Representative may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have work the contractor refuses to perform completed by using City or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation which, in the opinion of the City Representative, could be potentially unsafe if its remedy is delayed, or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public Direct or indirect costs incurred by the City attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment may be deducted by the City Representative from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized work. No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the j performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the City's rights provided by this section nor shall the exercise of this right diminish the City's right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the work as required. SECTION 1-05.10 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.10 Guarantees. The Contractor shall be available approximately sixty (60) calendar days prior to the expiration of the guarantee period to tour the project, with the City Representative, in support of the City's effort to establish a list of corrective work required under the guarantee Upon the receipt of written notice of such required corrective work, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently, and without unauthorized interruption of the City Facilities, the work necessary to correct the items listed. SECTION 1-05.11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.11 Final Inspection. 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date. When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor shall notify the City Representative and request the City Representative to establish the Substantial Completion Date. To be considered substantially complete the following conditions must be met• 1. The City must have full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from an operational and safety standpoint. 2. Only minor incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, or correction or repair work remains to reach physical completion of the work The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of work in subparagraph two above that remain to be completed in order to reach physical completion The City Representative may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If, after this inspection, the City Representative concurs with the Contractor that the work is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the City Representative, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. However, if after this inspection, the City Representative does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the City Representative will, by written notice, notify the Contractor giving the reasons for the City Representative's determination Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The Contractor shall provide the City Representative with a revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. This process shall be repeated until the City Representative establishes the Substantial Completion Date. 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date. When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for Final Inspections, the Contractor, by written notice, shall request the City Representative to schedule a Final Inspection. The City Representative will set a date for Final Inspection. The City Representative and the Contractor will then make a Final Inspection and the City Representative, if necessary, will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the Final Inspection reveals the work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take all necessary corrective measures to remedy the listed deficiencies. The Contractor shall allocate the necessary resources to pursue completion of all corrective work vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until achieving physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the City Representative is satisfied that all listed deficiencies have been corrected. If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written notice listing the deficiencies, the City Representative may, upon written notice to the Contractor, take all necessary steps to correct those deficiencies and may deduct all costs incurred to correct the deficiencies from monies due or to become due the Contractor Upon correction of all deficiencies, the City Representative will notify the Contractor and the City, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall not imply that all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract have been fulfilled. 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing. It is the intent of the City to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment, street lighting, electrical distribution of signal systems, building or other similar work, it may be desirable for the City Representative to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the Physical Completion Date. Whenever items of work are listed in the contract provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date In the event the contract does not specify testing time periods, the default testing time period shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment that prove faulty, or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this 1 period shall be tested under the observation of the City Representative, so that the City Representative may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Representative. The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing shall be included in the various contract bid item prices unless specifically set forth otherwise in the contract documents. Operational and test periods, when required by the City Representative, shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the Contract. SECTION 1-05.12 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.12 Final Acceptance. The Contractor must perform all the obligations under the contract before the Final Acceptance Date can be established. A Certificate of Completion for the work issued by the City will establish the Final Acceptance Date and certify the work as complete The final contract price may then be calculated. The following must occur before the final acceptance date can be established and the final contract price calculated. 1. The physical work on the project must be complete. 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation (required by the Contract and required by law) necessary to allow the City to certify the Contract as complete A Certificate of Completion for the work, signed by the City, will constitute acceptance of the work and shall establish the Final Acceptance Date, but shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to indemnify, defend, and protect the City against any claim or loss resulting from the failure of the Contractor (or the subcontractor or lower tier subcontractors) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, material persons, or any other person who provides labor, supplies, or provisions for carrying out the work. Additionally, the issuance of this Certificate of Completion will not constitute acceptance of unauthorized or defective work or material Moreover, the City in establishing the Final Acceptance Date, shall not be barred from requiring the Contractor to remove, replace, repair, or dispose of any unauthorized or defective work or material or from recovering damages for any such work or material. Failure of the Contractor to perform all of the contractor's obligations under the Contract shall not bar the City from unilaterally certifying the Contract complete and establishing the Final Acceptance Date so the City Representative may calculate a final contract price as provided in Section 1-09.9. SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Contractor. Whenever the City evaluates the Contractor's qualifications pursuant to Section 1-02.1, the City may take these or other Contractor performance reports into account. Within ten (10) days of contract award, the Contractor shall designate the Contractor's project manager and superintendent for the contract work The City reserves the right to accept or reject the project manager or superintendent selected by the Contractor If at any time during the contract work, the Contractor elects to replace the contract manager or superintendent, the Contractor shall only do so after obtaining the City Representative's prior written approval SECTION 1-05.14 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors. The City shall not be responsible for any damages suffered by the Contractor resulting directly or indirectly from the performance or attempted performance of any other City contract or contracts existing or known to be pending at the time of bid SECTION 1-05.16 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.16 Water and Power. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the Work. SECTION 1-05 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.17 Oral Agreements. No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way binding upon the City, unless subsequently put in writing, and signed by the City Representative. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIALS SECTION 1-06.2(2) IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. i1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC SECTION 1-07,1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed. The Contractor shall always comply with all Federal, State, or local laws, codes, rules and regulations that affect work under the contract The Contractor shall also be responsible for the safety of its workers and shall comply with all applicable safety and health standards and codes In cases of conflict between different laws, codes, rules, or regulations, the most stringent law, code, rule, or regulation shall apply. The City will not adjust payment to compensate the Contractor for changes in legal requirements unless those changes are specifically within the scope of RCW 39 04.120. For changes under RCW 39.04.120, the City will compensate the Contractor by negotiated change order as provided in Section 1-04.4. SECTION 1-07.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2 State Taxes. 1-07.2(1) General. The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1-07 2(4) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area. The City of Kent will not adjust its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the bid item prices or other contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included Section 1-07.2(3) describes this exception. The City of Kent will pay the retained percentage only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been paid (RCW 60.28.050). The City may deduct from its payments to the Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of Revenue, whether the amount owed is related to this contract or not. Any amount so deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax— Rule 171. WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the state, or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. This includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as a part of the street or road drainage system and power lines when they are part of the roadway lighting system. For work performed in these cases, the Contractor shall include Washington State Retail Sales Tax in the various unit Bid Item prices, or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the work. 1-07.2(3) State Sales Tax — Rule 170. WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, apply to the construction and repair of new or existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property This includes, but is not limited to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the State of Washington, water mains and their appurtenances, sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems unless those sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a street or road drainage system, telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a part of the street or road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not this personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. For work performed in these cases, the Contractor shall collect from the City, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The City will automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor For this reason, the Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit Bid Item prices, or in any other contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the following exception Exception The City of Kent will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in the unit Bid Item prices or in any other contract amount. 1-07.2(4) Services. The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the City of Kent on any contract wholly for professional, or other services (as defined in Washington State Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses. The City of Kent has applied for the following permits: • Civil Construction A copy of each permit and/or license obtained by the Contractor shall be furnished to the Contracting Agency Approved permits shall be furnished to the Owner upon completion of the project and prior to final acceptance. Promptly notify the Owner in writing of any variance in the contract documents with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders. Necessary changes will be adjusted by appropriate modification. If Contractor performs work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and order and without such notice to the Owner, Contractor shall assume full responsibility therefore and shall bear all costs attributable thereto. SECTION 1-07.9(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH: 1-07.9(1) General. The wage rates that will be in effect during the entire contract work period are those in effect on the day of bid opening, unless the City does not award the Contract within six months of the bid opening. The City will not adjust the Contractor's bid in the event the State or Federal Governments adjust the prevailing wage rates after the Bid Opening Date. SECTION 1-07.13(3) IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. j SECTION 1-07.13(4) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: I 1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage. The Contractor shall promptly repair all damage to either temporary or permanent work as directed by the City Representative. Alternatively, the City Representative may elect to accomplish repair by City forces or other means, however, the Contractor shall pay for these repairs and the City may deduct these repair costs from monies due or to become due the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be reimbursed for costs of repairing such damage, nor for additional cost of delays occasioned by the need to repair. SECTION 1-07.14 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH PARAGRAPHS AND REVISING ALL REFERENCES OF "STATE, COMMISSION, SECRETARY" OR "STATE" TO READ "CITY". 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage. SECTION 1-07.15 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control. t 1-07.15(1) General Conditions. This work consists of temporary measures as shown on the construction plans, specified in these special provisions, proposed by the contractor, or ordered by the City Representative as work proceeds. This work is intended to prevent, control and stop water pollution or erosion within the project, thereby protecting the work, nearby wetlands, streams, retention/detention ponds, and other bodies of water. The Contractor shall be required to control pollution, erosion, and run-off by performing temporary work items These items include but are not limited to: constructing or providing interceptor berms/ditches; check dams; filter fabric fencing; straw bale barriers; storm drain inlet protection, hydroseeding or hydromulching bare soils and any other installation of erosion control measures as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the City Representative. The Contractor shall begin by constructing and installing the new storm drainage system. See the Roadway Plan and Profile sheets as well as the TESCP sheets of the construction plans. This work must be completed before any other work can begin. jThe Contractor shall be responsible for the implementation of the TESCP facilities and construction, maintenance, replacement and upgrading of these facilities until all construction is approved. All cost for this work shall be paid for under the total lump sum bid The upgrading of the TESCP facilities shall not constitute a basis for additional working days for this project The Contractor shall also incorporate the requirements in Section 8-01 of the Kent Special Provisions as applicable. 1-07.15(2) Clearing Requirement. The Contractor shall flag the boundaries of the clearing limits in the Feld as shown on the plans for approval by City Representative, prior to construction. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the flagged clearing limits shall be permitted The flagging shall be maintained by the Contractor for the duration of construction. The TESCP facilities shown on the construction plans must be constructed in conjunction with or prior to all clearing and grading activities, and in such a manner as to insure that sediment laden water does not enter the drainage system or violate applicable water quality standards. City Representative may require temporary control measures between work stages 1-07.15(3) Protection of Clearing Areas. Any area stripped of vegetation, including roadway embankments, where no further work is anticipated for a period of 24 hours, shall be immediately stabilized with the approved TESCP methods (e g. seeding, mulching, fencing, erosion blankets, etc ). Grass seeding with fast germinating grasses alone will be acceptable only if left undisturbed for more than a minimum of six (6) weeks during the months of April through October inclusive, as approved by the City Representative. During the months of November through March inclusive, all project disturbed areas that are to be left unworked for more than 24 hours shall be covered by one of the following cover measures: mulch, sodding or plastic covering. Where seeding for temporary erosion control is approved, fast germinating grasses shall be applied at an appropriate rate (e.g. annual or perennial rye at approximately 80 pounds per acre). Should the area be disturbed due to storm events before sufficient grass growth, other measures will be required immediately to prevent erosion within that area. Where straw mulch for temporary erosion control is required, it shall be applied at a minimum thickness of 3 inches or 3,000 lbs./acre). 1-07.15(4) Inspection and Maintenance of TESCP Facilities. For active areas, the Contractor shall inspect the TESCP facilities daily and maintain as necessary to ensure their continued functioning and operation. When the temporary control devices are no longer needed, the Contractor shall remove them and finish the construction area they occupied as the City Representative directs. , For inactive areas the TESCP facilities sites shall be inspected and maintained a minimum of once a week or within 24 hours following a storm event or as the City deems necessary. This requirement also applies during winter shut down. 1-07.15(5) Additional Measures. The TESCP facilities shown on the construction plans are the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. As construction progresses and unexpected seasonal conditions dictate and as the City requires, the Contractor should anticipate more TESCP measures. These additional measures may include additional sumps, relocation of ditches and silt fences, etc. These measures will be necessary to protect adjacent properties and to meet water quality standards. These measures shall be paid for under the total lump sum bid price. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the City at once of any TESCP deficiencies or changes in conditions such as rutting and or erosion that may occur during construction. The Contractor may recommend possible solutions to the City Representative in order to resolve any problems that are occurring. The Contractor shall provide additional facilities, as directed by the City Representative over and above the minimum requirements outlined on the approved plans. All costs for materials and labor shall be paid for under the unit contract bid price. The Contractor shall also restore all damaged areas and clean up eroded material including that in ditches, catch basins, manholes, and culverts. Additional measures may be required to insure that all paved areas are kept clean daily for the duration of the project. ` 1-07.15(6) Catch Basin Protection. All existing catch basins shall receive inlet protection of the appropriate type prior to clearing and grubbing All traffic (IP1) catch basins as shown on the TESCP plans shall be fitted with "Siltsacks" by Atlantic Construction Farbricks, Inc. or an approved equivalent, to prevent mud, silt and other debris from entering the storm sewer system. The Contractor shall maintain the silt sacks on a regular schedule as recommended by the manufacturer or as directed by the City Representative. At no time shall more than one foot of sediment be allowed to accumulate within a catch basin. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment-laden water into the downstream system The interceptor berms/ditches (ID) that are shown on the TESCP plans shall initially be constructed to drain to the detention pond inlet at the low points along the edge of the roadway section during the roadway construction phase. Once the storm system has been completed and inlet protection installed, the storm water runoff can then be discharged into the new catch basins and storm system as shown on the TESCP plans. All non-traffic (IP2) catch basins shall be protected as detailed on sheet 82 of the plans. 1-07.15(7) Vehicle Maintenance and Storage. Water used for washing vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or other State waters unless separation of petroleum products, fresh concrete products or other deleterious material is accomplished prior to discharge Detergent solution may be discharged into sanitary sewer or allowed to be held on ground for percolation. A recirculation system for detergent washing is recommended. Steam cleaning units shall provide a device for oil separation. Handling and storage of fuel, oil and chemicals shall not take place adjacent to waterways. The storage shall be made in dike tanks and barrels with drip pans provided under the dispensing area. Shut-off and lock valves shall be provided on hoses Fuel, oil, and chemicals shall be dispensed only during daylight hours unless the dispensing area is properly lighted Disposal of waste shall not be allowed on fuel, oil, and chemical spills. Fencing shall be provided around storage area. Locks shall be provided on all valves, pumps, and tanks. 1-07.15(8) Failure to Perform TESCP. If the Contractor fads to install the required TESCP measures, or to perform maintenance in a timely manner, or fails to identify deficiencies, and fads to take immediate action to install additional approved measures, all fines, costs of cleanup, and costs for delays and down time shall be borne by the contractor. SECTION 1-07.16 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property. j 1-07.16(5) Archaeological and Historical Objects. It is national and state policy to preserve, for public use, historical and pre-historical objects such as ruins, sites, buildings, artifacts, fossils, or other objects of antiquity that may have significance from a historical or scientific standpoint. Archaeological or historical objects, which may be encountered by the Contractor, shall not be further disturbed The Contractor shall immediately notify the City Representative of any such finds. The City Representative will contact the archaeologist who will determine if the material is to be salvaged. The Contractor may be required to stop work in the vicinity of the discovery until such determination is made If the archaeologist determines that the material is to be salvaged, the City Representative may require the Contractor to stop work in the vicinity of the discovery until the salvage is accomplished. Loss of time suffered by the Contractor due to resulting delays will be adjusted in accordance with Section 1-08.8 (Extensions of Time). SECTION 1-07.17 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities. 1-07.17(1) Utility Locations. Pursuant to RCW 19.122 which relates to underground utilities, the Contractor shall: 1. Call the utilities underground location center (One Call Service, 1-800-424-5555) for field location of the utilities; and 2. Delay excavation until all known underground facilities in the vicinity of the proposed excavation have been located and marked Location and dimensions shown on the Plans for existing facilities are made in accordance with available information without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. If a utility is known or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the proposed excavation and that utility is not a subscriber to the utilities underground location center, then the Contractor shall give individual notice to that utility. 1-07.17(2) Interference. The Contractor shall contact the abutting property owners and shall locate existing irrigation, electrical, and other utilities prior to working in the project limits. Not all private irrigation, electrical or other utilities are shown on the plans. Note that these private irrigation lines, etc are not covered by the one call number (RCW 19 122). Using the one call number for utility locations shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for locating these utilities with the property owners and maintaining them in good working order Even though the presence of underground utilities, including service lines, may be an interference or have the effect of slowing the contract work, the interference of such utilities shall not be deemed a changed or differing condition and shall not be allowed as a basis for extra compensation. 1-07.17(3) Notification of Excavation. Within ten business days but not less than two business days prior to the commencement of excavation, the Contractor shall notify all owners of underground facilities, whether public or private, that excavation will occur 1-07.17(4) Site Inspection. Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees, agents and/or subcontractors, examined the areas subject to this agreement and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within those areas. Contractor further warrants and represents that it has also examined in detail 1 the plans of such utilities provided to it by the City and all other affected utility compa nies or entities, whether public or private The following addresses and telephone numbers of utility companies known or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the proposed work are supplied for the Contractor's convenience only; they are not intended to constitute a complete list of all affected utilities, nor do they represent any warranty or guarantee of their accuracy. 1. City of Kent 2. Puget Sound Energy Public Works Department 22828 68th Ave S #102 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Kent, Washington 98032-5895 253-476-6304 253- 856-5500 3. US West Communications 4. AT&T Broadband 7235 228th Street 22727 72nd Ave S., Bldg D, #105 Kent, Washington 98032 Kent, Washington 98032 206-345-2726 253-437-6886 5. AT&T Cable Services 6. MCI PO Box 1048 2270 Lakeside Blvd Auburn, Washington 98071 Richardson, Texas 75082 1-877-824-2288 972-498-6041 7. U.S. Sprint 2210 S 356th Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 206-632-0526 SECTION 1-07.18 IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Refer to the insurance requirements in the project agreement, which constitute the Contractor's insurance requirements for this project. ' SECTION 1-07.23 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety. During non-working hours, equipment or materials shall not be within the safety zone unless protected by permanent guardrail or temporary concrete barrier. The use of temporary concrete barriers shall be permitted only if the City Representative approves the installation and location During the actual hours of work, unless protected as described above, only materials absolutely necessary to construction shall be within the safety zone and only construction vehicles absolutely necessary to construction shall be allowed within the safety zone or allowed to stop or park on the shoulder of the roadway The Contractor's nonessential vehicles and Contractor's employees' private vehicles shall not be permitted to park within the safety zone at any time unless protected as described above Deviation from the above requirements shall not occur unless the Contractor has requested the deviation in writing and the City Representative has provided written approval. SECTION 1-07.23(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING FIRST , PARAGRAPH AFTER THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: SECTION 1-07.23(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE SECOND PARAGRAPH SHOWN HERE AS FOLLOWS: 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic. All the following requirements in this section shall also apply during non-working hours. To disrupt public traffic as little as possible, the Contractor shall: 1. Permit traffic to pass through the work with the least possible inconvenience or delay; 2. Maintain existing roads and streets within the project limits, keeping them open, and in good, clean, safe condition at all times. Deficiencies caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense The Contractor shall also maintain roads and streets adjacent to the project limits when affected by the Contractor's operations. Snow and ice control will be performed by the Contractor on all projects. Cleanup of snow and ice control debris will be at the Contractor's expense; 3. Remove or repair any condition resulting from the work that might impede traffic or create a hazard; 4. Keep existing traffic signal and highway lighting systems in operation as the work proceeds. (The City will continue the routine maintenance on such systems.) 5. Maintain the striping on the roadway. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling when to renew striping, subject to the approval of the City Representative When the scope of the project does not require work on the roadway, the City will be responsible for the striping; 6. Maintain existing permanent signing. Repair of signs will be at the City's expense except those damaged due to the Contractor's operations; 7. Keep drainage structures clean to allow for free flow of water; and 8. Confine construction operations to one side of the roadway at a time. SECTION 1-07.23(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.23(1)A Traffic Restrictions on the Contract Work. Work determined by the City of Kent to affect traffic shall occur only between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or as approved by the City Representative. Contractor shall keep all traffic lanes and shoulders clear of equipment and materials during non-working hours. Contractor shall not keep equipment and materials stored within 12 feet from the edge of the traveled way, unless protected by permanent guardrail or concrete barrier. The Contractor's employees and agents shall not park private vehicles along the traveled way, median, or shoulders. Whether or not Contractor's forces are on site, upon request by the City Representative, the contractor shall immediately mobilize forces to place, at no further or additional cost to the City, any asphalt concrete pavement, cold plant mix, crushed surfacing and/or gravel base as requested. If the Contractor fails to comply, the City Representative may order the work done by others and deduct the cost from any monies due or to become due the Contractor. 1 SECTION 1-07.23(2) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST SENTENCE AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours. The Contractor shall submit a Traffic Control Plan that shall include a detour to the City Representative for approval. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) The Contractor shall allow two weeks for City Representative review. The TCP shall demonstrate how access is to be maintained to private properties at all times. Prior to closure, the Contractor shall contact all residents within the restricted area regarding the road closure, and to discuss their access and how it will be maintained. The Contractor shall contact the local police and fire departments to inform them of the detour and of work being done each day. All road approaches and street connections and driveways shall remain open to local and emergency traffic throughout the life of this project at no additional cost to the City These requirements also apply to the non-working hours. SECTION 1-07.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1 1-07.24 Rights of Way. Street right of way lines, limits of easements and limits of construction are indicated or defined on the Plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. It is anticipated that the City of Kent will have obtained all right of way, easements or right of entry agreements prior to the start of construction. Locations where these rights have not been obtained will be brought to the contractor's attention prior to start of construction. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the City Representative certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through a property other than public right of way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement agreement obtained by the City of Kent from the owner of the private property. Copies of the easement agreements may be made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been obtained by the City Representative. Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contractor. This includes entry onto easements and private property where private improvements must be adjusted. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the City, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor needs. SECTION 1-07.26 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.26 Personal Liability of Public Officers. Neither the City, the City Representative, nor any other official, officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable for any acts or failure to act in connection with the contract, it being understood that, in these matters, they are acting solely as agents of the City. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION 1-08 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PRIOR TO j SECTION 1-08.1: 1-08 Pre-construction Conference. The City Representative will furnish the Contractor with up to five (5) copies of the Contract documents. Additional documents may be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction Prior to undertaking each part of the work, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify all pertinent figures shown and all applicable field measurements The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the City Representative any conflict, error or discrepancy that the Contractor discovers for discussion. After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a pre- construction conference will be held with the Contractor, the City Representative and any other interested parties that the City determines to invite. The purpose of the pre-construction conference will be: 1. To review the initial progress schedule. 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work. 3. To designate personnel representing the parties in the Contract. 4. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, 1 approvals, submittals, etc 5. To verify normal working hours for the work 6. To review safety standards and traffic control. 7. To discuss any other related items that may be pertinent to the work. 8. To review Special Instructions. 9 To discuss conflicts, errors or discrepancies discovered by Contractor. The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the pre-construction meeting the following: 1. A price breakdown of all lump sum items (Schedule of Values). 2. A preliminary construction schedule 3. A list of material sources for approval, if applicable. 4. A schedule of submittals. 5. Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) for approval 6. Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for approval. 7. A list of all subcontractors. SECTION 1-08.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.3 Progress Schedule. 1-08.3(1) Hours of Work. Also reference Section 1-07.23(1)A of the Kent Special Provisions. Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the City, the normal straight time working hours for the Contractor shall be any consecutive eight (8) hour period plus time for a lunch break between 7.00 a.m and 6:00 p.m Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, with a 5-day work week, plus allowing a maximum one-hour lunch break in each working day. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the pre-construction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7 00 a.m. or after 6.00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the City Representative for permission to work those times These requests shall be submitted to the City Representative at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the Inspector's and/or Surveyors time may be scheduled. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a m. and 6:00 p m is not required Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10 00 p m and 9-00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the City's noise control regulations or the city receives complaints Ifrom the public or adjoining property owners regarding noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should this permission be revoked for these reasons The City Representative may grant permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours, but may be subject to other conditions established by the City or City Representative. These conditions may include, but are not limited to the following requiring the City Representative or those assistants that the City Representative deems necessary to be present during the work; requiring the Contractor to reimburse the City for the cost of City Representative salaries paid City employees who worked Iduring these times; considering the work performed on Saturdays and holidays as working days with regard to the Contract Time. Assistants may include, but are not limited to, survey crews; personnel from the City's material testing lab; inspectors, and other City employees when, in the opinion of the City Representative, the Contractor's work necessitates their presence. Recognized holidays shall be as follows First day of January, third Monday of January, third Monday of February, last Monday of May, fourth day of July, first Monday of September, 11th day of November, fourth Thursday in November and day immediately following, 25th day of December, and any day so designated by the Chief Executive of the State of Washington or by the City of Kent for their employees, as a legal holiday. When any of these holidays occur on Saturday or Sunday, the preceding Friday or the following Monday will be a legal holiday for the City of Kent Employees. 