HomeMy WebLinkAboutL018-09 - Other - Public Golf Management, Inc. - Assignment of Lease to Access Golf Management LLC - Riverbend Clubhouse - 01/29/2002 CITY CLERK CITY OF KENT 220 411 Avenue South KENT Kent, WA98032 WASHINGTON Fax 253-856-6725 PHONE: 253-856-5725 Lease Agreement Cover Sheet Instructions This document is to be used in lieu of the Contract Cover Sheet SECTION 1 — CONTRACT PROCESSING AND TENANT SET-UP: All lease agreements must be signed by the Mayor or his/her designee and approved by the City Council. Lease amendments, extensions, renewals, and assignments may or may not require Council approval (contact the Law Department), but they must be signed by the Mayor. The City Clerk's Office will perform the following tasks associated with all lease agreements and amendments: • Assign a sequential lease agreement number based on starting with 001 and preceded with "L", e.g. L001. • Scan the Lease Agreement Cover Sheet, Lease Agreement (or Amendment) and, if any, related supporting documentation into the document imaging system. • Provide notification via e-mail to the Contact Person (Question 2), Law and Customer Services. The Lease Agreement Cover Sheet is to be completed for each existing and active and all subsequent lease agreements, lease amendments and assignments of lease. There is recognition that certain existing and active agreements and amendments may not incorporate new policies, e.g. commencement of the lease on the 1st of the month or year. Those agreements and amendments will be addressed through subsequent agreements and/or amendments, if any. Contract Number: L018-09-3 1. Responsible Department/Division: Parks/Adman 2. Contact Person and Title: Jeff Watling Telephone Extension: 5007 3. Tenant (Customer) Name: Access Golf Management, LLC (assignment from Public Golf Management, Inc) 4. Tenant (Customer) Number: 54272 Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 1 of 5 5. General Ledger Account Number: 48006855.56250 6. King County Tax Parcel Number: 232204-9010 (partial) 7. Address of Parcel: 2019 West Meeker Street, Kent 8. Type of Lease: First Assignment of Lease (to Access Golf Management, LLC) - Commercial Building Rental 9. Council Authorization Date: None 10. Mayor Signature Date: February 5, 2003 SECTION 2 - LEASE DURATION AND IMPORTANT DATES: All lease agreements and amendments must reflect the lease start date, lease termination date and the duration of the lease. The lease agreement may also authorize the tenant to request an extension of the lease term, i.e. either "month to month" or for a defined period of time. The tenant must provide advanced written notice of the intent to exercise this lease option. A date certain lease start date must be established in the lease agreement and must be the first of the month. Commencement of certain leases may be predicated on certain actions by the tenant, e.g. installation of cellular tower equipment. In such instances, a reasonable fixed future date must be established in the lease agreement. 11. Lease Start Date: March 1, 2000 12. Tenant Lease Option Renewal Notification Due Date: 180 days prior to expiration of term 13. Lease Termination Date: February 28, 2006 14. Lease Duration: March 1, 2000 through February 28, 2006. One six year option period SECTION 3 - RENT DETERMINATION AND DUE DATE: Lease agreement must include provisions establishing the stated rent and, if over one year in length, modification of stated rent. Typically, rental increases are based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Example of possible contract language: Effective as of each anniversary of the Commencement date (the "Adjustment Date") by an amount equal to the greater of four (4) percent or the percentage increase In the CPI two (2) months prior to the Adjustment Date and the CPI for the month 12 months prior to the Adjustment Date. "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers, (Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA), All Items, base oenod 1982-84=100, Not Seasonally Ad u1 sted, Issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the CPI Is converted to a different standard reference base, or otherwise revised, the adjustment set forth In this paragraph shall be made with the use of the conversion formula published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Lease Agreement Cover Sheet-Page 2 of 5 15. Rent: Greater of $12.00 per square foot of leased space ($5,000.00) or 51/o of gross revenue/month (plus leasehold excise tax) 16. Rent Due Date: loth of the following month, e.g. January rent due February 10 17. Calculation of Rental Increase(s): N/A - Rent calculated based on stated percentage of gross revenue subject to a $5,000.00 per month minimum (plus leasehold excise tax). SECTION 4 — LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX: Leasehold excise tax applies to the possession and use of publicly owned real property by a private sector individual, business or other organization. This tax is calculated based on 12.84 percent of the contract