HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1999-0363 - Extension - #3 - Valley Medical Center (OHS) - Jail Health Services Addendum & Extension - 04/01/2003 �. T Records MJ erne K N Document W1l MIN6T.. CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: c� VICe� Contract Number. This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: Project Name:�U< iYl C��1 ?N�� i�V, 151Lk h Contract Effective Date: C> b /0' l Contract Termination Date: 07 16! 16 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required nqnotice �for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Department: Po u,I E — ( URRCC N y-'�> �)/V/ 5/6N Abstract: ADCL7832 07/02 ADDENDUM THREE AND EXTENSION TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS ADDENDUM THREE AND EXTENSION TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, entered into as of this /Fr+^ day of 2O03, by the city of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter `city"), and the Public Hospital District No. I of King County,a Washington municipal corporation d/b/a Valley Medical Center Occupational Health Services, (hereinafter"Contractor"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the city is required to provide certain medical services to the inmates of the Kent Correctional Facility; and WHEREAS,the city desires to engage the Contractor to render said medical services to the inmates of the Kent Correctional Facility for an additional period, NOW THEREFORE,the parties do mutually agree as follows 1. The Contract for Services,entered into between the parties on or about December 13, 1999,which was extended by previous addendums until March 31, 2003, shall be extended for an additional four-month term, commencing April 1,2003, and ending July 31, 2003. 2. Contractor shall not increase the fee schedule for the period of this extension,and if the services of Contractor are requested for additional quarters of the year 2003,no increases in the fee schedule shall occur. 3. The remainder of the original Contract for Services and the subsequent Addendums One and Two shall remain in full force and effect,except to the extent that the terms of said Contract for Services conflicts with this Addendum Three and Extension. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Addendum Three and Extension to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY: CONTRACTOR. City of Kent Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County d/b/a Valley Medical Center Occupational Health Services By: By: w- P ' t ame Gt �GC� Pnnt Name: A,1 ,M. L., -sd.-, Its a or 'rD/ Its: I$ ADDENDUM TWO AND EXTENSION TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES- 1 of 2 City of KenvVMC-OHS-3/19/03 C\WINDOWS\Temporaryl t~Fd.A=C131\0=paz.nHesl"M1S Addmid.Tl a da By: Print Name: Ed Crawford Its• Chief of Police ATTEST: ATTEST: By:- By. Brenda Jacober, My Clerk Pnnt Name and Title: APPROV A O ORM: B : Arthur ` at"Frtzpatri k Deputy City Attorney for the City of Kent P\CrvY\FILES\Opm ties\0 6\Occupa6ovHeellLSv Add%W=Th dm ADDENDUM TWO AND EXTENSION TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-2 of 2 City of Kent{VMC-OHS,3/19/03 C\WDMWS\Temp Ime Ffl.\ KCIl I\0an�p .0 HN WthS.AddendumTh.d.