1-08.3(2) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of City Employees. Where the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday, Sunday or other holiday, or longer than an 8-hour shift on a regular working day, as defined in the Special Provisions, such work shall be considered as overtime work On all such overtime work an inspector shall be present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the City Representative The Contractor shall notify the City Representative at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the Inspector's and/or Surveyor's time may be scheduled. The Contractor shall reimburse the City for the full amount of the straight time plus overtime costs for employees of the City required to work overtime hours. The City may deduct these costs from any amounts due or to become due the Contractor. SECTION 1-08.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work. Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and evidence of required insurance have been approved by and filed with the City. The Contractor shall not commence the work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the City Representative. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the Project Site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the work. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the Contract SECTION 1-08.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST THREE PARAGRAPHS; DELETING THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH; AND SUPPLEMENTING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.5 Time for Completion. t The entire project, including cleanup, shall be physically completed within the time set forth in the contract Each calendar day, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be counted when computing the total contract time for completion. The time for completion of this contract has been determined considering weather patterns in the Puget Sound area which could delay or hinder placement of concrete sidewalk, driveways, asphalt paving and placement of pavement markings, among other items. The Contractor should anticipate probable delays in the construction sequence due to rainfall and weather patterns in the area and allow time for such rainy periods of weather in the construction schedule. Rainfall or rainstorms will not be considered as a delay to the contractor in meeting the substantial completion date unless a weather storm is so significant as to cause a Federal, State or County disaster proclamation directly affecting the immediate project area. • The City expects to approve the award of the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder at or prior to the regularly scheduled City Council meeting (see Section 1-03 3). Following the intent to award notice, the Contractor shall have ten (10) calendar days to provide all required insurance documents and other required submittals. After receipt of all proper documentation, the contract will then be awarded by the authorized City representative Following the actual award, the City will schedule a pre-construction conference with the Contractor which is planned to occur no later than the estimated date for issuance of Notice to Proceed (see Section 1-03.3). ' If the Contractor fads to provide all properly executed insurance documents and contract documents to the City within the ten (10) calendar days stipulated above or if the Contractor delays in providing other required submittals which results in a delay to the Notice to Proceed date, the Contractor will not be granted a time extension. The Contract will be considered substantially complete when all lanes of the roadway are ready to be opened to traffic with all permanent pavement markings, barriers, illumination and signage complete (See also Section 1-05 11(1)) If the Contractor does not achieve substantial completion within the specified contract time, the City will deduct from any money due or to become due to the contractor, the liquidated damages calculated from Section 1-08 9 for each day of delay. The Contractor shall submit to the City Representative, approvable shop drawings for the traffic signal poles within thirty (30) calendar days of the "Notice to Proceed" date Once the shop drawings are approved, the Contractor shall provide to the City Representative, a traffic signal purchase order, indicating that the signal poles have been ordered and will be received in time to meet the project schedules. The contract time has been established to allow for periods of normal inclement weather which, from historical records, is to be expected during the contract time, and Contractor is expected to plan for and make appropriate allowances when organizing its forces and scheduling the contract work. Moreover, during these periods, the Contractor should, to the full extent possible, continue to perform the contract work. r r ' SECTION 1-08.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD SENTENCE IN THE SIXTH tPARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: 1-08.6 Suspension of Work. If the Contractor contends damages have been suffered as a result of such suspension, delay, or interruption, the protest shall not be allowed unless the protest (stating, as near as possible, the amount of damages) is asserted in writing within ten calendar days from the date Contractor either knew or should have known of the existence of that claim for damages, more over, Contractor shall neither deliver any protest asserting damages nor fail to clarify the exact amount of damages claimed in any previously delivered protest after the date of the Contractor's Isignature on the Final Contract Payment Certification. SECTION 1-08.7 IS REVISED BY DELETING ALL OF SECTION 1-08.7 EXCEPT THE FIRST PARAGRAPH, AND ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW PARAGRAPH: 1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension. At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the construction area, a safe, smooth, and unobstructed pathway, trail, or roadway for public use during suspension (as required in Section 1-07.23 of the Special Provisions). This may include a temporary pathway, trail, or roadway or detour, subject to the approval of the City Representative. 1 SECTION 1-08.8 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 5 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.8 Extensions of Time. The Contractor shall submit any requests for time extensions to the City Representative in writing no later than 10 working days after the delay occurs The request shall be limited to the change in the critical path of the Contractor's schedule attributable to the change or event giving rise to the request. To be considered be the City Representative, the request shall be in sufficient detail (as determined by the City Representative) to enable the City Representative to ascertain the basis and amount of time requested. The Contractor shall be responsible for showing on the progress schedule that the change or event (1) had a specific impact on the critical path, and except in cases of concurrent delay, was the sole cause of such impact, and (2) could not have been avoided by re-sequencing of the work or other reasonable alternatives. The reasons for and times of extensions shall be determined by the City Representative, and such determination will be final as provided in Section 1-05.1. SECTION 1-08.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY DELETING THE FOURTH SENTENCE OF THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1-08.9 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: 1-08.9(1) Liquidated Damages. For overruns in contract time occurring after the substantial completion date, the formula for liquidated damages shown above will not apply. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION 1-09.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities. Each truck hauling materials being paid for by weight shall bear a plainly legible identification mark or number. Duplicate tally tickets shall accompany each truck-load of material delivered to the project. Tally tickets furnished by the Contractor, subcontractor, by certified public weighmasters, or by suppliers at commercial plants shall include the information listed below for the material weighed. The following information shall be recorded on each item quantity ticket by the weighman or in the case of item (K), the truck driver. (a) Ticket serial number (this is already imprinted on the tickets). (b) Identification number of truck/truck trader. (c) Date and hour of weighing. (d) Type of material (e) Weight of load. The weighman shall record the gross weight and net weight, except where the scale has a tare beam and the net weight can be read directly. In such case, only net weight need be recorded on the ticket. (f) Weighman's identification. (g) Item number (h) Contract number. (i) Unit of measure. Q) Legal gross weight in Remarks section. (k) Location of delivery. SECTION 1-09.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.9 Payments. , 1-09.9(1) Retained Percentage. There will be reserved and retained from monies earned by the Contractor, as determined by the progress estimates approved and accepted by the City, a sum equal to five percent of all amounts of such estimates. Withholding, management, and release of such retained monies shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 60.28, RCW. At the option of the Contractor, the retained funds shall be: (a) Retained in a fund by the City, (b) Deposited by the City in an interest bearing account in a bank, mutual savings bank, or savings and loan association Interest on moneys reserved by the City under the provision of a public improvement contract shall be paid to the Contractor, (c) Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company by the City When the moneys reserved are placed in escrow, the City shall issue a check representing the sum of the moneys reserved payable to the bank or trust company and the Contractor jointly. This check shall be converted into bonds and securities chosen by the Contractor and approved by the City and the bond and securities shall be held in escrow. Interest on the bonds and securities shall be paid to the Contractor as the interest accrues. The Contractor shall notify the City Representative regarding the option chosen for holding the retained funds as soon as possible after the Contract award, but at any rate within twenty calendar days from the date of issuance of the Notice to Proceed. If Contractor does not so notify the City, the Contractor shall be deemed to have made a final decision to place the monies retained in a fund by the City (Item (a) above). , ' The Contractor in choosing option (a) or (b) agrees to assume full responsibility to pay all costs, which may accrue from escrow services, brokerage charges or both, and further agrees to assume all risks in connection with the investment of the retained percentages in securities The City may also, at its option, accept a bond for all or a portion of the Contractor's retainage. Release of retained percentage will be made sixty (60) days following the Completion date (pursuant to RCW 39 12.RCW 39.76, and RCW 60 28) provided the following conditions are met: 1. On contracts totaling more than $20,000 00, a release has been obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue (RCW 60.28.051). 2 No claims, as provided by law, have been filed against the retained percentage. 3. Affidavit of Wages Paid is on file with the City for the contractor and all ' Subcontractors regardless of tier (RCW 39 12.040). 4. As-built plans have been submitted to the Owner. In the event claims are filed, the contractor will be paid the retained percentage less an amount sufficient to pay any claims, together with a sum determined by the City sufficient to pay the cost of foreclosing on claims and to cover attorney's fees. Retainage will not be reduced for any reason below the minimum limit provided and allowed bylaw. Pursuant to Section 1-07.10, the Contractor is responsible for submitting to the State L&I a "Request for Release" form in order for the City to obtain a release from that department with respect to the payments of industrial insurance medical aid premiums The City will ensure the Washington State Employment Security Department is notified of contract completion in order to obtain releases from that department. 1-09.9(2) City's Right to Withhold Certain Amounts. In addition to the amount that the City may otherwise retain under the Contract, the City may withhold a sufficient amount of any payments otherwise due to the Contractor, including nullifying the whole or part of any previous payment, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent inspections that, in the City's judgment, may be necessary to cover the ' following (a) The cost of defective work not remedied. (b) Fees incurred for material inspection, and overtime engineering and inspection for which the Contractor is obligated under this Contract. (c) Fees and charges of public authorities or municipalities. (d) Liquidated damages. (e) Engineering and inspection fees beyond completion date. 1-09.9(3) Markup Limitations for Extra Work. When extra work is performed under an approved change order, the Contractor shall be limited to a total markup of 15% overhead/profit on direct cost of the work, including materials, labor (including employment taxes, fringe benefits), ownership or rental costs of the construction plant and equipment employed during the time of the extra work. No further markup shall be permitted to cover Contractor's costs for Bonding, small tools, insurance, trailer, superintendent and the like. The Contractor's subcontractor will also be limited to the same conditions. When extra work is performed as above by a subcontractor to the Contractor, the Contractor shall be limited to a 10% markup on the subcontractor's work. SECTION 1-09.11(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction. ' This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any claims or causes of action arising from this contract shall be exclusively in the Kent Division of the Superior Court of King County, Kent, Washington. For convenience of the parties to this contract, it is mutually agreed that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the City arising from this contract shall be brought within 180 days from the date of Final Acceptance of the contract by the City. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor's failure to bring suit within the time period provided shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action that a Contractor asserts against the City arising from this contract are filed with the City or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the City to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the City to assist in evaluating the claims or actions. SECTION 1-09.13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.13 Final Decision and Appeal. All disputes arising under this contract shall proceed pursuant to Section 1-04.5 and 1- 09 11 of the Standard Specifications and any special provisions provided for in the contract for claims and resolution of disputes. The provisions of these sections and the special provisions must be complied with, in full, as a condition precedent to the Contractor's right to seek an appeal of the City's decision. The City's decision under Section 1-09.11 will be final and conclusive. Thereafter, the exclusive means of Contractor's right to appeal shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court located in Kent, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute ' resolution process 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SECTION 1-10.2(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans. Whenever the Contractor intends to do work not explicitly covered by the Traffic Control Plans (TCP) provided in the Plans, or the TCP submitted by the Contractor and approved by the , City's Traffic City Representative, then the Contractor shall submit a Supplemental Traffic Control Plan to the City for approval at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the time the signs and other traffic control devices will be required. NO WORK SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT A , TCP APPROVED BY THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE The approved TCP shall be on-site at all times and failure to obtain and adequately implement an approved TCP shall be cause for immediate action by the City Representative. , SECTION 1-10.2(3) IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(3) Conformance to Established Standards. Traffic Control Plans, flagging, signs, and all other traffic control devices furnished or provided shall conform to the standards established in the latest adopted edition of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD) published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Modifications to the MUTCD for Streets and Highways for the State of Washington, except ' as modified by the more stringent requirements contained within the City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-5, Traffic Control Plans Copies of the MUTCD maybe purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U S Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 20402. Modifications to the MUTCD for Streets and Highways for the State of Washington may be obtained from the Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington 98504. City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #6-5, Traffic Control Plans, may be obtained from the City of Kent Public Works Department. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and complying with all of these publications SECTION 1-10.2(3) IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE LAST SENTENCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: When a sign or traffic control device becomes classified as "not acceptable" it shall be replaced with an acceptable sign or traffic control device within 12 hours. ' 1-10.3(1) Traffic Control Labor. SECTION 1-10.3(1) IS REVISED BY REPLACING ITEM 2. WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2. Handling the Class A and Class B construction signs and other temporary traffic control devices for. SECTION 1-10.3(1) IS REVISED BY REPLACING 2. a. WITH THE FOLLOWING: a. Initial installation / setup and removal; 1 SECTION 1-10.3(1) IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE LAST PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLOWING: The hours eligible for "Traffic Control Labor" will be those hours actually used for the previously described work Any work described under Section 1-10.2(1)B of the Standard Specifications, performed by a Traffic Control Supervisor shall be paid as "Traffic Control Labor" ' per hour. SECTION 1-10.3(3) IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.3(3) Construction Signs. No bid item will be provided in the proposal for Class A or Class B construction signs. Payment for Class A and Class B construction signs will be limited to the labor costs to the work described in Section 1-10 3(1) of the Special Provisions. All other costs for the work to provide Class A and Class B construction signs shall be included in the unit contract prices for the various bid items contained within the proposal. SECTION 1-10.4 IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH WITH THE ' FOLLOWING: 1-10.4 Measurement. Traffic Control Labor will be by the hour for each hour a person is actually performing the work described by Section 1-10.2(1), Section 1-10.2(1) A, Section 1-10 2(1) B of the Standard Specifications, and Section 1-10.3(1) of the Kent Special Provisions. Eligible hours for Traffic Control Labor under this item shall be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work as documented by the City Inspector's records, and upon the Contractor's Certified Payroll Records submitted to the City Inspector. When the Traffic Control Manager or Traffic Control Supervisor performs work as "Traffic Control Labor", measurement and payment shall be as specified for "Traffic Control Labor". SECTION 1-10.