HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2001-0525 - Supplement - City of SeaTac - Sunpro Message Switch (SMS) Interface Transfer of Support - 01/18/2002 s City ofKen4 Washington Valley Communications SMS Interface Agreement Valley Communications SMS Interface Agreement i Revision October 2001 City of Sent, Washington Valley Communications SMS Interface Agreem en Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................I 1 1. SMS INTERFACE BACKGROUND.... ......... ................. . ...... . ............... ........ ... . ... . ..... .. . .... .. . 12. OBJECTIVES................ ......... ...... . ........ ....... . ... . . ..... . . ....... ....... .......... ..... . . . . . .1 1.3. SMS INTERFACE INFORMATION.......... . . ....I - .... - - -.. . . ................... ........ .... . ... . ... - - 1 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.......................... ...........................................................................................3 2.1. CITY OFKENT.................................... ................ .. ....... ........ ....... ............ . ...... ....... ....... .... . . .... . . ..3 2.11. Backup and Recovery. .. ... ...... . .. . .... 3 21.2 Mused Messages. 3 21.3 Version Control 3 2.1.4 SMS Maintenance . ... . ........ . .... . . .... ... .... . .. . .. ..... .... . .. 3 215 SMS Replacement...... ....... ... ..... .. .... ..... . 4 21.6 Disclaimer of Liability and Limitation of Remedies. .... ... . .... 4 2.2. VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS............................. ....... ......... ........ ............. ................. .. .. . ..... ....4 2.21 PRC to SMS Interface . 14 2.2 2 SMS to FireRM55.0. .5 223. Missed Messages ..... ..... 5 22.4 Disclaimer of Liability and Limitation of Remedies 5 2.3. PARTICIPATING AGENCY........................... ...... ....... . ....... .......................... ..... .. ..... . ...... . . .. ......6 2.3.1 FireRMS5.0 Licensing...... .. .. . .... ... . ... . ..... 6 2.3.2 SMS Lwensing ...... . . . .. . ..... .6 2.3.3. Network Security.. . . ... .. ....... ........ .... . .. . ... ...... ...... 6 2.3.4. Version Coordination. .. ..... ... ...... 6 3. COST.......................................... .................................................................................................................7 3.1. IMPLEMENTATION COSTS............................................................................................................. ......... ........... ..........7 3.2. SMS REPLACEMENT COSTS...........................................................I............................. ............................... ........ .......7 4. PARTICIPATING AGENCY AGRXENXNT......... .............................8 Table of Contwft xy F f City o wmt, Washington VaUey Communications SMS Interface Agreement i1. Introduction The purpose of this document is to outline the participation requirements for using the Sunpro Message Switch (SMS) Interface located at Valley Communications. The information addressed in this section includes: ♦ SMS Interface Background ♦ Objectives ♦ SMS Interface Information. 1.1. SMS Interface Background The SMS was developed by Sunpro to provide an automatic mechanism by which computer-aided dispatch (CAD) information could be entered into Sunpro's FireRMS5.0 information system. The City of Kent (City) purchased the SMS software and hardware in September 1999. While the SMS software provided the mechanism to enter information into FireRMS5.0, there was no interface available between the PRC CAD system employed by Valley Communications and SMS. At the City's request, Valley Communications contracted with PRC to design and implement an interface to the SMS. Work began on this interface in September 1999 and was completed in May 2000. The City and Fire District 40 participated in testing the SMS interface from May 2000 through September 2000. The City began using the SMS interface in a production environment in October 2000. 02. Objectives This agreement's primary objective is to make the SMS interface available to Valley Communications dispatched agencies using Sunpro FireRMS5.0. 1.3. SMS Interface Information The PRC/SMS interface does not provide access to all CAD data nor does it provide all data necessary to complete an incident report in FireRMS5.0. The information that is provided includes: ♦ Incident Summary Data—This includes overall incident dates and times as taken from CAD with the incident type translated from the CAD incident type to an NFIRS incident type. The incident type is not complete in order to force an incident review prior to completing an incident. ♦ Address Data—The address or other location data given to CAD is transferred to SMS and an attempt is made to parse the data into the various fields that make up the FireRMS5.0 incident address. The address data is not verified against any local tables in either SMS or FireRMS5.0. The address as it came from CAD appears in the Directions field on the incident Location tab. ♦ Apparatus Data—The CAD dispatched apparatus information is transmitted to FireRMS5.0 via SMS. This includes the apparatus identifier, dates and times, and apparatus personnel. In order to receive any apparatus data, the member agency must have defined the apparatus for which the data is being transmitted in their system. If SMS does not find an apparatus id in the agency's system matching the apparatus id transmitted from CAD, no apparatus information will be entered for that incident. Apparatus personnel can be obtained from CAD,but as with the apparatus id, the personnel ids received Itdroduction 1 City of gent, Washington Volley Communications SMS Interface Agreement from CAD must match the personnel