HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK04-368 - Original - US Dept of Justice - Safe Havens 916001265 - 10/01/2004 r ip II Records Mjj#0reme KENT WAlXINOTON Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be comp ted, if you have questions, please contact City Clerks Office. /� Vendor Name: Vendor Number: 5� 7 �y JD Edwards Number Contract Number. PkOf .3 This is assigned by Deputy City Clerk Description: 4 ce ,�A>b x /Z iO �C�GCSG�' Detail: Project Name: Contract Effective Date: /0-/ -2C / Termination Date: 9- 30—zCV Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager. Department: Abstract: 5•Pubhc\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\ADCL7832 07/02 U.S DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PAGE I OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women 1 RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS(wWdmg Zip Code) A AWARD NUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K001 CnyofKcw 2204th Avwue Sowh 5 PROTECT PERIOD FROM 101012M TO 09/302006 Kent,WA 98W2-5695 BUDGET PERIOD FROM 10/012004 TO 09/302006 6 jAWARDDATE W3W2004 7.ACTION IA GRANTEE IRS/VENDOR NO. L SUPPLEMENT NUMBER final 916001265 00 9 PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT SO 3 PROJECT TITLE 10 AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD $200,000 FY04 Soft Havere. Supwvisad Vm ahm 4 Sate Exchange Program 11 TOTAL AWARD S 200,000 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGE(S) 13 STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT TTns project n vWparted mda 42 USC 14041a 15 METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS AGENCYAPPROVAL GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 16 TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL 1s TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Dune M Shun Jm Wlnte Dvamr,Office on Vwka Agamn Women MaYor 17 SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL .SI TUBE OF AUTI IORUMD CIAL 19A DATE A(1ENG7 Y 20 ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES CW04DWM FISCAL FUND BUD. DIV YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. REG. SUB. POMS AMOUNT X A CW 29 00 00 200000 OJP FORM 40M(REV.5-87)PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 44M US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTMATION SHEET PAGE 2 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women i PROJECTNUkUM 2004-(.'WAX-K001 AWARDDATE 08862004 SPECM COMMONS I The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs(OJP)Financial Guide. 2 The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan(if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R.Section 42302�that is approved by the OfSoe for Civil Rights,is a vlolanon of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding,until such time as the recipient its in compliance. 3. The recipient agrees to comply with the organ ational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133,Audits of States, Local Governments,and Non-Profit Organizations,as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide,Chapter 19. 4. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds,either directly or indirectly,in support of the enactment,repeal,modification or adoption ofany law,regulation or policy, at any level of government,without the express prior written approval of OV W. 5 The Director of OV W,upon a finding that them has been substantial filure by the grantee to comply with applicable laws,regulations,and/or the terms and conditions of the grain or cooperative agreement,will terminate or suspend until the Dueew its satisfied that there is no longer such€ailure,all or part of the grant or cooperative agreement,in accordance with the provisions of sections 802 and 803 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act and 28 CFR Part 18,as applicable mutatis mumadis. 6 The grantee agrees to comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements including,but not limited to,the Violence Against Women Act of 1994,P.L.103-322,the Violence Against Women Act of 2000,P.L 106-386,the Safe Streets Act,42 U.S.0 3711 at seq.,and STOP Violence Against Women Formula and Discretionary Grants Program Final Rule,28 CFR Part 90. 7. Under the Government Performance and Results Act(GPRA)and VAWA 2000,grantees are required to collect and maintain data that measure the eff=dvenas of their gram-funded activities. Accordingly,the grantee agrees to submit semi-annual electronic progress reports on program activities and program effectiveness measures. Information that grantees must collet under GPRA and VAWA 2000 includes,but is not limited to:1)number of persons served;2)number of persons seeking services who could not be served;3)number of supervised visitation and exchange centers supported by the program;4)number of supervised visits between parents and children;and 5)number of supervised exchanges between parents and children. 8 The grantee agrees to submit semiannual program reports that describe project activities during the reporting period. Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods,which are January 1-June 30 and July I-December 31 for the duration of the award.Fugue awards may be withheld if progress reports are delinquent Beginning in 2004,grantees are required to submit this information online,through the Grants Management System(GMS),on the new semi-annual progress report for the relevant OV W gram programs. OR FORM 4000f2(REV.4418) US DEPARTM MM OF JUSTEE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 3 OF S Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECTNUMBER 220M-M-AX- 001 AWARD DATE 09r=004 SPECLIL COMMONS 9. A final report,which provides a summary of progress toward achieving the goals and objectives of the award, significant results,end any products developed under the award,is due 120 days after the end of the award.Future awards may be withheld if the final report ra delinquent The Final Progress Report should be submitted through the Office of Justice Programs Omuta Management System with the Report Type indicated as"Final". 