rent amount. See also Department of Revenue Leasehold Excrse Tax Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (http://dor.wa.gov/docs/Pubs/IndustSpecific/Leasehold.pdf). Contact the Customer Services Financial Analyst (LIDs/Receivables) or the Audit Manager regarding questions in this area. 18. Is this lease subject to leasehold excise taxes? ® YES (go to Question 19) ❑ NO, reason: 19. Are leasehold excise taxes for this tenant centrally assessed, i.e. directly collected from the tenant by the Washington State Department of Revenue? ❑ YES (attach written verification received directly from DOR or indirectly through the tenant, e.g. DOR notification letter) ® NO (go to Question 20) 20. Does Lease Rent include Leasehold Excise Tax? (Leasehold taxes must be broken out on the invoice and coded: Business unit.32500.0303) ❑ YES Calculate the leasehold excise tax (Stated Rent divided by 1.1284) ® NO Calculate the leasehold excise tax (Stated Rent times .1284) SECTION 5 — APPLICABLITY OF UTLITIES: The Lease agreement must include provisions establishing responsibility for payment of utilities, including but not limited to electricity, natural gas, water, sewer, storm drainage, and garbage collection and disposal services. In certain instances, the utility service may not be applicable, e.g. septic system, or may not be provided by the City, e.g. Highline Water District service area. In all instances, City utilities will be billed through the Customer Services utility billing system. Other utilities paid by the City on behalf of the tenant, e.g. electricity or Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 3 of 5 natural gas, will be invoiced to the tenant through the central accounts receivable system (JD Edwards). Electricity or natural gas charges may be established based on actual consumption, e.g. usage of a meter or by a reasonable amount established through appropriate financial analysis. Separate meters for measurement should not be established on City-owned or leased properties. The dollar amount of electric and natural gas charges must be included in the lease agreement (amendment) and should be subject to future modification based on appropriate methodologies, e.g. change in rate, etc. Contact Finance Customer Services for questions in this area, as well as ensuring that City accounts are transferred into the name of the tenant. 21. Applicability of Utilities — Check all that utilities that are affected and indicate provider (e.g. City of Kent), Account Number or basis of exclusion. ❑ Does Not Apply ® Water: 805-12167.01 (75% paid to City) ® Sewer: 805-12167.01 (75% paid to City) ® Drainage: 805-12167.01 (75% paid to City) ❑ Garbage: Waste Management (Facility not subject to these charges) ® Electricity/Natural Gas: Puget Sound Energy (75% paid to City) Ensure that Finance Customer Services is properly notified to ensure City utility account, if any, is recorded into the name of the tenant if so established in the Agreement. Ensure all other applicable charges are properly invoiced to the tenant. SECTION 6 — MONETARY PENALTIES AND LATE INTEREST CHARGES: Lease agreement should contain provisions establishing penalties and must contain provisions establishing late interest charges. Late interest (also referred to as "finance charges") should be consistent with Chapter 3.10 of the Kent City Code, i.e. currently 1% of the amount of the unpaid balance or $2.00, whichever is greater, if not paid within 30 days from the due date. 22. Monetary Penalties: 5% of the payment due and unpaid if not received by the City within 10 days of the due date (loth of the month) 23. Late Interest: 1% on the amount outstanding if not paid by the I' day of the month following the due date for payment (approximately 20 days late) SECTION 7 — OTHER LEASE CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Tenant is required to provide a signed written statement detailing monthly gross and net receipts signed by the tenant by the loth of the following month, e.g. January rent due February 10 (Section 4). 2. Section 4 requires payment of leasehold excise tax on the 15th of the month following the end of each quarter (RCW 82.29A.050 requires payment at the same time as collection of the related rent, i.e. monthly basis for this lease). Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 4 of 5 3. Tenant is required to pay the City for telecommunication service provided to the Fire Creek Grill (Section 10). 4. Addendum One deleted Exhibit B Riverbend Retail Merchandise from the Lease Agreement and authorizes usage of City personnel for janitorial services in lieu of usage of a private contractor. 