HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK05-115 - Original - Clark Lake Outfall Restoration Grant +.'�' ,i� f r R ' e C lMI rd. `� m � ,f f t 11�" GEN T '" j Y .,-� Document wlsH it�crbw �����✓✓ .x S,p YYYYYY 15�^ }2Y CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, If you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. j Vendor Name: 0 ~ Contract Number. This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number. Project Name: Contract Effective Date: 3Iz�D SJ Contract Termination Date: '7 l4 S� Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager. `4 7t J ge�rw~ Departments ir Abstract: � w -n � � '75P- o ADCL7832 07/02 b NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION GRANT AGREEMENT (ADVANCE PAYMENT) PROJECT: Clark Lake Outflow Restoration lI and III,#2004-0228-001 v' Please reference project title and number on all correspondence NFWF RECIPIENT: City of Kent PROJECT PERIOD: September 1,2004 to August 31,2005 AWARD: $42,950 in federal funds and$32,050 in non-federal funds is provided in consideration for the NFWF Recipient's agreement to perform the Project in accordance with Section 1 below,and the NFWF Recipient's agreement that it will raise and spend at least $42,175 in Matching Contributions on the Project. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal funds: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Non-federal funds: King County WaterWorks CFDA Number: 15.FFB Defined Terms. All capitalized terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings attributed to such terms in the 2002 Glossary found on NFWF's website nvww.nfwforg/glossary.htm>,which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. Section 1. PROJECT PURPOSE National Fish and Wildlife Foundation(NFWF)agrees to provide the Award to the NFWF Recipient for the purposes of satisfactorily performing the Project described in a Full Proposal received by NFWF on June 15, 2004 and incorporated into this Agreement by reference. I.I.. Project Description. City of Kent and project partners will restore an 850 foot section of the Clark Lake outfall stream for the benefit of coho and Chinook salmon and Bull trout through: 1) re-establishment of a 250 foot stream channel,2)in-stream improvements of 250 feet via spawning gravel and LWD addition,and 3)stream corridor riparian restoration through removal of invasive reed canary grass and blackberry and re-vegetation with 3,000 native trees and shrubs along 850 feet of stream. 1 • Coordinate with US Corps of Engineers and Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife to discuss project and organize permitting. $0 • Put together permitting package for the Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application for the $0 above permitting agencies. Blanket permit includes Hydrological Permit Application $67,000 and Corp of Engineers Nationwide 27 permit. • Construction of 700 feet of stream channel- includes creation of stream channel, placement of logs, rocks and gravel. 15 feet on either side of stream channel will restored as well, removing invasive plants such as reed canary grass and blackberry • Volunteers plant approx. 5,000 native trees and shrubs along newly constructed corridor • Project management and staking out $26,675 $67,000 • Project closeout: monitor plant survival it for 80%revegetation survival and replace plants as needed. Monitors from City of $0 Kent's Environmental Engineering Department will conduct fish counts from $0 November-December 2005 with corresponding fry counts in Spring 2006. $8,000 • Final Report Submittal $15,500 $8,000 $75,000 1.2. Project Deliverables. This project will result in a redefined 250 section of meandering channel of the Clark Lake outfall stream with increased in-stream habitat quality via addition of spawning gravel, large rocks,and large woody debris(LWD). Staff will also remove invasive reed canary grass and blackberry and replant native vegetation with project partners along 850 feet of the stream corridor of the Clark Lake outfall stream. The local apartment complex and project staff will ensure an 80 percent re-vegetated plant survival rate and replant as needed. City of Kent's Environmental Engineering Department biologists will conduct fish counts during a six week period from November and December which will be continued, along with spring fry 2 counts,via the Meridian Valley Creek system long-term,monitoring plan. Chinook and coho salmon will benefit from increased restored spawning and migration areas and stream habitat improvements such as lower water temperatures, LWD recruitment,and increased habitat complexity resulting from project activities. This grant represents phase two and three to restore historic salmon passage from Meridian Valley Creek to the spawning grounds of Clark Lake via the lake's outfall stream. 