HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK05-335 - Change Order - #3 - Staaleson Engineering, PC - Earthworks Park Short Stair Design - 01/17/2006 Records Manage mer - a
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This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All
portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City
Clerks Office.
Vendor Name:
Contract Number:
This is assigned by Mary Simmons
Vendor Number: 5'rel 'j(�'
Project Name:�t/7��
Contract Effective Date:
Contract Termination Date-
Contract Renewal Notice (Days):
Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment
Contract Manager:
Department: Z ez6k I<ege-11 Oe'y
ADCL7832 07/02
NAME OF CONTRACTOR, CONSULTANT, OR VENDOR- Staaleson Engineering, PC ("Contractor")
CONTRACT NAME &PROJECT NUMBER: Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks Park Short Stairs
This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are
not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect For valuable consideration and by mutual
consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows:
1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled"Description of Work," is hereby modified as follows:
Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Provide structural
design, plans and specifications for construction of the Mill Creek Canyon
Earthworks Park short stairs project as described in the Consultant's
proposal and fee listing dated January 10, 2006 attached and incorporated
as Exhibit A and Exhibit B.
2. The c ontract amount a nd t ime for p erformance p rovisions o f S ection I I "Compensation," and
Section III, "Time for Completion," are hereby modified as follows:
Original Contract Sum, $39000.00
including applicable alternates and WSST.
Net Change by Previous Change Orders $0
Current Contract Amount $39000.00
(incl Previous Change Orders)
Current Change Order $49445.00
Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $0
Revised Contract Sum $79445.00
Original Time for Completion 60 days
Revised Time for Completion under 11/30/05
prior Change Orders
Days Required ± for this Change Order + 59 calendar days
Revised Time for Completion 2/28/06
Pursuant to Section XIII, F, entitled "Miscellaneous Provisions," of the Contract executed by the parties,
the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-
referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and
acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature
ansing from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without
limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits.
The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter
into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract.
3. The C ontractor w ill adjust the amount o f i is p erformance b and (if any) f or this p roject to b e
consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above.
IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the
last date written below.
By' �•'�„� __ -� By:
(signature) (atgt"a
Print Name: Darrell Staaleson Print Name: Lon Ho
Its Owner Its Acting Director
(Title) (Title)
DATE: JAN 12 2006 DATE: —17—D�e
Kent Law Department
Earthworks Short Stairs CO#3
,JAN-10-2006 10:3E P.02/05
Staaleson Engineering,P.C.
CLIENT: Lori Me=
i PROJECT- Kent Earthworks Park Short Stairs
'tE Payments w ENGINEER for Services and
Reimbursable Expenses
A2,0. (;e,ieraf Tht Basic 5ervices are premised on the tollowing general scope of professional services•
ALI RLfCr to EXHIBIT A21,I —WOTk Rim), Down Structure None
A22 Genera!Pro/ecr Des ripur.n
I It has become recessat for FN(=1 NEER to perform additional services,wluc'i w ere not prevwusiy expected,in
0r&rt0C0t11PIet0theTAoject ENGINEER shalt prepare a site plat.which m*egrares the curent topographic
ruforinatlon from a iectnt survey by the C)h of Kent LNCINEER shall prep'tre Specitr_at,onc to address
issues regardml�, execut nil,situ work civil work,safety,and grading and drainage ENGINEER shall provtde
estimated cost~to perfc rm field work,review shop drawing observe construction,and address otner Quality
Assurance. Rtcluirert en a during die C onset ction
1 O�iIgtttal Agreemeni: S3,000.00
I ADf)ITIONAL SERVIC ES for AI: i S4.455.00
j f4 T—t7[PrAL PROJECT FEE: COST PLUS to Maximum hee S7,445.00
j A2 4. Projew Descrrnuvn v:'hare
1 PTi'u'`.SF, _ PiEE
i AIT1-Final De5,gn for Sle it N-1 —Short Stairs. COST PI US to Maximum Fuc 53,255.OQ
The ENGINEER shall prc vide e stnicrarai design,which shall include preparation Ot e,akLdatiors Ceta'is, plans,
and specifications that are in cantortriance mth thie 2003 BC requirements and gent rally accepted stfucturai
standards. F'NCsINEER t al preseur a Preliminary Design Drawing to Chien. for Review and Approval prior to
proceed lit;with Final Dc 'gn
Schedule:.4 Day*.
Ou4idr Serviras:
Dave Clark, Architect.
1. hicliftaural.shall prepare Specifications foi relevant aspects of this project in accordance S2 205 00
with AIA Standards Archrect eapects to prepare approximdtt,�x (7)sections o:
specifications and ty acts to use the Specifications tar hoth Stair#1 and Stair 02.