10 The grantee agrees that grant funds will not support activities that may compromise victim safety,such as:pre-trial diversion programs or the placement of offenders charged with enures of domestic violence in such programs; mediation,couples counseling,family counseling or any other manner of joint victim-offender counseling,mandatory counseling for victims of domestic violence;fording the victim to testify against their abuses;or the placement of perpetrators of domestic violence in anger management programs. 11. The grantee agrees to submit one copy of all reports and proposal publications funded by this agreement not less than twenty(20)days prim to public release,publication,or distribution for OVW review. 12. All materials and publications(written,visual,or sound)insulting from award activities shall contain the following statements:'Thus project was supported by Grant No. awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women,U.S.Department of Justice. The opinions,findings,conclusions,and recommendations expressed in this pubitcation/programlexhtbitico are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice,Office on Violence Against Woman. 13. The grantee agrees that grant finds will be used to support services for supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between astodsl and noncustodial parents.The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to support visitation or exchange of children in foster care,kinship care,or protective custody of courts or social service agencies. 14. The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to provide offsnte or overnight visitation services.Offsrte visitation includes,but is not limited to,any visit or exchange between a child and a noncustodial parent that occurs outside the premises of the visitation center.Overnight visitation includes,but is not limited to any visit or exchange between a child and a non-custodial parent that ooc us after or between the normal operating hours of the visitation center. 15. The grantee agrees that if fees are charged for use of programs or services,any fees charged must be based on the income of the individuals using the programs or services,unless otherwise provided by court order. 16. The grantee agrees to develop adequate security measures,mchudmg but nit limited to,adequate facilities, procedures,and personnel capable of preventing violence,for the operation of supervised visitation programs or safe visitation exchange. 17. Supervised Visitation Grant Program grantees are required to develop formal affiliations;with organisations that will be able to provide services and consultation to the programs in their work with children and parents.Accordingly, grantees must establish an advisory board which imchudes experts in the following fields:child abuse and negl mental health,bancr+ar's intervention,law enforcement,child protection services,and advocacy for victim of domestic violence and sexual wmilt. OR FORM 4000J2 OM 4-U) U S.DEPARTMBNr OF R)snCE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 4 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECT NUMBER 2004CW-AX-K001 AWARD DATE 080501 4 SPECLlL CONDIT7016 18. Grant fiords shall be used to support supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between parents in situations involving domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault,or stalking. In accordance with 42 USC 10420,the grantee may not use grant fords to support individual counseling,finnily counseling,parent education, support groups or therapeutic supervision. The grantee may not mandate victims to parent education or other program services. 19. The grantee agrees to submit for OV W review and approval any anticipated addition of removal of,or change in collaborating partner agencies or indrvduals who are stgnatones of the Memorandum of Understanding,and if applicable,the Internal Memorandum of Agreement. 20 The grantee agrees to allocate project fmds as designated by the Office on Violence Against Women for allowable costs to participate in OV W-sponsored technical assistance.Funds designated for OV W-sponsored technical assistance may not be used for any other purpose without prior approval of OV W. Technical assistance includes,but is not limited to,peer-to-peer consultations,focus groups,mentonng site visits,conferences and workshops conducted by OV W-desigtuued technical assistance providers or OV W-designated consultants and contractors. 21. The grantee will provide the Office on Violence Against Women(OV W)with the agenda for any training semmars, workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OV W that project staff propose to attend using grant funds.The grantee must receive prior approval fiom OV W before using OV W grant fiords to attend any training,workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OVW. To request approval,grantees must submit a letter of request to OV W with a copy of the evenes brochure,curriculum and/or agenda,a description of the hosts or trainers,and an estimated breakdown of costs. The letter of request should be submitted to O V W not less than 20 days before registration for the event is due Approval to attend non-0V W sponsored programs will be given on a case by case basis 22. Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of$450 per day A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the OV W Director prior to obligation or expenditure of such fiords. ni}tal ` S OrP FORM 400012(REV.4-88) US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 5 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECT NUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K00! AWARD DATE 0813042M SPECIAL CONDMONS 23. TERMS OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT-STATEMENT OF RECIPIENT RESPONSIBILITIES The City of Kent,Division ofHousing and Human Services, will: 1. Work closely with the Federal Management Team in the development and implementation of this initiative, including providing a meaningful opportunity for OVW staff to: a. Review and approve the content and format of materials produced in conjunction with Ibis project. b. Recommend technical assistance to enhance victim safety and offender accountability. c.Participate in project related planning meetings and advisory group mewing. d. Recommend improved protocols or best practices related to enhancing supervised visitation and exchange services,victims safely,ail or3ender accountability in the City of Kent. e. Approve sites and dates for all project-related everts. f. Monitor program dirmlopment and implementation,and fulfill and oversight and evaluation function regarding the program. 2. Work cooperatively with the technical assistance provider designated by OV W for the Safe Havens Demonstration Project. This may include,for example:sending a multi disciplinary team of specific team members from Kent to attend several technical assistance meetings per year,including evaluation coordination meetings, hosting on site technical assistance providers or other grantees,and sharing materials and protocols developed by the local advisory committee and project partners. 3 Work cooperatively with the designated evaluation coordinator. 4 Provide the Federal Program Manager with an oppofimrty to review and approve the selection of key personnel, including the project director and the local research partner 5 Send project staff to meetings and institutes as designated by OV W. 6. Send the local research partner to meetings as designated by the evaluation coordinator and OV W. 7. Work collaboratively and cooperatively among the primary partner agencies. S. Agree to provide written products(cumculs,mamnds,model policies,or promising prachces)in formats that can be loaded onto the Violence Against Women Resources site on the Internet at httpJhvww.ojp/usdoj.gov/vawo. 9 Agree to participate in any faculty or educational workshops sponsored by OV Vs designated contractors. 10. Agree to follow demonstration related protocols developed by OV W. The Crty of Kent will also: 1 Provide supervised visitation and exchange semen for low/moderate-income victims of family violence; 2. Provide culturally relevant visitation and change services for ethnic and racial minorities through the requirement and bnnng of bilingual supervisors and monitors; 3. Develop standard practices and protocols fa supervised visitation and exchange program tlat are safe and appropriate for domestic violence,sexual assault and stalking situations; 4.Implement security procedures to create state of the art visitation and chance center that is safe for victims of violence through the use of on-site law enforcement,security guards,cameras,metal detectors,and security lighting;and 5. Increase communication between the court and the supervised visitation and exchange program through th development of forms that document court compliance and providing training for judges sod family court commissioners. OJP FORM 400042(REV.4-N) US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PAGE I OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women 4 1.RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS(Including Zip Code) 4 AWARD NUMBER' 2W4-CW-AR-K001 City ofKem 220 41h Avenue South 5 PROJECT PERIOD FROM 10/012004 TO 0913012006 Kent,WA 98032-5995 BUDGET PERIOD FROM 10/012004 TO 09/302006 6 AWARD DATE W=004 7.ACTION IA GRANTEE IUS/VENDOR NO 8 SUPPLEMENT NUMBER tmttal 916001265 00 9 PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT $0 3 PROJECT TITLE 10 AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD $200,000 FY04 Safe Havens. Supervued Visttahon&Sa6s Exchange Program 11 TOTAL AWARD S 200,u00 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LWTA71ONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGES) 13 STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This project uF suppated under 42 USC 14041a 15 METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS AGENCY APPROVAL GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 16 TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL IS.TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Dame M Stuart Tim White Director,Office on Violence Against Women Meyer 17 SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL SI IT1RE OF AUTHORIZED 1CIAL 19A DATE AGENCY U Y 20 ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES CW04D00020 FISCAL FUND BUD DIV YEAR CODE ACT OFC REG SUB POMS AMOUNT X A CW 29 00 00 20DOW DIP FORM 4000/2(REV 5-87)PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. OJP FORM 40002(REV 4-88) US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 2 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement ° Against Women PROIECTNUMBER 2004-Cw-Ax-KODI AWARDDATE 0WOM04 SPECLIL CONDMONS I. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs(OJP)Financial Guide. 2 The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan(if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R.Section 42.302),that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights,is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of finding,until such time as the recipient is in compliance 3 The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133,Audits of States, Local Governments,and Non-Profit Organizations,as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide,Chapter 19. 4. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot are any federal fiords,either directly or indirectly,in support of the enactment,repeal,modification or adoption of any law,regulation or policy, at any level of government,without the express prior written approval of OV W. 5 The Director of OV W,upon a finding that there has been substantial failure by the grantee to comply with applicable laws,regulations,and/or the terms and conditions of the grant or cooperative agreement,will terminate or suspend until the Director is satisfied that there is no longer such failure,all or part of the grant or cooperative agreement,in accordance with the provisions of sections 802 and 803 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act and 28 CFR Part 18,as applicable mums mu mndis. 6. The grantee agrees to comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements including,but not limuted to,the Violence Against Women Act of 1994,P.L.103-322,the Violence Against Women Act of 2000,P L.106-386,the Safe Streets Act,42 U S C 3711 et seq.,and STOP Violence Against Women Formula and Discretionary Grants Program Final Rule,28 CFR Part 90. 7 Under the Government Perform&=and Results Act(GPRA)and VAWA 2000,grantees are required to collect and maintain data that measure the effeetivenesa of their grant-forded activities. Accordingly,the grantee agrees to submit semi-annual electronic progress reports on program activities and program effectiveness measures. Information that grantees must collect rider GPRA and VAWA 2000 includes,but is not bmited to:1)number of persons served;2)number of persons seeking services who could not be served;3)number of supervised visitation and exchange centers supported by the program;4)number of supervised psis between parents and children;and 5)number of supervised exchanges between patens and children 8. The grantee agrees to submit semiannual progress reports that describe project activities during the reporting period. Progress reports must be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods,which are January 1-June 30 and July 1-December 31 for the duration of the award Future awards may be withheld if progress reports are delinquent. Beginning in 2004,grantoes am required to submit this information online,through the Grants Management System(GMS),on the new semi-animal progress report for the relevant OV W grant programs. OR FORM 400012(REV 4-0) U S.DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 3 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECTNUMBER 2004-CW-AX-K00r AWARD DATE ORM004 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9 A final report,which provides a summary of progress toward adnevmg the goals and objectives of the award, significant results,and any products developed under the award,is due 120 days after the and of the award Future awards may be withheld if the final report is delinquent The Final Progress Report should be submitted through the Office of Justice Programs Grants Management System with the Report Type indicated as"Final". 10. The grantee agrees that grant funds will not support activities that may compromise victim safety,such as pre-trial diversion programs or the placement of offenders charged with crimes of domestic violence in such programs; mediation,couples counseling,family counseling or any other manner of jomt victim-offender counseling,mandatory counseling for victim of domestic violence;formag the victims to testify against their abusers;or the placement of perpetrators of domestic violence in anger managemart programs. I 1 The grantee agrees to submit one copy of all reports and proposed publications funded by this agreement not less than twenty(20)days prior to public release,publication,or distribution for OV W review. 12. All materials and publications(written,visual,or sound)resulting from award activities shall contain the following statements:"This project was supported by Grant No. awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women,U.S.Department of Justice. The opinions,findings,conclusions,and recommendations expressed in this publication/pmgratn/exhibibon are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflex the views of the Department of Justice,Office on Violence Against Women 13 The grantee agrees that grant funds will be used to support services for supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and between custodial and non-custodial parents.The grantee agrees that funds will not be used to support visitation or exchange of children in foster care,kinship care,or protective custody of courts or social service agencies. 14 The grantee agrees that finds will not be used to provide offsite or overnight vsitahon services.Offsite visitation includes,but is not limited to,any visit or exchange between a child and a non-custodial parent that occurs outside the premises of the visitation center.Overnight visitation includes,but is not limited to any visit or exchange between a child and a non-custodial parent that occurs after or between the normal operating hours of the visitation center. 15. The grantee agrees that if fees are charged for use of programs or services,any fees charged must be based on the income of the individuals using the programs or services,unless otherwise provided by court order. 16 The grantee agrees to develop adequate security measures,including but not limited to,adequate facilities, procedures,and personnel capable of preventing violence,for the operation of supervised visitation programs or safe visitation exchange. 