HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2003-0494 - Original - The Way Back Inn Foundation - Campus Park House Lease - 09/01/2003 Records Ma-nagemen' t KENT „,A,„,MQT,M Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks office. All portions are to be completed,if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons,City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: )G 'd4 ac'L I h o TT— Contract Number. This is assigned byMary Simmons Vendor Number. Project Name:_Chi 17Jy S P" HT Contract Effective Date: Contract Termination Date: g 3 III 2,A�og Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager. (Q 6021 n Department: 1 /ClddylI✓G, �" . AXOI�eixf _ Abstract: ADCV832 07/02 CITY OF KENT RENTAL AGREEMENT The CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("Lessor"), whose mailing address is 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032 enters into this Rental Agreement with The Way Back Inn Foundation, ("Lessee") a Washington non-profit corporation, under the following terms: UPON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. PREMISES. Lessor leases to Lessee the Residence and all appurtenances situated on the real property(the"Premises")legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and commonly referred to Campus Park House at 9815 South 252d Street. 2. TERM.This Rental Agreement shall commence on the 1" day of September, 2003 and shall terminate on the 315t day of August. 2008, unless sooner terminated under the terms of this Rental Agreement. 3. USE. Lessee shall use the leased premises to provide temporary single-family dwellings for homeless families with children under fourteen years of age (tenants), and all current uses incidental thereto, and for no other purpose without first obtaining Lessor's prior written consent. 4. RENT. During the Term hereof, Lessee may occupy the leased premises rent free; provided, however, Lessee shall make all necessary improvements at its sole expense,as outlined in Exhibit B; provided such improvements shall be subject to a final inspection and the approval of the Kent Building Code Inspector and the Facilities Superintendent of the Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, prior to the occupancy of the leased premises, and pay all costs associated with or arising out of the maintenance and operation of the leased premises as set forth herein. 5. RENTAL AGREEMENT POSSESSION. Lessee is currently in possession of the Premises under a prior Rental Agreement. Lessee shall be deemed to have accepted possession of the leased premises in"as-is"condition. Lessor has made no representations to Lessee respecting the condition of the leased premises. Upon taking possession of the premises by the Lessor, either upon termination of this Agreement or upon abandonment of said premises by the Lessee, the Lessor or his Agent may remove from the premises all personal property of tenants located therein and place the same in storage at a public warehouse at the expense and risk of the owners thereof. Personal property so stored shall be subject to the rules and regulations as set down by such public warehouse. Disposition of any personal property shall be subject to the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act, Chapter 59.18 RCW. Contracts/Rental Agreement t of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation 6. LESSEE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RESPONSIBILITY. Lessee shall,when and if needed, at Lessee's sole expense,make repairs to the leased premises and every part thereof; and Lessee shall maintain the leased premises, including the yard, in a neat, clean, safe and sanitary condition at all times. At the end of the lease,Lessee shall surrender the leased premises and dwelling to Lessor in a clean, good, and sanitary condition with the exception of reasonable wear and tear. 7. UTILITIES. Lessee shall pay, prior to delinquency, all charges for heat, electricity, water, sewer, garbage, telephone, and other utility services supplied to the leased premises. All leasehold assessments and charges not specifically assumed by the Lessor are the obligation of, and payable by, the Lessee. 8. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS BY LESSEE. The Lessee shall not remove any fixtures, alter, or make major improvements to the premises without prior written approval of the Lessor. After obtaining the prior written consent of Lessor, Lessee may make, at its sole expense, such additional improvements or alterations to the leased premises that it may deem necessary or desirable. Any repairs or new construction by Lessee shall be done in conformity with the Uniform Building Code and City of Kent regulations. All work performed shall be done in a workmanlike manner and shall become the property of the Lessor. 