HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK04-363 - Change Order - #1 - Summit Central Construction, Inc. - Centennial Garage Seismic Retrofit - 04/08/2005 T .. ecords M em e KEN WAHNINDTDN Document I CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, If you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: �r � Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: dc("36.3 This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk C � r Description: Detail: Project Name: Contract Effective Date: 0 Termination Date 0 S Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: 0,AA6L&.4 t epartment: 0 Abstract: 5 Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ConiroctCover\ADCL7832 07/02 KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO, 1 NAME OF CONTRACTOR,CONSULTANT, OR VENDOR: Summit Central Construction.Inc ("Contractor's CONTRACT NAME&PROTECT NUMBER-Kent Centennial Parking Garage Seismic ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE:October 25. 2004 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties,the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled"Description of Work,"is hereby modified as follows: Provide all labor,materials, and equipment necessary to: Per A rchitect D rill h ole from o utside o f b uilding t hrough s pandrell p anel i nto column, i nstall a nchor u sing H ilti H Y 150 with n ew 12" x 12" p late. P aint a 11 exposed steel. @55 locations, $12,799 Per ArchitectC!hip and grind embeds. Repair with Epoxy Gel@ 77 locations $2,050 2. The c ontract a mount a nd t ime for p erformance p rovisions o f S ection I I"Compensation,"a nd Section 111,"Time for Completion,"are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $3519315.20 including applicable alternates and WSST. Net Change by, revious Change Orders $0 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contrast Amount $3519315.20 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $141,849.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $1,306.71 Revised Contract Sum $3679470.91 Original Time for Completion June 24,2005 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under N/A prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required t for this Change Order +21 calendar days Revised Time for Completion July 15,2005 (insert date) Pursuant to Section 41, entitled "Changes," of the Contract executed by the parties, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or c onnected w ith any work a ither c overed o r affected b y t his C hange O rder, i ncluding,w ithout 1 imitation, claims related to contract time,contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification,which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The C ontractor w ill adjust the amount o f i is p erformance b and(if any) f or t his p roj ect t o b e consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS,the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below, CONTRACTOR: CITY OF NT: By: By: (signora sign re) Print Name: Kee" br— Print N Its P*%5r-e* Oi46Aa t r Its (Title) 1J Title) DATE: �� O( — DATE: Xr—e" —0 5 APPROVED AS TO FORM: e Law ent Owgemder t garageseismc CONTRACT MODIFICATION-2 OF 2 Summit Central Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER 44110 196th Avenue SE No. 0000#1 Fax: 360-825-3797 Phone: 360-825-5600 Enumclaw,Wa 98022 Fax: 360-825-3797 TITLE: Spandrell repair DATE:2/17/2005 PROJECT:Kent Centennial Parking Garage Seis JOB: 02-034 TO: Attn: Rosalie Givens CONTRACT NO: 1 City of Kent Parks Facilities 