identifiers defined in the agency's FireRMS5.0 system. FireRMS5.0 uses the roster data to populate incident apparatus by default. ♦ Narrative Data — The CAD narrative information is currently being transmitted from CAD to SMS however,the current SMS version only captures and transmits the first 254 characters to FireRMS5.0. ♦ Persons Involved — SMS populates this tab from the person information transmitted from CAD. Currently, CAD only transmits one name and address. An attempt is made to parse the address similar to the incident address. This is the basic information currently populated in FireRMS5.0 from SMS. Other information is available and some additional information can be translated to populate other fields in FireRMS5.0. However, this has implications for all participating agencies and must be coordinated through the City. All incident information transferred from CAD to SMS is subject to error from the crews on the apparatus, the dispatch operator, and network communications. It is therefore imperative that each agency review the incident information prior to marking the incident complete. Introduction 2 t City of gent, Washington VaUey Communications SMS Interface Agreement 2. Roles and Responsibilities I This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of all parties associated with the SMS Interface. The parties include: ♦ The City of Kent ♦ Valley Communications ♦ Participating Agencies 2.1. City of Kent The City took primary responsibility in the SMS Interface's development and implementation. The City anticipates maintaining the leadership role and fulfilling the technical duties relating to the SMS maintenance. 2.1.1. Backup and Recovery The City will be responsible for the SMS backup and recovery. This backup and recovery includes restoring the SMS software to the version that was operating prior to the need for recovery and restoring the configuration files. Any messages that had been transmitted to a member agency or were in the process of being transmitted will not be restored. Any lost messages can be retransmitted by Valley Communications. 0.2. Missed Messaees The City is not responsible for any messages missed by a participating agency for any reason. 2.1.3. Version Control The SMS uses FireRMS5.0 in conjunction with SMS software to distribute CAD dispatches. New FireRMS5.0 releases require updates on the SMS as well as all personal computers that have FireRMS5.0 software and the FireRMS5.0 database server. The City will establish the timeframes for updating the SMS and FireRMS5.0 releases. These updates will occur no more than once per quarter, and participating agencies will be given a written twenty-day advance notice. This will effectively limit the new FireRMS5.0 releases that participating agencies can implement. This is necessary because all participating agencies must use the same version of FireRMS5.0 or risk losing incidents transmitted from CAD. 2.1.4. SMS Maintenance The City will provide periodic SMS maintenance. This maintenance includes: ♦ Clearing the activity log. ♦ Clearing the incident history. ♦ Updating participating agency configurations. ♦ Updating software on the SMS. Roles and Responsibilities 3 • City of Aen4 Washington Valley Communicadons SMS Interface Agreement MMmay be necessary to stop SMS transmission during any maintenance activities; however, participating encies will be notified prior to a scheduled outage. 2.1.5. SMS Replacement The City will periodically replace SMS equipment (i.e., PC that functions as the server) based on performance and capacity needs. The SMS equipment life cycle is typical of a server, which is currently three years. Replacement and installation costs will be apportioned as set forth in section 3.2. 2.1.6. Disclaimer of Liability and Limitation of Remedies Results Not Warranted The City has no control over the condition under which'participating agencies use the SMS interface and does not and cannot warrant the results obtained by such use. Limitation on Warranty The City is not responsible for problems caused by changes in or modification to the operating characteristics of any computer hardware or operating system to which the SMS interface connects. Nor is the City responsible for problems that occur as a result of the use of software or hardware that is incompatible with the SMS interface. 101.6.3. Exclusion of Implied Warranty ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FTI MESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. Damages Limitation The City disclaims any and all liability for special, incidental, or consequential damages (including loss of profit) arising out of this agreement or with respect to the installation, use, operation, or support of the SMS interface or any update to the SMS interface even if the City has been apprised of the possibility of such damages. Limitation of Any Recovery The participating agency specifically agrees that any liability on the part of the City arising from breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability in tort, or any other legal theory shall not exceed amounts paid by the participating agency in fees for the use and maintenance of the SMS interface. 2.2. Valley Communications This subsection details Valley Communications'responsibilities regarding SMS operation. 02.1. PRC to SMS Interface Valley Communications' responsibilities regarding the PRC to SMS interface include: Roles and Responsibilities 4 r 4- City of Sent, Washington Valley Communications SMS Interface Agreement ♦ Ensuring the PRC to SMS interface is properly transferring closed incidents to SMS. ♦ Coordinating with PRC to correct problems with CAD regarding the incident transmission to SMS. ♦ Coordinating with PRC for any enhancements to the interface. ♦ Starting and stopping the PRC CAD side of the interface. ♦ Re-transmitting any incidents requested by member agencies. 