9. LIENS. Lessee shall keep the leased premises free from any liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished, or obligations incurred by Lessee. 10. INSURANCE. Prior to the commencement date, at no expense to the City of Kent, the Lessee shall obtain and furnish to the City of Kent Risk Manager, a CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE showing general liability insurance coverage including blanket contractual coverage, which certificate (1) shall be subject to approval of the City Attorney as to the company, form and coverage, and shall be primary over all other insurance the City may secure; (2) must fully protect the City from any and all claims and risks in connection with any activity performed by The Way Back Inn Foundation and tenant by virtue of this Lease; and (3) must specifically name the City of Kent as an additional insured as respects work performed by or on behalf of Lessee and a COPY OF THE ENDORSEMENT NAMING THE CITY OF KENT AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND SIGNED LEASE.Such policy must provide the following minimum coverage: Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to blanket contractual; products/completed operations; broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable; and employer's liability. Contracts/Rental Agreement 2 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Lessee. The Lessee's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City and the City shall be given thirty(30)days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 11. DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE. Should said dwelling be totally destroyed by fire, lightning, earthquake or any other casualty, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated, forthwith. Should fire, lightning, earthquake or any other causality partially damage said dwelling, whether or not the premises are affected thereby; Lessor may elect to terminate this Agreement or to repair such damage. 12. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENTS. Lessee covenants to hold Lessor harmless from all claims, demands, causes of action,judgements, attorney's fees, costs and expenses arising from or connected with Lessee's use or occupancy of said premises or the area adjacent thereto, and from all claims, demands, causes of action,judgements,attorney's fees, costs and expenses for property damage, bodily injuries or death suffered or caused in or about said premises or the area adjacent thereto, resulting directly or indirectly from the acts or omissions of Lessee,tenant or any agent or guests of Lessee or tenant. 13. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. Lessee shall not assign this Lease or sublet any part of these premises without Lessor's prior written consent. 14. DEFAULT. Failure by Lessee to make the improvements as set forth in Exhibit B,or failure by Lessee to observe or perform any of the covenants, conditions, or provisions of this Lease, where such failure shall continue for a period of ten (10) days after written notice from Lessor to cure the default, shall constitute a default and breach of the Lease by the Lessee. Lessee shall notify Lessor promptly of any default that by its nature would not necessarily be known to Lessor. 15. ACCESS. Lessor reserves the right to make periodic inspections of the leased premises at reasonable times for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the provisions hereof by Lessee, but nothing herein shall be construed as imposing any obligation on Lessor to perform any work or duties. 16. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. Lessee shall,at its sole cost and expense, promptly comply with all laws, statutes, ordinances, and governmental rules, regulations or requirements now in force or which may hereafter be in force relating to or affecting the conditions, use, or occupancy of the leased premises. Lessee shall faithfully observe and comply with the rules and regulations that Lessor shall from time to time promulgate, including, without limitation, those regulations affecting signage on the Premises. Contracts/Rental Agreement 3 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation 17. PERMITS. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, be responsible for obtaining any permits or licenses that are necessary to perform the covenants of this Rental Agreement. 