HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK05-351 - Original - US Dept of Justice - Safe Havens - 10/01/2004 US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PAGE I OF 5 y Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement >, t Against Women 1 RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS(Including Zip Code) 4 AWARD NUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South 5 PROJECT PERIOD FROM 10/01/2004 TO 09/302006 Kent,WA 98032-5895 BUDGET PERIOD FROM 10101,7004 TO 09/3 012 0 0 6 6 AWARD DATE 09/30/2004 7 ACTION IA GRANTEE IRS/VENDOR NO 8 SUPPLEMENT NUMBER Initial 916001265 00 9 PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT S0 J PROJECT TITLE 10 AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD $200,000 FY04 Safe Havens Supervised Visitation&Safe Exchange Program 11 TOTAL AWARD $200,000 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE 4130V E GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGE(S) 13 STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This project is supported under 42 USC 14041e 15 METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS AGENCY APPROVAL GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 16 TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL 18 TYPED NAMES AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL DianeM Stuart 1 Jae 02Q,.f )eA.11 AlJ6,W_ Director,Office on Violence Agmnsl Women or row"A'G 'Ww 17 SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL 1 NATUR OAR E OF AU H RECIPIENT OFF IAL DATE bdLA,11 AGENCY USE ONLY 20 ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES 21 CW04D00020 FISCAL FUND BUD DIV YEAR CODE ACT OFC REG SUB POMS AMOUNT X A CW 29 00 00 200000 OJP FORM 40002(REV 5-87)PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE OJP FORM 400012(REV 4-88) F_ US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION S SHEET PAGE 2 OF s Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PRO]ECTNUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 AWARDDATE 09/30/2004 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth to the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs(OJP)Financial Guide 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan(if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C F R Section 42 302),that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights,is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding,until such time as the recipient is in compliance 3 The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133,Audits of States, Local Governments,and Non-Profit Organizations,as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide,Chapter 19 4 Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds,either directly or indirectly,in support of the enactment,repeal,modification or adoption of any law,regulation or policy, at any level of government,without the express prior written approval of OVW 5 The Director of OV W,upon a finding that there has been substantial failure by the grantee to comply with applicable laws,regulations,and/or the terms and conditions of the grant or cooperative agreement,will terminate or suspend until the Director is satisfied that there is no longer such failure,all or part of the grant or cooperative agreement,in accordance with the provisions of sections 802 and 803 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act and 28 CFR Part 18,as applicable mutates mutandis 6 The grantee agrees to comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements including,but not limited to,the Violence Against Women Act of 1994,P L 103-322,the Violence Against Women Act of 2000,P L 106-386,the Safe Streets Act,42 U S C 3711 et seq,and STOP Violence Against Women Formula and Discretionary Grants Program Final Rule,28 CFR Part 90 7 Under the Government Performance and Results Act(GPRA)and VAWA 2000,grantees are required to collect and maintain data that measure the effectiveness of their grant-funded activities Accordingly,the grantee agrees to submit semi-annual electronic progress reports on program activities and program effectiveness measures Information that grantees must collect under GPRA and VAWA 2000 includes,but is not limited to 1)number of persons served,2)number of persons seeking services who could not be served,3)number of supervised visitation and exchange centers supported by the program,4)number of supervised visits between parents and children,and 5)number of supervised exchanges between parents and children 8 The grantee agrees to submit semiannual progress reports that describe project activities during the reporting period Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods,which are January 1-June 30 and July 1-December 31 for the duration of the award Future awards may be withheld if progress reports are delinquent Beginning in 2004,grantees are required to submit this information online,through the Grants Management System(GMS),on the new semi-annual progress report for the relevant OV W grant programs OR FORM 400012(REV 4-88) t2 US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION 4 SHEET PACE 3 OF s Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECT NUMBER 2004-CW.AX-K001 AWARD DATE 0 813 0/2 0 0 4 SPECIAL CONDMONS 9 A final report,which provides a summary of progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of the award, significant results,and any products developed under the award,is due 120 days after the end of the award Future awards may be withheld if the final report is delinquent The Final Progress Report should be submitted through the Office of justice Programs Grants Management System with the Report Type indicated as"Final" 10 The grantee agrees that grant funds will not support activities that may compromise victim safety,such as pre-trial diversion programs or the placement of offenders charged with crimes of domestic violence in such