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 Phone: 253-856-5083 Fax: 253-856-6080 IRE: ' ' : From: Number: 1D11 SCRIPM14 OF PROPOSAL Per engineer direction-Drill hole from outside building through spandrell pannel into column,istall anchor using I-filti ffY150 with new 12"x 12"plate, Paint all exposed steel. @ 55 locations Item bescrioa Ste" Quadity UJAU thdtPrice Tax RateTzx Amount Net Aunt 00001 Spandreu Repay 1000 $12,799 00 0.000/0 $0 00 $12,799 00 Unit Cost: $129799.00 Unit Tax: $0.00 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $12,799.00 RECEIVED FEB 18 2005 Staaleson Engineering QfZOOL, MAR 17 2005 APPROVAL: By: By: Rosalie Givens Keith Hickle Date: Date: E, „® s S C C l Swmntt Central Constr ctkm,Mc. SHEET 1 OF 1 COST ESTIMATE DETAIL SHEET PROJ:NAME: Kent Centenlal Co Q` PROJECT# 04.10 \ REFERENCE: SCCI PCO# DESCRIPMN QUANTITY UNIT UNIT EXTENSION COST TOTALS Subcontractors SUB TOTALS: $ SCCI MATERIAL&EQUIPMENT $ pift anchor. Misc materials eParr,Paint. 5200 Isom $ 7500 $ 3,90000 Mtsc Equipment 100 Isum $ 50 00 $ 5000 SCCI MATERIAL&EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 3,950.00 SCCI LABOR Carpenter 86.00 hour $ 34.50 $ 2,96700 Carpenter 3600 how $ 2840 $ 1,02240 0.00 how $ - $ - 0 00 how $ $ 000 hour $ - $ - - - --- — - - — - - -0E16- - - how $ _ $000 hair $ $ 0.00 hour $ - SCCI LABOR TOTAL 122.00 hour $ 3,989.40 TIME EXTENSION 000 days $ - $ - UNION BENEFITS 122.00 hour $ 1050 $ 1,28100 PAYROLL BURDEN 2100 % $ 3,98940 $ 83777 DIRECT SUP/Managernent 1500 % $ 91623 SCCISUB MARKUP 1000 % $ - SCCI 0 H &PROFIT 1500 % $ 1,64616 SUBTOTAL $ 12,621 INSURANCE 040 % $ 50 BOND PREMIUM 250 % $ 127 TOTAL $ 12,799 Summit Central Construction, Inc. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER -44110 196th Avenue SE No. 00002 Fax:360-825-3797 Phone: 360-825-5600 Enumclaw,Wa 98022 Fax: 360-825-3797 TITLE: Spandrell Patch DATE:2/17/2005 PROJECT:Kent Centennial Parking Garage Seis JOB: 02-034 TO: Attn. Rosalie Givens CONTRACT NO: 1 City of Kent Parks Facilities 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 Phone: 253-856-5083 Fax: 253-856-6080 RE: From: Number: HllSCRMI()N OF PROPOSAL. Per architects direction,chip and grind embeds. repair with Epoxy Gel A approx 77 locations Btart Dewrip " Sloew Quo* umb gilt P Tnx Rate Tax Amount Net Amount 00001 sou patch 1000 $2,050 00 0 00% $0 00 $2,050 00 Unit Cost: $29050.00 Unit Tax: $0000 Lump Sum: $0.00 Lump Tax: $0.00 Total: $29050.00 RECEIVED FEB 18 2005 Staaleson Engineering `Q[ vi ,t,- MAR 17 2005 APPROVAL: By: By: Rosalie Givens Keith Hickle Date: Date: Exped&mg F SCC l Summit Cent d Cowftuafim%Inc. SHEET 1 OF 1 COST ESTIMATE DETAIL SHEET PROJ: NAME: Kent Centenlal PROJECT#: 04.10 REFERENCE: SCCI PCO# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT EXTENSION COST TOTALS Subcontractors SUB TOTALS: $ SCCI MATERIAL 3 EQUIPMENT $ C?orcmwe patch, Misc material Paart 1.00 Isum $ 14500 $ 14500 5 - SCCI MATERIAL&EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 145.00 SCCILABOR Carpenter 19.00 haw $ 3475 $ 66025 Carpenter 9.00 hour $ 2840 $ 25560 0.00 haw $ - $ - 0.00 haw $ - $ - 000 haw $ - $ - 0 00 haw $ - $ - - — - — -- - -- — ------ 0-00--------hwr— - -r --- _ - $ _ --- - 0.00 haw $ - SCCI LABOR TOTAL 28.00 hour $ 915.85 TIME EXTENSION 0.00 days $ - $ - UNION BENEFITS 2800 haw $ 1050 $ 29400 PAYROLL BURDEN 21.00 % $ 91585 $ 19233 DIRECT SUP/Menegernent 1500 % $ 21033 SCCI SUB MARKUP 10.00 % $ - SCCI O H.&PROFIT 15.00 % $ 26363 SUBTOTAL $ 2,021 INSURANCE 0.40 % $ 8 BOND PREMIUM 2.50 % $ 20 TOTAL $ 2,050