HomeMy WebLinkAboutL002-09 - Original - Nextel Communications - West Fenwick Park Cellular Phone Tower - 06/30/2006 CITY CLERK \ 4400 CITY OF KENT "Avenue South V KENT 2204Kent, WA 8032 WASHINGTON Fax. 253-856-6725 PHONE: 253-856-5725 Lease Agreement Cover Sheet Instructions This document is to be used in lieu of the Contract Cover Sheet SECTION 1 — CONTRACT PROCESSING AND TENANT SET-UP: All lease agreements must be signed by the Mayor or his/her designee and approved by the City Council. Lease amendments, extensions, renewals, and assignments may or may not require Council approval (contact the Law Department), but they must be signed by the Mayor. The City Clerk's Office will perform the following tasks associated with all lease agreements and amendments: • Assign a sequential lease agreement number based on starting with 001 and preceded with "L", e.g. L001. • Scan the Lease Agreement Cover Sheet, Lease Agreement (or Amendment) and, if any, related supporting documentation into the document imaging system. • Provide notification via e-mail to the Contact Person (Question 2), Law and Customer Services. The Lease Agreement Cover Sheet is to be completed for each existing and active and all subsequent lease agreements, lease amendments and assignments of lease. There is recognition that certain existing and active agreements and amendments may not incorporate new policies, e.g. commencement of the lease on the Vt of the month or year. Those agreements and amendments will be addressed through subsequent agreements and/or amendments, if any. Contract Number: L002-09 1. Responsible Department/Division: Parks/Facilities 2. Contact Person and Title: Charlie Lindsey Telephone Extension: 5081 3. Tenant (Customer) Name: Sprint Nextel Real Estate 4. Tenant (Customer) Number: 138299 Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 1 of 4 5. General Ledger Account Number: P20072.56250 6. King County Tax Parcel Number: 272204-9005 (partial) 7. Address of Parcel: 3824 Reith Road, Kent 8. Type of Lease: Lease Agreement - Commercial Property Rental (West Fenwick Park Cellular Phone Tower) 9. Council Authorization Date: June 6, 2006 10. Mayor Signature Date: June 21, 2006 SECTION 2 - LEASE DURATION AND IMPORTANT DATES: All lease agreements and amendments must reflect the lease start date, lease termination date and the duration of the lease. The lease agreement may also authorize the tenant to request an extension of the lease term, i.e. either "month to month" or for a defined period of time. The tenant must provide advanced written notice of the intent to exercise this lease option. A date certain lease start date must be established in the lease agreement and must be the first of the month. Commencement of certain leases may be predicated on certain actions by the tenant, e.g. installation of cellular tower equipment. In such instances, a reasonable fixed future date must be established in the lease agreement. 11. Lease Start Date: June 30, 2006 (earlier of nine months after the date of this Lease has been signed by both parties, or the date Tenant commences construction of its improvements on the Premises) 12. Tenant Lease Option Renewal Notification Due Date: 90 calendar days prior to the end of the term 13. Lease Termination Date: June 29, 2011 14. Lease Duration: June 30, 2006 through June 20, 2011. Two additional five year option periods SECTION 3 - RENT DETERMINATION AND DUE DATE: Lease agreement must include provisions establishing the stated rent and, if over one year in length, modification of stated rent. Typically, rental increases are based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Example of possible contract language: Effective as of each anniversary of the Commencement date (the "Adjustment Date") by an amount equal to the greater of four (4) percent or the percentage increase in the CPI two (2) months pnor to the Adjustment Date and the CPI for the month 12 months prior to the Adjustment Date. "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers, <Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA), All Items, base period 1982-84=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted, issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Lease Agreement Cover Sheet-Page 2 of 4 Statistics. If the CPI is converted to a different standard reference base, or otherwise revised, the adjustment set forth in this paragraph shall be made with the use of the conversion formula published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 15. Rent: $1,300.00/month (excludes leasehold excise tax) 16. Rent Due Date: 30th of the Month 17. Calculation of Rental Increase(s): Greater of 4% or the percentage increase in the CPI for the month 12 months prior to the adjustment date. "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Customers, U.S. City Average, All Items, issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the United States Department of Labor (1982-84 = 100). SECTION 4 — LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX: Leasehold excise tax applies to the possession and use of publicly owned real property by a private sector individual, business or other organization. This tax is calculated based on 12.84 percent of the contract rent amount. See also Department of Revenue Leasehold Excise Tax Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (http://dor.wa.gov/docs/Pubs/IndustSpecific/Leasehold.odf). Contact the Customer Services Financial Analyst (LIDs/Receivables) or the Audit Manager regarding questions in this area. 18. Is this lease subject to leasehold excise taxes? ® YES (go to Question 19) ❑ NO, reason: 19. Are leasehold excise taxes for this tenant centrally assessed, i.e. directly collected from the tenant by the Washington State Department of Revenue? ❑ YES (attach written verification received directly from DOR or indirectly through the tenant, e.g. DOR notification letter) ® NO (go to Question 20) 20. Does Lease Rent include Leasehold Excise Tax? (Leasehold taxes must be broken out on the invoice and coded: Business unit.32500.0303) ❑ YES Calculate the leasehold excise tax (Stated Rent divided by 1.1284) ® NO Calculate the leasehold excise tax (Stated Rent times .1284) SECTION 5 — APPLICABLITY OF UTLITIES: The Lease agreement must include provisions establishing responsibility for payment of utilities, including but not limited to electricity, natural gas, water, sewer, storm drainage, and garbage collection and disposal services. Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 3 of 4 In certain instances, the utility service may not be applicable, e.g. septic system, or may not be provided by the City, e.g. Highline Water District service area. In all instances, City utilities will be billed through the Customer Services utility billing system. Other utilities paid by the City on behalf of the tenant, e.g. electricity or natural gas, will be invoiced to the tenant through the central accounts receivable system (JD Edwards). Electricity or natural gas charges may be established based on actual consumption, e.g. usage of a meter or by a reasonable amount established through appropriate financial analysis. Separate meters for measurement should not be established on City-owned or leased properties. The dollar amount of electric and natural gas charges must be included in the lease agreement (amendment) and should be subject to future modification based on appropriate methodologies, e.g. change in rate, etc. Contact Finance Customer Services for questions in this area, as well as ensuring that City accounts are transferred into the name of the tenant. 21. Applicability of Utilities — Check all that utilities that are affected and indicate provider (e.g. City of Kent).. Account Number or basis of exclusion. ❑ Does Not Apply ❑ Water: No services ❑ Sewer: No services ® Drainage: Paid by City ❑ Garbage: No services ® Electricity/Natural Gas: Puget Sound Energy Ensure that Finance Customer Services is properly notified to ensure City utility account, if any, is recorded into the name of the tenant if so established in the Agreement. Ensure all other applicable charges are properly invoiced to the tenant. SECTION 6 — MONETARY PENALTIES AND LATE INTEREST CHARGES: Lease agreement should contain provisions establishing penalties and must contain provisions establishing late interest charges. Late interest (also referred to as "finance charges") should be consistent with Chapter 3.10 of the Kent City Code, i.e. currently 1% of the amount of the unpaid balance or $2.00, whichever is greater, if not paid within 30 days from the due date. 22. Monetary Penalties: 5% of the monthly rent for any payment not paid within 5 calendar days of when due (30th of the month) 23. Late Interest: 2% per month on the amount outstanding if not when due (30th of the month) SECTION 7 — OTHER LEASE CONSIDERATIONS: Section 24 of the Lease Agreement establishes a rental rate of two times the rents specified for any holding over period after the expiration of the lease term. Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 4 of 4 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is entered into by and between the CITY OF KENT, Washington municipal corporation ("Landlord") and NEXTEL WEST CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, d/b/a Nextel Communications, with its principal office in Washington located at 10545 Willows Road NE, Suite 100, Redmond, Washington 98052 ("Tenant") BACKGROUND A Landlord is the owner in fee simple of a parcel of land located in the City of Kent, King County, Washington, legally described on the attached Exhibit A B Tenant is in the communications business and desires to lease a portion of the Landlord's property, legally described on the attached Exhibit B, together with a nonexclusive access easement, legally described on the attached Exhibit C C Accordingly, the parties are entering into this Lease on the terms and conditions set forth below AGREEMENT In consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties agree as follows 1 Leased Premises Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the real property legally described on the attached Exhibit B (the "Premises") together with a non- exclusive easement for ingress, egress and utilities over the adjacent real property legally described on the attached Exhibit C (the "Access Easement") The Land and the Access Easement are collectively referred to as the"Premises" This Lease is not a franchise nor is it a permit to use the City of Kent's rights-of-way Any such franchise or permit must be obtained separately from Landlord. 2. Term and Option to Renew This Lease shall commence on the earlier of (a) nine (9) months after the date of this Lease has been signed by both parties, or (b) the date Tenant commences construction of its improvements at the Premises (the "Commencement Date"), and end on the date that is one day before the five year anniversary of the Commencement Date Additionally, so long as Tenant is not in default of this Lease, Tenant shall have the option to renew this Lease for two (2) additional five (5) year periods subject to the adjustment of Monthly Rent as described in Section 3 Should Tenant exercise its option to renew this Lease, that option must be exercised in writing and delivered to Landlord at least ninety (90) calendar days before the end of the term. LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 1 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City ofKent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) 3. Rent a. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord as Monthly Rent, without notice or demand, the sum of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($1,300 00), plus leasehold tax, if required by law, at a rate established by the State of Washington, currently 12 84%, commencing on the Commencement Date Subsequently, the Monthly Rent shall be paid in advance, on or before the first day of the month during the term hereof Monthly Rent shall be mailed to City of Kent, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032, Attention Facilities Superintendent b. Tenant shall pay Landlord a late payment charge equal to five percent (5%) of the Monthly Rent for any payment not paid within five (5) calendar days of when due Any amounts not paid when due shall bear interest until paid at the rate of two percent (2%) per month C. The Monthly Rent during years two (2) through five (5) of each five (5) year term shall be increased effective as of each anniversary of the Commencement Date by an amount equal to the greater of four (4) percent or the percentage increase in the CPI over the CPI for the month 12 months prior to the adjustment date "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, U S City Average, All Items, issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the United States Department of Labor (1982-84 = 100) If the CPI is converted to a different standard reference base or otherwise revised, the adjustment set forth in this paragraph shall be made with the use of the conversion formula published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics d. The Monthly Rent during the first year of a renewal term will be adjusted to Market Rent As used herein, "Market Rent" means the rent paid for similar uses on similar properties in the greater Puget Sound area If Landlord and Tenant cannot agree upon Market Rent within thirty (30) days after Tenant presents its proposal for Market Rent, then the matter shall be settled by binding arbitration by a single arbitrator who has experience in telecommunications real estate leasing matters Tenant shall present its proposal for Market Rent when it exercises its option to renew the Lease The arbitration will be administered by JAMS if the parties have not otherwise agreed to use a different arbitrator or arbitration process Each party will submit to the arbitrator and each other at least ten (10) days in advance of the hearing their best offers of Market Rent The arbitrator shall award the Market Rent figure that is closest to the true Market Rent The costs of the arbitration shall be borne by the Tenant Each party will bear the cost of its own attorney's fees. e. Monthly Rent, and all other consideration to be paid or provided by Tenant to Landlord shall constitute Rent and shall be paid or provided without offset. 4. Use of Premises. a Tenant shall use the Premises for the purpose of co-locating, maintaining, replacing, removing, operating, and upgrading a wireless communications antenna on a pole currently existing on the Premises Tenant shall also use the Premises for the purpose of LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 2 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) constructing, maintaining, replacing, removing, operating, and upgrading related wireless communication ground equipment, support structures, and cables The antenna and related facilities shall collectively be referred to as the "Antenna Facilities" The Premises shall be used for no other purpose Tenant acknowledges that it must also negotiate for use of the existing pole with the owner of the pole b Tenant shall, at its expense, comply with all present and future federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations (including laws and ordinances relating to health, radio frequency emissions, other radiation and safety) in connection with the use, operation, maintenance, construction and/or installation of the Antennae Facilities and/or the Premises 5 Tenant Improvements, Plans, Bonds. a. (1) Tenant may improve the Premises by constructing a wireless communications antenna, and constructing related wireless communications ground equipment, support structures and cables Tenant is required, as part of this Lease, to complete all the items listed in Exhibit D Tenant is responsible to provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the items listed in Exhibit D Prior to commencing construction, Tenant shall submit plans and specifications drawn to scale for all improvements to Landlord for Landlord's written approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld No improvement, construction, installation or alteration shall be commenced until plans for such work have been approved by the Landlord and all necessary permits have been properly issued Landlord's Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department shall give such approval or provide Tenant with its requests for changes within thirty (30) working days of Landlord's receipt of Tenant's work plans The plan and specifications review schedule described above does not apply to the City of Kent acting as a governmental entity issuing permits and other approvals for the work Tenant is requesting to perform (2) All improvements shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner without the attachment of any liens to the Premises and shall be completed in compliance with all permits, applicable laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations If any lien is filed, such lien shall be removed from the Property within twenty (20) days b. (1) The Tenant shall remove the Antennae Facilities from the Premises upon termination of the Lease Such removal shall be done in a workmanlike and careful manner and without interference or damage to any other equipment, structures or operations on the Premises, including use of the Premises by Landlord or any of Landlord's assignees or lessees (2) Upon removal of the improvements (or portions thereof) as provided above in subpart (1), Tenant shall restore the affected area of the Premises, normal wear and tear excepted, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Landlord LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 3 of 15 WA0738 Rerth Road (Landlord Gty ofKent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) (3) All costs and expenses for the removal and restoration to be performed by Tenant pursuant to subparts (1) and (2) above shall be borne by Tenant, and Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from any portion thereof (4) If Tenant requests permission not to remove all or a portion of the improvements upon termination of this Lease per section 5 b(1), and Landlord consents to such non-removal, title to the affected improvements shall thereupon be transferred to Landlord and the same thereafter shall be the sole and entire property of Landlord, and Tenant shall be relieved of its duty to otherwise remove same All other alterations, improvements and structures located or constructed on the Premises (except for movable equipment and trade fixtures), shall become the property of Landlord upon termination of the Lease, except that Landlord may, by written notice to Tenant, require Tenant to remove all such improvements upon termination of the Lease. Any personal property, equipment, or other improvements which are not removed upon termination of this Lease shall become the property of Landlord, at Landlord's option C. Tenant shall annually post a bond (or, at Tenant's option, a letter of credit) from a surety or bank reasonably acceptable to Landlord, in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000 000) Landlord may use these funds at the termination of the Lease for removal of all improvements and repair of the Premises should Tenant not comply wit the requirements of this section. 6. Use by Other Providers a Tenant shall also design and construct all ancillary support facilities, including any support buildings, so that 1 (one) Other Provider will have an adequate amount of space to house their own support equipment 1 b. Tenant shall cooperate with each new Other Provider that Landlord leases to in connection with their locating and placing their antennas and other facilities on the Premises and in the ancillary support facilities C. Each new Other Provider shall be solely responsible for the cost of locating and placing their equipment on the Premises The Other Provider shall also be responsible for any liabilities that arise from the Other Provider's use of the Premises 7. Net Lease Landlord shall not be required to make any expenditures of any kind in connection with this Lease or to make any repairs or improvements to the Premises The parties agree that this is a net Lease intended to assure Landlord the rent reserved on an absolute net basis In addition to the Monthly Rent reserved above, Tenant shall pay to the parties entitled thereto all taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, maintenance charges, and any other direct charges, costs and expenses against the Premises which may be contemplated under any provisions of this Lease LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 4 of 15 WA0738 Reth Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Neztel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) 8. Maintenance. a. Tenant shall, at its own expense, maintain the Premises and all improvements, equipment and other personal property on the Premises in good working order, condition and repair Tenant shall keep the Premises free of debris and anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature or which would create a hazard or undue vibration, heat, noise or interference Tenant shall install, maintain, and replace, when necessary, all landscaping on the Premises required by City of Kent permits b. In the event the Landlord or any other Tenant undertakes painting, construction or other alterations on the Landlord's property described in Exhibit A, Tenant shall take reasonable measures, at Tenant's cost, to cover Tenant's equipment, personal property or Antennae Facilities and protect them from paint and debris fallout which may occur during the painting, construction or alteration process This requirement shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any claim Tenant may raise either against Landlord or any third party due to the Landlord or the third parties' negligence, so long as Tenant has taken reasonable measures to protect Tenant's equipment, property, and facilities as required above 9 Access Landlord and its agents shall have the right to enter the Premises at reasonable times to examine and inspect the Premises Tenant, Tenant's employees, agents and contractors shall have access to the Premises without notice to Landlord twenty-four(24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, at no charge. 10. Utilities Tenant shall, at its expense, separately meter charges for the consumption of electricity and other utilities associated with its use of the Premises and shall timely pay all costs associated therewith 11. License Fees Tenant shall pay, as they become due and payable, all fees, charges, taxes and expenses required for licenses and/or permits required for or occasioned by Tenant's use of the Premises 12. Approvals, Compliance with Laws Tenant's use of the Premises is contingent upon its obtaining all certificates, permits, zoning, and other approvals that may be required by any federal, state or local authority. Tenant shall erect, maintain and operate its Antennae Facilities in accordance with site standards, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect or that may be issued thereafter by the Federal Communications Commission or any other governing bodies. 