programs, mediation,couples counseling,family counseling or any other manner of joint victim-offender counseling,mandatory counseling for victims of domestic violence,forcing the victims to testify against their abusers,or the placement of perpetrators of domestic violence in anger management programs 11 The grantee agrees to submit one copy of all reports and proposed publications funded by this agreement not less than twenty(20)days prior to public release publication,or distribution for OVW review 12 All materials and publications(written,visual,or sound)resulting from award activities shall contain the following statements "This project was supported by Grant No awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women,U S Department of justice The opinions,findings,conclusions,and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice,Office on Violence Against Women 13. The grantee agrees that grant funds wilt be used to support services for supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between custodial and non-custodial parents The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to support visitation or exchange of children in foster care,kinship care,or protective custody of courts or social service agencies 14 The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to provide offsite or overnight visitation services Offstte visitation includes,but is not limited to,any visit or exchange between a child and a non-custodial parent that occurs outside the premises of the visitation center Overnight visitation includes,but is not limited to any visit or exchange between a child and a non-custodial parent that occurs after or between the normal operating hours of the visitation center 15 The grantee agrees that if fees are charged for use of programs or services,any fees charged must be based on the income of the individuals using the programs or services,unless otherwise provided by court order 16 The grantee agrees to develop adequate security measures,including but not limited to,adequate facilities, procedures,and personnel capable of preventing violence,for the operation of supervised visitation programs or safe visitation exchange 17 Supervised Visitation Grant Program grantees are required to develop formal affiliations with organizations that will be able to provide services and consultation to the programs in their work with children and parents Accordingly, grantees must establish an advisory board which includes experts in the following fields child abuse and neglect, mental health,barterer's intervention,law enforcement,child protection services,and advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION >< SHEET PAGE 4 OF 5 �tl Fa $, Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement " t Against Women-4 y1 PROJECT NUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 AWARD DATE OWD/2004 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 18 Grant funds shall be used to support supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between parents in situations involving domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault,or stalking In accordance with 42 USC 10420,the grantee may not use grant funds to support individual counseling,family counseling,parent education, support groups or therapeutic supervision The grantee may not mandate victims to parent education or other program services 19 The grantee agrees to submit for OVW review and approval any anticipated addition of,removal of,or change in collaborating partner agencies or individuals who are signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding,and if applicable,the Internal Memorandum of Agreement 20 The grantee agrees to allocate project funds as designated by the Office on Violence Against Women for allowable costs to participate in OVW-sponsored technical assistance Funds designated for OVW-sponsored technical assistance may not be used for any other purpose without prior approval of OVW Technical assistance includes,but is not limited to,peer-to-peer consultations,focus groups mentonng site visits,conferences and workshops conducted by OVW-designated technical assistance providers or OVW-designated consultants and contractors 21 The grantee will provide the Office on Violence Against Women(OVW)with the agenda for any training seminars, workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OVW that project staff propose to attend using grant funds The grantee must receive prior approval from OVW before using OVW grant funds to attend any training,workshops or j conferences not sponsored by OVW To request approval,grantees must submit a letter of request to OVW with a copy of the event's brochure,curriculum and/or agenda,a description of the hosts Or trainers,and an estimated breakdown of costs The letter of request should be submitted to OVW not less than 20 days before registration for the event is due Approval to attend non-OVW sponsored programs will be given on a case by case basis 22 Approval of this award does not Indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of$450 per day A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the OVW Director prior to obhganon or expenditure of such funds OJP FORM 400012(REV 4-88) ar US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE s OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement " Against Women PROJECTNUMBER 2004-CW-AX-KOOI AWARD DATE 08/30/2004 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 23 TERMS OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT-STATEMENT OF RECIPIENT RESPONSIBILITIES The City of Kent,Division of Housing and Human Services, will I Work closely with the Federal Management Team in the development and implementation of this initiative, including providing a meaningful opportunity for OVW staff to a Review and approve the content and format of materials produced in conjunction with