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD AND FOURTH PARAGRAPHS. SECTION 1-10.5 IS REVISED BY REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.5 Payment. , Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: "Traffic Control Labor", per hour. The unit contract price per hour constitutes complete compensation for all costs for the labor provided for performing those construction operations described in Section 1-10 2(1), Section 1-10.2(1) A, Section 1-10.2(1) B, and Section 1-10 3(1) of the Special Provisions and as ' authorized by the Engineer. The hours eligible for "Traffic Control Labor" shall be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work as documented by the City Inspector's records, and the Contractor's Certified Payroll Records submitted to the City Inspector on a weekly basis. Labor will be paid for at the non-negotiable rate of $28.00 per hour for the duration of this contract. If the Contractors labor costs for Traffic Control Labor, including but not limited to direct labor costs, fringe benefits, taxes, insurance, overhead and markup exceed $28.00 per hour, then the Contractor shall include those additional costs in the bid prices for other bid items contained within the proposal. When the proposal does not include a bid item for a specific bid item listed in the Standard Specifications and/or the Special Provisions, all costs for the work described for those traffic control bid items shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract prices for the various other t bid items contained within the proposal. The Contractor shall estimate these costs based on the Contractor's contemplated work procedures. , When bid items for traffic control are included in the proposal, payment is limited to the following work areas: 1. The entire construction area under contract and for a distance to include the , initial warning signs for the beginning of the project and the END OF CONSTRUCTION sign. Any warning signs for side streets on the approved TCP are also included. If the project consists of two or more sections, the limits will apply to each section individually. 2. A detour provided in the plans or approved by the Transportation Engineer for by-passing all or any portion of the construction, irrespective of whether or not the termini of the detour are within the limits of the Contract. No payment will be made to the Contractor for traffic control items required in connection with the movement of equipment or the hauling of materials outside of the limits of 1 and 2 above. SUPPLEMENT DIVISION 1 BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION 1-11. 1-11 OTHER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-11.1 Coordination of Work with City. At least a three (3) business day notification shall be required on all requests for Engineering services other than inspection. All requests shall be coordinated with the City Engineer. All costs resulting from delays in which requests were not coordinated with the City Representative shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 1-11.2 Conformance to Requirements of King County. All work under this contract which is to be accomplished on right-of-way under the jurisdiction of King County shall be done in strict accordance with the requirements of that agency in accordance with any directive which may be issued by their representatives. See the protect ' plans for description of project location, if any, located in King County. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying King County as to when they intend to perform the work and to cooperate effectively with the County throughout the entire construction 1 period. In general, traffic shall not be detoured or restricted in any way except by authorization of the County. The City has a franchise and permit to construct the protect as shown on the plans. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with any special requirements of the permit. Bidders shall determine the requirements of King County for construction of utilities on the rights-of-way before submitting a bid 1-11.3 Road Maintenance. Until accepted in writing by the City Representative, the Contractor will maintain all roads within the confines of the project in a condition satisfactory to the City Representative This shall include periodic grading of any street, detour, etc., on which traffic is allowed, wherever, in the opinion of the City Representative, such grading is required. When construction operations are such that debris from the work is deposited on the streets, the Contractor shall cover all loads, and as a minimum, remove on a daily basis, any ' deposits or debris which may accumulate on the roadway surface. Should daily removal be insufficient to keep the street clean, the Contractor shall perform removal operations on a more frequent basis. If the City Representative determines that more frequent cleaning is impractical or 1 if the Contractor fads to keep the streets free from deposits and debris resulting from the work, the Contractor shall, upon order of the City Representative, provide facilities for and remove all clay or other deposits from the tires or between wheels before trucks or other equipment will be allowed to ' travel over paved streets. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to clean the streets in question or the trucks or equipment in question, the City Representative may order the work suspended at the Contractor's risk until compliance with the Contractor's obligation is assured or, the City Representative may order the streets in question cleaned by others and such costs incurred by the City in achieving compliance with these Contract requirements, including cleaning of the streets, shall be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor on monthly estimate. The Contractor shall have no claim for delay or additional costs should the City Representative choose to suspend the Contractor's work until compliance is achieved All costs in connection with the above work, including labor, materials, tools and equipment, shall be considered as incidental to the construction, and payment thereof shall be included in the unit Contract price of other bid items. 1-11.4 General Restoration. The Contractor shall restore to a condition equal to the original condition improvements as pavements, driveways, gravel shoulders, ditches, culverts, curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks, fences, pavement markings, mailboxes, traffic signs, -traffic signal loops, landscaping, lawns, trees, buildings and foundations, piping systems, septic tanks and drain fields, public and private utilities etc., which are damaged or removed (and not indicated to be removed) during construction, whether shown on the plans or not. Also see Sections 1-07.16 and 1-07.17 of the City of Kent Special Provisions. r Payment for the above said work including all labor, materials, tools and equipment shall be considered incidental to the construction and all costs thereof shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract price of other bid items unless a specific bid item is included in the proposal. 1-11.5 Landscape Restoration. ' Restoration of landscaping shall be performed by a qualified landscape gardener whose principal business is this type of work. The name and qualification of the landscape gardener shall be submitted to the City Representative for approval prior to beginning of construction Particular care shall be exercised to see that the topsoil is preserved and replaced in its original location. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to strip such topsoil from the trench or construction area, and stockpile it in such a manner that it may be replaced by him, upon ' completion of construction, or to furnish and install new topsoil in accordance with Section 9-14 of the Standard Specifications. Topsoil shall be defined four (4) inches of soil in lawn and planted areas. ' Trees and shrubbery shall be carefully removed with the earth surrounding their roots, wrapped in burlap and replanted in their original positions within four (4) days. Trees and shrubbery removal and transplanting will be done only by a landscape gardener. Ornamental trees or shrubbery destroyed or damaged by the Contractor, whether in public or private property shall be replaced by the Contractor with material of equal quality and no additional compensation will be allowed for such replacement. , NOTE: Those trees indicated on the plans as non-restorable are not required to be restored. As such, said trees shall be marked by the City Representative ' prior to the construction. Wherever it may be necessary for the Contractor to trench through any lawn areas, the sod shall be carefully cut and rolled and properly replaced after ditches have been water settled or otherwise properly compacted. Should the existing sod be deemed unsuitable for reuse, the , Contractor shall supply and install new sod All work shall be done in a manner calculated to leave the lawn area clean of earth and debris and in a condition equal to that which existed before work was started ' Payment for this work includes all labor, materials, tools and equipment and shall be incidental to the contract work and all related costs shall be included by the Contractor in the total lump sum bid. i I 1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY EAST HILL SKATE PARK 116T" AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST 240T" STREET KENT, WASHINGTON E-11563 February 9, 2005 PREPARED FOR CITY OF KENT PARKS of yV a--hJ y rginewi Geologist 212CJs nVed� Z Scott D. Dinkelman, LEG colt Dinkelman Principal �tJtARIF� at wasy� I Kristina M. Weller, P.E. 41010S Project Manager �x�utES 02-Q9.07� Earth Consultants, Inc. 1805 - 136th Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 (425) 643-3780 Toll Free 1-888-739-6670 Earth Consultants Inc. Gmtcchlncalingitxrss,CxxNogtsts&F�i�tramtentalSclent�als EStabtished 1975 Constniclion 1 estRlg&KMO/WA130 ItisPHCtloo servioes February 9, 2005 E-11563 City of Kent Parks 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Attention: Mr Perry Brooks Dear Mr. Brooks: Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to submit our report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, East Hill Skate Park, 116" Avenue Southeast and Southeast 240`' Street, Kent, Washington". This report presents the results of our field exploration, selective laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The purpose and scope of our study were outlined in our November 30, 2004 proposal. Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the proposed site development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The proposed single-story restroom budding, climbing pinnacle, and other structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footing foundation systems bearing on competent native soil, native sod compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill, or on newly placed structural fill used to modify site grades. Slab-on-grade floors, the skate bowl with canopy, skateboard and BMX area, and retaining walls can be similarly supported. At the time of our site visit, the client Informed our ECI representative that the southern portion of the site had not yet been transferred to the City of Kent, and that our subsurface exploration should be restricted to the northern portion of the site. Subgrade soils should be observed by a representative of ECI to confirm conditions are as anticipated before the parking area, climbing structures, and retaining walls are constructed in the southern portion of the site. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions or if we i can be of further assistance, please call. Sincerely, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. Sco t D. llmkelman, LEG { Principal l SDD/KMW/csm I 1805 136th Place N.E.,Suite 201,Bellevue,WA 98005 Other Locations Bellevue(425)643-3780 FAX(425)746-0860 Toll Free(888)739-6670 Fife TABLE OF CONTENTS E-11563 PAGE INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 General........................................................................................................ 1 Scopeof Services ......................................................................................... 1 ProjectDescription ........................................................................................ 2 SITE CONDITIONS............................................................................................. 3 Surface ................................................................................................... 3 Subsurfacece.. 3 Groundwater ................................................................................................ 4 LaboratoryTesting ........................................................................................ 5 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................. 5 General............ ........................................................................................ 5 Site Preparation and General Earthwork ........................................................... 6 Foundations ................................................................................................. 7 Slabon Grade Floors ................................................................ RetainingWalls............................................................................................. 9 Seismic Design Considerations .•.....,.,..,•......•............•.......,.•.....................•..'.. 9 Ground Rupture................. . 10 Liquefaction............................................................................................. 10 Ground Motion Response .......................................................................... 10 Excavations and Slopes ................................................................................. 10 SiteDrainage................................................................................................ 11 Utility Support and BackfiN LIMITATIONS.................................................................................................... 13 Additional Services ...................................................................................... 13 Earth Consultants, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued E-11563 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plate 2 Test Pit Location Plan Plate 3 Retaining Wall Drainage and Backfill Plate 4 Typical Footing Subdrain Detail APPENDICES Appendix A Field Exploration Plate Al Legend Plates A2 through A7 Test Pit Logs Appendix B Laboratory Test Results Plate B1 Grain Size Analyses I r � r � Earth Consultants. Inc. � i GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY EAST HILL SKATE PARK 116T" AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST 240TH STREET KENT, WASHINGTON _ E-11563 INTRODUCTION General This report presents the results of the geotechnical engineering study (GES) completed by Earth Consultants Inc. (ECI) for the East Hill Skate Park located at the southwest corner of the intersection of 1161' Avenue Southeast and Southeast 2401' Street in Kent, Washington. The general location of the site Is shown on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1 . The purpose of this study was to explore the subsurface conditions within the limits of the subject site, and based on the conditions encountered to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for developing the property with a new sport and recreation facility. Scope of Services We performed this study in general accordance with the scope of services outlined in our November 30, 2004 proposal. On this basis, our study addresses the following: • Subsurface soil and groundwater conditions; • Suitability of existing on-site materials for use as structural fill, and recommendations for importing material to be used as structural fill; • Geotechnical seismic hazard analyses, including an evaluation of potential liquefaction hazard; • Site preparation, grading, and earthwork procedures, including details of fill placement and compaction; • Short-term and long-term groundwater management and erosion control measures; Earth Consultants, Inc GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 February 9, 2005 Page 2 • Foundation design recommendations, including bearing capacity and lateral earth pressures; • Estimates of potential total and differential settlement magnitudes; and • Retaining wall recommendations, j Project Description We understand it is planned to develop the irregular shaped site with a new sport and recreation facility. Review of the conceptual site plan indicates the proposed site improvements will include a single-story restroom, skate bowl with canopy, and a concrete skateboard and BMX area in the northwest portion of the site. Several recreational climbing structures and an asphalt-paved parking area with an entrance and exit off of 116" Avenue Southeast will be located in the southern portion of the site. Stormwater from the site is to be diverted to a stormwater control pond in the northwest portion of the site. A series of retaining walls are to be constructed in the west half of the site and along a portion of the skateboard and BMX area. At the time our study was performed, the site, proposed improvements, and our exploratory locations were approximately as shown on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. We anticipate the restroom will likely be of concrete masonry unit (CMU) construction with a slab-on-grade floor. We anticipate wall loads for the structure will be on the order of two (2) to four (4) kips per lineal foot and column loads will be in the range of fifty (50) to sixty (60) kips. We estimate slab-on-grade floor loads will range from approximately 150 to 250 pounds per square foot (psf). We anticipate cuts to reach construction subgrade elevations through most of the site will be relatively minimal. Cuts within the storm control pond will be on the order of twelve (12) feet below existing grade. i If the above design criteria are incorrect or change, we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, ECI should be retained to perform a general review of the final design to ensure our recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into the design and project specifications. Earth Consultants, Inc GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-11563 February 9, 2005 Page 3 SITE CONDITIONS Surface The subject site consists of an irregular shaped property located at the southwest corner of 1 16" Avenue Southeast and Southeast 240" Street in Kent, Washington (see Plate 1 , Vicinity Map). The site is bordered to the north by Southeast 240`h Street, to the east by 116" Avenue Southeast, to the south and southwest by the Arbor Village Retirement Community complex, and to the west by an undeveloped property. The site topography slopes gently west to southwest at gradients of five (5) to ten (10) percent. Along a portion of the southwest edge of the property, the gradient increases to twenty (20) to thirty (30) percent to the top of an existing four (4) to eight (8) foot high rockery and a parking area in the Arbor Village Retirement Community. A two-story single-family residence is located in the northeast corner of the property. A gravel driveway borders the west and south side of the residence, entering the site from Southeast 240" Street and 1 16t' Street Southeast. The site is vegetated primarily with grass. Several medium to large diameter trees surround the existing residence, and several stands of medium to large diameter trees and mixed brush occupy areas of the southern portion of the property. Subsurface Subsurface conditions were evaluated by excavating a total of six test pits within the northern