HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT04-076 - Change Order - Focal Communications Corporation - Telecommunications Services - 12/15/2003 e Zor ds M44 Ot*e'me*6 KENT Document WASHiNorom CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, If you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: Vendor Number: -6704to JD Edwards Number Contract Number: O This is assigned by Mary Simmons Description: �ennk Sr��'�� oS Q�.c a gn-T _�nac�no_ �rc�ar Detail: A cnar-,A erck- A-6 or-s Ic a\ ecxA-cac+ tM 1T oo Project Name: Te.ly-ceengn _ Sey-a:cas Contract Effective Date: La I ni Jn4 Termination Date: 6 i o k 1 e u Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: -Z u "0110A.c 1{} Department: �,�o . Th,..zlo Abstract: 5 Public\RecordsManagemeni\Forms\ContractCover\ADCL7832 07/02 6 Z KEN T CHANGE ORDER TO W^"H'"'"" FOCAL SERVICE AGREEMENT (Focal Communications Corp. and the City of Kent) THIS CHANGE ORDER TO THE FOCAL SERVICE AGREEMENT is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and FOCAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON, a Washington corporation ("Contractor"). I. RECITALS 1.1 City and Contractor entered into that certain Focal Service Agreement,dated March 22,2001,("Agreement")wherein the Contractor agreed to provide local dial tone and long distance services to the City. 1.2 City and Contractor express their mutual intent and desire to amend the Agreement in order to adjust the prices set forth on the Service Order, which is attached to the original Agreement, and to extend the term of the Agreement. II. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual intent,desire and promises of the parties and other good and valuable consideration, City and Contractor agree as follows: 2.1 The Service Order attached to the Agreement is hereby amended to reduce the rates to those depicted on the new Service Order,effective December 31,2003. A revised Service Order is attached and shall be incorporated into the Agreement,as if originally set forth therein. 2.2 The original term of the Agreement was for three years from its effective date. The Agreement became effective on June 1,2001,and terminates on June 1, 2004. In order to clarify the intent of the parties,a new subparagraph is added to paragraph 1 of the Agreement as follows: 1. General. (d) The original term of this Agreement shall be for a period of three(3) years,commencing on June 1,2001. The City,at its sole discretion, may renew this Agreement for an additional two(2)year term upon terms and conditions satisfactory to the City. The renewal shall be completed upon execution of a Change Order prior to the termination of this Agreement and its current term. 2.3 In accordance with the above amendment to paragraph 1 of the Agreement,the City desires to exercise its option to extend the Agreement for an additional two(2)year term. The new expiration date of this Agreement shall be June 1, 2006. CHANGE ORDER TO FOCAL SERVICE AGREEMENT-t (April 23,2004) 2.4 Contractor certifies to the City that the Agreement is in full force and effect and that there exists no uncured defaults on the part of the Contractor under the Agreement. The City certifies to Contractor that the Agreement is in full force and effect and that there exists no uncured defaults on the part of the City under the Agreement. 2.5 Except as specifically amended by this Change Order, all remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2.6 This Change Order shall become effective on the last date entered below. IN WITNESS, the parties have executed this Change Order to the Focal Service Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. CITY OF KENT By: 14. 1& -0 Print Na i Title: Date: -z9�f FOCAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON B G � Y� Print Name: Thomas Guvton Title: Area Sales Director Date: a 4e'2b - c� v Approved as to Form: om Brubaker, City Attorney CHANGE ORDER TO FOCAL SERVICE AGREEMENT-2 (April 23,2004) FOCAL CUSTOMER AND ORDER RFORMATION BALHSpERSOWACM jJeff Huang Custarriar Nam02204thAverAWSOPAII AGENT LCC Emetirr WhMmCustomer AddrueWN Swdch ProWON+g Bervla Seatlb(STT01) RoonVFExisting Accou t NUROM 819407 Guy State 21 Pripet Circus D(s) 24-anffi9w-=I Estand l:ontrad Lw+phther 24-en1-h9z-0001 Eflacive DNeypo' -Bn- UNE CHARGES Oty, ROOM" MMMIO, CALLING PLANS/RPM r No Calling Plans lJrxt Frig Cusb S3 mer switched O Crcur(DD) OPERATING STATE IVA CrOWW Switched OS3 Caad(DIOD.GOD) DB3 MUx LOCAL SERVICES Local Flat-Uncounl Plan WA 03 Fall WD SPR C