this project. b Recommend technical assistance to enhance victim safety and offender accountability c Participate in project related planning meetings and advisory group meeting d Recommend improved protocols or best practices related to enhancing supervised visitation and exchange services,victims safety,and offender accountability in the City of Kent e Approve sites and dates for all project-related events f Monitor program development and implementation,and fulfill and oversight and evaluation function regarding the program 2 Work cooperatively with the technical assistance provider designated by OVW for the Safe Havens Demonstration Project This may include for example sending a multi disciplinary team of specific team members from Kent to attend several technical assistance meetings per year,including evaluation coordination meetings, hosting on site technical assistance providers or other grantees,and sharing materials and protocols developed by the local advisory committee and project partners 3 Work cooperatively with the designated evaluation coordinator 4 Provide the Federal Program Manager with an opportunity to review and approve the selection of key personnel, including the project director and the local research partner 5 Send project staff to meetings and institutes as designated by OVW 6 Send the local research partner to meetings as designated by the evaluation coordinator and OVW 7 Work collaboratively and cooperatively among the primary partner agencies 8 Agree to provide written products(curricula,manuals,model policies,or promising practices)in formats that can be loaded onto the Violence Against Women Resources site on the Internet at http//w-ww cjp/usdoj gov/vawo 9 Agree to participate in any faculty or educational workshops sponsored by OV W's designated contractors 10 Agree to follow demonstration related protocols developed by OVW The City of Kent will also I Provide supervised visitation and exchange services for low/moderate-income victims of family violence, 2 Provide culturally relevant visitation and change services for ethnic and racial minorities through the requirement and hiring of bilingual supervisors and monitors, 3 Develop standard practices and protocols for supervised visitation and exchange program that are safe and appropriate for domestic violence,sexual assault and stalking situations, 4 Implement security procedures to create state of the art visitation and chance center that is safe for victims of violence through the use of on-site law enforcement,security guards,cameras,metal detectors,and security lighting,and 5 Increase communication between the court and the supervised visitation and exchange program through the development of forms that document court compliance and providing training for judges and family court commissioners OJP FORM 400012(REV 4-88) -'ATM US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM,PT.I: 4 PROJECT SUMMARY v { y Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECT NUMBER PAGE I OF 1 f 2004-CW AX-K001 This project is supported under 42 USC 14041a 1 STAFF CONTACT(Name&telephone number) 2 PROJECT DIRECTOR(Name,address&telephone number) Krtsta S Blakency-Mitchell Tracee Parker (202)3534567 Safe Havens Project Coordinator 220 4th Avenue South Kent,WA 98032-5895 (253)856-5074 3a TITLE OF THE PROGRAM 3b POMS CODE(SEE INSTRUCTIONS FY04 Safe Havens Supervised Visitation&Safe Exchange Program ON REVERSE) 4 TITLE OF PROJECT FY04 Safe Havens Supervised Visitation&Safe Exchange Program 5 NAME&ADDRESS OF GRANTEE 6 NAME&ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent,WA 98032-5995 7 PROGRAM PERIOD 8 BUDGET PERIOD FROM 10/01/2004 TO- 091302" FROM 10/01/2004 TO 09/30/2006 9 AMOUNT OF AWARD 10 DATE OF AWARD $200,000 0860/2004 11 SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET 12 SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 13 THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD 14 THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 15 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT(See instruction on reverse) i The Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program(Supervtcd Visitation Program)was authorized as a two-year pilot program under the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 to increase supervised visitation and exchange options for families with a history of domestic violence,child abuse, sexual assault or stalking Eligible applicants for the program include states,Indian tribal govemments,and units of local government By statute projecls funded under the Supervised Visitation Program must demonstrate expertise in the area of faintly violence,provide a sliding fee scale for clients,demonstrate adequate security measures,and prescribe standards and protocols by which supervised visitation or safe exchanges will occur OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) The Safe Havens Demonstration Initiative is a three-year project to improve the delivery of supervised visitation and safe exchange services for victims of domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault,and stalking The Office on Violence Against Women has selected four sites to identify and implement promising practices,develop national standards and protocols,implement enhanced security measures,expand community partnerships,and create specialized services for victims and their children within the targeted communities Each of the sites will receive enhanced technical assistance and participate in an evaluation designed to measure the effectiveness of the local demonstration projects As a demonstration site,the City of Kent will continue to use funding from the FY 2004 Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program to finalize planning and Implement a multi-cultural supervised visitation and exchange program for victims of domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault, and