HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK03-001 - Original - Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) - WWRP Project Agreement for East Hill "X" Park Grant - 09/09/2003 Records Managemen' ' t T � W„„,„aTo„ Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks office. All Portions are to be completed,I you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons,City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: 67 Contract Number. PK- p3`06 l This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: Project Name: 62 11W /r Contract Effective Date: Contract Termination Date: zz�L31/ 5- Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager. Department: Abstract• r _ ADCL7832 o7/02 WWRP Project Agreement Outdoor Recreation Account Project Sponsor: Kent Parks, Rec&Comm Sery Project Number: 02-1230C Project Title: Kent East Hill "X"Park Approval Date: 7/11/2003 A. PARTIES OF THE AGREEMENT This Project Grant Agreement(Agreement)is entered into between the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC), P.O. Box 40917,Olympia,Washington 98504-0917 and Kent Parks, Rec&Comm Serv, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032-5895(Sponsor)and shall be binding upon the agents and all persons acting by or through the parties B. PURPOSE OFAGREEMENT This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions by which a grant is made from the Outdoor Recreation Account of the State of Washington's General Fund. The grant is administered by the IAC to the Sponsor for the project named above. C. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The subject Project is described on the attached Project Summary. D. TERM OF AGREEMENT The Project Sponsor's on-going obligation for the above project is perpetual unless otherwise identified in this Agreement. E. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The Project reimbursement period shall begin on September 9,2003 and end on December 31,2005. No expenditure made before or after this period is eligible for reimbursement unless incorporated by written amendment into this Agreement. F. PROJECT FUNDING The total grant award provided by the IAC for this project shall not exceed$465,000.00. The IAC shall not pay any amount beyond that approved for funding of the project. The Sponsor shall be responsible for all total project costs that exceed this amount. The contribution by the Sponsor toward work on this project at a minimum shall be as indicated below: Percentage Dollar Amount IAC-WWRP -Local Parks 50.00% $465,000.00 Project Sponsor 50.00% $465,000 00 Total Project Cost 100.000/0 $930,000.00 G. RIGHTS AND OBUGATIONS All rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement are subject to this Agreement and its attachments,including the Sponsor's Application, Project Summary, Eligible Reimbursement Activities Report, Project Milestones,Legal Description,and the General Provisions,all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. Except as provided herein, no alteration of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement will be effective unless provided in writing. All such alterations,except those concerning the period of performance, must be signed by both parties. Period of performance extensions need only be signed by IAC's Director The Sponsor has read,fully understands and agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions as set forth in these documents. WWRP Prolect Agreement Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 79A.15 RCW,Chapter 286 WAC Page 1 of 2 PROJAGRI.RPT H. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATUTES,RULES,AND IAG POLIGIES This Agreement is governed by,and the Sponsor shall comply with, all applicable state and federal laws and regulations,including Chapter 79A 15 RCW, Chapter 286 WAC and published agency policies,which are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth. I. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS OR MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL PROVISIONS To ensure the expenditure of Fiscal Year 2004 WWRP funds prior to June 30, 2007,the City of Kent must make significant progress(as determined by IAC staff)on the project scope identified in this Agreement by August 1,2005. Depending on the progress made and future prospects, IAC may either extend the agreement or move a portion or all of the uncommitted funds to another WWRP project(s). J. FEDERAL FUND INFORMATION (none) K. PROJECT GRANT AGREEMENT REPRESENTATIVE All written communications sent to the Sponsor under this Agreement will be addressed and delivered to. Protect Contact IAC Name: Lori Flemm Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Title: Superintendent Natural Resources Building Address: 220 4th Ave S PO Box 40917 Kent,WA 98032-5895 Olympia,Washington 98504-0917 www.iacwagov/iac/ These addresses shall be effective until receipt by one party from the other of a written notice of any change. L ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement,along with all attachments,constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. No other understandings,oral or otherwise, regarding this Agreement shall exist or bind any of the parties M. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement,for project#02-1230C, shall be effective upon signing by all parties. STATE OF WASHINGTON INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR AOUTDOOR RECREATION BY: z• DATE: L kert Johnson, Director PROJ T SPO O / BY: DATE: [ oZ 0 3 TITLE: � � !