18. NOTICES. All notices under this Lease shall be in writing and shall be effective when mailed by certified mail or delivered to Lessor at the address below stated, or to Lessee at the address below stated, or to such other address as either party may designate from time to time: LESSOR: CITY OF KENT DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION &COMMUNITY SERVICES ATTN: SUPERINTENDENT OF FACILITIES 220 4T" AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98032-5895 LESSEE: THE WAY BACK INN FOUNDATION C/O PO BOX 621 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057-0621 19. TERMINATION. Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement if the other party is in default of any material obligation or representation of this Lease which substantially harms the non-defaulting party and which default is incapable of cure, or which being capable of cure, is not cured within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of such default. 20. GENERAL PROVISIONS. a. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS LEASE. b. The Lessee hereby agrees to be responsible for and reimburse in full, the Lessor, for any costs or attorney's fees that may arise from any legal action the Lessor may bring under this Agreement. C. This Lease shall be construed and governed by the laws of the State of Washington. d. Lessee agrees that the existing locks for the premises are reasonably adequate and that, upon termination of the tenancy, Lessee shall return all keys in its possession to the Lessor. e. Lessee shall maintain the smoke detection device in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, including the replacement of batteries as required for the proper operation of the smoke detection device. Contracts/Rental Agreement 4 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation ` i • f. Lessee shall maintain the carbon monoxide detector in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, including the replacement of batteries as required for the proper operation of the carbon monoxide detector. g. Lessee shall properly dispose of all rubbish, garbage and other organic or flammable waste, in a clean and sanitary manner at reasonable and regular intervals, and Lessee shall assume all costs of extermination and fumigation for infestation caused by Lessee. h. Lessee shall properly use and operate all electrical, gas, heating, plumbing and other fixtures and appliances supplied by the City of Kent that are in reasonably good working order. 21. AUTHORITY OF LESSEE. Lessee and each individual executing this Lease on behalf of Lessee represent and warrant that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease, and that this Lease is binding upon Lessee in accordance with its terms. 22. WAIVER AND FORBEARANCE. No waiver by Lessor of any breach or default by Lessee of any of its obligations or agreement or covenants herein,shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of the same or any other covenant, agreement or obligation, nor shall forbearance by Lessor to seek remedy for any breach or default of Lessee be deemed a waiver by Lessor of its rights and remedies with respect of such breach or default. 23. QUIET ENJOYMENT. Provided Lessee is not in default hereunder, Lessor covenants that Lessee shall have peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the leased premises without hindrance on the part of the Lessor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease the date and year written. DATED tQ3 DATED � Z /O, c O CL3 LESSEEtHE AY BACK INN FOUNDATION LESSOR: CITY OF KENT By: By: Jim W e Its: President Its: Mayor Contracts/Rental Agreement 5 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tom Brubaker, City Attorne Any modification requires approval of City Attorney LESSEE: (STATE OF WASHINGTON)) )) ss. COUNTY OF KING )) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said perso cknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oatt-s4p 4 that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the of the City of Kent,to be the free and voluntary act of such part for tM uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. D ED: N ARY PUBLIC in (d for the State of Washington, resident at My commission expires (STATE OF WASHINGTON)) ss. COUNTY OF KING )) ,,!ay$ •d �9 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the of the City of Kent, to be the free and voluntary act of such part for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, resident at My commission expires Contracts/Rental Agreement 6 