17 Supervised Visitation Grant Program grantees are required to develop formal affiliations with organizations that will be able to provide services and consultation to the programs in their work with children and parents Accordingly, grantees must establish an advisory board which includes experts in the following fields:child abuse and negl mental health,batterees intervention,law enforcement,child protection services,and advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault OR FORM 4000/2(REV 448) US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 4 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROIECTNUMBER 20D4-CW-AX-K001 AWARD DATE 011/3042004 SPECIAL CONDITIONS lg Grant funds shall be used to support supervised vistabon and safe visitation exchange of children by and between parents in situations involving domestic violence,child abuse,sexual assault,or stalling. In accordance with 42 USC 10420,the grantee may not use grant funds to support individual counseling,family counseling,parent education, support groups or therapeutic supervision. The grantee may not mandate victims to parent education or other program services. 19. The grantee agrees to submit for OV W review and approval any anticipated addition of,removal of,or change in collaborating partner agencies or individuals who are signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding,and if applicable,the Intemal Memorandum of Agreement. 20 The grantee agrees to allocate project funds as designated by the Office on Violence Against Women for allowable costs to participate in OV W-sponsored technical assistance.Funds designated for OV W-sponsored technical assistance may not be used for any other purpose without prior approval of OV W. Technical assistance includes,but is not limited to,peer-to-peer consultations,focus groups,manuring site visits,conferences and workshops conducted by OV Wdesigosted tnehmical assistance providers or OV W-designated consultants and contractors. 21. The grantee will provide the Office on Violence Against Women(OV W)with the agenda for any training seminars, workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OV W that project staff propose to attend using grant funds The grantee must receive prior approval from OV W before using OV W grant funds to attend any training,workshops,or conferences not sponsored by OV W. To request approval,grantees must submit a letter of request to OV W with a copy of the events brochure,curriculum and/or agenda,a description of the hosts or trainers,and an estimated breakdown of costs The letter of request should be submitted to OV W not less than 20 days before registration for the event is due Approval to attend non-0V W sponsored programs will be given on a case by case basis 22 Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of$450 per day. A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the OV W Director prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds VL ri t}tal OJP FORM 400012(REV 4 8) US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 5 OF 5 Office on Violence Cooperative Agreement Against Women PROJECT NUMBER 2004-cw-AR-K001 AWARDDATE 08/30f2004 SPECUL CONDMONS 23. TERMS OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT-STATEMENT OF RECIPIENT RESPONSIBH=S The City of Kent,Division of Housing and Human Services, will: 1. Work closely with the Federal Management Team in the development and implementation of this initiative, including providing a meaningful opportunity for OV W staff to: e. Review and approve the content and format of materials produced in conjunction with this project. b. Recommend technical assistance to enhance victim safety and offender accountability. c Participate in project related planning meetings and advisory group meeting. d. Recommend improved protocols or best practices related to enhancing supervised visitation and exchange services,victims safety,and offender accountability in the City of Kent. e Approve sites and dates for all project-related events. E Monitor program development and implementation,and fidfill and oversight and evaluation function regarding the pram 2. Work cooperatively with the technical assistance provider designated by OV W for the Safe Havens Demonstration Project This may include,far example:sending a multi disciplinary team of specific team members from Kent to attend several technical assistance meetings per year,including evaluation coordination meetings, hosting on site technical assistance providers or other grantees,and sharing materials and protocols developed by the local advisory committee and project partners. 3. Work cooperatively with the designated evaluation coordinator. 4 Provide the Federal Program Manager with an opportunity to review and approve the selection of key personnel, including the project director and the local research partner. 5. Send project staff to meetings and institutes as designated by OV W 6. Send the local research partner to meetings as designated by the evaluation coordinator and OV W 7 Work collaboratively and cooperatively among the primary partner agencies. 8. Agree to provide written products(curricula,manuals,model policies,or promising practices)in fomiats that can be loaded onto the Violence Against Women Resources site on the Internet at httpJ/www.ojpAisdoj.gov/vawo 9 Agree to participate in any faculty or educational workshops sponsored by OV W's designated contractors. 10. Agree to follow demonstration related protocols developed by OV W. The City of Kent will also: I Provide supervised visitation and exchange services for low/moderate-income victims of family violence; 2 Provide culturally relevant visitation and change services for ethnic and racial minorities through the requirement and hiring of bilingual supervisors and monitors; 3. Develop standard practices and protocols for supervised visitation and exchange program that are safe and appropriate for domestic violence,sexual assault and stalking situations; 4 Implement security procedures to create state of the art visitation and chance center that is safe for victims of violence through the use of on-site law enforcement,security guards,cameras,metal detectors,and security lighting;and 5. Increase communication between the court and the supervised visitation and exchange program through tlr development of forms that document court compliance and providing training for judges and family court commissioners. OJP FORM 4000/2(REV 4-88)