stalking who reside in the Kent/South King County area Goals and objectives of the collaborative project include 1)increasing access to supervised visitation and exchange services for ethnic/racial minorities and low and moderate-income victims,2)recruiting and hiring bilingual staff,3)identifying model standards of practice for supervised visitation and exchange services that are responsive to the needs of women and children victims of family violence,4) identifying security procedures to create a safe visitation and exchange center,5)increasing communication between the court and the supervised visuationand exchange program to ensure victim safety,6)increasing referrals to appropriate ancillary services,and 7)providing specialized orientation sessions for tmmigrant/refugeies victims of family violence NC/NCF ov, VR Department of Justice " Office on Violence Against Women '� PAGE 1 OF 5 Office on Violence Against Cooperative Agreement 11�ax' Women I RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS(Including Zip Code) 4 AWARD NUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 City of Kent 220 South Fourth Avenue 5 PROJECT PERIOD FROM 10/01/2004 TO 07/312007 Kent,WA 98032-5895 BUDGET PERIOD FROM I0I012004 TO 07/3112007 6 AWARD DATE 09,129/2005 7 ACTION IA GRANTEE IRSIVENDOR NO 8 SUPPLEMENT NUMBER Supplemental 916001265 01 9 PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT $200,000 3 PROJECT TITLE 10 AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD $200,000 Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program, US Department of Justice 11 TOTAL AWARD $400,000 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGE(S) i13 STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This project is supported under 42 U S C 10420(OV W-Supervised Visitation) it 15 METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS _- AGENCY APPROVAL GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE -_ 16 TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL 18 TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Diane Stuart J"Awx,,;e U'Q BAN �/4xlN/GE�J, Director,Office on Violence Against Women or Q�J 17 SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL (GNAT RE OF AUTHO ED RECIPIENT 0 FICCAL 19A DATE 1 AGENCY USE ONLY 20 ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES 21 CW05D00006 FISCAL FUND BUD DIV YEAR CODE ACT OFC REG SUB POMS AMOUNT X A CW 29 00 00 200000 OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 5-87)PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) Department of Justice Office on Violence Against AWARD CONTINUATION _ Women SHEET PAGE 2 OF 5 4 tt, Cooperative Agreement PROJECTNUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 AWARD DATE 09128/2005 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs(OJP)Financial Guide 2 The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan(if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C F R Section 42 302),that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights,is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding,until such ume as the recipient is in compliance 3 The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133,Audits of States, Local Governments,and Non-Profit Organizations,as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide,Chapter 19 4 Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds,either directly or indirectly,in support of the enactment,repeal,modification or adoption of any law,regulation or policy,at any level of government without the express prior written approval of OVW 5 The grantee agrees to comply with the applicable requirements of 28 C F R Pad 38,the Department of Justice regulation governing"Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations"(the"Equal Treatment Regulation") The Equal Treatment Regulation provides in part that Department of Justice grant awards of direct funding may not be used to fund any inherently religious activities,such as worship,religious instruction,or proselytization Recipients of direct grants may still engage in inherently religious activities,but such activities must be separate in time or place from the Department of Justice funded program,and participation in such activities by individuals receiving services from the grantee or a sub-grantee must be voluntary The Equal Treatment Regulation also makes clear that organizations participating in programs directly funded by the Department of Justice are not permitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion 6 The Director of OV W,upon a finding that there has been substantial failure by the grantee to comply with applicable laws,regulations,andlor the terms and conditions of the grant or cooperative agreement,will terminate or suspend unul the Director is satisfied that there is no longer such failure,all or part of the grant or cooperative agreement,in accordance with the provisions of sections 802 and 803 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act and 28 CFR Part 19,as applicable mutates mutandis 7 The grantee agrees to comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements including,but not limited to,the Violence Against Women Act of 1994,P L 103-322,the Violence Against Women Act of 2000,P L 106-386,and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act,42 U S C 3711 et seq 8 The recipient agrees to submit quarterly financial reports on Standard Form SF 269A These reports will be submitted within 45 days after the end of the calendar quarter,and a final report is due 120 days following the end of the award period The reports shall be submitted to the Office of Justice Programs,Office of the Comptroller,Arm Control Desk, Room 5303,810 7th Street,N W,Washington,D C 20531 or on-line through the Internet at http//grants oJp usdoJ gov 9 Under the Government Performance and Results Act(GPRA)and VA WA 2000,grantees