13. Interference a. Tenant's installation, operation, and maintenance of its transmission facilities shall not damage or interfere in any way with Landlord's activities on the Premises. Tenant agrees to correct, within thirty (30) calendar days, all such actions which materially interfere with Landlord's use of the Premises Tenant agrees to promptly commence good faith efforts to cure interference upon actual notice of such interference If the interference cannot be LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 5 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord Gry ofKent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) corrected without Tenant's wireless signal coverage goals from the Premises being materially impacted, Tenant shall have the right to terminate the Lease. b Before approving the placement of Antennae Facilities, Landlord may obtain, at Tenant's expense, an interference study indicating whether Tenant's intended use will interfere with any existing communications facilities on the Premises. C. In the event an Other Provider requests a lease to place any type of antennae or transmission facility on the Premises, Landlord shall submit a proposal complete with all technical specifications reasonably requested by Tenant to Tenant for review for noninterference, however, Landlord shall not be required to provide Tenant with any specifications or information claimed to be of a proprietary nature by the third party The Other Provider shall be responsible for the reasonable cost of preparing the technical specifications for its proposed transmission facility Tenant shall have fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of said proposal to make any objections thereto, and failure to make any objection within said fifteen (15) calendar day period shall be deemed consent by Tenant to the installation of Antennae or transmission facilities pursuant to said proposal If Tenant gives notice of objection due to interference during such fifteen (15) calendar day period and Tenant's objections are verified by Landlord to be valid, then Landlord shall not proceed with such proposal unless the Other Provider modifies the proposal in a manner determined, in Landlord's reasonable judgment, to adequately eliminate reasonable interference concerns asserted by Tenant In that case, Landlord may proceed with the proposal In the event the Other Provider actually interferes with the operations of Tenant, Landlord shall make good faith efforts to have the Other Provider cease operation until the interference can be eliminated A governmental unit may be allowed to place Antennae or other communications facilities on the Premises as long as there is no interference with Tenant's use 14. Default. It shall be a default if; a Tenant defaults in the payment of Monthly Rent or any other sums payable to Landlord when due, and does not cure such default within fifteen (15) calendar days after written notice from Landlord b. Tenant abandons or vacates the Premises for a period longer than thirty (30) days. C. Tenant fails, at any time during this Lease (including optional renewal periods), to conform or comply with any local land use, regulatory, or building permit conditions issued by the City in connection with the construction, operation, or maintenance of Tenant's-facilities contemplated in this Lease d Tenant is adjudicated as bankrupt or makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors e. Tenant becomes insolvent; or LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 6 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) f. Either party defaults in the performance of any other covenant or condition of this Lease and does not cure such other default within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice from the non-defaulting party specifying the default at issue 15. Cure by Landlord In the event of any default of this Lease by Tenant, the Landlord may at any time, after notice, cure the default for the account of and at the expense of the Tenant If Landlord is compelled to pay or elects to pay any sum of money or to do any act which will require the payment of any sum of money or is compelled to incur any expense, including reasonable attorney fees in instituting, prosecuting or defending any action to enforce the Landlord's rights under this Lease, the sums so paid by Landlord, with all interest, costs and damages shall be deemed to be Additional Rent and shall be due from the Tenant to Landlord on the first day of the month following the incurring of the respective expenses If Tenant disputes the appropriateness of the Additional Rent in good faith, Tenant will pay such Additional Rent "under protest" Any payment under protest by Tenant shall not be considered an admission of liability or a waiver of Tenant's rights under this Agreement, and such payment shall be subject to refund if Tenant's position is upheld by a court 16. Optional Termination Except for instances of default as set forth in Section 14, this Lease may be terminated (a) by Tenant if it is unable to obtain or maintain any license, permit, or other governmental approval necessary for the construction and/or operation of the Antennae Facilities or Tenant's business, (b) by Landlord if the Landlord decides, in its sole discretion for any reason, to discontinue use of the Premises for city or public purposes, (c) by Landlord if it determines through verifiable scientific evidence that continued use of the Premises by Tenant is in fact a threat to health, safety or welfare, (d) by Landlord if Tenant's use of the Premises violates applicable laws or ordinances, or (e) by Landlord if Tenant loses its license to provide PCS/cellular service for any reason, including, but not limited to, non-renewal, expiration, or cancellation of its license. 17. Damages and Attorney's Fees In the event of an instance of Tenant's default as identified in Section 14 or Tenant's optional termination in Section 16, Landlord shall be entitled to the amount of unpaid rent accrued through the date of termination, and liquidated damages in the amount of six (6) months rent If it becomes necessary for the Landlord to use an attorney and/or bring suit for damages or possession, or if Tenant shall bring any action for any relief against Landlord, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall have and recover against the other party in addition to the cost allowed by law, such sum as the court may adjudge to be reasonable attorney's fees 18 Termination, Notice. Any notice of termination pursuant to Section 16 shall be given to the other party in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the termination date by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be effective no sooner than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of that notice 19. Damage or Destruction If Tenant's improvements or any portion thereof are destroyed or damaged so as to materially hinder effective use of the Premises through no fault or negligence of Tenant, Tenant may elect to terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) calendar days' written notice to Landlord In such event, Tenant shall promptly remove all improvement from LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 7 of 15 WA0738 Reah Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nwel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) the Premises as set forth in Section 5(b) above. This Lease (and Tenant's obligation to pay rent) shall terminate upon Tenant's fulfillment of the obligations set forth in the preceding sentence, at which termination Tenant shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any Monthly Rent prepaid by Tenant Landlord shall have no obligation to repair any damage to any portion of the Premises 20 Condemnation In the event the Premises are taken by eminent domain, this Lease shall terminate as of the date title to the Premises vests in the condemning authority In the event a portion of the Premises is taken by eminent domain, either party shall have the right to terminate this Lease as of said date of title transfer, by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party In the event of any taking under the power of eminent domain, Tenant shall not be entitled to any portion of the reward paid for the taking and the Landlord shall receive full amount of such award Tenant shall hereby expressly waive any right or claim to any portion of all damage awards, whether awarded as compensation for diminution in value of the leasehold or the fee of the Premises Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover from the condemning authority, but not from Landlord, such compensation as may be separately awarded or recoverable by Tenant on account of any and all damage to Tenant's business and any costs or expenses incurred by Tenant in moving/removing its equipment, personal property, Antennae Facilities, and leasehold improvements 21. Indemnity. a. Disclaimer of Liability Landlord shall not at any time be liable for injury or damage occurring to any person or property from any cause whatsoever arising out of Tenant's negligent construction, maintenance, repair, use, operation, condition or dismantling of the Premises, Tenant's Antennae Facilities, and any other improvements made by Tenant b Indemnification Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, indemnify and hold harmless Landlord and all associated, affiliated, allied and subsidiary entities of Landlord, now existing or hereinafter created, and their respective officers, boards, commissions, employees, agents, attorneys, and contractors (hereinafter referred to as "Indemnitees"), from and against (1) Any and all liability, obligation, damages, penalties, claims, liens, costs, charges, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses and consultants), which may be imposed upon, incurred by or be asserted against the Indemnitees by reason of any intentional or negligent act or omission of Tenant, its personnel, employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors, resulting in personal injury, bodily injury, sickness, disease or death to any person or damage to, loss of or destruction of tangible or intangible property, libel, slander, invasion of privacy and unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name, copyright, patent, service mark or any other right of any person, firm or corporation, which may arise out of or be in any way connected with the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, use or condition of Tenant's Antennae Facilities, Tenant's use of the Premises, Tenant's other improvements, or Tenant's failure to comply with any federal, state or local statute, ordinance or regulation LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 8 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) (2) Any and all liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, claims, liens, costs, charges, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses and other consultants), which are imposed upon, incurred by or asserted against the Indemnitees by reason of any claim or lien arising out of work, labor, materials or supplies provided by or supplied to Tenant, its contractors or subcontractors, for the installation, construction, operation, maintenance or use of the Premises, Tenant's Antennae Facilities, Tenant's other improvements Tenant shall cause such claim or lien covering Landlord's property to be discharged or bonded within twenty (20) days following Tenant's notice of the same. (3) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall not indemnity, defend or hold harmless Landlord for any liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, claims, liens, costs, charges, losses or expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses and other consultants), arising out of the Indemnitee's negligence or willful misconduct c Assumption of Risk Tenant undertakes and assumes for its officers, agents, affiliates, contractors and subcontractors and employees all risk of dangerous conditions, if any, on or about the Premises Tenant's assumption of risk shall not apply to any latent defects or other dangerous situation, if Landlord knows or should know that defect or situation to exist but has not disclosed that information to Tenant d Defense of Indemnitees In the event any action or proceeding shall be brought against the Indemnitees by reason of any matter for which the Indemmtees are indemnified hereunder, Tenant shall, upon notice from any of the Indemnitees, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, resist and defend the same, provided however, that Tenant shall not admit liability in any such matter on behalf of the Indemmtees without the written consent of Landlord and provided further that Indemnitees shall not admit liability for, nor enter into any compromise or settlement of, any claim for which they are indemnified hereunder, without the prior written consent of Tenant. e. Notice. Cooperation and Expenses: Landlord shall give Tenant prompt notice of the making of any claim or the commencement of any action, suit or other proceeding covered by the provisions of this Section 21, Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent Landlord from cooperating with Tenant and participating in the defense of any litigation by Landlord's attorney so long as the participation is coordinated with Tenant's attorney Tenant shall pay all expenses incurred by Landlord in response to any such actions, suits or proceedings. These expenses shall include all out-of-pocket expenses such as the reasonable value of any services rendered by the Landlord's attorney, the actual expenses of Landlord's agents, employees, or expert witnesses, and disbursements and liabilities assumed by Landlord in connection with such suits, actions or proceedings Provided, however, these expenses shall not include attorneys' fees for services that are unnecessarily duplicative of services provided Landlord by Tenant LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 9 of 15 WA0738 