portion of the proposed development at the approximate locations shown on Plate 2. The test pits were excavated with a small rubber-tracked excavator to a maximum depth of eight (8) feet below existing grade. Our test pit logs are included as Plates A2 through A7. Please refer to the test pit logs for a detailed description of the conditions encountered at each test pit location. A description of the field exploration methods is included in Appendix A. The following is a generalized description of the subsurface conditions encountered. Earth Consultants, Inc GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-11563 February 9, 2005 Page 4 At our test pit locations, we typically encountered a four (4) to twelve (12) inch thick layer of topsoil and grass. The topsoil is characterized by its dark brown color, loose consistency, and the presence of roots and organic debris. The soil and vegetative layer is not suitable for support of foundations, slab-on-grade floors, or pavements. In addition, it is not suitable for use as structural fill, nor should it be mixed with material to be used as structural fill. Underlying the topsoil at two of our test pit locations, we encountered a surficial layer of fill consisting of medium dense silty sand with gravel (Unified Soil Classification SM). The fill layer was characterized by its disturbed appearance and ranged in depth from two (2) feet at Test Pit TP-4 to one and one-half (1 .5) feet at Test Pit TP-6. Underlying the topsoil at four of our test pit locations and the fill layer at two locations, we encountered a surficial layer of loose silty sand (SM) over weathered to unweathered glacial till typically comprised of silty sand with gravel (SM). The weathered glacial till was generally encountered at two (2) to four (4) feet below existing grade at our test pit locations. The glacial till generally became dense and less weathered at four (4) to five (5) feet below existing grade. The glacial till extended to the maximum depth explored at five of our test pit locations. Test Pit TP-6 was excavated to determine the depth of fill and was terminated once native soil was reached. Review of geologic maps indicates the site is underlain by glacial till from the Vashon stade of the Frasier glaciation. The till consists of a compact, unsorted mixture of clay, silt, sand, and gravel. Groundwater No groundwater seepage was encountered at our boring locations at the time of our exploration in December of 2004 to the maximum depth explored. However, zones of iron oxide staining were encountered in five of our test pit locations at depths ranging from two (2) to five (5) feet below existing grade. The iron oxide staining appears to be indicative of perched seasonal groundwater. The contractor should be aware that groundwater levels should not be considered static. Groundwater levels may fluctuate significantly depending on the season, amount of ' rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the groundwater level is higher in the wetter winter months (typically October through May). Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 February 9, 2005 Page 5 Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were conducted on representative soil samples to verify or modify the field soil classification and to evaluate the general physical properties and engineering characteristics of the soil encountered. Visual classifications were supplemented by grain size analyses on representative samples. Moisture content tests were performed on all samples. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided either at the appropriate sample depth on the individual test pit logs or on a separate data sheet contained in Appendix B. It is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. Our geotechnical engineering recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. In accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions, the soil samples for this project will be discarded after a period of 15 days following completion of this report, unless we are otherwise directed in writing. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the proposed site development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The proposed single-story restroom building, climbing pinnacle, and other structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footing foundation systems bearing on competent native soil, native soil compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill, or on newly placed structural fill used to modify site grades. Slab-on-grade floors, the skate bowl with canopy, skateboard and BMX area, and retaining walls can be similarly supported. At the time of our site visit, the client informed our ECI representative that the southern portion of the site had not yet been transferred to the City of Kent, and that exploration should be restricted to the northern portion of the site. Subgrade soils should be observed by a representative of ECI to confirm conditions are as anticipated before the parking area, climbing structures, and retaining walls are constructed in the southern portion of the site. Earth Consultants, Inc. r GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-11563 February 9, 2005 Page 6 This report has been prepared for specific application to this project only and in a i manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area for the exclusive use of City of Kent Parks and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report, in its entirety, should be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. Site Preparation and General Earthwork The building and roadway areas to receive structural fill should be stripped and cleared of surface vegetation, organic matter, and other deleterious material. Based on the thickness of the topsoil and vegetative cover encountered in our test pits, a stripping depth of approximately four to 12 inches for most of the site should be anticipated. The actual stripping depth should be based on field observation at the time of construction. Stripped materials should not be mixed with materials to be used as structural fill. The stripped soil materials may be "wasted" on site in non-structural landscaping areas or they may be exported off site. Following the stripping operation and excavations necessary to achieve construction subgrade elevations, an ECI representative should observe the ground surface where structural fill, foundations, or slabs are to be placed. Soil in loose or soft areas, if recompacted and still excessively yielding, should be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill. The optional use of a geotextile fabric placed directly on the overexcavated surface may help to bridge unstable areas. ECI can provide recommendations for geotextiles, if necessary. Structural fill is defined as compacted fill placed under buildings, roadways, slabs, pavements, or other load-bearing areas. Structural fill under floor slabs and footings should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding twelve (12) inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) percent of its laboratory maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557 (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or near their optimum moisture content. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 February 9, 2005 Page 7 Based on the results of our laboratory tests, the on-site sods at the time of our exploration appeared to be over their optimum moisture content and will require moisture conditioning prior to their use as structural fill. In addition, laboratory testing indicates the site soils have between thirty-one (31) and forty-three (43) percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. Soil with fines in excess of around 5 percent will degrade if exposed to excessive moisture, and compaction and grading will be difficult If the soil moisture increases significantly above its optimum level. If the site soils cannot be adequately moisture conditioned and compacted, then it may be necessary to import a soil that can be compacted. During dry weather, a non-organic, compactable granular soil with a maximum grain size of four (4) Inches can be used. Fill for use during wet weather should consist of a fairly well graded granular material having a maximum grain size of four (4) inches and no more than five (5) percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. A contingency in the earthwork budget should be included for the possibility of importing a material meeting this specification. Foundations Based on the results of our study and provided our recommendations are followed, the proposed single-story restroom can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footing foundation systems bearing on competent native soil, native soil compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill, or on newly placed structural fill used to modify site grades. The subject site is underlain by a surficial layer of loose soil that may not be suitable for support of the proposed structures in their present condition. In building areas underlain by loose native soils, the exposed subgrade soils should be compacted in- place to the requirements of structural fill to a depth of at least twelve (12) inches below the subgrade elevation. Exterior foundation elements should be placed at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches below final exterior grade. Interior spread foundations can be placed at a minimum depth of twelve (12) Inches below the top of slab, except in unheated areas, where interior foundation elements should be founded at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 February 9, 2005 Page 8 With foundation support obtained as described, for design, an allowable soil bearing capacity of two thousand five hundred (2,500) psf should be used for competent native soil, native soil compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill, or for newly placed structural fill used to modify site grades. Continuous and individual spread footings should have minimum widths of eighteen (18) inches and twenty-four (24) inches, respectively. Loading of this magnitude would be provided with a theoretical factor-of-safety in excess of 3.0 against shear failure. For short-term dynamic loading conditions, a one- third increase In the above allowable soil bearing capacity can be used. With structural loading as expected, and provided the above design criteria are followed, total settlement in the range of one (1) inch is anticipated with differential settlement of about one-half inch. Most of the anticipated settlement should occur during construction as dead loads are applied. Horizontal loads can be resisted by friction between the base of the foundation and the supporting soil and by passive soil pressure acting on the face of the burled portion of the foundation. For the latter, the foundation must be poured "neat" against competent native soils or backfllled with structural fill. For frictional capacity, a coefficient of 0.35 should be used. For passive earth pressure, the available resistance should be computed using an equivalent fluid pressure of three hundred fifty (350) pounds per cubic foot (pcf). The lateral resistance value is an allowable value, a factor-of-safety of 1 .5 has been included. As movement of the foundation element is required to mobilize full passive resistance, the passive resistance should be neglected if such movement is not acceptable. Footing excavations should be observed by a representative of ECI, prior to placing forms or rebar, to verify that conditions are as anticipated in this report. Slab-on-Grade Floors , Slab-on-grade floors should be supported on competent native soil or on structural fill used to modify site grades. Loose or disturbed subgrade soil should either be recompacted or replaced with structural fill. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 February 9, 2005 Page 9 Slabs should be provided with a minimum of four (4) inches of free-draining sand or gravel. In areas where slab moisture is undesirable, a vapor barrier such as a 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed beneath the slab. Retaining Walls i� Preliminary plans indicate a series of retaining walls are to be constructed at the site. The retaining walls should be designed to resist the lateral loads imposed by the retained sods and applicable surcharge loads. Walls that are designed to yield should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressures A imposed by an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of thirty-five (35) pcf. If walls are to be restrained at the top from free movement, the equivalent fluid weight should be increased to fifty (50) pcf. These values are based on horizontal backfill conditions. Surcharges due to backfill slopes, hydrostatic pressures, traffic, structural loads, or other surcharge loads are assumed to not act on the wall. If such surcharges are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressure. The passive pressure, allowable bearing capacity, and friction coefficient previously provided in the Foundations section are applicable to the retaining wall design. ;< To reduce the potential for hydrostatic pressures to build up behind the retaining walls, the walls should be backfilled with a free-draining material extending at least eighteen (18) inches behind the wall. The remainder of the backfill should consist of structural fill. A rigid, four (4) inch diameter, schedule 40, perforated PVC or SDR 35 drain pipe should be placed at the base of the wall and should be surrounded by a minimum of one (1) cubic foot per lineal foot with one (1) inch drain rock. The pipe should be placed with the 14 perforations in the down position. The remainder of the backfill should consist of structural fill. A typical retaining wall backfill detail is provided on Plate 3. Seismic Design Considerations Earthquakes occur in the Puget Lowland with regularity, however, the majority of these events are of such low magnitude they are not felt without instruments. Large earthquakes do occur, as indicated by the 1949, 7.2 magnitude earthquake in the Olympia area, the 1965, 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the Midway area and the 2001 , 6.8 magnitude earthquake in the Nisqually area. i Earth Consultants,Inc. I GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 February 9, 2005 Page 12 Based on the conditions encountered in our test pits, and the proposed cuts, we do not anticipate seepage will present major construction related problems. However, if seepage is encountered, the bottom of the excavation should be sloped to one or more shallow sump pits. The collected water can then be pumped from these pits to a positive and permanent discharge point. Depending on the magnitude of such seepage, it may also be necessary to connect the sump pits by a system of connector trenches. During construction, the site must be graded such that surface water is collected and tightlined to an appropriate drainage facility. Water must not be allowed to stand in areas where buildings, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. Loose surfaces should be sealed by compacting the surface to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Final site grades must allow for drainage away from the building foundations. Footing drains should be installed around the perimeter of the restroom, at or just below the invert of the footing, with a gradient sufficient to initiate flow. A typical detail is provided on Plate 4. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing drain system. Roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to discharge. Cleanouts should be installed at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drain and downspout tightline systems. Utility Support and Backfill The site soils should generally provide adequate support for utilities. Where loose soils or unstable conditions are encountered, remedial measures such as overexcavating soft soils or compacting subgrade soils exposed in the trench bottom may be required. Utility trench backfill is a primary concern in reducing the potential for settlement along utility alignments, particularly in pavement areas. It is important that each section of utility line be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to provide support around the pipe haunches. FIII should be carefully placed and hand tamped to about 12 inches above the crown of the pipe before heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. The remainder of the trench backfill should y be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve (12) inches and compacted to the requirements for structural fill provided in this report or to the City of Kent requirements, as appropriate. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHINCAL ENGINEERING STUDY City of Kent Parks E-11563 February 9, 2005 Page 13 IP qP LIMITATIONS Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the observed site conditions, selective laboratory testing, and engineering analyses, the design information provided us, and our experience and engineering judgment. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from the test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between test pits may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations do appear, ECI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and to modify or verify them in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Additional Services As the geotechnical engineer of record, ECI should be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction specifications. ECI should also be retained to provide geotechnical engineering services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. Earth Consultants, Inc KFJlT1 i t "> •i,t.n r( .., o SE 234TH ST Or IAL YrTll •",vN" I •i vy :. _u PL „ Sf :J6111 SI .r ri.',+,I yP APJC fall aan ��' _ s[a6TK .I ST 1H PL I m 23 I ur 92 �' _ M3aL-2i IFa 4 5� 4 236TH S6 d �+ s SF' Z16T11 3 �' SC Y16T1 Pt J 'a p�A,f Er' : JPTIt �( �, ,n W S SE 237TH _c ti l!I{W+:.1 6 a } -'<> IaOfi o S 2JHIH ST G j z (n PL .�N _ 'L S=nm VI ¢ B J a x g 5 ¢ SE 6 SE 238TH l ST 27Br11 oL ` 239T11 ST P i 4,E JAMES o r s9C _ L SE sr sin PO ti ` SE Na 240THm 457 ST zlST STCUn � ' < SF ZONECR Sr F 'i•t11 .,, E TEMPERANCE ST ,. a ztxm sP 24214p Q E SMITH I'ST <� Ei1 w '74"U PL o SITE r [ ;nu 1 st` "' rL ,r 'a Ir t'SE F5 z m Tx ct a E a,�.Te,le Wyti ua 2mrh ST o S 244Tt1 vFm f 2441'tl a in ii _ ST' _ .. Kt R" _ST r RfIT I d PE is 'Wil GMSr rM-tru ���� A• WEILAND = v'S 246TH' PLPo. " _ !� C s APX ST 1 ?e+1, 1=- Ira rn^ zR". MJRRJLL P o 6LAN` 5T' ,y&A*s EASTNI:L RJUF o ��� "r7 �C SE 248TH PARK PA © ST e _ _ ,P v'¢ rwrLen 'Si '�i�i� S 24$TH $T n _ _=r+ f,618ER50N ST I�p®pyH �...PP��yy11�� .r1 �" $E 4 l 61 F = C y ��tFIF v� w SEA TILE 57 z 1 q"L =2 L£ 956M q �m: -,4`� _ a o � �- O Sr _',°�PI e sr' "^ - e - S� .-r �' ..a- ,sits SE 25li7 E PA4h CHIEAGO ST 'fy 5 252N0 x T °C Y^rt, a LAHPEL ST �o ST SE 2,405T *'I SE a s1z oo �+ CWLU SE 25}PD S2HD a 5C�52Nt �• CARr R PI w HEMLOCK 5T gg` PAW 6£NT ,� > r."', CT ��'_ `,• m I IMRI09 "FILRERV ST 3 g MILL NCRIUTAM1 _ a 'a Z1 LL Si tV.Plrr( x y�fn j 'fR < @ n5 SICTH PL SE 25p TY _ nJr• P C e a WALNUT �51 :CREEK gi �a SE .