are required to collect and maintain data that measure the effectiveness of their grant-funded activities Accordingly,the grantee agrees to submit semiannual electronic progress reports on program activities and program effectiveness measures Information that grantees must collect under GPRA and VAWA 2000 includes,but is not limited to 1)number of persons served,2) number of persons seeking services who could not be served,3)number of supervised visitation and exchange centers supported by the program,4)number of supervised visits between parents and children,and 5)number of supervised exchanges between parents and children OUP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) Department of Justice �n Office on Violence Against AWARD CONTINUATION uF 4v Women SHEET PAGE 3 of 5 tt Cooperative Agreement PROJECTNUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 AWARDDATE 09/28/2005 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 10 The grantee agrees to submit semiannual progress reports that describe project activities during the reporting penod Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods,which are January 1-June 30 and July I-December 31 for the duration of the award Future awards may be withheld if progress reports are delinquent Beginning in 2004,grantees are required to submit this information online,through the Grants Management System(GMS),on the new semi-annual progress report for the relevant OVW grant programs 11 A final report,which provides a summary of progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of the award, significant results,and any products developed under the award,is due 120 days after the end of the award Future awards may be withheld if the final report is delinquent The Final Progress Report should be submitted through the Office of Justice Programs Grants Management System with the Report Type indicated as"Final" 12 The grantee agrees that grant funds will not support activities that may compromise victim safety,such as pre-trial diversion programs or the placement of offenders charged with crimes of domestic violence in such programs, mediation,couples counseling,family counseling or any other mannerofjomt vicum-offender counseling,mandatory counseling for victims of domestic violence,forcing the victims to testify against their abusers,or the placement of perpetrators of domestic violence in anger management programs 13 The grantee agrees to submit one copy of all reports and proposed publications funded by this agreement not less than twenty(20)days prior to public release,publication,or distribution for OVW review 14 All materials and publications(written,visual,or sound)resulting from award activities shall contain the following statements "This project was supported by Grant No awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women,U S Department of justice The opinions,findings,conclusions,and recommendations expressed un this publicationlprogram/exhibmon are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice,Office on Violence Against Women 15 The grantee agrees that grant funds will be used to support services for supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between custodial and non-custodial parents The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to support visitation or exchange of children in foster care,kinship care,or protective custody of courts or social service agencies 16 The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to provide offsite or overnight visitation services Offsite visitation includes but is not limited to,any visitor exchange between a child and a non-custodial parent that occurs outside the premises of the visitation center Overnight visitation includes,but is not limited to any visit or exchange between a child and a noncustodial parent that occurs after or between the normal operating hours of the visitation center 17 The grantee agrees to develop adequate security measures,including but not limited to,adequate facilities,procedures, and personnel capable of preventing violence,for the operation of supervised visitation programs or safe visitation exchange 18. The grantee agrees that if fees are charged for use of programs or services,any fees charged must be based on the income of the individuals using the programs or services,unless otherwise provided by court order 19 The grantee agrees to provide OVW with the following,additional data in each progress report OVW is statutorily required to collect data on the number of child abuse victims served or denied services and the reason for refusal of services Additionally,the grantee shall provide information on security or safety problems concerning persons served by the program which occurred during the reporting period and the number of cases referred by civil,criminal,and/or family courts OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) Department of Justice Office on Violence Against AWARD CONTINUATION ri F M 0 Women SHEET PAGE a of s Cooperative Agreement PROJECTNUMBER 2000.CWAX-K001 AWARDDATE 0928/2005 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 20 Grant funds shall be used to support supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between parents in situations involving domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault,or stalking In accordance with 42 USC 10420,the grantee may not use grant funds to support individual counseling,family counseling,parent education, support groups or therapeutic supervision The grantee may not mandate victims to parent education or other program services 21 The grantee agrees to allocate project funds as designated by the Office on Violence Against Women for allowable costs to participate in OV W-sponsored technical assistance Funds designated for OV W-sponsored technical assistance may not be used for any other purpose without prior approval of OV W Technical