Retth Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) 22. Insurance. a. Type and Amount- During the term of the Lease, Tenant shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, in full force and effect and at its sole cost and expense, the following types and limits of insurance (1) Worker's Compensation insurance meeting applicable statutory requirements and employer's liability insurance with minimum limits of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for each accident (2) Comprehensive Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage The policy shall provide blanket contractual liability insurance for all written contracts, and shall include coverage for products and completed operations liability, independent contractor's liability, coverage for property damage from perils of explosion, collapse or damage to underground utilities, commonly known as XCU coverage (3) Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles in use by Tenant, its employees and agents, with personal protection insurance and property protection insurance to comply with the provisions of state law with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000 00) as the combined single limit for each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage (4) Excess Liability insurance with limits not less than Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000 00) per occurrence and in the aggregate (5) At the start of and during the period of any construction, builders all-risk insurance, together with an installation floater or equivalent property coverage covering cables, materials, machinery and supplies of any nature whatsoever which are to be used in or incidental to the installation of the Antennae Facilities Upon completion of the installation of the Antennae Facilities, Tenant shall substitute for the foregoing insurance policies of fire, extended coverage and vandalism and malicious mischief insurance on the Antennae Facilities. The amount of insurance at all times shall be representative of the insurable values installed or constructed (6) All policies other than those for Worker's Compensation shall be written on an occurrence and not on a claim made basis (7) The coverage amounts set forth above may be met by a combination of underlying and umbrella policies so long as in combination the limits equal or exceed those stated LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 10 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) b. Additional Insureds All policies, except for business interruption and worker's compensation policies, shall list Landlord and its officials, officers, employees, agents and assigns, as their respective interests may appear, as additional insureds (herein referred to as the "Additional Insureds") Each policy, which is to be endorsed to list Additional Insureds hereunder, shall contain cross-liability wording, as follows In the event of a claim being made hereunder by one insured for which another insured is or may be liable, then this policy shall cover such insured against whom a claim is or may be made in the same manner as if separate policies had been issued to each insured hereunder C. Evidence of Insurance• Certificates of insurance or self insurance for each insurance policy required to be obtained by Tenant in compliance with this Section, together with a copy of the endorsement listing the Landlord as additional insured shall be provided to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date Tenant shall also provide Landlord written evidence of payment of required premiums annually during the term of the Lease Tenant shall immediately advise Landlord of any claim or litigation that may result in liability to Landlord d Cancellation of Policies of Insurance All insurance policies maintained pursuant to this Lease shall contain the following endorsement At least sixty (60) days prior written notice shall be given to Landlord by the insurer of any intention (a) not to renew, (b) to cancel or (c) to materially alter this insurance policy Such notice shall be given by registered mail to the Landlord. e Insurance Companies. All insurance shall be effected under valid and enforceable policies, insured by insurers licensed to do business by the State of Washington or surplus line carriers on the State of Washington Insurance Commissioner's approved list of companies qualified to do business in the State of Washington All insurance carriers and surplus line carriers shall be rated B+ (XIII) or better by A M Best Company f Deductibles- Any PY payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Tenant g. Contractors Tenant shall require that each and every one of its contractors and their subcontractors who perform work on the Premises carry, in full force and effect, workers' compensation, comprehensive public liability and automobile liability insurance coverage of the type which Tenant is required to obtain under the terms of this paragraph with appropriate limits of insurance h Review of Limits Once during each calendar year during the term of this Lease, Landlord may review the insurance coverage to be carried by Tenant If Landlord reasonably determines that higher limits of coverage are necessary to protect the interests of LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page t 1 of 15 WA0738Reth Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) Landlord or the Additional Insureds, Tenant shall be so notified and shall obtain the additional limits of insurance, at its sole cost and expense 23. Hazardous Substance Indemnification. Tenant represents and warrants that its use of the Premises herein will not generate any hazardous substance, and it will not negligently or intentionally store or dispose on the Premises nor transport to or over the Premises any hazardous substance in violation of any federal or state law. Tenant further agrees to hold Landlord harmless from and indemnify Landlord against any release of any such hazardous substance and any damage, loss, or expense or liability resulting from such release including all attorneys' fees, costs and penalties incurred as a result thereof except any release caused by the negligence of Landlord, its employees or agents Similarly, Landlord warrants that the Premises are free of any hazardous substances and agrees to indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from the Landlord's negligent or intentional introduction of any hazardous substance by Landlord "Hazardous substance" shall be interpreted broadly to mean any substance or material defined or designated as hazardous or toxic waste, hazardous or toxic material, hazardous or toxic or radioactive substance, or other similar term by any federal, state or local environmental law, regulation or rule presently in effect or promulgated in the future, as such laws, regulations or rules may be amended from time to time, and it shall be interpreted to include, but not be limited to, any substance which after release into the environment will or may reasonably be anticipated to cause sickness, death or disease. 24. Holding Over. Any holding over after the expiration of the term hereof, with the consent of the Landlord, shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month and Monthly Rent shall be paid by Tenant at two times the rents herein specified and shall otherwise be on the terms and conditions herein specified, so far as applicable 25 Subordination to Mortgage Any mortgage now or subsequently placed upon any property of which the Premises are a part shall be deemed to be prior in time and senior to the rights of the Tenant under this Lease Tenant subordinate all of its interest in the leasehold estate created by this Lease to the lien of any such mortgage Tenant shall, at Landlord's request, execute any additional documents necessary to indicate this subordination within ten (10) days of written request by Landlord 26 Acceptance of Premises With the exception of latent defects and any hazardous substance contamination existing prior to the Commencement Date, by taking possession of the Premises, Tenant accepts the Premises in the condition existing as of the Commencement Date Landlord makes no representation or warranty with respect to the condition of the Premises 27. Estoppel Certificate Tenant shall, at any time and from time to time upon not less than thirty (30) days prior request by Landlord, deliver to Landlord a statement in writing certifying that (a) the Lease is unmodified and in full force (or if there have been modifications, that the Lease is in full force as modified and identify the modifications), (b) the dates to which rent and other charges have been paid, (c) so far as the person making the certificate knows, Landlord is not in default under any provisions of the Lease, and (d) such other matters as Landlord may reasonably request. LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 12 of B WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) 28 Notices All notices, requests, demands, and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses If to Landlord, to: Facilities Manager City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 With a copy to: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 If to Tenant, to: Nextel West Corporation 1255 Treat Blvd , Suite 800 Walnut Creek, CA 94597-7982 Attn Property Services (925) 279-2300 With a copy to: Nextel Communications, Inc. 2001 Edmund Halley Drive Reston, VA 20191-3436 Attn Regional Legal Services, Contracts Manager 29. Assignment and Subletting a. Tenant shall not sublet all or any part of the Premises. Tenant shall not assign its interest in this Lease without Landlord's prior written consent Consent by Landlord to any assignment shall not constitute a waiver of the necessity of such consent to any subsequent assignment This prohibition against any assignment or subletting shall be construed to include a prohibition against any subletting or assignment by operation of law If this Lease is assigned, Landlord may collect rent from the assignee, and apply the net amount collected to the rent and other obligations of Tenant hereunder reserved Consent by Landlord to an assignment shall not be deemed a waiver or release of Tenant from the further performance by Tenant of the covenants on the part of Tenant hereunder contained. b If Tenant is a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company, and if the control thereof changes at any time during the term of this Lease, then Landlord at its option may, by giving ten (10) days prior written notice to Tenant, declare such change a breach of this section unless Landlord has previously approved in writing the new controlling party. LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 13 of 15 WA0738 Ruth Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) C. Any person or entity to which this Lease is assigned pursuant to the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 USC §101, et seq., shall be deemed without further act to have assumed all of the obligations of Tenant arising under this Lease on and after the date of such assignment Any such assignee shall upon demand execute and deliver to Landlord an instrument confirming such assumption Any monies or other considerations payable or otherwise to be delivered in connection with such assignment shall be paid to Landlord, shall be the exclusive property of Landlord, and shall not constitute property of the Tenant or of the estate of Tenant within the meaning of the Bankruptcy Code Any monies or other considerations constituting Landlord' s property under the preceding sentence not paid or delivered to Landlord shall be held in trust for the benefit of Landlord and be promptly paid to Landlord d Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Tenant shall have the right to assign this Lease to any of Tenant's partners or affiliates 30 Other Leases Nothing in this Lease shall preclude Landlord from leasing other space for communications equipment to any person or entity who may be in competition with Tenant, or any other party 31 Successors and Assigns This Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors, personal representatives and assigns 32. Non-Waiver Failure of Landlord to insist on strict performance of any of the conditions, covenants, terms or provisions of this Lease or to exercise any of its rights hereunder shall not waive such rights, but Landlord shall have the rights to enforce such rights at any time and take such action as might be lawful or authorized hereunder, either in law or equity The receipt of any sum paid by Tenant to Landlord after a breach of this Lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach unless expressly set forth in writing 33. Taxes a Tenant shall pay all real and personal property taxes (or payments in lieu of taxes) and assessments for the Premises that are directly the result of Tenant's communication equipment, if any, which become due and payable during the term of this Lease. All such payments shall be made, and evidence of all such payments shall be provided to Landlord, at least ten (10) days prior to the delinquency date of the payment Tenant shall pay all taxes on its personal property on the Premises b. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord from any and all liability, obligation, damages, penalties, claims, liens, costs, charges, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses and consultants), which may be imposed upon, incurred by or be asserted against Tenant in relation to the taxes owed or assessed on Tenant's Property on the Premises LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 14 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) c If the methods of taxation in effect at the Commencement Date of the Lease are altered so that in lieu of or as a substitute for any portion of the property taxes and special assessments now imposed on property there is imposed a tax upon or against the rentals payable by Tenant to Landlord, Tenant shall pay those amounts in the same manner as provided for the payment of real and personal property taxes 34. Miscellaneous a. Landlord and Tenant represent that each, respectively, has full right, power, and authority to execute this Lease b This Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all offers, negotiations, and other agreements of any kind There are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any modification of or amendment to this Lease must be in writing and executed by both parties. C. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington Venue and jurisdiction of any lawsuit arising out of the performance or obligations of this lease shall be in the King County Superior Court, Kent Regional Justice Center, Kent, Washington d. If any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect THIS LEASE IS EXECUTED and shall become effective on the last date indicated below. LANDLORD: TENANT: CITY 9F KENT NEXTEL WEST CORPORATION By Pri amp p�(�rNki (QAh��fl✓ Print Name Mary Murdoch Its Mayor r vv 4-�" Its k2;e 7a e, G2�YF/o s+�v7Ti1��4*vW DATE DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: 1.a I c/ '/A� ✓— t M De artment BRENDA JACOBER, KENT CITY CLERK P 1CrvilTILESOpenFiles10861W"teE.ease-WestFenvnckPark030606FHW doe LEASE AGREEMENT AT WEST FENWICK PARK—Page 15 of 15 WA0738 Reith Road (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) (March 6,2006) EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDLORD'S PROPERTY The land r!'fFvm-- tCS I'l m i-6L .8e1+-e-i� .n thc� State o'* 'W''Zt`h3nt '- I- as; tz4aiv`u�s: 'rlm ca2t ha.i of the n;vrtyy ttiki,el.. gkiarter ?S. the more I".wes: qvw tee" :yf*44'l.s'D31 2,?, 1`ownship 2:, Pa£awth, d F; w ii "'+` «f. wing '--ts:nty, was'1.i.ngt-Iln; TIvO-I NER W:TF, tha", 3"ivrtkm of Ow a enA half of ti"E £lt}t:,tlf3ehR>i, £ilEdS i.r«E :> not to+rtE.£ Y: y ► s£€,r r rsF ..j A( it t i <i'., :V s r+g fld4r4 Ci w >Ax �aikY.f'� �1w . i �,. , e o t Y n ocsr«rn of the r`,�'w`Thr r_y ,c �.�j .]j AiZ �Je .*iv`n• �Y�t«�W 1�44«1M'7 N,LLe A 4� ti43 Y'St:.:7 t4` zed?"3&.1 %'lLyeY�i ;£OG88. ist taIm '€va= A Of vAnd.€ail; V'Irk nivzs�ion NcvbEx r ?, at-.nsrttirtrd to the € iat ht rof+�f re-nrnt-ai ,°a vvx k, x• lvty of rla-a, pa*4es ?A m.'-I e14. cc Y.�-. is f`e^ILa'3' X, W4.* f:.13'�q-O X. Situated in the County of King, State of Washington LEASE AGREEMENT—EMBIT A (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel;f'estCorporabon) EXHIBIT B THAT POR T I+. N OF ME EAST IDLE' OF 'I':3E NOR`1"HI'.,AST QUARTER OF F.iU�,IGE 4 EAST, W.M, XINNz COUNQT`.i, i4ASHIIIGT N. LYTNG SOUTHERLY OF THE REITH ROAD T)H80V1 i3ED AS FOLLOWS GtMMM-13GINrG A'I' A E'C3tJ'ttiD E" BRASS DISK t✓ TM4 PUNCH IN C.Y48E, t3OWN 0.3 '-?URT AT `1,qR 1N'1c3I"i'SEr- I',.0N OF 42)ND A's7M,£tUE SOUTH WITH I2i:>.LTH ROAD; 1131 t,E ALONG A LINE BETWEEN S. M-, FOUNT, 2 ' DISK K 1'JQ : A FG .M 1/8" BRASS PINT N CONCRETE IN CAGE, IGWN 0 .7 FdRT Al Y ? F Jtl ' 3TC O Ot2ND AVEN4« COUT 6 Th .`.)%.UTH 2161ST STREET WHICH LIES zSC'UTI-1 04°14' 54j' EAST A DISTAWCa OF 470-54 FEET FROM SAID FCiJN.'.: 2" BRASS DISK, VITEiICE SOI. M 04`14 ' 54" EAST It L)IST'MdCE OF 45 ,33 FEET; TFENCE: NORTH 73009,130" 16E°sa', A DIw7`,L"ANC'B OF 53 . 94 FE T; THENCE SOUTH 74056' 12m WEST, A DTSI3ANC8 OF 61. 93 Y :-.e` , 'LHENCE SOUT I'S,`03`4Tl" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 22 .5o reEn. THENCE NORTH 74°56'120 EAST, A DIS'1T?NC 7-, OF 5.00 FEET?- T(' A L>:)= ON THE WESTERLY <•".,INTE r)F A E'ftopu ,,Eu 1:,Qtip.mEI` r :uBA>SF, AREA, S 4To POINT T-IrF*EMAF"TER REFERRED TO AS POINT T° ,.A„ ; THENCE SOUTH 15003'48" FAST, A DISTANCE OF 7 .50 FEET TO ITT S 'TRITE ROTN4`T'' OF BEGINNING, 'IIRMCE N4OPTH 74056' 12" EAST, A DID RT�C'E OF 20 . 00 T*..3' THE SIOUTHEASTF:.I?LY CORNER OF THIS T3R£3POS"ED LEASE AREA, SAID CORNER HEREINAFTER t?EFERRET3 TO AS POINT. „3" ` LRDCE iX3RTH 15` 03'48" WEST , A :ISCl 1CL OF 15 . 00 TFE'r. dYFt E SOUTH 456' 12n WEST, A ✓IST'A.ItCE: C:°r' 20 .00 E'T?T;T S1*'kAar'.TT SOUTH IS"03 '4S" FAST, A DTS'TIMC'.E Or 15 . 0() pE'I ': TO "kI3E TRIJI,14 POINT OF BEGINNING. LEASE AGREEMENT-Exhibit"B" (Landlord City of Kent. Tenant Nextel West Corporation) EXHIBIT C ACCESS EASEMENT 'ITd'1OM,xYzER WITH R TEN FOOT WIDE AC'...es s I"ASt%MIvvT LYING 5.00 FEET ON BAC"il SIDE ESP THi, FOLLOWING DEESCRIEEL F..ASEMEaN`1" CI EN'I ERL I NE FiI.7{,1 NNING AT THE HEREIN ABOVE DESCR IS811: POINT 'A' , THENCE SC7 '-H 74"56` 12" K ST , A DIS2X!= CYR5. 00 . 00 FEET; " P-ICS XOPTH lbe'03'18 WEST ; A DISULN :E /F 22 .50 FEET; t�-11:MCF. NOR'-'!I n 5_^1 'j j} Y V t ''pp 'SIy S:•X D Cf 1 rF M E7'f 4�1F}EN E 'O T'i 7` :�L� .Lu ..A4I, ti lJl�:Hi�l.?'> ��C ��. 93 ..N.GT 3.E3.G`.L'l;J:, v�.I..11?:: 73*09'30 EAST/ DI.STAN E OF 23. 0' MORE OR LESS TO THE WEST 'IlR Y A4ARGIN OF 42' AVE. S. AIa THE '17RM7NfJs' CJ' SAID Fs,AS--.ML.NT C!N,9 i!iRI,Ii.NL. EXCEPT ROADS. LEASE AGREEMENT—Exlubit"C" (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) EXHIBIT D SCOPE OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY NEXTEL WEST CORPORATION Installation of a wireless communications facility at West Fenwick Park A lease area of 20'x15' will be constructed west of the existing Puget Sound Energy pole in a secured and landscaped compound which will house the radio equipment necessary to operate the facility No construction shall begin until all construction drawings are approved by City of Kent Parks Department All construction shall be timed to avoid interference with the City of Kent Parks Department's programming of the Property A construction schedule shall be submtitted, by Nextel West Corporation, and approved, by City of Kent Parks Department prior to construction A preconstruction meeting shall occur prior to the start of construction The General Contractor's attendance at this meeting is manditory. LEASE AGREEMENT—Exhibit"D" (Landlord City of Kent, Tenant Nextel West Corporation) DATE MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE 06/OS/2006 THIS MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE IS FOR AUTHORIZED VIEWERS ONLY. USE, DUPLICATION OR ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT,WITHOUT THE SPECIFIC WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE INSURED, IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED THIS MEMORANDUM IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT EXTEND, ALTER OR AMMEND THE COVERAGE NOTED OR CONFER RIGHTS UPON ANY VIEWER OR OTHER PARTY.COVERAGE DESCRIBED BELOW IS AS OF THE ABOVE DATE PRODUCER Lockton Companies 444 W 47th Street,Suite 900 Kansas City MG 64112-1906 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (816)960-9000 INSURED COMPANY A CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO- A XV 1064141 Sprint Nextel Corporation 6480 Sprint Pkwy,,M0516.5B725 COMPANY B GREAT AMERICAN ASSURANCE CO A XIV Overland Park KS 66251 COMPANY c AMERICAN CASUALTY CO OF READING,PA COMPANY D TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE CO A XV COMPANY E COVERAGES DE THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS ANDCONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS CoPOLIC TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE DATE A TIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE f 2 000 000 A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GL 20 7959 3819 08/12/2005 04/01/2008 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one lire f XXXXXXX OCCURENCE CONTRACTUAL MED EXP JAnV onePerson) f XXXXXXX 'TENANTS LEGAL LAB PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY f 2,000,000 GEN'L AGG LIMIT APPLIES PER POLICY GENERAL AGGREGATE f 10,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 3,000 000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A ANY AUTO BUA 20 7959 3836 08/12/2005 04/01/2008 oMD SINGLE LIMY £ 2,000,000 Ea accident) GARAGE KEEPERS LIAB BODILY INJURY f XXXXXXX (Per person) BODILY INJURY £ XXXXXXX (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE f XXXXXXX (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY ACCIDENT £ XXXXXXX NOT APPLICABLE OTHERTHAN EA ACC $ XXXXXXX AUTO ONLY AGG $ XXXXXXX EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE f 10,000,000 B OCCURENCE UMB9251592 04/01/2006 04/01/2007 AGGREGATE f 10,000,000 £ XXXXXXX XXXXXXX £ XXXXXXX C WORKERS COMPENSATIOW WC 20 7959 3786(ADS) 02/01n006 04/01/2008 WORKERS COMP LIMITS STATUTORY D EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY WC 207959 3772(AZ,OR,WI) 02/01/2006 04/01/2008 E L EACH ACCIDENT f 1 000,000 C WC 7959 3805(CA) 02/01/2006 04/01/2008 E L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE £ 1 000 000 C N/A IN MONOPOLISTIC STATE,' E L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT I£ 1,000,000 NOT APPLICABLE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION *FIRE DAMAGE IS INCLUDED IN BROADER TENANT LEGAL LIABILITYFORM WITH LIMITS OF$1,000,OW PER OCCURRENCE THE GENERAL LIABILITYIS SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS PER ATTACHED THE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITYIS SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS PER ATTACHED The General Liability is subject to the following provisions- ADDITIONAL INSURED-LESSOR OF LEASED EQUIPMENT-AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ISO Form CG 20 34 03 97(To view this form,see Endorsement P6-attached page 5) ADDITIONAL INSURED-VENDORS ISO Form CG 20 15 11 88 (To view this form,see Endorsement P7-attached page 6) ADDITIONAL INSURED-STATE OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS- PERMITS ISO Form CG 20 12 07 98 (To view this form, see Endorsement P5-attached page 7) ADDITIONAL INSURED-MANAGERS OR LESSORS OF PREMISES ISO Form CG 20 11 01 96 (To view this form, see Endorsement P23-attached page 8) ADDITIONAL INSURED-OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS-SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ISO Form CG 20 10 10 01 (To view this form, see Endorsement P8-attached page 9) AUTOMATIC ADDITIONAL INSURED: (To view this form, see Endorsement JJ-attached page 10) BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION (To view this form, see Endorsement"S"-attached page 11) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Automobile Liability is subject to the following provisions: ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS UNDER THE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY POLICY (To view this form,see Endorsement"U"-attached page 12) BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION UNDER THE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (To view this form, see Endorsement"Q"-attached page 13) Page 2 MUM THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AMENDMENT-NAMED INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART The first Named Insured as shown in Item 1 Declarations is amended to Sprint-Nextel Corporation(See Endorsement Q. Wherever"Sprint Corporation" appears in the policy, as endorsed,that phrase