2. Architect shall preps c Sitt Plan to Short Stairs, ATchitect's Work shall be based on site S1.050 00
Ian and topiography pMaTud by the Ciiv of Kent Survever.
AICI-C:onstnict for Stair 0 1 —Short Stairs COST Pi i1S o Maximum Fee $1,200,90
The ENGINEER shali pr,vide Constrict Phase Engineering o providc Qual.ry Assurance for the work.
Construct Phase Services shall tncludc Field Solutions Consultation, Shop Drawin.- Review, anti C himation.
i ConsLi-aution Phase Admi iistrarion or the Construction Contract
' r 1
i page I of l
li 10i200(i
SAN-10-2006 10:36 P.03.OF
Stasleson Engineering,P.C.
CLIENT: Lori Tlemm
PROJECT, Kent Earthworks Park Short Stasis
RF, Payments to ENGENE'LR for,,crvices and
Keimbtlrsabie Expenses
B6.1 Methods of Paymen for bervices and Expenses of ENGINEER.
B6 I I +ar 136ivr Semico. t LIF•N 1'shall p-y LNGIhEFR In-Basic Services as shown in EXH131T A as follows
130 1 i 1 r L'Wtir! Art dmounl equai to FNGI[NECK'., Hourly Salary Costs as sho,an sit 66 1 A for all set-vices
performed or tiirmsl cd 4y pnncipa s and eniployee3 engd=Ld dti`ectly on tie
B`i 117 E;VC71N1,L 1t'a C cnwdtant w For services of LN(-,I\EL-R's Consuaantc enga}ed to perty.-m or
tui•ii•I, naxic Scrvicos,the arnounr billed to E`GIN'FFR thei efci e times a factor w 5%
B6 12 1 or At duer)nal S -i,ec, CLIENT shall pay ENGINEER for Additional Services as tollows
U6 1 ' 1 G nar•ar F1ur services of ENCiANEER's principals and e uployees engag.d direct y on the Project
per ixrntd 61-'urrisl�ed pu-sut,n'to paragraph 3.1 n* ; 2 le�cept services as a wnsuitant or witness under
paragraph 36 1 2=} an amount equal to ENUNEER's He Lrl} SzW—v Cosrs as sho%an in Bb 1 4
136 1 2 3 E-NUI h'E& , C'r.nudtamt',s For services of LNGINEER a Consultants engaged to perform or
fuinrah 1:,asic Seuv*.the amount oilicd I,r E*vCi,xEElt rherefore tunes a factor of 5'<i
136,1 3 Far Reimhurrahle Ealxrtrec CI[ENT shall pay ENGINEER for Reimbursable Lxpenscs such as:
_Item Description _ Cost
M[costs for plotting,pnnnnr,or reproducing all
Repioduct,on: Intermediate, tindi-or revised draw,nt s. calculation.,, As used
reports or similar Project-related items
alon.ng T-bond $1 50Jft2
VellLni $2 60/ft?
C•antera Daily Charge 35mm or Di,ttal Camera b25/day
Vehick!tisc $0 50•,rntle
The amount p yable to EN ;1NEF.R fbr Retmbursaule Cxpeases will be the clump icti ally incurred or the irnauted
cost allocated by LNG INL 'R therefor umcs a ractot o`5%
R3ti l 4 Salary c'nerr 1;3+Costs means salaries and wages(basic, piemnun,and ircentiv,)paid to nersonnei plus
the CJSt of LL-Stomary dad Sptutory beriieflTs including, L ut nut!muted t,i iUCiF l seclint/CUilti ibni oas
unempiLymL 11,L'ci i\C and f;:L=il taxes,workers' compensation 'wealth and ietnenierit bei:efi-s bonu%, •, sick leave,
vacaurn a-id hchday pay a phLable thereto, The prLuipais ul`ENGINFF,R and the i•nputed current he urh, 'Salary
Costs ofxuch principals ayo as toilows
Workcr Nerve Title Imputed Hourly
Salary Costs
Darrell smaleson P E Sr Fn.iineer $120 00141eur
Nonc Jr Fngincer $55,0Q(Haur
Nono DralIrman $45 00/Hour
Marst Napie. 1 Adnin),mrattve S;� 0014our
The Salay C'o,;K and the f rnr applied to Salary Costs in deternunittp conipensauon payable to ENGINLER will be
adjusted 8tiratidlly and cquit bly to reflect changes in the var-oas elements that corlpr,se such Salary Carts, All such
adjusrmeo-s wi Il be in icco dmct- with generally•accepted a LOWILln_ praaices as apphel oft d con,iwtcnt oasis by
E:NC31NEER end consistent with LNGINEER s overall compensation prdctiten and procedures
f Pagv I o, I
1 J10,2006
4 � I