assistance includes,but is not limited to,peer-to-peer consultations,focus groups,mentoring site visits,conferences and workshops conducted by OVW-designated technical assistance providers or OVW-designated consultants and contractors 22 The grantee agrees to submit for OV W review and approval any anticipated addition of,removal of,or change in collaborating partner agencies or individuals who are signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding,and if applicable,the Internal Memorandum of Agreement 23 The grantee will provide the Office on Violence Against Women(OVW)with the agenda for any training seminars, workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OV W that project staff propose to attend using grant funds The grantee must receive prior approval from OV W before using OV W grant funds to attend any training,workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OV W To request approval,grantees must submit a letter of request to OV W with a copy of the event's brochure,curriculum and/or agenda,a description of the hosts or trainers,and an estimated breakdown of costs The letter of request should be submitted to OV W not less than 20 days before registration for the event is due Approval to attend non-OV W sponsored programs will be given on a case by case basis 24. Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of$450 per day A detailed Justification must be submitted to and approved by the OV W Director prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds 25 The Office on Violence Against Women(OV W)has elected to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Kent,Washington,and its project partners to provide supervised visitation and safe exchange services for victims of domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault and stalking This decision reflects a strong mutual interest in increasing the safety and well-being of victims and their children during visitations and exchanges This project anticipates a significant level of Federal involvement in the implementation of the proposed activities STATEMENT OF FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT The Office on Violence Against Women(OV W)will 1 Provide the services of a Federal Program Manager as a single point of contact for administration of this cooperative agreement 2 Participate in project-related planning meetings and advisory groups meetings 3 Review and approve agendas and minutes related to local meetings regarding the demonstration project 4 Review and approve the selection of key project staff, including the project director and local research partners 5 Review and approve content and format of materials produced in conjunction with this project 6 Provide comprehensive technical assistance to enhance victim safety and perpetrator accountability 7 Recommend improved protocols or best practices related to enhancing and expanding supervised visitation and safe exchange services,victim safety,and perpetrator accountability 8 Approve sites and dates for all project related events 9 Sponsor consultation with the designated evaluation coordinator 10 Monitor program development and implementation,and fulfill an oversight and evaluative function regarding the program L_ OR FORM 40002(REV 4-88) 1Z.1-M Department of Justice Office on Violence Against AWARD CONTINUATION Women SHEET PACE 5 of 5 Cooperative Agreement PROJECTNUMBER 2004CW-AX-KOOI AWARD DATE 09/28P1005 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 26 The City of Kent,Division of Housing and Human Services,will I Work closely with the Federal Management Team in the development and implementation of this initiative,including providing a meaningful opportunity for OVW staff to a Review and approve the content and format of materials produced in conjunction with this project b Recommend technical assistance to enhance victim safety and offender accountability c Participate in project related planning meetings and advisory group meeting d Recommend improved protocols or best practices related to enhancing supervised visitation and exchange services,victims safety,and offender accountability in the City of Kent e Approve sites and dates for all project-related events f Monitor program development and implementation,and fulfill and oversight and evaluation function regarding the program 2 Work cooperatively with the technical assistance provider designated by OVW for the Safe Havens Demonstration Project This may include,for example sending a multi disciplinary team of specific team members from Kent to attend several technical assistance meetings per year, including evaluation coordination meetings,hosting on site technical assistance providers or other grantees,and sharing materials and protocols developed by the local advisory committee and project partners 3 Work cooperatively with the designated evaluation coordinator 4 Provide the Federal Program Manager with an opportunity to review and approve the selection of key personnel,including the project director and the local research partner 5 Send project staff to meetings and institutes as designated by OVW 6 Send the local research partner to meetings as designated by the evaluation coordinator and OVW 7 Work collaboratively and cooperatively among the primary partner agencies 8 Agree to provide written products(curricula,manuals,model policies,or promising practices)in formats that can be loaded onto the Violence Against Women Resources site on the Internet at http//www ojpiusdcj gov/vawo 9 Agree to participate in any faculty or educational workshops sponsored by OVW's designated contractors 10 Agree to follow demonstration related protocols developed by OVW The City of Kent will also 1 Provide supervised visitation and exchange services for low/moderate-income victims of family violence,2 Provide culturally relevant visitation and exchange services for ethnic and racial