�S $E ~ � S 257TH ST e 1 N a = n I i( � -4(MAPLE ST) �, '-s 256TH ST b s IF 2P7T y , 259TH, 8 ��TipmErrT HILLGRFST-- _ P/rRX� = YEYT yT t- m ST BURIAL I-O! �� SE PSH7H N;LC E� .0 Nz CTH PARK SCENIC ,h ✓' 5r;� Puz'1 w •s�� E Pt )PILL SE 260TH 5T ® ,� � T4aFFx Hsi ST__—I PARK 'P I S, P&D14 sr 9 A I_°ER LN A"Y[a _ .b �+ ''o FrXJ[k;C (S264tST1 vver �, ' S 262N0 PL 30 � ,n I o � s o ✓R HST _I :sir. e SE 264TH '� ST a v,em J nNn1 _ SC NORM g - "^ •to,y SE 26Nx v' - ,[ ST RCkfO$0_. I n-6 Gl0 0 ^[� ;[ 2'Pr4 c; cgn %i I � GREEN g 5[ s '¢ tr rrnwH�ii /. t RIVER f a `^ '¢ ¢ P. i vT e tL^I_Iti Jc 2u GR, y't PARK SE 267TH ST e PAS 258TH ST n «,fAvl 1 1 CPF P ,�„ ALB^ Fx. < API 51 v�i SE 269TH ST SE 269TH ` "' •'4 m ST sr "r, i �� "ron14 g S' 2701H I S�270TH PL SE 221ST r" t`` •"T J SE 272Hp 57 ,E; ST 5�11 SE 27211U �$E 274TH x 2'4-11 S' Earth Consultants, Inc. Reference. Of i le(luny nl Englnitrlll; (a-olo}y Em inmmrnLN ti-Irnc c•c C uO,.V1 H IIUI1 Tr+lllT;, I( HO/WT B(1 II1",1trl(P tll tirr\I(rti King County Map 716 By Thomas Brothers Maps Vicinity Map Dated 2005 East Hill Skate Park Kent, Washington NOTE This plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent Drwn, GLS Date Jan. 2005 Proj. No. 11563 misinterpretation of the information resulting from black& white reproductions of this plate Checked ELW Date 1/3105 Plate 1 = O w m c U"-• co N U =o m�_' N YO p m W f"<m CYY Z N m a? U)00 U C (0 Wm G A V x a�i m u0,a m E '�`-O' o d rn E O a- T '� O N O Y C:U� U N N O D o aw w � (L Q. Pls O �� co Cc O. II hD Ui; �_=3 s_ N O CC) N N _ W c o m a n€m x Q O N O ZD cr c U 1 I I 1 { 111 1 l I 1 { t I ` I t { I I `1 I t { i m 1 m { ¢ 5 1� I � c6 a a { a ui Z 8-O H O V m W d O p un�at 0 W ,y N 1 � d II I it `r I 111 Ir �r 1 _ I `5 133b1S 430trZ '3'8 r r r r. r r r ra! a! tm! t t t ! t t w Free Draining 18 inches min. — — Backfdl °° ;'Z� III—IIIIIIIIIIII Min 2" Dia. 0a°° °c 12 inches' Weep Hole rip000 a� C a•o• UO.OU Oo° 0. . 0 0 0 0 ° °00 00 ° 0 0o0O0 .•. -0.'.:0 Min.6" 0000000c, 10 Drain �°po°0 o ooO o°o°o •0. 1';• o-. "' III=11I 'o°o° Rack o° o°o o °° ° +::o• Excavated Slope III 0o00 O� 0° Dp °o°p °° o:= :O'. 0 ) 0%0 0 0 0 0 oO°000 .•�••; o DOO o0o o .'0 o °0000 0e0 00 o rg• �. 0 0 O O° O O o�Oo OO° •o;•.c WEEP HOLE DETAIL °° ° ° °11 °° 00 0°0° °°o°aoo�'_:' Perforated Pipe qP III=III=III 0° °o ° o 0000 ° °= Wrapped with afoot min. 0-0. ° Filter Fabric ° 1 toot min. Compacted Subgrade IP STt1NDARD NOTES 1 MEND 1) Free Draining backf ll should consist of Surface Seal, Native Sod or other Low granular sod having no more than S Permeability Material percent passing the #200 sieve and no particles greater than 4 inches in o°o 0 0° Free Draining Backfill diameter The percentage of particles passing the #4 sieve should be between 25 and 75 percent �'•.°:_ p _•� � Structural Fill compacted to 90 percent 2) Structural backfill should be free of relative compaction eo °oOpD organics,clayey soils, debris and other °e°°°°e° 1 inch Drain Rock deleterious materials. It should be ° placed at or near the optimum moisture content. SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE 3) Where weep holes are utilized, surround NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING each weep hole with 3 cubic feet of 1 inch drain rock. Maximum horizontal spacing of weep holes should be 6 feet. Earth Consultants, Inc. Geaedllwal En.�lnc rls &Hmwlronmen(al Sc lei 4) Drain pipe, perforated or slotted rigid rill^I.IICIk111 Tesllllch ICB°/"ASO II1511Pf11011 tiemces PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down, tight jointed; with a positive RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE AND BACKFILL gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated East Hill Skate Park plastic pipe. Drain line should be bedded Kent, Washington ' on and surround with free draining 1 inch drain rock. The drain rock may be encapsulated with a geotechnfcal drainage Drum. GLS Date Jan. 2005 Proj. No. 11563 fabric at the engineers discretion, Checked ELW Date 1!6105 Plate 3 Slope To Drain ct: 6 inch min. .'j: ': :, r'• ::: °O o 00 o O Op°O ° O ° o O Op°O ° O ° o 0 0 0 O°O o 0° Oo D o 0° O° 0° zo °00O0000 0000 °Ooo°o° 0000 18inch pD000000-° Do00° o0op°O co °p0 O °° °OD o° o OOOOo °OO000 o D°pOOo°0000 min. O o ° o O O o ° ° O ° o o°�°0°000 00 0�0°°000 � ° 0�00°0 o°0 oopOo O ° o oo0 ooO°° 0 ° o 0 0 00� °°O 20DopO O o o Oo0 OOO°°O °O o 00O°o 00 ° o 00 °000 4 inch min. °°°°oO ° o D °°°°°00 ° o o ° ° O ° ° o Dp O ° o ° ° o Do O O ° o Diameter p°°°°°o e°°°°o°p°O°o O o 0 0 O Perforated Pipe o0 0 o o° CPO 00°0 o o° Wrapped in Drainage °° ° °a 0O J °O0 ° °°° Fabric °o 0 0 ° °o0 0 Do0°o° o °O o o pO°O ° Oo o°-oo°Do ° ° o r ° n 2 inch min./4 inch max. 2 inch min. 12 inch min. LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other SCHEMATIC ONLY- NOT TO SCALE low permeability material. NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ° o ° o o°°° 1" Drain Rock ° o0 Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid O PVC pipe laid with perforations or Earth Consultants, Inc. slots facing down; tight jointed, with a (GeotethDleai E„-°,Pets oeai°a,[S&E.11 or'Willenlal gclep11115 Cwlslruclu>n TPStII)-R IC HO/X%A BO Inytealiorl lien Ives positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL building downspout drains into footing Imes.Wrap with Mirati 140 Filter Fabric East Hill Skate Park or equivalent. Kent, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Jan. 2005 Proj. No. 11563 Checked ELW Date 1/6/05 Plate 4 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION E-11563 Our field exploration was performed on December 23, 2004. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating six test pits to a maximum depth of eight (8) feet below existing grade. All test pits were excavated using a small rubber-tracked excavator provided by the client. Approximate test pit locations were estimated by pacing from features depicted on a site plan provided. The locations of the test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a geologist from our firm who classified the soils encountered, maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative samples and observed pertinent site features. The samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), which is presented on Plate Al , Legend. Representative soil samples were collected and returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. Logs of the test pits are presented on Plates A2 through A7. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examination and tests of field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. i Earth Consultants, Inc. MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL SYMBOL GraW Well-Graded Gravels,Gravel-Sand And Clean li Clean Gravels Q e Q o o e gW Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Gravelly (little or no fines) M �, - Coarse Soils GP Poorly-Graded Gl civets,Gravel- Grained gP Sand Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Soils More Than GM Silly Gravels,Gravel-Sand- p0% Coarse Gravels With gM Sit Mixtures Fraction Fines(appreciable Retained On amount of fines) GC Clayey Gravels,Gravel-Sand- No 4 Sieve gC Clay Mixtures Sand ,.p o� •. Sw Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly And Clean Sand o �' o c SW Sands, Little Or No Fines Sandy (little or no fines) More Than' "` �' 8P Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly Solisk,..,Y,;.,., r 50% Material ,,. ?g b£ Sp Sands, Little Or No Fines Larger Than More Than No 200 Sieve 50% Coarse Sands With SM Sin Silty Sands, Sand- Sit Mixtures Size Fraction Fines (appreciable Passing No 4 amount of fines) `' SC Sieve Sc Clayey Sands, Sand-Clay Mixtures MIL Inorganic Silts&Very Fine Sands,Rock RoLr,Silty- 10 rpI Clayey Fine Sands,Clayey Silts wt Slight Plasticity Fine Silts Liquid Limit CL, Inorganic Clays Of Low To Medium _Plasticity, GrainGrained And Clays Less Than 50 CI Gravelly Clays, Sandy Clays, Silty Clays, Lean I I I I I OL Organic Sits And Organic 1 I I OI Sally Clays Of Low Plasticity I r l r l r MH Inorganic Salts, MiCaceous Of Diatomaceous Fare 50%More Than mh Sand Or Silty Sods Smaller er Than Silts Liquid Limit Smaller Than And CH Inorganic Clays ay High No 200 Sieve Clays Greater Than 50 ch Plasticity, Fat Clays Sae OH Organic Clays Of Medium To High Oh Plasticity, Organic Silts Highly Organic Sods PT Peat, Humus, Swamp Soils pt With High Organic Contents Topsoil 'y IL_y y J Humus And Duff Layer Fall Hlyhly Variable Constituents The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented in the attached logs DUAL SYMBOLS are used to indicate borderline soil classification, C TORVANE READING,tsf I 2'O D.SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER qu PENETROMETER READING,tsf W MOISTURE,%dry weight 24'1 D. RING OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER P SAMPLER PUSHED SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED i WATER OBSERVATION WELL pcf DRY DENSITY,lbs.per cubic ft. ILL LIGUID LIMIT, % Q DEPTH OF ENCOUNTERED GROUNDWATER PI PLASTIC INDEX DURING EXCAVATION I SUBSEQUENT GROUNDWATER LEVEL W/DATE Earth Consultants Inc. LEGEND (uru.bnic el I ugnaaxs,<nxdugiss 6l.lo kpmx na.tl Sch ousts Proj. No. 11563 Date Jan. 2005 Plate Al r Test Pit Log Project Name Sheet of East Hill Skate Park Job No Logged by: Date: Test Pit No 11563 ELW 12/23/04 TP-1 Excavation Contactor Ground Surface Elevation- City of Kent Parks 483' Notes o — m Surface Conditions Depth of Topsoil & Sod 12" GeneralcL W a - _ a � a Notes (^/o) m E, o u m Zj � r0 rn rn Co ,t, TPSL Dark brown TOPSOIL SM Reddish brown silty fine SAND, loose, moist 258 2 -trace gravel 3 SM Tan silty fine SAND with gravel, loose to medium dense, wet(Glacial Till) 246 4 -iron oxide staining, lightly cemented 139 5 -becomes dense, moist, well cemented, 31 5% fines Test pit terminated at 5 0 feet below existing grade No groundwater encountered during excavation. F 0 u w a' Test Pit Log Earth Consultants Inc. East Hill Skate Park O CeolechNcaiEngtrie Geob&L9 &e vimnmenraiSclenists Kent, Washington FProt. No 11563 Dwn GLS Date Jan 2005 Checked ELW Date 1/4105 Plate A2 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis and judgment They are not necessanly representative of other times and locations We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this loq 14 Test Pit Log Project Name Sheet of East Hill Skate Park 1 1 Job No Logged by Date Test Pit No 11563 ELW 12123/04 TP-2 p Excavation Contactor Ground Surface Elevation City of Kent Parks 486' Notes u o L o coo surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil & Sod 12" General W Notes m C� v io 0 � y TPSL Dark brown TOPSOIL y 1 SM Reddish brown silty fine SAND, loose, moist 183 2 -contains gravel I 3 SM Tan silty fine SAND, loose to medium dense, moist to wet(Glacial 141 4 Till) -iron oxide staining, contains ravel, IiqhtIv cemented 13.3 s SM Gray silty fine SAND with gravel, dense, moist Test pit terminated at 5.5 feet below existing grade No groundwater encountered during excavation. e o U W Test Pit Log 1 Earth Consultants Inc. East Hill Skate Park O Gtoledvll�l EnglnCe*s GCobgLSfS 8 FhNfonlnCnnl SCICENLGS F Kent, Washington Prot.No. 11563 Dwn GLS Date Jan. 2005 Checked ELW Date 1/4/05 Plate A3 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this loa A Test Pit Log Project Name Sheet of East HIII Skate Park 1 1 Job No Logged by Date Test Pit No. 11563 ELW 12l23/04 TP-3 Excavation Contactor: Ground Surface Elevation City of Kent Parks 467' Notes — y m N o Surface Conditions Depth of Topsoil& Sod 6" General W = _ n a Notes 0 ri a i` in CO SM Reddish brown silty fine SAND, loose, moist 176 � 2 3 SM Tan silty fine SAND with gravel, medium dense, wet(Glacial Till) to 2 a -iron oxide staining 188 5 -becomes gray, dense, moist Test pit terminated at 5 0 feet below existing grade No groundwater encountered during excavation 16 o u U W Test Pit Log Earth Consultants Inc. East Hill Skate Park 0 GMCChnkal Fnghn C 4DOSIS6E vO°n"lerttal Sdenl s Kent, Washington Prot No 11563 Dwn GLS Date Jan 2005 Checked ELW Date 1/4/05 Plate A4 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis and judgment They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this loq Test Pit Log Project Name Sheet of East Hill Skate Park 1 1 Job No Logged by' Date Test Pit No 11563 ELW 12/23/04 TP-4 Excavation Contactor Ground Surface Elevation City of Kent Parks 487' Notes L y a u) Surface Conditions Depth of Topsoil &Sod 4" General W LL Notes M ) SM Gray silty fine SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist(Fill) 137 -31.7%fines 2 SM Reddish brown silty fine SAND, loose to medium dense, moist 222 3 4 -becomes moist to Wet 192 SM Tan silty fine SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist to wet(Glacial Till) ta,s s -iron oxide staining, becomes gray, dense, moist,well cemented Test pit terminated at 5 5 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation 0 a U W Test Pit Log Earth Consultants Inc. East Hill Skate Park p GeoleCt"CalF glneem Geolog &Envimmmn"SdenllMs Kent, Washington F Proj No 11563 Dwn GLS Date Jan. 2005 Checked ELW Date 114/05 Plate A5 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observabons at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis and judgment They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this loa Test Pit Log Protect Name Sheet of East Hill Skate Park 1 1 Job No Logged by Date. Test Pit No 11563 1 ELW 12/23/04 TP-5 Excavation Contactor Ground Surface Elevation, City of Kent Parks 482' Notes. r w L n cw n Surface Conditions Depth of Topsoil & Sod 4" General Notes M r p " m All (9 re re rn SM Reddish brown silty fine SAND, loose, moist t 228 1h 2 SM Tan silty fine to medium SAND with gravel, loose to medium dense, 160 3 moist to wet(Glacial Till) -iron oxide staining 1k 4 -becomes gray, dense, moist, well cemented 183 5 s SM Gray silty fine SAND, medium dense to dense, moist to wet � -contains gravel ass is 138 SM Graysiltyfine SAND with ravel, dense, moist s Test pit terminated at 8.0 feet below existing grade No groundwater encountered during excavation fA I e a U W 1� Test Pit Log Earth Consultants Inc. East Hill Skate Park O Geacdutkal engineers Gmiogists a nlvf unenral scientists Kent, Washington n Prot No 11563 Dwn GLS Date Jan 2005 Checked ELW Date 114105 Plate A6 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analy and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations we cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretatio others of information presented on this loa. Test Pit Log Project Name Sheet of East Hill Skate Park 1 1 Job No Logged by Date Test Pit No 115621 ELW 12123104 TP-6 Excavation Contactor Ground Surface Elevation City of Kent Parks 485' Notes 3 o y m u) o Surface Conditions Grass General WJO Notes t°lo) cn p t` rm � SM Gray silty fine SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist(Fill) 130 1 SM Reddish brown silty fine SAND, loose moist 2 r Test pit terminated at 2 0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. r � r � r � t � 0 Q W 'a Test Pit Log Earth Consultants Inc. East Hill Skate Park O Geotcctutkaf Eng4tee[S GCob$Lsls&Envlroncnental Stlen(Lsts � Kent,Washington w Prot No 11563 own GLS Date Jan 2005 Checked ELW Date 114105 Plate A7 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests,analysis and Judgment They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations_We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this M. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS E-1 1563 Earth Consultants, Inc ZT-=Ma .*00 k, ilmillilill I HIM MURDER, III In, MINE 1111111111 MINE I I IN m 11 r ON ROOM I 1 111111 111111 11111 goillililimilillill I IN Icy,Tvmm m MTM momm PERCENT FINER SOIL DESCRIPTION ----�32 -!-80 2 Gmy silty Swid with gmvel;13.9%moistum 79.8 75.7 0 TPA 10'-SM 74.6 714 Gmy silty SW with gmvel;13.7%mojsWm 689 655 57.5 54.5 42.9 41.6 A TP-5:7.V-SM 315 3 7 Gmy silty Sam;t8-3%moist= REMARKS 0 Tectu SEP 0 Tech.SEP WON COEFFICIENTS SEP Client. EARTH Project East ffill Skate Park CONSULTANTS, INC. Prolec(No- B-11563 Plate B I GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR CANOPY FOUNDATION AND f ROCKERY WALL DESIGN EAST HILL SKATE PARK 116T" AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST 240T" STREET KENT, WASHINGTON E-11563 i " April 6, 2005 PREPARED FOR CITY OF KENT PARKS Earth Consultants, Inc. 1805 - 136th Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 (425) 643-3780 Toll Free 1-888-739-6670 tIpEarth Consultants, Inc. Gmeclincal Fiipnms•Go(k)gists&Bwimnmmlal Smi rtists EstabllShed 1975 GOnS(1'UCIK)n CPfil4tl�&IQ34�11VA13()ltispeiclioll$elvKCS April 6, 2005 E-11563 City of Kent Parks 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Attention: Mr. Perry Brooks Subject: Geotechnical Design Parameters for Canopy Foundations and Rockery Wall Design East Hill Skate Park 116' Avenue Southeast and Southeast 240' Street Kent, Washington Reference: Bennett Lavacot Architecture Drawings A1 .1 and Al .2 Dated December 17, 2004 Dear Mr. Brooks: In accordance with your request, Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) has performed additional engineering analyses and is providing geotechnical design parameters for canopy rfoundations at the site. In addition, we have prepared a rockery design. Our scope of services included review of the preliminary grading plan, referenced drawings, engineering analysis, and preparation of the attached drawings and calculations. With respect to rockeries, recommendations for native "cut" rockeries and reinforced (MSE) rockeres have been included. Geotechnical Parameters for Canopy Foundations Based on soil conditions observed in our test pits, it is our opinion that allowable lateral bearing pressures and lateral subgrade modulus presented in the table below may be used for design of drilled pier foundations for support of the canopy. Allowable Lateral Bearing Pressures and Modulus of Subgrade Reaction for Drilled Pier Foundations Depth (feet) Allowable Lateral Modulus of Subgrade Bearing Pressure (psf) Reaction (pci) 0-5 1000 35 Over 5 3000 200 1805136th Place N E,Suite 201,Bellevue,WA 98005 Other Locations IBellevue(425)643-3780 FAX(425)746-0860 Toll Free(888)739-6670 Fite i yCity of Kent Parks E-11563 April 6, 2005 Page 2 The compression and uplift capacities presented in the following table may be used for design of the drilled pier foundations for support of the canopy. r Allowable Axial Capacities of 24-inch Diameter Drilled Pier Foundations 7 Length (feet) Compression (kip) Uplift (kip) 10 46 5 15 76 13 Rockery Design The attached drawing Sheet W1 provides rockery design recommendations for geogrid reinforced rockeries up to eight feet in height. Recommendations for cut rockeries are also provided. Calculations for the geogrid reinforcement design are provided in Appendix A. The rockery construction should be performed in general accordance with the Associated Rockery Contractors (ARC) Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines, which are provided in Appendix B. The following design parameters were used for the analysis of the reinforced rockeries: Soil Properties Reinforced Soil Retained Soil Foundation Soil Unit Weight per cubic foot (pcf) 130 130 120 Friction Angle (degrees) 32 32 30 Cohesion per square foot (psf) 0 0 0 Surcharge (psf) 260 Peak Ground Acceleration 0.30g Earth Consultants, Inc. City of Kent Parks E-1 1563 April 6, 2005 Page 3 An ECI representative should observe the canopy foundation and rockery construction. Testing of the compacted fill should also be performed by an ECI representative, as necessary. At the location of cut rockeries, ECI should observe the native cut prior to rockery construction. We trust the attached design will satisfy the current submittal requirements. If you have any questions, or if additional information is required, please call. Sincerely, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. �0 MIC41 f> p OVA E ti^�G0EWash�'�\ F C„STE - r�VAL��3�/� � ,�'B 12 00,`l O EkPIRES 06-25 dS c tt Dinke man Michael Xue, PE Scott Senior Project Manager Principal HMX/S00Aap Attachments: Appendix A, Rockery (MSE) Calculations Appendix B, ARC Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines Drawing, Sheet W1 cc: MLA Engineering PLLC Attention: Mr. Mike Leonard Earth Consultants, Inc IP IP if IP APPENDIX A ROCKERY (MSE) CALCULATIONS E-11563 Earth Consultants, Inc COMPUTED BY "X DATED 1141OS Earth Consultants Inc. CHECKED BY DATED CeoiW�ilcal tnglneers Geobgisish FSWmnma�ial5deniWs �/�63 PROJECT NO. SHEET 1 OF PROJECT &A& /1'// Atk SUBJECT 2L- 06 1 2 3 ur — 4 1 5 lu 12 �� Lo 3e 13 — - -- 14 15 16 17 19 - 20 21 N - A r � i Tr 22 - - - 23 T a 24 - 25 — 2. n 4I,•---'4—x 3 x X 31 a- ` 26 27 t 28 29 30 vv 3 1 a �s ti v — �, IL yv 32 33 '1G �z 4 34 35 I Q' 7 I — - g- 3 - 38 39 40 - 41 _ � 42 �� — -43 44 - $; � i- -� - 45 1 I I { -"1O - •�[} S!'