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation a e EXHIBIT A Legal Description: The East 60.00 feet t of the West 219.48 feet t of the North 100 feet t of the North the Northeast ''/o of the Southeast''/,of the Southeast''/,of Section 19, Township22 of Range 5 East, W.M. in King County,Washington, EXEPT that portion conveyed h ed to t North, Of Kent for street purposes by Deed recorded under King County Recordin e City g#8301040032. Contracts/Rental Agreement Way Back Inn Foundation 7 of 9 08/20/03 EXHIBIT B Inspection of Campus Park House August 19, 2003 Attending: Jack Baush and Bob Steele, The Way Back Inn Foundation; Charlie Lindsey, Jeff Veach, Bob Westby, Alex Ackley and Lori Flemm, City of Kent. Work items needed to be completed by September 1, 2004 Interior house ■ Remove mold from window sills and frames ■ Replace missing light bulbs and globes on all light fixtures Patch walls and paint as needed Exterior house ■ Clip telephone wire on rear garage door exterior light fixture Clean downspouts and gutters ■ Replace fascia on rear covered patio ■ Replace blocking and secure strap of downspout at front door ■ Replace front storm door ■ Remove spring and chain from rear storm door frame ■ Replace missing light bulbs and globes on rear patio light fixture ■ Caulk siding and paint as needed Yard ■ Clip blackberries growing through the fence ■ Prune all shrubs and vegetation six inches away from the house Master Bedroom ■ Replace baseboard heater cover ■ Remove mold from window sill Bathroom ■ Clean and caulk bathtub ■ Remove rust and paint baseboard heater ■ Replace sub-floor and any rotted lumber under toilet Contracts/Rental Agreement 8 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation n ■ Caulk bathroom window (leaking) and clean orange rusty substance Laundry Room ■ Reset blocking under water heater to level tank ■ Check for water damage/rot migrating from bathroom (hole in wall behind dryer) Kitchen ■ Replace floor covering • Replace bulb in fixture over table ■ Replace spray hose handle or kitchen faucet ■ Indicates that repair must be completed by September 1,2004 * Indicates that repair must be completed over the term of the lease Contracts/Rental Agreement 9 of 9 08/20/03 Way Back Inn Foundation FILE No.430 10/08 '03 18:14 ID:Konica 7410 FAX: PAGE 1 A008DM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 107 24 003 PRODUCIRK THIS C IFI A H 18 le E ABA ATT@ Of INFORMATION GR�S Inc. ONLY AN CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HO DER, THIS CERTIPiCATE DONS NOT AMEND I•XTENQ OR PO Sox 580 A B OOV RAO O pp BY QLI OkS, BELOW, INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Mercer Ia_.1_+Lnd SPA 99040- INSURED -�� INSURER A FIRST NATIONAL INGURANCB CO Tmm The Spay Hack Inn ToUndation INSURER -- PC BOX 621 INSURERC, nu Ra ton SPA 96097-062 E CO E THE POLICIES OF INSORANCV LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN Ie$upP 1-rigINSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PpRIDD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY 8E I80LI OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUDIEE DB$CRIBED HEREIN IN SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERME, EXCLU41OP48 AND CONPITIONI OF SUCH POLICIES ADpRpOAT�LIMIT8 SHOWN MAY HAVE EVEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, N{R ....�TYPS OF 1NIURANOK POLICY NUMBER ►oLIDy PPFPPFED IYE POLICY EXPIRATION DUE rmwmotykl LIMITS A 99NERAL LIABILITY / / PACH OCCURRENCE I X COIMIMORtaAI.GHNERAL LIASILIrY FIRE DAMAGE{Any one fl* 1 100'000 ��_J CJ.AIMS MADF ❑X OCCUR 25CC04044510 07/24/2003 07/24/2004 MI EJ(P(Amy oqA�tuoA) S 0 PERSONAL S ACV INJURY 111 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 OFNI'L AOUREOATE LIMIT APP4120 PER, PRODUCTS COMPIOP AGO A 1,000,000 X MLICY F7 P I.oc UTOMOPILE LIABILITY / / / COMBINED BINDLE LIMIT ANY AUI O (Es noldnd) S .. AI I.ONMLD AUTOS / / / / BODILY INJURY , w 80F160U1-RP AUTOS (Pa pmun) I HIRC,D AUTOS / / / BODILYINJURY NON OWNED AUTOS (Per souldpot ---^•, •--. / / / / PROPERTY DAMAQE Per�oald�nt i GARAGE LABILITY AUTO ONLY BA ACCIDNNT I ANY AU10 I / I I PTI-ICR T14AN AUTO ONLY A D BXOESO LIABILITY _ / / / CI OCCUR I OCCUR CLAIMSMADF AGGREGATE I ftwTI Wp EMNON S A PASNaM R B IMPINS YTION AN E,L,SACH AGCIDaNT A E.L.DISEASE EA EMPLOY i _ I!I. 10 A E POIJQY I,jMIT IS OTHER 07/24/2003 )58CRIPTION OF OPERATIONS IL QOATIONSNEHICLEUE%CL UNIONS ADDED BY ENDORSSMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS PH8 CITY OF KZXT IE 11M OD AS AN ADDITSPNAI, IXIOUIRID WITI REEPZCT TO TNZ LZAMN OF PREMIER 0 98I$ B. 202ND OnZAT, HINT, PA 90031 BY THA INEURAD PURIND