/JiI Pre approve as to form: BY: /S/ Assistant Attorney General WWRP Proiect Aareement Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 79A.15 RCW,Chapter 286 WAC Paae 2 of 2 PROJAGR2 RPT Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program HIM Local Parks Category g rN �'--� RECREATION Post-Evaluation Project Summary TITLE: Kent East Hill"X"Park NUMBER: 02-1230C (Combined) STATUS: Board Funded SPONSOR: Kent Parks, Rec&Comm Sery EVALUATION SCORE: 507778 BOARD RANKING: 25 of 44 COSTS: SPONSOR MATCH: W W RP - Local Parks $465,000 50% Appropriation 1 Cash Local $465,000 50% Total $930,000 100% DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is the acquisition and development of two acres of undeveloped land for the construction of the"X", or eXtreme park on the East Hill of Kent.The park will consist of sporting elements such as a skateboard park, a BMX halfpipe and other bicycle amenities, a rollerblade hockey arena and a sport climbing monolith. The site will also have parking and a restroom/picnic shelter. The park is intended for all age groups and skill levels in each sport. There is incredibly strong community support for this project from all user groups as well as the general public. This site allows the City to address all the sporting needs of the community in a centrally located area of Kent where 80%of the City's population resides. There is no other park like in the state or the in the country This development will set the precedent for the development of a multi-use facility that incorporates such diverse sports and user groups while allowing the general public a venue to educate and appreciate these"extreme"sporting activities. LOCATION INFORMATION: The project site is located on the East Hill of the City of Kent. COUNTY: King SCOPE(ELEMENTS): Administrative costs Incidentals Parking Allowable land costs Outdoor Courts&Athletic Area Permits Architectural & Engineering Park Amenities Restrooms Fencing &Gates Park Furniture Sales Tax ANTICIPATED ACREAGE: Acres To Acres To Acres To ACREAGE TYPE Be Acquired Be Developed Be Renovated Uplands 1.89 1.89 FISCAL YEAR: 2004 DATE PRINTED: September 5, 2003 1 PAPSUMI.RPT Kent East Hill "X"Park /na 9= mom Legal Description RR CRERTION Project Sponsor: Kent Parks, Rec&Comm Sery Project Number: 02-1230 C Project Title: Kent East Hill"X"Park IAC Approval: 07/11/2003 Legal Description The legal description of the property purchased with funding assistance provided through this Project Agreement(and protected by a recorded Deed-of-Right)shall be amended into the Project Agreement prior upon receipt of acquisition billing. LEGALDSCAPT September 5,2003 Page 1 Como mg�ttrryr far Eligible Reimbursement Activities Report r RR CRER ION Project Sponsor: Kent Parks, Rec&Comm Sete Project Number: 02-1230 C Project Title: Kent East Hill "X" Park IAC Approval: 7/11/2003 Acquisition Items: Items Elements Unit Quantity Description Administrative costs Appraisal and review Closing Demolition Hazardous substances asse Land Recording fees Survey Title reports/insurance Development/Restoration Items: Items Elements Unit Quantity Description Architectural&Engineering A&E development Lump Sum 100 Fencing&Gates Fencing-chain link Linear Ft 1,200.00 4'high-9 gauge Fencing&Gates Gates Each 100 parking lot gate Outdoor Courts&Athletic Ar BMX track Each 100 Outdoor Courts&Athletic Ar Skate park Sq Ft 100 Park Amenities Climbing wall Lump sum 100 Climbing monolith Park Furniture Bike racks Each 1.00 Park Furniture Drinking fountain Each 100 Accessible fountain Park Furniture Tables Each 200 Two accessible tables Park Furniture Trash receptacles Each 300 Standard trash receptacle Parking Parking-asphaltic concrete Spaces 2600 1 accessible stall Parking Striping Lump sum 70000 Parking Wheel stops Each 2600 6"x1'x6' Permits Permits Lump sum 100 Restrooms Restrooms-other Lump sum 100 Restroom with Picnic Shelter Sales Tax Sales Tax Lump Sum 1 00 I ELIGREIM.RPT September 5,2003 Page 1 Milestone Report By Project r RECRERTION Project Number: 02-1230 C Project Name: Kent East Hill "X" Park Sponsor: Kent Parks, Rec& Comm Sery IAC Project Manager: Darrell Jennings x Milestone Target Date Comments/Description Project Start 09/09/2003 RFP Complete/Consultant Hired 10/15/2003 Recorded Documents to IAC 11/30/2003 Submit reimbursement for acquisition Annual Project Billing 06/30/2004 ! A&E Complete/Permits Submitted 12/15/2004 Plans&Specs Reviewed by IAC 02/01/2005 Bid Awarded 03/07/2005 I Construction Started 04/01/2005 Annual Project Billing 06/30/2005 I Special Conditions Met 08/01/2005 Project status/milestone evaluation I Project Complete 12/31/2005 Final Docs & Billing to IAC 03/31/2006 X=Milestone Complete I m Critical Milestone 1MILESTO.RPT September 05,2003 Page- 1 INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION FORM A-19 State of Washington INVOICE VOUCHER Agency Name sponsors Cartiflcate t hereby eerafy under penal d perMny that the hems and trials listed Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation fin are proper charges for materials,merchandise or SWIM fu ished andlor services furnished to the Slate of Washspten,and that as goods furnished and/or services rendered P O. Box 40917 have been provided without tlhukrtlrwtion because of age,sex,marital stelae,race,creed, Olympia, WA 9650"917 cola,national origin,handicap,ralgbn or Vmtnam or disabled veterans statue Sponsor BY Kent Parks,Rec&Comm Sery 220 4th Ave S Kent,WA 98032-5895 (TITLE) (DATE) Protect Number 02-1230 C Invoice# Billing Penod This is a Final Billing? Project Name Kent East Hill l Park 1 From To Yes I I No[ I Project Costs For This Billing CATEGORIES Agreement Expenditures Donations Total Land Incidentals Land/Inc Subtotal $430,000 00 Admin Costs $0 00 Acquisition Total $430,000 00 Construction $455,000.00 All $45,000 00 Development Total $500,000 00 TOTAL $930,000.00 i FUNDING&EXPENDITURE FORMULA For IAC Use ONLY 111iiiii is, ill Sponsor- 50.00% $465,000.00 Total Billed IAC Federal. IAC Share Billed IAC: WWRP-LP 50.00% $466,000 00 IAC Share Approved IAC Advance Balance IAC: Match Owed Balance Agreement Total: 100.00% $930,000.00 IAC Share Retained IAC Share Paid Donation Bank 0401 SWV0000552-00 02-1230 C 210 070 1 92201 NZ 0401 1 NZ 0401 NZ 0401 =ermateFinal Pmt livisson Supervisor/Date Accountin to 1INVOICE.RPT 9/5/2003 Current Funding