�Cj I= OJI �� n 7 v� e r A/ ! i Earth Consultants Inc. COMPUTED BY kA( DATED CHECKED BY DATED PROJECT r,.t IvIi ---vwp, PROJECT NO. SHEET OF SUBJECT IS MEN Ell IS -,won MIS 0 EMISSION I OR alm ONE g. IS i x MEN FAN �w �F.rMlmm A Mom us 0 �i r� ■ APPENDIX B ARC STANDARD ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES E-11563 li Earth Consultants, Inc. ARC ofeeoctated 90aclrery C�oittractore P.O. Box 1794 Woodinville, Washington 98072 (206) 481-3456 or (206) 481-7222 ASSOCIATED ROCKERY CONTRACTORS STANDARD ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES 1.01 Introduction: ® 1.01.1 Historical Background: These standard rockery construction guidelines have been developed in an effort to provide a more stringent degree of control on rockery materials and construction methodology in the Pacific Northwest. They have been assembled from numerous other standards presently in use in the area, from expertise provided by local geotechnical engineers, and from the wide experience of the members of the Association of Rockery Contractors (ARC). 1.012 Goal: The primary goals of this document are to standardize the methods of construction for rockery walls over four feet in height, and to provide a warranty for the materials used in construction and the workmanship employed in construction. This standard has also been developed in a manner that makes it, to the best of ARC's knowledge, more stringent than the other standards presently in use by local municipalities. 2.01 Materials: 2.01.1 _Rock Ouality All rock shall be sound, weathering resistant, angular ledge rock. The longest dimension of any individual rock should not exceed three times its shortest dimension. Acceptability of rock will be determined by laboratory tests as hereinafter specified, geologic examination and historical usage records All rock delivered to and incorporated in the project shall meet the following minimum specifications: a. Absorption: Not more Oran 2.0%for igneous and nietaniorphic rock i pes. Not niore than 3.0%for sedimentary rock types. b. Accelerated Expansion (15 days) (CRD-C-148) *1, *2 Not niore than 15% breakdown c. Soundness (MgSO4 at 5 cycles) Not greater than 5016 loss i (CRD-C-137) d. Unconfined Compressive Strength Intact strength of 15,000 psi, or greater for igneous and ASTMD 2938-79 (reapproved 1979) nietaniorphicrocks, and8000psiorgreaterforsedhne71taryr0ck *I. The test sample will be prepared and tested in accordance with Corps of Engineers Testing procedure CRD-C- 148, "Method of Testing Stone for Expansive Breakdown on Soaking in Ethylene Glycol." Test requirements of not more than 15 percent breakdown will be computed by dividing the number of individual pieces of initial sample suffering breakdown: (that is, separating into two or niore pieces) by the total number of initial pieces in the wniple. *2. Accelerated expansion tests should also include analyses of (lie fractures and veins found in the rock. Manny problenis associated with rockery failures are related to the rock fractures and veins found within the rock and not the rock itself. ,� r 2.01.2 Frequency of Testing Quarry sources for rockery rock shall begin a testing program when either becoming a supplier or when a new area of the source pit is opened. The tests described in Section 2.01.1 shall be performed for every four thousand (4000) tons for the lust twelve thousand (12000) tons of material blasted and removed to establish that specific rock source. The tests shall then be performed once a year or at an apparent change in material. If problems with a specific area in a pit or with a particular material are encountered, the initial testing cycle shall be restarted. 2.013 Rock Density Recognizing that numerous sources of rock exist, and that the nature of rock will vary not only between sources but also within each source, the density of the rock shall be greater than one hundred fifty- five (155) pcf. Typically, rocks used for rockery construction shall be sized approximately as follows: Rock Size Rock Weight Small to large 50-200 pounds one man Small to large 200-700 pounds two man Small to large 700-2000 pounds three man Small to large 2000-4000 pounds four man Five Man 4000-6000 pounds Six Man 6000-8000 pounds Two and one-man rock, and sometimes smaller, are often used to fill surface gaps along the top of the completed rockery to create an aesthetically pleasing surface. This is an acceptable practice provided none of the events described in Section 3.0l.S occur, and that the owner prevents people from climbing or walking on the completed rockery. in rockeries over eight feet in height, it should not be possible to move the large sized rocks (four to six-man size) with a prybar. If these rocks can be moved, the rockery should not be considered capable of restraining any significant lateral load. However, it is both practical and even desirable that smaller rocks, particularly those used for "chinking" purposes, can be moved with a prybar to achieve the "best fit". 2.11.4 Submittals: The rock source shall present current geologic and test data for the testing for the minimum guidelines described in Section 2.01.1. on request by either the rockery contractor, the client, or the applicable municipality. 3.01 Rockery Construction: 3.01.1 General: Rockery construction is a craft and depends largely on the skill and experience of the builder. A rockery is a protective system which helps to retard the weathering and erosion process on an exposed cut or fill soil face. While by its nature (the mass, size and shape of the rocks) it will provide some degree of reten- tion, it is not a designed or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete retaining wall would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependant on the size of rock used; that is, the mass or weight, and the height of the wall being constructed. The larger the rock, the more competent the wall. To accomplish this, all rockeries in excess of four feet in height should be built on a "mass" basis. To provide a competent and adequate rockery structure, all rockeries constructed in front of either cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height should be bid and constructed in accordance with these standard guidelines and the geotecbnical engineers supplemental recommendations. Both the standard guidelines and the supplemental geotecbnical recommendations should be provided to prospective bidders before bidding and the start of construction. 2 � r The same geotechnical engineer should be retained to monitor rockery construction and to verify, in writing, that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with this ARC standard and with his supplemental recommenda- tions, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable materials. 3.01.2 Geotechnical Engineer The geotechnical engineer retained to provide necessary supplemental rockery construction guidelines shall be a practicing geotechnical/civil engineer licensed as a professional civil engineer in the State of Washington who has at least four years of professional employment as a geotechnical engineer in responsible charge, including experience with fill construction and stability and rockery construction. The geotechnical engineer should be hired either by the rockery contractor or the client. 3.01.3 Responsibility: The ultimate responsibility for rockery "design" and construction should remain with the rockery builder. However, rockeries protecting moderate to thick fills, with steep sloping surfaces above or below them, with multiple steps, with foundation or other loads affecting them, protecting sandy or gravelly soils subject to ravelling, with seepage or wet conditions, or that are more than eight feet in height, all represent special conditions and require consultation and/or advice from qualified experts. 3.01.4 Workmanship: All workmanship is guaranteed by the rockery contractor and all materials are guaranteed by supplying quarry for a period of six years from the date of completion of erection, providing no modification or changes to the conditions existing at the time of completion are made. 3.015 Changes to Finished Product: Such changes include, but are not necessarily limited to, excavation of ditches or trenches within a distance of less than 1.5 times the rockery height measured from the toe of the rockery, removal of any material from the subgrade in front of the rockery, excavation and/or removal of material from any location behind the rockery within a distance at least equal to the rockery's height, the addition of any surcharge or other loads within a similar distance of the top of the rockery, or surface or subsurface water forced, directed, or otherwise caused to flow behind the rockery in any quantity. 3.01.6 Slone§: Slopes above rockeries should be kept as flat as possible, but should not exceed 2:1 (Horizon- tal:Vertical) unless the rockery is designed specifically to provide some restraint to the load imposed by the slope. Any slope existing above a completed rockery should be provided with a vegetative cover by the owner to help reduce the potential for surface water flow induced erosion. It should consist of a deep rooted, rapid growth vegetative mat and typically will be placed by hydroseeding and covered with a mulch. It is often useful to overlay the seed and mulch with either pegged in-place jute matting, or some other form of approved geotechnical fabric, to help maintain the seed in-place until the root mat has an opportunity to germinate and take hold. 3-01.7 Monitoring: All rockeries constructed against cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height shall be periodically monitored during construction by the geotechnical engineer to verify the nature and quality of the materials being used are appropriate, that the construction procedures are appropriate, and that the wall is being constructed in a generally professional manner and in accordance with this ARC standards and any supplemental recommendations. On completion of the rockery, the geotechnical engineer shall submit to the client, the rockery contractor, and to t the appropriate municipality, copies of his rockery examination reports along with a final report summarizing rockery construction. 3.01.8 Fill Compaction: Where rockeries are constructed in front of a fill, it is imperative that the owner ensure the fill be placed and compacted in a manner that will provide a competent fill mass. To achieve this goal, all fills should consist of relatively clean, organic and debris free, granular materials with a maximum size of four inches. Ideally, but particularly if placement and compaction is to take place during the wet season, they should contain no more than five percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the number 200 mesh sieve). All fills should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding ten inches in loose thickness. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor), before any additional fill is placed and compacted. In-place density tests should be performed at random locations within each lift of the fill to verify this degree of compaction is being achieved. ' 3 � r 3.01.9 Fill Construction and Reinforcement: There are two methods of constructing a fill against which to build a rockery. The first, which typically applies to rockeries of less than eight feet in height, is to overbuild and then cut back the fill. The second, which applies to all rockeries in excess of eight feet in height, is to construct the fill using a geogrid or geotechnical fabric reinforcement. Overbuilding the fill allows for satisfactory compaction of the fill mass out beyond the location of the fill face to be protected. Overbuilding also allows the earthwork contractor to use larger and more effective compaction equipment in his compactioe efforts, thereby typically achieving a more competent fill mass Cutting back into the well compacted fill also typically results in construction of a competent near vertical fill face against which to build the rockery. For the higher rockeries the use of a geogrid or geotechnical fabric to help reinforce the fill results in construction of a more stablee fill face against which to construct the rockery. This form of construction leads to a longer lasting and more stable rockery and helps reduce the risk of significant long term maintenance. This latter form of construction requires a design by the geomchnical engineer for each specific case. The vertical spacing of the reinforcement, the specific type of reinforcement, and the distance to which it must extend back into the fill, and the amount of lapping must be determined on a rockery-by-rockery basis. 3.01.10 Rockery Kevway. The first step in rockery construction, after general site clearing and/or general excavation, is to construct a keyway in which to build the rockery. The keyway shall comprise a shallow trench of between twelve (12) and eighteen (18) inches in depth, extending for the full length of the rockery, and inclined back slightly towards the face being protected. It is typically dug as wide as the rockery (including the width of the rock filter layer). If the condition of the protected face is of concern, the keyway should be constructed in sections of manageable length, that is of a length that can be constructed in one shift or one days work. The competency of the keyway subgrade to support the rockery shall be verified by probing with a small diameter steel rod. The rod shall leave a diameter of between three-eights and one-half inch, and shall be pushed into the subgrade in a smooth unaided manner under the body weight of the prober only. Penetration of up to six inches, with some difficulty, shall indicate a "competent" keyway subgrade unless other factors in the geotechnical-engineer's opinion-shall.indicate_otherwise.- Penetration in excess of six inches, or of that depth with ease, shall indicate a "soft"-subgrade and one that could require treatment. Soft areas of the subgrade- can be "firmed up" by tamping a layer-of coarse quarry spalls into the subgrade. . 3.01.11 Keyway and Rockery Drainage: On completion of keyway excavation, a shallow ditch or trench, approxi- mately twelve (12) inches wide and deep, should be dug along the rear edge of the keyway. A minimum four- inch diameter perforated or slotted ADS drain pipe, or-equivalent approved by an engineer, should be placed in this shallow trench and should be bedded on and surrounded by a free-draining crushed rock. Burial of the drain pipe in this shallow trench provides protection to the pipe and helps prevent it from being inadvertently crushed by pieces of the rockery rock. This drain pipe should be installed with sufficient gradient to initiate flow, and should be connected to a positive and permanent discharge. Positive and permanent drainage should be considered to mean an existing, or to be installed, storm drain system, a Swale, ditch or other form of surface water flow collection system, a detention or retention pond, or other stable native site feature or previously installed collection system. 3.01.12 Rockery Thickness: The individual rockery thickness, including the rock filter layer, should be at least 40 percent of the rockery height. Unless otherwise specified in writing, the individual rocks should be arranged m a single course which, when measured to include the filter layer, is equal to the required rockery thickness. 4 3.01.13 Rock Selection: The contractor should have sufficient space available so that he can select from among a number of stockpiled rocks for each space in the rockery to be filled. Rocks which have shapes which do not match the spaces offered by the previous course of rock should be placed elsewhere to obtain a better fit. Rock should be of a generally cubical, tabular or semi-rectangular shape. Any rocks of basically rounded or tetrahedral form should be rejected or used for filling large void spaces. Smaller rocks (one to two-man size, or smaller) are often used to create an aesthetically pleasing "top edge" to a rockery. This is acceptable provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that people are prevented from climbing or walking on the finished rockery. This is the owner's responsibility. z 3.01.14 Rock Placement: The first course of rock should be placed on firm unyielding soil. There should be full contact between the rock and soil, which may require shaping of the ground surface or slamming or dropping the rocks into place so that the soil foundation conforms to the rock face bearing on it As an alternative, it is satisfactory to place and, tamp.crushed rock into the subgrade to tighten it up. The bottom of the first course of rock should be a minimum-of twelve (12) inches below the lowest adjacent site grade. As the rockery is constructed, the rocks should be placed so that there are no continuous joint planes in either the vertical or lateral direction. Each rock should bear on at least two rocks below it. Rocks should be placed so that there is some bearing between flat rock faces rather than on joints. Joints between courses should slope downward towards the material being protected (away from the face of the rockery). 3.01.15 Face Inclination: The face of the rockery should be inclined at a gradient of about 1:6 (Horizontal:- Vertical) back towards the face being protected. The inclination should not constructed flatter than 1H:4V. 3.01.16 Voids: Because of the nature of the product used to construct a rockery, it is virtually impossible to avoid creating void spaces between individual rocks. However, it should be recognized that voids do not necessarily constitute a problem in rockery construction. Where voids of greater than six inches in dimension exist in the face of a rockery they should be visually examined to determine if contact between the rocks exists within the thickness of the rockery If contact does exist, no further action is required. However, if there is no rock contact within the rockery thickness the void should be "chinked" with a smaller piece of rock. If a void of greater than six inches exists in the rear face of the rockery, it should be "chinked" with a smaller rock. 3.01.17 Filter Laver. In order to provide some degree of drainage control.behind the rockery, and as a means . of helping to prevent,loss of soil through the face of the rockery, a drainage•Filter shall be installed layer between the rear face of the rockery arr&the soil face being-.protected. This filter layer should be at least twelve (12) inches thick; and for walls in excess of eight feet in height, it should be at least eighteen (18) inches thick. It should be composed of four inch minus crushed rock, or other material approved by the geotechnical engineer. If one of the rockery rocks extends back to the exposed soil face, it is not necessary that the filter rock layer extend between it and the soil face. In the event seepage is encountered emanating from a protected face, we recommend the use of a well-graded filter layer. We do not recommend the use of a geotechnical fabric for other than coverage of relatively small and isolated seepage areas because it has been the industry's experience that the filter fabric tends to clog rapidly. This quickly leads to a buildup of hydrostatic pressure which can subsequently cause failure and collapse of the rockery and is to be avoided. "i This clogging is apparently due to the virtual impossibility of achieving full contact between the soil face, fabric t and rock filter material. If full surface contact cannot be achieved, there is often a tendency for the soil materials to flush from the protected face into the "pockets" in the fabric which leads to the aforementioned clogging. 