5. First Assignment of Lease assigned lease from Public Golf Management, Inc to Access Golf Management, LLC Lease Agreement Cover Sheet—Page 5 of 5 ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE THIS ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE (the "Assignment") is made and entered into as of February S:, 2003, by and between Public Golf Management, Inc (the "Assignor'), whose address is C/O Cindy Pederson 12832 SE 450'P lace,Bellevue, WA 98006, and Access Golf Management LLC (the "Ass ii"), whose address is C/O Brian Patton 10402 Willows Rd NE,Redmond,WA 98052,who agree as follows: 1 RECITALS a. The City of Kent, as "Landlord," and Assignor, as "Tenant," entered into that certain R verbend 18-Hole Golf Course Clubhouse Lease Agreement dated March 23, 2000 and Addendum One To Lease Agreement dated January 29,2002(together referred to as the "Lease") Under the terms of the Lease, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A' and incorporated herein by this reference, Landlord leased to Assignor the restaurant facilities now commonly known as the Fire Creek Grill and located at 2019 W Meeker Street, Kent, Washington 98032 and more particularly described in the Lease ("the Premises") b. Assignor and Assignee have entered into that certain Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement dated on or about February 5, 2003 ("the Agreement"), pursuant to which Assignor is transferring certain assets of its business to Assignee. As a condition to the effectiveness of the Agreement, Assignor is required to assign its interest in the Lease to Assignee. c According to the provisions of the Lease, any assignment of the Lease requires Landlord's consent, which consent is evidenced by Landlord's execution of the Consent to Assignment provision attached as Schedule 1 to this Assignment and incorporated herein by this reference d This Assignment shall be effective as of the close of escrow under the Purchase Agreement("Effective Date") 2 ASSIGNMENT. Effective as of the Effective Date, Assignor hereby transfers, assigns, and sets over unto Assignee all of Assignor's right, title, interest, and obligations as the Tenant under the Lease and delegates all of its duties and obligations thereunder to Assignee. Assignor further expressly assigns and conveys to Assignee all tenant deposits held by Landlord under the Lease 3. ACCEPTANCE AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY. Assignee hereby assumes and agrees to fully and faithfully keep, fulfill and perform all of the terms, covenants, conditions and obligations contained in the Lease required to be C, ' kept, performed and fulfilled by Assignor as Tenant under the Lease, effective as of the Effective Date, to the extent such obligations accrue on or after the Effective Date. 4 INDEMNIFICATION OF ASSIGNOR. Assignee shall mdemnify, defend and hold Assignor hamiless from all liability accruing under the Lease from and after the Effective Date, except as to any liability arising from any default of Assignor thereunder occurring prior to the Effective Date S. INDEMNIFICATION OF ASSIGNEE Assignor shall indemnify, defend and hold Assignee harmless from all liability accruing under the Lease prior to the Effective Date, and for any breach of representation or warranty of Assignor under this Agreement 6. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ASSIGNOR Assignor hereby represents and warrants to Assignee that the copy of the Lease attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the Lease as currently in effect. 7 UTILITIES AND PRORATIONS Any amounts owed under the Lease which are assessed on a monthly or annual basis shall be pro-rated using a per diem proration Assignee shall have no liability for any utility accounts or charges accruing prior to the Effective Date. As of the Effective Date, Assignor shalt close out all existing utility accounts of Assignor applicable to the Premises in order to allow for Assignee to secure n ew accounts for c ontmued utility s ervice o n and a fter the Effective Date. 8. PROVISIONS FOR BENEFIT OF LESSOR a. Assignor acknowledges that the Landlord has the right to withhold amounts due from Assignor under the terms of the Lease from January 1, 2003 through closing and unpaid rent for 2002 in the amount of$30,014.22 from payments due to Assignor under the terms of the Golf Management And Services Agreement dated March 27,2000; b The parties agree that upon the satisfaction of the conditions for release of Assignor's funds held back at closing under the Agreement, and in any event no later than March 31, 2003, any amounts remaining unpaid under the Lease through closing shall be paid to the Landlord from such funds held back c The parties agree that the City of Kent is intended to be the third party beneficiary of this Section 8. 9. MISCELLANEOUS a Successors and Assigns Each and all of the covenants, terms, agreements and obligations hereof shall extend to and bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Assignor and Assignee. b. Time. Time is of the essence of this Assignment with respect to each and every provision of this Assignment in which time is a factor. c Counterparts This Assignment may be executed in several counterparts and any and all such executed counterparts shall constitute a single agreement binding on each of the parties hereto and each of their respective successors and assigns, notwithstanding that each of the parties hereto is not signatory to the original or to the same counterpart d Applicable Law The existence, validity, construction and operational effect of this Assignment, each and all of its covenants, agreements, terms and conditions and the respective rights and obligations hereunder of each of the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington e. Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally, at the time confirmed for delivery if by telegram, telex, facsimile, or telecopy transmission, or three days after being mailed, certified or registered marl, return receipt requested, postage pre- paid, to the addresses set forth to the initial paragraph of this Assignment or to such other addresses as any such party may from time to time in writing designate to the other parties hereto in accordance with the provisions of this Paragraph. f Captions Captions and Section headings used in tlus Assignment are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall not in any manner amplify, limit, modify or otherwise be used in the interpretation of any such document. g Gender and Number As used in this Assignment, the masculme, feminine or neuter gender and the singular or plural number shall be deemed to include the others whenever the context so indicates or requires FROM : CHIANGMAI DRCHID FAX NO : 66 53 221625 FEB 06 2003 04.40PM P5 Farb 05 03 03:30P P 02/OSJ2003 10-40 PAZ 20e $al 0500 PMMINS COTE LLP let" I k Contmem In the wens mf any cordroveM,dalm er dispute between the games hereto wisalg om of or m m%to this AnWmmd, the pr""M pslty shall be f eaww to tvmm from den wmwvvaiiwt putt as aapaaa,MUM&wit m luo latio4 � atlornayd&a lmaarad to o womatherovA& Trio,tam"pravai t party" ad ioduk vabbmd aWtyvdatdtrimstagaleowadorbringaanaatioaagmtthe other by >a m of do oth a breachnr defaultttad&UM at admlly*0 Famf aalgbt,whathw by aormpMr Aae.sddemmm err judgment, t ASUGNOIt: ABSKZM! HY WiaCio�'Managemont,Ime potessGohGayp6legtLLC r BY - �' hs...MIM'M��A1flfS t, I I ICONraN770A1R0aM�rON1R1RPAaaI + i I I r y I ' rr� f I I I t ' I I I i ,I h Controversy In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto ansmg out of or relating to this Assignment, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith. The term "prevailing party' shall include, without limitation, a party who obtains legal counsel or brings an action against the other by reason of the other's breach or default and obtains substantially the relief sought,whether by compromise,settlement or judgment. ASSIGNOR: ASSIGNEE: Public Golf Management, Inc Access Golf Management LLC By. By: Its: Its- [CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT ON NEXT PAGE] ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE THIS ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE(the"Assignment")is made and entered into as of February S 2003,by and between Public Golf Management,Inc.(the"Assignor ),whose address is CIO Cindy Pederson 12832 SE 45' Place, Bellevue, WA 98006, and Access Golf Management LLC (the "Assign "),whose address is C/O Brian Patton 10402 Willows Rd NE,Redmond,WA 98052,who agree as follows: 1. RECITALS a. The City of Kent, as "Landlord," and Assignor,as "Tenant," entered into that certain Ruverbend 18-Hole Golf Course Clubhouse Lease Agreement dated March 23,2000 and Addendum One To Lease Agreement dated January 29,2002(together referred to as the"Lease"). Under the terns of the Lease, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference,Landlord leased to Assignor the restaurant facilities now commonly known as the Fire Creek Grill and located at 2019 W.Meeker Street,Kent,Washington 98032 and more particularly described in the Lease("the Premises"). b. Assignor and Assignee have entered into that certain Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement dated on or about February 5, 2003 ("the Agreement"), pursuant to which Assignor is transferring certain assets of its business to Assignee. As a condition to the effectiveness of the Agreement, Assignor is required to assign its interest in the Lease to Assignee. C. According to the provisions of the Lease, any assignment of the Lease requires Landlord's consent,which consent is evidenced by Landlord's execution of the Consent to Assignment provision attached as Schedule 1 to this Assignment and incorporated herein by this reference. d. This Assignment shall be effective as of the close of escrow under the Purchase Agreement(`Effective Date") 2. ASSIGNMENT Effective as of the Effective Date, Assignor hereby transfers, assigns, and sets over unto Assignee all of Assignor's right, title, interest, and obligations as the Tenant under the Lease and delegates all of its duties and obligations thereunder to Assignee. Assignor further expressly assigns and conveys to Assignee all tenant deposits held by Landlord under the Lease 3. ACCEPTANCE AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY Assignee hereby assumes and agrees to fully and faithfully keep,fulfill and perform all of the terms,covenants,conditions and obligations contained in the Lease required to be kept,performed and fulfilled by Assignor as Tenant under the Lease, effective as of the Effective Date,to the extent such obligations accrue on or after the Effective Date 4 INDEMNIFICATION OF ASSIGNOR. 