is amended to read"Sprint- Nextel Corporation" This endorsement,which forms apart of and is for attachment to the following described policy issued by the company designated thenn,takes effect on the effective date of said policy,unless another effective date is shown below,at the hour stated in said policy and expires concurrently with said policy Must Be Completed Completed Only When This Endorsement Is Not Prepared with the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy ENDT. NO. POLICY NO. ISSUED TO EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ENDORSEMENT KK GL 2079593819 08/12/2005 Page 3 M68771 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AMENDMENT-NAMED INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following- BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE PART The first Named Insured as shown in Item 1. Declarations is amended to Sprint-Nextel Corporation(See Endorsement E) Wherever"Sprint Corporation"appears in the policy, as endorsed,that phrase Is amended to read"Sprint- , Nextel Corporation" This endorsement,which forms a part of and is for attachment to the following described policy issued by the company designated therm,takes effect on the effective date of said policy,unless another effective date is shown below,at the hour stated in said policy and expires concurrently with said policy Must Be Completed Completed Only When This Endorsement Is Not Prepared with the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy ENDT. NO. POLICY NO. ISSUED TO: EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ENDORSEMENT X BUA 2079593836 08/12/2005 Page 4 MUM POLICY NUMBER: GL 2079593819 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENDT.NO. P6 CG 20 34 03 97 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - LESSOR OF LEASED EQUIPMENT - AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH YOU This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART A.Who Is An Insured(Section II)is amended to include as an insured any person or organization from whom you lease equipment when you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contractor agreement that such person or organization be added as an additional insured on your policy. Such person or organization is an insured only with respect to their liability arising out of the maintenance, operation or use by you of equipment leased to you by such person or organization A person's or organization's status as an insured under this endorsement ends when their contract or agreement with you for such leased equipment ends B.With respect to the insurance afforded these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply. This insurance does not apply: 1. To any'occurence"which takes place after the equipment lease expires; 2. To "bodily injury"or "property damage"ansmg out of the sole negligence of such person or organization. Page 5 M68687 I POLICY NUMBER GL 2079593819 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENDT. NO.P7 CG 20 15 11 88 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - VENDORS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization(Vendor): Your Products: "ALL VENDORS"AND"ALL PRODUCTS OF SPRINT CORPORATION AND ENTITIES AS DEFINED AS A NAMED INSURED" (if no entry appears above,information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to thus endorsement) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured any person or organization (referred to below as vendor) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to'bodily injury"or"property damage" arising out of "your products"shown in the Schedule which are distributed or sold in the regular course of the vendor's business, subject to the following additional exclusions 1 The Insurance afforded the vendor does not apply to. a "Bodily injury" or"property damage"for which the vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that the vendor would have in the absence of the contract or agreement, to Any express warranty unauthorized by you; c.Any physical or chemical change in the product made intentionally by the vendor, d Repackaging, unless unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original container; e.Any failure to make such inspections, adjustments,tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products; f. Demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operations, except such operations performed at the vendor's premises in connection with the sale of the product, g. Products which,after distribution or sale by you, have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor 2.This insurance does not apply to any insured person or organization,from whom you have acquired such products, or any ingredient, part or container, entering into, accompanying or containing such products. Page 6 CG 20 15 11 88 M68661 POLICY NUMBER: GL2 0795 93 81 9 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENDT. NO. P5 CG 2012 07 98 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED- STATE OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS-PERMITS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following- COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART REFER TO ADDITIONAL INSURED SCHEDULE SCHEDULE STATE OR POLICTICAL SUBDIVISION: IF ANY (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) Section II --Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any state or political subdivision shown in the Schedule,subject to the following provisions. 1. This insurance applies only with respect to operations performed by you or on your behalf for which the state or political subdivision has issued a permit 2 This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily Injury," "Property Damage"or" Personal and Advertising Injury"arising out of operations performed for the state or municipality,or b. "Bodily Injury" or"Property Damage" included within the"products-completed operation hazard". it Page 7 M68662 POLICY NUMBER GL 2079593819 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENDT.NO.P23 CG 20 11 01 96 THIS ENDORESEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED - MANAGERS OR LESSORS OF PREMISES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE 1. Designation of Premises(Part Leased to You) IF ANY 2. Name of Person or Organization (Additional Insured) IF ANY 3. Additional Premium; INCLUDED (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II is amended to This insurance does not apply to: include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule but only with respect to 1 Any'occurrence"which takes place after liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance you cease to be a tenant in that premises. or use of that part of the premises leased to you and shown in the Schedule and subject to the 2 Structural alterations, new construction following additional exclusions or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the person or organization shown in the Schedule Page 8 CG 2011 1185 I M68866 POLICY NUMBER: GL 2079593819 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENDT.NO. P8 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS- SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE NAME OF PERSON OR ORGANIZATION: "ALL PREMISES AND/OR ORGANIZATIONS FOR WHOM ADDITION AS ADDITIONAL INSURED USING THIS FORM IS SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT". (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement) A. Section 11-Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of your ongoing operations performed for that insured B.With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds,the following exclusion is added: 2. Exclusions This insurance does not apply to"bodily injury"or"property damage" occurring after: (1)All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project(other than service, maintenance or repairs)to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s)at the site of the covered operations has been completed, or (2)That portion of"your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. Page 9 M68709 ENDORSEMENTJJ AUTOMATIC ADDITIONAL INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Only as respects any Nextel Corporation or any Nextel Corporation subsidiary contract,the following provision is added to Who Is An Insured(SECTION II) A.Any entity you are required in a written "insured contract"to name as an insured (hereinafter"additional insured") is an insured but only with respect to liability arising out of your premises, "your work"for the "additional insured", or acts or ommissions of the"additional insured"in connection with the general supervision of'your work"to the extent set forth below 1.The limits of insurance provided on behalf of the "additional insured"are not greater than those required by such contract 2.The coverage provided to the "additional insured(s)" is not greater than that customarily provided by the policy forms specified in and required by the contract. 3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a. All insuring agreements,exclusions, conditions and other terms of the policy apply; and b. In no event shall the coverages or limits of insurance of the policy be increased by such contract B.The insurance afforded by this endorsement does not apply: a. Unless required by the written "insured contract",to"bodily injury"or"property damage" included within the "products-completed operations hazard" b.To "bodily injury" or"property damage"arising out of any act or omission of the"additional insured(s)"or any of their employees,other than the general supervision of work performed for the "additional insured(s)" by you c.To "property damage"to: (1) Property owned, used or occupied by, or rented to the "additional insured(s)"; (2) Property in the care, custody or control of the"additional insured(s)"or property for which the"additional insured(s)" is for any purpose excercising physical control;or (3)"Your work"for the "additional insured(s)". C.Any coverage provided hereunder shall be excess over any valid and collectible insurance available to the"additional insured(s)" whether primary, excess,contingent or any other basis unless an "insured contract" requires that this insurance be primary or you request that it apply on a primary basis. This endorsement is part of your policy and takes effect on the effective date of your policy, unless another effective date is shown below. Must be completed Completed Only When This Endorsement Is Not Prepared With the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy ENDT. NO . POLICY NO. ISSUED T0: EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ENDORSEMENT JJ G L 2079593819 08/12/2005 Page 10 M68676 ENDORSEMENTS TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNDER THE FOLLOWING: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM CG 0001(10-01) SECTION IV-COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS PARAGRAPH 8-TRANSFER OF RIGHT OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US IS AMENDED TO READ IF THE INSURED HAS RIGHTS TO RECOVER ALL OR PART OF ANY PAYMENT WE HAVE MADE UNDER THIS COVERAGE PART, THOSE RIGHTS ARE TRANSFERRED TO US THE INSURED MUST DO NOTHING AFTER THE LOSS TO IMPAIR THEM AT OUR REQUEST, THE INSURED WILL BRING "SUIT'OR TRANSFER THOSE RIGHTS TO US AND HELP US ENFORCE THEM. WE WAVE OUR RIGHTS TO RECOVER ALL OR PART OF ANY PAYMENTS WE HAVE MADE WHENEVER THE INSURED IS REQUIRED BY CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE SUCH WAIVER. This endorsement is part of your policy and takes effect on the effective date of your policy, unless another effective date is shown below. Must be Completed Completed Only When This Endorsement Is Not Prepared With the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy ENDT. NO. POLICY NO. ISSUED TO EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS S GL2079593819 EN08 2/2E 05NT Page 11 rsecei ENDORSEMENT U DEFINITION OF INSURED CONTRACT THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNDER THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM CA 00 01 1001 SECTION II- LIABILITY COVERAGE PARAGRAPHA COVERAGE SUBPARAGRAPH 1. WHO IS AN INSURED IS AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: d THE WORD"INSURED"INCLUDED ANY OTHER PERSON OR ORGANIZATION PROVIDED THAT YOU ARE OBLIGATED BY VIRTUE OF ANY WRITTEN AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT TO PROVIDE INSURANCE SUCH AS IS AFFORDED BYTHIS POLICY, BUT ONLY AS RESPECTS OPERATIONS