1_3. Diligence and Communication Required. The NFWF Recipient agrees to pursue completion of the Project diligently and to communicate with the Project Manager on a regular basis with respect to the status of the Project,including but not limited to providing the reports discussed in Section 4 below. Failure to diligently pursue completion of the Project within the Project Period and/or failure to so communicate with the Project Manager will be deemed a material default in this Agreement, entitling NFWF to terminate this Agreement. Section 2. RESTRICTION ON FUNDS No Funds provided by NFWF pursuant to this Agreement or Matching Contributions may be used to support litigation expenses or lobbying activities. Section 3. PAYMENT OF FUNDS and ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES 3_1. NFWF Funds. Payments of the NFWF Funds for this Award will be made in two installments. • Project Phase One installment will be advanced to the NFWF Recipient when NFWF receives a Request for Payment from the NFWF Recipient certifying that it is ready to begin project activities for the first Phase described in Section 1.1 immediately upon receipt of the funds. • Subsequent Phase installments will be advanced to the NFWF Recipient when NFWF receives and approves a completed Project Phase Reporting Form certifying that(i) the NFWF Recipient has completed the previous Project Phase as described in Section 1.1 and(ii)the NFWF Recipient has expended NFWF Funds and Matching Contributions consistent with the Project Phase Budget as described in Section 1.1; and the NFWF Recipient provides NFWF a Request for Payment certifying that it is ready to begin Project activities for the next Phase immediately upon receipt of the funds. • Under no circumstances will any payment under this Agreement be made if any Financial or Programmatic Reports are due and outstanding. 3.2. Budget Changes. In the event the NFWF Recipient determines that the amount of the Budget is going to change in any one line item by an amount that exceeds more than 10% of the total Budget for that Phase,the NFWF Recipient must seek approval from the Project Manager. If approval is received, both parties must sign a written amendment to this Agreement reflecting the new Budget. Section 4. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 4_1.. Phase Financial and Programmatic Report. Upon completion of each Phase, the NFWF 3 Recipient will submit a brief e-mail or fax Project Phase Report on Project accomplishments and financial expenditures incurred during the Phase. 4_2. Annual Financial and Programmatic Report. The NFWF Recipient will submit an Annual Financial and Programmatic Report no later than October 31 st of each year during the Project Period, summarizing all of the activities accomplished and expenditures made from the beginning of the Project Period or the most recent Project Phase Report until and including the immediately preceding September 30th. 43. Final Report. No later than 90 days after the completion of the Project,the NFWF Recipient shall submit a Final Financial and Programmatic Report to NFWF,that includes: 1)a Final Financial Reporting Form accounting for all receipts of Project funds,Project expenditures, and Budget variances(if any) compared to the approved Budget;2)a report and Certification of Matching Contributions secured and expended by the NFWF Recipient for the Project;3)a Final Programmatic Report summarizing the accomplishments achieved during the tern of the Agreement. A representative number of digital photos(preferred)or color 35mm slides depicting the Project and copies of all publications,press releases and other appropriate "products" resulting from the Project should also be provided to NFWF as part of the Final Report; and 4) a completed Project Evaluation Report. Any requests for extensions of this Final Report submission date must be made in writing to NFWF Project Officer and approved by NFWF in advance. Section 5. STANDARD PROVISIONS. This Agreement is also subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Standard Provisions,each of which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. Section 6. CONTACT INFORMATION. For NFWF Recipient: Perry Brooks Park& Open Space Planner City of Kent, WA 220 4th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032 Phone: 253-856-5114 Fax: 253-856-6050 PBrooks@ci.kent.wa.us Unless from the email address set forth above, electronic mails will be deemed unauthorized. If multiple users are authorized to send electronic mails on behalf of the NFWF Recipient,please list all authorized sources. 4 For NFWF: Jane Van Gunst National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 28 Second Street, a Floor San Francisco,CA 94105 Phone: (415)778-0999 ext. 221 Fax: (415)778-0998 Email: jane.vangunst@nfwf.org IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, intending to be bound legally. NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION By: Date: 3 f 2,1 p S— Director,Pacific Northwest Region CITY OF KENT By: t Date: � fl (Print name and tit a legibl 5