Yes E No IATAANWO PRI Cola PR MXMnual Wap9molrnpe LONG DISTANCE SERVICES Fo LFC 0b,ount Plan WA 03 Nan Cob Fee MXNNun OMM&Adwnpe SPR[3 Ypq E No PRI DIOD 3 650 Pro DOD FOCAL ON SERVICES Focal 800-Decount Plan WA 03 T/DID-Inbound Only SPR Q yes 0. No TI DOD-Outbound Only TI taco O NATIONAL ExcNaA�NqGE SERVICE (select one) LATA.Mads TI SPR C Yes tics No Oua1aMM AtlWntapa Pram TI Outbound Advenrpe Pram PRI CALLING CARD SERVICES (saint one) DID Wwrie4 SPRY„Yes E No Araft Lines Cob TI MXNwkw OMoaRxdunps PIC CHOICES ^ Non Cob T1 M%Ahbal OMooBod Age PIC Freaas RD"@" b Yea E NO r NO RC Required am ImraLATA Canter Focal-No PIC OR303 APPROVAL REQUIRED (V Focal,leave WW*4 TMES CMgo uesAATA Carrier Focal Long Distance-5508 MMIJOI NUMBERS Managed brtarnat Access DID Nuabero Recurring V4W rn City Bandwidth S a E Desptan Price) Urvt Tea Puts FaaaaN SlMOP LINE ENHANCEMENTS Orwer.d AM(TI Only) D*WwAl BsduV scr inbound AM over TI(Qusasastm Required) CENTRAL OFFICE wstvicn Cdwm6m Ceosut OTHER SERVICES NAD Qmes4co ned Recurring Recurring road FS&4wo O+Y Unit Price Dry Und Price Rabat Call Fawaiding(AM CDR Egress NAD SI Voice Choi $000 FoaalPaq-ID Access NXS Oala EquyFrrnc CDR an CO Ran DID Sig Option Lm Features $0 00 Voice Msasapxg $000 SPR P _ _ 1 e IF addressed- $0 00 f✓� SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS cave $000 es DNB C Yes ENO Hosting $0 00 Plasse lower 81e circuit pining from SW to$850 tar PRI par mOMh.and also the now lower rate �LD dart plarw -no chugs for 1 address TOTAL fg 00 Any expedeas beyond Fours sfarWard Provisioning Intervals cry be sutgact to additional nonfecurrg duress CusWm will be hable for the sppkAble nonrecurring and recurring purged as 000 data the service is asiWsd and available for Cuusload r use Credit for voloo products apply as I,-, , :(a)Culdotser shag racelve s«sell equal n omount e,(I)one days recurrng dwvn for any craua where a Service Interruptions of such circuit of a duration of 5 hours or Mad occurs In any calendar mpMh end(ti)one mordws recurring charged for arty circuit where Service Interruption of such cutout of a duration in excess d 5 hours occurs,In pry calendar month (b)"Service Interrup W mart 0W affected dreuq Is unusable and not in use by Custard as a resu t of tiN kkwe of FoatF controlled equipment or persen al.A Service Interruption ow not scar or continue if ties kuMmiplion occurs because of a failure In equrpmnk that is not under Focers control or doAmeh n n oWW*cite aor*d of Focoi R FeoN provides raasonable notice that a service disruption w8 occur to enable Focal to prfa m maintenance.such snvlce disruption will not be in *WrI a Service Interruption SgMATLI$t" Focal Co bvu �w Customer By or typs nom Mrs a SICNA rint S93HATURE sl�t�yr.on Flo Title v!s P Dote O TEa• U Dste-_—!!; Papa f,Customs,Service Order r Usage Pricing Attachment Operating State: WA w Select Term: 2 Year(s) Local Services u minor inch _ Local Rat-Discount Plan WA 4M please sale M one call plan SW Rate IntraLATA Toll $0 0400 FocaLINC Local $0 0000 AN local cabs are zero rated Ali Local DA call are subject to a charge per cM of $0 50 Lons Distance ServWea JIM IncreawnW FocaLINC-Discount Plan WA 03 1 v 1 4$� please select one call plan Voice Service SW Rate Dlodal Data Servi Std Rate Off-Market Interstate $0 0375 Off-Market Interstate' $0 1235 Off-Market Intrastate $0.0665 Off-Market Intrastate $0 1900 On-Market Interstate $0 0261 On-Market interstate $0 1211 On-Market Intrastate N/A On-Market Intrastate NIA On-Net Interstate $0 0119 On-Net Interstate On-Net Intrastate N/A On-Net Intrastate NIA 43 contiguous states only Digital Data Service rates apply to PRI only See following pages of this Pricing Attachment for ell ntemadonal rates included In this plan All National DA call are subject to a charge of$0 75 per WI Foci] 0 me etll tie 118M Incromental Focal 800-Djsmjnt Plan WA 03 n please select one call plan Voice SerWce Std RateDiaital Data Servi Std Rate Interstate' $0.0375 Interstate' $0 1306 Intrastate $0 0665 Intrastate $0 1805 •48 contiguous stales only Dlgnai Dale Service rates sppty to PRI only An calls originadng from a payphate era wbjea to a ton-b a surcharge of g 35 per cad See following pages of alas Pricing Attachment for all international raise nduded in this plan Toll Free Feature NRC$76ffeature,MRC$60Meature V 6.0 Initial � r Usage Pricing Attachment Naf3OMI xe a SOMCOS NXS-Pleasured Discount Plan 03 please select one call plan Std Rate NXS-Voice $0 0425 NXS-Enhanced Services $0.0400 fM19t Inds' V 6 0 Initia