BY YOU OR ON YOUR BEHALF, INCLUDUNG THE OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE, OR USE OF A COVERED"AUTO"BY YOU. This endorsement is part of your policy and takes effect on the effective date of your policy, unless another effective date is shown below Must be Completed Completed Only When This Endorsement Is Not Prepared With the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy ENDT NO POLICY NO. ISSUED TO EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ENDORSEMENT U BUA 2079593836 08/12/2005 Page 12 M68669 ENDORSEMENT Q TRANSFERS RIGHTS OF RECOVERY THE ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNDER THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM CA 00 01 1001 SECTION IV-BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS PARAGRAPH A. LOSS CONDITIONS SUBPARAGRAPH 5.TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS IF ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION TO OR FOR WHOM WE MAKE PAYMENT UNDER THIS COVERAGE FORM HAS RIGHTS TO RECOVER DAMAGES FROM ANOTHER, THOSE RIGHTS ARE TRANSFERRED TO US.THAT PERSON OR ORGANIZATION MUST DO EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO SECURE OUR RIGHTS AND MUST DO NOTHING AFTER "ACCIDENT'OR "LOSS'TO IMPAIR THEM HOWEVER, WE WAIVE OUR RIGHTS TO RECOVER ALL OR PART OF ANY PAYMENTS WE HAVE MADE WHENEVER THE 'INSURED" IS REQUIRED BY CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE SUCH WAIVER. This endorsement is part of your policy and takes effect on the effect date of your policy, unless another effective date is shown below Must be Completed Completed Only When This Endorsement Is Not Prepared With the Policy Or Is Not to be Effective with the Policy ENDT. NO. POLICY NO. ISSUED TO EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ENDORSEMENT Q BUA 2079593836 08/12/2005 Page 13 M886&4 Sprint Sprint Nextel 10545 Willows Rd NE,Suite 100 Together with NEXTEL Redmond,WA98052 July 24, 2006 VIA COURIER - FEDERAL EXPRESS Tracking k 7900 0950 1667 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 Attention Facilities Manager �E: commencement Nextel Site Reference: WA0738-A-Reith Road Landlord Site Reference: West Fenwick Park Property Address: 42 Ave S & Reith Road, Kent,WA 98032 Parcel #272204-9005-05 Dear Sir/Madam: Nextel hereby provides notice that pursuant to the provisions of the Communications Site Lease Agreement [the "Agreement"], dated Wednesday, June 21, 2006, between CITY OF KENT, Washington municipal corporation, as Landlord, and NEXTEL WEST CORP , a Delaware corporation, d/b/a NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS, as Tenant, the Agreement will commence upon Start of Construction or on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Accordingly the commencement date shall be Friday,June 30,2006 Enclosed you will find the following- 1 Two(2)Commencement Letters. Please acknowledge your receipt of this package by signing both letters and returning one original in the enclosed self-addressed envelope for our records Please retain the second original for your records 2 A Landlord Contact Information Sheet Please complete this form and return in the enclosed self-addressed envelope 3 A Nextel Contact Information Sheet, containing helpful information for contacting Nextel Please retain for your records 4 A Copy of the Memorandum of Insurance Please retain for your records 5 An RF Awareness Letter,containing helpful information on radio frequency safety. Please retain for your records Pursuant to the Agreement, you should receive your first rent check within 15 business days of commencement Please be advised that Nextel uses an automated recurring payment system,therefore, monthly invoices will not be required Please feel free to contact me regarding any issues concerning the Agreement. You may reach me by phone at (425)278-2186 or via email at sabrina lancaster@sprint com When communicating with our office, please refer to the Nextel site reference number(WA0738-A-Reath Road) We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, Acknowledged,Agreed and Accepted Nextel West Corp By —�� Title* Sabrina Lancaster West Region Real Estate Date* Enclosures cc Site File City of Kent,220 Fourth Avenue South,Kent,WA 98032 Attn City Clerk Please sign as Acknowledged,Agreed and Accepted,and return this copy for our records. r i 5 rint Nextel Sprint p 10545 Willows Rd NE,Suite 100 Together with NEXTEL Redmond,WA98052 July 24, 2006 VIA COURIER - FEDERAL EXPRESS Tracking#790D 0950 1667 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 Attention, Facilities Manager RE: Commencement Nextel Site Reference: WA0738-A-Reath Road Landlord Site Reference: West Fenwick Park Property Address: 42 Ave S & Reith Road, Kent,WA 98032 Parcel # 272204-9005-05 Dear Sir/Madam. Nextel hereby provides notice that pursuant to the provisions of the Communications Site Lease Agreement [the Agreement"], dated Wednesday, June 21, 2006, between CITY OF KENT, Washington municipal corporation, as Landlord, and NEXTEL WEST CORP , a Delaware corporation, d/b/a NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS, as Tenant, the Agreement will commence upon Start of Construction or on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Accordingly the commencement date shall be Friday,June 30,2006 Enclosed you will find the following 1. Two(2) Commencement Letters Please acknowledge your receipt of this package by signing both letters and returning one original in the enclosed self-addressed envelope for our records Please retain the second original for your records 2. A Landlord Contact Information Sheet Please complete this form and return in the enclosed self-addressed envelope 3 A Nextel Contact Information Sheet,containing helpful information for contacting Nextel Please retain for your records 4. A Copy of the Memorandum of Insurance. Please retain for your records 5 An RF Awareness Letter,containing helpful information on radio frequency safety Please retain for your records Pursuant to the Agreement, you should receive your first rent check within 15 business days of commencement Please be advised that Nextel uses an automated recurring payment system,therefore, monthly invoices will not be required Please feel free to contact me regarding any issues concerning the Agreement You may reach me by phone at (425)278-2186 or via email at sabrina lancaster@sprint com When communicating with our office, please refer to the Nextel site reference number(WA0738-A-Reath Road) We look forward to along and mutually beneficial relationship Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, Acknowledged, Agreed and Accepted Nextel West Corp By Title Sabrina Lancaster West Region Real Estate Date. Enclosures cc Site File City of Kent,220 Fourth Avenue South,Kent,WA 98032 Attn City Clerk Please sign as Acknowledged,Agreed and Accepted,and retain this copy for your records CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET SITE: WA0738-A-Relth Road PROPERTY: 42 Ave S & Reith Road, Kent,WA 98032 Parcel #272204-9005-05 LEASE/ADMINISTRATIVE REPRESENTATIVE: Please specify whom we should contact regarding lease/administrative Information Name Title: Company Address- Phone: Fax- Email SITE ACCESS INFORMATION: Please specify whom we should contact regarding site access Information Name Title: Company Address Phone Fax Email EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Please specify whom we should contact after hours or in an emergency Name Title. Company Address Phone Fax- After Hrs#: Pager Email- Date Printed July 24,2006 SPRINT NEXTEL CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET SITE: WA0738-A-Reath Road PROPERTY: 42 Ave S & Reith Road, Kent,WA 98032 Parcel# 272204-9005-05 LOCAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: Please forward all communications to the address listed below Nextel West Corp 10545 Willows Rd NE, Suite 100 d Redmond,WA 98052 Attn Real Estate—(W A0738) NOTICE OR DEMAND MAILING ADDRESS: Pursuant to the Agreement,please forward all notice or demands to the addresses listed below Nextel West Corp With a copy to Nextel West Corp 1255 Treat Blvd,Suite 800 2001 Edmund Halley Drive Walnut Creek,CA 94597 Reston,VA 20191-3436 Attn Manager, Real Estate-WA0738-A-Reath Road 2m Floor,Mail Stop 2E225 Attn SLS,Contracts Manager-WA0738-A-Reith Road WEST REGION REAL ESTATE: Primary contact for general information and physical site issues Phone (800) 275-9084 AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION: Primary contact for agreement administration,insurance,rent issues,utilities and insurance Name Sabrina Lancaster, Consultant Title: Property Specialist Phone: (425)278-2186 Fax (925)476-0528 Email sabrina lancaster@sprint corn 24-HOUR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER: This number should only be used in the event of an after hours emergency Phone (888) 363-9835 Date Printed July 24,2006 Sprint p Sprint Nextel 10545 Willows Rd NE,Suite 100 Together with NEXTEL Redmond,WA98052 July 24, 2006 VIA COURIER - FEDERAL EXPRESS Tracking#7900 0950 1667 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attention Facilities Manager y Memorandum oflnsurance Nextel Site Reference: WA0738-A-Reath Road Landlord Site Reference: West Fenwick Park Property Address: 42 Ave S & Reath Road, Kent, WA 98032 Parcel#272204-9005-05 Dear Sir/Madam. Today's technology has given us the opportunity to expand and enhance how Nextel Communications delivers insurance information to you After considerable review and discussion, we have decided to discontinue the issuance of individualized Certificates of Insurance We made our decision based on the significant time and resources required to handle over 17,000 liability certificate requests each year We will replace paper certificates with an online Memorandum of Insurance ('MOI") The MOI can be viewed and printed any time you need this information This will not in any way affect your status as an additional insured on our liability policies As of April 1,2004, you may obtain information about Nextel's liability insurance coverage from the MOI on the following websile http://www.sprint.com/MoiNextell You will be asked to read and agree to the terms and conditions of service prior to printing or viewing Nextel's MOI Should you have any questions or require a liability Certificate of Insurance in lieu of the MOI, please contact Nextel's insurance broker Contact information is available via the MOI web site In order to expedite your inquiries please use the t email address or fax number provided Thank you for helping Nextel streamline this time-consuming process Regards, Sabrina Lancaster West Region Real Estate �.l Sprint Sprint Nextel 10545 Willows Rd NE,Suite 300 Together with NE)Frfl. Redmond,WA 98052 July 24,2006 COURIERVIA # 09 5 FEDERAL EXPRESS Track 667 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 Attention Facilities Manager xm a - - tE�- ftf Awareness Letter WA0738-A-Re+th Road Nextel Site Reference: West Fenwick Park Landlord Site eeference, 42 Ave S &Reith Road, Kent,WA 98032 Parcel# 272204 9005 0 Property Dear Sn[Madam: provide them and their site who regularly workers hw helpful kfat all landlords of Nextel antenna sites to p You may know, people must be made aware of We are contacting emissions ("RF") safety sites, managers and/or facilities and rooftop applicable site information on radio-frequency our site(s), such as air communication sites, especially those who maintain buddingma maintenance serviced at y affect them Therefore, please share this information with all app RF and how it may he herel n tower or building other personnel who regularly p nderstand RF issues, you should not neeod willdnevertheless workers and window washers. Because we expect that other telecommunications eve y nications license conditioning repair advice, we While Nextel cannot provide you with legal or regulatory and communications-related site workers already letter to them- emitted from find the information helpful. governing RF energlnternet site at FCC") has established rules g the FCC's a set of reviewing to RFC The Federal Communications Como learn more about these rules by regulations relating to RF document antenna sites We encourage Y ovloetlrfsafety This web site contains the FCC's rules an reg Engineering and www.fcc g ou can contact the FCC's Office of Eng e uently asked questions and anaVerfurthe�rqueistons on Yuman exposure to Rfree at 1 888-CALL-FCC 0-888- fr q entitled OET Bulletin 