4, B-1 Assignee shall indemnify,defend and hold Assignor harmless from all liability accruing under the Lease from and after the Effective Date, except as to any liability ansing from any default of Assignor thereunder occurring prior to the Effective Date 5 INDEMNIFICATION OF ASSIGNEE. Assignor shall indemnify,defend and hold Assignee harmless from all liability accruing under the Lease prior to the Effective Date, and for any breach of representation or warranty of Assignor under this Agreement. 6. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ASSIGNOR Assignor hereby represents and wan-ants to Assignee that the copy of the Lease attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the Lease as currently in effect. 7. UTILITIES AND PROBATIONS Any amounts owed under the Lease which are assessed on a monthly or annual basis shall be pro-rated using a per diem proration Assignee shall have no liability for any utility accounts or charges accruing prior to the Effective Date. As of the Effective Date, Assignor shall close out all existing utility accounts of Assignor applicable to the Premises in order to allow for Assignee to secure new accounts for continued utility service on and after the Effective Date. 8. PROVISIONS FOR BENEFIT OF LESSOR a. Assignor acknowledges that the Landlord has the right to withhold amounts due from Assignor under the terms of the Lease from January 1,2003 through closing and unpaid rent for 2002 in the amount of$30,014.22 from payments due to Assignor under the terms of the Golf Management And Services Agreement dated March 27, 2000; b. The parties agree that upon the satisfaction of the conditions for release of Assignor's funds held back at closing under the Agreement,and in any event no later than March 31, 2003, any amounts remaining unpaid under the Lease through closing shall be paid to the Landlord from such Rinds held back. C. The parties agree that the City of Kent is intended to be the third party beneficiary of this Section 8. B-2 1"� 9. MISCELLANEOUS a Successors and Assigns Each and all of the covenants, terms, agreements and obligations hereof shall extend to and bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Assignor and Assignee. b. Time Time is of the essence of this Assignment with respect to each and every provision of this Assignment in which time is a factor C. Counterparts This Assignment maybe executed in several counterparts and any and all such executed counterparts shall constitute a single agreement binding on each of the parties hereto and each of their respective successors and assigns,notwithstanding that each of the parties hereto is not signatory to the original or to the same counterpart d. Applicable Law. The existence, validity, construction and operational effect of this Assignment,each and all of its covenants,agreements,terms and conditions and the respective rights and obligations hereunder of each of the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. e Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally,at the time confirmed for delivery if by telegram, telex, facsimile, or telecopy transmission, or three days after being mailed, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid, to the addresses set forth in the initial paragraph of this Assignment or to such other addresses as any such party may from time to time in writing designate to the other parties hereto in accordance with the provisions of this Paragraph. f Captions. Captions and Section headings used in this Assignment are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall not in any manner amplify,limit,modify or otherwise be used in the interpretation of any such document g. Gender and Number. As used in this Assignment,the masculine, feminine or neuter gender and the singular or plural number shall be deemed to include the others whenever the context so indicates or requires h Controversy. In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto ansing out of or relating to this Assignment,the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith. The term "prevailing party" shall include, without limitation, a party who obtains legal counselor brings an action against the other by reason of the other's breach or default and obtains substantially the relief sought,whether by compromise,settlement or judgment. ASSIGNOR: ASSIGNEE: Public Golf Management, Inc Access Golf Management LLC By. By. Its- - 9- Its B-3 CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT The City of Kent("Lessor"),the Landlord under that certain lease dated March 23,2000(the"Lease"), hereby agrees as follows: 1. Landlord hereby consents to the Assignment of Lease to which this consent is attached from Public Golf Management, Inc. ("Assignor') to Access Golf Management LLC ("Assignee"). Landlord's consent is contingent on the following. a Payment to Landlord, on the Effective Date, of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars and No Cents($25,00.00)as partial payment for amounts owed by Assignor to Landlord under the terms of the Lease through December 31,2002; b Assignor's acknowledgement that the Landlord has the right to withhold amounts due from Assignor under the terms of the Lease from January 1,2003 through closing and unpaid rent for 2002 in the amount of$30,014.22 from payments due to Assignor under the terms of the Golf Management And Services Agreement dated March 27,2000, c. Acknowledgement by Assignor and Assignee that,upon satisfaction of the conditions for the release of the Assignor's funds held back at closing under the Agreement,but in any event no later than on March 31, 2003, any amounts remaining unpaid under the Lease through closing shall be paid to Lessor from the Assignor's funds held back, and d. Assignee's execution of Addendum Two to the Lease as attached as Exhibit A to this Consent to Assignment 2. Assignor is hereby released from any further liability accruing under the Lease after the Effective Date of the Assignment of Lease,with the exception of amounts due from Assignor under the Lease from January 1, 2003 through closing and$30,014 22 due for 2002 3. The Lease described in the Assignment of Lease to which this consent is attached is unmodified except as indicated therein and is in full force and effect. 4. There are no deposits currently held for the account of Assignor under the Lease. 5. Lessor will not look to Assignee for performance of any obligations accruing under the Lease prior to the Effective Date of the Assignment of the Lease to Assignee 6 Lessor confirms that the Lessee's option under Section 3 of the Lease to extend the term for an additional six year period of time exists as of the Effective Date of the Assignment of the Lease to Assignee and shall pass to Assignee upon said assignment. 7 Lessor hereby waives any rights it may otherwise have under Section 3 of the Lease to terminate the Lease due to Assignor's failure to generate at least $900,000 in gross receipts from operation of the leased premises during the third year of the initial term of the Lease Date: February 2003 LANDLORD Schedule 1-1 By. Its Schedule 1-2 �j SCHEDULE 1 CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT The City of Kent ("Lessor'), the Landlord under that certain lease dated March 23, 2000 (the"Lease'),hereby agrees as follows: 1. Landlord hereby consents to the Assignment of Lease to which this consent is attached from Public Golf Management, Inc ("Assi or') to Access Golf Management LLC ("Assignee') Landlord's consent is contingent on the following. a Payment to Landlord, on the Effective Date, of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,00 00) as partial payment for amounts owed by Assignor to Landlord under the terms of the Lease through December 31,2002; b Assignor's acknowledgement that the Landlord has the right to withhold amounts due from Assignor under the temis of the Lease from January 1, 2003 through closing and unpaid rent for 2002 in the amount of $30,014.22 from payments due to Assignor under the terms of the Golf Management And Services Agreement dated March 27, 2000, c Acknowledgement by Assignor and Assignee that, upon satisfaction of the conditions for the release of the Assignor's funds held back at closing under the Agreement, but in any event no later than on March 31, 2003, any amounts remaining unpaid under the Lease through closing shall be paid to Lessor from the Assignor's funds held back, and d Assignee's execution of Addendum Two to the Lease as attached as Exhibit A to tlus Consent to Assignment 2 Assignor is hereby released from any further liability accruing under the Lease after the Effective Date of the Assignment of Lease, with the exception of amounts due from Assignor under the Lease from January 1, 2003 through closing and $30,014 22 due for 2002 3 The Lease described in the Assignment of Lease to which this consent is attached is unmodified except as indicated therein and is in full force and effect. 4. There are no deposits currently held for the account of Assignor under the Lease. 5. Lessor will not look to Assignee for performance of any obligations accruing under the Lease prior to the Effective Date of the Assignment of the Lease to Assignee 6. Lessor confirms that the Lessee's option under Section 3 of the Lease to extend the term for an additional six year period of time exists as of the Effective Date of the Assignment of the Lease to Assignee and shall pass to Assignee upon said assignment. 7. Lessor hereby waives any rights it may otherwise have under Section 3 of the Lease to terminate the Lease due to Assignor's failure to generate at least $900,000 in gross receipts from operation of the leased premises during the third year of the initial term of the Lease Date Februarys,2003 LANDLORD: By: /-/w,, 042 Its. M;(yo✓t. Pt2<) rEor i