minorities through the requirement and hiring of bilingual supervisors and monitors,3 Develop standard practices and protocols for supervised visitation and exchange programs that are safe and appropriate for domestic violence,sexual assault and stalking situations,4 Implement security procedures to create state of the art visitation and exchange center that is safe for victims of violence through the use of on-site law enforcement,security guards,cameras,metal detectors,and security lighting,and 5 Increase communication between the court and the supervised visitation and exchange program through the development of forms that document court compliance and providing training forjudges and family court commissioners OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) ^' Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Washmgfon D C 20531 Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Sybil N. Barksdale,Administrative Officer Subject: Categorical Exclusion for City of Kent The Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program(Supervised Visitation Program)was authorized as a two-year pilot program under the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 to increase supervised visitation and exchange options for families with a history of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault or stalking Eligible applicants for the program include states,Indian tribal governments, and units of local government By statute,projects funded under the Supervised Visitation Program must demonstrate expertise in the area of family violence,provide a sliding fee scale for clients, demonstrate adequate security measures,and prescribe standards and protocols by which supervised visitation or safe exchanges will occur None of the following activities will be conducted either under the OVW federal action or a related third party action 1 New construction 2.Any renovation or remodeling of a property either(a)listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or(b)located within a 100-year flood plain 3.A renovation which will change the basic prior use of a facility or significantly change its size. 4 Research and technology whose anticipated and future application could be expected to have an effect on the environment 5 Implementation of a program involving the use of chemicals Consequently,the subject federal action meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion as contained in paragraph 4(b)of Appendix D to Part 61 of the Code of Federal Regulations Additionally,the proposed action is neither a phase nor a segment of a project which when viewed in its entirety would not meet the criteria for a categorical exclusion Department of justice GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM,PT.I: PROJECT SUMMARY Office on Violence Against Cooperative Agreement ° Women PROJECT NUMBER PAGE I OF 1 2004-CW-AX-KOOI This project is supported under 42 US C 10420(OV W-Supervised Visitation) I STAFF CONTACT(game&telephone number) 2 PROJECT DIRECTOR(Name,address At telephone number) Krista S Blakeney-Mitchell Tracee Parker (202)305-2651 Safe Havens Project Coordinator 220 4th Avenue South Kent,WA 98032-5895 (253)856-5074 3a TITLE OF THE PROGRAM 3b POMS CODE(SEE INSTRUCTIONS Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program ON REVERSE) 4 TITLE OF PROJECT Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program,US Department of Justice 5 NAME&ADDRESS OF GRANTEE 6 NAME&ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE City of Kent 220 South Fourth Avenue Kent,WA 98032-5895 7 PROGRAM PERIOD 8 BUDGET PERIOD FROM 10/01/2004 TO 07/312007 FROM 10/OIR004 TO 07/312007 9 AMOUNT OF AWARD 10 DATE OF AWARD $200,000 09/282005 11 SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET 12 SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 13 THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD 14 THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 15 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT(See instruction on reverse) The Safe Havens Supen iced Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program(Supervised Visitation Program)was authorized as a two-year pilot program under the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 to increase supervised visitation and exchange options for fdmthes with a history of domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault or stalking Eligible applicants for the program include states,Indian tribal governments,and units of local government By statute,projects funded under the Supervised Visitation Program must demonstrate expertise in the area of family violence,provide a sliding fee scale for clients,demonstrate adequate security measures,and prescribe standards and protocols by which supervised visitation or safe exchanges will occur OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88) r ` � 1 As a demonstration site,the City of Kent will use funding from the FY 2005 Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program to implement a multi-cultural supervised visitation and exchange program for victims of domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault, and stalking who reside in the KentlSouth King County area Goals and objectives of the collaborative project will include 1)increasing access to supervised visitation and exchange services for ethnic/racial minorities and low and moderate-income victims,2)recrumng and hiring fit hngual staff,3)identifying model standards of practice for supervised visitation and exchange services that are responsive to the needs of women and children victims of family violence,4)identifying security p,medures to create a safe visitation and exchange center,5)increasing communication between the court and the supervised visitation and exchange program to ensure victrm safety,and 6)increasing referrals to appropriate ancillary services CA/NCF An �6' ILL-