65 if you h Technology in Wash DC, or call the FCC's consumer information ire, our personnel should 225-5322). suggested by the FCC, you and y I with the FCC's b observing certain simple precautions sugg site has a As you will see, Y trance and Safety Program is designed to fully comp be safe from RF harm olN xt including mp the FCC does not mandate any one the FCC-mandated limits on RF emissions. Because eve RF safety rules and pprecautions (1) let site tenants such of generally suggests the following p our authorized site workers different configuration Therefore, thetFCCtgrent coy don't let anyone other than don't let your tower or rooftop RF safety pro our site(s), O ignand (3) posted at the site as Nextel post RF notice signs at Y point of the RF notici red n any RF notice signs p approach any closer to an antenna than the workers come any closer to the antennas th Nextel e distances nsure RF safety at all of our sites We appreciate your cooperation in assisting important to tyres some follow-up on your part, we consider such a step p Although distributing his letter building workers and the general public. ensure the safety of y S � k Sprint Nextel 10545 Willows Rd NE,Suite 100 Together with NEXTEL Redmond,WA 98052 Office (425)278-7400 June 16, 2006 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Tracking#7909 6051 5758 Shane Gilbertson City of Kent Parks and Open Space 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 RE: Bond # 6413732 for Nextel Project # WA0738 a Nextel Site Reference: WA0738A-Reath Road Property Address: 42 Ave S & Reith Road, WA 98038 Dear Mr Gilbertson; y Pursuant to the requirements of Paragraph 5(c) of the Lease Agreement naming the CITY OF KENT, Washington municipal corporation as Landlord, and NEXTEL WEST CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, d/b/a Nextel Communications as Tenant, please see the enclosed Removal Bond number , 6413732 in the amount of $15,000 00 posted by our surety company, SAFECO Insurance Company of America It is my understanding this bond is a necessary document prior to the signing of the Lease by City of Kent. For any concerns regarding the Lease Agreement, please continue to utilize our Leasing Representative, Bill North @ (425) 876-2909 or via email at billnorth @ northgroup net Please feel free to contact me regarding any issues concerning this bond You may reach me by phone at (425)278-2186 or via email at sabnna lancaster@sprint com When communicating with our office, please refer to the Nextel site reference number (WA0738A-Reath Road) Thank you for your assistance A Sincerely, Nextel Communications -� Sabrina Lancaster Real Estate Manager, PNW cc Site File Enclosures Bond#6413732 y TOWERISTRUCTURE REMOVAL BOND Bond Number 6413732 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT Nextel West Corp., as Principal, and SAFECO Insurance Company of America, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Washington, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Kent, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent,WA 98038, as Obligee, in the sum of Fifteen Thousand And 00/100 Dollars ($15,000.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, the liability of the Surety being limited to the penal sum of this bond regardless of the number of years the bond is in effect WHEREAS the Principal has entered into a written agreement with the property owner for the placement of a tower or structure furnishing telephone, television or other electronic media service, which agreement sets forth the terms and conditions which govern the use of such towers or structures and which agreement is hereby specifically referred to and made part hereof, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent, WA requires the submission of a bond guaranteeing the maintenance, replacement, removal or relocation of said tower or structure located at 42 Ave S & Reith Road, Kent,WA 98038 -Site ID#WA0738A NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bounden Principal shall perform in accordance with the aforesaid ordinance and/or agreement, and indemnify the Obligee against all loss ' caused by Principal's breech of any ordinance or agreement relating to maintenance, replacement, removal or relocations of a tower or structure, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect unless cancelled as set forth below THIS BOND may be cancelled by Surety by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Obligee by registered mail Such cancellation shall not affect any liability the Surety may have or incurred under this bond prior to the effective date of the termination Provided that no action, suit or proceeding shall be maintained against the Surety on this bond unless action is brought within twelve (12) months of the cancellation date of this bond THIS BOND signed, sealed, dated on the 12th day of June, 2006 This bond is effective the 09th day of June, 2006 Nextel West Corp By: ((,,,�� Principal �+{ganc��, 1Zi3k �(q✓acguF,tir SAFECO Insurance Company of America -Surety By --- Kristy M Barber, ttorney-In-Fact - J m POWER Safeco Insurance Companies OF ATTORNEY Po Box WA 9 Seattle,WA 8124•1526 No 2612 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint M TURNER,Odessa,Missouri,ROY R YANCEY,Overland Park, Kansas,KEITH A STILES,Kansas City, Missouri, KRISTY M BARBER,Gardner,Kansas»"..«,».,..,«.«,,........».«....» its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact, with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued in the course of its business,and to bind the respective company thereby IN WITNESS WHEREOF,SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents this 10th day of August 2005 STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON,SECRETARY MIKE PETERS,PRESIDENT,SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA "Article V,Section 13 -FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS the President,any Vice President,the Secretary,and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys-m-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced, provided, however,that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking" Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970 , "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (i) The provisions of Article V,Section 13 of the By-Laws,and (ii) A copy of the power-of-attorney appointment,executed pursuant thereto,and (m) Certifying that said power-of-attomey appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile,and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof" I, Stephanie Daley-Watson, Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations,and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto,are true and correct,and that both the By-Laws,the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this 12th day of June 2006 49 U Cpl�ppy� JCOMp�y ra CdiIOAATE � EAL s SEAL � a.u, 01 c�h I953 � `� WitSt `o(Wa5►� STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON,SECRETARY S-0974/DS 4105 Safeco and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporation WEB PDF 6 NOTICE OF BOND SAFECO Insurance Company CANCELLATION Se Box WA 9 Seattle,WA 8124-1526 CC NEXTEL WEST CORP CERTIFIED-RRR MARSH USA INC 30-9224 (OBLIGEE'S NAME/ADDRESS) RECEIVED TO. CITY OF KENT JUN 2 3 2008 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT WA 98038 KENT LAW DEP . You are hereby notified that r SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Surety upon ioo Type of Bond. TOWER REMOVAL AT 42 AVENUE S AND REITH ROAD, KENT, WA. 98038-SITE WA0738A Bond No 6413732 date effective 06/09/2006 (MONTH DAY YEAR) on behalf of (PRINCIPAL'S NAME/ADDRESS) NEXTEL WEST CORP 6391 SPRINT PARKWAY OVERLAND PARK KS 66251 desires to cancel and does hereby cancel said bond in accordance with the cancellation provisions contained therein or in applicable laws or regulations This notice is mailed to you on JUN 18 2008 (MONTH,DAY,YEAR) - - and is effective I JUL 2 3 2008 SAFECO IN CE COMPANY OF AMERICA By (ATTORNEY-IN-FACT) Cancellation Acknowled oedPLE SIGN,PRINT NA ,TITLE,AND RETURN THE DUPLICATE OF THIS NOTICE) By cow (PRINT) (TITIE) (SIGN) SEAL $ Dated s� t8533 (MONTH,DAY,YEAR) VP CANCEL REASON CN -AGENT REQ-REWRITING WITH DIFF SURETY-CONTACT KRISTY 816-556-4318 S-12091SAEF 5103 Safeco®and the Safeco logo are trademarks of Safeco Corporation IFD Simmons, Mary From: Ely, Mariane Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 9 21 AM To: Simmons, Mary Subject: FW Leasehold Tax Centrally Assessed Hi Mary, here's the DOR confirmation for centrally assessed Leasehold Tax accounts. Please scan/attach to the following leases: Verizon Wireless (VAW), LLC: Centennial Bldg, 400 W. Gowe T-Mobile USA, Inc.: Centennial Bldg, 400 W. Gowe Wilson Playfield, 13028 S.E. 251st St. Pump Station #5, 23825 98th Ave. S. Riverbend Driving Range, 2020 W. Meeker Cingular Wireless: West Fenwick Park, 3824 Reith Road Pending confirmation: Sprint Spectrum (prev. Qwest Wireless/US West Wireless) - Blue Boy lease. Thanks Mary, Mariane x5233 -----Original Message----- From: Valdez, Keith (DOR) [mailto:KeithV@DOR.WA.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:20 AM To: Ely, Mariane Subject: RE: Leasehold Tax Centrally Assessed Hi Mariane, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA & Cingular Wireless are centrally assessed. Qwest Wireless LLC is not and would be subject to Leasehold Excise Tax if they are leasing public property. Requests to verify if a company is centrally assessed should be sent directly to me or Jeff Nelson, JeffN@dor.wa.gov. Thank you, Keith Valdez Special Programs Division Washington State Department of Revenue (360) 570-3251 -----Original Message----- i From: Ely, Manane [mailto:MEly@ci.kent.wa.us] Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 1:01 PM To: Valdez, Keith (DOR) Subject: Leasehold Tax Centrally Assessed Hi Keith, we are completing our files and would like an email confirmation that the following companies are centrally assessed for Leasehold Excise Taxes: Qwest Wireless LLC (formerly US West Wireless LLC) Venzon Wireless (VAW) LLC dba Verizon Wireless T-Mobile USA, Inc. (T-Mobile West Corp.) Cingular Wireless LLC (on behalf of Pacific Bell Wireless NW LLC dba Cingular Wireless) Please send via email reply. Also, if there is a link to your website that shows the companies that are centrally assessed or a master listing that you can send me, that would be great. Thanks Keith, Mariane Ely AR/LID Financial Analyst City of Kent Finance Dept. Ph# 253-856-5233 Fax# 253-856-6200 melyCcbci.kent.wa.us 2 Sprint Madstop KSOPHT01 01-Z2650 6391 Sprint Parkway Overland Park, KS 66251-2650 Toll Free (800)357-7641 Facsimile (913) 523-9735 Email LandlordSolutions@Sprint com September 13, 2013 Via UPS# 1 Z A90 OV7 02 0197 1030 REVISED Facilities Manager City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Re Revised Notice of Assignment Agreement: Lease Agreement dated June 21, 2006 Landlord: City of Kent Tenant: Nextel West Corp. Nextel Site ID: WA0738-A Sprint Site ID: SE73XC074-A Site Address: 4200 Reith Road, Kent, Washington 98032 To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to Section 29 d of the Lease Agreement dated June 21, 2006 ("Agreement"), by and between City of Kent (Landlord) and Nextel West Corp (Tenant), Nextel hereby notifies you of its assignment of the Agreement to Sprint Spectrum L P Sprint Spectrum L P and Nextel West Corp are both wholly owned members of the same controlled group Sprint Corp , so Nextel has the right, under the Agreement, to assign the Agreement to Sprint. Please indicate your receipt of this Notice of Assignment by signing below and return this original document back to me The second original should be retained for your records For your convenience, enclosed please find a self-addressed, stamped envelope If you require additional information, please feel free to contact our Landlord Solutions team toll-free at (800) 357-7641 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Laurie Anderson Real Estate Manager Cc City Clerk LANDLORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Landlord hereby acknowledges receipt of this Notice of Assignment of the Agreement by Nextel to Sprint Spectrum L P As of the effective date of such assignment, Nextel West Corp shall be relieved of, and Sprint Spectrum L P. shall assume, all performance, liabilities and obligations under the Agreement ti By Z Title ���:� «<� Name. a'— as �'Iv� Date zo, /