5 n 3.01.18 Surface Drainaee: It is the owner's responsibility to intercept surface drainage from above the rockery and direct it away from the rockery to a positive and permanent,discharge well below and beyond the toe of the wall. Use of other drainage control measures should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the geotechnical engineer prior to bidding on the project. 1/27/89 i 1 1 � t f i 1 6 ' 0 016u14seM luaN •" ""� NdVd 31VNS llIH1SV3 - .— ' °�, " p1suoLIJA`;"' sHeloo Pue.;.N M.4..d pesOdoy -- �NI'SJUllll'1SUO�t{{A 8'� mw 1 I II aH9 w fit t434a LU Se cc :I Z / t LLJ ( } Q LU J � I€ � _l '� P•4fi ILi� a IN III= q H -- o LL f11111 z333�3 II 3� dg 3 s y = .WNW I ygs Lgzs�E s`. *a oa $z} >:y84s � � PCE ss. se $ a §g 2E a22 !--q- ^:_�. a � � S! E_a; 4 $ yt`i ' n eo; i• Sa �Pg Mal Eg ai � rs� eY€€ g 86 71Fg e o az.gas ?3-s lE5$`a" $txa P� ?c: 9 rrz$ ITS g §� till g s� $ 9oE2 sy 88^ If g grik $ _ E41 $ ss eee° ga 2 $ u o iE P y of lea Ym g 8 0°. i�g gg xg 8 v is ° g°s F s8 d et e88go8 gg 81 �s8 1.4 $ Rf ills �8 qall iState of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section-Telephone(360)902-5335 PO Box 44540,Olympia WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here Include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fnnge benefits On public works projects,workers'wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is provided on the Benefit Code Key ' KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 ' (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code ' ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33 46 1N 5D BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33 32 1 BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $41 17 1M 5A CABINET MAKERS(IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL $16 67 1 CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER $40 23 1M 5D BRIDGE,DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS $40 07 1M 5D CARPENTER $4007 1M 5D CREOSOTED MATERIAL $40 17 1M 5D DRYWALL APPLICATOR $40 22 1M 5D FLOOR FINISHER $4020 1M 5D FLOOR LAYER $4020 1 M 5D FLOOR SANDER $4020 1 M 5D i MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS $41 07 1M 5D PILEDRIVERS,DRIVING,PULLING,PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING $40 27 1M 5D SAWFILER $4020 1M 5D SHINGLER $4020 1M 5D STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR $4020 1M 5D STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS $4020 1M 5D CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $41 11 1M 5D 1 DIVERS&TENDERS DIVER $8319 1M 5D 8A DIVER TENDER $3951 iM 5D DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER $40 77 1T 50 8L i ASSISTANT MATE(DECKHAND) $40 28 1T SO 8L BOATMEN $40 77 1T 5D 6L ENGINEER WELDER $40 82 1T 5D SL LEVERMAN,HYDRAULIC $42 34 1T 5D 81- MAINTENANCE $40 28 1T 5D 81- MATES $40 77 1T 5D 8L OILER $40 40 1T 5D 81- DRYWALL TAPERS i JOURNEY LEVEL $40 29 tE 5P ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $18 69 1 Page 1 i i KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code ELECTRICIANS-INSIDE CABLE SPLICER $50 60 1D 5A CABLE SPLICER(TUNNEL) $54 40 1D 5A CERTIFIED WELDER $48 88 1D 5A , CERTIFIED WELDER(TUNNEL) $52 50 1D 5A CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON $26 72 1D 5A JOURNEY LEVEL $47 15 1D 5A JOURNEY LEVEL(TUNNEL) $50 60 1D 5A ELECTRICIANS-MOTOR SHOP CRAFTSMAN $15 37 2A 6C JOURNEY LEVEL $14 69 2A 6C ELECTRICIANS-POWERLINE CONSTRUCTION , CABLE SPLICER $50 84 4A 5A CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $46 37 4A SA GROUNDPERSON $33 64 4A 5A HEAD GROUNDPERSON $35 46 4A 5A HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $46 37 4A 5A JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $35 46 4A 5A JOURNEY LEVEL LINEPERSON $46 37 4A 5A LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $39 50 4A 5A POLE SPRAYER $46 37 4A 5A POWDERPERSON $35 46 4A 5A ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $31 00 1 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC $52 27 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $57 41 4A 6Q FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $11 90 2K 5B ' FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR $18 71 1 FENCE LABORER $12 77 1 FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $28 78 1N 5D GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $4115 1H 5G HEAT&FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $4318 1S 51 HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS MECHANIC $33 65 1 HOD CARRIERS&MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33 94 1N 5D , INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS MECHANIC $15 65 1 INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL $9 07 1 INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN $3514 1K 5B COOK $3011 1K 5B DECKHAND $2909 1K 5B ENGINEERIDECKHAND $31 66 1K 5B MATE,LAUNCH OPERATOR $33 24 1K 5B Page 2 KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER&WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL ' CLEANER OPERATOR,FOAMER OPERATOR $9 73 1 GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR $11 48 1 HEAD OPERATOR $1278 1 TECHNICIAN $7 35 1 TV TRUCK OPERATOR $10 53 1 ' INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $40 07 1M 5D IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $44 62 10 5A LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER $33 94 IN 5D BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE $3346 1N 5D BATCH WEIGHMAN $2878 1N 5D ' BRUSH CUTTER $3346 1N 5D BRUSH HOG FEEDER $3346 1N 5D BURNERS $3346 1N 5D CARPENTER TENDER $3346 1N 5D CASSION WORKER $34 30 1N 5D CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $33 94 1N 5D CEMENT FINISHER TENDER $3346 1N 5D CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN $3346 1N 5D CHIPPING GUN(OVER 30 LBS) $33 94 1N 5D CHIPPING GUN(UNDER 30 LBS) $3346 1N 5D CHOKER SETTER $3346 IN 5D CHUCKTENDER $3346 1N 5D CLEAN-UP LABORER $3346 1 N 5D CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR $33 94 1N 5D CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $3346 1N 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $33 94 1N 5D CRUSHER FEEDER $28 78 1N 5D CURING LABORER $3346 1N 5D DEMOLITION,WRECKING&MOVING(INCLUDING CHARRED $3346 1N 5D DITCH DIGGER $3346 1N 5D DIVER $34 30 1N 513 DRILL OPERATOR(HYDRAULIC,DIAMOND) $33 94 1N 5D DRILL OPERATOR,AIRTRAC $34 30 1N 5D DUMPMAN $3346 1N 5D EPDXYTECHNICIAN $3346 1N 5D ' EROSION CONTROL WORKER $3346 1N 5D FALLER/BUCKER,CHAIN SAW $33 94 1N 5D FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP(i e,dusting,vacuuming,window cleaning,NOT $26 46 IN 5D construction debris cleanup) ' FINE GRADERS $3346 1N 5D FIRE WATCH $28 78 1N 5D FORM SETTER $3346 1N 5D GABION BASKET BUILDER $3346 1N 5D ' GENERALLABORER $3346 1N 5D GRADE CHECKER&TRANSIT PERSON $33 94 1N 5D GRINDERS $3346 1N 5D GROUT MACHINE TENDER $3346 1N 5D Page 3 KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code , GUARDRAIL ERECTOR $3346 1N 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $34 30 1N 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $3394 1N 5D ' HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $3346 1N 5D HIGH SCALER $34 30 1N 5D HOD CARRIER/MORTARMAN $3394 1N 5D JACKHAMMER $3394 1N 5D LASER BEAM OPERATOR $3394 IN 5D MANHOLE BUILDER-MUDMAN $3394 1N 5D MATERIAL YARDMAN $3346 1N 5D MINER $34 30 1N 5D NOZZLEMAN,CONCRETE PUMP,GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH $3394 1N 5D PRESSURE AIR&WATER ON CONCRETE&ROCK,SANDBLAST, GUNITE,SHOTCRETE,WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER $3394 1N 5D , PILOT CAR $28 78 1N 5D PIPE POT TENDER $3394 1N 5D PIPE RELINER(NOT INSERT TYPE) $3394 1 N 5D PIPELAYER&CAULKER $3394 1N 5D PIPELAYER&CAULKER(LEAD) $34 30 1N 5D PIPEWRAPPER $3394 1N 5D POT TENDER $3346 1N 5D POWDERMAN $34 30 1N 5D POWDERMAN HELPER $3346 1N 5D POWERJACKS $3394 1N 5D RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER(POWER) $3394 IN 5D RE-TIMBERMAN $3430 1N 5D RIPRAP MAN $3346 1N 5D RODDER $3394 1N 5D SCAFFOLD ERECTOR $3346 1N 5D SCALE PERSON $3346 1N 5D SIGNALMAN $3346 1N 5D , SLOPER(OVER 20") $3394 1N 5D SLOPER SPRAYMAN $3346 IN 5D SPREADER(CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $3394 IN 5D SPREADER(CONCRETE) $3394 1N 50 STAKE HOPPER $3346 IN 5D STOCKPILER $3346 1N 5D TAMPER&SIMILAR ELECTRIC,AIR&GAS $3394 IN 5D TAMPER(MULTIPLE&SELF PROPELLED) $3394 1N 5D TOOLROOM MAN(AT JOB SITE) $3346 1N 5D TOPPER-TAILER $3346 1N 5D TRACKLABORER $3346 1N 5D TRACK LINER(POWER) $3394 1N 5D TRUCK SPOTTER $3346 IN 5D TUGGER OPERATOR $3394 1N 5D VIBRATING SCREED(AIR,GAS,OR ELECTRIC) $3346 1N 5D VIBRATOR $3394 1N 5D VINYL SEAMIER $3346 1N 5D , WELDER $3346 1N 5D WELL-POINT LABORER $3394 1N 5D Page 4 KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over ' PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code LABORERS-UNDERGROUND SEWER&WATER GENERAL LABORER $33 46 1 N 5D PIPE LAYER $33 94 1N 5D LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $11 07 1 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $10 63 1 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $8 42 1 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $40 22 1M 5D METAL FABRICATION(IN SHOP) FITTER $15 86 1 ' LABORER $9 78 1 MACHINE OPERATOR $13 04 1 PAINTER $11 10 1 WELDER $15 48 1 MODULAR BUILDINGS CABINET ASSEMBLY $11 56 1 ELECTRICIAN $11 56 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $11 56 1 PLUMBER $11 56 1 PRODUCTION WORKER $9 26 1 TOOL MAINTENANCE $11 56 1 UTILITY PERSON $11 56 1 WELDER $11 56 1 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32 00 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $40 58 1R 5A ' PLAYGROUND&PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS JOURNEY LEVEL $8 42 1 PLUMBERS&PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $52 41 1G 5A ' POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $38 42 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE,EXCAVATOR,SHOVEL (3 YD&UNDER) $41 12 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE,EXCAVATOR,SHOVEL (OVER 3 YD&UNDER 6 YD) $41 59 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE,EXCAVATOR,SHOVEL(6 YD AND OVER WITH $42 13 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP&UNDER) $40 71 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $41 12 1T 5D 8L BARRIER MACHINE(ZIPPER) $41 12 1T 5D 8L ' BATCH PLANT OPERATOR,CONCRETE $41 12 1T 5D BL BELT LOADERS(ELEVATING TYPE) $40 71 1T 5D 8L BOBCAT(SKID STEER) $38 42 1T 5D 8L BROOMS $38 42 1T 5D 8L BUMP CUTTER $41 12 1T 5D 8L ' CABLEWAYS $41 59 1T 5D 8L CHIPPER $41 12 1T 5D 8L COMPRESSORS $38 42 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE-LASER SCREED $38 42 1T 50 8L ' CONCRETE PUMPS $40 71 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $41 12 1T 5D 8L CONVEYORS $40 71 1T 5D 8L Page 5 KING COUNTY ' Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code ' CRANES, THRU 19 TONS,WITH ATTACHMENTS $40 71 1T 5D BL CRANES, 20-44 TONS,WITH ATTACHMENTS $41 12 1T 5D BL CRANES, 45 TONS-99 TONS,UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM(INCLUDING $41 59 1T 5D BL , JIB WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS-199 TONS,OR 150 FT OF BOOM(INCLUDING JIB $42 13 1T 5D 81. WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES,200 TONS TO 300 TONS,OR 250 FT OF BOOM(INCLUDING JIB $42 68 1T 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES,A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $38 42 1T 50 BL CRANES,A-FRAME,OVER 10 TON $40 71 1T 5D 8L CRANES,OVER 300 TONS, OR 300'OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $43 22 1T 5D BL ATTACHMENTS CRANES,OVERHEAD,BRIDGE TYPE(20-44 TONS) $41 12 1T 5D 8L CRANES,OVERHEAD,BRIDGE TYPE(45-99 TONS) $41 59 1T 5D 81- CRANES,OVERHEAD,BRIDGE TYPE(100 TONS&OVER) $42 13 1T 5D 8L CRANES,TOWER CRANE UP TO 175'IN HEIGHT,BASE TO BOOM $42 13 1T 5D 8L CRANES,TOWER CRANE OVER 175'IN HEIGHT,BASE TO BOOM $42 68 1T 5D 81. CRUSHERS $41 12 1T 5D 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES(POWER) $41 12 1T 5D 8L DERRICK,BUILDING $41 59 1T 5D 8L DOZERS, D-9&UNDER $40 71 1T 5D 8L DRILL OILERS-AUGER TYPE,TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $40 71 1T 5D 8L DRILLING MACHINE $41 12 1T 5D 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLIFT,PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $38 42 1T 5D 8L ' EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER(OILER) $40 71 1T 5D 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $41 12 1T 5D 8L FORK LIFTS,(3000 LBS AND OVER) $40 71 1T 5D BL FORK LIFTS,(UNDER 3000 LBS) $38 42 1T 5D 8L ' GRADE ENGINEER $40 71 1T 5D 8L GRADECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $38 42 1T 5D 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $41 12 1T 5D 8L HOISTS,OUTSIDE(ELEVATORS AND MANLIFTS),AIR TUGGERS $40 71 1T 5D 8L ' HORIZONTAL/DIRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $40 71 1T 5D 8L HORIZONTAL/DIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $41 12 1T 5D 8L HYDRALIFTSlBOOM TRUCKS(10 TON&UNDER) $38 42 1T 5D 8L HYDRALIFTSBOOM TRUCKS(OVER 10 TON) $40 71 1T 5D 8L LOADERS,OVERHEAD(6 YD UP TO 8 YD) $41 59 1T 5D 8L LOADERS,OVERHEAD(8 YD&OVER) $42 13 1T 5D 8L LOADERS,OVERHEAD(UNDER 6 YD),PLANT FEED $41 12 1T 5D 8L LOCOMOTIVES,ALL $41 12 1T 5D 8L , MECHANICS,ALL $41 59 1T 5D 8L MIXERS,ASPHALT PLANT $41 12 1T 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER(FINISHING) $41 12 1T 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER(NON-FINISHING) $40 71 1T 5D 8L MUCKING MACHINE,MOLE,TUNNEL DRILL ANDIOR SHIELD $41 59 1T 5D 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS,BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $38 42 1T 5D 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $38 42 1T 5D BL PILEDRIVER(OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $41 12 1T 5D 8L , PLANT OILER(ASPHALT,CRUSHER) $40 71 1T 5D 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER,MECHANICAL $38 42 1T 5D 81- POWER PLANT $38 42 1T 5D 8L PUMPS,WATER $38 42 1T 5D 8L ' Page 6 KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ' Classification WAGE Code Code Code QUAD 9,D-10,AND HD-41 $41 59 1T 50 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $41 59 1T 5D 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $38 42 1T SD 8L ROLLAGON $41 59 1T 5D 8L ROLLER,OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $38 42 1T 5D 8L ' ROLLERS,PLANTMIX OR MULTILIFT MATERIALS $40 71 1T 5D 8L ROTO-MILL,ROTO-GRINDER $41 12 1T 5D 8L SAWS,CONCRETE $40 71 1T 5D 8L SCRAPERS-SELF PROPELLED,HARD TAIL END DUMP,ARTICULATING $41 12 1T 5D 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT( UNDER 45 YD) SCRAPERS-SELF PROPELLED,HARD TAIL END DUMP,ARTICULATING $41 59 1T 5D BL OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT(45 YD AND OVER) SCRAPERS,CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL $40 71 1T 5D 8L SCREED MAN $41 12 1T 5D BL ' SHOTCRETE GUNITE $38 42 1T 5D BL SLIPFORM PAVERS $41 59 1T 5D 8L SPREADER,TOPSIDE OPERATOR-BLAW KNOX $41 12 1T 5D BL SUBGRADE TRIMMER $41 12 1T 5D BL TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS $40 71 1T 5D BL TRACTORS,(75 HP&UNDER) $40 71 1T 5D BL TRACTORS,(OVER 75 HP) $41 12 1T 5D BL TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE $41 12 1T 5D 8L ' TRANSPORTERS,ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE $41 59 1T 5D 8L TRENCHING MACHINES $40 71 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER(UNDER 100 TON) $40 71 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER(100 TON&OVER) $41 12 1T 5D 8L ' TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER $41 12 1T 5D 8L WHEEL TRACTORS,FARMALL TYPE $38 42 1T 5D 8L YO YO PAY DOZER $41 12 1T 5D 8L POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS-UNDERGROUND SEWER& ' (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE $3388 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON $32 16 4A 5A TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $32 59 4A 5A ' TREE TRIMMER $30 31 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON $22 76 4A 5A REFRIGERATION&AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC $49 71 1G 5A ' RESIDENTIAL BRICK&MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $27 05 1 RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $23 47 1 ' RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $22 64 1 RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $40 29 tE 5P RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $26 24 1 RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $2714 1H 5G ' Page 7 KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note , Classification WAGE Code Code Code RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $17 60 1 RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL $1812 1 ' RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $18 36 1 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS&PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $22 95 1 ' RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION&AIR CONDITIONING JOURNEY LEVEL $49 71 1G 5A RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL(FIELD OR SHOP) $19 48 1 RESIDENTIAL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33 04 1B 5A RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS(FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $26 76 1B 5C , RESIDENTIAL TERRAZZO/TILE FINISHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $26 30 1 RESIDENTIAL TERRAZZO/TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $38 43 1B 5A ROOFERS ' JOURNEY LEVEL $34 53 1 R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $37 53 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL(FIELD OR SHOP) $48 22 1E 6L , SIGN MAKERS&INSTALLERS(ELECTRICAL) SIGN INSTALLER $23 36 1 SIGN MAKER $16 84 1 SIGN MAKERS&INSTALLERS(NON-ELECTRICAL) ' SIGN INSTALLER $17 31 1 SIGN MAKER $15 61 1 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33 04 1 B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $12 44 1 5S SPRINKLER FITTERS(FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $50 24 1H 5C STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS(NON STRUCTURAL) , JOURNEY LEVEL $13 23 1 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9 35 1 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11 40 1 ' PARTY CHIEF $13 40 1 TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $22 76 1 TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION-OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $28 92 2B 5A , HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $16 22 213 5A INSTALLER(REPAIRER) $27 74 213 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINEPERSON $26 90 213 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER 1 $28 92 213 5A ' SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $28 34 2B 5A Page 8 ' KING COUNTY Effective 08-31-05 ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,rxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ' Classification WAGE Code Code Code TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR(HEAVY) $28 92 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR(LIGHT) $26 90 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $15 39 2B 5A TELEVISIONLINEPERSON/INSTALLER $2045 2B 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $24 32 2B 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $21 88 2B 5A ' TREE TRIMMER $26 90 2B 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS&TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $3843 1B 5A TILE,MARBLE&TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $3226 1B 5A ' TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33 40 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX(TO 16 YARDS) $37 94 1T 5D 8L ' ASPHALT MIX(OVER 16 YARDS) $38 52 1T 50 8L DUMP TRUCK $3794 1T 5D 8L DUMP TRUCK&TRAILER $38 52 IT 50 8L OTHER TRUCKS $38 52 1T 50 8L ' TRANSIT MIXER $23 45 1 WELL DRILLERS&IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $17 71 1 OILER $12 97 1 WELL DRILLER $17 68 1 ' Page 9