2.2.2. SMS to FitreRMS5.0 Valley Communications' responsibilities regarding the SMS to FireRMS5.0 transmission include: ♦ Ensuring the SMS computer is operating and connected to Valley Communications' network. ♦ Ensuring the SMS computer is able to establish a connection through Valley Communications' firewall to each participating agency's FireRMS5.0 system. All network connections and firewall penetrations will be consistent with Valley Communications' network security policy and must be approved by Valley Communications prior to any implementation. 2.2.3. Missed Messages Valley Communications is not responsible for any messages missed by a participating agency for any reason. 02.4. Disclaimer of Liability and Limitation of Remedies MAJ. Results Not Warranted Valley Communications has no control over the condition under which participating agencies use the SMS interface and does not and cannot warrant the results obtained by such use. Limitation on Warranty Valley Communications is not responsible for problems caused by changes in or modification to the operating characteristics of any computer hardware or operating system to which the SMS interface connects. Nor is Valley Communications responsible for problems that occur as a result of the use of software or hardware that is incompatible with the SMS interface. Exclusion of Implied Warranty ANY IlOLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. Damages Limitation Valley Communications disclaims any and all liability for special, incidental, or consequential damages AMneluding loss of profit) arising out of this agreement or with respect to the installation, use, operation, or pport of the SMS interface or any update to the SMS interface even if Valley Communications has been apprised of the possibility of such damages. Roles and Responsibilities 5 r City ofgent, Washington Valley Communications SMS Interface Agreement W.4.5. Limitation of Any Recovery The participating agency specifically agrees that any liability on the part of Valley Communications arising from breach of warranty,breach of contract,negligence, strict liability in tort, or any other legal theory shall not exceed amounts paid by the participating agency in fees for the use and maintenance of the SMS interface. 2.3. Particivatine Aeency The Participating Agency's responsibilities are outlined in this subsection. 2.3.1. FireRMS5.0 Licensing Each participating agency is responsible for payment of all licensing, maintenance, and support fees relating to the agency's installation of PireRMS5.0 to Sunpro. 2.3.2. SMS Licensing Each participating agency is responsible for payment of all licensing, maintenance, and support fees relating to SMS based on Sunpro's licensing requirements for said agency. 2.3.3. Network Security tarl h participating agency is responsible for their network security. In order to use the SMS interface, the icipating agency must coordinate with Valley Communications to establish a network connection which will allow the SMS transmission to pass through the participating agency's security measures and establish a connection to the agency's FireRMS5.0 server. 2.3.4. Version Coordination Each participating agency must coordinate with the City regarding the currently supported FireRMS5.0 version. Once the City decides to upgrade to a new SMS or FireRMS5.0 version, the participating agency must upgrade ftheir FireRMS5.0 installation to the new version within 4 hours of the time set by the City. Failure to perform this upgrade may result in the participating agency not receiving CAD information transmitted from SMS to the particular agency. These upgrades will occur no more than once per quarter. Remote Oueue Processing If Sunpro modifies the SMS application to incorporate remote queue processing, we will examine the ramifications to our operations and make a determination at that time about incorporating a setup of that nature into the SMS processing environment. Roles and Responsibilities 6 • CT&of Kent, Washington Valley Communications SMS Interface Agreement S3. Cost The costs associated with participating in the Valley Communication SMS Interface are outlined below. 3.1. Implementation Costs Costs incurred by the City in developing and implementing the interface. Table 1, below, details these implementation costs and the amount each agency must pay to participate. Table L SMS Interface Implementation Costs Description Amount SMS Interface Development Cost $68,400 Hardware and Operating System Cost $2,500 Total SMS Interface Development Costs $709900 Membership Cost $79090 &e cost is based on participation by 10 agencies. This is a one-time cost payable to the City of Kent. 3.2. SMS Replacement Costs Each participating agency will pay 10% of the procurement and installation costs associated with the periodic replacement of the SMS equipment. This cost is based on participation by 10 agencies. It is a reoccurring cost. Cost 7 t City of Kent, Washington VaHey Comm unicadons SMS Interface Agreement 0 4. Participating Agency Agreement I, Calvin Ho and as the authorized representative of City of SeaTac certify that I have reviewed the Valley eg ep Y Communications SMS Interface Agreement and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein including payment of the $ 7,090 fee. ity SeaTac Signed Date ZO 242�'l Title -City Manager City of,TZ.nt 0<gne Date -' « " 0'-10 U� Marty Mulhotl d Title Information Technology Director alley C mmunications Signed Ad"''l — Date J— I:R"— Da Ron Taylor Title Technical Systems Manager Approved as to form:C2L_ f- WUL" 0 City of SeaTac City Attorney Participating Agency Agreement 8