TH1 TYRW 0! THI 90LICY. ILPRTIFICATI±mops m%psR X I ADPITIPMAL INWR$D INSURER LETTER; CA CE1 LATION $MOULD ANY Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES ES CANCELLED BEFORE THB 1EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT CITY OS mwT PAILURB TO Do SO SMALL.IMPOSE NO OPLIOATION OF LIAPIOTY OF ANY KIND UPON THI 220 4th Avenue) 5, NSURER ITIACtl TSORRIPRE$$ A V Jktbn; Lori Fle= w RIZAOREPR9 xZtaT SPA 98032- •yCORn 20.8 (7/07) 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 61M INSD248(a9IqGI ELEC'(RONICLA8.R1'ORMB, C ISOG)!2T IS pope 1a2 fLLt 1U/Uy U3 Id:45 lu•Konlca r4iU rr+n• rH�t 1 'I� JL.i�1M CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OAT° 07 2 2003 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE 14 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF NFOR TIO QRiae In4 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHT$ UPON THE CBRTIFIOATIf HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE 00E4 NOT AMENO MIND OR DO SOX 580 ALU3 TMI.-COVIRAGA AFFORPRQ YY r4p p 101 8 104ow, CWlroer Island WA 98040- INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAQE INDURNO IN$UR A-r12t8T NATIONAL INBURANCN CO The Way Ba©} Inn BQund4ticn PO Box 621 R nto WA 00057- 62 I COVORAQ16 THE POLICI04 OF INOURANOE LISTED BELOW NAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THIN INBURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NofWf1jsTANbiNQ ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR 00NO71ON OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY It 115UND CA MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AIYORPED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 18 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMB, EXCLU9IDNO AND CONDITIONS OF OUCH POLICIES. AQq E®ATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE 09IN RODUCID BY PAID CLAIMS 1N R TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMSER LILY A I E P0110VXPI A LIMIT* A 13941INNAIL I.0 ILITY / / / iAcH OCCURRENCE / 1,000,000 ]C COMMERCIAL DENERA IABILI7Y FI DAM fli OM I4� 1 100,000 CLAIMS 91 OCCUR 2ECC,04044510 07/24/2003 07/24/2004 An e n 1 4,000 PERK AL4ADVINJURY 1 7,,000,OOD DENORALAflORi0A7 1 2f000,000 DEPTL AOORNOATS LIMIT APPLIES PER PROD •COMP A i 1 On00( X Poocy f7 P TOMCAILS LIAEN.ITY / / / / COMIINRD SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO (14 IPCIdenI) ALL OWNED AUTOS / / / / BODILY INJURY _ SCHCOUI,0 AUT08 (PM Panan) 6 HIRED AUTO$ / / / / RQDILYINJURT NON•OWNE0AUTO8 PoISaolOmO i PROPERTY DAMAGE a liftlen 3ARAON LIABILITY AUTO ONLY• AACCIDI,NT 1 ANY AUTO / / / / OTHER THAN EAACQ / AUTO ONLY G EXC**E LIABILITY / / / / IIACH Qg26f& ENQ5 OCCUR CLAIM4 MADE Afl0 TE 1 1 0EOVCT18Lr•_ RRA EIVTI MNP 6 4MPI. RB'LIA Iu�y 14N AND / / / / I TWIfalym I I DIP �^ 9,4,1ACH ACCIDENT 6 E L DM AeE EA EMPLo E I N L.01 MOAN •POLICY LI OTHER MT 07/24/2003 DAICRIPTION DP ORERATIONMLOCATIONWINIDLBIIERCLUBiONR ADDED MY ANOORSSMINTISPECIAL PROVISIONS SAS QZTY OP KUNT TP NAMED A6 AN ADDITIONAT, XNSURAD KTH RZOVICT TO T8A LEASE Or 2XIMISA 6 D81A S. 252ND STRAIT, XINT, YA 96031 BY THE INEUR$D DURTNO THZ Tim OF THE POLICY. Rn'PICATE OLDS X AD pNaLINEu 1N1uRr TTER, CAN RLLAT10ri SHOULD ANY OR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLIOIEI NE CANCRLLID BEFORE THE RAPIRATIDN OATS THARBOr, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TD MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLOpR NAMED TO THE 6RFT,NUT CITY OF WIT FAILURE TO 00 10 SHALL IMPOSE NO OSLIQATION OR LIANKITY OP ANY HIND UPON THE 220 4th Avenue S. INBU IR ITS AGENTS OR RE s TAT"s. Attn: Loci riomm AUTHORIXEORNPRBS°NTATNS KX?;T PIA 98032- CORD 26-0(TIBT) SI ACORD CCRPORATIQN 1!!e IN602E6(9a10)At ELECTRONIC LASER FORMS,INC .(SOQ)327.OBAN Pp/1 d2 FILE No.433 10/09 '03 13:46 ID:Konica Y410 FRx NRGt e WIP mop CG 20 26 11 85-----Additional Insured--Designated Person or Organization THIS ENDORSEMENTCHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE, + FULLY.S IC LEAS>G REAP IT CARL ADDITIONAL INSURED DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name oI'Person or Organization: CITY OFIONT IS NAMED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED (If noon try appears above, inf0rnlatiOnrequired t0 complete this endorsement will be shown ill the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO 18 AN INSURED (Section 11) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule as an insured but only with respect to liability ansing out of your operations or premises owned by or ranted to ,you. CG 20 26 11 8-5 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, hlc 1984